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General Training Reading Skills and Strategies in IELTS

 A detailed look at the principal task types with sample tasks

 Task Type 1 Multiple Choice
 Task Type 2 Multiple Matching
 Task Type 3 Short-answer Questions
 Task Type 4 Sentence Completion
 Task Type 5 Notes/Table/Diagram/Flow-chart Completion
 Task Type 6 Summary Completion
 Task Type 7 Choosing a Heading
 Task Type 8 Locating Information
 Task Type 9 Understanding of Writer’s Views or Information
 Task Type 10 Classification
 Task Type 11 Matching

 Task Type 1 Multiple Choice

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

Candidates are asked to choose the best answer from four alternatives A, B, C or D, and
to write the letter of the answer they have chosen on the Answer Sheet.

What form do the questions take?

They may involve sentence completion – the stem gives the first part of a sentence and
candidates choose the best way to complete it from the options. The stem could also be
worded as a complete question, with the candidates choosing the option which best
answers it.

Are there any variations of this item type?

Sometimes there may be more than four alternative answers, and candidates may have to
pick more than one correct answer. There may also be a global multiple choice question
at the end of the set of questions, asking candidates to choose the most suitable title for
the reading passage, for example.

Are the questions in text order?

The questions are in the same order as the information in the passage.

What text type is this item type used with?

It may be used with any text type.
What skills are being assessed?
Multiple Choice items are used to test a wide range of reading skills. They may require
the candidate to have a detailed understanding of specific points or an overall
understanding of the main points of the text.

Examples of Task Type 1 – Multiple Choice

Example 1 – where there is one possible correct answer

Question 27

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write your answer in box 27 on your answer sheet.

27 When do the ants in Ant World need to be fed?

A daily

B every three days

C weekly

D monthly

Example 2 – where there are multiple answers for only one mark

Question 8

Choose TWO letters, A-F.

Write your answers in box 8 on your answer sheet.

8 Which TWO refreshments are served without charge on the airport coach?

A chocolates

B coffee

C crisps

D orange juice
E sandwiches

F tea

Example 3 – where there are multiple answers and one mark for each

Questions 16 – 18

Choose THREE letters, A-F.

Write your answers in boxes 16-18 on your answer sheet.

Which THREE of these courses offered by Ranmore College are run on a part-time basis

A Conversational French

B History of Art, 1900-1960

C The Irish Novel

D Basic Bookkeeping

E An Introduction to Shorthand

F English as a Foreign Language

Example 4 – global multiple choice

Question 40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.

Write your answer in box 40 on your answer sheet.

Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text on pages 11 and 12?

A The life cycle of an ant

B Caring for your Ant World

C Ant species
D Insects and their prey

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

In this item type, candidates are given a number of options, and they must match the
options provided in the items to extracts or to paragraphs or sections of the passage. The
extracts, sections or paragraphs are identified by letter. It is possible that some options
may go unused, and/or that others may be used more than once. The instructions will
inform candidates if an option may be used more than once.

What skill is this item type designed to test?

This item type is designed to test the candidates’ ability to skim and scan in order to
identify specific information.

Examples of Task Type 2 – Multiple Matching

Example 1 – matching options to extracts

Questions 7 – 10

Look at the six hotel advertisements, A-F, on pages 3 and 4.

For which hotel are the following statements true?

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.

7 Its restaurant can seat 150 people.

8 It has an underground car park.

9 It is looking for staff who can speak French and German.

10 It has a roof-top swimming pool.

Example 2 – matching options to paragraphs/sections

Questions 35 – 39

The text has five paragraphs, A-E.

Which paragraph mentions the following?

Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 35-39 on your answer sheet.

35 a ship used for an unusual purpose

36 the kind of food eaten on the island

37 an important document

38 a traditional story about a voyage

39 the location of a temple

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 3 – Short-answer Questions

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

For questions that require short answers, candidates have to answer questions about
details in the passage. Candidates must write their answers in words or numbers on the
Answer Sheet as instructed.

Candidates are usually told to answer each question USING NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text. Sometimes candidates are instructed to
use just one word or no more than two words or four words. The instructions may also
ask for a number or numbers on their own. Numbers can be written using figures or

Are candidates penalised for writing more than the stated number of words?
Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark
even if their answer includes the correct word(s).
What about contractions or hyphenated words?
Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.

What skills are tested by this item type?

The candidate needs to be able to skim through the text to find the appropriate section,
scan for the relevant lines and then read for detail.

Are the questions in text order?

The questions are usually arranged so that the answers appear in order in the passage.

Example of Task Type 3 – Short-answer Questions


Questions 15 – 17

Answer the questions below.

each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-17 on your answer sheet.

15 How many full-time lecturers are there at the college?

16 When was the Hairdressing course first run?

17 Which department has its own building?

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 4

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

There are two variations of this item type.

 Type A: candidates are asked to complete the sentence in a given number of

words taken from the text.
 Type B: candidates are given the first half of a sentence based on the text and
asked to complete it from a list of possible options. They may be told that they
can use an option more than once.

In Type A candidates will be told in the instructions the maximum number of words that
they can use to complete the sentence. The instructions for this type usually state ‘NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER’, but sometimes they may call
for one word, two words or four words. Numbers can be written as figures or words.

In Type B candidates will have to choose the best option from a list. Candidates will have
more options to choose from than there are questions.

Is it possible to use grammatical clues when matching beginnings with endings?

Not usually. In most cases where the candidate is required to match sentence beginnings
with sentence endings, all the endings are grammatically possible. The candidate must
decide which ending is correct according to meaning.

Does the information being tested come in the same order as in the passage?

How are candidates asked to write their answers?

Where candidates are required to supply the words to complete the sentence, the words
should be taken directly from the passage and written in the space on their Answer Sheet
as they work through the questions. When choosing an answer from a box of possible
answers, candidates should write the letter of their chosen answer on the Answer Sheet.

Are candidates penalised for writing more than the required number of words?
Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark
even if their answer includes the correct words.

What about contractions, or hyphenated words?

The rules relating to Short-answer questions also apply here. Contracted words will not
be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.

Examples of Task Type 4 – Sentence Completion

Example 1 – without a choice of possible answers (Type A)

Questions 7 – 9

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER from the text for each

Write your answers in boxes 7-9 on your answer sheet.

7 This medicine tastes of ............. .

8 This is not suitable for children under the age of ............. or for the

9 Do not take this medicine if you are currently being treated

for .............. .

Example 2 – using a box of possible answers (Type B)

Questions 20 – 26

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-J, below.

Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 20-26 on your answer sheet.

20 Completed registration forms should be returned to the

21 On arrival new students should report to the

22 All student accommodation is situated in the

23 Students are not allowed to borrow books from the library in the

24 Changes to the timetable are posted on the board in the foyer of the

25 Hot drinks and snacks are served all day in the canteen in the

26 Students can apply for a parking permit for the car park in front of

A Fran Dobson Building.

B Registry.
C Central House.
D Butler Common Room.
E Lakeside Dining Room.
F Jubilee Terrace.
G Evans Concourse.
H Sam West Memorial Hall.
I York Recreation Centre.
J Blythe Suite.

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 5 – Completion of Notes/Tables/Flow-


Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

There are two types of task. In both types the candidate is required to fill gaps in notes or
a table or a flow-chart with a word or words. In the first type the candidate is required to
choose a word or phrase from words and phrases provided in a box. There are always
more words or phrases in the box than there are gaps to fill. In the second type there is no
box with words. The candidate is required to choose a word or phrase from the text to fill
the gap.

How many words or numbers can be used to fill the gaps?

If the candidates are required to choose words and/or numbers from the passage to
complete the gaps, the instructions will indicate clearly whether they should choose one
word only, no more than two, or three, four etc.

Do the answers occur in order in the passage?

Not necessarily. However, the answers will sometimes come from one section rather than
the entire passage.

What text type is most often used with this item type?
This item type often relates to precise factual information, and so is often (but not
always) used with descriptive texts.

What skills are being assessed?

The candidates need to be able to skim and scan the passage in order to be able to locate
the required information.

Example of Task Type 5 – Completion of Notes/Tables/Flow-charts

Example 1 – table
Questions 1 – 5

Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each

Write your answers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

Means of transport to Time needed to get there

reach location

Broad Valley Car or 1 ………. 2 ……….

Three Pines Mountain 3 ……….. Half a day

North Coast 4 ………. 5 ……….

City and Casino Car

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 6 – Summary Completion

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

There are two types of summary completion task. In both types the candidate is required
to fill gaps in a summary with a word or words. In the first type the candidate is required
to choose a word or phrase from words and phrases provided in a box. There are always
more words or phrases in the box than there are gaps in the summary. In the second type
there is no box with words. The candidate is required to choose a word or phrase from the
text to fill the gap.

How many words can be used to fill the gap?

If the candidates are required to choose words and/or numbers from the passage to
complete the gaps, the instructions will indicate clearly whether they should choose one
word only, no more than two, or three, four etc.

Do the answers occur in order in the passage?

Not necessarily. However, the answers will sometimes come from one section rather than
the entire passage.
What type of text is this item type used with?
In IELTS General Training Reading, summary completion tasks are most likely to be
used with passages in Section 3, though they may be used in other sections too.

Do the summaries summarise the whole text or just part of it?

The summaries may summarise the whole passage or they may summarise just part of it.
Sometimes a heading is provided for the summary. This can help the candidate locate the
part of the passage to which the summary refers.

What skills are being assessed?

Summary completion item types covering the whole passage are likely to test candidates’
ability to identify main ideas. Summary completion covering a smaller part of the passage
is more likely to test the candidates’ ability to identify supporting details.

Examples of Task Type 6 – Summary Completion

Example 1 – using a box of possible answers

Questions 32 – 35

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-K, below.

Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 32-35 on your answer sheet.

Turner traditionally painted things that most people find 32 ............. . The change in art
that resulted from his work, did not occur somewhere famously 33 ............ but instead, it
took place in a 34 ............... area. He was supported by a rich man who owned a large
number of 35 .............. paintings.

A romantic
B city
C disturbing
D fascinating
E artistic
F social
G contemporary
H inspiring
I lonely
J expensive
K rural
Example 2 – without a box of possible answers

Questions 37 – 40

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.

All patients attending the Sports Injury Clinic in the Prince of Wales Hospital between
May 1984 and December 1990 were studied in this investigation. Most of these patients
come to the 37................ of the hospital and claimed that they had been injured in an
38 .............. ; others were referred to the clinic by the Accident and Emergency
Department of the same hospital. A 39 ............... was completed for each patient.
Information given included personal details, diagnosis, sports participation, injury
management, and the practice of warm-up and use of 40 .................. .

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 7 – Choosing Headings for Paragraphs or
Sections of a Text

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

A ‘bank’ of headings is supplied for a passage that comprises a number of paragraphs or
sections. Candidates are required to match the appropriate heading with the paragraph or
section it belongs to.

How many paragraphs or sections must candidates identify headings for?

Usually candidates are asked to match no more than seven or eight headings. The passage
may have more paragraphs or sections than this, but some of the headings may be given
as examples.

Are the number of headings supplied equal to the number of paragraphs or

In this item type there are always more headings supplied than there are paragraphs or
sections, so the candidate needs to choose very carefully.
Is it possible to use one of the headings more than once?
Each heading should be used once only.

What skills are being assessed?

This item type tests candidates’ ability to distinguish main ideas from supporting detail.

Example of Task Type 7 – Choosing Headings for Paragraphs or Sections of a Text


Questions 21 – 27

The text on page 7 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number, i-x, in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings
i Reference section
ii Opening times
iii Membership restrictions
iv Rules and regulations
v Payment of fines
vi Copying services
vii Reserving a book
viii Card catalogue
ix Computer catalogue
x Journals and newspapers

21 Paragraph A

22 Paragraph B

23 Paragraph C

24 Paragraph D

25 Paragraph E

26 Paragraph F
27 Paragraph G

ELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 8 – Locating Information

Task Description

What are the candidates required to do?

A list with items of information is provided. Candidates are required to identify the
section or paragraph in the passage in which that information can be found.

What kind of information might candidates be asked to find?

Candidates may be asked to find

 specific details
 an example of some kind
 the reason for event, change etc
 a description
 a comparison
 a summary
 an explanation
 other

Will candidates need to find information in every paragraph of the text?

Not necessarily.

Is it possible to identify a section or paragraph more than once?

There may be more than one piece of information that candidates need to locate in a
given paragraph. When this is the case, the candidates will be told that they can use a
paragraph more than once.

What skills are being assessed?

This question type tests candidates’ ability to identify specific information within sections
or paragraphs.

Do the questions follow the same order as the information in the text?
No. In this question type the questions do not follow the same order as the information in
the text.

Example of Task Type 8 – Locating Information


Questions 28 – 32

The text on pages 10 and 11 has seven paragraphs, A-G.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.

28 an explanation of Paynton’s business techniques

29 an account of public reactions to the solar exhibition

30 reasons why participants could not agree on arrangements for the exhibition

31 a recommendation that Paynton considered useful

32 an analysis of contemporary business practice

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 9 – Identification of Writer’s Views,

Claims or Information in the Text

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

The candidate is presented with a list of statements. If the statements are opinions or
attitudes, the candidate is asked if the statements agree with or reflect the views or claims
of the writer. The choice of answers in this case is either ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘not given’. If the
statements concern factual information, the candidate is asked if the statements agree
with the information in the text. The choice of answers in this case is ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘not

What skills are tested in this item type?

This item type tests a variety of reading skills including skimming and scanning and
reading for detail.
Examples of Task Type 9 – Identification of Writer’s Views, Claims or Information in the

Example 1 – Yes, No, Not Given

Questions 30 – 33

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the text on pages 10
and 11?

In boxes 30-33 on your answer sheet, write

YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
30 Herschel was multi-talented.
31 It is unlikely that there is a planet hidden behind the sun.
32 Herschel’s newly discovered object was too far from the sun to be a comet.
33 Herschel’s discovery was the most important find of the last three hundred

Example 2 – True, False, Not Given

Questions 15 – 19

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text on page 5?

In boxes 15-19 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
15 The Acceptance Form for international students is sent out with the offer to
16 In some cases, visas may be issued before the ISHC is paid.
17 The International Services Unit offers an accommodation service.
18 The International Services Unit can help if a student needs to extend a visa.
19 The Programs Co-ordinator assists international students with arrangements
for health insurance.

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 10 – Classification

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

With this item type, candidates are presented with a number of pieces of information and
a number of categories each of which is represented by one or more letters. The
candidates are required to assign each piece of information to one of the possible
categories based on common features.

What is this item type designed to test?

This item type is designed to test candidates’ ability to recognize relationships and
connections between facts in the passage, and is most often used with texts dealing with
factual information; for example descriptive texts. Candidates need to be able to skim and
scan the passage in order to locate the required information and to read the detail.

Examples of Task Type 10 – Classification

Example 1

Questions 6 – 10

Classify the the following parts of the business as being located in

A Britain
B Germany
C India

Write the correct letters, A, B or C, in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet

6 manufacturing plant
7 head office
8 research and development
9 warehouses
10 marking department

Example 2

Questions 1 – 4

Classify the following characteristics as belonging to

A male readers
B female readers
C both male and female readers

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

1 a preference for a particular type of novel

2 unpredictable reading habits
3 an unwillingness to use library facilities
4 the random selection of reading material

IELTS General Training Reading – Task Type 11 – Matching

Task Description

What are candidates required to do?

Candidates are presented with a number of items, which may be theories, statements,
names of people, places, things etc. The candidates need to match each of these items
with one option from a list of options. The list of options will also form a coherent set of
theories, statements, names of people, places, things etc.

Is it possible to choose an item more than once?

The instructions will advise the candidate when it is possible to choose an option more
than once.

What skills are being tested?

This item type tests candidates’ ability to skim and scan as well as to understand main
ideas in a section of the passage.
Example of Task Type 11 – Matching


Questions 15 – 18

Look at the following people (Questions 15-18) and the list of hobbies below.

Match each person with the correct hobby, A-F.

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 15-18 on your answer sheet.

15 John Escher
16 John Odgers
17 Eric Henriksen
18 Peter Holt

List of Hobbies
A water skiing
B ballooning
C diving
D running
E chess
F mountain climbing

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