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The Impact of Christianity in Business Ethics

 In Christianity, the basis of this theology is the Old Testament and the New Testament.
 The Christian in commerce should not desire “to get another’s goods or labor for less
than it is worth.”
 One must not try to obtain a good price for his own wares by extortion.
 If one is buying from the poor, “charity must be exercised as well as justice;” purchaser
must pay the full price that the goods are worth to him.
 Purchaser shouldn’t admit suffering of the vendor because he cannot stand out for his
price, but the vendor should offer a loan or persuade someone else to do so.

The impact of Judaism in Business Ethics

Judaism, which relies on the Torah for its written law, has had a great impact on
marketing and business ideology. Jewish culture, values, and ideas have penetrated into many
aspects of modern life including modern market.

1. Honesty in the market

Merchants are prohibited from falsifying weights and measures, owning a
dishonest weight by the Torah.
2. Fair Pricing
"If you sell something to your neighbor or buy something from your neighbor’s
hand, you shall not cheat each other." Similarly, if an individual is unaware of the true
value of an item and wishes to sell it, one must not take advantage of the seller’s
ignorance and underpay. Price stability is of great concern to the Talmud.
3. Business Relations
Employers are required to pay employees on time. Indeed, business ethics occupy
such an important place in Jewish Laws, culture, and tradition that the Talmud has as the
very first question to an individual at the final judgment: "Were you honest in your
business dealings?"


 Old Testament and New Testament.

 “To get another’s goods or labor for less than it is worth.”
 One must not try to obtain a good price for his own wares by extortion.
 “Charity must be exercised as well as justice”
 Purchaser shouldn’t admit suffering of the vendor.


 Relies on the Torah for its written law.

 Jewish culture, values, and ideas have penetrated into many aspects of modern life.
1. Honesty in the Market- Falsification of records is prohibited.
2. Fair Pricing- "If you sell something to your neighbor or buy something from your
neighbor’s hand, you shall not cheat each other."
3. Business Relations- Employers are required to pay employees on time.

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