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27/10/2017 11:21:29

Marketing Risk Register Report

Entity: Marketing (including children), Risk Assessment open, Current Risk version, Risk is open

Service Residual Residual
Risk Description Potential Causes Potential Impacts Current Controls Residual
Area Likelihood Impact
Risk Score

Jennie Peoples (Marketing Manager) Items in Group: 6

Marketing Lack of appropriate Lack of consultation; Lack of Loss of credibility; Public Campaign Evaluation Systems 3 3 9
research/consultation strategy; Poor data collection; disengagement; No
Lack of resources information/feedback for Liaison and communication with Council
planning or decisions or service Depts to identify consultation needs
improvements Surveys
Online system for feedback
Marketing New Council Brand roll- Non-alignment with current Reputation; Council services Centralisation and consistency of all 3 3 9
out is not achieved Council policies; Resistance to not fully recognised; design requests
change Inconsistent communication
Council approvals where required
Brand guidelines developed and rolled
out to all service areas
Marketing Third party service Lack of communications/trust; Financial cost; Poor/Inadequate Adherence to Council procurement 2 3 6
providers are not Lack of formal contract; Lack of service standards procedures
managed effectively transparency
Clear Terms of Reference for all Projects
Regular progress meetings
Sign-off of all projects
Liaison with and advice from
Procurement Manager
Procurement training to relevant staff
Use of single select list for services
Marketing The security and integrity Inappropriate access controls; Loss of information; Loss of Mechanism for authorisation of holding of 2 3 6
of critical data/information Lack of training/awareness credibility; Loss of personal data/mailing lists
is not assured documentation
Access controls
Email Marketing System
Data Protection training

27/10/2017 11:21:29

Service Residual Residual
Risk Description Potential Causes Potential Impacts Current Controls Residual
Area Likelihood Impact
Risk Score
Marketing Failure to safeguard Lack of policies/procedures; Financial cost; Impact on Adherence to Council procurement 2 3 6
against bribery Lack of awareness service delivery; Reputation procedures
Fraud Awareness Training
DCSDC approval & payment procedures
DCSDC Gifts & Hospitality Policy
Marketing Inability to maintain Inadequate resources and Missed opportunities and Social Media Plans for every campaign 2 3 6
systems for social media reluctance to change; Lack of inefficiencies; Reputation
and e-communication appropriate skills in respect of Ongoing review of Council-owned
social media communication; websites
Lack of appropriate intranet Website Redevelopment Plan
Staff training
Social Media protocols developed and to
be rolled out to all staff
Editorial Calendars
Budget allocated for specialist staff
resource (Social media & digital

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