Eng - 10 - 01 - Rem

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MINGGU :3 HARI: Wednesday TARIKH: 10.1.18

Personal / FORM: Remove Grammar Items: simole sentences
Public / TOPIC: Likes and Dislikes TIME/DURATION : 40
Educational Learning Outcomes
Occupational 2.4 Talk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard
SKILL(S)/ELEMENT(S) 4.2 Construct simple and compound sentences
Listening / d.Spellcorrectly a range of words
Speaking f. Take spellinganddictation
Reading /
Writing /
Grammar /
Literature in Action LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson students should be able to;
Action-oriented task(s) i) Spell words relared to likea and dislijea
TEACHING & LEARNING STRATEGIii) write simple senrences about likes and dislikes in the correct sentence patterns
Inquiry-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning SUCCESS CRITERIA (SMART): Students will be able to:
Pupil-Centredness / i) spell at least 5/10 words correctly
Cooperative Learning / ii) write at least 3 sentences in different sentence patterns
Language / Set induction: teacher and students talk about what they've read about likes and dislikes and how those
Environmental Sustainability are formed
Values 1. Students are drilled orally on different sentence patterns about likes and dislikes
Science & Technology 2. Students are asked to form their own sentences using model sentences as their guide
Patriotism & Citizenship 3. Students take dictation from a paragraph read by his/her colleague
Creativity & Innovation 4. Assessment and evaluation and recovery / reinforcement exercises
Information & Communication Technology
Global Sustainability
Financial Education
Knowledge / Moral Values :
Understanding / FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Politeness
Application / Writing exercises
Analysis dictation exercises
Evaluation TLA:
Synthesis/Creativity model sentences
I-THINK MAP: word lists
VLE FROG: none incomplete sentences
1.1 Listening and Speaking People and Culture Language
2.1 Reading Health and Environment Conservation of the environment
3.1 Writing Science and Technology Values
4.1 Grammar Consumerism and Financial Awareness Science and Technology
5.1 Literature in Action Patriotism/Citizenship
Action-Oriented Task(s) Creativity and Innovation
Information Technology and Communications
Multiple Intelligences
Learning How to Learn Skills
Form 1 Project-Based Learning (PBL)
on of the environment Form 2 Inquiry-Based Learning
Form 3 Pupils-Centredness
d Technology Form 4 Collaborative Learning
Form 5
and Innovation Form 6
n Technology and Communications (ICT)

How to Learn Skills

Personal Likes and Dislikes
Public What's My Line
Educational Favourite Personality
Occupational World of Animals
Living With Nature
World of Inventions
Giving Instructions
Lighting up the World
Living In Harmony
Heal the World
The World of Computers
Shapes and Sizes
Money Matters
Save the World
1.1 Listen to and follow simple Instructions.
1.2 Listen to and repeat the correct pronunciation of words.
1.1 Listen to and discriminate sounds in the English language.
1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words.
1.3 Listen to and understand information and ideas.
1.4 Obtain information from texts listened
1.1 Listen to and discriminate sounds in the English language.
1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words.
1.3 Listen to and respond to short stories and poems.

2.1 Speak clearly.
2.2 Ask questions.
2.3 Give relevant information to questions asked.
2.4 Ask for and give instructions
2.1 Speak clearly with the correct stress and intonation.
2.2 Ask questions politely.
2.3 Give relevant information politely in response to enquiries.
2.4 Talk about things heard, seen and read.
2.5 Perform a variety of functions in a social context
2.1 Speak clearly.
2.2 Ask and answer questions.
2.3 Tell stories and recite poems.
2.4 Talk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard

3.1 Read and understand simple factual texts.
3.2 Read and obtain information from non-linear texts.
3.3 Understand meanings of words.
3.1 Skim and scan texts for gist and specific information.
3.2 Read and understand texts.
3.3 Read and respond to texts.
3.4 Read aloud expressively and fluently.
3.5 Understand meanings of words and acquire vocabulary.
3.1 Read aloud expressively and fluently phrases, sentences, numerals.
3.2 Understand the meanings of words by looking at contextual clues or by using the dictionary.
3.2 Skim and scan texts for gist and specific information.
3.3 Read and respond to simple stories and poems.

4.1 Write simple instructions.
4.2 Construct simple and compound sentences
4.3 Match words to linear and non-linear texts.
4.1 Spell correctly and take dictation.
4.3 Punctuate appropriately
4.4 Write short simple descriptions complete texts.
4.5 Write for different purposes and for different audiences using correct conventions.
a. Discriminate sounds: x_x0003_short and long vowels x_x0003_words with initial sound /sh/ x_x0003_silent letters
b.Listen to and pronounce words correctly.
c.Talk about oneself.
d.Talk about things heard and read.
e.Make suggestions.
f.Agree or disagree politely.
g.Persuade someone to do or not to do something.
h. Read and discuss articles and other interesting pieces of information with friends.
i. Write messages to friends
a. Listen and discriminate sounds such as: x_x0003_voiced and voiceless /th/ x_x0003_short and long vowels x_x0003_silent letters
b. Listen to and pronounce words correctly.
c. Read aloud stories and poems pronouncing words clearly and with the correct stress and intonation.
d.Spellcorrectly a range of words

e.Listento stories and poems and ask and answer questions on: x_x0003_what the story or poem is about x_x0003_characters x_x0003_se
f.Read simple stories and poems and answer questions on: -what the story or poem is about -characters -sequence of events -moral values
g.Tell a story.
h.Give one’s opinion about the story.
i. Write simple stories.
a.Listento and ask for and follow simple instructions.
b.Listen to and repeat the correct pronunciation of words and terms.
c. Readsimple texts aloudand pronounce words accurately.
d.Complete texts with the missing words or phrases.
e.Matchwords to pictures or symbols.
f. Take spellinganddictation
g.Listento simple factual texts and answer comprehension questions.
h.Readsimple factual texts and answer questions on: -ideas and information -details -sequence -cause and effect relationships.
i. Acquire meanings of words by using contextual cues or a dictionary.
j. Read and obtain information fromnon-linear texts such as diagrams, charts and tables.
k. Write simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently.
l.Write simple reports and instructions
wels x_x0003_words with initial sound /sh/ x_x0003_silent letters

eces of information with friends.

voiced and voiceless /th/ x_x0003_short and long vowels x_x0003_silent letters

clearly and with the correct stress and intonation.

estions on: x_x0003_what the story or poem is about x_x0003_characters x_x0003_sequence of events x_x0003_moral values.
ns on: -what the story or poem is about -characters -sequence of events -moral values

words and terms.

nsion questions.
-ideas and information -details -sequence -cause and effect relationships.
es or a dictionary.
such as diagrams, charts and tables.

nce and independently.

003_moral values.
By the end of Remove Class, students should be able to:
x_x0003_talk to friends about themselves and ask questions about their friends;
x_x0003_write simple letters to friends and family members;
x_x0003_read simple stories and poems and talk about ideas and values gathered from these texts;
x_x0003_read and understand non-fiction texts and pick up terms and vocabulary;
x_x0003_write simple descriptions and stories; and
x_x0003_show an awareness and appreciation of moral values and love towards the nation.
1.1.1 listen, discriminate and pronounce accurately : (i) long and short vowels
1.1.1 listen, discriminate and pronounce accurately : (ii) diphthongs
1.1.2 speak with correct intonation, stress and sentence rhythm.
1.2.1 listen and respond to simple directions, instructions and procedures.
1.2.2 listen to text of different genres and classify the grammar items and vocabulary.
1.3.1 listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) retrieve main ideas
1.3.1 listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (ii) retrieve supporting details
1.3.2 listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (i) compare and contrast
1.3.2 listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (ii) identify cause and effect
1.3.2 listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (iii) paraphrase and summarise
1.3.2 listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (iv) identify and organise
1.3.2 listen and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to: (v) solve problems
1.4.1 express feeling and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally.
1.4.2 participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (i) greeting
1.4.2 participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (ii) invitation
1.4.2 participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (iii) request
1.4.2 participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (iv) refusal
1.4.2 participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (v) apologies
1.4.2 participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (vi) compliment
1.4.2 participate in simple conversations using speech acts: (vii) complaint
2.1.1 read and develop vocabulary skills by understanding (i) similes
2.1.2 understand meanings of words from print media by using (i) dictionary
2.2.1 demonstrate understanding by (i) identifying main ideas in given texts
2.2.2 locate and organise information by (i) using graphic organizers
2.2.2 locate and organise information by (ii) creating their own graphic organizers
2.2.3 analyse and infer information by: (i) using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions
2.2.3 analyse and infer information by: (ii) finding meaning of unfamiliar words
2.3.1 read various texts and retrieve information by: (i) skimming and scanning
2.3.2 read various texts and select information for specific purposes
2.4.1 read a variety of texts from various media to obtain information to solve simple problems.
3.1.1 write simple sentences correctly.
3.1.2 organise and write ideas in a paragraph : (i) titles for a paragraph
3.1.2 organise and write ideas in a paragraph : (ii) captions for illustrations, posters and cartoons.
3.1.3 apply pre-writing strategies: (i) brainstorming (mind-maps, bubble maps, etc)
3.1.3 apply pre-writing strategies: (ii) note-taking
3.1.3 apply pre-writing strategies: (iii) outlining
3.1.4 select relevant information and elaborate/extend/explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices.
3.1.5 use a variety of sentence structures to elaborate, extend ideas in paragraphs / organizational structures: (i) Topic sentences
3.1.5 use a variety of sentence structures to elaborate, extend ideas in paragraphs / organizational structures: (ii) Thesis statement
3.2.1 write for academic and functional purposes: (i) email / messages
3.2.1 write for academic and functional purposes: (ii) process and procedures
3.2.1 write for academic and functional purposes: (iii) letters
3.2.2 write for creative and personal expressions: (i) e-diary
3.2.2 write for creative and personal expressions: (ii) journals
3.2.2 write for creative and personal expressions: (iii) posters and slogans
4.1.1 identify and use nouns appropriately according to context. (i) common nouns
4.1.1 identify and use nouns appropriately according to context. (ii) proper nouns
4.1.1 identify and use nouns appropriately according to context. (iii) countable nouns
4.1.1 identify and use nouns appropriately according to context. (iv) uncountable nouns
4.1.1 identify and use nouns appropriately according to context. (v) singular nouns
4.1.1 identify and use nouns appropriately according to context. (vi) plural nouns
4.1.1 identify and use nouns appropriately according to context. (vii) subject-verb agreement (SVA)
4.1.2 identify and use pronouns appropriately according to context (i) possessive
4.1.2 identify and use pronouns appropriately according to context (ii) demonstrative
4.1.2 identify and use pronouns appropriately according to context (iii) interrogative
4.1.3 identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context (i) adjective of quality
4.1.3 identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context (ii) possessive
4.1.3 identify and use adjectives appropriately according to context (iii) comparison adjectives
4.1.4 identify and use articles appropriately according to context (i) indefinite article ‘a’ & ’an’
4.1.5 identify and use verbs appropriately according to context (i) regular verbs
4.1.5 identify and use verbs appropriately according to context (ii) irregular verbs
4.1.5 identify and use verbs appropriately according to context (iii) auxiliary verbs
4.1.6 identify and use adverbs appropriately according to context (i) manner
4.1.6 identify and use adverbs appropriately according to context (ii) time
4.1.6 identify and use adverbs appropriately according to context (iii) place
4.1.7 identify and use tenses appropriately according to context (i) simple present tense
4.1.7 identify and use tenses appropriately according to context (ii) simple past tense
4.1.7 identify and use tenses appropriately according to context (iii) future tense
4.1.8 identify and use prepositions appropriately according to context (i) place
4.1.8 identify and use prepositions appropriately according to context (ii) time
4.1.8 identify and use prepositions appropriately according to context (iii) directions
4.1.8 identify and use prepositions appropriately according to context (iv) positions
4.1.8 identify and use prepositions appropriately according to context (v) phrasal verbs
4.1.9 identify and use modals appropriately according to context (i) can
4.1.9 identify and use modals appropriately according to context (ii) may
4.1.9 identify and use modals appropriately according to context (iii) might
4.1.10 identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to context (i) and
4.1.10 identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to context (ii) but
4.1.10 identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to context (iii) so
4.1.10 identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to context (iv) or
4.1.10 identify and use conjunctions appropriately according to context (v) because
4.1.11 identify and use question forms appropriately according to context (i) positive and negative questions / statements
4.1.11 identify and use question forms appropriately according to context (ii) yes/no questions/ statements
4.1.11 identify and use question forms appropriately according to context (iii) choice question
4.1.12 identify and use punctuation appropriately according to context (i) capital letters
4.1.12 identify and use punctuation appropriately according to context (ii) comma/full stop
4.1.12 identify and use punctuation appropriately according to context (iii) question mark
4.1.12 identify and use punctuation appropriately according to context (iv) exclamation mark
4.2.1 construct simple sentences correctly and meaningfully
4.3.1 use similes in context appropriately
5.1.1 listen and respond orally to various literary works.
5.1.2 read and understand various literary works.
5.1.3 share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solve problems.
5.2.1 identify meaning of words based on context.
5.2.2 produce a new genre from the literary text read.
5.2.3 create and produce linear and/or graphic presentation in a fun manner.
5.2.4 share personal responses to literary works through performances.
tures: (i) Topic sentences
tures: (ii) Thesis statement
tions / statements
Talk about one’s likes and dislikes Listen to a dialogue and note important details
Practice a dialogue based on a given stimulus Read a dialogue and identify likes and dislikes of different peopl
1 read and respond to a conversation Answer open ended questions
2. write a postcard Read clues and complete a puzzle
Students write a postcard using short notes Replace pictures with words
Talk about one’s ambition Cut words from newspaper or magazines for folio
Ask and respond to questions Listen to a conversation : note important information
Rearrange sentences to form paragraphs Noting the format of a description
Talk about one’s favorite personality Write a description of a people and occupation
Talk about and compare people one likes Listen and respond to a letter
Write a short description of a famous personality Answer open ended question
Talk about animals Complete a text using information given
Describe animals using adjectives Listen to a documentary on wild animals
Use adjectives to describe animals Identify words that describe animals
Write short description of animals Write sentences using short notes
Give advice on recycling Match animals to their homes
Rolw play a dialogue Listen to a speech on recycling and note details
Discuss; School clean up campaign Answer MCQ
1st Monthly Test Write a short messages Expand notes
Intra Semester Break Prepare a folio on recycling
Talk about inventors and their inventions 1st Monthly Test
Role play a telephone conversation Intra Semester Break
Write out jumbled paragraphs into a complete text Listen to a text on Alexander Grahamm Bell
Give Instruction Answer open ended questions
Role play a dialogue Sequencing paragraph into a complete text
Listen and follow instruction on how to make a paper swan
Talk about different types of batteries Answer MCQ
Role play : How to set up an electric circuit Write a simple instructions. Expand notes
Listen to a description of a battery
Mid Year Exam Matching words to their meaning
Inter Semester Break Write out a process of making a simple electrical circuit
Talk about one’s own festival Listen to a text on Ponggal festival
Talk about some of the major festivals in Malaysia Match statements on Ponggal festival
Answer WH questions
Talk about infectious diseases and how to protect ourWrite a short description on festivals using the short notes give
Make polite requests
The Do’s and don’ts when one has flu Listen to a speech on vaccination
Talk about the importance of Computers Answer WH questions
Talk about the different components of a computer Write a short message to a friend
Discuss on how an e-mail is sent Listen to and follow simple instructions on how to use the comp
Talk about inventors and their inventions Ask and answer questions about a computer
Role play a telephone conversation Write an e-mail
Write out jumbled paragraphs into a complete text Listen to and follow instructions
Ask for description of objects
Talk about infectious diseases and how to protect ourRespond to ‘Wh” questions
Make polite requests Identify adjectives
The Do’s and don’ts when one has flu Listen to dialogue
Talk about the importance of Computers Use short notes given to make comparisons
Talk about the different components of a computer Answer Wh questions
Discuss on how an e-mail is sent
Revision and 2nd Monthly Test Make entences using short notes given
2nd Semester Break Listen to a radio announcement on saving water
Talk about shapes and sizes they see Answer Wh questions and open ended question
Describe objects Match words to their meaning
Write sentences about a circus – expand notes
Talk about savings
Talk about buying a present for a friend

Talk about ways of savings electricity and water

Talk about the importance a of saving water
Write on how to save water based on picture provided
Read a passage on likes and dislikes Plural forms regular and irregul Consonants ending with /s/
likes of different peoplRole play the given dialogue
Capital letters and full stop Short and long vowels /i/, /
Read a text on Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood (Mercy Doctor)
Read about Zang Toi’s achievements Dictation
information Final blends;
Read a text on Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima Articles “a”, “an”, “the” /lm/, /dz/
Read short notes on Shalin Zulkifli
Punctuation: comas Initial blends; /kw/, skw/
Read and understand a poem; A Black kit
Read sentences with initial blends Dictation
Subject-verb agreement Contraction “n’t”
Read a poster on How to save our environment Punctuation: question mark can;t
Read a flow chart on how unwanted cans can be reusDictation
1st Monthly Test Adjectives of comparison
Intra Semester Break Voiced /δ/ and voiceless /θ
Read and understand a factual text Dictation
Read and understand a story on “hamburgers” Positive must Short vowel /^/
Read and understand instructions on how to prepareNegative mustn’t

Plural forms /aiz/

Read and understand how an electrical circuit is set Sequence connectors
make a paper swan Read a letter on Hari Gawai Dictation
Subject verb agreements

Read and understand a text about X-ray Dictation Short vowels sound /i/ and
Role play a conversation Polite requests ‘may’ and ‘would you’
ectrical circuit
Read and understand a dialogue Dictation Short vowel sounds /e/ and
Role play Sequence connectors
Read a narrative
g the short notes giveRead a story Dictation Consonants
/ʃ/ as in sure
Read a text on how to save money
Read a poem : Save Water Adjectives of quality and quantity
Role play a dialogue
n how to use the compRead and understand a poster on how to save electricity Correct stress to differentia
Positive/negative statements and questions
Contarctions n’t
Modals ‘can’ , may’ and must’

Dictation Sentence stress

Consonants ending with /s/, /z/ and/ iz/

Short and long vowels /i/, /i:/

Final blends;

Initial blends; /kw/, skw/

Contraction “n’t”

Voiced /δ/ and voiceless /θ/

Short vowel /^/

Plural forms /aiz/

Short vowels sound /i/ and /e/

Short vowel sounds /e/ and /ᴂ/

/ʃ/ as in sure

Correct stress to differentiate nouns and verbs

nd questions

Contarctions n’t

Sentence stress

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