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ENGLISH FOR PHARMACISTS | Topic: Pharmacy-related

words/expressions (basic) - vocabulary matching 1

Match each definition with the letter of one of the following:

a - antidepressant (n.), b - over-the-counter (adj.), c - side

effect, d - dose (n.), e - generic drug, f - drowsy (adj.), g - fever, h -
active ingredient, i - sedative, j - therapeutic (adj.)

1. available without a prescription --> B

2. the amount of medicine to be taken --> D

3. having the ability to heal --> J

4. an abnormally high body temperature --> G

5. an undesired effect resulting from a medication --> C

6. medicine that treats depression --> A

7. the opposite of a "brand name" drug --> E

8. medicine that calms you down --> i

9. sleepy --> F

10. the substance in a pharmaceutical drug that is biologically

active --> H

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