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X, XXXX 2017 1

Quantum Dynamical Entropy, Chaotic Unitaries and

Complex Hadamard Matrices
Wojciech Słomczyński, Anna Szczepanek

Abstract—We introduce two information-theoretical invariants we swap the Earth for the Bloch sphere representing qubits,
for the projective unitary group acting on a finite-dimensional this simple riddle illustrates the difference between two kinds
complex Hilbert space: PVM- and POVM-dynamical (quantum) of unitary transformations (represented here as Bloch sphere
entropies, which are analogues of the classical Kolmogorov-
Sinai entropy rate. They quantify the maximal randomness rotations): non-chaotic and chaotic ones. The exploration of
of the successive quantum measurement results in the case this difference is the main theme of this paper.
where the evolution of the system between each two consecutive The invariant that we shall use to distinguish chaotic uni-
measurements is described by a given unitary operator. We study taries is quantum dynamical entropy. The notion of (classical)
the class of chaotic unitaries, i.e., the ones of maximal entropy, dynamical entropy (or entropy rate) is due to Claude E. Shan-
or equivalently, such that they can be represented by suitably
rescaled complex Hadamard matrices in some orthonormal bases. non [42], [43], who introduced it into information theory,
We provide necessary conditions for a unitary operator to be and Andrei Kolmogorov [32], who made it a basic tool for
chaotic, which become also sufficient for qubits and qutrits. These studying dynamical systems. In his seminal paper Shannon
conditions are expressed in terms of the relation between the trace discussed the problem of computing entropy for a discrete
and the determinant of the operator. We also compute the volume and ergodic information source sending messages to a receiver.
of the set of chaotic unitaries in dimensions two and three, and
the average PVM-dynamical entropy over the unitary group in This quantity can be determined from the statistics of finite
dimension two. We prove that this mean value behaves as the message sequences, namely, it is the limit of entropy of a block
logarithm of the dimension of the Hilbert space, which implies of symbols divided by its length, or the limit of conditional
that the probability that the dynamical entropy of a unitary is entropy of the next symbol given the preceding ones, as the
almost as large as possible approaches unity as the dimension block length tends to infinity. In the Kolmogorov-Sinai theory
tends to infinity.
the definition of entropy is very similar to Shannon’s, except
Index Terms—Quantum mechanics, entropy, measurement un- that instead of message sequences, the results of discrete
certainty. measurements (represented there by finite partitions of the
phase space) are analysed and then the supremum over all
I. I NTRODUCTION such measurements is taken. The entropy defined in this way
is invariant with respect to metric isomorphisms of dynamical

I MAGINE we are standing somewhere on the Earth’s

(spherical) surface that rotates around the north-south axis.
Try to choose this place in such a way as to make as large
systems. Moreover, using the Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy,
we can formally distinguish regular systems (with dynamical
entropy equal to zero) from chaotic systems (with strictly
as possible the angle between the axis passing through the positive dynamical entropy).
chosen point and the centre of the Earth, and the rotated In the present paper we consider a quantum analogue
axis determined after some fixed time interval. If the time of this notion. We analyse the situation where successive
period is less than six hours, the choice is simple: we must measurements are performed on a finite-dimensional quantum
locate ourselves somewhere on the equator. However, if the mechanical system whose evolution between two subsequent
elapsed time is chosen between six and twelve hours, the measurements is given by a quantum operation. We assume
situation becomes more complicated. We have to travel north that the dynamics of the quantum system is described by a
(or south) the equator, eventually reaching, for twelve hours, finite-dimensional unitary operator, and the measurement pro-
the 45th parallel north (say on the border between Montana cess either by a von Neumann-Lüders instrument (represented
and Wyoming) or the 45th parallel south (e.g., in Becks, a by a projection valued measure - PVM) or by a generalised
small settlement on the South Island of New Zealand). In Lüders instruments, disturbing the initial state in the minimal
the former ‘short time’ case, the maximal attainable angle is way (represented by a positive operator valued measure -
equal to the earth’s angle of rotation, but in the latter, i.e., POVM). If the measure consists of rank-1 operators, then such
when the time is long enough, we can always find a point on process generates two Markov chains: the first one in the space
the Earth (or, more precisely, a circle of latitude) such that of states (so-called discrete quantum trajectories, see, e.g.,
the angle between the two lines in question is right. Now, if [33], [36], [35], [4], [10]), and the second one in the space
of measurement outcomes. The dynamical entropy (entropy
W. Słomczyński and A. Szczepanek are with Institute of Mathematics,
Jagiellonian University, Łojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków, Poland. Email: rate) of the latter can be used to estimate the randomness of, the measurement results.
Manuscript received December 13, 2016; revised September 8, 2017. Understood in this way, quantum dynamical entropy was
Copyright (c) 2017 IEEE. introduced independently by Srinivas [48], Pechukas [41],

Beck and Graudenz [6], cf. [1, Sec. 4.2] and [31]. The idea Hilbert space, also called the number of degrees of freedom
has been recently rediscovered and analysed by Crutchfield of the quantum mechanical system. We show that their mean
and Wiesner under the name of quantum entropy rate [18], values averaged over the unitary ensemble are only slightly
[54]. They have provided also a detailed information-theoretic smaller than the upper bound and so tend logarithmically
interpretation of this notion, as well as of two related notions: to infinity. In Sec. III we use these dynamical entropies to
excess entropy and transient information, see also [16]. The distinguish between chaotic, i.e., the ones of maximal entropy,
entropy rate says how predictable the measurement results are, and non-chaotic unitaries. The former are characterized as
the excess entropy - how hard it is to do the predicting, and the those that can be represented by a suitably rescaled complex
transient information - how difficult it is to know the internal Hadamard matrix in some orthonormal basis. In Sec. IV we
state of such a quantum process through measurements. The compute the volume of the set of chaotic matrices as well as
notion of entropy rate is also closely related to the entropy of the exact value of mean PVM-dynamical entropy in dimension
unitary matrices, used in different contexts by various authors two. Sec. V contains a necessary condition for a unitary matrix
[30], [57], [2]. to be chaotic. We show that for qubits and qutrits this condition
Imitating the definition of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy is, in fact, sufficient. This allows us to compute the volume of
[24, p. 64] and taking the supremum over the class of PVM the set of chaotic matrices also in dimension three. In Sec. VI
measurements, we get the PVM-dynamical entropy, which de- we discuss the difficulties that arise when trying to extend
pends only on the quantum dynamics and characterizes its abil- the definition of quantum dynamical entropy to the realm of
ity to produce random sequences of measurement outcomes. In general measurements.
the case of POVMs the situation is more complicated as there
are two independent sources of randomness that can influence II. Q UANTUM DYNAMICAL ENTROPY - DEFINITION AND
the value of dynamical entropy. The first is the underlying
dynamics of the system, described by a unitary operator. The We assume that the pure states of a d-dimensional quan-
second is the POVM measurement, which potentially intro- tum system are represented by the complex projective space
CPd−1 or, equivalently, by the set P Cd of one-dimensional

duces some additional randomness. Subtracting the dynamical 
entropy calculated for trivial (identity) dynamics from the projections in Cd . The set of all quantum states S Cd is the
original entropy rate, and then taking the supremum over convex closure of P Cd , i.e., the set of density (Hermitian,
the class of POVM measurements, we get another quantity, positive semi-definite, and trace one) operators on Cd .
the POVM-dynamical entropy, which again depends only on The measurement (with k possible outcomes) of this system
the unitary operator and is larger than or equal to its PVM is given by a positive operator valued measure (POVM ), i.e.,
counterpart. These measurement independent definitions of an ensemble of positive (non-zero) Hermitian operators Πj
dynamical quantum entropy for finite-dimensional systems (j =P1, . . . , k) on Cd that sum to the identity operator,
were introduced in a more general setting in [46], [34], i.e., j=1 Πj = I. In this paper we shall consider only
[47] and then developed further in [44], [45]. However, only normalized rank-1 POVMs, where Πj (j = 1, . . . , k) are
preliminary results have been obtained so far. In the present rank-1 operators and tr (Πj ) = const(j) = d/k, but we shall
paper we study the notion of PVM-dynamical entropy in discuss shortly the general case in the last section. Necessarily,
full details, postponing more comprehensive analysis of the k ≥ d and there exists an ensemble of pure states |ϕj i hϕj | ∈
POVM-dynamical entropy to further publications. The PVM- P Cd (j = 1, . . . , k) such that Πj = (d/k) |ϕj i hϕj |.
dynamical entropy quantifies the maximal rate at which classi- (Here
Pk and henceforth, we use Dirac’s bra-ket notation.) Thus,
cal randomness can be produced by a given unitary dynamics j=1 |ϕj i hϕj | = (k/d) · I. In particular, if k = d and so
in a repeated von Neumann-Lüders measurement process. In (ϕj )j=1 is an orthonormal basis of Cd , we get a special class
this sense, it is a natural counterpart of the classical KS entropy of rank-1 projection valued measures (PVMs).
modelled on the notion of entropy of an information channel. If the state of the system  before the measurement (the
Note that a widely accepted generalization of the KS en- input state) is ρ ∈ S Cd , then the probability pj (Π, ρ) of
tropy for quantum mechanics has not yet been found, in spite the j-th outcome is given by pj (Π, ρ) := tr (ρΠj ) for j =
of the fact that several attempts to define such a quantity have 1, . . . , k. In particular, for normalized rank-1 POVMs we have 
been made [39], [12]. In particular, the best-known quantum pj (Π, ρ) = (d/k) hϕj | ρ |ϕj i, and if ρ = |ψi hψ| ∈ P Cd ,
dynamical entropies, such as the Connes-Narnhofer-Thirring then pj (Π, ρ) = (d/k) |hϕj |ψi| (the Born rule). The mea-
(CNT) entropy [14] or the Alicki-Fannes (AF) [3] entropy, surement process generically alters the state of the system,
vanish for finite-dimensional quantum systems [8], [7, Sec. but the POVM alone is not sufficient to determine the post-
14.5], and so they cannot be used to quantify the randomness measurement (or output) state. This can be done by defining
of the successive measurement outcomes in the case we study a measurement instrument (in the sense of Davies and Lewis
here. [21]) compatible with Π, see also [26, Ch. 5]. We shall only
In Sec. II we introduce the notions of PVM- and POVM- consider here the so-called generalised Lüders instruments,
dynamical entropy and observe that they are invariant under disturbing the initial state in the minimal way, see [22, p.
conjugation, inversion and phase multiplication, which makes 404], where the output state is |ϕj i hϕj |, providing the result
them class functions for the projective unitary-antiunitary of the measurement was j.
group. These quantities are non-negative and bounded from Consider the situation where the successive measurements
above by the logarithm of the dimension of the underlying described by Π are performed on an evolving quantum system.

We assume that the motion of the system between two Now, we introduce two kinds of measurement independent
subsequent  measurements is governed by U ∈ U (d) acting quantum dynamical entropies, by maximizing Hdyn either
as S Cd 3 ρ → U ρ U ∗ ∈ S Cd . Then the results of over all PVMs or all POVMs. Namely, the PVM-dynamical
consecutive measurements are represented by finite strings of entropy of U :
letters from a k-element alphabet. The probability of obtaining
the string (i1 , . . . , in ), where im = 1, . . . , k for m = 1, . . . , n, H dyn (U ) := max Hdyn (U, Π), (4)
and n ∈ N, is then given by the generalized Wigner formula
and the POVM-dynamical entropy of U :
[55] Qn−1 dyn
Pi1 ,...,in (ρ) := pi1 (ρ) · m=1 pim im+1 , H (U ) := sup Hdyn (U, Π). (5)
where ρ is the initial state of the system, pj (ρ) :=
(d/k) hϕj | ρ |ϕj i is the probability of obtaining j in the first Analogously, we can define quantum dynamical entropy for
measurement, and pjl := (d/k) |hϕj |U |ϕl i| is the probability an antiunitary transformation.
of getting l as the result of the measurement, providing the Note that the set of all PVMs, i.e., all projective orthonormal
result of the preceding measurement was j, for j, l = 1, . . . , k. (ordered) bases, forms, endowed with a natural topology, a
In consequence, the combined evolution of states is Markovian compact space isomorphic to the d(d − 1)-dimensional flag
with the initial distribution given by p := (pj )kj=1 and the manifold U(d)/U(1)d [9, p. 133]. Now, it follows from (2) that
transition matrix P := (pjl )kj,l=1 [46], [44]. For rank-1 PVMs Hdyn is continuous in both variables. Hence, the supremum
this matrix is unistochastic. is attainable in (4) and H dyn is continuous.
The randomness of the measurement outcomes can be For every U ∈ U (d) we have minΠ∈PVM H(U, Π) = 0,
analysed with the help of quantum entropy of U with respect since the PVM Π generated with the help of an eigenbasis of
to Π defined in a way analogous to the Kolmogorov-Sinai U gives H(U, Π) = 0. In consequence, we cannot define here
entropy, namely a quantum counterpart of classical Kolmogorov automorphisms
(K-systems), i.e., maps with positive entropy with respect to
Hn all non-trivial finite partitions of the phase space.
H(U, Π) := lim (Hn+1 − Hn ) = lim , (1)
n→∞ n→∞ n For Π ∈ PVM we have Hmeas (Π) = 0, and so
where Hdyn (U, Π) = H(U, Π). Consequently, we get
Hn := η (Pj1 ,...,jn (ρ∗ )) H dyn (U ) = max H(U, Π),
j1 ,...,jn =1
which implies
with the Shannon function η : R+ → R defined by η(x) :=
−x ln x for x > 0 and η(0) := 0, where ρ∗ := I/d. It is easy to d
dyn 1 X
η | hej | U |el i |2 ,

check that both limits in (1) exist and are equal. The maximally H (U ) = max
(ej )d
mixed state ρ∗ plays here the role of the ‘stationary state’ for j,l=1

Markov evolution with pj (ρ∗ ) = 1/k for j = 1, . . . , k [46], where the maximum is taken over all orthonormal bases.
[44]. It represents an unprepared quantum system. Equivalently, we can fix a basis (e.g., an eigenbasis of U )
Using the formula for the entropy of a Markov chain, which and take the maximum over all unitary transformations:
is a special case of a much more general integral entropy
formula [44], it is easy to show [45, eq. (24)] that 1 X
H dyn (U ) = max η(| (V ∗ U V )jl |2 ). (6)
k V ∈U(d) d
1 X j,l=1
H(U, Π) = η (pjl )
k Moreover, from (3) we get |Hdyn (U, Π)| ≤ ln d and
k d X dyn
η | hϕj | U |ϕl i |2 . 0 ≤ H dyn (U ) ≤ H (U ) ≤ ln d.

= ln + 2 (2)
d k
j,l=1 dyn
The bounds √ are achievable, as we√have H (I) = 0 and
In consequence, H dyn (Fd / d) = ln d, where Fd / d is a unitary operator
ln (k/d) ≤ H(U, Π) ≤ ln k. (3) called the quantum Fourier transform, with Fd represented
in some basis by the Fourier matrix of size d, given by
(j−1)(l−1) d
There are two possible sources of randomness in this model, (ωd )j,l=1 with ωd := exp(2πi/d).
the measurement process and the underlying unitary dynamics, The following proposition that summarizes facts concerning
and we would like to quantify their impact separately. This can invariance of the dynamical entropies is easy to show.
be done by defining two quantities:
Proposition 1 (invariance). The dynamical entropies H dyn
• the measurement entropy of Π given by dyn
and H are invariant under the following operations
Hmeas (Π) := H(I, Π); (i) conjugation: U → V −1 U V for every unitary or antiu-
nitary V ;
• the dynamical entropy of U with respect to Π given by
(ii) inversion: U → U −1 ;
Hdyn (U, Π) := H(U, Π) − Hmeas (Π). (iii) phase multiplication: U → eiϕ U for ϕ ∈ R.

It follows from (i) above that both these quantities are the probability of H dyn ≤ ln d − f (d), for f : N → R+ ,
unitary (and antiunitary) invariants (i.e., unitary class func- is smaller than (1 − γ)/f (d), and so it tends to 0, providing
tions), and so they depend only on the spectrum of U , since f (d) → ∞, even if the latter convergence

is very
slow. In Sec.
two unitary matrices are unitarily similar if and only if they IV we compute the exact value of H dyn (U ) U(d) for d = 2.
have the same spectrum (treated as a multiset). Moreover, (ii)
implies that they are time-reversal invariants. According to III. E NTROPY- MAXIMISING UNITARIES
(iii), both quantum dynamical entropies are also projective
The concept of quantum dynamical entropy specifies a
invariants, and so they can be treated as class functions for
special class of entropy-maximising unitaries, such as the
the projective unitary-antiunitary group. Let us now see how
Fourier quantum transforms mentioned above. We shall call
these facts can be used to characterize the domain of both
them chaotic since they can be used to produce maximally
random sequences of measurement results. As we shall see,
First, from the above considerations it follows that the space
this property does not depend on which of the two definitions
of conjugacy classes of unitary matrices is isomorphic to the
we work with. Namely, from (3) it follows that
d-th symmetric product of S 1 , i.e., the space of d-element
multisets contained in S 1 , denoted by SP d (S 1 ). Morton Hdyn (U, Π) = ln d iff
proved that SP d (S 1 ) is a fibre bundle over S 1 and the fibres
are (d − 1)-dimensional discs [38]. Moreover, he showed that H(U, Π) = ln k and H(I, Π) = ln(k/d). (7)
the bundle is trivial if d is odd, and it is non-orientable if d is By (2), we get H(I, Π) = ln(k/d) if and only if Π is a PVM,
even, e.g., SP 1 (S 1 ) ' S 1 and SP 2 (S 1 ) is the Möbius strip. i.e., k = d, and then, clearly, H(I, Π) = 0. Thus,
Taking into account the phase multiplication invariance, one
may further reduce the domain of dynamical entropies to a H (U ) = ln d iff H dyn (U ) = ln d.
set topologically isomorphic to the (d − 1)-dimensional disc.
Moreover, chaotic unitaries turn out to be exactly those that are
In particular, we show in Sec. IV and Sec. V, respectively,
represented by a suitably rescaled complex Hadamard matrix
that for d = 2 the value of H dyn (U ) depends on one real
in some basis.
parameter, the angle between two eigenvalues of U , and for
d = 3 it is a function of one complex parameter, the trace of Proposition 3. Let U ∈ U(d). Then the following conditions
U divided by a cube root of its determinant. are equivalent:
To lower bound the mean value of the PVM-dynamical (i) U is chaotic;
entropy averaged over the ensemble of unitary matrices, we (ii) there exists an orthonormal basis {ej }dj=1 such that
consider yet another unitary invariant, the PVM-average dy- 1
Pd 2

d j,l=1 η | hej | U |el i | = ln d;
namical entropy, given by M (U ) := hH(U, Π)iΠ∈PVM for
(iii) there exists an orthonormal basis {ej }dj=1 such that
U ∈ U(d). Namely, we have
{ej }dj=1 and {U ej }dj=1 are mutually unbiased;
Theorem 2 (mean entropy bounds). (iv) there exists an orthonormal basis {ej }dj=1 such that
Pd √
d | hej | U |el i | = d d;
X 1 √ j,l=1
ln d−(1−γ) < = hM (U )iU(d) < hH dyn (U )iU(d) < ln d, (v) d U is represented by a complex Hadamard matrix in
k d
√ orthonormal basis {ej }j=1 , i.e., | hej | U |el i | =
k=2 some
where γ ≈ 0.577 is Euler’s constant. 1/ d for each j, l = 1, . . . , d.
Proof. All entropies are bounded from above by ln d. On the Proof. The equivalence of (i) and (ii) follows immediately
other hand, from Jones ([27, eq. (13)] and [28, eq.P(27)]), see from (2) and (7). As the Shannon entropy is maximal only
also [47], [57], we deduce that hH(U, Π)iU(d) = k=2 k1 for for the uniform distribution, all expressions of the form
every Π ∈ PVM. Hence, | hej | U |el i |2 for j, l = 1, . . . , d must be equal, which proves
d the equivalence of (ii) and (v). On the other hand, (v) is just
X 1
γ − 1 + ln d < = hM (U )iU(d) (iii) expressed in another way. The equivalence of (iv) and (v)
k follows from [5, Proposition 4.12].
= max hH(U, Π)iU(d) The fact that Hadamard matrices saturate the upper bound
for the so-called entropy of a unitary matrix is well known
≤ max H(U, Π) [57]. Observe, however, that the analogous problem for real
Π∈PVM U(d)
orthogonal matrices is highly non-trivial [23], [40], since real
= H dyn (U ) U(d) ≤ ln d.

Hadamard matrices can exist only if d = 1, 2 or is a multiple
From the continuity of H dyn it follows that the last two of 4.
inequalities are strict. From Proposition 3 we deduce immediately a simple nec-
essary condition for U to be chaotic.
In consequence, we see that the mean values of both √
dyn Corollary 4. If U ∈ U(d) is chaotic, then |tr U | ≤ d.
entropies H dyn and H are almost as large as possible
and increase logarithmically with the dimension of the Hilbert We shall see in Sec. V that for d = 2, in contrast to higher
space. Moreover, from Chebyshev’s inequality we deduce that dimensions, this condition is also sufficient.

As quantum gates are represented by unitaries (defined up for c ≥ 1/2, and equal to η (c) + η (1 − c) at 1/2 for c ≤ 1/2.
to a phase) we can talk about dynamical entropies of quantum Using this fact and (6), we obtain (see Fig. 1)
gates and we can distinguish the class of chaotic quantum
Proposition 5.
gates. Using the formula for dynamical entropy presented in

the next section, we shall see that among chaotic unitaries dyn ln 2 θ≥ 2
H (U ) = . (9)
+ η sin2 θ π

one can list many well-known quantum gates, including the η cos 2 2 θ≤ 2
Hadamard, NOT (Pauli-X),
√ Pauli-Y , Phase Flip (Pauli-Z),
π/4-phase shift and NOT gates in dimension two. Also the
CNOT (XOR), CSIGN, SWAP, and iSWAP gates in dimension
four belong to this class. To see this, observe that all these
matrices are unitarily similar to D := diag (1, 1, 1, −1).
The spectra of D and the real-valued Hadamard matrix
F4 (3π/2), see [52], coincide. Thus, by Proposition 3, D
is chaotic. On the other hand, √ the π/8-phase√shift gate in
dimension two, as well as the CNOT and SWAP gates
in dimension four, do not fulfill the trace condition from Fig. 1. H dyn as a function of θ (the chaotic part in red).
Corollary 4, and so they are not chaotic. It follows also from Denote by {|0i , |1i} the eigenbasis of U . Observe that
this corollary that among controlled-U gates in dimension four, dyn
• the critical point at which H hits its maximum pos-
only the ones with U equivalent up to conjugation and phase π
sible value ln 2 is θ√= 2 ; this applies to well-known
multiplication to NOT, like CNOT or CSIGN, are chaotic. In
π/4-phase shift and NOT gates;
the same way we argue that multiqubit controlled gates, like
• the PVMs with respect to which H(U, Π) attains its
Toffoli (CCNOT), Fredkin (CSWAP) or Deutsch (CCR) gates
maximal value are given by the bases {|xτ i , |xτ⊥ i},
in dimension eight, cannot be chaotic.
√ τ is an√ arbitrary number from [0, 2π), |xτ i :=
r |0i + e q 1 − r |1i with r := 2 for θ ≤ π2 and
iτ 1
r := 12 (1 ± 1 − (2 sin2 (θ/2))−1 ) for θ ≥ π2 .
Computing the PVM-dynamical entropy in dimension two
The geometric interpretation of the latter fact, mentioned
is a relatively easy task, as the optimization problem reduces
already in the introduction, is the following. Fix the Bloch
to finding the maxima of real-valued functions belonging
vectors corresponding to the eigenbasis of U as the north and
to a one-parameter family. Here, the parameter is the angle
south poles of the Bloch sphere. Then U can be interpreted
between two eigenvalues of a unitary map. The formula for
as the rotation around the north-south axis by the angle θ.
entropy in this case has been already obtained in [44], but for
Under this picture, finding a maximizing PVM is equivalent
the sake of completeness we recall hereafter its proof.
 to choosing the appropriate axis such that the angle between
Let U ∈ U C2 with the spectrum {exp (iϕ) , exp (iψ)},
this axis and its image under the rotation is maximal. If θ is
where ϕ, ψ ∈ [0, 2π). Fix an eigenbasis of U . In this basis U
acute, then the axis must lie in the equatorial plane and the
is represented by the matrix
  angle in question is equal to θ, but if θ is obtuse, we can find
exp (iϕ) 0 an axis that can be transformed into a perpendicular thereto
U∼ .
0 exp (iψ) by the rotation.

Consider now V ∈ U C2 given by
u v
V ∼ ,
w z
2 2 2 2
where u, v, w, z ∈ C satisfy |u| + |v| = |w| + |z| = 1 and
uw + vz = 0. Then
2 2
|u| eiϕ + |w| eiψ vueiϕ + zweiψ
V ∗U V ∼ 2 2 .
uveiϕ + wzeiψ |v| eiϕ + |z| eiψ
Put p := |u| ∈ [0, 1], θ := min (|ϕ − ψ| , 2π − |ϕ − ψ|) ∈
2 2
[0, π], and c := sin2 (θ/2) ∈ [0, 1]. As |z| = p and |w| =
|v| = 1 − p, we obtain a) b)
2 Fig. 2. Maximizers for the PVM-dynamical entropy in
1 X
η(| (V ∗ U V )jl |2 ) dimension d = 2, where the unitary map is represented in
j,l=1 the Bloch sphere as a rotation by the angle: a) acute (purple)
= η (4p (1 − p) c) + η (1 − 4p (1 − p) c) . (8) and b) obtuse (red).
Denote the right-hand side of (8) by hc (p). Thenphc : [0, 1] → Next, we compute the volume of the set of chaotic operators
R attains the maximum equal to ln 2 at 12 (1 ± 1 − (2c)−1 ) in the ensemble of unitary matrices as well as the average

value of the PVM-dynamical entropy. To this aim we use the The first summand can be written as the sum of several
Weyl integration formula for U(d) group [53, Theorem 7.4.B]. integrals, which gives
Recall that F : U(d) → C is a class function if it is constant
H (U ) U(2)
on the conjugacy classes, i.e., for all U, V ∈ U(d) we have
F (U ) = F (V ∗ U V ). 1 π/2
= ln 2 + cos ϕ ln (1 − cos ϕ) dϕ
Theorem (Weyl’s integration formula). If F ∈ L1 (U(d)) is a π 0
Z π/2 Z π/2
class function, then the following formula holds 1 1
− ln (1 + cos ϕ) dϕ − ln (1 − cos ϕ) dϕ
Z 2π 0 2π 0
F (U ) dm (U ) = 1
Z π/2 
1 + cos ϕ

+ cos2 ϕ ln dϕ. (10)
U(d) 2π 0 1 − cos ϕ
Z Y Firstly, integrating by parts, we get
f (θ1 , . . . , θd ) |eiθj − eiθl |2 dθ1 . . . dθd , Z π2
d! (2π) 1≤j<l≤d
[0,2π)d cos ϕ ln (1 − cos ϕ) dϕ = − 1 + . (11)
0 2
where m denotes the normalized Haar measure on U(d) and In the following calculations we use various integral repre-
f (θ1 , . . . , θd ) := F (Θ) for Θ := diag(eiθ1 , . . . , eiθd ). sentations of Catalan’s constant, which can be found in [11].
Applying this formula, we get Using the tangent half-angle substitution x = tan (ϕ/2) and
formula (23) from [11], we obtain
Theorem 6. Let C2 := {U ∈ U(2) : U is chaotic}. Then Z π2 Z 1  
2 2
1 1 ln (1 + cos ϕ) dϕ = 2
ln dx
m (C2 ) = + ≈ 0.8183. 0 0 1+x 1 + x2
2 π π
Z 1
ln 1 + x2

Proof. It follows from the Weyl integration formula that = ln 2 − 2 dx

2 0 1 + x2
Z π
= − ln 2 + 2C. (12)
m (C2 ) = 1C2 (U )dm(U ) 2
From this equality and formula (10) from [11] we get
Z 3π/2
= |eiϕ − 1|2 dϕ Z π2
4π π/2 ln (1 − cos ϕ) dϕ = − ln 2 − 2C. (13)
Z 3π/2 0 2
1 1 1
= (1 − cos ϕ) dϕ = + , Finally, integrating by parts and using formula (4) from [11],
2π π/2 2 π
we have
as desired. Z π2   Z π2
2 1 + cos ϕ ϕ
cos ϕ ln dϕ = 1 + dϕ = 1 + 2C.
We show that the average entropy is in this case not far 0 1 − cos ϕ 0 sin ϕ
from its maximal value ln 2 ≈ 0.693. (14)
Now, combining (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14), we obtain
Theorem 7. The average value of the PVM-dynamical entropy
is given by
dyn 3 2C − π − 1
H (U ) U(2) = ln 2 + ≈ 0.672.
2 2π
3 1 1 C
H dyn (U ) U(2) = ln 2 − −

+ ≈ 0.672,
2 2 2π π
where C is Catalan’s constant, which may be computed from V. PVM- DYNAMICAL ENTROPY: QUTRITS AND BEYOND
the formula
To determine whether or not a given unitary U belongs
∞ n to Cd = {U ∈ U(d) : U is chaotic}, one has to know its
X (−1)
C := ≈ 0.916. spectrum lying on the unit circle and defined up to a phase
(2n + 1)2
factor. We can, because of this overall phase freedom, re-
Proof. Using again the Weyl integration formula and (9), we strict our attention to the set of special unitary matrices
get and assume that U ∈ SU(d). It is well known that all

dyn possible values of the trace of matrices from SU(d) fill in

H (U ) U(2) the region Td := {tr U : U ∈ SU(d)} in the complex plane
Z bounded by a d-hypocycloid with cusps at d-th roots of unity
= H dyn (U ) dm (U ) scaled up by d, i.e., the curve produced by a point on the
circumference of a small circle of radius 1 rolling around the
1 π/2   2  ϕ 
Z   ϕ 
= η cos + η sin2 (1 − cos ϕ) dϕ inside of a large circle of radius d and starting at (d, 0) [13,
π 2 2 Theorem 5.2], see also [29]. It follows from Corollary 4 that
1 1 CTd := {tr U : U ∈ SU(d), U is chaotic}, i.e., the image of
+ + ln 2.
2 π the set of special chaotic matrices under the trace map, is

contained in the ball√B(0, d). We shall see that√ CTd is the Define D0 := diag(λ d
√j )j=1 F Pσ with λj := αF,σ κj Fj,σ(j) for
subset of Td ∩ B(0, d) (the latter is just B(0, d) for d ≥ 4) j = 1, . . . , d. Then dD0 ∈ Hd fulfills
given by the union of regions indexed by pairs consisting of a
complex Hadamard matrix of order d and a permutation of a det D0 = ( j=1 λj ) sgn (σ) (det F )
d-element set. Each of these regions is the image
√ of Td under d Qd
= αF,σ sgn (σ) (det F ) j=1 Fj,σ(j) = 1
a spiral similarity with centre at 0, ratio 1/ d, and angle of
rotation that depends on the index. Namely, for a given pair Pd
(H, σ) we consider the Leibniz formula for the determinant and tr D0 = 0
j=1 λj Fj,σ(j) = αF,σ λ. Thus, D repre-
of H. A d-th root of the normalized summand in this formula sents, by Proposition 3, a chaotic U ∈ SU(d) such that
corresponding to σ is equal to the complex multiplier defining tr U 0 = αF,σ λ. Hence, αF,σ λ ∈ CTd . In consequence,
the spiral similarity. {αF,σ Td : F ∈ Hd , σ ∈ Sd } ⊂ CTd , which completes the
In fact, it is enough to take here ‘benchmark’ Hadamard
matrices defined in the following way. Denote by Hd the set
of all complex Hadamard matrices of order d. We call B ⊂ Hd This theorem gives us another characterization of the set
a benchmark set if every H ∈ Hd is equivalent to some of chaotic unitaries for d = 2. In this case, since the Fourier
matrix F in B, i.e., it is of the form H = D1 P1 F P2 D2 , matrix F2 , where
where D1 , D2 are diagonal unitary matrices and P1 , P2 are  
1 1
permutation matrices. We have F2 = ,
1 −1
Theorem 8. Let B ⊂ Hd be a benchmark set. Then
serves asthe only benchmark
√ Hadamard
√ matrix, we get at once
CTd =
{αF,σ Td : F ∈ B, σ ∈ Sd } CT2√= x ∈ R : |x| ≤ 2 = (1/ 2) {x ∈ R : |x| ≤ 2} =
{αF,σ Td : F ∈ Hd , σ ∈ Sd } , (15) (1/ 2)T2 . Hence, we obtain the following simple result,
which can also be easily deduced from (9).
where for F ∈ Hd , σ ∈ Sd we take αF,σ to be any d-th√root Proposition√9. Let U ∈ U(2). Then U is chaotic if and only
−1 Qd
of (det F ) (sgn(σ)) j=1 Fj,σ(j) (and so |αF,σ | = 1/ d). if |tr U | ≤ 2.
Proof. Let U ∈ SU(d) ∩ Cd . It follows from Proposition 3 In the case of qutrits (d = 3) it follows from Theorem 8
that U is represented in √ some orthonormal basis by H ∈ Hd that CT3 , i.e., the image of the set of special chaotic matrices
rescaled by the factor 1/ d. Fix this basis. Then one can find under the trace map, is the subset of T3 given by the union
F ∈ B, diagonal unitary matrices D1 , D2 and permutation of two regions each of which is bounded by a 3-hypocycloid
matrices Pσr corresponding to σr ∈ Sd (r = 1, 2) such that that arises from the original 3-hypocycloid (the √ black curve
H = D1 Pσ1 F Pσ2 D2 . Put D := D2 D1 and σ := σ2 ◦ σ1 . in Fig. 3) by scaling it down by a factor of 3 and rotating
Observe that sgn (σ) = det (Pσ2 Pσ1 ). Moreover, dd/2 = by ±π/18 (the union of figures bounded by the red curves in
det H = det (Pσ2 Pσ1 ) det D det F . Let λj ∈ C, |λj | = 1 Fig. 3).
(j = 1, . . . , d) stand for the diagonal elements of D. Set Observe that the characteristic polynomial of U ∈ SU(3)
d takes the form λ3 − (tr U ) λ2 + (tr U )λ − 1, so the spectrum
D0 := d1/2 αF,σ diag λσ1 (j) Fj,σ(j) j=1
. of U , and thus the answer to the question whether it is chaotic
√ or not, depends solely on its trace. Thus, it is not a surprise that
Then D0 is a unitary matrix as |αF,σ | = 1/ d. We have in this case the necessary condition (15) becomes sufficient as
Qd well.
det D0 = dd/2 (αF,σ )d j=1 λσ1 (j) Fj,σ(j)
d/2 d Qd
= d (αF,σ ) (det D) j=1 Fj,σ(j)
−1 Qd
= dd (αF,σ )d (det F ) sgn (σ) j=1 Fj,σ(j)
= dd |αF,σ |2d = 1.

Hence, tr D0 ∈ Td . Moreover,
√ Pd
d tr U = tr H = tr Pσ1 F Pσ2 D = j=1 λj Fσ−1 (j),σ2 (j)
Pd √ 0

= j=1 λσ1 (j) Fj,σ(j) = dαF,σ tr D ,

and so tr U ∈ αF,σ Td . In this way, we showed that CTd ⊂

{αF,σ Td : F ∈ B, σ ∈ Sd }.
Now, let F ∈ Hd , σ ∈ Sd and λ ∈ Td . Then there is a
unitary U ∈ SU(d) such that tr U = λ. Fix an eigenbasis of U .
Fig. 3. Traces of special chaotic unitaries for d = 3 (the
Then U is represented by a matrix diag(κj )dj=1 , where κj ∈ C,
Pd Qd region bounded by the red curves).
|κj | = 1 (j = 1, . . . , d), j=1 κj = λ and j=1 κj = 1.

Theorem 10. Let U ∈ U(3) and let β be a cube root of det U . Proposition 12. Let U ∈ U(5) and β 5 = det U . If U is
Then U is chaotic iff chaotic, then
1 1 1 1 S
tr U ∈ CT3 = √ (αT3 ∪ αT3 ) , tr U ∈ CT5 = √ {αT5 : α ∈ A} ,
β 3 β 5
π π 2π 2π
where α := e 18 i . where A := {1, −1, e 25 i , e− 25 i , e 25 i , e− 25 i }, see Fig. 4.

Proof. All complex Hadamard matrices of order 3 are equiv- For higher dimensions (d ≥ 6) Theorem 8 does not
alent to the Fourier matrix F3 [15], where provide concrete information about the chaoticity of a unitary
  map, since the complete classification of complex Hadamard
1 1 1 matrices is only available up to order d = 5.
F3 = 1 ω3 ω32 
1 ω32 ω3
and ω3 := exp(2πi/3).
√ Applying Theorem 8 and using
det F3 = −3 3i, √ we obtain
√ two possible scaling √factors:
3 2 3 3
√ = −ω 3 /(3 3i) = (α/ 3) and αF,σ = ω3 /(3 3i) =
(α/ 3)3 , with σ ∈ S3 defined by σ (1) = 1, σ (2) = 3 and
σ (3) = 2, which implies CT3 = √13 (αT3 ∪ αT3 ). Now, the
assertion follows from the fact that the spectrum of U ∈ SU(3)
is fully defined by its trace.
Next, we use this result to estimate the volume of the set
of chaotic unitaries in dimension 3. First, observe that
m(C3 ) = µ(U ∈ SU(3), U is chaotic),
where µ stands for the normalized Haar measure on SU(3).
Now, from the Weyl integration formula for SU(3) [29, eq.
(9)] and Theorem 10, we get
Theorem 11.
√ Z s  3 2
3 3 2r

r2 Fig. 4. Traces of special chaotic unitaries for d = 5 (the
m(C3 ) = 4+ cos 3θ−3 1 + rdrdθ. region bounded by the red curves).
2π 2 3 9
Evaluating the above integral numerically, we obtain m(C3 ) ≈
0.592. It is noteworthy that m(C3 ) < m(C2 ). In the closing section we would like to briefly discuss some
Observe that Theorem 8 does not provide, however, any issues related to the POVM-dynamical entropy. We start by
new information about chaotic unitaries for d = 4, since the recalling the notion of entropy of a POVM. By the (Shannon)
one-parameter family of benchmark Hadamard matrices entropy of the measurement Π = (Πj )j=1,...,k , where Πj =
(d/k) |ϕj i hϕj | for |ϕj i hϕj | ∈ P Cd (j = 1, . . . , k), we

1 1 1
 mean the function H(·, Π) : S Cd → R defined by
(1)  1 ieiϕ −1 −ieiϕ  k
F4 (ϕ) :=  , X
 1 −1 1 −1  H(ρ, Π) := η(pj (ρ, Π))
1 −ieiϕ −1 ieiϕ j=1
where ϕ ∈ [0, 2π), see [15] and [52], generates all possible = η((d/k) hϕj | ρ |ϕj i)
complex multipliers of modulus 1/2. j=1
On the other hand, for d = 5 the benchmark set consists k
k dX
only of the Fourier matrix = ln + η(hϕj | ρ |ϕj i)
d k j=1
 
1 1 1 1 1

for an input state ρ ∈ S Cd ; see [45], [56] for the history

 1 ω5 ω52 ω53 ω54 
 and information-theoretic interpretation of this notion. If ρ =
F5 :=  1 ω52 ω54 ω5 ω53 , 
  |ψi hψ| ∈ P Cd , we put H(|ψi , Π) := H(ρ, Π). Applying
 1 ω53 ω5 ω54 ω52  (2), we see that the entropy of U ∈ U(d) with respect to Π
1 ω54 ω53 ω52 ω5 can be expressed as the mean entropy of Π averaged over the
output states of Π transformed by U :
where ω5 := exp(2πi/5), see [25] and [52]. By direct k
calculation we deduce from Theorem 8 a simple necessary 1X
H (U, Π) = H(U |ϕj i , Π) (16)
condition for U ∈ U(5) to be chaotic. k j=1

and so class of POVMs, we are faced, especially in the case of SIC-

k POVMs (eq. (19)), with the paradoxical fact that a unitary
Hmeas (Π) = H (I, Π) = H(|ϕj i , Π). (17) dynamics suitably combined with a measurement can decrease
k j=1 the randomness, which provides an example of a phenomenon
From (16) and (17) we obtain with no classical counterpart. It is also not clear whether
the inequality between the PVM-dynamical entropy and the
1X POVM-dynamical entropy can be sharp.
Hdyn (U, Π) = [H(U |ϕj i , Π) − H(|ϕj i , Π)]. (18) Leaving the realm of rank-1 operators, we encounter an
k j=1
even more interesting situation both in the case of PVMs
For PVMs we get H(I, Π) = 0 ≤ H(U, Π) = Hdyn (U, Π). and that of POVMs, first described by one of us (W.S.) in
Surprisingly, in the general case we can find situations where the more general setting of operational approach to (quantum)
intertwining a POVM-measurement with some (or even any) dynamics and measurement process [44], and then by Wiesner
unitary operator can produce smaller entropy than that gener- and co-authors in a series of papers [17], [18], [19], [54],
ated by the measurement itself. [37]. In this case the measurement process together with
To illustrate this phenomenon, consider a SIC-POVM Π = the unitary dynamics still produces a Markov chain in the
(Πj )j=1,...,d2 , i.e., a rank-1 POVM satisfying the condition space of states, but the accompanying process generated in
tr(Πj Πl ) = 1/(d2 (d + 1)) for j, l = 1, . . . , d2 , j 6= l. Then, the space of the measurement outcomes does not have to be
from (18) and [50], we get Markovian (it was first noted in [6]), which makes computing
d−1 the dynamical entropy more challenging. A detailed discussion
H(U, Π) ≤ H(I, Π) = ln(d + 1) + ln d. of this situation is postponed to a separate publication.
Finally, a natural direction for further research is to study
We also have (see [20], [51]) the following bound
the semiclassical limit of the dynamical entropies defined here,
(d + 1)d see also [47].
ln ≤ H(U, Π),
which is known to be actually attained for the ‘tetrahedral’ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
SIC-POVM in dimension 2 [45], for all SIC-POVMs in We are thankful to Robert Craigen, Sławomir Cynk, Zbig-
dimension 3 [49] as well as for the Hoggar SIC-POVM in niew Puchała, Anna Szymusiak, and Karol Życzkowski for
dimension 8 [51]. Consequently, for every U ∈ U(d) we get helpful remarks. Financial support by the Polish National
ln(d + 1) Science Center under Project No. DEC-2015/18/A/ST2/00274
− ln 2 + ≤ Hdyn (U, Π) ≤ 0. (19) is gratefully acknowledged.
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