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Topic : Statics
Purpose : To determine the coefficient of static friction between two surfaces
Apparatus : A smooth plank as inclined plane, six wooden blocks, one of
which has a smooth surface and a hook, triple beam balance (to be
shared), a soft spring, a 50g mass hanger, five 100g slotted masses,
a retort stand and clamp, a weight for stabilising the retort stand, a
protractor, a pendulum bob, thread, a half metre rule, double-sided
adhesive tape.
Procedure : c. Displace the wooden block downward and release so that the
wooden block will be pulled to move upward by tension in the
Part I: To determine the relationship between the mass of load and spring.
the length of spring. d. Repeat step c with smaller displacements until a stage that the
a. Hook one end of the spring on the retort stand and hang the wooden block stays stationary upon released.
50g mass hanger with a 100g-slotted mass at the other end of e. Measure and record the length l of the spring.
the spring.
f. Adding other wooden blocks on top of the first increases the
b. Measure the length l, of the spring and record the mass m1 ( the mass of the wooden block. Weigh and record the new combined
mass hanger and the slotted mass) weight m of the block.
c. Increase the mass m1 and measure the corresponding length l of g. Repeat steps c and d.
the spring. h. Tabulate m, l2 and m’ where m’ is the corresponding mass for
d. The values of l and m1 are tabulated and graph of l against m1 the length l2 from the graph l1 against m1.
is plotted. i. Graph of m’ against m is plotted and the coefficient of static
friction is calculated.
Part II: To determine the coefficient of friction between two
surfaces. Observation and measurement:
a. Weight the mass of the wooden block having a smooth surface Angle of inclination of the inclined plane, θ =40o
and the reading is recorded.
b. Adjusting the retort stand, the angle of inclination so that
inclination for the inclined plane is changed. An angle of l1/cm
Mass. m1 / g
inclination is to be obtained such that the wooden block slide
down freely with acceleration and set up the apparatus as shown R1 R2 Average
in figure below. 50 29.8 29.7 29.8
100 37.6 37.9 37.8
150 45.7 45.7 45.7
200 53.8 53.9 53.9
250 62.0 62.0 62.0
300 70.1 70.2 70.2


Mass of wooden block, m/g m’/g
R1 R2 Average
80.0 37.8 37.9 37.9 100.0
139.9 48.9 48.8 48.9 170.0
242.2 61.6 61.7 61.7 245.0
321.8 77.4 77.4 77.4 345.0
411.8 86.1 86.0 86.0 395.0


From the graph m’ against m,

335 −100
Gradient of graph =
325 − 80
= 0.959

From the equation, m’=m ( µcos θ +sin θ )

µcos θ +sin θ = gradient of graph m’ against m
= 0.959
µcos 40 o +sin 40 o = 0.959
µ = 0.413

The coefficient of static friction between two wooden surfaces in this experiment is

Results and discussion:

1. Make sure that there is no vibration on the system during the experiment
because vibration will cause the wooden block starts to move even though it
hasn’t reached the actual displacement to move upward by the tension in the
spring. .
2. Make sure that the extension of spring does not exceed the elastic limit of
the spring.


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