Shutter Patent For Analog Camera

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1,156,922. Patented Oct. 19, 1915

' ' ‘ figlollo . H 13
1,156,922. Speci?cation of Letters Patent. Patented Oct. 19, 1915.
Application ?led April 28, 1915. Serial No. 24,589.

To all whom it may concern: located adjacent the advance-end of the

Be it known that we, BENJAMIN J. NASIEF ?lm-strip, so that after the ?lm has been 55
and FARNUM F. DORSEY, being, respectively, secured to the backing-strip in the usual
a subject of the Sultan of Turkey and a‘ manner, as a reliminary to the rewinding
citizen of the United States, and residents operation, the acking-strip may be conven
of Rochester, in the county of Monroe and iently severed at the line in question, so that
State of New York, have inventedcertain after that portion of the backing-strip which 60
new and useful Improvements in Roll-Film constitutes the leader has been rewound in
DevelopingApparatus, of which the follow advance of the ?lm, the main portion of the
v10 ing is a speci?cation. backing-strip, which is contiguous with the
This invention relates to apparatus in ?lm in the ?lm-roll, may be de?ected and
which, as a preparation for the develop guided away from the ?lm during the re 65
ment of a roll-?lm, the ?lm is rewound from winding of. the latter.
the ?lm-reel upon a support of some charac In the accompanying drawings :—Figure
15 ter for retaining the film in a suitable posi 1 is a longitudinal vertical section of rewind
tion. or condition for subjection to the de ing-apparatus embodying the present inven
veloping-solution. Such a support, usually tion; Fig. 2 is a plan-view of the same; and 70
comprises a ?exible apron for holding the Fig. 3 is a perspective View of a ?lm-roll,
?lm with sufficient space between its layers partly unwound, and constructed in accord
20 or turns for the admission of the developingance with the present invention.
‘ solution, but the particular character of theThe invention is illustrated as embodied in
support in question is not essential to the a rewinding-apparatus of which the eneral 75
present invention. form and construction are well nown.
The object of the invention is to permit, Within a light-tight casing 7 two spindles 5
25 as an incident to the rewinding operation, and 6 are journaled, these spindles being
the separation of the paper backing-strip ‘ provided with cranks 8 and 9 by which they
from the ?lm-strip, so that during the de may be turned. -~The spindle 5 is used to 80
veloping operation the backing strip shall support the usual ?exible developing-apron
not be in contact with the ?lm. It has been 10, while the spindle 6 is employed to wind
30 found that when the backing-strip is in con the apron'and the ?lm-strip together, this
tact with the ?lm the dye, by which the spindle being provided with light-tight
backing-strip is colored, becomes more or metal ?anges 14 at its ends. The ordinary 85
less dissolved and tends to stain the ?lm, and ?lm-reel 13 is supported in the casing'by
as this dye is of a non-actinic color, the adjustable bearing-members 11 and 12, and
stains so produced cause blemishes in the after the reel has been so mounted, the outer
prints made from such ?lm. end of the paper backing-strip is attached to
To the foregoing end the present inven the spindle 6, together with the end of the 90
tion comprises means for receiving the back apron 10, and this spindle is then rotated to
ing-strip and for retaining it separate from perform the rewinding operation. As so
40 the ?lm-strip during the rewinding of the far described, the rewinding apparatus is of
latter. As incidental to‘ the operation of a well-known form. —
such means, the invention also comprises, in In a ?lm-package as usually constructed 95
its preferred form, a modi?cation in the a continuous opaque backing-strip 15 of pa
?lm-package. itself, which facilitates the per is wound with the ?lm-strip 16, as
45 proper preparation of the backing-strip for shown particularly in Fig. 3, and extends
the action upon it of the means in question. beyond the ?lm-strip at both ends, so as to
To this end the invention comprises a ?lm provide leaders for use both in the camera 100
package or reel in which the usual backing- ., and in the developing-apparatus. The ?lm
strip, extending beyond'the advance end of strip is also provided with a transverse
50 the ?lm-strip so as to constitute a leader for> fastening-strip of gummed paper 17, which
the latter, is provided with a line of demar adheres to the advance~end of the ?lm-strip
cation, preferably in the form of perfora but is left loose from the backing-strip un~ 105
tions or a weakened line of some character, til the ?lm is to be rewound. Prior to, the
2 1,156,922

rewinding operation this fastening - strip The guides 20 and '23, together with the
17 is to be moistened and gummed down adjacent parts of the casing, constitute a re
to the backing-strip, so that usually the ?lm ceptacle into which the backing-strip is
strip and the backing-strip are rewound to— guided, and in which it is retained until
gether. . ' the ?lm has been entirely rewound. After 70
In accordance with the present invention the completion of this operation, however,
the backing-strip is provided with a trans since the backing-strip is cemented to the
verse line of demarcation 18, located ap rear end of the ?lm-strip, the continued ro
proximately at the position of the advance: tation of the spindle causes it to be ?rst dou
10 end of the ?lm-strip as fastened to the back bled back at this end, and then drawn from 75
ing-strip. This line is preferably produced the receptacle in question to the rewinding
by perforating or otherwise weakening the spindle, together with the ,rearmost portion
backing-strip, though any mark plainly visi of the backing-strip which constitutes the
ble to the user may be used for the same leader at the rear end of the ?lm-strip, and
15 puipose. Before sticking the connecting the two parts of the backing-strip are then 80
‘ strip to the backing strip the user severs wound either with or upon the apron so
the leading portion of the backing-strip ‘that at the completion of the rewinding
from the body of the strip, on the line 18, operation no further operation on the part
by either tearing or cutting it, and then of the user is necessary. .Since the backlng
20 sticks the connecting-strip to the leading strip as so wound is not in contact with any 85
portion, and, ?nally, rewinds the backing part of the film, except at the extreme ends
strip on the reel for one or more turns. The of the latter, no staining of the ?lm will
. reel is then placed in the rewinding-appara occur, but if it be considered desirable the
tus in the usual manner, and the backing apron may be carefully unwound enough
25 strip connected with the rewinding-spindle to permit the paper to be detached from the 90
6. When this spindle is turned the part of rear end of the ?lm-strip without exposinr
the backing-strip in advance of the line of the later, so that, except for the forward
severance, which part is designated in the portion or leader 19 of the backing-strip,
drawings by the reference-number 19, con no part of the backing-strip necessarily en
30 stitutes a leader inthe usual manner, but as ters the developing solution. 95
soon as this leader has been sufficiently un While the guide-plates above described
wound from the reel to release the part of constitute simple and effective means for
the backing-strip in the rear of the line of controlling the movement of the backing
severance, the advance-end of this part, be strip during the rewinding operation, the
35 ing loose, can be separated from the ?lm invention is not limited to embodiment in 100
and guided to a position away from the re this speci?c form, but may be embodied in
winding spindle. This operation is facili various other forms within the nature of
tated by the tendency of the paper to sepa the invention as it is de?ned in the follow- _
rate itself from the ?lm-strip, owing to its ing claims.
40 inherent elasticity. To insure such separa l'Ve claim :— 105
‘tion of the paper from the ?lm, and to pro 1. In roll-?lm developing apparatus, the
vide a separate receptacle for the paper, a combination, with a reel~support and a re~
guide 20 is employed, in the form of a metal winding device, of means for engaging the
plate mounted beneath the ?lm-reel on a end of the backing-strip as the ?lm is un
45 pivot-rod 21, about which it may swing up wound from the reel and automatically sep 110
wardly, and a spring 22, cooperating with arating it from the ?lm while the ?lm is re
the guide, presses it lightly against the sur wound.
face of the ?lm‘on the reel. Accordingly, 2. I11 roll-?lm developing apparatus, the
the paper passes in front of the guide 20, as combination, with a reel-supportand a re
50 shown in Fig. 1, and is thus separated from winding glevice, of a guide located adjacent 115
the ?lm. As the rewinding operation is con the ?lm-reel and adapted to enter between
tinued the paper tends to curl up in the the roll and the end of the backing-strip so
space below the reel and the guide 20, and to as to separate the‘ latter automatically from
insure that it shall not be accidentally drawn the ?lm as the ?lm is unwound from the
55 into engagement with the apron and thus reel. ‘ ' 120
wound up therewith, a second guide 23 is 3;‘In roll-?lm developing apparatus, the
employed, in the form of a resilient sheet combination, with a reel-support and a re
metal plate which is ?xed to the bottom of winding device, of a guide located adjacent
the casing and extends upwardly into a po the rewinding device and adapted to de?ect
sition adjacent the stretch of ?lm between the backing-strip from the ?lm during the 125
the ?lm-reel and the rewinding-spindle. As rewinding operation.
the diameter of the roll formed by the 'pa 4. In roll-?lm developing apparatus,the
. per and the ?lm increases, this guide 23 _combination, with a reel-support and a re
yields so as not to interfere with the rewind‘ wipdin device, of means located adjacent
65 ing operation. the rec -support and the rewinding device 180
1,156,922 _ 3

- and constituting a receptacle to receive the leader extending from the ?lm-strip and
backing-strip and retain it While the ?lm is adapted for attachment to the rewinding de
rewound. ' vice; and means for ‘receiving the backing- 10
5. The combination, With a ?lm-reel, a strip and for retaining it separate from the
5-ree1_-supp0rt, and a rewinding device, of a ?lm-strip during the reWinding ofthe latter.
I ?lm-strip; a backing—strip extending onlyv ‘BENJAMIN J. NASIEF.
to the- advance-end of the ?lm-strip; a FARNUM F. DORSEY.

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