222 Reflective Task

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Appendix 2: Reflective task template (Make your own copy of this document and

expand boxes to fit your answers - you will likely require two or three pages total)
Part 1: Choose three or more activities/technologies from the course; think
about why and how you could use them with your own students.
Activity/technology Why would you use this?

Name of technology & Because I think …. and we could use it to….

relevant web link

E.g. Make Beliefs Short paragraph

Comix -

Short paragraph

Part 2: Choose one activity and describe in more detail how you would use it.

Activity chosen (include links to any technology/resources)

What group would you E.g. I would use this with my Primary year 5 class.
use it with? Why?
I think it would be simple enough for them. Revising
prepositions would fit their curriculum and not be too difficult

Level and age group

This activity works well with …. It aligns to curriculum


Activity aims (describe expected outcomes/opportunities for learning and

link these to curriculum and other reasons for doing this

For learners to develop ...
How would you use it? Describe context (where, when, what technology is available)
and interaction patterns (pairs, whole class, etc)
Resources needed, Procedure: Before the lesson; During the
lesson: Step 1, step 2, etc; Optional extension

Resources needed
For this activity, you’ll need:
● ...
● ...
● ...

Before the lesson
1. ...
2. ...
During the lesson
1. ....
2. ....
3. ....
4. …
5. ...
6. …
After the lesson

Learners could also:
● do the activity as a ...
● ...
● ....

To help learners at lower levels, you could ....

Optional extension
Once learners have completed ….
They could ….
Learners can also ....
Anticipated problems & E.g. if the technology didn’t work, we could...
possible solutions

(What could go wrong and

how could you resolve

Part 3: Reflection

What have you learnt What did I want to learn from this course...
from this course and
how can you apply this
in your classes

What did I learn from the course...

How have I (or will I) use what I learnt in my classes….

What do I still want to learn about or try in terms of using ICT

for language learning…

When you have completed this 5 hour reflective practice task email this
document to your course moderator. He/she will send you feedback.

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