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Peer Training Project (75 points)

Steps to Success:

1. Sign up for the topic for which you are most interested in developing a training session. Once
the signups are complete, see who else you will be working with.

2. Research the topic and find at least 3 sources from which you will develop your content.

3. Write 2-3 training objectives for the session. What do participants need to know/practice to be
able to use what you are training them about?

4. Develop your training content to be engaging, informative, and interactive.

5. Develop brief participant materials that will be used during, or serve to supplement your

6. Follow the guidelines we are learning in class for effective training practices while you
facilitate. Be organized and have fun. Begin to develop or adapt your “training persona.”

Take no more than 30 minutes if at all possible. Find a fun or interesting way to present the information.
Students may be asked to take a quiz, use their textbooks or any other pedagogical tool you select. If you
use PowerPoint or other presentational aids, be sure to include a copy of your Powerpoints in the
materials you hand in to me. Be sure the aid is professional in appearance and execution.

Peer Development Topics and Facilitation Dates

1. Creating a Training Portfolio Using an Online Platform (,, etc.)

2. Assessing Organizational Needs (Developing Surveys, Conducting focus groups, etc.)

3. Teaching to the Different “Learning Styles” (requires some myth debunking)

4. Using Games and Exercises in Training

5. Deliberative Dialogue, Facilitating Difficult Conversations

6. Using Space, Old-School Flipcharts, and Markers

7. Using Interactive or New Media (YouTube,, etc.) in Training

8. Creating Safe Space, Engaging Diversity in Training

9. Dealing with Participant Conflict or “Attitude”

10. Using Role Play / Skits in Training

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