Third Grade Demonstration Lesson Plan Unit Goal: Develop Students Ability To Recognize and Understand Various Music

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Third Grade Demonstration Lesson Plan

Unit Goal: Develop students ability to recognize and understand various music

3.2 -The student will read and notate music including: Explaining the
functions of basic music symbols
3.6 - The student will respond to music with movement by
3. performing nonchoreographed and choreographed
movements, including line and circle dances; and
4. performing dances and other music activities from a variety of
3.8 - The student will explore historical and cultural aspects of music by
1. recognizing the four music compositions from four different
periods of music history and identifying the composers; and
2. listening to and describing examples of non-Western
3.14 - The student will examine ways in which the music of a culture reflects
its people's attitudes and beliefs.

Lesson Goal: Develop student awareness of

1. Definition of a Fermata
2. Ability to identify a fermata in music

Timeframe: one class meeting for fermata

Layout: sitting in a circle on the floor - standing a moving in a circle
Materials: stereo, Song (Les Saluts), picture of fermata, maybe map of


3 min.

1) Discuss the history of "lay sah-loo" - comes from Quebec, Canada.

Speak English and French.
5 min.

2) Sing a familiar song with a fermata (happy birthday). Explain that

they already knew what a fermata was- this is just the name
3 min.

3) Listen to Les Saluts and have students raise hands every time they
hear a fermata
2-3 min.

4) Explain the movements of the song (16 beats right, 16 left, 4

forward, 4 backward, 4 forward, (wait for fermata to return to
starting positions)

3 min.

5) Dance Les Saluts in a big circle. If extra time, the dance can be done
again in smaller groups while the teacher observes.

 Observing class understanding of fermatas during hand raising
 Observing classes understanding of waiting for the fermata while we
pause in the middle
 If extra time, observing small groups dancing (ability to wait during

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