ControllerTool Help LIT12011147

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Controller Tool Help

Code No. LIT-12011147

Software Release 10.1
Issued December 5, 2014
Refer to the QuickLIT website for the most up-to-date version of this document.

Getting Started.........................................................................................................................20
About Tool Information.....................................................................................................................20
Configuration and Simulation Tasks....................................................................................................21
Commissioning and Servicing Tasks..................................................................................................21
Using the Help System............................................................................................................22
User Interface...........................................................................................................................26
Commissioning-Only Software............................................................................................................26
Controller Application File (CAF)........................................................................................................26
Logic Blocks........................................................................................................................................27
User Interface......................................................................................................................................27
Menu Bar.............................................................................................................................................33
Classic View Workspace.....................................................................................................................37
Simple View Workspace.....................................................................................................................58
Status Bar...........................................................................................................................................59
Details Dialog Box...............................................................................................................................61
Opening a Controller Application File.................................................................................................61
Changing Modes.................................................................................................................................62
Setting View Menu Options.................................................................................................................62
Printing Summary Reports..................................................................................................................63
Saving a Controller Application File....................................................................................................63
Closing a Controller Application File...................................................................................................63
Exiting the Tool....................................................................................................................................63
User Interface Screen.........................................................................................................................63
Control Tab Screen.............................................................................................................................64
Logic Tab Screen................................................................................................................................64
System Tab Screen.............................................................................................................................64
Features Panel Screen.......................................................................................................................66
Details Dialog Box...............................................................................................................................68
Application Tab Screen.......................................................................................................................69
System Selection Information Tab Screen..........................................................................................69
Summary Report Options...................................................................................................................69
Perspective Components....................................................................................................................72

Controller Tool Help 1

Data Criteria........................................................................................................................................81
Classic View Components..................................................................................................................82
Simple View Components...................................................................................................................85
Associated Perspectives.....................................................................................................................87
Folder Organization ...........................................................................................................................87
Custom Perspectives..........................................................................................................................88
Perspective Layout.............................................................................................................................89
Perspectives Tab.................................................................................................................................90
System Configurations Tab.................................................................................................................91
Working with Components..................................................................................................................93
Working with Perspectives..................................................................................................................97
Perspective Management.................................................................................................................100
Container Screens............................................................................................................................100
Details Data Widget..........................................................................................................................100
Table Data Widget.............................................................................................................................101
Confirm Dialog Box...........................................................................................................................101
Specialized Widgets..........................................................................................................................102
Mass Edit Dialog Box........................................................................................................................102
Upgrading System Files........................................................................................................103
System Module and File Upgrades...................................................................................................103
Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility..................................................................................................................103
Release Enhancements and Compatibility.......................................................................................104
Upgraded Modules............................................................................................................................106
New Modules....................................................................................................................................106
System Selection Updates................................................................................................................107
Backup Files......................................................................................................................................112
Upgrading a System.........................................................................................................................112
Upgrading Multiple Systems Using the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility....................................................112
Rerunning System Selection.............................................................................................................113
Adding New Features to Existing Applications.................................................................................114
Upgrading Custom Control Modules.................................................................................................115
System Upgrade (with Modules) Screen..........................................................................................115
System Upgrade (without Modules) Screen.....................................................................................115
Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility Dialog Box................................................................................................116
Setting Preferences...............................................................................................................117
Object Naming and Signal Preferences............................................................................................117
System Selection Preferences..........................................................................................................119
Unit Preferences...............................................................................................................................119
Import and Export Preferences.........................................................................................................120
Localization Preferences...................................................................................................................121
Setting Default Naming and Signal Preferences...............................................................................122
Filtering Naming and Signal Preferences.........................................................................................123

Help 2
Sorting Naming and Signal Preferences...........................................................................................123
Copying and Pasting Naming and Signal Preferences.....................................................................123
Resetting Naming and Signal Preferences.......................................................................................123
Exporting Naming and Signal Preferences.......................................................................................123
Importing Naming and Signal Preferences.......................................................................................124
Setting Default System Selection Preferences.................................................................................124
Resetting System Selection Preferences..........................................................................................124
Exporting System Selection Preferences..........................................................................................124
Importing System Selection Preferences..........................................................................................125
Setting Localization Preferences......................................................................................................125
Exporting Localization Preferences..................................................................................................125
Importing Localization Preferences...................................................................................................126
Preferences - Naming and Signal.....................................................................................................126
Preferences - System Selection Screen...........................................................................................127
Preferences - Localization Screen....................................................................................................127
Configuring a System............................................................................................................130
System Selection Wizard..................................................................................................................130
System Selection Wizard Help Screen.............................................................................................130
System Types and Configurations....................................................................................................131
System Selection Tree......................................................................................................................131
Details Configuration.........................................................................................................................132
Hardware Definition..........................................................................................................................132
Peer-to-Peer Communication...........................................................................................................132
Control View Connections Option in Logic View...............................................................................134
Selecting a System (Creating a New System)..................................................................................134
Opening a Controller Application File...............................................................................................134
Entering or Viewing Job Information.................................................................................................135
Renaming a System..........................................................................................................................135
Viewing and Modifying System Selections.......................................................................................135
Viewing and Modifying Details..........................................................................................................135
Viewing Controller Information..........................................................................................................137
Viewing and Modifying Connections.................................................................................................137
Viewing and Modifying Parameters..................................................................................................138
Viewing and Modifying State Selection Tables.................................................................................138
Viewing and Modifying a Module’s Logic..........................................................................................139
Changing an Input or Output Signal..................................................................................................139
Adding a Module...............................................................................................................................140
Renaming a Module..........................................................................................................................140
Deleting a Module.............................................................................................................................140
Setting the Actuator Stroke Time......................................................................................................140
Logic View Steps...............................................................................................................................140
Creating Custom Applications...........................................................................................................153
Creating a Sideloop..........................................................................................................................206
Setting Up Peer-to-Peer Communication..........................................................................................207
Disabling Peer-to-Peer Communication............................................................................................208

Help 3
New System......................................................................................................................................208
System Selection Wizard..................................................................................................................210
Controller Information Wizard...........................................................................................................210
Control View......................................................................................................................................211
Logic View.........................................................................................................................................214
Expose Ports for Connection............................................................................................................219
Select Reference Dialog...................................................................................................................219
Confirm (Delete)................................................................................................................................220
Rename (Module/Block)...................................................................................................................220
Job Information.................................................................................................................................220
Configuring Advanced Controller Features........................................................................221
Intrinsic Alarming..............................................................................................................................221
Global Calendar................................................................................................................................221
SA Bus Diagnostics..........................................................................................................................222
Viewing Advanced Controller Information.........................................................................................223
Editing Advanced Controller Information..........................................................................................223
Setting up Device Notification...........................................................................................................223
Setting up Alarms..............................................................................................................................224
Working with Trends.........................................................................................................................227
Advanced Controller Information Screen..........................................................................................229
Intrinsic Alarming Screens................................................................................................................233
Scheduling and Calendar Screens...................................................................................................240
Trend Screens...................................................................................................................................243
Configuring the Local Controller Display............................................................................246
Local Controller Display Configuration..............................................................................................246
Selecting Points to Appear on Display Pages...................................................................................246
Selecting Points to Appear on Idle Page..........................................................................................246
Specifying User Names and Descriptions.........................................................................................247
Selecting Points for Read-Only Display............................................................................................247
Defining Display Page Display Order................................................................................................247
Defining Idle Page Display Order......................................................................................................248
Specifying Local Controller Display Settings....................................................................................248
Specifying Display Timeout Settings.................................................................................................248
Defining Display Authorization..........................................................................................................249
Display Tab........................................................................................................................................249
Define Idle Order...............................................................................................................................251
Simulating a System..............................................................................................................252
Simulation Overview.........................................................................................................................252

Help 4
Break Conditions...............................................................................................................................252
Starting Simulation............................................................................................................................252
Stopping Simulation..........................................................................................................................252
Viewing and Modifying Parameters..................................................................................................253
Viewing the State Table.....................................................................................................................253
Viewing Connections.........................................................................................................................253
Viewing and Modifying Details..........................................................................................................253
Showing and Hiding Involvement......................................................................................................253
Commanding Items...........................................................................................................................253
Commanding Network Inputs and Network Outputs.........................................................................253
Viewing Logic....................................................................................................................................254
Viewing and Modifying Details..........................................................................................................254
Working with the Simulation Debugging Console.............................................................................254
Working with Break Conditions.........................................................................................................254
Simulation Screen.............................................................................................................................255
Command Dialog Box.......................................................................................................................256
Break Conditions Dialog Box............................................................................................................256
Simulation Debugging Dialog Box....................................................................................................257
Simulation Exit - Confirmation Dialog Box........................................................................................257
Defining Hardware.................................................................................................................258
Hardware Definition Tabs..................................................................................................................258
Hardware Considerations.................................................................................................................258
Defining Hardware............................................................................................................................259
Hardware Definition Tabs...............................................................................................................267
Controller Selection Tab....................................................................................................................267
Point Assignment Tab.......................................................................................................................270
Network Settings Tab........................................................................................................................271
Packages Tab...................................................................................................................................273
Default Controller Tab.......................................................................................................................274
Loading Devices....................................................................................................................275
Load Wizard......................................................................................................................................275
Upload from Device..........................................................................................................................275
Download to Device..........................................................................................................................275
Code Download Order......................................................................................................................276
Switch Communication Mode Workflow............................................................................................276
Enabling the Radio Code Load Option.............................................................................................277
Uploading a Device...........................................................................................................................278
Downloading a Device......................................................................................................................278
Load Device Wizard..........................................................................................................................280
Working with the Trunk Utilities...........................................................................................283

Help 5
Getting Started with Trunk Utilities....................................................................................................283
Updates to the Trunk Utilities Workflow............................................................................................283
Download CAF and Attributes Trunk Utility.......................................................................................285
Download Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility......................................................................................285
Read/Write Attributes Online Utility...................................................................................................286
Manage Attribute Templates ............................................................................................................286
Download ZFR Trunk Utility..............................................................................................................286
Upload Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility...........................................................................................286
Upgrade Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility.........................................................................................287
Downloading a Single CAF and Attributes to Devices......................................................................287
Downloading Multiple Controllers to Devices....................................................................................289
Reading and Writing Attributes Online..............................................................................................290
Managing Attribute Templates..........................................................................................................291
Downloading ZFR Devices...............................................................................................................292
Uploading Multiple Controllers..........................................................................................................293
Upgrading Multiple Controllers..........................................................................................................294
Recovering a Trunk from a Multiple Upgrade or Download Failure..................................................295
Trunk Utilities - Download CAF and Attributes Wizard.....................................................................296
Trunk Utilities - Download Multiple Controllers Wizard.....................................................................299
Trunk Utilities - Read/Write Attributes Wizard...................................................................................301
Trunk Utilities - Manage Attribute Template Tool...............................................................................302
Select Attribute Dialog Box...............................................................................................................302
Trunk Utilities - Download ZFR Wizard.............................................................................................303
Manage Host Name and IP Address List Dialog Box.......................................................................304
Trunk Utilities - Upload Multiple Controllers Wizard..........................................................................305
Trunk Utilities - Upgrade Multiple Controllers Wizard.......................................................................307
Commissioning a System.....................................................................................................309
System and Device Connections......................................................................................................309
Balancing Feature.............................................................................................................................309
Test Mode..........................................................................................................................................309
EWMA Diagnostics...........................................................................................................................309
Making Connections.........................................................................................................................310
Commissioning a Device..................................................................................................................311
Viewing and Modifying Attributes......................................................................................................311
Viewing Connections.........................................................................................................................311
Control View Steps............................................................................................................................311
Logic View Steps...............................................................................................................................313
Working with the Test Mode..............................................................................................................313
Using the Balancing Feature.............................................................................................................314
Exiting Commissioning Mode............................................................................................................315
Commissioning Device Wizard.........................................................................................................315
Controller Information Dialog Box.....................................................................................................317
Show Involvement Dialog Box..........................................................................................................318
Balancer Override SD Module Balancing Tasks...............................................................................318
Box Flow Test Overview........................................................................................................320

Help 6
Box Flow Test....................................................................................................................................320
Setting Starting Positions..................................................................................................................320
Performing a Box Flow Test..............................................................................................................320
Reading Results................................................................................................................................321
Saving the Results............................................................................................................................322
Canceling a Box Flow Test................................................................................................................322
Box Flow Test Screen.......................................................................................................................322
ZFR Checkout Tool (ZCT)......................................................................................................325
Hardware and Software Requirements.............................................................................................325
ZCT User Interface...........................................................................................................................325
Opening the ZCT..............................................................................................................................337
Scanning Your ZFR Network.............................................................................................................337
Adding a Device to the Scan Results................................................................................................338
Removing Devices from the Scan Results........................................................................................338
Generating a Report of Scan Results...............................................................................................338
Investigating Status Issues...............................................................................................................339
Pinging a Device...............................................................................................................................339
Clearing Statistics for a Specific Device...........................................................................................339
Clearing Statistics for All Devices.....................................................................................................339
Optimizing the Network.....................................................................................................................339
Reforming the Network.....................................................................................................................340
Importing Information from a Point Schedule....................................................................................340
Saving a Session..............................................................................................................................341
Network Information..........................................................................................................................341
Status Tab.........................................................................................................................................342
Diagnostic Tab..................................................................................................................................343
Routing Tab.......................................................................................................................................345
Device Tab........................................................................................................................................347
Point Schedule Fields.......................................................................................................................349
Import Point Schedule Dialog Box....................................................................................................349
Scan Configuration Dialog Box.........................................................................................................350
Performing a ZFR Channel Configuration...........................................................................351
Performing a ZFR Channel Configuration.........................................................................................351
ZFR Channel Configuration Wizard - Select ZFR Country Code......................................................351
Application Descriptions................................................................................................................353
Application Overview........................................................................................................................353
Core Logic Modules..........................................................................................................................353
Mechanical System Selection...........................................................................................................353
Control Logic Selection.....................................................................................................................354

Help 7
Air Handling Unit Applications.............................................................................................355
Mixed Air Single Duct Applications..............................................................................................356
Mixed Air Single Duct Core Logic.....................................................................................................356
Mixed Air Single Duct Mechanical System Selection........................................................................356
Mixed Air Single Duct Control Logic Selection..................................................................................377
Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications.................................................................................................381
Mixed Air Dual Duct Core Logic........................................................................................................381
Mixed Air Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection..........................................................................381
Mixed Air Dual Duct Control Logic Selection....................................................................................397
100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications................................................................................401
100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Core Logic........................................................................................401
100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Mechanical System Selection..........................................................401
100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Control Logic Selection....................................................................419
100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications...................................................................................422
100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Core Logic..........................................................................................422
100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection.............................................................422
100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Control Logic Selection.......................................................................435
Rooftop Unit Applications..............................................................................................................441
Rooftop Core Logic...........................................................................................................................441
Rooftop Mechanical System Selection.............................................................................................441
Rooftop Control Logic Selection.......................................................................................................448
Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications.............................................................................451
Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Core Logic.....................................................................................451
Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Mechanical System Selection.......................................................451
Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Control Logic Selection.................................................................467
Fan Coil Applications............................................................................................................471
Fan Coil Core Logic........................................................................................................................471
Modules (FC)....................................................................................................................................471
Fan Coil Mechanical System Selection.........................................................................................472
Supply Fan (FC)................................................................................................................................472
Coils (FC)..........................................................................................................................................473
Optional Equipment (FC)..................................................................................................................473
Sensors (FC).....................................................................................................................................474
Monitored Safeties (FC)....................................................................................................................475
Misc (FC)...........................................................................................................................................475
Position Feedback (FC)....................................................................................................................475
N2 Compatibility Options (FC)..........................................................................................................475
Fan Coil Control Logic Selection..................................................................................................476
Occupancy (FC)................................................................................................................................476
Optional Features (FC).....................................................................................................................477
Heat Pump Applications........................................................................................................478
Heat Pump Core Logic...................................................................................................................478
Modules (HP)....................................................................................................................................478
Heat Pump Mechanical System Selection....................................................................................479
Supply Fan (HP)...............................................................................................................................479
Exhaust Fan (HP).............................................................................................................................479
Coils (HP)..........................................................................................................................................480
Optional Equipment (HP)..................................................................................................................481
Sensors (HP).....................................................................................................................................481
Monitored Safeties (HP)....................................................................................................................482
Misc (HP)..........................................................................................................................................482

Help 8
Position Feedback (HP)....................................................................................................................482
N2 Compatibility Options (HP)..........................................................................................................482
Heat Pump Control Logic Selection..............................................................................................483
Occupancy (HP)................................................................................................................................483
Economizer Suitability (HP)..............................................................................................................483
Reversing Valve Output(s) (HP)........................................................................................................483
Optional Features (HP).....................................................................................................................484
Unit Ventilator Applications..................................................................................................485
Unit Ventilator Mechanical System Selection..............................................................................485
Supply Fan (UV)...............................................................................................................................485
Coils (UV)..........................................................................................................................................485
Optional Equipment (UV)..................................................................................................................487
Sensors (UV).....................................................................................................................................487
Monitored Safeties (UV)....................................................................................................................487
Misc (UV)..........................................................................................................................................488
Position Feedback (UV)....................................................................................................................488
N2 Compatibility Options (UV)..........................................................................................................488
Unit Ventilator Control Logic Selection........................................................................................489
ASHRAE Cycle Control (UV)............................................................................................................489
Occupancy (UV)................................................................................................................................489
Economizer Suitability (UV)..............................................................................................................489
Optional Features (UV).....................................................................................................................490
Central Plant Applications....................................................................................................491
Central Cooling Applications.........................................................................................................492
Central Cooling Core Logic...............................................................................................................492
Central Cooling Mechanical System Selection.................................................................................492
Central Cooling Control Logic Selection...........................................................................................501
Central Heating Applications.........................................................................................................503
Central Heating Core Logic...............................................................................................................503
Central Heating Mechanical System Selection.................................................................................503
Central Heating Control Logic Selection...........................................................................................511
Simple Central Plant Applications................................................................................................514
Simple Central Plant Control Logic...................................................................................................514
Simple Central Plant Mechanical System Selection.........................................................................514
Simple Central Plant Control Logic Selection...................................................................................518
Central Cooling with Optimization Applications.................................................................521
Central Cooling with Optimization Mechanical System Selection.............................................521
Cooling System Enable (CPO).........................................................................................................521
Plant Layout Configuration (CPO)....................................................................................................521
Chillers (CPO)...................................................................................................................................533
Primary Chill Water Pumps (CPO)....................................................................................................537
Primary Cond Water Pumps (CPO)..................................................................................................544
Condenser Water System (CPO)......................................................................................................550
Secondary Variable Speed Chill Water Pumping (CPO)...................................................................558
Heat Exchangers (CPO)...................................................................................................................563
Central Cooling with Optimization Control Logic Selection.......................................................566
Chiller Options (CPO).......................................................................................................................566
Condenser Options (CPO)................................................................................................................567
Basin Options (CPO)........................................................................................................................567
Secondary Chill Water Options (CPO)..............................................................................................567
Heat Exchanger Options (CPO)........................................................................................................568

Help 9
General Options (CPO).....................................................................................................................568
Optimization Options (CPO).............................................................................................................568
Sideloop Applications...........................................................................................................569
Sideloop Selection..........................................................................................................................569
Feedback Control..............................................................................................................................569
Analog to Binary Control...................................................................................................................571
Binary Interlock Control.....................................................................................................................571
Create State Selection to Interlock this Side Loop............................................................................572
Position Feedback (Sideloop)...........................................................................................................572
Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications.....................................573
Custom/Monitoring Mechanical System Selection......................................................................573
Zone Items (Custom/Monitoring)......................................................................................................573
Outdoor Air Items (Custom/Monitoring)............................................................................................574
Duct Items (Custom/Monitoring).......................................................................................................575
Pipe Mounted Items (Custom/Monitoring)........................................................................................576
Generator Items (Custom/Monitoring)..............................................................................................577
Electrical Power Items (Custom/Monitoring).....................................................................................578
Medical Gas Items (Custom/Monitoring)...........................................................................................579
Domestic Water Items (Custom/Monitoring).....................................................................................579
Light Items (Custom/Monitoring).......................................................................................................580
Sand Filter Items (Custom/Monitoring).............................................................................................580
Natural Gas Items (Custom/Monitoring)...........................................................................................581
Misc Temps (Custom/Monitoring).....................................................................................................582
Misc Alarm Monitoring (Custom/Monitoring).....................................................................................582
Misc Status Items (Custom/Monitoring)............................................................................................585
Custom/Monitoring Control Logic Selection................................................................................585
Command Motor (Custom/Monitoring)..............................................................................................585
Command General Equipment or Lighting (Custom/Monitoring)......................................................587
Command Heat Tape (Custom/Monitoring)......................................................................................587
Voltage Output (Custom/Monitoring).................................................................................................588
Current Output (Custom/Monitoring).................................................................................................588
VAV Applications....................................................................................................................589
VAV Single Duct Applications........................................................................................................590
VAV Single Duct Mechanical System Selection................................................................................590
VAV Single Duct Control Logic Selection..........................................................................................594
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications.............................................................................................596
VAV Slave Single Duct Mechanical System Selection......................................................................596
VAV Slave Single Duct Control Logic Selection................................................................................598
VAV Dual Duct Applications...........................................................................................................599
VAV Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection...................................................................................599
VAV Dual Duct Control Logic Selection.............................................................................................602
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications................................................................................................605
VAV Slave Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection........................................................................605
VAV Slave Dual Duct Control Logic Selection...................................................................................606
Master and Slave VAV Box Peer-to-Peer Communication..........................................................608
VAV Master and Slave Single Duct Peer References.......................................................................608
VAV Master and Slave Dual Duct Peer References.........................................................................609
N2 Compatibility Options......................................................................................................611
System Selection Tree Compatibility Option.....................................................................................611
N2 Mapping Tab................................................................................................................................611

Help 10
Device Types.....................................................................................................................................614
N2 Compatibility Network Inputs.......................................................................................................615
N2 Compatibility Network Outputs....................................................................................................616
N2 Compatibility Modules Overview.................................................................................................617
N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input....................................................................................................618
N2 Box Heating Mode Output...........................................................................................................620
N2 Common Outputs........................................................................................................................623
N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC................................................................................................626
N2 Occupancy Mode Input...............................................................................................................629
N2 Flow Override..............................................................................................................................631
N2 Occupancy Mode Input - ASC.....................................................................................................632
N2 Occupancy Mode Output.............................................................................................................633
N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC....................................................................................................634
Unit Enable Determination ASC........................................................................................................635
N2 VAV Box Mode Input....................................................................................................................638
N2 VAV SD Mode Input.....................................................................................................................640
Creating a New N2 Mapping Object.................................................................................................643
Viewing N2 Point Mappings..............................................................................................................643
Editing N2 Point Mappings ...............................................................................................................644
Adding and Removing N2 Points......................................................................................................644
Creating a PRN or DDL File .............................................................................................................644
Removing an N2 Mapping Object ....................................................................................................645
N2 Mapping Tab................................................................................................................................646
Module Descriptions.......................................................................................................................648
Module Category Overview...............................................................................................................648
Module Group Overview...................................................................................................................648
Module Overview..............................................................................................................................649
Module Use in Applications...............................................................................................................649
Primary States...................................................................................................................................649
Network Input Modules.........................................................................................................651
Generator Interface Modules.........................................................................................................651
Enable Modules...............................................................................................................................653
Sensor and Setpoint Modules.......................................................................................................655
Rotation and Switch Modules........................................................................................................662
Central Plant Interconnection Modules........................................................................................664
Generic (Add New) Modules..........................................................................................................670
Input Modules.........................................................................................................................671
Miscellaneous Input Modules...............................................................................................672
Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules.........................................................................................673
Alarm Management.........................................................................................................................673
Alarm AND........................................................................................................................................673
Alarm OR..........................................................................................................................................674
Central Plant....................................................................................................................................676
3rd Party Enable...............................................................................................................................676
Capacity Calculation.........................................................................................................................678
Help 11
Chiller Forced Upstage.....................................................................................................................679
Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset.................................................................................................680
CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset.............................................................................682
CW Temperature Diff Calc................................................................................................................684
Device Alarm.....................................................................................................................................686
Equipment Interlock..........................................................................................................................688
Flow Direction Determination............................................................................................................694
Load Calculator.................................................................................................................................695
Load Filter.........................................................................................................................................696
PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position....................................................................................699
Status OR..........................................................................................................................................701
Waterside Economizer Suitability......................................................................................................704
Device Enable..................................................................................................................................706
Economizer Availability.....................................................................................................................706
Economizer Availability RA-T Compare............................................................................................709
Device Mode Determination...........................................................................................................710
Analog Status Determination............................................................................................................710
Dual Fan Command OR...................................................................................................................712
Dual Fan Speed High Select.............................................................................................................713
Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination..............................................................................................714
Flow Status Determination................................................................................................................716
Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel..................................................................................717
Staged Device Enable Determination Series....................................................................................718
Status Alarm Determination..............................................................................................................719
SummerWinter Mode Determination.................................................................................................722
WarmupCooldown Determination.....................................................................................................723
Fan Lockout.....................................................................................................................................724
Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout..............................................................................................................725
Unocc Heating Fan Lockout..............................................................................................................725
Flow Calculation..............................................................................................................................726
Flow Calculation................................................................................................................................726
Flow Differential Calculation..............................................................................................................730
Flow Sum Calculation.......................................................................................................................731
Minimum Flow Calculation................................................................................................................732
Required Flow...................................................................................................................................733
Miscellaneous Calculation.............................................................................................................733
Degrees to Direction.........................................................................................................................733
Equipment Count..............................................................................................................................736
Setpoint Calculation.......................................................................................................................737
Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2.............................................................................................737
Damper Minimum Position Determination........................................................................................738
Pressure Request Determination......................................................................................................739
Temperature Request Determination................................................................................................740
Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2........................................................................................742
Discharge Air Setpoint Determination...............................................................................................743
Discharge Air Setpoint Reset............................................................................................................744
Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation...............................................................................................745
Setpoint Reset by OA.......................................................................................................................746
Summer Winter Compensation.........................................................................................................747
VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation........................................................................749

Help 12
VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination...................................................................................750
VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation..........................................................................751
VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination................................................................................753
ZN-T Setpoint Determination............................................................................................................755
Sideloop Signal Conditioning........................................................................................................759
Sideloop Average Inputs...................................................................................................................759
Sideloop Maximum Selector.............................................................................................................760
Sideloop Minimum Selector..............................................................................................................761
Sideloop Sum Inputs.........................................................................................................................762
Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float)...................................................................................................763
Damper Trouble Detection.............................................................................................................764
Damper Trouble Detection................................................................................................................765
State Generation Modules.....................................................................................................767
Alarm Management.........................................................................................................................767
Dual Fan Alarms...............................................................................................................................767
Latching Alarm Manager...................................................................................................................768
Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm...........................................................................................................772
Central Plant....................................................................................................................................773
CW Sequencer..................................................................................................................................773
Device Enable Determination...........................................................................................................776
Central Heating Low Temp Control...................................................................................................777
Load Calculation v2..........................................................................................................................779
Count On Inputs................................................................................................................................782
Device Availability Calculation (Count True Inputs)..........................................................................782
PID Sequencer..................................................................................................................................783
Plant Sequencing-Building Load.......................................................................................................784
Plant Sequencing-Decouple.............................................................................................................786
Plant Sequencing-Discrete...............................................................................................................787
Plant Sequencing-Modulating...........................................................................................................789
Plant Sequencing-OA-T....................................................................................................................791
System Enable..................................................................................................................................792
Tower Sequencing-1 Speed v50.......................................................................................................793
Tower Sequencing-2 Speed v50.......................................................................................................795
Tower Sequencing-3 Speed v50.......................................................................................................797
Tower Sequencing-Vernier v50.........................................................................................................799
Tower Start Determination................................................................................................................801
Waterside Economizer Sequencer ...................................................................................................802
Device Enable..................................................................................................................................803
Pass Through (Device Enable).........................................................................................................804
Availability Determination..................................................................................................................804
Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination...........................................................................807
Heat Recovery Suitability Determination..........................................................................................810
General Sequencing.......................................................................................................................811
Analog Override Check.....................................................................................................................812
Binary Override Check 01, 04, and 08..............................................................................................815
Coil Circulation Pump Sequencing...................................................................................................817
Dehumidification Sequencing v3.......................................................................................................818
Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing......................................................................................................819
Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL.................................................................................822
Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing..............................................................................................824

Help 13
Humidification Sequencing...............................................................................................................826
Loss of Airflow Sequencing...............................................................................................................827
PID Tuning Reset..............................................................................................................................829
Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA)...........................................................................................831
Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air)...........................................................................................834
Occupied Sequencing....................................................................................................................838
Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OADD)......................................................................................838
Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD)......................................................................................841
Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD)................................................................................................843
Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR)......................................................................................845
Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) v51..........................................................................................847
Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) v51................................................................................849
Occupied Sequencing (Single Device).............................................................................................851
Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC/AHU) v51......................................................................................853
Occupied Zone Sequencing (HP) v51..............................................................................................855
Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) v51.................................................................................857
Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 2) v51.................................................................................859
Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) v51.................................................................................861
Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle W) v51................................................................................862
Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) v51.............................................................................................864
Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR...........................................................................................866
Pass Through..................................................................................................................................868
Pass Through (Boolean, Enum)........................................................................................................868
State Determination........................................................................................................................870
Application Mode Determination.......................................................................................................870
Energy Hold Off Determination.........................................................................................................871
Fan Alarm Status..............................................................................................................................873
Fan Determination (Terminal Units)..................................................................................................874
Occupancy Mode Determination.......................................................................................................876
Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ)..............................................................................................879
System Mode Determination.............................................................................................................880
Unit Enable Determination................................................................................................................881
Zone Low Limit Determination..........................................................................................................884
Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float)...................................................................................................885
Unoccupied Sequencing................................................................................................................886
Unoccupied Sequencing (Common) v100........................................................................................886
Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU) v100...............................................................................................888
Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air ZN-T)...............................................................................891
Unoccupied Sequencing (MZ) v100..................................................................................................893
Unoccupied Sequencing (UV) v100..................................................................................................895
Unoccupied Sequencing (VAV).........................................................................................................897
VAV Specific Sequencing...............................................................................................................899
Autocalibration Sequence v50..........................................................................................................899
Balancer Override.............................................................................................................................901
Box Flow Test....................................................................................................................................906
Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel..................................................................................908
Staged Device Enable Determination Series....................................................................................909
WarmupCooldown Sequencing.........................................................................................................910
VAV Fan Determination...................................................................................................................911
Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Flow Based)..................................................................................912

Help 14
Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Temp Based)................................................................................913
Fan Determination (VAV Series).......................................................................................................914
Output Control Modules........................................................................................................917
Cascaded Zone Control..................................................................................................................917
Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination..............................................................................................917
Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination v51.......................................................................919
Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) v51...................................................................................................924
Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) v51................................................................................................926
HD Constant Flow Setpoint...............................................................................................................929
Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control..................................................................................................930
Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct.................................................................................931
Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR...................................................................................................933
Central Plant....................................................................................................................................936
Block Protect.....................................................................................................................................936
Chiller Output Control.......................................................................................................................938
Chiller Selector..................................................................................................................................939
Cooling Tower Control.......................................................................................................................956
Cooling Tower PID Control v61.........................................................................................................959
CPO30 Twr Run Switch....................................................................................................................961
Cooling Tower Selector.....................................................................................................................961
Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination......................................................................................966
Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control v51...............................................................................967
Heat Exchanger Selector..................................................................................................................969
Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit.........................................................................................976
Plant Control.....................................................................................................................................979
Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit v61...................................................................................981
Pump Control v2...............................................................................................................................985
Pump Output Control........................................................................................................................987
Pump Selector...................................................................................................................................989
Pump Startup Determination.............................................................................................................998
Ramp to Command with Limit...........................................................................................................999
Rotation Small.................................................................................................................................1001
Secondary Pump PID v50...............................................................................................................1004
Sequenced Output..........................................................................................................................1007
Tower Control v2.............................................................................................................................1007
Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61..........................................................................................1009
VF Primary Min Flow Control..........................................................................................................1012
VF Primary Min Flow Control v61...................................................................................................1014
Damper Control.............................................................................................................................1017
Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W v51..................................................................................1017
Damper Control with Low Limit v51................................................................................................1020
Damper Control - AHU Econ........................................................................................................1023
Damper Control for Economizer v50...............................................................................................1023
Damper Control for Relief Fan v50.................................................................................................1026
Damper Control for Volume Matching v50......................................................................................1030
Damper Control - AHU Min OA....................................................................................................1032
Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow v50..................................................................1033
Min OA Damper 2 Position.............................................................................................................1034
Min OA Damper Proportional Output..............................................................................................1036
Min OA Fan Constant Capacity......................................................................................................1037

Help 15
Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control v50............................................................................1039
Damper Control - VAV...................................................................................................................1042
Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) v51................................................................................................1042
Damper Control (VAV Supply) v51..................................................................................................1045
Damper and Fan Control..............................................................................................................1048
Module Use in Applications (Damper and Fan Control)..................................................................1048
Attributes (Damper and Fan Control)..............................................................................................1049
Device OR......................................................................................................................................1049
Module Use in Applications (Device OR)........................................................................................1049
Attributes (Device OR)....................................................................................................................1050
Dual Pump Sequencer..................................................................................................................1050
Module Use in Applications (Dual Pump Sequencer).....................................................................1050
Attributes (Dual Pump Sequencer).................................................................................................1051
Fan Control....................................................................................................................................1052
Fan Proportional.............................................................................................................................1052
Parallel Fan Control........................................................................................................................1054
Single Speed Fan Control...............................................................................................................1054
Fan Three Speed............................................................................................................................1055
Fan VAV Series...............................................................................................................................1058
Fan Control - AHU.........................................................................................................................1059
Dual Fan Lead-Lag.........................................................................................................................1059
Dual Fan Run-Standby...................................................................................................................1060
Dual Fan Run Together...................................................................................................................1062
Fan Single Speed...........................................................................................................................1063
Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control v50...............................................................................1064
Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL v50............................................................................................1066
Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control...............................................................................................1068
Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL v50......................................................................................1070
Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking.....................................................................................................1073
Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control...............................................................................1075
Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL v50..............................................................................1077
Fan Supply Duct Static Control.......................................................................................................1080
Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL v50................................................................................1083
Heating & Cooling Control - 2 Pipe.............................................................................................1085
2 Pipe 2 Position Valve v51.............................................................................................................1085
2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51...........................................................................1089
2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit v50..........................................................................1093
2 Pipe Proportional Valve v51.........................................................................................................1097
2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51........................................................................1101
2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51.................................................................................1106
Heating & Cooling Control - Cooling..........................................................................................1110
Cooling 2 Position Valve v51..........................................................................................................1110
Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification v50.............................................................1113
Cooling Proportional Valve v51.......................................................................................................1116
Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification v51....................................................................1118
Cooling Staged Outputs v51...........................................................................................................1121
Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification v50........................................................................1124
Heating & Cooling Control - Heat Pump.....................................................................................1127
Heat Pump Staged Compressors v51............................................................................................1127
Heating & Cooling Control - Heat Recovery...............................................................................1131
Heat Recovery Glycol Loop v51.....................................................................................................1131

Help 16
Heat Recovery Wheel v50..............................................................................................................1134
Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers v50................................................................1137
Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers v50..........................................................................1140
Heating & Cooling Control - Heating...........................................................................................1144
Heating 2 Position Valve v51..........................................................................................................1144
Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51.........................................................................1147
Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51...............................................................1150
Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit v50........................................................................1152
Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51....................................................................1155
Heating Proportional Valve v51.......................................................................................................1160
Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51......................................................................1162
Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51...............................................................................1165
Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit v50..............................................................................1169
Heating Staged Outputs v51...........................................................................................................1172
Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit v51..........................................................................1175
Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit v50...................................................................................1178
HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO v50.......................................................................................1181
Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control v51............................................................1184
Staged Box Heating Control v50.....................................................................................................1188
Humidity Control...........................................................................................................................1190
Humidification Packaged Unit v51..................................................................................................1190
Humidification Proportional Steam Output v51...............................................................................1193
Humidification Scrubber Output v51...............................................................................................1195
Humidification Staged Outputs v50.................................................................................................1199
Lighting Control............................................................................................................................1202
Motor Protection...........................................................................................................................1204
Blocking Protection.........................................................................................................................1204
Multizone Zone Control................................................................................................................1207
Zone Damper v50...........................................................................................................................1207
Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve v50................................................................................1209
Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve v51............................................................................1212
Zone Damper w Staged Heating v50..............................................................................................1216
MSC 01 through MSC 12................................................................................................................1223
Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16.............................................................................................1233
Global Sequencer...........................................................................................................................1241
Sideloop Binary Control v2.............................................................................................................1268
Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog................................................................................................1269
Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary.................................................................................................1270
Sideloop PI Proportional Output v51...............................................................................................1271
Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100.............................................................................................1274
Sideloop PI with Reset Proportional Output v61.............................................................................1277
Sideloop PI Staged Output v51.......................................................................................................1280
Sideloop PI with Reset Staged Output v51.....................................................................................1283
Sideloop Reset Output....................................................................................................................1286
Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float).................................................................................................1287
Totalization (Enum Runtime)...........................................................................................................1297

Help 17
Network Output Modules....................................................................................................1301
Output Control Interface Modules...............................................................................................1301
Central Plant Interconnection Modules......................................................................................1301
VAV Application Interconnection Modules.................................................................................1305
Generic (Add New) Modules........................................................................................................1306
Output Modules....................................................................................................................1307
Miscellaneous Output Modules..........................................................................................1308
Input and Output Objects....................................................................................................1309
Command Priority Levels.............................................................................................................1309
Object Attributes...........................................................................................................................1310
Binary to Multistate Enum Set Mapping Rules..........................................................................1311
Accumulator (Counter Input) Object..................................................................................1313
Accumulator (Counter Input) Attributes.....................................................................................1313
Accumulator (Counter Input) Commands..................................................................................1315
Analog Input Object.............................................................................................................1317
Analog Input Attributes................................................................................................................1317
Analog Input Commands.............................................................................................................1323
Analog Output Object..........................................................................................................1324
Analog Output Attributes.............................................................................................................1324
Analog Output Commands..........................................................................................................1327
Analog Value Object............................................................................................................1328
Analog Value Attributes...............................................................................................................1328
Analog Value Commands.............................................................................................................1332
Binary Input Object..............................................................................................................1333
Binary Input Attributes.................................................................................................................1333
Binary Input Commands..............................................................................................................1334
Binary Output Object...........................................................................................................1336
Binary Output Attributes..............................................................................................................1336
Binary Output Commands...........................................................................................................1341
Binary Value Object.............................................................................................................1343
Binary Value Attributes................................................................................................................1343
Binary Value Commands..............................................................................................................1346
Multistate Value Object........................................................................................................1347
Multistate Value Attributes...........................................................................................................1347
Multistate Value Commands........................................................................................................1350
Position Adjust Output Object............................................................................................1351
Position Adjust Output Attributes...............................................................................................1351
Position Adjust Output Commands............................................................................................1354
Activity Inputs...............................................................................................................................1355
Activity Outputs............................................................................................................................1355
Expression (Boolean Output)..........................................................................................................1358
Expression (Float Output)...............................................................................................................1359
Line Segment..................................................................................................................................1362
Totalization (Analog Integration).....................................................................................................1364
Totalization (Boolean Event)...........................................................................................................1365

Help 18
Totalization (Boolean Runtime).......................................................................................................1366
Totalization (Enum Event)...............................................................................................................1367
Totalization (Enum Runtime)...........................................................................................................1369
Container Block............................................................................................................................1372
Lead Compensator.........................................................................................................................1373
MSC Pre-Processor........................................................................................................................1374
Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control............................................................................1376
PID Pre-Processor..........................................................................................................................1378
Multi-State Controller...................................................................................................................1395
Absolute Humidity...........................................................................................................................1395
Dew Point........................................................................................................................................1396
Free Cooling is Available................................................................................................................1397
Relative Humidity............................................................................................................................1398
Wet Bulb..........................................................................................................................................1399
Execution Status.............................................................................................................................1403
Last Value (Boolean).......................................................................................................................1404
Last Value (Enum)...........................................................................................................................1405
Last Value (Float)............................................................................................................................1406
Rate Limiter.....................................................................................................................................1407
Logic Blocks Used as Modules...................................................................................................1410
Module Use in Application (Add).....................................................................................................1410
Module Use in Application (MAX)...................................................................................................1410
Module Use in Application (MUX)...................................................................................................1410

Help 19
Getting Started
This section provides information to get started using the software, including basic information about the application
and an overview of common tasks you can perform using the tool. Gather any information you need to complete
these tasks before beginning.
About Tool Information provides basic tool application information.
The tasks are categorized as follows:
• Configuration and Simulation Tasks - Configuration and simulation tasks include creating and configuring your
system, simulating your system, and defining its associated hardware.
• Commissioning and Servicing Tasks - Commissioning and servicing tasks include loading and commissioning
For information on upgrading your system to the next release, see the Upgrading System Files section.

About Tool Information

The available features of the tool can differ depending on the version you are using. The Controller Tool includes
an About Tool dialog box that provides basic information on your application. You can view this dialog box by selecting
the Help menu, then About Tool. The following table provides descriptions of the information in this dialog box.
Figure 1: About Tool Dialog Box

Table 1: About Tool Dialog Box

Field Description
Tool Version Indicates the build of the tool.
File Information Version Indicates the current database version of the opened caf file. If no caf file is open, the description is
File Not Open.
Version Indicates the database version.
Build Date Indicates the date of the tool build.
Last Patch Install Date Indicates the date the last patch was installed. If no patch is installed, the description is None.
Patch Name Indicates the name of the patch.
Communication Libraries Indicates the build supporting communications.

Controller Tool Help: Getting Started 20

Table 1: About Tool Dialog Box
Field Description
Class Cache/Simulator Indicates the build containing the block information and simulation engine.
XML/MOI/PSS Indicates the build used for XML data control, Metasys Object Instance (MOI) conversion, and
Conversions Persistent Storage (PSS) in controller. PSS saves changes made to the controller during


Configuration and Simulation Tasks

Configuration and simulation tasks include the following:
1. Set or import naming and signal preferences and System Selection Wizard defaults if you plan to add a new
system (optional) (Setting Preferences).
2. Create a new system or open an existing system (Controller Application File) (Configuring a System).
Note: See the Upgrading System Files section if you are prompted to upgrade your system when opening an
existing file, if you wish to add a newly released feature, or if you want to rerun system selection.
3. Use or manage perspectives for your applications (optional). See Perspectives.
4. Edit a system (Configuring a System):
• Add Inputs and Outputs (optional).
• Edit attributes and parameters.
- Change Input and Output signals (optional).
- Set up peer-to-peer communication on Network Inputs or Network Outputs (optional).
Note: As you make selections in the System Selection Wizard, you can press F1 to view the Help screen. The
Help screen displays the Help section of the item you are viewing and changes as you select different
items in the wizard. Click the links on the Help screen to view module information.
• Edit the State Table (optional).
• Add custom logic (optional).
• Add break conditions (optional).
5. Simulate a system (Simulating a System).
6. Define hardware (Defining Hardware).
7. Save the Controller Application File (File > Save).

Commissioning and Servicing Tasks

Commissioning and servicing tasks include the following:
1. Load a device (Loading Devices and Working with the Trunk Utilities):
• Make a connection:
- Bluetooth connection on SAB
- Bluetooth connection on FCB
- Ethernet NAE Passthru

Controller Tool Help: Getting Started 21

- BACnet Router connection
- ZigBee Technology connection
• Upload or download
2. If you have VAV Box Controllers, perform a Box Flow test for all the appropriate devices of an MS/TP bus
(optional). Repeat this process for other buses (Box Flow Test Overview).
3. Commission a system (Commissioning a System):
• Make a connection:
- Bluetooth connection on SAB
- Bluetooth connection on FCB
- Ethernet NAE Passthru
- BACnet Router connection
- ZigBee Technology connection
• Observe the connected application.
• Test a system in Test mode.
• Adjust offsets, COVs, and polarity values as necessary.
• Exit commissioning.
4. Save the Controller Application File (File > Save) if you made changes during commissioning.

Using the Help System

At Release 10.1, you can access both the online Controller Tool Help and the PDF to quickly find information. The
tool supports context-sensitive help, which provides you instant access to a help topic when you press F1 anywhere
within the tool. However, in some instances, such as when searching with multiple keywords, the PDF provides the
better option for finding information. The following table provides the best option for searching for information when
using the help system.
Table 2: Recommended Help System Use for Finding Information
Information Online Help System PDF Help System
Details about a Module Press F1 or click the help icon ( ) when --
viewing any module
Details about a Logic Block Press F1 or click the help icon ( ) when --
viewing any logic block
Details about a Dialog Box Press F1 or click the help icon ( ) when --
viewing any dialog box
Searching for string of text -- Open the PDF and search
Searching for single word -- Open the PDF and search
System Selection Tree Information Press F1 or click the help icon ( ) to --
open the online help system
Global Sequencer Information Press F1 or click the help icon ( ) when --
viewing any page of the Global Sequencer
Configuration Wizard

The Controller Tool online help has the following search options available in the toolbar:

Controller Tool Help: Using the Help System 22

• Contents: Click Contents in the toolbar to display the Table of Contents and browse through the tree. Click the
plus and minus signs to expand and collapse the contents.
• Index: Click Index in the toolbar to display an alphabetical list of index entries. For example, when you click
Process IDs, the Process ID Predefined Parameters topic appears in the right pane.
• Search: Click Search in the toolbar to search the content. This search does not support Boolean logic and is
not case-sensitive. A multiple keyword search finds instances where both keywords appear in the same help
topic, including when keywords appear together. For example, if you search for Process ID, the results include
instances where Process and ID appear on the same page and instances of Process ID. When searching for
a string of text, we recommend that you search the PDF.
Figure 2: Multiple Word Search in Online Help

Also, the tool supports context-sensitive help, which provides you instant access to a help topic when you press F1
anywhere within the tool.
The Controller Tool PDF has the following search options:
• Table of Contents: Click any heading within the table of contents to go to that section within the PDF. In the
tree, click the plus and minus signs to expand and collapse the contents.
• Index: Browse a list of alphabetical index entries and click any entry to go to that topic within the PDF. For
example, when you click Process IDs, the PDF opens to the Process ID Predefined Parameters section.
• Find/Advanced Search: Use the Find and Advanced Search options within Adobe Reader to search the PDF
with multiple keywords. Both Find and Advanced Search provide options to search based on whole words only
and case-sensitive keywords. For example, if you perform a case-sensitive search for Process ID, the results
include Process ID but do not include process id. When you use the Find option, the PDF finds the next instance
where the keyword or phrase appears. You can then continue to find the next or previous instance of the keyword
or phrase using the right or left arrows. This search does not support Boolean logic. When you use the Advanced
Search, the results appear populated in a separate search window.

Controller Tool Help: Using the Help System 23

Note: The preceding options are based upon using Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader; however, other PDF tools
have similar options.
Context-Sensitive Help
Context-sensitive help functions in multiple ways within the tool. Select a component of the user interface, such as
a module, logic block, or dialog box, and press F1 to display the help topic for that selected component. For example,
if you select the State Generation Tower Start Determination module and press F1, the Tower Start Determination
help topic appears in a separate window. When viewing a dialog box, you can also click the help icon to display the
help in a separate window.
When working within the System Selection Wizard, press F1 or click the Help icon ( ) to display application
information in the right pane. The upper-right pane includes application help content. The lower-right pane shows
the relationship between the node selected in the left pane and other nodes within the tree. See the following figure.
Figure 3: Return Water Temperature Differential Example

The Selections Affecting table lists nodes that affect the node you currently have selected and the current status
of these nodes. For example, if you select the Return Water Temp Differential node in the Type of Chiller Sequencing
section of the tree, the Selections Affecting Return Water Temp Differential lists Variable Speed Pump with a status
of Allow. This means that if Variable Speed Pump is selected, then Return Water Temp Differential is no longer
allowed to be selected. When you select Variable Speed Pump while Return Water Temp Differential is selected,
the Type of chiller Sequencing option will change to Chiller Load because the Return Water Temp Differential option
is no longer valid.
The Selections Affected by table lists nodes that may be unavailable or available based upon the current node
selection. For example, if you select the Return Water Temp Differential node, the Selections Affected by Return
Water Temp Differential section lists Primary Return Temperature and Primary Supply Temperature with a status
of Disallow. This status means that if you select the Return Water Temp Differential node, the control logic selections
under Chiller Options for Primary Return Temperature and Primary Supply Temperature become unavailable.

Controller Tool Help: Using the Help System 24

In the lowest section of the right pane, the Modules that may be laid down table lists modules that may be created
based upon the current node selections. Some module names appear as links, which, when clicked, open a separate
help window to a topic that provides information on that module or module category. For example, if you select the
Chiller Load node, the Load Filter Module appears in the table. When you click Load Filter Module, the help topic
for Load Filter appears in a separate window.
Figure 4: Load Filter Module Example

When working with the Global Sequencer Wizard, press F1 or click the Help icon ( ) to display information for each
page of the Global Sequencer Configuration Wizard.

Controller Tool Help: Using the Help System 25

User Interface
This tool is used to configure, simulate, and commission devices, such as Field Controllers, I/O Modules, and VAV
Box Controllers. The tool operates in three modes: Configuration, Simulation, and Commissioning.
For information on the Commissioning mode only version software, see the Commissioning-Only Software section.
This section describes the UI of the tool when you are viewing an application using one of the standard perspectives
(user interfaces)— Classic View and Simple View. Components of the UI can vary depending on your view and if
you have configured a customized perspective, but the functionality of these components is the same.
For information on perspectives, see Perspectives.
For information on the tasks you can do in these views, see the Configuring a System, Simulating a System, and
Commissioning a System sections.
Before performing tasks in the tool, see the Getting Started section for guidance.


Commissioning-Only Software
A Commissioning mode only version of the software is available for individuals having only commissioning tasks
(for example, balancing contractors). The Commissioning software allows you to focus on the commissioning tasks
you need to perform without being distracted by the tasks done in the other two modes. For example, you can issue
commands and commission devices, but you cannot make configuration changes, define hardware, load, or simulate
devices. You can print the system, use the Test Mode, and view system selections, hardware definitions, controller
information, connections, and item details. The Configuration and Simulation modes are disabled in the Commissioning

In the tool, a system is represented by the mechanical equipment and the logic needed to control that equipment,
independent of hardware definition. The System Selection Wizard describes the make-up of a mechanical system
to aid you in creating the group of logic components that work together to control the mechanical system. See System
Types and Configurations in the Configuring a System section.

An application is a collection of the components that make up the control logic of a system, including modules, logic
blocks, custom logic, and hardware definition. For information on the types of applications you can create, see the
Applications section.

Controller Application File (CAF)

A Controller Application File (.caf) is a file which contains all the logic components needed to represent a system.
The tool prompts you to save a controller application file for each system you create. Saving this file allows you to
access it again later to make changes or to use it for additional systems.
The default location to save a Controller Application File is C:\Users\username
You cannot use certain characters when saving a Controller Application File. Illegal characters include:

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 26

A module is a component made up of logic blocks used to create portions of the overall control logic of a system.
Module inputs are used to influence the state or values of outputs. You can view and edit modules highlighted in
tan, but do not make changes until you understand the default configuration and the effect of changes on the
connected outputs. To view or change default values used in a module, see Details Configuration in the Configuring
a System section. To view or change connections to a module, see Configuration in the Configuring a System

Logic Blocks
A logic block is a component used to construct the control logic of a system. You can view and work with logic blocks
using the Logic Tab or by using the right-click menu of a module. Logic block inputs influence the state or values of
outputs. You can view and edit logic contained within modules highlighted in tan, but do not make changes until you
understand the default logic and you consider the effect of changes on the connected outputs. To view or change
default values used in a block, see Details Configuration in the Configuring a System section.
See the Logic section for information on logic blocks.

User Interface
The user interface differs depending on the perspective you have configured. By default, the tool includes two
standard perspectives — the Classic View and the Simple View. You can also create customized perspectives for
your application. See Perspectives.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 27

Classic View
The Classic View perspective is built into the tool and always available. When you first open an application, the tool
defaults to the last used perspective of the application's system configuration. The following figure shows the Classic
View perspective of the user interface. The table describes the components.
Figure 5: Classic View Perspective User Interface Screen

Table 3: Classic View Perspective User Interface Screen Details

Callout Screen Area Description
1. Menu Bar Includes the menus available in the tool. See the Menu Bar section.
2. Mode Button Toolbar Allows you to switch between the modes of operation while working in the tool. The
mode buttons are:
• Configuration
• Simulation
• Commissioning
See the Modes section for information on the modes and buttons.
If desired, you can undock the Mode button toolbar and move it to a different area of
the screen.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 28

Table 3: Classic View Perspective User Interface Screen Details
Callout Screen Area Description
3. Settings Menu Includes application setting options, including localization, naming, system selection,
perspectives, and debugging (Simulation mode only). See Settings.
4. Operation Buttons Allows you to perform specific tasks in the tool. The operation tasks and buttons are:
• Select System
• Define Hardware
• Sideloop
• Load
See the Select System, Sideloop, Define Hardware, and Load sections for descriptions
of the operations.
5. Application Panel Displays the Control, Logic, and System tabs.
To make the Application panel a full screen, double-click the Application panel title bar.
6. Control, Logic, and System Allows you to navigate between the Control tab (system overview), Logic tab, and
Tabs System tab. See the Control Tab, Logic Tab, and System Tab.
7. Minimize and Maximize Allows you to minimize or maximize the Applications panel or the Features panel.
Note: You can also minimize or maximize the Applications panel or the Features
panel by double-clicking the title bar.
8. Help Button Opens the Help system.
9. Status Bar - Application Indicates the current connection type, connection status, current mode, and perspective
name. See the Status Bar section.
10. Status Bar - System Indicates the system name, hardware assignment indicator, and system capacity
indicator. See the Status Bar section.
11. Features Panels Allows you to view and work with key data. The Features Panel contains the following
• Parameters tab (see Parameters)
• Connections tab (see Connections)
• State Tables tab (see State Tables)
• Display tab (see Local Display)
• Advanced tab (see Advanced Data)
• BACnet Exposed tab (see BACnet Exposed)
To make the Features panel a full screen, double-click the Features panel title bar.
12. Slider Bars The slider bars in all views are active and have arrows allowing you to expand the
panels to achieve the desired view. Click the arrows to show and hide the panels. If
you click the slider bar and drag it to the desired location, clicking the arrows returns
the view to the location you moved the slider bar. Clicking the arrows a second time
shows/hides the entire panel. Many, but not all, sliders maintain their location between
13. Classic View Workspace Displays the Control tab, Logic tab contents, or System tab settings. See the following
(Control Tab Shown in Figure sections for more information and details:
• Classic View Workspace
• Control Tab and Control Tab Screen
• Logic Tab and Logic Tab Screen
• System Tab and System Tab Screen

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 29

Simple View
The Simple View perspective is built into the tool and always available. The following figure shows the Simple View
perspective of the user interface. The table describes the components.
Figure 6: Simple View Perspective User Interface Screen

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 30

Table 4: Simple View Perspective User Interface Screen Details
Callout Screen Area Description
1. Menu Bar Includes the menus available in the tool. See the Menu
Bar section.
2. Mode Button Toolbar Allows you to switch between the modes of operation
while working in the tool. The mode buttons are:
• Configuration
• Simulation
• Commissioning
See the Modes section for information on the modes and
If desired, you can undock the Mode button toolbar and
move it to a different area of the screen.
3. Settings Menu Includes application setting options, including localization,
naming, system selection, perspectives, and debugging
(Simulation mode only). See Settings.
4. Operation Buttons Allows you to perform specific tasks in the tool. The
operation tasks and buttons are:
• Select System
• Define Hardware
• Sideloop
• Load
See the Select System, Sideloop, Define Hardware, and
Load sections for descriptions of the operations.
5. Navigation Tabs Displays the Application and System Selection Information
See the Application Tab and System Selection Information
Tab sections.
6. Edit Button Allows you to edit parameters.
7. Help Button Opens the Help system.
8. Outputs Table Allows you to view and edit outputs.
9. Inputs Table Allows you to view and edit inputs.
10. Parameters Table Displays the list of modules and parameters.
11. Status Bar - System Indicates the system name, hardware assignment
indicator, and system capacity indicator. See the Status
Bar section.
12. Status Bar - Application Indicates the current connection type, connection status,
current mode, and perspective name. See the Status Bar

A perspective is a representation of the entire UI related to displaying data of an application, which includes all
components except for menu, button, and status bars. You can build customized perspectives using a variety of
containers and widgets.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 31

Perspectives allow a simple view of an application without the complexity of the application shown by default.
Perspectives also allow for customization of the UI to enable the user to more easily commission or understand an
See Perspectives.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 32

Menu Bar
The menu bar includes the following options:
Table 5: Menu Bar Options
Menu Option Keyboard Description
File New Ctrl + N Opens the New System dialog box. See the Configuring a System
Open Ctrl + O Opens the Open dialog box to select an existing Controller Application
File (.caf) to use.
The Controller Application File is found in the following default
Note: You cannot open a .caf file in the Commissioning-only
software. You must commission to show a system in the UI.
Close Ctrl + F4 Closes the open Controller Application File. You must be in
Configuration mode to close the Controller Application File.
Note: You cannot close a .caf file in the Commissioning-only
software. You must stop Commissioning mode to remove a
system from the UI.
Save Ctrl + S Saves the current system as a Controller Application File (.caf). If
you have not already saved the system, the tool opens the Save
dialog box.
Illegal characters include:
Save As Opens the Save dialog box to allow you to save the system as a
Controller Application File (.caf) using a different name.
Illegal characters include:
Print Ctrl + P Opens the Summary Report Options dialog box to print a summary
of the open Controller Application File (.caf) in PDF format.
Recent Files Ctrl-0 through Opens a recently viewed Controller Application File (.caf). This menu
Ctrl-9 holds up to ten recent files.
Exit Closes the software. You must be in Configuration mode to exit the
Note: In the Commissioning-only software, you can exit the tool
after you stop commissioning.
View Reset Layout F7 Restores any resized panels to default size.
Reset to Default F8 Restores view to one monitor.
Arrange Multiple F9 Arranges the view across multiple monitors.
Save Perspective F10 Saves any edits made to the perspective layout (custom perspectives
Layout only).
Restore Perspective F11 Discards any edits and restores perspective to the last saved version
Layout (custom perspectives only)

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 33

Table 5: Menu Bar Options
Menu Option Keyboard Description
Tools Box Flow Test Opens the Box Flow Test feature. See the Box Flow Test Overview
Wireless > ZFR Opens the Wireless > ZFR Checkout Tool. See the ZFR Checkout
Checkout Tool Tool (ZCT) section.
Wireless > ZFR Opens the Wireless > ZFR Channel Configuration Screen.
Trunk Utilities > Opens the Trunk Utilities - Download CAF & Attributes wizard. See
Download CAF & the Working with the Trunk Utilities section.
Trunk Utilities > Opens the Trunk Utilities - Download Multiple CAFs wizard. See the
Download Multiple Working with the Trunk Utilities section.
Trunk Utilities > Opens the Trunk Utilities - Download ZFR wizard. See the Working
Download ZFR with the Trunk Utilities section.
Trunk Utilities > Opens the Trunk Utilities - Read/Write Attributes Online wizard. See
Read/Write Attributes the Working with the Trunk Utilities section.
Trunk Utilities > Opens the Trunk Utilities - Manage Attribute Templates wizard. See
Manage Attribute the Working with the Trunk Utilities section.
Trunk Utilities > Opens the Trunk Utilities - Upload Multiple CAFs wizard. See the
Upload Multiple Working with the Trunk Utilities section.
Trunk Utilities > Opens the Trunk Utilities - Upgrade Multiple CAFs wizard. See the
Upgrade Multiple Working with the Trunk Utilities section.
Controller When in Commissioning mode, opens the Controller Information
Information wizard to display information from the controller on the field bus to
which you are currently connected and commissioning. See the
Commissioning a System section.
When in Configuration mode, opens the Controller Information wizard
to display information from one or more controllers on a field bus.
See the Configuring a System section.
Job Information Opens the Job Information dialog box to enter information specific
to the current job and open Controller Application File (.caf).
Upgrade System Opens the System Upgrade dialog box to upgrade the open .caf file
to the latest version. See the Upgrading System Files section.
Bulk CAF Upgrade Opens the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility screen. See the Upgrading
Utility System Files section.
CPO 10 Value Opens the CPO 10 Parameter Value Calculator (PVC). The CPO
Parameter Calculator 10 Parameter Value Calculator calculates the performance
parameters of Central Plant Optimization™ 10 (CPO 10) systems
for use in control modules of the tool.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 34

Table 5: Menu Bar Options
Menu Option Keyboard Description
Help Topics F1 Opens the online Help system.
Topics PDF Opens the Help PDF.
About Tool Opens the About Tool dialog box displaying the tool version, Field
Controller product version, tool library version, database version and
patch information, and file version. See the About Tool Information

The Settings menu includes the following options:
Table 6: Settings Menu Options
Option Description
Perspective > Classic View Displays the UI in the Classic View. This menu option is only available when an application is
Perspective > Simple View Displays the UI in the Simple View. This menu option is only available when an application is
Perspective Management Opens the Perspective Management dialog box, which enables you to create and edit perspectives.
Localization Opens the Localization screen.
Naming and Signal Opens the Naming and Signal screen.
System Selection Opens the System Selection screen.
Hide Last Value Modules Hides the Last Value modules when selected.
Hide Warning Flags Hides block warning flags.
Use Involvement Dialog Displays the involvement summary in a dialog box.
Show Simulation Debug Opens the Simulation Debugging dialog box. This menu option is only available during Simulation
Console mode when debugging is enabled.

The tool operates in three modes: Configuration, Simulation, and Commissioning. The UI includes buttons for moving
between the modes: Configure, Simulate, and Commission.
Note: The Configuration and Simulation modes are not available in the Commissioning-only software version.
See the Configuration, Simulation, and Commissioning sections for descriptions of the modes. Also, see the Changing
Modes section.

Note: The Configuration mode is not available in the Commissioning-only software version.
The Configuration mode is the default mode. When you add or select a system, it opens the system in Configuration
mode. This mode allows you to design and edit a system. Configuration tasks include selecting a system, modifying
parameters, creating custom logic (as necessary), and other tasks to set up a system. See the Configuring a System
section for details.
The Configuration mode acts as a transitional mode when you need to switch from Simulation to Commissioning
mode and vice versa. See the Changing Modes section.
You must be in Configuration mode to close a Controller Application File (.caf) or exit the tool.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 35

Back to Modes

Note: The Simulation mode is not available in the Commissioning-only software version.
When you enter Simulation mode, the Simulation dialog box appears allowing you to set the Simulation Speed (up
to 10 times [10x] real time) and the startup values for the simulation session. The settings you select are saved and
appear in the Simulation dialog box the next time you enter Simulation mode. Simulation mode allows you to see
your system as though it were in Commissioning mode. Simulation mode allows you to test your system and make
adjustments before downloading it into a device. See the Simulating a System section for information on how to
simulate your system.
When you use Simulation mode, you have the option to enable a debugging functionality and troubleshoot problems
as they occur. When you enable debugging, the Simulation Debugging dialog box appears, which allows you to add
Break Conditions and control debugging functionality with command buttons. The command buttons allow you to
stop the simulation (Break), start the simulation after a break (Go), command the control sequence to execute once
(Single Step), or command the control sequence to advance 1 second.
Back to Modes

Commissioning mode allows you to connect to a device and view actual data from that device. You can use this
mode to monitor your device and set Offsets, COVs, and Polarity in addition to other Parameter and Detail changes.
For example, you can change the Min Out and Max Out values of an Output to fine tune the range of a 2 to 10 VDC
proportional valve. In addition, the Commissioning mode has a balancing feature for VAV applications to easily
autocalibrate VAV boxes and set flow constants in one location. See the Commissioning a System section.
Back to Modes

The UI has the following operation buttons: Select System, Define Hardware, Sideloop, and Load. See the Select
System, Sideloop, Define Hardware, and Load sections for descriptions of the operations.

Select System
The Select System operation opens the System Selection Wizard to select, review, and change the options for a
system. See the following topics in the Configuring a System section for details on the wizard and how to use it:
• System Selection Wizard
• Selecting a System (Creating a New System)
Also, see Rerunning System Selection in the Upgrading System Files section for guidelines on viewing and modifying
system selection.
Back to Operations

The Sideloop operation opens the System Selection Wizard for creating a sideloop. See the Creating a Sideloop
and Sideloop Applications sections for more information.
Back to Operations

Define Hardware
The Define Hardware operation opens the Hardware Definition screen to define the hardware and manage packages
for your system. See the Defining Hardware section for details.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 36

Back to Operations

The Load operation opens the Load screen to upload applications into the tool and to download to devices. See the
Loading Devices section for details.
Back to Operations

Classic View Workspace

This workspace contains the Control, Logic, System, and Feature tabs. You can view an overview of a system using
the Control tab, view the logic of the entire application or individual modules using the Logic tab, or view additional
system details and break conditions using the System tab. See the Control Tab, Logic Tab, and System Tab sections
for information.

Control Tab
Figure 5 shows the Control tab in the workspace. The Control tab allows you to view and modify your system design.
This view visually displays components to provide information about your system. The control components in this
view correspond to the device’s inputs, logic, and outputs, which flow from the left side of the workspace to the right.
The Control tab is divided into categories relating to the main items that make up a system (for example, Network
Inputs and Network Outputs). The items listed in these sections are derived from the items selected for your system
in the System Selection Wizard. For information on this wizard, see the System Selection Wizard in the Configuring
a System section.
Depending on the mode in which the tool is operating, you are able to perform certain tasks using the Control tab.
For information on the modes, see the Modes section. The following table describes the tasks you can perform using
the Control tab in the different modes.
Table 7: Control Tab Tasks Available in Different Modes
Task Mode
Configuration Simulation Commissioning
View Logic X X X
Modify Logic X
Add Modules X
Rename Modules X
Modify a Module’s Details in X X X
the Details Dialog Box
Delete Modules X
Send a Command X X

Send a Hardware Command X

Modify Input and Output X
Use the Debugging X
Show Involvement X X X

1 Only available in Test Mode.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 37

Control Tab Module Categories
The module categories are the sections of the Control tab representing the main items that make up a system (for
example, the Network Inputs and Network Outputs sections). The modules in the sections are automatically added
based on the items selected for your system in the System Selection Wizard. For information on this wizard, see
the System Selection Wizard in the Configuring a System section.
The module category sections in the Control tab are:
• Network Inputs
• Inputs
• Miscellaneous (Inputs)
• Setpoint/Miscellaneous
• State Generation
• Output Control
• Network Outputs
• Outputs
• Miscellaneous (Outputs)
See Figure 5 for the location of these categories on the UI.

Network Inputs
The Network Inputs category appears in the Control tab (Figure 5). This section lists the network inputs defined for
the system. Network inputs are typically used to read and write values to and from a supervisory device over the
network. When a network input is not mapped to a supervisory device, it uses its default value. During Simulation
and Commissioning modes, a network input may be commanded.
During Simulation and Commissioning modes, the Network Input category displays a second row of text. This row
provides the Network Input present value.
An example use is that a supervisory device reads an Outdoor Air Temperature sensor from one device and writes
its value to the network input of other devices.
Network inputs connect into other modules or the State Table.
See Network Input Modules for information on network input modules. Also, see Peer-to-Peer Communication in
the Configuring a System section for information on peer-to-peer communication in the tool.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

The Inputs category appears in the Control tab. This section lists the inputs defined for the system. An input defines
an interface to the actual hardware in a system. An input can represent a physical sensor in the system or an input
associated with a sensor. Inputs get data directly from hardware input points of a device.
During simulation and commissioning modes, the Input category displays a second row of text. This row provides
the Input present value.
See Input Modules for information.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 38

Miscellaneous (Inputs)
This module category appears on the left side of the Control tab below the Inputs category (Figure 5). These modules
are used for override monitoring. A miscellaneous input reads the current Present Value and Priority of PAO, AO,
and BO objects.
Note: Override monitoring is not available during simulation mode.
See Miscellaneous Input Modules for information.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

The Setpoint/Miscellaneous category appears in the Control tab (Figure 5). This section lists the setpoint and
miscellaneous modules defined for the system. A setpoint or miscellaneous module contains logic that calculates a
setpoint or provides other calculations for a system. This section lists modules for other miscellaneous calculations
required by a system.
During simulation and commissioning modes, the Setpoint/Miscellaneous category displays a second row of text.
This row provides the key output present value or present state.
See Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules for information.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

State Generation
The State Generation category appears in the Control tab (Figure 5). This section lists the state generators defined
for the system. The state generators are listed according to priority, where the state generators appearing at the top
have a higher priority than those listed below them. This order corresponds to the order in a State Selection Table
when viewing the State Tables. A state generation module calculates a state that is prioritized by the State Table,
which calculates a mode to be controlled by an Output Controller.
During simulation and commissioning modes, the State Generation category displays a second row of text. This row
provides the key output present value or present state.
See State Generation Modules for information.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

Output Control
The Output Control category appears in the Control tab (Figure 5). This section lists the output controllers defined
for the system. An output control module defines the specific logic associated with each state, as determined by the
State Tables’ mode. For example, if the State Tables determine that the Proportional Box Heating Control output
controller should be in Control mode, the Proportional Box Heating Control output controller defines the PID control
logic to use while in this state.
During simulation and commissioning modes, the Output Control category displays a third row of text. This row
provides the status from the state generator that is in control and the name of the State Generator module that is
generating the state. The status is shown in parentheses followed by the text Generated by: and the name of the
State Generator module. For example, (Satisfied) Generated by: Zone Temperature Determination.
See Output Control Modules for information.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 39

Network Outputs
The Network Outputs category appears in the Control tab (Figure 5). This section lists the network outputs defined
for the system. A network output module acts as a network variable read from a supervisory device. When a network
output is not mapped to a supervisory device, it uses its default value. During Simulation and Commissioning modes,
a network output may be commanded. Network outputs connect from other modules or the State Table.
During Simulation and Commissioning modes, the Network Outputs category displays a second row of text. This
row provides the Network Outputs present value.
See Network Output Modules for information. Also, see Peer-to-Peer Communication in the Configuring a System
for information on peer-to-peer communication in the tool.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

The outputs category appears in the Control tab (Figure 5). This section lists the outputs defined for the system. An
output defines an interface to the actual hardware in a system. An output can represent a physical hardware point
in the system or a point associated with an output. Outputs send data to hardware output points of a device.
During simulation and commissioning modes, the Output category displays a second row of text. This row provides
the Output present value.
See Output Modules for information.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

Miscellaneous (Outputs)
This module category appears on the right side of the Control tab below the Outputs category (Figure 5). A
miscellaneous output writes to the Stroke Time and Min Pulse of PAO objects.
See Miscellaneous Output Modules for information.
Back to Control Tab Module Categories

Control Tab Application Example

The following figure shows how modules in the Control View interact (using Show Involvement in Simulation mode).

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 40

Figure 7: Fan Coil Application Example (Show Involvement)

This example shows a Fan Coil application. Based on the network inputs and input readings in this example, the
State Tables have determined that the highest priority state generator that should be in Control is Occupied Zone
Sequencing (FC/AHU) v51, which is set to the Cooling state. As a result, the Proportional Cooling Control v51 output
control is set to Control, which modulates the cooling valve open (CLG-O output).
The following drawing and text further explain the interaction between the cooling modules.
Figure 8: Fan Coil Application Example (Cooling Interaction)

The interactions in this example are as follows:

• The FLUSHPOS network input provides an input to the Proportional Cooling Control v51 output control.
• The ZN-SP input provides a Hardware Setpoint input to the ZN-T Setpoint Determination module.
• The ZN-T input provides input to the following modules:
- Zone Temperature input to the Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC/AHU) v51 state generator
- Process Variable input to the Proportional Cooling Control output module
• The ZN-T Setpoint Determination module provides input to the following modules:
- Cooling Setpoint input to the Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC/AHU) v51 state generator
- Setpoint input to the Proportional Cooling Control v51 output control

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 41

• The Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC/AHU) v51 state generator provides the ZNT-STATE input to the State
• The State Tables provide the Mode input to the Proportional Cooling Control v51 output control.
• The Proportional Cooling Control v51 output control provides the Percent Cmd output to the CLG-O output.
The following graphic shows how the modules in the State Generation section provide input to the State Tables and
how the state configuration within the State Tables provides input to the modules in the Output Control section. The
individual tables in the State Tables are the State Generators and the column headings are the Output Controllers.
See the State Tables section.
Figure 9: Fan Coil Application Example (State Tables)

In this example, the Water System Flush Pass Through has the highest priority and Fan Determination has the
lowest. When the Water System Flush Pass Through state is set to False, and the cells have an X, which means
no behavior change occurs and the next table is evaluated.
If the PID Tuning Reset state is False, the cells are set for no behavior changes, and the next table is evaluated. If
the PID Tuning Reset state is True, then the Mode is set to Hold for the Proportional Cooling Control v51 and
Proportional Heating Control v51.
When the Unit Enable Determination state is set to Shutdown, then the Mode is set to Off for the Proportional Cooling
Control v51, Proportional Heating Control v51, and Single Speed Fan Control. When the Unit Enable Determination
state is set to Enable, the cells have an X, which means no behavior change occurs and the next table is evaluated.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 42

When the Heating Override Check is False, no behavior changes occur, and the next table is evaluated. When set
to True, then the Mode is set to Hold for Proportional Heating Control v51.
When the Cooling Override Check is False, no behavior changes occur, and the next table is evaluated. When set
to True, then the Mode is set to Hold for Proportional Cooling Control v51.
The same principles apply to the rest of the State Tables.

Control Tab Status Colors and Icons

Table 8 lists the status colors and icons used in the Control tab of the UI.
Table 8: Control Tab Status Colors and Icons
Status Color Appears in Mode Description
White All modes Indicates a module that does not contain logic you can view and edit.
Tan All modes Indicates a module that contains logic that you can view and edit. You can
use the right-click menu to edit or view logic for this type of module.
Blue All modes Indicates the selected module.
Magenta All modes Shows the involvement of other modules to the selected Output module.
Orange Commissioning mode In Commissioning mode, indicates when the software value does not match
the hardware value of the item. In Commissioning mode, the tool displays
two values (does not apply to network inputs or network outputs):
• The first value is the software value, including units.
• The second value is the hardware value, including units.
These two values may be different if the object is commanded at a priority
higher than that of the control logic or if the device is offline (for example,
an I/O Module that is offline).
(Yellow Triangle) All modes Indicates an issue or possible misconfiguration with the block.
Hovering over the block provides a tooltip with the reason the icon is
appearing. See Block Flags.
2 All modes Identifies a module that has been modified by a user.
(Green Triangle)
If the changes were made in Configuration mode, this icon appears directly
to the left of the module name (first row). If the changes were made in
Simulation or Commissioning mode, the green triangle appears directly to
the left of the module’s Default Element value (second row).
Note: This icon only appears on modules that support the user-modified
attribute (tan blocks). User-modified modules cannot be upgraded.
(Alarm) All modes Identifies a module that has an alarm defined.

(Schedule) All modes Identifies a module that has a schedule defined.

(Trend) All modes Identifies a module that has a trend defined.

1 All modes Identifies that the input or output is assigned to a Network Sensor (Network
(Network Sensor)
Duct Sensors, Network Zone Sensors, or Network CO2 Sensors).

(Wireless Ethernet All modes Identifies that the input or output is assigned to a wireless sensor and has
Sensor) a wireless Ethernet signal.

(VSD) All modes Identifies that the input or output is assigned to an Eaton Variable Speed
Drive (also called a Variable Frequency Drive [VFD]).

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 43

Table 8: Control Tab Status Colors and Icons
Status Color Appears in Mode Description
(Peer to Peer) All modes Identifies if the input or output is set up for peer-to-peer connections.
1 All modes Identifies that the input or output is assigned to a Field Controller.
(Field Controller)
1 All modes Identifies that the input or output is assigned to an I/O Module.
(I/O Module)

1 Device and Port label information appears after the module name for assigned Inputs and Outputs.
2 The following conditions change the user-modified flag and prevent the module from being upgraded: new connections, new
blocks, deleted blocks, modified descendent activity, changes to block attributes (excluding BACnet Exposed, Default Element,
Standard Name, Description, User Name, Exposed Ports List, and State Text).

Block Flags
Blocks displaying a yellow triangle ( ) indicate an issue or possible misconfiguration with the block. You can discover
the specific reason for a block flag by hovering over the yellow triangle icon and reading the tooltip that appears.
The following table lists the reasons for a block flag:
Table 9: Block Flag Icon Instances
Reason Meaning
This State Generator is not connected to the State Selection The block is in the State Generation column, but not connected
Tables to the State Selector. The State Generation column should only
hold blocks that determine the active states of the Output
Controllers. A block in the State Generation column that is not
connected to the State Selector is displayed at the end of the
list (when the column is sorted in ascending order).
This block does not have any destination connections The block is a Network Input, but has no destination
connections. A Network Input with no destination connections
does not affect the behavior of the application, but it is taking
up object memory.
This block does not have any source connections The block is a Network Output, but has no source connections.
A Network Output with no source connections is not affected
by the behavior of the application, but it is taking up object
This activity does not have any exposed input and/or output The block is an activity that either has no input and no output
ports ports, or has ports, but they are not exposed for connection. An
activity with no ports exposed for connection is not affected by
other application behavior, and it does not have an affect on
application behavior, but it is taking up object memory.

Right-Click Menus (Control Tab)

The following table lists the right-click menu options on the Control tab and indicates the mode and item in which
the menu is available. Menu options appear in the right-click menu when an item is selected.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 44

Table 10: Right-Click Menus (Control Tab)
Menu Option Appears in Control View Section Description
Mode NI=Network Inputs OC=Output Control
I=Inputs NO=Network Outputs
MI=Miscellaneous Inputs O=Outputs
S/M=Setpoint/Miscellaneous MO=Miscellaneous
SG=State Generation
New (Header Configuration X X X X X X X X X Adds a new module or
Only) point.
Delete (Delete Configuration X X X X X X X X X Removes the module.
Rename (F2 key) Configuration X X X X X X X X X Changes the name of the
View Details Configuration X X X X X X X X X Displays the Details dialog
box to view the details of
Simulation X X X X X X X X X
the selected module.
Commissioning X X X X X X X X X
Insert Logic Configuration X X X Opens the New Module
1 Selection dialog box for the
(Insert key) Simulation
selected module. This menu
Commissioning option is available only
when the module has logic
that can be viewed or
modified (indicated by a tan
1 Configuration X X X Opens the Logic View for
View Logic
the selected module. This
Simulation X X X
menu option is available
Commissioning X X X only when the module has
logic that can be viewed or
modified (indicated by a tan
1 Configuration X X X Opens the Save Module
Export Module
dialog box. This menu
option is available only
Commissioning when the module has logic
that can be viewed or
modified (indicated by a tan
background). See Importing
and Exporting a Module.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 45

Table 10: Right-Click Menus (Control Tab)
Menu Option Appears in Control View Section Description
Mode NI=Network Inputs OC=Output Control
I=Inputs NO=Network Outputs
MI=Miscellaneous Inputs O=Outputs
S/M=Setpoint/Miscellaneous MO=Miscellaneous
SG=State Generation
Select Default Configuration X X X Opens the Default Element
1 Selection dialog box. This
Element Simulation
menu option is available
Commissioning only when the module has
logic that can be viewed or
modified (indicated by a tan
background). See Default
Element Selection.
Commands Configuration Opens the Commands
dialog box to command
Simulation X X X X X X X X X
Commissioning X

Hardware Configuration Opens the Hardware

Commands Commands dialog box to
issue a command to the
Commissioning X X X X selected item.
Modify Signal Configuration X X X X Allows you to change the
signal type of Inputs and
Outputs in Configuration
Commissioning mode.
Show Configuration X X Opens the Show
Involvement Involvement dialog box that
Simulation X X
shows connected modules
Commissioning X X in magenta highlighting.

1 Only available for modules containing logic that can be viewed or modified indicated by a tan background). See the Control
Tab Status Colors and Icons section.
2 Only available in Test Mode.

Logic Tab
The Logic tab allows you to view and modify the control logic used in your system. This view displays the logic blocks
visually to provide information about your system. Depending on the mode in which the tool is operating, you are
able to perform certain tasks in the Logic tab. For information on the modes, see the Modes section.
The following figure shows the Logic tab in the Classic View workspace, and the table describes the components.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 46

Figure 10: Logic Tab

Table 11: Logic View Screen Details

Callout Screen Area Description
1 Toolbar Displays the icons for the actions you can perform in the Logic View.
2 Activities Tree Contains a tree view that allows you to view the logic for the entire application,
or select to view the logic of an individual module. See the Activities Tree section.
Note: The Activities tree was previously called the Application Logic tree.
3 Control Block Palette Contains a tree view (folders) of the blocks to drag and drop into the logic diagram
and the Launch Wizard search feature. See the Control Block Palette and Launch
Wizard sections. The Control Block palette does not appear when viewing logic
of the entire application (Control View Connections option of the Activities tree).
4 Logic Diagram Displays a graphical representation of the selected module’s logic. See the Logic
Diagram section for information on the diagram and its components.
5 Features Panel See the Features Panel section for information on this panel.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 47

Table 12: Logic Tab Tasks Available in Different Modes
Task Mode
Configuration Simulation Commissioning
View Logic X X X
Use the Launch Wizard X
Add Blocks X
Rename Blocks X
Modify Blocks and Their X X X
Details in the Details Dialog
Delete Blocks X
Connect Blocks X
Show/Hide Connection Lines X
Delete Connections X
Export a Module X
Send a Command X X

Select Default Element X

1 Applies to test mode.

Right-Click Menus (Logic Tab)

The following table describes the right-click menu options available in the Logic tab. The right-click menu options
are not available in the Control View Connections view of the Activities tree.
Table 13: Right-Click Menus (Logic Tab)
Menu Option Description
Export Module Exports the module logic by adding it to the Custom folder in the Control Block Palette. Use
the export feature to share custom modules. This option is available in the Configuration
mode only.
Select Default Element Selects a default element for the block/module. The default element indicates the value
displayed in the Control View in Commissioning and Simulation modes. This option is
available for configuration in the Configuration mode only.
View Details Displays the Details dialog box to view the details of the selected block (available in all
View Logic (Insert key) Displays additional logic for the selected block.
Insert Logic Opens the New Module Selection dialog box for the selected module. This menu option is
available only when the module has logic that can be viewed or modified (indicated by a
tan background).
Expose Ports > For Connection Opens the Port Exposure dialog box to select input/output ports to show for connections in
the Logic View (Configuration mode only).
Hide Removes the connection lines in the Logic View and displays the hidden edge labels
(Configuration mode only).
Unhide Removes the hidden edge labels and shows the connection lines in the Logic View
(Configuration mode only).
Rename (F2) Opens the Rename dialog box to change the name of the block.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 48

Table 13: Right-Click Menus (Logic Tab)
Menu Option Description
Delete (Delete key) Removes the block from the system. To delete multiple blocks at once, press and hold the
Ctrl key while selecting each item, then select the Delete menu item.
Duplicate (Ctrl-D) Copies and pastes the selected blocks in one step. To duplicate multiple blocks at once,
press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting each item, then select the Duplicate menu item.
Note: The duplicate feature does not include connections.
Copy (Ctrl-C) Copies the selected block. To copy multiple blocks at once, press and hold the Ctrl key
while selecting each item, then select the Copy menu item.
Paste (Ctrl-V) Pastes the copied blocks.

Activities Tree
Note: The Activities tree was previously called the Application Logic tree.
The Activities tree appears at the top of the left panel in the logic view. This selection tree allows you to view the
logic for the entire application, or select to view the logic of an individual module.
To view the logic of the entire application, click the Control View Connections option (appears second in the list, just
below the Activities folder). The logic of the entire application appears in the right panel of the logic view. The Control
Block Palette does not appear when the Control View Connections option is selected.
Note: By default, the Control View Connections option is selected when you first click the Logic tab.
To view the logic of a particular module, browse the folders of the Activities tree (organized by module category)
and click the desired module. The logic diagram of the module appears in the right panel and the Control Block
Palette appears below the Activities tree in the left panel.

Logic Diagram
The logic diagram appears on the right side of the workspace (Figure 11). The logic diagram consists of logic blocks,
their inputs and outputs, and the connections between them. The following figure identifies the main components
you may find in a logic diagram.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 49

Figure 11: Logic Diagram (Example)

Connection lines between elements may be visible or hidden. When hidden, each connection has a hidden edge
label at the origination point and at each destination point. At the origination point, the hidden edge label may contain
two numbers, where the first number indicates the connection number and the second indicates the number of
instances. For example, a hidden edge label of 5:7 means there are seven instances of connection number five.
Note: You can change the label of a hidden edge. See Changing the Hidden Edge Label of a Connection in the
Configuring a System section.
For each Logic block, you can select one parameter/attribute as the Default Element, which becomes the value that
displays dynamic data in Simulation and Commissioning modes.
In some instances in Simulation and Commissioning mode, two values appear next to one another instead of one.
The first (left side) value indicates the value the block sends out if the logic were in the state currently being displayed,
and the second (right side) value indicates the value being sent out from the block due to the actual state of the
Figure 12 is an example of the CLG-OUTSTATE block in the Water Flush state (highlighted state). Since the current
state of the logic is Failsoft, not Water Flush, two values appear next to some connections. The left value is the value
that would be expected when the logic enters the Water Flush state (100.00% and Overridden). The right value is
the Present Value of the connections (47.89% and Normal).

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 50

Figure 12: Double Values in Logic View (Logic State)

Similarly, when you command the output of a block to a different value, the existing value appears first and is followed
by the commanded value. Figure 13 is an example of a block with double values.
Figure 13: Double Values in Logic View (Commands)

When you place your pointer over an input or output of a logic block, the input/output name and default value appear.
When making a connection, a tooltip indicates if no valid connection exists for the selected input/output. An invalid
connection is when the data type of the source and destination do not match (for example, a Boolean source and a
Float destination).
For information on the individual logic blocks, see the Logic section. Also, see the Logic View Status Colors section.
For information on configuring logic blocks, including information on how the Hybrid Activity block works, see Logic
View Steps and Configuring a Hybrid Activity in the Configuring a System section.

Control Block Palette

The Control Block palette allows you to select or search for blocks to add to the logic diagram. The Logic View
supports drag and drop functionality for adding blocks. For more information on the logic blocks, see the Logic
Table 14: Logic Blocks
Item/Folder Name Description
Palette Contains the Launch Wizard and folders of blocks you can add to the logic diagram.
Launch Wizard Launches the New Module Selection dialog box for the module you have selected in the
Activities tree.
Activity Inputs Contains Boolean, float, and enumeration input blocks.
Activity Outputs Contains Boolean, float, and enumeration output blocks.
Boolean Contains blocks that perform Boolean functions on one or more inputs, producing a single

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 51

Table 14: Logic Blocks
Item/Folder Name Description
Calculation Contains blocks that perform various fixed calculations (for example, blocks that control the
amount an output can change per control logic execution or extrapolates an output using two
inputs for reference).
Compare Contains comparison blocks, such as Greater Than or Not Equal.
Constant Contains blocks that pass a constant value to block inputs.
Container Contains the Activity and Hybrid Activity blocks that act as containers for other blocks. This
category also includes a Text block to use to annotate an application.
Control Contains blocks that perform or help configure feedback control algorithms (for example,
blocks that perform control functions on multiple inputs, producing a single output).
Math Contains blocks that perform mathematical functions on one or more inputs, producing a single
Multi-State Controller Contains blocks that provide sequencing operations for multi-stage systems.
Psychrometric Contains blocks that perform psychrometric functions on the defined inputs, producing a single
Selection Contains Command Hierarchy MUX, and Translation blocks that perform multiplexing for
multiple inputs, producing a single output.
Sequencer Contains the Global Sequencer Configuration Wizard and Sequencer 1 through Sequencer
16. See Sequencers.
Statistical Contains blocks that perform statistical functions on multiple inputs producing a single output
(with the exception of the Statistics block, which provides multiple location and spread statistic
Timing Contains blocks that perform timing functions such as Pulse, On Delay, and Off Delay. Timing
blocks are used to break up feedback loops.
Custom Contains any exported/shared modules. The Custom folder appears once a module is exported,
or a shared module is placed in the Custom Control Modules directory on the computer running
the tool.

Launch Wizard
The Launch Wizard appears in the Control Block palette before the folders containing available blocks for selection.
After you select a module within the Activities tree, you can drag the Wizard to the logic diagram workspace to launch
the New Module Selection dialog box. Within this dialog box, you can select multiple logic blocks to add to the
module. When you click Finish, the logic blocks appear in the logic diagram. Adjust the placement of the blocks as
See Using the Launch Wizard in the Configuring a System section.

Logic Execution
Table 15 answers common questions about how logic executes within the tool.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 52

Table 15: Logic Execution
Question Answer
Does each module (activity, hybrid activity, or logic The Control Sequence is a single process in the control engine. The
block) in the tool translate into one independent Control Sequence executes its application as follows:
• On startup, the Control Sequence executes every module (activity,
hybrid activity, or logic block) at the Control Sequence level one
• After startup completes, only those modules that have an input
change, or an internal logic block that requests execution run. This
means that not every activity executes on every execution of the
Control Sequence. This also applies to the logic blocks and
sub-activities inside an activity or hybrid activity.
Do all processes execute once on startup, without Yes.
the need to see a change of state?
Do processes execute in any particular order A sequence order is generated based on the connections between the
(top-to-bottom or left-to-right) based on how they modules. Logic is generally executed following the data flow (typically,
appear on the screen? a left-to-right flow across the logic diagram).
Does each process trigger on any binary change of Each module within the control sequence (or logic block or activity within
state, analog COV, or on some predetermined timer? a module) executes whenever an input changes. An input change
happens when a change occurs in the value, reliability, or reference
signature. PID loops execute based on the process period, not based
on change of input values.
Is there any way to exclude selected triggers? No.
If a loop is created within a process, including one The last blocks to execute within a module are always the Last Value
or more LVs, when and where does the loop start blocks. Otherwise, the execution follows the data flow. The process
and stop and what controls the number of times the only executes once per input change. If the process feeds the output
loop executes? of the Last Value block back around to one of the inputs of the block,
the process executes again in a short amount of time. This amount of
time depends on how busy the processor is at that particular moment.
Do the State Tables execute as a single large The State Tables execute as a single large process. Each column is
process or as independent tables? evaluated top-to-bottom when the State Selection table runs due to an
input change.
For Hybrid Activities, does each Layer translate into Yes. On an input change, the Event section executes to determine the
an independent process, with one of these active State. Then, that State executes the blocks within it.
processes enabled and the rest disabled at any
given time?
If a piece of unreliable data makes it through to one The last reliable value. If the hardware output has never received a
of the hardware outputs, what gets written to that reliable value, it uses the Relinquish Default value.
If a hardware input changes its value but is flagged Unreliable inputs are not processed. Instead, the failsoft, default, or last
as unreliable, do the affected process executions reliable value is used.
Does the Timer block require a change of state to No. The timer logic blocks are set as On Delay with a duration of 60
execute for the first time? For example, the input of seconds. Figure 14 shows an example timer application. During
an On Delay is set to True on at startup; however, Simulation or Commissioning in a controller, both of the outputs
the timer function does not execute. connected to the Enum Outputs come on at the same time. The top
Timer block input defaults to True.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 53

Figure 14: Timer Logic Execution Example

Logic View Status Colors

Table 16 lists the status colors used in the Logic View.
Table 16: Logic View Status Colors
Status Color Appears in Mode Description
Yellow Block All modes Indicates an activity input.
Turquoise Block All modes Indicates an activity output.
Tan Block All modes Indicates a block that contains logic that you can edit.
White Block All modes Indicates a block that does not contain logic you can edit.
Note: The Hybrid Activity State block is white with the
selected state highlighted in blue.
White Block with Blue State All modes Indicates a Hybrid Activity State block.
Block with Yellow Input All modes Indicates a connected input.
Block with Orange Input All modes Indicates an input that is not connected.
Block with Green Input All modes Indicates an input available for connection from the selected
Black Block All modes Indicates the default element of a module/block.
Black Line All modes Indicates a regular connection line.
Black Line with Red Circle All modes Indicates the connection units or enumeration sets do not
Blue Line All modes Indicates a selected connection line.
Magenta Line All modes Indicates connections traced by the selected block.
Yellow Circle All modes Indicates a hidden edge label connected to an input.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 54

Table 16: Logic View Status Colors
Status Color Appears in Mode Description
Gray Circle All modes Indicates a hidden edge label connected to something other
than an input.
All modes Identifies a block that has an alarm, trend, or schedule
(Advanced Item: Alarm, Trend, or

System Tab
The following figure shows the System tab in the Classic View workspace.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 55

Figure 15: System Tab

The System tab allows you to view system details and diagnostic data, rename a system, and define break conditions.
Break conditions are conditions that you set up to prompt the simulation to automatically stop (break) if the system
reaches the break condition. See Simulating a System for more information.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 56

Table 17: System Tab Tasks Available in Different Modes
Task Mode
Configuration Simulation Commissioning
View System Details X X X
Rename a System X
Define Break Conditions X X

Features Panel
The Features panel appears across the bottom of the Classic View workspace. You can view this panel regardless
of the application tab currently displayed.
Different trees and features appear depending on if the controller is an FAC, FEC, or VMA controller.
Depending on the mode in which the tool is operating, you are able to perform certain tasks in the Features Panel.
For information on the modes, see the Modes section. The following table describes the tasks you can perform in
the panel in the different modes.
Table 18: Panel Tasks Available in Different Modes
Task Mode
Configuration Simulation Commissioning
View Connections X X X
Modify Connections X
View Parameters X X X
1 X 2 2
Modify Parameters X X
Configure the Local X
Controller Display
(Local Display)
View the State Tables X X X
(State Tables)
Modify the State Tables X
(State Tables)
View Advanced Program X X
(Advanced Data)

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 57

Table 18: Panel Tasks Available in Different Modes
Task Mode
Configuration Simulation Commissioning
Modify Advanced Program X X

(Advanced Data)
View BACnet Exposed X X X
(BACnet Exposed)

1 You cannot modify outputs of modules from the Parameters table.

2 Select parameters only.
3 You can edit the details of advanced features in Commissioning mode, but you cannot add or delete advanced objects in
this mode.

Simple View Workspace

This workspace contains the Application and System Selection Information tabs. You can view inputs, outputs, and
parameters using the Application tab, or view system configuration selections using the System Selection Information
tab. See the Application Tab and System Selection Information Tab sections for information.

Application Tab
Figure 6 shows the Application tab in the workspace. The Application tab provides a simpler view of your system
design. The Application tab is divided into Inputs, Parameters, and Outputs categories. See Inputs, Outputs, and
Parameters. The items listed in these sections are derived from the items selected for your system in the System
Selection Wizard. For information on this wizard, see the System Selection Wizard in the Configuring a System
Depending on the mode in which the tool is operating, you are able to perform certain tasks using the Application
tab. For information on the modes, see the Modes section. The following table describes the tasks you can perform
using the Application tab in the different modes.
Table 19: Application Tab Tasks Available in Different Modes
Task Mode
Configuration Simulation Commissioning
View Input and Output X X X
Rename Input or Output X
Add Input or Output X
Modify a Module’s X X X
Delete Input or Output X
Send a Command X X

Send a Hardware Command X

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 58

Table 19: Application Tab Tasks Available in Different Modes
Task Mode
Configuration Simulation Commissioning
Modify Input and Output X
Show Involvement X X X

1 Applies to test mode.

System Selection Information Tab

Figure 16 shows the System Selection Information tab in the workspace. The System Selection Information tab
provides a read-only view of your system design. This view enables you to see the system selection summary without
the need for you to print a System Selection Summary report. For information on the System Selection wizard, see
the System Selection Wizard in the Configuring a System section. For information on Summary Reports, see Summary
Report Options.
Figure 16: System Selection Information Tab

Status Bar
The status bar displays the system name, hardware assignment indicator, system capacity indicator, current
connection type, connection status, current mode, and current perspective.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 59

If the open Controller Application File requires an upgrade to the latest version, the status of (Upgradeable) appears
next to the system name in the status bar and the functionality of the tool becomes limited. For details on upgrading
the file, see the Upgrading System Files section. For details on the system capacity indicator, including object counts,
see System Capacity Indicator.
The hardware assignment indicator options are:
• Device Model Name (Device Address) with the BACnet ID (Green)
• Not Assigned (Red)
The connection type options are:
• Bluetooth
• Ethernet
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee
The connection status options are:
• Connecting
• Connected (Sensor/Actuator Bus)
• Connected (Field Controller Bus)
• Disconnected
The current mode status options are:
• None
• Configuration
• Simulation
• Commissioning
The perspective name that appears depends on if you are using a default or custom perspective. Custom perspectives
appear as the name you have configured. The default perspective options are:
• Classic View
• Simple View

System Capacity Indicator

The system capacity indicator displays the percentage of maximum objects currently being used by your application.
This percentage is calculated by the object count divided by 3,000 (FEC/VMA/IOM), 4,112 (FAC), or 6,000 (NCE).
For example, 2,500 objects in the application divided by 3,000 would indicate 83% capacity. See the following table
for determining object counts.
Note: If your system capacity is greater than 85%, we recommend that you run Simulation mode before you download
the application. This step confirms you have not exceeded the Controller OID count.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 60

Note: Depending on the device you are using, you may see one of the following error messages when starting
Simulation mode or when downloading:
• BACnet OID count exceeded maximum limit of [number]. Devices have maximum BACoid object
(Object Count) capacity limits. FECs, VMAs, and IOMs have a limit of 3,000 BACoid objects. NCEs have
a limit of 6,000 BACoid objects. FACs have a limit of 4,112 BACoid objects.
• Controller OID count ([number]) exceeded maximum limit of [number]. This error only occurs when
starting Simulation mode. During download, this results in a download failure with an error of instances
deleted. The value of this limit accounts for OIDs used in a controller for objects that are removed for
Simulation, such as hardware points. FECs, VMAs, and IOMs have a limit of 7,000 objects. NCEs have
a limit of 14,000 objects. FACs have a limit of 11,200 objects.
Table 20: BACnet OID Count (Object Count) Determination
Type Number of Objects
Module 1 object
Physical and Miscellaneous Inputs and Outputs 3 objects (input/output, priority connection, actual object)
Network Input 1 object
Network Output 1 object
Connected and Disconnected Logic Block Ports 1 object per 1 port
Port Not Exposed for Connection 1 object per port
Point Not Exposed for BACnet 1 object per point
Connecting Lines Not counted as objects

Details Dialog Box

The Details dialog box provides information on and allows you to modify the selected module or block’s
attributes/parameters, inputs and outputs, and hardware attributes/parameters (if available). You can access this
dialog box from a module’s right-click menu regardless of whether the Control Tab or Logic Tab appears in the
workspace. You also can access the Details dialog box by double-clicking a module.
The Details dialog box shows the attributes/parameters of the selected module on the left (including any hardware
related attributes/parameters), and the inputs and outputs of the module appear in tables on the right.
The Details dialog box retains the previously displayed view. If you closed the right panel the last time you accessed
the dialog box, the panel is hidden the next time you open the dialog box. Click the arrows on the splitter bar to
restore the inputs and outputs panel.
If there are no inputs and outputs for a module (as is commonly the case for Network Inputs), the right panel appears
hidden and cannot be opened regardless of the previously displayed view.
If the module or block includes analog value BACnet Exposed outputs, you can also view the details and configure
the COV-related information for the output.
Also, see the Details Dialog Box screen section.


Opening a Controller Application File

For details on creating a new system (File > New), see the Configuring a System section.
To open an existing Controller Application File (.caf):

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 61

1. On the File menu, select Open. The Open dialog box appears.
2. Browse to the location of the saved Controller Application File (.caf) and select the file to open.
Note: The default location of a Controller Application File (.caf) is C:\Users\username.
Note: Do not add a new folder, rename a file or folder, or delete a file or folder in the Open dialog box. Doing
so may cause the dialog box to appear blank, and you cannot close the dialog box. If this problem occurs,
use Windows Task Manager to exit. Add or delete files or folders using Windows Explorer.
3. Click Open. The Controller Application File appears in Configuration mode, in the last used perspective of the
application's system configuration.
Note: Alternatively, you can open a recently viewed .caf file using the File > Recent Files menu, or using the
keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-1 through Ctrl-5 to open the desired file.
Note: Additionally, you can open a Controller Application File by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer
(when the tool software is closed). The tool opens with the selected file.
Note: If the selected Controller Application File requires an upgrade, the System Upgrade dialog box appears.
For details on upgrading the file, see the Upgrading System Files section.

Changing Modes
Note: The tool opens a Controller Application File (.caf) in Configuration mode by default. The Configuration and
Simulation modes are not available in the Commissioning-only software version.
To change from Configuration mode to Simulation or Commissioning mode, click Simulate or Commission.
To return to Configuration mode from Simulation or Commissioning mode, click Configure.
Note: The Configuration mode acts as a transitional mode when you need to switch from Simulation to Commissioning
mode and vice versa. To change from Simulation mode to Commissioning mode, for example, you must first
change to Configuration mode.
Note: When stopping simulation, a Confirm dialog box appears prompting you to save or discard the changes made
during simulation.
Note: If you made changes to the system in a particular mode, the tool opens the Save Confirmation dialog box
prompting you to save. Click Yes to save the changes before changing modes or No to discard them.
Note: When viewing the Logic tab in the Classic View, if you switch from Configuration mode to Simulation mode
or Commissioning mode after making changes, the Confirm dialog box has Yes, No, and Cancel options.
The dialog box does not cancel when you click the X in the upper-right corner of the dialog.
Note: You must be in Configuration mode to close a Controller Application File (.caf) or exit the tool.

Setting View Menu Options

On the View menu:
• Select Reset Layout (F7) to restore any resized panels to the default size.
• Select Restore to Default Screen (F8) to display the application across one computer screen.
• Select Arrange Multiple Screens (F9) to display the application across more than one computer screen.
• Select Save Perspective Layout (F10) to save any edits you made to the perspective layout (custom perspectives
• Select Restore Perspective Layout (F11) to discards any edits you made to the perspective layout and restore
the perspective layout to the last saved version (custom perspectives only).

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 62

Printing Summary Reports
For information on printing the logic diagram, see Printing the Logic Diagram in the Configuring a System section.
To print a summary report of the information in the tool:
1. On the File menu, select Print. The Summary Report Options dialog box appears.
2. Select the check boxes for the information you want to print. See the Summary Report Options screen section
for descriptions.
3. Click OK. The tool creates a PDF using Adobe® Reader® software containing the selected information in report
Note: If the Summary Report does not open in Adobe Reader software, see the workaround in the
Troubleshooting section.
4. Print or save the PDF as desired from the Adobe Reader software.

Saving a Controller Application File

To save a Controller Application File (.caf):
1. On the File menu, select Save. The Save dialog box appears. Illegal characters include:
Note: The default location to save a Controller Application File (.caf) is C:\Users\username.
2. Accept the default name or type a name for the file and click Save.
Note: Do not add a new folder, rename a file or folder, or delete a file or folder in the Save dialog box. Doing
so may cause the dialog box to appear blank, and you cannot close the dialog box. If this problem occurs,
use Windows Task Manager to exit. Add or delete files and folders using Windows Explorer.

Closing a Controller Application File

To close a Controller Application File (.caf), select Close on the File menu. If you made changes, the tool opens the
Save Confirmation dialog box prompting you to save. Click Yes to save the changes before closing or No to discard
Note: You must be in Configuration mode to close a file. You cannot close a .caf file in the Commissioning-only
software. You must stop Commissioning mode to remove a system from the UI.
Note: The default location of a Controller Application File (.caf) is C:\Users\username.

Exiting the Tool

To exit the tool, select Exit on the File menu.
Note: You must be in Configuration mode to exit the tool. In the Commissioning-only software, you can exit the tool
after you stop commissioning.


User Interface Screen

See the User Interface topic for information on the UI screens and their components.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 63

Control Tab Screen
The Control tab is part of the Classic View workspace. See Control Tab in the Classic View Workspace. See the
Modes section for information on the modes of operation.
Table 21: Control Tab
Screen Area Description
Module Sections Displays the modules used in the selected system in categorized
sections. The flow of the content is from left to right where the
inputs appear on the left, control/logic/state components are in
the center, and outputs appear on the right. The module
categories in the Control View are:
• Network Input Modules
• Input Modules
• Miscellaneous Input Modules
• Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules
• State Generation Modules
• Output Control Modules
• Network Output Modules
• Output Modules
• Miscellaneous Output Modules
See the Control Tab Module Categories section for information
on these types.

Logic Tab Screen

The Logic tab is part of the Classic View workspace. See the figure and table in the Logic Tab section of Classic
View Workspace for information on the Logic View UI and its components. See the Modes section for information
on the modes of operation.

System Tab Screen

The System tab is part of the Classic View workspace. Use the System tab to define break conditions and to view
system-related information. For more information on break conditions, see Break Conditions.
Table 22: System Tab - Configuration Mode
Field Description
Object - Name Indicates the name of the System you have open.
Object - Enabled Indicates if the device is enabled. True is enabled. False is
Setup - Revision Indicates the last time the file was changed structurally.
Setup - Standard Version Indicates the software version of the Tool with which the
application was originally built.
Setup - Language Indicates the language used in the application.
Setup - Unit Set Indicates the unit set of the devices.
Debug - Break Conditions Allows you to add, remove, or view details of break conditions.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 64

Table 23: System Tab - Simulation Mode
Field Description
Object - Name Indicates the name of the System you have open.
Object - Enabled Indicates if the device is enabled. True is enabled. False is
Setup - Revision Indicates the last time the file was changed structurally.
Setup - Standard Version Indicates the software version of the Tool with which the
application was originally built.
Setup - Language Indicates the language used in the application.
Setup - Unit Set Indicates the unit set of the devices.
Debug - Break Conditions Allows you to add, remove, or view details of break conditions.
Debug - Break Indicates if the system has stopped because of a break
Debug - Debug Mode Indicates if Debug mode has been activated (Simulation screen).
Debug - Elapsed Debug Time Indicates the elapsed time the system has been simulating with
Debug mode.
Debug - Last Blocks Executed Indicates the last blocks executed while the system has been
simulating with Debug mode.
Operational Data - Execution Run Count Provides a counter that tracks how many times the control
sequence has fully executed.
Operational Data - Average Idle Time Indicates the EWMA of the percentage of time that the control
sequence is not executing, calculated once each minute.
Operational Data - Average Executing Time Indicates the EWMA of the control sequences total execution
time per hour.
Operational Data - Average Execution Frequency Indicates the EWMA of the number of control sequence
executions per hour.
Operational Data - Average Execution Delay Indicates the EWMA of the time between a request to run by
an asynchronous block (including inputs) to when execution
Operational Data - Average Execution Duration Indicates the EWMA of the time elapsed during a control
sequence execution.
Operational Data - Average Slice Count Indicates the EWMA of the number of times sliced per control
sequence execution.
Operational Data - Average Sliced Duration Indicates the EWMA of cumulative time elapsed during all slices
per control sequence execution.
Opens the Help system.

Table 24: System Tab - Commissioning Mode

Field Description
Object - Name Indicates the name of the System you have open.
Object - Enabled Indicates if the device is enabled. True is enabled. False is
Setup - Revision Indicates the last time the file was changed structurally.
Setup - Standard Version Indicates the software version of the Tool with which the
application was originally built.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 65

Table 24: System Tab - Commissioning Mode
Field Description
Setup - Language Indicates the language used in the application.
Setup - Unit Set Indicates the unit set of the devices.
Operational Data - Execution Run Count Provides a counter that tracks how many times the control
sequence has fully executed.
Operational Data - Average Idle Time Indicates the EWMA of the percentage of time that the control
sequence is not executing, calculated once each minute.
Operational Data - Average Executing Time Indicates the EWMA of the control sequences total execution
time per hour.
Operational Data - Average Execution Frequency Indicates the EWMA of the number of control sequence
executions per hour.
Operational Data - Average Execution Delay Indicates the EWMA of the time between a request to run by
an asynchronous block (including inputs) to when execution
Operational Data - Average Execution Duration Indicates the EWMA of the time elapsed during a control
sequence execution.
Operational Data - Average Slice Count Indicates the EWMA of the number of times sliced per control
sequence execution.
Operational Data - Average Sliced Duration Indicates the EWMA of cumulative time elapsed during all slices
per control sequence execution.
Opens the Help system.

Features Panel Screen

The Features Panel is part of the Classic View workspace. See the location of this panel in the Classic View section.
See the Classic View Workspace.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 66

Table 25: Features Panel
Screen Area Description
Parameters Table (Parameters Tab) Lists the parameters/attributes of all modules that are exposed for connection
(Expose Ports > For Connection) and to BACnet systems. Parameters are listed
in alphabetical order. The components of the Parameters table are:
• Edit button: Enters Edit mode and allows modification of default
parameter/attributes values.
• Apply button: Saves the changes to parameter/attributes values.
• Cancel button: Cancels the edits made and exits Edit mode.
• Item column: Lists the names of the parameters/attributes.
• Current Value column: Displays the current calculated values of the
parameters/attributes (Simulation and Commissioning modes only).
• Default Value column: Displays the default values of the parameters/attributes.
• Units column: Displays the units of measurement used for the
• Standard Name column: Displays descriptive text for the parameters/attributes.
Note: You cannot modify outputs of modules from the Parameters table.
Connections Table (Connections Tab) Displays the source and destination exposed ports with the associated input and
output connection of the selected modules. The Connections table is divided into
three sections: Source, Selected Module, and Destination.
Note: When selecting multiple modules at once, a table appears in the
Connections area for each module selected.
Note: The Freeze Connection check box allows you to prevent the Connections
table from dynamically changing as you select modules.
The Source module section lists the module from which the selected module
receives its input and has the following columns:
• Block: Displays the name of the connected module.
• Port: Displays the port being connected.
The Selected Module section indicates the name of the selected module and has
the following columns:
• Input: Displays the exposed port inputs used for the connection.
• Output: Displays the exposed port outputs used for the connection.
The Destination module section lists the module to which the selected module
sends its output and has the following columns:
• Block: Displays the name of the connected module.
• Port: Displays the port being connected.
See the Connections section for more information and right-click menu options.
State Tables Tab Allows you to modify the State Tables, which are used to set the hierarchical priority
of incoming states and to define the appropriate mode of operation of each output
controller for each state in the State Selection Tables. See the State Tables section
and the Viewing and Modifying State Selection Tables.
Display Tab Allows you to set up the Local Controller Display. See the Configuring the Local
Controller Display section.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 67

Table 25: Features Panel
Screen Area Description
Advanced Tab Allows you to view and configure advanced program features, such as controller
information, intrinsic alarming, schedules, calendars, and trends.
See the Configuring Advanced Controller Features section for details on using this
BACnet Exposed Tab Allows you to view the parameters of an exposed BACnet system and switch
between all points and BACnet exposed points. See the BACnet Exposed section
for details.

Details Dialog Box

The Details dialog box displays software and hardware attributes/parameters for modules or logic blocks.
Table 26: Details Dialog Box
Screen Area Description
Edit Button Enters Edit mode and allows modification of items in the view.
Apply Button Saves the changes to items in the view.
Cancel Button Cancels the edits made and exits Edit mode.
Attribute Table Lists the selected module/block’s attributes/parameters, their defined values, and units.
Note: If the Name field is blank, the Standard Name appears in the UI.
See the Modules, Logic, and Input and Output Objects sections.
Input and Output Tables Displays both an Inputs and an Outputs table for the selected module/block. These tables
include the following data:
• : Identifies an input or output that has an alarm, trend, or schedule defined.
• Name: Displays the name of the input or output.
• Standard Name: Displays the Johnson Controls standard name used for the input or output.
• Default Value: Displays the default values of the inputs and outputs.
• Units: Displays the units of measurement used for the inputs and outputs
• Display Precision: Displays the Display Precision value used for the inputs and outputs
(for example, 10ths).
• BACnet Exposed: Indicates whether the input or output parameter is exposed for BACnet
Note: Double-clicking a BACnet Exposed analog value output launches an additional
Details dialog box which allows you to configure COV-related information.
Note: If there are no inputs and outputs for a module (as is commonly the case for Network
Inputs), this panel appears hidden and cannot be opened regardless of the previously
displayed view.
See the Modules, Logic, and Input and Output Objects sections.
IO Additions/Deletions Check Enables you to add or remove inputs and outputs.
Close Button Closes the Details dialog box.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 68

Application Tab Screen
The Application tab is part of the Simple View workspace. See the figure in the Simple View section. See Simple
View Workspace for information UI and its components.
Table 27: Application Tab
Screen Area Description
Inputs Table Lists the Inputs defined for the system. See Inputs.
Parameters Table Lists the parameters/attributes of all modules that are exposed for connection (Expose Ports
> For Connection) and to BACnet systems. Parameters are listed in alphabetical order. The
components of the Parameters table are:
• Edit button: Enters Edit mode and allows modification of default parameter/attributes
• Apply button: Saves the changes to parameter/attributes values.
• Cancel button: Cancels the edits made and exits Edit mode.
• Item column: Lists the names of the parameters/attributes.
• Current Value column: Displays the current calculated values of the parameters/attributes
(Simulation and Commissioning modes only).
• Default Value column: Displays the default values of the parameters/attributes.
• Units column: Displays the units of measurement used for the parameters/attributes.
• Standard Name column: Displays descriptive text for the parameters/attributes.
Note: You cannot modify outputs of modules from the Parameters table.
Outputs Table Lists the Outputs defined for the system. See Outputs.

System Selection Information Tab Screen

The System Selection Information tab is part of the Simple View workspace. See the figure in the System Selection
Information Tab section. See Simple View Workspace for information UI and its components. See the System
Selection Wizard for information on the wizard.

Summary Report Options

See Printing Summary Reports.
For information on printing the logic diagram, see Printing the Logic Diagram in the Configuring a System section.

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 69

Table 28: Summary Report Options
Field Description
Project Information Prints the following project information:
• Software Version
• Configuration File (Controller Application File, .caf, name)
• Configuration Date
• Engineering Units (Imperial or Metric from the New System dialog box)
• Application Name (System Name entered in the New System dialog box; also available
on the System tab)
• Assigned to Controller (list of the hardware devices defined during hardware definition)
• System Capacity (%)
• Naming and Signal Preferences (System Defaults or System Defaults / Modified)
• System Selection Preferences (System Defaults or System Defaults / Modified)
Job Information Prints the information entered in the Job Information dialog box.
System Selection Summary Prints the selections made during System Selection.
Controllers Prints a summary of the hardware network settings, including:
• Device
• Address
• Type (of device)
• BACnet ID
Inputs/Outputs Prints a list of all attributes of the hardware point assignments:
• Label (Input, Output)
• Object Name
• Attribute
• Value
• Units
Inputs/Outputs Summary Prints a brief summary of the hardware point assignments:
• Label (Input, Network Input, Output, and Network Output)
• Object Name
• Attribute (Description and Signal only)
• Value
• Units
Network Inputs/Outputs Prints a list of all attributes of the network points:
• Label (Network Input, Network Output)
• Object Name
• Attribute
• Value
• Units
Modules This option is not currently available.
State Tables Prints the State Tables.
Unit Validation Prints a brief summary of the Units:
• Name (Module) for Activity (includes these classes: Reliability Merge, Last Value,
Totalization, Comparison 2, MUX 2) and Passthru (includes Inputs and Outputs)
• Name (Logic Block)
• Default Value (Current value in Commissioning mode)
• Units

Controller Tool Help: User Interface 70

Table 28: Summary Report Options
Field Description
Parameters Prints the Parameters list, including:
• Item (Module Type, Module Name, and Parameters) for Activity (includes these classes:
Reliability Merge, Last Value, Totalization, Comparison 2, MUX 2) and Passthru (includes
Inputs and Outputs)
• Default Value
• Standard Name
Connections Prints the Connections tables, including the following for each table:
• Source Block and Port
• Selected Module Input and Output
• Destination Block and Port
Duplicate Names Prints a list of duplicate objects, including:
• Object name
• Object Type
• Standard Name
OK Creates a report of the selected data in PDF format that you can print and/or save.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without creating a printable PDF.
Opens the Help system.

Perspective management allows you to customize the UI display by creating perspectives that define the components
and component locations that appear within your view. With the exception of the menu and status bar, the entire UI
represents a single perspective broken into customizable containers and widgets.
Perspectives are dependent on the application, allowing you to create a set of perspectives per application type.
For example, CPO applications would have a different set of perspectives than the MASD set of perspectives.
However, all perspectives that you create appear in the Perspective Management library, and you can manage this
library with or without an application open.
The Controller Tool includes two default perspectives—Classic View and Simple View. The Classic View is the same
UI that was used in the Release 10.0 version of the tool. The Simple View is a simplified version of the Classic View
that also includes a new tab named System Selection Information. These perspectives are always available for use
and cannot be edited within the Perspectives Management dialog box. See Classic View and Simple View.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 71


Perspective Components
Perspectives comprise a collection of components that can be categorized as either containers or widgets. Each of
these components includes a custom configuration panel that allows you to further configure data included in that
widget. See Containers and Widget for descriptions of the components. See Classic View Components for an
example of how the Classic View is organized in terms of perspective components. See Simple View Components
for an example of how the Simple View is organized in terms of perspective components.

When you build a perspective, containers allow you to organize the content according to specific properties. Container
types include Frame, Orientation, and Tab. Each container type can be added individually. In addition, after adding
a container, you can change the type to another type of container, such as switching an Orientation container to a
Tab container.
Table 29: Container Types and Properties
Icon Description Properties
Indicates a Frame container, which can only be added at the root level. Orientation

Indicates an Orientation container, which can be vertical or horizontal. Orientation

Indicates a Tab container, which can be positioned in various locations of the UI. Position

The Frame container is only available at the perspective (or root level) and specifies that the subcomponents of
information appear as frames. The name of each frame stems from the name of the associated perspective
subcomponent. For example, the Classic View is a root frame container that defines the Application and the Features
panels as frames.

The Orientation container specifies the orientation of components (vertical or horizontal). For example, in the Classic
View, the Network Inputs, Inputs, and Miscellaneous components are arranged in a vertical orientation, where they
appear stacked vertically. However, within the Control tab, the module categories are arranged horizontally, or next
to each other. See Figure 18 for an example of Vertical and Horizontal orientation.
The following two figures illustrate the Orientation property. Figure 17 shows two Table Data widgets within a Vertical
Orientation container and two Table Data widgets within a Horizontal Orientation as the configuration appears within
the Perspectives tab of the Perspective Management dialog box. Figure 18 shows how these widgets appear in the

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 72

Figure 17: Perspective Tree Example Orientation Container Configuration

Figure 18: Perspective View of Vertically and Horizontally Oriented Table Data Widgets

Orientation containers also include a Resizable property. When selected, the container includes splitter bars so you
can adjust the size of the subcomponents. When Resizable is not selected, you cannot adjust the size of the
subcomponents. For example, in Figure 19, the container on the left is not resizable and decreasing the size of the
container does not affect the size of the subcomponents. Consequently, you must use the scroll bar to view all of
the subcomponents. The container on the right is resizable, and includes a splitter bar (circled in figure) to resize
the subcomponents as the size of the container decreases.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 73

Figure 19: Resizable Property Example

The Tab container shows the information contained within its children as its own tab. For example, in the Classic
View, the Features panel is a Tab container type, with multiple widgets that each appear as a separate tabs
(Parameters, Connections, State Tables, Display, Advanced, and BACnet Exposed).
The Tab container includes a Position property that determines where the tabs appear within the container. You can
position tabs to be on the top, bottom, left, or right of the container. Figure 20 shows the Position property behavior
in the UI.
Figure 20: Tab Container Position - Top, Bottom, Left, Right

Widgets are items that display specific information and include specific functional behaviors. The Classic View
perspective includes all of the following widgets, with the exception of the System Selection Information widget.
Note: The Advanced Data, BACnet Exposed, Connections, Local Display, Logic View, Parameters, State Tables,
and System Selection Information widgets are known as specialized widgets because they have no
configurable data.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 74

Table 30: Widget
Icon Section Property Selection
Specialized widget that allows you to view and work with advanced controller Visible
information. See Advanced Data widget.
Specialized widget that allows you to view and work with points in the Visible
application. See BACnet Exposed widget.
Specialized widget that allows you to view and work with connections of the Visible
Control Sequence. See Connections widget.
Configurable widget that allows you to view the details of a BACoid. See Data Criteria Type
Details Data widget and Data Criteria.
Specialized widget that allows you to view and configure the display device. Visible
See Local Display widget.
Specialized widget that allows you to view and work with application logic. Visible
See Logic View widget.
Specialized widget that allows you to view parameters. See Parameters Visible
Specialized widget that allows you to view and work with State Table Visible
information. See State Tables widget.
Specialized widget that allows you to view system design information. See Visible
System Selection Information widget.
Configurable widget that allows you to select and display multiple BACoids Data Criteria Type
using data criteria. See Table Data widget and Data Criteria.

Advanced Data
The Advanced Data widget allows you to view and configure advanced program features, such as controller
information, intrinsic alarming, schedules, calendars, and trends.
Different trees and features appear on the Advanced tab depending on if the controller is an FAC, FEC, or VMA
See the Configuring Advanced Controller Features section for details on using this tab.
Note: The Advanced Data widget does not show the N2 object. For information on Advanced data functionality,
see Configuring Advanced Controller Features. For N2 information, see the N2 Compatibility Options section.

BACnet Exposed
The BACnet Exposed widget allows you to view, in a tree format, the parameters exposed for BACnet systems. The
names of the nodes, objects, and the structure of the tree all update if changes are made to the application. In this
widget, you can switch between viewing all points or the points that are BACnet Exposed. This widget also contains
the Mass Edit Dialog Box. The Mass Edit feature allows you to filter on name, show all points, show only BACnet
Exposed points, duplicate points, and edited values.
The BACnet Exposed widget is shown in the Features Panel of the Classic View workspace; however, you can add
this widget to any Perspective you configure. See the Classic View section to view the location of the BACnet Exposed
widget within the Classic View workspace.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 75

The Connections table appears in the Connection tab of the Features Panel in all modes. This table can show the
connections for one or more modules, and the State Selection tables. The Connections table displays the source
and destination module and port data with the associated input and output connection of the selected module. Inputs
appear yellow and outputs appear turquoise in this table.
By default, connections appear for all modules and the State Selection tables. In the Control tab, you can select to
view connections for one module, multiple modules in a module category, or you can click Show All to view the State
Selector connections.
In the Logic tab, you can select a module in the Activities tree to view the connections for the selected module. You
can also select a module in the BACnet Exposed tab to view and update the Connections table.
To return to the default view, showing all module and State Selection connections, click Show All.
Note: Select the Freeze Connection check box to prevent the Connections table from dynamically changing as you
select modules.
Figure 21: Connections Table Show All Menu

For Inputs and Outputs, the default value appears after the input/output name during Configuration mode (for example,
Present Value - False or Input - False). During Simulation and Commissioning mode, the current value appears after
the input/output name. The following table describes the right-click menu options of the Connections table.
Table 31: Connections Table Right-Click Menus
Menu Option Context Description
Break Connection Input Disconnects the current connection and leaves the connection
Change Connection Input Launches a dialog box allowing the user to choose from a tree
of available blocks and ports.
Expose Ports Selected Module Header Opens the Port Exposure dialog box to show or hide ports from
connection. You cannot remove the selection for connected ports
as such ports are disabled in this dialog box.
Make Connection Input Launches a dialog box allowing the user to choose from a tree
of available blocks and ports.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 76

Table 32: Connections Table Buttons and Check Boxes
Button or Check Box Description
Show All Returns the Connections table to the default view, which is showing all module
Expose Ports Opens the Port Exposure dialog box to hide ports from connection. You cannot
remove the selection for connected ports as such ports are disabled in this dialog
Freeze Connections Prevents the Connections table from dynamically changing as you select modules.

See the Features Panel Screen section for a description of this table’s components.

Details Data
The Details Data widget shows the details of a module or point. This view is identical to the Details dialog box that
appears when you view details of an item within the Classic View (Figure 22). The Details Data widget supports a
single BACoid as the data criteria type, and does not allow hardware points, advanced objects, or elements of a
primitive to appear as the main reference of the view. See BACoid for more information.
Note: A Missing Data message appears in this widget when the specified BACoid does not exist in the open
Figure 22: Details Dialog Box (Left) and Details Data Widget in Perspective (Right)

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 77

Local Display
The Local Display widget appears in the Features Panel in Configuration mode. Use this tab to set up the Local
Controller Display. See the Configuring the Local Controller Display section.

Logic View
The Logic View widget functionality is identical to the previous release's Logic tab. This widget does not need to
appear as a tab and can be located anywhere within the UI. For more information, see Logic Tab.

The Parameters widget appears in Features Panel of the Classic View workspace and in the Application Tab of the
Simple View workspace, in all modes. The Parameters widget lists key parameters/attributes in alphabetical order
used by the system. In Configuration mode, default values appear only for parameters/attributes that can be edited.
To add other parameters/attributes to the Parameters table, enable the inputs and outputs for BACnet network
exposure by editing the individual module’s BACnet Exposed attribute to True in the Details dialog box. You cannot
modify outputs of modules from the Parameters table. See the Features Panel Screen section for a description of
this table’s components.
Note: You cannot modify outputs of modules from the Parameters table.
Table 33: Parameters Widget
Screen Area Description
Edit Enters Edit mode and allows modification of default parameter/attributes values.
Apply Saves the changes to parameter/attributes values.
Cancel Cancels the edits made and exits Edit mode.
Item Lists the names of the parameters/attributes.
Current Value Displays the current calculated values of the parameters/attributes (Simulation and Commissioning
modes only).
Default Value Displays the default values of the parameters/attributes.
Units Displays the units of measurement used for the parameters/attributes.
Standard Name Displays descriptive text for the parameters/attributes.

State Tables
The State Tables widget is used to set the hierarchical priority of incoming states and to define the appropriate mode
of operation of each Output Controller for each state in the State Selection Tables. You can modify the State Tables
only in Configuration mode.
The individual tables in the State Tables correspond to the State Generators and the column headings are the Output
Controllers. For each State Generator state, there is a corresponding Output Controller state. The States column
lists the states from highest priority to lowest priority in descending order from top to bottom. An asterisk (*) appearing
instead of a valid Output Controller state indicates that the current State Generator has no interaction with the Output
Controller, and the Output Controller is controlled by the next highest priority State Generator showing a valid Output
Controller state. Both the State Generator state column and the Output Controller state column are scrollable. A
scroll bar at the bottom of the Output Controller state column allows you to move right and left.
In Commissioning and Simulation mode, the State tables highlight both the present values of the incoming states
and the value of the Output Controllers being controlled by State Generators. Active states appear as green and
represent which State Generators are in control. Values with asterisks (*) are not highlighted.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 78

For information on how to use the State Tables, see Viewing and Modifying State Selection Tables in the Configuring
a System section. To see an example of how the State Tables are used, see the Control Tab Application Example

System Selection Information

The System Selection Information widget provides a read-only view of your system design. This view enables you
to see the system selection summary without the need for you to print a System Selection Summary report. The
System Selection Information widget type does not support any data criteria types or any properties. For information
on the System Selection wizard, see the System Selection Wizard in the Configuring a System section.

Table Data
The Table Data widget type displays blocks as rows in a table. Each row in the table provides a label, icons, associated
values, and actions for the referenced block. Additionally, the header of the table provides the ability to create new
application blocks. The Table Data widget type supports two data criteria types—BACoid (BACnet Object ID) and
UI Column. The Table Data widget does not allow hardware points or advanced objects to be displayed as rows in
the table. See the following sections for more information on data criteria.
The Table Data widget includes an Order property that allows you to configure the order in which the blocks appear.
For example, Figure 23 shows defined Table Data circled in red and the corresponding Table Data columns above.
The Table Data column on the left shows the BACoid data in As Defined order, and the Table Data column on the
right shows BACoid data in Alphabetical order. Notice that the order of BACoids in the table on the left matches the
order of the BACoids circled in red in the Table Data configuration panel.
Note: When you select As Defined for State Generation Table Data, the blocks appear in the same order as the
State Table. See Figure 24.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 79

Figure 23: Table Data Order Property - As Defined (Left) and Alphabetical (Right)

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 80

Figure 24: Table Data Order Property for State Generation - As Defined (Middle) and Alphabetical (Right)

Data Criteria
Each widget has a data criteria type, which may be configurable or not configurable depending on the widget.
Specialized widgets, such as Advanced Data, Logic View, Parameters, BACnet Exposed, Connections, Details Data,
Local Display, State Tables, and System Selection Information, do not have configurable data criteria. The data
criteria for these widgets displays only as Not Applicable. Configurable widgets include Table Data and Details Data
widgets. The following sections provide more information on configurable data criteria.

UI Column
The UI Column data criteria type is supported by the Table Data widget only. This data criteria type allows you to
select a group of modules or points from a list of UI column options:
• Control Points
• Miscellaneous Inputs
• Miscellaneous Outputs
• Network Inputs
• Network Outputs
• Output Controllers
• Sensors
• Setpoint Determination
• State Generation
• State Selector
Each UI Column data criteria Table Data widget can support one or multiple categories of information (such as
Network Inputs only, or all types of Inputs—Sensors, Miscellaneous Inputs, and Network Inputs).

Note: We recommend that only advanced users and users who require custom applications configure the BACoid
data criteria type. Assigned BACoids may change between revisions of the controller tool.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 81

The BACoid data criteria type allows you to specify objects by BACoid. When you have an application open, you
can select a BACoid from a tree that represents the entire application. This tree also presents user-friendly naming.
Otherwise, you can specify a BACoid similar to a peer reference (a combo box for selecting the object's class, and
a text box for specifying the instance ID).
The Details Data widget and the Table Data widget support the BACoid data criteria type. When working with a
Table Data widget, you can specify the BACoids that appear in the UI using the Table Data configuration panel. See
Figure 25. When working with the Details Data widget, you can specify that details data of a chosen BACoid appear
in the UI. The following figure provides an example of a Table Data widget configured for BACoid data criteria, and
a Details Data widget configured to show the details of HTGMODE.
Figure 25: Table Data with BACoid Data Criteria (Left) and Details Data with BACoid Data Criteria (Right)

Classic View Components

The following figure and tables show how the Classic View is broken into components of a perspective.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 82

Figure 26: Classic View with Callouts

Table 34: General Perspective Components

Callout Perspective Component
1 Frame Container - Vertical
2 Tab Container
3 Orientation Container - Horizontal
4 Details Data Widget - BACoid
5 Table Data Widget - UI Column
6 Orientation Container - Vertical
7 Perspective Name
Specialized, Non-configurable Widget

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 83

Table 35: Description of Classic View as Perspective Components
Classic View Type Orientation/ Direct Subcomponents Appearance Description
Component Location/
Entire Classic View Frame Vertical Tab Container (Application) The vertical orientation of this frame
Container container orders the direct
Tab Container (Features)
subcomponents to arrange
themselves stacked vertically, so
the Application Panel and Features
Panel appear stacked on top of
each other.
Application Panel Tab Top Orientation Container - Horizontal (Control The Tab Container type dictates that
Container Tab) the direct subcomponents appear
as tabs within this container. The
Logic View Widget (Logic Tab)
Top orientation provides the location
Details Data Widget (System Tab) of the tabs within the container.
Control Tab Orientation Horizontal Orientation Container (Inputs) The orientation container type
Container specifies that the subcomponents
Table Data Widget - UI Column
appear horizontally, or next to each
other in the UI.
Table Data Widget - UI Column (State
Table Data Widget - UI Column (Output
Orientation Container (Outputs)
Network Inputs, Orientation Vertical Table Data Widget - UI Column (Network The orientation container type
Inputs, Container Inputs) specifies that the subcomponents
Miscellaneous appear vertically stacked in the UI.
Table Data Widget - UI Column (Inputs)
Table Data Widget - UI Column
Setpoint/ Table Data UI Column None The table data widget with UI
Miscellaneous Widget Column data criteria specifies that
Setpoint/Miscellaneous blocks
appear in UI.
State Generation Table Data UI Column None The table data widget with UI
Widget Column data criteria specifies that
State Generation blocks appear in
Output Control Table Data UI Column None The table data widget with UI
Widget Column data criteria specifies that
Output Control blocks appear in UI.
Network Outputs, Orientation Vertical Table Data Widget - UI Column (Network The orientation container type
Outputs, Container Outputs Inputs) specifies that the subcomponents
Miscellaneous appear vertically stacked in the UI.
Table Data Widget - UI Column (Outputs)
Table Data Widget - UI Column
Logic Tab Logic View Not None The Logic View widget is designed
Widget Applicable specifically for the Logic view.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 84

Table 35: Description of Classic View as Perspective Components
Classic View Type Orientation/ Direct Subcomponents Appearance Description
Component Location/
System Tab Details Data BACoid None The Details Data widget with
Widget BACoid data criteria type specifies
that Control Sequence details
appear in the UI.
Features Panel Tab Top Parameters Widget The Tab Container type dictates that
Container the direct subcomponents appear
Connections Widget
as tabs within this container. The
State Tables Widget Top orientation provides the location
of the tabs within the container.
Local Display Widget
Advanced Data Widget
BACnet Exposed Widget
Parameters Tab Parameters Not None The Parameters widget is designed
Widget Applicable specifically for viewing parameters.
Connections Tab Connections Not None The Connections widget is designed
Widget Applicable specifically for viewing connections
of the Control Sequence.
State Tables Tab State Tables Not None The State Tables widget is designed
Widget Applicable specifically for viewing the state
Display Tab Local Not None The Local Display widget is
Display Applicable designed specifically for viewing the
Widget configuration of the display device.
Advanced Tab Advanced Not None The Advanced Data widget is
Data Widget Applicable designed specifically for the viewing
Advanced details.
BACnet Exposed BACnet Not None The BACnet Exposed widget is
Tab Exposed Applicable designed specifically for viewing
Widget BACnet exposed data.

Simple View Components

The following table shows how the Simple View is broken into components of a perspective.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 85

Table 36: Description of Simple View as Perspective Components
Simple View Type Orientation/ Location/ Direct Appearance
Component Data Criteria Subcomponents Description
Entire Simple View Tab Container Top Orientation Container The Simple View
(Application) is a tab container
that specifies
System Selection
that the two
Information Widget
(System Selection
appear as tabs.
Information tab)
Application Tab Orientation Container Horizontal Table Data Widget - UI The orientation
Column (Inputs column) container type
specifies that the
Parameters Widget
(Parameters column)
Table Data Widget - UI be arranged
Column (Outputs column) horizontally, or
stacked next to
each other.
Inputs Table Data Widget UI Column None The Table Data
widget with UI
Column data
criteria specifies
Inputs, Network
Inputs, and
Sensors appear
within the same
table in the UI.
Parameters Parameters Widget Not Applicable None The parameters
widget displays
parameters and
cannot be

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 86

Table 36: Description of Simple View as Perspective Components
Simple View Type Orientation/ Location/ Direct Appearance
Component Data Criteria Subcomponents Description
Outputs Table Data Widget UI Column None The Table Data
widget with UI
Column data
criteria specifies
that Control
Outputs, and
Network Outputs
appear within the
same table in the
System Selection System Selection Information Not Applicable None The System
Information Tab Widget Selection
widget displays
system selection
choices and
cannot be

Associated Perspectives
Perspectives are associated with the applications provided by the tool, such as VAV, Central Cooling Plants, Air
Handling Units, and so on. The Associated Perspectives view on the System Configurations tab of the Perspective
Management screen allows you to edit the associated perspectives for your applications. See Configuring Associated
Perspectives Per Application and Configuring Associated Perspectives for All Applications. See Applications for
more information on applications provided by the tool.

Folder Organization
You can easily organize groups of similar perspectives into folders. Grouping perspectives into folders prevents the
tree of perspectives from becoming too cluttered if you happen to use many perspectives. See Creating Folders for

The Controller Tool installation package includes a set of commonly used perspective templates. These templates
are included in a folder on the installation media. To easily customize the view for your specific application, you can
import one of these templates and make adjustments as needed. The following table provides an overview of the
available templates with this release and associated applications. See Importing a Perspective for procedures.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 87

Table 37: Perspective Templates
Name of Application
100% 100% Multizone Mixed Mixed Rooftop Pump Ventilator Coil Dual Slave Single Slave
Outdoor Outdoor (Mixed Air Air Unit Applications Applications Applications Duct Dual Duct Single
Air Air Air Single Dual Applications Applications Duct Applications Duct
Dual Single Dual Duct Duct Applications Applications
Duct Duct Duct) Applications Applications
Applications Applications Applications
AHU-Cooling X X X X X X
AHU-Heating X X X X X X
AHU-Econ X X X X
HP-Cooling X
HP-Heating X
UV-Cooling X
UV-Heating X
Fan Coil-Cooling X
Fan Coil-Heating X
VAVSD-Damper X X
VAVSD-Heating X X
Module-Logic.pml X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Custom Perspectives
In addition to importing configured perspectives and templates, you can also build a perspective to suit your application.
For example, the following figure shows a perspective used for balancing.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 88

Figure 27: Custom Perspective for Balancer

Perspective Layout
In addition to customizing the components of the perspective, you can also customize the layout of the perspective
by moving and resizing containers and components. You can also configure the perspective based upon your monitor
display. For example, if you work with the same perspective in different locations, such as viewing the perspective
on multiple monitors, and also viewing the perspective on a laptop, you can choose to ignore changes to the layout
to ensure the perspective always opens using one screen or both.
In addition to the steps shown in Configuring Perspective Layout Saving, when you change the layout of your
perspective and switch to another perspective, a dialog box appears prompting you to save the layout.
Figure 28: Confirm Dialog Box for Perspective Layout

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 89

If you have no layout preference configured in Perspective Management, when this dialog box appears, you have
the following choices:
• Click Yes: Saves the current layout only.
• Select Remember my decision and click Yes: Saves the changes to the layout and saves any further changes
when switching between perspectives by default without prompting you.
• Click No: Discards the changes to the layout.
• Select Remember my decision and click No: Discards the changes to the layout and discards any further
changes when switching between perspectives by default without prompting you.
If you have selected Remember my decision and want to change your preference later, see Configuring Perspective
Layout Saving.
Note: The View menu also includes Save Perspective Layout and Restore Perspective Layout options.
Note: When you open an application file, the tool defaults to the active perspective of the selected system
configuration when displaying the application.

Perspectives Tab
The Perspectives tab provides a list of perspectives available within your perspectives library. Every perspective
that you have in your library appears in this view, including the default Simple and Classic View perspectives (these
cannot be edited or deleted). See the following figure and table for a description of the Perspectives Tab.
Figure 29: Perspectives Tab

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 90

Table 38: Perspectives Tab
Field Description
Component Displays a list of perspectives and different types of configurable components. See Containers and Widget.
When you right-click a component within the tree, a menu appears that allows you to delete, cut, copy, or
paste the selected component.
Note: Perspectives are listed in alphabetical order by default and cannot be reordered. Subcomponents
can be reordered using the Display Order property.
Toolbar Provides action buttons for managing perspective components in the tree. When you hover your mouse over
an icon, a tooltip appears showing the action.
• : Import
• : Export
• : Add Perspective
• : Add Container
• : Add Widget
The toolbar also includes a number box where you can select the number of components to add (1 to 10).
Custom Provides specific information that applies to the selected node within the component tree.
Apply When an application is open, clicking this button applies a change to the current perspective or switches to
a different perspective to the UI. For example, if you add a widget and click Apply, that widget appears in the
currently displayed perspective. If you select a different perspective and click Apply, your UI changes to that
perspective. When no application is open, you can make and apply changes to a perspective within the
Perspectives tree, but you do not see these changes until you open an application showing the perspective.
Close Closes the dialog box.
Opens the online help system.

System Configurations Tab

The System Configurations tab allows you to manage your library of perspectives based upon all system configurations,
or specific applications. See the following figure and table for a description of the System Configurations Tab.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 91

Figure 30: System Configurations Tab

Table 39: System Configurations Tab

Field Description
System Allows you to view all associated perspectives or system-based perspectives.
Associated Displays all associated perspectives and allows you to select or clear check boxes to configure associated
Perspectives perspectives.
Perspectives Provides a list of all associated perspectives for that system type. Perspectives are ordered alphabetically.
You can click the column header to reverse the order of the list.
Apply Not used.
Close Closes the dialog box.
Opens the online help system.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 92


Working with Components

Adding a Container
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. In the tree on the left pane, select the perspective or container to which you want to add the container. The
container you add becomes a subcomponent of the perspective component you choose.
Note: You cannot add containers to widgets.
3. Click Add Container ( ).
4. Select Orientation or Tab. The container appears nested under the component you selected in Step 3.
Note: If you decide later that you want a different type container, you can switch your choice for Orientation or
Tab type at any time for the container you added. You do not need to delete the container and add a new
5. See Configuring a Tab Container or Configuring an Orientation Container for more information.

Configuring a Frame Container

1. In the Perspective Management dialog box, select the Frame container you want to configure.
2. Enter a Name and a Description (optional) for the Frame container. The name appears in the status bar of the
UI (as the name of the Perspective) and the description appears as a tooltip, with the CAF file location, when
you hover over the name in the UI.
3. Click the Save Layout Behavior drop down box and select one of the following:
• Always Ask: Choose the option to always be prompted by a dialog box to choose whether to save the layout
changes. See Figure 28.
• Auto Save: Choose this option to always save the changes to your perspective layout.
• Auto Ignore: Choose this option to always discard the changes to your perspective layout.
4. Click the Orientation drop-down box and select Vertical or Horizontal. (See Figure 18 in Orientation for examples.)
5. In the Display Order field, click the up arrow ( ) or down arrow ( ) to reorder subcomponents. (See Changing
the Display Order of Components for more information.)
6. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.

Configuring an Orientation Container

1. In the Perspective Management dialog box, select the Orientation container you want to configure.
2. Enter a Name and a Description (optional) for the Orientation container. The name appears in the UI and the
description appears as a tooltip when you hover over the component in the UI.
Note: If you are using the Orientation container for organization only, you do not need to name the container.
3. Select the Visible check box to show the container within the UI, or clear the check box to hide the container in
the UI.
4. Click the Orientation drop-down box and select Vertical or Horizontal. (See Figure 18 in Orientation for examples.)
5. Select the Resizable check box to allow resizing the container within the UI (recommended), or clear the check
box to lock the size of the container. (See Figure 19 in Orientation for an example.)
6. If the Orientation container has subcomponents, in the Display Order field, click the up arrow ( ) or down arrow
( ) to reorder the items. (See Changing the Display Order of Components for more information.)
7. Click Apply.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 93

8. Click Close.

Configuring a Tab Container

1. In the Perspective Management dialog box, select the Tab container you want to configure.
2. Enter a Name and Description (optional) for the Tab container. The name appears in the UI, and the description
appears as a tooltip when you hover over the component in the UI.
3. Select the Visible check box to show the container within the UI, or clear the check box to hide the container in
the UI.
4. Click the Position drop-down list box to choose the location in the container for where the tabs appear. (See
Figure 20 in Tab for examples.)
5. If the Tab container has subcomponents, in the Display Order field, select the subcomponent and click the up
arrow ( ) or down arrow ( ) to reorder the items.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.

Adding a Widget
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. In the tree on the left pane, select the perspective or container to which you want to add the widget. The widget
you add becomes a subcomponent of the perspective component you choose.
3. Click Add Widget ( ) and select a widget from the list of available widgets.
Note: You cannot add more than one specialized widget (see Widget for a list of specialized widgets).
4. Select the parent container, and using the up ( ) and down ( ) arrows on the right pane, change the Display
Order of the components.
5. If you added a Table Data or Details Data widget, see Configuring a Table Data Widget for UI Column Data
Criteria or Configuring a Details Data Widget for more information.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.

Configuring a Table Data Widget for UI Column Data Criteria

1. In the Perspective Management dialog box, select the Table Data widget you want to configure.
2. Enter a Name and Description (optional) for the Table Data widget. The name appears in the UI, and the description
appears as a tooltip when you hover over the component in the UI.
3. Click the Data Criteria Type drop-down box and select UI Column.
4. Select the Visible check box to show the widget within the UI, or clear the check box to hide the widget in the
5. Click the Order drop-down box and select whether you would like the table data to appear in Alphabetical order
or As Defined. (See Figure 23 in Table Data for examples.)
6. In the selection window, select one or more categories (UI Columns) you would like to display in the Table Data
widget. To select multiple categories, press and hold down the Ctrl key and click each category you would like
to display.
Note: When you select As Defined for Order, and State Generation UI Column, the blocks appear in the same
order as the State Table.
7. Click Apply.
8. If you create multiple Table Data widgets and want to organize them within the perspective UI, nest the group
of Table Data widgets within a Tab or Orientation container. See Adding a Container for more information.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 94

Configuring a Table Data Widget for BACoid Data Criteria
1. In the Perspective Management dialog box, select the Table Data widget you want to configure.
2. Enter a Name and Description (optional) for the Table Data widget. The name appears in the UI and the description
appears as a tooltip when you hover over the component in the UI.
3. Click the Data Criteria Type drop-down box and select BACoid. The Table Data configuration panel changes to
show the Control Sequence points.
4. Select the Visible check box to show the widget within the UI, or clear the check box to hide the widget in the
5. Click the Order drop-down box and select whether you would like table data to appear in Alphabetical order or
As Defined. (See Figure 23 in Table Data for examples.)
6. Choose the BACoids to display in your table data widget:
• If you have an application open, follow these steps to build table data using the tree:
a. In Settings, select the Show All check box to view all points in the application, otherwise, clear the checkbox
to view only BACnet Exposed points.
b. For Expansion Level, use the slider bar to expand the tree to the details level you would like to view.
c. In the BACoid tree, select the item you want to show within the table data widget.
Note: To select multiple items, press and hold down the Ctrl key and click each item.
d. Click .
Note: The list in the right-pane shows the order of the table data if you chose As Defined for the Order
type. If you wish to change the order of items, you can select the item and click the up arrow ( )
or down arrow ( ).
Note: If you would like to remove an item from the table data list in the right pane, select the item and
click . You can also use the Delete key or - (hyphen) key to delete items as well.
• If you do not have an application open, follow these steps to build table data manually:
a. Click the Object Identifier drop-down box and select the type of object.
b. In the text box, enter the Object ID for the BACoid.
c. Click to add the BACoid to the table data.
d. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 until you have built your table.
Note: The list of BACoids that appears is the order of the table data if you chose As Defined for the
Order type. If you wish to change the order of items, you can select the item and click the up arrow
( ) or down arrow ( ).
Note: If you would like to remove an item from the table data list, select the item and click .
7. Click Apply.
8. Click Close.
9. If you create multiple Table Data widgets and want to organize them within the perspective UI, nest the group
of Table Data widgets within a Tab or Orientation container. See Adding a Container.

Configuring a Details Data Widget

Note: We recommend that you have an application open before you configure the Details Data widget. If no
application is open, you must specify the BACoid by Object ID using the Manual Entry section of the Details
Data configuration panel.
1. In the Perspective Management dialog box, select the Details Data widget you want to configure.
2. Enter a Name for the Details Data widget. The name appears in the UI.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 95

Note: If you enter a description for the widget (optional), this description appears only when the Details Data
widget is located in a tab container and you hover over the tab.
3. Select the Visible check box to show the widget within the UI, or clear the check box to hide the widget in the
4. Choose the BACoid for which to show details:
• If you have an application open, follow these steps to select a BACoid using the tree:
a. In Settings, select the Show All check box to view all points in the application, otherwise, clear the check
box to view only BACnet Exposed points.
b. For Expansion Level, use the slider bar to expand the tree to the details level you would like to view.
c. In the BACoid tree, select the item you want to display details for within the perspective UI.
Note: If you select a folder, or an invalid BACoid, the Details Data widget displays a data unavailable
message within the perspective UI.
• If you do not have an application open, follow these steps to enter the BACoid manually:
a. Click the Object Identifier drop-down box and select the type of object.
b. In the text box, enter the Object ID for the BACoid.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.

Changing the Display Order of Components

The Display Order property organizes how components appear within the UI. For example, a series of components
nested in a tab container is displayed from left to right, such that the component appearing at the top of the list in
the custom configuration panel is located as the far left tab within the UI. In a vertical orientation container, the
component at the top of the list appears at the top of the container. And, in a horizontal orientation container, the
component at the top of the Display Order appears on the far left of the container in the UI.
Note: You cannot change the order of the Classic View or Simple View components.
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. In the left pane, select a perspective or container with subcomponents to reorder. The right pane populates with
the available items to reorder in the Display Order box.
3. Select an item and click the up arrow ( ) or down arrow ( ) to change the display order.
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.

Copying and Pasting Components

1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. In the left pane of the Perspective Management window, select the component you want to copy.
3. Right-click and select Copy or press Ctrl+C.
4. Right-click the area where you want to paste the copied component and select Paste, or press Ctrl+V.

Showing and Hiding Perspective Components

1. In the left pane of the Perspective Management dialog box, select the component you want to show or hide.
Note: You cannot select a perspective frame or container at the root level to show or hide.
2. In the right-pane, select the Visible check box to show the component, or clear the Visible check box to hide the
component. If the component also has nested subcomponents, these are automatically shown or hidden based
upon the choices you made for the parent component.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 96

3. Click Apply.
4. Click Close.

Deleting a Perspective or Perspective Component

Note: You cannot delete the Classic View or the Simple View perspectives.
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. In the left pane, right-click a perspective or component and select Delete. A Confirm dialog box appears prompting
you to confirm your delete action.
3. Click Yes.

Working with Perspectives

Adding a Perspective
To add a Perspective from a template, see Importing a Perspective.
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management.
2. Click Add Perspective ( ). The Input dialog box appears.
3. Enter a name for the Perspective and click OK. The new perspective appears in the tree.

Importing a Perspective
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. Click Import ( ). The Open dialog box appears.
3. Browse for the PML file you would like to import and click Open. The imported perspective appears in the tree.

Exporting a Perspective
Note: When you export a perspective, any custom sizing and layouts are not preserved in the exported file.
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. Select the perspective you wish to export.
3. Click Export ( ). The Save dialog box appears.
4. Browse to the location to save the PML file you would like to export and click Save.

Copying and Pasting Perspectives

1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. In the left pane of the Perspective Management window, select the perspective you want to copy.
3. Right-click and select Copy or press Ctrl+C.
4. Choose an area to paste the copied perspective:
• If you would like to create a new perspective, in the empty area below the perspective tree, right-click and
select Paste or press Ctrl+V.
• If you would like to paste the perspective within another perspective, click the parent perspective, then
right-click and select Paste or press Ctrl+V.
Note: You cannot paste a Frame container within another Frame container. In addition, you cannot copy and
paste a specialized widget into a perspective that already contains that specialized widget.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 97

Creating Folders for Perspectives
Note: You cannot place the Classic View or Simple View perspectives into folders.
1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. Select the first perspective you would like to place in a folder.
3. In the Name field, create the folder name by preceding the perspective name with [Folder Name]/. For example,
if you want to place Perspective 1 into a folder named Test, you would type Test/Perspective 1.
Note: A folder does not appear in the tree. Folder names are identified by [Folder Name]/ only. For example,
Figure 31 shows a VAV folder and a Central Plant folder.
Figure 31: Folder Structure within Perspectives Tree

4. Select the next perspective you want to add to a folder.

5. In the Name field, use the same folder naming convention as Step 3 to add that perspective to the same folder
or type a new folder name to create a different folder.
6. When you have completed creating folders, click Close.
7. To confirm your folder was created, go to Settings > Perspectives. Your folder name should appear in the list of
available perspectives. Figure 32 shows how the folder organization in Figure 31 appears within the Controller
Tool Settings menu.
Figure 32: Folder Structure within Settings Menu

Note: The preceding steps show how to organize within one folder level; however, you can add multiple folder
levels simply by following the convention of [Folder Name]/[Subfolder Name1].../[Subfolder
NameN]/[Perspective Name].

Configuring Associated Perspectives Per Application

1. In the Perspective Management window, click the System Configurations tab.
2. In the left pane, select any configuration, such as Fan Coil, or folder of configurations, such as VAV.
3. In the right pane, select or clear the check boxes for the perspectives that you want available for that application.
You can also right-click a perspective or a column heading and click Select All or Deselect All.
Note: Perspectives are listed in alphabetical order. To reverse the order, click the Perspective column heading.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 98

4. Once you have completed your selections, click Close.

Configuring Associated Perspectives for All Applications

1. In the Perspective Management window, click the System Configurations tab.
2. In the left pane, select All System Configurations.
3. In the right pane, select or clear the check boxes for the perspectives that you want available for each application.
You can also right-click a perspective or a column heading and click Select All or Deselect All.
Note: Perspectives are listed in alphabetical order. To reverse the order, click the Perspective column heading.
4. Once you have completed your selections, click Close.

Configuring Perspective Layout Saving

1. Click Settings and select Perspective Management. The Perspective Management window appears.
2. In the left pane, select the Perspective for which you want to configure the layout.
3. In the right pane, click the Save Layout Behavior drop down box and select one of the following:
• Always Ask: Choose the option to always be prompted by a dialog box to choose whether to save the layout
changes. See Figure 28.
• Auto Save: Choose this option to always save the changes to your perspective layout.
• Auto Ignore: Choose this option to always discard the changes to your perspective layout.
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.

Switching between Perspectives

You can switch between Perspectives by using the Settings menu or the Perspective Management dialog box. The
list of Perspectives accessible in the Settings menu is determined by how you configured your associated perspectives
for the active application.
1. Click Settings, select Perspective, and choose the Perspective to which you want to switch. The Status bar at
the bottom of the UI changes to reflect the active Perspective name.
2. To switch Perspectives using the Perspective Management dialog box, select a different Perspective in the
Perspectives tree and click Apply. The Status bar at the bottom of the UI changes to reflect the active Perspective

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 99


Perspective Management
The Perspective Management screen includes the Perspectives and System Configurations tabs. See Perspectives
Tab and System Configurations Tab.

Container Screens
The following table provides information on selections found in the container custom configuration panel.
Table 40: Container Screens
Field Description
Name Indicates the name that appears within the perspective UI.
Description Indicates the text included in the tooltip that appears within the UI when you hover over the container.
Container Type Indicates the container type: Frame, Tab, Orientation.
Frame containers can only exist at the root level.
Visible Indicates whether the container appears within the UI.
Resizable Indicates if the Orientation container can be resized within the UI.
Save Layout Indicates the action to take when changes are made to the perspective. See Perspective Layout.
Position Indicates where the tab appears within the container: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
Orientation Indicates the vertical or horizontal orientation of the Orientation or Frame container.
Display Order Shows direct subcomponents of the container and indicates what order they appear within the UI.
Moves a subcomponent up in the display order.

Moves a subcomponent down in the display order.

Details Data Widget

The following table provides information on selections found in the details data custom configuration panel.
Table 41: Details Data Widget
Field Description
Name Indicates the name that appears within the perspective UI.
Description When the Details Data widget is located within a Tab container, the Description text appears as
a tooltip within the UI when you hover over the tab.
Data Criteria Type BACoid is only selection.
Visible Indicates if the widget appears within the UI.
Settings - Show All When selected, shows all points within application. When cleared, shows only BACnet Exposed
Note: This attribute appears only when you have an application open.
Expansion Level Indicates the level of details that appear within the tree (1 to 5).
Note: This attribute appears only when you have an application open.
Manual Entry - Object Indicates the object type and Object ID of the associated BACoid.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 100

Table Data Widget
The following table provides information on selections found in the table data custom configuration panel.
Table 42: Table Data Widget
Field Description
Name Indicates the name that appears within the perspective UI.
Description Indicates the text included in the tooltip that appears within the UI when you hover over the widget's
Data Criteria Type UI Column: Enables you to select table data from a set of UI Column types.
BACoid: Enables you to specify table data by BACoid.
Visible Indicates if the widget appears within the UI.
Order Alphabetical: Specifies that table data appears in alphabetical order.
As Defined: Specifies that table data appears in the order you defined the data. This order type
applies more to the BACoid data criteria type.
Note: When you specify that State Generator table data (UI Column) appear As Defined, the
State Generator table data appears in the same order as the State Table.
Settings - Show All When selected, shows all points within the application. When cleared, shows only BACnet Exposed
Note: This attribute appears only when you have an application open.
Expansion Level Indicates the level of details that appear within the tree (1 to 5).
Note: This attribute appears only when you have an application open.
Moves a subcomponent up in the display order. Applies when the Order property is set to As
Note: This attribute appears only when you have an application open.
Moves a subcomponent down in the display order. Applies when the Order property is set to As
Note: This attribute appears only when you have an application open.
Object Identifier Allows the user to manually define a BACoid to display in the widget.
Adds the manually defined Object Identifier to the widget's list of BACoids.

Removes the manually defined Object Identifier to the widget's list of BACoids.

Removes the selected points in the list from the widget.

Adds the selected points in the list to the widget.

Confirm Dialog Box

The following table provides a description of the confirm dialog box. See Perspective Layout.
Table 43: Confirm Dialog Box
Field Description
Yes Saves changes to the UI.
No Discards changes to the UI.
Remember my selection Always saves or discards changes to the UI based upon your selection of Yes or No.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 101

Specialized Widgets
The following fields appear for specialized widgets: Advanced Data, BACnet Exposed, Connections, Local Display,
Logic View, Parameters, State Tables, and System Selection Information.
Table 44: Specialized Widgets
Field Description
Name Indicates the name of the widget. This name appears within the UI, and can be changed, if you wish.
Data Criteria Type Only Not Applicable.
Visible Indicates if the widget appears within the UI.

Mass Edit Dialog Box

The Mass Edit dialog box allows you to filter and mass edit BACnet Exposed points.
Table 45: Mass Edit Dialog Box
Screen Area Description
Show All Shows all points.
Show BACnet Exposed Shows only those points that are BACnet Exposed.
Show BACnet Exposed Duplicates Shows points that have duplicates.
Show Edited Values Shows points that have edited values.
Filter Allows you to filter your results based on partial or full search terms.
User Name Allows you to type a name for the point.
Note: If this is field is blank, the Standard Name is used.
Standard Name Displays a Johnson Controls standard name for the module.
Description Allows you to enter a description for the point.
OK Saves changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Discards changes and closes the dialog box.

Controller Tool Help: Perspectives 102

Upgrading System Files
The upgrade process allows you to easily upgrade an existing .caf file to the latest modules or system selection
default selections. The Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility allows you to upgrade multiple .caf files at once.
For information on sharing custom modules, see Importing and Exporting a Module in the Configuring a System


System Module and File Upgrades

When you open a Controller Application File (.caf) that requires an upgrade, the tool automatically displays a dialog
box prompting you to either upgrade the modules or keep the modules at the current version. Depending on the
type of upgrade, the tool displays two different dialog boxes: a dialog box that displays modules that need to be
upgraded and a dialog box that appears if no modules require upgrading. The following list describes the two dialog
• system upgrades with module upgrades
If the file requires module upgrades, then a dialog appears displaying a list of standard modules included as part
of the upgrade process. This dialog box also displays a list of user-modified modules, if any. The tool does not
upgrade user-modified modules; however, the tool does upgrade any PID and PID Pre-Processor blocks located
within user-modified modules. User-modified modules appear in the Control View with a triangle next to the
• system upgrades without module upgrades
If the file does not require module upgrades, then a smaller dialog box appears prompting you to upgrade the
system. The tool upgrades any PID and PID Pre-Processor blocks located within the application.
If you choose not to upgrade the modules, the status bar displays the status of Upgradeable and the functionality
of the tool becomes limited. With this limited functionality, the tool only allows you to:
• edit detail views
• commission the current application
• edit parameters (default values only)
• view the Hardware Definition Wizard
• view the System Selection tree
If necessary, the tool provides a menu option to upgrade your file at a later time (Tools > Upgrade System).

Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility

The Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility allows you to upgrade multiple .caf files at once. The .caf files must reside on the
same computer as the tool. The utility upgrades the selected .caf files to the current version of the tool, including
changes to system selection default selections and any necessary updates to the modules defined within the files.
The tool upgrades any PID and PID Pre-Processor blocks located within the application. If the .caf file is already at
the current version, the utility indicates a No Upgrade Required status and continues to the next file in the list.
See the Upgrading Multiple Systems Using the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility and the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility Dialog
Box sections for more information.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 103

Release Enhancements and Compatibility
The revision number of the software and the revision numbers of the main, boot, and wireless versions are not in
sync. For example, the software is and the main code is
General Rules
• All revision-to-revision upgrade combinations for applications are tested in the Product Development Test Labs.
Note: The tool was first released at Release 2.1.
• In general, all controllers on the site do not need to be set at the same release level. You can use the latest
revision of the tool to open and commission any controller applications created at earlier revisions.
• You must command points back to the previous state when you download an application. Commands are not
persisted in the controller application file. Upon application download, the previous application is deleted from
the controller.
• You can mix and match controller revisions on any Supervisory Controller. This means that you can add Release
10.0 based controllers to a Release 6.0 Supervisory Controller. The only risk stemming from mixed versions is
that some enumerations created in the Release 10.0 .caf file do not display properly in the engineering tab of
the field bus.
• The tool upgrade process works between major and minor revision levels (for example, 2.1 to 2.2 and 2.1 to
10.0). Applications created during Alpha and Beta site releases do not automatically upgrade (for example, 3.0.22
to 3.0.25).
• The tool supports downloading .caf files to controllers that have the same version as the .caf file regardless of
the version of the software. For example, you can upload a .caf file from a controller without upgrading the file,
make any necessary changes to the parameters during Commissioning, and then download the .caf file to the
Note: This scenario does not apply to downloading Release 5.3 applications from Release 6.0 configuration
• The .caf files created by the tool are independent of the version of Microsoft® SQL Server® software (that is,
you can open a .caf file created on a computer running Microsoft SQL Server Express software on a computer
running Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine [MSDE] software).
• The Local Controller Display was added at Release 3.0. To incorporate a Local Controller Display into a controller
installed at a release prior to 3.0, you must:
- upgrade the .caf file to the current release
- open the display configuration application within the tool (Display tab) and select the desired points to display
- download main and boot code, then download the upgraded .caf file
• The tool only supports downloading main and boot code at the revision level of the tool (for example, you cannot
use the Release 10.0 software to downgrade the main and boot code in a controller to Release 2.2).
• For existing installations that require controller upgrades to the latest release, we recommend that you download
both main and boot code before loading the .caf files.
Field Controller/IOM Revision Level Compatibility
• When you upgrade field controller with IOMs on the SA bus, you may need to upgrade certain devices to the
latest release before you download the application. If this workflow is required, an alert appears that indicates
which devices require an upgrade.
Field Controller N2 Protocol Compatibility
• At Release 10.1, you can switch communication modes between MS/TP and N2. When you first download an
N2 compatible controller, it appears as MS/TP. However, as you proceed through the upgrade process with the
Load wizard, you are automatically prompted to switch communication modes.
Field Controller System Capacity Calculations

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 104

Important: When you upgrade from Release 5.x to Release 6.0 or later, or use the System Selection update as
part of your upgrade process, the calculated object count may increase which could potentially exceed
system capacity.
For more information on object counts and calculating system capacity, see System Capacity Indicator.
Output Controller Module Upgrades
• At Release 10.0, the internal algorithm of the PID block has been updated to eliminate the rare possibility of
adaptively tuning to a state of two-position control. In these rare cases, where the PID Proportional Band was
calculated to a value very close to 0, the adaptive tuning logic now automatically slows down the sampling rate
of the PID by a factor of 10 and resets the tuning parameters to their original values.
• Starting at Release 5.0, a new Tuning Reset Network Input was added. The tool only creates and connects this
feature if you rerun System Selection. During the upgrade process, the interface to the PID is created, but is not
• Starting at Release 5.0, the Adaptive Tuning logic is disabled when the Output point associated with the Output
Controller is overridden. The tool only creates and connects this feature if you rerun System Selection.
• Starting at Release 5.1, the following feature updates were made to all Output Controllers:
- General PID Process ID updates to key tuning parameters and timer settings per control loop type. The tool
makes these changes during the upgrade process or when you rerun System Selection. See PID
- Fast Switching logic occurs when the current heating command is zero and the zone temperature is greater
than or equal to the effective cooling setpoint. This feature bypasses saturation timers when zones need to
quickly transition from heating to cooling (for example, during major changes to space load conditions or
setpoints). The tool only creates this logic if you rerun System Selection.
- A new Lead Compensator block is automatically integrated into Output Controller modules for zone control
loops on proportional water valves. This block acts as an anticipator and reduces the impact of the non-linearity
of typical ball or globe valves. The tool only creates this logic if you rerun System Selection.
Note: When Discharge Air Reset from zone is selected, the Lead Compensator is not used.
- The PMAC Period is now 1/180th of the time constant rather than 1/30th with a minimum value of one second.
This value change allows the Multi-Stage Controller (MSC) modules to reduce cycling of stages while
maintaining setpoint in both the occupied or unoccupied modes. The tool makes this change if you rerun
System Selection.
- The Satisfied Timer Duration used to determine how long the unit stays on during unoccupied operation is
now 30 seconds. The tool makes this change if you rerun System Selection; however, you may choose to
manually update the Satisfied Timer Duration.
• Starting at Release 5.1, the tool updates Output Controller modules (including custom and user-modified modules)
that contain PID and PID Pre-Processor logic block changes:
- The tool fully upgrades Output Controllers used with Proportional Outputs with the latest logic and all of the
necessary internal connections.
- The tool upgrades Output Controllers used with Staged/MSC Outputs with the latest logic block changes;
however, the tool is unable to make the connections between the blocks if they do not reside at the same
level within the module (for example, the PID exists inside a Hybrid Activity, but the PID Pre-Processor exists
outside of the Hybrid Activity within the module). Instead, the PID logic blocks calculate their starting tuning
parameters from the time constant and deadtime.
- The tool upgrades Output Controllers for 2-Pipe (Common Heating/Cooling Coils) with the latest logic block
changes; however, the tool does not make the connections between the blocks. Instead the PID logic blocks
calculate their starting tuning parameters from the time constant and deadtime.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 105

• Starting at Release 5.1, when you rerun System Selection, the tool adds four EWMA parameters that are
automatically exposed to all of the Output Controllers doing Zone Control ( Boxes, Fan Coils, Unit Vents, and
Heat Pumps).
• Starting at Release 5.1, the tool makes changes during the upgrade process for Chiller Plant Automation (Central
Cooling with Optimization) enhancements. The tool updates the Chiller Selector for more efficient chiller selection,
accounting for capacity at more or less than the designed chiller lift, support for all 24 of the large tonnage
standard configurations and sequences, and to work with the new Cooling Tower Selector.
• Starting at Release 5.1, when you rerun System Selection for Chiller Plant Automation (Central Cooling with
Optimization) applications, you can add support for variable speed condenser water pumping. The tool adds a
Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61 Output Controller, pressure flow and temperature AIs, and AOs.
Central Plant with Optimization Applications
• Starting at Release 10.0, a new dialog box appears which notifies you which modules are included as part of
the upgrade process. For modules that are user-modified at the current controller tool release, these modules
are not upgraded.
• For applications built prior to Release 10.0, the upgrade process upgrades all chiller selectors, pump selectors,
tower selectors, and equipment interlocks. After the upgrade, verify application functionality because some
connections may have been removed during the upgrade process. An alert message appears if a connection
needs to be replaced.

Upgraded Modules
Table 46 lists modules that may appear in the module upgrade dialog box when you upgrade your system. Use this
table to help determine whether to upgrade the system. This table lists the modules upgraded since the last release.
Table 46: Updated Modules
Module Description
Last Value (Enum) Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Added dual pump support.
Output Control: Added dual pump support.
Blocking Protection Output Control: Added dual pump support.
Latching Alarm Manager State Generator: Added dual pump support.
Equipment Interlock Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Added dual pump support.
Pass Through (Enum) State Generator: Added Condensate Alarm Pass Through
Totalization (Enum Runtime) Output Control: Added dual pump support.
Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve w Low Limit v50 Output Control: Removed blocks from invisible state.
Secondary Pump PID v50 Output Control: Removed blocks from invisible state.
Zone Damper w Staged Heating v50 Output Control: Added a fix for Mixed Air Dual Duct applications.
Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL v50 Output Control: Removed blocks from invisible state.
Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve v51 Output Control: Added a fix for Mixed Air Dual Duct applications.
Heating 2 Position Valve w DA-T Low Limit v51 Output Control: Removed blocks from invisible state.

New Modules
Table 47 lists and describes the new modules that have been added to the system since the last release.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 106

Table 47: New Modules
Module Description
Device OR Output Control: Provides OR logic for coil pump control.
Damper and Fan Control Output Control: Ensures dampers are commanded open before fans
are commanded on.
Dual Pump Sequencer Output Control: Provides control system with dual pump control.
Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination Output Control: Resets the discharge air temperature setpoint based
on the zone temperature error when the VAV box is controlling one
Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm State Generation: Compares outdoor air temperature to a low outdoor
air setpoint and match the value of an alarm input when the temperature
is less than the setpoint.
Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2 Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Resets the damper minimum flow based on
the space CO2.
Pressure Request Determination Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Indicates the VAV box needs additional airflow
from the AHU to meet the space requirements.
Temperature Request Determination Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Indicates the VAV box needs colder airflow
from the AHU to meet the space requirements.
Alarm OR Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Provides OR logic for the fire damper alarm.
Alarm AND Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Provides AND logic for the pump dual alarms.
N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Translates the mode commands into the
outputs required for the legacy application.
N2 Occupancy Mode Input ASC Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Translates the OCCSCHED command from a
supervisory device to the Occupancy Schedule input of the Occupancy
Mode Determination. It also allows the OCCTIME to be entered in
minutes and then converts it to seconds for Occupancy Mode
N2 VAV SD Mode Input Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Translates the VAV mode inputs Warmup
Command, Shutdn Box Open Cmd and Shutdn Box Close Cmd into
outputs required for the legacy application.
N2 Stroke Time Setpoint/Miscellaneous: Converts stroke time from minutes to seconds.
N2 Unit Enable Determination ASC State Generation: Translates the VAV controllers unit enable command
into outputs required for the legacy application.
N2 Common Outputs SD VAV ASC Output Control: Translates the VAV controllers Cooling Control Status,
Heating Control Status, Damper Control Status, and Exhaust Box
Control status into outputs required for the legacy application.
N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC Output Control: Translates the current Effective Occupancy into the
Occupancy Status as used by the VMA14xx Series Controllers.
N2 Flow Override Output Control: Allows a network to override the flow setpoint.

System Selection Updates

After you upgrade the .caf file, you have the option to replace the logic originally created by System Selection to
receive the updated modules and the functionality found for the system types in Table 48.

Important: All previous user modifications are lost if you make changes to the system selections. (Lost changes
include: sideloops, user added inputs, outputs, network inputs, network outputs, modules, changes in
state tables, parameters, logic, and input/output setup.)

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 107

Important: Rerunning the System Selection wizard on an application created at the current software release reflects
the exact selections made previously. When you rerun the System Selection wizard on an application
created with software at a release earlier than Release 5.1, we recommend that you check the selected
nodes in the tree to ensure that they match the equipment properly before completing the System
Selection wizard. This recommendation is especially important for Air Handling Unit (AHU), Central
Cooling, Central Cooling with Optimization, and Central Heating applications, as these applications
have been updated with new and updated selection options over time.
Table 48 lists system types and their changes since the last release of the tool. Use this table to help determine
whether to modify the System Selection. See Rerunning System Selection for more information.
Table 48: System Selection Tree Updates
System Selection Tree Description
All System Types No overall changes since the last release.
AHU Mixed Air Single New selection options:
Duct Applications
• Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature
drops below the setpoint. This selection includes an additional Dual Pumps option that adds
a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: for applications with Preheat pumps, this option
prevents the unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings to create an interface that closely matches
what they were in the legacy application, for replacing an AHU Series controller, UNT Series
controller, or DX9100 Series controller.
• VSD Outputs: provides another monitoring option for position feedback.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: adds a zone sensor input that monitors the temperature in
the mechanical room.
• Low Static Pressure Switch, High Static Pressure Switch, and Fire Dampers: provide
options for additional monitored equipment safeties.
• Return Filter: Adds monitoring of exhaust filter for applications with heat exchangers.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 108

Table 48: System Selection Tree Updates
System Selection Tree Description
AHU 100% Outdoor Air New selection options:
Single Duct Applications
• Separate Damper Command for Fan: adds separate binary output to the application to control
the damper and fan.
• Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature
drops below the setpoint. This selection includes an additional Dual Pumps option that adds
a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: for applications with Preheat pumps, this option
prevents the unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings for those points that are the same as they were
in the legacy application, for replacing an AHU Series controller, UNT Series controller, or
DX9100 Series controller.
• VSD Outputs: provides another monitoring option for position feedback.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: adds a zone sensor input that monitors the temperature in
the mechanical room.
• Exhaust Filter: adds monitoring of exhaust filter for applications with heat exchangers.
• Low Static Pressure Switch, High Static Pressure Switch, and Fire Dampers: provide
options for additional monitored equipment safeties.
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct New selection options:
• Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature
drops below the setpoint. This selection includes an additional Dual Pumps option that adds
a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: for applications with Preheat pumps, this option
prevents the unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings for those points that are the same as they were
in the legacy application, for replacing an AHU Series controller, UNT Series controller, or
DX9100 Series controller.
• VSD Outputs: provides another monitoring option for position feedback.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: adds a zone sensor input that monitors the temperature in
the mechanical room.
• Low Static Pressure Switch, High Static Pressure Switch, and Fire Dampers: provide
options for additional monitored equipment safeties.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 109

Table 48: System Selection Tree Updates
System Selection Tree Description
AHU 100% Outdoor Air New selection options:
Dual Duct Applications
• Separate Damper Command for Fan: adds separate binary output to the application to control
the damper and fan.
• Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature
drops below the setpoint. This selection includes an additional Dual Pumps option that adds
a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: for applications with Preheat pumps, this option
prevents the unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings for those points that are the same as they were
in the legacy application, for replacing an AHU Series controller, UNT Series controller, or
DX9100 Series controller.
• VSD Outputs: provides another monitoring option for position feedback.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: adds a zone sensor input that monitors the temperature in
the mechanical room.
• Exhaust Filter: adds monitoring of exhaust filter for applications with heat exchangers.
• Fire Dampers: provides options for additional monitored equipment safeties.
AHU Rooftop Unit New selection options:
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings for those points that are the same as they were
in the legacy application, for replacing a UNT Series controller.
• VSD Outputs: provides another monitoring option for position feedback.
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air New selection options:
Dual Duct) Applications
• Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature
drops below the setpoint. This selection includes an additional Dual Pumps option that adds
a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: for applications with Preheat pumps, this option
prevents the unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings for those points that are the same as they were
in the legacy application, for replacing an AHU Series controller, UNT Series controller, or
DX9100 Series controller.
• VSD Outputs: provides another monitoring option for position feedback.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: adds a zone sensor input that monitors the temperature in
the mechanical room.
• Return Filter: Adds monitoring of exhaust filter for applications with heat exchangers.
• Fire Dampers: provides option for additional monitored equipment safeties.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 110

Table 48: System Selection Tree Updates
System Selection Tree Description
Fan Coil Applications New selection options:
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings to create an interface that closely matches
what they were in the legacy application, for replacing a UNT Series controller.
• Disable Fan in Heating Mode: allows the heating coil to act as a radiator, using convection
to heat the space.
Unit Ventilator New selection options:
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings to create an interface that closely matches
what they were in the legacy application, for replacing a UNT Series controller.
Heat Pump Applications New selection options:
• Condensate Alarm: input for condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated, with
additional Shutdown on Alarm command that places the system in shutdown mode when the
condensate alarm is active.
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings to create an interface that closely matches
what they were in the legacy application, for replacing UNT Series Controllers.
VAV Single Duct New selection options:
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings to create an interface that closely matches
what they were in the legacy application, for replacing a VMA1400 Series controller or VAV
Series controller. The VMA1400 replacement maps as a VND device type.
VAV Dual Duct New selection options:
• N2 Compatibility Options: provides mappings to create an interface that closely matches
what they were in the legacy application, for replacing a VMA1400 Series controller or VAV
Series controller.
VAV Slave Single Duct No changes since the last release
VAV Slave Dual Duct No changes since the last release
Central Heating No changes since the last release
Central Cooling No changes since the last release
Central Cooling with No changes since the last release
Optimization Applications
Custom Applications No changes since the last release
Monitoring Supervisory No changes since the last release
Control Only Applications
Sideloop Applications No changes since the last release

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 111

Backup Files
When you upgrade your system, the tool creates a backup version of the original file and stores the file in the same
directory as the original file. The backup file has the same name as the original file; however, the backup file has a
.bak extension. To use the backup file, you need to remove the extension from the file name.
Note: The default location of a .caf file is C:\Users\username.


Upgrading a System
Note: The tool automatically creates a backup of the .caf file before upgrading it. See the Backup Files section if
you need to revert to the saved backup file, or for more information.
To upgrade a system:
1. From the File menu, select Open.
2. Select the .caf file that requires the upgrade and click OK. One of two dialog boxes appears, depending on
whether the file you selected requires module upgrades:
• If the file requires module upgrades, a dialog box appears displaying a list of standard and user-defined
modules. Standard modules are included as part of the upgrade process. For more information about these
standard modules, see Upgraded Modules.
• If the file does not require module upgrades, a smaller dialog box appears prompting you to upgrade the
3. Click OK. The tool upgrades the system to the latest version.
Note: After the upgrade, you must command points back to the previous state. Commands do not persist in the
control application file, and when the application downloads, the previous application is deleted from the
Note: If you do not want to upgrade the system or you want to upgrade the system at a later time, click No.
Note: At any time, you can perform this process by selecting System Upgrade from the Tools menu.

Upgrading Multiple Systems Using the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility

1. From the Tools menu, select Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility. The Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility dialog box appears. See
the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility Dialog Box section.
2. Click the Browse button next to the Directory text box. The Select Directory dialog box appears.
3. Browse to the location in which the .caf files are located on the computer.
4. Click Open. The path appears in the Directory text box.
5. If the .caf files are located within sub-folders of the selected directory, click the search in sub-directories check
Note: Selecting to search in sub-directories may lengthen the amount of time it takes to load the .caf files into
the utility.
6. Click the Load CAF Files button. The utility searches the selected directory (and sub-directories, if selected) for
existing .caf files, and lists all files found in the List of CAF Files in selected directory section of the utility in
alphanumeric order. The initial status indicated for each file is Open.
7. Click Perform Upgrade. The upgrade process begins with the first item in the list and indicates a status of Upgrade
in progress. After upgrading the file, the utility indicates an Upgrade Completed Successfully status and
continues to the next file in the list. If the .caf file is already at the current version, the utility indicates a No
Upgrade Required status and continues to the next file in the list.
8. Review the status for each file.
Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 112
9. Click Close.
Note: After the upgrade, you must command points back to the previous state. Commands do not persist in the
control application file, and when the application downloads, the previous application is deleted from the

Rerunning System Selection

Important: If you have already selected a system or opened a Controller Application File (.caf) in the tool, you can
view and change the selections made. All previous user modifications are lost if you make changes to
the system selections (lost changes include: sideloops, user added inputs, outputs, network inputs,
network outputs, modules, changes in state tables, parameters, logic, and input/output setup). For
information on the types of systems and selections available, see the User Interface and Applications

Important: See the System Selection Updates section for a list of the system types and their changes since the
last release of the tool, as well as other important details to know before rerunning system selection.

Important: Rerunning the System Selection wizard on a application created at the current software release reflects
the exact selections made previously.
When you rerun the System Selection wizard on an application created with software at a release
earlier than Release 5.1, we recommend that you check the selected nodes in the tree to ensure that
they match the equipment properly before completing the System Selection wizard. This recommendation
is especially important for AHU, Central Cooling, Central Cooling with Optimization, and Central Heating
applications, as these applications have been updated with new and updated selection options over

Important: When you use the System Selection update as part of your upgrade process from Release 5.x to
Release 6.0 or later, the calculated object count may increase, which could potentially exceed system
For more information on object counts and calculating system capacity, see System Capacity Indicator.
System Selection Logic Upgrade and Modification Rules
As a best practice, we recommend taking note of any important modifications before rebuilding an application in the
tool to aid you in making the custom modifications after completing the System Selection Wizard. You can print a
copy of the current System Selections using the System Selection Summary option in the Summary Report Options
dialog box. See Printing Summary Reports in the User Interface section.
If you plan to create and use a .caf file as a basis for building other similar applications, do not make any custom
modifications to the master file. Make the changes to the new applications after rerunning the System Selection
Wizard as needed.
If you run System Selection after upgrading a Controller Application File, the original logic created by System Selection
in the previous version of the tool is completely replaced with the logic that would result if you make the same
selections for a new system with the newer version of the tool.
The following rules apply any time you modify the System Selections:
• Additional Inputs, Outputs, Network Inputs, and Network Outputs added to the application are lost.
• Any custom or standard modules added to the application manually are deleted.
• Any sideloops added to the application are deleted.
• All values in the State Tables created by the System Selection process return to their default values, thus matching
a system created with the File > New option.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 113

• Changes you make to the logic created from the original System Selection process are lost.
• The hardware definitions from the original .caf file are preserved, including the base controller, Modules, Network
Devices, and parameters for each device (for example, the Device Address and BACnet® ID).
You may need to reassign System Selection created points to the desired slots.
To rerun System Selection:
Before rerunning system selection, we recommend saving a copy of the Controller Application File (.caf) to a location
on your computer as a backup.
1. With a Controller Application File (.caf) open, click the Select System button. The System Selection Wizard
appears with the Mechanical System Selection screen active.
Note: Adding Inputs and Outputs used for monitoring only purposes should not be done by modifying the System
Selection if custom logic or changes were made after the initial System Selection process. For information
on manually adding modules, see the Creating Custom Logic (Adding Modules) section.
2. View the mechanical options for your system and make any changes.
Note: You can only make changes to System Selection in Configuration mode. See the System Selection Tree
section for information on tree behavior and use (for example, using the check boxes, radio buttons, and
the + and - next to a node in the tree to show and hide selections).
3. Click Next. The System Selection Wizard appears with the Control Logic Selection screen active.
4. View the control logic options for your system and make any changes (Configuration mode only).
5. If you did not make any changes (or do not wish to apply any of the changes you made), click Cancel to close
the wizard. Clicking Cancel prevents the selections from being laid down over your previously selected system
and overwriting any customization changes made. Stop here.
Any customization changes made are lost when your selections are laid down. If you made changes,
click Finish. A Rebuild Application Warning dialog box appears. Click Yes to continue. The software rebuilds
your system and closes the wizard. The system you selected appears in the Control View in Configuration mode.

Adding New Features to Existing Applications

See the Release Enhancements and Compatibility section for information on the new features added at this release.
To add new features to an existing application:
1. Upgrade the .caf file to the new release. See the Upgrading a System section.
2. Reselect the system for the features that are not automatically added to the application by the upgrade procedure:
a. Export any custom modules. See Importing and Exporting a Module in the Configuring a System section.
b. Rerun system selection. See the Rerunning System Selection section. This rebuilds your application with all
current tool features.

Important: Using Select System to add features rebuilds your application in the same manner as building
a new application (for example, selecting File > New). All previous user modifications are lost
if you make changes to the system selections (lost changes include: sideloops, user added
inputs, outputs, network inputs, network outputs, modules, changes in state tables, parameters,
logic, and input/output setup). Depending on the original application size, adding features using
Select System increases your application size from 4-8%.
c. Import any custom modules and make connections. See Importing and Exporting a Module and Making a
Connection in the Configuring a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 114

Upgrading Custom Control Modules
If you exported modules containing PID and/or PID Pre-Processors logic blocks, the modules do not receive the
PID and PID Pre-Processor changes when brought back into the application (either by selecting the module from
the Custom folder in the control block palette of the Logic view, or by right-clicking a module category in the Control
view and selecting New, and then adding it from the Module Selection dialog box).
To upgrade custom control modules (recommended method):
1. Create an application containing your custom modules at a version prior to Release 5.0 if you created the original
module prior to Release 5.0. Otherwise, create an application containing your custom modules using Release
2. Open this file with the tool Release 5.1 or later software and upgrade the .caf file (including the modules) to the
new release. See the Upgrading a System section.
3. View and verify the logic of your modules.
Note: You may need to make connections between the PID and PID Pre-Processor logic blocks.
4. Export the module, and use this new version for all future applications.
To upgrade custom control modules (alternative method):
1. In the Control View, add your custom module from the palette (New Module Selection).
2. View the logic of the module.
3. Add a new PID Pre-Processor block, and a new PID block.
4. Connect the inputs of both blocks, and connect the outputs of the PID Pre-Processor to the PID inputs.
5. Delete the output connections of the old PID block and connect the outputs of the new PID block to the outputs.
6. Delete the old PID and PID Pre-Processor blocks.
7. View and verify the logic of your modules.
8. Export the module, and use this new version for all future applications.


System Upgrade (with Modules) Screen

See Upgrading a System.
Table 49: System Upgrade (with Modules) Screen
Field Description
Version Information Displays tool version information.
Standard Modules Displays the modules that require upgrade.
User Modified Modules Displays the modules that have been modified by a user. User-modified modules
are not included in the upgrade.
Yes Closes the System Upgrade screen and upgrades the .caf file and modules.
No Closes the System Upgrade screen and does not upgrade the .caf file and modules.
Help Opens the Help system.

System Upgrade (without Modules) Screen

See Upgrading a System.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 115

Table 50: System Upgrade (without Modules) Screen
Field Description
Yes Closes the System Upgrade screen and upgrades the .caf file.
No Closes the System Upgrade screen and does not upgrade the .caf file.
Help Opens the Help system.

Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility Dialog Box

See the Upgrading Multiple Systems Using the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility and the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility sections
for more information.
Table 51: Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility Dialog Box
Field Description
Directory Text Box Displays the selected file directory.
Browse Button Opens the Select Directory dialog box to choose the directory that contains the .caf
files to upgrade.
Load CAF Files Button Searches the selected file directory for .caf files to upgrade.
search in sub-directories Check Box When selected, the utility searches within sub-folders of the selected directory.
Note: Selecting to search in sub-directories may lengthen the amount of time it
takes to load the .caf files into the utility.
List of CAF Files in selected directory Lists the file name and status of all .caf files found in the selected directory in
Section alphanumeric order.
• Open: indicates the file is open (initial status)
• Upgrade in progress: indicates the current file being processed
• Upgrade Completed Successfully: indicates the file upgrade completed
• No Upgrade Required: indicates that the file version already matches the software
version, and does not require an upgrade
Perform Upgrade Button Begins the upgrade process.
Close Button Closes the dialog box.

Controller Tool Help: Upgrading System Files 116

Setting Preferences
By default, the tool is set up to apply the Johnson Controls standard object names, signals, System Selection type
selections, language localization, and default controllers. The preferences option allows you to modify the
Johnson Controls default preferences and create your own preference files for use in a specific region or customer
job site.
Example usage of preferences are:
• For Naming, the default Johnson Controls suffix for all temperature points is -T. You can edit the suffix so that
all temperature points are -TMP.
• For Signals, the default Johnson Controls selection for all non-Zone Temperature Sensors is Nickel. You can
edit the signal so that the Zone Temperature is Platinum.
• For System Selection preferences, you can set preheat coils on Air Handling Units to defaults for colder climates.
You also can match economizer strategies to defaults for the local climate.
• For System Selection preferences, if your site typically has electric heat on its VAV boxes instead of the default
hot water, you can change the preference so that each new system you create has electric heat selected by
• For Localization preferences, you can edit the preferences to run the tool in one of the available languages (for
example, German, French, or Greek), and change or create the translated text of the UI to match local and
regional naming conventions.
• For Default Controllers preferences, if your site uses a different VAV Box Controller instead of the default model
defined for VAV systems, you can change the setting to the other model.
Preferences are unique to the computer in which the tool is installed. The preferences are configured in the tool and
used as defaults for any files created by the tool on that computer. Changing the preferences does not affect existing
systems, only those created after changing the preferences.
You can import and export preference files for the naming and signal preferences and for each System Selection
tree to use on other computers or to use specific preferences for different sites.


Object Naming and Signal Preferences

Object naming and signal preferences determine the naming conventions to use when adding input and output
objects to your system (via the System Selection process or when you manually add inputs and outputs after System
Selection). The names and signals you define in the object naming preferences are used when adding inputs and
outputs during the System Selection process, as well as when adding them manually in the Control View.
An object name consists of a defined Object Name Prefix and a defined Object Name Suffix. The object name is
created by combining them. For example, the Object Name Prefix BLDG added to the Object Name Suffix of SP
results in an object name of BLDG-SP. Similar functionality is available to define an expanded identifier for each
A signal specifies the physical communications connection for a given input or output. This connection allows the
controller to receive input values and send output values.
Use Table 52 to determine the signal to use for point types on your system.

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 117

Table 52: Field Controller Point Types and Signals
Point Type Signals Supported
1 Resistive
Universal Input (UI)
Nickel 1k RTD
Platinum 1k RTD
Silicon A99B
2.25k NTC Type 2 Thermistor
10K NTC Type L Thermistor
VAV Velocity Pressure
0-10 VDC
4-20 mA
Dry Contact Maintained
Binary Input (BI) Dry Contact Maintained
Dry Contact Pulsed
Analog Output (AO) 0-10 VDC
4-20 mA
Binary Output (BO) 24 VAC Incremental

24 VAC Maintained
24 VAC Pulse
24 VAC Start Stop
Configurable Output (CO) 0-10 VDC
24 VAC Incremental
24 VAC Maintained
24 VAC Pulse
24 VAC Start Stop
Universal Output (UO) 0-10 VDC
4-20 mA
24 VAC Incremental
24 VAC Maintained
24 VAC Pulse
24 VAC Start Stop

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 118

Table 52: Field Controller Point Types and Signals
Point Type Signals Supported
5 3
Relay Output (RO) 24 VAC Incremental
24 VAC Maintained
24 VAC Pulse
24 VAC Start Stop
24 VAC-240 VAC Incremental
24 VAC-240 VAC Maintained
24 VAC-240 VAC Pulse
24 VAC-240 VAC Start Stop
Integrated Velocity Pressure Sensor Integrated Velocity Pressure on VAV Box Controllers
Note: Velocity Application types use -VP as the named suffix (such as SA-VP). The
1615 and 1630 Series VAV Box Controllers use the Integrated Digital Velocity
Pressure signal type. The signal type for the earlier 1610 and 1620 versions
of the VAV Box Controllers was Integrated Velocity Pressure.
Integrated Actuator Integrated actuator on VAV Box Controllers
Sensor/Actuator Bus (SAB) Interfaces The SAB signal type is used to provide the point. Examples of this include Network
Sensor (Network Duct Sensor or Network Zone Sensor) and Network VSD.
Wireless Ethernet Interfaces A wireless Ethernet signal is used to indicate that a wireless Many to One sensor
provides the data for this input. An appropriate value object (AV, BV, MV) is created
to which the Supervisory Controller passes the sensor data.

1 The Universal Input (UI) is scanned once per second. There may be a delay of up to one second in reading a contact status
2 The UI on VAV Box Controllers does not support the 4-20 mA signal.
3 Incremental outputs use two binary hardware slots for opening and closing an actuator.
4 Start stop outputs use two binary hardware slots for starting and stopping a device.
5 You can use Relay Outputs to drive incremental/floating 3-wire actuators; however, we recommend using triac outputs instead
of Relay Outputs for the following control loop types: VAV Flow Control, Airflow, Airflow%, Airflow Diff, Bldg Static, and Duct

System Selection Preferences

The System Selection preferences set the default values of the selection trees of the System Selection Wizard as
specified by the user. For example, if your site requires a discharge air sensor on all VAV boxes, select Discharge
Air Temperature on the VAV Single Duct Tree.
Setting preferences before going through the System Selection process for similar systems allows you to save time
during selection and helps keep your systems consistent. Set preferences on the selection trees to match your local
climate conditions. These preferences only specify the starting values for the System Selection options. System
Selection preferences do not prevent you from making particular selections on any given system.

Unit Preferences
You can set the units of measurement to use when working in the tool from the New System dialog box (File > New)
during the System Selection process. After setting the units and closing the tool, the tool remembers the last unit’s
setting. The selected units are used until you change them in the New System dialog box. See Selecting a System
(Creating a New System) in the Configuring a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 119

Import and Export Preferences
You can export and import object naming, signal, and System Selection preferences using the Export and Import
buttons. This functionality allows you to save preferences files (export) to access them from the same computer for
later use (import), or you can copy the files to use on other computers.
When you export the naming and signal preferences, the default file name and location to save the preferences
• C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product Name>\Configuration\Backup\Object Naming
When you export System Selection preferences, the default file names and location to save the preferences are:
• [applicationname].properties:
• - Mixed Air Single
- 100% Outdoor Air Single
- Mixed Air Dual
- 100% Outdoor Air Dual
- Rooftop
- Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct).properties
- Fan
- Unit
- Heat
- Single (for VAV)
- Dual (for VAV)
- Slave Single (for VAV)
- Slave Dual (for VAV)
- Simple Central
- Central
- Central
- Central Cooling with
- Custom
- Monitoring Supervisory Control
• C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product Name>\Configuration\Backup\SelectionTree
When you export the localization preferences, the default file name and location to save the preferences are:
• (Naming tab)
• (System tab)
• (Views tab)
• [applicationname].properties (Selection Trees tab):
• - Mixed Air Single
- 100% Outdoor Air Single
- Mixed Air Dual
- 100% Outdoor Air Dual
- Rooftop

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 120

- Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct).properties
- Fan
- Unit
- Heat
- Single (for VAV)
- Dual (for VAV)
- Slave Single (for VAV)
- Slave Dual (for VAV)
- Simple Central
- Central
- Central
- Central Cooling with
- Custom
- Monitoring Supervisory Control
• (that is, Application Resources for the UI Resources tab)
• C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product Name>\UI\i18n_user_modified\com\jci\resources
You can adjust the file names to indicate specific sites or uses. You also can save the files to different locations.

Localization Preferences
You can set localization preferences for the language that the tool UI uses. When you have support for more than
one language, the tabs of the Preferences - Localization screen contain content. The Localization screen also
provides the option to set a default language.
English (United States) is the default language used by the tool UI, but you can change the default language to any
language that appears in the Language list. When you set a default language, any CAF file opened appears in the
default language, rather than the CAF file language. A base translation of the following languages is automatically
provided in the tool UI:
• Japanese
• Norwegian (Bokmal)
• Chinese (China)
• French (France)
• Dutch (Netherlands)
• Swedish (Sweden)
• Polish (Poland)
• English (United States)
• Czech (Czech Republic)
• Spanish (Spain)
• German (Germany)
• Italian (Italy)
• Portuguese (Brazil)
• Russian (Russian Federation)

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 121

Note: For devices with a Local Controller Display, work on and save the application .caf file in the desired language
in the tool UI, and then download the .caf to the device so that its Local Controller Display screen updates
with the specified language. The Local Controller Display screen does not support non-ASCII characters (for
example, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian).
You can use the localization preferences as an environment to translate the other languages listed in the Languages
You can edit the preferences of the Languages and Localization tabs to run the tool in one of the available languages,
such as German or Japanese.
View and modify the other tabs to change the translated text of the UI to match local and regional naming conventions.
For example, you can change the text that appears for the Configure button in the tool UI. You also can edit the
English text on the UI Resources tab.
See the Setting Localization Preferences and Preferences - Localization Screen sections for details.


Setting Default Naming and Signal Preferences

1. On the Settings menu, click Naming and Signal. The Preferences - Naming and Signal screen appears. See the
Preferences - Naming and Signal section.
2. Click a non-shaded cell to change and type the desired text.
Note: You also can use Ctrl+C to copy text from a cell and use Ctrl+V to paste the copied text to another cell.
See Copying and Pasting Naming and Signal Preferences.
Note: You cannot edit data in columns that are shaded gray. Use the filter and sorting features to locate and
view data of specific items. See the Filtering Naming and Signal Preferences and Sorting Naming and
Signal Preferences sections.
3. Repeat Step 2 for other name changes.
Note: To return to the original Johnson Controls standard preferences, use the resetting options. See the
Resetting Naming and Signal Preferences section.
4. Click a cell in the Signal column and select the desired signal from the drop-down list. You also can type the first
letter of the signal type to quickly select it from the list.
Note: You also can use Ctrl+C to copy text from a cell and use Ctrl+V to paste the copied text to another cell.
See Copying and Pasting Naming and Signal Preferences.
Because the Signal column has a drop-down menu, you cannot use your mouse to select cells. Use the
Shift and arrow keys on your keyboard to select the desired cells in this column to copy and paste.
You also can move the Signal column to another location in the table after changing one of the items to
the desired signal, and then use your mouse to select the cells to copy and paste.
5. Repeat Step 4 for other signal changes.
6. Click OK.
Note: Edits to naming and signal preferences appear in bold text.

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 122

Filtering Naming and Signal Preferences
To filter naming and signal preferences, type one or more characters that appear in the data you want to view. The
filter searches all columns and rows for items that match. Only items that contain the characters typed in the filter
box appear on the screen. For example, if you type te in the filter box to search for temperature preferences, the
results include all instances where te appears, regardless of case and location in the word. For example, te shows
Temperature, Maintenance Switch, Steam, Boiler1 Entering, and so on. The filter characters appear underlined in
the results.
Note: Filtering is based on function or application name. For example, Temperature is a function. If you want to
change the suffix from -T to -TMP, you can change one entry for Temperature and copy (Ctrl+C) and paste
(Ctrl+V) the change to the other rows. After you change the cell entry, the text in the entire row appears bold.

Sorting Naming and Signal Preferences

To sort naming and signal preferences, click the header of the desired column. Clicking the header repeatedly results
in the items switching between ascending and descending alphabetical order.
Note: If necessary, you can manually move columns around. To move a column, select the column and move it to
the desired location.

Copying and Pasting Naming and Signal Preferences

1. In the desired column, select the non-shaded cell you want to copy.
2. Press Ctrl+C to copy the preference.
3. Select the non-shaded cell to which you want to paste. To paste to multiple cells, click and drag multiple cells in
the column.
4. Press Ctrl+V to paste the preference.
Note: To mass edit names, first filter on the gray-shaded columns for Application or Function.
Note: Because the Signal column has a drop-down menu, you cannot use your mouse to select cells. Use the
Shift and arrow keys on your keyboard to select the desired cells in this column to copy and paste.
You also can move the Signal column to another location in the table after changing one of the items to
the desired signal, and then use your mouse to select the cells to copy and paste.

Resetting Naming and Signal Preferences

To reset naming and signal preferences in a single row to the Johnson Controls standard default value, select a cell
in the row to reset and click Reset.
To reset naming and signal preferences in all rows to the Johnson Controls standard default values, click Reset All.
Note: The Reset and Reset All functions reset the preferences to the Johnson Controls standard default values
regardless of user session.

Exporting Naming and Signal Preferences

1. Click Export. The Save dialog box appears.
2. Keep the default file name of or adjust the name to indicate a specific site or use.
Note: It is not necessary to export/save a separate copy of the Johnson Controls standard preferences because
the Reset and Reset All functions reset the preferences to the Johnson Controls standard default values
regardless of user session.
3. Keep the default location to save the file or adjust it as desired.
Note: The default location is C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product
Name>\Configuration\Backup\Object Naming

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 123

4. Click Save. The file saves and you can access it from the same computer for later use or you can copy the file
to use on another computer.

Importing Naming and Signal Preferences

1. Click Import. The Open dialog box appears.
2. Select the object properties file to import. The default file name is
Note: You may need to browse to the location where you saved the file if you saved it to a different location
from the default or received the file from others.
3. Click Open. The preferences file opens and populates the Naming and Signal Preferences screen.

Setting Default System Selection Preferences

For information on the System Selection tree types, see the Applications section. For information on the System
Selection Wizard, see System Selection Wizard in the Configuring a System section.
To set default System Selection preferences:
1. On the Settings menu, click System Selection. The Preferences - System Selection screen appears. The left
pane contains the different System Selection trees available. See the Preferences - Naming and Signal section.
2. Navigate to and select the System Selection tree to modify. The tree appears in the right pane of the screen.
3. Select and remove selections to fit your specific needs. The options you choose here determine how the tree
appears in the System Selection Wizard when you add a new system or make changes to an existing system’s
selections. Make selections by:
• selecting a check box to turn a setting on and clearing a check box to turn a setting off
• clicking an option button to select that item from among several possible options
Note: To return to the original Johnson Controls standard preferences, use the Reset option. See the Resetting
System Selection Preferences section.
4. Click OK.

Resetting System Selection Preferences

To reset System Selection preferences, click Reset. The current System Selection tree resets to the Johnson Controls
standard default tree values.
Note: The Reset function resets the preferences to the Johnson Controls standard default values regardless of
user session.

Exporting System Selection Preferences

1. In the Preferences - System Selection screen, select the System Selection tree that you want to export.
2. Click Export. The Save dialog box appears.
3. Keep the default file name of [application].properties or adjust the name to indicate a specific site or use.
Note: The default file name for each selection tree is listed in the Import and Export Preferences section
Note: It is not necessary to export/save a separate copy of the Johnson Controls standard preferences because
the Reset function resets the preferences of the displayed selection tree to the Johnson Controls standard
default values regardless of user session.
4. Keep the default location to save the file or adjust it as desired.
Note: The default location is C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 124

5. Click Save. The file saves and you can access it from the same computer for later use or you can copy the file
to use on another computer.

Importing System Selection Preferences

To import System Selection preferences:
1. In the Preferences - System Selection screen, select the System Selection tree that matches the type you want
to import.
2. Click Import. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Select the desired file to import.
Note: You may need to browse to the location where you saved the file if you saved it to a different location
from the default, or received the file from others.
4. Click Open. The preferences file opens and populates the System Selection preferences tree.

Setting Localization Preferences

English (United States) is the default language used by the tool UI. However, you have the option to set a different
language as the default language. When you set a default language, any CAF file opened appears in the default
language, rather than the CAF file language. A base translation of the other languages is provided (see Localization
Preferences). You can use the localization preferences as an environment to translate the other languages listed in
the Languages tab.
To set localization preferences:
1. On the Settings menu, select Localization. The Preferences - Localization screen appears. See the Preferences
- Localization Screen section.
2. On the Languages tab, select the check boxes of the desired language used by the tool UI.
3. On the Localization tab, click the desired locale, such as German (Germany).
Note: If you would like to set this language as the default language, select the Use Default Language When
Any CAF is opened (Ignore CAF Language) check box. If you select this check box, any CAF file
opened appears in the default language, rather than the CAF file language.

Important: If you are selecting a locale/language for the first time, exit the tool. Then, open the tool again to
automatically populate the language data.
4. On the Naming tab, type the desired text translation in the Translated Value column.
5. On the Systems tab, type the desired text translation in the Translated Value column.
6. On the Views tab, type the desired text translation in the Translated Value column.
7. On the Selection Trees tab, select a selection tree in the navigation pane and type the desired text translation
in the Translated Value column in the right pane.
8. On the Local Display Dictionary tab, type the desired text translation in the Translated Value column.
9. On the UI Resources tab, type the desired text translation in the English Value and Translated Value columns.
Note: To save your UI Resources changes, you must export the changes, then restart the tool. See Exporting
Localization Preferences.
10. Click Save.
11. Click Close.

Exporting Localization Preferences

1. On the desired tab of the Preferences - Localization screen, click Export. The Save dialog box appears.
2. Keep the default file name or adjust the name to indicate a specific site or use.

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 125

Note: The default file name for each tab is listed in the Import and Export Preferences section.
Note: It is not necessary to export/save a separate copy of the Johnson Controls standard preferences because
the Reset and Reset All functions reset the preferences to the Johnson Controls standard default values
regardless of user session.
3. Keep the default location to save the file or adjust it as desired.
Note: The default location is C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product
4. Click Save. The file saves and you can access it from the same computer for later use or you can copy the file
to use on another computer.

Importing Localization Preferences

1. On the desired tab of the Preferences - Localization screen, click Import. The Open dialog box appears.
2. Select the localization properties file to import.
Note: The default file name for each tab is listed in the Import and Export Preferences section.
Note: You may need to browse to the location where you saved the file if you saved it to a different location
from the default or received the file from others.
3. Click Open. The preferences file opens and populates the Preferences - Localization screen.


Preferences - Naming and Signal

See Setting Default Naming and Signal Preferences.
Table 53: Preferences - Naming and Signal Screen
Field Description
Filter Text Box Allows you to filter the content of the table. Type one or more letters appearing in the data
you want to view. For example, to view heating preferences, type heat in the text box. See
the Filtering Naming and Signal Preferences section.
Column Headers (Sorting) You can sort the contents in ascending/descending order. See the Sorting Naming and
Signal Preferences section.
Application Name Column Displays the name of the application in which the object belongs. You cannot edit items in
this column.
Function Name Column Displays the function of the object (for example, used for an Analog Input or for a command).
You cannot edit items in this column.
Derived Name Column Displays the format of the object’s name. You cannot edit items in this column.
An object name consists of a defined Object Name Prefix and a defined Object Name Suffix.
The object name is created by combining them. For example, the Object Name Prefix BLDG
added to the Object Name Suffix of SP results in an object name of BLDG-SP.
Name Prefix Column Displays the full prefix of the object name. You can edit items in this column.
Name Suffix Column Displays the full suffix of the object name. You can edit items in this column.
Description Prefix Column Displays the full prefix of the object’s Expanded ID. You can edit items in this column.
Description Suffix Column Displays the full suffix of the object’s Expanded ID. You can edit items in this column.
Signal Displays the default signal used for the application. See the Object Naming and Signal
Preferences section.

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 126

Table 53: Preferences - Naming and Signal Screen
Field Description
Reset Resets the selected row to the Johnson Controls standard default value. See the Resetting
Naming and Signal Preferences section.
Reset All Resets all rows to the Johnson Controls standard default values. See the Resetting Naming
and Signal Preferences section.
Import Opens a saved object naming preference file and populates the naming and signal
preferences screen with its data. See the Import and Export Preferences section.
Export Saves naming and signal preferences to a file so you can access it from the same computer
for later use or you can copy the file to use on another computer. See theImport and Export
Preferences section.
Save Applies the changes and closes the Preferences - Naming and Signal screen.
Close Closes the Preferences - Naming and Signal screen without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Preferences - System Selection Screen

See Setting Default System Selection Preferences.
Table 54: Preferences - System Selection Screen
Field Description
System Selection Tree Displays the System Selection trees available. For information on the system types, see the
Navigation Panel Applications section. For information on the System Selection Wizard, see System Selection
Wizard in the Configuring a System section.
Display Panel Displays the selected tree and allows you to make changes to the default selections. See the
Setting Default System Selection Preferences section.
Reset Resets the selected tree to the Johnson Controls standard default tree values. See the
Resetting System Selection Preferences section.
Import Opens a saved System Selection tree preference file and poplulates the screen with its data.
See the Import and Export Preferences section.
Export Saves System Selection tree preferences to a file so you can access it from the same computer
for later use or you can copy the file to use on another computer. See the Import and Export
Preferences section.
Save Applies the changes and closes the Preferences - System Selection screen.
Close Closes the Preferences - System Selection screen without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Preferences - Localization Screen

English (United States) is the default language used by the tool UI. A base translation of the other languages is
provided (see Localization Preferences). You can use the localization preferences as an environment to translate
the other languages listed in the Languages tab.
Note: For devices with a Local Controller Display, work on and save the application .caf file in the desired language
in the tool UI, and then download the .caf to the device so that its Local Controller Display screen updates
with the specified language. The Local Controller Display screen does not support non-ASCII characters (for
example, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian).

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 127

See Setting Localization Preferences.
Table 55: Preferences - Localization Screen
Field Description
Localization Tab Displays a list of the locales available, and allows you to choose the language the tool UI uses. The locales
listed on this tab are defined on the Languages tab.
Allows you to set a chosen language as the default language when you select the Use Default Language
When Any CAF is opened (Ignore CAF Language) check box.
Note: When changing the locale for the first time, additional localization data must be loaded. Prior to
building any applications, restart the tool.
Naming Tab Note: When changing the locale for the first time, additional localization data must be loaded. Prior to
building any applications, restart the tool.
Allows you to enter text in the desired language for the English text in the tool. For example, for Exhaust
Filter, you can enter text in another language that should appear in place of the English text. The table
in this tab has the following columns:
• Context Id: Indicates where the item appears in the tool software (for example, Application).
• English Value: Displays the English text to be translated.
• Translated Value: Indicates the text translation.
You can import and export the preferences on this tab.
Systems Tab Allows you to enter text in the desired language for the English text in the tool. For example, for Rooftop
Unit, you can enter text in another language that should appear in place of the English text. The table in
this tab has the following columns:
• Context Id: Indicates where the item appears in the tool software (for example, Air Handling Unit
• English Value: Displays the English text to be translated.
• Translated Value: Indicates the text translation.
You can import and export the preferences on this tab.
Views Allows you to enter text in the desired language for the English text in the tool. For example, for Device
Type, you can enter text in another language that should appear in place of the English text. The table
in this tab has the following columns:
• Context Id: Indicates where the item appears in the tool software (for example, HW device view).
• English Value: Displays the English text to be translated.
• Translated Value: Indicates the text translation.
You can import and export the preferences on this tab.
Selection Trees Allows you to enter text in the desired language for the English text in the System Selection trees. For
example, for Device Type, you can enter text in another language that should appear in place of the
English text. This tab has a navigation tree in the left pane of all the system selection trees (for example,
Fan Coil) to select the context. The right pane has a table with the following columns:
• English Value: Displays the English text to be translated.
• Translated Value: Indicates the text translation.
You can import and export the preferences on this tab.

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 128

Table 55: Preferences - Localization Screen
Field Description
Languages Tab Allows you to define the locale settings for the tool UI. The table in this tab has the following columns:
• Locale Id: Indicates the numerical ID of the locale.
• Name: Indicates the name and associated country of the language. Swedish (Sweden) or English
(United States), for example.
• Country Code: Indicates the abbreviation code for the country. For Swedish (Sweden), the code is
SE. For English (United States), the code is US.
• Language Code: Indicates the code for the language spoken in the country. For Swedish (Sweden),
the code is sv. For English (United States), the code is en.
• Published: Indicates the locales available for selection on the Localization tab.
You cannot import, export, or sort the preferences on this tab.
Local Display Allows you to enter text in the desired language for the English text in the tool dictionary (enumeration
Dictionary Tab sets). This tab includes only those enumeration sets typically used by the display. The table in this tab
has the following columns:
• Context Id: Indicates the name of the enumeration set and the ID of the item in the dictionary.
• English Value: Displays the English text to be translated.
• Translated Value: Indicates the text translation.
You cannot import and export the preferences on this tab. Changes made on this tab apply only to your
local instance of the tool.
UI Resources Tab Allows you to enter text for items in the tool UI (buttons, messages, and dialog box names, for example)
in the desired language. For example, to change the name of the Configure button, you can enter text in
another language that should appear in place of the English text in the button.configure row. The table
in this tab has the following columns:
• English Value: Displays the English item to be translated.
• Translated Value: Indicates the text translation.
You can edit both the English and the selected language on this tab, as desired. You must import and
export the preferences on this tab, and then restart the tool for the changes to take effect.
Reset All Resets all values to the defaults.
Import Opens a saved preference file and populates the screen with its data. See the Import and Export
Preferences section.
Export Saves preferences to a file so you can access it from the same computer for later use or you can copy
the file to use on another computer. See the Import and Export Preferences section.
Save Applies the changes and closes the screen.
Close Closes the screen. If you did not save your changes, a dialog box appears asking if you want to save
them before closing the screen.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Setting Preferences 129

Configuring a System
Configuring a system involves opening or selecting a system, modifying a system, and defining hardware for a
system. You can open an existing Controller Application File (.caf) in the tool using the Open option from the File
menu, select a new system using the System Selection Wizard, or upload a Controller Application File from an
existing device.
Before selecting a new system using the System Selection Wizard, you can optionally set naming preferences and
System Selection Wizard defaults to customize to your specific needs. See the Setting Preferences section for more
Using a Johnson Controls standard file or the System Selection Wizard allows you to create systems in the tool
according to common system configurations. We recommend using Johnson Controls standards whenever possible.
If your system requires customization outside what is provided by the Johnson Controls standards, you can create
custom control logic in the tool by adding, removing, and modifying items.
This section covers how to add and configure a system in Configuration mode. For information on uploading a
Controller Application File, see the Loading Devices section. See the Simulating a System and Defining Hardware
sections after configuring your system.
For information on the user interface, see the User Interface section. For information on the types of systems you
can create and details on the selections available, see the Applications sections.
See the Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules, State Generation Modules, and Output Control Modules sections for
information on the modules in the tool and the applications in which they are used.
Before performing tasks in the tool, see the Getting Started section for guidance.


System Selection Wizard

The System Selection Wizard identifies the mechanical equipment, its related control components, and the control
strategy. The Mechanical System Selection screen allows you to choose the mechanical components for your system,
such as actuator type or fan type. The Control Logic Selection screen lets you select the control logic strategies to
control the mechanical system.
When creating a new system, the File > New option opens the New System dialog box that allows you to name the
system and choose the desired system type and configuration. After completing this dialog box, the System Selection
Wizard opens prompting you to make the selections corresponding to your system. See the Selecting a System
(Creating a New System) section.
You also can use the Select System button to open the System Selection Wizard to review and make changes to
previously made selections. Any customization changes made are lost because these selections overwrite the
previous selections. See the Viewing and Modifying System Selections section.
See the System Types and Configurations and System Selection Tree sections.
Similarly, the Sideloop button opens a System Selection Wizard specific to defining a sideloop. See the Creating a
Sideloop and Sideloop Applications sections for more information.

System Selection Wizard Help Screen

As you make selections in the System Selection Wizard, you can press F1 to view the Help screen. The Help screen
displays the module Help section for the item you are viewing and changes as you select different items in the wizard.
Click the links on the Help screen to view module information.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 130

System Types and Configurations
When selecting a system, you first choose the overall type of system and a specific configuration to create. For
example, you may select VAV as the system type and Single Duct as the specific configuration to use. See the
Selecting a System (Creating a New System) steps and the Applications section for details on the System Selection
Air Handling Units
• Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
• Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
• Rooftop Unit Applications
• Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Fan Coil -- Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilators -- Unit Ventilator Applications
Heat Pumps -- Heat Pump Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Central Heating -- Central Heating Applications
Central Cooling Plants
• Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
• Central Cooling Applications
Simple Central Plant -- Simple Central Plant Applications
Custom Applications -- Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications
Monitoring Supervisory Control Only -- Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications

System Selection Tree

The System Selection Wizard has a Mechanical System Selection screen and Control Logic Selection screen
containing selection tree/folder structures for selecting system options.
The selection trees contain folders that you can expand and collapse, check boxes, and radio buttons. The check
boxes let you include or exclude an option. The radio buttons let you select one option from a list. Click the + and -
next to a node in the tree to show and hide selections.
When you select a parent node in the selection tree, its child nodes become available for selection. You cannot
select a child node without first selecting its parent node.
Nodes are tied together logically so that if you select a node option, another node option activates or deactivates
accordingly. This functionality helps prevent you from making selections that are not used together. For example,
in the VAV Single Duct Selection Tree’s Mechanical System Selection screen, when you choose Box Heating as
Electric Staged, the Hot Water option is disabled.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 131

Another example is if you choose Discharge Air Control for Temperature Control Strategy on an Air Handling Unit
system, the Discharge Air Temperature sensor on the Control Logic Selection portion of the wizard is disabled. The
Discharge Air Temperature sensor is disabled because a Discharge Air Temperature sensor is required for the
control strategy, and is automatically selected.
Nodes in the selection tree that do not have check boxes and radio buttons are options that are automatically selected
by the wizard. These nodes are required for a system such as a Fan for a Fan Coil application or a Zone Temperature
Sensor for any Terminal Unit Control application.
The tree selections provided for each system type define commonly expected system configurations and control
strategies. The default selections are simply a place to start. You can customize these configurations, if necessary.
Note: As you make selections in the System Selection Wizard, you can press F1 to view the Help screen. The Help
screen displays the module Help section of the item you are viewing and changes as you select different
items in the wizard. Click the links on the Help screen to view module information.

In Configuration mode, you can add, remove, and modify the contents of your system. For example, you can add
an input and define state generators. You can also modify your system’s control logic. You can connect inputs and
outputs, add and remove logic blocks, and expose ports. See the Steps section for details on how to perform the
configuration tasks. See the User Interface section for a description of the user interface and its contents.
Once a system is selected and configured using the System Selection Wizard, the modules and logic provided
control your system as expected. Only modify logic if you require a unique control that the System Selection Wizard
did not address.

Details Configuration
The Details dialog box allows you to view and modify the attribute/parameter, input, output, and hardware details of
modules/blocks. In addition, you can view the details of any BACnet Exposed AV output within a module or block.
See the Steps section for details on how to perform the configuration tasks in the Details dialog box. See the User
Interface section for a description of the Details dialog box interface and its contents.

After configuring your system, verify your system is configured properly in Simulation mode. Simulation mode allows
you to see your system as though it were in Commissioning mode. This option allows you to test your configuration
and make adjustments before setting up communications to devices and going further in the workflow. See the
Simulating a System section for information on how to simulate your system.

Hardware Definition
After configuring your system, define the hardware for your system using the Define Hardware dialog box. This
dialog box allows you to identify the target controller, map points to hardware slots, manage package files, map
points to an N2 controller, and define network settings. See the Defining Hardware section for details.

Peer-to-Peer Communication
The peer-to-peer configuration provides communication directly between two devices on a trunk (for example,
communication between two Field Controllers). This setup allows a device to read values from another device or
write values to it using Network Input Modules or Network Output Modules. To read a value from another device,
set up peer-to-peer communication using a Network Input. The recommended method for peer-to-peer communication
is reading values from other devices (as opposed to writing values to devices). To write a value to another device,
set up peer-to-peer communication using a Network Output (for example, to send a value to a third-party device).
Configure the Peer Reference attribute in the Network Input or Output to enable or disable the communication.
Peer-to-Peer Communication Devices:

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 132

Note: N2 devices do not support peer-to-peer communication.
• Johnson Controls Devices: Peer-to-peer communication occurs between two Johnson Controls devices (for
example, two Field Controllers). The updates for network inputs are done based on change of value (COV).
Network outputs write to the output reference when its value changes.
• Third-Party MS/TP Device: Peer-to-peer communication occurs between a Johnson Controls device and a
third-party MS/TP device (for example, a Field Controller and a TEC). In this case, the reference is a poll with a
poll rate of 30 seconds, which cannot be changed. The network output writes to its output reference only when
a value changes.
Guidelines for Peer-to-Peer Communication:
• You should not exceed 15 network outputs with peer references per device.
• We recommend a limit of 50 network input references to a single device. That is, do not define a single device
as the source of peer-to-peer data to more than 50 other devices. For example, if you have 10 network input
references on three devices, and 5 network input references on four devices, you have 50 total references (3 x
10 + 5 x 4).
Note: Peer-to-peer communication requires processor time on both devices and bandwidth on the MS/TP
communication bus.
• We recommend that you do not exceed a token loop time of 2 seconds (2,000 milliseconds) under normal
operating conditions. Keep in mind that the more peer-to-peer references you define, the longer it takes for the
token to pass around the loop.
• The preferred method of peer-to-peer communication for Field Controllers is to use Network Inputs to reference
a source. Using a Network Input with a referenced source allows the reliability of the reference to be used in
logic (for example, for referencing the OA-T analog input).
• If you use Network Outputs to send a value to a peer controller, make sure that the destination is only sent a
value from a single source (that is, avoid using fan-in references from multiple Network Outputs).
• You must configure peer-to-peer communication in the Configuration mode.
Note: If you change peer-to-peer references in Commissioning mode, the communication works until the
controller loses power. When the controller resets, the peer-to-peer reference changes are lost. To resolve
this problem, make the necessary peer-to-peer communication changes in the Configuration mode, then
download the application to the controller.
Examples of Peer-to-Peer Communication:
• Many applications provide a Network Input for Outdoor Air Temperature when a physical sensor is not installed.
You can use peer-to-peer communication to reference the OA-T analog input on a different controller on the
same MS/TP Field Bus.
• You can configure the Unit Enable input of cooling only VAV boxes to reference the Supply Fan Status BI (SF-S)
of the Air Handling Unit that serves them.
• You may no longer need to configure Global Data Sharing in the Supervisory Controller. For example, in previous
releases you had to define an Outdoor Air Temperature object in the Supervisory Controller and use Global Data
Sharing to write the Outdoor Air Temperature to the necessary Field Controllers. Using peer-to-peer
communication, reference the OA-T analog inputs on the Field Controllers located on the same MS/TP Field
For more information, see the following sections:
• Setting Up Peer-to-Peer Communication
• Disabling Peer-to-Peer Communication
• Input and Output Objects (see the specific object listed)

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 133

Control View Connections Option in Logic View
The Control View Connections option in the Activities tree on the Logic View allows you to view the logic of the entire
application. This option is available in all modes of operation.
You cannot edit logic in this tool. Use this feature to view and print application logic. You can use standard Logic
View options such as select, pan, zoom, Trace mode, and print. The Control Block palette, the Set Default Element
button, and the Export Module button do not appear when viewing application logic.
The application logic diagram is organized in the same order as the Control View columns. The modules flow from
the left side of the screen to the right side in the following order: Network Inputs, Inputs, and Miscellaneous (Inputs);
Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules; State Generation modules; Output Control modules; and lastly, Network Outputs,
Outputs, and Miscellaneous (Outputs).
See the Viewing and Printing Application Logic section.


Selecting a System (Creating a New System)

For information on the types of systems you can create and details on the selections available, see the User Interface
and Applications sections.
To select a system (create a new system):
1. On the File menu, select New. The New System dialog box appears.
2. Type a name for the system in the System Name text box. Illegal characters include:
3. Select a type from the System Type drop-down menu.
4. Select a type from the System Configuration drop-down menu, if options appear.
5. Select Imperial or Metric from the System of Units drop-down menu.
Note: After setting the units and closing the tool, the tool remembers the last units’ setting. See Unit Preferences
in the Setting Preferences section.
6. Click OK. The System Selection Wizard appears with the Mechanical System Selection screen active. See the
System Selection Tree section for information on tree behavior and use (for example, using the check boxes,
radio buttons, and the + and - next to a node in the tree to show and hide selections).
7. Select the mechanical options for your system and click Next. The System Selection Wizard appears with the
Control Logic Selection screen active.
8. Select the control logic options for your system and click Finish. The software applies the selections to your
system and closes the wizard.
Note: If you wish to create specialized applications outside of the options available in the standard system
selection trees, see the Creating Custom Applications section.
Note: As you make selections in the System Selection Wizard, you can press F1 to view the Help screen. The
Help screen displays the module Help section of the item you are viewing and changes as you select
different items in the wizard. Click the links on the Help screen to view module information.

Opening a Controller Application File

See Opening a Controller Application File in the User Interface section.
For information on the types of systems and applications, see the User Interface and Applications sections.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 134

Entering or Viewing Job Information
To enter or view job information associated with the open Controller Application File (.caf):
1. On the Tools menu, select Job Information. The Job Information dialog box appears.
2. Enter or view the data in the Operator Name, Job Name, Contract Number, and History text boxes as described
in the Job Information screen section.
3. Click OK.

Renaming a System
The steps to rename your system vary depending on your perspective. The following steps apply to editing the
system name using the Classic View perspective. If you are using a different perspective, navigate to the details
view of the Control Sequence object and begin at Step 2.
1. With a system open, select the System tab.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Name text box, type the desired name. Illegal characters include:
4. Click OK.
Note: This option does not change the name of the Controller Application File (.caf).

Viewing and Modifying System Selections

Important: If you have already selected a system or opened a Controller Application File (.caf) in the tool, you can
view and change the selections made. All previous user modifications are lost if you make changes to
the system selections (lost changes include: sideloops, user added inputs, outputs, network inputs,
network outputs, modules, changes in state tables, parameters, logic, and input/output setup). For
information on the types of systems and selections available, see the User Interface and Applications
See Rerunning System Selection in the Upgrading System Files section for guidelines on viewing and modifying
system selection.

Viewing and Modifying Details

See the Details Dialog Box concept and Details Dialog Box screen topics in the User Interface section.
For information on hardware related attributes/parameters, input, and output data of a selected module/block, see
the Modules, Logic Blocks, and Input and Output Objects sections.
To view and modify Details:
1. Access the Details dialog box for the desired module block as follows:
• For a module in a Table Data widget, double-click the module or right-click the module and select View
• For a module in a State Tables view, click View Details.
• For a block in the Logic View, right-click the block to view and select View > Details.
• For a module in the Logic View Activities tree, right-click the module and select View Details.
• For a module in the BACnet Exposed widget, right-click the module and select View Details.
The Details dialog box appears with the data for the module or block or state selection modules. A table of
attributes/parameters appears in the left pane of the view, and tables of inputs and outputs appear in the right
pane of the view.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 135

The splitter bar between the panes has left and right arrows allowing you to achieve the desired view. Click the
arrows to show or hide the panes. If you click the splitter bar and drag it to the desired location, clicking the left
or right arrows returns the view to the location you moved the splitter bar. Clicking the left or right arrows a second
time shows and hides the entire pane.
The Details dialog box retains the previously displayed view. If you closed the right panel the last time you
accessed the dialog box, the panel is hidden the next time you open the dialog box. Click the arrows on the
splitter bar to restore the inputs and outputs panel.
If there are no inputs and outputs for a module (as is commonly the case for Network Inputs), the right panel
appears hidden and cannot be opened regardless of the previously displayed view.
If there are BACnet Exposed AV outputs for a module or block, you can double-click or right-click the output and
view or modify the details of the output.
2. Click Edit.
3. Make changes to the attribute/parameter, input, and output data using the text boxes and drop-down menus and
click Apply.
Note: To prevent losing modifications to your input data after a device restart, make sure to select the Default
check box under Restart Options.
Note: Select True from the drop-down menu in the BACnet Exposed column to expose inputs and outputs for
BACnet systems, if they are not already configured to the desired setting by default.
For any BACnet Exposed analog value output, double-click or right-click the output to view and modify
4. Click Close.
Note: If you change the enumeration set for an input or output associated with a binary object, the enumeration
set for the binary object is also updated if the set exists in the Two State enumeration set list. Otherwise, the
binary object’s enumeration set defaults to the Inactive/Active set. When this happens, the binary object’s
States Text attribute is set to the Inactive/Active enumeration set instead of the set you selected.
Note: When you change the units for analog values, the function of the value does not change. For all modules,
the value passes, but the units do not. For example, if you change timers from seconds to minutes or hours,
the function of the number does not change.

Adding Inputs and Outputs to a Block or Module

You can add inputs and outputs to the following blocks and modules:
• Boolean (AND, OR, XOR)
• Calculation (Expression blocks)
• Container (Activity, Hybrid Activity blocks)
• Math (Add, Multiply)
• Selection (All blocks)
• Statistical (All blocks)
1. Right-click the block you want to add ports to and select View Details.
2. Select the check box for IO Additions/Deletions.
3. To add inputs or outputs:
a. Click Add ( ) in the Inputs or Outputs section. The Add Inputs or Add Outputs window appears.
b. Select the type of input or output and increase the count.
c. Click OK.
4. To delete inputs or outputs:

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 136

a. Click Delete ( ) next to the input or output you want to delete. A Confirm message box appears prompting
you to confirm your delete action.
b. Click Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
5. Click Close when finished.

Viewing Controller Information

You can view controller information for one or more controllers on the field bus in the Configuration mode.
To view controller information:
1. On the Tools menu, select Controller Information. The Controller Information Wizard appears.
2. Follow the wizard steps.
Note: The Controller Information Wizard contains the same information as the Commissioning Device Wizard,
with the addition of the Copy To Clipboard option.
For information on viewing information of a controller while it is being commissioned (Commissioning mode only),
see the Commissioning a System section.

Viewing and Modifying Connections

System selection makes all the necessary connections required for your system. You do not need to review
connections if you are not modifying logic after selecting the system.
To view and modify connections:
1. Click the Connections widget. The connection data for the entire application, or the selected module’s connection
data, appears in the Connections tab. See Connections in the Perspectives section.
Note: You can select multiple modules (within a module category) to view connections on the selected modules
at once. Hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the modules. A table appears in the Connections area
for each module selected.
The State Selector connections are shown by default when you click the Connections table. If you select other
modules in the Control View and the State Selector connections do not appear, click Show All to return to the
default view.
In the Logic View, you can select a module in the Activities tree to view the connections for the selected module.
To return to the default view, showing all module connections, on the Connections table, click Show All.
2. See Exposing Ports for Connection, Making a Connection, Changing a Connection, and Breaking a Connection.

Exposing Ports for Connection

By default, all ports are exposed for connection. You cannot remove the selection for connected ports because the
ports are disabled in the Expose Ports for Connection dialog box.
1. On the Features panel, click Connections.
2. Click Expose Ports. The Expose Ports for Connection dialog box appears.
Note: Some items in the lists may appear disabled because they are automatically exposed for connection and
cannot be changed, or if they are already connected.
Note: Some items, such as a block within an activity, may not appear in the Connections view. For these items,
you can expose ports by right-clicking a block and selecting Expose Ports For Connection.
3. Select ports to expose (or remove the selection on ports to hide) from the Input Port List and Output Port List
sections of the dialog box, using the Select All and Deselect All buttons as necessary, and click OK.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 137

Making a Connection
1. On the Connections tab, right-click an input or output that has no connections and select Make Connection. The
Select Reference dialog box appears.
Note: The left pane of the Select Reference dialog box is populated with only those modules that are available
for connection.
Note: A module output can have more than one connection (fan-out). A module input cannot have more than
one connection (fan-in is not allowed).
2. On the left pane, select an available module. The available ports appear in the right pane.
3. On the right pane, select the input/output port in which to connect and click OK.
Note: If you are having trouble making connections for loops, see the related entry in the Troubleshooting

Changing a Connection
1. On the Connections tab, right-click an input or output that has an existing connection and select Change
Connection. The Select Reference dialog box appears.
Note: The left pane of the Select Reference dialog box is populated with only those modules that are available
for connection.
Note: A module output can have more than one connection (fan-out). A module input cannot have more than
one connection (fan-in is not allowed).
2. On the left pane, select an available module. The available ports appear in the right pane.
3. On the right pane, select the input/output port in which to connect and click OK.

Breaking a Connection
To break a connection on the Connections tab, right-click an input or output that has an existing connection and
select Break Connection.

Viewing and Modifying Parameters

1. Click the Parameters widget if not already active. See the Parameters description in the Perspectives section.
2. Click Edit.
3. Make changes to the parameters/attributes using the text boxes and drop-down menus and click Apply.
Note: You cannot modify outputs of modules from the Parameters table.
Note: You cannot save or switch modes while editing in the Parameters tab. Click Apply or Cancel before

Viewing and Modifying State Selection Tables

System Selection makes all the necessary state configurations required for your system. You do not need to review
state configurations if you are not modifying logic after selecting the system.
To view and modify State Selection tables:
1. Click the State Table tab in the Features panel. The State Selection tab appears with the system’s state selection
data populated within tables in the right pane, and the states in the left pane of the screen. The panes allow you
to scroll both vertically and horizontally, keeping the first column visible. See the State Selection (State Tables
Tab) screen section.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 138

Note: The individual tables in the State Tables are the State Generators (yellow heading) and the turquoise
column headings are the Output Controllers. See State Tables in the Perspectives section and Control
Tab Application Example in the User Interface section.
Note: Each State Generator state has a corresponding Output Controller state. The States column lists the
states from highest priority to lowest priority in descending order from top to bottom. An asterisk (*)
appearing instead of a valid Output Controller state indicates that the current State Generator has no
interaction with the Output Controller, and the Output Controller is controlled by the next highest priority
State Generator showing a valid Output Controller state. An * also indicates that the field should not be
modified unless certain control specifications are required.
2. Click Edit.
3. To change the Output Controller state for a given State Generator state, click the cell and select the Output
Controller state from the drop-down menu.
4. To change the hierarchy of the State Generators (reordering tables), click the up or down arrow in the upper
right corner of the corresponding State Selection Table in the right pane until the tables appear in the desired
Note: After making a change, the border around the State Selection Table appears green if the changes are
OK. The border appears red when there are problems with the changes made.
5. Click Apply.
Note: At least one of the rows in a state table for an input must have all of its options defined to prevent an
Output Controller from having an unreliable mode input.
See the Customizing State Selection Tables section for making changes for custom applications.

Viewing and Modifying a Module’s Logic

To view and modify a module’s logic:
• For a module in a Table Data widget, right-click the module that contains logic that can be viewed or modified
(appears tan in the column) and select View Logic.
• For a module in the Logic View Activities tree, click the module.
• For a module in a BACnet Exposed widget, right-click the module and select View Logic.
The Logic View appears and displays the logic diagram for that module. See the Logic View Steps section for details
on how to modify logic.

Changing an Input or Output Signal

Note: You can designate default input and output signals before creating systems from the Signal column in the
Naming and Signal Preferences screen. See the Setting Preferences section for details.
To change an input or output signal:
1. Right-click the input or output module (including the Miscellaneous categories) and select Modify Signal. The
Modify Signal dialog box appears. See the Modify Signal (Input or Output) screen section.
2. Select a signal from the drop-down menu and click OK.
Wireless Ethernet Network Tips:
Tip: For inputs such as Temperature, Setpoint, Warm/Cool Adjust, and Temp Occ, select the Wireless Ethernet
Tip: Make sure you remove any unused Network Sensor (Network Duct Sensor, Network Zone Sensor, or
Network CO2 Sensor) inputs or outputs from the system.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 139

Adding a Module
System Selection adds all the necessary modules required for your system. You do not need to add modules if you
are not modifying logic after selecting the system. See one of the following sections to add modules:
• Adding a Network Input
• Adding an Input or Miscellaneous Input
• Adding a Setpoint/Miscellaneous Module
• Adding a State Generation Module
• Adding an Output Control Module
• Adding a Network Output
• Adding an Output or Miscellaneous Output

Renaming a Module
1. Right-click the module to rename and select Rename. The Rename dialog box appears. See the Rename
(Module/Block) screen section.
Note: You also can select a module and press the F2 key to perform this function.
2. Type a name for the module in the User Name text box.
3. Click OK.

Deleting a Module
To delete a module:
1. Right-click the module to delete and select Delete, or select multiple modules by holding down the Ctrl key while
selecting the modules, then right-click and select Delete. The Confirm dialog box appears asking you to confirm
that you want to delete the modules. See the Confirm (Delete) screen section.
Note: You also can select one or more modules and press the Delete key to perform this function.
2. Click Yes.

Setting the Actuator Stroke Time

The following procedure defines the proper method for setting or changing the actuator stroke time for a VAV Single
Duct or VAV Dual Duct damper PAO. For all other PAOs, edit the stroke time through the Details dialog box.
To set the Actuator Stroke Time:
1. From the Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules category, right-click the Supply Damper Stroke Time, Hot Deck Damper
Stroke Time, Cold Deck Damper Stroke Time, or Exhaust Damper Stroke Time module and select View Details.
You also can double-click the module to open the Details dialog box. The Details dialog box appears.
2. Click Edit.
3. Adjust the default value of the output.
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.
The stroke time change is fed to all of the modules connected to the changed module.

Logic View Steps

Using the Activities Tree

The Activities tree appears at the top of the left panel in the logic view.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 140

To view the logic of the entire application, click the Control View Connections option (appears second in the list,
just below the Activities folder). The logic of the entire application appears in the right panel of the logic view. The
Control Block Palette does not appear when the Control View Connections option or a module category folder (for
example, Output Control) is selected.
Note: By default, the Control View Connections option is selected when you view Logic.
To view the logic of a particular module, browse the folders of the Activities tree (organized by module category)
and click the module, or right-click the module and select View Logic. The logic diagram of the module appears in
the right panel and the Control Block Palette appears below the Activities tree in the left panel.

Selecting a Block from the Control Block Palette

The Control Block palette appears at the bottom of the left panel in the logic view, below the Activities tree. The
Control Block palette does not appear when the Control View Connections option or a module category folder (for
example, Output Control) in the Activities tree is selected.
To select a block from the Control Block palette:
1. Browse through the folders in the palette to locate the block. See the Logic View screen description in the User
Interface section.
Note: Or, use the Launch Wizard to locate and add one or more logic blocks. See Using the Launch Wizard.
2. Drag and drop the block from the palette to the logic diagram in the right panel.

Using the Launch Wizard

1. Drag the Launch Wizard from the control block palette to the logic diagram in the right panel. The New Module
Selection dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.
2. Type the name of the block to locate in the Filter text box. The search displays and filters results for each letter
you type regardless of where the letter appears in the block name. For example, if you type co, Constant appears
as well as ACOS and Lead Compensator. Your filter text is indicated by the bolded letters of the block name.
You can click the Name column heading to sort the results in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.
Note: The filter box is not case-sensitive.
3. Click the Count box next to the block you want to add and adjust the number of blocks to add using the up and
down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another block, go back to Step
2 and search for that block name. You do not need to close the Launch Wizard to add a different block.
4. When you have finished adding blocks, click Finish. The blocks you added appear in the logic diagram.

Renaming a Block
We typically do not recommend renaming logic blocks because their names identify their function. You may wish to
rename a Container logic block (Activity or Hybrid Activity) to identify the logic it contains.
To rename a block in the Logic View:
1. Right-click the block to rename and select Rename. The Rename dialog box appears. See the Rename
(Module/Block) screen section.
Note: You also can select a block and press the F2 key to perform this function.
2. Type a name for the block in the User Name text box.
3. Click OK.

Deleting a Block
To delete a block in the Logic View:

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 141

1. Right-click the block to delete and select Delete, or select multiple blocks by holding down the Ctrl key while
selecting the blocks, then right-click and select Delete. The Confirm dialog box appears asking you to confirm
that you want to delete the blocks. See the Confirm (Delete) screen section.
Note: You also can select one or more blocks and press the Delete key to perform this function.
2. Click Yes.

Copying a Block
To copy a block in the Logic View:
1. Right-click the block to copy and select Copy. To copy multiple blocks at once, press and hold the Ctrl key while
selecting the Copy menu item.
2. Right-click within the logic diagram and select Paste.
Note: You also can select a block and use the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keys to perform the copy and paste function.
Note: The copy and paste feature does not include connections.

Duplicating a Block
The duplicate feature copies and pastes the selected blocks in one step.
To duplicate a block in the Logic View:
Right-click the block and select Duplicate. To duplicate multiple blocks at once, press and hold the Ctrl key while
selecting the Duplicate menu item.
Note: You also can select a block and use the Ctrl-D keys to perform this function.
Note: The duplicate feature does not include connections.

Exposing Ports
You can expose ports to make them available for connection. If you expose ports for BACnet systems, the BACnet
exposed ports are viewable objects through the Supervisory Controller. You cannot remove the selection for connected
ports because the ports are disabled in the Port Exposure dialog box.
To expose ports for BACnet systems using the Details dialog box:
1. Right-click a block and select View > Details. The Details dialog box appears. See the Details Dialog Box and
Viewing and Modifying Details sections.
2. Click Edit.
3. For the BACnet Exposed selection, select True.
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.

Connecting Blocks
To connect blocks in the Logic View (see the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section):
1. Place the pointer over the starting connection point or right side of an Activity Input block (appears yellow) until
it changes shape from an arrow to a magic wand ( ), and click the starting connection point. Compatible
inputs/outputs of all blocks change color from orange to green indicating where you can connect.
Note: If do not wish to complete the connection, press the Escape (Esc) key or click within the empty space in
the logic diagram to remove the starting connection point.
2. Drag the pointer (magic wand) to the desired destination connection point and click the point. The connection
line appears in the logic diagram and the connected input point appears yellow.
Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 142
Note: A tooltip appears when you place your pointer over an invalid connection point. An invalid connection is
when the data type of the source and destination do not match (for example, a Boolean source and a
Float destination).
Note: The tool automatically creates and configures the hierarchy table in a translation block when you connect
an Activity Input block to an Activity Output block of different types (Boolean to two-state Enum or two-state
Enum to Boolean). See Configuring the Translation Blocks for details.
Note: If you are having trouble making connections for loops, see the related entry in the Troubleshooting
Figure 33: Connecting a Block Process

Showing and Hiding Connection Lines

See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.
To hide a connection line, right-click a connection line and select Hide. The connection line becomes a hidden edge
label (numbered circle next to an Activity Input, Activity Output, block input, or block output: , , or ).
To show a connection line, right-click a hidden edge label and select Unhide. The hidden edge label becomes a
connection line.

Deleting a Connection
See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.
To delete a connection line:
1. Right-click the connection line or hidden edge label (numbered circle next to an Activity Input, Activity Output,
block input, or block output: , , or ) and select Delete. The Confirm dialog box appears asking you to confirm
the deletion. See the Confirm (Delete) screen section.
Note: You also can select a connection line or hidden edge label and press the Delete key to perform this
2. Click Yes.
Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 143
Note: When a hidden edge label indicates multiple connections (for example, 1:5), only the connection added
last is deleted. If you need to delete a specific connection, unhide the connection lines and remove the
appropriate connection.

Changing the Hidden Edge Label of a Connection

See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.
To change the hidden edge label of a connection:
1. Double-click the connection’s hidden edge label (numbered circle next to an Activity Input, Activity Output, block
input, or block output: , , or ). The Hidden Edge Label dialog box appears.
2. Type a name or number for the label and click OK. The label text changes as defined.

Configuring a Hybrid Activity

A Hybrid Activity block contains state-based logic. You can define different logic for each state in the chosen
enumeration set. See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section. For information on the Hybrid
Activity container block, see Container Block in the Logic section.
1. In Logic View, drag and drop the Hybrid Activity Container block from the Control Block palette to the logic
2. Select the enumeration set to use for the block:
Note: If you choose to change the enum set for the state output, and the enum set you are choosing has fewer
members than the current enum set, check the state sections to be deleted to ensure that there are no
blocks or connections in them. This does not include inputs and outputs.
a. Right-click the Hybrid Activity and select View > Details. The Details dialog box appears.
b. Click Edit.
c. Select the desired enumeration set to use for the States Text attribute/parameter.
d. Click Apply.
e. Click Close.
Note: You may need to view another block and view the Hybrid Activity block to refresh the enumeration set
visible in the Logic View.
3. Double-click the Hybrid Activity block or right-click the block and select View Logic to access the Hybrid Activity’s
Logic View.
Note: By default, the Hybrid Activity’s State Table’s State is selected (blue background).
4. With the State header selected, create logic that determines how the states change in this view.
5. Double-click a state (The logic you created for the State header is hidden.) and create logic for this particular
6. Repeat Step 5 for all states.
The following figures show the Hybrid Activity logic of the Proportional Box Heating Control module. The
State block is the HTG-OUTSTATE. This example shows details for only two of the module's seven states. See
Heating Proportional Valve v51 in the Output Control Modules section for more information on the Proportional
Box Heating Control module.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 144

Figure 34: Proportional Box Heating Control - State Logic

Figure 35: Proportional Box Heating Control - Enum Off Logic

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 145

Figure 36: Proportional Box Heating Control - Enum Control Logic

Configuring the Text Block

Use the Text block to display text within the logic diagram or in a module column (Setpoint/Miscellaneous, State
Generation, or Output Control columns). You can define text for different blocks or anywhere within the logic diagram.
For information on the Text blocks, see Container Block in the Logic section.
To configure the Text block:
1. Add the Text block as follows:
• From a module column,
a. Right-click the Setpoint/Miscellaneous, State Generation, or Output Control header and select New. The
New Module Selection dialog box appears. (See the New Module Selection screen section.)
b. In the Filter box, type Text.
c. In the Count box, click the up and down arrows to adjust the number of Text blocks you want to add.
d. Click Finish. The Text block appears in the module column.
• In Logic View, drag and drop the Text block (found in Container folder) from the Control Block palette to the
desired location in the logic diagram.
2. Double-click the Text block. The Details dialog box appears.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Name text box, type a name for the block. The Name label of the Text container block appears in the logic
diagram or module column.
5. In the Text box, enter equations or other text that may provide useful information for the application/activity. You
can enter up to 400 characters.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 146

6. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.

Configuring the Command Hierarchy Block

For information on the Command Hierarchy block, see Selection in the Logic section.
To configure the Command Hierarchy block:
1. Double-click a Command Hierarchy block. The Details dialog box for the Command Hierarchy (Enum Output)
or Command Hierarchy (Boolean Output) appears. See the Command Hierarchy (Enum Output or Boolean
Output) screen section.
2. Select the IO Additions/Deletions check box to add or remove inputs. Adding inputs creates new columns in the
command hierarchy table in the left pane. Removing inputs removes columns in the command hierarchy in the
left pane. See Adding Inputs and Outputs to a Block or Module for detailed procedures.
3. Note: By default, I1 is an Enum input (Off, On), and I2 is a Boolean input (False, True).
Tip: To add an enumeration input column, select the IO Additions/Deletions check box, and then click the plus
sign to add an Input. When the Add Inputs dialog box appears, adjust the count file next to Input (Enum)
and then click OK. After adding an enumeration input, make sure you select the appropriate enumeration
set (Units) to use. To change the units, click Edit, select the new value, and click Apply. The default set is
Tip: To add a Boolean input column, select the IO Additions/Deletions check box, and then click the plus sign
to add an Input. When the Add Inputs dialog box appears, adjust the count file next to Input (Boolean) to
add inputs, then click OK.
Tip: To remove a column, select the IO Additions/Deletions check box, and then click the minus sign next to
the corresponding input column in the right pane. When removing a column that you wish to replace with
another, make sure you remove the existing column first, and then add the new column. For example, to
replace the I1 column that has an Off/On enumeration input with a Boolean input column, first remove the
existing I1 column, and then add a Boolean input column and rename the column to I1.
4. Click Edit.
5. In the Name field, type a new name to identify the Command Hierarchy object. This name appears in the logic
diagram and replaces the Command Hierarchy heading in the Details dialog box.
6. In the left pane, in the input columns, use the drop-down menus for each cell to select a value to assign when
in the State listed in the State column for that row. The cell color changes to green when you change a value.
Note: Shaded table rows with asterisks indicate that when the block is in a particular state, it accepts any value.
Note: A complete configuration is when all possible combinations of inputs and values are represented in the
rows (for example, the I1 column has an Off row and an On row in Figure 38).
Note: An incomplete configuration is when the input and value combinations listed in the rows do not cover
all of the possible combinations. The output of the command hierarchy holds the last value and the output
is flagged as Output cannot be determined. Use an incomplete configuration to hold the last value if
an unlisted or undesirable condition occurs. The condition does not match any of the rows in the table
(that is, none of the rows are true) and the output remains at the last value. When the configuration is
incomplete, a dialog box appears stating: This Command Hierarchy table is Underspecified (missing
some possible combinations).

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 147

Note: A yellow border surrounding the table cells indicates that the combination of inputs and values configured
is redundant. A redundant configuration means that there are multiple rows that cover the same
combination of inputs and values. The command hierarchy selects the row that has higher priority (appears
higher) in the table to generate the output. In the first and third rows in Figure 37, for example, when the
Mode is Off and the Maintenance Switch is Disable, both rows are True. Since the first row is of greater
priority, the State output is set to False. Additionally, to create an Else condition, add a row of asterisks
as the last row in the table with a True state. When using redundant rows, lower priority rows may not be
active, which could indicate unused rows or an improperly configured command hierarchy block.
Figure 37: Command Hierarchy Redundancy Example

Tip: To change the label of a column, in the right pane, click the Name cell of the corresponding input or output
and type a new name. The cell appears green when you enter a new value. Click Apply. We recommend
that you leave the label text box empty so that you can use dynamic naming from the Standard Name
Tip: To change the enumeration set of a column (including the State column), click Edit and in the right pane,
select a new value for Units. The cell appears green when you enter a new value. Click OK.
Tip: To add a row, right-click a cell and select Insert Row.
Tip: To add 5 rows, right-click a cell and select Insert 5 Rows.
Tip: To add 10 rows, right-click a cell and select Insert 10 Rows.
Tip: To remove a row, right-click a cell and select Delete Row.
Tip: To copy a row, right-click a cell and select Copy Row. The copied row appears at the end of the table.
Tip: To move a row, right-click a cell and select Move Row Up or Move Row Down. Or, select a row and use
the up or down arrows to the right of the table.
Tip: To indicate a state to use when the input is not a specific value (for enumeration input columns only),
right-click a cell and select ! Value. For example, when you want an event to occur during any other state
than the Satisfied state and you use ! Value, the state is indicated as ! Satisfied. To remove the ! Value
indication and use a regular value, right-click the cell and select Value.
7. Click Apply.
For example, the following figure indicates:
• Row 1: When Input 1 (I1) is Off and Input 2 (I2) is False, the Output State is False.
• Row 2: When Input 1 (I1) is On, the Output State is True regardless of Input 2 (I2).

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 148

Figure 38: Command Hierarchy (Boolean Output) Example

Configuring the Line Segment Block

For information on the Line Segment block, see Calculation in the Logic section.
To configure the Line Segment block:
1. Double-click a Line Segment block. The Line Segment Details dialog box appears.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Name field, type a new name to identify the block. This name appears in the logic diagram and replaces
the Line Segment heading in the Details dialog box.
4. In the Input Points and Output Points columns, select a cell and type the desired values.
Note: The input points must be in increasing order.
Tip: To add a row, right-click a cell and select Insert Row.
Tip: To add 5 rows, right-click a cell and select Insert 5 Rows.
Tip: To remove a row, right-click a cell and select Delete Row.
5. Click Apply.

Configuring the MUX Block

For information on the MUX blocks, see the Selection section in the Logic.
To configure the MUX block:
1. Double-click a MUX block. The MUX Details dialog box appears.
2. Select the IO Additions/Deletions check box to add or remove inputs. Adding inputs creates new Input X - Modes
buttons for configuration in the left pane. Removing inputs removes the corresponding Mode button in the left
pane. See Adding Inputs and Outputs to a Block or Module for detailed procedures.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Name field, type a new name to identify the block. This name appears in the logic diagram and replaces
the MUX heading in the Details dialog box.
5. For MUX blocks with Enum Mode, select the enumeration set to use from the Units drop-down list.
Note: This field is used for MUX blocks with Enum Mode only and is disabled for Boolean Mode. If you change
the Units, the Input X - Mode(s) fields are cleared and must be configured.
6. Click an Input X - Modes button. The Mode Selection dialog box appears.
7. Select the value or values to use for the mode and click OK.
Note: The Default value defines the input that is passed to the Present Value if the Mode value is not assigned
to an input. If every member of the Mode Enum Set is not associated with an Input, you must define a
Default input.
8. Click Apply.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 149

Configuring the Translation Blocks
The tool automatically creates and configures the hierarchy table in a translation block when you connect an Activity
Input block to an Activity Output block of different types (Boolean to two-state Enum or two-state Enum to Boolean).
The Enum input or output block must have a two-state enumeration set for the connection and automatic creation
of the translation block to occur.
To connect blocks of other types, manually add and configure the Translation block according to the following
For information on the Enum to Boolean Translation and Boolean to Enum Translation blocks, see the Selection in
the Logic section.
To manually configure the Translation block:
1. Double-click a Translation block. The Details dialog box for the Enum to Boolean Translation or Boolean to Enum
Translation dialog box appears. See the Translation (Enum to Boolean or Boolean to Enum) screen section.
2. Select the IO Additions/Deletions check box to add or remove inputs. Adding inputs creates new columns in the
table in the left pane. Removing inputs removes columns in the table in the left pane. See Adding Inputs and
Outputs to a Block or Module for detailed procedures.
Tip: To add an enumeration input column, select the IO Additions/Deletions check box, and then click the plus
sign to add an Input. When the Add Inputs dialog box appears, adjust the count file next to Input (Enum)
and then click OK. After adding an enumeration input, make sure you select the appropriate enumeration
set (Units) to use. To change the units, click Edit, select the new value, and click Apply. The default set is
Tip: To add a Boolean input column, select the IO Additions/Deletions check box, and then click the plus sign
to add an Input. When the Add Inputs dialog box appears, adjust the count file next to Input (Boolean) to
add inputs, then click OK.
Tip: To remove a column, select the IO Additions/Deletions check box, then click the minus sign next to the
corresponding input column in the right pane. When removing a column that you wish to replace with
another, make sure you remove the existing column first, then add the new column. For example, to replace
the I1 column that has an Off/On enumeration input with a Boolean input column, first remove the existing
I1 column, then add a Boolean input column and rename the column to I1.
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Name field, type a new name to identify the object. This name appears in the logic diagram and replaces
the Translation heading in the Details dialog box.
5. In the left pane, in the input columns, use the drop-down menus for each cell to select a value to assign when
in the State listed in the State column for that row. The cell color changes to green when you change a value.
Note: Shaded table rows with asterisks indicate that when the block is in a particular state, no behavior change
occurs, and the block checks for the next state listed.
Note: A complete configuration is when all possible combinations of inputs and values are represented in the
rows (for example, the I1 column has an Off row and an On row).
Note: An incomplete configuration is when the input and value combinations listed in the rows do not cover
all of the possible combinations. The output of the command hierarchy holds the last value and the output
is flagged as Output cannot be determined. Use an incomplete configuration to hold the last value if
an unlisted or undesirable condition occurs. The condition does not match any of the rows in the table
(that is, none of the rows are true) and the output remains at the last value. When the configuration is
incomplete, a dialog box appears stating: This Translation table is Underspecified (missing some possible

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 150

Note: A yellow border surrounding the table cells indicates that the combination of inputs and values configured
is redundant. A redundant configuration means that there are multiple rows that cover the same
combination of inputs and values. The command hierarchy selects the row that has higher priority (appears
higher) in the table to generate the output. Additionally, to create an Else condition, add a row of asterisks
as the last row in the table with a True state. When using redundant rows, lower priority rows may not be
active, which could indicate unused rows or an improperly configured block.
Tip: To change the label of a column, in the right pane, click the Name cell of the corresponding input or output
and type a new name. The cell appears green when you enter a new value. Click Apply. We recommend
leaving the label text box empty so that dynamic naming from the Standard Name menu may be used.
Tip: To change the enumeration set of a column (including the State column), click Edit and in the right pane,
click the drop-down box for Units, and select a new value. In the left pane, the cells appear green to indicate
the change. Click OK.
Tip: To add a row, right-click a cell and select Insert Row.
Tip: To add 5 rows, right-click a cell and select Insert 5 Rows.
Tip: To add 10 rows, right-click a cell and select Insert 10 Rows.
Tip: To remove a row, right-click a cell and select Delete Row.
Tip: To copy a row, right-click a cell and select Copy Row. The copied row appears at the end of the table.
Tip: To move a row, right-click a cell and select Move Row Up or Move Row Down. Or, select a row and use
the up or down arrows to the right of the table.
Tip: To indicate a state to use when the input is not a specific value (for enumeration input columns only),
right-click a cell and select ! Value. For example, when you want an event to occur during any other state
than the Satisfied state and you use ! Value, the state is indicated as ! Satisfied. To remove the ! Value
indication and use a regular value, right-click the cell and select Value.
6. Click Apply.

Setting the Default Element of a Module

1. Click the Set Default Element button in the Logic View toolbar or right-click within the white space of the Logic
diagram and select Set Default Element. (Alternatively, right-click any block or node within the Table Data widget
or BACnet Exposed widget and select Select Default Element.) The Default Element Selection dialog box appears.
2. Select the radio button of the desired element and click OK. The default element appears black in the logic

Importing and Exporting a Module

To export a module, click the Export Module button from the Logic View toolbar, or right-click within the white space
of the Logic diagram and select Export Module. The module currently displayed in the logic diagram and its children
are added to the Custom folder in the palette. You may need to close and reopen the Controller Application File
(.caf) for the folder and modules to appear.
By default, the exported module is saved in a file in the C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product
Name>\UI\Custom Control Modules directory on your computer using the current name of the module with a
.caf.module file extension. You can specify a different name for the file, and specify a different directory; however,
only exported modules saved to the default directory are available for use in the tool.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 151

You can share this file with other users. Place a copy of the file in the Custom Control Modules directory on a different
computer, and the module appears in the Custom folder in the palette the next time the tool is started on that
computer. You can add the custom module by dragging it into the Logic diagram of an existing module or Activity.
You also can right-click a module category in the Control view and select New, and then add the custom module
from the Module Selection dialog box.

Important: When sharing a custom module created with a version prior to Release 5.0, you must verify that the
PID and PID Pre-Processor logic blocks are updated to Release 5.1 or later. See Upgrading Custom
Control Modules in the Upgrading System Files section.
When sharing a custom module created at the current release with a computer using a previous release
of the tool, you must verify that the module does not contain any logic blocks introduced in the later
release (for example, the Statistics block introduced at Release 5.1).

For information on upgrading modules, rerunning system selection, and other versioning details, see
the Upgrading System Files section.
You can import or use the module by adding the module the same way you add other modules. See the Adding a
Module and Selecting a Block from the Control Block Palette sections.

See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.
To pan in the logic diagram:
1. Click the Pan (hand) button in the Logic View toolbar.
2. Click and hold the pointer down while moving the mouse.
3. Release the hold when you reach the desired location.
Note: You also can use the plus (+) and minus (-) keys to zoom in and out, and the arrow keys move up, down,
left, or right. You can also use the scroll wheel to move up and down, hold the Shift key and scroll to move
left and right, and hold the Ctrl key and scroll zoom in and out.

See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.
You also can use the plus (+) and minus (-) keys to zoom in and out, and the arrow keys move up, down, left, or
right. You can also use the scroll wheel to move up and down, hold the Shift key and scroll to move left and right,
and hold the Ctrl key and scroll zoom in and out.
1. Click the Marquee zoom button in the Logic View toolbar.
2. Place the pointer to the left and just above the location to zoom.
3. Click and drag the pointer over the desired area.
4. Release the hold when you reach the desired view.
1. Click the Interactive zoom button in the Logic View toolbar.
2. Click and drag the pointer over the desired area to zoom in and out. Drag down to zoom in and drag up to zoom
3. Release the hold when you reach the desired view.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 152

Viewing and Printing Application Logic
You can view and print application logic only in Configuration mode (Control View Connections). See the Control
View Connections Option in Logic View section.
1. Click the Logic tab.
Note: The Control View Connections option appears second in the list, just below the Activities folder in the
Activities tree.
2. Use the Logic View’s select, pan, and zoom options to view the application logic. See the Panning and Zooming
sections for details.
3. Use the Logic View’s Print Preview and Print options to print the logic of the entire application. See the Printing
the Logic Diagram section for details.

Printing the Logic Diagram

See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.
For information on printing summary reports, see Printing Summary Reports in the User Interface section.
To print the logic diagram:
Print Preview
Click the Print Preview button in the Logic View toolbar. The Print Preview screen appears with the following options:
• Print Setup
Note: The Print Setup dialog box contains a Page Setup button that allows you to change the orientation of the
page from Portrait to Landscape and vice versa.
• Print
• Zoom In
• Zoom Out
• Fit In Window
Click the Print button in the Logic View toolbar. The Print dialog box appears. Select the desired print settings and
properties and click OK.

Creating Custom Applications

You can create custom applications by modifying an existing Controller Application File (.caf) or making changes to
a selected system. For details on specific applications, modules, and logic, see the Applications, Modules, and Logic
To create custom applications, perform the steps that apply:
1. Begin creating a custom application according to the steps in Modifying an Existing Controller Application File
or Selected System.
Note: The Custom Applications and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only options have system selection trees
with common options. You can create one of these applications with the desired items from the selection
tree, then create any additional items as follows.
2. Create custom logic by adding the desired modules and modifying them as necessary. See Creating Custom
Logic (Adding Modules).
3. Create logic for the modules in the Logic View as necessary. See the Logic View Steps.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 153

4. Expose and make connections between the modules according to the instructions in the Viewing and Modifying
Connections section.
5. Add the State Generation modules as tables in the State Tables and add the Output Control modules as columns
in the State Tables as necessary. See the Viewing and Modifying State Selection Tables and Customizing State
Selection Tables sections.
6. Make connections between the State Selection Table and the State Generators and Output Controllers as
necessary. See Viewing and Modifying Connections.

Custom Modification Example

For example, you may want to add lighting control to a Mixed Air Single Duct Air Handling Unit application where
the lights turn on/off when the AHU turns on/off.
To add lighting control to a Mixed Air Single Duct Air Handling Unit application:
1. With your MASD application open, add the Output Control Lighting module and the LIGHT-C Output module
(Figure 39).
Figure 39: MASD Application with Lighting Module and LIGHT-C Output

2. Select the Lighting Output Control module and click the Connections tab.
3. Right-click the Present Value output and select Make Connection. The Select Reference dialog box appears
(Figure 40).
4. On the left pane, select LIGHT-C, and on the right pane, select I1 (Figure 40).

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 154

Figure 40: Viewing and Making Connections (Lighting/LIGHT-C)

5. Click OK. The connection appears in the Destination section (Figure 41).

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 155

Figure 41: Lighting/LIGHT-C Connection Complete

6. Click State Tables and add a Lighting column.

a. Click Edit.
b. Right-click State Tables and select Create State Selection Column. The Create State Selection Column
dialog box appears (Figure 42).

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 156

Figure 42: Adding Lighting Column to the State Tables

7. In the Start Stop Sequencing DA-T table, click Edit and set the Lighting to Off when the State is Off and On when
the State is On.
Figure 43: Start Stop Sequencing DA-T and Lighting State Table Configuration

8. Click Apply.
9. Click Connections. In the State Selection Output column, right-click Lighting [undefined] and click Make Connection.
In the Select Reference dialog box that appears, select Input in the right pane to connect the Lighting output to
the Output Control Lighting module.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 157

Figure 44: Viewing and Making Connections (State Selection/Lighting)

Figure 45: State Selection/Lighting Connection Complete

Modifying an Existing Controller Application File or Selected System

To create a custom application by modifying an existing Controller Application File (.caf) or selected system:
1. Open an existing Controller Application File (.caf) or a select a system similar to the one you wish to customize.
See the Opening a Controller Application File and Selecting a System (Creating a New System) sections.
Note: The default location of a Controller Application File (.caf) is C:\Users\username.
2. Follow the remaining steps in the Creating Custom Applications section.

Creating Custom Logic (Adding Modules)

Adding a Network Input

The steps that follow apply to adding a Network Input when viewing the application using the Classic View perspective.
These steps may be different if you are using a different perspective. See the Perspectives section.
1. Right-click the Network Inputs header and select New. The New Module Selection (Module Selection for Network
Inputs) dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 158

2. Choose the type of network input you want to add.
3. Click the Count box next to the network input you want to add and adjust the number of network inputs to add
using the up and down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another block,
go back to Step 2 and select another type. You do not need to close the New Module Selection dialog box to
add a different network input.
4. In the User Name text box, type a name for the input.
5. Click Finish. The input appears in the Network Inputs section of the Control View.

Adding an Input or Miscellaneous Input

Note: You can designate default input signals before creating systems from the Signal column in the Naming and
Signal Preferences screen. See the Setting Preferences section for details.
The steps that follow apply to adding an Input or Miscellaneous Input when viewing the application using the Classic
View perspective. These steps may be different if you are using a different perspective. See the Perspectives section.
1. Right-click the Inputs or Miscellaneous (inputs) header and select New. The New Module Selection (Module
Selection for Inputs) dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.
2. Type the name of the input to locate in the Filter text box. For example, if your system requires a 0 to 10 VDC
Humidity sensor, you can type Humidity, or 0 10 VDC to narrow the results. The search displays and filters
results for each letter you type regardless of where the letter appears in the input attribute (application, signal,
data type, and so on). For example, if you type chw, CHW Loop appears as well as PCHWP. Your filter text is
indicated by the bolded letters of the input attribute. You can click any column header to sort the results in
alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.
Note: The filter box is not case-sensitive.
Note: When choosing an input to which you wish to provide a control strategy, use an appropriate input type
from the list provided. Populated inputs carry tuning attributes/parameters for use with PID Pre-Processors
and PID logic blocks.
3. Click the Count box next to the input you want to add and adjust the number of inputs to add using the up and
down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another input, go back to Step
2 and search for that input attribute. You do not need to close the New Module Selection dialog box to add a
different input.
4. In the User Name text box, type a name for the input .
Note: To rename the input module later, right-click the module and select Rename (or use the F2 shortcut key).
5. Click Finish. The input appears in the Inputs or Miscellaneous (Inputs) section of the Control View.
Note: If you must change the signal, right-click the module and select Modify Signal. See Changing an Input
or Output Signal.
For information on adding an effective command input for an output, see the Adding an Effective Command
Miscellaneous Input for an Output (Override Monitoring Feature) section.

Adding a Setpoint/Miscellaneous Module

The steps that follow apply to adding a module when viewing the application using the Classic View perspective.
These steps may be different if you are using a different perspective. See the Perspectives section.
1. Right-click the Setpoint/Miscellaneous header in the Control View and select New. The New Module Selection
(Module Selection for Setpoint/Miscellaneous) dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.
2. Type the name of the module to locate in the Filter text box. The search displays and filters results for each letter
you type regardless of where the letter appears in the module attribute. For example, if you type heat, Heat

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 159

Recovery appears as well as Preheat Pump. Your filter text is indicated by the bolded letters of the module
attribute. You can click any column header to sort the results in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.
Note: The filter box is not case-sensitive.
3. Click the Count box next to the module you want to add and adjust the number of modules to add using the up
and down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another module, go back
to Step 2 and search for that module name. You do not need to close the New Module Selection dialog box to
add a different module.
Note: If you need to create your own non state-based custom logic, choose Activity from the palette and be
sure to provide a meaningful name for the module to indicate the type of logic it contains.
Note: Any custom modules of this type also appear in the palette.
4. In the User Name text box, type a name for the module.
5. Click Finish. The module appears in the Setpoint/Miscellaneous section of the Control View.

Adding a State Generation Module

The steps that follow apply to adding a module when viewing the application using the Classic View perspective.
These steps may be different if you are using a different perspective. See the Perspectives section.
1. Right-click the State Generation header in the Control View and select New. The New Module Selection (Module
Selection for State Generation) dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.
2. Type the name of the module to locate in the Filter text box. The search displays and filters results for each letter
you type regardless of where the letter appears in the module attribute. For example, if you type heat, Heat
Recovery appears as well as Preheat Pump. Your filter text is indicated by the bolded letters of the module
attribute. You can click any column header to sort the results in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.
Note: The filter box is not case-sensitive.
3. Click the Count box next to the module you want to add and adjust the number of modules to add using the up
and down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another module, go back
to Step 2 and search for that module name. You do not need to close the New Module Selection dialog box to
add a different module.
Note: If you need to create your own state-based custom logic, choose Hybrid Activity from the palette and be
sure to provide a meaningful name for the module to indicate the type of logic it contains.
Note: Any custom modules of this type also appear in the palette.
4. In the User Name text box, type a name for the module.
5. Click Finish. The module appears in the State Generation section of the Control View.

Adding an Output Control Module

The steps that follow apply to adding a module when viewing the application using the Classic View perspective.
These steps may be different if you are using a different perspective. See the Perspectives section.
1. Right-click the Output Control header in the Control View and select New. The New Module Selection (Module
Selection for Output Control) dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.
2. Type the name of the module to locate in the Filter text box. The search displays and filters results for each letter
you type regardless of where the letter appears in the module name. For example, if you type ch, Chiller appears
as well as CHANGEOVER and Cascaded Discharge Air. Your filter text is indicated by the bolded letters of the
module name. You can click the Name column header to sort the results in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 160

Note: The filter box is not case-sensitive.
3. Click the Count box next to the module you want to add and adjust the number of modules to add using the up
and down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another module, go back
to Step 2 and search for that module name. You do not need to close the New Module Selection dialog box to
add a different module.
Note: If you need to create your own state-based custom logic, choose Hybrid Activity from the palette and be
sure to provide a meaningful name for the module to indicate the type of logic it contains.
Note: Any custom modules of this type also appear in the palette.
4. In the User Name text box, type a name for the module.
5. Click Finish. The module appears in the Output Control section of the Control View.

Adding a Network Output

The steps that follow apply to adding a Network Output when viewing the application using the Classic View
perspective. These steps may be different if you are using a different perspective. See the Perspectives section.
1. Right-click the Network Outputs header and select New. The New Module Selection (Module Selection for
Network Outputs) dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.
2. Choose the type of network output that you want to add.
3. Click the Count box next to the network output that you want to add and adjust the number of network outputs
to add using the up and down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another
block, go back to Step 2 and select another type. You do not need to close the New Module Selection dialog
box to add a different network output.
4. In the User Name text box, type a name for the output.
5. Click Finish. The output appears in the Network Outputs section of the Control View.

Adding an Output or Miscellaneous Output

Note: You can designate default output signals before creating systems from the Signal column in the Naming and
Signal Preferences screen. See the Setting Preferences section for details.
The steps that follow apply to adding an output when viewing the application using the Classic View perspective.
These steps may be different if you are using a different perspective. See the Perspectives section.
1. Right-click the Outputs or Miscellaneous (outputs) header and select New. The New Module Selection (Module
Selection for Outputs) dialog box appears. See the New Module Selection screen section.
2. Type the name of the output to locate in the Filter text box. For example, if your system requires a 0 to 10 VDC
Humidity control point, you can type Humidifier, or 0 10 VDC to narrow the results. The search displays and
filters results for each letter that you type, regardless of where the letter appears in the output attribute (application,
signal, data type, and so on). For example, if you type chw, CHW Bypass Loop appears as well as Hx PCHWP.
Your filter text is indicated by the bolded letters of the output attribute. You can click any column header to sort
the results in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order.
Note: The filter box is not case-sensitive.
3. Click the Count box next to the output you want to add and adjust the number of outputs to add using the up and
down arrows. Green highlighting appears when you change the quantity. To add another output, go back to Step
2 and search for that output attribute. You do not need to close the New Module Selection dialog box to add a
different output.
4. In the User Name text box, type a name for the output.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 161

Note: To rename the output later, right-click the output and select Rename (or use the F2 shortcut key).
5. Click Finish. The output module or modules appear in the Outputs or Miscellaneous (outputs) section of the
Control View.
Note: If you must change the signal, right-click the module and select Modify Signal. See Changing an Input
or Output Signal.

Adding an Effective Command Miscellaneous Input for an Output (Override Monitoring Feature)
This topic explains how to implement the Output Override Monitoring feature.
Effective Command inputs monitor the current command and the priority of the current command to an output object
and make these values available for use within the application. These values are currently used by the Override
Monitoring feature that prevents PID logic blocks from winding up and tuning incorrectly when the actual control
outputs are overridden.
Scenarios where you might want to add an Effective Command input for an output include:
• when a system has more stages than are currently supported by the application. An example of this
scenario is a unit with more than eight stages of cooling. This configuration requires that you manually add extra
binary outputs for the additional stages. Then, you must replace the MSC 08 module with the appropriate MSC
for the actual number of stages present in your application (up to 12 stages). To add override monitoring for the
additional stages, you must add Effective Command inputs to match the new binary outputs you just added.
• when you need to add a custom control loop. We recommended you select a Sideloop for a custom control
loop. Even if the logic within the sideloop is not complete enough to meet the specification for your application,
the override monitoring feature for the outputs is automatically added. Then, you can modify the logic that enables
the control loop to meet the specification.
If a loop requires that you manually add an analog output, and you want to use the override monitoring feature, you
must add an associated Effective Command input to the Miscellaneous Inputs column of the Control View to provide
this feature.
To add an effective command input for an output:
1. Add the output module. For detailed instructions on how to add an output to your application, see Adding an
Output or Miscellaneous Output.
2. Select and add the appropriate effective command miscellaneous input module using Table 56. For detailed
instructions on how to add an input to your application, see Adding an Input or Miscellaneous Input.
On the left side of the table, identify the output you added in Step 1. The right side of the table indicates the
criteria to use when adding the associated effective command miscellaneous input module. The table includes
the following columns to help configure the input/output pair:
• Standard Name - Indicates the standard name of the module visible via the Rename dialog box.
• Name - Indicates the name of the module visible in the Output and Miscellaneous Input columns of the Control
View after the module is added to the application. A value of N/A in this column indicates that there is no
available input/output pair.
• Application - Indicates the Application filter to select in the Input Selection and Output Selection dialog
• Function - Indicates the Function filter to select in the Input Selection and Output Selection dialog boxes.
To add more than one input/output pair, the output must have a unique standard name within the application
(visible via the Rename dialog box).
3. Verify that the Object Identifier of the miscellaneous input module matches that of the associated output module
by viewing the Object Identifier attribute in the Details dialog box for both modules.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 162

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
2 Pipe HCP1-C 2 Pipe Command
Circulation Circulation
Pump 1 BO Pump 1
2 Pipe HCP2-C 3 Pipe Command
Circulation Circulation
Pump 2 BO Pump 2
Blr1 AO BLR1-O Boiler1 Output Eff Blr1 Cmd BLR1-% Blr1 Effective
Blr1 BO BLR1-C Boiler1 Command N/A
Blr1 Pump AO BP1-O Boiler1 Circ Output Eff Blr1 BP1-% Boiler1 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr1 Pump BO BP1-C Boiler1 Circ Command N/A
Blr1 BO BLR1-EN Boiler1 Ena Command N/A
Blr1 Iso Valve BLR1ISOV-C Boiler1 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve
Boiler 1 SP BLR1SP-O Boiler1 SP Output N/A
Blr2 AO BLR2-O Boiler2 Output Eff Blr2 Cmd BLR2-% Blr2 Effective
Blr2 BO BLR2-C Boiler2 Command N/A
Blr2 Pump AO BP2-O Boiler2 Circ Output Eff Blr2 BP2-% Boiler2 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr2 Pump BO BP2-C Boiler2 Circ Command N/A
Blr2 BO BLR2-EN Boiler2 Ena Command N/A
Blr2 Iso Valve BLR2ISOV-C Boiler2 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve
Boiler 2 SP BLR2SP-O Boiler2 SP Output N/A
Blr3 AO BLR3-O Boiler3 Output Eff Blr3 Cmd BLR3-% Blr3 Effective
Blr3 BO BLR3-C Boiler3 Command N/A
Blr3 Pump AO BP3-O Boiler3 Circ Output Eff Blr3 BP3-% Boiler3 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr3 Pump BO BP3-C Boiler3 Circ Command N/A
Blr3 BO BLR3-EN Boiler3 Ena Command N/A
Blr3 Iso Valve BLR3ISOV-C Boiler3 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 163

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Boiler 3 SP BLR3SP-O Boiler3 SP Output N/A
Blr4 AO BLR4-O Boiler4 Output Eff Blr4 Cmd BLR4-% Blr4 Effective
Blr4 BO BLR4-C Boiler4 Command N/A
Blr4 Pump AO BP4-O Boiler4 Circ Output Eff Blr4 BP4-% Boiler4 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr4 Pump BO BP4-C Boiler4 Circ Command N/A
Blr4 BO BLR4-EN Boiler4 Ena Command N/A
Blr4 Iso Valve BLR4ISOV-C Boiler4 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve
Boiler 4 SP BLR4SP-O Boiler4 SP Output N/A
Blr5 AO BLR5-O Boiler5 Output Eff Blr5 Cmd BLR5-% Blr5 Effective
Blr5 BO BLR5-C Boiler5 Command N/A
Blr5 Pump AO BP5-O Boiler5 Circ Output Eff Blr5 BP5-% Boiler5 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr5 Pump BO BP5-C Boiler5 Circ Command N/A
Blr5 BO BLR5-EN Boiler5 Ena Command N/A
Blr5 Iso Valve BLR5ISOV-C Boiler5 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve
Boiler 5 SP BLR5SP-O Boiler5 SP Output N/A
Blr6 AO BLR6-O Boiler6 Output Eff Blr6 Cmd BLR6-% Blr6 Effective
Blr6 BO BLR6-C Boiler6 Command N/A
Blr6 Pump AO BP6-O Boiler6 Circ Output Eff Blr6 BP6-% Boiler6 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr6 Pump BO BP6-C Boiler6 Circ Command N/A
Blr6 BO BLR6-EN Boiler6 Ena Command N/A
Blr6 Iso Valve BLR6ISOV-C Boiler6 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve
Boiler 6 SP BLR6SP-O Boiler6 SP Output N/A
Blr7 AO BLR7-O Boiler7 Output Eff Blr7 Cmd BLR7-% Blr7 Effective

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 164

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Blr7 BO BLR7-C Boiler7 Command N/A
Blr7 Pump AO BP7-O Boiler7 Circ Output Eff Blr7 BP7-% Boiler7 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr7 Pump BO BP7-C Boiler7 Circ Command N/A
Blr7 BO BLR7-EN Boiler7 Ena Command N/A
Blr7 Iso Valve BLR7ISOV-C Boiler7 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve
Boiler 7 SP BLR7SP-O Boiler7 SP Output N/A
Blr8 AO BLR8-O Boiler8 Output Eff Blr8 Cmd BLR8-% Blr8 Effective
Blr8 BO BLR8-C Boiler8 Command N/A
Blr8 Pump AO BP8-O Boiler8 Circ Output Eff Blr8 BP8-% Boiler8 Circ Effective
Pmp Pump Cmd Pmp Command
Blr8 Pump BO BP8-C Boiler8 Circ Command N/A
Blr8 BO BLR8-EN Boiler8 Ena Command N/A
Blr8 Iso Valve BLR8ISOV-C Boiler8 Iso Command N/A
BO Valve
Boiler 8 SP BLR8SP-O Boiler8 SP Output N/A
Box Heating 2 HTG-C Box Heating Command Eff Box HTG-EC Box Heating Effective
Position BO Heating 2 2 Position Vlv
Position Command
Binary Cmd
Box Heating HTG1-C Box Heating Stage 1 Eff Box HTG1-EC Box Heating Effective
Stage 1 BO Command Heating Stage 1 Stg
Stage 1 Command
Binary Cmd
Box Heating HTG2-C Box Heating Stage 2 Eff Box HTG2-EC Box Heating Effective
Stage 2 BO Command Heating Stage 2 Stg
Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Box Heating HTG3-C Box Heating Stage 3 Eff Box HTG3-EC Box Heating Effective
Stage 3 BO Command Heating Stage 3 Stg
Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Box Heating HTG-O Box Heating Output Eff Box HTG-% Box Heating Effective
Valve AO Heating Command
Valve Cmd

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 165

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Box Heating HTG-O Box Heating Output_PAO Eff Box HTG-% Box Heating Effective
Valve PAO Heating Command
Valve Cmd
Box Heating HTG-EN Box Heating Command N/A
Enable BO Enable
HW Bypass BYPV-O Bypass Loop Output Eff HW BYPV-% HW Bypass Effective
Valve AO Bypass Valve Command
Valve Cmd
Calibration ACSOL-C Calibration Command N/A
Solenoid BO
Chiller 1 CHW CH1CHWISOV Chiller 1 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 1 CW CH1CWISOV-C Chiller 1 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 2 CHW CH2CHWISOV-C Chiller 2 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 2 CW CH2CWISOV-C Chiller 2 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 3 CHW CH3CHWISOV-C Chiller 3 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 3 CW CH3CWISOV-C Chiller 3 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 4 CHW CH4CHWISOV-C Chiller 4 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 4 CW CH4CWISOV-C Chiller 4 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 5 CHW CH5CHWISOV-C Chiller 5 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 5 CW CH5CWISOV-C Chiller 5 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 6 CHW CH6CHWISOV-C Chiller 6 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 6 CW CH6CWISOV-C Chiller 6 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 7 CHW CH7CHWISOV-C Chiller 7 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 7 CW CH7CWISOV-C Chiller 7 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chiller 8 CHW CH8CHWISOV-C Chiller 8 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 166

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Chiller 8 CW CH8CWISOV-C Chiller 8 CW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr1 BO CH1-EN Chiller1 Command N/A
Chlr1 CHW CH1CHWISOV-O Chiller1 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr1 CHW CH1CHWISOV-C Chiller1 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr1 Curr CH1CL-O Chiller1 Output Eff Chlr1 CH1CL-% Chlr1 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command
Chlr1 CW ISO CH1CWISOV-O Chiller1 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr1 CW Iso CH1CWISOV-C Chiller1 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr1 CH1SP-O Chiller1 Output Eff Chlr1 CH1SP-% Chlr1 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
Chlr2 BO CH2-EN Chiller2 Command N/A
Chlr2 CHW CH2CHWISOV-O Chiller2 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr2 CHW CH2CHWISOV-C Chiller2 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr2 Curr CH2CL-O Chiller2 Output Eff Chlr2 CH2CL-% Chlr2 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command
Chlr2 CW ISO CH2CWISOV-O Chiller2 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr2 CW Iso CH2CWISOV-C Chiller2 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr2 CH2SP-O Chiller2 Output Eff Chlr2 CH2SP-% Chlr2 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
Chlr3 BO CH3-EN Chiller3 Command N/A
Chlr3 CHW CH3CHWISOV-O Chiller3 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr3 CHW CH3CHWISOV-C Chiller3 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr3 Curr CH3CL-O Chiller3 Output Eff Chlr3 CH3CL-% Chlr3 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 167

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Chlr3 CW ISO CH3CWISOV-O Chiller3 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr3 CW Iso CH3CWISOV-C Chiller3 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr3 CH3SP-O Chiller3 Output Eff Chlr3 CH3SP-% Chlr3 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
Chlr4 BO CH4-EN Chiller4 Command N/A
Chlr4 CHW CH4CHWISOV-O Chiller4 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr4 CHW CH4CHWISOV-C Chiller4 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr4 Curr CH4CL-O Chiller4 Output Eff Chlr4 CH4CL-% Chlr4 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command
Chlr4 CW ISO CH4CWISOV-O Chiller4 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr4 CW Iso CH4CWISOV-C Chiller4 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr4 CH4SP-O Chiller4 Output Eff Chlr4 CH4SP-% Chlr4 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
Chlr5 BO CH5-EN Chiller5 Command N/A
Chlr5 CHW CH5CHWISOV-O Chiller5 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr5 CHW CH5CHWISOV-C Chiller5 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr5 Curr CH5CL-O Chiller5 Output Eff Chlr5 CH5CL-% Chlr5 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command
Chlr5 CW ISO CH5CWISOV-O Chiller5 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr5 CW Iso CH5CWISOV-C Chiller5 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr5 CH5SP-O Chiller5 Output Eff Chlr5 CH5SP-% Chlr5 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
Chlr6 BO CH6-EN Chiller6 Command N/A
Chlr6 CHW CH6CHWISOV-O Chiller6 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 168

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Chlr6 CHW CH6CHWISOV-C Chiller6 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr6 Curr CH6CL-O Chiller6 Output Eff Chlr6 CH6CL-% Chlr6 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command
Chlr6 CW ISO CH6CWISOV-O Chiller6 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr6 CW Iso CH6CWISOV-C Chiller6 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr6 CH6SP-O Chiller6 Output Eff Chlr6 CH6SP-% Chlr6 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
Chlr7 BO CH7-EN Chiller7 Command N/A
Chlr7 CHW CH7CHWISOV-O Chiller7 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr7 CHW CH7CHWISOV-C Chiller7 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr7 Curr CH7CL-O Chiller7 Output Eff Chlr7 CH7CL-% Chlr7 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command
Chlr7 CW ISO CH7CWISOV-O Chiller7 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr7 CW Iso CH7CWISOV-C Chiller7 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr7 CH7SP-O Chiller7 Output Eff Chlr7 CH7SP-% Chlr7 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
Chlr8 BO CH8-EN Chiller8 Command N/A
Chlr8 CHW CH8CHWISOV-O Chiller8 CHW Output N/A
ISO Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr8 CHW CH8CHWISOV-C Chiller8 CHW Command N/A
Iso Valve BO Iso Valve
Chlr8 Curr CH8CL-O Chiller8 Output Eff Chlr8 CH8CL-% Chlr8 Curr Effective
Limit AO CurrLim Curr Limit Limit Command
Chlr8 CW ISO CH8CWISOV-O Chiller8 CW Output N/A
Valve AO Iso Valve
Chlr8 CW Iso CH8CWISOV-C Chiller8 CW Command N/A
Valve BO Iso Valve

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 169

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Chlr8 CH8SP-O Chiller8 Output Eff Chlr8 CH8SP-% Chlr8 Effective
Setpoint AO Setpoint Setpoint Setpoint Command
CHW Bypass CHWBYPV-O CHW Bypass Output Eff CHW CHWBYPV-% CHW Bypass Effective
Valve AO Loop Bypass Valve Command
Valve Cmd
CD PAO PARAM-CD-ST Cold Deck StrokeTime N/A
Stroke Time Damper
Cold Deck CD-O Cold Deck Output Eff Cold CD-% Cold Deck Effective
Damper AO Damper Deck Damper Command
Damper Cmd
Cold Deck CD-O Cold Deck Output_ PAO Eff Cold CD-% Cold Deck Effective
Damper PAO Damper Deck Damper Command
Damper Cmd
Cold Deck CD-O Cold Deck Output_PAO_ Eff Cold CD-% Cold Deck Effective
Damper PAO Damper Integrated Deck Damper Command
Damper Cmd
Cold Deck PARAM-CD-MINP Cold Deck MinPulse N/A
PAO - Damper
Pulse Width
Combustion COMBDPR-C Combustion Command N/A
Damper BO Damper
Compressor COMP1-C Compressor Stage 1 Eff COMP1-EC Compressor Effective
Stage 1 BO Command Compressor Stage 1 Stg
Stage 1 Command
Binary Cmd
Compressor COMP2-C Compressor Stage 2 Eff COMP2-EC Compressor Effective
Stage 2 BO Command Compressor Stage 2 Stg
Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Cooling CP1-C 2 Pipe Command
Circulation Circulation
Pump 1 BO Pump 1
Cooling CP2-C 2 Pipe Command
Circulation Circulation
Pump 2 BO Pump 2
CWP1 AO CWP1-O Cond Water Output N/A
CWP1 BO CWP1-C Cond Water Command N/A
CWP2 AO CWP2-O Cond Water Output N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 170

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
CWP2 BO CWP2-C Cond Water Command N/A
CWP3 AO CWP3-O Cond Water Output N/A
CWP3 BO CWP3-C Cond Water Command N/A
CWP4 AO CWP4-O Cond Water Output N/A
CWP4 BO CWP4-C Cond Water Command N/A
CWP5 AO CWP5-O Cond Water Output N/A
CWP5 BO CWP5-C Cond Water Command N/A
CWP6 AO CWP6-O Cond Water Output N/A
CWP6 BO CWP6-C Cond Water Command N/A
CWP7 AO CWP7-O Cond Water Output N/A
CWP7 BO CWP7-C Cond Water Command N/A
CWP8 AO CWP8-O Cond Water Output N/A
CWP8 BO CWP8-C Cond Water Command N/A
Cooling Valve CLG-O Cooling Output Eff Cooling CLG-% Cooling Effective
AO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Cooling Valve CLG-C Cooling Command Eff Cooling CLG-EC Cooling Effective
BO Valve Binary Valve Vlv
Cmd Command
Cooling Valve CLG-O Cooling Output_PAO Eff Cooling CLG-% Cooling Effective
PAO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Cooling CLGFBD-O Cooling Face Output Eff Cooling CLGFBD-% Cooling Effective
Damper AO & Bypass Damper Cmd Damper Command
Cooling CLGFBD-O Cooling Face Output_PAO Eff Cooling CLGFBD-% Cooling Effective
Damper PAO & Bypass Damper Cmd Damper Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 171

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Cooling CP-C Cooling Pump Command N/A
Pump BO
Cooling Stage CLG1-C Cooling Stage Stage 1 Eff Cooling CLG1-EC Cooling Effective
1 BO Command Stage 1 Stage 1 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Stage CLG2-C Cooling Stage Stage 2 Eff Cooling CLG2-EC Cooling Effective
2 BO Command Stage 2 Stage 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Stage CLG3-C Cooling Stage Stage 3 Eff Cooling CLG3-EC Cooling Effective
3 BO Command Stage 3 Stage 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Stage CLG4-C Cooling Stage Stage 4 Eff Cooling CLG4-EC Cooling Effective
4 BO Command Stage 4 Stage 4 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Stage CLG5-C Cooling Stage Stage 5 Eff Cooling CLG5-EC Cooling Effective
5 BO Command Stage 5 Stage 5 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Stage CLG6-C Cooling Stage Stage 6 Eff Cooling CLG6-EC Cooling Effective
6 BO Command Stage 6 Stage 6 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Stage CLG7-C Cooling Stage Stage 7 Eff Cooling CLG7-EC Cooling Effective
7 BO Command Stage 7 Stage 7 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Stage CLG8-C Cooling Stage Stage 8 Eff Cooling CLG8-EC Cooling Effective
8 BO Command Stage 8 Stage 8 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Cooling Valve CLG-C Cooling Valve Command Eff Cooling CLG-EC Cooling Effective
Command BO Valve Binary Valve Vlv
Cmd Command
Current Out 1 CURRENT1-O Current 1 Output N/A
Current Out 2 CURRENT2-O Current 2 Output N/A
Current Out 3 CURRENT3-O Current 3 Output N/A
Current Out 4 CURRENT4-O Current 4 Output N/A
Current Out 5 CURRENT5-O Current 5 Output N/A
Current Out 6 CURRENT6-O Current 6 Output N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 172

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Domestic HW DHWV-O Domestic HW Output Eff Domestic DHWV-% Domestic Effective
Valve AO Valve HW Valve HW Valve Command
Economizer ECON-C Economizer Command N/A
Enable BO Enable
Exhaust Air EAD-O Exhaust Air Output Eff Exhaust EAD-% Exhaust Air Effective
Damper AO Damper Air Damper Damper Command
Exhaust Air EAD-C Exhaust Air Command N/A
Damper BO Damper
Exhaust Air EAD-O Exhaust Air Output_PAO Eff Exhaust EAD-% Exhaust Air Effective
Damper PAO Damper Air Damper Damper Command
Exhaust Air PARAM-EAD-MINP Exhaust Air MinPulse N/A
Damper PAO Damper
- Minimum
Pulse Width
Exhaust PARAM-EAD-ST Exhaust Air StrokeTime N/A
Damper PAO Damper
Stroke Time
Exhaust Air EAD2-C Exhaust Air Command
Damper2 BO Damper2
Exhaust Fan EF-C Exhaust Fan Command N/A
Exhaust Fan EF-C Exhaust Fan Run/Stop N/A
Exhaust Fan EF-O Exhaust Fan Output Eff Exhaust EF-% Exhaust Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass EF-BYPASS Exhaust Fan Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset EF-RESET Exhaust Fan Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Exhaust Fan2 EF2-C Exhaust Fan2 Command N/A
Exhaust Fan2 EF2-C Exhaust Fan2 Run/Stop N/A
Exhaust Fan2 EF2-O Exhaust Fan2 Output Eff Exhaust EF2-% Exhaust Effective
Speed AO Fan2 Speed Fan2 Speed Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 173

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
FBP Damper FBD-O Face & Bypass Output Eff FBP FBD-% FBP Damper Effective
AO Damper Damper Cmd Command
FBP Damper FBD-O Face & Bypass Output_PAO Eff FBP FBD-% FBP Damper Effective
PAO Damper Damper Cmd Command
Fan BO SF-C Fan Command N/A
Fan Speed 1 SFL-C Fan Command LO N/A
Fan Speed 2 SFM-C Fan Command N/A
Fan Speed 3 SFH-C Fan Command HI N/A
Fan Speed SF-O Fan Output N/A
Heat HR-O Heat Recovery Output Eff Heat HR-% Heat Effective
Recovery Recovery Recovery Command
Valve AO Valve Cmd Valve
Heat HR-C Heat Recovery Command N/A
Valve BO
Heat HR-O Heat Recovery Output_PAO Eff Heat HR-% Heat Effective
Recovery Recovery Recovery Command
Valve PAO Valve Cmd Valve
Heat HREAFBD-O Heat Recovery Output N/A
Recovery EA FBD AO
Exhaust FBD
Heat HREAFBD-C Heat Recovery Command N/A
Recovery EA FBD BO
Exhaust FBD
Heat HROAFBD-O Heat Recovery Output N/A
Recovery OA OA FBD AO
Heat HROAFBD-C Heat Recovery Command N/A
Recovery OA OA FBD BO
Heat HRP-C Heat Recovery Command N/A
Recovery Pump
Pump BO

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 174

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Heat HRW-O Heat Recovery Output Eff Heat HR-% Heat Effective
Recovery Wheel Recovery Recovery Command
Wheel AO Wheel Cmd Wheel
Heat HRW-C Heat Recovery Command N/A
Recovery Wheel
Wheel BO
Heat Tape 1 HTAPE1-C Heat Tape 1 Command N/A
Command BO
Heat Tape 2 HTAPE2-C Heat Tape 2 Command N/A
Command BO
Heat Tape 3 HTAPE3-C Heat Tape 3 Command N/A
Command BO
Heat Tape 4 HTAPE4-C Heat Tape 4 Command N/A
Command BO
Heat Tape 5 HTAPE5-C Heat Tape 5 Command N/A
Command BO
Heat Tape 6 HTAPE6-C Heat Tape 6 Command N/A
Command BO
Heating Stage HTG1-C Heating Stage 1 Eff Heating HTG1-EC Heating Effective
1 BO Command Stage 1 Stage 1 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Heating Stage HTG2-C Heating Stage 2 Eff Heating HTG2-EC Heating Effective
2 BO Command Stage 2 Stage 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Heating Stage HTG3-C Heating Stage 3 Eff Heating HTG3-EC Heating Effective
3 BO Command Stage 3 Stage 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Heating Valve HTG-O Heating Output Eff Heating HTG-% Heating Effective
AO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Heating Valve HTG-C Heating Command Eff Heating HTG-EC Heating Effective
BO Valve Binary Valve Vlv
Cmd Command
Heating Valve HTG-O Heating Output_PAO Eff Heating HTG-% Heating Effective
PAO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Reheat Valve HTG1-O Heating 1 Output Eff Reheat HTG1-% Reheat Effective
1 AO Valve 1 Cmd Valve 1 Command
Reheat Valve HTG2-O Heating 2 Output Eff Reheat HTG2-% Reheat Effective
2 AO Valve 2 Cmd Valve 2 Command
Reheat Stage HTG1-C Heating Stage Stage 1 Eff Reheat HTG1-EC Reheat Effective
1 BO Command Stage 1 Stage 1 Stg
Binary Cmd Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 175

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Reheat Stage HTG2-C Heating Stage Stage 2 Eff Reheat HTG2-EC Reheat Effective
2 BO Command Stage 2 Stage 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage HTG3-C Heating Stage Stage 3 Eff Reheat HTG3-EC Reheat Effective
3 BO Command Stage 3 Stage 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage HTG4-C Heating Stage Stage 4 Eff Reheat HTG4-EC Reheat Effective
4 BO Command Stage 4 Stage 4 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage HTG5-C Heating Stage Stage 5 Eff Reheat HTG5-EC Reheat Effective
5 BO Command Stage 5 Stage 5 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage HTG6-C Heating Stage Stage 6 Eff Reheat HTG6-EC Reheat Effective
6 BO Command Stage 6 Stage 6 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage HTG7-C Heating Stage Stage 7 Eff Reheat HTG7-EC Reheat Effective
7 BO Command Stage 7 Stage 7 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage HTG8-C Heating Stage Stage 8 Eff Reheat HTG8-EC Reheat Effective
8 BO Command Stage 8 Stage 8 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Heating Valve HTG-C Heating Valve Command Eff Heating HTG-EC Heating Effective
Command BO Valve Binary Valve Vlv
Cmd Command
2 Pipe Valve HC-O Heating/Cooling Output Eff 2 Pipe HC-% 2 Pipe Valve Effective
AO Valve Cmd Command
2 Pipe Valve HC-C Heating/Cooling Command Eff 2 Pipe HC-EC 2 Pipe Valve Effective
BO Valve Binary Vlv
Cmd Command
2 Pipe Valve HC-O Heating/Cooling Output_PAO Eff 2 Pipe HC-% 2 Pipe Valve Effective
PAO Valve Cmd Command
2 Pipe HCFBD-O Heating/Cooling Output Eff 2 Pipe HCFBD-% 2 Pipe Effective
Damper AO Face & Bypass Damper Cmd Damper Command
2 Pipe HCFBD-O Heating/Cooling Output_PAO Eff 2 Pipe HCFBD-% 2 Pipe Effective
Damper PAO Face & Bypass Damper Cmd Damper Command
2 Pipe HCP-C Heating/Cooling Command N/A
Circulation Pump
Pump BO
2 Pipe Valve HC-C Heating/Cooling Command Eff 2 Pipe HC-EC 2 Pipe Valve Effective
Command BO Valve Valve Binary Vlv
Cmd Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 176

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
HD PAO PARAM-HD-ST Hot Deck StrokeTime N/A
Stroke Time Damper
Hot Deck HD-O Hot Deck Output Eff Hot Deck HD-% Hot Deck Effective
Damper AO Damper Damper Cmd Damper Command
Hot Deck HD-O Hot Deck Output_PAO Eff Hot Deck HD-% Hot Deck Effective
Damper PAO Damper Damper Cmd Damper Command
Hot Deck HD-O Hot Deck Output_PAO Eff Hot Deck HD-% Hot Deck Effective
Damper PAO Damper Damper Cmd Damper Command
Hot Deck PAO PARAM-HD-MINP Hot Deck MinPulse N/A
- Minimum Damper
Pulse Width
Hot Gas HGBPV-C Hot Gas Command N/A
Bypass Valve Bypass Valve
Iso Valve BO ISOVLV-C HP Iso Valve Command N/A
Humidification HUM-O Humidifier Output Eff HUM-% Humidification Effective
AO Humidification Command
Humidifier HUM-C Humidifier Command N/A
Enable BO Enable
Humidification HUM1-C Humidifier Stage 1 Eff HUM1-EC Humidification Effective
Stage 1 BO Stage Command Humidification Stage 1 Stg
Stage 1 Command
Binary Cmd
Humidification HUM2-C Humidifier Stage 2 Eff HUM2-EC Humidification Effective
Stage 2 BO Stage Command Humidification Stage 2 Stg
Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Humidification HUM3-C Humidifier Stage 3 Eff HUM3-EC Humidification Effective
Stage 3 BO Stage Command Humidification Stage 3 Stg
Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Humidification HUM4-C Humidifier Stage 4 Eff HUM4-EC Humidification Effective
Stage 4 BO Stage Command Humidification Stage 4 Stg
Stage 4 Command
Binary Cmd
HW Mixing HXMV-O HX Mixing Output Eff HW MIX-% HW Mixing Effective
Valve AO Valve Mixing Valve Valve Command
HX1 Iso Valve HX1ISOV-C HX1 Iso Valve Command N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 177

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
HX1 AO1 HX1V1-O HX1 Valve 1 Output Eff HX1 HX1V1-% HX1 Valve 1 Effective
Valve 1 Cmd Command
HX1 AO2 HX1V2-O HX1 Valve 2 Output Eff HX1 HX1V2-% HX1 Valve 2 Effective
Valve 2 Cmd Command
HX2 Iso Valve HX2ISOV-C HX2 Iso Valve Command N/A
HX2 AO1 HX2V1-O HX2 Valve 1 Output Eff HX2 HX2V1-% HX2 Valve 1 Effective
Valve 1 Cmd Command
HX2 AO2 HX2V2-O HX2 Valve 2 Output Eff HX2 HX2V2-% HX2 Valve 2 Effective
Valve 2 Cmd Command
Lighting BO LIGHT-C Lighting Command N/A
Minimum OA MOAD-O Min Outdoor Output Eff Minimum MOAD-% Minimum OA Effective
Damper AO Air Damper OA Damper Damper Command
Minimum OA MOAD-C Min Outdoor Command N/A
Damper BO Air Damper
Minimum OA MOAF-O Min Outdoor Output Eff Minimum MOAF-% Minimum OA Effective
Fan AO Air Fan OA Fan Cmd Fan Command
Minimum OA MOAF-C Min Outdoor Command N/A
Fan BO Air Fan
Minimum OA MOAF-C Min Outdoor Run/Stop N/A
Fan BO Air Fan
VSD Bypass MOAF-BYPASS Min Outdoor Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Air Fan
VSD Reset MOAF-RESET Min Outdoor Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Air Fan Fault
Misc 1 MISC1-C Misc 1 Command N/A
Command BO
Misc 2 MISC2-C Misc 2 Command N/A
Command BO
Misc 3 MISC3-C Misc 3 Command N/A
Command BO
Misc 4 MISC4-C Misc 4 Command N/A
Command BO
Misc 5 MISC5-C Misc 5 Command N/A
Command BO
Misc 6 MISC6-C Misc 6 Command N/A
Command BO
Cooling Valve MISC-O Miscellaneous Output_PAO N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 178

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Mixed Air MISC-O Miscellaneous Output Eff Mixed Air MAD-% Mixed Air Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Reheat Stage MISC1-C Miscellaneous Stage 1 Eff Reheat MISC1-EC Miscellaneous Effective
1 BO Command Stage 1 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage MISC2-C Miscellaneous Stage 2 Eff Reheat MISC2-EC Miscellaneous Effective
2 BO Command Stage 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage MISC3-C Miscellaneous Stage 3 Eff Reheat MISC3-EC Miscellaneous Effective
3 BO Command Stage 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage MISC4-C Miscellaneous Stage 4 Eff Reheat MISC4-EC Miscellaneous Effective
4 BO Command Stage 4 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage MISC5-C Miscellaneous Stage 5 Eff Reheat MISC5-EC Miscellaneous Effective
5 BO Command Stage 5 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage MISC6-C Miscellaneous Stage 6 Eff Reheat MISC6-EC Miscellaneous Effective
6 BO Command Stage 6 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage MISC7-C Miscellaneous Stage 7 Eff Reheat MISC7-EC Miscellaneous Effective
7 BO Command Stage 7 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Stage MISC8-C Miscellaneous Stage 8 Eff Reheat MISC8-EC Miscellaneous Effective
8 BO Command Stage 8 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Supply Fan MISC-C Miscellaneous Command N/A
Mixed Air MAD-O Mixed Air Output Eff Mixed Air MAD-% Mixed Air Effective
Damper AO Damper Damper Cmd Damper Command
HW Mixing MIX-O Mixing Valve Output Eff Mixing MIX-% Mixing Valve Effective
Valve AO Valve Cmd Command
Motor 1 MOTOR1-C Motor 1 Command N/A
Command BO
Motor 2 MOTOR2-C Motor 2 Command N/A
Command BO
Motor 3 MOTOR3-C Motor 3 Command N/A
Command BO
Motor 4 MOTOR4-C Motor 4 Command N/A
Command BO
Motor 5 MOTOR5-C Motor 5 Command N/A
Command BO

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 179

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Motor 6 MOTOR6-C Motor 6 Command N/A
Command BO
OA Damper OAD-O Outdoor Air Output Eff OA OAD-% OA Damper Effective
AO Damper Damper Cmd Command
OA Damper OAD-C Outdoor Air Command N/A
BO Damper
OA Damper2 OAD2-C OA Damper2 Command N/A
Fan BO SF-C Parallel Supply Command N/A
1 Cmd Command
2 Cmd Command
3 Cmd Command
4 Cmd Command
5 Cmd Command
6 Cmd Command
7 Cmd Command
8 Cmd Command
PHWP1 AO PHWP1-O PHWP1 Output Eff PHWP1 PHWP1-% PHWP1 Effective
Cmd Command
PHWP2 AO PHWP2-O PHWP2 Output Eff PHWP2 PHWP2-% PHWP2 Effective
Cmd Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 180

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
PHWP3 AO PHWP3-O PHWP3 Output Eff PHWP3 PHWP3-% PHWP3 Effective
Cmd Command
PHWP4 AO PHWP4-O PHWP4 Output Eff PHWP4 PHWP4-% PHWP4 Effective
Cmd Command
PHWP5 AO PHWP5-O PHWP5 Output Eff PHWP5 PHWP5-% PHWP5 Effective
Cmd Command
PHWP6 AO PHWP6-O PHWP6 Output Eff PHWP6 PHWP6-% PHWP6 Effective
Cmd Command
PHWP7 AO PHWP7-O PHWP7 Output Eff PHWP7 PHWP7-% PHWP7 Effective
Cmd Command
PHWP8 AO PHWP8-O PHWP8 Output Eff PHWP8 PHWP8-% PHWP8 Effective
Cmd Command
Preheat Valve PH-O Preheat Output Eff Preheat PH-% Preheat Effective
AO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Preheat Valve PH-C Preheat Command Eff Preheat PH-EC Preheat Effective
BO Valve Binary Valve Vlv
Cmd Command
Preheat Valve PH-O Preheat Output_PAO Eff Preheat PH-% Preheat Effective
PAO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Preheat Valve PH1-O Preheat 1 Output Eff Preheat PH1-% Preheat Effective
1 AO Valve 1 Cmd Valve 1 Command
Preheat Valve PH2-O Preheat 2 Output Eff Preheat PH2-% Preheat Effective
2 AO Valve 2 Cmd Valve 2 Command
Preheat PH-EN Preheat Command N/A
Enable BO Enable
Preheat PHFBD-O Preheat Face Output Eff Preheat PHFBD-% Preheat Effective
Damper AO & Bypass Damper Cmd Damper Command
Preheat PHFBD-O Preheat Face Output_PAO Eff Preheat PHFBD-% Preheat Effective
Damper PAO & Bypass Damper Cmd Damper Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 181

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Preheat PHP-C Preheat Pump Command N/A
Pump BO
Preheat PHP1-C Preheat Command N/A
Circulation Circulation
Pump 1 BO Pump 1
Preheat PHP2-C Preheat Command N/A
Circulation Circulation
Pump 2 BO Pump 2
Preheat Stage PH1-C Preheat Stage Stage 1 Eff Preheat PH1-EC Preheat Effective
1 BO Command Stage 1 Stage 1 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Preheat Stage PH2-C Preheat Stage Stage 2 Eff Preheat PH2-EC Preheat Effective
2 BO Command Stage 2 Stage 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Preheat Stage PH3-C Preheat Stage Stage 3 Eff Preheat PH3-EC Preheat Effective
3 BO Command Stage 3 Stage 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Preheat Stage PH4-C Preheat Stage Stage 4 Eff Preheat PH4-EC Preheat Effective
4 BO Command Stage 4 Stage 4 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Preheat Stage PH5-C Preheat Stage Stage 5 Eff Preheat PH5-EC Preheat Effective
5 BO Command Stage 5 Stage 5 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Preheat Stage PH6-C Preheat Stage Stage 6 Eff Preheat PH6-EC Preheat Effective
6 BO Command Stage 6 Stage 6 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Preheat Stage PH7-C Preheat Stage Stage 7 Eff Preheat PH7-EC Preheat Effective
7 BO Command Stage 7 Stage 7 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Preheat Stage PH8-C Preheat Stage Stage 8 Eff Preheat PH8-EC Preheat Effective
8 BO Command Stage 8 Stage 8 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Reheat Valve RH-O Reheat Output Eff Reheat RH-% Reheat Effective
AO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Reheat Valve RH-O Reheat Output_PAO Eff Reheat RH-% Reheat Effective
PAO Valve Cmd Valve Command
Reheat RF-EN Reheat Enable Command N/A
Enable BO
Reheat RHP-C Reheat Pump Command N/A
Pump BO

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 182

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Reheat RHP1-C Reheat Command N/A
Circulation Circulation
Pump 1 BO Pump 1
Reheat RHP2-C Reheat Command N/A
Circulation Circulation
Pump 2 BO Pump 2
Relief Fan BO RLF-C Relief Fan Command N/A
Relief Fan BO RLF-C Relief Fan Run/Stop N/A
Relief Fan RLF-O Relief Fan Output Eff Relief RLF-% Relief Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass RLF-BYPASS Relief Fan Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset RLF-RESET Relief Fan Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Relief Fan2 RLF2-C Relief Fan2 Command N/A
Relief Fan2 RLF2-C Relief Fan2 Run/Stop N/A
Relief Fan2 RLF2-O Relief Fan2 Output Eff Relief RLF2-% Relief Fan2 Effective
Speed AO Fan2 Speed Speed Command
Return Air RAD-O Return Air Output Eff Return RAD-% Return Air Effective
Damper AO Damper Air Damper Damper Command
Return Fan RF-C Return Fan Command N/A
Return Fan RF-C Return Fan Run/Stop N/A
Return Fan RF-O Return Fan Output Eff Return RF-% Return Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass RF-BYPASS Return Fan Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset RF-RESET Return Fan Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Return Fan2 RF2-C Return Fan2 Command N/A
Return Fan2 RF2-C Return Fan2 Run/Stop N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 183

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Return Fan2 RF2-O Return Fan2 Output Eff Return RF2-% Return Fan2 Effective
Speed AO Fan2 Speed Speed Command
Reversing REV1-C Reversing Binary Output N/A
Valve 1 BO Valve 1
Reversing REV2-C Reversing Binary Output N/A
Valve 2 BO Valve 2
Sand Filter SANDFILT-C Sand Filter Command N/A
Command BO
Drain Valve HDV-C Scrubber Drain Command N/A
Fill Valve BO HFV-C Scrubber Fill Command N/A
SCHWP1 AO SCHWP1-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP1 SCHWP1-% SCHWP1 Effective
Pump1 Cmd Command
Pump1 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP1-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump1
VSD Reset SCHWP1-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump1 Fault
SCHWP2 AO SCHWP2-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP2 SCHWP2-% SCHWP2 Effective
Pump2 Cmd Command
Pump2 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP2-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump2
VSD Reset SCHWP2-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump2 Fault
SCHWP3 AO SCHWP3-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP3 SCHWP3-% SCHWP3 Effective
Pump3 Cmd Command
Pump3 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP3-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump3
VSD Reset SCHWP3-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump3 Fault

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 184

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
SCHWP4 AO SCHWP4-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP4 SCHWP4-% SCHWP4 Effective
Pump4 Cmd Command
Pump4 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP4-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump4
VSD Reset SCHWP4-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump4 Fault
SCHWP5 AO SCHWP5-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP5 SCHWP5-% SCHWP5 Effective
Pump5 Cmd Command
Pump5 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP5-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump5
VSD Reset SCHWP5-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump5 Fault
SCHWP6 AO SCHWP6-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP6 SCHWP6-% SCHWP6 Effective
Pump6 Cmd Command
Pump6 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP6-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump6
VSD Reset SCHWP6-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump6 Fault
SCHWP7 AO SCHWP7-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP7 SCHWP7-% SCHWP7 Effective
Pump7 Cmd Command
Pump7 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP7-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump7
VSD Reset SCHWP7-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump7 Fault
SCHWP8 AO SCHWP8-O Sec CHW Output Eff SCHWP8 SCHWP8-% SCHWP8 Effective
Pump8 Cmd Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 185

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Pump8 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SCHWP8-BYPASS Sec CHW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump8
VSD Reset SCHWP8-RESET Sec CHW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump8 Fault
SHWP1 AO SHWP1-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP1 SHWP1-% SHWP1 Effective
Pump1 Cmd Command
SHWP1 BO SHWP1-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP1 SHWP1-EC SHWP1 Effective
Pump1 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP1-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump1
VSD Reset SHWP1-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump1 Fault
SHWP2 AO SHWP2-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP2 SHWP2-% SHWP2 Effective
Pump2 Cmd Command
SHWP2 BO SHWP2-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP2 SHWP2-EC SHWP2 Effective
Pump2 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP2-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump2
VSD Reset SHWP2-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump2 Fault
SHWP3 AO SHWP3-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP3 SHWP3-% SHWP3 Effective
Pump3 Cmd Command
SHWP3 BO SHWP3-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP3 SHWP3-EC SHWP3 Effective
Pump3 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP3-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump3
VSD Reset SHWP3-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump3 Fault
SHWP4 AO SHWP4-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP4 SHWP4-% SHWP4 Effective
Pump4 Cmd Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 186

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
SHWP4 BO SHWP4-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP4 SHWP4-EC SHWP4 Effective
Pump4 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP4-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump4
VSD Reset SHWP4-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump4 Fault
SHWP5 AO SHWP5-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP5 SHWP5-% SHWP5 Effective
Pump5 Cmd Command
SHWP5 BO SHWP5-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP5 SHWP5-EC SHWP5 Effective
Pump5 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP5-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump5
VSD Reset SHWP5-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump5 Fault
SHWP6 AO SHWP6-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP6 SHWP6-% SHWP6 Effective
Pump6 Cmd Command
SHWP6 BO SHWP6-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP6 SHWP6-EC SHWP6 Effective
Pump6 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP6-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump6
VSD Reset SHWP6-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump6 Fault
SHWP7 AO SHWP7-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP7 SHWP7-% SHWP7 Effective
Pump7 Cmd Command
SHWP7 BO SHWP7-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP7 SHWP7-EC SHWP7 Effective
Pump7 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP7-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump7
VSD Reset SHWP7-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump7 Fault
SHWP8 AO SHWP8-O Sec HW Output Eff SHWP8 SHWP8-% SHWP8 Effective
Pump8 Cmd Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 187

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
SHWP8 BO SHWP8-C Sec HW Command Eff SHWP8 SHWP8-EC SHWP8 Effective
Pump8 Binary Cmd Stg
VSD Bypass SHWP8-BYPASS Sec HW Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV Pump8
VSD Reset SHWP8-RESET Sec HW Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Pump8 Fault
Sequenced HC-O Sequenced Output N/A
Valves AO Valves -
Fan BO SF-C Series Supply Command N/A
Fan Speed SF-O Series Supply Output N/A
AO Fan
Sideloop AO SL-O Sideloop Output Eff Sideloop SL-% Sideloop Effective
Cmd Command
Sideloop BO SL-C Sideloop Command Eff Sideloop SL-EC Sideloop Effective
Binary Cmd Vlv
Sideloop PAO SL-O Sideloop Output_PAO Eff Sideloop SL-% Sideloop Effective
Cmd Command
Sideloop SL1-C Sideloop Stage 1 Eff Sideloop SL1-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 1 BO Command Stage 1 Stage 1 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Sideloop SL2-C Sideloop Stage 2 Eff Sideloop SL2-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 2 BO Command Stage 2 Stage 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Sideloop SL3-C Sideloop Stage 3 Eff Sideloop SL3-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 3 BO Command Stage 3 Stage 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Sideloop SL4-C Sideloop Stage 4 Eff Sideloop SL4-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 4 BO Command Stage 4 Stage 4 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Sideloop SL5-C Sideloop Stage 5 Eff Sideloop SL5-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 5 BO Command Stage 5 Stage 5 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Sideloop SL6-C Sideloop Stage 6 Eff Sideloop SL6-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 6 BO Command Stage 6 Stage 6 Stg
Binary Cmd Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 188

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Sideloop SL7-C Sideloop Stage 7 Eff Sideloop SL7-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 7 BO Command Stage 7 Stage 7 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Sideloop SL8-C Sideloop Stage 8 Eff Sideloop SL8-EC Sideloop Effective
Stage 8 BO Command Stage 8 Stage 8 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
Steam STMISO-C Steam Command N/A
Isolation Isolation Valve
Valve BO
Supp Heating SUPHTG1-C Supplemental Stage 1 Eff Supp SUPHTG1-EC Supp Effective
Stage 1 BO Heating Command Heating Heating Stg
Stage 1 Stage 1 Command
Binary Cmd
Supp Heating SUPHTG-O Supplemental Output Eff Supp SUPHTG-% Supplemental Effective
Valve AO Heating Heating Heating Command
Valve Cmd
Supp Heating SUPHTG-C Supplemental Command Eff Supp SUPHTG-EC Supp Effective
Valve BO Heating Heating Heating Vlv
Valve Binary Valve Command
Supp Heating SUPHTG-O Supplemental Output_PAO Eff Supp SUPHTG-% Supplemental Effective
Valve PAO Heating Heating Heating Command
Valve Cmd
Supplemental SUPHTG-EN Supplemental Command N/A
Heating Heating
Enable BO Enable
Supplemental SUPHTGP-C Supplemental Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
Supply DPR-O Supply Air Output Eff Damper DPR-% Damper Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Command
Supply DPR-O Supply Air Output_PAO Eff Damper DPR-% Damper Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Command
Supply DPR-O Supply Air Output_PAO Eff Damper DPR-% Damper Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Command
Supply PARAM-DPR-MINP Supply Air MinPulse N/A
Damper PAO Damper
- Minimum
Pulse Width
Supply PARAM-DPR-ST Supply Air StrokeTime N/A
Damper PAO Damper
Stroke Time

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 189

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Supply Fan SF-C Supply Fan Command N/A
Supply Fan SF-C Supply Fan Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan SF-O Supply Fan Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass SF-BYPASS Supply Fan Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset SF-RESET Supply Fan Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan2 SF2-C Supply Fan2 Command N/A
Supply Fan2 SF2-C Supply Fan2 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan2 SF2-O Supply Fan2 Output Eff Supply SF2-% Supply Fan2 Effective
Speed AO Fan2 Speed Speed Command
Tower Basin CTBH-EN Tower Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Tower Basin CTMUV-C Tower Basin Command N/A
Twr Bypass CTV-O Tower Bypass Output N/A
Valve AO Valve
Twr1 Basin CT1BH-EN Tower1 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Twr1 Basin CT1MUV-C Tower1 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr1 Iso CT1ISOV-C Tower1 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
Twr2 Basin CT2BH-EN Tower2 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Twr2 Basin CT2MUV-C Tower2 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr2 Iso CT2ISOV-C Tower2 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
Twr3 Basin CT3BH-EN Tower3 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 190

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Twr3 Basin CT3MUV-C Tower3 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr3 Iso CT3ISOV-C Tower3 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
Twr4 Basin CT4BH-EN Tower4 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Twr4 Basin CT4MUV-C Tower4 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr4 Iso CT4ISOV-C Tower4 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
Twr5 Basin CT5BH-EN Tower5 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Twr5 Basin CT5MUV-C Tower5 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr5 Iso CT5ISOV-C Tower5 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
Twr6 Basin CT6BH-EN Tower6 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Twr6 Basin CT6MUV-C Tower6 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr6 Iso CT6ISOV-C Tower6 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
Twr7 Basin CT7BH-EN Tower7 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Twr7 Basin CT7MUV-C Tower7 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr7 Iso CT7ISOV-C Tower7 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
Twr8 Basin CT8BH-EN Tower8 Basin Command N/A
Heater BO Heater
Twr8 Basin CT8MUV-C Tower8 Basin Command N/A
MU BO MU Valve
Twr8 Iso CT8ISOV-C Tower8 Iso Command N/A
Valve BO Valve
TwrFan1 AO CT1-O TowerFan1 Output Eff TwrFan1 CT1-% TwrFan1 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan1 BO CT1-C TowerFan1 Command Eff TwrFan1 CT1-EC TwrFan1 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 191

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
TwrFan1 CT1L-C TowerFan1 Command LO Eff TwrFan1 CT1L-EC TwrFan1 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 1 Speed 1 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan1 CT1M-C TowerFan1 Command Eff TwrFan1 CT1M-EC TwrFan1 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan1 CT1H-C TowerFan1 Command HI Eff TwrFan1 CT1H-EC TwrFan1 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT1-BYPASS TowerFan1 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT1-RESET TowerFan1 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan1 CT1ISOV-C TowerFan1 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
TwrFan2 AO CT2-O TowerFan2 Output Eff TwrFan2 CT2-% TwrFan2 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan2 BO CT2-C TowerFan2 Command Eff TwrFan2 CT2-EC TwrFan2 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg
TwrFan2 CT2L-C TowerFan2 Command LO Eff TwrFan2 CT2L-EC TwrFan2 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan2 CT2M-C TowerFan2 Command Eff TwrFan2 CT2M-EC TwrFan2 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan2 CT2H-C TowerFan2 Command HI Eff TwrFan2 CT2H-EC TwrFan2 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT2-BYPASS TowerFan2 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT2-RESET TowerFan2 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan2 CT2ISOV-C TowerFan2 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
TwrFan3 AO CT3-O TowerFan3 Output Eff TwrFan3 CT3-% TwrFan3 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan3 BO CT3-C TowerFan3 Command Eff TwrFan3 CT3-EC TwrFan3 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 192

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
TwrFan3 CT3L-C TowerFan3 Command LO Eff TwrFan3 CT3M-EC TwrFan3 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan3 CT3M-C TowerFan3 Command Eff TwrFan3 CT3L-EC TwrFan3 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan3 CT3H-C TowerFan3 Command HI Eff TwrFan3 CT3H-EC TwrFan3 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT3-BYPASS TowerFan3 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT3-RESET TowerFan3 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan3 CT3ISOV-C TowerFan3 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
TwrFan4 AO CT4-O TowerFan4 Output Eff TwrFan4 CT4-% TwrFan4 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan4 BO CT4-C TowerFan4 Command Eff TwrFan4 CT4-EC TwrFan4 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg
TwrFan4 CT4L-C TowerFan4 Command LO Eff TwrFan4 CT4H-EC TwrFan4 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 4 Speed 4 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan4 CT4M-C TowerFan4 Command Eff TwrFan4 CT4L-EC TwrFan4 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan4 CT4H-C TowerFan4 Command HI Eff TwrFan4 CT4M-EC TwrFan4 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT4-BYPASS TowerFan4 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT4-RESET TowerFan4 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan4 CT4ISOV-C TowerFan4 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
TwrFan5 AO CT5-O TowerFan5 Output Eff TwrFan5 CT5-% TwrFan5 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan5 BO CT5-C TowerFan5 Command Eff TwrFan5 CT5-EC TwrFan5 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 193

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
TwrFan5 CT5L-C TowerFan5 Command LO Eff TwrFan5 CT5H-EC TwrFan5 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 5 Speed 5 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan5 CT5M-C TowerFan5 Command Eff TwrFan5 CT5L-EC TwrFan5 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan5 CT5H-C TowerFan5 Command HI Eff TwrFan5 CT5M-EC TwrFan5 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT5-BYPASS TowerFan5 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT5-RESET TowerFan5 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan5 CT5ISOV-C TowerFan5 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
TwrFan6 AO CT6-O TowerFan6 Output Eff TwrFan6 CT6-% TwrFan6 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan6 BO CT6-C TowerFan6 Command Eff TwrFan6 CT6-EC TwrFan6 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg
TwrFan6 CT6L-C TowerFan6 Command LO Eff TwrFan6 CT6H-EC TwrFan6 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 6 Speed 6 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan6 CT6M-C TowerFan6 Command Eff TwrFan6 CT6L-EC TwrFan6 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan6 CT6H-C TowerFan6 Command HI Eff TwrFan6 CT6M-EC TwrFan6 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT6-BYPASS TowerFan6 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT6-RESET TowerFan6 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan6 CT6ISOV-C TowerFan6 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
TwrFan7 AO CT7-O TowerFan7 Output Eff TwrFan7 CT7-% TwrFan7 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan7 BO CT7-C TowerFan7 Command Eff TwrFan7 CT7-EC TwrFan7 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 194

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
TwrFan7 CT7L-C TowerFan7 Command LO Eff TwrFan7 CT7H-EC TwrFan7 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 7 Speed 7 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan7 CT7M-C TowerFan7 Command Eff TwrFan7 CT7L-EC TwrFan7 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan7 CT7H-C TowerFan7 Command HI Eff TwrFan7 CT7M-EC TwrFan7 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT7-BYPASS TowerFan7 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT7-RESET TowerFan7 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan7 CT7ISOV-C TowerFan7 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
TwrFan8 AO CT8-O TowerFan8 Output Eff TwrFan8 CT8-% TwrFan8 Effective
Cmd Command
TwrFan8 BO CT8-C TowerFan8 Command Eff TwrFan8 CT8-EC TwrFan8 Effective
Binary Cmd Stg
TwrFan8 CT8L-C TowerFan8 Command LO Eff TwrFan8 CT8H-EC TwrFan8 Effective
Speed 1 BO Speed 8 Speed 8 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan8 CT8M-C TowerFan8 Command Eff TwrFan8 CT8L-EC TwrFan8 Effective
Speed 2 BO MED Speed 2 Speed 2 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
TwrFan8 CT8H-C TowerFan8 Command HI Eff TwrFan8 CT8M-EC TwrFan8 Effective
Speed 3 BO Speed 3 Speed 3 Stg
Binary Cmd Command
VSD Bypass CT8-BYPASS TowerFan8 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset CT8-RESET TowerFan8 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
TwrFan8 CT8ISOV-C TowerFan8 Iso Command N/A
IsoVlv BO Valve
Voltage Out 1 VOLT1-O Voltage 1 Output N/A
Voltage Out 2 VOLT2-O Voltage 2 Output N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 195

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Voltage Out 3 VOLT3-O Voltage 3 Output N/A
Voltage Out 4 VOLT4-O Voltage 4 Output N/A
Voltage Out 5 VOLT5-O Voltage 5 Output N/A
Voltage Out 6 VOLT6-O Voltage 6 Output N/A
Supply Fan VSD1-C VSD1 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan VSD1-O VSD1 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD1-BYPASS VSD1 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD1-RESET VSD1 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD2-C VSD2 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan VSD2-O VSD2 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD2-BYPASS VSD2 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD2-RESET VSD2 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD3-C VSD3 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan VSD3-O VSD3 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD3-BYPASS VSD3 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD3-RESET VSD3 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD4-C VSD4 Run/Stop N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 196

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Supply Fan VSD4-O VSD4 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD4-BYPASS VSD4 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD4-RESET VSD4 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD5-C VSD5 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan VSD5-O VSD5 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD5-BYPASS VSD5 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD5-RESET VSD5 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD6-C VSD6 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan VSD6-O VSD6 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD6-BYPASS VSD6 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD6-RESET VSD6 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD7-C VSD7 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan VSD7-O VSD7 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD7-BYPASS VSD7 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD7-RESET VSD7 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD8-C VSD8 Run/Stop N/A

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 197

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Supply Fan VSD8-O VSD8 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD8-BYPASS VSD8 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD8-RESET VSD8 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Supply Fan VSD9-C VSD9 Run/Stop N/A
Supply Fan VSD9-O VSD9 Output Eff Supply SF-% Supply Fan Effective
Speed AO Fan Speed Speed Command
VSD Bypass VSD9-BYPASS VSD9 Bypass Drive N/A
Drive BV
VSD Reset VSD9-RESET VSD9 Reset Drive N/A
Drive Fault Fault
Fan Speed ZNF-% Zone Fan Speed N/A
Status Status
Display MSV
Occupancy OCC-MODE Zone Occ Status N/A
Display MSV
Zone 1 ZHLP1-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 1
Zone 2 ZHLP2-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 2
Zone 3 ZHLP3-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 3
Zone 4 ZHLP4-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 4
Zone 5 ZHLP5-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 5
Zone 6 ZHLP6-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 6

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 198

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Zone 7 ZHLP7-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 7
Zone 8 ZHLP8-C Zone Loop Command N/A
Heating Pump Heating Pump
BO 8
Occupancy OCC-MODE1 Zone1 Occ Status N/A
Display MSV
Zone 1 ZN1D-O Zone1 Damper Output Eff Zone 1 ZN1D-% Zone 1 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 1 ZN1D-O Zone1 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 1 ZN1D-% Zone 1 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 1 ZN1HTG1-C Zone1 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 1 ZN1HTG1-EC Zone 1 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 1 Stage 1 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 1 ZN1HTG2-C Zone1 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 1 ZN1HTG2-EC Zone 1 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 1 ZN1HTG3-C Zone1 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 1 ZN1HTG3-EC Zone 1 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 1 ZN1HTG-O Zone1 Heating Output Eff Zone 1 ZN1HTG-% Zone 1 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 1 ZN1HTG-C Zone1 Heating Command Eff Zone 1 ZN1HTG-EC Zone 1 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 1 ZN1HTG-O Zone1 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 1 ZN1HTG-% Zone 1 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve
Occupancy OCC-MODE2 Zone2 Occ Status N/A
Display MSV
Zone 2 ZN2D-O Zone2 Damper Output Eff Zone 2 ZN2D-% Zone 2 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 2 ZN2D-O Zone2 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 2 ZN2D-% Zone 2 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 199

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Zone 2 ZN2HTG1-C Zone2 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 2 ZN2HTG1-EC Zone 2 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 2 ZN2HTG2-C Zone2 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 2 ZN2HTG2-EC Zone 2 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 2 ZN2HTG3-C Zone2 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 2 ZN2HTG3-EC Zone 2 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 2 ZN2HTG-O Zone2 Heating Output Eff Zone 2 ZN2HTG-% Zone 2 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 2 ZN2HTG-C Zone2 Heating Command Eff Zone 2 ZN2HTG-EC Zone 2 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 2 ZN2HTG-O Zone2 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 2 ZN2HTG-% Zone 2 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve
Occupancy OCC-MODE3 Zone3 Occ Status N/A
Display MSV
Zone 3 ZN3D-O Zone3 Damper Output Eff Zone 3 ZN3D-% Zone 3 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 3 ZN3D-O Zone3 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 3 ZN3D-% Zone 3 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 3 ZN3HTG1-C Zone3 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 3 ZN3HTG2-EC Zone 3 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 3 ZN3HTG2-C Zone3 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 3 ZN3HTG3-EC Zone 3 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 3 ZN3HTG3-C Zone3 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 3 ZN3HTG3-EC Zone 3 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 3 ZN3HTG-O Zone3 Heating Output Eff Zone 3 ZN3HTG-% Zone 3 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 200

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Zone 3 ZN3HTG-C Zone3 Heating Command Eff Zone 3 ZN3HTG-EC Zone 3 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 3 ZN3HTG-O Zone3 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 3 ZN3HTG-% Zone 3 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve
Occupancy OCC-MODE4 Zone4 Occ Status N/A
Display MSV
Zone 4 ZN4D-O Zone4 Damper Output Eff Zone 4 ZN4D-% Zone 4 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 4 ZN4D-O Zone4 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 4 ZN4D-% Zone 4 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 4 ZN4HTG1-C Zone4 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 4 ZN4HTG3-EC Zone 4 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 4 Stage 4 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 4 ZN4HTG2-C Zone4 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 4 ZN4HTG4-EC Zone 4 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 4 ZN4HTG3-C Zone4 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 4 ZN4HTG2-EC Zone 4 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 4 ZN4HTG-O Zone4 Heating Output Eff Zone 4 ZN4HTG-% Zone 4 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 4 ZN4HTG-C Zone4 Heating Command Eff Zone 4 ZN4HTG-EC Zone 4 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 4 ZN4HTG-O Zone4 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 4 ZN4HTG-% Zone 4 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 5 ZN5D-O Zone5 Damper Output Eff Zone 5 ZN5D-% Zone 5 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 5 ZN5D-O Zone5 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 5 ZN5D-% Zone 5 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 5 ZN5HTG1-C Zone5 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 5 ZN5HTG3-EC Zone 5 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 5 Stage 5 Command
Binary Cmd

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 201

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Zone 5 ZN5HTG2-C Zone5 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 5 ZN5HTG5-EC Zone 5 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 5 ZN5HTG3-C Zone5 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 5 ZN5HTG2-EC Zone 5 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 5 ZN5HTG-O Zone5 Heating Output Eff Zone 5 ZN5HTG-% Zone 5 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 5 ZN5HTG-C Zone5 Heating Command Eff Zone 5 ZN5HTG-EC Zone 5 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 5 ZN5HTG-O Zone5 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 5 ZN5HTG-% Zone 5 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 6 ZN6D-O Zone6 Damper Output Eff Zone 6 ZN6D-% Zone 6 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 6 ZN6D-O Zone6 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 6 ZN6D-% Zone 6 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 6 ZN6HTG1-C Zone6 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 6 ZN6HTG3-EC Zone 6 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 6 Stage 6 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 6 ZN6HTG2-C Zone6 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 6 ZN6HTG6-EC Zone 6 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 6 ZN6HTG3-C Zone6 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 6 ZN6HTG2-EC Zone 6 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 6 ZN6HTG-O Zone6 Heating Output Eff Zone 6 ZN6HTG-% Zone 6 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 6 ZN6HTG-C Zone6 Heating Command Eff Zone 6 ZN6HTG-EC Zone 6 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 6 ZN6HTG-O Zone6 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 6 ZN6HTG-% Zone 6 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 202

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Zone 7 ZN7D-O Zone7 Damper Output Eff Zone 7 ZN7D-% Zone 7 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 7 ZN7D-O Zone7 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 7 ZN7D-% Zone 7 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 7 ZN7HTG1-C Zone7 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 7 ZN7HTG3-EC Zone 7 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 7 Stage 7 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 7 ZN7HTG2-C Zone7 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 7 ZN7HTG7-EC Zone 7 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 7 ZN7HTG3-C Zone7 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 7 ZN7HTG2-EC Zone 7 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 7 ZN7HTG-O Zone7 Heating Output Eff Zone 7 ZN7HTG-% Zone 7 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 7 ZN7HTG-C Zone7 Heating Command Eff Zone 7 ZN7HTG-EC Zone 7 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 7 ZN7HTG-O Zone7 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 7 ZN7HTG-% Zone 7 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 8 ZN8D-O Zone8 Damper Output Eff Zone 8 ZN8D-% Zone 8 Effective
Damper AO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 8 ZN8D-O Zone8 Damper Output_PAO Eff Zone 8 ZN8D-% Zone 8 Effective
Damper PAO Damper Cmd Damper Command
Zone 8 ZN8HTG1-C Zone8 Heating Stage 1 Eff Zone 8 ZN8HTG3-EC Zone 8 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
1 BO Stage 8 Stage 8 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 8 ZN8HTG2-C Zone8 Heating Stage 2 Eff Zone 8 ZN8HTG8-EC Zone 8 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
2 BO Stage 2 Stage 2 Command
Binary Cmd
Zone 8 ZN8HTG3-C Zone8 Heating Stage 3 Eff Zone 8 ZN8HTG2-EC Zone 8 Effective
Heating Stage Command Heating Heating Stg
3 BO Stage 3 Stage 3 Command
Binary Cmd

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 203

Table 56: Effective Command Configuration Information
Output Configuration Miscellaneous Input Configuration
Standard Name Application Function Standard Name Application Function
Name Name
Zone 8 ZN8HTG-O Zone8 Heating Output Eff Zone 8 ZN8HTG-% Zone 8 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
AO Valve Cmd Valve
Zone 8 ZN8HTG-C Zone8 Heating Command Eff Zone 8 ZN8HTG-EC Zone 8 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Vlv
BO Valve Binary Valve Command
Zone 8 ZN8HTG-O Zone8 Heating Output_PAO Eff Zone 8 ZN8HTG-% Zone 8 Effective
Heating Valve Heating Heating Command
PAO Valve Cmd Valve

Customizing State Selection Tables

See the Viewing and Modifying State Selection Tables section and State Selection (State Tables Tab) screen section
for general details on working with the state selection tables before changing a table label or adding a table or column
to the State Selection tables. Then, see the following procedures:
• Changing a State Table Label
• Adding a Table to the State Selection Tables
• Adding a Column to the State Selection Tables

Changing a State Table Label

1. Click the State Tables tab. The State Tables tab appears with the system’s state selection data populated within
tables in the right pane, and the states in the left pane of the tab. The panes allow you to scroll both vertically
and horizontally, keeping the first column visible. See the State Selection (State Tables Tab) screen section.
2. Click Edit.
3. Right-click the module name and select Change Table Label (a yellow table heading indicates a connected
module, whereas an orange table heading is a module that is not connected). The Rename/Name dialog box
4. Type a name in the Name text box.
Note: We recommend leaving the label text box empty so that dynamic naming may be used.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Apply.

Changing a Column Label

1. Click the State Tables tab. The State Tables tab appears with the system’s state selection data populated within
tables in the right pane, and the states in the left pane of the tab. The panes allow you to scroll both vertically
and horizontally, keeping the first column visible. See the State Selection (State Tables Tab) screen section.
2. Click Edit.
3. Right-click the column header and select Change Column Label. The Rename/Name dialog box appears.
Note: We recommend leaving the label text box empty so that dynamic naming may be used.
4. Type a name in the Name text box.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 204

5. Click OK.
6. Click Apply.

Adding a Table to the State Selection Tables

1. Click the State Tables tab. The State Tables tab appears with the system’s state selection data populated within
tables in the right pane, and the states in the left pane of the tab. The panes allow you to scroll both vertically
and horizontally, keeping the first column visible. See the State Selection (State Tables Tab) screen section.
2. Click Edit.
3. Right-click the module name (table heading: yellow = connected or orange = not connected) and select Create
State Selection Table. The Create State Selection Table dialog box appears.
4. Type a name in the Name text box.
Note: We recommend leaving this text box empty so that dynamic naming may be used.
5. Select a priority for the table.
Note: Selecting 0 places the table at the top of the list, thus giving it the highest priority in the list.
6. Select the type of data for the table (Enumeration or Boolean).
7. Click OK.
8. Click Apply.

Adding a Column to the State Selection Tables

1. Click the State Tables tab. The State Tables tab appears with the system’s state selection data populated within
tables in the right pane, and the states in the left pane of the tab. The panes allow you to scroll both vertically
and horizontally, keeping the first column visible. See the State Selection (State Tables Tab) screen section.
2. Click Edit.
3. Right-click the module name (table heading: yellow = connected or orange = not connected) and select Create
State Selection Column. The Create State Selection Column dialog box appears.
4. Type a name in the Name text box.
Note: We recommend leaving this text box empty so that dynamic naming may be used.
5. Select where you want the column to appear in the table using the Column Index drop-down menu.
Note: Selecting 1 places the column in the leftmost column position.
6. Select the type of data for the column (Enumeration or Boolean).
7. Click OK.
8. Click Apply.

Adding the Hybrid Activity to the State Tables

1. Add a table to the State Tables according to the instructions in the Adding a Table to the State Selection Tables
section. In the Create State Selection Table dialog box, be sure to create the State Selection Table with an
enumeration set that matches the States Text attribute of the State output of the Hybrid Activity you are connecting.
2. In the Control View, right-click the Hybrid Activity and select View Connections.
Note: If no items appear in the Connections table, expose ports for connection. See Exposing Ports.
3. Connect the inputs and outputs as desired, including the State output.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 205

Creating a Sideloop
For information on the specific Sideloop Output Control modules, see Sideloop in the Output Control Modules section.
Note: To manually create a Sideloop by adding the desired sideloop modules to the system, see the Adding an
Output Control Module section. If you are not using the System Selection Wizard to create the sideloop, skip
to Step 5.
To create a sideloop:
1. Click the Sideloop button. The System Selection Wizard appears with the Sideloop Selection screen active.
Note: The Previous and Next buttons are disabled.
2. Select the sideloop options for your system and click Finish. See the System Selection Tree section for information
on tree behavior and use (for example, using the check boxes, radio buttons, and the + and - next to a node in
the tree to show and hide selections). For information on the selection options in the Sideloop Selection screen,
see the Sideloop Applications section. The Sideloop dialog box prompts you to name the sideloop.
Note: As you make selections in the System Selection Wizard, you can press F1 to view the Help screen. The
Help screen displays the module Help section of the item you are viewing and changes as you select
different items in the wizard. Click the links on the Help screen to view module information.
3. Click Finish. The Sideloop dialog box appears.
4. Type a name to identify the sideloop being created.
5. Click OK. The sideloop modules are added to the system with the name entered in Step 3 as their prefix.
6. View and modify the sideloop modules’ details according to the steps in the Viewing and Modifying Details
section. Make sure you note the enumeration set selected for the mode input of this module.
Note: Make sure you set the Process ID and Process Units attributes according to the needs of your system.
If the Process ID selected is Airflow, Airflow Diff, or Other, you must set the Process Range as necessary.
The Process Range must be greater than zero. If the Process ID is Other, you should configure the Time
Constant and Process Dead Time attributes from the details view of the PID Pre-Processor logic block
inside the module’s logic view. See the PID Pre-Processor description in the Control topic of the Logic
section for details.
7. If necessary, expose and make connections between the modules according to the instructions in the Viewing
and Modifying Connections section.
8. View the Sideloop module column in the State Tables and modify the states as necessary. Keep in mind the
enumeration set selected for the mode input of this module in Step 5. See the Viewing and Modifying State
Selection Tables section.
Note: If you did use the System Selection Wizard to add a column to the State Selection tables, then you must
fully configure at least one of the tables in that column (for example, select a mode for each row in one
of the tables). If you did not use the System Selection Wizard to create the sideloop, you must add the
sideloop Output Control module as a column in the State Tables and modify the states as necessary.
See the Customizing State Selection Tables section.
9. View and modify the connections between the State Selection Table and the State Generators and Sideloop
Output Controllers as necessary. See the Viewing and Modifying Connections section.
Tip: You can run the Sideloop System Selection Wizard as many times as desired.
Tip: Once a sideloop is created, you cannot re-run the sideloop selection process on one of the sideloops.
Tip: If you re-run System Selection for the main application after sideloops have been created, the sideloops
are deleted.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 206

Setting Up Peer-to-Peer Communication
For information on peer-to-peer communication and configuration guidelines, see the Peer-to-Peer Communication
section. You must configure peer-to-peer communication in the Configuration mode.
Note: If you change peer-to-peer references in Commissioning mode, the communication works until the controller
loses power. When the controller resets, the peer-to-peer reference changes are lost. To resolve this problem,
make the necessary peer-to-peer communication changes in the Configuration mode, then download the
application to the controller.
To set up peer-to-peer communication:
1. Identify and record the Instance Number (BACnet ID) of the device to which you want to communicate. You
can locate this attribute on the Network Settings screen of the Hardware Definition Wizard.
Note: You also can locate the Instance Number of devices using the Metasys Site Management Portal UI. This
method allows you to look up multiple device instance numbers at once.
If you used the Johnson Controls Point Schedule to download the controllers, check the instance number on the
MSTP Field Device tab of the project’s Point Schedule.
2. Identify and record the Object Identifier of the object in which you want to read/write a value. You can locate
this attribute in the Details dialog box.
Note: The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s Instance Number separated by
a colon. For example, an Object Identifier of AV:10026 has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance
Number of 10026.
3. View the details of the desired Network Input or Network Output.
4. Click Edit.
5. In the configuration table for the Peer Reference attribute, modify the elements as follows:
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Enter the device’s Instance Number in the text box as recorded in Step 1.
• Object Identifier: Select the BACnet Class ID from the drop-down menu and enter the object’s Instance
Number in the text box as recorded in Step 2.
The BACnet Class ID should typically have the same Data Type as the object for which the peer-to-peer
attribute is being configured (for example, an AV Network Input should reference another AV, an AI, or an
AO object). If multistate values are used in peer-to-peer references, the Enumeration sets should be the
same. If the sets do not match, you must determine if the values in the sets are compatible.
6. Click Apply and then click Close.
Note: Check the Error Status attribute to diagnose communication problems. This attribute displays the status
of the last communication that occurred with an input or output reference.
Common errors include:
• Surrogate Object is Not Bound: The referenced device (Device ID) has never responded because a device
with the entered Device ID either does not exist or is offline.
• Remote Device is Offline: The referenced device did respond at one time but is no longer responding.
• Unknown Object: The referenced device exists and is online, but the Object ID that was entered does not
exist on that device.
• Type Mismatch: The referenced object exists but the data type of the referenced attribute/property is invalid.
This error generally does not appear for inputs on Johnson Controls or third-party devices. For outputs on
third-party devices, the Object Type of the output needs to match the type of output object making the peer
• Unknown Property: This error generally does not appear if you leave the Peer Reference Attribute field as
Present Value. If you change this setting, the Unknown Property error means the referenced object exists
but the referenced attribute does not exist.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 207

Disabling Peer-to-Peer Communication
To disable peer-to-peer communication:
1. View the details of the Network Input or Network Output.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Peer Reference section, click the Peer to Peer Disabled option in the Object Identifier drop-down menu.
4. Click Apply, and then click Close.


New System
See Selecting a System (Creating a New System).
Table 57: New System Dialog Box
Field Description
System Name Allows you to type a name for your new system.
System Type Allows you to select the type of system to create. Options include (see Applications):
• Air Handling Units
• Fan Coil
• Unit Ventilators
• Heat Pumps
• Central Heating
• Central Cooling Plants
• Simple Central Plant
• Custom Applications
• Monitoring Supervisory Control Only

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 208

Table 57: New System Dialog Box
Field Description
System Configuration Allows you to select a configuration type for your new system. Options include (see Applications):
Air Handling Units
• Mixed Air Single Duct
• 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• Mixed Air Dual Duct
• 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• Rooftop Unit
• Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Fan Coil
• Blank: This system type covers all configuration options.
Unit Ventilators
• Blank: This system type covers all configuration options.
Heat Pumps
• Blank: This system type covers all configuration options.
• Single Duct
• Dual Duct
• Slave Single Duct
• Slave Dual Duct
Central Heating
• Blank: This system type covers all configuration options.
Central Cooling Plants
• Central Cooling
• Central Cooling with Optimization
Simple Central Plant
• Blank: This system type includes common configuration options.
Custom Applications
• Blank: This system type includes common configuration options.
Monitoring/Supervisory Control Only
• Blank: This system type includes common configuration options.
System of Units Allows you to select the units to use in your new system (Imperial or Metric).
Note: After setting the units and closing the tool, the tool remembers the last units setting. See Unit
Preferences in the Setting Preferences section.
OK Applies the selections and closes the dialog box. The System Selection Wizard appears.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 209

System Selection Wizard
See Selecting a System (Creating a New System) and Viewing and Modifying System Selections.
Table 58: System Selection Wizard
1 Description
Mechanical System Selection Allows you to select the mechanical components to use in your system by browsing through
Screen the folders of the selection tree and selecting the check boxes and radio buttons. For
information on the types of systems you can create and details on the selections available,
see the User Interface and Applications sections.
Control Logic Selection Screen Allows you to select the control logic to use in your system by browsing through the folders
of the selection tree and selecting the check boxes and radio buttons. For information on the
types of systems you can create and details on the selections available, see the User Interface
and Applications sections.
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish Applies the selections and closes the wizard. The system appears in the Control View in
Configuration mode.
Cancel Closes the wizard without applying the selections.
Opens the Help system.

System Selection Module Help Opens the module Help. As you make selections in the System Selection Wizard, you can
(F1) press F1 to view the Help screen. The Help screen displays the module Help section for the
item you are viewing and changes as you select different items in the wizard. Click the links
on the Help screen to view module information.

1 For Sideloops, there is only one Selection screen called Sideloop Selection. The Previous button is enabled but does not
work. The Next button is disabled. For information on creating sideloops, see the Creating a Sideloop section.

Controller Information Wizard

See the Viewing Controller Information section. The Controller Information Wizard contains the same device connection
information as the Commissioning Device Wizard, with the addition of the Copy To Clipboard option. For information
on viewing information of a controller while it is being commissioned (Commissioning mode only), see the
Commissioning a System section.
Table 59: Controller Information Wizard
Field Description
Name Displays the names of the controllers.
Description Displays information for the controllers.
Model Displays the model numbers for the controllers.
Maincode Version Displays the firmware version for the controllers.
Bootcode Version Displays the bootcode version for the controllers.
System Name Displays the system name for the controllers.
Instance Number (BACnet ID) Displays the BACnet® ID number. This value is the same value used in the Peer
Reference attribute in the Details View.
CPU Usage% Displays the CPU usage for the controllers.
Object Memory Usage% Displays the memory usage for the controllers.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 210

Table 59: Controller Information Wizard
Field Description
Status Displays the status for the controllers.
1 Displays the Firmware version of the wireless devices.
Radio Firmware Version
1 Displays the IEEE address of the wireless devices.
Radio IEEE Address
Unbound References Displays whether the device has unbound references.
1 Displays the Pan ID of the wireless devices.
Pan Id
Device Address Displays the device address for the controllers.
Copy To Clipboard Copies the selected device’s data to the clipboard for pasting into another program.
Opens the Help system.

System Selection Module Help (F1) Opens the module Help. As you make selections in the System Selection Wizard,
you can press F1 to view the Help screen. The Help screen displays the module
Help section for the item you are viewing and changes as you select different items
in the wizard. Click the links on the Help screen to view module information.

1 This field contains data only when wirelessly connected.

Control View
See the Control Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.

New Module Selection

The New Module Selection screen appears in multiple instances, such as when you add a new item within the Control
View, or when you open the Launch Wizard. Table 60 and Table 61 provide information on the differences between
adding new module selections and input/output selections. See Creating Custom Logic (Adding Modules) and Using
the Launch Wizard.
The following table applies to the New Module Selection dialog box for the following options:
• Launch Wizard
• Network Inputs
• Setpoint/Miscellaneous Module Selection
• State Generation Module Selection
• Output Control Module Selection
• Network Outputs
Table 60: New Module Selection for Modules and Network Inputs/Outputs
Field Description
Filter Allows you to filter the content of the table. Type one or more letters appearing in the data
you want to view.
Count Allows you to enter the number of modules to add to the system.
Name Lists the default name of the module. This name appears in the UI if you do not specify a
User Name.
Palette Specifies the folder or category that the module is part of.
Standard Name Displays a Johnson Controls standard name for the module.
User Name Allows you to type a name for the module.
Note: If this field is blank, the value in the Name column is used.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 211

Table 60: New Module Selection for Modules and Network Inputs/Outputs
Field Description
Previous Disabled for Classic View additions.
Next Disabled for Classic View additions.
Finish Applies changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Discards changes and closes the dialog box.
Opens the Help system.

The following table applies to the New Module Selection dialog box for the following options:
• Inputs
• Miscellaneous Inputs
• Outputs
• Miscellaneous Outputs
Table 61: New Module Selection for Inputs and Outputs
Field Description
Filter Allows you to filter the content of the table. Type one or more letters appearing in the data
you want to view.
Count Allows you to enter the number of points to add to the system.
Application Lists the application types available for the points.
Function Lists the functions available for the points.
Data Type Lists the data types available for the points.
Signal Lists the signals available for the points.
User Name Allows you to type a name for the module.
Previous Disabled for Classic View additions.
Next Disabled for Classic View additions.
Finish Applies changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Discards changes and closes the dialog box.
Opens the Help system.

State Selection (State Tables Tab)

The State Tables tab appears in the Features panel. See Features Panel and Features Panel Screen in the User
Interface section.
Each table shows the behavior that occurs when its corresponding State Generator module is in a particular state
(the State Generator Module in State X yields the behavior of the Output Controller). The State Tables tab displays
the system’s state selection data populated within tables in the right pane, and the states in the left pane of the tab.
The panes allow you to scroll both vertically and horizontally, keeping the first column visible. See the Viewing and
Modifying State Selection Tables and Customizing State Selection Tables sections for more information.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 212

Table 62: State Selection (State Tables Tab)
Field Description
Edit Enters Edit mode and allows you to modify the State Tables.
Apply Applies the changes and exits the Edit mode.
Cancel Exits the Edit mode without applying the changes.
View Details Opens Details dialog box for State Selection.
Module Name and Port (Yellow or Displays the name of the State Generator module in which the state table is associated.
Orange Table Captions) The module name is followed by the connected port in the following format: Module
Name.Port (for example, Start Stop Sequencing DA-T.STARTSTOP-STATE).
Note: A yellow table header indicates a connected module and orange indicates
that the module is not connected.
State Column (Shaded Column Lists the states of the State Generator module from highest priority to lowest priority.
Headers) Note: This is the fixed column that appears in the left pane of the tab.
Output Controller Columns (Turquoise Indicates the name of the Output Controller module state in which the column is
Column Headers) associated.
Note: These columns appear in the right pane of the tab.
Table Rows (White with Text or White table rows with text indicate the Output Controller state value/behavior associated
Shaded with Asterisks or Xs) with the State Generator state. Shaded table rows with asterisks or Xs indicate that
when the State Generator module is in a particular state, no behavior change occurs,
and the Output Controller module checks for the next State Generator state listed. An
X also indicates that the field should not be modified unless certain control
specifications are required.
Up and Down Arrows Moves a state generation table up or down in the order. The tables appear in order
of priority where the top most table has the highest priority.
Opens the Help system.

State Selection Module Help (F1) Opens the module Help.

Create State Selection Table

See Customizing State Selection Tables.
Table 63: Create State Selection Table
Field Description
Name Allows you to type a name for the module/table. We recommend leaving this text box
empty so that dynamic naming may be used.
Table Priority Indicates the order in which the table appears in the State Tables dialog box.
Table Data Type (Port Type) Allows you to select an Enumeration set to use, or indicates to use a Boolean data
OK Creates the table and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the change.
Opens the Help system.

Create State Selection Column

See Customizing State Selection Tables.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 213

Table 64: Create State Selection Column
Field Description
Name Allows you to type a name for the module/column. We recommend leaving this text
box empty so that dynamic naming may be used.
Column Index Indicates the order in which the column appears in the table.
Column Data Type (Port Type) Allows you to select an Enumeration set to use, or indicates to use a Boolean data
OK Creates the column and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the change.
Opens the Help system.

Modify Signal (Input or Output)

See Changing an Input or Output Signal. This also applies to the Miscellaneous input and output categories.
Table 65: Modify Signal
Field Description
Current Signal Allows you to select a different signal for the input or output.
OK Applies the change and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the change.
Opens the Help system.

Logic View
See the Logic Tab Screen description in the User Interface section.

Command Hierarchy (Enum Output or Boolean Output)

See Configuring the Command Hierarchy Block.
Table 66: Command Hierarchy (Enum Output or Boolean Output)
Field Description
Edit Allows you to edit the table data.
IO Additions/Deletions Enables you to add or remove inputs that define the columns in the
table in the left pane.
Name Allows you to enter a name for the block.
Object Identifier Indicates object BACnet ID and instance number.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 214

Table 66: Command Hierarchy (Enum Output or Boolean Output)
Field Description
Input and Outputs Table Displays both an Inputs and an Outputs table for the selected
module/block. These tables include the following data:
• Name: Displays the name of the input or output.
• Standard Name: Displays the Johnson Controls standard name
used for the input or output.
• Default Value: Displays the default values of the inputs and outputs.
• Units: Displays the units of measurement used for the inputs and
outputs and displays the States Text for enum inputs or outputs.
• Display Precision: Displays the Display Precision value used for
the inputs and outputs (for example, 10ths).
• BACnet Exposed: Indicates whether the input or output parameter
is exposed for BACnet systems.
Input Columns (Yellow or Orange Column Headers) Indicates the name of the input (Boolean Input or Enumeration Output)
in which the column is associated.
Note: A yellow table header indicates a connected module and orange
indicates that the module is not connected.
State Column (Turquoise Column Headers) Lists the output states of the commands in its rows.
Table Rows (White with Text or Shaded with White table rows with text indicate the enumeration state or True/False
Asterisks) state that is associated with the input column.
Shaded table rows with asterisks indicates that the Command Hierarchy
accepts any value for the input.
Up and Down Arrows Moves the row up or down.
Apply Applies the changes.
Cancel Discards the changes.
Close Closes the screen.
Opens the Help system.

Translation (Enum to Boolean or Boolean to Enum)

See Configuring the Translation Blocks.
Table 67: Translation (Enum to Boolean or Boolean to Enum)
Field Description
Edit Allows you to edit the table data.
IO Additions/Deletions Enables you to add or remove inputs that define the columns in the table in the
left pane.
Name Allows you to enter a name for the block.
Object Identifier Indicates object BACnet ID and instance number.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 215

Table 67: Translation (Enum to Boolean or Boolean to Enum)
Field Description
Input and Outputs Table Displays both an Inputs and an Outputs table for the selected module/block.
These tables include the following data:
• Name: Displays the name of the input or output.
• Standard Name: Displays the Johnson Controls standard name used for
the input or output.
• Default Value: Displays the default values of the inputs and outputs.
• Units: Displays the units of measurement used for the inputs and outputs
and displays the States Text for enum inputs or outputs.
• Display Precision: Displays the Display Precision value used for the inputs
and outputs (for example, 10ths).
• BACnet Exposed: Indicates whether the input or output parameter is exposed
for BACnet systems.
Input (Orange Column Headers) Indicates the name of the input in which the column is associated.
State Column (Turquoise Column Headers) Lists the output states of the commands in its rows.
Table Rows (White with Text or Shaded with White table rows with text indicate the enumeration state or True/False state that
Asterisks) is associated with the input column.
Shaded table rows with asterisks indicate that the Translation module accepts
any value for the input.
Up and Down Arrows Moves the row up or down.
Apply Applies the changes.
Cancel Discards the changes.
Close Closes the screen.
Opens the Help system.

This dialog box is used to make changes to the labels in the State Tables. See Customizing State Selection Tables.
Table 68: Rename/Name Dialog
Field Description
Name Allows you to type a name for the input. We recommend leaving this text box empty so
that dynamic naming may be used.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Line Segment
See Configuring the Line Segment Block.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 216

Table 69: Line Segment
Field Description
Edit Allows you to edit the table data.
Name Allows you to enter a name for the block.
Object Identifier Indicates object BACnet ID and instance number.
Input and Outputs Table Displays both an Inputs and an Outputs table for the selected module/block. These tables
include the following data:
• Name: Displays the name of the input or output.
• Standard Name: Displays the Johnson Controls standard name used for the input or
• Default Value: Displays the default values of the inputs and outputs.
• Units: Displays the units of measurement used for the inputs and outputs.
• Display Precision: Displays the Display Precision value used for the inputs and outputs
(for example, 10ths).
• BACnet Exposed: Indicates whether the input or output parameter is exposed for BACnet
Input Points Lists the values expected of the Line Segment input in ascending order.
Output Points Lists the values that the Line Segment maps to from the Input Points column.
Apply Applies the changes.
Cancel Discards the changes.
Close Closes the screen.
Opens the Help system.

See Configuring the MUX Block.
Table 70: MUX
Field Description
Edit Allows you to edit the table data.
IO Additions/Deletions Enables you to add or remove inputs and outputs that define the modes buttons in the left
Name Allows you to enter a name for the block.
Object Identifier Indicates object BACnet ID and instance number.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 217

Table 70: MUX
Field Description
Input and Outputs Table Displays both an Inputs and an Outputs table for the selected module/block. These tables
include the following data:
• Name: Displays the name of the input or output.
• Standard Name: Displays the Johnson Controls standard name used for the input or
• Default Value: Displays the input that is passed to the Present Value if the Mode value
is not assigned to an input.
• Units: Displays the units of measurement used for the inputs and outputs and the
States text for the enum inputs and outputs.
• Display Precision: Displays the Display Precision value used for the inputs and
outputs (for example, 10ths).
• BACnet Exposed: Indicates whether the input or output parameter is exposed for
BACnet systems.
Input 1 - Mode(s) Defines the modes that are configured for this input. If the mode value equals one of the
input mode configurations, the value on the input is passed. See Mode Selection.
1 Defines the modes that are configured for this input. If the mode value equals one of the
Input 2 - Mode(s)
input mode configurations, the value on the input is passed. See Mode Selection.
Apply Applies the changes.
Cancel Discards the changes.
Close Closes the screen.
Opens the Help system.

1 The number of Input X - Mode(s) fields is determined by the number selected in the Input field.

Mode Selection
See Configuring the MUX Block.
Table 71: Mode Selection
Field Description
Mode Allows you to select a value to use for the input mode of a MUX block.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Default Element Selection

See Setting the Default Element of a Module.
Table 72: Default Element Selection
Field Description
List of Elements Lists the elements you can select as the default element for the module.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box. The default element appears with a
black background and white text.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 218

Table 72: Default Element Selection
Field Description
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Hidden Edge Label

See the Changing the Hidden Edge Label of a Connection section.
Table 73: Hidden Edge Label
Field Description
Label Allows you to type a label name to use to indicate the associated hidden connection
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.

See the Details Dialog Box description in the User Interface section. See Viewing and Modifying Details.

Expose Ports for Connection

You cannot remove the selection for connected ports as such ports are disabled in this dialog box. See Exposing
Ports for Connection and Exposing Ports.
Table 74: Port Exposure (For Connection)
Field Description
Input Port List Lists the input ports you can hide or expose for connections and allows you to select
ports using check boxes.
Output Port List Lists the output ports you can hide or expose for connections and allows you to select
ports using check boxes.
Select All Selects all input/output ports in the Input Port List and Output Port List.
Deselect All Removes the selection of all input/output ports in the Input Port List and Output Port
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Select Reference Dialog

See Making a Connection and Changing a Connection.
Table 75: Select Reference
Field Description
Left Pane Shows available modules within the system tree.
Right Pane Lists the input/output ports to which you can connect.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 219

Table 75: Select Reference
Field Description
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Confirm (Delete)
The Confirm dialog box appears after selecting to delete a module or block. Click Yes to delete it or No to cancel
the deletion. See Deleting a Module, Deleting a Block, and Deleting a Connection.

Rename (Module/Block)
This dialog box is used to make changes to the labels in the block's name. See Renaming a Module and Renaming
a Block.
Table 76: Rename (Module/Block)
Field Description
User Name Allows you to type a name for the module/block.
Note: If this is field is blank, the Standard Name is used.
Standard Name Displays a Johnson Controls standard name for the module/block.
OK Applies the name change and closes the dialog box. The name change appears in the
Control View or Logic View.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the change.
Opens the Help system.

Job Information
See Entering or Viewing Job Information.
Table 77: Job Information
Field Description
Operator Name Allows you to enter or view the name of the operator responsible for the open Controller
Application File (.caf).
Job Name Allows you to enter or view the name of the job associated with the open Controller
Application File (.caf).
Contract Number Allows you to enter or view the contract number associated with the job and Controller
Application File (.caf).
History Allows you to enter or view notes indicating the history of the job and Controller Application
File (.caf).
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring a System 220

Configuring Advanced Controller Features
Advanced features for field equipment controllers include schedules, calendars, alarms, and trends. You can use
the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget to configure these features. To use the Advanced tab or the Advanced
widget, you must be in the Configuration or Commissioning mode. When you configure advanced features, you can
do the following:
• Set up controller information, such as the controller name, time zones, and whether you want to notify other
devices when the controller restarts. See Editing Advanced Controller Information.
• Set up Intrinsic Alarming if you want the controller to generate alarms or event messages. See Setting up Intrinsic
• Set up the controller to record events via event logs. See Viewing Event Logs.
• Set up the controller to send alarm or event notifications to other devices. See Setting up Device Notification.
• Working with schedules and calendars. See Scheduling.
• Set up and view trends. See Working with Trends.
• Manage SA bus performance. See SA Bus Diagnostics.
The Calendars, Schedules, Trends, and Alarms and Notification features can be used during a stand-alone
commissioning session of the advanced field controller, or these features can be integrated into supervisory system
as BACnet objects.
If these features are integrated into a supervisory system, you can edit feature attributes in both a local commissioning
session or from the supervisory system user interface.


Intrinsic Alarming
Intrinsic alarming allows you to configure the detection of alarm conditions and the generation of event messages
based on attributes (properties) of an object, such as the High/Low alarm limits of analog objects and the alarm state
of binary objects. The Notification Class object routes the event message to other BACnet devices. By default,
objects do not have intrinsic alarming. However, you can add intrinsic alarming to an object by setting its Intrinsic
Alarming Defined attribute to True.

Event Log
The Event Log displays detailed information about alarms and events on the device. You can view Event Log
information in Commissioning mode.

The Notification feature allows you to configure the distribution of alarm or event notifications to multiple devices.

The Calendar feature allows you to add exception days to a schedule. Exception days can be holidays or days with
modified hours (for example, summer hours).

Global Calendar
If necessary, you can reference your calendar to an existing calendar (either on a different device or on the same
device). Any changes made to the referenced master calendar automatically update all the calendars that reference
the master calendar.

The Schedules feature allows you to automate operations based on a schedule.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 221

Weekly schedules let you specify times that you can schedule activities (such as building occupancy and the start
and stop times of devices) for each day of the week. Weekly schedules also allow you to select the times you want
for each day in a normal 7 day week.
Exception schedules override the normal schedule. For example, an exception schedule may be a holiday schedule
or a range of days with modified hours (for example, a summer hour schedule).

The Trend feature allows you to set up data sampling for points in the controller. The Trend feature also provides
you with ways to view these data samples. You can set up a Trend in Configuration mode and view live trend
attributes and data (samples) in Commissioning mode.

SA Bus Diagnostics
The SA Bus Performance attribute, located on the Advanced Controller Information Screen, indicates the current
performance of the bus, such as low, medium or high. Values of COV Receive Rates and Average Token Loop
times are indicators of SA bus performance. See the following table.
Table 78: SA Bus Performance Levels
SA Bus Description
LOW Average COV Receive Rate greater than 600, OR Average Token Loop greater than 2,000 ms.
MEDIUM Average COV Receive Rate greater than 300 and less than or equal to 600, OR Average Token Loop greater
than 1,000 ms and less than or equal to 2,000 ms.
HIGH Average COV Receive Rate less than or equal to 300, AND Average Token Loop less than or equal to 1,000
NOT Indicates unsupported data type, such as Ethernet.

Maximum traffic over control networks in mostly due to noisy analog signals. In the event you are experiencing low
or medium bus performance, try increasing the update interval time of the AI points on your IOMs. AI points on SA
Bus devices periodically send COV messages back to the controller regardless of a change in value. This guarantees
closed loop application control, but also increases periodic traffic on the bus.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 222


Viewing Advanced Controller Information

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. In the Advanced Controller tree, click the controller you want to view. Information about the controller (such as
the controller name and the time zone) appears in the right section of the screen.

Editing Advanced Controller Information

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. In the Advanced Controller screen, select the controller you want to view. Information about the controller appears
in the right section of the screen.
4. Click Edit. The fields that you can edit appear in white.
5. Edit the parameters of the device. See Advanced Controller Information Screen.
6. Click Apply.

Setting up Device Notification

This feature is used only for controllers that are not Metasys or Facility Explorer supervisory controllers.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Intrinsic Alarming, click Notification. The Notification window appears.
4. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
5. Edit the parameters of the notification. See Notification Recipient Screen.
6. To define device recipients of the notification, do the following:
a. Click the Add button next to Recipient List. The Recipients screen appears.
b. Click Add. The Notification Recipient screen appears. See Notification Recipient Screen.
c. Select the type of recipient you want to add by specifying the following options:
ID: Notify a specific device ID.
IP Address: Notify a specific IP address for the device.
Broadcast: Broadcast the alarm or event.
MSTP Address: Notify another controller.
d. Enter the parameters for the device you selected. See Notification Recipient Screen.
e. Using the Sunday through Saturday check boxes, select the days you want the notification to be active.
f. Using the time bar, adjust the time that you want the notification to be active. Typically, you select all days.
g. Select the type of events and alarms that generate notifications: Off Normal, Fault, or Normal.
h. Indicate whether you want Notification messages to be confirmed. This field determines whether the
destination BACnet device acknowledges receiving the event. In general, keep this setting as Confirmed.
However, if you have selected Broadcast as the recipient type, click Unconfirmed.
i. Click OK.
j. Click Save.
7. Click Apply.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 223

Setting up Alarms
Intrinsic alarming allows you to configure the detection of alarm conditions and the generation of event messages
based on attributes (properties) of an object, such as the high and low alarm limits of analog objects and the alarm
state of binary objects. The Notification Class object routes the event message to other BACnet devices. By default,
objects do not have intrinsic alarming. However, you can add intrinsic alarming to an object by setting its Intrinsic
Alarming Defined attribute to True.
To set up Intrinsic Alarming, follow these procedures:
• Setting up Intrinsic Alarms
• Viewing Event Logs
• Setting up Device Notification

Setting up Intrinsic Alarms

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Click Intrinsic Alarming. Three tabs appear in the Intrinsic Alarming dialog box:
• The Network Inputs/Outputs tab. See Network Inputs and Outputs Tab.
• The Inputs/Outputs tab. See Inputs and Outputs Tab.
• The Parameters tab (used for Setpoint/Miscellaneous, State Generation, and Output Control objects). See
Parameters Tab.
Note: Click the columns to sort the information in these tabs.
4. Click the tab you want and click Edit. The fields that you can edit appear in white.
5. To turn on intrinsic alarming for a point, click True in the Intrinsic Alarming field for the point you want. When
you set a point’s Intrinsic Alarming field to True, the system allows you to edit the alarm attributes for the point.
6. Edit the remaining alarm attributes for the point and click Apply.

Viewing Event Logs

You can perform this task only in Commissioning mode.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Intrinsic Alarming, click Event Log and then click the Events tab. A list of events appear.
Note: Click the columns to sort the list of events.
Note: To copy details from the event into another program, select the row and click Copy to Clipboard.
Note: To refresh the screen, click the lightning button on top left of the Events tab.

Setting up Event Log Parameters

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Intrinsic Alarming, click Event Log and then click the Details tab.
4. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
5. Edit the parameters of the notification. See Event Log.

When you set up and work with schedules in the Advanced tab, follow these procedures:
• Adding a Basic Calendar
• Adding a Calendar with a Date Range

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 224

• Deleting a Calendar
• Adding a Weekly Schedule
• Adding an Exception Schedule
• Adding a Scheduled Item to a Schedule
• Deleting a Schedule

Adding a Basic Calendar

Calendars work in conjunction with schedules by allowing you to specify the days when you want an exception
schedule to be active. One common use of calendars is to indicate holiday days when an alternative occupancy
schedule is in effect.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Scheduling, click Calendars.
4. Right-click Calendars and click Add Calendar. A new calendar is added to the Advanced tree.
5. Click the your new Calendar located below Calendars in the Advanced tree.
6. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
7. Enter basic information for the calendar. See Calendar Screen.
8. Next to the Date List field, click Add. The Calendar View window appears.
9. Select the days you want to add to the calendar. See Calendar View for more information about the buttons in
the calendar.
10. Click Save.
11. Click Apply.

Referencing a Global Calendar

If necessary, you can reference a calendar on a different device or another calendar on the same device.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Scheduling, click Calendars.
4. Right-click Calendars and click Add Calendar. Calendar information appears on the right side of the screen.
5. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
6. Enter basic information for the calendar.
7. Next to the Date List field, click Add. The Calendar View window appears.
8. Select Global.
9. In the Device field, enter the BACnet global identifier of the device.
10. In the Calendar field, enter the BACnet global identifier of the calendar.
11. Click Apply.

Adding a Calendar with a Date Range

You can add a calendar with a date range of exception days. For example, you may want to add an entire month
(for example, summer hours) or a calendar that includes only Fridays (building closes early).
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Scheduling, click Calendars.
4. Right-click Calendars and click Add Calendar. A new calendar is added to the Advanced tree.
5. Click the your new Calendar located below Calendars in the Advanced tree.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 225

6. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
7. Enter basic information for the calendar. See Calendar Screen.
8. Next to the Date List field, click Add. The Calendar View window appears.
9. Click Entry Detail. The Calendar Entry Detail screen appears. See Calendar Entry Detail Screen.
10. Click New. In the Calendar Entry Detail screen, you can select one day, define a date range, or select an entire
11. To select a date range, click Date Range, and then select your parameters in the To and From fields.
12. To select an entire week (for example, the last week of December in every year), click Week and Day, and then
select your parameters in the Month and Date fields.
13. Click OK.
14. Click Save.
15. Click Apply.

Deleting a Calendar
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Scheduling, click Calendars.
4. Right-click the calendar you want to delete, and then click Delete.

Adding a Weekly Schedule

Weekly schedules allow you to select the time frame for the days in your schedule.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Scheduling, click Schedules.
4. Right-click Schedules, and then click Add Schedule. Schedule information appears on the right side of the
5. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
6. Enter the basic parameters. See Schedule Screen.
7. In the Display Mode list, click Weekly Schedule.
8. Click the + button. The Define New Events screen appears.
Note: You may need to resize the screen for a better view of the Advanced tab information.
9. Define the parameters of the weekly schedule. See Define New Events Screen.
10. Click OK.
11. Click Apply.

Adding an Exception Schedule

You can add exception days to your schedule. Exception days can be holidays or a range of days with modified
hours (for example, summer hours).
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Scheduling, click Schedules.
4. Right-click Schedules and click Add Schedule. A new schedule is added to the Advanced tree.
5. Click the your new Schedule located below Schedules in the Advanced tree.
6. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 226

7. Enter the basic parameters. See Adding a Basic Calendar.
8. In the Display Mode list, click Exception Schedule.
9. Click the + button. The Exception Detail screen appears. See Exception Detail Screen.
10. Define the parameters of the exception schedule.
11. Click OK.
12. Click Apply.

Adding a Scheduled Item to a Schedule

You can add an item to a schedule. A scheduled item refers to a point that you can select and assign to a schedule.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tab tree and information screen appears.
3. Under Scheduling, click Schedules.
4. Right-click Schedules and click Add Schedule. A new schedule is added to the Advanced tree.
5. Click the your new Schedule located below Schedules in the Advanced tree.
6. Click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
7. Enter the basic parameters. See Schedule Screen.
8. In the Display Mode list, click Scheduled Items.
9. Click the + button. The Select Reference screen appears.
10. To add an open application, click On Box and select the point you want to assign to the schedule.
11. To add a point on a remote device, click Off Box and enter the remote point information.
12. Click OK.
13. Click Apply.

Deleting a Schedule
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Under Scheduling, click Schedules.
4. Right-click the schedule you want to delete, and then click Delete.

Working with Trends

When you set up and work with trends in the Advanced tab, follow these procedures:
• Adding a Trend
• Viewing a Trend
• Changing Trend Views

Adding a Trend
A trended item is a data point in the controller that is periodically sampled and logged. You can view trend logs in
table or chart format. To view trend samples, you need to be in Commissioning mode.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Right-click Trends and click Add Trend.
4. Click the Trend you added and click Edit. The fields you can edit appear in white.
5. Click the browse button next to the Input Reference field, and click the point you want to trend.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 227

6. Click OK.
7. Enter the remaining trend parameters. See Trend Details Screen.
8. Click Apply.

Viewing a Trend
To view live trend sample data, you must be in Commissioning mode.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click the Advanced tab or the Advanced widget. The Advanced tree and information screen appear.
3. Click Trends. A list of trends appears under the Trends folder and in the table in the right pane.
Note: The number of samples you can view appears next to Trends in the Advanced tree. For example, the
values of (500 / 24000) next to the Trends folder means that 500 samples have been configured out of
a total of 24,000 possible.
4. In the table on the right pane, select the check box next to the trend you want to view. The right pane populates
with the trend data.
Note: You can switch between showing trends in a chart view or table view in the right-pane. To show the chart
view, click . To show a table view, click .

Note: For multiple trends, click to view multiple trend data on the same y-axis. Click to view each trend
on a separate y-axis.

Changing Trend Views

To change the views in the Trend Viewer, click the Chart ( ) or Table view ( ) buttons.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 228


Advanced Controller Information Screen

See Viewing Advanced Controller Information and Editing Advanced Controller Information.
Table 79: Advanced Controller Information Screen (Configuration Mode)
Field Description
Object Name Indicates the name of the controller.
Description Provides a basic description of the controller.
Object Identifier Indicates the BACnet object ID for the controller.
If necessary, you can change this ID in the Define Hardware screen. If you
are using a BACnet controller, then this ID must be unique. Also, if you are
using peer-to-peer functionality, then this number must be unique.
Time - Default Time Zone Specifies the time zone of the device. The default time zone is Central Time
Zone. Update the time zone as appropriate.
This field is important only for stand-alone FAC controllers.
Time - JCI Exception Schedule Select Auto Delete 31 days to prompt the system to delete the exception
schedule 31 days after the schedule passes.
Select Auto Delete 7 days to prompt the system to delete the exception
schedule 7 days after the schedule passes.
Status - Startup OFF State Auto Release Time Indicates the amount of time a BO is held in the OFF state at the priority set
by the Startup OFF State Command Priority setting at FEC/IOM startup. This
instance only applies to BO objects that have their Startup OFF State Enable
parameter set to TRUE.
The default value is 0. A value of 0 disables this parameter. The range is
0–3600 seconds.
Status - Startup OFF State Command Priority Indicates the priority at which a BO is held in the OFF state for the Startup
OFF State Auto Release Time at FEC/IOM startup. This instance only applies
to BO objects that have their Startup OFF State Enable parameter set to
The default value is 9. Priority 6 is not a valid selection. The range is 1–16.
BACnet - BACnet Communications Password Specifies the password used by third-party BACnet configuration tools to
reinstall the BACnet device. Not used by Metasys controllers
BACnet - BACnet Encoding Type Indicates the binary encoding of character strings. The types include: ISO,
ANSI X3.4 (US - ASCII), Microsoft DBCS Code (Japanese Shift JIS). We
recommend that you use ISO for BACnet devices.
BACnet - COV Min Send Time Indicates the minimum time frame for all points on the controller to update
to their associated supervisory system. Only points with their use min cov
send time attribute set to True use this setting. The default time is 15
BACnet - Location Indicates the location of the BACnet device (for example, Third Floor
Equipment Room).
BACnet - Restart Notification Recipient Indicates a list of BACnet destinations being notified when the device restarts.
Metasys software does not use this feature. By default, the FAC controller
notifies all devices on its field bus or local network.
Supervisor MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the supervisory device on which the object

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 229

Table 80: Advanced Controller Information Screen (Commissioning Mode)
Field Description
Object Name Indicates the name of the controller.
Description Provides a basic description of the controller.
Object Identifier Indicates the BACnet object ID for the controller.
If necessary, you can change this ID in the Define Hardware screen. If you
are using a BACnet controller, then this ID must be unique. Also, if you are
using peer-to-peer functionality, then this number must be unique.
Time - Default Time Zone Specifies the time zone of the device. The default time zone is Central Time
Zone. Update the time zone as appropriate.
This field is important only for stand-alone FAC controllers.
Time - Local Time Indicates the time on the device. The local time is created originally from the
computer used to download the device. If the device is added to a supervisory
system, the time is then synced by that supervisory device.
Time - Local Date Indicates the date on the device. The local date is created originally from the
computer used to download the device. If the device is added to a supervisory
system, the date is then synced by that supervisory device.
Time - UTC Offset Indicates the number of minutes offset between local standard time and UTC.
The Time Zones to the west of the zero degree meridian are positive and
those to the east are negative. Subtract the value of the UTC Offset from the
UTC received in the UTC Time Synchronization service requests to calculate
the correct local standard time.
Time - DST Status Indicates whether daylight saving time is in effect (True) or not (False) at the
device’s location.
Time - Last BACnet Time Sync Received Indicates the last synchronize time of the BACnet device.
Time - JCI Exception Schedule Select Auto Delete 31 days to prompt the system to delete the exception
schedule 31 days after the schedule passes.
Select Auto Delete 7 days to prompt the system to delete the exception
schedule 7 days after the schedule passes.
Status - Startup OFF State Auto Release Time Indicates the amount of time a BO is held in the OFF state at the priority set
by the Startup OFF State Command Priority at FEC/IOM startup. This instance
only applies to BO objects that have their Startup OFF State Enable parameter
set to TRUE.
The default value is 0. A value of 0 disables this parameter. The range is
0–3600 seconds.
Status - Startup OFF State Command Priority Indicates the priority at which a BO is held in the OFF state for the Startup
OFF State Auto Release Time at FEC/IOM startup. This instance only applies
to BO objects that have their Startup OFF State Enable parameter set to
The default value is 9. Priority 6 in not a valid selection. The range is 1–16.
Status - CPU Usage Specifies a running average of CPU usage over the last 50 minutes. The
value is updated every 30 seconds.
Status - JCI System Status Reflects the current status of the system.
Status - Object Memory Usage Specifies the percent of the object database that is currently in use. Each
object created consumes memory within the object database.
Status - Supervisory Device Online Indicates if the MS/TP controller is online.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 230

Table 80: Advanced Controller Information Screen (Commissioning Mode)
Field Description
Communication - SA Bus Performance Indicates the general performance of the field bus: Low, Medium, or High.
For example:
See SA Bus Diagnostics for details.
Note: If you have a low performing trunk, do not use trunk utilities for main
and boot code upgrades due to the risk of download failure.
Communication - SA Bus Average Token Loop Indicates average amount of time in milliseconds it takes for the token to be
Time passed to every device on a field bus, implemented by a rolling average of
80% of the old value plus 20% of the new value. Token loop times indicate
bus performance. For example:
• Greater than 2,000 ms: Low performance
• 1,000 to 2,000 ms: Medium performance
• Less than 1,000 ms: High performance
See SA Bus Diagnostics for details.
Communication - SA Bus COV Rcv Per Minute Indicates number of COV messages the SA bus trunk received from other
devices per minute. Each COV message represents one object reporting a
value change. This value is derived per trunk based on the COV Receive
(Rcv) rate value. COV Receive rates indicate bus performance. For example:
• Greater than 600 messages/min: Low performance
• 300 to 600 messages/min: Medium performance
• Less than 300 messages/min: High performance
See SA Bus Diagnostics for details.
Communication - SA Bus Writes Per Minute Indicates average number of writes sent on the SA bus. This parameter is
relative to the FEC sending writes to SA bus devices.
BACnet - APDU Retries Indicates the maximum number of times the device can retransmit a data
frame. If the device does not perform retries, it has a value of 0. If this value
is greater than 0, a non-zero value appears in the APDU Timeout attribute.
We do not recommend changing this attribute value from the default value
without a strong reason.
BACnet - APDU Segment Timeout Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of a
data frame segment requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment
has been received. This value is not 0 if the device supports segmentation
of transmitted data frames. We do not recommend changing this attribute
value from the default value without a strong reason.
BACnet - APDU Timeout Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of a
complete data frame requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment
has been received. This attribute applies to smaller data messages where
the entire message fits within a single frame on the MS/TP bus. We do not
recommend changing this attribute value from the default value without a
strong reason.
BACnet - Appl SW Version Identifies the version of the application software installed in the device. The
content of this string is locally defined (date-and-time stamp, a programmer’s
name, a host file version number, and so on).
BACnet - Asset Versions Indicates BACnet assets and version numbers.
BACnet - Backup Fail Timeout Indicates the number of seconds that the device being backed up or restored
waits before unilaterally ending the backup or restore procedure. This attribute
is writable (the device performing the backup, or the operator, configures
this with an appropriate timeout).

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 231

Table 80: Advanced Controller Information Screen (Commissioning Mode)
Field Description
BACnet - BACnet Communications Password Specifies the password used by third-party BACnet configuration tools to
reinstall the BACnet device. Not used by Metasys controllers
BACnet - BACnet Encoding Type Indicates the binary encoding of character strings. The types include: ISO,
ANSI X3.4 (US - ASCII), Microsoft DBCS Code (Japanese Shift JIS). We
recommend that you use ISO for BACnet devices.
BACnet - Configuration Files Identifies the files within the device that determine what device image can
be backed up. The contents of this attribute are only required to be valid
during the backup procedure. If the device supports the BACnet backup and
restore procedure, this attribute is supported.
BACnet - COV Min Send Time Indicates the minimum time frame for all points on the controller to update
to their associated supervisory system. Only points with their use min cov
send time attribute set to True use this setting. The default time is 15
BACnet - Database Revision Specifies a logical revision number for the device’s database. Database
Revision is incremented when an object is created or deleted, an object name
changes, or a restore is performed.
BACnet - Firmware Version Contains a number assigned by the vendor to represent the level of firmware
installed in the device.
BACnet - Last Restart Reason Indicates the reasons for the last device restart.
BACnet - Last Restore Time Specifies when the device’s image was last restored. If the device supports
the BACnet backup and restore procedures, this attribute is supported.
BACnet - Location Indicates the location of the BACnet device (for example, Third Floor
Equipment Room).
BACnet - Max APDU Length Specifies the maximum number of octets contained in a single, indivisible
application layer protocol unit. Underlying data link technology constrains
the value of this attribute.
BACnet - Max Info Frames Specifies the maximum number of information frames the node may send
before it passes the token. This attribute is present if the device is a node
on an MS/TP network. If Max Info Frames is not writable or otherwise user
configurable, its value is one.
BACnet - Max Master Specifies the highest possible address for master nodes and is less than or
equal to 127. This is present if the device is a master node on an MS/TP
network. If Max Master is not writable via BACnet services, its value is 127.
BACnet - Max Segments Accpt Indicates the maximum number of segments of an APDU accepted by the
BACnet - Model Name Contains a name assigned by the vendor to represent the model of the device.
BACnet - Pcode Contains a name assigned by the vendor to represent the product code of
the device.
BACnet - Object List Indicates the objects for the devices.
BACnet - Protocol Revision Indicates the minor revision level of the BACnet standard. This starts at 1
and increases for each subsequent release. If the Protocol Version attribute
changes, this number reverts to zero. This attribute is required for all devices
with BACnet Protocol Version 1, Protocol Revision 1 and above. If this
attribute is not present, the device is Protocol Version 1, Protocol Revision
BACnet - Protocol Ser Support Indicates which standardized protocol services the device’s protocol
implementation supports. This attribute reflects the minimum set of services,
but implementation often supports additional standardized services.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 232

Table 80: Advanced Controller Information Screen (Commissioning Mode)
Field Description
BACnet - Protocol Version Represents the BACnet protocol the device supports. Initial releases are
Version 1; subsequent releases increase the number by one.
BACnet - Restart Notification Recipients Indicates a list of BACnet destinations being notified when the device restarts.
Metasys software does not use this feature. By default, the FAC controllers
notify all devices on its field bus or local network.
BACnet - Supervisor MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the supervisory device on which the object
BACnet - System Status Reflects the current physical and logical state of the device.
BACnet - Time of Device Restart Indicates the time at which the device was restarted.
BACnet - Vendor ID Distinguishes proprietary extensions to the protocol using a unique vendor
identification code assigned by ASHRAE. The Johnson Controls Vendor ID
is 5.
BACnet - Vendor Name Identifies the manufacturer of the device.

Intrinsic Alarming Screens

Network Inputs and Outputs Tab

See Setting up Intrinsic Alarms.
Table 81: Network Inputs and Outputs Tab
Field Description
Name Indicates the name of the point.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined Indicates whether Intrinsic Alarming is enabled for this point. Options are:
• True: Enable Intrinsic Alarming for this point
• False: Disable Intrinsic Alarming for this point
If you set the Intrinsic Alarming Defined fields to True, additional fields are
enabled for editing.
Time Delay Indicates the amount of time in seconds that an alarm condition must persist
before the event is generated. You can edit this field only if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. The values, options, and range include:
Units (seconds)
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator
Notification Class Specifies the BACnet object identifier of the notification class within the
FAC that is used to route the event notification. You can edit this field only
if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled.
Notify Type Indicates whether this is an Alarm or an Event. You can edit this field only
if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to all point objects and the
Event Enable Changes the event to To Off Normal, To Fault, or To Normal. You can edit
this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled.
Alarm Message Text Enters the alarm message text. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Maximum 256 characters.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 233

Table 81: Network Inputs and Outputs Tab
Field Description
Limit Enable Indicates whether you want Low Limit or High Limit enabled. You can edit
this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV,
and Accumulator objects.
High Limit Indicates the high limit for the point. You can edit this field if Intrinsic
Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator
Low Limit Indicates the low limit for the point. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
BACnet Deadband Defines the value by which the Present Value must change below the High
Limit or above the Low Limit before the object generates a To-Normal
event. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies
to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
Alarm Value(s) Indicates values that you can assign to the alarm. You can edit this field if
Intrinsic Alarming States Text attribute identifies the value set for this
Applies to BI, BV, MI, and MV objects.
For MI and MV objects, you can select multiple values from a list, unlike
the other objects that are limited to one value.
Fault Values Indicates the fault value. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming States
Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute.
The States Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute.
The list of numbers comes from a list of alarm values. Applies to MI and
MV objects.

Inputs and Outputs Tab

See Setting up Intrinsic Alarms.
Table 82: Inputs and Outputs Tab
Field Description
Name Indicates the name of the point.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined Indicates whether Intrinsic Alarming is enabled for this point. Options are:
• True: Enable Intrinsic Alarming for this point
• False: Disable Intrinsic Alarming for this point
If you set the Intrinsic Alarming Defined fields to True, additional fields are
enabled for editing..
Time Delay Indicates the time delay that you want before the alarm or event is issued.
You can edit this field only if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. The
values, options, and range include:
Units (seconds)
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator
Notification Class Indicates the BACnet Object Identifier of the Notification Class Object used
for routing. Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator. You can edit
this field only if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 234

Table 82: Inputs and Outputs Tab
Field Description
Notify Type Indicates whether this is an Alarm or an Event. You can edit this field only
if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to all point objects and the
Event Enable Changes the event to To Off Normal, To Fault, or To Normal. You can edit
this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled.
Alarm Message Text Enters the alarm message text. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Maximum 256 characters.
Limit Enable Indicates whether you want Low Limit or High Limit enabled. You can edit
this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV, and
Accumulator objects.
High Limit Indicates the high limit for the point. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
Low Limit Indicates the low limit for the point. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
BACnet Deadband Defines the value by which the Present Value must change below the High
Limit or above the Low Limit before the object generates a To-Normal event.
You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to AI,
AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
Alarm Value(s) Indicates values that you can assign to the alarm. You can edit this field if
Intrinsic Alarming States Text attribute identifies the value set for this
Applies to BI, BV, MI, and MV objects.
For MI and MV objects, you can select multiple values from a list, unlike the
other objects that are limited to one value.
Fault Values Indicates the fault value. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming States
Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute.
The States Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute.
The list of numbers come from a list of the alarm values. Applies to MI and
MV objects.
Feedback Value Indicates the feedback value. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming is
The States Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute.
The list of numbers comes from a list of alarm values.
Applies to MI and MV objects.
Feedback Reference Indicates the feedback reference. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
is enabled. Applies to BO and MO objects.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 235

Parameters Tab
See Setting up Intrinsic Alarms.
Table 83: Parameters Tab
Field Description
Name Indicates the name of the point.
Intrinsic Alarming Defined Indicates whether Intrinsic Alarming is enabled for this point. Options are:
• True: Enable Intrinsic Alarming for this point.
• False: Disable Intrinsic Alarming for this point.
If you set the Intrinsic Alarming Defined fields to True, additional fields are
enabled for editing.
Time Delay Indicates the time delay that you want before the alarm or event is issued.
You can edit this field only if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. The
values, options, and range include:
0 - 65,535
Units (seconds)
Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator
Notification Class Indicates the BACnet Object Identifier of the Notification Class Object used
for routing. Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator. You can edit
this field only if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled.
Notify Type Indicates whether this is an Alarm or an Event. You can edit this field only
if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to all point objects and the
Event Enable Changes the event to To Off Normal, To Fault, or To Normal. You can edit
this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled.
Alarm Message Text Enters the alarm message text. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. Applies to all point objects and the Accumulator.
Maximum 256 characters.
Limit Enable Indicates whether you want Low Limit or High Limit enabled. You can edit
this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV,
and Accumulator objects.
High Limit Indicates the high limit for the point. You can edit this field if Intrinsic
Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator
Low Limit Indicates the low limit for the point. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming
Defined is enabled. Applies to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.
BACnet Deadband Defines the value by which the Present Value must change below the High
Limit or above the Low Limit before the object generates a To-Normal
event. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming Defined is enabled. Applies
to AI, AO, AV, and Accumulator objects.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 236

Table 83: Parameters Tab
Field Description
Alarm Value(s) Indicates values that you can assign to the alarm. You can edit this field if
Intrinsic Alarming States Text attribute identifies the value set for this
Applies to BI, BV, MI, and MV objects.
For MI and MV objects, you can select multiple values from a list, unlike
the other objects that are limited to one value.
Fault Values Indicates the fault value. You can edit this field if Intrinsic Alarming States
Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute.
The States Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute.
The list of numbers comes from a list of alarm values. Applies to MI and
MV objects.

Event Log
Use the Event Log - Details tab to set up the behavior of the Event Log - Events tab information. Use the Event Log
- Events tab to view events. You can only view the Events tab when you are in Commissioning mode. See Viewing
Event Logs.
Table 84: Event Log - Details Tab
Field Description
Object Name Indicates the name of the event log.
Description Indicates the description of the event log.
Enabled Indicates if the event log is enabled (True) or disabled (False).
Object Identifier Indicates the read-only BACnet object identifier for the event object.
BACnet - Buffer Size Specifies the maximum number of records the event buffer can hold.
BACnet - Record Count Indicates the number of records.
BACnet - Reliability Indicates if the Event Log is reliable.
BACnet - Status Flags Indicates Event Log status: In Alarm, Fault, Overridden, OutOfService.
BACnet - Start Time Specifies the time and date to enable logging when the Enabled attribute is
set to True.
BACnet - Stop Time Specifies the time and date to disable logging.
BACnet - Stop When Full Specifies whether logging ceases when the buffer is full. When set to True,
logging ceases and all accumulated samples remain in the buffer. When set
to False, logging continues.
BACnet - Total Record Count Indicates the total number of events in the log.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Intrinsic Alarming Enables (True) or disables (False) BACnet intrinsic alarming for this object.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Acked Transitions Indicates if the Event Log has acknowledgment transitions pending.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Event Enable Determines whether notifications are enabled for To Off Normal, To Fault,
or To Normal events.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Event State Indicates the current state of the event log.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Last Notify Record Indicates the sequence number associated with the most recently collected
record whose collection triggered a notification.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 237

Table 84: Event Log - Details Tab
Field Description
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Notification Class Specifies the notification class used for handling and generating event
notifications for this object.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Notify Threshold Indicates when notification occurs based on the value of the Records Since
Notification attribute.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Notify Type Indicates if the notifications generated by the object are Events or Alarms.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Records Since Indicates if the notifications generated by the object are Events or Alarms.
Notify This attribute is required if the object supports intrinsic reporting.

Table 85: Event Log - Events Tab (Commissioning Mode Only)

Field Description
Time Indicates the time of the event occurrence.
Object Indicates the object that event is associated with.
To State Indicates the type of event state: Normal, Off Normal, High Limit, Fault.
Priority Indicates the importance of the event message and determines when the
event message appears. Event messages with a lower priority number are
of a higher importance or are more critical than event messages with a higher
priority number.
Event Time Indicates the time of occurrence of the last event transition.
Value Indicates the value of the event or alarm. For example, On or Off, or 80
Unit Indicates the unit of measurement for the event or alarm value.
Message Indicates the body of the alarm or event message.

Recipients Screen
See Editing Advanced Controller Information.
Table 86: Recipients Screen
Field Description
Recipients Displays the list of recipients.
Add Allows you to add a recipient. See Notification Recipient Screen.
Remove Removes the recipient from the list.
Moves the selected recipient up in the list of recipients.

Moves the selected recipient down in the list of recipients.

Details Opens the Notification Recipient dialog box, which displays details of the recipient.
See Notification Recipient Screen.
Save Saves changes to the information in the screen.
Cancel Exits the screen without saving changes
Opens the help system.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 238

Notification Screen
See Setting up Device Notification.
Table 87: Notification Screen
Field Description
Object Name Indicates the name of the notification.
Description Indicates the description of the notification.
Enabled Indicates if the notification is enabled (True) or disabled (False).
Object Identifier Indicates the read-only BACnet object identifier for the notification.
BACnet - Ack Required Indicates To Off Normal, To Fault, and To Normal events, respectively.
Priority Indicates the priority to be used for event notifications for To Off Normal, To
Fault, and To Normal events, respectively. A lower number indicates a higher
Recipient List Indicates the list of one or more devices which notifications are sent. For
more information, see Notification Recipient Screen.
Send Notification to Supervisor Indicates if you want to send the notification to a supervisory controller.
Supervisory Device Process ID Indicates the process ID of the supervisory controller that receives the event
notification messages.

Notification Recipient Screen

See Setting up Device Notification.
Table 88: Notification Recipient Screen
Field Description
ID Indicates the ID of the device you want to send a notification to.
Displays the ID field when selected.
IP Address Indicates the IP address for the device you want to send notification
to. Displays the following fields when selected:
• Address: The device IP Address.
• Network Number: The network number of the device.
• UDP Port: The UDP port number of the device.
Broadcast Indicates if you want to broadcast the notification. Displays the
following fields when selected:
• Broadcast Type: The broadcast type: Local, Remote, or Global.
• Network Number: For a remote broadcast, enter the network
• UDP Port: The UDP port number of the device.
MSTP Address Indicates if you want to send a notification to another controller.
Displays the following fields when selected:
• Address: The MS/TP address of the controller.
• Network Number: The network number of the device.
Process ID Indicates the process ID of the device that receives the event
notification messages.
Day Selection Indicates the days you want the system to send notifications.
Time Selection Indicates the time frame you want the system to send notifications.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 239

Table 88: Notification Recipient Screen
Field Description
Notify on these Transitions Indicates the type of events to send notification: Off Normal, Fault,
and Normal.
Notification Messages Should Be Indicates if notifications need to be confirmed by a user.

Scheduling and Calendar Screens

Calendar Screen
See Adding a Basic Calendar or Adding a Calendar with a Date Range.
Table 89: Calendar Screen
Field Description
Object - Name Indicates the name of the calendar.
Description Indicates the description of the calendar.
Enabled Indicates whether the calendar is enabled (True) or disabled (False).
Object Identifier Indicates the read-only ID for the calendar.
BACnet - Present Value Indicates whether the calendar is available (True) or unavailable (False).
BACnet - Date List Shows the dates in the calendar.
Global Calendar Update Indicates that the calendar is being used from another device. This field appears
in Commissioning mode only.

Calendar View
See Adding a Basic Calendar or Referencing a Global Calendar.
Table 90: Calendar View
Button Description
Local Selects the local calendar option.
Global Selects the global calendar option and opens the calendar location entry:
• Device: The BACnet global identifier of the device.
• Calendar: The BACnet global identifier of the calendar.
Go to the previous year.

Go to the next year.

Go to the previous month.

Go to the next month.

Go to today.

Allows you to view calendar details and define date ranges (for example, summer
hours for an entire month). For more information about how to set up a date
range, see Adding a Calendar with a Date Range.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 240

Table 90: Calendar View
Button Description
Save Saves changes to the information in the screen.
Cancel Exits the screen without saving changes.
Opens the help system.

Calendar Entry Detail Screen

See Adding a Calendar with a Date Range.
Table 91: Calendar Entry Detail Screen
Field Description
Calendar Entries Displays a list of exception dates assigned to the calendar.
Allows you to add new dates to the calendar.
Date Allows you to add a custom date to the calendar.
Date Range Allows you to add a date range to the calendar.
Week and Day Allows you to add a specific week of exception days to the calendar.
New Allows you to add an entire week to the calendar.
Delete Allows you to remove a date from the calendar.
Month, Day, Year, Day of Week Allows you to select the days, months, and years for exception days in the

Schedule Screen
See Adding a Calendar with a Date Range.
Table 92: Schedule Screen
Field Description
Object - Name Indicates the name of the schedule.
Description Indicates the description of the schedule.
Enabled Indicates if the schedule is enabled (True) or disabled (False).
Object Identifier Indicates the read-only ID of the schedule.
BACnet - Priority for Writing Indicates the priority of the schedule. The lower the number, the
higher the priority.
Operation and Display - Effective Period Indicates the time frame that the schedule is in effect. Click the
browse button to define this information.
Schedule Output Type Indicates the output type of the schedules: Binary, Analog, and

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 241

Table 92: Schedule Screen
Field Description
Default Schedule Command Indicates the default text that appears when you create the schedule.
• Release: Binary, Analog, Multistate
• Off:
• On:
Note: If the Default Schedule Command is set to Release, the
scheduling feature’s control over the scheduled items ends.
Release should only be used for the Default Schedule
Command if the scheduled items support the Release
States Text Indicates the state text options used when you view and create the
Display Mode Indicates the available schedule display modes: Weekly Schedule,
Exception Schedule, Exception Items.

Define New Events Screen

See Adding a Weekly Schedule.
Table 93: Define New Events Screen
Field Description
Monday - Sunday Allows you to select the days of the week for a schedule.
Mon-Fri Allows you to select Monday through Friday for a schedule.
All Allows you to select all days of the week.
Hour, Minutes Indicates the time of the day you want to schedule.
Value Indicates the default value that appears (for example, on or occupied) for the time
frame you select. For example, yellow can indicate On, and blue can indicate Off.
OK Saves changes to the information in the screen.
Cancel Exits the screen without saving changes
Opens the Help system.

Exception Detail Screen

See Adding an Exception Schedule.
Table 94: Exception Detail Screen
Field Description
Date Allows you to add a custom date to the calendar.
Date Range Allows you to add a date range to the calendar.
Week and Day Allows you to add an entire week to the calendar.
Calendar Reference Allows you to select an existing exception calendar.
Precedence Allows you to define the precedence level for a calendar. The lower the number
the higher the precedence.
OK Saves changes to the information in the screen.
Cancel Exits the screen without saving changes.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 242

Trend Screens

Trend Details Screen

See Adding a Trend.
Table 95: Trend Details Screen
Field Description
Object - Name Indicates the name of the trend.
Description Indicates the description of the trend.
Enabled Indicates if the trend is enabled (True) or disabled (False).
Object Identifier Indicates the read-only ID for the trend.
BACnet - Input Reference Indicates the attribute of the object being sampled.
Buffer Size Specifies the maximum number of records the buffer may hold.
Client COV Increment Specifies the increment used to determine that a change of value occurred
(when this trend object collects data by COV).
COV Resubsc Increment Specifies the number of seconds between COV resubscriptions (when this
trend object collects data by COV). The Subscribe COV requests specify
twice during this interval for the actual subscription. The first subscription is
issued when the trend object begins operation or when enabled.
Sample Interval Specifies the periodic time in seconds for which the referenced property is
logged. If this attribute is zero, samples are recorded using COV reporting.
Start Time Specifies the time and date to enable logging when the Enable attribute is
set to True. If the Start Time contains wildcard values, the conditions to enable
logging based on time are ignored. When the Trend object is inactive because
the current time is outside of the Start Time or Stop Time, the Status attribute
reflects this state (assuming it is the highest priority status). If you define a
Stop Time that is before the Start Time, the Trend object is disabled.
Stop Time Specifies the time and date to disable logging. If the Stop Time contains
wildcard values, the conditions to disable logging based on time are ignored.
Logging is disabled if the Stop Time is prior to the Start Time. When the Trend
object is inactive because the current time is outside of the Start Time or Stop
Time, the Status attribute reflects this state (assuming it is the highest priority
status). A change in the active/inactive state because the Start Time/Stop
Time value has no impact on the Enable attribute. If the Trend object was
disabled because the Stop Time, the Trend object attempts to send the trend
samples to the server. If you define a Stop Time that is before the Start Time,
the Trend object is disabled.
Stop When Full Specifies whether logging ceases when the buffer is full. When set to True,
logging ceases and all accumulated samples remain in the buffer.
BACnet Intrinsic Alarming - Intrinsic Alarming Enables (True) or disables (False) intrinsic alarming for this object. When
Defined disabled, writing to any of the intrinsic alarming attributes returns a
Write_Access_Denied error. When disabled, reading the intrinsic alarming
attributes returns the default value of each attribute.
Event Enable Determines whether notifications are enabled for To Fault and To Normal
events. A To-Normal transition occurs when the value of the Records Since
Notify attribute is equal to or greater than the value of the Notify Threshold
attribute. A To Fault transition occurs when an attempted COV subscription
fails. The To Normal transition must be enabled and set by default. The Read
and write methods ensure that this value cannot be set to False.
Notification Class Specifies the notification class used for handling and generating event
notifications for this object.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 243

Table 95: Trend Details Screen
Field Description
Notify Threshold Indicates when a notification occurs based on the value of the Records Since
Notification attribute.
Notify Type Indicates if the notifications generated by the object are Events or Alarms.
This attribute is required if the object supports intrinsic reporting.
Opens the Help system.

Trend Views
There are three views in the Trend Viewer: Chart View, Table View, and Definition View.
Table 96: Trend Views (Commissioning Mode Only)
Button View Description
Chart View Allows you to view trend data in a chart format.

Table View Allows you to view trend data in a table format.

Trend Viewer Chart View

The Chart view allows you to view data samples in chart format. You can zoom, unzoom, and pan within the chart.
Table 97: Chart View (Commissioning Mode Only)
Button View Description
Update Retrieves the most recent data samples for the displayed trends.

Zoom Toggles the mouse behavior for the chart between zoom mode and
normal mode.
While in zoom mode:
• drag the mouse over an area of the chart to zoom in
• left-click to zoom out one level
• click Zoom to exit zoom mode and restore the mouse to normal
When you exit zoom mode, the chart remains at the current zoom
level. Use the Restore button to fully zoom out.
Note: You cannot pan while the mouse is in zoom mode.
Note: You can also zoom and unzoom in normal mode by using
the Shift key and the mouse. To zoom, hold the Shift key
while dragging the mouse across the chart. To zoom out
one level, left-click the mouse while holding the Shift key
Restore Allows you to return to an unzoomed view and switches the mouse
back to normal mode when the chart's zoom mode is active.

Points Line Displays the data using lines and point markers. This is the default

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 244

Table 97: Chart View (Commissioning Mode Only)
Button View Description
Area Displays the data using an area chart.

Bar Displays the data using a bar chart.

Note: Use the bar chart only when the number of data samples
can reasonably be expected to display as bars. If too many
data samples exist when you click this option, the display
becomes unstable and fails to properly update the screen.
To recover, select any other display option.
Points Displays the data using markers with no lines.

Line Displays the data using lines with no markers.

Stacked Y Axis Displays each trend on a separate Y axis. This option is not available
when viewing a single trend.
Single Y Axis Displays each trend with the same Y axis. This option is not available
when viewing a single trend.

Trend Viewer Table View

The Table view allows you to view data for the selected trends in table format. You can copy the trend data to the
clipboard for pasting into other applications such as Microsoft Excel.
Table 98: Trend Viewer Table View (Commissioning Mode Only)
Button View Description
Update Updates the data samples with new trend data immediately.

Copy to Clipboard Allows you to copy selected trend data to the system
clipboard for pasting into other applications such as Microsoft
Excel. You can also use Ctrl + C to copy data to the

Controller Tool Help: Configuring Advanced Controller Features 245

Configuring the Local Controller Display
The tool configures the Local Controller Display. You can configure the Display after selecting the hardware in the
Hardware Definition Wizard (Defining Hardware).


Local Controller Display Configuration

You can customize many items particular to the display from the Display tab while in Configuration mode. The Display
tab allows you to:
• define which points appear on the Display pages (Input/Output View, Parameter/Setpoint View, and Idle View)
and in what order
• define which points are read-only (cannot be commanded using the display)
• edit point user names and descriptions
• set display attributes including contrast and backlight intensity
• select timeout settings
• select authorization including password definition

After configuring the display, you can download the application to the controller. The changes then become effective.
Only points that have been BACnet exposed are available for use in the local display.


Selecting Points to Appear on Display Pages

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Naming tab.
5. In the Display Page column for each controller view, select the check box for each point that you want displayed.
Select the All check box to select all points, or clear the check box to clear all points.
Note: If you intend to select a point for the Idle page, you must first select it for the Display page.
Note: Inputs and outputs used to interface the Occupancy Status to a Network Sensor, or the Integrated Actuator
settings for Minimum Position and Stroke Time on a VAV Box Controller cannot be selected for use in
the Local Controller Display. Selecting the All check box in the Display Page column selects all items
available for display while leaving the unavailable items cleared.
6. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.

Selecting Points to Appear on Idle Page

The Idle Page column point selection and order are shown on the display when no activity has occurred on the
Display for a period of time.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Naming tab.
5. Under the Idle Page column for each controller view, select the check box for each point that you want displayed.
Select the All check box to select all points, or clear the check box to clear all points.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring the Local Controller Display 246

Note: You cannot select a point for the Idle Page unless it is already selected in the Display Page column. Also,
clearing a point from the Display Page column clears it under the Idle Page and Read Only columns.
6. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.

Specifying User Names and Descriptions

When you modify user names for the Display, the changes also apply to and appear in the Tool.
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Naming tab.
5. Under the User Name column for the point name you want to specify, double-click the cell and type a new name.
Note: Click outside of the cell for the change to take effect.
6. Under the Description column for the desired point description, double-click the cell and type a new description.
The description is limited to a maximum of 40 characters.
Note: Click outside of the cell for the change to take effect.
Note: The primary use of the Description is for the Display. The Description field is generally not used in the
7. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.
Note: The changes you made to the User Name appear in the user interface after you click Apply. The changes
appear at the Local Controller Display after the download.

Selecting Points for Read-Only Display

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Naming tab.
5. Under the Read Only column for each controller view, select the check box for each point that you want to
configure as read-only. Points marked as read-only cannot be commanded with the controller. Select the All
check box to select all points, or clear the check box to clear all points.
Note: You cannot select a point under the Read Only column unless it is already selected under the Display
Page column. Also, clearing a point from the Display Page column clears it under the Idle Page and Read
Only columns.
6. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.

Defining Display Page Display Order

To define Display page display order:
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Naming tab.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring the Local Controller Display 247

5. To move a point up in the list, select the point and click the up arrow. The point moves up one row. Repeat this
step until the point is at the desired location.
6. To move a point down in the list, select the point and click the down arrow. The point moves down one row.
Repeat this step until the point is at the desired location.
Note: To move a group of items together (group select), drag the mouse across the items you want to move,
and then click the up arrow or down arrow.
7. When satisfied with the display order, click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This
change becomes effective after you download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application
to the Display Device.

Defining Idle Page Display Order

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Naming tab.
5. Click Define Idle Order. The Define Idle Order dialog box appears with the current list of points.
6. To move a point up in the list, select the point and click the up arrow. The point moves up one row. Repeat this
step until the point is at the desired location.
7. To move a point down in the list, select the point and click the down arrow. The point moves down one row.
Repeat this step until the point is at the desired location.
Note: To move a group of items together (group select), drag the mouse across the items you want to move,
and then click the up arrow or down arrow.
8. When satisfied with the display order, click OK. The Local Controller Display Configuration screen returns.
9. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.

Specifying Local Controller Display Settings

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Setup tab. The setup options appear.
5. In the Display area, click the drop-down box to select a Contrast level value.
6. In the Display area, click the drop-down box to select a Backlight Intensity setting value.
7. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.

Specifying Display Timeout Settings

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display widget.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Setup tab. The setup options appear.
5. In the Timeout Settings area, click the drop-down box to select an Idle Page Timeout value.
6. In the Timeout Settings area, click the drop-down box to select a Backlight Timeout value.
7. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.
Controller Tool Help: Configuring the Local Controller Display 248
Defining Display Authorization
1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Select the Display tab in the Features panel. The Display tab appears.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Setup tab. The setup options appear.
5. In the Authorization area, configure access to the display as follows:
• Select Disabled to disable password access to the display. The Password fields are disabled.
• Select Local to enable password access. Enter a password in the Password field, and then enter it again in
the Re-enter Password field.
Note: Valid characters are uppercase letters A through Z and numbers 0 to 9. The password can range
from 1 to 32 characters in length.
6. Click Apply. The Local Controller Display configuration is saved. This change becomes effective after you
download the application to the controller. See Downloading the Application to the Display Device.


Downloading the Application to the Display Device

After making the desired changes in the Display Tab dialog box, you need to download the application to the controller
with the Display for the changes to become effective. Use the Load Device Wizard to perform the download. See
the Loading Devices section for details.

Downloading the Main Code of the Display Device

When updated Local Controller Display code becomes available, you can use the Load Device Wizard to perform
a main code download. See the Loading Devices section for details.


Display Tab
The Display tab is split into two tabs: Naming (Table 99) and Setup (Table 100). The Naming tab allows you to
configure which of the defined Inputs, Outputs, and Parameters you wish to show in the Local Controller Display.
The Setup tab allows you to configure the display, timeout, and authorization settings.
Table 99: Naming Tab
Field Description
Apply Applies the changes and exits the Edit mode.
Cancel Exits the Edit mode without applying the changes.
Inputs and Provides a scrollable list of inputs (sensors) and outputs (control points) defined by the application. The default
Outputs order is alphabetical.
Parameters and Provides a scrollable list of BACnet exposed elements for all modules within the application. This list is
Setpoints identical to what is shown in the Parameters table. It also includes any network inputs or outputs defined by
the system. The default order is alphabetical. You can re-order this list using the up arrow and down arrow
buttons. If you select to show one or more items, the selected items appear at the top of the list the next time
you click the Display tab.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring the Local Controller Display 249

Table 99: Naming Tab
Field Description
Tables Provides Inputs, Outputs, and Parameters and Setpoints data in table format. The tables contain five columns
(Columns) of data:
• User Name- Use this column to edit the default names given by the application. If you use a blank or
empty user name, that object is not available on the display. The specified user name appears in the
user interface of your browser when the controller is added as a monitored device under a supervisory
controller. The changes you made to the User Name appear in the Control View after you click Apply.
The changes appear at the Local Controller Display after the download.
• Display Page- Use this column to select which items to show in the Local Controller Display. The Display
Page box must be selected for an item in order to enable the Idle Page and Read Only selections for the
item. Some Inputs and Outputs cannot be selected for display as they cannot be viewed on the Local
Controller Display.
• Idle Page- Use this column to select which items to show while the Local Controller Display is in idle
mode. The Local Controller Display is in idle mode when no one is logged onto the Display. The Idle
Mode page cycles through the selected items in the order they are arranged. You can define this order
by clicking the Define Idle Order button. The Idle Page option is disabled for any item that is not selected
in the Display Page column.
• Read Only- Use this column to select which items should be marked as read-only on the display. The
values of items selected for read-only can be viewed but not commanded. The Read Only option is
disabled for any item that is not selected in the Display Page column.
• Description- Use this column to enter or modify the description for an item. The description is limited to
40 characters in length. The description appears in user interface of your browser when the controller is
added as a monitored device under a supervisory controller.
Table Details Three dots are appended to the names of items that are not fully shown in the window. Resize the column
to view the item in its entirety. The tool then retains the new size of the column for the next time the Display
tab window is opened. Also, the cells in the columns provide a tooltip that displays the full name of the item,
which shows long item names without resizing the column.
Note: A tooltip appears when you place your cursor over an item in the User Name column of the
Parameter/Setpoint View, Input, and Output table. In the Parameter/Setpoint View table, it displays
the fully qualified name.(Parent Name.User Name). The same tooltip appears when you place your
cursor over an item in the Description column of the Parameter/Setpoint View table. When you place
your cursor over the Input and Output tables, the User Name column displays the fully qualified user
name. The same tooltip appears when you place your cursor over an item in the Description column
of the Input and Output table.
Each column header contains the All check box. Selecting this check box selects all the items in the column
for that category. Clearing this check box removes the check boxes from all the items in the column.
To reposition the order of items as they appear within a category, use the up arrow and down arrow buttons.
Select the item you want to reposition, then click the up arrow to move it one position above or click the down
arrow to move it one position below. To move a group of items together (group select), hold down and slide
the mouse across the items you want to move, then click the up arrow or down arrow. These buttons are
disabled if no items are selected.

Table 100: Setup Tab

Field Description
Apply Applies the changes and exits the Edit mode.
Cancel Exits the Edit mode without applying the changes.
Display Settings Defines the contrast percentage and backlight intensity value for the display using drop-down menus:
• Contrast- 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 90%
• Backlight Intensity- Off, Dim, Medium, or Bright

Controller Tool Help: Configuring the Local Controller Display 250

Table 100: Setup Tab
Field Description
Timeout Settings Sets the idle page timeout and backlight timeout values used by the display using drop-down menus:
• Idle Page Timeout- 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour
• Backlight Timeout- 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours
Authorization Enables or disables password access to the display. The choices are Disabled or Local.
If you select Disabled, the password fields in this window are disabled and a password is not
required to use the Local Controller Display.
If you select Local, the password fields are enabled and the specified password is required to access
the Local Controller Display. Asterisk characters (*) are shown to hide a password as it is entered.
Acceptable characters are uppercase letters A to Z and numbers 0 to 9. Lowercase letters convert
to uppercase characters when typed. The maximum password length is 40 characters.

Define Idle Order

Table 101: Define Idle Order Dialog Box
Field Description
Idle View Displays the current sort order of the items on the Idle page.
Note: A tooltip appears when you place your cursor over an item in the list, displaying the
fully qualified name (Parent Name.User Name).
Use the up arrow and down arrow buttons to reorder the list of items. The group select
option for moving items is also available in this window.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Help Icon Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Configuring the Local Controller Display 251

Simulating a System
Simulation mode allows you to test your logic. When you enter Simulation mode, the Simulation dialog box appears
allowing you to set startup values for the simulation session. Simulation mode allows you to see your system as
though it were in Commissioning mode.


Simulation Overview
When you simulate your system, you are in the Test Mode. You can set the simulation speed (1-10) and the default
values for Miscellaneous Inputs, Network Inputs, and Inputs. Simulation speed allows processes like time delays
on Binary Outputs (BO) or Stroke Times on Actuators to run 10 times as fast. For example, a 60-second delay timer
runs in 12 seconds if the simulation time is set to 5.
Use the startup values to modify the defaulted starting points for all the Miscellaneous Inputs, Network Inputs, and
Inputs. The startup values display the values that the Miscellaneous Inputs, Network Inputs, and Inputs use in the
system because they are not connected to physical hardware. Once simulation is running, you can command the
values to see how the system behaves.
Note: Define hardware before attempting to simulate your system. If you do not define the hardware, the system
uses the smallest controller, and the controller’s capacity may not be accurate.

When you start a simulation, you can enable debugging functionality to validate your logic. When you enable
debugging, the Simulation Debugging dialog box appears. The Simulation Debugging dialog box allows you to define
break conditions, stop the simulation (Break), start the simulation after a break (Go), command the control sequence
to execute once (Single Step), or command the control sequence to advance 1 second.

Break Conditions
Break conditions are conditions that you set up to prompt the simulation to automatically stop (break) if the system
reaches the break condition. Setting up break conditions allow you to pause the simulation session based on your
preset break conditions and view the status of your logic when the break condition is reached. By setting up break
conditions, you can look at possible problems as they occur and troubleshoot programs as you write them. For
example, you can set up a discharge air temperature to stop the simulation if the temperature exceeds 80 degrees.


Starting Simulation
1. Click Simulate. The Simulation dialog box appears.
2. In the Startup Value section, select the simulation parameters or attributes.
3. In the Speed x Realtime section, select the speed of the simulation. You can select between 1 (real time) and
10 (ten times real time).
4. In the Debugging section, select the Enable check box to enable the debugging functionality. Clear the Enable
check box to disable the debugging functionality.
Note: If you enable debugging, the Simulation Debugging dialog box appears once the simulation is started.
5. Click OK.
Note: When simulating a VAV box, verify SA-VP is set to zero. Once Autocalibration is complete, the SA-VP
can be increased to simulate airflow.

Stopping Simulation
1. Click Configure. The Simulation Exit - Confirmation dialog box appears.

Controller Tool Help: Simulating a System 252

2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to stop simulation.
3. If you made changes during the Simulation session, a second Confirm dialog box appears.
4. Click Yes if you want to apply the changes you made during the simulation session or No to discard the changes.

Viewing and Modifying Parameters

You can view and modify parameters or attributes in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning
mode. See Viewing and Modifying Parameters in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Viewing the State Table

During a commissioning or simulation session, the state table displays the active State Generation Module and
shows the active state in each associated column of the Output Controllers. While a simulation session is running,
Network Inputs to the State Generators can be overridden, and the results of the overrides to the Output Controllers
can be seen in the state table view.
If you are using the Classic view, click the State Tables tab. If you are using a Perspective, add or view the State
Tables widget.

Viewing Connections
You can view connections in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. In Simulation
mode, the values are shown in real time rather than defaults. See Viewing and Modifying Connections in the
Configuring a System section for more information.

Viewing and Modifying Details

You can view and modify Details in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See
Viewing and Modifying Details in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Showing and Hiding Involvement

You can show and hide involvement in the Simulation mode, Commissioning mode, and Configuration mode. See
Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Commanding Items
Note: For steps on commanding Network Inputs or Network Outputs, see Commanding Network Inputs and Network

1. Right-click an item that can be viewed and modified and select Commands. The right-click menu appears.
2. Select the Attribute from the Attribute drop-down menu.
3. Click the browse button next to Attribute Command to open the parameter or attribute’s specific command dialog
4. Do one of the following:
a. Select Test, enter a test value for the command, and click OK.
b. Select Restore to restore the value to the default and click OK.
c. Click Cancel to cancel the command.
The Command details appear in the Details area of the dialog box.
5. Click Send to issue the command and close the dialog box. Or, click Cancel to close the dialog box without
issuing a command.

Commanding Network Inputs and Network Outputs

1. Right-click a Network Input or Network Output and select Commands.

Controller Tool Help: Simulating a System 253

2. Enter the Test value or select Restore to restore the value to the default.
3. Click OK. The Commands details dialog box appears with the Test value in the Details area.
4. Select Enable or Disable.
5. Click Send to send the command and close the dialog box, or click Cancel to close the dialog box without sending
the command.

Viewing Logic
To view logic in the Classic view, click the Logic tab from the user interface. If you are viewing a perspective, add
or view the Logic View widget.
Note: If the Logic View widget is already in the perspective, you can also right-click a module containing logic that
can be viewed and modified. The right-click menu appears. Select View Logic. The Logic View appears and
displays the logic diagram for that module.
You can pan and zoom in the logic view in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode.
See Panning and Zooming in the Configuring a System section for more information.
You can print in these modes as well. See Printing the Logic Diagram in the Configuring a System section for more

Viewing and Modifying Details

You can view and modify details in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See
Viewing and Modifying Parameters in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Working with the Simulation Debugging Console

Use the Simulation Debugging dialog box to troubleshoot your system, validate your logic, and set up break conditions.
The Simulation Debugging dialog box appears when you first start Simulation mode. Once you have defined a break
condition, you can view this dialog box by clicking the Settings menu and selecting Show Simulation Debug Console.
Note: The Simulation Debugging dialog box does not appear if you did not enable debugging when you started the
simulation. For more information, see Starting Simulation.

In Simulation mode, do one of the following:

• Click Break to manually stop the simulation.
• Click Go to resume the simulation after it has stopped. A simulation can stop either by manually stopping the
simulation (clicking Break) or if a break condition has occurred.
• Click Single Step to command the control sequence to execute one time.
• Click Advance 1 Second to command the control sequence to advance 1 second.

Working with Break Conditions

Break conditions are conditions that you set up to prompt the simulation to automatically stop (break) if the system
reaches the break condition that you specify.

Adding a Break Condition

1. In the Simulation Debugging dialog box, click Add. The Break Conditions dialog box appears.
2. To enable the break condition, select the Enable check box. To disable the break condition, clear the Enable
check box. If you do not disable a break condition, the system continues to stop (break) when the condition is
hit and prevents your ability to let the application execute.
Note: When a break condition is reached during a simulation, the user has the option to click Disable in the
dialog box that appears. If the user clicks Disable, then the Enable check box is cleared.

Controller Tool Help: Simulating a System 254

3. To add a break condition point, do the following:
a. Click Browse. The Select Reference screen appears.
b. Select the object and attribute that you want.
c. Click OK.
Note: The default setting shows only BACnet exposed points. To show all points, click Show All.
4. Fill in the remaining fields to define the break condition. The fields may vary (for example, numeric or enumeration)
depending on the object you select.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Apply.

Removing a Break Condition

In the Simulation Debugging dialog box, select the break condition you want to remove and click Remove. The break
condition is removed.

Viewing and Modifying Break Condition Details

1. In the Simulation Debugging dialog box, select the break condition you want to view and click Details.
Note: You can also double-click the break condition to view the Break Condition Details screen.
2. To modify or enable the break condition, select the Enable check box. To disable the break condition, clear the
Enable check box.
3. To change the break condition object or attribute, do the following:
a. Click Browse. The Select Reference screen appears.
b. Select the object that you want.
c. Click OK.
Note: The default setting shows only BACnet exposed points. To show all points, click Show All.

This section describes screens specific to the Simulation mode. For information on screens that appear in both the
Simulation mode and the Configuration mode, see the Configuring a System section for more information.

Simulation Screen
See the Starting Simulation section.
Table 102: Simulation Parameters
Field Description
Startup Value Displays the startup values for the inputs of the application.
Item Displays the name of the item.
Value Displays the item’s starting value.
Units Displays the item’s starting units.
Speed x Realtime Allows you to indicate the speed of the simulation. The speed range is 1–10 times
real time.
Debugging Indicates if you want to enable the debugging functionality while in Simulation mode.
Starting Simulation Engine Status Bar Indicates the progress of entering Simulation mode.
OK Starts simulation and closes the dialog box.

Controller Tool Help: Simulating a System 255

Table 102: Simulation Parameters
Field Description
Cancel Closes the screen without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Command Dialog Box

See the Commanding Items and Commanding Network Inputs and Network Outputs sections.
Table 103: Command Dialog Box
Field Description
Attribute Command Allows you to enter a value to send a test or restore the value.
Attribute Allows you to choose the attribute to command from the drop-down list box.
Details Shows the value entered for the test command.
Test Allows you to test a value for the command.
Value Allows you to enter the value for the test.
Restore Restores the value to the default.
OK Opens a second screen with more command choices based on your selections.
Cancel Closes the screen without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Break Conditions Dialog Box

See the Working with Break Conditions section.
Table 104: Break Condition Details Screen
Field Description
Active Indicates if the break condition is active.
Enable Indicates if the break condition is enabled.
Note: When a break condition appears during a simulation,
the user has the option to click Disable in the dialog box
that appears. If the user clicks Disable, then the Enable
check box is cleared.
OK Saves and closes the Break Condition Details screen.
Cancel Closes the screen without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Simulating a System 256

Simulation Debugging Dialog Box
See the Working with the Simulation Debugging Console section.
Table 105: Simulation Debugging Dialog Box
Field Description
Go Starts the simulation after a break occurs.
Break Manually stops the simulation.
Single Step Commands the control sequence to execute once.
Advance 1 Second Commands the control sequence to advance 1 second.
Break Conditions
Break Conditions Panel Displays existing break conditions.
Add Allows you to add a break condition and opens the Break
Conditions dialog box.
Remove Allows you to remove a break condition.
Details Allows you to view details about a break condition.
Opens the Help system.

Simulation Exit - Confirmation Dialog Box

See the Stopping Simulation section.
The Simulation Exit - Confirmation dialog box appears when attempting to exit the Simulation mode. A second
Confirm dialog box appears prompting you to save your changes, if any were made.

Controller Tool Help: Simulating a System 257

Defining Hardware
You can define hardware by using the Define Hardware dialog box. You can complete the following tasks:
• define the hardware, map points, and define network settings for the system
• manage the device packages that are installed in the tool
• define the default devices for each system type
• create, remove, modify, and view application point mapping for a Serial N2 Slave object in a controller


Hardware Definition Tabs

The Define Hardware dialog box includes six tabs that can be viewed and edited in any order.
Controller Selection
The controller selection tab is where you select field and SA bus devices for your defined application.
Point Assignment
The point assignment tab is where you assign the applications input and output points to specific hardware locations
on the field and SA bus devices.
Network Settings
The Network Settings tab is where you create hardware device addresses for the field and SA bus devices.
Packages contain the firmware for each hardware device, which can be assigned to applications you create. After
installing or upgrading the tool, you can add all the available packages included with the media and then manage
the package files during your initial session in the tool.
This tab is available when the application is first launched. You are allowed to manage the required packages for
your specific market or application needs. This tab is also used to deliver updated or new package files via an import
function. This import capability allows you to update the available hardware family without the need to re-release
the entire tool.
Note: The Packages tab does not permit uninstalling package files when a CAF file is open.
Default Controllers
Once packages have been established in your tool environment, use the Default Controller tab to select which
controllers are applied by default to a system type. Like the Packages tab, this function is available when the
application is first launched.
If no packages are added to your tool environment, an Artificial I/O Device or Artificial Field Device default package
is automatically assigned to a System Type so that you can still create and simulate an application.
Note: In previous releases of the tool, the default controller functionality was in the Tools menu bar.
N2 Mapping
The N2 Mapping tab is used to create, remove, modify, and view application point mapping for an N2 compatible
controller. See the N2 Compatibility Options chapter for more information.

Hardware Considerations
When you define your hardware, keep the following points in mind about the following device types. In addition to
these considerations, note that these devices are SAB devices.
Network Sensors (Network Duct Sensors, Network Zone Sensors, Network CO2 Sensors)

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 258

During the System Selection process, the Temperature Sensor functions can be defaulted to use Network Sensors
based on naming and signal preference settings. The points do not count towards the Hardware Slot Summary
calculation. The Network Sensor shows up as an SA Bus device in Network Settings tab of the Hardware Definition
dialog box (where you can set the address). The wireless sensor begins with address 199 and increments up as
you add new wireless sensors (for example 199, 200, 201, and so on). Each address listed for a NetSensor device
must match the DIP Switch setting for the installed sensor. Refer to the device documentation for further details.
Wireless Sensors
Wireless Sensors are considered Network Zone Sensor SA Bus devices in the tool. A Wireless Sensor uses the
same address and configuration options as the Network Zone Sensor (NetZoneSensor).
Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assemblies
The Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assemblies are considered Network Zone
Sensor SA Bus devices in the tool. The transmitter and probe assembly uses the same address and configuration
options as the Network Zone Sensor (NetZoneSensor); however, you can monitor the temperature of up to four
coolers or four freezers or a combination of both.
Network VSDs
During the System Selection process, the key points for variable speed fans or pumps (also referred to as Variable
Speed Drives [VSDs] or Variable Frequency Drives [VFDs]) can be defaulted to use Network VSDs based on naming
and signal preference settings. The points do not count towards the Hardware Slot Summary calculation. The Network
VSD shows up as an SA Bus device in Network Settings tab of the Hardware Definition dialog box (where you can
set the address).
Note: You also can change the signal type of the VSD points after system selection. Then the VSD is automatically
added to the hardware.
VAV Box Controller Hardware for Integrated Flow and Integrated Actuators
The VAV Box Controller hardware sets Integrated Digital Velocity Pressure and the Supply Damper Actuator. The
points show up in the System Requires column of the Hardware Slot Summary table (located on the Controller
Selection tab). During the Point Assignment setup, these points are automatically assigned to the correct slots in
the VAV Box Controller.


Defining Hardware
This section includes Selecting a Device (Controller Selection Tab), Assigning Points (Point Assignment Tab),
Defining Network Settings (Network Settings Tab), and working with packages (Adding Packages Automatically and
Managing Packages Manually (Packages Tab)). For information on N2 Mapping, see the N2 Compatibility Options

Selecting a Device (Controller Selection Tab)

You must have an application (CAF file) open to select a device.
1. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box opens with the Controller Selection tab active.
2. Click Select next to the Field Device row. The Field Device dialog box appears.
3. Select the desired field device and click OK. The Add Device dialog box appears.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 259

Note: If the application you are in contains objects that the selected controller does not support, a Controller
selection dialog box appears warning you that the objects will be deleted. This dialog box appears in one
of the two following scenarios. One of the scenarios is when objects are deleted (like trends and schedules).
These objects exist outside of the Control Sequence. The other scenario is when objects that the tool
does not delete exist in the application. These objects exist inside the Control Sequence and affect the
behavior of the application.
4. Enter a device name and click OK. The device name appears in the Field Device text box.
5. Verify the devices you selected meet the requirements of the selected system in the Hardware Slot Summary.
If any of the fields are red, then you need to add an I/O Module to support the System Selection.
6. Click Add Device next to the SA Bus Devices section. The SA Bus Device Selection Dialog Box appears. Different
steps apply to the different devices. Follow the steps listed here for the specific device type to add.
For an I/O Module device:
a. Select the I/O Module device and click OK. The Add Devices screen appears.
b. If necessary, enter a new device name, quantity, and starting index and click OK. The Controller Selection
tab within the Hardware Definition screen appears with the selected device in the SA Bus Devices text box.
For a Local Controller Display:
Note: A Local Controller Display is always defined for the system and cannot be removed. You cannot have
more than one Local Controller Display in the system.
For a Network Sensor device (Network Duct Sensor, Network Zone Sensor, Network CO2Sensor):
a. Select the Network Sensor device and click OK. The Add Devices dialog box appears.
b. Select the check boxes next to the applications you want and click OK. The Controller Selection tab within
the Hardware Definition screen appears with the selected device in the SA Bus Devices text box.
Note: An error appears if you choose to add a Network Sensor to a device that already has points specified.
For example, you cannot add two SAB Duct Net Sensor Devices for a Discharge Air application.
For a Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assembly device (Network Zone
Note: Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assemblies are considered Network
Zone Sensors. You can monitor the temperature of up to four coolers or four freezers or a combination
of both.
a. Select the Network Zone Sensor device and click OK. The Add Devices dialog box appears.
b. Select the check boxes next to the Cooler X or Freezer X (where X is 1-4) applications you want and click
OK. The Controller Selection tab within the Hardware Definition screen appears with the selected device in
the SA Bus Devices text box.
For a Wireless Sensor device (Network Zone Sensor):
Note: Wireless Sensors are considered Network Zone Sensors.
a. Select the Network Zone Sensor device and click OK. The Add Devices dialog box appears.
b. Select the check boxes next to the applications you want and click OK. The Controller Selection tab within
the Hardware Definition screen appears with the selected device in the SA Bus Devices text box.
For a Network VSD/VFD device:
a. Select the Network VSD device and click OK. The Add Devices dialog box appears.
b. Select the check boxes next to the applications you want and click OK. The Controller Selection tab within
the Hardware Definition screen appears with the selected device in the SA Bus Devices text box.
For a Romutec I/O Module device:
a. Select the Romutec I/O Module device and click OK. The Add Devices dialog box appears.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 260

b. If necessary, enter a new device name, quantity, and starting index, and click OK. The Controller Selection
tab within the Hardware Definition screen appears with the selected device in the SA Bus Devices text box.
Note: After completing all of the steps in the Hardware Definition screen, update the signal for the Romutec I/O
Module. To change the signal, right-click the input in the Control View or Inputs list of your Perspective,
and select Modify Signal. Choose the proper signal that begins with RT (for example, RT 0-10VDC or RT
7. If necessary, add points to the SA Bus Device. See Adding Points to an SA Bus Device.
8. Click Close to close the screen.

Adding Points to an SA Bus Device

You can only add points to an SA Bus device if the device is a Network Sensor (Network Duct Sensor, Network
Zone Sensor, or Network CO2Sensor), Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assembly
(Network Cooler/Freezer Sensor), Wireless Sensor (Network Zone Sensor), or a Network VSD.
To add points to an SA bus device:
1. In the SA Bus Devices section of the Controller Selection tab, select the device you want to add points to.
2. Click Add Points. The Add Points dialog box appears.
3. Select the check boxes next to the points you want and click OK. The tool adds the points to the device.

Deleting an SA Bus Device

1. In the SA Bus Devices section of the Controller Selection tab, select the device you want to delete.
2. Click Delete. A confirmation screen appears.
3. Click Yes.

Assigning Points (Point Assignment Tab)

The Point Assignment screen appears when you select the Point Assignment tab in the Define Hardware dialog
box. (see Selecting a Device (Controller Selection Tab)).
The tool automatically assigns the points based on the selections made in the Controller Selection tab. Points that
it could not assign appear in the Unassigned Points list. You need to assign the points in the Unassigned Points list.
Note: SA Bus devices are not part of the point assignment process. See Adding Points to an SA Bus Device.
You must have an application (CAF file) open to assign points.
Note: You may also need to reassign points after you change hardware. If you change hardware, verify that your
point assignments have not changed.
1. In the Define Hardware dialog box, select the Point Assignment tab.
2. Assign your points. Use the right arrow to assign a point to an object. Use the left arrow to unassign a point from
an object. Use drag-and-drop functionality to move a point up and down the Assigned Points list.
Note: The slider bar between the Unassigned Points and Assigned Points lists has left and right arrows allowing
you to achieve the desired view. Click the arrows to show/hide the lists. If you click the slider bar and
drag it to the desired location, clicking the left/right arrows returns the view to the location you moved the
slider bar. Clicking the left/right arrows a second time shows/hides the entire list.
Note: An alert message appears if you attempt to move a point to an invalid location and the point remains in
its original location.
3. Click Close.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 261

Defining Network Settings (Network Settings Tab)
The Network Settings screen appears when you select the Network Settings tab in the Define Hardware dialog box.
(see Assigning Points (Point Assignment Tab)).
You must have an application (CAF file) open to define network settings.
1. In the Define Hardware dialog box, select the Network Settings tab.
2. Review and modify the settings, if needed.
Note: The Local Display (Local Controller Display) Address is always set to 3 and cannot be modified.
Note: The SAB Device Settings table does not allow you to enter duplicate device addresses. An alert message
appears if you type an address assigned to another device.
Note: Click Advanced to select the BACnet Encoding Type and Baud Rate parameters.
3. Click Close to close the dialog box.

Adding Packages Automatically

If your system has new or updated packages, a Package Installation dialog box may appear when you open the
Note: If the Package Installation dialog box does not appear at startup, then either your system does not require
updated packages or your system preferences are not set to inform you of new packages.
1. Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new or updated packages.
2. Click Yes. All new and updated packages are added to your system.
Note: Package files for wireless devices do not automatically install when you upgrade from Release 10.0 to
Release 10.1. You must install these package files manually. See Installing Selected Packages.
Note: To ignore the Package Installation dialog box so that you can do other tasks in the tool, click Ignore.

Managing Packages Manually (Packages Tab)

If your system has new or updated packages, a Package Installation dialog box may appear when you open the
Tool. You can manually add packages or set package installation preferences if you click Manage Manually in this
dialog box. When you click Manage Manually, the Define Hardware dialog box appears with only the Packages and
Default Controller tab. Use these tabs to manually add packages, remove packages, or set package preferences to
your system.
Note: At any time, you can also manage packages (even if you have an application open) by clicking Define
Note: If the Package Installation dialog box does not appear at startup, then either your system does not require
updated packages or your system preferences are not set to inform you of new packages.
Note: Package files for wireless devices do not automatically install when you upgrade from Release 10.0 to Release
10.1. You must install these package files manually. See Installing Selected Packages.

Installing All Packages

When you manage packages in the Define Hardware dialog box, you can install all packages at once.
1. Do one of the following:

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 262

Option Result
Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the
or updated packages. Packages tab and the Default Controller tab.
Click Manage Manually.
Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears. If you have an
application open, all hardware definition tabs appear. If you
do not have an application open, only the Packages and
Default Controller tab appear.

2. On the Packages tab, click Install All. The system installs all the packages from the Not Installed list on the
left pane of the dialog box. The packages, once installed, move to the Installed list on the right pane of the dialog
Note: If you have the Ignored check box selected for a package, the system does not install the package.
Note: Package files for wireless devices do not automatically install when you upgrade from Release 10.0 to
Release 10.1. You must install these package files manually. See Installing Selected Packages.
3. If necessary, click Refresh to display your changes.

Installing All New Packages

When you manage packages in the Define Hardware dialog box, you can install all new packages at once.
1. Do one of the following:

Option Result
Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the
or updated packages. Packages tab and the Default Controller tab.
Click Manage Manually.
Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears. If you have an
application open, all hardware definition tabs appear. If you
do not have an application open, only the Packages and
Default Controller tab appear.

2. On the Packages tab, click Install New. The system installs all the new packages from the Not Installed
list on the left pane of the dialog box. The packages, once installed, move to the Installed list on the right pane
of the dialog box.
Note: If you have the Ignored check box selected for a package, the system does not install the package.
3. If necessary, click Refresh to display your changes.

Installing Upgrade Packages

When you manage packages in the Define Hardware dialog box, you can install all upgrade packages at once.
Note: Package files for wireless devices do not automatically install when you upgrade from Release 10.0 to Release
10.1. You must install these package files manually. See Installing Selected Packages.
1. Do one of the following:

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 263

Option Result
Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the
or updated packages. Packages tab and the Default Controller tab.
Click Manage Manually.
Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears. If you have an
application open, all hardware definition tabs appear. If you
do not have an application open, only the Packages and
Default Controller tab appear.

2. On the Packages tab, click Install Upgrades. The system installs all the upgrade packages from the
Not Installed list on the left pane of the dialog box. The packages, once installed, move to the Installed list on
the right pane of the dialog box and replace existing packages with the same name.
Note: If you have the Ignored check box selected for a package, the system does not install the package.
3. If necessary, click Refresh to display your changes.

Installing Selected Packages

When you manage packages in the Define Hardware dialog box, you can install the selected packages that you
1. Do one of the following:

Option Result
Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the
or updated packages. Packages tab and the Default Controller tab.
Click Manage Manually.
Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears. If you have an
application open, all hardware definition tabs appear. If you
do not have an application open, only the Packages and
Default Controller tab appear.

2. On the Packages tab, select the packages you want from the Not Installed list on the left pane of the dialog box.
3. Click Install Selection. The packages, once installed, move to the Installed list on the right pane of the dialog
4. If necessary, click Refresh to display your changes.

Removing All Packages

When you manage packages in the Define Hardware dialog box, you can remove all packages in the Installed list.
Note: You cannot remove packages if you have an application open.
Note: You cannot remove the DIS1710 package. This package is included in the installation of the Tool and cannot
be deleted.
1. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the Packages tab and the Default
Controller tab.
2. On the Packages tab, click Uninstall All. The packages, once uninstalled, move to the Not Installed list on
the left pane of the dialog box.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 264

Note: Uninstalled packages automatically are set as Ignored. To clear the Ignored setting, select Show Ignored
and clear the Ignored check box next to each package you want to clear.
3. If necessary, click Refresh to display your changes.

Removing Selected Packages

When you manage packages in the Define Hardware dialog box, you can remove the selected packages that you
Note: You cannot remove packages if you have an application open.
Note: You cannot remove the DIS1710 package. This package is included in the installation of the Tool and cannot
be deleted.
1. Do one of the following:

Option Result
Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the
or updated packages. Packages tab and the Default Controller tab.
Click Manage Manually.
Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears. If you have an
application open, all hardware definition tabs appear. If you
do not have an application open, only the Packages and
Default Controller tab appear.

2. On the Packages tab, select the packages you want from the Installed list on the right pane of the dialog box.
3. Click Uninstall Selection. The packages, once uninstalled, move to the Not Installed list on the left pane of
the dialog box.
Note: Uninstalled packages automatically are set as Ignored. To clear the Ignored setting, select Show Ignored
and clear the Ignored check box next to the package.
4. If necessary, click Refresh to display your changes.

Ignoring Packages
If necessary, you can mark packages that you do not want to use as Ignored.
1. Do one of the following:

Option Result
Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the
or updated packages. Packages tab and the Default Controller tab.
Click Manage Manually.
Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears. If you have an
application open, all hardware definition tabs appear. If you
do not have an application open, only the Packages and
Default Controller tab appear.

2. On the Packages tab, locate the package or packages you want to ignore in the Not Installed list on the left pane
of the dialog box.
3. Select the Ignored check box next to each package.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 265

Note: To select all packages, right-click the Ignored column and click Select All. To deselect all packages,
right-click the Ignored column and click Deselect All.
4. To view ignored packages, select the Show Ignored check box. To hide ignored packages, clear the Show
Ignored check box.

Setting the Check for Packages at Startup Preference

If desired, you can set the startup preference to display a dialog box indicating if new or updated packages are found.
1. Do one of the following:

Option Result
Open the Tool. A dialog box asks if you want to add new The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the
or updated packages. Packages tab and the Default Controller tab.
Click Manage Manually.
Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears. If you have an
application open, all hardware definition tabs appear. If you
do not have an application open, only the Packages and
Default Controller tab appear.

2. On the Packages tab, select the Check at startup check box if you want a dialog box to appear at startup prompting
users to install new or updated packages. Clear the Check at startup check box if you do not want a dialog box
to appear at startup.

Importing Package Files

You may receive an updated package file that needs to be imported into your machine's package environment. Use
the Import feature to import packages.
1. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears displaying the Packages tab and the Default
Controller tab.
2. On the Packages tab, click Import and navigate to the package file that you want.
3. Click OK.

Defining the Default Controller (Default Controller Tab)

Use the Default Controller tab to select the default device when users select a specific system type in the System
Selection Wizard.
1. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware dialog box appears.
2. Click the Default Controller tab.
3. For each application in the System Type column, select the default controller in the Default Controller column.
Note: If you do not have any field controllers on your instance of the Tool, then Artificial Field Device or
Artificial IO Device appears as the default controller. The Artificial Field Device allows you to work with
an application if you do not have the required hardware packages.
Note: If you change hardware, verify that your point assignments have not changed.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 266

Hardware Definition Tabs
The Hardware Definition dialog box contains the following tabs:
• Controller Selection Tab
• Point Assignment Tab
• Network Settings Tab
• Packages Tab
• Default Controller Tab
• N2 Mapping Tab (found in the N2 Compatibility Options section)

Controller Selection Tab

See the Defining Hardware section.
Table 106: Hardware Definition - Controller Selection Tab
Field Description
Field Device Displays the name of the device.
Select Opens the Field Device Selection Dialog Box to select the device.
SA Bus Devices Lists all the SA Bus Devices assigned to the Field Device.
Add Device Opens the SA Bus Device Selection Dialog Box to select your SA Bus device.
Delete Deletes the selected device from the SA Bus Devices field.
Add Points Opens the Add Points dialog box to add points to your SA Bus device.
Note: You can only add points to an SA Bus device if the device is a Network Sensor (Network
Duct Sensor, Network Zone Sensor, or Network CO2 Sensor), Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer
Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assemblies (Network Cooler/Freezer Sensors),
Wireless Sensor (Network Zone Sensor), or a Network VSD.
Hardware Slot Summary Displays the requirements of the system you select. The Hardware Slot Summary displays the
hardware requirements of the system in the Controller Application File (.caf), the hardware capacity
of the selected devices (Selected Hardware), unused space, and available space (Unused/Available
When the Controller Application File exceeds the capacity of the selected hardware, the field turns
red to indicate an additional hardware device is needed to support System Selections.
Category: Displays the System Requirements, Selected Hardware, and Unused and Available
The Hardware Slot Summary is the summary of points prior to mapping all points.
The Hardware Slot Summary includes the following types:
• UI: Universal Inputs
1, 2

• AI: Analog Inputs

• BI: Binary Inputs
• UO/CO: Universal Outputs/Configurable Outputs

• AO: Analog Outputs


• BO: Binary Outputs


• RO: Relay Outputs

3, 4

For information on signal types used by these points, see Object Naming and Signal Preferences.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 267

Table 106: Hardware Definition - Controller Selection Tab
Field Description
Close Closes the dialog box.
Opens the Help system.

1 The UI is scanned once per second. There may be a delay of up to one second in reading a contact status change.
2 The UI on VAV Box Controllers does not support the 4-20 mA signal.
3 Incremental outputs use two binary hardware slots for opening and closing an actuator.
4 You can use Relay Outputs to drive incremental/floating 3-wire actuators; however, we recommend using triac outputs instead
of Relay Outputs for the following control loop types: VAV Flow Control, Airflow, Airflow%, Airflow Diff, Bldg Static, and Duct

Field Device Selection Dialog Box

See the Defining Hardware section.
Table 107: Field Device Selection Dialog Box
Field Description
Selections Includes information for the following:
• Name: Displays the names of the available selections.
• Description: Displays the description of the available selections.
• Device Type: Displays the type of controller.
• Region: Displays the region of the controller.
• Universal Inputs: Displays the number of universal inputs.
• Analog Inputs: Displays the number of analog inputs.
• Binary Inputs: Displays the number of binary inputs.
• Universal Outputs: Displays the number of universal outputs.
• Analog Outputs: Displays the number of analog outputs.
• Binary Outputs: Displays the number of binary outputs.
• Relay Outputs: Displays the number of relay outputs.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

SA Bus Device Selection Dialog Box

See the Defining Hardware section.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 268

Table 108: SA Bus Device Selection Dialog Box
Field Description
Selections Includes information for the following:
• Name: Displays the names of the available selections.
• Description: Displays the description of the available selections.
• Device Type: Displays the type of controller.
• Region: Displays the region of the controller.
• Universal Inputs: Displays the number of universal inputs.
• Analog Inputs: Displays the number of analog inputs.
• Binary Inputs: Displays the number of binary inputs.
• Universal Outputs: Displays the number of universal outputs.
• Analog Outputs: Displays the number of analog outputs.
• Binary Outputs: Displays the number of binary outputs.
• Relay Outputs: Displays the number of relay outputs.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Add Devices Dialog Box (For I/O Modules)

See the Defining Hardware section.
The Add Devices dialog box appears after you select an I/O Module device to add in the SA Bus Device Selection
dialog box. Use this dialog box to name your device.
Table 109: Add Devices Dialog Box (For I/O Modules)
Field Description
Device Name Displays the device name.
Quantity Allows you to select the number of I/O modules (1 to 5).
Starting Index Allows you to enter the starting index for the I/O Modules you are adding to your
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Add Devices Dialog Box (For NetSensor, NetSensorDuct, NetSensorCO2, and NetVSD)
See the Defining Hardware section.
The Add Devices dialog box appears after you select a Network Sensor (NetDuctSensor, NetZoneSensor, or
NetCO2Sensor), Network Cooler/Freezer Sensor (NetZoneSensor), Wireless Sensor (NetZoneSensor), or Network
VSD (NetVSD) device to add in the SA Bus Device Selection dialog box. Use this dialog box to add applications to
the device.
Note: Wireless Sensors and Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assemblies are
considered Network Zone Sensor SA Bus devices.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 269

Table 110: Add Devices Dialog Box (For NetSensor, NetSensorDuct, NetSensorCO2, and NetVSD)
Field Description
Add Allows you to add applications to the device.
Application Displays the available applications for the device.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Add Points Dialog Box

See the Adding Points to an SA Bus Device section.
Table 111: Add Points Dialog Box
Field Description
Add Allows you to select whether or not to add the point to the device.
Type Displays the point type.
Function Displays the point function.
Data Type Displays the point data type.
OK Applies the changes and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Point Assignment Tab

See the Defining Hardware section.
Note: SA Bus devices are not part of the point assignment process. See Adding Points to an SA Bus Device.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 270

Table 112: Hardware Definition - Point Assignment Tab
Field Description
Unassigned Points Displays all the unassigned points. The object names appear alphabetically.
• Name: Displays the point name.
• Description: Displays the expanded ID for the point.
• Signal: Displays the signal information.
• Data Type: Displays the data type.
• Type: Displays the type information.
Assigned Points Displays all the assigned points. The object names appear alphabetically, including the Object
Name, Expanded ID, Signal, Data Type, and Type.
• Controller Label: Displays the controller information.
• Name: Displays the point name.
• Description: Displays the expanded ID for the point.
• Signals: Displays the signal information.
Note: Select a point and use drag-and-drop functionality to move a point up or down on the list.
An alert message appears if you attempt to move the point to an invalid location and the
point remains in its original location.
Moves the selected point (or points) from the Unassigned Points table to the Assigned Points
Moves the selected point (or points) from the Assigned Points table to the Unassigned Points
Close Closes the dialog box.
Opens the Help system.

Network Settings Tab

See the Defining Hardware section.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 271

Table 113: Hardware Definition - Network Settings Tab
Field Description
Field Device & Bus Displays the information for the selected field device.
• Model: Displays the device model.
• Name: Displays the name you entered in the New Device dialog box.
• Device Address: Displays the address of the field device.
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the BACnet® ID number. This value is the same value
used in the Peer Reference attribute in the Details View.
• Advanced Button: Opens the Advanced dialog box to edit the BACnet Localization and Baud
Rate parameters. See Advanced Dialog Box for details.
SA Bus Device Settings Displays the information for the SA Bus devices.
• Name: Displays the device name.
• Address: Displays the address of the SA Bus device.
Note: The Address listed here for the Cooler/Freezer/Zone NetSensor device must match the
DIP switch setting of the actual installed device. Refer to the device documentation for
further details.
• Type: Displays the hardware component connected to the SA Bus. I/O Modules, Network Sensors
(Network Duct Sensors, Network Zone Sensors, or Network CO2 Sensors), Wireless
Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe Assemblies (Network Cooler/Freezer
Sensors), Wireless Sensors (Network Zone Sensors), and Network VSDs are the available types.
Note: Wireless Sensors and Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature Transmitter and Probe
Assemblies are considered Network Zone Sensors.
Close Closes the dialog box and applies the changes.
Opens the Help system.

Advanced Dialog Box

See the Defining Network Settings (Network Settings Tab) section.
Table 114: Advanced Dialog Box
Field Description
BACnet Encoding Type Allows you to select the file type:
• Unicode: ISO 10646 (UCS-2)
• Japanese code: Microsoft DBCS code page 932 (Japanese Shift JIS)
By default, BACnet Localization is set to Unicode. Unicode is required when controllers are
integrated into a Metasys network. ASCII is required when the controllers are integrated into
a Facility Explorer Supervisory Controller. Japanese code is required for Japanese locales.
Baud Rate Allows you to select the Baud Rate of Auto, 1200, 9600, 19200, 38400, or 76800. This field is
set to Auto by default.
Close Closes the dialog box and applies the changes.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 272

Packages Tab
Table 115: Hardware Definition - Packages Tab
Field Description
Not Installed Displays the packages that are not installed.
Installed Displays the installed packages.
Refreshes the data in the Packages tab.

Indicates all new packages from the Not Installed table except
ignored packages.
Indicates all upgrade packages from the Not Installed table
except ignored packages.
Indicates a package is already installed to the application, and
installing the package with this icon downgrades the field device
Downgrade that is installed due to an older build date/time.
Indicates the installed package does not have a matching file
in the package library. If the package is installed, you need to
Missing obtain the package file from another source.
Indicates the packaged cannot be directly removed. It must be
replaced by another package, whether it is older or newer.
Installs all packages from the Not Installed table except ignored
Install All
Installs the selected packages from the Not Installed table.

Install Selected
Uninstalls the selected packages from the Installed table.

Uninstall Selected Note: To uninstall packages, you must close open

Uninstalls all packages from the Installed table.
Note: To uninstall packages, you must close open
Uninstall All applications.
Import Allows you to import new packages into your machine's package
Check at startup Allows you to set the system to check for packages at startup
or turn the preference off.
Show Ignored Displays ignored packages in the Not Installed table when
checked. Hides the ignored packages in the Not installed table
when not checked.
Close Closes the dialog box.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 273

Package Installation Dialog Box
If your system has new or updated packages, a Package Installation dialog box may appear when you open the
Tool. The dialog box asks if you want to add new or updated packages.
Table 116: Package Installation Dialog Box
Field Description
Yes Indicates that you want to add all new packages.
No Indicates that you do not want to add packages.
Ignore Indicates that you want to ignore the packages and continue
working in the tool.
Manage Manually Allows you to manually add packages or set package installation

Default Controller Tab

Table 117: Hardware Definition - Default Controller Tab
Field Description
System Type Specifies the system type.
Default Controller Indicates the default device used when users select the system
type in the System Selection wizard.
Note: If you do not have any field controllers on your instance
of the Tool, then you must select Artificial Field Device
or Artificial IO Device appears as the default controller.
The Artificial Field Device allows you to work with an
application if you do not have the required hardware
Close Closes the dialog box.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Defining Hardware 274

Loading Devices
The Load Wizard allows you to perform upload and downloads to a device.
The upload and download workflows have changed since previous releases. For example, N2 compatible field
devices require that you perform the process by using the SA bus. Be sure to observe the workflow changes at the
beginning of the Uploading a Device and Downloading a Device sections.


Load Wizard
The Load Wizard allows you to perform uploads and downloads to a device. The Load Wizard determines the network
connection method by the Connections - Ethernet, Bluetooth®, BACnet Router, or ZigBee®.

Upload from Device

You can upload devices using the Load Wizard. You are able to discover available devices or manually specify a
device address.

Download to Device
You can download devices using the Load Wizard.
You can only download fully mapped (hardware assigned) systems. However, you cannot download applications to
ZFR devices.

The Ethernet connection mode allows you to select which Metasys® Network Automation Engine (NAE) to connect
through to perform the operation (also referred to as Metasys Ethernet NAE Passthough).
Note: You do not need to launch the tool through the supervisory device configuration tool or user interface, or
have the supervisory device configuration tool installed to use the Ethernet Passthrough connection. When
the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the supervisory device connection
information is not automatically populated in the tool.
To use an Ethernet connection, enter the device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click
The Bluetooth connection mode allows you to select a local Bluetooth card or a Bluetooth Wireless Commissioning
Converter to connect through to perform the operation.
The BACnet Router connection mode allows you to select a BACnet Router to connect through to perform the
The ZigBee connection mode allows you to select a local ZigBee dongle to connect through to perform the operation.

The boot code is the startup code for the device. The boot code acts like a mini-operating system in the device and
supports the communications necessary to download the main code.
The main code acts like an onboard library and gives the device information on the modules. You need to update
the main code if there is a change to a module (used in the application code). Together the boot code and main
code make up the firmware.
Note: If you need to load main code into an IOM on the SA Bus, it is 1 to 2 minutes (30%) faster per IOM if you are
directly connected to the SA Bus with a Bluetooth connection. The typical download time is 3-1/2 minutes
for an SA Bus download and nearly 5 minutes for an FC Bus connection.

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 275

A radio code load option is available for Wireless Field Bus Routers and repeaters. However, you must edit the file to enable this functionality. This option speeds up the process of upgrading
the code in Wireless Field Bus Routers. Refer to the Wireless Field Bus Routers product documentation for guidelines
on downloading wireless devices. To enable this load option in the tool, see Enabling the Radio Code Load Option.
The radio code is automatically downloaded with the main code when the Wireless Field Bus Router is plugged into
a wirelessly enabled field controller during a download. The radio code download option is required to upgrade a
Wireless Field Bus Router that is used as a repeater, and when the Wireless Field Bus Router version is at a different
version from the boot and main code versions of a controller.
The switch communication mode option switches communication protocols in an MS/TP or N2 controller for
compatibility with the FC bus.
The application code tells the device the actual code/sequence and priorities of the control strategy created in the
tool (for example, definitions of the Inputs, Outputs, Control Logic, and Network variables).

Code Download Order

When upgrading devices from one release to the next, you must download the boot code before the main code and
application code to successfully upgrade the firmware and application. If you do not download boot code first,
the Master-Slave/Token-Passing (MS/TP) device may become inoperable.
Note: In some instances, the upgrade does not proceed unless the boot code is downloaded first, regardless of
the code options or code order you choose. In addition, certain instances automatically apply an updated
main code regardless of the code options you have chosen.
Note: When the application does not match the communication protocol of the controller, you must switch
communication modes to download the application.
The radio code option applies only to Wireless Field Bus Routers. When downloading Wireless Field Bus Routers,
refer to the Wireless Field Bus Router product documentation for guidelines.
Required download order:
1. Boot code
2. Main code
3. Application code

Important: If you want to modify default values and download a controller .caf file from a previous version of the
tool without upgrading to the current version, you must clear the boot and main code check boxes in
the download screen. If you do not clear these check boxes, you convert the controller to the current
version, and then the older version .caf file does not download.

Switch Communication Mode Workflow

The following workflow provides an overview of N2 communication switching scenarios.

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 276

Figure 46: N2 Communication Switching Workflow


Enabling the Radio Code Load Option

See the radio code description in the Codes section for information on this download option.
To enable the radio code load option:
1. If the tool is currently open, close the program.
2. Browse to the following directory: C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product Name>\UI
3. Using a text editing tool such as Notepad, open the file.
4. Locate the line containing Download_Radio_Code=0.
5. Change the zero to a value of one so that it appears as follows: Download_Radio_Code=1
6. Save and close the file.
The Radio Code option appears in the Load Device Wizard the next time you download a wireless device that
requires a radio code upgrade, and the code versions do not match (that is, the radio code version does not

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 277

match the boot and main code versions, or the software version). When the versions match, the Radio Code
option does not appear.

Uploading a Device
1. Click Load. The Load Device Wizard appears.
2. In the Connection Type section, select the connection type: Ethernet, Bluetooth, BACnet Router, or Zigbee. For
more information about connection types, see Connections.
3. In the Load Type section, select Upload From Device.
4. In the Connection Parameters section, enter the connection parameters:
• For Ethernet connections, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the device
host name or IP address, enter your user credentials, and click Login. Select the correct supervisory device
and the trunk.
• For Bluetooth connections, enter the baud rate and COM port information. We recommend you keep the
Baud Rate default (38400).
• For BACnet router connection, enter the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router (47808), the network
number (BACnet Instance) of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network interface
adapter (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels through this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. The number 1001 is reserved for Johnson Controls
BACnet IP network connections.
• For Zigbee connections, enter the PAN offset.
5. In the Discovery section, enter the type of discovery process you want to use: automatic (Auto) or manual
(Manual). If you selected Manual, enter the device address.
6. Click Next.
If you selected the Manual discovery type, the tool skips the Device Selection Screen and the Load Summary
Screen appears. Go to Step 9. If you selected the Auto discovery type, go to Step 7.
7. When the Device Selection Screen appears, click Discovery if the wizard does not automatically begin the
discovery process.
Note: Once the desired device appears in the list, click Stop.
8. Select a device from the list and click Next. The Load Summary Screen appears.
9. Click Finish. The upload status appears.
When the upload completes, the Finish button changes to Done. This change does not happen if you selected
the Close wizard after successful load check box on the Load Summary screen. Instead, the wizard closes.
10. Click Done.
Note: If the selected Controller Application File requires an upgrade, the System Upgrade dialog box appears.
See the Troubleshooting section if you are experiencing trouble uploading a device.

Downloading a Device
Changes to the workflow and general download tips:
• If you are downloading N2 compatible controllers, you must use the SA bus. In addition, with the Load Wizard,
the main code initially downloads as MS/TP (Wired Field Bus), but switches to N2 (N2 Slave Field Bus) when
you select the Switch Communication Mode check box on the Load Summary screen.
• If the communication protocol in the controller does not match the protocol that is used in the application, you
must switch communication modes before you download an application.

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 278

• When you upgrade field controllers with IOMs on the SA Bus, you may need to upgrade certain devices to the
latest release before you download the application. If this workflow is required, an alert appears that indicates
which devices require an upgrade.
• For some devices, regardless of the download code order you choose, a message appears requiring you to
install the boot code before applying the main code. The upgrade process does not proceed unless you perform
this action.
• If you are downloading devices over the Sensor/Actuator (SA) Bus, first download the individual device to which
you are connected. Then, download the remaining devices.
• If you need to load main code into an IOM on the SA Bus, it is 1 to 2 minutes (30%) faster per IOM if you are
directly connected to the SA Bus with a Bluetooth connection. The typical download time is 3-1/2 minutes for an
SA Bus download and nearly 5 minutes for an FC Bus connection.
• When downloading a ZFR Wireless Field Bus Coordinator, follow the procedure in this section; however, you
do not need to open an application before discovering the coordinator.
• When downloading ZFR Wireless Field Bus Routers, refer to the ZFR Wireless Field Bus Router product
documentation for guidelines.
• See Code Download Order if you are upgrading a device from one release to the next.

Important: If you want to modify default values and download a controller .caf file from a previous version of the
tool without upgrading to the current version, you must clear the boot and main code check boxes in
the download screen. If you do not clear these check boxes, you convert the controller to the current
version, and then the older version .caf file does not download.

Important: The download process does not work if you have a single FEC/FAC controller connected to the BACnet
router via the FC bus. In this case, use the Bluetooth® wireless commissioning converter to download
the controller.

Important: The Tool detects and downloads ZFR1811/FX-ZFR1811 radio code even when the field controller main
and boot code match the Tool versions but the radio code version does not match. The Tool detects
the versions of the boot, main, and radio code versions in the field controller if you attempt to download
an application.
If the boot or main code version in the controller does not match the software version, the Tool selects
the boot or main check box. The radio code is downloaded with the main code. However, if the boot
and main code versions in the Tool match the code in the field controller but the radio code version
does not, the Tool does not automatically select the boot code and main code check boxes. If the main
code check box is not selected, the radio code is not downloaded.
To download a device:
1. Click Load. The Load Device Wizard appears.
2. In the Connection Type section, select the connection type: Ethernet, Bluetooth, BACnet Router, or Zigbee. For
more information about connection types, see Connections.
3. In the Load Type section, select Download Device.
4. In the Connection Parameters section, enter the connection parameters:
• For Ethernet connections, enter the device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
Select the correct supervisory device and the trunk.
• For Bluetooth connections, enter the baud rate and COM port information. We recommend you keep the
Baud Rate default (38400).
• For BACnet router connection, enter the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router, the network number
of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network interface adapter (if selected, all IP traffic
intended for the BACnet router travels through this interface) to use.

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 279

Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. The number 1001 is reserved for Johnson Controls
BACnet IP network connections.
• For Zigbee connections, enter the PAN offset.
5. In the Discovery section, enter the type of discovery process you want to use: automatic (Auto) or manual
(Manual). If you selected Manual, enter the device address.
Note: Discovery (via the Auto option) is not available if an application is being downloaded. In the download
process, discovery is only available when no application is open.
6. Click Next. The Device Selection Screen appears.
7. Select the device to download and click Next. The Load Summary Screen appears.
Note: The Discover option is not available during the download of an application because the application
already defines the devices.
8. Select the code to download following the rules in the Code Download Order section. See the Codes section
for information on each code type.
Note: In some instances, you are required to download the boot code first regardless of the code options or
code order you choose.
Note: If the communication modes of the controller and the application are not compatible, you must select
the Switch Communication Mode check box to download the application.
9. Click Finish. The selected device code downloads.
Note: See the Status column of the Download Operation table and the Status bar for information on the load
progress and other status indicators.
When the download completes, the Finish button changes to Done. This change does not happen if you selected
the Close wizard after successful load check box on the Load Summary screen. Instead, the wizard closes.
10. Click Done.
See the Troubleshooting section if you are experiencing trouble downloading to a device.


Load Device Wizard

Table 118: Load Device Wizard
Field Description
Connection Screen
Load Type Allows you to specify which type of load to perform: Upload from Device or Download to
Device. Download options include boot code, main code, and application code.
Connection Type Allows you to select the type of connection to use:
• Ethernet
• Bluetooth
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 280

Table 118: Load Device Wizard
Field Description
Connection Parameters • Ethernet: Allows you to specify the following:
- Host Name/IP Address: The device host name or IP Address.
- User Name: Credentials to log into the site.
- Password: Credentials to log into the site.
- Supervisory Device: Allows you to select the desired supervisory device when
using the Ethernet connection.
- Trunk: Allows you to select the trunk when using an Ethernet connection.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool through the supervisory device configuration
tool or user interface, or have the supervisory device configuration tool installed
to use the Ethernet Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from
the supervisory device configuration tool, the supervisory device connection
information is not automatically populated in the tool.
• Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
• BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet
Router, the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet
network interface adapter (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels
through this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. 1001 is reserved for
Johnson Controls® BACnet IP network connections.
• ZigBee: Allows you to specify the personal area network (PAN) Offset.
Discovery (Upload Only) Allows you to choose the type of discovery process to use:
• Auto
• Manual (Allows you to select the specific address.)
Device Selection Screen
Discover Performs a device Discovery to find a device. The Discovery option only returns field devices
and I/O Modules that are on the Field Bus.
Note: After a Discovery, when you click Discover again, the list clears from the Device
Selection table.
Stop Stops the Discovery process (upload only).
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Device Name: Displays the name of the device.
• System Name: Displays the name of the system.
• Address: Displays the address of the device. You can sort on this column.
• Type: Displays the type of device.
• Status: Displays the status of the device.
Note: The first column (no header name) indicates the number of devices discovered.
Load Summary Screen

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 281

Table 118: Load Device Wizard
Field Description
Device Information Displays the following device information:
• Name: Displays the name of the device.
• Description: Displays a description of the device.
• Model: Displays the model number of the device.
• Bootcode Version: Displays the boot code version.
• Maincode Version: Displays the main code version
• System Name: Displays the system name.
• CPU Usage: Displays the CPU usage.
• Object Memory Usage: Displays the memory used by the objects in the device.
• Status: Displays the device’s status.
• 1
Radio Firmware Version : Displays the Firmware version of the wireless devices.
• 1
Radio IEEE Address : Displays the IEEE address of the wireless devices.
• 1
Pan Id : Displays the Pan ID of the wireless devices.
• Device Address: Displays the address of the device.
• Unbound References: Displays whether the device has unbound references.
• FC Communication Mode: Indicates Wired Field Bus, Wireless Field Bus, or N2 Slave
Field Bus communication
Load Operation Displays the load type, code type and version, and load status.
For the download operation, check boxes appear next to the code type (Boot, Main, Radio ,
or Application) and Switch Communication Mode (if applicable).
Note: The Switch Communication Mode option appears when you must switch controller
communication protocols to ensure application compatibility. If you do not switch
communication modes, you cannot download the application.
Close wizard after successful Closes the Load Device wizard after successfully completing the load operation, when
load selected.
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish/Done Finish starts the load.
Done appears in place of Finish after the load completes and is used to close the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without performing the load.
Opens the Help system.

1 Appears only when wirelessly connected.

2 This option only appears when enabled, and a radio code load is allowed. See the Radio Code description in the Codes
section and the Enabling the Radio Code Load Option section for information on this download option.

Controller Tool Help: Loading Devices 282

Working with the Trunk Utilities
The Trunk Utilities allow you to upload, download, and upgrade multiple devices on the same trunk at once, as well
as mass edit attributes of multiple devices on the same trunk using attribute templates.
To upload or download a single device, see the Loading Devices section. For information on upgrading a .caf file or
using the Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility, see the Upgrading System Files section.


Getting Started with Trunk Utilities

Observe the following guidelines when working with trunk utilities, especially when performing main and boot code
• We recommend that you create a template for the trunk you are working on prior to performing a multiple download
or upgrade process.
• Do not use trunk utilities with wireless devices when performing main and boot code upgrades.
• When performing a multiple download process, we recommend that you use an FC Bus connection point and
disconnect the MS/TP trunk from the supervisory controller.
• When you have access to a supervisory device, we recommend that you first disable all the devices on the trunk
that are being downloaded.
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to download multiple controllers
due to potential communication loss during the process.
• Check the general performance of the field bus before performing a multiple download process according to the
following guidelines:
- Low performance has a COV rate greater than 500 messages per minute or a token loop time greater than
3,000 ms.
Note: If you have a low performing trunk, do not use trunk utilities for main and boot code upgrades due to
the risk of download failure. If you experience a download failure, see Recovering a Trunk from a
Multiple Upgrade or Download Failure.
- Medium performance has a COV rate greater than 400 messages per minute and less than or equal to 500
messages per minute, or a token loop time greater than 2,000 ms and less than or equal to 3,000 ms.
- High performance has a COV rate less than or equal to 400 messages per minute and a token loop time
of less than or equal to 2,000 ms.
For more information on SA bus performance, see SA Bus Diagnostics.

Updates to the Trunk Utilities Workflow

Starting at Release 10.0, some scenarios require that you upgrade devices or download code for the workflow to
proceed. These scenarios include the following:
• You are required to upgrade IOMs on the SA Bus to the latest release before you can upgrade the field controller.
Figure 47 shows the message that appears notifying you of the mandatory upgrade.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 283

Figure 47: SA Bus Notification

• In certain scenarios, you are required to download the boot code first regardless of the code options you have
chosen. The workflow does not proceed unless you choose to download the boot code. Figure 48 shows the
message notifying you of the required download.
Figure 48: Boot Code Notification

• For any controllers requiring an updated main code, the main code is automatically downloaded regardless of
whether you have chosen the option to download main code. No message appears notifying you of the download.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 284

Download CAF and Attributes Trunk Utility
The Download CAF and Attributes Trunk Utility allows you to download an open .caf file to multiple devices on the
same trunk and mass edit attributes using attribute templates and read/write functionality. Access this utility from
the Tools menu by selecting Trunk Utilities > Download CAF & Attributes. This menu option is only available when
a .caf file is open.
In the Download CAF and Attributes Trunk Utility, the application files are downloaded in parallel, which is more
efficient than the serial application file download in the Download Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility.
After selecting the devices and working with the attribute template, the utility downloads code to the devices in the
following order:
1. Boot Code Download: Downloads boot code to all selected devices and updates the load status.
2. Main Code Download: Downloads main code to all selected devices and updates the load status.
3. Application Code and Attribute Download: Downloads application code and attribute template to all selected
devices and updates the load status.
During the download process, you can use the View Log and View Status options to see the load progress.
Note: The Force Main Download and Force Boot Download check boxes allow you to force a main code or boot
code download to all selected devices.
In some scenarios, you may be required to download the boot code before proceeding with the workflow.
See the Downloading a Single CAF and Attributes to Devices steps and Trunk Utilities - Download CAF and
Attributes Wizard screens sections for information on the Download CAF & Attributes Trunk Utility and how to
use it.

Download Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility

The Download Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility allows you to download multiple .caf files to multiple devices on the
same trunk and mass edit attributes using attribute templates and read/write functionality. Access this utility from
the Tools menu by selecting Trunk Utilities > Download Multiple Controllers. This menu option is only available when
a .caf file is not open.
The application files are downloaded in series, which can take up to five times longer than the Download CAF and
Attributes Utility parallel application file download.
After selecting the devices and specifying the application (.caf file) and attribute template to load, the utility downloads
code to the devices in the following order:
1. Boot Code Download: Downloads boot code to all selected devices and updates the load status.
2. Main Code Download: Downloads main code to all selected devices and updates the load status.
3. Application Code and Attribute Download: Downloads application code and attribute template to all selected
devices and updates the load status.
Note: The Force Main Download and Force Boot Download check boxes allow you to force a main code or boot
code download to all selected devices.
In some scenarios, you may be required to download the boot code before proceeding with the workflow.
During the download process, you can use the View Log and View Status options to see the load progress.
See the Downloading Multiple Controllers to Devices steps and Trunk Utilities - Download Multiple Controllers
Wizard screens sections for information on the Download Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility and how to use it.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 285

Read/Write Attributes Online Utility
The Read/Write Attributes Online utility allows you to mass edit attributes of online controllers using attribute templates
and read/write functionality. Access this utility from the Tools menu by selecting Trunk Utilities > Read/Write Attributes
Online. If you select this option when a .caf file is not open, you cannot add additional attributes.
This utility has the same Connection and Device Selection screens as the Load Device wizard. See the Loading
Devices section for information on connection types and parameters, and device selection details.
After selecting the devices and working with the attribute template, the utility allows you to open an existing attribute
template, edit the attributes, and save the file as a new template. You can then write the attributes back to a single
device or multiple devices all at once.
See the Reading and Writing Attributes Online steps and Trunk Utilities - Read/Write Attributes Wizard screens
sections for information on the Read/Write Attributes Online utility and how to use it.

Manage Attribute Templates

The Manage Attribute Template utility allows you to edit the attribute template offline. Attribute Templates allows
you to mass edit the attributes of multiple devices at once. Access this utility from the Tools menu by selecting Trunk
Utilities > Manage Attribute Templates.
See the Managing Attribute Templates steps and Trunk Utilities - Manage Attribute Template Tool screens sections
for information on the Attribute Template utility and how to use it.

Download ZFR Trunk Utility

The Download ZFR Trunk Utility allows you to upgrade and download code for multiple ZFR devices on the same
trunk. Access this utility from the Tools menu by selecting Trunk Utilities > Download ZFR. This menu option is only
available when a .caf file is not open.
After selecting the devices, the utility upgrades and downloads code to the devices in the following order:
1. Boot Code: Upgrades and downloads boot code to all selected devices and updates the load status.
2. Radio Code: Upgrades and downloads radio code to all selected devices and updates the load status.
During the upgrade and download process, you can use the View Log and View Status options to see the
Note: If a ZFR1810 Coordinator has Main Code version earlier than Release 5.0, it should be upgraded.
Note: The Force Main Download and Force Boot Download check boxes allow you to force a main code or boot
code download to all selected devices.
See the Downloading ZFR Devices steps and Trunk Utilities - Download ZFR Wizard screens sections for
information on the Download ZFR Trunk Utility and how to use it.

Upload Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility

The Upload Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility allows you to upload .caf files from multiple devices on the same trunk
to your computer. Access this utility from the Tools menu by selecting Trunk Utilities > Upload Multiple Controllers.
After selecting the devices and the directory in which to save the .caf files, the utility uploads the .caf files from the
devices to the computer directory.
During the upload process, you can use the View Log and View Status options to see the load progress.
See the Uploading Multiple Controllers steps and Trunk Utilities - Upload Multiple Controllers Wizard screens sections
for information on the Upload Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility and how to use it.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 286

Upgrade Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility
The Upgrade Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility allows you to upgrade .caf files from multiple devices on the same
trunk. Access this utility from the Tools menu by selecting Trunk Utilities > Upgrade Multiple Controllers. This menu
option is only available when a .caf file is not open.
After selecting the devices and the directory in which to save the .caf files, the utility performs the following tasks:
1. Uploads the .caf files from the selected devices, saves the files to your computer, and updates the status.
2. Upgrades the .caf files to the current version of the software and updates the status.
Note: You are required to upgrade IOMs on the SA Bus to the latest release before you can upgrade the field
3. Downloads the .caf files (including boot code and main code, if needed) back to the devices and updates the
Note: We recommend upgrading one device first before upgrading an entire trunk.
During the process, you can use the View Log and View Status options to see the progress.
See the Upgrading Multiple Controllers and Trunk Utilities - Upgrade Multiple Controllers Wizard screens sections
for information on the Upgrade Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility and how to use it.


Downloading a Single CAF and Attributes to Devices

1. Open the .caf file you want to download to devices.
2. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Download CAF & Attributes. The Trunk Utilities - Download CAF
& Attributes wizard appears with the Connection screen active.
3. Select the desired connection type and parameters and click Next. The Attribute Template appears.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
To use an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the
device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to download multiple controllers
due to potential communication loss during the process.
4. Click Discover to begin the discovery process and locate devices. When devices are located, they appear in
the main section of the Download screen.
Note: To stop the Discover process, click Stop.
5. Select the desired devices from the list.
6. Perform the following tasks as desired:
• To browse for an existing attribute template file, click the Browse button. Navigate to the location of the
template and click Open.
• To save a template, click Save. Navigate to the correct directory, enter the desired file name, and click Save.
• To add a new device, click the Add button (+).
• To remove a currently selected device, click the Remove button (-).
• To change the device name, click in the field that contains the existing device name and enter a new name.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 287

• To add a new attribute, click the Click To Define New Attribute column heading. A tree representation of the
application appears. Select an object from the tree and an attribute from the list and click OK. The parameters
are added to the template and appear as a column on the screen.
• To remove an existing attribute, right-click the heading and select Remove Attribute.
• To select the attributes to save with the attribute template, select the check boxes in the attribute heading.
• To select the devices to save with the attribute template, select the check boxes in the Selected column.
Note: The selection state of an attribute or device only affects the Read and Write Attributes actions. These
selections do not affect the .caf file download.
• To manually change the Device Address or Instance Number for discovered devices only, edit the text box
Note: To auto assign the device address of every device in the Instance Number column, right-click the
Instance Number heading and click Auto Assign.
Note: To assign instance number values to devices based on the device number, trunk number, and device
address, right-click the Instance Number heading and click Assign Calculated Instance.
Note: If this is the initial download, skip to Step 12.
7. To pull current values from the selected devices, click Read Attributes.
8. To make changes to the values found, use the drop-down menu to select the desired value or edit the text box
9. Click Write Attributes. The updated attributes are sent back to the devices.
10. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the data from the template to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
11. Click Save to retain any changes you made to the attribute template. The Save dialog box appears.
12. Click Save.
13. Click Next. The Download screen appears.
14. Select or clear the Force Main Download and Force Boot Download check boxes depending on whether you
want to force a main code or boot code download.
15. Select or clear the check boxes next to the devices you want to download.
Note: You are required to upgrade IOMs on the SA Bus to the latest release before you can upgrade the field
Note: To auto assign the device address of every device in the Instance Number column, right-click the Instance
Number heading and click Auto Assign.
Note: To assign instance number values to devices based on the device number, trunk number, and device
address, right-click the Instance Number heading and click Assign Calculated Instance.
16. If a message appears requiring you to download the boot code, click Yes and follow instructions to download
the code.
17. Click Finish. The boot code, main code, and application code (including the .caf files and attribute templates)
download to the devices.
18. Check the progress of the operation as follows:
• View the text in the Status column.
• Click View Status. The Status dialog box appears showing current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 288

•Click View Log. The Log dialog box appears showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click Clear Log if needed. This action clears the contents of the log file.
19. When the downloads complete, click Done.

Downloading Multiple Controllers to Devices

Important: Do not use non-configurable (read-only) attributes in an attribute template when downloading multiple
.caf files. Doing so may cause the application download to fail.

Important: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to download multiple controllers
due to potential communication loss during the process.
Note: Review the guidelines found in Getting Started with Trunk Utilities before proceeding with the following steps.
1. Make sure no .caf file is open in the tool.
2. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Download Multiple Controllers. The Trunk Utilities - Download
Multiple Controllers wizard appears with the Connection screen active.
3. Select the desired connection type and parameters and click Next. The Download Template screen appears.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
To use an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the
device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
4. Do one of the following:
• Click Discover to begin the discovery process and locate devices. When devices are located, they appear
in the main section of the Download screen.
Note: To stop the Discover process click Stop.
• Click Browse to select a download template file, if desired. The Open dialog box appears. Browse to and
select the multiple download template, and click Open.
5. Select or clear the check boxes next to the devices you want to download.
Note: You are required to upgrade IOMs on the SA Bus to the latest release before you can upgrade the field
Note: To auto assign the device address of every device in the Instance Number column, right-click the Instance
Number heading and click Auto Assign.
Note: To assign instance number values to devices based on the device number, trunk number, and device
address, right-click the Instance Number heading and click Assign Calculated Instance.
6. If you imported a device from a download template, select the device and click Get Device Info. The Get Device
Info button only works for devices that were imported from a download template. This is because the download
template does not store the device model or boot and main code versions.
7. Perform the following tasks:
• Click Browse to open an existing multiple download template file, if desired. The Open dialog box appears.
Browse to and select the multiple download template, and click Open.
Note: To choose an application or attribute template file different than the download template, do so after
selecting the download template.
• To save a template, click Save. Navigate to the correct directory, enter the desired file name, and click Save.
• To change the device name, click in the field that contains the existing device name and enter a new name.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 289

• To manually change the Device Address or Instance Number for discovered devices only, edit the text box
• Click the Browse button in the Application column for a device. The Open dialog box appears. Browse to
and select the desired .caf file to download to the device, and click Open.
• Click the Browse button in the Attribute Template column for a device. The Open dialog box appears. Browse
to and select the desired attribute template to download to the device, and click Open.
8. Select or clear the Force Main Download and Force Boot Download check boxes depending on whether you
want to force a main code or boot code download.
Note: In some scenarios, you must select a boot code download or the download does not progress. This
forced download ensures proper operation of the application.
9. Click Save to retain any changes you made to the multiple download template. The Save dialog box appears.
10. Click Save.
11. Click Finish. The boot code, main code, and application code (including the .caf files and attribute templates)
download to the devices.
12. Check the progress of the download as follows:
•View the text in the Status column.
•Click View Status. The Status dialog box appears showing current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click View Log. The Log dialog box appears showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click Clear Log if needed. This action clears the contents of the log file.
13. When the downloads complete, click Done.
Note: If you experience a download failure, see Recovering a Trunk from a Multiple Upgrade or Download Failure.

Reading and Writing Attributes Online

This procedure allows you to mass edit attributes of online controllers at once.
1. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Read/Write Attributes Online. The Trunk Utilities - Read/Write
Attributes wizard appears with the Connection screen active.
2. Select the desired connection type and parameters and click Next. The Attribute Template screen appears.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
To use an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the
device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to download multiple controllers
due to potential communication loss during the process.
3. Click Discover to begin the discovery process and locate devices. When devices are located, they appear in
the main section of the Attribute Template screen.
Note: To stop the Discover process click Stop.
4. Select the desired devices from the list.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 290

5. Perform the following tasks:
• To browse for an existing attribute template file, click the Browse button. Navigate to the location of the
template and click Open.
• To save a template, click the Save button. Navigate to the correct directory, enter the desired file name, and
click Save.
• To add a new device, click the Add button (+).
• To remove a currently selected device, click the Remove button (-).
• To change the device name within the template, click in the field that contains the existing template name
and enter a new name.
Note: The device name and instance number are only written during a download process. These values
cannot be written during a read/write operation.
• To add a new attribute, click the Click To Define New Attribute column heading. A tree representation of the
application appears. Choose the module, element, and attribute from the tree and click OK. The parameters
are added to the template and appear as a column on the screen.
Note: To add a new attribute, you must have a .caf file open before you select Read/Write Attributes.
• To remove an existing attribute, right-click the heading and select Remove Attribute.
Note: The Discovered column indicates whether the device is added due to device discovery.
• To manually change the Device Address or Instance Number for discovered devices only, edit the text box
Note: To auto assign the device address of every device in the Instance Number column, right-click the
Instance Number heading and click Auto Assign.
Note: To assign instance number values to devices based on the device number, trunk number, and device
address, right-click the Instance Number heading and click Assign Calculated Instance.
6. To pull current values from the selected devices, click Read Attributes.
7. To make changes to the values found, use the drop-down menu to select the desired value or edit the text box
8. Click Write Attributes. The updated attributes are sent back to the devices.
9. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the data from the template to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
10. Click Save to retain any changes you made to the attribute template. The Save dialog box appears.
11. Click Save.
12. When modifications are complete, click Finish. The wizard closes.

Managing Attribute Templates

1. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Manage Attribute Templates. The Attribute Template Utility appears.
2. Edit the current view as necessary or browse to open an existing attribute template file.
Note: When a .caf file is not loaded, you cannot add attributes. You may only remove attributes or add, delete,
or modify the devices.
3. Perform the following tasks as desired:
• To browse for an existing attribute template file, click the Browse button. Navigate to the location of the
template and click Open.
• To save a template, click the Save button. Navigate to the correct directory, enter the desired file name, and
click Save.
• To add a new device, click the Add button (+).

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 291

• To remove a currently selected device, click the Remove button (-).
• To change the device name, click in the field that contains the existing device name and enter a new name.
• To indicate the default selected state of the row when the template is opened, click the Selected option.
• To add a new attribute, click the Click To Define New Attribute column heading. A tree representation of the
application appears. Select an object from the tree and an attribute from the list and click OK. The parameters
are added to the template and appear as a column on the screen.
A tree representation of all the possible points appears in a tree format. The default view of this tree shows
only points set up to BACnet exposed, which is indicated by the green dot next to each point. At the top of
the Select Attribute view, a Show All check box is available. Once you select the check box, every possible
point in the application is available for use. Once you select a point, the list of point attributes appears in the
right hand panel for selection. Note that at Release 6.0, you can select the present value of hardware points.
Note: Make sure that the attribute you are selecting is not written to by a higher priority point (such as the
Network Input or the output of a calculation module). While this attribute is changed, it has no effect
on the application because of the higher priority command.
• To remove an existing attribute, right-click the heading and select Remove Attribute.
• To manually change the Device Address or Instance Number for discovered devices only, edit the text box
• Note: To auto assign the device address of every device in the Instance Number column, right-click the
Instance Number heading and click Auto Assign.
Note: To assign instance number values to devices based on the device number, trunk number, and device
address, right-click the Instance Number heading and click Assign Calculated Instance.
4. Click Save to retain any changes you made to the attribute template. The Save dialog box appears.
5. Click Save.
Note: Changing an attribute with the Attribute Template changes the value in the template only, not the controller.
To change the value on the controller, use the Read/Write Attributes wizard.
6. When modifications are complete, click Close. The wizard closes.

Downloading ZFR Devices

Note: If a ZFR1810 Coordinator has Main Code version earlier than Release 5.0, it should be upgraded.
1. Make sure no .caf file is open in the tool.
2. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Download ZFR. The Trunk Utilities - Download ZFR wizard appears
with the Connection screen active.
3. Select the connection type and parameters and click Next. The Download screen appears.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
To use an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the
device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to download multiple controllers
due to potential communication loss during the process.
4. Click Discover to begin the discovery process and locate devices. When devices are located, they appear in
the main section of the Download screen.
Note: To stop the Discover process click Stop.
5. Select the desired devices from the list.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 292

6. Select or clear the Force Main Download and Force Boot Download check boxes depending on whether you
want to force a main code or boot code download.
Note: In some scenarios, you must select a boot code download or the download does not progress. This
forced download ensures proper operation of the application.
7. Select or clear check boxes next to the devices you want to upgrade.
8. Click Finish. The boot code, main code, and radio code upgrades and downloads to the devices.
9. Check the progress of the operation as follows:
•View the text in the Status column.
•Click View Status. The Status dialog box appears showing current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click View Log. The Log dialog box appears showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click Clear Log if needed. This action clears the contents of the log file.
10. When the upgrades and downloads complete, click Done.

Uploading Multiple Controllers

1. Create a folder on your local computer where you would like to save the .caf files.
2. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Upload Multiple Controllers. The Trunk Utilities - Upload Multiple
Controllers wizard appears with the Connection screen active.
3. Select the desired connection type and parameters and click Next. The Controller Upload screen appears.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
To use an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the
device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
4. Do one of the following:
• Click Discover to begin the discovery process and locate devices. When devices are located, they appear
in the main section of the Upload screen.
Note: To stop the Discover process click Stop.
• Click Browse to select a template file, if desired. The Open dialog box appears. Browse to and select the
template, and click Open.
5. Select the desired devices from the list.
6. Select or clear check boxes next to the devices you want to upload.
7. Click the Browse button next to the Uploaded Files Directory text box. The Select Directory dialog box appears.
8. Browse to and select the desired directory in which to upload the device .caf files, and click Open.
9. If you imported a device from a download template, select the device and click Get Device Info. The Get Device
Info button only works for devices that were imported from a download template. This is because the download
template does not store the device model or boot and main code versions.
10. Click Finish. The .caf file upload process begins.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 293

11. Check the progress of the upload as follows:
•View the text in the Status column.
•Click View Status. The Status dialog box appears showing current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click View Log. The Log dialog box appears showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click Clear Log if needed. This action clears the contents of the log file.
12. When the uploads complete, click Done.

Upgrading Multiple Controllers

Important: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to upgrade multiple controllers
due to potential communication loss during the process.
Note: Review the guidelines found in Getting Started with Trunk Utilities before proceeding with the following steps.
1. Make sure no .caf file is open in the tool.
2. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Upgrade Multiple Controllers. The Trunk Utilities - Upgrade Multiple
Controllers wizard appears with the Connection screen active.
3. Select the desired connection type and parameters and click Next. The Controller Upgrade screen appears.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
To use an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the
device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
4. Do one of the following:
• Click Discover to begin the discovery process and locate devices. When devices are located, they appear
in the main section of the Upgrade screen.
Note: To stop the Discover process click Stop.
• Click Browse to select a template file, if desired. The Open dialog box appears. Browse to and select the
template, and click Open.
5. Select the desired devices from the list.
6. Select or clear check boxes next to the devices you want to upgrade.
Note: You are required to upgrade IOMs on the SA Bus to the latest release before you can upgrade the field
7. Click the Browse button next to the Uploaded Files Directory text box. The Select Directory dialog box appears.
8. Browse to and select the desired directory in which to save the device .caf files, and click Open.
9. If you imported a device from a download template, select the device and click Get Device Info. The Get Device
Info button only works for devices that were imported from a download template. This is because the download
template does not store the device model or boot and main code versions.
10. Click Finish. The upgrade process begins.
11. The utility first uploads the .caf files from the selected devices to the computer, then upgrades the .caf files to
the current version of the software, and lastly downloads the .caf files (including boot code and main code back
to the devices.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 294

12. Check the progress of the upgrade as follows:
•View the text in the Status column.
•Click View Status. The Status dialog box appears showing the current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click View Log. The Log dialog box appears showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click Clear Log if needed. This action clears the contents of the log file.
13. When the upgrades complete, click Done.
Note: If you experience problems with the upgrade, see Recovering a Trunk from a Multiple Upgrade or Download

Recovering a Trunk from a Multiple Upgrade or Download Failure

1. Make sure no .caf file is open in the tool.
2. From the Tools menu, select Trunk Utilities > Download Multiple Controllers. The Trunk Utilities - Download
Multiple Controllers wizard appears with the Connection screen active.
3. Select the desired connection type and parameters and click Next. The Download Template screen appears.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
To use an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the
device host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
4. Click Browse to select a download template file. The Open dialog box appears. Browse to and select the multiple
download template, and click Open.
Note: If you were performing an upgrade and did not save a template, you can find a template in the directory
of uploaded .caf files that you selected.
5. Select the desired devices and click Get Device Info. The Get Device Info button only works for devices that
were imported from a download template. This is because the download template does not store the device
model or boot and main code versions.
6. Perform the following tasks:
• To change the device name, click in the field that contains the existing device name and enter a new name.
• To manually change the Device Address or Instance Number for discovered devices only, edit the text box
• Click the Browse button in the Application column for a device. The Open dialog box appears. Browse to
and select the desired .caf file to download to the device, and click Open.
• Click the Browse button in the Attribute Template column for a device. The Open dialog box appears. Browse
to and select the desired attribute template to download to the device, and click Open.
7. Select or clear the Force Main Download and Force Boot Download check boxes depending on whether you
want to force a main code or boot code download.
Note: In some scenarios, you must select a boot code download or the download does not progress. This
forced download ensures proper operation of the application.
8. Click Save to retain any changes you made to the multiple download template. The Save dialog box appears.
9. Click Save.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 295

10. Click Finish. The boot code, main code, and application code (including the .caf files and attribute templates)
download to the devices.
Note: If you experience problems downloading main code to a large number of devices, consider breaking the
number of devices you are downloading into smaller groups.
11. Check the progress of the download as follows:
•View the text in the Status column.
•Click View Status. The Status dialog box appears showing current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click View Log. The Log dialog box appears showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another word-processing program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
• Click Clear Log if needed. This action clears the contents of the log file.
12. When the downloads complete, click Done.


Trunk Utilities - Download CAF and Attributes Wizard

In the Download CAF and Attributes Trunk Utility, the application files are downloaded in parallel, which is more
efficient than the serial application file download in the Download Multiple Controllers Trunk Utility.
Table 119: Trunk Utilities - Download CAF and Attributes Wizard
Field Description
Connection Screen
Connection Type Allows you to specify the connection type to use:
• Ethernet
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to
download multiple controllers due to potential communication loss during the
• Bluetooth
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 296

Table 119: Trunk Utilities - Download CAF and Attributes Wizard
Field Description
Connection Parameters Ethernet: Allows you to specify the following:
• Host name/IP Address: Indicates the device host name or IP Address.
• Port: Indicates the port number (0-65,535).
• Username and Password: Indicates the user name and password to log in to the site.
Note: The Ethernet fields allows you to connect directly to a site by entering in the site's
user name and password.
• Supervisor Device: Displays a list of discovered supervisory devices.
• Trunk: Displays a list of trunks for the selected supervisory device.
Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router,
the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network
interface adaptor (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels through
this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. 1001 is reserved for
Johnson Controls BACnet IP network connections.
ZigBee: Allows you to specify the Personal Area Network (PAN) Offset.
Connected - Attribute Template Screen
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the attribute template file.
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the attribute template
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Add Device (+): Adds new device to the list.
• Remove Device (-): Removes selected device from list.
• Discovered Check Box: Indicates if the device is added due to device discovery
(selected box) or added manually (empty box).
• Device Name: Displays the editable name of the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Selected: Indicates if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty box).
• Click To Define New Attribute: Opens a tree representation of the application allowing
you to select parameters to add to the template file.
Read Attributes Button Reads current values from the selected devices.
Write Attributes Button Writes updated attributes back to the devices.
Copy to Clipboard Button Copies and pastes the text to another word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
Discovery Button Starts the Discovery process for locating devices.
Stop Button Stops the Discovery process.
Download Screen
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the download template file.
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the download template

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 297

Table 119: Trunk Utilities - Download CAF and Attributes Wizard
Field Description
Force Main Download Check Box Allows you to force a main code download. If this check box is not selected, the main code
is downloaded only if the code is different. If the check box is selected, the main code is
always downloaded.
Force Boot Download Check Box Allows you to force a boot code download. If this check box is not selected, the boot code
is never downloaded. If this check box is selected, the boot code is always downloaded.
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Selected: Indicates if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty box).
• Discovered: Indicates if the devices were discovered.
• Name: Displays the editable name of the device.
• Model: Indicates the model number of the device.
• Maincode Version: Indicates the main code version in the device.
• Bootcode Version: Indicates the boot code version in the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Status: Indicates the status of the download operation after the Finish button is selected.
View Status Button Opens the Status dialog box showing the current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to
another word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
View Log Button Opens the Log dialog box showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another program,
such as Microsoft Notepad.
Clear Log Button Clears all contents of the log file.
Get Device Info Button Use for devices imported from a download template (the download template does not store
the device model or the boot and main code versions). The Get Device Info button retrieves
the boot and main code values from the actual device so a download can be properly done.
Discovery Button Starts the Discovery process for locating devices.
Stop Button Stops the Discovery process.
Navigation Buttons
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish/Done Finish starts the load.
Done appears after the load completes. Click Done to close the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without performing the load.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 298

Trunk Utilities - Download Multiple Controllers Wizard
Table 120: Trunk Utilities - Download Multiple Controllers Wizard
Field Description
Connection Screen
Connection Type Allows you to specify the connection type to use:
• Ethernet
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to
download multiple controllers due to potential communication loss during the
• Bluetooth
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee
Connection Parameters Ethernet: Allows you to specify the following:
• Host name/IP Address: Indicates the device host name or IP Address.
• Port: Indicates the port number (1-65,535).
• Username and Password: Indicates the user name and password to log in to the site
Note: The Ethernet fields allows you to connect directly to a site by entering in the site's
user name and password.
• Supervisor Device: Displays a list of discovered supervisory devices.
• Trunk: Displays a list of trunks for the selected supervisory device.
Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router,
the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network
interface adaptor (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels through
this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. 1001 is reserved for
Johnson Controls BACnet IP network connections.
ZigBee: Allows you to specify the Personal Area Network (PAN) Offset.
Download Screen
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the download template file.
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the download attribute
template file.
Force Main Download Check Box Allows you to force a main code download. If this check box is not selected, the main code
is downloaded only if the code is different. If the check box is selected, the main code is
always downloaded.
Force Boot Download Check Box Allows you to force a boot code download. If this check box is not selected, the boot code
is never downloaded. If this check box is selected, the boot code is always downloaded.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 299

Table 120: Trunk Utilities - Download Multiple Controllers Wizard
Field Description
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Selected: Determines if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty
• Discovered: Indicates if the device is added due to device discovery (selected box) or
added from a template (empty box).
• Name: Displays the editable name of the device.
• Model: Indicates the model number of the device.
• Maincode Version: Indicates the main code version in the device.
• Bootcode Version: Indicates the boot code version in the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Application: Allows you to browse to and select the desired .caf file to download to
the device.
• Attribute Template: Allows you to browse to and select the desired attribute template
to download to the device.
• Status: Indicates the status of the download operation after the Finish button is selected.

View Status Button Opens the Status dialog box showing the current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to
another word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
View Log Button Opens the Log dialog box showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
Clear Log Button Clears all contents of the log file.
Get Device Info Button Use for devices imported from a download template (the download template does not store
the device model or the boot and main code versions). The Get Device Info button retrieves
the boot and main code values from the actual device so a download can be properly done.
Discovery Button Starts the Discovery process for locating devices.
Stop Button Stops the Discovery process.
Navigation Buttons
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish/Done Finish starts the load.
Done appears after the load completes. Click Done to close the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without performing the load.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 300

Trunk Utilities - Read/Write Attributes Wizard
Table 121: Trunk Utilities - Read/Write Attributes Wizard
Field Description
Connection Screen
Connection Type Allows you to specify the connection type to use:
• Ethernet
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to
download multiple controllers due to potential communication loss during the
• Bluetooth
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee
Connection Parameters Ethernet: Allows you to specify the following:
• Host name/IP Address: Indicates the device host name or IP Address.
• Port: Indicates the port number (1-65,535).
• Username and Password: Indicates the user name and password to log in to the site.
Note: The Ethernet fields allows you to connect directly to a site by entering in the site's
user name and password.
• Supervisor Device: Displays a list of discovered supervisory devices.
• Trunk: Displays a list of trunks for the selected supervisory device.
Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router,
the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network
interface adaptor (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels through
this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. 1001 is reserved for
Johnson Controls BACnet IP network connections.
ZigBee: Allows you to specify the Personal Area Network (PAN) Offset.
Attribute Template Screen
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the attribute template file.
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the attribute template
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Add Device (+): Adds new device to the list.
• Remove Device (-): Removes selected device from list.
• Discovered Check Box: Indicates if the device is added due to device discovery
(selected box) or added manually (empty box).
• Device Name: Displays the editable name of the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number: Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Selected: Indicates if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty box).
• Click To Define New Attribute: Opens a tree representation of the application allowing
you to select parameters to add to the template file.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 301

Table 121: Trunk Utilities - Read/Write Attributes Wizard
Field Description
Read Attributes Button Reads current values from the selected devices.
Write Attributes Button Writes updated attributes back to the devices.
Copy to Clipboard Button Copies and pastes the text to another word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
Discovery Button Starts the Discovery process for locating devices.
Stop Button Stops the Discovery process.
Navigation Buttons
Previous Moves to the previous screen.
Next Moves to the next screen.
Finish Closes the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without saving.
Opens the Help system.

Trunk Utilities - Manage Attribute Template Tool

Table 122: Trunk Utilities - Manage Attribute Template Tool
Field Description
Attribute Template Screen
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the attribute template file.
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the attribute template
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Add Device (+): Adds new device to the list.
• Remove Device (-): Removes selected device from list.
• Discovered Check Box: Indicates if the device is added due to device discovery (selected
box) or added manually (empty box).
• Device Name: Displays the editable name of the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number: Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Selected: Indicates if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty box).
• Click To Define New Attribute: Opens a tree representation of the application allowing
you to select parameters to add to the template file.
Close Closes the wizard.
Opens the Help system.

Select Attribute Dialog Box

This Select Attribute dialog box is used by the Download CAF & Attributes, Read/Write Attributes Online, and Attribute
Template utilities. The dialog box displays a representation of all the possible points in a tree format.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 302

Table 123: Select Attribute Dialog Box
Field Description
Show All Allows you to view all points. If this option is not selected, only BACnet exposed points
OK Saves the selections and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving.
Opens the Help system.

Trunk Utilities - Download ZFR Wizard

Table 124: Trunk Utilities - Download ZFR Wizard
Field Description
Connection Screen
Connection Type Allows you to specify the connection type to use:
• Ethernet
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to
download multiple controllers due to potential communication loss during the
• Bluetooth
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee
Connection Parameters Ethernet: Allows you to specify the following:
• Host name/IP Address: Indicates the device host name or IP Address.
• Port: Indicates the port number (1-65,535).
• Username and Password: Indicates the user name and password to log in to the site.
Note: The Ethernet fields allows you to connect directly to a site by entering in the site's
user name and password.
• Supervisor Device: Displays a list of discovered supervisory devices.
• Trunk: Displays a list of trunks for the selected supervisory device.
Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router,
the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network
interface adaptor (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels through
this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. 1001 is reserved for
Johnson Controls BACnet IP network connections.
ZigBee: Allows you to specify the Personal Area Network (PAN) Offset.
Download Screen
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the download template file.
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the download template

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 303

Table 124: Trunk Utilities - Download ZFR Wizard
Field Description
Force Main Download Check Box Allows you to force a main code download. If this check box is not selected, the main code
is downloaded only if the code is different. If the check box is selected, the main code is
always downloaded.
Force Boot Download Check Box Allows you to force a boot code download. If this check box is not selected, the boot code
is never downloaded. If this check box is selected, the boot code is always downloaded.
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Selected: Indicates if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty box).
• Discovered: Indicates if the devices were discovered.
• Name: Displays the name of the device.
• Model: Indicates the model number of the device.
• Maincode Version: Indicates the main code version in the device.
• Bootcode Version: Indicates the boot code version in the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Status: Indicates the status of the download operation after the Finish button is selected.
View Status Button Opens the Status dialog box showing the current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to
another word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
View Log Button Opens the Log dialog box showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
Clear Log Button Clears all contents of the log file.
Get Device Info Use for devices imported from a download template (the download template does not store
the device model or the boot and main code versions). The Get Device Info button retrieves
the boot and main code values from the actual device so a download can be properly done.
Discovery Starts the Discovery process for locating devices.
Stop Stops the Discovery process.
Navigation Buttons
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish/Done Finish starts the load.
Done appears after the load completes. Click Done to close the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without performing the load.
Opens the Help system.

Manage Host Name and IP Address List Dialog Box

The Manage Host Name and IP Address List dialog box allows you to enter descriptions for and save multiple host
names and IP addresses. These entries then appear in the drop-down box next to the Host Name/IP Address

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 304

Table 125: Manage Host Name/IP Address List Dialog Box
Field Description
Description Allows you to enter a description for the host name or IP address.
Host Name/IP Address Displays the host name or IP address and allows you to edit the entry.
+/- Adds or removes host names or IP addresses.
OK Saves the selections and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without saving.
Opens the Help system.

Trunk Utilities - Upload Multiple Controllers Wizard

Table 126: Trunk Utilities - Upload Multiple Controllers Wizard
Field Description
Connection Screen
Connection Type Allows you to specify the connection type to use:
• Ethernet
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to
download multiple controllers due to potential communication loss during the
• Bluetooth
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee
Connection Parameters Ethernet: Allows you to specify the following:
• Host name/IP Address: Indicates the device host name or IP Address.
• Port: Indicates the port number (1-65,535).
• Username and Password: Indicates the user name and password to log in to the site.
Note: The Ethernet fields allows you to connect directly to a site by entering in the site's
user name and password.
• Supervisor Device: Displays a list of discovered supervisory devices.
• Trunk: Displays a list of trunks for the selected supervisory device.
Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router,
the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network
interface adaptor (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels through
this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. 1001 is reserved for Johnson
Controls BACnet IP network connections.
ZigBee: Allows you to specify the Personal Area Network (PAN) Offset.
Controller Upload Screen
Uploaded Files Directory Text Allows you to browse to and select the desired directory in which to upload the device .caf
Box and Browse Button files. The selected directory appears in the text box.
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the download template file.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 305

Table 126: Trunk Utilities - Upload Multiple Controllers Wizard
Field Description
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the download template
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Selected: Indicates if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty box).
• Discovered: Indicates if the device is added due to device discovery (selected box) or
added from a template (empty box).
• Name: Displays the name of the device.
• Model: Indicates the model number of the device.
• Maincode Version: Indicates the main code version in the device.
• Bootcode Version: Indicates the boot code version in the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Status: Indicates the status of the upload operation after the Finish button is selected.
View Status Button Opens the Status dialog box showing the current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to
another word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
View Log Button Opens the Log dialog box showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
Clear Log Button Clears all contents of the log file.
Get Device Info Button Use for devices imported from a download template (the download template does not store
the device model or the boot and main code versions). The Get Device Info button retrieves
the boot and main code values from the actual device so an upload can be properly done.
Discovery Button Starts the Discovery process for locating devices.
Stop Button Stops the Discovery process.
Navigation Buttons
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish/Done Finish starts the load.
Done appears after the load completes. Click Done to close the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without performing the load.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 306

Trunk Utilities - Upgrade Multiple Controllers Wizard
Table 127: Trunk Utilities - Upgrade Multiple Controllers Wizard
Field Description
Connection Screen
Connection Type Allows you to specify the connection type to use:
• Ethernet
Note: We strongly advise against using an Ethernet Passthrough connection to
download multiple controllers due to potential communication loss during the
• Bluetooth
• BACnet Router
• ZigBee
Connection Parameters Ethernet: Allows you to specify the following:
• Host name/IP Address: Indicates the device host name or IP Address.
• Port: Indicates the port number (1-65,535).
• Username and Password: Indicates the user name and password to log in to the site.
Note: The Ethernet fields allows you to connect directly to a site by entering in the site's
user name and password.
• Supervisor Device: Displays a list of discovered supervisory devices.
• Trunk: Displays a list of trunks for the selected supervisory device.
Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet Router,
the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available Ethernet network
interface adaptor (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet router travels through
this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. 1001 is reserved for
Johnson Controls BACnet IP network connections.
ZigBee: Allows you to specify the Personal Area Network (PAN) Offset.
Controller Upgrade Screen
Browse Button Allows you to select the directory and file name of the download template file.
Save Button Prompts you to browse for a directory and type a file name to save the download template
Uploaded Files Directory Text Allows you to browse to and select the desired directory in which to upload the device .caf
Box and Browse Button files. The selected directory appears in the text box.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 307

Table 127: Trunk Utilities - Upgrade Multiple Controllers Wizard
Field Description
Devices Table Displays the available devices, including:
• Selected: Indicates if the device is selected (selected box) or not selected (empty box).
• Discovered: Indicates if the devices were discovered.
• Name: Displays the name of the device.
• Model: Indicates the model number of the device.
• Maincode Version: Indicates the main code version in the device.
• Bootcode Version: Indicates the boot code version in the device.
• Device Address: Displays the MS/TP device address.
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the BACnet ID of the device.
• Status: Indicates the status of the upgrade operation after the Finish button is selected.
View Status Button Opens the Status dialog box showing the current status of the operation. Click Refresh
periodically to update the status. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to
another word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
View Log Button Opens the Log dialog box showing the detailed operation log file. Click Refresh periodically
to update the log. Click Copy To Clipboard to copy and paste the text to another
word-processing program, such as Microsoft Notepad.
Clear Log Button Clears all contents of the log file.
Get Device Info Button Use for devices imported from a download template (the download template does not store
the device model or the boot and main code versions). The Get Device Info button retrieves
the boot and main code values from the actual device so an upgrade can be properly done.
Discovery Button Starts the Discovery process for locating devices.
Stop Button Stops the Discovery process.
Navigation Buttons
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish/Done Finish starts the load.
Done appears after the load completes. Click Done to close the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without performing the load.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Working with the Trunk Utilities 308

Commissioning a System
The Tool commissioning option lets you commission your device with or without a Controller Application File (.caf).
In the Commissioning mode, you can make passthru or wireless connections, work with the Test Mode, and balance
VAV Box Controllers.
Note: If you are running the Commissioning software, this section describes the main tasks available to you. The
Commissioning-Only Software topic in the User Interface section describes this software version.


System and Device Connections

Four connection options are available: Ethernet, Bluetooth, BACnet Router, and ZigBee. See Connections in the
Loading Devices section for details on these options.

Balancing Feature
The details view of the Balancer Override SD module includes an attributes table and task buttons to autocalibrate
VAV Box Controllers and set flow constants. This feature appears in Commissioning mode only for VAV Box
Controllers. The task buttons of the Balancer Override SD module details view are active only when in the Test
mode; however, you do not need to be in Test mode to edit the attributes table.
The Balancer Override module is described in the Balancer Override topic of the State Generation Modules section.
See the Using the Balancing Feature section for information on balancing tasks.

Test Mode
The Test Mode allows you to command inputs, modules, and outputs to assist in commissioning your system. During
Test Mode, the controller being commissioned is taken offline from the supervisory system to ensure that only the
commands from the Commissioning session override the inputs and outputs. You must exit Test Mode before you
exit the Commissioning mode. See the Working with the Test Mode section.

EWMA Diagnostics
The PID controller blocks have the ability to collect data about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables.
Inside the PID blocks, Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages (EWMA) diagnostic value calculations minimize
memory requirements, reduce communication traffic, and provide an easy way to analyze collected data.
Starting at Release 5.1, all zone control based system selection trees (terminal units only; not AHUs) automatically
expose the following four values per Output Controller. The XXX label in the descriptions relates to the type of control
(for example, Zone Heating, Zone Cooling, and Flow).
• XXX-ABSERROR (Absolute Error EWMA) - The Absolute Error EWMA is the absolute value of the calculated
setpoint minus the present value of the controlled variable (for example, temperature, and flow). These values
are calculated in the units of the controlled variable. The moving average calculation for this value is performed
at the effective period of the PID. For example, the effective period for zone temperature-based control is 60
seconds, and a VAV Box Controller box flow loop is 1 second. If this value increases in reference to the type of
loop under control, the increase may indicate a control or mechanical system issue.
• XXX-ABSEFFORT (Absolute Effort EWMA) - The Absolute Effort EWMA is the absolute value of the change
in the present value from one execution of the PID to the next. These values are calculated in units of %. The
moving average calculation for this value is performed at the effective period of the PID. For example, the effective
period for zone temperature based control is 60 seconds, and a VAV Box Controller box flow loop is 1 second.
If this value increases more than 5% to 10%, the increase may indicate excessive controlled device movement.
• XXX-ERROR (Error EWMA) - The Error EWMA is the controlled variable setpoint minus the present value of
the controlled variable. These values are calculated in the units of the controlled variable. The moving average
calculation for this value is performed at the effective period of the PID. For example, the effective period for
zone temperature-based control is 60 seconds, and a VAV Box Controller box flow loop is 1 second. If this value

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 309

increases or decreases in reference to the type of loop under control, the value change may indicate a control
or mechanical system issue. If a loop is cycling above and below its setpoint, the XXX-ERROR value tends to
be close to zero. The XXX-ABSERROR is typically large with respect to the type of control loop under control.
• XXX-EWMA (Present Value EWMA) - The Present Value EWMA is the average position of the PID present
value. These values are calculated in units of %. The moving average calculation for this value is performed at
the effective period of the PID. For example, the effective period for zone temperature based control is 60 seconds,
and a VAV Box Controller box flow loop is 1 second. This value will be used in future diagnostic application work.
When using these values, please note that the state-based control logic stops the calculations when the PID is not
active. As a best practice, we recommended that you keep in mind the context of the Occupied Zone Status
(ZNT-STATE) value as you use this data. The present value of this state coincides with a specific Output Controller
module’s PID diagnostic values. The values for the Output Controllers that are not active remain at the values from
the last time the calculations ran. Additionally, you may want to view the output status of the Output Controller to
show which PID is active (XXX-OUTSTATE).
EWMAs from several devices can be compared to easily identify devices with poor relative performance. Use the
Diagnostic - VAV Box Error Analysis and Diagnostic - VAV Box Effort Analysis Summary Definitions in the online
configuration user interface.


Making Connections

Making an Ethernet Passthrough Connection

To make an Ethernet connection from this tool to the Metasys NAE (also referred to as Metasys Ethernet NAE
Passthrough), on the Load screen, enter the device host name or IP address (or select the device host name or IP
address from the drop-down menu), your user credentials, and click Login.
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device configuration tool to use the Ethernet
Passthrough connection. When the tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.

Making a Bluetooth Connection

1. Open the tool.
2. Click Commission. The Commission Device Wizard appears.
3. Make your application and connection attribute selections and click Next.
4. Select the device and click Next. The Commission Device Summary dialog box appears.
Note: If you have selected Current Application, Application in Controller, and Manual Discovery, only defined
devices appear in the selection list.

Making a BACnet Router Connection

1. Open the tool.
2. Click Commission. The Commission Device Wizard appears.
3. Make your application and connection attribute selections and click Next.
4. Select the device and click Next. The Commission Device Summary dialog box appears.
Note: If you have selected Current Application, Application in Controller, and Manual Discovery, only defined
devices appear in the selection list.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. The MS/TP Network Number 1001 is reserved for
Johnson Controls IP network connections.

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 310

Making a ZigBee Connection
1. Open the tool.
2. Click Commission. The Commission Device Wizard appears.
3. Make your application and connection attribute selections and click Next.
4. Select the device and click Next. The Commission Device Summary dialog box appears.
Note: If you have selected Current Application, Application in Controller, and Manual Discovery, only defined
devices appear in the selection list.

Commissioning a Device
1. Click Commission. The Commission Device Wizard appears.
2. Choose the application type and the connection point information.
Note: To commission a device that contains an existing application, use the Applications in Controller setting
to make sure you commission the latest information.
3. From the Device Selection screen, select a device.
4. Click Next.
Note: If the application type is Application in Controller and no devices appear on the Device Selection screen,
click Discover.
5. Click Finish. The application appears to be commissioned in the Control View.
Note: If the application type is Application in Controller, the Tool uploads the application from the selected
Note: The Notice dialog box appears when the application version in the controller is older than the application
version loaded in the Tool. You can continue commissioning this application successfully; however, you
do not see any new items added since the last load. Perform a load to see new items.

Viewing and Modifying Attributes

You can view and modify attributes in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See
Viewing and Modifying Parameters in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Viewing Connections
You can view connections in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See Viewing
and Modifying Connections in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Control View Steps

Viewing Controller Information

You can view controller information for a single controller in Commissioning mode. This option is not available in
the Simulation mode. Use this procedure to access information from the controller to which you are connected and
commissioning. You can open a .caf file to view controller information, or select a connection type and discover
controllers to view multiple controller information.
To view the details of the controller being commissioned, click Controller Information on the Tools menu.
Note: For information on viewing controller information from the Configuration mode, see the Configuring a System

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 311

Commanding Items
You can command items in the Commissioning mode and Simulation mode. You must be in Test mode to issue
commands while commissioning. The controller goes offline and the field point appears as well as the value sent
using the Commands option. The commands you perform in Test mode are temporary. The Tool releases these
commands when you leave Test mode in Commissioning mode. The controller goes online, and the point value
returns to its value. See Commanding Items in the Simulating a System section.

Issuing Hardware Commands

You can issue Hardware Commands on inputs and outputs in the Commissioning mode. Hardware Commands send
commands (for example, adjust or override) as if you performed them through the Supervisory Controller or Server
online user interface. Hardware commands are not released when you leave Commissioning mode. The value is
retained in the system at the priority level commanded. You can view and clear the command from the Supervisory
Controller or Server online user interface or from the Hardware Command option in this tool.
1. In the Control view, right-click an input, miscellaneous input, output, or miscellaneous output. The right-click
menu appears.
2. Select Hardware Commands. The attribute’s specific command dialog box appears.
3. Make your selections.
4. Click Send.

Viewing and Modifying Details

You can view and modify information in the Details dialog box in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and
Commissioning mode. See Viewing and Modifying Details in the Configuring a System section.

Viewing a Module’s Logic

You can view logic in modules in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See Viewing
and Modifying a Module’s Logic in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Showing and Hiding Involvement

You can view involvement in two ways—within the UI or through a Show Involvement dialog box.
If you want to view involvement in a separate dialog box, first click Settings, then select Use Involvement Dialog.
1. Right-click an output and select Show Involvement. If you selected the Use Involvement Dialog setting, the Show
Involvement dialog box appears.
The magenta background color change indicates which modules are affecting the selected output. See Control
Tab Status Colors and Icons in the User Interface section for more information.
2. To hide involvement, right-click an output and select Hide Involvement. If you selected the Use Involvement
Dialog setting, click Close.

Commissioning Inputs

Modifying Offsets
1. Right-click an input or miscellaneous input and select View Details. The Details dialog box appears.
2. Click Edit.
3. Enter the desired offset value.
4. Click OK.

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 312

Commissioning Outputs

Modifying the Change of Value Increment

You can modify the Change of Value increment to filter change update notices.
1. Right-click an output or miscellaneous output and select View Details. The Details dialog box appears.
2. Click Edit.
3. Enter the desired COV Inc value.
4. Click OK.

Modifying the Polarity of Position Adjust Outputs (PAOs)

1. Right-click an output or miscellaneous output and select View Details. The Details dialog box appears.
2. Click Edit.
3. Enter the desired PAO value.
4. Click OK.

Logic View Steps

Viewing and Modifying Details

You can view and modify information in the Details dialog box in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and
Commissioning mode. See Viewing and Modifying Details in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Showing and Hiding Connection Lines

Use the Trace Mode button to show and hide the Connection Lines in the logic diagram.

You can pan in the logic view in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See Panning
in the Configuring a System section for more information.

You can zoom in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See Zooming in the Configuring
a System section for more information.

You can print the logic diagram in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode. See Printing
the Logic Diagram in the Configuring a System section for more information.

Working with the Test Mode

The Test Mode allows you to command inputs, modules, and outputs to assist in commissioning your system. See
the Test Mode section.

Starting the Test Mode

To start the Test Mode, on the toolbar, select the Start Test Mode check box. You now have the ability to issue

Modifying Outputs
You can view and modify output attributes in the Configuration mode, Simulation mode, and Commissioning mode.
See Viewing and Modifying Parameters in the Configuring a System section.
Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 313
Stopping the Test Mode
To stop the test mode, on the toolbar, clear the Start Test Mode check box.

Using the Balancing Feature

Note: The task buttons of the balancing feature are active only when in the Test mode; however, you do not need
to be in Test mode to edit the attributes of the Balancer Override SD module.
The following steps describe a typical use of the balancing feature:
1. Start the Test mode. See Starting the Test Mode.
2. Edit the VAV Box Controller balancing attributes such as Flow Setpoints to the desired values, if necessary. See
Editing the Balancing Attributes.
3. Autocalibrate the VAV Box Controller. See Autocalibrating the VAV Box Controller.
4. Issue a Flow Override command to measure the flow in the space (for example, drive the VAV Box Controller
to the maximum cfm). See Issuing a Flow Override Command.
• If the flow measurement is accurate, restore the flow as is. See Restoring Flow.
• If the flow measurement is inaccurate, calculate the K-Factor with the new measurement. See Calculate
K-Factors Command Dialog Box.
5. Exit the Test mode. See Stopping the Test Mode.

Editing the Balancing Attributes

1. Right-click the Balancer Override SD module and click View Details.
2. Click Edit.
3. Modify the attributes as desired (for example, change the flow setpoints).
Note: Click Cancel to exit Edit mode without applying changes.
4. Click Apply. The changes are made and the system exits Edit mode.
Return to the Using the Balancing Feature section.

Autocalibrating the VAV Box Controller

1. Right-click the Balancer Override SD module and click View Details.
2. Click the Auto Calibrate. The Auto Calibrate Command dialog box appears asking if you want to autocalibrate
the device.
3. Click Send.
4. Monitor the Autocal Status attribute in the Status section of the attribute table:
• When False, the autocalibration is in progress and the task buttons are inactive.
• When True, the autocalibration is complete and the task buttons are active.
Note: Autocalibration takes approximately 60 seconds to complete, which is the stroke time of the actuator over
90 degrees of travel.
Return to the Using the Balancing Feature section.

Issuing a Flow Override Command

1. In the details view of the Balancer Override SD module, click Flow Override. The Flow Override Command dialog
box appears.
2. Select a value from the menu. For example, select Supply Duct Max to drive the VAV Box Controller to the
maximum cfm.

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 314

3. Click Send to issue the command.
Return to the Using the Balancing Feature section.

Restoring Flow
1. In the details view of the Balancer Override SD module, click Flow Restore. The Flow Restore Command dialog
box appears asking if you want to send the restore flow command.
2. Click Send.
Return to the Using the Balancing Feature section.

Calculating the K-Factors

1. In the details view of the Balancer Override SD module, click Calculate K-Factors. The Calculate K-Factors
Command dialog box appears.
2. Select the duct from the Duct Selection menu.
3. Enter the proper value in the Measured Flow text box.
4. Click Send. The values on the Balancer tab update according to this new value.
Return to the Using the Balancing Feature section.

Exiting Commissioning Mode

1. Click Configure. The Confirm dialog box appears.
2. Click Yes. The Tool returns to Configure mode.

This section describes screens specific to the Commissioning mode. For information on screens that appear in both
the Configuration mode and the Commissioning mode, see the Configuring a System section for more information.

Commissioning Device Wizard

Table 131, Table 129, and Table 130 describe the screens in the Commissioning Device Wizard. See the
Commissioning a Device section.
Table 128: Commission Device Wizard - Main Screen
Field Description
Load Type Allows you to select either the current Controller Application File (Current Application)
or a Controller Application File in the device (Application in Controller). When you select
Application In Controller, the wizard uploads the file from the device.
Note: To commission a device that contains an existing application, use the
Applications in Controller setting to make sure you commission the latest
Connection Type Allows you to select an Ethernet, Bluetooth, BACnet Router, or ZigBee Connection.

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 315

Table 128: Commission Device Wizard - Main Screen
Field Description
Connection Attribute • Ethernet:
Allows you to specify the host name, IP address, and user credentials for the device
you want to connect (also, referred to as Metasys Ethernet NAE Passthrough).
Note: You do not need to launch the tool or have a supervisory device
configuration tool to use the Ethernet Passthrough connection. When the
tool is launched from the supervisory device configuration tool, the
supervisory device connection information is not automatically populated.
Note: To use an Ethernet connection, enter the device host name or IP address,
enter your user credentials, and click Login. You can save this information
by configuring it in the Manage Host Name/IP Address List dialog box. See
Manage Host Name and IP Address List Dialog Box.
• Bluetooth: Allows you to specify the COM port and baud rate to use.
• BACnet Router: Allows you to specify the IP address and UDP port of the BACnet
Router, the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0-99,999), and an available
Ethernet network interface adapter (if selected, all IP traffic intended for the BACnet
router travels through this interface) to use.
Note: Do not use 1001 for the MS/TP Network Number. The MS/TP Network
Number 1001 is reserved for Johnson Controls IP network connections.
• ZigBee: Allows you to specify the PAN Offset.
Discovery Allows you to perform Manual or Auto Discovery.

Table 129: Commission Device Wizard - Device Selection Screen

Field Description
Device Name Displays the device name after the discovery process finishes.
System Name Displays the system name after the discovery process finishes.
Address Displays the controller’s address after the discovery process finishes.
Type Displays the type after the discovery process finishes.
Status Displays the status after the discovery process finishes.
Instance Number (BACnet ID) Displays the BACnet® ID.
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Cancel Closes the wizard without starting Commissioning mode.
Opens the Tool Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 316

Table 130: Commission Device Wizard - Commission Summary Screen
Field Description
Device Information Displays information for the following:
• Name: Displays the name of the controller.
• Description: Displays a description for the controllers.
• Model: Displays the model number.
• Boot code Version: Displays the bootcode version for the controller.
• Main code Version: Displays the maincode version for the controller.
• System Name: Displays the system name for the controller.
• CPU Usage: Displays the CPU usage for the controller.
• Object Memory Usage: Displays the amount of memory used by the controller.
• Status: Displays the status of the controller.
• 1
Radio Firmware Version : Displays the Firmware version of the wireless devices.
• 1
Radio IEEE Address : Displays the IEEE address of the wireless devices.
• 1
Pan Id : Displays the Pan ID of the wireless devices.
• Device Address: Displays the device address for the controller.
• Unbound References: Displays whether the device has unbound references.
• FC Communication Mode: Indicates the field bus communication: N2 Slave Field
Bus, Wired Field Bus, and Wireless Field Bus.
Status Displays the status of entering Commissioning mode after clicking the Finish button.
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Finish Closes the wizard and starts Commissioning mode.
Cancel Closes the wizard without starting Commissioning mode.
Opens the Help system.

1 Appears only when wirelessly connected.

Controller Information Dialog Box

See the Viewing Controller Information section.
For information on viewing controller information from the Configuration mode, see the Configuring a System section.
Table 131: Controller Information Dialog Box
Field Description
Name Displays the name of the controller.
Description Displays information for the controller.
Model Displays the model number for the controller.
Bootcode Version Displays the bootcode version for the controller.
Maincode Version Displays the maincode version for the controller.
System Name Displays the system name for the controller.
CPU Usage Displays the CPU usage for the controller.
Object Memory Usage Displays the memory usage for the controller.
Status Displays the status for the controller.

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 317

Table 131: Controller Information Dialog Box
Field Description
1 Displays the Firmware version of the wireless devices.
Radio Firmware Version
1 Displays the IEEE address of the wireless devices.
Radio IEEE Address
Device Address Displays the device address for the controller.
Unbound References Displays whether the device has unbound references.
FC Communication Mode Indicates the field bus communication: N2 Slave Field Bus, Wired
Field Bus, and Wireless Field Bus.
1 Displays the Pan ID of the wireless devices.
Pan Id
Refresh Updates the Controller Information Wizard.
Close Closes the Controller Information Wizard.

1 Appears only when wirelessly connected.

Show Involvement Dialog Box

For information on showing and hiding involvement, see the Showing and Hiding Involvement section. When you
view this dialog box, the magenta highlighting indicates which modules are affecting the selected output.
Table 132: Show Involvement Dialog Box
Field Description
Network Inputs Displays the list of network inputs.
Inputs Displays the list of inputs
Miscellaneous Inputs Displays the list of miscellaneous inputs
Setpoint/Miscellaneous Displays the list of setpoint miscellaneous modules.
State Generation Displays the list of state generation modules.
Output Control Displays the list of output control modules.
Network Outputs Displays the list of network outputs.
Outputs Displays the list of outputs.
Miscellaneous Outputs Displays the list of miscellaneous outputs.
Opens the Help system.

Close Closes the dialog box.

Balancer Override SD Module Balancing Tasks

The Balancer Override SD module is described in the Balancer Override topic of the State Generation Modules
section. See the Using the Balancing Feature section for information on tasks to perform in the Balancer tab.
The following dialog boxes appear when performing the various tasks in the Balancer tab:
• Auto Calibrate Command Dialog Box
• Flow Override Command Dialog Box
• Flow Restore Command Dialog Box
• Calculate K-Factors Command Dialog Box

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 318

Auto Calibrate Command Dialog Box
Table 133: Auto Calibrate Command Dialog Box
Field Description
Do you want to send Auto Calibrate Command?
Send Begins autocalibration.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without starting the autocalibration

Flow Override Command Dialog Box

Table 134: Flow Override Command Dialog Box
Field Description
Attribute Displays the attribute being commanded. You cannot edit this field.
Value Provides a list of values to command to the attribute (Normal, Supply Duct Min, Supply
Duct Max, Heating Flow, Close All).
Send Issues the Flow Override command.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without issuing the command.

Flow Restore Command Dialog Box

Table 135: Flow Restore Command Dialog Box
Field Description
Do you want to send Flow Restore Command?
Send Issues the Flow Restore command.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without issuing the command.

Calculate K-Factors Command Dialog Box

Table 136: Calculate K-Factors Command Dialog Box
Field Description
Duct Selection Lists the available ducts to command.
Measured Flow Allows you to enter the value measured during the flow override.
Send Issues the command and calculates the K-Factor values.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without issuing the command.

Controller Tool Help: Commissioning a System 319

Box Flow Test Overview
Use the Box Flow Test to verify and diagnose the operation of Single Duct, Dual Duct, and Supply Exhaust
applications. The Box Flow Test module provides the timing, output control, and data-gathering functions for testing
the flow control performance of a VAV Box Controller application.
See Box Flow Test in the State Generators section for information on the Box Flow Test module.


Box Flow Test

You can run the Box Flow Test after you download the initial application. The air handling unit's supply fan must be
running to implement the Box Flow Test. After completion of the test, the error summary report shows which devices
and applications were not installed or set up correctly.
The Box Flow Test consists of two tabs: Setup/Progress and Results. You can use the Box Flow Test Discover
feature to discover the test results from the device. After you initiate the Box Flow Test, you can disconnect from
the network and return later to collect and review the results.


Setting Starting Positions

When you perform a box flow test, we recommend that you use certain starting positions. If you do not use the
recommended starting positions, a message box appears that states the recommended starting positions, but you
can still continue with the test. See the following table for the recommended starting positions.
Table 137: Recommended Starting Positions for a Box Flow Test with Multiple Flow Loops
System Type Recommendation
Single Duct with Exhaust Set the Exhaust box starting position the same as the Supply box starting position.
Dual Duct Set the Hot deck starting position the opposite of the Cold deck starting position.
Dual Duct with Exhaust Set the Hot deck starting position the same as the Cold deck starting position. Set the Exhaust
box starting position the same as the Cold deck starting position.

Performing a Box Flow Test

Before you perform a Box Flow Test, you must make a connection. See Making Connections in the Commissioning
a System section.
1. On the Tools menu, select Box Flow Test. The Connection Type screen of the Box Flow Test wizard appears.
2. Select the connection type you want to use.
a. For an Ethernet connection, select a host name or IP address from the drop-down box, or enter the device
host name or IP address, your user credentials, and click Login.
b. For a Bluetooth connection, enter the Bluetooth COM port and baud rate.
c. For a BACnet router, enter the device IP address, UDP port, and network number. Select the network interface.
d. For a ZigBee Wireless connection, enter the PAN offset.
3. Click Next. The Device Selection screen appears. The Box Flow Test begins to discover devices.
Note: Click Discovery if the Box Flow Test does not discover devices.
4. After the discovery is complete, the screen displays all the devices present on the network. Select the devices
for which to perform the Box Flow Test. To select multiple devices, hold down the Ctrl key and select each device.
Click the columns to sort the devices.
5. Click Next. The Perform Test screen appears.
6. Select the check box next to the devices to perform a Box Flow Test on.

Controller Tool Help: Performing a Box Flow Test 320

Note: You can filter the devices by typing search criteria in the Filter box. Type one or more letters appearing
in the device name you want to select.
Note: To select all devices, right-click in the check box column and click Select All. To select no devices,
right-click in the check box column and click Select None.
7. Make necessary changes to following parameters:
a. Actuator Stroke Time: Displays the amount of time, in seconds, it takes the actuator to move from the fully
closed to fully opened position.
b. Bidirectional Test: Indicates whether the Box Flow Text is bidirectional or single. Select False if you want the
damper to stroke only in one direction from the starting point. Select True if you want the damper to make
the return part of the test.
c. Display Precision: Defines the decimal rounding and the decimal places to display for each airflow reading.
d. In the Starting Position column, select Open or Closed by clicking the row you want. We recommend that
you have an equal number of boxes closed as there are open. This helps ensure adequate static pressure
during the test. It also helps prevent an over-pressure situation.
Note: To set all dampers to the open position, right-click the Starting Position column header and then click
Set Same Position. To set alternating positions, right-click Starting Position and then click Set
Alternating Position.
Note: We recommend that you use the starting positions found in the Setting Starting Positions section.
8. After you make your selections, click Begin Test. The Box Flow Test begins. The status of the test appears in
the State column.

Reading Results
To read results after the Box Flow Test completes:
1. In the Setup/Progress tab of the Box Flow Test screen, click Read Results.
2. Click the Results tab.
Note: If the test is still in progress, the State column displays Test in Progress. Wait until the test completes
and read the results again.
Note: You can also read the results from the previous time the box flow test was performed. Click Read Results
before performing the test to view the results of the last performed box flow test.
Note: If there are errors, the error appears in the State column and the result summary appears in the Results
Summary column.

Controller Tool Help: Performing a Box Flow Test 321

The following are the possible results:
• Large dP Offset: Set if the absolute value of the Percent dP Offset is greater than or equal to the dP Offset
Tolerance. This indicates that an auto calibration was performed when the damper was not fully closed. This
is often a symptom of a stuck or reversed actuator. This error is evaluated on input change while the test
state is Test in Progress or No Test Data. The error is reset when a test begins and the absolute value of
the current Percent dP Offset input is less than the dP Offset Tolerance.
• Flow Not Reliable: Set if the Flow input Reliability is not reliable. This error is evaluated on input change
while the test state is Test in Progress or No Test Data. The error is reset when a test begins and the Flow
is currently reliable. This error indicates one or more of the Flow readings is not reliable.
• Damper Command Not Responding: Set if the Damper Percent Cmd input did not reach the Step Position
(within 1%) for one or more of the test steps. This indicates the application is being controlled by higher
precedence logic.
• Poor Flow Response: Set if (Max Flow - Min Flow) <= (Rated Box Flow * Flow Tolerance / 100). The Min
Flow and Max Flow refer to the minimum and maximum of the recorded flow values.
• Insufficient Flow: Set if (Max Flow) < Rated Box Flow * (100 - Flow Tolerance) / 100.
• Excessive Flow: Set if (Max Flow) > 1.5 * Rated Box Flow.
• Non-Increasing Flow: Check all steps (other than the starting position) against previous step to verify flow
is moving in direction expected. Considered an error if moving opposite expected direction (by more than
half the tolerance) for any of the steps or if the flows at the fully open or closed positions are not within the
tolerance of the max or min flows, respectively.
• Excessive Hysteresis: Evaluated only if Check Hysteresis is True. For all positions that have a pair of flow
values (all steps except the end stop opposite the starting position), set error if flows are different by more
than the tolerance.

Saving the Results

To save the results:
1. In the Box Flow Test screen, click the Results tab.
2. Click Save Results.
3. Select the location to save the .csv file and click OK.

Canceling a Box Flow Test

To cancel a Box Flow Test, click Cancel Test in the Setup/Progress tab of the Box Flow Test screen.


Box Flow Test Screen

Table 138: Box Flow Test
Field Description
Ethernet Indicates an Ethernet connection.
Bluetooth Indicates a Bluetooth connection.
BACnet Router Indicates a BACnet router connection.
Zigbee Indicates a Zigbee connection.
Supervisory Device Displays the selected Supervisory Controller. Appears only when you
are connected via Ethernet.
Trunk Number Displays the selected trunk. Appears only when you are connected via

Controller Tool Help: Performing a Box Flow Test 322

Table 138: Box Flow Test
Field Description
Baud Rate Allows you to select a baud rate of 9600, 19200, 38400, or 76800.
Appears only when you are connected via Bluetooth.
Bluetooth COM Port Indicates the COM port for the Bluetooth connection. Appears only when
you are connected via Bluetooth.
Address Indicates the IP address of the BACnet router. Appears only when you
are connected via BACnet router.
UDP Port Indicates the UDP port of the BACnet router. Appears only when you are
connected via BACnet router.
Network Number Indicates the network number of the MS/TP trunk (0–99,999). Appears
only when you are connected via BACnet router.
Network Interface Indicates the network interface adapter. Appears only when you are
connected via BACnet router.
PAN Offset Allows you to specify the PAN offset. Appears only when you are
connected via Zigbee router.
Setup/Progress Tab
Filter Allows you to filter the selection.
Selection (Check Box) Indicates the devices to test.
Device Name Displays a list of devices that contain a Box Flow Test module.
System Name Displays the loaded device’s system name.
Starting Position Indicates the damper position set by the Box Flow Test at the start of the
test. You can modify the damper starting position.
Note: To set all dampers to the open position, right-click the Starting
Position column header and then click Set Same Position. To
set alternating positions, right-click Starting Position and then
click Set Alternating Position.
Flow Loop Indicates the flow loop being tested: Supply Damper, Exhaust, Cold Duct,
or Hot Duct. A single duct VAV application has only one flow loop: the
supply damper. A supply/exhaust application has two flow loops
processed in one controller address: the supply damper and the exhaust
damper. In dual duct applications where more than one flow loop per
controller is tested, possible loops include hot deck, cold deck, and
exhaust dampers.
State Displays the current (or last) state of the test for each device. For detailed
explanations on possible states, see the Box Flow Test section.
Begin Test Starts the Box Flow Test.
Read Results Displays the Box Flow Test results for State, Results Summary, and
Airflow readings on the Results tab.
Cancel Test Cancels the test.
Actuator Stroke Time Displays the amount of time, in seconds, it takes the actuator to move
from the fully closed to fully opened position.
Bidirectional Test Indicates whether the Box Flow Text is bidirectional or single. When the
Bidirectional Test is false, the test causes the damper to stroke only in
one direction from the starting point. When the Bidirectional Test is true,
the test causes the damper to make the return part of the test.

Controller Tool Help: Performing a Box Flow Test 323

Table 138: Box Flow Test
Field Description
Display Precision Displays the number of decimal places to display for each airflow reading.
The default value is hundredths.
Results Tab
Device Name Displays a list of devices that contain a Box Flow Test module.
Address Displays the field device address.
System Name Displays the loaded device’s system name.
Flow Loop Indicates the flow loop being tested: Supply Damper, Exhaust, Cold Duct,
or Hot Duct. A single duct VAV application has only one flow loop: the
supply damper. A supply/exhaust application has two flow loops
processed in one controller address: the supply damper and the exhaust
damper. In dual duct applications where more than one flow loop per
controller is tested, possible loops include hot deck, cold deck, and
exhaust dampers.
Max Flow Displays the maximum rated flow rate (cfm) of the VAV box. This flow
rate is compared to the flow values read at 100%.
Percent Columns (0% to 100%) Displays the airflow when the damper is open to that percentage.
State Displays the current (or last) state of the test for each device. For detailed
explanations on possible states, see the Box Flow Test section.
Results Summary Indicates the results of the box flow test.
Save Results Opens a dialog to save the results as a .csv file.
Done Closes the Box Flow Test screen.
Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Performing a Box Flow Test 324

ZFR Checkout Tool (ZCT)
The ZFR Checkout Tool (ZCT) allows you to validate the wireless connectivity and health of wireless devices within
a ZFR Series Wireless Field Bus System to help ensure a reliable wireless mesh network is in place. You can use
the information provided by the ZCT to analyze and troubleshoot the wireless mesh network created by a ZFR
system. In addition, you can use reports generated by ZCT to provide documentation of each wireless site.
The ZCT gathers information by discovering the wireless field controllers, sensors, and repeaters on your network
and analyzing their status and communication paths. The ZCT provides a simple report of wireless network
performance, including online status verification and wireless signal strength information. The ZCT also provides
wireless device lists, signal strength information, and diagnostic measurements of the wireless mesh network.


Hardware and Software Requirements

The ZCT requires a USB adapter with a ZigBee driver. The driver is installed automatically with Release 5.3 or later
of the tool. You can purchase the adapter with the Advanced Order Management System (AOMS) using product
code ZFR-USBHA-0.
Note: The adapter must be connected to the computer running the Tool before you attempt to scan the network.
• ZFR Checkout Tool (packaged with Controller Tool software)

ZCT User Interface

The ZCT consists of four main tabs (Status Tab, Diagnostic Tab, Routing Tab, and Device Tab) and a series of
command buttons.

Menu Bar
The menu bar includes the following options.
Table 139: Menu Bar Description
Item Option Description
File New Opens a new ZCT session.
Open Opens a saved ZCT session.
Save Saves the session. This option is disabled when you are starting
a new scan with no data.
Save As Saves the session and allows you to name. This option is disabled
when you are starting a new scan with no data.
Input from Point Imports information from an existing Point Schedule.
Generate Report Generates a report of the scan results that appear on the Status
tab. This option is disabled when you are starting a new scan with
no data.
Exit Closes the ZCT.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 325

Table 139: Menu Bar Description
Item Option Description
View Status Shows the current status of the ZFR Router.
Diagnostic Switches to the Diagnostic tab view.
Routing Switches to the Routing tab view.
Device Switches to the Device tab view.
Hexadecimal When selected, this option displays short addresses in
hexadecimal format. Otherwise, the tabs display short addresses
in decimal.
Short Address When selected, Device (MS/TP) and repeater addresses are
replaced with the short address on the Routing and Device tabs.
Advanced Mode When selected, tabs may display an additional yellow signal
strength color (weak signal corresponding to 2 blinks on the router
LED) and an additional Diagnostic column is shown on the
Diagnostic tab.
Note: Advanced Mode remains in effect between ZCT scans.
Actions Start Scan Starts a network scan.
Add Device Allows you to add a new device address to the Status tab, the
Diagnostic tab, and the scan database.
Note: This option does not add a device to the drop-down box
on the Device tab.
Remove Selected Removes the devices selected in the Status tab. This option is
Devices disabled when you are starting a new scan with no data.
Commands Ping Locates a device. This option is disabled when you are starting
a new scan with no data.
Clear Statistics Clears counter information from the diagnostic tab for a specific
device. This option is disabled when you are starting a new scan
with no data.
Clear All Statistics Clears counter information from the diagnostic tab for all devices.
This option is disabled when you are starting a new scan with no
Optimize Network Optimizes network communications and routing paths between
the ZFR Coordinator and each ZFR Router on the wireless
Reform Network Clears network information from all nodes of the ZFR mesh
network. Reinitiates the mesh.
Help Topics Opens the ZCT chapter of the online Help.
Topics PDF Opens the Controller Tool Help PDF.
About Displays version information.

Network Information
The Network Information panel displays the Pan Offset and Channel information and allows you to specify job
information. The Network Information panel appears regardless of which tab you select. The table in the Network
Information section contains a description of the section. The PAN Offset and Channel fields show the actual values
of the network and cannot be edited. See Scanning Your ZFR Network.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 326

Status Tab
The Status tab displays an overview of the scan results.
Cells in the first column that include an asterisk (*) indicate that there is a gap in the Device Address column, which
may indicate a missing device (see Tooltips). Colored cells show the general status for the device or sensor, with a
red cell indicating that a problem needs to be addressed. See Table 142 in the Status Tab section for a description
of each column on the Status tab.
If the Status tab indicates a problem with devices on your network, and you are an experienced user, consult the
other tabs for more detailed network analysis information. See Diagnostic Tab, Routing Tab, and Device Tab.
The Checkout Summary section of the Status tab contains a summary of the devices found during the scan and
information about the scan itself. See the Table 143 in the Status Tab section for a description of the Checkout
Summary section.
Figure 49: Status Tab

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 327

Diagnostic Tab
For the experienced user, the Diagnostic tab provides additional information gathered during the scan that can help
you identify and diagnose problems with devices on the network. See the table in the Diagnostic Tab section for a
description of each column on the Diagnostic tab.
On the Diagnostic tab, you can sort columns. Device statuses appear in colored cells depending on the status value.
Figure 50: Diagnostic Tab

Routing Tab
For the experienced user, the Routing tab provides details on each hop a message takes on its way to and from the
coordinator in the network. Use data from this tab to diagnose which device links are weak, especially if a router
shows a weak signal status on the Status and Diagnostic tabs. See the table in the Routing Tab section for a
description of each column on the Routing tab.
On the Routing tab, you can sort any column by clicking the column header. Color gradients show the signal strengths
between device hops. The route hop color may be white if the signal strength information could not be found at the
destination of the hop. Certain cells also indicate routing problems using symbols (see ---- in the following figure).
Table 148 provides a description of these symbols.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 328

Figure 51: Routing Tab

Device Tab
For the experienced user, the Device tab offers details on communication hops, sensor information, the number of
neighbors, and more. Whereas the Routing tab provides a Coordinator, the Device tab offers a view centered on
the Router (wireless field controller) centric view. See the Device Tab Column Description table in the Device Tab
section for a description of each column on the Device tab.
The Device tab also includes a depth information table (circled in red in Figure 52). The table provides the advanced
user with a sense of the network layout and shows the hierarchy of parent/child addresses assigned to routers back
to the coordinator at depth 0. The table displays the Device Address at each depth and also shows the short address
(in decimal and hexadecimal) for each parent router between the coordinator and the device. See Address Depth
for an explanation of depth.
The text Not Found appears with a yellow background in the table if a parent router is not in the scan. When you
hover your cursor over the Not Found cell, a tooltip describes the issue.
There are several reasons that the missing router may be not be found:
• The scan is incomplete—not all devices in the mesh appeared in the scan.
• The user replaced the router attached to the field controller with another, leaving the child devices without their
parent. (The replaced router acquires a new, different short address.)
• The user toggled the PAN Offset switches on the router to clear the router's network tables and force the router
to rejoin the network. That router then acquired a different short address from a second router.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 329

Figure 52: Device Tab

Address Depth
The address depth can be thought of as an indicator of distance from the coordinator, but it actually refers to the
way that short addresses are assigned to routers and sensors in the network. This method is referred to as tree
addressing. As devices initially join the wireless network, they receive an address from a parent device that is already
a member of the network. The coordinator and routers can assign only 6 short addresses to other routers. The
coordinator is at depth 0 and its 6 routers would be at depth 1. If there are more than 6 routers within 50 ft of the
coordinator, they cannot all get a short address from the coordinator, so they would get an address from a depth 1
router, resulting in that device being at depth 2.
Each router can assign 6 short addresses to other routers and 14 short addresses to sensors. A router at depth 1
assigns short addresses to routers at depth 2. There could be as many as 36 routers at depth 2. However, as the
distance from the coordinator increases, the likelihood of receiving one of the 36 addresses at depth 2 diminishes.
In a normal installation, the distance from the coordinator is large enough that routers will have short addresses at
deeper levels.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 330

The maximum short address depth from the coordinator is 5. Routers at depth 5 do not have any addresses to assign
to routers or sensors, so it is not desirable to have routers at that depth. When the address is depth 5, the ZCT
displays a yellow background and a message recommending a network reform. The Depth table on the Device tab
shows the short address depth of each router and which device assigned that address to it, continuing with each
depth back to the coordinator.
Figure 53 is an example of how routers may be assigned addresses at different depths. The figure shows the potential
short address depths of the routers in an installation that has a lot of distance between routers. There are 6 routers
at depth 1, 16 at depth 2, 1 at depth 3, 1 at depth 4, and 6 at depth 5. The 6 routers at depth 5 cannot assign
addresses to sensors.
It is important to remember that depth does not equal hops on a route between devices—it is exclusively a means
of assigning short addresses.
The recommended practice is to have routers no more than 50 ft apart with the furthest routers within 250 ft (76 m)
of the coordinator. If some routers are at depth 5, it may be an indication that the routers are farther away than 250
ft. Depth 5 can also result from the order which devices are initially powered up during construction, when other
neighboring devices are not currently on the network.
If routers are at depth 5, consider reforming the network because these routers cannot assign addresses to sensors
or new routers or repeaters in the network.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 331

Figure 53: Short Addresses Up to Level 5

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 332

Abandoned Children Status
The Abandoned Children status can result if the user toggles the PAN Offset switches to clear the tables in a router
and the router may receive its original short address from its original parent. This may cause a problem. Because
the router's Associated Children table is empty, this router may assign a short address to another router, resulting
in two routers with the same short address. Whenever ZCT detects the Device Information Depth table shows the
responsible router's device address with a red background and a tooltip, indicating abandoned children. To address
this problem, reform the network. See Reforming the Network.
In Figure 54, the user toggled the PAN Offset switches on several routers, clearing their network tables and forcing
them to rejoin the network. Router 81 received the same short address from the coordinator that it had before, but
its Associated Children table is now empty, so its status will be set to Abandoned Children. The three routers shown
in dashed outline acquired new short addresses from other routers and are not problematic. The short addresses
for the two routers together in the middle of Figure 54 are listed as Not Found in the Device Information Depth table.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 333

Figure 54: Abandoned Children Network Diagram

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 334

Command Buttons
The bottom panel of the ZCT includes the four command buttons described in the following table.
Table 140: Command Buttons
Button Description
Start Scan Starts a network scan.See Scanning Your ZFR Network.
Add Device Allows you to add a device after you perform a scan. See Adding a Device to the Scan Results.
Generate report Generates a report of the scan results that appear on the Status tab. This option is disabled when you
are starting a new scan with no data. See Generating a Report of Scan Results.
Exit Closes the ZCT. If you have the Controller Tool open, this button does not close the Controller Tool.

Various tooltips appear in the Status tab, Diagnostic tab, Routing tab, and Device tab. These tooltips appear when
you hover your cursor over certain column headings, errors, or symbols. In addition, both the Scan Configuration
dialog box and the Import Point Configuration dialog box include tooltips.

A session is the list of devices and all the associated summary or diagnostic information generated by a scan in the
ZCT UI. You can save a session, open it at a later time in the ZCT, and perform another scan to update the information.
Sessions are saved in a .zct file format and open in the ZCT UI. See Saving a Session.

You can generate a ZCT HTML report of scan results that you can view and print from your web browser. A report
contains the information shown in the Status tab, including the comments. See Figure 55.
Note: You cannot open an existing report from within the ZCT. However, you can open an existing scan, rescan,
or add comments and generate a new report with updated information.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 335

Figure 55: ZFR Checkout Report

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 336


Opening the ZCT

Opening the ZCT from the Tool

1. Open the Tool.
2. On the Tools menu, select Wireless > ZFR Checkout Tool.
Note: You must close the ZCT before using the ZFR dongle in the Tool. If the Controller Tool is using a ZFR
dongle, the ZFR dongle is not available to ZCT until the Controller Tool releases it (commissioning mode
ends). When ZCT uses the ZFR dongle, the ZFR dongle is not released until the ZCT session ends.

Creating a ZCT Desktop Shortcut

1. Right-click your desktop and select New > Shortcut from the menu.
2. In the Create Shortcut dialog box, click Browse. The Browse For Files or Folders window appears.
3. Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Johnson Controls\<Product Name>\ZCT\bin\ZCT.exe
4. Click OK.
5. On the Create Shortcut dialog box, click Next. The Select a Title for the Program window appears.
6. Enter a name for the shortcut.
7. Click Finish. The new ZCT shortcut appears on your desktop.
8. To open the ZCT using the desktop shortcut, double-click the shortcut.
Note: You can also open the ZCT tool using the Start menu (Start > All Programs > [Application] > ZCT).
Note: You must close the ZCT before starting a commissioning session in the Controller Tool.

Scanning Your ZFR Network

Note: Scans discover wireless devices only. Wired devices do not appear in the scan results.
1. Open the ZCT. See Opening the ZCT for details.
2. Connect the USB adapter with ZigBee driver to a USB port on the computer running ZCT. See the Hardware
section in Hardware and Software Requirements for details.
3. If desired, enter text in the Job Information text box to help you identify where the scan data originates.
4. Click Start Scan. The Scan Configuration dialog box appears.
Note: Alternatively, on the File menu, click Start Scan.
5. In the PAN Offset field, enter the PAN Offset value of your network.
Note: This number should match the DIP switch setting on the ZFR Coordinator associated with the network.
Note: Valid PAN Offset values are 1 through 127.
6. In the Channel drop-down list box, select a channel number of AUTO, 15, 20, or 25. You can also enter a number
between 12 and 25, inclusive. Select AUTO if you do not know which channel the PAN is using.
7. Place the laptop with the ZFR dongle within 50 feet of any router or repeater in the wireless mesh network.
Note: The ZCT does not attach to the wireless mesh network through the ZFR1810 Coordinator. Be sure the
ZCT laptop is within 50 feet of any router or repeater.
8. Scan the network using one of the following ways:
• Click Scan if the ZCT has no present data.
• Click Scan and Append to start a new scan and append it to the existing scan data.
• Click Clear and Scan to delete the current scan data and start a new scan.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 337

Note: Do not move the laptop until the scan completes and the Scan Progress Bar is not visible.
The ZCT tabs update with information from your network. Once the scan is complete and the Scan Progress
box disappears, you can view data on the tabs.

Adding a Device to the Scan Results

If you know a device should be present on the network but it does not appear in the scan results, you can add it
manually to the scan results. This manually added device has a status of Offline until a scan discovers it.
When you add a device, keep the following points in mind:
• The device address must be between 0 and 255.
• You cannot add a repeater as a device.
• If the added device address does not correspond to a real device, the device will always show a status of offline.
To add a device to the scan results:
1. Click Add Device. The Add Device box appears.
Note: Alternatively, on the Actions menu, select Add Device.
2. In the Device Address field, enter the MS/TP device address for the device you would like to add.
Note: You cannot enter an MS/TP device address that already exists in the scan results.
3. Click OK.
4. The device appears in the scan results with an Offline status.

Removing Devices from the Scan Results

If a device appears in the scan results that should not appear, you can remove it manually. When you remove a
device from the scan results, the device and associated sensors are removed from the Status tab, the Diagnostic
tab, the Device tab, and the scan database. You cannot undo the device removal. To restore the device to the scan
results, perform another scan or manually add the device.
To remove a device from the scan results:
1. On the Status tab, select the device row (or rows) to remove by clicking the leftmost cell in the Status column.
2. On the Actions menu, select Remove Selected Devices. A confirmation box appears asking whether you are
sure you want to remove the device.
3. Click Yes. The device disappears from the scan results.

Generating a Report of Scan Results

When a scan is complete, you can generate a report for viewing and printing. The reports contain information from
the Status tab.
To generate a report of the scan results:
1. Perform a scan of the network. See Scanning Your ZFR Network.
2. Click Generate Report. The Save As dialog box appears.
Note: Alternatively, on the File menu, click Generate Report.
3. Browse to a file location where you would like to save the report.
4. Enter a name for the report.
Note: The default file name is the same as the current session.
5. Click Save.
After you save the report, it opens in your default web browser. You can print the report from the browser.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 338

Investigating Status Issues
Experienced users can use the Diagnostic, Routing, and Device tabs to investigate problems indicated by the initial
scan and the Status tab.
To investigate status issues, click the Diagnostic, Routing, or Device tab for more detailed network information.
See Diagnostic Tab, Routing Tab, or Device Tab for details on the content of each tab.

Pinging a Device
Use the Ping command to locate a device and see if the device is communicating. The ZCT includes a progress bar
which indicates the status of the command. The Signal Strength LED on a ZFR Router blinks steadily for 1 minute
when it receives the Ping command. Use the LED on the ZFR Router for the device to identify the device and confirm
that the device has the expected address.
Note: You can only issue this command when scan data is present in the ZCT.
1. On the Commands menu, click Ping. The Ping a Device dialog box appears.
2. In the Device Address drop-down box, select the MS/TP address of the device.
3. Click Ok. A Ping Command Progress box appears. An confirmation box appears noting that the command was
completed successfully. Otherwise, an error message appears.

Clearing Statistics for a Specific Device

The Clear Statistics command clears counter information from the Diagnostic tab for a specific device. See the
Diagnostic Tab section for more information.
Note: You can only issue this command when scan data is present in the ZCT.
To clear statistics for a specific device:
1. On the Commands menu, click Clear Statistics. The Clear Statistics dialog box appears.
2. In the Device Address drop-down box, select the MS/TP address of the device.
3. Click Ok. A Clear Statistics Command Progress dialog box appears. An information box appears noting that the
command was completed successfully. Otherwise, an error message appears. The counters reset for the device
you selected.

Clearing Statistics for All Devices

The Clear All Statistics command clears counter information from the Diagnostic tab for all devices. See the Diagnostic
Tab section for more information.
Note: You can only issue this command when scan data is present in the ZCT.
To clear statistics for all devices:
1. On the Commands menu, click Clear All Statistics. A confirmation box appears asking whether you are sure
you want to clear the statistics from all devices.
2. Click Yes. The counters reset for all devices.

Optimizing the Network

The devices on the ZFR wireless network automatically find new routes (paths) when a message fails. However,
these paths may not be optimal due to how the devices were brought online. The Optimize Network command sends
a command to all of the ZFR devices on the wireless network to clear their routing tables causing the devices to
establish new optimal routes. This command can be useful after a network has been established and to lessen the
number of hops between a controller and the coordinator as seen on the Routing tab.
Note: You can issue this command before or after you perform a scan of the network.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 339

To optimize the network:
1. On the Commands menu, click Optimize Network. A confirmation box appears asking whether you are sure
you want to optimize the routing.
2. Click Yes. The Optimize Network Command Configuration box appears.
3. Enter the PAN offset and channel, then click Optimize Network. The Optimize Network Command Progress
dialog box appears. The ZFR Coordinator performs the following tasks:
• clears its internal (persisted) routing tables
• clears its statistics
• initiates a relearn sequence to all ZFR Routers
During the relearn sequence, the ZFR Routers also clear their routing tables and attempt to find better signal paths
to the ZFR Coordinator.
When complete, a confirmation box appears indicating that the command completed successfully.
Note: Optimization may take over 15 minutes to complete.

Reforming the Network

If you notice problems with controllers or sensors joining the wireless network, or notice problems with devices
staying online, a Network Reform may help. These problems occur because during network installation, wireless
address distribution can be fragmented due to wireless nodes being powered up in random order. When the Network
Reform is performed, all wireless addresses are cleared and redistributed allowing for optimum network performance
and non-duplicate wireless short addresses.
Note: You can issue this command before or after you perform a scan of the network.
To reform the network:
1. Verify that all nodes in the mesh network are powered up and appear in the Network screen.
2. On the Commands menu, click Reform Network. A warning message appears informing you of release
compatibility and the duration of the command.
3. Click OK. The Reform Network Command Configuration dialog box appears.
4. Enter the PAN offset and channel, then click Reform Network. The Reform Network Command Progress box
appears. The status LEDs on all routers in the mesh begin to flash rapidly, indicating that they have received
the command. After 5 minutes, the routers stop flashing and begin to flash every 10 seconds, indicating that they
are attempting to rejoin the mesh network.
5. Wait at least 30 minutes for all routers to rejoin the mesh. If the mesh includes weak paths, the process may
take longer. Wait at least an hour for all sensors to rejoin the newly formed wireless mesh network. To reduce
the wait time, press the Temp Occ button on the sensors after the routers are all online.
• If the command is successful, a confirmation box appears indicating that the command completed successfully.
• If the command is not successful, an error message appears. Verify the Coordinator firmware version.
6. Perform a final network scan to ensure all routers and sensors have successfully rejoined the wireless mesh

Importing Information from a Point Schedule

You can import information from an existing Point Schedule before or after you perform a scan. If you import a Point
Schedule before a scan, only the fields in the table in the Point Schedule Fields section contain valid information
and all devices appear offline until you perform a scan. If you import the Point Schedule after a scan, the Import
Point Schedule Dialog Box appears prompting you to choose how to import the point schedule.
1. Open a new session or an existing session with devices related to the Point Schedule you are importing.
2. On the File menu, select Import from Point Schedule.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 340

• If you do not have scan data in the ZCT, the open dialog box appears.
• If you have a scan data in the ZCT, the Import Point Schedule Dialog Box appears. Choose to merge or clear
the current data. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Browse to the location of the Point Schedule and select the Point Schedule spreadsheet file (.xlsm or .xls).
4. Click Open. The session updates with information from the Point Schedule. The Point Schedule Fields section
shows the fields in the ZCT UI that populate with information from the Point Schedule file.
Note: All ZCT fields in the table in the Point Schedule Fields section update with information from the Point
Schedule. You cannot choose one or two specific fields.
5. If desired, perform a scan to update the status information of devices in the Point Schedule.

Saving a Session
To save a session, on the File menu, click Save.
Note: If ZCT has no filename for saving files, it uses the Point Schedule filename and file path location to save the
ZCT file, changing the file extension to .zct.
Note: If you choose to exit the ZCT without first saving the file, a Save Work Changes box appears prompting you
to save or discard your data.

For an overview of the ZCT UI, see ZCT User Interface.

Network Information
Table 141: Network Information Description
Item Description
Menu Bar Contains the ZCT menu selections.
PAN Offset Displays the PAN Offset from the most recent ZCT file or scan. (Read-only).
Channel Displays the channel number for your network from the most recent ZCT file or scan.
Note: If you set the channel to AUTO in the Scan Configuration dialog box, this value is
automatically changed to the actual channel found when the network is scanned.
Job Information (Optional)
Contains a free text area where you can type information about the job or scan.
The text you enter here saves with the session and appears in any reports you generate.
Note: See Importing Information from a Point Schedule for details on how to import content
for this field from a Point Schedule.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 341

Status Tab
Table 142: Status Tab
Column Description
Device Address Shows the MS/TP device address of the wireless field controller.
Device addresses appear in the following way:
• ZFR Coordinator: 120–127 is the MS/TP device address
• ZFR Router: xxx where xxx is the associated wireless field controller’s MS/TP address
• ZFR Router functioning as a repeater or a third-party device: R_xxxx where xxxx is the
last 4 digits of its IEEE address, found on the label of the ZFR Router.
Device Name Shows the device name or model number of the connected wireless field controller. If the
device name for a field controller from a Point Schedule file appears in the Device Name
column, a tooltip appears with the model number of the field controller after a scan.
Note: See Importing Information from a Point Schedule for details on how to import content
for this field from a Point Schedule.
Device Status Shows the current status of the ZFR Router. The status is based on signal strength, routing,
and other device information. See Table 145 for prioritized faults for devices.
If the ZFR Router is online, this cell is green.
Note: This does not indicate that the field controller is online to the Supervisory Controller,
only that the ZFR is functioning.
Online Sensors Lists the online sensors configured for the field controller application. Cells that appear in
green show sensors that do not have problems. Cells that appear blank show sensors with
issues noted in the Sensor Problems cell. The sensor description is Device Address -
S[Sensor Zone ID] [Controller Tool SA Bus Address]. For example, a sensor noted as
5 - S00 (199) has a device address of 5, zone ID of 00, and Controller Tool SA Bus address
of 199.
If the field controller does not have a configured sensor, this field is blank.
If the application supports more than one sensor, each sensor that is online appears in this
Sensor Problems Shows the current status of the sensors that have problems. The status is based on signal
strength, routing, and other information.
The results shown are highest to lowest priority, so if a sensor has multiple results, it can
only show one and it shows the highest priority.
If the cell does not indicate an online status, this cell is red. If more than one fault exists,
ZCT displays the higher priority fault. See Table 146 for prioritized faults for sensors.
Comments Allows you to enter free text information relevant to the device. For example, you can enter
the location, reason for offline, or other useful information.
The text you enter here saves with the session and appears in any reports you generate.
Note: See Importing Information from a Point Schedule for details on how to import content
for this field from a Point Schedule.

Table 143: Checkout Summary Description

Item Description
PAN Offset Contains the PAN Offset used for the scan.
Extended PAN ID Contains the extended PAN ID of the network.
Channel Contains the channel number used for the scan.
Checkout Date Shows the date the scan occurred.
Checkout Time Shows the time the scan occurred.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 342

Table 143: Checkout Summary Description
Item Description
ZFR Coordinators Lists the number of ZFR Coordinators found to be online and offline during the scan. The
total of all online and offline ZFR Coordinators also appears. This value should not exceed
ZFR/Field Controllers Lists the number of ZFR Routers and field controllers found to be online and offline during
the scan. The total of all online and offline devices also appears.
Sensors Lists the number of sensors found to be online and offline during the scan. The total of all
online and offline sensors also appears.
ZFR Repeaters Lists the number of ZFR Routers serving as repeaters found to be online and offline during
the scan. The total of all online and offline ZFR repeaters also appears.
Other Devices Lists the number of other wireless devices found to be online and offline during the scan.
Devices that appear in this category include third-party ZigBee devices. The total of all
online and offline devices also appears.

Diagnostic Tab
Table 144: Diagnostic Tab Column Description
Column Description
Device Address Shows the MS/TP device address of the field controller.
Device addresses appear in the following way:
• ZFR Coordinator: 120–127 is the MS/TP or device address
• ZFR Router: xxx where xxx is the associated wireless field controller’s MS/TP address
• ZFR Router functioning as a repeater or a third-party device: R_xxxx where xxxx is the last
4 digits of its IEEE address
• WRZ Sensors: xx - Syy (zzz) where xx is the sensor's associated field controller's MS/TP
address, yy is the user-selected zone DIP switch setting for the sensor, and zzz is the Controller
Tool SA bus address.
Device Name Shows the device name or model number of the connected field controller. If the device name for
a field controller from a Point Schedule file appears in the Device Name column, a tooltip appears
with the model number of the field controller after a scan.
Note: See Importing Information from a Point Schedule for details on how to import content for
this field from a Point Schedule.
Device Status Shows the current status of the ZFR device or sensor.
If the cell does not indicate an online status, this cell is red. If more than one fault exists, ZCT displays
the higher priority fault. See Table 145 for prioritized faults for devices. See Table 146 for prioritized
faults for sensors.
Radio Code Version Displays the firmware version of the ZFR Router.
Depth Shows the short address depth of the router (1–5) to the coordinator (0). Routers at depth 5 cannot
have any child devices and are indicated by yellow highlighting. See Address Depth for more
Short Address Displays the Zigbee network address for the device.
Note: On the View menu, you can select or deselect Hexadecimal to toggle between decimal and
hexadecimal address format.
IEEE Address Displays the factory-assigned IEEE identifier for the device. This identifier is unique.
Lost Coordinator Shows the number of times the ZFR Router has lost communication with the ZFR Coordinator.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 343

Table 144: Diagnostic Tab Column Description
Column Description
Dropped Message Shows the number of times a message was not acknowledged.
1 Note: This number increments even in a healthy network. Excessive counts (counts that appear
higher relative to other devices in the scan) indicate a possible problem.
Low Memory Counter The Low Memory Counter increments whenever the ZFR Router does not have enough memory to
buffer an incoming message.
Note: Normal network retries should result in a successful transmission.
Note: The low memory counter is only visible in advanced mode.
1 Shows the number of power cycles for the device.
Radio Reset Counter
Note: A high number (counts that appear higher relative to other devices in the scan) may indicate
a power issue.
Comments Allows you to enter comments for the device. These comments persist when you switch between

1 Diagnostic counters may increment quickly during the initial installation and startup of the wireless network. You should issue
a Clear Statistics or Clear All Statistics command before making any conclusions based on the values that appear. See
Clearing Statistics for a Specific Device and Clearing Statistics for All Devices for details. As a general rule, none of these
counters should increment on a well-formed network.

Table 145: Prioritized Faults for Devices

Fault Description
Offline The router, repeater, or coordinator was not found in the scan.
Duplicate Short Address Two routers have the same short address. In this case, we recommend you reform the network.
See Reforming the Network.
Duplicate Device Address More than one device exists on the mesh network with the same device address
Duplicate Long Address Two routers have the same IEEE address, which must be unique for each device on the network.
In this case, we recommend you replace one of the routers.
Abandoned Children The ZCT detected unassigned short addresses missing in the associated children table, but
existing on the network. See Abandoned Children Status for more information.
Single Neighbor This router or repeater has fewer than two nearby routers, repeaters, or coordinator with
acceptable signal strength. As a result, there may not be an alternate path to other routers or
the coordinator. This indicates a possible weak point in the mesh network where the device may
not be able to find an alternate path to a destination. In this case, we recommend you add a
Weak Signal Signal strength is weak on the route to and from the coordinator. Check the field controller's
route in the Routing tab to find the weak signal strengths on the route path. If the problem
persists, try optimizing the network (see Optimizing the Network). Next, analyze the physical
layout and add a repeater, if necessary.
Online The router, repeater, or coordinator was found in the scan and has no status fault. This status
does not indicate that the field controller is online to the Supervisory Controller.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 344

Table 146: Prioritized Faults for Sensors
Fault Description
Offline The application expects an update from the sensor, but no update arrives before the timeout
period. This timeout period is 10 minutes for routers with firmware or later, and 5
minutes for earlier firmware.
Duplicate Short Address The sensor has the same short address as another sensor. Its router/repeater parent may have
had its PAN Offset switches flipped or the sensor was not aware of a Network Reform and kept
its old address while the router/repeater gave out the same address to another sensor. Cycle
the sensor power.
Duplicate Long Address Two sensors have the same IEEE address, which must be unique for each device on the network.
In this case, we recommend you replace one of the sensors.
Low Battery The sensor battery is low.
Power 1mW Power for the sensor is set to 1mW. The preferred power setting is 10 mW.
Weak Signal Signal strength is weak to either the sensor, its parent, or one of the routers on the path to and
from the sensor and its field controller End Point. Check the sensor's route on the Device tab
to find the weak signal strengths on the route path. If the problem persists, try optimizing the
network (see Optimizing the Network). Next, analyze the physical layout and add a repeater, if
Unconfigured A sensor is configured with a Zone ID that does not exist in the application. Verify the Zone ID
switch on the sensor.
Duplicate Zone Two sensors with different short addresses are sending messages to this Zone ID on the field
controller, or the sensor may have switched short addresses and parents. Check the Zone ID
switches on the sensor.
Note: The routers with patch firmware or later will remove the duplicate zone
indication after the problem has gone away for 15 minutes. Routers with earlier firmware
will persist the Duplicate Zone indication until the router power is cycled. The Duplicate
Zone indication may occur briefly after a Network Reform or firmware download because
sensors join the network with one short address, lose their parent or can't find their End
Point, and rejoin the network with a different short address. The End Point device is the
router connected to the field controller with the same Device Address (MS/TP Address)
that is programmed into the sensor.
Online The application is online.

Routing Tab
Table 147 describes the columns on the Routing tab. Table 148 describes the symbols that appear when there is a
routing problem. A tooltip also appears when you hover over a cell that indicates a routing problem.
Table 147: Routing Tab Column Description
Column Description
Device Address Shows the MS/TP device address of the wireless field controller that is the start of the
communication path for the row.
Device addresses appear in the following way:
ZFR Router: xxx where xxx is the associated wireless field controller’s MS/TP address
Short Address Displays the Zigbee network address for the device.
Note: On the View menu, you can select or deselect Hexadecimal to toggle between decimal
and hexadecimal address format.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 345

Table 147: Routing Tab Column Description
Column Description
Depth Shows the short address depth of the router (1–5) to the coordinator (0). Routers at depth 5
cannot have any child devices and are indicated by yellow highlighting. See Address Depth for
more information.
Hops Indicates the number of hops messages take to reach the ZFR Coordinator.
A maximum of ten hops is allowed on each side of the ZFR Coordinator.
10...1 Shows the address of the device to which messages hop on the way from the router to the ZFR
One column appears for each device to which communication hops. The color between the
cells indicates the signal strength between the devices. For example, if the color gradient
between two neighboring cells (devices) is red, communication problems exist between the two
devices. If the signal strength was not found, the color is white.
Note: On the View menu, you can select or deselect Short Address to toggle between Device
Address and Short Address format. If you are using Short Address format, on the View
menu, you can select or deselect Hexadecimal to toggle between decimal and
hexadecimal address format.
ZFR1810 Shows the address of the ZFR Coordinator.
The color gradient between the cells indicates the signal strength of the hops to and from the
coordinator. For example, if the color gradient between two neighboring cells (devices) is red,
communication problems exist between the two devices.
1...10 Shows the address of the device to which messages hop on the way from the ZFR Coordinator
to the router.
One column appears for each device to which communication hops. The color between the
cells indicates the signal strength between the devices. For example, if the color gradient
between two neighboring cells (devices) is red, communication problems exist between the two
devices. If the signal strength was not found, the color is white.
Hops Shows the total number of hops messages take after they leave the ZFR Coordinator.
A maximum of ten hops is allowed on each side of the ZFR Coordinator.
Comments Allows you to enter comments for the device. These comments persist when you switch between

Table 148: Routing Problem Indicators

Symbol Description
---- Route has missing hop(s). Could not find further routing to destination. While searching for the next hop in
the previous device's routing table, the route analyzer could not find the next hop to the Coordinator or back
to the device. The route's next hop may have expired because the device has not sent messages to the
Coordinator for a while. Rescanning will usually produce a better route.
@@@ Could not finish the route because the next hop is already on the route. The route's next hop may have expired,
or there was a problem finding the routes correctly in an old version of ZCT. The next hop router is pointing
back to a previous device so that the same set of nodes will repeat forever. The circular route cell is placed
after the repetition starts. Rescan to see new routing. If that fails to remedy the routing, optimize the network.
See Optimizing the Network.
### There are more than 10 hops between source and destination, but the Routing tab can only display 10. Rescan
to see new routing.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 346

Device Tab
Table 149: Device Tab Column Description
Column Description
Device Information
Device Address Allows you to select the MS/TP device address of the wireless field controller or ZFR1810
Device Status Shows the current status of the ZFR Router.
If the cell does not indicate an online status, this cell is red. If more than one fault exists,
ZCT displays the higher priority fault. See Table 145 for prioritized faults for devices.
Short Address Displays the ZigBee network address for the device.
Depth Shows the short address depth of the router (1–5) to the coordinator (0). Routers at depth
5 cannot have any child devices and are indicated by yellow highlighting. See Address
Depth for more information.
IEEE Address Displays the factory-assigned IEEE identifier for the device.
Comments Allows you to enter comments for the device. These comments persist when you switch
between tabs.
Device Information Depth
Address Depth Shows the short address depth of the router (1–5) to the coordinator (0).
Device Address Displays the MS/TP device address of the wireless field controller or ZFR1810 coordinator.
Status issues are shown in yellow or red:
• Yellow (Not Found): This device was not detected in the scan but it assigned short
addresses to other devices in the network. Hover over the cell for a tooltip. See Device
• Red: The device has one or more abandoned child devices and may potentially give
out a duplicate short address to a router that joins the network. See Abandoned Children
Short Address Displays the ZigBee network address for the device.
From/To Device Lists the communication path starting point, which is a sensor or the coordinator.
Hops Indicates the number of hops messages take to reach the wireless field controller you
selected in the Device Address drop-down list box.
A maximum of ten hops is allowed on each side of the wireless field controller.
10...1 Shows the address of the device to which messages hop on the way from the ZFR
Coordinator or sensor to the field controller and back.
One column appears for each device to which communication hops. The color between
the cells indicates the signal strength between the devices. For example, if two neighboring
cells (devices) appear red, communication problems exist between the two devices. If the
signal strength was not found, the color is white.
<Wireless Field Controller Type> Shows the device address of the wireless field controller. This address is the same as the
address you selected in the Device Address drop-down list.
The color gradient between the cells indicates the signal strength of the hops to and from
the coordinator. For example, if the color gradient between two neighboring cells (devices)
is red, communication problems exist between the two devices.If the signal strength was
not found, the color is white.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 347

Table 149: Device Tab Column Description
Column Description
1...10 Shows the address of the device to which messages hop on the way from the wireless
field controller back to the sensor or coordinator.
One column appears for each device to which communication hops. The coloring of the
devices is gradient to indicate link signal strengths. For example, if the color gradient
between two neighboring cells (devices) is red, communication problems exist between
the two devices. If the signal strength was not found, the color is white.
Hops Shows the total number of hops messages take after they leave the ZFR Coordinator.
A maximum of ten hops is allowed on each side of the ZFR Coordinator.
Device Neighbors
In From Lists all devices that send messages directly to or hop through this ZFR Router.
Devices appear in order from strongest to weakest signal strength, with colors indicating
the strength of the signal.
If this row lists many devices, the wireless field controller may be a communications
Out To Lists all devices that could be used to route data to the coordinator.
The color indicates the strength of the signal and at least two devices should be green or
yellow to indicate potential alternate routes. For example, if the color gradient between two
neighboring cells (devices) is red, communication problems exist between the two devices.
Note: If there are fewer than two devices with green or yellow signal strength in the Out
To row, this router may receive the Single Neighbor status, depending on the priority
of other device status issues.
Sensor Neighbors
Sensor Lists the WRZ sensors communicating with the wireless field controller.
Active Parent Lists the router or repeater that assigned the short address to the sensor. All messages to
or from the sensor are routed through this device.
The cell color indicates the lowest signal strength for the communications between the
parent router and the sensor.
Associated Children: Detail
Routers Lists the ZFR Routers that received short addresses from this ZFR Router. A number in
[brackets] indicates that this child is not currently active on the network. The number in
[brackets] is the short address of the inactive device.
End Devices Lists the end devices that received short addresses from this ZFR Router. A number in
[brackets] indicates that this child is not currently active on the network. The number in
[brackets] is the short address of the inactive device.
The ZFR dongle joins the network as an end device of a router. If this router assigned the
short address to the dongle, the dongle's cell displays {ZFR Dongle} in the cell or, if Short
Address is selected on the View menu, the dongle's short address in {braces}. The cell
color indicates the signal strength of the ZFR dongle. When the ZFR dongle leaves the
network at the end of a scan, it gives the short address back to the router to be reassigned
to another end device.
Associated Children: Summary

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 348

Table 149: Device Tab Column Description
Column Description
Total Routers Summarizes the number of ZFR Router short addresses that are active, inactive, and
available. Routers at depth 5 do not have any short addresses available to extend the
network (noted as 0 in Available column). See Address Depth for more information.
Total End Devices Summarizes the number of end device short addresses that are active, inactive, and
available. Routers at depth 5 do not have any short addresses available to extend the
network (noted as 0 in Available column—see Address Depth for more information). The
ZFR coordinator has no short addresses for end devices.

Point Schedule Fields

Table 150: Point Schedule Import to ZCT Field Mapping
Point ScheduleTab/Field ZCT Tab/Field Example
Software Options Tab: All Tabs: Job For example, after you import from a Point Schedule file, the following
• Archive Name Information appears in the Job Information text area:
• Site Director ID Archive Name: MyArchive1
• Site Name
Site Director ID: johnson-xyz1234
• First MSTP Trunk ID
Site Name: mike
First MSTP Trunk ID: Field Bus1
Note: If you entered text manually in the Job Information text area,
the imported information does not overwrite the text you
entered manually. The imported information appears after the
text you entered manually.
MSTP Field Device Tab: Status and Diagnostic For example, the Device Name appears as the device type after a
• Field Device Name Tabs: Device Name scan: xx-VMAxxxx-x.
If the device name for a field controller came from a Point Schedule
file, a tooltip appears with the model number of the field controller
after a scan.
After you import from a Point Schedule file, the Device Name changes
to the Device Name from the MSTP Field Device tab: 3-B Water Area
MSTP Field Device Tab: All tabs: Comments For example, after you import from a Point Schedule file, the following
• Device Description appears in the Comments column: outside freight elevator area.
• Room Number Note: If you entered text manually in the Comments column, the
imported text appears after any manually entered text,
separated by a comma.

Import Point Schedule Dialog Box

The Import Point Schedule dialog box appears when you attempt to import a Point Schedule when scan data is
present in the ZCT.
Table 151: Import Point Schedule Dialog Box
Item Description
Import and Merge Imports the Point Schedule data and merges it with the current scan data.
Clear and Import Discards the current scan data and imports the new Point Schedule data.
Cancel Cancels the Import Point Schedule command.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 349

Scan Configuration Dialog Box
Table 152: Scan Configuration Dialog Box
Item Description
PAN Offset Allows you to enter the PAN Offset for the network. This number should match the DIP switch setting
on the ZFR Coordinator associated with the network.
Channel Allows you to select a channel number of AUTO, 15, 20, or 25, or enter a channel number between 12
and 25.
Scan Scans the network when no data is present in the ZCT.
Scan and Append Scans the network and appends the data to the existing scan data.
Clear and Scan Deletes the current scan and scans the network.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without scanning.

Controller Tool Help: Using the ZFR Checkout Tool 350

Performing a ZFR Channel Configuration
Use the ZFR Channel Configuration feature to make channel configuration changes and updates for Wireless Field
Bus devices.


Four connection options are available: Ethernet, Bluetooth, BACnet Router, and ZigBee. See Connections in the
Loading Devices section for details on these options.


Performing a ZFR Channel Configuration

1. From the Tools menu, select Wireless > ZFR Channel Configuration. The ZFR Channel Configuration Wizard
2. Select the desired connection type and parameters and click Next. The Device Selection screen appears.
Note: For the Bluetooth connection, we recommend you keep the Baud Rate default (38400).
3. When the Device Selection Screen appears, click Discover if the wizard does not automatically begin the discovery
Note: Once the desired online device appears in the list, click Stop.
4. Select a device from the list and click Next. The Select ZFR Country Code screen appears with the current
Wireless Field Bus device channel country displayed.
5. If needed, select a different ZigBee channel from the Country Code drop-down menu.
6. Click Finish. The wizard writes the channel data to the Wireless Field Bus device.
Note: An alert message appears if the selected Wireless Field Bus device does not support this feature. Click
OK to close the message.
Note: When the operation completes, the Finish button changes to Done. This does not happen if you selected
the Close wizard after successful configuration check box. Instead, the wizard closes and you can
skip Step 7.
7. Click Done.


ZFR Channel Configuration Wizard - Select ZFR Country Code

This utility has the same Connection and Device Selection screens as the Load Device wizard. See the Loading
Devices section for information on connection types and parameters, and device selection details.
Table 153: ZFR Channel Configuration Wizard - Select ZFR Country Code
Item Description
Country Code Displays the valid channels where the Wireless Field Bus device is located.
Navigation Buttons
Previous Moves to the previous screen of the wizard.
Next Moves to the next screen of the wizard.
Finish/Done Finish starts the operation.
Done appears in place of Finish after the operation completes and is used to close the

Controller Tool Help: Performing a ZFR Channel Configuration 351

Table 153: ZFR Channel Configuration Wizard - Select ZFR Country Code
Item Description
Cancel Closes the wizard without performing the operation.
Help Opens the Help system.

Controller Tool Help: Performing a ZFR Channel Configuration 352

An application is a collection of the components that make up the control logic of a system, including modules, logic
blocks, custom logic, and hardware definition. The Applications section of the Help system describes the applications
as they are presented in the System Selection Wizard and as they are seen in the user interface after being selected.
See the following application sections for details:
• Air Handling Unit Applications
• Fan Coil Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• VAV Applications
• Central Plant Applications
• Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications
Note: The Custom Applications and Monitoring/Supervisory Control Only options available from the File
> New dialog box lay down inputs and outputs in the Control View workspace where you can create
specialized applications. See Creating Custom Applications in the Configuring a System section.
• Sideloop Applications (Sideloop button)
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.
See the Configuring a System section for information on how to make selections in the System Selection Wizard.
See the Application Descriptions section for a description of the type of information provided in this Help system for
the applications.

Application Descriptions
The application sections contain the following topics:
• Application Overview
• Core Logic Modules
• Mechanical System Selection
• Control Logic Selection
Note: The Sideloop application has one Sideloop Selection screen instead of the Mechanical System Selection
and Control Logic Selection screens.

Application Overview
This section describes the application and provides links to its detailed descriptions.

Core Logic Modules

This section describes the modules that get automatically laid down by the application, regardless of the selections
you make in the wizard.
The modules are listed by type to identify where they appear in the Control View (for example, Network Inputs and
Output Controllers).

Mechanical System Selection

This section corresponds to the mechanical selections available in the Mechanical System Selection screen of the
System Selection Wizard. The Mechanical System Selection section is broken down into groups of selections based
on how they appear in the wizard. Each group describes the selections available, any selection dependencies, and
the modules that get laid down by the selections.

Controller Tool Help: Applications 353

The modules are listed by type to identify where they appear in the Control View (for example, Network Inputs and
Output Controllers). A category of modules is listed only if modules of that type are laid down by the particular group
of selections, otherwise it is not included.

Control Logic Selection

This section corresponds to the control logic selections available in the Control Logic Selection screen of the System
Selection Wizard. The Control Logic Selection section is broken down into groups of selections based on how they
appear in the wizard. Each group describes the selections available, any selection dependencies, and the modules
that get laid down by the selections.
The modules are listed by type to identify where they appear in the Control View (for example, Network Inputs and
Output Controllers). A category of modules is listed only if modules of that type are laid down by the particular group
of selections, otherwise it is not included.

Controller Tool Help: Applications 354

Air Handling Unit Applications
The Air Handling Unit applications provide selections that are capable of controlling many different air handlers and
control strategies. The selections for the AHU applications have Mechanical System and Control System options
like other systems, but the selections are integrated together into the Mechanical System Selection section. Input
sensors are automatically loaded if required for selected device or control options. The Control System Selection
section provides optional sensors, equipment, and monitored safeties.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 355

Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
See the following sections for information on this application’s logic and selections.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Mixed Air Single Duct Core Logic

Modules (MASD)
All Mixed Air Single Duct Applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• APP-MODE (Application Mode)
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
State Generation
• Application Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush application mode for separate
connection to State Selection and passes the remaining application modes to State Selection.
• Water System Flush Pass Through (Pass Through): This module passes the Water Flush system mode to a
separate State Selection input so that when water flush is requested, the valves always open.
• Mixed Air Single Duct HR Sequencing (Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) v51)
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.
Output Control
• Heating Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))
• Cooling Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))

Mixed Air Single Duct Mechanical System Selection

Fans (MASD)
These selections provide the logic for the main fans.
The selection options for Fans are:
Supply Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed
- Two Duct Static Pressure Sensors
• Dual Supply Fans
- Run Together
- Lead/Lag
- Run/Standby

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 356

• Fan Status
- Fan Array
• Analog Fan Status
- Number of Fans
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six
• Eight
• Nine
• Ten
• Twelve
• Fifteen
• Sixteen
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Return Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed
- Volume Matching

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 357

Note: When you select a Volume Matching Return Fan and select either Separate Proportional Outputs (3
AOs) or EAD & RAD Proportional, the outdoor air volume is controlled by the differential flow between
the Supply and Return Fans, and the supply air temperature is controlled by modulating the return
and exhaust air dampers.
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Separate Occupied and Unoccupied Flow Setpoints
- Building Static Pressure
- Track Supply Fan
• Dual Return Fans
- Run Together
- Lead/Lag
- Run/Standby
• Fan Status
- Fan Array
• Analog Fan Status
- Number of Fans
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six
• Eight
• Nine
• Ten
• Twelve

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 358

• Fifteen
• Sixteen
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Fan to Start First
- Supply
- Return
Variable Speed Relief Fan (Bldg Static Press Control)
• Dual Relief Fans
- Run Together
- Lead/Lag
- Run/Standby
• Fan Status
- Fan Array
• Analog Fan Status
- Number of Fans
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six
• Eight
• Nine

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 359

• Ten
• Twelve

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 360

• Fifteen
• Sixteen
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Exhaust Fan
• Toilet Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor. If the command is off for
an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• General Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 361

- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor. If the command is off for
an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
A Supply Fan is required (that is, it is selected by default). A Return Fan or Relief Fan (only one) may also be
optionally selected.
A Variable Speed Supply Fan is required to select a Variable Speed Return Fan.

Economizer Damper(s) (MASD)

These selections provide the logic for the Economizer Damper(s). If no economizer control (Free Cooling) is required,
these options should not be selected (use Two Position Min OA Damper instead).
The selection options for Economizer Damper(s) are:
• Common Proportional Mixed Air Damper Output
• Separate Proportional Outputs (3 AOs)
• EAD & RAD Proportional
- Separate Outputs
- Common Output
- Two Position OAD
• OAD & RAD Proportional
- Separate Outputs
- Common Output
- Two Position EAD
• Economizer Suitability
- Network Command
- Enthalpy Switch (BI)
- Outdoor Air
• Dry Bulb Temp Economizer
• Temp & Enthalpy Economizer
• Outdoor Air versus Return Air: This option compares outdoor air with return air to switch the economizer.
• Outdoor and/or Exhaust Air Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 Sensor
- Use Zone CO2 Sensor
- Use Return CO2 Sensor
• Damper Minimum Position Reset by OA Flow
- Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
- Flow Measurement (Scaled)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 362

Per ASHRAE Guideline16-2003 - Selecting Outdoor, Return, and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems,
OAD & RAD Proportional with Separate Outputs is required if Variable Speed Relief Fan (Building Static Press
Control) is selected.
The OAD & RAD Proportional options can only be selected if Variable Speed Return Fan Volume Matching is

Minimum Outdoor Air Fan and/or Damper (MASD)

These selections provide the logic for a dedicated Minimum Outdoor Air Damper and/or a Minimum Outdoor Air Fan
(Injection Fan) with optional damper.
The selection options for Minimum Outdoor Air Fan/Damper are:
• Two Position Damper
• Proportional Damper
- Adjustable Minimum Position Outdoor Air Damper
• Single Speed Injection Fan
- Two Position Damper
• Variable Speed Injection Fan
- Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
- Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Unreliable Flow Sensor Operation
- Close Damper - Turn Off Fan
- Open Damper - Fan Maximum Speed
- Two Position Damper

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 363

• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Damper End Switch
The Fan Status and Damper End Switch are available only for selection if applicable (that is, if fan or damper is

Reduce Outdoor Air on Low Temperature (MASD)

This selection loads logic that reduces the intake of outdoor air when the temperature is low. This reduction is
accomplished by closing dampers, reducing the volume differential (if Variable Capacity Return Fan Volume Matching
control is selected), and turning off or closing two-position fans or dampers.
If a preheat coil is located downstream of the mixing plenum (that is, it is in the mixed air), the Preheat Temperature
(downstream of the coil) serves as the process variable for this control strategy. Otherwise, the Mixed Air Temperature
serves as the process variable.
The control logic for the low limit strategy is embedded directly into the Output Control modules and activated simply
by connecting the appropriate setpoint and process variable. The logic takes precedence over all logic other than
Emergency Modes.
This selection is allowed if any of the Economizer Damper, Minimum Outdoor Air Fan, or Minimum Outdoor Air
Damper options is selected.

Temperature Control Strategy (MASD)

These selections provide the logic for the basic Temperature Control Strategy for the application. The Discharge Air
Control options (fixed setpoint and Reset from Outdoor Air Temperature) are designed for providing air to separately
controlled zones. The Zone or Return Control options are designed for directly controlling a single zone (whether
the sensor is in the zone or in the return duct). For single zone control, the application can optionally be configured
to control the Discharge Air Temperature to a setpoint reset based on the Zone or Return Air Temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 364

The selection options for Temperature Control Strategy are:
• Discharge Air Control
- Reset from Outdoor Air Temperature: This option loads a module that uses four parameters to define the
outside reset band and the associated discharge setpoints.
- Alternate Reset From Outdoor Air Temperature: This option loads a module that uses four parameters
to define the outside reset band and the associated setpoint and offset band.
• Zone or Return Control
- Discharge Air Temperature Reset by Zone or Return: This option resets the discharge air setpoint based
on zone or return air temperature.
• Add Return/Zone Reset by OA: This option resets the zone/return air setpoint based on the outdoor air
- Cycle During Occupied
- Return Air Temperature
- Zone Temperature
• Setpoint Adjust
- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
- Summer/Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift
If Discharge Air Temperature Reset by Zone or Return is selected, Cycle During Occupied cannot be selected.

Occupancy Control (MASD)

These selections provide the logic for Occupancy Mode Determination.
The selection options for Occupancy Control are:
• Always Occupied
• Scheduled Occupancy
- Override Support
- Occupancy Switch (BI)
• Unoccupied Strategy
- Intermittent Night Operation
- Off during Unoccupied
If any options are selected for separate Occupied and Unoccupied Setpoints or Temporary Occupancy, the Always
Occupied option cannot be selected.

Heat Recovery (MASD)

The selection options for Heat Recovery are:
Enable Type
• Dry Bulb Compare
• Enthalpy
• Always On

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 365

Enthalpy Wheel
• Single Speed
- Modulated Bypass Dampers
• Variable Speed
- Bypass Damper BO
• Wheel Status
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection/Cleaning Mode: This option provides cleaning mode functionality. If the wheel is off for
an extended period, the wheel turns on for a short time to keep the wheel free of dirt and dust.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 366

Glycol Loop
• 3-Way Valve
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
• Circulation Pump
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
Air to Air Heat Exchanger
• Modulated Bypass Dampers

Coils (Preheat) (MASD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Preheat coil. A Preheat coil may be located in the Outdoor Air Duct
(ahead of the mixing plenum). If this is the case, a Preheat coil is always set to Control to Preheat Air Temperature.
When in the Mixed Air Duct, the coil may either be controlled by a dedicated sensor or sequenced with the other
devices. During startup, if a DA-T or PH-T sensor is available, the Preheat coil is controlled by the LT-SP (Low Limit
The selection options for Coils (Preheat) are:
Preheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
• Outdoor Air
• Mixed air
- Sequenced with Main Control Strategy
- Control to Preheat Air Temperature
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• Gas Bonnet Switch

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 367

• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Incremental Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 368

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: For applications with Preheat pumps, this option prevents the
unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• Face and Bypass Switchover
- Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Based on Mixed Air Temperature
- Based on Network Input
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option adjusts the state table entries to force the
application to control for Low OA temperature while in shutdown.
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option turns on the coil pump if the outdoor air
temperature is lower than the setpoint and the unit is off. The preheat valve is modulated to control the leaving
water temperature.
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 369

- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Analog Gas Coil
- Include Heating Enable BO
The Preheat Gas Bonnet Switch is only supported for Zone or Return Control (not Discharge Air Control) when the
unit has an opportunity to use it for triggering start up. This is the case when Preheat is Sequenced with Main Control
Strategy and Cycle During Occupied or Intermittent Night Operation are selected. If these options are not selected,
the Preheat Gas Bonnet Switch may not be selected.
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Face and Bypass Switchover option is applicable only when either a Proportional or Incremental valve actuator
is selected with Face and Bypass Damper. This option specifies how to determine when the valve should be in
control (with the Damper at full face) and when the damper should be in control (with the Valve fully open).
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
Proportional or Incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Cooling) (MASD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Cooling coil.
The selection options for Coils (Cooling) are:
Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
Cooling Lockout from Outdoor Air
Staged Cooling
• Device Rotation
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Chilled Water
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 370

• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
Cooling cannot be selected if Common Heating-Cooling is selected.
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 371

Coils (Reheat) (MASD)
These selections provide the logic to control a Reheat coil.
The selection options for Coils (Reheat) are:
Reheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• Gas Bonnet Switch
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
• Incremental Output
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 372

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Analog Gas Coil
- Include Heating Enable BO
Reheat cannot be selected if Common Heating-Cooling is selected.
The Reheat Gas Bonnet Switch is only supported for Zone or Return Control (not DA-T Reset) when the unit has
an opportunity to use it for triggering start up. This is the case when Cycle During Occupied or Intermittent Night
Operation is selected. In addition, if a Preheat coil is selected and Sequenced with the Main Control Strategy, the
Reheat Gas Bonnet Switch is not allowed.
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 373

The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Common Heating-Cooling) (MASD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Common Heating-Cooling (also known as 2-pipe) coil.
The selection options for Coils (Common Heating-Cooling) are:
Common Heating-Cooling
Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 374

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Summer/Winter Switchover Strategy
- Local Switch (BI)
- Network
- Supply Water Temperature
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
Common Heating-Cooling cannot be selected if either Cooling or Reheat is selected.
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 375

Humidification (MASD)
These selections provide the logic to control a humidifier if present.
The selection options for Humidification are:
• Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the humidifier.
• Steam Proportional Valve
- Isolation Valve
• Modulated Packaged Unit
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Scrubber: This option is for a scrubber humidifier, which is a shower head, pump, and basin located in the
ductwork. This type of humidifier requires 3 BOs: a pump BO, a drain valve BO, and a BO to close the fill valve.
The drain valve and fill valve BOs should actuate together (if draining, close the inlet valve and disable the pump).
The operational water level is maintained by a mechanical float valve.
- Drain Valve: This option provides an output for the drain valve and an output for the fill valve.
• Open valve if scrubber is inactive: This option provides monitoring of and indicates the status of the
pump command and a network input to open the drain valve. If the network input requests the valve to
open or if the pump command has been off for a period of time, the drain valve opens. If the pump is
required to start, the drain valve closes for a period of time to allow the sump to fill before starting the
• Open valve on Network Input
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Control Sensor
- Zone Humidity
• During Unoccupied Mode
- Return Air Humidity
• Discharge Humidity High Limit Control
The During Unoccupied Mode option is applicable only when Scheduled Occupancy is selected.

Dehumidification Control (MASD)

These selections provide the logic for dehumidification control.
The selection options for Dehumidification Control are:
• Zone Humidity
• Return Air Humidity
Dehumidification cannot be selected unless both Cooling and Reheat are selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 376

Optional Features (MASD)
These selections provide the logic for controlling the operation of the application. The Unit Enable logic includes the
option to delay startup after controller restart (Power Fail Restart).
The selection options for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network, it is
considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable
for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Unit Enable Switch (BI): This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network,
it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be
Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator module.
When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart command), the
application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).

N2 Compatibility Options (MASD)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing AHU Series Controller
- Replacing UNT Series Controller
- Replacing DX9100 Series Controller

Mixed Air Single Duct Control Logic Selection

Optional Sensors (MASD)

These selections provide the option for loading extra, monitor-only sensors.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 377

The selection options for Optional Sensors are:
• Position Feedback: This option provides feedback inputs for monitoring only purposes. If you want to generate
an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create custom coding to do so.
- Modulated Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Modulated Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Two Position Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- Two Position Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- VSD Outputs
• No Feedback
• Motor Speed (RPM)
• Drive Frequency (Hz)
• Motor Percent (%)
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Minimum Outdoor Air
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Preheat Air Temperature
• Mixed Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 378

• Cooling Coil Leaving Air Temperature
• Reheat Coil Leaving Air Temperature
• Discharge Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
- Minimum Flow Protection For Staged Heating
• Return Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Relief Air
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Zone
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Misc
- Building Static Pressure
- Heat Recovery Air Temperature
- Mechanical Room Temperature: This option adds an analog input for a zone sensor that monitors the
temperature in the mechanical room.
If a Sensor is required for one of the selections made in the Mechanical System Selection, the option is not available
The Minimum Flow Protection for Staged Heating can be selected if Staged Preheat (in Mixed Air) or Staged Reheat
is selected and the Discharge Flow is available (either due to selecting Return Fan Volume Matching or an optional
Discharge Flow sensor).

Optional Equipment (MASD)

These selections provide monitor-only sensors for an optional pre-filter and/or final filter.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 379

The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Pre-Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Final Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Return Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor

Monitored Safeties (MASD)

These selections provide inputs for monitoring equipment safeties. The High and Low Static Pressure Switch inputs
and High and Low Temperature Switch inputs are connected to the Emergency Mode Sequencer and shut down
the application when tripped.
The selection options for Monitored Safeties are:
• Discharge
- High Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
- Low Static Pressure Switch
• Return
- Low Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
- High Static Pressure Switch
• Low Limit Temperature Switch
• High Limit Temperature Switch
• Humidity Alarm
• Fire Dampers
- (Options for One through Eight)
- Fire Damper Alarm Reset Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 380

Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
See the following sections for information on this application’s logic and selections.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Mixed Air Dual Duct Core Logic

Modules (MADD)
All Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• APP-MODE (Application Mode)
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
• CD-T (Cold Deck Temperature)
See the Input Modules section.
State Generation
• Mixed Air Start Stop Sequencing (Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air))
• Application Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush application mode for separate
connection to State Selection and passes the remaining application modes to State Selection.
• Water System Flush Pass Through (Pass Through): This module passes the Water Flush system mode to a
separate State Selection input so that when water flush is requested, the valves always open.
• Mixed Air Cold Duct Sequencing (Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD))
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.
Output Control
• Heating Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))
• Cooling Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))

Mixed Air Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection

Fans (MADD)
These selections provide the logic for the main fans.
The selection options for Fans are:
Supply Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 381

• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Return Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed
- Volume Matching
Note: When you select a Volume Matching Return Fan and select either Separate Proportional Outputs (3
AOs) or EAD & RAD Proportional, the outdoor air volume is controlled by the differential flow between
the Supply and Return Fans, and the supply air temperature is controlled by modulating the return
and exhaust air dampers.
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Calculate Discharge Flow from Cold and Hot Deck Flow Sensors
• Separate Occupied and Unoccupied Flow Setpoints
- Building Static Pressure
- Track Supply Fan

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 382

• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Fan to Start First
- Supply
- Return

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 383

Variable Speed Relief Fan (Bldg Static Press Control)
• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Exhaust Fan
• Toilet Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
• General Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 384

• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
A Supply Fan is required (that is, it is selected by default) as well as an optional Return or Relief Fan.
A Variable Speed Supply Fan is required in order to select a Variable Speed Return Fan.

Economizer Damper(s) (MADD)

These selections provide the logic for the Economizer Damper(s). If no economizer control (also known as Free
Cooling) is required, these options should not be selected (use Two Position Min OA Damper instead).
The selection options for Economizer Damper(s) are:
• Common Proportional Mixed Air Damper Output
• Separate Proportional Outputs (3 AOs)
• EAD & RAD Proportional
- Separate Outputs
- Common Output
- Two Position OAD
• OAD & RAD Proportional
- Separate Outputs
- Common Output
- Two Position EAD
• Economizer Suitability
- Network Command
- Enthalpy Switch (BI)
- Outdoor Air
• Dry Bulb Temp Economizer
• Temp & Enthalpy Economizer
• Outdoor Air versus Return Air: This option compares outdoor air with return air to switch the economizer.
• Outdoor and/or Exhaust Air Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 Sensor
- Use Zone CO2 Sensor
- Use Return CO2 Sensor
• Damper Minimum Position Reset by OA Flow
- Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
- Flow Measurement (Scaled)
Per ASHRAE Guideline16-2003 - Selecting Outdoor, Return, and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems,
OAD & RAD Proportional with Separate Outputs is required if Variable Speed Relief Fan (Building Static Press
Control) is selected.
OAD & RAD Proportional is only allowed if Variable Speed Return Fan Volume Matching is selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 385

Minimum Outdoor Air Fan and/or Damper (MADD)
These selections provide the logic for a dedicated Minimum Outdoor Air Damper and/or a Minimum Outdoor Air Fan
(Injection Fan) with optional damper.
The selection options for Minimum Outdoor Air Fan and/or Damper are:
• Two Position Damper
• Proportional Damper
- Adjustable Minimum Position Outdoor Air Damper
• Single Speed Injection Fan
- Two Position Damper
• Variable Speed Injection Fan
- Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
- Flow Measurement (Scaled)
- Unreliable Flow Sensor Operation
• Close Damper - Turn Off Fan
• Open Damper - Fan Maximum Speed
- Two Position Damper
• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Damper End Switch
The Fan Status and Damper End Switch are available only for selection if applicable (that is, if fan or damper is

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 386

Reduce Outdoor Air on Low Temperature (MADD)
This selection loads logic that reduces the intake of outdoor air when the temperature is low. This reduction is
accomplished by closing dampers, reducing the volume differential (if Variable Capacity Return Fan Volume Matching
control is selected), and turning off or closing two-position fans or dampers.
If a preheat coil is located downstream of the mixing plenum (that is, it is in the mixed air), the Preheat Temperature
(downstream of the coil) serves as the process variable for this control strategy. Otherwise, the Mixed Air Temperature
serves as the process variable.
The control logic for the low limit strategy is embedded directly into the Output Control modules and activated simply
by connecting the appropriate setpoint and process variable. The logic takes precedence over all logic other than
Emergency Modes.
This selection is allowed if any of the Economizer Damper, Minimum Outdoor Air Fan, or Minimum Outdoor Air
Damper options is selected.

Temperature Control Strategy (MADD)

These selections provide the logic for determining the setpoints of the Cold Deck and Hot Deck temperature control
loops. The Hot Deck Setpoint options apply only if a Hot Deck heating coil is selected.
The selection options for Temperature Control Strategy are:
• Fixed Hot and/or Cold Deck Temperatures
• Hot and/or Cold Deck Temperature Reset from OA-T
• Hot Deck Temperature Reset from RA-T

Occupancy Control (MADD)

These selections provide the logic for Occupancy Mode Determination.
The selection options for Occupancy Control are:
• Always Occupied
• Scheduled Occupancy
- Override Support
- Occupancy Switch (BI)
- Unoccupied Strategy
• Intermittent Night Operation
• Off during Unoccupied
If any options are selected for separate Occupied and Unoccupied Setpoints or Temporary Occupancy, the Always
Occupied option cannot be selected.

Heat Recovery (MADD)

The selection options for Heat Recovery are:
Enable Type
• Dry Bulb
• Enthalpy

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 387

Enthalpy Wheel
• Single Speed
- Modulated Bypass Dampers
• Variable Speed
- Bypass Damper BO
• Wheel Status
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection/Cleaning Mode: This option provides cleaning mode functionality. If the wheel is off for
an extended period, the wheel turns on for a short time to keep the wheel free of dirt and dust.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 388

Glycol Loop
• 3-Way Valve
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
• Circulation Pump
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Coils (Preheat) (MADD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Preheat coil. Preheat coils may be located in the Outdoor Air Duct
(ahead of the mixing plenum). If this is the case, a Preheat coil is always set to Control to Preheat Air Temperature.
When in the Mixed Air Duct, a coil may either be controlled by a dedicated sensor or sequenced with the other
devices. During startup, Preheat controls the PH-T or CD-T to the OALT-SP (Low Limit Setpoint).
The selection options for Coils (Preheat) are:
Preheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
• Outdoor Air
• Mixed air
- Sequenced with Cold Deck Control Strategy
- Control to Preheat Air Temperature
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 389

• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Incremental Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 390

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: For applications with Preheat pumps, this option prevents the
unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• Face and Bypass Switchover
- Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Based on Mixed Air Temperature
- Based on Network Input
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option adjusts the state table entries to force the
application to control for Low OA temperature while in shutdown.
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option turns on the coil pump if the outdoor air
temperature is lower than the setpoint and the unit is off. The preheat valve is modulated to control the leaving
water temperature.
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 391

- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
using Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Face and Bypass Switchover option is applicable only when either a Proportional or Incremental valve actuator
is selected with Face and Bypass Damper. This option specifies how to determine when the valve should be in
control (with the Damper at full face) and when the damper should be in control (with the Valve fully open).
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Cooling - Cold Deck) (MADD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Cooling coil.
The selection options for Coils (Cooling - Cold Deck) are:
Cooling - Cold Deck
Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
Cooling Lockout from Outdoor Air
DX Cooling
• Device Rotation
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Chilled Water
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 392

• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Heating - Hot Deck) (MADD)

These selections provide the logic to control the Hot Deck temperature using a Heating coil.
The selection options for Coils (Heating - Hot Deck) are:
Heating - Hot Deck
Reheat Lockout from Outdoor Air

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 393

Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
• Incremental Output
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 394

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Humidification (MADD)
These selections provide the logic to control a humidifier if present.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 395

The selection options for Humidification are:
• Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the humidifier.
• Steam Proportional Valve
- Isolation Valve
• Modulated Packaged Unit
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Scrubber: This option is for a scrubber humidifier, which is a shower head, pump, and basin located in the
ductwork. This type of humidifier requires 3 BOs: a pump BO, a drain valve BO, and a BO to close the fill valve.
The drain valve and fill valve BOs should actuate together (if draining, close the inlet valve and disable the pump).
The operational water level is maintained by a mechanical float valve.
- Drain Valve: This option provides an output for the drain valve and an output for the fill valve.
• Open valve if scrubber is inactive: This option provides monitoring of and indicates the status of the
pump command and a network input to open the drain valve. If the network input requests the valve to
open or if the pump command has been off for a period of time, the drain valve opens. If the pump is
required to start, the drain valve closes for a period of time to allow the sump to fill before starting the
• Open valve on Network Input
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Control Sensor
- Zone Humidity
• During Unoccupied Mode
- Return Air Humidity
• Hot Deck Humidity High Limit Control
The During Unoccupied Mode option is applicable only when Scheduled Occupancy is selected.

Optional Features (MADD)

These selections provide the logic for controlling the operation of the application. The Unit Enable logic includes the
option to delay startup after controller restart (Power Fail Restart).
The selection options for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network, it is

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 396

considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable
for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Unit Enable Switch (BI): This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network,
it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be
Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator module.
When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart command), the
application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).

N2 Compatibility Options (MADD)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing AHU Series Controller
- Replacing UNT Series Controller
- Replacing DX9100 Series Controller

Mixed Air Dual Duct Control Logic Selection

Optional Sensors (MADD)

These selections provide the option for loading extra, monitor-only sensors.
The selection options for Optional Sensors are:
• Position Feedback: This option provides feedback inputs for monitoring only purposes. If you want to generate
an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create custom coding to do so.
- Modulated Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Modulated Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Two Position Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 397

- Two Position Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- VSD Outputs
• No Feedback
• Motor Speed (RPM)
• Drive Frequency (Hz)
• Motor Percent (%)
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Minimum Outdoor Air
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Preheat Air Temperature
• Mixed Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Discharge Air
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
- Minimum Flow Protection For Staged Preheat
• Hot Deck
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 398

• Cold Deck
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Return Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Relief Air
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Zone
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Misc
- Building Static Pressure
- Heat Recovery Air Temperature
- Mechanical Room Temperature: This option adds an analog input for a zone sensor that monitors the
temperature in the mechanical room.
If a Sensor is required for one of the selections made in the Mechanical System Selection, the option is not available
The Minimum Flow Protection for Staged Preheat can be selected if Staged Preheat (in Mixed Air) is selected and
the Discharge Flow is available (either due to selecting Return Fan Volume Matching or an optional Discharge Flow

Optional Equipment (MADD)

These selections provide monitor-only sensors for an optional pre-filter and/or final filter.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 399

The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Pre-Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Final Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Return Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor

Monitored Safeties (MADD)

These selections provide inputs for monitoring equipment safeties. The High and Low Static Pressure Switch inputs
and High and Low Temperature Switch inputs are connected to the Emergency Mode Sequencer and shut down
the application when tripped.
The selection options for Monitored Safeties are:
• Discharge
- High Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
• Return
- Low Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
• Low Limit Temperature Switch
• High Limit Temperature Switch
• Humidity Alarm
• Fire Dampers
- (Options for One through Eight)
- Fire Damper Alarm Reset Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 400

100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
See the following sections for information on this application’s logic and selections.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Core Logic

Modules (OASD)
All 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• APP-MODE (Application Mode)
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
• DA-T (Discharge Air Temperature)
See the Input Modules section.
State Generation
• 100 OA Start Stop Sequencing (Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA))
• Application Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush application mode for separate
connection to State Selection and passes the remaining application modes to State Selection.
• Water System Flush Pass Through (Pass Through): This module passes the Water Flush system mode to a
separate State Selection input so that when water flush is requested, the valves always open.
• 100 OA Single Duct Sequencing (Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD))
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.
• Discharge Air Setpoint Determination
Output Control
• Heating Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))
• Cooling Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))

100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Mechanical System Selection

Fans (OASD)
These selections provide the logic for the main fans.
The selection options for Fans are:

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 401

Supply Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed
- Two Duct Static Pressure Sensors
• Dual Supply Fans
- Run Together
- Lead/Lag
- Run/Standby
• Fan Status
- Fan Array
• Analog Fan Status
- Number of Fans
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six
• Eight
• Nine
• Ten
• Twelve

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 402

• Fifteen
• Sixteen
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Separate Damper Command for Fan
- Damper Status
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Exhaust Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed
- Volume Matching
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Separate Occupied and Unoccupied Flow Setpoints
- Building Static Pressure
- Track Supply Fan
• Dual Exhaust Fans
- Run Together
- Lead/Lag
- Run/Standby

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 403

• Fan Status
- Fan Array
• Analog Fan Status
- Number of Fans
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six
• Eight
• Nine
• Ten
• Twelve

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 404

• Fifteen
• Sixteen
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Separate Damper Command for Fan
- Damper Status
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Supplemental Exhaust Fan
• Toilet Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 405

- Blocking Protection
• General Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
A Supply Fan is required (that is, it is selected by default) as well as an optional Exhaust or Relief Fan.
A Variable Speed Supply Fan is required in order to select a Variable Speed Exhaust Fan.

Temperature Control Strategy (OASD)

These selections provide the logic for the basic Temperature Control Strategy for the application. The Discharge Air
Control options (fixed setpoint and Reset from Outdoor Air Temperature) are designed for providing air to separately
controlled zones. The Zone or Exhaust Control options are designed for directly controlling a single zone (whether
the sensor is in the zone or in the exhaust duct) and controls to the Discharge Air Temperature to a setpoint reset
based on the Zone or Exhaust Air Temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 406

The selection options for Temperature Control Strategy are:
• Discharge Air Control
- Reset from Outdoor Air Temperature: This option loads a module that uses four parameters to define the
outside reset band and the associated discharge setpoints.
- Alternate Reset From Outdoor Air Temperature: This option loads a module that uses four parameters
to define the outside reset band and the associated setpoint and offset band.
• Zone or Exhaust Control
- Discharge Air Temperature Reset by Exhaust Air Temperature: This options resets the discharge air
setpoint based on zone or return air temperature.
• Add Exhaust/Zone Reset by OA: This option resets the zone/exhaust air setpoint based on the outdoor
air temperature.
- Discharge Air Temperature Reset by Zone Temperature
• Setpoint Adjust
- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
• Add Exhaust/Zone Reset by OA: This option resets the zone/exhaust air setpoint based on the outdoor
air temperature.
- Summer/Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift

Occupancy Control (OASD)

These selections provide the logic for Occupancy Mode Determination.
The selection options for Occupancy Control are:
• Always Occupied
• Scheduled Occupancy
- Override Support
- Occupancy Switch (BI)
- Unoccupied Strategy
• Intermittent Night Operation
• Off during Unoccupied
If any options are selected for separate Occupied and Unoccupied Setpoints or Temporary Occupancy, the Always
Occupied option cannot be selected.

Heat Recovery (OASD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Heat Recovery Enthalpy Wheel or Glycol Loop.
The selection options for Heat Recovery are:
Enable Type
• Dry Bulb
• Enthalpy
• Always On

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 407

Enthalpy Wheel
• Single Speed
- Modulated Bypass Dampers
• Variable Speed
- Bypass Damper BO
• Wheel Status
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection/Cleaning Mode: This option provides cleaning mode functionality. If the wheel is off for
an extended period, the wheel turns on for a short time to keep the wheel free of dirt and dust.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 408

Glycol Loop
• 3-Way Valve
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
• Circulation Pump
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
Air to Air Heat Exchanger
• Modulated Bypass Dampers

Coils (Preheat) (OASD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Preheat coil. During startup, Preheat controls the DA-T to the OALT-SP
(Low Limit Setpoint).
The selection options for Coils (Preheat) are:
Preheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 409

- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Incremental Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 410

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: For applications with Preheat pumps, this option prevents the
unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• Face and Bypass Switchover
- Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Based on Network Input
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option adjusts the state table entries to force the
application to control for Low OA temperature while in shutdown.
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option turns on the coil pump if the outdoor air
temperature is lower than the setpoint and the unit is off. The preheat valve is modulated to control the leaving
water temperature.
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 411

- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Analog Gas Coil
- Include Heating Enable BO
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Face and Bypass Switchover option is applicable only when either a Proportional or Incremental valve actuator
is selected with Face and Bypass Damper. This option specifies how to determine when the valve should be in
control (with the Damper at full face) and when the damper should be in control (with the Valve fully open).
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Cooling) (OASD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Cooling coil.
The selection options for Coils (Cooling) are:
Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
Cooling Lockout from Outdoor Air
DX Cooling
• Device Rotation
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Chilled Water
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 412

• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.
- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
Cooling cannot be selected if Common Heating-Cooling is selected.
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 413

Coils (Reheat) (OASD)
These selections provide the logic to control a Reheat coil.
The selection options for Coils (Reheat) are:
Reheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
• Incremental Output
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start the
pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below the
• Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
- Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 414

- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Analog Gas Coil
- Include Heating Enable BO
Reheat cannot be selected if Common Heating-Cooling is selected.
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Common Heating-Cooling) (OASD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Common Heating-Cooling (2-pipe) coil.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 415

The selection options for Coils (Common Heating-Cooling) are:
Common Heating-Cooling
• Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when
- Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.
- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Summer/Winter Switchover Strategy
- Local Switch (BI)
- Network
- Supply Water Temperature

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 416

• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
Common Heating-Cooling cannot be selected if either Cooling or Reheat is selected.
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Humidification (OASD)
These selections provide the logic to control a humidifier if present.
The selection options for Humidification are:
• Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the humidifier.
• Steam Proportional Valve
- Isolation Valve
• Modulated Packaged Unit
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Scrubber: This option is for a scrubber humidifier, which is a shower head, pump, and basin located in the
ductwork. This type of humidifier requires 3 BOs: a pump BO, a drain valve BO, and a BO to close the fill valve.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 417

The drain valve and fill valve BOs should actuate together (if draining, close the inlet valve and disable the pump).
The operational water level is maintained by a mechanical float valve.
- Drain Valve: This option provides an output for the drain valve and an output for the fill valve.
• Open valve if scrubber is inactive: This option provides monitoring of and indicates the status of the
pump command and a network input to open the drain valve. If the network input requests the valve to
open or if the pump command has been off for a period of time, the drain valve opens. If the pump is
required to start, the drain valve closes for a period of time to allow the sump to fill before starting the
• Open valve on Network Input
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Control Sensor
- Zone Humidity
• During Unoccupied Mode
- Exhaust Air Humidity
• Discharge Humidity High Limit Control
The During Unoccupied Mode option is applicable only when Scheduled Occupancy is selected.

Dehumidification Control (OASD)

These selections provide the logic for dehumidification control.
The selection options for Dehumidification Control are:
• Zone Humidity
• Exhaust Air Humidity
Dehumidification cannot be selected unless both Cooling and Reheat are selected.

Optional Features (OASD)

These selections provide the logic for controlling the operation of the application. The Unit Enable logic includes the
option to delay startup after controller restart (Power Fail Restart).
The selection options for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network, it is
considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable
for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Unit Enable Switch (BI): This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network,
it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be
Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator module.
When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart command), the
application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 418

N2 Compatibility Options (OASD)
The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing AHU Series Controller
- Replacing UNT Series Controller
- Replacing DX9100 Series Controller

100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Control Logic Selection

Optional Sensors (OASD)

These selections provide the option for loading extra, monitor-only sensors.
The selection options for Optional Sensors are:
• Position Feedback: This option provides feedback inputs for monitoring only purposes. If you want to generate
an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create custom coding to do so.
- Modulated Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Modulated Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Two Position Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- Two Position Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- VSD Outputs
• No Feedback
• Motor Speed (RPM)
• Drive Frequency (Hz)
• Motor Percent (%)
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature
- Humidity

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 419

- CO2 Sensor
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Preheat Air Temperature
• Cooling Coil Leaving Air Temperature
• Reheat Coil Leaving Air Temperature
• Discharge Air
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Minimum Flow Protection For Staged Heating
• Exhaust Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Zone
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Misc
- Building Static Pressure
- Heat Recovery Air Temperature
- Mechanical Room Temperature: This option adds an analog input for a zone sensor that monitors the
temperature in the mechanical room.
If a Sensor is required for one of the selections made in the Mechanical System Selection, the option is not available
The Minimum Flow Protection for Staged Heating can be selected if Staged Preheat or Staged Reheat is selected
and the Discharge Flow is available (either due to selecting Exhaust Fan Volume Matching or an optional Discharge
Flow sensor).

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 420

Optional Equipment (OASD)
The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Pre-Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Final Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Exhaust Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor

Monitored Safeties (OASD)

These selections provide inputs for monitoring equipment safeties. The High and Low Static Pressure Switch inputs
and High and Low Temperature Switch inputs are connected to the Emergency Mode Sequencer and shut down
the application when tripped.
The selection options for Monitored Safeties are:
• Discharge
- High Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
- Low Static Pressure Switch
• Exhaust
- Low Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
- High Static Pressure Switch
• Low Limit Temperature Switch
• High Limit Temperature Switch
• Humidity Alarm
• Fire Dampers
- (Options for One through Eight)
- Fire Damper Alarm Reset Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 421

100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
See the following sections for information on this application’s logic and selections:
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Core Logic

Modules (OASD)
All 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• APP-MODE (Application Mode)
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
• DA-T (Discharge Air Temperature)
See the Input Modules section.
State Generation
• 100 OA Start Stop Sequencing (Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA))
• Application Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush application mode for separate
connection to State Selection and passes the remaining application modes to State Selection.
• Water System Flush Pass Through (Pass Through): This module passes the Water Flush system mode to a
separate State Selection input so that when water flush is requested, the valves always open.
• 100 OA Single Duct Sequencing (Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD))
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.
• Discharge Air Setpoint Determination
Output Control
• Heating Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))
• Cooling Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))

100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection

Fans (OADD)
These selections provide the logic for the main fans.
The selection options for Fans are:
Supply Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 422

• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Separate Damper Command for Fan
- Damper Status
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Exhaust Fan
• Single Speed
• Variable Speed
- Volume Matching
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Calculate Discharge Flow from Cold and Hot Deck Flow Inputs
• Separate Occupied and Unoccupied Flow Setpoints
- Building Static Pressure
- Track Supply Fan

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 423

• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Separate Damper Command for Fan
- Damper Status
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Supplemental Exhaust Fan
• Toilet Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 424

• General Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
A Supply Fan is required (that is, it is selected by default) as well as an optional Exhaust or Relief Fan.
A Variable Speed Supply Fan is required in order to select a Variable Speed Exhaust Fan.

Temperature Control Strategy (OADD)

These selections provide the logic for determining the setpoints of the Cold Deck and Hot Deck temperature control
loops. The Hot Deck Setpoint options apply only if a Hot Deck heating coil is selected.
The selection options for Temperature Control Strategy are:
• Fixed Hot and/or Cold Deck Temperatures
• Hot and/or Cold Deck Temperature Reset from OA-T
• Hot Deck Temperature Reset from EA-T

Occupancy Control (OADD)

These selections provide the logic for Occupancy Mode Determination.
The selection options for Occupancy Control are:
• Always Occupied
• Scheduled Occupancy
- Override Support
- Occupancy Switch (BI)
- Unoccupied Strategy
• Intermittent Night Operation
• Off during Unoccupied
If any options are selected for separate Occupied and Unoccupied Setpoints or Temporary Occupancy, the Always
Occupied option cannot be selected.

Heat Recovery (OADD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Heat Recovery Enthalpy Wheel or Glycol Loop.
The selection options for Heat Recovery are:

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 425

Enable Type
• Dry Bulb
• Enthalpy
Enthalpy Wheel
• Single Speed
- Modulated Bypass Dampers
• Variable Speed
- Bypass Damper BO
• Wheel Status
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection/Cleaning Mode: This option provides cleaning mode functionality. If the wheel is off for
an extended period, the wheel turns on for a short time to keep the wheel free of dirt and dust.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 426

Glycol Loop
• 3-Way Valve
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
• Circulation Pump
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Coils (Preheat) (OADD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Preheat coil. During startup, Preheat controls the CD-T to the OALT-SP
(Low Limit Setpoint).
The selection options for Coils (Preheat) are:
Preheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 427

Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Incremental Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 428

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: For applications with Preheat pumps, this option prevents the
unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• Face and Bypass Switchover
- Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Based on Network Input
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option adjusts the state table entries to force the
application to control for Low OA temperature while in shutdown.
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option turns on the coil pump if the outdoor air
temperature is lower than the setpoint and the unit is off. The preheat valve is modulated to control the leaving
water temperature.
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 429

The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Face and Bypass Switchover option is applicable only when either a Proportional or Incremental valve actuator
is selected with Face and Bypass Damper. This option specifies how to determine when the valve should be in
control (with the Damper at full face) and when the damper should be in control (with the Valve fully open).
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Cooling - Cold Deck) (OADD)

These selections provide the logic to control a Cooling coil.
The selection options for Coils (Cooling - Cold Deck) are:
Cooling - Cold Deck
Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
Cooling Lockout from Outdoor Air
DX Cooling
• Device Rotation
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Chilled Water
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 430

- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.
- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Heating - Hot Deck) (OADD)

These selections provide the logic to control the Hot Deck temperature using a Heating coil.
The selection options for Coils (Heating - Hot Deck) are:
Heating - Hot Deck

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 431

Reheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
• Incremental Output
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 432

• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Humidification (OADD)
These selections provide the logic to control a humidifier if present.
The selection options for Humidification are:
• Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the humidifier.
• Steam Proportional Valve
- Isolation Valve
• Modulated Packaged Unit
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Scrubber: This option is for a scrubber humidifier, which is a shower head, pump, and basin located in the
ductwork. This type of humidifier requires 3 BOs—a pump BO, a drain valve BO, and a BO to close the fill valve.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 433

The drain valve and fill valve BOs should actuate together (if draining, close the inlet valve and disable the pump).
The operational water level is maintained by a mechanical float valve.
- Drain Valve: This option provides an output for the drain valve and an output for the fill valve.
• Open valve if scrubber is inactive: This option provides monitoring of and indicates the status of the
pump command and a network input to open the drain valve. If the network input requests the valve to
open or if the pump command has been off for a period of time, the drain valve opens. If the pump is
required to start, the drain valve closes for a period of time to allow the sump to fill before starting the
• Open valve on Network Input
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Control Sensor
- Zone Humidity
• During Unoccupied Mode
- Exhaust Air Humidity
• Hot Deck Humidity High Limit Control
The During Unoccupied Mode option is applicable only when Scheduled Occupancy is selected.

Optional Features (OADD)

These selections provide the logic for controlling the operation of the application. The Unit Enable logic includes the
option to delay startup after controller restart (Power Fail Restart).
The selection options for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network, it is
considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable
for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Unit Enable Switch (BI): This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network,
it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be
Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator module.
When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart command), the
application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).

Compatibility Options (OADD)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 434

- Replacing AHU Series Controller
- Replacing UNT Series Controller
- Replacing DX9100 Series Controller

100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Control Logic Selection

Optional Sensors (OADD)

These selections provide the option for loading extra, monitor-only sensors.
The selection options for Optional Sensors are:
• Position Feedback: This option provides feedback inputs for monitoring only purposes. If you want to generate
an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create custom coding to do so.
- Modulated Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Modulated Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Two Position Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- Two Position Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- VSD Outputs
• No Feedback
• Motor Speed (RPM)
• Drive Frequency (Hz)
• Motor Percent (%)
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Preheat Air Temperature

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 435

• Discharge Air
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
- Minimum Flow Protection For Staged Heating
• Hot Deck
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Cold Deck
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Exhaust Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
- Static Pressure
- Air Flow
• Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
• Flow Measurement (Scaled)
• Zone
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Misc
- Building Static Pressure
- Heat Recovery Air Temperature
- Mechanical Room Temperature: This option adds an analog input for a zone sensor that monitors the
temperature in the mechanical room.
If a Sensor is required for one of the selections made in the Mechanical System Selection, the option is not available
The Minimum Flow Protection for Staged Preheat can be selected if Staged Preheat is selected and the Discharge
Flow is available (either due to selecting Exhaust Fan Volume Matching or an optional Discharge Flow sensor).

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 436

Modules (OADD Optional Sensors)
The Optional Sensors selection loads the following modules in these Control View columns:
Network Inputs
• OA-T (Outdoor Air Temperature): This module is loaded when a physical Outdoor Air Temperature input is not
• FLOW-LL (Airflow Low Limit): This module is loaded when Minimum Flow Protection For Staged Heating is
selected. It is the minimum discharge flow required before staged heating is enabled.
See the Network Input Modules section.
• OA-T (Outdoor Air Temperature)
• OA-H (Outdoor Air Humidity)
• OA-Q (Outdoor Air Quality)
• OA-VP (Outdoor Air Velocity Pressure)
• OA-F (Outdoor Air Flow): The measurement is scaled using AI Output Range High.
• PH-T (Preheat Temperature)
• DA-H (Discharge Air Humidity)
• DA-Q (Discharge Air Quality)
• DA1-P (Discharge Air Static Pressure 1)
• DA-VP (Discharge Air Velocity Pressure)
• DA-F (Discharge Air Flow): The flow scaling is configured by setting the AI object’s Output Range High and
Maximum Value attributes.
• HD-T (Hot Deck Temperature)
• HD-H (Hot Deck Humidity)
• HD-P (Hot Deck Static Pressure)
• HD-VP (Hot Deck Velocity Pressure)
• HD-F (Hot Deck Flow): The flow scaling is configured by setting the AI object’s Output Range High and Maximum
Value attributes.
• CD-P (Cold Deck Static Pressure)
• CD-VP (Cold Deck Velocity Pressure)
• CD-F (Cold Deck Flow): The flow scaling is configured by setting the AI object’s Output Range High and Maximum
Value attributes.
• EA-T (Exhaust Air Temperature)
• EA-H (Exhaust Air Humidity)
• EA-Q (Exhaust Air Quality)
• EA-P (Exhaust Air Static Pressure)
• EA-VP (Exhaust Air Velocity Pressure)
• EA-F (Exhaust Air Flow): The flow scaling is configured by setting the AI object’s Output Range High and Maximum
Value attributes.
• ZN-T (Zone Temperature)
• ZN-H (Zone Humidity)
• ZN-Q (Zone Quality)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 437

• BLDG-P (Building Static Pressure)
• HR-T (Heat Recovery Temperature)
• CLG-CL (Cooling Closed Status)
• CLGFBD-POS (Cooling Face & Bypass Damper Position)
• CLGFBD-S (Cooling Face & Bypass Damper Status)
• CLG-OP (Cooling Open Status)
• CLG-POS (Cooling Position)
• CLG-S (Cooling Status)
• HREAFBD-CL (Heat Recovery EA FBD Closed Status)
• HREAFBD-OP (Heat Recovery EA FBD Open Status)
• HREAFBD-POS (Heat Recovery EA FBD Position)
• HREAFBD-S (Heat Recovery EA FBD Status)
• HROAFBD-CL (Heat Recovery OA FBD Closed Status)
• HROAFBD-OP (Heat Recovery OA FBD Open Status)
• HROAFBD-POS (Heat Recovery OA FBD Position)
• HROAFBD-S (Heat Recovery OA FBD Status)
• HR-POS (Heat Recovery Position)
• HR-S (Heat Recovery Status)
• HTGX-POS (Heating X Position, where X is 1-2)
• HTGX-S (Heating X Status, where X is 1-2)
• HUM-S (Humidifier Status)
• PHX-POS (Preheat X Position, where X is 1-2)
• PHX-S (Preheat X Status, where X is 1-2)
• PH-CL (Preheat Closed Status)
• PHFBD-POS (Preheat Face & Bypass Damper Position)
• PHFBD-S (Preheat Face & Bypass Damper Status)
• PH-OP (Preheat Open Status)
• PH-POS (Preheat Position)
• PH-S (Preheat Status)
• RH-POS (Reheat Position)
• RH-S (Reheat Status)
See the Input Modules section.
• Outdoor Air Flow Calculation (Flow Calculation)
• Discharge Flow Calculation (Flow Calculation)
• Hot Deck Flow Calculation (Flow Calculation)
• Cold Deck Flow Calculation (Flow Calculation)
• Exhaust Flow Calculation (Flow Calculation)

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 438

State Generation
• Loss of Airflow Sequencing: This module is loaded when Minimum Flow Protection For Staged Preheat is selected.

Optional Equipment (OADD)

These selections provide monitor-only sensors for an optional pre-filter and/or final filter.
The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Pre-Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Final Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Exhaust Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor

Modules (OADD Optional Equipment)

The Optional Equipment selection loads the following modules in these Control View columns:
• PFILT-S (PreFilter Status)
• PFILT-DP (PreFilter Diff Pressure)
• FFILT-S (Final Filter Status)
• FFILT-DP (Final Filter Diff Pressure)
See the Input Modules section.

Monitored Safeties (OADD)

These selections provide inputs for monitoring equipment safeties. The High and Low Static Pressure Switch inputs
and High and Low Temperature Switch inputs are connected to the Emergency Mode Sequencer and shut down
the application when tripped.
The selection options for Monitored Safeties are:
• Discharge
- High Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
• Exhaust
- Low Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
• Low Limit Temperature Switch
• High Limit Temperature Switch
• Humidity Alarm
• Fire Dampers

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 439

- (Options for One through Eight)
- Fire Damper Alarm Reset Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)

Modules (OADD Monitored Safeties)

The Monitored Safeties selection loads the following modules in these Control View columns:
• DAPHI-A (Discharge Air High Duct Pressure)
• DA-SD (Discharge Air Smoke Alarm)
• EAPLO-A (Exhaust Air Low Duct Pressure)
• EA-SD (Exhaust Air Smoke Alarm)
• LT-A (Low Temperature Alarm)
• HT-A (High Temperature Alarm)
• HUMHI-A (Humidity High Limit)
See the Input Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 440

Rooftop Unit Applications
See the following sections for information on the Rooftop Unit (RTU) application’s logic and selections.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Rooftop Core Logic

Modules (RTU)
All Rooftop Applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• APP-MODE (Application Mode)
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
State Generation
• Application Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush application mode for separate
connection to State Selection and passes the remaining application modes to State Selection.
• Water System Flush Pass Through (Pass Through): This module passes the Water Flush system mode to a
separate State Selection input so that when water flush is requested, the valves always open.
• Mixed Air Single Duct HR Sequencing (Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) v51)
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.
Output Control
• Heating Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))
• Cooling Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))

Rooftop Mechanical System Selection

Fans (RTU)
These selections provide the logic for the main fans.
The selection options for Fans are:

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 441

Supply Fan - Single Speed
• Temperature Based Variable Speed
• Fan Status
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Exhaust Fan
• Toilet Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
• General Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 442

Economizer Damper(s) (RTU)
The selection options for Economizer Damper(s) are:
• Common Proportional Mixed Air Damper Output
• Packaged Economizer Enable (BO)
• Economizer Suitability
- Network Command
- Enthalpy Switch (BI)
- Outdoor Air
• Dry Bulb Temp Economizer
• Temp & Enthalpy Economizer
• Mixed Air Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 Sensor
- Use Zone CO2 Sensor
- Use Return CO2 Sensor
• Reduce Outdoor Air on Low Temperature
The Reduce Outdoor Air on Low Temperature selection enables logic that reduces the intake of outdoor air when
the Mixed Air Temperature is low. This outdoor air intake reduction is accomplished by modulating the outdoor
dampers closed. The control logic for the low limit strategy is embedded directly into the Output Control modules
and activated simply by connecting the appropriate setpoint and process variable. The logic takes precedence over
all logic other than Emergency Modes.

Temperature Control Strategy (RTU)

These selections provide the logic for the basic Temperature Control Strategy for the application. The Discharge Air
Control options (fixed setpoint and Reset from Outdoor Air Temperature) provide air to separately controlled zones.
The Zone or Return Control options directly control a single zone (whether the sensor is in the zone or in the return
duct). For single zone control, the application can be optionally configured to control the Discharge Air Temperature
to a setpoint reset based on the Zone or Return Air Temperature.
The selection options for Temperature Control Strategy are:
• Discharge Air Control
- Reset from Outdoor Air Temperature
• Zone or Return Control
- Discharge Air Temperature Reset by Zone or Return
- Cycle During Occupied
- Return Air Temperature
- Zone Temperature
• Setpoint Adjust
- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
- Summer/Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift
If Discharge Air Temperature Reset by Zone or Return is selected, Cycle During Occupied cannot be selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 443

Occupancy Control (RTU)
These selections provide the logic for Occupancy Mode Determination.
The selection options for Occupancy Control are:
• Always Occupied
• Scheduled Occupancy
- Override Support
- Occupancy Switch (BI)
- Unoccupied Strategy
• Intermittent Night Operation
• Off during Unoccupied
If any options are selected for separate Occupied and Unoccupied Setpoints or Temporary Occupancy, the Always
Occupied option cannot be selected.

Coils (Cooling) (RTU)

These selections provide the logic to control a Cooling coil.
The selection options for Coils (Cooling) are:
Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
• Cooling Lockout from Outdoor Air
• DX Cooling
- Device Rotation
- Number of Stages
• One Stage
• Two Stages
• Three Stages
• Four Stages
• Five Stages
• Six Stages
• Seven Stages
• Eight Stages
• Chilled Water
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
- Two Position Actuator
• Face and Bypass Damper
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
- Entering Water Temperature
- Leaving Water Temperature

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 444

- Coil Pump
• Pressure/Flow Boost
• Low Temperature Circulation
• Pump Status
- Shutdown Strategy
• Off
• Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
• User Defined Position
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Off
• Remain in Control
• Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
• User Defined Position
- Unreliable Sensor Operation
• Off
• Hold
• Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
• User Defined Position
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Heating) (RTU)

These selections provide the logic to control a Heating coil.
The selection options for Coils (Heating) are:
• Heating
- Heating Lockout from Outdoor Air
- Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• Gas Bonnet Switch
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 445

- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
- Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
• Incremental Output
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Pump Status
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The Gas Bonnet Switch is only supported for Zone or Return Control (not DA-T Reset) when the unit has an opportunity
to use it for triggering start up. This option applies when Cycle During Occupied or Intermittent Night Operation is
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Humidification (RTU)
These selections provide the logic to control a humidifier, if present.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 446

The selection options for Humidification are:
• Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
• Steam Proportional Valve
- Isolation Valve
• Modulated Packaged Unit
• Control Sensor
- Zone Humidity
• During Unoccupied Mode
- Return Air Humidity
• Discharge Humidity High Limit Control
The During Unoccupied Mode option is applicable only when Scheduled Occupancy is selected.

Dehumidification Control (RTU)

These selections provide the logic for dehumidification control.
The selection options for Dehumidification Control are:
• Zone Humidity
• Return Air Humidity
• Activate Hot Gas Reheat during Dehumidification
Dehumidification cannot be selected unless both Cooling and Reheat are selected.

Optional Features (RTU)

These selections provide the logic for controlling the operation of the application. The Unit Enable logic includes the
option to delay startup after controller restart (Power Fail Restart).
The selection options for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network, it is
considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable
for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Unit Enable Switch (BI): This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network,
it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be
Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator module.
When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart command), the
application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).
Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 447
N2 Compatibility Options (RTU)
The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing UNT Series Controller

Rooftop Control Logic Selection

Optional Sensors (RTU)

These selections provide the option for loading extra, monitor-only sensors.
The selection options for Optional Sensors are:
• Position Feedback: This option provides feedback inputs for monitoring only purposes. If you want to generate
an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create custom coding to do so.
- Modulated Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Modulated Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Two Position Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- Two Position Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- VSD Outputs
• No Feedback
• Motor Speed (RPM)
• Drive Frequency (Hz)
• Motor Percent (%)
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 448

• Mixed Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Discharge Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Return Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Zone
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
If a Sensor is required for one of the selections made in the Mechanical System Selection, the option is not available
in the Optional Sensors section.

Optional Equipment (RTU)

These selections provide monitor-only sensors for an optional pre-filter and/or final filter.
The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Pre-Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Final Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Return Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor

Monitored Safeties (RTU)

These selections provide inputs for monitoring equipment safeties. The High and Low Static Pressure Switch inputs
and High and Low Temperature Switch inputs are connected to the Emergency Mode Sequencer and shut down
the application when tripped.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 449

The selection options for Monitored Safeties are:
• Discharge
- High Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
• Return
- Smoke Detector
• Low Limit Temperature Switch
• High Limit Temperature Switch

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 450

Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
See the following sections for information on the Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) application’s logic and selections.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Core Logic

Modules (MADD-MZ)
The Air Handling Unit configuration portion of Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) applications use the core logic listed
as follows. The following modules are loaded if the AHU Only or AHU + Zones configuration options are selected.
Network Inputs
• APP-MODE (Application Mode)
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
• CD-T (Cold Deck Temperature)
See the Input Modules section.
State Generation
• Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air)
• Application Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush application mode for separate
connection to State Selection and passes the remaining application modes to State Selection.
• Water System Flush Pass Through (Pass Through): This module passes the Water Flush system mode to a
separate State Selection input so that when water flush is requested, the valves always open.
• Mixed Air Cold Duct Sequencing (Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD))
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.
Output Control
• Heating Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))
• Cooling Required LV (Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float))

Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Mechanical System Selection

Configuration Options (MADD-MZ)

These selections allow the user to select the portion(s) of the Multizone logic to include in this system. The selection
options are:
• AHU Only
- Zone Heating Valve Mode Output
- Zone Staged Heating Mode Output
• Zones Only
• AHU + Zones

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 451

Air Handling Unit Configuration (MADD-MZ)

Fans (MADD-MZ)
These selections provide the logic for the Air Handling Unit fans.
The selection options for Fans are:

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 452

Supply Fan - Single Speed
• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
Return Fan - Single Speed
• Fan Status
- Loss of Airflow Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Fan to Start First
- Supply
- Return

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 453

Exhaust Fan
• Toilet Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
• General Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
A Supply Fan is required (that is, it is selected by default) as well as an optional Return Fan.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 454

Economizer Damper (Common MAD Output) (MADD-MZ)
The selection options for Economizer Damper(s) are:
• Economizer Damper (Common MAD Output)
• Economizer Suitability
- Network Command
- Enthalpy Switch (BI)
- Outdoor Air
• Dry Bulb Temp Economizer
• Temp & Enthalpy Economizer
• Outdoor Air versus Return Air: This option compares outdoor air with return air to switch the economizer.
• Mixed Air Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 Sensor
• Reduce Outdoor Air on Low Temperature
• Damper Minimum Position Reset by OA Flow
- Velocity Pressure (Pitot Tube)
- Flow Measurement (Scaled)
The Reduce Outdoor Air on Low Temperature selection enables logic that reduces the intake of outdoor air when
the Mixed Air Temperature is low. This reduction is accomplished by modulating closed the outdoor dampers.
If a preheat coil is located downstream of the mixing plenum (that is, it is in the mixed air), the Preheat Temperature
(downstream of the coil) serves as the process variable for this control strategy. Otherwise, the Mixed Air Temperature
serves as the process variable.
The control logic for the low limit strategy is embedded directly into the Output Control modules and activated simply
by connecting the appropriate setpoint and process variable. The logic takes precedence over all logic other than
Emergency Modes.

Temperature Control Strategy (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide the logic for determining the setpoints of the Cold Deck and Hot Deck temperature control
loops. The Hot Deck Setpoint options apply only if a Hot Deck heating coil is selected.
The selection options for Temperature Control Strategy are:
• Fixed Hot and/or Cold Deck Temperatures
• Hot and/or Cold Deck Temperature Reset from OA-T
• Hot Deck Temperature Reset from RA-T

Occupancy Control (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide the logic for Occupancy Mode Determination.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 455

The selection options for Occupancy Control are:
• Always Occupied
• Scheduled Occupancy
- Override Support
- Occupancy Switch (BI)
- Unoccupied Strategy
• Intermittent Night Operation
• Off during Unoccupied
If any options are selected for separate Occupied and Unoccupied Setpoints or Temporary Occupancy, the Always
Occupied option cannot be selected.

Heat Recovery (MADD-MZ)

The selection options for Heat Recovery are:
Enable Type
• Dry Bulb
• Enthalpy

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 456

Enthalpy Wheel
• Single Speed
- Modulated Bypass Dampers
• Variable Speed
- Bypass Damper BO
• Wheel Status
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Motor Overload Tripped
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection/Cleaning Mode: This option provides cleaning mode functionality. If the wheel is off for
an extended period, the wheel turns on for a short time to keep the wheel free of dirt and dust.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 457

Glycol Loop
• 3-Way Valve
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
• Circulation Pump
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Coils (Preheat) (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide the logic to control a Preheat coil. Preheat coils may be located in the Outdoor Air Duct
(ahead of the mixing plenum). If this is the case, a Preheat coil is always set to Control to Preheat Air Temperature.
When in the Mixed Air Duct, a coil may either be controlled by a dedicated sensor or sequenced with the other
devices. During startup, Preheat controls the PH-T or CD-T to the OALT-SP (Low Limit Setpoint).
The selection options for Coils (Preheat) are:
Preheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
• Outdoor Air
• Mixed air
- Sequenced with Cold Deck Control Strategy
- Control to Preheat Air Temperature
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 458

• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Incremental Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Two Position Output
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 459

- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Shutdown AHU when pump is in Alarm: For applications with Preheat pumps, this option prevents the
unit from starting if there is a fault in the preheat pump during cold weather.
• Face and Bypass Switchover
- Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Based on Mixed Air Temperature
- Based on Network Input
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option adjusts the state table entries to force the
application to control for Low OA temperature while in shutdown.
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 460

- Low OA Temperature - Leaving Water Control: This option turns on the coil pump if the outdoor air
temperature is lower than the setpoint and the unit is off. The preheat valve is modulated to control the leaving
water temperature.
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Face and Bypass Switchover option is applicable only when either a Proportional or Incremental valve actuator
is selected with Face and Bypass Damper. This option specifies how to determine when the valve should be in
control (with the Damper at full face) and when the damper should be in control (with the Valve fully open).
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Cooling - Cold Deck) (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide the logic to control a Cooling coil.
The selection options for Coils (Cooling - Cold Deck) are:
Cooling - Cold Deck
Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that stops the cooling when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the condensate alarm is active.
Cooling Lockout from Outdoor Air
DX Cooling
• Device Rotation
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Chilled Water
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 461

• Two Position Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation
- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combine the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.
- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 462

- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Coils (Heating - Hot Deck) (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide the logic to control the Hot Deck temperature using a Heating coil.
The selection options for Coils (Heating - Hot Deck) are:
Heating - Hot Deck
Reheat Lockout from Outdoor Air
Staged Heating
• Device Rotation
• No Flow Lockout: This option loads the flow switch for staged heating. The current loss of airflow sequencer
provides the proper behavior.
• High Temperature Lockout: This option turns off staged heating when a High Temperature alarm occurs.
• Number of Stages
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Five Stages
- Six Stages
- Seven Stages
- Eight Stages
Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
- Two Valves
• Incremental Output
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature
• Coil Pump
- Pressure/Flow Boost
- Low Temperature Circulation

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 463

- Both Pressure/Flow & Low Temp Circulation: This option combines the existing two sequences to start
the pump either when the valve command exceeds zero or when the outdoor air temperature drops below
the setpoint.
- Dual Pumps: This option adds a second coil pump to operate in a duty/standby configuration.
• Rotate to Balance Runtime: When you select this option with Dual Pumps, the application automatically
shifts the lead to the pump with the lowest operating hours.
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Shutdown Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Loss of Airflow Strategy
- Off
- Remain in Control
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
• Unreliable Sensor Operation
- Off
- Hold
- Protect Coil Based on Outdoor Air Temperature
- User Defined Position
The option for Two Proportional Valves is intended for two sequenced steam valves. This option does not support
including Face & Bypass Damper or Circulation Pump controls.
The Remain in Control Shutdown Strategy is available only when a proportional valve is selected (with either
proportional or incremental actuator).
The Loss of Airflow Strategy options are available only when the Automatic Restart option for the Supply Fan Status
Loss of Airflow Strategy is selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 464

Humidification (MADD-MZ)
These selections provide the logic to control a humidifier if present.
The selection options for Humidification are:
• Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
- Four Stages
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the humidifier.
• Steam Proportional Valve
- Isolation Valve
• Modulated Packaged Unit
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Scrubber: This option is for a scrubber humidifier, which is a shower head, pump, and basin located in the
ductwork. This type of humidifier requires 3 BOs—a pump BO, a drain valve BO, and a BO to close the fill valve.
The drain valve and fill valve BOs should actuate together (if draining, close the inlet valve and disable the pump).
The operational water level is maintained by a mechanical float valve.
- Drain Valve: This option provides an output for the drain valve and an output for the fill valve.
• Open valve if scrubber is inactive: This option provides monitoring of and indicates the status of the
pump command and a network input to open the drain valve. If the network input requests the valve to
open or if the pump command has been off for a period of time, the drain valve opens. If the pump is
required to start, the drain valve closes for a period of time to allow the sump to fill before starting the
• Open valve on Network Input
- Humidifier Status: This option provides status feedback of the operation of the Modulated Packaged Unit
• Enable During Unoccupied Operation
• Hot Deck Humidity High Limit Control
The Enable During Unoccupied Operation option is applicable only when Scheduled Occupancy is selected.

Optional Features (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide the logic for controlling the operation of the application. The Unit Enable logic includes the
option to delay startup after controller restart (Power Fail Restart).
The selection options for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network, it is

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 465

considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable
for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Unit Enable Switch (BI): This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command from the network,
it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state of both must be
Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator module.
When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart command), the
application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).

Zone Configuration (MADD-MZ)

Number of Zones (MADD-MZ)

This selection specifies the number of zones controlled by the Multizone unit (minimum of two). This selection does
not directly load modules, but determines the number of modules loaded for each subsequent Zone Configuration
selection. The module for each zone is designated by X (from 1 to the selected number of zones).
• Two Zones
• Three Zones
• Four Zones
• Five Zones
• Six Zones
• Seven Zones
• Eight Zones

Sensor(s) for Zones (MADD-MZ)

These selections allow the user to specify the zone sensors required for each zone.
The selection options for Sensor(s) for Zones are:
• Temperature
- Setpoint Adjust
• Common Setpoint Adjust
• Warm Cool Adjust
- Temp Occ Support
• Humidity
• CO2 Sensor
The Temp Occ Support option is available only when Scheduled Occupancy is selected.

Mixing Dampers for Zones (MADD-MZ)

These selections allow the user to specify the type of actuator on the mixing dampers for each zone.
The selection options for Mixing Dampers for Zones are:
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 466

Heating for Zones (MADD-MZ)
These selections allow the user to specify the type of heat available for each zone as well as to identify the zones
that have that heat.
The selection options for Heating for Zones are:
• Lockout from Outdoor Air
• Electric Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
• Hot Water or Steam
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
- Two Position Actuator
• Zones with Heat
- Heating Zone One
- Heating Zone Two
- Heating Zone Three
- Heating Zone Four
- Heating Zone Five
- Heating Zone Six
- Heating Zone Seven
- Heating Zone Eight

N2 Compatibility Options (MADD-MZ)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing AHU Series Controller
- Replacing UNT Series Controller
- Replacing DX9100 Series Controller

Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Control Logic Selection

Optional AHU Sensors (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide the option for loading extra, monitor-only sensors.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 467

The selection options for Optional Sensors are:
• Position Feedback: This option provides feedback inputs for monitoring only purposes. If you want to generate
an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create custom coding to do so.
- Modulated Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Modulated Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Analog Input per Output
• Binary Input per Output
- Two Position Damper Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
- Two Position Valve Outputs
• No Position Feedback
• Binary Input per Output
• Two Binary Inputs per Output
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Preheat Air Temperature
• Mixed Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Discharge Air
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Hot Deck
- Temperature
- Humidity

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 468

• Return Air
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 Sensor
• Misc
- Heat Recovery Air Temperature
- Mechanical Room Temperature: This option adds an analog input for a zone sensor that monitors the
temperature in the mechanical room.
If the Zones Only configuration type is selected or if a Sensor is required for one of the selections made in the
Mechanical System Selection, the option is not available here.

Optional Equipment (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide monitor-only sensors for an optional pre-filter and/or final filter.
The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Pre-Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Final Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
• Return Filter
- Filter Switch
- Filter Differential Pressure Sensor
These options are not applicable if the Zones Only configuration type is selected.

Monitored Safeties (MADD-MZ)

These selections provide inputs for monitoring equipment safeties. The High and Low Static Pressure Switch inputs
and High and Low Temperature Switch inputs are connected to the Emergency Mode Sequencer and shut down
the application when tripped.
The selection options for Monitored Safeties are:
• Discharge
- High Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
• Return
- Low Static Pressure Switch
- Smoke Detector
• Low Limit Temperature Switch
• High Limit Temperature Switch
• Humidity Alarm
• Fire Dampers

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 469

- (Options for One through Eight)
- Fire Damper Alarm Reset Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
These options are not applicable if the Zones Only configuration type is selected.

Controller Tool Help: Air Handling Unit Applications 470

Fan Coil Applications
The Fan Coil (FC) application provides mechanical and control logic selections that match standard Fan Coil Terminal
Unit configurations.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Fan Coil Core Logic

Modules (FC)
The core set of modules created for all Fan Coil applications provides the zone temperature setpoint and base
heating/cooling sequencing logic. Specific selections in the Fan Coil selection tree provide the required Inputs,
Outputs, and Network Input connections for the core logic set and integrate the specific Output Controller options
for Fan Logic, Heating, and Cooling Coils.
The following is the list of modules created by the core logic.
Network Inputs
• SYSTEM-MODE: This module is a Network Input for the System Mode Pass Through (Pass Through) State
Generator to use during commissioning to drive any system outputs to a specific state.
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
• ZN-T Setpoint Determination: This module determines the Effective Heating and Cooling Setpoints.
State Generation
• System Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush system mode for separate connection
to State Selection and passes the remaining system modes to State Selection.
• Zone Sequencing (FC) (Occupied Sequencing): This module manages the transition between heating and cooling
output controllers and determines which device should be operating to control the space temperature.
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.

Controller Tool Help: Fan Coil Applications 471

Fan Coil Mechanical System Selection

Supply Fan (FC)

The selection options for Supply Fan are:
• Single Speed: This option creates a State Generator, Output Controller, and Output to manage the Fan.
• Three Speed: This option creates a State Generator, Output Controller, and three Outputs to manage the low,
medium, and high fan speeds. This selection enables the selection for the Fan Speed Adjust option under the
Zone Sensors (FC) selection, which is an optional interface for specific Network Sensor models.
• Variable Speed: This option creates a State Generator and Output Controller to manage both a Binary Output
to stop/start the fan and a Proportional Output to vary the speed. If you select the Variable Speed Supply Fan
selection, only Proportional Heating and Cooling Coils are available for selection.
• Fan Control by Others: This option assumes that the supervisory system or local binary switch is directly in
control of the fan through a separate hardware interface. This option creates a Fan Controlled By Other Binary
Input point for use in conjunction with a State Generator for Fan Control By Others to turn heating and/or cooling
output controllers off if the fan is commanded off.
• Fan Status: This option creates a monitoring only point to use during commissioning or to map to the Supervisory

Controller Tool Help: Fan Coil Applications 472

Coils (FC)
The separate selections for Cooling and Heating Coils allow for either staged, proportional, or on-off outputs.
The selection options for Coils are:
• Cooling
- Condensate Alarm: This option provides a Binary Input to indicate the condensate drain is clogged. The
cooling is disabled when the Condensate Alarm is active.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option shuts down the fan coil when the condensate alarm is active.
- Staged
• One Stage
• Two Stages
• Three Stages
- Modulated
• Proportional
• Incremental
• Two Position
• Heating
- Staged
• One Stage
• Two Stages
• Three Stages
- Modulated
• Proportional
• Incremental
• Two Position
• Common Heating-Cooling: If you select either one of the Cooling or Heating Coil options, this option is not
- Condensate Alarm: This option provides a Binary Input to indicate the condensate drain is clogged. The
cooling is disabled when the Condensate Alarm is active.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option shuts down the fan coil when the condensate alarm is active.
- Proportional
- Incremental
- Two Position
- Summer-Winter Changeover Switch: This option provides a Binary Input to determine the control action of
the coil.

Optional Equipment (FC)

The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Filter Switch: This option creates a Filter Status Input and is typically mapped to the Supervisory system to
create a Change Filter Alarm.
• Lighting: This option creates an output to interface a Lighting Relay. When selected, the Always Occupied
selection in the Occupancy (FC) section is not available. Only the Occupancy Mode Determination Mode logic
interfaces with the Lighting Output. The default output configuration is a single, maintained binary output.

Controller Tool Help: Fan Coil Applications 473

Sensors (FC)
The selection options for Sensors are:
• Outdoor Air Temperature: This option provides an optional monitoring point or an input to the Summer Winter
Compensation module created under Optional Features (FC).
• Zone: A Zone Temperature Input is always provided. All the Zone Temperature options assume that a model of
the Network Sensor family is being used for Temperature, the Setpoint Adjust options of Common Setpoint Adjust
or Warm Cool Adjust, a Temporary Occupancy Interface from the Network Sensor, and the Fan Speed Adjust
Option and Humidity input from the Network Sensor. Refer to the Network Sensors product literature to match
the functionality selected for the application with a specific Network Sensor hardware model.
- Temperature
• Setpoint Adjust
- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
• Fan Speed Adjust
- Humidity
- Occupancy: This option provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate Occupancy Sensor.
• Discharge Air Temperature: This option is used primarily as a commissioning check-out feature to verify that
the Discharge Air Temperature responds to commands to the heating and/or cooling devices.

Controller Tool Help: Fan Coil Applications 474

Monitored Safeties (FC)
The selection option for Monitored Safeties is Discharge Air Smoke Detector which creates an Input that is typically
mapped to the supervisory system to create an alarm point.

Misc (FC)
The Miscellaneous selections provide binary inputs for the Energy Hold Off Determination and Unit Enable
Determination State Generators.
The selection options for Miscellaneous are:
• Energy Hold Off Switch: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Hardware Input
(BI). If Energy Hold Off is selected in the Optional Features (FC) section, then the Hardware Input or the Network
Input can activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when
a window or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Unit Enable Switch: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected in the Optional Features (FC) section, then when the Network Input does not have
a valid command from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are
selected, the state of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state
to cause the unit to stop).

Position Feedback (FC)

The Position Feedback selections provide analog and binary inputs for modulated valve outputs. Position feedback
adds an input for each output that indicates the actual position of the controlled device. Analog feedback uses a
voltage or resistance signal to span 0-100% position, and binary feedback can use one or two binary inputs to
indicate position (OPEN, CLOSED, or OPEN and CLOSED). These feedback inputs are for monitoring purposes
only. If you want to generate an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create
custom coding to do so.
The selection options for Position Feedback are:

• Modulated Valve Outputs

- No Position Feedback
- Analog Input per Output
- Binary Input per Output
• Two Position Valve Outputs
- No Position Feedback
- Binary Input per Output
- Two Binary Inputs per Output

N2 Compatibility Options (FC)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a way to replace N2-based products that are no longer available.
When you select this option, the application provides mappings for points that are the same as they were in the
legacy application.

Controller Tool Help: Fan Coil Applications 475

The N2 Compatibility Options selections are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing UNT Series Controller

Fan Coil Control Logic Selection

Occupancy (FC)
The selection options for Occupancy are:
• Cycle During Occupied: This option configures the Fan Determination State Generator module’s input for Fan
Cycle to a Yes value, allowing the fan to turn off during Occupied if heating and cooling are both inactive.
Otherwise, the Fan runs continuously during Occupied Mode. This selection is not available if the Fan Controlled
By Other selection has been made.
• Disable Fan in Heating Mode: This option allows the heating coil to act as a radiator, using convection to heat
the space.
• Fan Status Interlock with Staged Heating: This option is available only if a Stage Heating Coil is selected.
When selected, logic is created to monitor fan status through a binary input. The Airflow Status Determination
(Flow Status Determination) module uses this status feedback to enable or disable the Staged Heating Control
(Heating Staged Outputs v51) Output Controller.
• Fan Status Interlock with Staged Cooling: This option is available only if a Stage Cooling Coil is selected.
When selected, logic is created to monitor fan status through a binary input. The Airflow Status Determination
(Flow Status Determination) module uses this status feedback to enable or disable the Staged Cooling Control
(Cooling Staged Outputs v51) Output Controller.
• Always Occupied: This option is loaded for applications that are always Occupied (when Enabled).
• Scheduled Occupancy: This option creates the interface for the supervisory system scheduling logic.
- Override Support: This option creates the local override interfaces from optional Occupancy Sensors or
Networked Sensor Temporary Occupancy interfaces.

Controller Tool Help: Fan Coil Applications 476

Optional Features (FC)
The Optional Features selections provide Network Inputs modules for Supervisory system interfaces to override the
main applications sequence of operation through connections to the appropriate Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules
or State Generators.
The selection choices for Optional Features are:
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected in the Misc (FC) section, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command
from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state
of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit
to stop).
• Power Fail Restart Logic: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator
module. When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart
command), the application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).
• Energy Hold Off: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Network Input. If Energy
Hold Off Switch is selected in the Misc (FC) section, then the Network Input or the Hardware Input (BI) can
activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when a window
or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Network Warmup-Cooldown Support: This feature starts the fan coil and operates in a heating only mode
until the warm-up is cancelled or the occupied temperature is reached.
• Zone Low Limit Support: This feature is typically used with the Energy Hold Off feature to cycle heating On
when the temperature falls below a low limit.
• Summer-Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift: This option allows the zone setpoints to be automatically
adjusted based on the outdoor air temperature. This feature is often used for entry zones, such as an atrium,
that feel comfortable at warmer or cooler temperatures because occupants usually enter from much warmer or
cooler conditions. For example, if the outdoor air temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the atrium temperature
may be kept at 65 degrees Fahrenheit rather than 69 degrees Fahrenheit because occupants wear heavier
clothing as they come in from or go to the outdoors.

Controller Tool Help: Fan Coil Applications 477

Heat Pump Applications
The Heat Pump selections allow you to configure the mechanical choices for either an Air to Air, or Water to Air,
Heat Pump configuration that contains one or two compressors. System Selection also allows optional Economizer
and Supplemental Heating that are sequenced with the compressor logic.
See the Heat Pump Core Logic section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Heat Pump Core Logic

Modules (HP)
The core set of modules created for all Heat Pump applications provides the zone temperature setpoint and base
heating/cooling sequencing logic. Specific selections in the Heat Pump selection tree provide the required Inputs,
Outputs, and Network Input connections for the core logic set and integrate the specific Output Controller options
for Fan Logic, Heating, and Cooling Coils.
The following is the list of modules created by the core logic:
Network Inputs
• SYSTEM-MODE: This module is a Network Input for the System Mode Determination State Generator used to
force the unit into a mode of operation.
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
Miscellaneous (Inputs)
• MAD-% (Mixed Air Damper Effective Command): This module reads the effective command and priority of
the associated damper output.
See the Miscellaneous Input Modules section.
• ZN-T Setpoint Determination: This module determines the Effective Heating and Cooling Setpoints.

Controller Tool Help: Heat Pump Applications 478

State Generation
• Damper Override Check (Analog Override Check): This module monitors the current command and the command
priority of the output. If an output is overridden, the Output Controller is turned off to prevent PID windup and
improper tuning.
• Heat Pump Override Check 01 (Binary Override Check 01, 04, and 08): This module monitors the current
command and the command priority of the output. If an output is overridden, the Output Controller is turned off
to prevent PID windup and improper tuning.
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.
• System Mode Determination: This module separates out the Water Flush system mode for separate connection
to State Selection and passes the remaining system modes to State Selection.
• Zone Sequencing (FC) (Occupied Sequencing): This module manages the transition between heating and cooling
output controllers and determines which device should be operating to control the space temperature.
Output Control
• Heating Cooling Required LV (Last Value (Boolean))
• MAD-O (Mixed Air Damper Output)
See the Output Modules section.

Heat Pump Mechanical System Selection

Supply Fan (HP)

The selection options for Supply Fan are:
• Single Speed: This option creates a State Generator, Output Controller, and Output to manage the Fan.
• Three Speed: This option creates a State Generator, Output Controller, and three Outputs to manage the low,
medium, and high fan speeds. This option also enables the selection for the Fan Speed Adjust option under the
Zone Sensors (HP) selection which is an optional interface for specific Network Sensor models.
• Variable Speed: This option creates a State Generator and Output Controller to manage both a Binary Output
to stop/start the fan and a Proportional Output to vary the speed.
• Fan Control by Others: This option assumes that the supervisory system or local binary switch is directly in
control of the fan through a separate hardware interface. A Fan Controlled By Other Binary Input point is created
that is used in conjunction with a State Generator for Fan Control By Others that turns heating and/or cooling
output controllers off if the fan is commanded off.
• Fan Status: This option creates a monitoring only point that can be used during commissioning or be mapped
to the Supervisory System.

Exhaust Fan (HP)

The selection options for Exhaust Fan are:
• Toilet Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy

Controller Tool Help: Heat Pump Applications 479

- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor. If the command is off for
an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• General Exhaust Fan
- Fan Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor. If the command is off for
an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Coils (HP)
The Coils selection assumes that at least one compressor is created for a Heat Pump System.
During the Control Selection process, you must select the configuration of the reversing valves to determine if a
reversing valve is enabled for heating or cooling.

Controller Tool Help: Heat Pump Applications 480

The selection options for Coils are:
• Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that shuts down the cooling system
when activated.
- Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the Condensate Alarm is
• Isolation Valve:This option controls an isolation valve for each heat pump.
- Isolation Valve Status: This option monitors the status of the heat pump isolation valve.
• Two Compressors-Reversing Valves: This option creates the required Output Controllers and Outputs for a
two compressor system.
• Supplemental Heating
- One Stage
- Two Stages

Optional Equipment (HP)

The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Filter Switch: This option creates a Filter Status Input. This point is typically mapped to the Supervisory system
to create a Change Filter Alarm.
• Lighting: This option creates an output to interface a Lighting Relay. If this option is selected, the Always
Occupied selection in the Occupancy (HP) section is not available. Only the Occupancy Mode Determination
Mode logic interfaces with the Lighting Output. The default output configuration is a single maintained binary

Sensors (HP)
The selection options for Sensors/Inputs are:
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature: This option can be used with the Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic that is selected in the
Control Logic Section. If this Sensor input is not selected in this section, then Network Inputs are created in
the Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic section to provide the inputs for the Economizer Logic. The Outdoor
Air Temperature Sensor is also used as an input to the Summer Winter Compensation module that is created
under Optional Features (HP).
- Humidity: This option can be used with the Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic that is selected in the Control
Logic section. If this Sensor input is not selected in this section, then Network Inputs are created in the
Economizer Suitability (HP) Logic section to provide the inputs for the Economizer Logic.
• Discharge Air Temperature
• Zone
- Temperature: A Zone Temperature Input is always provided. All the Zone Temperature options assume that
a model of the Network Sensor family is being used for Temperature, the Setpoint Adjust options of Common
Setpoint Adjust or Warm Cool Adjust, a Temporary Occupancy Interface from the Network Sensor, and the
Fan Speed Adjust Option and Humidity input from the Network Sensor. Refer to the Network Sensors product
literature to match the functionality selected for the application with a specific Network Sensor hardware
• Setpoint Adjust

Controller Tool Help: Heat Pump Applications 481

- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
• Fan Speed Adjust
- Humidity
- Occupancy: This option provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate Occupancy Sensor.
• Entering Water Temperature
• Leaving Water Temperature

Monitored Safeties (HP)

The selection option for Monitored Safeties is:
• Discharge Air Smoke Detector: This option creates optional Sensor points that can be mapped to the Supervisory
system and creates alarm points.

Misc (HP)
The Miscellaneous selections provide binary inputs for the Energy Hold Off Determination and Unit Enable
Determination State Generators.
The selection options for Miscellaneous are:
• Energy Hold Off Switch: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Hardware Input
(BI). If Energy Hold Off is selected in the Optional Features (HP) section, then the Hardware Input or the Network
Input can activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when
a window or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Unit Enable Switch: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected in the Optional Features (HP) section, then when the Network Input does not have
a valid command from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are
selected, the state of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state
to cause the unit to stop).

Position Feedback (HP)

The Position Feedback selections provide analog and binary inputs for modulated damper outputs. These feedback
inputs are for monitoring only purposes. If you want to generate an alarm or other functionality using the position
feedback inputs, you must create custom coding to do so.
The selection options for Position Feedback are:
• Modulated Damper Outputs
- No Position Feedback
- Analog Input per Output
- Binary Input per Output

N2 Compatibility Options (HP)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a way to replace N2-based products that are no longer available.
When you select this option, the application provides mappings for points that are the same as they were in the
legacy application.

Controller Tool Help: Heat Pump Applications 482

The N2 Compatibility Options selections are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing UNT Series Controller

Heat Pump Control Logic Selection

Occupancy (HP)
The selection options for Occupancy are:
• Cycle During Occupied: This option configures Fan Determination (Fan Determination (Terminal Units)) State
Generator module’s input for Fan Cycle to a Yes value. Otherwise, the Fan runs continuously during Occupied
Mode. This selection is not available if Fan Controlled By Other is selected.
- Cycle Fan with Staged Outputs: This option is only enabled if DX Cooling and/or Electric Staged Coils are
selected. This selection interlocks the command of the Multi Stage Controllers with the Fan to ensure that
only the fan is commanded on when a stage of cooling or heating has been enabled.
• Turn Fan Off on Loss of Air Flow: This option is available only if Fan Status is selected under the Supply Fan
(HP) section.
• Always Occupied: This option sets the default value of Occupied for the ZN-T Setpoint Determination to
• Scheduled Occupancy: This option creates the interface for the Supervisory system scheduling logic.
- Override Support: This option creates the local override interfaces from optional Occupancy Sensors or
Networked Sensor Temporary Occupancy interfaces.

Economizer Suitability (HP)

When selected, the Economizer Suitability options create Proportional Damper Output Controller, Mixed Air Damper
Output, and Minimum Position Determination Logic. The Economizer Availability Determination Setpoint module is
also created and interfaced to the Economizer Suitability option selected.
The selection options for Economizer Suitability are:
• Network Command
• Binary Input (Enthalpy Switch)
• Outdoor Air
- Dry Bulb Temp Economizer
- Temp & Enthalpy Economizer

Reversing Valve Output(s) (HP)

The Reversing Valve Output selections set the logic in the Staged Compressor Control (Heat Pump Staged
Compressors v51) Output module to determine whether the Reversing Valve Outputs (REV1-C and REV2-C) should
be commanded on when there is a call for heating or cooling.
The selection options for Reversing Valve Output(s) are:
• On for Cooling
• On for Heating

Controller Tool Help: Heat Pump Applications 483

Optional Features (HP)
The Optional Features selections provide Network Inputs modules for Supervisory system interfaces to override the
main applications sequence of operation through connections to the appropriate Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules
or State Generators.
The selection choices for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected in the Misc (HP) section, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command
from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state
of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit
to stop).
• Power Fail Restart Logic: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator
module. When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart
command), the application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).
• Energy Hold Off: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Network Input. If Energy
Hold Off Switch is selected in the Misc (HP) section, then the Network Input or the Hardware Input (BI) can
activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when a window
or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Network Warmup-Cooldown Support: This feature starts the heat pump and operates in a heating only mode
until the warm-up is cancelled or the occupied temperature is reached. The heat pump outdoor air dampers are
closed during warm-up operation.
• Zone Low Limit Support: This feature is typically used with the Energy Hold Off feature to cycle heating On
when the temperature falls below a low limit.
• Summer-Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift: This option allows the zone setpoints to be automatically
adjusted based on the outdoor air temperature. This feature is often used for entry zones, such as an atrium,
that feel comfortable at warmer or cooler temperatures because occupants usually enter from much warmer or
cooler conditions. For example, if the outdoor air temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the atrium temperature
may be kept at 65 degrees Fahrenheit rather than 69 degrees Fahrenheit because occupants wear heavier
clothing as they come in from or go to the outdoors.

Controller Tool Help: Heat Pump Applications 484

Unit Ventilator Applications
The Unit Ventilator application provides mechanical and control logic selections that match ASHRAE cycles for
standard Unit Ventilator configurations.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Unit Ventilator Mechanical System Selection

Supply Fan (UV)

The selection options for Supply Fan are:
• Single Speed: This option creates a State Generator, Output Controller, and Output to manage the fan.
• Three Speed: This option creates a State Generator, Output Controller, and three Outputs to manage the low,
medium, and high fan speeds. This option also enables the selection for the Fan Speed Adjust option under the
Zone Sensors (UV) selection, which is an optional interface for specific Network Sensor models.
• Variable Speed: This option creates a State Generator and Output Controller to manage both a Binary Output
to stop/start the fan and a Proportional Output to vary the speed. If Variable Speed Fan is selected, only
Proportional Heating and Cooling Coils can be selected.
• Fan Control by Others: This option assumes that the supervisory system or local binary switch is directly in
control of the fan through a separate hardware interface. A Fan Controlled By Other Binary Input point is created
and used in conjunction with a State Generator for Fan Control By Others that turns heating and/or cooling output
controllers off if the fan is commanded off.
• Fan Status: This option creates a monitoring only point that can be used during commissioning or be mapped
to the Supervisory system.

Coils (UV)
The separate selections for Cooling and Heating Coils allow for either staged, proportional, or on-off outputs.
The selection options for Coils are:
• Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that shuts down the cooling system
when activated.
- Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the Condensate Alarm is
• Cooling Lockout from Outdoor Air: This option creates Network Inputs for Cooling Lockout Setpoints along
with an Outdoor Air Temperature Network Input. If this option is not selected, then Cooling Enabled Network
inputs are created. All created Network Inputs interface to the Cooling Availability Determination State Generators,
which are always used as State Table Interfaces to the Staged Compressor Control (Heat Pump Staged
Compressors v51) Output Controllers.
• DX Cooling
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
• Cold Water
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
- Two Position Actuator

Controller Tool Help: Unit Ventilator (Unit Vent) Applications 485

• Heating Lockout from Outdoor Air: This option creates Network Inputs for Heating Lockout Setpoints along
with an Outdoor Air Temperature Network Input. If this option is not selected, then Heating Enabled Network
inputs are created. All created Network Inputs interface to the Heating Availability Determination State Generators,
which are always used as State Table Interfaces to the Staged Compressor Control (Heat Pump Staged
Compressors v51) Output Controllers.
• Electric Staged
- One Stage
- Two Stages
- Three Stages
• Hot Water or Steam
- Proportional Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper: This option modulates a Face and Bypass Damper in conjunction with Two
Position Control logic for the Heating Coil. The position of the face and Bypass Coil in conjunction with the
Cooling Coil configures a setting on the UV Face and Bypass Heating Control Output module to determine
the control action of the Face and Bypass Damper.
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
- Face and Bypass Damper: This option modulates a Face and Bypass Damper in conjunction with Two
Position Control logic for the Heating Coil. The position of the face and Bypass Coil in conjunction with the
Cooling Coil configures a setting on the UV Face and Bypass Heating Control Output module to determine
the control action of the Face and Bypass Damper.
• Proportional Actuator
• Incremental Actuator
- Two Position Actuator
• Face and Bypass Damper: This option modulates a Face and Bypass Damper in conjunction with Two
Position Control logic for the Heating Coil. The position of the face and Bypass Coil in conjunction with
the Cooling Coil configures a setting on the UV Face and Bypass Heating Control Output module to
determine the control action of the Face and Bypass Damper.
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
• Configuration
- Cooling Coil in Same Path as Heating
- Cooling Coil in Separate Path from Heating
• Common Heating-Cooling: If you select either one of the Cooling or Heating Coil options, this option is not
- Condensate Alarm: This option adds a binary input for a condensate sensor that shuts down the cooling
system when activated.
• Shutdown on Alarm: This option places the system in shutdown mode when the Condensate Alarm is
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator

Controller Tool Help: Unit Ventilator (Unit Vent) Applications 486

- Two Position Actuator
- Summer-Winter Changeover Switch: This option provides a Binary Input to determine the control action
of the coil.

Optional Equipment (UV)

The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Filter Switch: This option creates a Filter Status Input that is typically mapped to the Supervisory system to
create a Change Filter Alarm.
• Lighting: An output to interface a Lighting Relay is created if the Lighting Selection is checked. If the lighting
option is selected, the Always Occupied selection in the Occupancy (UV) section is not available. Only the
Occupancy Mode Determination Mode logic interfaces with the Lighting Output. The default output configuration
is a single maintained binary output.

Sensors (UV)
The selection options for Sensors/Inputs are:
• Outdoor Air
- Temperature: This option can be used with the Economizer Suitability (UV) Logic that is selected in the
Control Logic section. If this option is not selected here, then Network Inputs are created in the Economizer
Suitability (UV) Logic section to provide the inputs for the Economizer Logic. The Outdoor Air Temperature
Sensor can also be used as an input to the Summer Winter Compensation module that is created under
Optional Features (UV).
- Humidity: This option can be used with the Economizer Suitability (UV) Logic that is selected in the Control
Logic section. If this option is not selected here, then Network Inputs are created in the Economizer Suitability
(UV) Logic section to provide the inputs for the Economizer Logic.
• Mixed Air Temperature
• Discharge Air Temperature
• Zone
- Temperature: A Zone Temperature Input is always provided. All the Zone Temperature options assume that
a model of the Network Sensor family is being used for Temperature, the Setpoint Adjust options of Common
Setpoint Adjust or Warm Cool Adjust, a Temporary Occupancy Interface from the Network Sensor, the Fan
Speed Adjust Option, and Humidity input from the Network Sensor. Refer to the Network Sensors product
literature to match the functionality selected for the application with a specific Network Sensor hardware
• Setpoint Adjust
- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
• Fan Speed Adjust
- Humidity
- Occupancy: This option provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate Occupancy Sensor.

Monitored Safeties (UV)

The Discharge Air Smoke Detector and Low Limit Temperature Switch selections create optional Sensor points that
can be mapped to the Supervisory system and alarm points created.

Controller Tool Help: Unit Ventilator (Unit Vent) Applications 487

The selection options for Monitored Safeties are:
• Discharge Air Smoke Detector
• Low Limit Temperature Switch

Misc (UV)
The Miscellaneous selections provide binary inputs for the Energy Hold Off Determination and the Unit Enable
Determination State Generators.
The selection options for Miscellaneous are:
• Energy Hold Off Switch: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Hardware Input
(BI). If Energy Hold Off is selected in the Optional Features (UV) section, then the Hardware Input or the Network
Input can activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when
a window or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Unit Enable Switch: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected in the Optional Features (UV) section, then when the Network Input does not have
a valid command from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are
selected, the state of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state
to cause the unit to stop).

Position Feedback (UV)

The Position Feedback selections provide analog and binary inputs for modulated damper outputs. Position feedback
adds an input for each output that indicates the actual position of the controlled device. Analog feedback uses a
voltage or resistance signal to span 0-100% position, and binary feedback uses one or two binary inputs to indicate
position (OPEN, CLOSED, or OPEN and CLOSED). These feedback inputs are for monitoring purposes only. If you
want to generate an alarm or other functionality using the position feedback inputs, you must create custom coding
to do so.
The selection options for Position Feedback are:
• Modulated Damper Outputs
- No Position Feedback
- Analog Input per Output
- Binary Input per Output
• Modulated Valve Outputs
- No Position Feedback
- Analog Input per Output
- Binary Input per Output
• Two Position Valve Outputs
- No Position Feedback
- Binary Input per Output
- Two Binary Inputs per Output

N2 Compatibility Options (UV)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a way to replace N2-based products that are no longer available.
When you select this option, the application provides mappings for points that are the same as they were in the
legacy application.

Controller Tool Help: Unit Ventilator (Unit Vent) Applications 488

The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing UNT Series Controller

Unit Ventilator Control Logic Selection

ASHRAE Cycle Control (UV)

The ASHRAE Cycle selections create specific Generator and Output Controllers to control the Mixed Air Damper.
ASHRAE Cycles I, II, and W require a Discharge Air Temperature Input to interface to the damper control logic. This
input is created if the Discharge Air Sensor was not selected under the Sensors (UV) selection. A DATLL-SP
(Discharge Air Low Limit Setpoint) Network Input is also created for the Supervisory system interface. ASHRAE
Cycles II and W also create a Damper Minimum Position Setpoint as a Network Input for the Supervisory system.
ASHRAE Cycle III requires a Mixed Air Temperature Input to interface to the damper control logic. This input is
created if the Mixed Air Sensor was not selected under the Sensors (UV) selection. Mixed Air Temperature and
Damper Minimum Position Setpoints are also created as Network Inputs for the Supervisory system.
The selection options for ASHRAE Cycle Control are:
• ASHRAE Cycle I
• ASHRAE Cycle W

Occupancy (UV)
The selection options for Occupancy are:
• Cycle During Occupied: This option configures the Fan Determination (Fan Determination (Terminal Units))
State Generator module’s input for Fan Cycle to a Yes value. Otherwise, the Fan runs continuously during
Occupied Mode. This selection is not available if the Fan Controlled By Other option is selected.
- Cycle Fan with Staged Outputs: This option is only enabled if DX Cooling and/or Electric Staged Coils are
selected. This selection interlocks the command of the Multi Stage Controllers with the fan to ensure that
only the damper is open and the fan is commanded on only when a stage of cooling or heating is active. This
prevents excess intake of high-humidity outdoor air.
• In Unoccupied Protect Hot Water Coil Based on OAT: This option is only allowed if Scheduled Occupancy
and Hot Water Coils are selected. When selected, the heating coil is activated when the unit is off during
Unoccupied and the Outdoor Air Temperature is cold. See the Unocc Status Determination with OAT (Unoccupied
Sequencing (UV) v100) module description for more information.
• Turn Fan off on loss of Air Flow: This option is available only when the Fan Status option is selected under
the Supply Fan (UV) section.
• Always Occupied: This option sets the default value of Occupied for the ZN-T Setpoint Determination to
• Scheduled Occupancy: This option creates the interface for the Supervisory system scheduling logic.
- Override Support: This option creates the local override interfaces from optional Occupancy Sensors or
Networked Sensor Temporary Occupancy interfaces.

Economizer Suitability (UV)

The Economizer Suitability selections are not available when ASHRAE Cycle 1 is selected. Otherwise, the Economizer
Availability Determination Setpoint module is created and interfaced to the choice selected.

Controller Tool Help: Unit Ventilator (Unit Vent) Applications 489

The selection options for Economizer Suitability are:
• Network Command
• Binary Input (Enthalpy Switch)
• Outdoor Air
- Dry Bulb Temp Economizer
- Temp & Enthalpy Economizer

Optional Features (UV)

The Optional Features selections provide Network Input modules for Supervisory system interfaces to override the
main application’s sequence of operation through connections to the appropriate Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules
or State Generators.
The selection choices for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected in the Misc (UV) section, then when the Network Input does not have a valid command
from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected, the state
of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause the unit
to stop).
• Power Fail Restart Logic: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator
module. When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart
command), the application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).
• Energy Hold Off: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Network Input. If Energy
Hold Off Switch is selected in the Misc (UV) section, then the Network Input or the Hardware Input (BI) can
activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when a window
or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Network Warmup-Cooldown Support: This feature starts the unit ventilator and operates in a heating only
mode until the warm-up is cancelled or the occupied temperature is reached. The unit ventilator outdoor air
dampers are closed during warm-up operation.
• Zone Low Limit Support: This feature is typically used with the Energy Hold Off feature to cycle heating On
when the temperature falls below a low limit.
• Summer-Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift: This option allows the zone setpoints to be automatically
adjusted based on the outdoor air temperature. This feature is often used for entry zones, such as an atrium,
that feel comfortable at warmer or cooler temperatures because occupants usually enter from much warmer or
cooler conditions. For example, if the outdoor air temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the atrium temperature
may be kept at 65 degrees Fahrenheit rather than 69 degrees Fahrenheit because occupants wear heavier
clothing as they come in from or go to the outdoors.

Controller Tool Help: Unit Ventilator (Unit Vent) Applications 490

Central Plant Applications
The Central Plant applications provide selections capable of controlling many different heating and cooling
configurations. The mechanical system and control logic selections for the Central Plant applications are integrated
into the Mechanical System Selection screen of the System Selection Wizard. Input sensors are automatically loaded
if they are required for a selected device or control option. The Control Logic Selection screen provides optional
sensors, equipment, and monitored safeties.
When you press F1 or click the Help icon, a feature description and associated modules appear on the right side of
the screen. as you highlight each selection in the tree.
See the sections specific to the Central Plant Application Type:
• Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
• Central Cooling Applications
• Central Heating Applications
• Simple Central Plant Applications
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 491

Central Cooling Applications
The Central Cooling (CC) application provides selections capable of controlling many different cooling system

Central Cooling Core Logic

Modules (CC)
All Central Cooling applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• OA-T (Outdoor Air Temperature): This module is loaded if the Outdoor Air Temperature (OA-T) optional sensor
is not selected.
• SYSTEM-EN (System Enable)
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
• PMPDOWN-TIME (Pump Down Time): This floating constant (Constant) delays the pump stop command
allowing the primary cooling equipment to maintain flow after shutdown.
State Generation
• Chilled Water System Enable (System Enable): This module enables and disables other modules based on the
SYSTEM-EN and Outdoor Air Temperature values.
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.

Central Cooling Mechanical System Selection

Cooling System Enable (CC)

The selection option for Cooling System Enable is:
• OA Cooling Lockout: This input is the setpoint, below which, the system is locked out or disabled.
• Emergency Shutdown: This option allows the system to automatically shut down upon activation of a binary
• Low Pressure Shutdown: This option allows the system to automatically shut down should the system pressure
drop below a specified pressure.

Chillers (CC)
The selection options for Chillers are:
Number of Chillers: This option describes the number of chillers in the system.
• One
• Two
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six
• Seven
• Eight

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 492

Select Type of Sequencing: This option describes the method of sequencing or staging the chillers in the system.
• Return Water Temp Differential: This option sequences chillers to maintain a return water differential.
• Chiller Load: This option sequences chillers based on the load of each chiller.
- % Full Load Amps: This option provides control based on a percent of full load amperes.
- Actual Amps: This option provides control based on actual amperes.
• Decouple Loop Flow: This option sequences chillers using a decouple loop flow.
- Bi-directional Flow Sensor: This option provides a flow meter that reads and outputs a positive or negative
- Bi-directional Flow Sensor with BI input: This option provides a flow meter that always outputs a positive
value, but also has a BI that indicates a positive or negative flow.
- Calculate Decouple Flow: This option is available when there are two flow meters that are used to calculate
the decouple flow.
• Building Load: This option sequences chillers to meet building load.
- BTU Meter AI: This option measures the building load with a BTU meter through a single AI.
- Calculate Building Load: This option determines building load using two temperatures and a flow meter.
Chiller Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes chiller staging order based on runtime (equal runtime
rotation strategy).
Chiller Status: This option monitors the status of each chiller.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 493

Chiller Maintenance Switch: This option generates network inputs used to remove a chiller from service.
• Maintenance Switch (BI): This option generates a binary input used to remove a chiller from service.
Chill Water Pumps: This option provides control for any chill water pumps.
• Dedicated Primary CHW Pumps: This option provides control if each chiller has one dedicated CHW pump.
- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.
• Parallel Primary CHW Pumps: This option provides control when CHW pumps are piped in a parallel fashion
(any pump may work with any chiller).
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Three Pumps
- Four Pumps
- Five Pumps
- Six Pumps
- Seven Pumps
- Eight Pumps
- Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.
- Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 494

- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
- Lockout Switch (BI)
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 495

Condenser Water Pumps: This option controls any condenser water pumps.
• Dedicated Pumps: This option provides control if each chiller has one dedicated CW pump.
- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Parallel Pumps: This option provides control if the CW pumps are piped in a parallel fashion (any pump may
work with any chiller).
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Three Pumps
- Four Pumps
- Five Pumps
- Six Pumps
- Seven Pumps
- Eight Pumps
- Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 496

- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
- Lockout Switch (BI)
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Condenser Water System (CC)

The selection options for Condenser Water System are:
• Tower Bypass Valve: This option allows a bypass valve to control condenser water temperature.
• Cooling Towers: This option allows a cooling tower to control condenser water temperature
- Number of Cooling Towers (One Fan Per): This option provides the number of cooling towers (one fan per
cooling tower) in the system.
• One
• Two
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six
• Seven
• Eight
- Single Speed
• With One Vernier Stage: This option allows an analog output to be commanded from 0 to 100% between
each stage.
- Two Speed
- Three Speed
- Variable Speed

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 497

- Fan Status: This option monitors the status of the fan.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
- Lockout Switch (BI)
• Frequency Converter Fault
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Tower Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes tower staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).
- Isolation Valve per Tower: This option provides control for systems with isolation valves preventing flow
over the cooling towers when not in use.
• Valve Open Status: This option monitors the status of the isolation valve.

Secondary Variable Speed Chill Water Pumping (CC)

The selection options for Secondary Variable Speed Chill Water Pumping are:
• Number of Pumps: This option is used to select the number of secondary CHW pumps.
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Three Pumps
- Four Pumps
- Five Pumps
- Six Pumps

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 498

- Seven Pumps
- Eight Pumps
• Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).
• Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
• Lockout Switch (BI)
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example,
30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Add Bypass Valve: This option adds a bypass valve to further control the loop differential pressure while the
secondary pumps are running at minimum speed. This allows you to respan the AO for the bypass valve
(CHWBYPV-O) to control from zero (fully opened) to the minimum pump speed (fully closed).
If the Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor is selected, Secondary Variable Speed Chill Water Pumping
cannot be selected.

Zone Loop Control (CC)

The selection options for Zone Loop Control are:
• Number of Zones
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 499

- Seven
- Eight
• Number of Pumps for Each Zone
- None
- One
- Two
- Variable Speed
- Pump Status
• Lost of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
- Lockout Switch (BI)
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Frequency Converter Fault
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection
- Add Bypass Valve
- Balance (Runtime)
• Mixing Valve for Each Zone
- Control Sensor
• Supply
• Return
- Setpoint Strategy
• Constant Setpoint
• Water Setpoint Reset by OA-T

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 500

• Water Setpoint Reset by ZN-T
• Cascaded Water Setpoint Reset by ZN-T and OA-T
• Occupancy Control
- Always Occupied
- Schedule Occupancy
• Override Support
• Occupancy Switch (BI)
- Unoccupied Strategy
• Intermittent Night Operation
• Off during Unoccupied
- Frost Protection

Central Cooling Control Logic Selection

Chiller Options (CC)

The selection options for Chiller Options are:
• Chilled Water Options - Per Chiller
- Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the chiller.
- Flow Sensor: This option monitors the flow sensor of the chiller.
- Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering (return) water temperature of each chiller.
- Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving (supply) water temperature of each chiller.
- Isolation Valve: This option controls an isolation valve for each chiller.
• Valve Open Status: This option monitors the isolation valve status.
• Condenser Water Options - Per Chiller
- Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the chiller.
- Flow Sensor: This option monitors the flow sensor of the chiller.
- Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering or return water temperature of each chiller.
- Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving or supply water temperature of each chiller.
- Isolation Valve: This option controls an isolation valve for each chiller.
• Valve Open Status: This option monitors the isolation valve status.
• Chiller Alarm(s): This option monitors the general alarm status of the chiller.
• Chiller Setpoint Adjustment(s): This option generates an AO to each chiller to command the setpoint through
the BAS.
• Chiller Current Limit Adjustment(s): This option generates an AO to each chiller to command the current limit
through the BAS.
• Chiller Amperage(s): This option monitors the chiller amperages of each chiller.
• Primary Supply Temperature: This option monitors the primary supply water temperature.
• Primary Return Temperature: This option monitors the primary return water temperature.
• Primary Flow Sensor: This option monitors the primary flow sensor.
• Refrigerant Monitor Panel Alarm: This option monitors the refrigerant monitor panel alarm.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 501

Condenser Options (CC)
The selection options for Condenser Options are:
• Common Return Temperature: This option monitors the condenser return water temperature.
• Condenser Flow Sensor: This option monitors the condenser flow sensor.
• Vibration Alarm per Tower: This option monitors the vibration alarm on each cooling tower.

Basin Options (CC)

The selection options for Basin Options are:
• Dedicated - one per tower: This option provides control if all the towers have individual sumps.
• Common Sump: This option provides control if all the towers share a common sump.
• Basin Level Alarm(s): This option monitors a basin level alarm.
• Basin Heater Enable(s): This option generates a BO to command the basin heaters through the BAS.
• Basin Water Temperature(s): This option monitors a basin water temperature.
- Switch(es): This option monitors BI inputs for temperature.
- Analog Temperature(s): This option monitors an AI input for temperature
• Basin Level Switch(es): This option monitors the basin level.
• Basin Makeup Valve(s): This option generates a BO to command basin makeup valves through the BAS.

Secondary Chill Water Options (CC)

The selection options for Secondary Chill Water Options are:
• Supply Temperature: This option monitors the secondary loop supply temperature.
• Return Temperature: This option monitors the secondary loop return temperature.
• Flow Meter: This option monitors the secondary loop flow rate.
• Decouple Temperature: This option monitors the decouple loop temperature.
• Decouple Flow Meter: This option monitors the decouple loop flow rate.
• Decouple Flow Direction: This option monitors the decouple loop flow direction.
• Building Load Meter: This option monitors the secondary loop BTUs.

Zone Loop Options (CC)

The options for Zone Loop are:
• Supply Temperature per Zone: This option will add a temperature sensor to monitor the Zone Loop supply
• Return Temperature per Zone: This option will add a temperature sensor to monitor the Zone Loop return
• Flow Switch per Zone: This option will add a binary input to monitor the flow in the Zone Loop.
• Flow Sensor per Zone: This option will add an analog input to monitor the flow in the Zone Loop.

General Options (CC)

The selection options for General Options are:
• Outside Air Temperature: This option monitors the outdoor air temperature.
• Outside Air Humidity: This option monitors the outdoor air humidity.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: This option monitors the temperature of the mechanical room.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 502

Central Heating Applications
The Central Heating (CH) application provides selections capable of controlling many different heating system

Central Heating Core Logic

Modules (CH)
All Central Heating applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• SYSTEM-EN (System Enable): This network input enables the heating system via network command or schedule.
• OA-T (Outdoor Air Temperature): This network input is loaded unless the system has an OA-T sensor.
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
See the Network Input Modules section.
• PMPDOWN-TIME (Pump Down Time): This floating constant (Constant) delays the pump stop command
allowing the primary heating equipment to maintain flow after shutdown.
State Generation
• Hot Water System Enable (System Enable): This module enables and disables other modules based on the
SYSTEM-EN and Outdoor Air Temperature values.
• PID Tuning Reset: This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.

Central Heating Mechanical System Selection

Heating System Enable (CH)

The selection option for Heating System Enable is:
• OA Heating Lockout: This option allows the system to be automatically enabled and disabled based on the
outdoor air temperature.
• Emergency Shutdown: This option allows the system to automatically shut down upon activation of a binary
• Low Pressure Shutdown: This option allows the system to automatically shut down should the system pressure
drop below a specified pressure.

Hot Water/Steam Boilers (CH)

Select this option if the system has boilers.
The selection options for Hot Water/Steam Boilers are:
Number of Boilers: This option describes the number of boilers in the system.
• One
• Two
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 503

• Seven
• Eight
Select Type of Control: This option describes the method to control the boilers in the system.
• Modulate Burner(s): This option is used for boilers with modulating burners to control.
- Pressure: This option controls modulating burners to maintain steam pressure.
- Loop Supply Water Temp: This option controls modulating burners to maintain leaving or supply water
- Loop Return Water Temp: This option controls modulating burners to maintain entering or return water
• On Off Boilers by Return: This option controls discrete (cycling) boilers to maintain entering or return water
• Package Controls: This option allows boiler factory controls to manage the boiler.
- Building Load: This option stages on package control boilers to meet building load.
• BTU Meter AI: This option measures the building load with a BTU meter through a single AI.
• Calculate Building Load: This option measures building load using two temperatures and a flow meter.
- OA-T: This option provides stages on package control boilers based on outdoor air temperature.
- 3-Way Mixing Valve: This option controls a mixing valve to maintain supply water temperature to the building
- Setpoint Adjust AO: This option generates an AO to each boiler to command the setpoint through the BAS.
• Boiler Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes boiler staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).
• Boiler Maintenance Switch: This option generates network inputs used to remove a boiler from service.
- Maintenance Switch (BI): This option generates binary inputs used to remove a boiler from service.
• Dedicated Boiler Pump(s): This option controls a pump as part of the boiler or each boiler has one dedicated
HW pump.
- Variable Speed: This option is for variable primary flow. This selection varies the primary pump speed to
maintain differential pressure in the hot water loop while simultaneously operating a bypass valve to maintain

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 504

minimum flow through the boiler(s). Selecting this option disables Secondary Variable Speed Hot Water
- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the boiler pump.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Frequency Converter Fault
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.
• Parallel Primary HW Pumps: This option provides control if the HW pumps are piped in a parallel fashion (any
pump may work with any boiler).
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Three Pumps
- Four Pumps
- Five Pumps
- Six Pumps
- Seven Pumps
- Eight Pumps
- Variable Speed
- Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.
- Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 505

- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
- Lockout Switch (BI)
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Frequency Converter Fault
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Three Stage Frost Protection: This option provides 3 stages of frost protection. If the outdoor air temperature
is less than the first setpoint, the primary pumps run (at medium flow for variable speed). If the outdoor air
temperature continues to drop and goes below the second setpoint and the zone temperature is greater than
or equal to the zone heating setpoint, the boiler turns on. If the outdoor air temperature is below the second
setpoint and the zone temperature is less than the zone heating setpoint, the appropriate zone loop turns
• Dedicated Pumps Controlled by Others:This option adds pump status for each boiler, but no output control
for the pumps.
- Pump Status
• No Pumps
If the Pressure (Steam Boilers) or Dedicated Boiler Pump(s) is selected, Parallel Primary HW Pumps cannot
be selected.

Heat Exchangers (CH)

Use this section for systems with Heat Exchangers.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 506

The selection options for Heat Exchangers are:
• Number of Heat Exchangers: This option is used to select the number of heat exchangers.
- One
- Two
• With Isolation Valves: This option provides control for systems with isolation valves preventing flow
through the heat exchangers when not in use.
- Valve Open Status: This option monitors the status of the isolation valve.
• Inlet Valve: This option is loaded for heat exchangers that are controlled by modulating an inlet valve.
- Two Valves: This option provides control if the flow is split through two valves to increase control ability.
- Return Water Low Limit Control: This option provides temperature control for the inlet return water. This
process uses the supply water temperature to modulate the control valve. The inlet return water control
overrides the primary control to prevent the inlet return water temperature from dropping below its limit.
• Loop Mixing Valve: This option provides control if the loop supply temperature is controlled using a 3-way
mixing valve.
• HX Maintenance Switch: This option generates network inputs used to remove a heat exchanger from service.
- Maintenance Switch (BI): This option generates binary inputs used to remove a heat exchanger from service.
• Primary HW Pumps: This option is used to select the number of primary HW pumps.
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Three Pumps
- Variable Speed: This option is for variable primary flow. This selection varies the primary pump speed to
maintain differential pressure in the hot water loop while simultaneously operating a bypass valve to maintain
minimum flow through the heat exchangers. Selecting this option disables Secondary Variable Speed Hot
Water Pumping.
- Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.
- Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 507

- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
- Lockout Switch (BI)
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Frequency Converter Fault
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for
example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
- Three Stage Frost Protection: This option provides 3 stages of frost protection. If the outdoor air temperature
is less than the first setpoint, the primary pumps run (at medium flow for variable speed). If the outdoor air
temperature continues to drop and goes below the second setpoint and the zone temperature is greater than
or equal to the zone heating setpoint, the boiler turns on. If the outdoor air temperature is below the second
setpoint and the zone temperature is less than the zone heating setpoint, the appropriate zone loop turns
If the Hot Water/Steam Boilers is selected, Heat Exchangers cannot be selected.

Secondary Variable Speed Hot Water Pumping (CH)

Use this section for systems with secondary pumping subsystems.
The selection options for Secondary Variable Speed Hot Water Pumping are:
• Number of Pumps: This option is used to select the number of secondary HW pumps.
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Three Pumps
- Four Pumps
- Five Pumps

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 508

- Six Pumps
- Seven Pumps
- Eight Pumps
• Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).
• Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Alarm Management
- Lockout Switch
• Lockout Switch (BI)
- Frequency Converter Fault
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Belt Alarm
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the
command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example,
30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).
• Add Bypass Valve: This option adds a bypass valve to further control the loop differential pressure while the
secondary pumps are running at minimum speed. This allows you to respan the AO for the bypass valve
(HWBYPV-O) to control from zero (fully opened) to the minimum pump speed (fully closed).
If the Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor or Pressure (Steam Boilers) is selected, Secondary Variable
Speed Hot Water Pumping cannot be selected.

Zone Loop Control (CH)

The selection options for Zone Loop Control are:
• Number of Zones
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
- Six

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 509

- Seven
- Eight
• Number of Pumps for Each Zone
- None
- One
- Two
- Variable Speed
- Pump Status
• Loss of Status Strategy
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Alarm Management
• Lockout Switch
- Lockout Switch (BI)
• Motor Overload Tripped
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Frequency Converter Fault
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Belt Alarm
- Automatic Restart
- Manual Restart
• Unit Reset Switch (BI)
• Blocking Protection: This option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If
the command is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time
(for example, 30 seconds). This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 510

• Add Bypass Valve: This option adds a bypass valve to further control the loop differential pressure while
the secondary pumps are running at minimum speed. This allows you to respan the AO for the bypass
valve (CHWBYPV-O) to control from zero (fully opened) to the minimum pump speed (fully closed).
• Rotate in an Attempt to Balance: This option allows you to choose your rotation strategy which changes
chiller staging for all chillers that have the same COP value based on the selections below.
- Runtime: This option automatically changes chiller staging order based on runtime (equal runtime
rotation strategy).
- Start/Stops: This option automatically changes chiller staging order based on the number of starts
and stops (minimize starts and stops rotation strategy).
• Mixing Valve for Each Zone
- Control Sensor
• Supply
• Return
- Setpoint Strategy
• Constant Setpoint
• Water Setpoint Reset by OA-T
• Water Setpoint Reset by ZN-T
• Cascaded Water Setpoint Reset by ZN-T and OA-T

Central Heating Control Logic Selection

Boiler Options (CH)

Use this section for miscellaneous boiler options.
The selection options for Boiler Options are:
• Boiler Status: This option monitors the status of the boiler.
• Boiler General Alarm: This option monitors the general alarm status of the boiler.
• Boiler High Temp Alarm: This option monitors the high temperature alarm status of the boiler.
• Boiler Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the boiler.
• Combustion Air Damper: This option controls a combustion air damper for the boilers.
- End Switch: This option monitors the Combustion air damper status.
• Hot Water Supply Temp Per Boiler: This option monitors the leaving (or supply) water temperature of each
• Hot Water Return Temp Per Boiler: This option monitors the entering (or return) water temperature of each
• Isolation Valves on each Boiler: This option controls an isolation valve for each boiler.
- Valve Open Status: This option monitors the isolation valve status.
• Main Steam Header Pressure: This option monitors the steam pressure of the system.
If the Hot Water/Steam Boilers is not selected, none of these options can be selected.
If the Pressure (Steam Boilers) is selected, the Main Steam Header Pressure cannot be selected.
If the Pressure (Steam Boilers) or Dedicated Boiler Pump(s) is selected, the Isolation Valves on each Boiler
cannot be selected.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 511

Heat Exchanger Options (CH)
This section is for general options associated with heat exchanger systems.
The selection options for Heat Exchanger Options are:
• Loop Bypass Temperature Sensor: This option monitors the loop bypass temperature.
• Hot Water Supply Temp Per Heat Exchanger: This option monitors the leaving (supply) water temperature for
each heat exchanger.
• Hot Water Return Temp Per Heat Exchanger: This option monitors the entering (return) water temperature
for each heat exchanger.
• Steam Pressure Sensor: This option monitors steam pressure.
If Heat Exchangers is not selected, none of these options can be selected.

Secondary Hot Water Options (CH)

This section is for general options associated with secondary pumping systems.
The selection options for Secondary Hot Water Options are:
• Supply Temperature: This option monitors the secondary loop supply temperature.
• Return Temperature: This option monitors the secondary loop return temperature.
• Flow Meter: This option monitors the secondary loop flow rate.
• Building Load Meter: This option monitors the secondary loop BTUs.
If Secondary Variable Speed Hot Water Pumping is not selected, none of these options can be selected.
If Calculate Building Load is selected, Return Temperature and Flow Meter cannot be selected.
If BTU Meter AI is selected, Building Load Meter cannot be selected.
If Calculate Building Load, Loop Supply Water Temp, or Heat Exchangers is selected, Supply Temperature
cannot be selected.

Zone Loop Options (CH)

The options for Zone Loop are:
• Supply Temperature per Zone: This option will add a temperature sensor to monitor the Zone Loop supply
• Return Temperature per Zone: This option will add a temperature sensor to monitor the Zone Loop return
• Flow Switch per Zone: This option will add a binary input to monitor the flow in the Zone Loop.
• Flow Sensor per Zone: This option will add an analog input to monitor the flow in the Zone Loop.

General Options (CH)

This section is for general options associated with all systems.
The selection options for General Options are:
• Loop Differential Pressure Sensor: This option monitors the secondary loop differential pressure.
• Primary HW Supply Temperature: This option monitors the primary loop supply temperature.
• Primary HW Return Temperature: This option monitors the primary loop return temperature.
• Outdoor Air Temperature: This option monitors the outdoor air temperature.
• Outdoor Air Humidity: This option monitors the outdoor air humidity.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 512

• Zone Temperature: This option monitors the zone temperature.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: This option monitors the mechanical room temperature.
If Loop Supply Water Temp or Heat Exchangers is selected, Primary HW Supply Temperature cannot be

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 513

Simple Central Plant Applications
A Simple Plant allows a configuration of a cooling only, heating only, or both cooling and heating plants. The Simple
Central Plant (SP) application provides mechanical and control logic selections that match standard Simple Plant
Simple Plant applications allows applications to control a single chiller and boiler with associated pumps configured
in a 4-pipe or 2-pipe distribution. Simple Plant applications support simple cooling, heating, or heating and cooling
plants, including water source heat pump plants.

Simple Central Plant Control Logic

Modules (SP)
All Simple Plant applications use the core logic listed as follows:
Network Inputs
• TUNING-RESET: This module is used to reset the tuning parameters to the default values present after initial
• PID Tuning Reset This module forces every output controller to reset the Proportional Band and Integral time
of every PID to default values based on current process ID.

Simple Central Plant Mechanical System Selection

Plant Layout Configuration (SP)

The selection options for Plant Layout Configuration are:
• Cooling Only Plant: This option configures a Simple Central Plant with cooling only.
• Heating Only Plant: This option configures a Simple Central Plant with heating only.
• Four Pipe Plant (Heating and Cooling): This option configures a Simple Central Plant with heating and cooling.
It provides for seasonally controlled changeover or simultaneous heating and cooling.
• Two Pipe Plant (Heating and Cooling): This option configures a Simple Central Plant with heating and cooling.
- Water Source Heat Pump Loop: This option configures a special plant to provide a central loop for water
source heat pumps.
• Cooling Configuration: This section allows you to configure the cooling portion of the Simple Central Plant.
- One Chiller: This option determines if you have a mechanical device that provides chilled water.
- Primary Chill Water Pumps: This option defines the number of chilled water pumps in the system.
• One Pump
• Two Pumps
• Variable Speed

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 514

- Condenser Water Pumps
• None (Air Cooled Chiller): This option is for chillers using air-cooled condensers. The chiller control
panel is responsible for controlling the condenser fans.
• One Pump
• Two Pumps
- Condenser Water System: The selection options for Condenser Water System are:
• Tower Bypass Valve: This option allows a bypass valve to control condenser water temperature.
• Cooling Tower Fan: This option allows a cooling tower to control condenser water temperature.
- Single Speed
- Two Speed
- Three Speed
- Variable Speed
• Heating Configuration: This option determines if you have a mechanical device that provides hot water.
- Hot Water Boiler: This option defines the number of 2-pipe pumps in the system.
- Primary Hot Water Pumps: This option defines the number of hot water pumps in the system.
• One Pump
• Two Pumps
• Variable Speed: If the pump(s) need speed control to maintain pressure in the piping loop, select this
- Steam Boiler: This option determines if you have a mechanical device that provides steam.
- Steam Heat Exchanger: This option determines if you have a heat exchanger that converts steam to hot
• Two Inlet Valves: This option provides control for 2 inlet valves controlled in sequence to provide finer
control for low load conditions.
• Primary Hot Water Pumps: This section describes the pumps for the heat exchanger.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 515

-One Pump
-Two Pumps
-Variable Speed: If the pump(s) need speed control to maintain pressure in the piping loop, select
this option.
• 2 Pipe Configuration: This section defines the options for a 2-pipe Simple Central Plant
- Primary Water Pumps: This option defines the number of 2-pipe pumps in the system.
• One Pump
• Two Pumps
• Variable Speed: If the pump(s) need speed control to maintain pressure in the piping loop, select this

Cooling Configuration (SP)

This section allows you to configure the cooling portion of the Simple Central Plant.
• One Chiller: This option determines if you have a mechanical device that provides chilled water.
• Primary Chill Water Pumps: This option defines the number of chilled water pumps in the system.
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Variable Speed
• Condenser Water Pumps:If this item is selected, the pumps are controlled as variable speed. If this item is not
selected, the pumps are controlled as constant speed. The selection options for Condenser Water System are:
- Tower Bypass Valve: This option allows a bypass valve to control condenser water temperature.
- Cooling Tower Fan: This option allows a cooling tower to control condenser water temperature.
• Single Speed
• Two Speed
• Three Speed
• Variable Speed

Heating Configuration (SP)

This section allows you to configure the heating portion of the Simple Central Plant
• Hot Water Boiler: This option determines if you have a mechanical device that produces hot water.
• Primary Hot Water Pumps: This option defines the number of hot water pumps in the system.
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Variable Speed: If the pump(s) need speed control to maintain pressure in the piping loop, select this option.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 516

• Steam Boiler: This option determines if you have a mechanical device that provides steam.
• Steam Heat Exchanger: This option determines if you have a heat exchanger that converts steam to hot water.
- Two Inlet Valves: This option provides control for two inlet valves controlled in sequence to provide finer
control for low load conditions.
- Primary Hot Water Pumps: This section describes the pumps for the heat exchanger.
• One Pump
• Two Pumps
• Variable Speed: If the pump(s) need speed control to maintain pressure in the piping loop, select this

2 Pipe Configuration (SP)

This section defines the options for a 2 Pipe Simple Central Plant:
• Primary Water Pumps: This option defines the number of 2-pipe pumps in the system.
- One Pump
- Two Pumps
- Variable Speed: If the pump(s) need speed control to maintain pressure in the piping loop, select this option.

Cooling System (SP)

This section allows you to configure the cooling system of the Simple Central Plant.
• Chiller Status: This option monitors the on/off status of each chiller.
• Primary Chill Water Pumps:
- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
- Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option changes pump staging order based on runtime.
- Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.
• Condenser Water Pumps: This option controls any condenser water pumps.
- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
- Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).
• Cooling Tower Fan Options
- Fan Status: This option monitors the status of the fan.
- Vibration Alarm: This option monitors the vibration alarm.

Heating System (SP)

This section allows you to configure the heating system of the Simple Central Plant.
• Boiler Options
- Modulate Burner(s): This option is used for boilers with modulating burners to control.
• Pressure: This option controls modulating burners to maintain steam pressure.
• Loop Supply Water Temp: This option controls modulating burners to maintain leaving (or supply) water
• Loop Return Water Temp: This option controls modulating burners to maintain entering (or return) water
- On Off Boilers By Return: This option controls discrete (cycling) boilers to maintain entering (or return)
water temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 517

- Package Controls OA-T: This option allows boiler factory controls to manage the boiler based on outdoor
air temperature.
• 3-Way Mixing Valve: This option controls a mixing valve to maintain supply water temperature to the
building load.
• Setpoint Adjust AO: This option generates an AO to each boiler to command the setpoint through the
- Primary Hot Water Pumps:
• Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the boiler pump.
• Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime
(equal runtime rotation strategy).
• Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential
• Heat Exchanger Options:
- Primary Hot Water Pumps:
• Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
• Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime
(equal runtime rotation strategy).

2 Pipe System (SP)

This section allows you to configure the 2 Pipe system of the Simple Central Plant.
• Primary Heating Cooling Pumps:
- Pump Status: This option monitors the status of the pump.
- Pump Rotation (Runtime): This option automatically changes pump staging order based on runtime (equal
runtime rotation strategy).
- Bypass Valve with Diff Pressure Sensor: This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.

Simple Central Plant Control Logic Selection

Chiller Options (SP)

The selection options for Chiller Options are:
• Chilled Water Options
- Flow Switch: This option monitors the status of the chilled water flow through each chiller.
- Flow Sensor: This option measures the chilled water flow through each chiller.
- Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering (return) water temperature of each chiller.
- Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving (supply) water temperature of each chiller.
• Condenser Water Options
- Flow Switch: This option monitors the status of condenser water flow through each chiller.
- Flow Sensor: This option measures the condenser water flow through each chiller.
- Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering or return water temperature of each chiller.
- Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving or supply water temperature of each chiller.
• Chiller Alarm: This option monitors the general alarm status of the chiller.
• Chiller Setpoint Adjustment: This option generates an AO to the chiller to command the setpoint through the
• Chiller Current Limit Adjustment: This option generates an AO to the chiller to command the current limit
through the BAS.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 518

• Chiller Amperage: This option monitors the current of each chiller.
• Primary Supply Temperature: This option monitors the primary supply water temperature.
• Primary Return Temperature: This option monitors the primary return water temperature.
• Primary CHW Flow Sensor: This option monitors the primary flow sensor.
• Refrigerant Monitor Panel Alarm: This option monitors the refrigerant alarm.

Condenser Options (SP)

The selection options for Condenser Options are:
• Common Return Temperature: This option monitors the condenser return water temperature.
• Condenser Flow Sensor: This option measures the condenser flow sensor.
If the No CW Piping (Air-Cooled) node is selected, Condenser Options cannot be selected.

Basin Options (SP)

The selection options for Basin Options are:
• Basin Level Alarm: This option monitors basin low level alarms.
• Basin Heater Enable: This option generates BOs to command the basin heaters through the BAS.
• Basin Water Temperature: This option monitors basin water temperatures.
- Switch: This option monitors BI inputs for low temperature switches.
- Analog Temperature: This option monitors AI inputs for temperature.
• Basin Level Switch: This option monitors the basin levels.
• Basin Makeup Valve: This option generates BOs to command basin makeup valves through the BAS.
If the No CW Piping (Air Cooled) node is selected, Basin Options cannot be selected.

Heating Options (SP)

The selection options for Heating Options are:
• Boiler Status: This option monitors the boiler status.
• Boiler General Alarm: This option monitors the general alarm status of the boiler.
• Boiler High Temp Alarm: This option monitors the high temperature alarm status of the boiler.
• Boiler Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the boiler.
• Combustion Air Damper: This option controls a combustion air damper for the boilers.
- End Switch: This option monitors the combustion air damper status.
• Primary Hot Water Supply Temp: This option monitors the leaving or primary supply water temperature of each
• Primary Hot Water Return Temp: This option monitors the entering or primary return water temperature of
each boiler.
• Primary HW Flow Sensor: This option measures the primary hot water flow.
• Main Steam Header Pressure: This option monitors the main stream header pressure.

2-Pipe Options (SP)

The selection options for 2 Pipe Options are:
• Common Water Supply Temp: This option monitors the water supply temperature of the 2-pipe configuration.
• Common Water Return Temp: This option monitors the water return temperature of the 2-pipe configuration.
• Common Water Flow Sensor: This option measures the water flow of the 2-pipe configuration.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 519

General Options (SP)
The selection options for General Options are:
• Outside Air Temperature: This option monitors the outdoor air temperature.
• Outside Air Humidity: This option monitors the outdoor air humidity.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: This option monitors the temperature of the mechanical room.

Controller Tool Help: Central Plant Applications 520

Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
The Central Cooling Plant with Optimization (CCO) application is designed to maximize the chiller plant’s operating
efficiency. This application:
• when enabled, maintains at least one device On to maintain the minimum (or base) load
• maximizes the plant efficiency by choosing the most efficient device (or combination of devices) available
• minimizes the total chiller starts
• if configured, attempts to balance run times and start counts for the chillers
This application determines the combination of chillers to meet the required load, and turns the appropriate devices
on and/or off in an orderly manner to arrive at the desired combination. The selected combination produces the
largest adjusted Coefficient of Performance (COP). Efficiencies are calculated based on the individual device’s
COPs, percent load, required capacity, and rated flow.
This section of the Help describes the system selection options of the Central Cooling Plant with Optimization
application, and lists the modules that get populated in the application as a result of the selections. Refer to the
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization™ 10 Application Note (LIT-12011575) for more application level
information on the Central Cooling Plant with Optimization application.

Important: Once system selection is complete, the Chiller Selector, Pump Selector, Cooling Tower Selector and
Heat Exchanger Selector modules require further configuration. Refer to the Johnson Controls Central
Plant Optimization™ 10 Application Note (LIT-12011575) for information on configuring these modules
and for more application level information.

Central Cooling with Optimization Mechanical System Selection

Cooling System Enable (CPO)

The selection option for Cooling System Enable is OA Cooling Lockout. This input is the outside air temperature
setpoint, below which, the system is locked out or disabled. This selection is available only when the Chillers and/or
the Condenser Water System node is selected.

Plant Layout Configuration (CPO)

Quantity of Chillers (CPO)

The Quantity of Chillers option defines the number of chillers in the system (1-8).

Type of Chiller Sequencing (CPO)

Chiller sequencing methods may involve Building Load, or other methods, such as Chiller Load (chiller only), Flow
Differential, and Temperature Differential. Building Load produces the most accurate measurement of the building
load by monitoring a building BTU meter or calculating the building load from temperature and flow inputs, then
selects chillers to meet the load.
Building Load
The building cooling load is provided by a BTU Meter Analog Input or is calculated inside the Load Calculator module
(a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module), using the chilled water temperature difference and the primary chilled water flow
input. The Percent Load is the percentage of the current building load to the total chiller plant available.
Chiller Load
Chiller Load method calculates each chiller's current operating capacity based on either its Percent Full Load Amps
or Actual Amps and the defined chiller capacity and then adds all devices to determine the current chiller plant
capacity. The Chiller Load sequencing is used on systems that contain only chillers and no heat exchangers.
Decouple Loop Flow (Flow Differential)

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 521

The goal of the Flow Differential is to reduce the difference between the secondary chilled water supply flow and
the primary chilled water supply flow. When the two flows are equal, the chiller plant just meets the building cooling
load demand and operates most efficiently. The Flow Differential method is used only with the primary/secondary
chilled water pumping configuration.
Temperature Differential
Temperature Differential measures the difference between the chilled water supply and return temperatures, and
compares this value to the rated temperature drop of the chillers. The Temperature Differential method may be used
only on primary constant speed pumps.

Return Water Temp Differential (CPO)

The cooling load is determined based on the measured chilled water supply and return temperature differential,
which is calculated in the Supply Return Water Differential module (a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module).
This module is designed to ensure chiller startup by providing a fixed temperature differential output of 14°F (7°C)
under startup conditions when the chilled water supply and return temperature differential is typically zero. After
startup, once the chilled water supply temperature falls to 46°F (or below 10°C), the module begins to output the
true chilled water supply-return temperature differential.
This building load is compared to the maximum rated temperature drop across the devices, as defined in the details
of the Chiller Selector Module as Max Delta CHWT. This method is inexpensive since it uses only temperature
The Temperature Differential method may be used only on primary constant speed pumps.

Chiller Load (CPO)

Note: Waterside Economizer does not support chiller load sequencing.
The chiller plant load uses a Capacity Calculation based on % Full Loads Amps or Actual Amps. When % Full Load
Amps is selected, a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module Capacity Calculation Pct FLA module receives percent load
inputs from each chiller. The inputs are used with the device operating capacity to calculate each device load (in
tons), and then added to the other devices running to determine the current chiller plant capacity. This current chiller
plant capacity is compared with the total chiller plant capacity to determine the percentage of total chiller plant
When Actual Amps is selected, a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module Capacity Calculation Amp for Actual Amp selection,
receive signals from current transducers from each chiller. The module adds the amperage of all the current devices.
The percent load is determined as a percentage of the total Actual Amperage of the chiller plant to the total chiller
plant available.
This method of load calculation is less expensive to implement than the Building Load method. One disadvantage
of this method is that the application uses a secondary data source (electric load), as compared to the Building Load
sensor, which uses a primary data source (heat flow).

Decouple Loop Flow (CPO)

The Flow Differential method is used only with the primary/secondary chilled water pumping configuration.
Several different methods can determine the difference between primary and secondary chilled water flow.
Bi-directional Flow Sensor measures the Decouple flow directly.
Bi-directional Flow Sensor with BI input measures the Decouple flow directly, and the binary input gives indication
of either normal or reverse direction.
Note: A reverse flow occurs when the secondary flow is greater than the primary flow.
Calculate Decouple Flow receives its input from the Diff Flow Calc, which calculates the difference between the
Primary and Secondary Chilled Water Supply flows.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 522

You can estimate the cooling load based on the measured flow differential, which is also the flow in the crossover
decoupler pipe. The Percent Load is the percentage of the current building load to the total chiller plant available.
This control mode is much less expensive to implement than either Building Load or Chiller Load, but the disadvantage
is that the Flow Differential uses half the information required to do the calculation. For example, to calculate the
energy flow, the chilled water flow and the temperature difference are required. This method assumes that the chillers
produce a constant temperature drop, which is not the case most of the time.

Building Load (CPO)

The Building Load method, and specifically the use of a specialized Building Load device (such as a BTU meter AI)
produces the most accurate measurement of the chiller plant load.
The Load Calculation module applies the appropriate correction factors for the fluid media for Pure Water,
Water-Ethylene Glycol Solution, or Water-Propylene Glycol solutions. To specify which type of fluid media, edit the
details of the Load Calculation Media attribute.
When using the Building Load method, it is possible that the building load is not met because the operating chillers
cannot deliver their rated capacity. Reasons for this situation could be a fouled chiller or a day that is beyond the
Building’s cooling design day. The chiller may only be able to reach a 78% load, but is configured to reach 85% to
add another chiller. Therefore, the default application provides logic which derates the capacities of the active chillers,
forcing an upstage to occur under the following conditions:
• The CHW Supply Temperature is greater than the CHW Supply Temperature Setpoint for more than a given
period of time (default = 20 minutes).
• The CHW Supply Flow is greater than the CHW Max Flow for more than a given period of time (default = 20
minutes). The CHW Max Flow is the sum of the rated CHW Max Flows of requested chillers which are defined
by the user when configuring the Chiller Selector.

CHW Pump Piping Layout (CPO)

Dedicated Primary CHW Pumps
The primary dedicated chilled water system shown in the following figure consists of chillers with dedicated chilled
water pumps and check valves, and a bypass valve. The chillers are enabled or disabled to match cooling capacity
to the building load. While active, a chiller controls the chilled water temperature to the chilled water temperature
setpoint. When a chiller needs to be brought on line, its dedicated pump is started first. The pumps have check
valves to prevent back flow when a pump is disabled. Finally, the system is equipped with a bypass valve which
modulates open as the building flow decreases below the chilled water minimum flow setpoint. When the chilled
water pump speed is variable speed, the bypass valve is available for chilled water minimum flow control. When the
chilled water pump is single speed, the bypass valve is available for dP control.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 523

Figure 56: Variable Speed Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System

Parallel Primary CHW Pumps

The primary headered chilled water system shown in the following figure consists of chillers, primary chilled water
pumps, proportional isolation valves, check valves, and a bypass valve. Chillers are enabled or disabled to match
cooling capacity to the building load. Proportional isolation valves are connected to the chillers to prevent water from
flowing through a disabled chiller. The pumps are piped in a parallel or headered configuration and are sequenced
to match the chiller’s chilled water flow requirement. The bypass valve (constant speed pumps) or the pump speed
(variable speed pumps) is modulated to control the building dP to the dP setpoint (building dP applies only if there
is not a secondary system). The pumps have check valves, which prevent back flow when a pump is disabled.
Finally, if variable speed chilled water pumps are selected, this system is equipped with a bypass valve that modulates
open as the building flow decreases below the chilled water minimum flow setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 524

Figure 57: Primary Headered Chilled Water System

CHW Pump Speed (CPO)

Single Speed Pump (CPO)

Constant Speed Primary Headered Chilled Water System
In a constant speed configuration, the appropriate number of pumps needed to supply the required chilled water
flow are turned on. An optional bypass valve can be modulated to maintain the differential pressure setpoint. As the
number of pumps changes, chilled water flow through the chillers and building changes.
Constant Speed Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System
In a constant speed dedicated chilled water configuration, the pumps are interlocked with the chiller to which they
are piped. The bypass valve is available for dP control.

Variable Speed Pump (CPO)

Variable Speed Primary Headered Chilled Water System
In a variable speed configuration, the appropriate number of pumps needed to supply the required chilled water flow
are turned on. The pump speeds are modulated to maintain the differential pressure (dP) setpoint. As an option, the
setpoint can be reset by either a second sensor that measures differential pressure near the end of the building’s
chilled water loop, or by the valve positions of the main chilled water coils in the building. As the number of pumps
and the speed of the pumps changes, chilled water flow through the chillers and building changes.
Variable Speed Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System
In a variable speed dedicated chilled water pump configuration, the pumps are interlocked to their dedicated chillers
and the pumps modulate to control the building dP to the dP setpoint. As pump speed changes, the water flow
through the chillers and building also changes. As an option, the setpoint can be reset by either a second sensor
that measures dP near the end of the building’s chilled water loop, or by the valve positions of the main chilled water
coils in the building. A bypass valve is available for chilled water minimum flow control.
Note: If primary pumps are variable speed, you cannot have a secondary chilled water loop.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 525

Condenser Pump Piping Layout (CPO)
The condenser water systems consist of water cooled chillers, constant or variable speed condenser water pumps,
and two-position or proportional isolation valves if the pumps are piped in parallel (common header).

No CW Piping (Air Cooled) (CPO)

The Air-Cooled Condenser system does not use condenser water to cool the chillers, since they reject their heat by
having ambient air passed across refrigerant-to-air heat exchangers. In packaged air-cooled chillers, the manufacturers
attempt to provide optimal performance by staging fans in response to chiller load and ambient, dry-bulb temperature.

Dedicated Primary CW Pumps (CPO)

In the following figure, the condenser water pumps are connected in a dedicated configuration. Each condenser
water pump is connected to a specific chiller. The condenser water pumps are interlocked to its chiller such that the
pump is started before the chiller is enabled.
Figure 58: Water-Cooled Condenser Dedicated System

Parallel Primary CW Pumps (CPO)

In the following figure, the condenser water pumps are connected in a headered or parallel configuration so that any
pump may be used with any chiller. The isolation valves are piped to the chillers in a dedicated configuration to
prevent water from flowing through an inactive chiller.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 526

Figure 59: Water-Cooled Condenser Headered System

CW Pump Speed (CPO)

Select the Single Speed Pump option to control constant speed pumps.
The Variable Speed Pump option provides control for variable speed pumps.
The chiller condenser water pumps temperature control loop for dedicated variable speed pumps modulates the
pump speed to maintain a differential temperature setpoint of the chillers that are running while still maintaining
minimum flow through the chillers that are running.
The chiller condenser water pumps differential pressure control loop for headered variable speed pumps modulates
the pump speed to maintain a differential pressure setpoint while still maintaining minimum flow through the chillers
that are running.
Note: On systems that have variable speed condenser water pumping, the minimum CW flow should be set
sufficiently high to ensure proper cooling tower flow. If this information is not available from the cooling tower
manufacturer, set the value to 80% of the rated flow.

Secondary Pumping (CPO)

When the primary pumps (headered or dedicated) are constant speed, then a secondary pump arrangement can
be selected. The secondary pumps are always headered and can be only variable speed to be able to efficiently
control the building chilled water dP. A dP setpoint reset algorithm using valve positions of the main chilled water
coils in the building is an option of the selection tree.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 527

Primary Headered with Secondary Chilled Water System
The following figure shows a system consisting of chillers with primary headered pumps (must be constant speed)
and secondary variable speed pumps.
The constant speed primary chilled water pumps are sequenced to supply the required chilled water flow for the
active chillers. The secondary chilled water pumps are sequenced and modulated to maintain chilled water pressure
differential to the building in the most efficient way possible. Check valves are used with each pump to prevent back
flow when a pump is off. The isolation valves are piped to the chillers in a dedicated configuration to prevent water
from flowing through an inactive chiller.
Figure 60: Constant Speed Primary Headered with Secondary Chilled Water System

Primary Dedicated with Secondary Chilled Water System

The Primary Dedicated with Secondary Chilled Water System shown in the following figure consists of chillers with
primary constant speed chilled water pumps and variable speed secondary chilled water pumps. The primary chilled
water pumps are piped in a dedicated configuration.
The constant speed primary chilled water pumps are interlocked on/off with the chillers. The secondary chilled water
pumps are sequenced and modulated to maintain a chilled water pressure differential to the building in the most
efficient way possible. Check valves are piped with each secondary pump to prevent back flow when a pump is off.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 528

Figure 61: Primary Secondary Dedicated Chilled Water System

Waterside Economizer (CPO)

For a non-integrated waterside economizer, chilled water is either provided by a chiller or by a heat exchanger, but
not simultaneously. Chillers and heat exchangers may either be headered or dedicated (see the following figures).
Up to four heat exchangers may be staged up and down to meet the building load. The total number of controlled
devices (chillers plus heat exchangers) cannot exceed eight devices.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 529

Figure 62: Waterside Economizer - Primary Headered Chilled Water System

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 530

Figure 63: Waterside Economizer - Primary Headered Condenser Water System

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 531

Figure 64: Waterside Economizer - Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 532

Figure 65: Waterside Economizer - Primary Dedicated Condenser Water System

Chillers (CPO)
The chiller selector is the heart of the application that determines which chillers meet the building cooling load
requirements and selects the combination of chillers that operates the most efficiently. The application does not start
a chiller unless it has what it needs to support the function, such as chilled water flow, condenser water flow, and
tower flow. The application can also consider chiller runtimes and start counts.
Device Information Table (Chiller Selector)

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 533

To provide automated, efficient operation, you must include the energy description of each chiller during CCT
configuration. This description consists of some or all of the Rated Capacity, Rated Current, Minimum CW Flow,
Rated CW Flow, Minimum CHW Flow, Rated CHW Flow, Peak COP, Device Type, CHW MAX Flow, Lift Sensitivity,
Design Lift, Max Pct Load, Min Pct Load, Max Pct Load COP, Min Pct Load COP, Interstage Transition Delay, and
Stabilize Time, depending on the chosen control mode and chiller plant configuration.
The user enters this information during CCT configuration. After the CCT tree selection process, the user must edit
the Details of the Chiller Selector module. In the CCT canvas, under Output Control, search and double-click (or
right-click and select View Details) the corresponding Chiller Selector # primitive, where # is the number of chillers
of the plant. Then, edit and enter the required values according to the Device Information Table.
The following parameters are supplied by the CW Selector, PCHWP Selector, and Tower Selector and are used
with the flows defined in the Device Information Table.
Note: The Chiller Selector does not start a chiller unless it has the flow required to support it.
Table 154: Chiller Selector Inputs
Input Description
CW Commanded Flow This value must be greater than CW Min flow defined in the Device Info Table before the chiller can
be commanded on.
CW Available Flow Indicates the flow available based on CW pumps enabled and their flow capacity.
CHW Commanded Flow This value must be greater than CHW Min flow defined in the Device Info Table before the chiller
can be commanded on.
CHW Available Flow Indicates the flow available based on CHW pumps enabled and their flow capacity.
Tower Commanded Flow This value must be greater than CW Min flow defined in the Device Info Table before the chiller can
be commanded on.
Tower Available Flow Indicates the flow available based on Towers enabled and their flow capacity.

Table 155: Chiller Selector Outputs

Output Description
Required CW Flow Indicates the chiller rated flows sent to the CWP Pump Selector.
Min CW Flow Setpoint Indicates the minimum flow required for safe chiller operation.
Required CHW Flow Indicates the chiller rated flows sent to the PCHWP Pump Selector.
Min CHW Flow Setpoint Indicates the minimum flow required for safe chiller operation.
Max CHW Flow Indicates the sum of the rated CHW Max Flow of all chillers requested. It is the maximum amount
of variable speed CHW flow that the Chiller Selector is allowing the Variable Speed Pump Selector
to command for each chiller. In a variable speed primary system, this value sets the upper limit for
primary pumps being controlled by the PCHWP Selector. In a primary-secondary system, this value
sets the upper limit for the secondary pumps being controlled by the SCHWP Selector.
Required Tower Flow Indicates the chiller rated flows sent to the Cooling Tower Selector.

Table 156: Device Information Table

Property Must Be Entered
1 Always
Rated Capacity (X)
Peak COP (X)
Rated CHW Flow (X) If the pumps are headered
CHW Min Flow (X)
CHW Max Flow If system has variable speed primary pumps
Rated Current Power (X) If Control Mode = Chiller Load
(Required for ASHRAE Open Loop Tower Control)

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 534

Table 156: Device Information Table
Property Must Be Entered
Rated CW Flow (X) If Condenser Pump Piping Layout = Parallel
CW Min Flow (X)
Design Lift (X) If Lift Sensitivity ≠ 0

1 The (X) indicates that the property applies to each chiller device.

Chiller Speed (CPO)

This option changes the default upper optimal percent load lower optimal percent load inputs on the Chiller Selector.

Constant Speed (CPO)

This option changes the default upper optimal percent load to 95% and the lower optimal percent load to 60%.

Variable Speed (CPO)

This option changes the default upper optimal percent load to 80% and the lower optimal percent load to 40%.
When Variable Speed chillers are controlled by Building Load, the Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load points
are dynamically reset based on chiller lift to minimize total chiller power consumption. The lift is defined as the
difference between the condenser water temperature entering the chiller and the CHW Supply Temperature Setpoint.
The application resets the Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load points within a user-defined range (default =
30–40% and 65–80% for the Lower and Upper points, respectively) and over a user-defined range of lift (default =
Note: These range values are defined in the Chiller Optimal Percent Load Setpoint Reset module. The reset Upper
and Lower Percent Load points are passed from the Chiller Optimal Percent Load Setpoint Reset module to
the Chiller Selector module. The module uses a time period (default = 5 minutes) to determine how often the
inputs are evaluated and the calculation executed.

Chiller Current Limit Adjustments (CPO)

• Chiller Current Limit Adjustment(s): This option generates an Analog Output (AO) to each chiller to command
the current limit through the BAS. This selection also changes the default value to an input on the Chiller Selector.
- User Defined Limit: This option allows you to specify the limit (defaults to 60%). When adding any chiller
(including the first chiller), the Capacity Limit output for all running chillers is restricted to the Capacity Limit
User Input for the Capacity Limit Hold Time, after which the output releases back to 100% (no limit).
- Automatic: The Chiller Selector determines the limit. When adding the first device, the Capacity Limit output
is not restricted (100%). When adding any additional device, the Capacity Limit output of all running chillers
ramps from 100% down to the Current Percent Load (defaults to 50%) in half the Capacity Limit Hold Time.
At the end of the Capacity Hold Time, the Capacity Limit output releases back to 100%.

Chiller Status (CPO)

The chiller status option monitors the on/off status of each chiller.
The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 535

Rotate in an Attempt to Balance (CPO)
The Rotate in an attempt to Balance option allows you to choose your rotation strategy which changes device
staging for all devices that have the same COP value based on the selections below.
• Runtime: This option automatically changes device staging order based on runtime (equal runtime rotation
• Start/Stops: This option automatically changes device staging order based on the number of starts and stops
(minimize starts and stops rotation strategy).

Chiller Maintenance Switch (CPO)

The Chiller Maintenance Switch option generates network inputs used to remove a chiller from service.
The Maintenance Switch (BI): option generates a binary input used to remove a chiller from service.
The purpose of the Equipment Interlock primitive is to remove equipment from service when either a maintenance
or lockout switch is set to Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time
Note: A mismatch is only detected when the Command is on and the Device Status is off. It is not detected when
the Device Status is on and the Command is off, such as when equipment is manually turned on.
Be sure to review the installation Setup, Output Delay, and Lost Status parameters to make sure they are suitable
for a particular installation. For example, the Output Delay should represent the amount of time after commanding
a device that if that device does not give matching status, there may be a mechanical problem.
Both the maintenance switch and the lockout switch inputs indicate the device is offline and unavailable for sequencing.
When the application detects the Maintenance switch is set to Disable, the chiller is removed from rotation. When
the lockout switch is set to Alarm, the pump or cooling tower is removed from rotation. In the selection tree, you can
choose hardware or network lockout and maintenance switches.
In the selection tree, a maintenance switch option is available for chillers. Pumps, towers, and heat exchangers have
a lockout switch option.

Totalize Device Runtime (CPO)

This option totalizes the runtime of each device, but does not change staging order based on runtime. If Runtime
rotation was selected, this option is not available.

Isolation Valve (CPO)

• CHW Isolation Valve: This option controls a CHW isolation valve for each chiller.
- Valve Open Status: This option monitors the CHW isolation valve status.
- Loss of Status Strategy
• Automatic Restart
• Manual Restart
- Unit Reset Switch (BI)
- Isolation Valve Analog Output: This option provides an analog output for the isolation valve rather than
binary output.
Headered systems use isolation valves and the pumps are commanded on or off by a dP control module. Dedicated
systems, on the other hand, do not use isolation valves and the pumps are directly commanded by the chiller selector
primitive. Therefore, since the primitive knows (CW Headered/Dedicated property) whether the CW loop is headered
or dedicated, the CW Iso Valve/Pump command behaves accordingly, that is, if it is dedicated, it is a Pump command
and if it is headered it is an Isolation Valve command.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 536

Likewise, since the primitive knows (CHW Headered/Dedicated property) whether the CHW loop is headered or
dedicated, the CHW Iso Valve/Pump command behaves accordingly. That is, if the CHW loop is dedicated, the
CHW loop is a pump command; and if the CHW Iso Valve/Pump command is headered, the CHW Iso Valve/Pump
command is an isolation valve command.

Loss of Status Strategy (CPO)

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 157: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 158: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Primary Chill Water Pumps (CPO)

Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset (CPO)

The Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset option loads the Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset module,
which resets the dP setpoint based on the building differential pressure (when the By coil position option is not

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 537

By coil position: This option loads the dP Setpoint Reset by Coil Position module, which resets the differential
pressure setpoint based on the valve position on the cooling coils.

You can reset the variable speed primary chilled water pump dP setpoint based on one of two methods, reset by
building dP or reset by coil position. When reset is based on building dP, the pump dP setpoint incrementally increases
(stage up) if the building dP is below the building dP setpoint minus deadband (default = 2 psi), and incrementally
decreases (stage down) if the building dP is above that setpoint plus deadband. When reset is based on chilled
water coil valve position, a number of valve positions (default of four) are monitored and a statistical algorithm is
applied to determine if the pump dP setpoint is incrementally increased (stage up), decreased (stage down), or held
at its present value.
The incremental stage up and stage down thresholds should be set to values that are proportionate to the expected
operating point of the dP across the building. The default values of 3 psi and 2 psi for the incremental increase and
decrease thresholds respectively, are appropriate for a building dP of 20 psi. As a rule of thumb, the increase and
decrease thresholds should be approximately 10% of the building dP operating point.
Set the minimum differential setpoint to a value that is large enough so that the fully open bypass valve meets all
the minimum flow requirements when the building pressure is at the minimum differential setpoint:
Figure 66: Minimum Differential Point Equation

where dPmin is the minimum differential pressure setpoint, flowmin is the largest minimum flow requirement (all chillers)
and CV is the flow coefficient of the bypass valve (when open).
The pump dP setpoint is not reset to a value that exceeds the maximum dP setpoint (default = 40 psi).
Figure 67: Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset by Building Differential Setpoint

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 538

Pump Status (CPO)
The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.

Loss of Status Strategy (CPO)

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 159: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 160: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 539

Rotate in an Attempt to Balance (CPO)
The Rotate in an attempt to Balance option allows you to choose your rotation strategy which changes device
staging for all devices that have the same COP value based on the selections below.
• Runtime: This option automatically changes device staging order based on runtime (equal runtime rotation
• Start/Stops: This option automatically changes device staging order based on the number of starts and stops
(minimize starts and stops rotation strategy).

Alarm Management (CPO)

Lockout Switch (CPO)

The purpose of the Equipment Interlock primitive is to remove equipment from service when either a maintenance
or lockout switch is set to Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time
Note: A mismatch is only detected when the Command is on and the Device Status is off. It is not detected when
the Device Status is on and the Command is off, such as when equipment is manually turned on.
Be sure to review the installation Setup, Output Delay, and Lost Status parameters to make sure they are suitable
for a particular installation. For example, the Output Delay should represent the amount of time after commanding
a device that if that device does not give matching status, there may be a mechanical problem.
Both the maintenance switch and the lockout switch inputs indicate the device is offline and unavailable for sequencing.
When the application detects the Maintenance switch is set to Disable, the chiller is removed from rotation. When
the lockout switch is set to Alarm, the pump or cooling tower is removed from rotation. In the selection tree, you can
choose hardware or network lockout and maintenance switches.
In the selection tree, a maintenance switch option is available for chillers. Pumps, towers, and heat exchangers have
a lockout switch option.

Frequency Converter Fault (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 161: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 540

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 162: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 163: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Motor Overload Tripped (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 164: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 541

Table 164: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 165: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 166: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 542

Belt Alarm (CPO)
Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 167: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 168: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 543

Table 169: Additional Inputs
Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Blocking Protection (CPO)

The Blocking Protection option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the command
is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Bypass Valve Control (CPO)

This option allows a bypass valve to control differential pressure.

Totalize Device Runtime (CPO)

This option totalizes the runtime of each device, but does not change staging order based on runtime. If Runtime
rotation was selected, this option is not available.

Primary Cond Water Pumps (CPO)

The condenser water systems consist of water cooled chillers, constant or variable speed condenser water pumps,
and two-position or proportional isolation valves if the pumps are piped in parallel (common header).

Pump Status (CPO)

The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.

Loss of Status Strategy (CPO)

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 544

Table 170: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 171: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Rotate in an Attempt to Balance (CPO)

The Rotate in an attempt to Balance option allows you to choose your rotation strategy which changes device
staging for all devices that have the same COP value based on the selections below.
• Runtime: This option automatically changes device staging order based on runtime (equal runtime rotation
• Start/Stops: This option automatically changes device staging order based on the number of starts and stops
(minimize starts and stops rotation strategy).

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 545

Alarm Management (CPO)

Lockout Switch (CPO)

The purpose of the Equipment Interlock primitive is to remove equipment from service when either a maintenance
or lockout switch is set to Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time
Note: A mismatch is only detected when the Command is on and the Device Status is off. It is not detected when
the Device Status is on and the Command is off, such as when equipment is manually turned on.
Be sure to review the installation Setup, Output Delay, and Lost Status parameters to make sure they are suitable
for a particular installation. For example, the Output Delay should represent the amount of time after commanding
a device that if that device does not give matching status, there may be a mechanical problem.
Both the maintenance switch and the lockout switch inputs indicate the device is offline and unavailable for sequencing.
When the application detects the Maintenance switch is set to Disable, the chiller is removed from rotation. When
the lockout switch is set to Alarm, the pump or cooling tower is removed from rotation. In the selection tree, you can
choose hardware or network lockout and maintenance switches.
In the selection tree, a maintenance switch option is available for chillers. Pumps, towers, and heat exchangers have
a lockout switch option.

Frequency Converter Fault (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 172: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 173: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 546

Table 173: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 174: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Motor Overload Tripped (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 175: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 547

Table 176: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 177: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Belt Alarm (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 178: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 548

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 179: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 180: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Blocking Protection (CPO)

The Blocking Protection option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the command
is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Totalize Device Runtime (CPO)

This option totalizes the runtime of each device, but does not change staging order based on runtime. If Runtime
rotation was selected, this option is not available.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 549

Condenser Water System (CPO)
Bypass Valve Only; River or Lake Water Cooling
Use this option if the plant can use a natural cold water source to remove the waste heat from the chillers. This
method uses a bypass valve to maintain the condenser water temperature setpoint until the valve fully closes (to
the bypass). At this point, the water source temperature is at or above the condenser water temperature setpoint.
Cooling Towers Only
This choice is appropriate for hot and humid climates, where the ambient wet-bulb temperature never (or very seldom)
drops below the condenser water temperature setpoint. For these applications, the condenser water is expected to
run through the cooling towers any time the chillers are operational.
Cooling Towers with Bypass Valve
This choice is appropriate in moderate to cold climates, where the returning water from the cooling towers may be
below the condenser water temperature setpoint. Due to the chiller’s manufacturer requirements, you may need to
maintain the condenser water temperature above a minimum value. The bypass valve ensures that the minimum
temperature setpoint is maintained.
Towers with Single Speed Fans
During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded
Flow. Typically, this is one tower for each condenser water pump. The controlling PID stages tower fans as needed.
Towers with Multiple Speed Fans
During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded
Flow. Typically, this is one tower for each condenser water pump. The controlling PID stages tower fans as needed.
As the condenser water temperature increases (requiring more cooling from the towers), the operating towers are
commanded one at a time, to the next higher speed until all the towers reach this second speed. If more cooling is
required, the application continues to command the operating towers to successively higher speeds, until all the
towers are running at the highest speed. The following figure explains how eight three-speed towers are staged.
This strategy is the most energy efficient, since the fan power consumption increases with the cube of its speed.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 550

Figure 68: Staging Eight Three-Speed Towers

Towers with Variable Speed Fans

During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded
Flow. Typically, this is one tower for each condenser water pump. The controlling PID stages tower fans as needed.
As the condenser water temperature increases (more cooling is required from the towers), all towers are modulated
by a single PID to maintain the cooling tower temperature setpoint. This strategy is the most energy efficient, since
the fan power consumption increases with the cube of its speed.
Two different strategies are available for controlling cooling towers with variable speed fans: Closed Loop (PID)
Control or Open Loop Control.
Closed Loop (PID) Control
During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. When the controlling PID saturates high (valve fully closed to the bypass), the cooling tower
sequencer starts turning on the towers one at a time, at minimum speed, until all towers are commanded on. As the
condenser water temperature increases (more cooling is required from the towers), all towers are modulated by a
single PID to maintain the condenser water temperature setpoint. This strategy maximizes energy efficiency, since
the fan power consumption increases with the cube of its speed.
Open Loop Control
Note: To use this control strategy you must select the ASHRAE Open Loop Tower Control in the System Selector
Tool. If you do not select this option, the Closed Loop strategy is used.
Three control modules are involved in open loop control. CW Bypass Valve Control modulates the Cooling Tower
Valve output CTV-O command to maintain the Condenser Water Supply Temperature (CWS-T) to maintain Condenser
Water temperature setpoint (CW-SP).

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 551

Open Loop Tower with Low Limit controls the Cooling Tower Speed Command based on the Current Chiller Plant
Capacity. It contains the Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control algorithm to provide a single command to all
operating towers. If the condenser water temperature falls below the condenser water temperature setpoint, the
open loop algorithm is overridden and a single PID modulates all operating towers to maintain the condenser water
setpoint. The Open Loop algorithm is used when the condenser water temperature is between the condenser water
temperature setpoint and high limit condenser water temperature setpoint. Similarly, if the condenser water temperature
rises above the high limit condenser water temperature setpoint, the open loop algorithm is overridden and all
operating towers are commanded to 100%.
The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded Flow. Typically,
this is one tower for each condenser water pump.

Fan Status (CPO)

The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.

Loss of Status Strategy (CPO)

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 181: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 182: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 552

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)
The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Rotate in an Attempt to Balance (CPO)

The Rotate in an attempt to Balance option allows you to choose your rotation strategy which changes device
staging for all devices that have the same COP value based on the selections below.
• Runtime: This option automatically changes device staging order based on runtime (equal runtime rotation
• Start/Stops: This option automatically changes device staging order based on the number of starts and stops
(minimize starts and stops rotation strategy).

Alarm Management (CPO)

Lockout Switch (CPO)

The purpose of the Equipment Interlock primitive is to remove equipment from service when either a maintenance
or lockout switch is set to Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time
Note: A mismatch is only detected when the Command is on and the Device Status is off. It is not detected when
the Device Status is on and the Command is off, such as when equipment is manually turned on.
Be sure to review the installation Setup, Output Delay, and Lost Status parameters to make sure they are suitable
for a particular installation. For example, the Output Delay should represent the amount of time after commanding
a device that if that device does not give matching status, there may be a mechanical problem.
Both the maintenance switch and the lockout switch inputs indicate the device is offline and unavailable for sequencing.
When the application detects the Maintenance switch is set to Disable, the chiller is removed from rotation. When
the lockout switch is set to Alarm, the pump or cooling tower is removed from rotation. In the selection tree, you can
choose hardware or network lockout and maintenance switches.
In the selection tree, a maintenance switch option is available for chillers. Pumps, towers, and heat exchangers have
a lockout switch option.

Frequency Converter Fault (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 183: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 553

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 184: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 185: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Motor Overload Tripped (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 186: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 554

Table 186: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 187: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 188: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Belt Alarm (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 555

Table 189: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 190: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 191: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 556

Vibration Alarm per Tower (CPO)
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 192: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 193: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Blocking Protection (CPO)

The Blocking Protection option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the command
is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Totalize Device Runtime (CPO)

This option totalizes the runtime of each device, but does not change staging order based on runtime. If Runtime
rotation was selected, this option is not available.

Isolation Valve per Tower (CPO)

This option provides control for systems with isolation valves preventing flow over the cooling towers when not in

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 557

The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.

Loss of Status Strategy (CPO)

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 194: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 195: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Secondary Variable Speed Chill Water Pumping (CPO)

When the primary pumps (headered or dedicated) are constant speed, then a secondary pump arrangement can
be selected. The secondary pumps are always headered and can be only variable speed to be able to efficiently
control the building chilled water dP. A dP setpoint reset algorithm using valve positions of the main chilled water
coils in the building is an option of the selection tree.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 558

Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset by Coil Position
You can reset the variable speed primary chilled water pump dP setpoint based on one of two methods, reset by
building dP or reset by coil position. When reset is based on building dP, the pump dP setpoint incrementally increases
(stage up) if the building dP is below the building dP setpoint minus deadband (default = 2 psi), and incrementally
decreases (stage down) if the building dP is above that setpoint plus deadband. When reset is based on chilled
water coil valve position, a number of valve positions (default of four) are monitored and a statistical algorithm is
applied to determine if the pump dP setpoint is incrementally increased (stage up), decreased (stage down), or held
at its present value.

Pump Status (CPO)

The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.

Loss of Status Strategy (CPO)

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 196: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 197: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 559

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)
The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Rotate in an Attempt to Balance (CPO)

The Rotate in an attempt to Balance option allows you to choose your rotation strategy which changes device
staging for all devices that have the same COP value based on the selections below.
• Runtime: This option automatically changes device staging order based on runtime (equal runtime rotation
• Start/Stops: This option automatically changes device staging order based on the number of starts and stops
(minimize starts and stops rotation strategy).

Alarm Management (CPO)

Lockout Switch (CPO)

The purpose of the Equipment Interlock primitive is to remove equipment from service when either a maintenance
or lockout switch is set to Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time
Note: A mismatch is only detected when the Command is on and the Device Status is off. It is not detected when
the Device Status is on and the Command is off, such as when equipment is manually turned on.
Be sure to review the installation Setup, Output Delay, and Lost Status parameters to make sure they are suitable
for a particular installation. For example, the Output Delay should represent the amount of time after commanding
a device that if that device does not give matching status, there may be a mechanical problem.
Both the maintenance switch and the lockout switch inputs indicate the device is offline and unavailable for sequencing.
When the application detects the Maintenance switch is set to Disable, the chiller is removed from rotation. When
the lockout switch is set to Alarm, the pump or cooling tower is removed from rotation. In the selection tree, you can
choose hardware or network lockout and maintenance switches.
In the selection tree, a maintenance switch option is available for chillers. Pumps, towers, and heat exchangers have
a lockout switch option.

Frequency Converter Fault (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 198: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 560

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 199: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 200: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Belt Alarm (CPO)

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 561

Table 201: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans.
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 202: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 203: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 562

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)
The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Totalize Device Runtime (CPO)

This option totalizes the runtime of each device, but does not change staging order based on runtime. If Runtime
rotation was selected, this option is not available.

Blocking Protection (CPO)

The Blocking Protection option provides monitoring of the command to a motor (typically a pump). If the command
is off for an extended period of time (for example, 7 days), the motor starts for a short time (for example, 30 seconds).
This feature prevents blocking (that is, it prevents the motor from seizing up).

Heat Exchangers (CPO)

A waterside economizer provides chilled water to a building using one or more cooling towers and heat exchangers.
The Chiller Plant Optimization application supports a non-integrated waterside economizer where chilled water is
either provided by a chiller or by a heat exchanger, but both devices do not operate simultaneously.

Economizer Suitability (CPO)

The Waterside Economizer Suitability module provides four different options for determining when waterside
economizer cooling is suitable. The module design is such that the control option it uses depends on what is connected
to the inputs. If only the OAT is connected, it uses Dry Bulb. If the RH is connected and reliable, it uses Wet Bulb.
If Building Load is connected, it uses one of the methods that includes plus Building Load.

Rotate to Balance Runtime (CPO)

The Rotate to Balance Runtime option allows you to choose your rotation strategy which changes heat exchanger
staging for all heat exchangers that have the same COP value based runtime.

Totalize Device Runtime (CPO)

This option totalizes the runtime of each device, but does not change staging order based on runtime. If Runtime
rotation was selected, this option is not available.

Isolation Valve (CPO)

The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.
Setup, Delay, and Maintenance Switch
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 563

Table 204: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 205: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Loss of Status Strategy (CPO)

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 206: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 564

Table 206: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 207: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Alarm Management (CPO)

Lockout Switch (CPO)

The purpose of the Equipment Interlock primitive is to remove equipment from service when either a maintenance
or lockout switch is set to Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time
Note: A mismatch is only detected when the Command is on and the Device Status is off. It is not detected when
the Device Status is on and the Command is off, such as when equipment is manually turned on.
Be sure to review the installation Setup, Output Delay, and Lost Status parameters to make sure they are suitable
for a particular installation. For example, the Output Delay should represent the amount of time after commanding
a device that if that device does not give matching status, there may be a mechanical problem.
Both the maintenance switch and the lockout switch inputs indicate the device is offline and unavailable for sequencing.
When the application detects the Maintenance switch is set to Disable, the chiller is removed from rotation. When
the lockout switch is set to Alarm, the pump or cooling tower is removed from rotation. In the selection tree, you can
choose hardware or network lockout and maintenance switches.
In the selection tree, a maintenance switch option is available for chillers. Pumps, towers, and heat exchangers have
a lockout switch option.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 565

No Flow Alarm (CPO)
The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 208: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Table 209: Additional Inputs

Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Unit Reset Switch (CPO)

The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.

Central Cooling with Optimization Control Logic Selection

Chiller Options (CPO)

The selection options for Chiller Options are:
Chilled Water Options - Per Chiller
• Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the chiller.
• Flow Sensor: This option monitors the flow sensor of the chiller.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 566

• Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering (return) water temperature of each chiller.
• Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving (supply) water temperature of each chiller.
Condenser Water Options - Per Chiller
• Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the chiller.
• Flow Sensor: This option monitors the flow sensor of the chiller.
• Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering or return water temperature of each chiller.
• Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving or supply water temperature of each chiller.
• Chiller Alarm(s): This option monitors the general alarm status of the chiller.
• Chiller Setpoint Adjustment(s): This option generates an AO to each chiller to command the setpoint through
the BAS.
• Chiller Amperage(s): This option monitors the current of each chiller.
• Primary Supply Temperature: This option monitors the primary supply water temperature.
• Primary Return Temperature: This option monitors the primary return water temperature.
• Primary Flow Sensor: This option monitors the primary flow sensor.
• Refrigerant Monitor Panel Alarm: This option monitors the refrigerant alarm.

Condenser Options (CPO)

The Common Return Temperature option monitors the condenser return water temperature. The Condenser Flow
Sensor option monitors the condenser flow sensor.
If the No CW Piping (Air-Cooled) node is selected, Condenser Options cannot be selected.

Basin Options (CPO)

The selection options for Basin Options are:
• Dedicated - one per tower: This option provides control if all the towers have individual basins.
• Common Sump: This option provides control if all the towers share a common basin.
• Basin Level Alarm(s): This option monitors basin low level alarms.
• Basin Heater Enable(s): This option generates BOs to command the basin heaters through the BAS.
• Basin Water Temperature(s): This option monitors basin water temperatures.
- Switch(es): This option monitors BI inputs for low temperature switches.
- Analog Temperature(s): This option monitors AI inputs for temperature.
• Basin Level Switch(es): This option monitors the basin levels.
• Basin Makeup Valve(s): This option generates BOs to command basin makeup valves through the BAS.
If the No CW Piping (Air Cooled) node is selected, Basin Options cannot be selected.

Secondary Chill Water Options (CPO)

The selection options for Secondary Chill Water Options are:
• Supply Temperature: This option monitors the secondary loop supply temperature.
• Return Temperature: This option monitors the secondary loop return temperature.
• Flow Meter: This option monitors the secondary loop flow rate.
• Decouple Temperature: This option monitors the decouple loop temperature.
• Decouple Flow Meter: This option monitors the decouple loop flow rate.
• Decouple Flow Direction: This option monitors the decouple loop flow direction.
• Building Load Meter: This option monitors the secondary loop BTUs.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 567

Heat Exchanger Options (CPO)
The selection options for Heat Exchanger Options are:
• Chilled Water Options - Per Heat Exchanger
- Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the heat exchanger.
- Flow Sensor: This option monitors the flow sensor of the heat exchanger.
- Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering (return) water temperature of each heat exchanger.
- Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving (supply) water temperature of each heat exchanger.
• Condenser Water Options - Per Heat Exchanger
- Flow Switch: This option monitors the flow switch status of the heat exchanger.
- Flow Sensor: This option monitors the flow sensor of the heat exchanger.
- Entering Water Temp: This option monitors the entering or return water temperature of each heat exchanger.
- Leaving Water Temp: This option monitors the leaving or supply water temperature of each heat exchanger.
• Heat Exchanger Alarm(s) and outputs: These options monitors the general alarm status of the heat exchanger.

General Options (CPO)

The selection options for General Options are:
• Outside Air Temperature: This option monitors the outdoor air temperature.
• Outside Air Humidity: This option monitors the outdoor air humidity.
• Mechanical Room Temperature: This option monitors the temperature of the mechanical room.

Optimization Options (CPO)

The Central Plant Optimization 30 option creates the necessary application integration points. Integration points
are setpoints calculated by CPO-30 that the application requires to read and then operate the chiller plant based on
these values.

Controller Tool Help: Central Cooling with Optimization Applications 568

Sideloop Applications
Sideloops provide control of equipment separate from the main control logic. The Sideloop (SL) Wizard allows you
to add custom logic to a system one control loop at a time. The Sideloop System Selection Wizard can be run as
many times as desired. The logic added by the sideloop selection is given a user-specified prefix to identify the
modules associated with that particular sideloop. This prefix is denoted in this document by the characters XXX.
If you need to rerun System Selection for the main application after sideloops have been created, the sideloops are
lost. Once a sideloop is created, you cannot rerun the sideloop selection process on one of the sideloops.
For information on how to add a sideloop to a system, see Creating a Sideloop in the Configuring a System section.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Sideloop Selection

Feedback Control
The selection options for Feedback Control are:
• Input Type
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Other: This option is configured by default for pressure control, but can be used for any generic input type.
• Number of Inputs
- Use Existing (Manually Connect): This option does not load an Input, but allows the user to manually
connect an existing Input to the Process Variable input of the selected control module.
- One
- Two
• Select Minimum Value
• Select Maximum Value
• Average Inputs
• Control Type
- Simple Reset (SPAN)
- Feedback Control (PI)
• Remote Setpoint (AI)
• Setpoint Reset (SPAN) from Input (AI)
• Control Action
- Reverse Acting (for example, Heating, Supply Fan, and Humidifier)
- Direct Acting (for example, Cooling and Exhaust Fan)
• Output Type
- Proportional Actuator
- Incremental Actuator
- Staged Outputs
• One Stage
• Two Stages

Controller Tool Help: Sideloop Applications 569

• Three Stages
• Four Stages
• Five Stages
• Six Stages
• Seven Stages
• Eight Stages
If the Other Input Type is selected, the following selections are not allowed: Simple Reset (SPAN), Remote Setpoint
(AI), and Setpoint Reset (SPAN) from Input (AI).
If the Humidity Input Type is selected, Remote Setpoint (AI) is not allowed.

Controller Tool Help: Sideloop Applications 570

Analog to Binary Control
The selection options for Analog to Binary Control are:
• Input Type
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Other: This option is configured by default for pressure control, but can be used for any generic input type.
• Number of Inputs
- Use Existing (Manually Connect): This option does not load an Input, but allows the user to manually
connect an existing Input to the Process Variable input of the selected control module.
- One
- Two
• Select Minimum Value
• Select Maximum Value
• Average Inputs
• Control Action
- Reverse Acting (for example, Heating, Supply Fan, and Humidifier)
- Direct Acting (for example, Cooling and Exhaust Fan)

Binary Interlock Control

The selection options for Binary Interlock Control are:
• Use Existing BI (Manually Connect): This option does not load an Input, but allows the user to manually
connect an existing Input to the Process Variable input of the selected control module.
• Output Type
- Binary Output
- Analog Output
• Delay Type
- None
- Delay when BI turns on
- Delay when BI turns off
- Delay when BI turns on and off

Controller Tool Help: Sideloop Applications 571

Create State Selection to Interlock this Side Loop
The selection options for Create State Selection to Interlock this Side Loop are:
• Create State Selection to Interlock this Side Loop: This option adds a State Selection table interlock for this
side loop.
• Create New Input for Interlock: This option loads a XXX SLINT-S (Sideloop Interlock Status) Network Input or
Binary Input to connect to the State Table.
- Binary Input
- Network Input

Position Feedback (Sideloop)

The selection options for Position Feedback are:
• Modulated Outputs
- No Position Feedback
- Analog Input per Output
- Binary Input per Output
• Two Position Outputs
- No Position Feedback
- Binary Input per Output
- Two Binary Inputs per Output

Controller Tool Help: Sideloop Applications 572

Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications
The Custom applications and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only applications provide general point monitoring
inputs and other miscellaneous outputs. The Mechanical System Selection includes general point monitoring options,
such as points for temperature sensors located in ducts, and options to monitor alarms or status for generators,
medical gas, and other important systems. The Control Logic Selection includes miscellaneous outputs, such as
outputs to command motors, lighting, two-position actuated devices, or other equipment, and options for current and
voltage outputs for modulating system devices.
You can view preferences and modify any default signals associated with the inputs or outputs created using the
System Selection wizard. Appropriate hardware and filter setup default view parameters have been established for
each input or output.
Note: Custom applications are intended for use with Field Controllers, and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only
applications are targeted for I/O Modules. Keep in mind that Monitoring Supervisory Control Only applications
do not allow you to add any other modules; only inputs and outputs.
Note: The Custom applications and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only applications currently provide the same
options, and are described together in this section of the Help system. One exception is that when you select
Wind Direction in the Outdoor Air Items section for Custom applications, the Wind Direction Determination
module appears in addition to the WIND-DIR input. For Monitoring applications, only the WIND-DIR input

Custom/Monitoring Mechanical System Selection

Zone Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Zone Items are:
• Zone Temperature Sensor (AI): This option measures the temperature in up to six zones.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)
• Zone Humidity Sensor (AI): This option measures the humidity in up to six zones.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)
• Zone CO2 Sensor (AI): This option measures the CO2 levels in up to six zones.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 573
Modules (Custom/Monitoring Zone Items)
The Zone Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• ZNX-T (Zone X Temperature Sensor AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Zone Temperature
Sensor (AI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• ZNX-H (Zone X Humidity AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Zone Humidity Sensor (AI) node
is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• ZNX-Q (Zone X Species AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Zone CO2 Sensor (AI) node is
selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
See the Input Modules section.

Outdoor Air Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Outdoor Air Items are:
• Temperature Sensor (AI): This option measures the outdoor air temperature.
• Humidity Sensor (AI): This option measures the outdoor air humidity.
• Dew Point Sensor (AI): This option measures the outdoor air dew point.
• Wind Speed (AI): This option measures the speed of the wind outdoors.
• Wind Direction (AI): This option indicates the direction of the wind outdoors.
• CO2 Sensor (AI): This option measures the outdoor air CO2 levels.
• Snow Detector (BI): This option indicates whether it is snowing outdoors.
• Freeze Detector (BI): This option indicates whether there are freezing conditions outdoors.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Outdoor Air Items)

The Outdoor Air Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• DEW-T (Outdoor Air Dewpoint AI): This Input is loaded when the Dew Point Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• FRZ-S (Freeze Detector BI): This Input is loaded when the Freeze Detector (BI) node is selected.
• OA-H (Outdoor Air Humidity AI): This Input is loaded when the Humidity Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• OA-Q (Outdoor Air Species AI): This Input is loaded when the CO2 Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• OA-T (Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor AI): This Input is loaded when the Temperature Sensor (AI) node is
• SNO-S (Snow Detector BI): This Input is loaded when the Snow Detector (BI) node is selected.
• WIND-DIR (Outdoor Air Wind Direction AI): This Input is loaded when the Wind Direction (AI) node is selected.
• WIND-SPD (Outdoor Air Wind Speed AI): This Input is loaded when the Wind Speed (AI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 574
• Degrees to Direction: This module converts wind direction (degrees) to compass direction (North, South, and so
on), and is loaded when the Wind Direction (AI) node is selected. This module appears in Custom applications,
and not in Monitoring applications.

Duct Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Duct Items are:
• Duct Temperature Sensor (AI): This option measures the temperature in the ductwork for up to six locations.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)
• Duct Pressure Sensor (AI): This option measures the static pressure in the ductwork.
• High Duct Pressure Switch (BI): This option indicates when the duct static pressure exceeds the switch setting.
• Low Duct Pressure Switch (BI): This option indicates when the duct static pressure falls below the switch
• High Duct Temperature Alarm (BI): This option indicates when the duct temperature exceeds the switch setting.
• Low Duct Temperature Alarm (BI): This option indicates when the duct temperature falls below the switch
• Filter Status Diff Pressure Switch (BI): This option indicates when the static pressure difference across a filter
exceeds the switch setting for up to six filters.
- 1 Switch (1 BI)
- 2 Switches (2 BI’s)
- 3 Switches (3 BI’s)
- 4 Switches (4 BI’s)
- 5 Switches (5 BI’s)
- 6 Switches (6 BI’s)

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Duct Items)

The Duct Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• DUCT-P (Duct Pressure AI): This Input is loaded when the Duct Pressure Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• DUCTX-T (Duct X Temperature AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Duct Temperature Sensor
(AI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• FILTX-S (Filter X DP Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Filter Status Diff Pressure Switch
(BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per switch.
• HP-A (Duct High Static Fault BI): This Input is loaded when the High Duct Pressure Switch (BI) node is selected.
• HT-A (High Temperature Limit Fault BI): This Input is loaded when the High Duct Temperature Alarm (BI)
node is selected.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 575
• LP-A (Duct Low Static Fault BI): This Input is loaded when the Low Duct Pressure Switch (BI) node is selected.
• LT-A (Low Temperature Limit Fault BI): This Input is loaded when the Low Duct Temperature Alarm (BI) node
is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Pipe Mounted Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Pipe Mounted Items are:
• Temperature Sensor (AI): This option measures the temperature in a piping system for up to six locations.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)
• Water Flow Status Switch (BI): This option indicates when flow is present in a piping system for up to six
- 1 Switch (1 BI)
- 2 Switches (2 BI’s)
- 3 Switches (3 BI’s)
- 4 Switches (4 BI’s)
- 5 Switches (5 BI’s)
- 6 Switches (6 BI’s)
• Water Flow Sensor (AI): This option measures the volume of water flowing through a piping system for up to
six locations.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)
• Steam Pressure (AI): This option measures the pressure of the steam in a piping system.
• Water Pressure (AI): This option measures the water pressure in a piping system for up to six locations.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 576
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)
• BTU Meter (AI): This option measures the heat energy in a hydrinic loop by measuring the supply and return
media temperature and the volume of fluid flow for up to six locations.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
- 5 Sensors (5 AI’s)
- 6 Sensors (6 AI’s)

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Pipe Mounted Items)

The Pipe Mounted Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• BLDGX-L (Bldg X Load AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the BTU Meter (AI) node is selected.
Specific Inputs are loaded per BTU meter.
• FLOWX-S (Flow Status X BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Water Flow Status Switch (BI)
node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per switch.
• PIPEX-F (Flow Input X AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Water Flow Sensor (AI) node is
selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• PIPEX-P (Pipe X Pressure AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Water Pressure (AI) node is
selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• PIPEX-T (Pipe X Temperature AI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Temperature Sensor (AI)
node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• STM-P (Steam Pressure AI): This Input is loaded when the Steam Pressure (AI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Generator Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Generator Items are:
• Monitor Status (BI): This option indicates the status of the generator.
• Monitor Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the generator has an alarm condition.
• Monitor Trouble (BI): This option indicates whether the generator has a trouble condition.
• Monitor Fuel Level (AI): This option indicates the generator’s fuel level.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Generator Items)

The Generator Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• GEN-A (Generator Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Alarm (BI) node is selected.
• GEN-LVL (Generator Fuel Level AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Fuel Level (AI) node is selected.
• GEN-S (Generator Status BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Status (BI) node is selected.
• GEN-TBL (Generator Trouble BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Trouble (BI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 577
Electrical Power Items (Custom/Monitoring)
The selection options for Electrical Power Items are:
• Monitor Status (BI): This option indicates power status.
• Monitor Fault (BI): This option indicates when a fault condition is reported by the electrical panel.
• Monitor Current (3 AI): This option measures the current for all three phases of electrical power.
• Monitor Voltage (3 AI): This option measures the voltage for each phase to neutral.
• Monitor Power Factor (3 AI): This option measures the power factor (ratio of real power to apparent power) for
all three phases of electrical power.
• Monitor KW (AI): This option measures KW power.
• Monitor KWh (AI): This option measures KWh power.
• Monitor Phase Failure (BI): This option indicates if any of the three phases of electrical power fail.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Electrical Power Items)

The Electrical Power Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• ELEC-A (Electric Fault BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Fault (BI) node is selected.
• ELEC-KW (Electric KW AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor KW (AI) node is selected.
• ELEC-KWH (Electric KWH AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor KWH (AI) node is selected.
• ELEC-S (Electric Status BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Status (BI) node is selected.
• PHA-AMPS (Phase A Current AI), PHB-AMPS (Phase B Current AI), and PHC-AMPS (Phase C Current AI):
These three Inputs are loaded when the Monitor Current (3 AI) node is selected.
• PHA-PF (Phase A Power Factor AI), PHB-PF (Phase B Power Factor AI), and PHC-PF (Phase C Power
Factor AI): These three Inputs are loaded when the Monitor Power Factor (3 AI) node is selected.
• PHA-VOLTS (Phase A Voltage AI), PHB-VOLTS (Phase B Voltage AI), and PHC-VOLTS (Phase C Voltage
AI): These three Inputs are loaded when the Monitor Voltage (3 AI) node is selected.
• PHASE-FAIL (Electric Phase Failure BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Phase Failure (BI) node is
See the Input Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 578
Medical Gas Items (Custom/Monitoring)
The selection options for Medical Gas Items are:
• Monitor Low Pressure Switch (BI): This option indicates if the pressure in a medical gas line drops below the
switch setting.
- 1 Switch (1 BI)
- 2 Switches (2 BI’s)
- 3 Switches (3 BI’s)
- 4 Switches (4 BI’s)
- 5 Switches (5 BI’s)
- 6 Switches (6 BI’s)
• Monitor High Pressure Switch (BI): This option indicates if the pressure in a medical gas line exceeds the
switch setting.
- 1 Switch (1 BI)
- 2 Switches (2 BI’s)
- 3 Switches (3 BI’s)
- 4 Switches (4 BI’s)
- 5 Switches (5 BI’s)
- 6 Switches (6 BI’s)
• Monitor Medical Vacuum Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the medical vacuum system is in an alarm
• Monitor Medical Vacuum Pressure (AI): This option measures the pressure in the medical vacuum system.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Medical Gas Items)

The Medical Gas Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• MGXPHI-A (Med Gas X High Pressure BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor High Pressure
Switch (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per switch.
• MGXPLO-A (Med Gas X Low Pressure BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Low Pressure
Switch (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per switch.
• MVAC-A (Med Vacuum Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Medical Vacuum Alarm (BI) node is
• MVAC-P (Med Vacuum Pressure AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Medical Vacuum Pressure (AI)
node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Domestic Water Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Domestic Water Items are:
• Domestic HW Temp Sensor (AI): This option measures the temperature of the domestic hot water system.
• Monitor Domestic HW Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the domestic hot water system is in an alarm
• Monitor Domestic Hot Water Pump (BI): This option monitors the domestic hot water pump.
• Monitor Domestic Water Pump (BI): This option monitors the domestic water pump.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 579
Modules (Custom/Monitoring Domestic Water Items)
The Domestic Water Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• DHW-A (Domestic HW Temp Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Domestic HW Alarm (BI) node
is selected.
• DHW-T (Domestic HW Temp AI): This Input is loaded when the Domestic HW Temp Sensor (AI) node is
• DHWP-S (Domestic HW Pump Status BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Domestic HW Pump (BI)
node is selected.
• DWP-S (Domestic Water Pump Status BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Domestic Water Pump (BI)
node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Light Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Light Items are:
• Light Level Sensor (AI): This option provides an analog input to measure the lighting level.
• Photocell Light Sensor (BI): This option provides a binary input to measure the lighting level.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Light Items)

The Light Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• LIGHT-L (Light Level AI): This Input is loaded when the Light Level Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• LIGHT-S (Light Level BI): This Input is loaded when the Photocell Light Sensor (BI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Sand Filter Items (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Sand Filter Items are:
• Command (BO): This option starts the sand filtration cycle.
• Backwash Status (BI): This option indicates the sand filter is in a cleaning cycle.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Sand Filter Items)

The Sand Filter Items selections load the following modules in these Control View columns:
• SANDFILT-S (Sand Filter Backwash Status BI): This Input is loaded when the Backwash Status (BI) node is
See the Input Modules section.
• SANDFILT-C (Sand Filter Command BO): This Output is loaded when the Command (BO) node is selected.
See the Output Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 580
Natural Gas Items (Custom/Monitoring)
The selection options for Natural Gas Items are:
• Monitor Pressure Sensor (AI): This option measures pressure in the natural gas system.
• Monitor Pressure Switch (BI): This option indicates if the natural gas pressure falls below the switch setting.
• Monitor Flow Sensor (AI): This option measures flow in the natural gas system.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 581
Modules (Custom/Monitoring Natural Gas Items)
The Natural Gas Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• NG-F (Natural Gas Flow AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Flow Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• NG-P (Natural Gas Pressure AI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Pressure Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• NG-S (Natural Gas Pressure BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Pressure Switch (BI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Misc Temps (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Misc Temps are:
• Cooler Temperature Sensor (AI): This option measures the temperature in up to four cooler systems.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
• Freezer Temperature Sensor (AI): This option measures the temperature in up to four freezer systems.
- 1 Sensor (1 AI)
- 2 Sensors (2 AI’s)
- 3 Sensors (3 AI’s)
- 4 Sensors (4 AI’s)
• Pool Temperature Sensor (AI): This option measures the temperature in a pool.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Misc Temps)

The Misc Temps selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• CLRX-T (Cooler X Temperature AI, where X is 1-4): This Input is loaded when the Cooler Temperature Sensor
(AI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• FZRX-T (Freezer X Temperature AI, where X is 1-4): This Input is loaded when the Freezer Temperature
Sensor (AI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
• POOL-T (Pool Temperature AI): This Input is loaded when the Pool Temperature Sensor (AI) node is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Misc Alarm Monitoring (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Misc Alarm Monitoring are:
• Fire Alarm Inputs: These options indicate whether the fire alarm system (fire control panel and Halon equipment)
is in an alarm or trouble condition.
- Monitor Panel Alarm (BI)
- Monitor Panel Trouble (BI)
- Monitor Halon Alarm (BI)
- Monitor Halon Trouble (BI)
• Monitor Refrigerant Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the refrigerant system has a leak.
• Monitor Gas Detection (BI): This option indicates whether the system detects a gas leak.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 582
• Compressed Air Low Pressure Switch (BI): This option indicates whether the compressor is in an alarm
condition due to low pressure.
• Monitor Chemical Treatment Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the chemical treatment system is in
an alarm condition (for example, due to a leak).
• Monitor Sump Pump Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the sump pump system is in an alarm condition
(for example, due to a high sump level) for up to six pumps.
- 1 Point (1 BI)
- 2 Points (2 BI’s)
- 3 Points (3 BI’s)
- 4 Points (4 BI’s)
- 5 Points (5 BI’s)
- 6 Points (6 BI’s)
• Monitor Sewage Pump Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the sewage pumping system is in an alarm
condition for up to six pumps.
- 1 Point (1 BI)
- 2 Points (2 BI’s)
- 3 Points (3 BI’s)
- 4 Points (4 BI’s)
- 5 Points (5 BI’s)
- 6 Points (6 BI’s)
• Moisture Detector (BI): This option indicates whether the system is in an alarm condition as a result of moisture
levels for up to six locations.
- 1 Point (1 BI)
- 2 Points (2 BI’s)
- 3 Points (3 BI’s)
- 4 Points (4 BI’s)
- 5 Points (5 BI’s)
- 6 Points (6 BI’s)
• Panic Button (BI): This option indicates whether a panic button set off an alarm condition for up to six locations.
- 1 Point (1 BI)
- 2 Points (2 BI’s)
- 3 Points (3 BI’s)
- 4 Points (4 BI’s)
- 5 Points (5 BI’s)
- 6 Points (6 BI’s)
• Monitor Emergency Shuttoff (BI): This option indicates an alarm condition due to an emergency shutoff for up
to six systems.
- 1 Point (1 BI)
- 2 Points (2 BI’s)
- 3 Points (3 BI’s)
- 4 Points (4 BI’s)

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 583
- 5 Points (5 BI’s)
- 6 Points (6 BI’s)
• Water Tank Low Level Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the water tank is in an alarm condition due to
a low water level.
• Water Tank High Level Alarm (BI): This option indicates whether the water tank is in an alarm condition due
to a high water level.
• Water Tank Level Sensor (AI): This option monitors the water level in the water tank.
• Monitor Earthquake Detector (BI): This option indicates whether the system is in an alarm condition due to
the detection of an earthquake.

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Misc Alarm Monitoring)

The Misc Alarm Monitoring selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• CHEM-A (Chemical Treatment Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Chemical Treatment Alarm
(BI) node is selected.
• COMP-A (Compressor Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Compressed Air Low Pressure Switch
(BI) node is selected.
• EMGSDX-A (Emergency Shutoff X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Emergency
Shuttoff (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per shutoff valve.
• EQUAKE-A (Earthquake Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Earthquake Detector (BI) node is
• FCP-A (Fire Panel Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Panel Alarm (BI) node is selected.
• FCP-TBL (Fire Panel Trouble BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Panel Trouble (BI) node is selected.
• GAS-A (Gas Detection Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Gas Detection (BI) node is selected.
• HALON-A (Halon Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Halon Alarm (BI) node is selected.
• HALON-TBL (Halon Trouble BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Halon Trouble (BI) node is selected.
• MOISTX-A (Moisture Detector X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Moisture Detector
(BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per detector.
• PANICX-A (Panic Button X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Panic Button (BI) node
is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per panic button.
• REFRIG-A (Refrigerant Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Refrigerant Alarm (BI) node is selected.
• SEWGX-A (Sewage Pump X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Sewage Pump
Alarm (BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per pump.
• SPX-A (Sump Pump X Alarm BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Sewage Pump Alarm
(BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per pump.
• TANK-L (Tank Level AI): This Input is loaded when the Water Tank Level Sensor (AI) node is selected.
• TANKHI-A (Tank High Level Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Water Tank High Level Alarm (BI) node
is selected.
• TANKLO-A (Tank High Level Alarm BI): This Input is loaded when the Water Tank Low Level Alarm (BI) node
is selected.
See the Input Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 584
Misc Status Items (Custom/Monitoring)
The selection options for Misc Status Items are:
• Motor Status (BI): This option indicates whether a motor is running.
• Monitor Smoke Detector (BI): This option indicates whether the system is in an alarm condition due to the
detection of smoke for up to six locations.
- 1 Point (1 BI)
- 2 Points (2 BI’s)
- 3 Points (3 BI’s)
- 4 Points (4 BI’s)
- 5 Points (5 BI’s)
- 6 Points (6 BI’s)
• Monitor Door Switch (BI): This option indicates the open/closed status of a door to a room or control cabinet
for up to six locations.
- 1 Point (1 BI)
- 2 Points (2 BI’s)
- 3 Points (3 BI’s)
- 4 Points (4 BI’s)
- 5 Points (5 BI’s)
- 6 Points (6 BI’s)

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Misc Status Items)

The Misc Status Items selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• DOORX-S (Door X Status BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Door Switch (BI) node is
selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per switch.
• MOTOR-S (Motor Status BI): This Input is loaded when the Motor Status (BI) node is selected.
• SMKX-S (Smoke Detector X Status BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Monitor Smoke Detector
(BI) node is selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per smoke detector.
See the Input Modules section.

Custom/Monitoring Control Logic Selection

Command Motor (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Command Motor are:
• Command Motor (BO): This option indicates the command to the motor.
- Status (BI): This option indicates whether the motor is running based on the motor command for up to six
- Quantity
• One
• Two
• Three
• Four

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 585
• Five
• Six

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Command Motor)

The Command Motor selections load the following modules in these Control View columns:
• MOTORX-S (Motor X Status BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Status (BI) node is selected.
The Status (BI) node is available for selection when the Command Motor (BO) and one of the Quantity nodes
are selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per motor.
See the Input Modules section.
• MOTORX-C (Motor X Command BO, where X is 1-6): This Output is loaded when the Command Motor (BO)
and one of the Quantity nodes are selected. Specific Outputs are loaded per motor.
See the Output Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 586
Command General Equipment or Lighting (Custom/Monitoring)
The selection options for Command General Equipment or Lighting are:
• Command General Equipment or Lighting (BO): This option indicates the command to the equipment or
- Status (BI): This option indicates whether the equipment/lighting is running/on based on the command for
up to six systems.
- Quantity
• One
• Two
• Three
• Four
• Five
• Six

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Command General Equipment or Lighting)

The Command General Equipment or Lighting selections load the following modules in these Control View columns:
• MISCX-S (Misc X Status BI, where X is 1-6): This Input is loaded when the Status (BI) node is selected. The
Status (BI) node is available for selection when the Command General Equipment or Lighting (BO) and one of
the Quantity nodes are selected. Specific Inputs are loaded per sensor.
See the Input Modules section.
• MISCX-C (Misc X Command BO, where X is 1-6): This Output is loaded when the Command General Equipment
or Lighting (BO) and one of the Quantity nodes are selected. Specific Outputs are loaded per sensor.
See the Output Modules section.

Command Heat Tape (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Command Heat Tape are:
• Command Heat Tape (BO): This option is used to command heat tape to warm piping under freeze conditions
for up to six locations.
- 1 Output (BO)
- 2 Outputs (2 BO’s)
- 3 Outputs (3 BO’s)
- 4 Outputs (4 BO’s)
- 5 Outputs (5 BO’s)
- 6 Outputs (6 BO’s)

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Command Heat Tape)

The Command Heat Tape selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• HTAPEX-C (Heat Tape X Command BO, where X is 1-6): This Output is loaded when the Command Heat
Tape (BO) node is selected. Specific Outputs are loaded per sensor.
See the Output Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 587
Voltage Output (Custom/Monitoring)
The selection options for Voltage Output are:
• Voltage Output (AO): This option adds analog outputs with a signal of 0-10VDC for up to six devices.
- 1 Output (AO)
- 2 Outputs (2 AO’s)
- 3 Outputs (3 AO’s)
- 4 Outputs (4 AO’s)
- 5 Outputs (5 AO’s)
- 6 Outputs (6 AO’s)

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Voltage Output)

The Voltage Output selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• VOLTX-O (Voltage Out X AO, where X is 1-6): This Output is loaded when the Voltage Output (AO) node is
selected. Specific Outputs are loaded per sensor.
See the Output Modules section.

Current Output (Custom/Monitoring)

The selection options for Current Output are:
• Current Output (AO): This option adds analog outputs with a signal of 4-20 mA for up to six devices.
- 1 Output (AO)
- 2 Outputs (2 AO’s)
- 3 Outputs (3 AO’s)
- 4 Outputs (4 AO’s)
- 5 Outputs (5 AO’s)
- 6 Outputs (6 AO’s)

Modules (Custom/Monitoring Current Output)

The Current Output selections load the following modules in this Control View column:
• CURRENTX-O (Current Out X AO, where X is 1-6): This Output is loaded when the Current Output (AO) node
is selected. Specific Outputs are loaded per sensor.
See the Output Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications 588
VAV Applications
Four system selection tree applications are available to configure single duct and dual duct VAV boxes. Most space
configuration scenarios use the VAV single duct or dual duct applications because one VAV single duct or dual duct
box controls the temperature and airflow requirements. For spaces that need more than one VAV box to maintain
the required airflow, use the VAV slave single duct or slave dual duct applications. For example, typical slave
applications may include large conference rooms or classrooms where one zone setpoint is desired, but the size of
the space under control dictates the need for more than one VAV box to maintain the space’s airflow requirements.
For these spaces, create one single duct or dual duct Master application to provide the temperature control logic
for the space, and integrate single duct or dual duct Slave configurations. You can set up the slave configurations
to read output points from their associated master application using peer-to-peer communication. Finally, if you are
replacing a discontinued N2 based controller, the VAV system selection trees provide compatibility options that
configure point mappings similar to the legacy application.
See the sections specific to the VAV Application Type:
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
See the Master and Slave VAV Box Peer-to-Peer Communication section for information on peer-to-peer
communication between Master and Slave VAV boxes.
See the N2 Compatibility Options section for more information on setting up your application for N2 compatibility.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 589

VAV Single Duct Applications
The core logic of the VAV single duct application provides the default configuration and setup parameters for the
zone temperature and flow control sequences. The selection tree also includes options for the following key
• an Exhaust Box interface to track the flow of the Supply Box to maintain positive or negative pressure in a space
• Fan logic for both Series and Parallel Fan configurations
• Heating Coil interfaces to sequence Box and Baseboard Supplemental Heat
• UL 864 UUKL Smoke Control
• Warmup and Cooldown mode logic interfaces to the building-wide Optimal Start logic
• automated Zone Setpoint shifts based on the Outdoor Air Temperature reset schedule
• CO2 Sensor interface that automatically resets the flow settings for the zone
• N2 compatibility selections that allow you to create an interface similar to the N2 legacy application
• pressure and temperature reset modules and new network outputs
The process of commissioning and balancing an application created from the VAV single duct system selection tree
is simplified because the tool provides:
• integrated logic that auto-calibrates all flow sensors
• an optional Box Flow Test feature
• the Balancer Override module that interfaces to a specific Network Sensor or the Commissioning Balancer UI
(Balancer Tab) for the Balancing Contractor to set the cubic feet per minute (cfm) parameters, box areas, and
flow constants.
Once you define the desired temperature and cfm setpoint values for the space, the tool uses patented adaptive
control techniques in all of the temperature and flow control loops to continually update all of the tuning parameters.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes
made since the last release of the tool.

VAV Single Duct Mechanical System Selection

Note: During the System Selection Process, the application automatically creates a Discharge Air Velocity Pressure
Input (DA-VP). Starting with the release of the current VMA controllers, the default signal type applied to this
Analog Input is Integrated Digital Velocity Pressure. If the application created is for a previous release of
VMA controllers, this signal type must be changed to the Integrated Velocity Pressure type.
For applications selections that do not use the built-in Velocity Pressure transducers found on the VAV
controller hardware (for example, Exhaust VAV Boxes or Dual Duct configurations), the signal type used for
a separate analog input is typically the 0–10 VDC input type.

Supply Damper Actuator (VAV-SD)

The selections for Supply Damper Actuators provide the same Inputs and Outputs for the actuator and velocity
Inputs. The key difference between the three choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is
set up.
The selection options for Supply Damper Actuator are:
• Integrated Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a VMA-Field Controller hardware model that has
the actuator and velocity pressure inputs packaged with the controller.
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC
signal for the supply damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator with two binary outputs
for incremental control for the supply damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 590

Exhaust Damper Actuator (VAV-SD)
Exhaust Damper logic requires that a separate actuator and velocity pressure transmitter are mounted on the Exhaust
VAV Box. The Exhaust Box is set up to track the flow delivered by the Supply VAV Box to pressurize the space
under control.
The two selections for the Exhaust Damper Actuator load the same Inputs and Outputs. The key difference between
the two choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is created.
If an Exhaust Damper is selected, Box Fans cannot be selected.
The selection options for Exhaust Damper Actuator are:
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC
signal for the exhaust damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator with two binary outputs
for incremental control for the exhaust damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Box Fan (VAV-SD)

The three selections for Box Fans provide the necessary State Generator, Output Controller, and Outputs based on
the type of fan selected.
If an Exhaust Damper (Exhaust Damper Actuator (VAV-SD)) is selected, Box Fans cannot be selected.
The selection options for Box Fans are:
• Parallel Fan Single Speed
- Temperature Based
- Flow Based
• Series Fan Single Speed
• Series Fan Variable Speed
- Series Fan Enable
• Fan Status: This option creates a monitoring only point to use during commissioning or to map to the Supervisory

Coils (VAV-SD)
A separate option is enabled in the Control Selection section to choose how Box Heating and Supplemental Heating
are sequenced if both are required.
Note: If you have a VAV heating application using incremental valve actuators with spring return, you must modify
the State Table to ensure proper positioning of the valve after a power failure, download, or controller reset.
In the State Table, locate the column for the Proportional Box Heating Control. In the Autocalibration Sequence
table, change the action for the state Waiting to Calibrate from * to Max.
This causes the valve to be driven open while the VAV Box damper is closed, to calibrate the flow sensor. When
the autocalibration is complete, the valve is commanded to close. This closes the valve with an appropriate Overdrive.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 591

The selection options for Coils are:
• Box Heating
- Electric Staged
• One Stage
• Two Stages
• Three Stages
- Hot Water
• Proportional Output
• Incremental Output
• Two Position Output
- Packaged Coil (SCR): This module is used for proportional electric heat. SCR stands for Silicon Controlled
• Include Heating Enable BO
• Supplemental Heating
- Electric Stage
- Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
• Incremental Output
• Two Position Output
- Packaged Coil (SCR): This module is used for proportional electric heat. SCR stands for Silicon Controlled
• Include Heating Enable BO

Optional Equipment (VAV-SD)

The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Lighting: An output to interface a Lighting Relay is created if the Lighting selection is checked. If the lighting
option is selected, the Always Occupied selection in the Occupancy (VAV-SD) section is not available. Only
the Occupancy Mode Determination Mode logic interfaces with the Lighting Output. The default output configuration
is a single, maintained binary output.
• Calibration Solenoid Valve (BO): An output to interface to one or more Calibration Solenoid Valves is created
if the Calibration Solenoid Valve BO selection is checked. This selection is always available. Select this option
to use calibration solenoid valves during the autocalibration process for spaces that must remain in control at all
times (for example, labs or hospital rooms with supply exhaust boxes). All damper outputs stay at their current
value during this 10 second process. The BO is connected to the State Selector through the Calibration Solenoid
Pass Through module. The BO zeroes the differential pressure for the Differential Pressure sensor during
autocalibration. The effective stroke time for the autocalibration sequence module changes to 10 seconds when
this option is selected to speed up the process. Use this BO for all Differential Pressure sensors in the system
(Exhaust Box).

Sensors (VAV-SD)
The selection options for the Sensors/Inputs are:
• Supply Air Temperature: This option provides an input for stand-alone morning warm-up logic.
- Used for Morning Warm-up: Warm-up logic assumes that the air handling unit supplies hot air during the
warm-up cycle to the associated VAV Box. Typically, morning warm-up logic is initiated through a Network

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 592

Input for morning warm-up, which is a selection in the Optional Features (VAV-SD) section of the tree. If the
Supply Air Temperature Used for Morning Warm-up option is selected, the option under Optional Feature
for Network Warmup - Cooldown Support is not required.
• Discharge Air Temperature: This option is used primarily as a commissioning check-out feature for applications
that have Box Heating to ensure the Discharge Air Temperature increases when Box Heating is commanded
on. Discharge Air Temperature is also used when Discharge Air Reset by Zone Control is selected in the Box
Reheat Coil Control section.
• Zone (always required): This module is a Zone Temperature Input and it is always provided. All the Zone
Temperature options assume that a model of the Network Sensor family is being used for Temperature, the
Setpoint Adjust options of Common Setpoint Adjust or Warm Cool Adjust, a Temporary Occupancy interface
from the Network Sensor, and Humidity input from the Network Sensor. Refer to the Network Sensors product
literature to match the functionality selected for the application with a specific Network Sensor hardware model.
See the ZN-T Setpoint Determination section for details on how this module works.
- Temperature
• Setpoint Adjust
- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
- Humidity
- Occupancy: This module provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate Occupancy Sensor.
- CO2 Sensor: This module provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate CO2 Sensor.
• Used for Minimum Flow Reset

Misc (VAV-SD)
The Miscellaneous selections provide binary inputs for the Energy Hold Off Determination and Unit Enable
Determination State Generators.
The selection options for Miscellaneous are:
• Energy Hold Off Switch: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Hardware Input
(BI). If Energy Hold Off is selected in the Optional Features (VAV-SD) section, then the Hardware Input or the
Network Input can activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow
control when a window or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Unit Enable Switch: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected in the Optional Features (VAV-SD) section, then when the Network Input does
not have a valid command from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and
BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown
state to cause the unit to stop).

N2 Compatibility Options (VAV-SD)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 593

- Replacing VMA1400 Series Controller
- Replacing VAV Series Controller

VAV Single Duct Control Logic Selection

Box Reheat Coil Control (VAV-SD)

The selection options for Box Reheat Coil Control are:
• Zone Control: The box heating is controlled by the zone temperature.
• Discharge Air Reset by Zone Control: The box heating is controlled by the discharge air temperature. The
DA-T setpoint is reset by zone temperature.
• Heating Flow Reset: The heating flow setpoint increases after all types of heating selected have reached their
maximum value. In certain situations, additional heating can be achieved by allowing an increase in the airflow
across the heating coil.

Occupancy (VAV-SD)
The selection options for Occupancy are:
• Always Occupied: This option sets the default value of Occupied for the ZN-T Setpoint Determination and
Balancer Override modules to Occupied.
• Scheduled Occupancy: This option creates the interface for the Supervisory system scheduling logic.
- Override Support: This option creates the local override interfaces from optional Occupancy Sensors or
Networked Sensor Temporary Occupancy interfaces.

Heating Priority (VAV-SD)

If Box Heating and Supplemental Heating are selected in the Coils (VAV-SD) configuration section, the Heating
Priority selections are enabled to determine the sequencing. A configuration input to the VAV-ZN-T Sequencing
(Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) v51), WarmupCooldown Sequencing, and the VAV-Unocc Status Determination
(Unoccupied Sequencing (VAV)) modules are set to match the selected choice.
The selection options for Heating Priority are:
• Heating Priority
- Box Heating used first
- Supplemental Heating used first

Optional Features (VAV-SD)

The Optional Features selections provide Network Inputs modules for supervisory system interfaces to override the
main applications sequence of operation through connections to the appropriate Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules
or State Generators.
The selection choices for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected in the Misc (VAV-SD) section, then when the Network Input does not have a valid
command from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected,

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 594

the state of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause
the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart Logic: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator
module. When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart
command), the application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).
• Energy Hold Off: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Network Input. If Energy
Hold Off Switch is selected in the Misc (VAV-SD) section, then the Network Input or the Hardware Input (BI) can
activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when a window
or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Network Warmup-Cooldown Support: This feature provides central system warm-up (or cooldown) support.
Warm-up occurs when the AHU serving a set of VAV boxes provides warm air (typically 85 to 90°F [29 to 32°C])
to the boxes. This feature is often used first thing in the morning on cool days before occupants arrive. The
control action on the flow setpoint control is reversed to prevent overheating the spaces. The minimum flow
setpoint may be independently specified for warm-up and cooldown. Warm-up is triggered either based on writing
to the Network Input when the AHU is commanded to warm up, or by each VAV sensing the actual temperature
of the air supplied by the AHU and automatically switching to warm-up.
• Zone Low Limit Support: This feature is typically used with the Energy Hold Off feature to cycle heating On
when the temperature falls below a low limit.
• Summer-Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift: This option allows the zone setpoints to be automatically
adjusted based on the outdoor air temperature. This feature is often used for entry zones, such as an atrium,
that feel comfortable at warmer or cooler temperatures because occupants usually enter from much warmer or
cooler conditions. For example, if the outdoor air temperature is 20°F (-7°C), the atrium temperature may be
kept at 65°F (18°C) rather than 69°F (21°C) because occupants wear heavier clothing as they come in from or
go to the outdoors.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 595

VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
For single duct slave applications, no zone temperature or setpoint logic is created. Instead, Network Input points
read corresponding values using peer-to-peer references from the associated Master VAV application to track key
Mode states, inputs for CO2 and OA Percent, Flow Status and % Command, and any heating outputs from the
master VAV box. Using this technique to control the VAV slaves ensures that the master and slave boxes are
synchronized to heat and cool the entire space.

VAV Slave Single Duct Mechanical System Selection

Supply Damper Actuator (VAV-SD Slave)

The selections for Supply Damper Actuators provide the same Inputs and Outputs for the actuator and velocity
Inputs. The key difference between the three choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is
set up.
The selection options for Supply Damper Actuator are:
• Integrated Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a VMA-Field Controller hardware model that has
the actuator and velocity pressure inputs packaged with the controller.
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC
signal for the supply damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator with two binary outputs
for incremental control for the supply damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Exhaust Damper Actuator (VAV-SD Slave)

Exhaust Damper logic requires that a separate actuator and velocity pressure transmitter are mounted on the Exhaust
VAV Box. The Exhaust Box is set up to track the flow delivered by the Supply VAV Box to pressurize or depressurize
the space under control.
The two selections for the Exhaust Damper Actuator load the same Inputs and Outputs. The key difference between
the two choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is created.
If an Exhaust Damper is selected, Box Fans cannot be selected.
The selection options for Exhaust Damper Actuator are:
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC
signal for the exhaust damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a non-integrated actuator with two binary outputs
for incremental control for the exhaust damper and that a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Box Fan (VAV-SD Slave)

The three selections for Box Fans provide the necessary State Generator, Output Controller, and Outputs based on
the type of fan selected.
If an Exhaust Damper is selected, Box Fans cannot be selected.
The selection options for Box Fans are:
• Parallel Fan Single Speed
• Series Fan Single Speed
• Series Fan Variable Speed
- Series Fan Enable
• Fan Status: This option creates a monitoring only point to use during commissioning or to map to the Supervisory

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 596

Coils (VAV-SD Slave)
A separate option is enabled in the Control Selection section to choose how Box Heating and Supplemental Heating
are sequenced if both are required.
Note: If you have a VAV heating application using incremental valve actuators with spring return, you must modify
the State Table to ensure proper positioning of the valve after a power failure, download, or controller reset.
In the State Table, locate the column for the Proportional Box Heating Control. In the Autocalibration Sequence
table, change the action for the state Waiting to Calibrate from * to Max.
This causes the valve to be driven open while the VAV Box damper is closed, to calibrate the flow sensor.
When the autocalibration is complete, the valve is commanded to close. This closes the valve with an
appropriate Overdrive.
The selection options for Coils are:
• Box Heating
- Electric Staged
• One Stage
• Two Stages
• Three Stages
- Hot Water
• Proportional Output
• Incremental Output
• Two Position Output
- Packaged Coil (SCR): This module is used for proportional electric heat. SCR stands for Silicon Controlled
• Include Heating Enable BO
• Supplemental Heating
- Electric Stage
- Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
• Incremental Output
• Two Position Output
- Packaged Coil (SCR): This module is used for proportional electric heat. SCR stands for Silicon Controlled
• Include Heating Enable BO

Optional Equipment (VAV-SD Slave)

The selection option for Optional Equipment is Calibration Solenoid Valve (BO). This BO is an output to interface
to one or more Calibration Solenoid Valves, and is created if the Calibration Solenoid Valve BO selection is checked.
This selection is always available. Select this option to use calibration solenoid valves during the autocalibration
process for spaces that must remain in control at all times (for example, labs with supply exhaust boxes or hospital
rooms). All damper outputs stay at their current value during this 10 second process. The BO is connected to the
State Selector through the Calibration Solenoid Pass Through module. The BO zeroes the differential pressure for
the Differential Pressure sensor during autocalibration. The effective stroke time for the autocalibration sequence
module changes to 10 seconds when this option is selected to speed up the process. Use this BO for all Differential
Pressure sensors in the system (Exhaust Box).

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 597

Sensors (VAV-SD Slave)
The selection options for the Sensors/Inputs are:
• Supply Air Temperature: This option provides an input for stand-alone morning warm-up logic.
• Discharge Air Temperature: This option is used primarily as a commissioning check-out feature for applications
that have Box Heating to ensure the Discharge Air Temperature increases when Box Heating is commanded

VAV Slave Single Duct Control Logic Selection

Smoke Control Support UL-864-UUKL (VAV-SD Slave)

The selection option for Smoke Control Support UL-864-UUKL is:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 598

VAV Dual Duct Applications
The core logic of the VAV dual duct application provides the default configuration and setup parameters for the zone
temperature and flow control sequences. This application has options to configure the flow pick-up locations for the
different combinations of the Hot Deck, Cold Deck, or Total Flow. The selection tree also includes options for the
following key configurations:
• an Exhaust Box interface to track the flow of the Supply Box to maintain positive or negative pressure in a space
• Heating Coil interfaces to sequence Hot Deck Heat and Baseboard Supplemental Heat
• UL 864 UUKL Smoke Control
• Warmup and Cooldown mode logic interfaces to the building-wide Optimal Start logic
• automated Zone Setpoint shifts based on the Outdoor Air Temperature reset schedule
• CO2 Sensor interface that automatically resets the flow settings for the zone
• N2 compatibility selections that allow you to create an interface similar to the N2 legacy application
• pressure and temperature reset modules and new network outputs
The process of commissioning and balancing an application created from the VAV dual duct system selection tree
is simplified because the tool provides:
• integrated logic that auto-calibrates all flow sensors
• the Balancer Override module that interfaces to a specific Network Sensor or the Commissioning Balancer UI
(Balancer Tab) for the Balancing Contractor to set the cfm parameters, box areas, and flow constants.
Once you define the desired temperature and cfm setpoint values for the space, the tool uses patented adaptive
control techniques in all of the temperature and flow control loops to continually update all of the tuning parameters.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes
made since the last release of the tool.

VAV Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection

Cold Deck Damper Actuator (VAV-DD)

The three selections for Cold Deck Damper Actuator load the same Outputs for the actuator. The key difference
between the three choices is how the hardware definition for each of the Outputs is created in the Details dialog
box. The configuration and naming of the Flow Inputs for the Cold Deck, Hot Deck, or Total Flow is determined by
the Flow Inputs Locations (Flow Sensor Locations (VAV-DD)) selections, which follow the Cold Deck Damper Actuator
and Hot Deck Damper Actuator (VAV-DD) selections.
The selection options for Cold Deck Damper Actuator are:
• Integrated Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a VMA-Field Controller hardware model that has
the actuator and velocity pressure inputs packaged with the controller. If the Cold Deck is set up for the VMA
Integrated Actuator and Flow Sensor, the Hot Deck Damper selection for VMA Integrated Actuator is disabled.
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC signal is used
for the Cold Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses two binary outputs for
incremental control is used for the Cold Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 599

Hot Deck Damper Actuator (VAV-DD)
The three selections for Hot Deck Damper Actuator load the same Outputs for the actuator. The key difference
between the three choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is created in the Details dialog
box. If the Hot Deck is set up for the VMA Integrated Actuator and Flow Sensor, the Cold Deck Damper selection
for VMA Integrated Actuator is disabled. The configuration and naming of the Flow Inputs for the Cold Deck, Hot
Deck, or Total Flow is determined by the Flow Inputs Locations (Flow Sensor Locations (VAV-DD)) selections, which
follow the Cold Deck Damper Actuator and Hot Deck Damper Actuator (VAV-DD) selections.
• Integrated Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a VMA-Field Controller hardware model that has
the actuator and velocity pressure inputs packaged with the controller. If the Hot Deck is set up for the VMA
Integrated Actuator and Flow Sensor, the Hot Deck Damper selection for VMA Integrated Actuator is disabled.
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC signal is used
for the Hot Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses two binary outputs for
incremental control is used for the Hot Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Flow Sensor Locations (VAV-DD)

The three selection options determine the specific Input names created for the flow inputs and the
Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules, and the connection interfaces from the flow inputs required to calculate Hot Deck,
Cold Deck, and Total Flows.
The selection options for Flow Sensor Locations are:
• Hot and Cold Deck Flow
• Hot Deck and Total Flow
• Cold Deck and Total Flow

Exhaust Damper Actuator (VAV-DD)

Exhaust Damper logic requires that a separate actuator and velocity pressure transmitter are mounted on the Exhaust
VAV Box. The Exhaust Box is set up to track the flow delivered by the Supply VAV Box to pressurize the space
under control.
The two selections for the Exhaust Damper Actuator load the same Inputs and Outputs. The key difference between
the two choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is created.
The selection options for Exhaust Damper Actuator are:
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC signal is used
for the exhaust damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses two binary outputs for
incremental control is used for the exhaust damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 600

Coils (VAV-DD)
The selection options for Coils are:
• Supplemental Heating
- Electric Stage
- Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
• Incremental Output
• Two Position Output

Optional Equipment (VAV-DD)

The selection options for Optional Equipment are:
• Lighting: An output to interface a Lighting Relay is created if the Lighting selection is checked. If the lighting
option is selected, the Always Occupied selection in the Occupancy (VAV-DD) section is not available. Only
the Occupancy Mode Determination Mode logic interfaces with the Lighting Output. The default output configuration
is a single, maintained binary output.
• Calibration Solenoid Valve (BO): An output to interface to one or more Calibration Solenoid Valves is created
if the Calibration Solenoid Valve BO selection is checked. This selection is always available. Select this option
to use calibration solenoid valves during the autocalibration process for spaces that must remain in control at all
times (for example, labs with supply exhaust boxes or hospital rooms). All damper outputs stay at their current
value during this 10 second process. The BO is connected to the State Selector through the Calibration Solenoid
Pass Through module. The BO zeroes the differential pressure for the Differential Pressure sensor during
autocalibration. The effective stroke time for the autocalibration sequence module changes to 10 seconds when
this option is selected to speed up the process. Use this BO for all Differential Pressure sensors in the system
(Hot Deck, Cold Deck, Total Flow, and Exhaust Box).

Sensors (VAV-DD)
The selection options for the Sensors/Inputs are:
• Discharge Air Temperature: This option is used primarily as a monitoring feature during commissioning.
• Zone (always required): A Zone Temperature Input is always provided. All the Zone Temperature options assume
that a model of the Network Sensor family is being used for Temperature, the Setpoint Adjust options of Common
Setpoint Adjust or Warm Cool Adjust, a Temporary Occupancy Interface from the Network Sensor, and Humidity
input from the Network Sensor. Refer to the Network Sensors product literature to match the functionality selected
for the application with a specific Network Sensor hardware model. See the ZN-T Setpoint Determination section
for details on how this module works.
- Temperature
• Setpoint Adjust
- Common Setpoint Adjust
- Warm Cool Adjust
• Temp Occ Support
- Humidity

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 601

- Occupancy: This option provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate Occupancy Sensor.
- CO2 Sensor: This option provides an Input interface to the logic from a separate CO2 Sensor.
• Used for Minimum Flow Reset

Misc (VAV-DD)
The Miscellaneous selections provide binary inputs for the Energy Hold Off Determination and Unit Enable
Determination State Generators.
The selection options for Miscellaneous are:
• Energy Hold Off Switch: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Hardware Input
(BI). If Energy Hold Off is selected in the Optional Features (VAV-SD) section, then the Hardware Input or the
Network Input can activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow
control when a window or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Unit Enable Switch: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Hardware Input
(BI). If Unit Enable is selected in the Optional Features (VAV-SD) section, then when the Network Input does
not have a valid command from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and
BV are selected, the state of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown
state to cause the unit to stop).

N2 Compatibility Options (VAV-DD)

The N2 Compatibility Options selection provides a solution for replacement of N2-based products that are no longer
available. When you select this option, the application provides mappings for those points that are the same as they
were in the legacy application.
The selection options for N2 Compatibility Options are:
• N2 Compatibility Options
- Replacing VMA1400 Series Controller
- Replacing VAV Series Controller

VAV Dual Duct Control Logic Selection

Control Scheme (VAV-DD)

The Control Scheme for Dual Duct applications determines how the Setpoints and Output Control Logic are configured.
Constant Box Flow configurations are set up so the Hot and Cold Deck Dampers are controlled to maintain constant
flow delivery into the space. The Variable Box Flow configurations are set up so the Cold Deck Damper and Hot
Deck Damper maintain separate flow setpoints depending on whether the zone requires heating or cooling to maintain
heating and cooling zone temperature setpoints.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 602

The Selection options for Control Scheme are:
• Constant Box Flow
• Variable Box Flow
- Optimized Minimum Flow: The total minimum box flow is proportioned from the hot and cold deck during
the deadband when the box is satisfied. When in heating or cooling, the total minimum box flow is taken from
the hot or cold deck, respectively.

Occupancy (VAV-DD)
The selection options for Occupancy are:
• Always Occupied: This option sets the default value of Occupied for the ZN-T Setpoint Determination and
Balancer Override modules to Occupied.
• Scheduled Occupancy: This option creates the interface for the Supervisory system scheduling logic.
- Override Support: This option creates the local override interfaces from optional Occupancy Sensors or
Networked Sensor Temporary Occupancy interfaces.

Optional Features (VAV-DD)

The Optional Features selections provide Network Input modules for supervisory system interfaces to override the
main applications sequence of operation through connections to the appropriate Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules
or State Generators.
The selection choices for Optional Features are:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.
For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.
• Unit Enable: This option determines whether the application operates based on the Network Input (BV). If Unit
Enable Switch is selected in the Misc (VAV-SD) section, then when the Network Input does not have a valid
command from the network, it is considered unreliable (and the unit is enabled). If both BI and BV are selected,
the state of both must be Enable for the unit to operate (that is, either input can be in a shutdown state to cause
the unit to stop).
• Power Fail Restart Logic: This feature is available as part of the Unit Enable Determination State Generator
module. When this option is selected, after a restart (power cycle, controller download, or manual restart
command), the application is held in the shutdown state for the Power Fail Restart Time (default = 60 seconds).
• Energy Hold Off: This option allows the unit to shut down based on the energy hold off Network Input. If Energy
Hold Off Switch is selected in the Misc (VAV-SD) section, then the Network Input or the Hardware Input (BI) can
activate the mode. This feature is typically used to shut down the temperature and airflow control when a window
or loading door is open (for example, a window switch).
• Network Warmup-Cooldown Support: This feature provides warm-up by using the hot duct to warm up the
space. This feature is often used first thing in the morning on cool days before occupants arrive. The cold duct
damper is kept at its minimum flow while the hot duct damper controls the space temperature. Warm-up is
triggered based on writing to the Network Input to command the controller into warm-up.
• Zone Low Limit Support: This feature is typically used with the Energy Hold Off feature to cycle heating On
when the temperature falls below a low limit.
• Summer-Winter Compensation Setpoint Shift: This option allows the zone setpoints to be automatically
adjusted based on the outdoor air temperature. This feature is often used for entry zones, such as an atrium,
that feel comfortable at warmer or cooler temperatures because occupants usually enter from much warmer or
cooler conditions. For example, if the outdoor air temperature is 20°F (-7°C), the atrium temperature may be

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 603

kept at 65°F (18°C) rather than 69°F (21°C) because occupants wear heavier clothing as they come in from or
go to the outdoors.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 604

VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
For dual duct slave applications, no zone temperature or setpoint logic is created. Instead, Network Input points
read corresponding values using peer-to-peer references from the associated Master VAV application to track key
Mode states, inputs for CO2 and OA Percent, and any heating outputs from the master VAV box. Using this technique
to control the VAV slaves ensures that the master and slave boxes are synchronized to heat and cool the entire

VAV Slave Dual Duct Mechanical System Selection

Cold Deck Damper Actuator (VAV-DD Slave)

The three selections for Cold Deck Damper Actuator load the same Outputs for the actuator. The key difference
between the three choices is how the hardware definition for each of the Outputs is created in the Details dialog
box. The configuration and naming of the Flow Inputs for the Cold Deck, Hot Deck, or Total Flow is determined by
the Flow Sensor Locations (VAV-DD Slave) selections, which follow the Cold Deck Damper Actuator and Hot Deck
Damper Actuator (VAV-DD Slave) selections.
The selection options for Cold Deck Damper Actuator are:
• Integrated Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a VMA-Field Controller hardware model that has
the actuator and velocity pressure inputs packaged with the controller. If the Cold Deck is set up for the VMA
Integrated Actuator and Flow Sensor, the Hot Deck Damper selection for VMA Integrated Actuator is disabled.
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC signal is used
for the Cold Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses two binary outputs for
incremental control is used for the Cold Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Hot Deck Damper Actuator (VAV-DD Slave)

The three selections for Hot Deck Damper Actuator load the same Outputs for the actuator. The key difference
between the three choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is created in the Details dialog
box. If the Hot Deck is set up for the VMA Integrated Actuator and Flow Sensor, the Cold Deck Damper selection
for VMA Integrated Actuator is disabled. The configuration and naming of the Flow Inputs for the Cold Deck, Hot
Deck, or Total Flow is determined by the Flow Sensor Locations (VAV-DD Slave) selections, which follow the Cold
Deck Damper Actuator (VAV-DD Slave) and Hot Deck Damper Actuator selections.
• Integrated Actuator: This option assumes that you are using a VMA-Field Controller hardware model that has
the actuator and velocity pressure inputs packaged with the controller. If the Hot Deck is set up for the VMA
Integrated Actuator and Flow Sensor, the Hot Deck Damper selection for VMA Integrated Actuator is disabled.
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC signal is used
for the Hot Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses two binary outputs for
incremental control is used for the Hot Deck Damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Flow Sensor Locations (VAV-DD Slave)

The three selection options determine the specific Input names created for the flow inputs and the
Setpoint/Miscellaneous modules, and the connection interfaces from the flow inputs required to calculate Hot Deck,
Cold Deck, and Total Flows.
The selection options for Flow Sensor Locations are:
• Hot and Cold Deck Flow
• Hot Deck and Total Flow
• Cold Deck and Total Flow

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 605

Exhaust Damper Actuator (VAV-DD Slave)
Exhaust Damper logic requires that a separate actuator and velocity pressure transmitter are mounted on the Exhaust
VAV Box. The Exhaust Box can is set up to track the flow delivered by the Supply VAV Box to pressurize/depressurize
the space under control.
The two selections for the Exhaust Damper Actuator load the same Inputs and Outputs. The key difference between
the two choices is how the hardware definition for each Input and Output is created.
The selection options for Exhaust Damper Actuator are:
• Proportional Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses a 0-10 VDC signal is used
for the exhaust damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.
• Incremental Actuator: This option assumes that a non-integrated actuator that uses two binary outputs for
incremental control is used for the exhaust damper and a non-integrated velocity pressure input is selected.

Coils (VAV-DD Slave)

The selection options for Coils are:
• Supplemental Heating
- Electric Stage
- Hot Water or Steam
• Proportional Output
• Incremental Output
• Two Position Output

Optional Equipment (VAV-DD Slave)

The selection option for Optional Equipment is Calibration Solenoid Valve (BO). This BO is an output to interface
to one or more Calibration Solenoid Valves, and is created if the Calibration Solenoid Valve BO selection is checked.
This selection is always available. Select this option to use calibration solenoid valves during the autocalibration
process for spaces that must remain in control at all times (for example, labs with supply exhaust boxes or hospital
rooms). All damper outputs stay at their current value during this 10 second process. The BO is connected to the
State Selector through the Calibration Solenoid Pass Through module. The BO zeroes the differential pressure for
the Differential Pressure sensor during autocalibration. The effective stroke time for the autocalibration sequence
module changes to 10 seconds when this option is selected to speed up the process. Use this BO for all Differential
Pressure sensors in the system (Hot Deck, Cold Deck, Total Flow, and Exhaust Box).

Sensors (VAV-DD Slave)

The selection option for Sensors/Inputs is:
• Discharge Air Temperature: This option is used primarily as a monitoring feature during commissioning.

VAV Slave Dual Duct Control Logic Selection

Smoke Control Support UL-864-UUKL (VAV-DD Slave)

The selection option for Smoke Control Support UL-864-UUKL is:
• Smoke Control Support (UL-864-UUKL): This option adds the Emergency Mode Network Input and the Smoke
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State Generator module. In the State Selection Table, you can create
state values for each Output Controller to provide normal control, pressurize, depressurize, purge, or shutdown.

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 606

For example, if the Emergency Mode Network Input is set to shutdown, you can set all of the Output Controller
states to the desired condition in the State Selection Table.

Control Scheme (VAV-DD Slave)

The Control Scheme for Slave Dual Duct applications determines how the Setpoints and Output Control Logic are
configured. Constant Box Flow configurations are set up so the Hot and Cold Deck Dampers are controlled to
maintain constant flow delivery into the space. The Variable Box Flow configurations are set up so the Cold Deck
Damper and Hot Deck Damper maintain separate flow setpoints depending on whether the zone requires heating
or cooling to maintain heating and cooling zone temperature setpoints.
The selection options for Control Scheme are:
• Constant Box Flow
• Variable Box Flow

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 607

Master and Slave VAV Box Peer-to-Peer Communication
The following sections contain information on peer-to-peer communication between Master and Slave VAV boxes:
• VAV Master and Slave Single Duct Peer References
• VAV Master and Slave Dual Duct Peer References

VAV Master and Slave Single Duct Peer References

Table 210 summarizes all of the possible Network Inputs created in the VAV Slave Single Duct Applications and
their corresponding Peer References to read from the Master VAV or AHU application.
Table 210: VAV Master and Slave Single Duct Peer References
Slave Application Network Inputs Master Application Object ID Type Master Object ID Peer Reference
and Name
Network Input
EMERGENCY-MODE Smoke Sequence-State from the Smoke MV 3915
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL
State Generation module
MSTRFAN-C Output BO 2045
Parallel Fan Flow Based SF-C
MSTRFAN-C Output BO 2045
Parallel Fan Temp Based SF-C
MSTRFAN-C Output BO 2045
Series Fan On-Off or Proportional SF-C
MSTRFAN-O Output AO 2049
Series Proportional SF-O
MSTRFLOW-PERCENT CLG-O parameter from the Flow Setpoint AV 3615
(VAV Single Duct) (Flow Setpoint (VAV
Single Duct) v51) Output Controller
MSTRFLOW-PERCENT CLG-O parameter from the Flow Setpoint AV 5706
HFR (VAV Single Duct HFR) (Supply Flow
Setpoint Control HFR) Output Controller
MSTRFLOW-S SAFLOW-OUTSTATE parameter from the MV 3387
Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) (Flow
Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) v51) Output
Controller module
MSTRFLOW-S SAFLOW-OUTSTATE parameter from the MV 5707
Flow Setpoint HFR (VAV Single Duct)
(Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR)
Output Controller module
MSTRHTG1-C Output BO 2011
Stage 1 HTG1-C
MSTRHTG2-C Output BO 2012
Stage 2 HTG2-C
MSTRHTG3-C Output BO 2013
Stage 3 HTG3-C

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 608

Table 210: VAV Master and Slave Single Duct Peer References
Slave Application Network Inputs Master Application Object ID Type Master Object ID Peer Reference
and Name
MSTRHTG-O Output AO 2015
Incremental HTG-O
MSTRHTG-O Output AO 2014
Proportional HTG-O
MSTRSUPHTG1-C Output BO 2126
Electric On Off SUPHTG1-C
MSTRSUPHTG1-C Output BO 2128
Steam/Hot Water On Off SUPHTG1-C
Incremental SUPHTG-O
Proportional SUPHTG-O
MSTRZN-CO2 Input AI 1100
OA-PERCENT Network Input AV 56
OA Percent
SA-T Input AI 1019
DA-T from the AHU controller

VAV Master and Slave Dual Duct Peer References

Table 211 summarizes all of the possible Network Inputs created in the VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications and their
corresponding Peer References to read from the Master VAV application.
Table 211: VAV Master and Slave Dual Duct Peer References
Slave Application Network Inputs Master Application Object ID Type Master Object ID Peer Reference
and Name
AUTOCAL-C Autocal State value from the MV 3091
Autocalibration Sequence (Autocalibration
Sequence v50) State Generation module
CD-OA% Network Input AV 10
EMERGENCY-MODE Smoke Sequence-State value from the MV 3915
Smoke Control Sequencing for
UL-864-UUKL State Generation module
HD-OA% Network Input AV 36
MSTRCDFLOW-OUTSTATE CDD-OUTSTATE parameter from the CD MV 3123 (Constant Flow)
Damper Control module
MV 3126 (Variable Flow)
MSTRCDFLOW-PERCENT Damper % Command value from the CD AV 78370 (Variable Flow)
Damper Control module
AV 78241 (Constant Flow)

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 609

Table 211: VAV Master and Slave Dual Duct Peer References
Slave Application Network Inputs Master Application Object ID Type Master Object ID Peer Reference
and Name
MSTRHDFLOW-OUTSTATE HDD-OUTSTATE parameter from the HD MV 3224 (Constant Flow)
Damper Control module
MV 3226 (Variable Flow)
MSTRHDFLOW-PERCENT Damper % Command value from the HD AV 78628 (Variable Flow)
Damper Control module
AV 78499 (Constant Flow)
MSTRSUPHTG1-C Output BO 2126
Electric On Off SUPHTG1-C
MSTRSUPHTG1-C Output BO 2128
Steam/Hot Water On Off SUPHTG1-C
Incremental SUPHTG-O
Proportional SUPHTG-O
MSTRZN-CO2 Input AI 1100

Controller Tool Help: VAV Applications 610

N2 Compatibility Options
N2 compatibility provides a way to modify the controller application when it is intended for use as a replacement for
a legacy N2-based controller. Depending on the application, N2 compatibility provides an interface that is similar to
the legacy N2 controller application, or provides point mappings for points that are the same as they were in the
legacy application. In the tool, N2 compatibility is available for the following controllers:
• DX9100
• VMA14xx Series Controllers
• VAV1xxx Series Controllers
For more information on the Compatibility Options selection that enables this feature, see System Selection Tree
Compatibility Option.


System Selection Tree Compatibility Option

The System Selection Tree includes an N2 Compatibility Options selection to enable reusing much of the existing
N2 supervisor's configuration when replacing a legacy N2 controller. When you select N2 Compatibility Options in
the System Selection Tree, this option provides N2 compatibility in one of two ways:
• For VAV Single Duct and AHU Mixed Air Single Duct applications, the N2 Compatibility Option selection provides
an interface that is similar to the legacy N2 application.
• For all other applications, the N2 Compatibility Option selection provides mappings for points that are the same
as they were in the legacy application; however, you must select or deselect additional points for N2 mapping
and provide the N2 point addresses for points that you add.
When N2 Compatibility Options is selected in a System Selection Tree, the tool generates the appropriate network
inputs and network outputs and provide input translation modules to convert legacy points into the current application
points. Based on the selections, the tool also generates output translation modules that provides the output interface
used in earlier N2 applications. The VAV Single Duct and AHU Mixed Air Single Duct applications fully update the
interface used by N2 applications. The N2 Compatibility Options selection allows you to create replacement
applications for the most frequently used N2 applications.

N2 Mapping Tab
The N2 Mapping tab of the Define Hardware dialog allows you to create, remove, modify, and view application point
mapping for an N2 object in a controller. The N2 Mapping tab is available for all controller tool applications, including
those that do not have the N2 Compatibility Options selection.
The N2 Mapping tab organizes points in a series of subtabs. If you select N2 Compatibility Options in the System
Selection Tree, the points are organized into tabs consistent with the existing N2 application (Figure 69). If you do
not select N2 Compatibility Options, or for applications that do not display the N2 Compatibility Options selection,
the tabs are organized by point type (Figure 70).
When you create a new controller application for N2, you must use the N2 mapping functionality to assign N2 point
The points that appear in the N2 Mapping tab must be BACnet Exposed. You can modify the points that appear by
using the BACnet Exposed widget. See the Adding and Removing N2 Points section.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 611

Figure 69: N2 Mapping Tab with Compatibility Options Selected

Figure 70: N2 Mapping Tab without Compatibility Options Selected

N2 Controller Point Limits

You can define N2 compatible controllers as AHUs, UNTs, VAVs, and vendor devices (VNDs). The following tables
show the point limits of the controllers. Use these tables to determine the point limits of the N2 controller and of the
device that the controller is defined as, and use the lower of the two limits. For example, if you define an FEC or
PCG controller as an AHU, your point limit for AIs is 8, as defined in the AHU Point Mapping to N2 Supervisors
(Table 213), and not the potential of 12 shown in Table 212.
Table 212: Controller Point Limitations
Network Point Type Network Point Address
AI 1–50 1–12 1–8
BI 1–50 1–12 1–8
AO 1–50 1–10 1–8

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 612

Table 212: Controller Point Limitations
Network Point Type Network Point Address
BO 1–50 1–15 1–8
adf 1–256 1–256 1–256
adi 1–256 1–256 1–256
bd 1–256 1–256 1–256

Point Mapping Guidelines

The following tables list the controllers and points that you can manually map into an N2 supervisor.
Note: The maximum limits of FEC/PCG, FAC/PCA , and VMA/PCV controllers are different from the maximum
limits of N2 devices. Consider these limitations in addition to the guidelines in the following tables.
Table 213: AHU Point Mapping to an N2 Supervisor
Network Point Type Network Point Address Command Allowed Can Map to NAE Objects
AI 1–8 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
AO 1–8 Yes AI, MSO
BI 1–8 Yes BI, BO
BI 7–8 can be mapped to
BO 1–10 Yes BO
ADF 1–128 No AI, MSI
129–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
ADI 1–128 No AI, MSI
129–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
BD 1–192 No AI, BI, MSI
1 Yes AI, AO, BI, BO, MSI, MSO

1 BD point addresses 245–248 are reserved for user-defined data storage points.

Table 214: UNT Point Mapping to N2 Supervisor

Network Point Type Network Point Address Command Allowed Can Map to NAE Objects
AI 1–40 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
AO 1–8 Yes AO
BI 1–37 Yes BI, BO
BI 4 can be mapped to
BO 1–14 Yes BO
ADF 1–64 No AI, MSI
65–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
ADI 1–64 No AI, MSI
65–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 613

Table 214: UNT Point Mapping to N2 Supervisor
Network Point Type Network Point Address Command Allowed Can Map to NAE Objects
BD 1–64 No AI, BI, MSI
1 Yes AI, AO, BI, BO, MSI, MSO

1 BD point addresses 245–248 are reserved for user-defined data storage points.

Table 215: VAV Point Mapping to N2 Supervisor

Network Point Type Network Point Address Command Allowed Can Map to NAE Objects
AI 1–6 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
AO 1–8 Yes AI, MSO
BI 1–5 Yes BI, BO
BI 4 can be mapped to
BO 1–8 Yes BO
ADF 1–64 No AI, MSI
65–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
ADI 1–64 No AI, MSI
65–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
BD 1–64 No AI, BI, MSI
1 Yes AI, AO, BI, BO, MSI, MSO

1 BD point addresses 245–248 are reserved for user-defined data storage points.

Table 216: VMA/PCV Point Mapping to N2 Supervisor

Network Point Type Network Point Address Command Allowed Can Map to NAE Objects
AI 1–6 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
AO 1–8 Yes AI, MSO
BI 1–5 Yes BI, BO
BO 1–8 Yes BO
ADF 1–64 No AI, MSI
65–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
ADI 1–64 No AI, MSI
65–256 Yes AI, AO, MSI, MSO
BD 1–64 No AI, BI, MSI
1 Yes AI, AO, BI, BO, MSI, MSO

1 BD point addresses 245–248 are reserved for user-defined data storage points.

Device Types
The N2 Mapping tab includes a Device Type setting. The following table shows the appropriate Device Type selection
and corresponding controllers.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 614

Table 217: Device Type Selection
Device Type Applicable Controllers
AHU Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-AHU)
UNT Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-UNT)
VAV Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-VAV)
VND VMA1400, DX9100
All Other Controllers: DC9100, DCM, DR9100, LCP, MIG, NDM, PHX, TC9100, XT9100, XTM, XM1 (XBN),
XM2 (XRM), XM3 (XRL or XRE), XM4 (XRL 2x2), XM5 (XRL 2x3), XM^ (XRM 2x2), XM7 (XRM 2x3)

N2 Compatibility Network Inputs

The following table lists the network inputs associated with the N2 compatibility options.
Table 218: N2 Compatibility Options Network Inputs
Input Description Type Application Compatibility
MASD 1400 100 UNT
Heating Available Indicates to the controller whether box Boolean X X
heating and supplemental heating are
Water Flush Input Indicates the controller should be in a water Boolean X X X X X
flush mode. In this mode, the heating water
valves are driven open to the flush position
(default is 100%).
VAV Box Mode Input Indicates the VAV Box Mode that the Enum X X
controller should be in.
N2 Common Indicates the common setpoint for a Float X X
Setpoint controller.
OA Fraction Indicates the percentage of outside air that Float X X
is in the supply air stream.
Occupancy Indicates VMA14xx occupancy schedule Enum X X
Schedule enumeration.
Autocal Request Commands the controller to perform an Boolean X X
Setpoint Threshold Indicates the setpoint threshold that causes Float X X
the controller to take an immediate action
when the user changes the setpoint.
OCCOVRTM Occ Ovrd Time - Indicates the amount of time Float X X X
that the controller remains in Temporary
Occupancy mode.
FANSP% Speed Setting - Indicates the Series Float X X X
Proportional fan operating speed.
OCC-C Occupied Command - Indicates whether the Boolean X X X X
operation is occupied or unoccupied.
STBY-C Standby Command - Indicates standby mode. Boolean X X
Active if occupied command is false.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 615

Table 218: N2 Compatibility Options Network Inputs
Input Description Type Application Compatibility
MASD 1400 100 UNT
FANONSP Fan On Threshold - Indicates the point at Float X X
which the Parallel or Series fan turns on.
FANOFFSP Fan Off Threshold - Indicates the point at Float X X
which the Parallel or Series fan turns off.
FANONSP Reheat Fan On Threshold - Indicates the Float X X
point at which the Parallel or Series fan turns
FANOFFSP Reheat Fan Off Threshold - Indicates the Float X X
point at which the Parallel or Series fan turns
WUP-C Warmup Command - Indicates whether the Boolean X X X X
unit is using warmup mode.
BOXCLSE Shutdn Box Close Cmd - Commands the VAV Boolean X X
box to drive fully closed.
SDWN-C Shutdn Box Open Cmd - Commands the VAV Boolean X X
box to drive fully open.
SPRAMPST Ramp Rate - Indicates the speed at which Float X X
the VAV Supply Fan ramps up on startup.
VENT-C Vent Command - Commands the unit into Boolean X X
ventilation mode.
PRGE-C Purge Command - Commands the unit into Boolean X X
purge mode.
SDWN-C Shutdown Command - Commands the AHU Boolean X X
unit to turn off.

N2 Compatibility Network Outputs

The following table lists the network outputs associated with the N2 compatibility options.
Table 219: Network Outputs
Output Description Application Compatibility
MASD 1400 100 NT
NOCOOL Inadequate Cooling - Indicates that the VAV box has X X X
reached maximum cooling capacity and that the zone
temperature is still too warm.
NOHEAT Inadequate Heating - Indicates that the VAV box has X X X
reached maximum heating capacity and that the zone
temperature is still too cool.
STARVBOX Starved Box - Indicates that the VAV box is open to X X X
maximum position and that the airflow is still below the flow
STARVEBOX Starved Exhaust Box - Indicates that the VAV box exhaust X X X
damper is open to maximum position and that the airflow
cannot reach the differential flow setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 616

Table 219: Network Outputs
Output Description Application Compatibility
MASD 1400 100 NT
ACACT Autocal Active - Indicates that the VAV box is performing X X X
an auto-calibration sequence.
WC-S Warmup Status - Indicates that the VAV box is in warmup X X
OCC-S Occupied Status - Indicates that the VAV box is in occupied X X
STBY-S Standby Status - Indicates that the VAV box is in standby X X

N2 Compatibility Modules Overview

The following table lists the modules associated with N2 compatibility. See the following sections for more detailed
Table 220: N2 Compatibility Modules
Name Description Location Application Compatibility
MASD 1400 100 UNT
N2 Translates the OCCSCHED command from a Setpoint/ X X
Occupancy supervisory device to the Occupancy Schedule input Miscellaneous
Mode Input of the Occupancy Mode determination. It also allows
the OCCTIME to be entered in minutes and then
converts it to seconds for Occupancy Mode
N2 VAV Translates the VAV Box Mode Input and the Water Setpoint/ X X
Box Mode Flush Input into the outputs required for a Miscellaneous
Input third-generation VAV application. The VAV Box Mode
Input uses the Box Mode Enum Set, which includes
Shutdown Closed, Shutdown Open, Warmup, Water
System Flush, Low Limit, Satisfied, and Cooling and
Heating. The outputs provided are System Mode, Unit
Enable, and WarmupCooldown. The Occupied
Sequencer switches between Satisfied, Cooling, and
Heating in the current VAV single duct application. As
a result, when the VAV Box Mode is commanded to
Satisfied, Cooling, or Heating, the System Mode is set
to Auto.
N2 Translates the VAV controller's Cooling Control status Output X X
Common into Inadequate Cooling, the Heating Control status Control
Outputs into Inadequate Heating, the Damper Control Status
and the Exhaust Damper Control Status into Starved
Exhaust Box, and the Autocalibration Status into
Autocal Active. These statuses match the items
provided by the N2 VMA14xx Series Controllers.
N2 Box Translates the Occupied Zone Sequencer state into Output X X
Heating the Box Heating Mode Output. Control

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 617

Table 220: N2 Compatibility Modules
Name Description Location Application Compatibility
MASD 1400 100 UNT
N2 Translates the current Effective Occupancy mode into Output X X
Occupancy the Occupancy Status used by the VMA14xx Series Control
Mode Controllers.
N2 Translates the Occupied Command from a supervisory Setpoint/ X X X X
Occupancy device to the Occupancy Schedule input of the Miscellaneous
Mode Input Occupancy Mode determination. It also allows the Occ
- ASC Ovrd Tme to be entered in minutes and then converts
it to seconds for Occupancy Mode determination.
N2 Translates the current Effective Occupancy mode into Output X X X X
Occupancy the Occupancy Status and Standby Status used by Control
Mode the VAV100 Series Controllers.
Output ASC
Unit Enable Resembles Unit Enable Determination, but has an State X X X
Determination additional output for Restart Status. Generation
N2 VAV SD Translates the Shutdn Box Close Cmd, Shutdn Box Setpoint/ X X
Mode Input Open Cmd, Warmup Command and Water Flush Miscellaneous
commands into the outputs required for a
third-generation VAV application. The outputs provided
are System Mode, Unit Enable, and WarmupCooldown.
The Occupied Sequencer switches between Satisfied,
Cooling, and Heating in the current VAV single duct
N2 Translates the VAV controllers' Cooling Control status Output X X
Common into Inadequate Cooling, the Heating Control status Control
Outputs - into Inadequate Heating, the Damper Control Status
SD VAV and the Exhaust Damper Control Status into Starved
ASC Exhaust Box, and the Autozero Status into Autocal
Active. These statuses match the items provided by
the N2 VAV100 Series Controllers.
N2 100OA Uses the Zone Temperature, Effective Cooling Setpint, Setpoint/ X X
or MA Unit Effective Heating Setpoint, Shutdown, Water Flush, Miscellaneous
Mode Input Purge Command, Vent Command and Warmup
Command to provide the inputs to the third generation
Air Handling Unit application. The outputs provided
are Unit Enable, Application Mode and
N2 Flow Allows a network output to override the flow setpoint. Output X X
Override The modules uses Flow Override, Input, and Flow Control
Preset inputs. When the Flow Override is True, the
Flow Setpoint is the Flow Preset. When the Flow
Override is False, the Flow Setpoint is the Input.

N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input

This module is responsible for translating the mode commands into the outputs required for the legacy application.
It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 618

Figure 71: N2 100 OA or MA Unit Mode Input

Figure 72: N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 221: N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 619

Table 222: N2 100OA or MA Unit Mode Input Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Warmup Command This input provides the network indication that False
Warmup is required.
Vent Command This input provides the network indication that False
Vent Mode is required.
Purge Command This input provides the network indication that False
Purge Mode is required.
Shutdown Command This input provides the network indication that False
Shutdown is required
Water Flush Input This input provides the network indication that False
a Water Flush is required.
Zone Temperature This input is the current Zone Temperature. 0.0
Effective Cooling Setpoint This input is the current cooling setpoint. 0.0
Effective Heating Setpoint This input is the current heating setpoint. 0.0
Application Mode V This output is necessary to achieve the state Cool Only
desired based on the inputs.
• 0=Cool Only
• 1=Heat Only
• 2=Fan Only
• 3=Water Flush
• 4=Purge
• 5=Vent
• 6=Auto
Unit Enable V This output is used to close the box when Shutdown
Shutdown Closed is required.
WarmupCooldown V This output indicates that a Warmup mode is Normal

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Box Heating Mode Output

This module is responsible for translating the VAV controller's Occupancy Mode, Unoccupied Status and Occupied
Status into the appropriate Box Heating Mode used by the N2 VMA14xx Series Controllers. It is implemented as a
standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 620

Figure 73: N2 Box Heating Mode Output

Figure 74: N2 Box Heating Mode Output Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 Box Heating Mode Output)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 223: N2 Box Heating Mode Output Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 Box Heating Mode Output VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Box Heating Mode Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 621

Table 224: N2 Box Heating Mode Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Occupancy Mode This input is the current Occupancy Status of the Occupied
VAV Controller.
• 0=Occupied
• 1=Unoccupied
• 2=Standby
• 3=Not Set
Unocc Status This input is the current Unoccupied Zone State of Satisfied
the VAV Controller.
• 0=Satisfied
• 1=Prmy Clg
• 2=Supp Htg
• 3=Box Htg
• 4=Box Htg + Supp Htg
• 5=Temperature Unreliable
• 6=Unocc Ctrl Not Req'd
Occupied State This input is the current Occupied Zone State of Satisfied
the VAV Controller.
• 0=Satisfied
• 1=Supp Htg
• 2=Supp Htg + Box Htg
• 3=Box Htg
• 4=Box Htg + Supp Htg
• 5=Prmy Clg
• 6=Temperature Unreliable

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 622

Table 224: N2 Box Heating Mode Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Zone Occupancy This output is the current Occupied Zone State of Satisfied
the VAV controller when you choose the Heating
Flow Reset (HFR) option.
• 0=Satisfied
• 1=Supp Htg
• 2=Supp Htg + Box Htg
• 3=Box Htg
• 4=Box Htg + Supp Htg
• 5=Prmy Clg
• 6=Temperature Unreliable
• 7=Box Htg + HFR
• 8=Supp Htg + Box Htg + HFR
• 9=Box Htg + Supp Htg + HFR
Box Heating Mode Output V This output shows the current Box Heating Mode No Htg Required
as used by the VMA14xx Series Controller.
• 0=No Htg Required
• 1=Box Htg
• 2=Both Htg Box Max
• 3=Supplemental Htg
• 4=Both Htg Supplm Max
• 5=Htg Max Flow Reset
• 6=Htg Entry State

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Common Outputs
This module is responsible for translating the VAV controller's Cooling Control Status into Inadequate Cooling,
Heating Control Status into Inadequate Heating, Damper Control Status into Starved Box and Autocalibration Status
into Autocal Active. These are used by the N2 VMA14xx Series Controllers. It is implemented as a standard Control

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 623

Figure 75: N2 Common Outputs

Figure 76: N2 Common Outputs Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 Common Outputs)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 225: N2 Common Outputs Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 Common Outputs VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Common Outputs)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 624

Table 226: N2 Common Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status This input is the current control status of the Flow Normal
Setpoint reset module.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden
Heating Control Status This input is the current control status of the last Normal
heating module to operate.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden
Damper Control Status This input is the current control status of the flow Normal
control module.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden
Autocalibration Status This input is the current Autocalibration status of Uncalibrated
the controller.
• 0=Uncalibrated
• 1=Waiting to Calibrate
• 2=Waiting for Damper
• 3=Autocalibrate
• 4=Normal
Exhaust Box Control Status This input is the current control status of the Normal
exhaust flow control module.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 625

Table 226: N2 Common Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Inadequate Cooling V This output indicates that the VAV box is providing False
the maximum cooling it is capable of.
Inadequate Heating V This output indicates that the VAV box is providing False
the maximum heat it is capable of.
Starved Box V This output indicates that the VAV box has the False
damper fully open and is unable to reach the flow
Starved Exhaust Box V This output indicates that the VAV box has the False
exhaust damper fully open and is unable to reach
the differential flow setpoint.
Autocal Active V This output indicates when the VAV box controller False
is calibrating the velocity pressure input.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC

This module is responsible for translating the VAV controller's Cooling Control Status into Inadequate Cooling,
Heating Control Status into Inadequate Heating, Damper Control Status into Starved Box, Exhaust Box Control
status into Starved Exhaust Box, WarmupCooldown into Warmup Status and Autocalibration Status into Autocal
Active. These are used by the N2 VAV100 Series Controllers. It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 626

Figure 77: N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC

Figure 78: N2 Common Outputs SD VAV ASC Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 227: N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 627

Table 228: N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status This input is the current control status of the Flow Normal
Setpoint reset module.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden
Heating Control Status This input is the current control status of the last Normal
heating module to operate.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden
Damper Control Status This input is the current control status of the flow Normal
control module.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden
Autocalibration Status This input is the current Autocalibration status Uncalibrated
of the controller.
• 0=Uncalibrated
• 1=Waiting to Calibrate
• 2=Waiting for Damper
• 3=Autocalibrate
• 4=Normal
Exhaust Box Control Status This input is the current control status of the Normal
exhaust flow control module.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Low
• 2=Timing Low
• 3=High
• 4=Timing High
• 5=Disabled
• 6=Overridden

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 628

Table 228: N2 Common Outputs - SD VAV ASC Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
WarmupCooldown This input is the current Warmup status of the Normal
• 0=Normal
• 1=Warmup Satisfied
• 2=Warmup Unreliable
• 3=Cooldown
• 4=Cooldown Unreliable
• 5=Prmy Htg
• 6=Prmy Htg + Supp Htg
• 7=Prmy Htg + Supp Htg + Box Htg
• 8=Prmy Htg + Box Htg
• 9=Prmy Htg + Box Htg + Supp Htg
• 10=Coast
Inadequate Cooling V This output indicates that the VAV box is False
providing the maximum cooling it is capable of.
Inadequate Heating V This output indicates that the VAV box is False
providing the maximum heat it is capable of.
Starved Box V This output indicates that the VAV box has the False
damper fully open and is unable to reach the flow
Starved Exhaust Box V This output indicates that the VAV box has the False
exhaust damper fully open and is unable to reach
the differential flow setpoint.
Autocal Active V This output indicates when the VAV box False
controller is calibrating the velocity pressure
Warmup Status V This output indicates when the VAV box False
controller is in a warmup mode of operation.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Occupancy Mode Input

This module is responsible for translating the OCCSCHED command from a supervisory device to the Occupancy
Schedule input of the Occupancy Mode Determination. It also allows the OCCTIME to be entered in minutes and
converts it to seconds for Occupancy Mode Determination. It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 629

Figure 79: N2 Occupancy Mode Input

Figure 80: N2 Occupancy Mode Input Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 Occupancy Mode Input)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 229: N2 Occupancy Mode Input Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 Occupancy Mode Input VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Occupancy Mode Input)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.
Table 230: N2 Occupancy Mode Input Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Occupancy Schedule The Occupancy Schedule using the enum set for N2 Unoccupied
based controllers.
• 0=Unoccupied
• 1=Stand By
• 2=Occupied
• 3=No Schedule
Input SC The amount of time in minutes that temporary 60.0 minutes
occupancy is active.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 630

Table 230: N2 Occupancy Mode Input Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Occ Schedule The Occupancy Schedule using the standard Occupied
application enum set.
• 0=Occupied
• 1=Unoccupied
• 2=Standby
• 3=Not Set
Output V The amount of time in seconds that temporary 0 seconds
occupancy is active.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Flow Override
This module is responsible for allowing a network to override the flow setpoint. It is implemented as a standard
Control Activity.

Module Use in Applications (N2 Flow Override)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 231: N2 Flow Override Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
Supply Flow Override Setpoint VAV Single Duct Applications
Cold Deck Flow Setpoint Override VAV Single Duct Applications
Hot Deck Setpoint Override VAV Single Duct Applications
Exhaust Flow Setpoint Override VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Flow Override)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.
Table 232: N2 Flow Override Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Flow Override The network input that indicates False
a network override of the flow
setpoint is active.
Flow Preset The network flow setpoint. 0.0

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 631

Table 232: N2 Flow Override Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Flow Setpoint The current flow setpoint. 0.0
Input The input for the application 0.0
developed flow setpoint.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Occupancy Mode Input - ASC

This module is responsible for translating the OCCSCHED command from a supervisory device to the Occupancy
Schedule input of the Occupancy Mode Determination. It also allows the OCCTIME to be entered in minutes and
converts it to seconds for Occupancy Mode Determination. It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.
Figure 81: N2 Occupancy Mode Input - ASC

Figure 82: N2 Occupancy Mode Input - ASC Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 Occupancy Mode Input - ASC)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 233: N2 Occupancy Mode Input ASC Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 Occupancy Mode Input ASC VAV Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Occupancy Mode Input - ASC)

The following table describes the attributes used by the module.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 632

Table 234: N2 Occupancy Mode Input ASC Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Standby Command The Standby Command from the N2 network. False
Occupancy Command The Occupancy Command from the N2 network. False
Input The amount of time in minutes that temporary 60.0 minutes
occupancy is active.
Occ Schedule V The Occupancy Schedule using the standard Occupied
application enum set.
• 0=Occupied
• 1=Unoccupied
• 2=Standby
• 3=Not Set
Output V The amount of time in seconds that temporary 0 seconds
occupancy is active.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Occupancy Mode Output

This module is translates the current Effective Occupancy into the Occupancy Status as used by the VMA14xx
Series Controllers. It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.
Figure 83: N2 Occupancy Mode Output

Figure 84: N2 Occupancy Mode Output Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 Occupancy Mode Output)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 235: N2 Occupancy Mode Output Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 Occupancy Mode Output VAV Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 633

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Occupancy Mode Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.
Table 236: N2 Occupancy Mode Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Occupancy Mode The effective occupancy of the VAV Controller. Occupied
• 0=Occupied
• 1=Unoccupied
• 2=Bypass
• 3=Standby
Occupancy V The Occupancy mode indicated by the VMA14xx Unoccupied
Series Controllers.
• 0=Unoccupied
• 1=Standby
• 2=Occupied

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC

This module translates the current Effective Occupancy into the Occupancy Status as used by the VMA14xx Series
Controllers. It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.
Figure 85: N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 634

Figure 86: N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 Occupancy Mode Output - ASC)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 237: N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC VAV Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 Occupancy Mode Output - ASC)

The following table describes the attributes used by the module.
Table 238: N2 Occupancy Mode Output ASC Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Occupancy Mode The effective occupancy of the controller. Occupied
• 0=Occupied
• 1=Unoccupied
• 2=Bypass
• 3=Standby
Occupied Status V The Occupancy mode indicated by the AHU, False
UNT, VAV Controllers.
• True=Occupied
• False=Unoccupied
Temp Occ Status V The temporary occupancy status indicated by False
the AHU, UNT, VAV Controllers.
• True=Temporary Occupied
• False=Normal

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Unit Enable Determination ASC

This module is responsible for generating a Unit Enable command. This command is generated from a logical
combination of a Network and Hardware Mode and the parameters for controlling the restart after a power failure.
This module is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 635

Figure 87: Unit Enable Determination ASC Module

Figure 88: Unit Enable Determination ASC Module Use in Application

Figure 89: Unit Enable Determination ASC Module Activity

Module Use in Applications (Unit Enable Determination - ASC)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 239: Unit Enable Determination ASC Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
Unit Enable Determination ASC VAV Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unit Enable Determination - ASC)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 636

Table 240: Unit Enable Determination ASC Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Network Mode Specifies whether to allow the unit to Enable
operate normally or shutdown.
• 0=Shutdown
• 1=Enable
Hardware Mode Specifies whether to allow the unit to Enable
operate normally or shutdown.
• 0=Shutdown
• 1=Enable
Power Fail Restart Enable When this value is set to true, a timer will False
hold the output at shutdown until the Power
Fail Restart Time has elapsed.
Power Fail Restart Time Sets the time to delay start when the power 60.0
fail restart logic is enabled. Display Units = Seconds
Resolution Mode Used to determine how the input Either Can Shutdown
commands should be resolved into a single
output command.
• 0=Either Can Shutdown
• 1=Network Priority
• 2=Hardware Priority
Restart Status V Indicates the status of restart for N2 False
State G, V Current desired state for the unit. Enable
• 0=Shutdown
• 1=Enable

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Unit Enable Determination ASC)

The State output is generated from the Network Mode and Hardware Mode inputs based on the Resolution Mode
setting and the Power Fail Restart Timer. The following table shows the command hierarchy used to determine
whether the State output should be Enable or Shutdown.
If the Timer input is False, the State output is Shutdown. The Timer input is False until the Power Fail Restart Time
When both Hardware and Network Mode inputs are Unreliable, the State output remains in the Enable state. When
one of the two inputs is Reliable, its mode determines the state. When both inputs are Reliable, the Resolution Mode
determines which has priority.
The State output matches the state of the mode having priority. For example, when Hardware Mode is Reliable and
the Resolution Mode is Hardware Priority, the State output is set to Enable when Hardware Mode is Enable and
Shutdown when Hardware Mode is Shutdown.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 637

Table 241: Unit Enable Determination Command Hierarchy
Timer Resolution Network Mode Network Hardware Hardware State
Mode Reliable Mode Reliable
False * * * * * Shutdown
True * * False * False Enable
Network Priority Enable True * * Enable
Shutdown True * * Shutdown
* False Enable True Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown
Hardware Priority * * Enable True Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown
Enable True * False Enable
Shutdown True * False Shutdown
Either Can Enable True * False Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown
Enable True Enable
Shutdown True * * Shutdown
* False Enable True Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown

Reliability (Unit Enable Determination ASC)

Table 242: Unit Enable Determination Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Hardware Mode Specifies that when Hardware Reliability is False, the State output matches the Network
Mode if Network Reliability is True. If both Hardware Reliability and Network Reliability are
False, the output is Enable.
Network Mode Specifies that when Network Reliability is False, the State output matches the Hardware
Mode if Hardware Reliability is True. If both Hardware Reliability and Network Reliability are
False, the output is Enable.

N2 VAV Box Mode Input

This module is responsible for translating the VAV Box Mode Input and Water Flush input into the outputs required
for the standard VAV Application. The outputs provided are System Mode, Unit Enable and WarmupCooldown. It
is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 638

Figure 90: N2 VAV Box Mode Input

Figure 91: N2 VAV Box Mode Input Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 VAV Box Mode Input)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 243: N2 VAV Box Mode Input Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 VAV Box Mode Input VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 VAV Box Mode Input)

The following table describes the attributes used by the N2 VAV Box Mode Input module.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 639

Table 244: N2 VAV Box Mode Input Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
WaterFlush This input forces the VAV Box Controller into a False
Water Flush mode of operation when it is True.
VAV Box Mode Input The VAV Box Mode Command used by N2 based Shutdown Closed
VMA14xx Series Controllers.
• 0=Shutdown Closed
• 1=Shutdown Open
• 2=Warmup
• 3=Water System Flush
• 4=Low Limit
• 5=Satisfied
• 6=Cooling
• 7=Heating
System Mode V The System mode necessary to achieve the state Cool Only
desired based on the inputs.
• 0=Cool Only
• 1=Heat Only
• 2=Fan Only
• 3=Water Flush
• 4=Purge
• 5=Auto
Unit Enable V The method to use to close the box when Shutdown
Shutdown Closed is required.
• 0=Shutdown
• 1=Enable
WarmupCooldown V Indicates that a Warmup mode is requested when Normal
VAV Box Mode Input is Warmup.
• 0=Normal
• 1=Warmup
• 2=Cooldown
• 3=Coast

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

N2 VAV SD Mode Input

This module is responsible for translating the VAV mode inputs into the outputs required for the Gen 3 VAV Application.
The inputs used are Warmup Command, Shutdn Box Open Cmd and Shutdn Box Close Cmd. The outputs provided
are System Mode, Unit Enable and WarmupCooldown. It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 640

Figure 92: N2 VAV SD Mode Input

Figure 93: N2 VAV SD Mode Input Example Use in Application

Module Use in Applications (N2 VAV SD Mode Input)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 245: N2 VAV Box Mode Input Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
N2 VAV SD Mode Input VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (N2 VAV SD Mode Input)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.
Table 246: N2 VAV SD Mode Input Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Warmup Command The network input that warmup mode is required. False
Shutdn Box Open Cmd The VAV command to shut down and move the False
box to the fully open position.
Shutdn Box Close Cmd The VAV command to shut down and move the False
box to the fully closed position.
Water Flush When True, forces the VAV Box Controller into False
Water Flush mode.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 641

Table 246: N2 VAV SD Mode Input Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
System Mode V The System mode necessary to achieve the Cool Only
state based on the inputs.
• 0=Cool Only
• 1=Heat Only
• 2=Fan Only
• 3=Water Flush
• 4=Purge
• 5=Auto
Shutdown Status V Indicates that one of the shutdown modes is False
Unit Enable V Closes the box when Shutdown Closed is Shutdown
• 0=Shutdown
• 1=Enable
WarmupCooldown V Indicates a Warmup mode is requested. Normal
• 0=Normal
• 1=Warmup
• 2=Cooldown
• 3=Coast

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 642


Creating a New N2 Mapping Object

The Device Type, Point Address, and Attribute parameters are required when you populate . When a compatibility
option is selected, the majority of these are preset.
1. Start the Tool and open an application.
2. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware screen appears.
3. Click the N2 Mapping tab. The N2 Mapping tab appears.
4. Click Create. The N2 Mapping tab populates with the list of BACnet Exposed points and subtabs associated
with your application. The points that are not mapped appear in red with a point address of 0.
If you selected N2 Compatibility in the System Selection tree, the subtabs that appear are consistent with
the existing N2 application. Points are automatically assigned to addresses based on the existing N2 application.
If you did not select N2 Compatibility, the subtabs that appear represent the point type. You must assign
point addresses.
5. Click Edit.
6. In the Device Type drop-down box, select the correct device type for your controller:
• AHU: Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-AHU)
• VAV: Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-VAV)
• UNT: Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-UNT)
• VND: VMA1400, DX9100, all other controllers
7. Click through each tab and assign the N2 point addresses. Point addresses that appear in red must have a
valid value assigned.
• Click Set (1...n) to automatically generate point assignments starting at address 1.
• Click Set (Max+1) to automatically generate point assignments starting at the highest point address. For
example, you have points assigned to addresses 2, 4, and 7, the tool generates addresses for remaining
points starting at address 8.
• Click Set (N2) to automatically generate point assignments for any points that are identical to the points in
the legacy application. In some instances, no point assignments are created.
• Click Set (0) to set all point addresses to 0.
• Click within each Point Address cell to assign point addresses manually.
Note: The N2 address range is 1 to 250.
8. Click the Attribute cell and choose Default Value or Present Value based on the following guidelines:
• If you are reading a value, use Present Value.
• If you are writing a value to the controller, choose:
- Present Value for Network Input, Analog Output, Position Adjust Output, and Binary Output
- Default Value for the element of a module
Note: If the element is an input of a module and connected from elsewhere in the application, the default
value is never used. If the element is an output of a module, the value is calculated in the module,
and the default value is never used.
9. When you are done editing, click Apply.
10. Click Close to close the Define Hardware dialog.

Viewing N2 Point Mappings

1. Start the Tool and open the N2 controller application.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 643

2. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware screen appears.
3. Click the N2 Mapping tab. The N2 Mapping tab appears with point mappings displayed.
4. Click through the tabs of the N2 Mapping tab to view the point mappings.
5. When you are done viewing the point mappings, click Close to close the Define Hardware dialog.

Editing N2 Point Mappings

1. Start the Tool and open the N2 controller application.
2. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware screen appears.
3. Click the N2 Mapping tab. The N2 Mapping tab appears.
4. Click Edit.
5. Click through each tab and assign the N2 point addresses. Point addresses that appear in red must have a valid
value assigned.
• Click Set (1...n) to automatically generate point assignments starting at address 1.
• Click Set (Max+1) to automatically generate point assignments starting at the highest point address. For
example, you have points assigned to addresses 2, 4, and 7, the tool generates addresses for remaining
points starting at address 8.
• Click Set (N2) to automatically generate point assignments for any points that are identical to the points in
the legacy application. In some instances, no point assignments are created.
• Click Set (0) to set all point addresses to 0.
• Click within each Point Address cell to assign point addresses manually.
Note: The N2 address range is 1 to 250.
6. When you are done editing, click Apply.
7. Click Close to close the Define Hardware dialog.

Adding and Removing N2 Points

The points that appear in the N2 Mapping tab must be BACnet Exposed. You can modify the points that appear by
using the BACnet Exposed widget.
1. If you are using the Classic View Perspective, click the BACnet Exposed tab. If you are using a different
Perspective, click the BACnet Exposed widget.
2. Under Settings, click Show All.
3. Right-click any item and select View Details. The Details dialog box appears.
4. Click Edit.
• To add a point, change the BACnet Exposed property to True.
• To remove a point, change the BACnet Exposed property to False.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.
8. Return to the N2 Mapping tab and edit the point details. See Editing N2 Point Mappings .

Creating a PRN or DDL File

Note: We recommend that you save your application file before you create the PRN or DDL file. If you do not save
your CAF file, the PRN or DDL file is saved to the last directory you used to save an application file.
1. Start the Tool and open the N2 controller application.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 644

2. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware screen appears.
3. Click the N2 Mapping tab. The N2 Mapping tab appears with point details displayed.
4. Click Create PRN File or Create DDL File.
This action creates a file named <CAF file name>.caf.prn or <CAF file name>.caf.ddl. These files are stored in
the same directory as the CAF file. If you click this button when a Point Address error exists, an alert appears
prompting you to correct the errors.

Removing an N2 Mapping Object

1. Start the Tool and open the controller application.
2. Click Define Hardware. The Define Hardware screen appears.
3. Click the N2 Mapping tab. The N2 Mapping tab appears with point details displayed.
4. Click Remove. A dialog box appears prompting you to confirm the delete action.
5. Click Yes.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 645


N2 Mapping Tab
The N2 Mapping tab contains multiple subtabs, depending on your system selection choices.
Table 247: N2 Mapping Tab
Field Description
Point Address Displays the point mapping address. If necessary, you can edit this address or generate
a new address for the point. See the following row descriptions for Set (1...n), Set
(Max+1), Set (N2), and Set (0).
Attribute Displays the point attributes: Present Value and Default Value.
Use the following guidelines to determine the correct attribute:
• If you are reading a value, use Present Value.
• If you are writing a value to the controller, choose:
- Present Value for Network Input, Analog Output, Position Adjust Output,
Binary Output
- Default Value for element of a module
Note: If the element is an input of a module and connected from elsewhere
in the application, the default value is never used. If the element is an
output of a module, the value is calculated in the module and the
default value is never used.
Point Type Displays the point type (read only):
• AI: Analog Input
• AO: Analog Output
• BI: Binary Input
• BO: Binary Output
• ADF: Analog Data Float
• BD: Binary Data
• ADI: Analog Data Integer
If you intend to write to the point from a supervisor, select AO, BO, ADF, ADI, or BD.
If you are reading a value, choose AI, BI, ADF, ADI, or BD.
Short Name Displays the first 10 characters of the Name, Standard Name, or Attribute ID of an
object. The standard name is used if the Name is blank. The Attribute ID is used if the
Standard Name is used and set to Use Attribute String.
Note: Click the column heading to sort in reverse alphabetical order.
Long Name Displays the first 24 characters of the Short Name if the Description field is blank, or
displays the first 24 characters of the Description if the Description field is not blank.
Default Value Displays the default value of the point. If the point does not have a default value, ***
appears in the table.
Units Displays the units the point uses.
Device Type Sets what device type is sent when polled via the N2 trunk:
• AHU: Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-AHU)
• VAV: Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-VAV)
• UNT: Generation 1 Application Specific (AS-UNT)
• VND: VMA1400, DX9100, all other controllers: DC9100, DCM, DR9100, LCP,
MIG, NDM, PHX, TC9100, XT9100, XTM, XM1 (XBN), XM2 (XRM), XM3 (XRL or
XRE), XM4 (XRL 2x2), XM5 (XRL 2x3), XM^ (XRM 2x2), XM7 (XRM 2x3)
Set (1...n) Provides automatic setting of all addresses using (1...n) by point type.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 646

Table 247: N2 Mapping Tab
Field Description
Set (Max+1) Provides automatic setting of all undefined addresses using (Max+1) by point type.
Set (N2) Provides automatic setting of all addresses to N2 compatibility based on Compatibility
Options selection within System Selection Tree:
• When Compatibility Options is selected, the points in the standard application that
are the same as the N2 legacy application are mapped. All other points are set to
zero and the user must assign a valid address.
• When Compatibility Options is not selected, this button functions the same as Set
Set (0) Resets all addresses to 0.
Create PRN File Creates a file similar to the existing N2 application PRN file.
Create DDL File Creates a file similar to the existing N2 application DDL file.
Edit Allows you to edit the point address and attribute.
Remove Removes the N2 object and returns the N2 Mapping screen to create mode.
Close Closes the Define Hardware dialog box.
Note: You must apply or cancel any edits before you close the Define Hardware
dialog box.
Create Allows you to create N2 mapping for a device.
Opens the help system.

Controller Tool Help: N2 Compatibility Options 647

A module is a component, made up of logic blocks, used to create portions of the overall control logic of a system.
You use module inputs to influence the state or values that are presented as outputs. You can view and edit modules
highlighted in tan, but you should not make changes until you thoroughly understand the default configuration and
the effect of changes on the connected outputs. See Configuring a System for information about how to view and
modify modules.
Modules are categorized according to function. The modules are visually displayed in these categories
(sections/columns) in the UI of the tool (for example, the Network Inputs and Outputs sections). The modules in the
sections are automatically added based on the items selected for your system in the System Selection Wizard. For
information on this wizard, see the System Selection Tree in the Configuring a System section.
See the following sections for information on the module categories and the individual modules they contain:
• Network Input Modules
• Input Modules
• Miscellaneous Input Modules
• Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules
• State Generation Modules
• Output Control Modules
• Network Output Modules
• Output Modules
• Miscellaneous Output Modules
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.
The module sections provide descriptions of the modules, indicates where they are used in applications, and identifies
their inputs and outputs. See the Module Descriptions section for further descriptions of the type of information
provided in this Help system for the modules.

Module Descriptions
The Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules, State Generation Modules, and Output Control Modules module sections
contain the following topics to describe the modules:
• Module Category Overview
• Module Group Overview
• Module Overview
• Module Use in Applications
• Attributes
• Primary States
• Reliability
If a section does not apply to a particular module, it is not included.
The Network Input Modules, Input Modules, Network Output Modules, and Output Modules sections contain similar
information, but cover the modules as a general group.

Module Category Overview

The Overview section describes the overall module type and lists the groups of modules it contains.

Module Group Overview

Each module group has an Overview that describes the group and lists the modules it contains.

Controller Tool Help: Modules 648

Module Overview
This section describes the module’s operation, behavior, and use. This section also indicates if you can view and
modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications

This section indicates how the module is identified in the tool software. This section includes a table that lists the
individual module instances used by that particular group of modules and the applications in which the module
instance is used.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

This section contains a table describing the module group’s attributes/parameters. The table has four columns:
• Name: Indicates the name of the attribute/parameter. If the attribute/parameter has a separate BACnet Exposed
name, it is listed first, followed by the standard attribute/parameter name in parenthesis; for example. SA-AREA
(Supply Area).
• Type: Indicates the attribute/parameter’s type. Options include:
- Configuration Mode Only (C): Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears in only the Configuration mode.
- Default Element (Generated State, if applicable) (G): Identifies the attribute/parameter designated as the
logic’s Default Element, which appears in the Control View columns below the module name. If applicable,
the attribute/parameter is also a state generated by the module’s logic.
- Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only (SC): Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears in only the
Simulation and Commissioning modes.
- Calculated Value (Outputs) (V): Indicates if the attribute/parameter is a value calculated by module’s logic
and configuration in the State Tables. This attribute/parameter appears in the Parameters table and/or in the
Details dialog box.
Note: All attributes/parameters are exposed to BACnet systems by default (BACnet Exposed attributes/parameters
in the Details dialog box are True) and appear in the Parameters table. The BACnet Exposed Parameter
(B) indication type has been removed from the Help system’s attribute tables.
• Description: Describes the function of the attribute/parameter.
• Default Value: Indicates the default value of the attribute/parameter with its units and identifies the enumeration
set used when applicable.
If the attributes/parameters listed in the attribute table apply to the entire module group and no module instance-specific
attributes require identification, all attributes/parameters are listed in the table normally. If the module group has
module instance-specific attributes/parameters requiring identification, any attributes/parameters applying to the
entire module group are listed first under a Module Group Common Attributes row header, then the
attributes/parameters applying only to certain instances are listed separately under a Module Instance Name-Specific
Attributes row header. For an example of these row headers, see the Balancer Override module group’s attribute

Primary States
This section describes Normal transitions for complex modules. When applicable, this section also includes a
Command Hierarchy table showing the common inputs and states.

Controller Tool Help: Modules 649

This section describes the module’s handling of the reliability of its inputs (paragraph or table format).

Controller Tool Help: Modules 650

Network Input Modules
The Network Inputs module category appears in the Control View and lists the network inputs defined for the system.
Network inputs are typically used to read and write values to and from a supervisory device or using peer-to-peer
references between Field Controllers. When a network input is not integrated into the network, it uses its default
value and can be commanded from the Commissioning mode. Network inputs connect into other modules or the
State Table.
Network Input modules fall into one of the following categories:
• Generator Interface Modules
• Enable Modules
• Sensor and Setpoint Modules
• Rotation and Switch Modules
• Central Plant Interconnection Modules
• Generic (Add New) Modules
See also N2 Compatibility Network Inputs in the N2 Compatibility Options section.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Generator Interface Modules

The Generator Interface Network Inputs are always paired with a State Generation module. These inputs drive a
state condition in their paired State Generation module that is captured in the State Selection Table.
For example, the Emergency-Mode Network Input is integrated with the Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL
State Generation module. The state conditions set by the Emergency-Mode Network Input are Normal, Pressurize,
Depressurize, Purge, Shutdown, and Pre-Shutdown. These states are represented in the State Selection Table so
that the desired result of the state with the Output Controllers can be set in the table.
The following table describes the Generator Interface Network Input modules and lists the applications in which they
are used.
Table 248: Generator Interface Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
APP-MODE Application Mode - Provides input to the Application All Air Handling Unit Applications
Mode Determination State Generation module.
AUTOCAL-C Autocalibrate - Provides input to Autocalibration All VAV Applications
Sequence v50 State Generation module.
EHO-MODE Energy Hold Off Mode - Provides input to Energy • Fan Coil Applications
Hold Off Determination State Generation module. • Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
EMERGENCY-MODE Emergency Mode - Provides input to the Smoke • All Air Handling Unit Applications
Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL State • Heat Pump Applications
Generation module.
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• All VAV Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 651

Table 248: Generator Interface Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
OCC-OVERRIDE Occupancy Override - Provides input to Occupancy • All Air Handling Unit Applications
Mode Determination State Generation module. • Fan Coil Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
OCC-SCHEDULE Occupancy Schedule - Provides input to Occupancy • All Air Handling Unit Applications
Mode Determination State Generation module. • Fan Coil Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
SLINT-S Sideloop Interlock Status - Provides input to the • Sideloop Applications
Sideloop Pass through State Generation module.
SUMWIN-C SummerWinter - Connects directly to the 2 Pipe Any Applications with 2 Pipe Output Control
Output Control Modules. Modules modules:
• AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• Fan Coil Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
SYSTEM-EN System Enable - Provides input to the Chilled Water • Central Cooling Applications
System Enable or the Hot Water System Enable • Central Cooling with Optimization
State Generation module. Applications
• Central Heating Applications
SYSTEM-MODE System Mode - Provides input to the System Mode • Fan Coil Applications
Determination State Generation module. • Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
TUNING-RESET Tuning-Reset - Provides input to the PID Tuning • All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reset State Generation module used to reset the • Central Cooling with Optimization
tuning parameters to the default values present after Applications
initial download.
• Central Cooling Applications
• Central Heating Applications
• Fan Coil Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
• Sideloop Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 652

Table 248: Generator Interface Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
UNITEN-MODE Unit Enable Mode - Provides input to Unit Enable • All Air Handling Unit Applications
Determination State Generation module. • Fan Coil Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
WC-C WarmupCooldown - Provides input to one of the • VAV Dual Duct Applications
following modules:
• WarmupCooldown Sequencing
• WarmupCooldown Determination • VAV Single Duct Applications
• WarmupCooldown Pass Through • All other Applications
ZNDPR-MODE Zone Damper Mode - Provides input to the Zone AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Damper Mode Pass Through SG module. Applications
ZNHTGVALVE-MODE Zone Htg Valve Mode - Provides input to the Zone AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Htg Valve Mode Pass Through SG module. Applications
ZNSTAGEDHTG-MODE Zone Staged Htg Mode - Provides input to the Zone AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Staged Htg Mode Pass Through SG module. Applications

Enable Modules
All Network Inputs with a -EN name are always paired with an Availability type State Generation module. These
inputs drive a state condition in their paired State Generation module that is captured in the State Selection Table.
The primary use of the Enable modules is to allow system-wide logic to determine if the Central Heating and Cooling
Central Plants are providing Hot or Chilled Water to the devices. For example, if the HTG-EN Network Input is set
to a False state, the Box Heating is Available Pass Through State Generation module does not allow the Heating
Valve to open on a VAV Box.
The following table describes the Enable Network Input modules and lists the applications in which they are used.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 653

Table 249: Enable Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
BASIN-C Drain Basin - Provides input to the Humidification • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Scrubber Output v51, Output Controller module. • AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
CLG-EN Cooling is Available - Provides input to one of the • Fan Coil Applications
following modules:
• Cooling is Available Pass Through
• Cooling Availability Determination • All Air Handling Unit Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
ECON-EN Economizer is Available - Provides an input to the • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Economizer Availability Determination module. • AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
• AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
HC-EN 2 Pipe is Available - Provides an input to the 2 Pipe • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
is Available Pass Through State Generation module. • AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• Fan Coil Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
HR-EN Heat Recovery is Allowed - Allows or locks out Heat • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Recovery operation where the actual suitability is • AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
determined locally to set the device for the heating
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
or cooling operation.
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
HTG-EN Heating is Available and Box Heating is Available - • Fan Coil Applications
Provides input to one of the following modules:
• Heating is Available Pass Through
• Box Heating is Available Pass Through • VAV Single Duct Applications
Heating Availability Determination. • Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
HUM-EN Humidification is Available - Provides an input to All Air Handling Unit Applications
the Humidification is Available Pass Through State
Generation module.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 654

Table 249: Enable Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
PH-EN Preheat is Available - Provides an input to the • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Preheat Availability Determination State Generation • AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
RH-EN Reheat is Available - Provides an input to the AllAir Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Availability Determination State Generation
SUPHTG-EN Supp Heating is Available - Provides an input to the • VAV Single Duct Applications
Supplemental Heating is Available Pass Through • VAV Dual Duct Applications
State Generation module.
SYS-RESET System Reset - Provides manual restart • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
functionality. • AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
• Rooftop Unit Applications
• Central Cooling Applications
• Central Cooling with Optimization
• Central Heating Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
ZNHTG-EN Zone Heating Is Available - Provides input to the AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Zone Heating Availability Determination State Applications
Generation module

Sensor and Setpoint Modules

Key Sensor and Setpoint Network Inputs are created during System Selection to allow system-wide logic to easily
interface with the local control logic.
Typical examples for sensors include scenarios when the Supervisory System provides Outdoor Air Temperature
and Humidity values for all the local devices using Network Inputs. An example use is that a Supervisory device
reads an Outdoor Air Temperature sensor from one device and writes its value to the network input of other devices.
Another example is that slave VAV box applications read key values from the master VAV box applications using
peer-to-peer references to make sure the zone under control does not have some VAV boxes calling for cooling
while others are calling for heating.
The following table describes the Sensor and Setpoint Network Input modules and lists the applications in which
they are used.
Note: If you wish to change the default names used for these modules, you can do so by editing the Object Naming
Preferences. See the following topics in the Setting Preferences section for details: Object Naming and Signal
Preferences, Setting Default Naming and Signal Preferences, and Preferences - Naming and Signal.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 655

Table 250: Sensor and Setpoint Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
BLDGP-SP Building Static Pressure Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
BLR-SP Boiler Setpoint Central Heating Applications
BLRSTG-SP Boiler Stage-up Setpoint Central Heating Applications
CD-OA% CD OA Percent • VAV Dual Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
CDT-SP Cold Deck Air Temperature Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
CH-SP Chiller Setpoint • Central Cooling Applications
• Central Cooling with Optimization
CHW Coil X Percent Cmd CHW Coil X Percent Cmd Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
(Where X Is 1-4)
CHWDP-SP CHW Differential Pressure Setpoint • Central Cooling Applications
• Central Cooling with Optimization
CHWDT-SP Differential Temperature Chill Water Setpoint Central Cooling Applications
CLGOATLOCKOUT-SP OA Cooling Enable Setpoint • All Air Handling Unit Applications
• Central Cooling Applications
• Central Cooling with Optimization
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
CLGUNOCC-SP Night Cooling Setpoint All Air Handling Unit Applications
CP X Runtime Reset CP 1 Runtime Reset, CP 2 Runtime Reset All Air Handling Unit Applications
(Where X is 1 or 2)
CTSTG-SP CT StageUp Setpoint Central Cooling Applications
CT-MINOFF Cooling Tower Minimum Off Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CT-MINON Cooling Tower Minimum On Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW-SP Condenser Water Setpoint • Central Cooling Applications
• Central Cooling with Optimization
CWDP-SP CW Differential Pressure Setpoint Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CWDT-SP CW Differential Temp Setpoint Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW VFD Ramp Time CW VFD Ramp Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 656

Table 250: Sensor and Setpoint Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
DAP-SP Duct Static Pressure Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
DATLL-SP Discharge Air Low Limit Setpoint • Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
DAT-SP Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
DCPLF-SP Decouple Loop Flow Setpoint Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
DEHUM-SP Dehumidification Setpoint NI • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
EAT-SP Exhaust Air Temperature Setpoint AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
EFSTG-SP Exhaust Fan Stageup Setpoint AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
FAN-RESET Fan Alarm Reset • Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
FBPD-SWO Network Switchover • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
FLOW-DIFF Flow Differential Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
FLOW-LL Airflow Low Limit • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 657

Table 250: Sensor and Setpoint Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
FLUSHPOS Flush Position • Fan Coil Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
FROST-DIFF Frost Protect Differential Central Heating Applications
FROST-SPX (Where X Is Frost Protect OA Setpoint X Central Heating Applications
FSCS-EF FSCS Exhaust Fan • AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
FSCS-RF FSCS Return Fan • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
FSCS-RLF FSCS Relief Fan • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
FSCS-SF FSCS Supply Fan • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
HCP X Runtime Reset HCP 1 Runtime Reset, HCP 2 Runtime Reset • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
(Where X is 1 or 2) • AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
HD-OA% HD OA Percent • VAV Dual Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
HDT-SP Hot Deck Air Temperature Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
HTGOATLOCKOUT-SP OA Heating Enable Setpoint • All Air Handling Unit Applications
• Central Heating Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
HTGUNOCC-SP Night Heating Setpoint All Air Handling Unit Applications
HUM-SP Humidification Setpoint NI • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
HWDP-SP HW Differential Pressure Setpoint Central Heating Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 658

Table 250: Sensor and Setpoint Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
HWFLOW-SP HW Min Flow Setpoint Central Heating Applications
HWLO-SP HW Low Setpoint Central Heating Applications
HWTHI-SP Hot Water Supply Temperature High Reset Central Heating Applications
Temperature Output Range High
HWTLO-SP Hot Water Supply Temperature Low Reset Central Heating Applications
Temperature Output Range Low
HWT-OARSTA Hot Water Supply Temperature Setpoint Reset Input Central Heating Applications
Range Low
HWT-OARSTB Hot Water Supply Temperature Setpoint Reset Input Central Heating Applications
Range High
HXSTG-SP Heat Exchanger Stage-up Setpoint Central Heating Applications
ISOVLV-RT Chlr IsoVlv Ramp Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
MAT-SP MA Temperature Setpoint Unit Ventilator Applications
MOADPOS-SP Min OA Damper Position • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
MOAFLOW-SP Min OA Flow Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
MSTCDFLOW-OUTSTATE Master CD Constant Flow Setpoint Control VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
MSTCDFLOW-OUTSTATE Master CD Flow Setpoint Control VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
MSTHDFLOW-OUTSTATE Master HD Flow Setpoint Control VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
MSTRCDFLOW-PERCENT Master CD Flow Percent VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
MSTRFAN-C Master Fan Command VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRFAN-O Master Fan Output VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRFLOW-PERCENT Master Supply Flow Percent VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRFLOW-S Master Flow Setpoint Status VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRHDFLOW-PERCENT Master HD Flow Percent VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
MSTRHTG-1C Master Heating Stage 1 Cmd VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRHTG-2C Master Heating Stage 2 Cmd VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRHTG-3C Master Heating Stage 3 Cmd VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRHTG-C Master Heating Command VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRHTG-O Master Heating Output VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
MSTRSUPHTG- Master Supp Heating Command • VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
CMSTRSUPHTG1-C • VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Master Supp Heating Stage 1 Cmd
MSTRSUPHTG-O Master Supp Heating Output • VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
MSTRZN-CO2 Master Zone CO2 VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 659

Table 250: Sensor and Setpoint Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
OAD-MINPOS OA Damper Minimum Position • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
• AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
OA-H Outdoor Air Humidity • All Air Handling Unit Applications
• Central Cooling with Optimization
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
OALT-SP OA Low Limit SP Central Heating Applications
OA-PERCENT OA Percent • VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
OA-T Outdoor Air Temperature All Applications (except VAV Slave
OCCFLOW-DIFF Occupied Flow Differential Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
PCHWP VFD Ramp Time PCHWP VFD Ramp Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
PHP X Runtime Reset PHP 1 Runtime Reset, PHP 2 Runtime Reset All Air Handling Unit Applications
(Where X is 1 or 2)
PHP-ROT Preheat Pump Rotate Now All Air Handling Unit Applications
Pump Delay Pump Delay Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
RAT-SP Return Air Temperature Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
RFSTG-SP Return Fan Stageup Setpoint AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Relief Fan Stageup Setpoint AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
RHP X Runtime Reset RHP 1 Runtime Reset, RHP 2 Runtime Reset All Air Handling Unit Applications
(Where X is 1 or 2)
RHP-ROT Reheat Pump Rotate Now All Air Handling Unit Applications
SA-T Supply Air Temperature VAV Single Duct Applications
SCHWPSTG-SP Secondary Chill Water Stageup Setpoint Central Cooling Applications
SCHWP VFD Ramp Time SCHWP VFD Ramp Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
SFSTG-SP Supply Fan Stageup Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
SHWPSTG-SP Stageup Setpoint Central Heating Applications
SLH-SP Sideloop Humidity Setpoint Sideloop Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 660

Table 250: Sensor and Setpoint Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
SLP-SP Sideloop Pressure Setpoint Sideloop Applications
SLT-SP Sideloop Temperature Setpoint Sideloop Applications
STAGE-CAP Stage Capacity • Central Cooling Applications
• Central Heating Applications
Stage Capacity (%FLA) • Central Cooling Applications
Stage Capacity (AMPS) • Central Cooling Applications
STMP-SP Setpoint Central Heating Applications
UNIT-RESET Unit Reset All Air Handling Unit Applications
UNOCCFLOW-DIFF Unoccupied Flow Differential Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
ZN-H Zone Humidity • Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
ZN-T Zone Temperature • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
• AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
• AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
ZNT-SP Common Setpoint • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Zone Temperature Setpoint • AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
• AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
• Fan Coil Applications
• Heat Pump Applications
• Unit Ventilator Applications
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications
ZNX-SP Zone X Common Setpoint (where X is 1-8) AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Zone X Temperature Setpoint (where X is 1-8) Central Heating Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 661

Table 250: Sensor and Setpoint Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
ZONE-DIFF Zone Differential Central Heating Applications

Rotation and Switch Modules

Rotation and Switch Network Input modules are directly connected to Output Control modules in Central Heating
Applications, Central Cooling Applications, or Central Cooling with Optimization Applications, unless otherwise
indicated. The primary use of Rotation modules is to immediately recalculate the equipment starting order. You can
command this input for manual rotation, or you can schedule it for automatic rotation. The primary use of Maintenance
Switch modules is to stop equipment from running during repairs or maintenance. You can command Switch modules
ON to put a piece of equipment out of service. This action results in stopping the equipment if it is running and taking
it out of the rotation sequence until you command the maintenance switch OFF.
The following table describes the Rotation and Switch Network Input modules and lists the applications in which
they are used.
Table 251: Rotation and Switch Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
BLRX-LO (Where X Is 1-8) Blr X Lockout Switch - Provides input to the PHWPX Central Heating Applications
Alarms State Generation module.
BLRX-MS (Where X Is 1-8) Blr X Maintenance Switch - Provides input to the Central Heating Applications
Boiler X Control Output Control module.
BLR-ROT Rotate Boilers - Provides input to the Boiler Rotation Central Heating Applications
Small Output Control module.
CHLRX-LO (Where X Is ChillerX Lockout Switch - Provides input to the Central Cooling Applications
1-8) PCHWPX Alarms and CWPX Alarms State
Generation modules.
CHX-MS (Where X Is 1-8) ChillerX Maintenance Switch - Provides input to the • Central Cooling Applications
Chiller X Control Output Control module. • Central Cooling with Optimization
CH-ROT Rotate Chillers - Provides input to the Chiller • Central Cooling Applications
Rotation Small Output Control module. • Central Cooling with Optimization
CP-ROT Cooling Pump Rotate Now - Provides input to the All Air Handling Unit Applications
Cooling Pump Rotation Small Output Control
CTX-LO (Where X Is 1-8) TwrFanX Lockout Switch - Provides input to the • Central Cooling Applications
TwrFanX Alarms State Generation module. • Central Cooling with Optimization
CTX-MS (Where X Is 1-8) Cooling TowerX Maintenance Switch - Provides Central Cooling Applications
input to the Tower Fan X Control Output Control
CT-ROT Rotate Tower Now - Provides input to the On/Off Central Cooling Applications
Fan Clg Twr Sequencing State Generation module.
CWPX-LO (Where X Is CWPX Lockout Switch - Provides input to the CWPX • Central Cooling Applications
1-8) Alarms State Generation module. • Central Cooling with Optimization
CWPX-MS (Where X Is CWPX Maintenance Switch - Provides input to the Central Cooling Applications
1-8) CW Pump X Control Output Control module.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 662

Table 251: Rotation and Switch Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
CWP-ROT Rotate Condenser Water Pumps - Provides input Central Cooling Applications
to the CW Pump Rotation Small Output Control
EF-LEAD Exhaust Fan Lead Select - Provides connection to AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
the Dual Exhaust Fan Lead-Lag Output Control Applications
module. When dual fan and lead lag options are
selected, this module indicates the lead fan.
HCP-ROT 2 Pipe Pump Rotate Now - Provides input to the 2 • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Pipe Pump Rotation Small Output Control module. • AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
HX1-MS or HX2-MS HX1 Maintenance Switch or HX2 Maintenance Central Heating Applications
Switch - Provides input to the Boiler X Control
Output Control module.
PCHWPX-LO (Where X Is PCHWPX Lockout Switch - Provides input to the • Central Cooling Applications
1-8) PCHWPX Alarms State Generation module. • Central Cooling with Optimization
PCHWPX-MS (Where X Is PCHWPX Maintenance Switch - Provides input to Central Cooling Applications
1-8) the Primary CHW Pump X Control Output Control
PCHWP-ROT Rotate Primary Chilled Water Pumps - Provides • Central Cooling Applications
input to the CW Pump Rotation Small Output Control • Central Cooling with Optimization
module. Applications
PHWPX-LO (Where X Is PHWPX Lockout Switch - Provides input to the Central Heating Applications
1-8) PHWPX Alarms State Generation module.
PHWPX-MS (Where X Is PHWPX Maintenance Switch - Provides input to the Central Heating Applications
1-8) Primary Pump X Control Output Control module.
PHWP-ROT Rotate Primary Hot Water Pumps - Provides input Central Heating Applications
to the Primary Pump Rotation Small Output Control
RF-LEAD Return Fan Lead Select - Provides connection to AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
the Dual Return Fan Lead-Lag Output Control
module. When dual fan and lead lag options are
selected, this indicates the lead fan.
Relief Fan Lead Select - Provides connection to the AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Relief Fan Lead-Lag Output Control module.
When dual fan and lead lag options are selected,
this indicates the lead fan.
ROT-CW PUMPS Rotate Condenser Water Pumps - Provides input Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
to the CW Pump Rotation Small Output Control
SCHWPX-LO (Where X Is SCHWPX Lockout Switch - Provides input to the • Central Cooling Applications
1-8) SCHWPX Alarms State Generation module. • Central Cooling with Optimization
SCHWPX-MS (Where X Is SCHWPX Maintenance Switch - Provides input to Central Cooling Applications
1-8) the Secondary CHW Pump X Modulating Control
Output Control module.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 663

Table 251: Rotation and Switch Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
SCHWP-ROT Rotate Secondary Chilled Water Pump - Provides • Central Cooling Applications
input to the Secondary CHW Pump Rotation Small • Central Cooling with Optimization
Output Control module. Applications
SF-LEAD Supply Fan Lead Select - Provides connection to • AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
the Dual Supply Fan Lead-Lag Output Control • AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
module. When dual fan and lead lag options are Applications
selected, this indicates the lead fan.
SHWPX-LO (Where X Is SHWPX Lockout Switch - Provides input to the Central Heating Applications
1-8) SHWPX Alarms State Generation module.
SHWPX-MS (Where X Is SHWPX Maintenance Switch - Provides input to the Central Heating Applications
1-8) Secondary HW Pump X Control Output Control
SHWP-ROT Rotate Secondary Hot Water Pumps - Provides Central Heating Applications
input to the Secondary Hot Water Pump Rotation
Small Output Control module.

Central Plant Interconnection Modules

Central Plant Interconnection Network Input modules are directly connected to Output Control or Network Output
modules in Central Cooling with Optimization Applications, unless otherwise indicated. The Central Plant
Interconnection modules provide connection between the controller and the associated pump, tower, or other
controlled device. For some of these modules, this connection occurs when the application is split across multiple
The following table describes these modules and lists the applications in which they are used.
Table 252: Central Plant Interconnection Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
Building Load Dest Building Load Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Building Load Source Network Output located on
the Chiller controller, which indicates the cooling
load of the building.
Chiller Max Flow Dest Chiller Max Flow Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Chiller Max Flow Source Network Output located
on the Chiller controller, which indicates the
maximum flow allowed for the chilled water pumps.
Chiller Plant Capacity Chiller Plant Capacity Dest - Receives input from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest the Chiller Plant Capacity Source Network Output
located on the tower controller to indicate the
cooling capacity of the active chillers.
Chiller Plant Power Dest Chiller Plant Power Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Chiller Plant Power Source Network Output located
on the tower controller, which indicates the rated
power of active chillers.
CHLR CW PMP COUNT Provides chiller selector indication that cooling tower Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
DEST operation is required. This input exists in the
controller that contains the heat exchanger
Chlr Max CHW Flow Dest Chiller Max CHW Flow Dest - Indicates the chiller Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
selector required maximum primary chilled water

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 664

Table 252: Central Plant Interconnection Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
Chlr Min CHW Flow Dest Chiller Min CHW Flow Dest - Indicates the chiller Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
selector required minimum primary chilled water
Chlr Min CW Flow Dest Chiller Min CW Flow Dest - Indicates the chiller Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
selector required minimum condenser water flow.
This input exists in the controller that contains the
heat exchanger subsystem.
Chlr Need Pmps Dest Provides chiller selector indication that pump startup Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
is required. This input exists in the controllers that
contain the heat exchanger subsystem.
Chlr Req CHW Flow Dest Indicates the required chilled water flow from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
chiller selector. This input exists in the controller
that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
Chlr Req CW Flow Dest Indicates the required condenser water flow from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
the chiller selector. This input exists in the controller
that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
Chlr Req Twr Flow Dest Indicates the required cooling tower water flow from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
the chiller selector. This input exists in the controller
that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
Chlr Sys-Enable Dest Functions as system enable for the chiller Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
subsystem. This input exists in the controller that
contains the chiller subsystem.
Chlr X Runtime Reset Chiller X Runtime Reset - Provides input to Chiller Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
X Totalization Output Control module to reset the
(Where X Is 1-8)
runtime total for the associated chiller.
Chlr X Start Count Reset Chiller X Start Count Reset - Provides input to Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Chiller X Start Count Output Control module to reset
(Where X Is 1-8)
the total number of starts for the associated chiller.
CHW Current Cap Dest CHW Current Cap Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CHW Current Cap Source Network Output located
on the CHW Pump controller, which indicates the
current pumping capacity of the active chilled water
CHW PUMPX-ENABLE CHW Pump X Enable Dest - Receives input from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
DEST the CHWPX-ENABLE SRC Network Output located
on the Chiller controller, which indicates that the
(Where X Is 1-8)
associated pump is enabled.
CHWFLOW-AVAIL CHWFLOW-AVAIL (CHW Flow Available Dest) - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Receives input from the CHWFLOW-AVAIL (CHW
(CHW Flow Available
Flow Available Source) Network Output located on
the Chiller controller, which indicates the available
pumping capacity of the chilled water pumps.
CHWFLOW-SP CHWFLOW-SP (CHW Flow Setpt Dest) - Receives Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
input from the CHWFLOW-SP (CHW Flow Setpt
(CHW Flow Setpt Dest)
Source) Network Output located on the Chiller
controller, which indicates the chilled water pumping
capacity required by the chillers.
CHWP X Runtime Reset CHWP X Runtime Reset - Provides input to CHW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Pump X Totalization Output Control module to reset
(Where X Is 1-8)
the runtime total for the associated pump.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 665

Table 252: Central Plant Interconnection Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
CHWP X Start Count CHWP X Start Count Reset - Provides input to CHW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Reset Pump X Start Count Output Control module to reset
the total number of starts for the associated pump.
(Where X Is 1-8)
CHWPX-CMD CHWPX-CMD (CHWP X Cmd Dest) - Receives Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
input from the CHWPX-CMD (CHWP X Cmd
(CHWP X Cmd Dest)
Source) Network Output located on the Chiller
(Where X Is 1-8) controller, which indicates the associated pump’s
CHWS Temperature Chilled Water Supply Temperature CHWS-T - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Indicates temperature of chilled water supply.
CT X Start Count Reset CT X Start Count Reset - Provides input to Cooling Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Tower X Start Count Output Control module to reset
(Where X Is 1-8)
the total number of starts for the associated cooling
CW Current Cap Dest CW Current Cap Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW Current Cap Source Network Output located
on the CW Pump controller, which indicates the
current pumping capacity of the active condenser
CW Pump Count Dest CW Pump Count Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW Pump Count SourceNetwork Outputlocated on
the Chiller controller, which indicates the number
of active condenser water pumps.
CW PUMPX-ENABLE CW Pump X Enable Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
DEST (Where X Is 1-8) CWPX-ENABLE SRC Network Output located on
the Chiller controller, which indicates that the
associated pump is enabled.
CWFLOW-AVAIL (CW CWFLOW-AVAIL (CW Flow Available Dest) - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Flow Available Dest) Receives input from the CWFLOW-AVAIL (CW Flow
Available Source) Network Output located on the
Chiller controller, which indicates the available
pumping capacity of the condenser water pumps.
CWFLOW-SP (CW Flow CWFLOW-SP (CW Flow Setpt Dest) - Receives Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Setpt Dest) input from the CWFLOW-SP (CW Flow Setpt
Source) Network Output located on the Chiller
controller, which indicates the condenser water
pumping capacity required by the chillers.
CWP X Runtime Reset CWP X Runtime Reset - Provides input to CW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Pump X Totalization Output Control module to reset
(Where X Is 1-8)
the runtime total for the associated pump.
CWP X Start Count Reset CWP X Start Count Reset - Provides input to CW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Pump X Start Count Output Control module to reset
(Where X Is 1-8)
the total number of starts for the associated pump.
CWPX-CMD(CWP X Cmd CWPX-CMD (CWP X Cmd Dest) - Receives input Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest) from the CWPX-CMD (CWP X Cmd Source)
Network Output located on the Chiller controller,
(Where X Is 1-8)
which indicates the associated pump’s command.
CWS-T Condenser Water Supply Temp - Input to Hx Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
indicating condenser water supply temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 666

Table 252: Central Plant Interconnection Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
CWT-CHLRSTPT Condenser Water Chiller Start Setpoint -the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
condenser water temp required before starting the
ECON CH-SP Econ Chiller Setpoint - Input to Hx system that Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
indicates chilled water supply setpoint when in Hx
ECON EN STPT Econ Enable Setpoint - Input to Hx system that Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
indicates maximum outdoor air conditions for which
Hx cooling is available.
ECON STATE DEST Economizer State Dest - Indicates the waterside Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
economizer sequencer state.
FREE CLG ALLOWED Free Cooling Allowed - Input to Hx system that Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
indicates if Hx cooling is allowed.
Hx##-LO Hx## Lockout Switch -Input to the Hx## Alarms Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
module that removes the Heat Exchanger from
(Where ## is 1-4)
Hx ## Runtime Reset Hx X Runtime Reset - Input to Hx ## Totalization Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Output Control module to reset the runtime total for
(Where ## is 1-4)
the associated Hx.
Hx CHW Pump ## Enable Indicates that primary chilled water pump ## is Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest enabled (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This input
exists in the primary chilled water pump subsystem.
(Where X is 1-4)
Hx CHWP##-CMD Indicates that dedicated primary chilled water pump Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
## is required to run (where ## means 1,2, 3, or 4).
(Where ## is 1-4)
The input exists in the controller that contains the
primary chilled water pump subsystem.
HX CW DT Setpoint Hx Condenser Water Delta Temp Setpoint - Input Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
to condenser water system that indicates the delta
temp setpoint when in Hx control.
Hx CW Pump ## Enable Indicates that condenser water pump ## is enabled Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This input exists in
the heat exchanger subsystem.
(Where X is 1-4)
Hx CWP##-CMD Indicates that condenser water pump ## is required Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
to run (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). The input
(Where ## is 1-4)
exists in the controller that contains the condenser
water pump subsystem.
Hx Min CW Flow Dest Heat Exchanger Min CW Flow Dest - Indicates heat Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
exchanger minimum condenser water flow.
HX-ROT Hx Rotate Now - Input to Hx Selector that indicates Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
selector should rotate exchangers now if possible.
HXSELECTOR-PV Dest Hx Selector Process Variable Dest - Input to Hx Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
system from chiller system that indicates current
process variable for the Hx selector.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 667

Table 252: Central Plant Interconnection Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
Min CHW Flow Setpoint Min CHW Flow Setpoint Dest - Receives input from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest the Min CHW Flow Setpoint Source Network Output
located on the Chiller controller, which indicates the
minimum flow setpoint of the chilled water through
the active chillers. This modules also indicates the
minimum pumping capacity required by the active
Min CW Flow Dest Min CW Flow Dest - Receives input from the Min Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW Flow Source Network Output located on the
Chiller controller, which indicates the minimum
condenser water pump capacity required by the
active chillers.
OA ECON LO SP OA Econ Lockout Setpoint - Input to Hx system that Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
indicates minimum outdoor air temperature for which
Hx cooling is available.
PCHWS-T Primary Chilled Water Supply Temp - Input to Hx Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
system indicating Primary Chilled Water Supply
Pump Startup Required Pump Startup Required Dest - Receives input from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest the Pump Startup Required Source Network Output
located on the Chiller controller, which indicates the
chilled water plant requires pumping and enables
the pumping subsystems.
SCHWP X Runtime Reset SCHWP X Runtime Reset - Provides input to Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Secondary Pump X Totalization Output Control
(Where X Is 1-8)
module to reset the runtime total for the associated
SCHWP X Start Count SCHWP X Start Count Reset - Provides input to Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Reset Secondary Pump X Start Count Output Control
module to reset the total number of starts for the
(Where X Is 1-8)
associated pump.
Tower Current Cap Dest Tower Current Cap Dest - Receives input from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Tower Current Cap Source Network Output located
on the cooling tower pump controller, which
indicates the current capacity of the active cooling
Tower Fan X Runtime Tower Fan X Runtime Reset - Provides input to Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Reset Cooling Tower X Totalization Output Control module
to reset the runtime total for the associated cooling
(Where X Is 1-8)
Tower Flow Available Tower Flow Available Dest - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest Tower Flow Available Source Network Output
located on the chiller controller to indicate the
available cooling tower capacity.
Tower Required Flow Tower Required Flow Dest - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest Tower Required Flow Source Network Output
located on the chiller controller to indicate the
cooling tower capacity required by the active

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 668

Table 252: Central Plant Interconnection Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
Twr IsoVlv Ramp Time Twr IsoVlv Ramp Time - Indicates the ramp time of Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
the device, which delays turning the device on or
WSE CHW Current Cap Waterside Economizer CHW Current Cap - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest Indicates the current capacity of the headered
primary chilled water pumps.
WSE CW Current Cap Waterside Economizer CW Current Cap - Indicates Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Dest the current capacity of the headered condenser
water pumps.

Table 253: Central Plant Optimization 30 Network Input Modules

Name Definition
CPO-30 Ready When CPO-30 Ready is true, the application follows the CPO-30 integration point values. When
CPO-30 Ready is false, the application follows its original sequences.
CPO-30 CHILLERMODE When CPO-30 CHILLERMODE is true, the application enables the mechanical cooling system.
CPO-30 RUNCTFAN When CPO-30 RUNCTFAN is true, the application turns on the fans in each running cooling
tower and runs the fans at the speed indicated by the CPO-30 CTFRPM point.
CPO-30 CHDMD Sets the chiller %RLA (Running Load Amperage) limit, for each running chiller.
CPO-30 LOWLOAD At very low loads, the operation of the lead (only operating) chiller is disabled to provide chilled
water more efficiently. When CPO-30 LOWLOAD is true, the application stops the operating
chiller, while leaving isolation valves open because the pumps continue to run. The chiller is
shut down, the running condenser water pumps and cooling tower fans are stopped. The chill
water pumps remain running. When CPO-30 LOWLOAD is false, the lead condenser pump is
enabled. Once the condenser water pump is proved to be running, the application enables the
lead chiller. At this point, the system returns to normal operation.
CPO-30 CHLRTR The CPO-30 CHLRTR signal is an analog 0-N (N = number of chillers at this plant) signal sent
to the application. The signal's value increases (or decreases) when the CPO-30 system wants
the application to add or subtract a lag chiller. When CPO-30 CHLRTR is increased from 0 to
1, the application initiates the start of the first chiller stage corresponding with the first row of
the chiller sequencing table. When CPO-30 CHLRTR is 1 and increased to 2 (or more), the
application steps through each chiller stage as defined in the chiller sequence table.
CPO-30 CDWPRPM Pump speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system supplied value.
When two or more pumps are operating, all condenser water pumps operate at identical speeds
according to the CPO-30 CDWPRPM point value.
CPO-30 CDWPTR Indicates the number of condenser water pumps to run. This signal informs the application when
to add or remove a pump.
CPO-30 CHWPTR Indicates the number of chill water pumps to run. This signal informs the application when to
add or remove a pump.
CPO-30 CHWPRPM Pump speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system supplied value.
When two or more pumps are operating, all chill water pumps operate at identical speeds
according to the CPO-30 CHWPRPM point value.
CPO-30 SCHWPTR Indicates the number of secondary water pumps to run. This signal informs the application when
to add or remove a pump.
CPO-30 SCHWPRPM Pump speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system supplied value.
When two or more pumps are operating, all secondary water pumps operate at identical speeds
according to the CPO-30 SCHWPRPM point value.

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 669

Table 253: Central Plant Optimization 30 Network Input Modules
Name Definition
CPO-30 CTTR Indicates the number of cooling towers to run. If CPO-30 determines it is more efficient to run
two or more cooling towers with the operating chillers, it increases the CPO-30 CTTR signal.
This signal informs the application when to add or remove a tower. This may happen concurrently
with a CPO-30 CHLRTR signal. This point only indicates when to allow condenser water flow
into the tower; the cooling tower fans remain off unless CPO-RUNCTFAN is on.
CPO-30 CDWBPV Indicates the percent at which the condenser water bypass valve is opened to control the
condenser water temperature.
CPO-30 CTFRPM Cooling tower fan speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system
supplied value CPO-30 CTFRPM when CPO-30 RUNCTFAN is active. When two or more tower
fans are operating, all tower fans operate at identical speeds according to the CPO-30 CTFRPM
point value.
CPO-30 HXTR The CPO-30 HXTR signal is an analog 0-N (N = number of heat exchangers at this plant) signal
sent to the application. The signal's value increases (or decreases) when the CPO-30 system
wants the application to add or subtract a heat exchanger. When CPO-30 HXTR is increased
from 0 to 1, the application initiates the start of the first heat exchanger stage corresponding
with the first row of the sequencing table. When CPO-30 HXTR is 1 and increased to 2 (or
more), the application steps through each stage as defined in the sequence table.

Generic (Add New) Modules

For Custom Application creation, generic Network Inputs can be created using the right-click > New process available
on the Network Inputs header in the Control View. You have the choice of creating a Boolean, Enum, or Float-based
Network Input that can be renamed and integrated into the custom logic. See Adding a Network Input in the Configuring
a System section.
The following table describes the generic Network Input modules and lists the applications in which they are used.
Table 254: Generic Network Input Modules
Name Description Applications
INPUT-BOOLEAN CS Input (Boolean) Custom Applications
INPUT-ENUM CS Input (Enum) Custom Applications
INPUT-FLOAT CS Input (Float) Custom Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Input Modules 670

Input Modules
The Inputs module category lists the inputs defined for the system. An input defines an interface to the actual
hardware in a system. An input can represent a physical sensor in the system, or an input associated with a sensor.
Inputs get data directly from hardware input points of a device.
See the following sections for information:
• Setting Preferences: The Preferences - Object Naming screen lists the inputs available in the system.
• Applications: The application sections list the inputs used by a particular application.
• Configuring a System: This section explains how to add an input, adjust an input signal, change an input name,
and so on.
• Commissioning a System: This section explains how to commission inputs.
• Input and Output Objects: This section describes the objects used in the tool.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Controller Tool Help: Input Modules 671

Miscellaneous Input Modules
The Miscellaneous module category for inputs lists the miscellaneous inputs defined for the system. A miscellaneous
input provides override monitoring. A miscellaneous input reads the current Present Value and Priority of position
adjust outputposition adjust output (PAO), analog outputanalog output (AO), and binary outputbinary output (BO)
See the following sections for information:
• Applications: The application sections list the miscellaneous inputs used by a particular application.
• Configuring a System: This section explains how to add a miscellaneous input, change a miscellaneous input
name, and so on.
• Commissioning a System: This section explains how to commission miscellaneous inputs.
• Input and Output Objects: This section describes the objects used in the tool.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Controller Tool Help: Miscellaneous Input Modules 672

Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules
The Setpoint/Miscellaneous group includes modules that provide setpoints or input to other modules (typically not
state selection).
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Alarm Management

Alarm AND
The Alarm AND module examines up to 9 Enum inputs and provides AND logic, where all inputs must be in Alarm
for the Alarm AND output to be in Alarm. This module provides a Boolean output that indicates when any input is
Normal, and a Boolean output that indicates when all inputs are Alarm. The module accepts eight Normal/Alarm
inputs and a cascaded input in cases where you need more than eight inputs, and has outputs for any input Normal,
all inputs Alarm, and an alarm output.
This module is implemented as a Control Activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Figure 94: Alarm AND Logic

Module Use in Applications (Alarm AND)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in the following table.
Table 255: Alarm AND Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Pump Dual Alarm AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Cooling Pump Dual Alarm All Air Handling Unit Applications
Preheat Pump Dual Alarm All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Pump Dual Alarm All Air Handling Unit Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 673

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Alarm AND)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Alarm AND modules.
Table 256: Alarm AND Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Alarm Provides a Boolean output value False
that is true if ALL inputs are in
Alarm - AND G, V Indicates the output of the module. Normal
When all inputs are in Alarm, this
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
output is in Alarm.
Cascaded AND Input Provides, as an input, the Normal
Cascaded AND Alarm from an
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
additional module.
Device X Alarm (Where X Provides, as an input, the binary Normal
is 1-8) alarm for up to 8 devices.
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Normal V Provides a Boolean output value False
that is true if any input is Normal.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Alarm OR
The Alarm OR module examines up to nine Enum inputs and provides OR logic, where at least one input must be
Alarm for the Alarm OR output to be Alarm. This module provides a Boolean output that indicates when all inputs
are Normal, and a Boolean output that indicates when any inputs are Alarm. The module accepts eight Normal/Alarm
inputs and a cascaded input for cases where you need more than eight inputs, and has outputs for any input Alarm,
all inputs Normal, and an alarm output.
This module is implemented as a Control Activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 674

Figure 95: Alarm OR

Module Use in Applications (Alarm OR)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in the following table.
Table 257: Alarm OR Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Fire Damper Alarm OR All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Alarm OR)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Alarm OR modules.
Table 258: Alarm OR Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Alarm Provides a Boolean output value False
that indicates if any input is in
Alarm - OR G, V Indicates the output of the module. Normal
When any input is in Alarm, this
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
output is in Alarm.
Cascaded OR Input Provides, as an input, the Normal
Cascaded OR Alarm from an
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
additional module.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 675

Table 258: Alarm OR Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device X Alarm (Where X Provides, as an input, the binary Normal
is 1-8) alarm for up to 8 devices.
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Normal V Provides a Boolean output value False
that indicates all inputs are Normal.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Central Plant
The Central Plant group provides modules used to calculate setpoint values for heating and cooling equipment.

3rd Party Enable

This module is designed to switch the control to or from an outside third party. The module has inputs for the System
Enable and the third party. This module has a Boolean output that indicates if the third party is in control. This module
is implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (3rd Party Enable)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 259: 3rd Party Enable Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
3rd Party Enable Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (3rd Party Enable)

The following table describes the attributes used by the 3rd Party Enable modules:

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 676

Table 260: 3rd Party Enable Attributes
Module Type Description Default Value
System Enable Indicates the current system False
status and determines if the
system is enabled.
3rd Party Enable Indicates the current status of False
the third party system and
determines if the system is
State Indicates the current state and False
switches control from the local
device to the third party.

The Add-8 module is responsible for adding up to eight inputs. This module accepts as inputs an Input 1 through
Input 8 and has one output. This module adds Input 1 through Input 8 with one output as the total.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Add-8)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 261: Add-8 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chiller Load Total Calc Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Add-8)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Add-8 modules:
Table 262: Add-8 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CH-TOT V Indicates the sum of Input 1 through Input 8. 0
Input n Indicates the float variable to add to the other inputs 0
(where n is 1-8).

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 677

Capacity Calculation
The Capacity Calculation module may be used to sum device amperes, device flow, or pump flow. The calculation
can be a function of measured data or rated data. This module accepts inputs for rated capacities or pump flows,
running capacities, and device usage. The module calculates the operating capacity and available capacity.
You cannot view and modify modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Capacity Calculation)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 263: Capacity Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Capacity Calculation Amp XX Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
(Where XX is 01-08)
Capacity Calculation Pct FLA X Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
(Where XX is 01-08)
Chiller Load Total Calc Amps Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Chiller Load Total Calc Pct Amps Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CHW Pump Capacity Check X Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
(Where X is 1-8)
CW Pump Capacity Check X Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
(Where X is 1-8)

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Capacity Calculation)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Capacity Calculation modules:
Table 264: Capacity Calculation Attributes
Module Type Description
1 Default Value
Device n Rated These values are the rated or name plate data for the device entered by the 100 Amps
Capacity user before commissioning. These inputs are used to calculate the operating
capacity when the Input Type is either Rated Flow or %FLA, and the inputs
are always used to calculate the available capacity regardless of the Input
Type. The module is created with n individual Device n Rated Capacity
inputs based on Number of Devices. (Where n is 1-8.)
Device n Running These values are measured values either entered through a sensor or a 0.0 Amps
Capacity network variable. These inputs are used to calculate operating capacity
when the Input Type is either Measured Flow, Amps, or %FLA. If an input
is unreliable, the corresponding value for the input is forced to zero. The
module is created with n individual Device n Running Capacity inputs based
on Number of Devices. (Where n is 1-8.)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 678

Table 264: Capacity Calculation Attributes
Module Type Description
1 Default Value
Device n Usage These values indicate the availability of the controlled device. When On, the Unavailable
command to the device is currently on. When Available, the device is off but
Set Name: Usage
could be commanded on. When Unavailable, the device is off and cannot
be used. The device could be unavailable because the maintenance switch
has the device disabled or the status did not match the command after the
Disable Delay Time value. These values are used to calculate the operating
capacity and the available capacity. The module is created with n individual
Device n Usage inputs based on Number of Devices. (Where n is 1-8.)
Operating G This value is the sum of capacities of devices which are on. This value can 0.0
Capacity be used by other modules to determine if additional pumping capacity is
Display Units: Amps
needed when a chiller is added. The user may calculate remaining capacity
by subtracting Operating Capacity from Available Capacity.
Available Capacity This value is the sum of capacities of devices which are either on or available. 0.0 Amps
This value can be used by other modules to determine if enough pumping
capacity is available to allow a chiller to be added.
Input Type This input indicates whether rated flow, measured flow, Amps or %FLA is Amps
used in the capacity calculations.
Set Name: Capacity

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable, SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Chiller Forced Upstage

The Chiller Forced Upstage module derates the current running chillers by comparing the CHW supply temp and
flow to a setpoint. This module provides two Boolean outputs. One output sets the derate flag true or false based
on its inputs. The other output issues a 5-second derate reset pulse 5 minutes after the derate flag transitions from
true to false. This module is implemented as a control activity.
Figure 96: Chiller Forced Upstage

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 679

Module Use in Applications (Chiller Forced Upstage)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 265: Chiller Forced Upstage Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chiller Forced Upstage Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Chiller Forced Upstage)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Chiller Forced Upstage modules:
Table 266: Chiller Forced Upstage Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Delay This input is the value, in minutes, sent to the On Delay. 20.0 minutes
Derate Now G This output is the result of the two comparisons, and is then False
connected to the Derate Now input on the Chiller Selector.
Flow This input is compared to the Max Flow. This input is typically 0.0 gpm, 0.0 L/s
connected to the CHW Supply Flow.
Flow Differential This input defines the amount the CHW flow must rise above 30.0 gpm, 114.0 L/s
setpoint to trigger the upstage.
Max Flow This input is compared to the Flow input. This value may be a 0.0 gpm, 0.0 L/s
user-defined value or come from another module that calculates
the Max Flow based on the number of devices running.
Reset Issues a reset command to the derate reset input on the Chiller False
Temp This input is compared to the Temp Setpt. This input is typically 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
connected to the CHW Supply Temperature.
Temp Differential This input defines the amount the CHW supply temperature must 1.7 Deg C, 3.0 Deg F
rise above setpoint to trigger the upstage.
Temp Setpt A constant is added to this input and then compared to the Temp 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
input. This input is typically connected to the CHW Supply
Temperature Setpoint.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset

The Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset module provides the Upper and Lower Percent Load Setpoints for the
Chiller Selector. This module provides two float outputs, one for the Upper Percent and another for the Lower Percent
setpoint. Based on the inputs, the module spans the Outputs between a high and low range. This module is
implemented as a Hybrid activity.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 680

Figure 97: Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset

Module Use in Applications (Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 267: Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 681

Attributes (Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset)
The following table describes the attributes used by this module:
Table 268: Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Chiller Setpoint Indicates the setpoint of the chillers, chill water.
Condenser Water Indicates the condenser water temperature. 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
Enable Provides the enable input, which allows the process to run. False
Lift High Range Defines the upper end of the lift range. Lift is the difference 22.7 Deg C, 41.0 Deg
between the entering condenser water temperature and F
the leaving chilled water temperature.
Lift Low Range Defines the lower end of the lift range. Lift is the difference 14.4 Deg C, 26.0 Deg
between the entering condenser water temperature and F
the leaving chilled water temperature.
Lower Opt Percent SP Provides a setpoint output for the chiller lower percent load 0.0%
input on the Chiller Selector.
Lower Opt SP-High Range Indicates the high range input for the Lower Optimal Percent 40.0%
Lower Opt SP-Low Range Indicates the low range input for the Lower Optimal Percent 30.0%
Period Indicates the time, in minutes, that the calculation executes. 5 minutes
Upper Opt Percent SP G Provides a setpoint output for the chiller upper percent load 0.0%
input on the Chiller Selector.
Upper Opt SP-High Range Indicates the high range input for the Upper Optimal Percent 80.0%
Upper Opt SP-Low Range Indicates the low range input for the Upper Optimal Percent 65.0%

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset

The CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset module resets the chilled water pump differential pressure
setpoint based on the zone loop differential pressure error from its setpoint. The module has inputs for the process
variable, building chilled water loop differential pressure setpoint, stage up and stage down thresholds, period, startup
value, and an enable. The module may operate in one of several modes which include Off, On, or Hold. This module
has an output for the plant chilled water loop differential pressure setpoint. This module is implemented as a control

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 682

Figure 98: CP-CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset

Module Use in Applications (CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 269: CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 683

Attributes (CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset)
The following table describes the attributes used by the CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset modules:
Table 270: CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Deadband Provides an input, which is an area of a signal range or band 12.0 kPa, 2.0 psi
where no action occurs.
Diff Pressure SP Indicates the desired differential pressure setpoint for the 34.0 kPa, 5.0 psi
building’s chilled water loop.
Enable Provides the enable input, which allows the process to run. False
Maximum dP Setpoint Indicates the maximum value to which the differential 276.0 kPa, 40.0 psi
pressure setpoint can be reset by the module.
Period Indicates the time, in minutes, that the calculation executes. 5 minutes
Plant CHW Diff Pressure G Indicates the plant’s CHW differential pressure setpoint as 34.0 kPa, 5.0 psi
SP determined by this module, based on the building chill water
loop differential pressure error.
Process Variable Provides the control differential pressure. The building chill 34.0 kPa, 5.0 psi
water differential pressure may be connected to this input.
Stage Down Threshold Indicates the amount that is subtracted from the current 13.0 kPa, 2.0 psi
CHW Pressure setpoint when the building loop pressure is
above setpoint.
Stage Up Threshold Indicates the amount that is added to the current CHW 34.0 kPa, 5.0 psi
Pressure setpoint when the building loop pressure is below
Startup Value Indicates the initial plant CHW differential pressure setpoint 20.0 kPa, 3.0 psi
used in the off state.
State Provides an output that represents the current module mode Off
of operation.
Set Name: Off/On/Hold

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

CW Temperature Diff Calc

The CW Temperature Diff Calc module calculates the condenser water temperature differential across each chiller,
and then selects the largest differential and passes that value to the process value of the PID. This module provides
a command input, and entering and leaving CW temperatures for each chiller. Based on the inputs, the module
passes the largest differential to the output. This module is implemented as a control activity.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 684

Figure 99: CW Temperature Diff Calc

Module Use in Applications (CW Temperature Diff Calc)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 271: CW Temperature Diff Calc Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CW Temperature Diff Calc Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (CW Temperature Diff Calc)

The following table describes the attributes used by the CW Temperature Diff Calc modules:

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 685

Table 272: CW Temperature Diff Calc Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
ChlrX CW Entering Temp Indicates the entering condenser water temperature 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
(Where X Is 1-8) for the associated chiller.
ChlrX CW Leaving Temp Indicates the leaving condenser water temperature 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
(Where X Is 1-8) for the associated chiller.
Command X (Where X Is 1-8) Indicates the current command of the associated Off
chiller or pump.
Set Name: Off/On
Output G Provides the result of the module’s calculation, 0.0
which is the largest CW differential value output.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Device Alarm
The Device Alarm module provides the ability to latch Input 1 through Input n. If any of the latched results of Input
1 through Input n are in an alarm condition, then the Output is Alarm and the Maintenance Switch is set to Disable.
When the latched results of Input 1 through Input n are Normal, then the Output is Normal.
When Setup n is set to Automatic, the latched result of Input n is set to Alarm when the input is at Alarm. The latched
result is set to Normal when the input is Normal.
When Setup n is Manual, the latched result is set to Alarm when the input is at Alarm. The latched result is set to
Normal when the input is Normal and the Reset n input is Reset. Figure 100 graphically conveys the behavior of
the Device Alarm module for an instance defined for four devices.
Figure 100: Device Alarm

You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Device Alarm)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 686

Table 273: Device Alarm Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CHW Pmp X Alarm (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW Pmp X Alarm (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Cooling Tower X Alarm v51 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Secondary Pump X Alarm (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Device Alarm)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Device Alarm modules:
Table 274: Device Alarm Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input n Indicates the inputs to this module (where n is 1-8). Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Maintenance G Provides the result of the OR operation and any latching, as Enable
Switch translated into the Disable/Enable value of the Maintenance
Set Name: Disable/Enable
Output Provides the result of the OR operation and any latching. Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Reset n Indicates the inputs used to set the Output back to normal when Off
Setup n is Manual (where n is 1-8).
Set Name: Off/Reset
Setup n Indicates the latching action for the specific input (where n is Automatic
1-8). When Setup n is Automatic, the Output is Alarm if the
Set Name: Reset Type
associated input is Alarm. If all inputs and Cascaded OR Input
are Normal, the Output is Normal. When Setup is Manual, the
Output is Alarm if the associated input is Alarm. If all inputs and
Cascaded OR Input are Normal and Reset is set to Reset, the
Output is set to Normal.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 687

Equipment Interlock
The Equipment Interlock module enables equipment for use within a Control Sequence. The Equipment Interlock
module can only exist within a Control Sequence or Control Activity within a Control Sequence. The purpose of the
Equipment Interlock module is to remove equipment from service when either the maintenance switch is set to
Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time expires. This module has
four modes of operation: None, Status, Automatic Restart, and Manual Restart.
• None: The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the module to
the OffOn output. The module does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
• Status: The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output. The
module does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
• Automatic Restart: The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn
output. The module checks for a mismatch between the command and status. When the property Check Command
On Mismatch is true, the module identifies a mismatch only when the command input is on. When the property
is false, the module identifies a mismatch between command and status when the command input is either on
or off. The module disables the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times.
This mode allows the module to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The module has properties for
the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required (for example, Reset). The Equipment
Interlock also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before attempting to start the
device again.
• Manual Restart: The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn
output. The module checks for a mismatch between the command and status. When the property Check Command
On Mismatch is true, the module identifies a mismatch only when the command input is on. When the property
is false, the module identifies a mismatch between command and status when the command input is either on
or off. The module disables the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times.
This mode requires manual reset to enable the device.
The module’s Usage output is set to Unavailable, Available, or On. The value of Usage depends on whether the
device is enabled or disabled, and the device status. For instance, if the device is disabled, its Usage is Unavailable.
If the device is enabled but off, its Usage is Available, and if the device is enabled and on, the Usage is On.
You cannot view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Figure 101 and Figure 102 graphically convey the behavior of the Equipment Interlock module.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 688

Figure 101: Graphical Description of Interlock Module

Figure 102: Equipment Interlock Module FSM Detail

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 689

Module Use in Applications (Equipment Interlock)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 275: Equipment Interlock Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
2 Pipe Pump Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
2 Pipe Pump X Interlock (Where X is 1-2) AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Chiller X Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CHW X IsoVlv Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CHW Pump X Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CW Pump X Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Cooling Pump Interlock All Air Handling Unit Applications
Cooling Pump X Interlock (Where X is 1-2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Cooling Tower X Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CT X IsoVlv Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CW X IsoVlv Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
EA Damper Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
EA Damper2 Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
Exhaust Fan Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Exhaust Fan2 Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
GEF Interlock All Air Handling Unit Applications
Heat Recovery Pump Interlock All Air Handling Unit Applications
HR Energy Wheel Interlock All Air Handling Unit Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 690

Table 275: Equipment Interlock Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
HxX CHW IsoVlv Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
HxX CW IsoVlv Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
HxX Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Min Outdoor Air Fan Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
OA Damper Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
OA Damper2 Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Preheat Pump Interlock All Air Handling Unit Applications
Preheat Pump X Interlock (Where X is 1-2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Pump Interlock All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Pump X Interlock (Where X is 1-2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Relief Fan Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Relief Fan2 Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Return Fan Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Return Fan2 Interlock AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 691

Table 275: Equipment Interlock Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Secondary Pump X Interlock (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
TEF Interlock All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Equipment Interlock)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Equipment Interlock modules:
Table 276: Equipment Interlock Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Alarm This output displays Normal when Normal
the device is available and Alarm
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
when the device is not available.
Note: Make sure that this attribute
is BACnet Exposed to
ensure that the Alarm
status is mapped to the
Check Command On Mismatch When true, this module identifies a True
mismatch between command and
status when the command input is
When false, the module identifies a
mismatch between command and
status when the command input is
either on or off.
The module starts immediately
when this property changes.
Command This input monitors the requested Off
command to the controlled device.
Set Name: Off/On
Device Enable G This output displays True when the False
device is available and False when
the device is not available.
Device Status This input monitors the status of the Off
controlled device.
Set Name: Off/On

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 692

Table 276: Equipment Interlock Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output 30.0 Seconds
Delay, but it is used after the device
was commanded on, status was
confirmed, but later did not match.
This input may be set to a longer
time than the output delay to allow
a chiller to recover from low load
recycle without disabling the chiller.
For Pumps and towers, this time
delay should be the same and the
Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input Enable
to disable or enable the controlled
Set Name: Disable/Enable
Off On This output displays either the Default Value: Off
Command or Device Status value
Set Name: Off/On
as determined by the Setup input.
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the 30.0 Seconds
status and command may mismatch
before the device is disabled. This
time is used when a device is
turning on or a device is turning off;
it is not used for lost status (the
device was commanded on, status
matched, but later did not match).
Reset This input provides a Boolean value Off
that resets the Device Enable output
Set Name: Off/Reset
to True when this value is set to
Retry Attempts This property indicates the retry 3
limit. When the Retry Counter is
Minimum Value: 1
greater than or equal to the Retry
Attempts, the module does not allow
any more retries until the Reset
input is set.
Retry Counter This property indicates the count of
the number of times the device has
lost status.
Retry Interval This property indicates the period 1 minute
of time the module waits before
Minimum Value: 0.3 minutes
attempting to use the device again.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 693

Table 276: Equipment Interlock Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Setup This input selects the mode of None
Set Name: None/Status
Usage This output value indicates the Unavailable
availability of the controlled device.
Set Name: Usage
When On, the Command to the
device is currently on. When
Available, the device is off and can
be commanded on. When
Unavailable, the device is off and
cannot be used. It could be
unavailable because the
maintenance switch is Disabled or
the Device Status did not match the
Command after the Output Delay

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Flow Direction Determination

Some flow sensors measure the absolute value of flow and do not indicate the flow direction. If this type of sensor
is used in the central plant application, you must use another sensor to measure the flow polarity. This module
merges the direction and flow into one value. This module has inputs for the flow Direction and Flow value, and a
single signed output for the flow value.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Flow Direction Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 277: Flow Direction Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Decouple Flow Loop Determination Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Flow Direction Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module:

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 694

Table 278: Flow Direction Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Flow Direction This input is the direction of the flow. It is used when Normal
a directional flow BI is included in the system.
Set Name: Polarity
Flow Input This input is the measured flow through the decoupled 0.0 gpm, 0.0 L/s
flow loop. This input may or may not have direction
Display Precision: 1s
associated with it.
Present Value This output is the decoupled flow merged with flow 0.0 gpm, 0.0 L/s
direction. A negative flow represents flow in the reverse
Display Precision: 1s

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Load Calculator
The Load Calculator module calculates fluid heat transfer rates for heating and cooling applications. The Load
Calculator module can only exist within the Control Sequence or a Control Activity within the Control Sequence.
The inputs include system flow rate, inlet and outlet temperatures, media type, a Heat Cool Mode, and glycol
concentration. Three media are considered: Pure water, Water-Ethylene Glycol solution, and Water-Propylene Glycol
solution. The module allows you to select the media type. For the Water-Ethylene Glycol solution and Water-Propylene
Glycol media types, you also select the concentration of Glycol in mass percentage. The output is the heating or
cooling heat transfer rate.
You cannot view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Load Calculator)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 279: Load Calculator Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Load Calculator Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Load Calculator)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Load Calculator modules:

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 695

Table 280: Load Calculator Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Flow Volumetric flow rate of the media through the device. 0 l/s, gpm
Precision: 10 s
Minimum value 0.0. If Flow is less than
zero, the module should use zero for the
Glycol If Media Type is Water-Ethylene Glycol or 10.0%
Concentration Water-Propylene Glycol, this indicates the percent th
(in weight) of the glycol component in the mixture. Precision: 10 s
Minimum Value 10.
Maximum Value 90.0
Heat Cool Mode Switch to change the sign of Load, such that a Cooling
positive value of a Heating Load means energy
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
added to the fluid and a positive value of a Cooling
Load means energy removed from the media.
Changing this causes the module to execute.
Load The calculated amount of energy added or removed 0 kW, MBtu/h if Heat Cool Mode =
from the fluid. Heating
kW, Tons of Refrigeration if Heat Cool
Mode is Cooling
Precision: 10 s
Media Type The type of fluid used in the system. Changing this Water
causes the module to execute
Set Name: Load Media
Temperature In Temperature of the fluid entering the device. 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
Precision: 10 s
Temperature Out Temperature of the fluid leaving the device. 0 Deg C, Deg F
Precision: 10 s
Unit Set System of units. Changing this causes the module I
to execute.
Set Name: Unit; SET

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Load Filter
The Load Filter module provides a digital filtered value for use within a Control Sequence.
The module has four main inputs:
• Enable: When True, the Filter calculates a digital filtered value for the output after the Startup Delay time passes.
When False, the input passes directly to the output.
• Filter Enable: When On, the Filter calculates a digital filtered value for the output. When Off, the input passes
directly to the output.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 696

• Input: Provides a floating point value and is typically connected from another block.
• Time Constant: Determines the cutoff frequency and the execution period.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Load Filter)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 281: Load Filter Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Load Filter Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Load Filter)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module:
Table 282: Load Filter Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Enable Enables or disables the module. False
When this input is disabled, the Input passes directly
to the Output.
When this input is enabled, the Input passes directly
to the Output for the duration of the Startup Delay
before passing the filtered value.
EWMA Present Value Indicates the output of the second EWMA block. 0
Filter Enable Enables or disables the filter calculation. On
When this input is disabled, the Input passes directly Set Name: Off/On
to the Output.
When this input is enabled, the filtered value passes
directly to the Output.
Input Provides the input to the filter. 0
Output G Indicates the output from the filter. 0
Startup Delay Indicates the duration that the Output uses the 15 minutes
unfiltered value when the Enable input transitions from
false to true.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 697

Table 282: Load Filter Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
State Provides an output indicating the Off/On status of the Set Name: Off/On
module. Off means the output is unfiltered. On means
filtering may be used.
Time Constant Indicates the time required for a first-order system to 20 minutes
reach 63% of its final magnitude given a 100% step
change. This value is often represented by the symbol
The repeated root filter reaches 63.6% of a step
increase in 22.4% of the time constant, and reaches
96.4% of a step increase in 53% of the time constant.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Load Filter)

Figure 103: Load Filter Logic and States

• Off: The Input passes directly to the Output. The signal is unfiltered.
• On: Indicates the active filter state. If Filter Enable is set to Off, the Input passes directly to the Output. If Filter
Enable is set to On, the output is the filtered input, and the filter uses the effective time constant. During the first
Start Up Delay period, the filter uses a small time constant to allow the filter to charge up, then the longer Time
Constant is used for the effective filter time constant. The following figure shows an example of the step response
when the Time Constant is 30 minutes (1,800 seconds).

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 698

Figure 104: Step Response Example (1,800 Seconds)

PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position

The PCHWP dP (primary chilled water pump differential pressure) Setpoint Reset By Coil Position module resets
the building’s chilled water differential pressure setpoint based on the chilled water valve coil positions. The module
determines the maximum valve position, the average valve position, and the standard deviation of the valve positions.
If the maximum valve position is 100% and the maximum valve position is less than two standard deviations away
from the mean, the dP setpoint increases. Conversely, the dP setpoint decreases if the maximum valve position is
less than 90%, or the maximum valve position is considered an outlier as determined by being more than two standard
deviations from the mean position of all valve inputs. The module is constructed with inputs for four valve coil position
inputs. This module is implemented as a control activity.
The System Selection Wizard loads a primary or secondary instance of this module based on the primary and
secondary selections made. When you manually add this module (that is, Setpoint/Miscellaneous header right-click
menu > New), the name appears as PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position in the palette of the
Setpoint/Miscellaneous Module Selection dialog box.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 699

You may need to add more inputs for the specific application. You should define as many inputs as is necessary to
get a statistically significant sample size that is representative of the overall population of coil valve positions. If you
have more than four coils, add an EWMA block that matches the defined EWMA configuration (use the copy and
paste capability) for each additional coil. Then, connect the additional EWMA blocks to the Statistic block.
Figure 105: PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position

Module Use in Applications (PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 283: PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
SCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position)

The following table describes the attributes used by the PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position modules:

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 700

Table 284: PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Position Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CHW Coil nn Position Indicates the valve positions of the chilled water (CHW) coils. 95%
Effective dP Setpoint G Provides the building's CHW differential pressure setpoint as 34.0 kPa, 5.0 psi
determined by this module based on the valve position of the coils.
Enable Provides the enable input, which allows the process to run. False
Maximum dP Setpoint Resets the Effective dP setpoint up to the Maximum dP Setpoint. 276.0 kPa, 40.0 psi
Minimum dP Setpoint Resets the Effective dP setpoint down to the Minimum dP Setpoint. 34.0 kPa, 5.0 psi
Set this attribute to a value such that when the value is reached and
the bypass valve is fully open, the system still meets the largest
minimum flow requirement required by the chillers.
Period Indicates the time, in minutes, that the calculation executes. 5 minutes
Stage Down Threshold Indicates the amount that is subtracted from the current CHW 14.0 kPa, 2.0 psi
Pressure setpoint when the maximum valve position is less than
90% or is determined to be an outlier. To avoid changing the valve
positions too much or too little during a stage down event, set the
Stage Down Threshold to approximately 10% of the expected
operating point of the building differential pressure. The default value
of 2.0 psi works well for building dPs around 20.0 psi.
Stage Up Threshold Indicates the amount that is added to the current CHW Pressure 21.0 kPa, 3.0 psi
setpoint when a valve is fully open and not determined to be an
outlier. To avoid changing the valve positions too much or too little
during a stage up event, set the Stage Up Threshold to approximately
10% of the expected operating point of the building differential
pressure. The default value of 3.0 psi works well for building dPs
around 20.0 psi.
Startup Value Indicates the initial plant CHW differential pressure setpoint. 103.0 kPa, 15.0 psi

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Status OR
The Status OR module examines up to eight Enum inputs and one Boolean input, and outputs a unified Enum status
for the input group, a Boolean output indicating whether any status equals ON, and a Boolean output indicating
whether all statuses equal ON. The module accepts eight ON/OFF inputs and a cascaded input for cases where
you need more than eight inputs, and has outputs for any input ON, all inputs ON, and status.
This module is implemented as a Control Activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 701

Figure 106: Status OR Logic

Module Use in Applications (Status OR)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 285: Status OR Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Pump Status OR Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Status OR)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module:
Table 286: Status OR Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
O3 Provides a Boolean output value that indicates all False
inputs are OFF.
O2 Provides a Boolean output value that indicates False
whether any input is ON.
Cascaded OR Input Provides, as an input, the Cascaded OR Status from False
an additional module.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 702

Table 286: Status OR Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device X Status Provides, as an input, the binary status for up to 8 Off
(Where X is 1-8) devices.
Set Name: Off/On
Status - OR G Indicates the output of the module. When any input Off
is ON, this output is ON.
Set Name: Off/On

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

The Subtract module subtracts two inputs. This module accepts as inputs Input 1 and Input 2, and has one output.
This module subtracts Input 1 from Input 2, and the differential is the output. If Input 2 resides outside of an acceptable
range, the module supplies a default differential value to the output.
If Input 1 is less than 35.0, and Input 2 is less than 99.0 AND greater than 13.0, the assumption is that the module
is measuring chilled water differential temperature in deg C and a chiller is not running. A default value of 7.0 is
provided as the output.
If Input 1 is greater than 35.0, and Input 2 is less than 99.0 AND greater than 53.0, the assumption is that the module
is measuring chilled water differential temperature in deg F and a chiller is not running. A default value of 14.0 is
provided as the output.
For example, the Supply Return Water Differential module, a Subtract module, determines the cooling load based
on the measured chilled water supply and return temperature differential. This module is designed to ensure chiller
startup by providing a fixed temperature differential output of 14°F (7°C) under startup conditions when the chilled
water supply and return temperature differential is typically zero. After startup, once the chilled water supply
temperature falls to 46°F (or below 10°C for a metric application), the module begins to output the true chilled water
supply-return temperature differential. This building load is compared to the maximum rated temperature drop across
the devices, as defined in the details of the Chiller Selector Module as Max Delta CHWT. This method only uses
temperature sensors.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Figure 107: Subtract Module's Logic

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 703

Module Use in Applications (Subtract)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 287: Subtract Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Supply Return Water Differential Calc Central Cooling Applications
Diff Flow Calc Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Subtract)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Subtract modules:
Table 288: Subtract Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CHWTEMP-DIFF or V Indicates the differential of Input 1 subtracted from 0
CHWFLOW-DIFF [Output (Float)] Input 2.
Input 1 Indicates the floating variable from which Input 2 is 0
Input 2 Indicates the variable that is subtracted from Input 0

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Waterside Economizer Suitability

The Waterside Economizer Suitability module defines the suitability of central plant waterside economizer cooling
based on outdoor air conditions and current building load. Economizer cooling is considered suitable if the outdoor
air wet bulb temperature is less than a user-defined setpoint and if the current building load is less than the available
heat exchanger capacity. The module also has a Network Free Cooling Available command input that can be used
to define economizer suitability. This module is implemented as a control activity. For more information, refer to the
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization™ 10 Application Note (LIT-12011575).

Module Use in Applications (Waterside Economizer Suitability)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 289: Waterside Economizer Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Waterside Economizer Suitability Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 704

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Waterside Economizer Suitability)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Waterside Economizer Suitability modules:
Table 290: Waterside Economizer Suitability Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Building Load Indicates the amount of energy 0.0 tons (0.0 kW)
the plant adds to the chilled
water. The failsoft property on
this element is set to true. If the
input is unreliable (or not
connected), the input uses its
default value of zero.
ECON IS AVAIL (Network Indicates if waterside False
Free Cooling is Available) economizer cooling is suitable.
Used as a network input.
Economizer Switchover Indicates the switchover 50°F (10°C)
Setpoint setpoint, which is compared
with the OAT (or OAWB-T) to
determine waterside
economizer cooling suitability.
May be set to the CHWS-T
Setpoint - (Cooling Tower
Approach + HX Approach) to
ensure outdoor air conditions
are suitable for waterside
economizer cooling.
Free Cooling Available Indicates if waterside False
economizer cooling is suitable.
HX Capacity Indicates the available heat 28.4 tons (100.0 kW)
exchanger capacity.
Load Margin Indicates the differential applied 5.7 tons (20.0 kW)
to the HX capacity when
comparing with the Building
Load. The Load Margin may be
used to account for a temporary
increase in building load that
may result when switching into
economizer cooling due to the
AHU's response to a warmer
chilled water supply

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 705

Table 290: Waterside Economizer Suitability Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
OA Econ Lockout Setpoint Indicates the outdoor air 32°F (0°C)
setpoint for economizer lockout.
When the outdoor air dry bulb
temperature drops below this
setpoint, waterside economizer
operation is disabled.
OA Econ Lockout Setpoint Indicates the differential for 4°F (2°C)
Diff outdoor air economizer lockout.
When the outdoor air rises
above the OA Econ Lockout
Setpoint plus this differential
value, waterside economizer
operation is reenabled.
OA Humidity Indicates the outside air relative 50%RH
humidity. Used to calculate the
OA Wet Bulb Temperature
OA Temperature Indicates the outside air dry 70.0°F (20.0°C)
bulb temperature.
Switchover Diff Indicates the differential applied 2.0°F (1.0°C)
to the Economizer Switchover

Device Enable
The Device Enable group provides the ability to enable devices based on network commands or outdoor air
These modules are included in the Miscellaneous category because they typically, but not always, provide information
to other State Generation modules rather than connecting directly to State Selection. Also, see the Device Enable
category of modules in the State Generation Modules (State Generators) section.

Economizer Availability
The Economizer Availability module defines the suitability of the economizer based on a number of possible inputs
(including outdoor air temperature and humidity, return air temperature, and humidity), a hardware switch commonly
know as Enthalpy Switch, and a network command that most likely originates in a supervisory controller.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic; however, the Free Cooling Availability contained within
this module that performs much of the module’s calculations cannot be viewed or modified.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 706

Module Use in Applications (Economizer Availability)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 291.
Table 291: Economizer Availability Uses In Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Economizer Availability Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Economizer Availability)

Table 292 describes the attributes used by the Economizer Availability module.
Table 292: Economizer Availability Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Bypass Percent Provides the percent of air passing through the coil that is unaffected 20%
by the coil [%]. This is used for the Model-Based Economizer Type.
Discharge Air Provides the effective discharge air temperature for the cooling coil. 12.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg
Temperature This is used for the Model-Based Economizer Type. F
ECON-AVAILABLE G, V Displays a value of True when increasing the volume of outside air
(Free Cooling Available) can reduce the cooling coil load. This attribute contains a value of
False when the volume of outside air should be at the minimum
required for ventilation.
Economizer Type Allows you to select the type of economizer logic. Temperature&Enthalpy
Set Name: Free
Cooling Method
ECONSWO-SP (Change Specifies the change over dry bulb temperature used to determine 20.0 Deg C, 68 Deg F
Over Temperature) if free cooling is available for the Dry Bulb Temperature economizer
Elevation Contains the distance above or below sea level [m or ft]. This is 0 m, 0 ft
used in the psychrometric calculations performed for Economizer
Type = Temperature & Enthalpy or Model Based.
Hardware Free Cooling Provides an input that can be used to determine whether the Not Available
Available economizer is suitable or not. The failsoft property on this attribute
Set Name: Not
is set to True. If this input becomes unreliable, the default value of
Not Available is used. Hardware Free Cooling Available is typically
connected to the ECON-EN hardware input (BI).

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 707

Table 292: Economizer Availability Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Minimum OA Percent Provides the percent of maximum supply fan flow rate required for 20%
the minimum amount of ventilation air.
Network Free Cooling Provides an input to this module that can be used to determine False
Available whether the economizer is suitable or not. True means suitable and
False means not suitable. The failsoft property on this attribute is
set to True. If this input becomes unreliable, the default value of
False is used. Network Free Cooling Available is typically connected
to the ECON-EN Network Input.
OA Humidity Provides the relative humidity of the outdoor air and is used when 50.0%RH
the Economizer Type is Temperature & Enthalpy or Model Based.
OA Humidity is typically connected from a Network Input or hardware
input (OA-H).
OA Temperature Contains the dry bulb temperature of the outside air. 25.0 Deg C, 77 Deg F
Return Air Humidity Provides the relative humidity of the return air and is used when the 50.0%RH
Economizer Type is Temperature & Enthalpy or Model Based. Return
Air Humidity is typically connected from the RA-H hardware input.
Return Air Temperature Provides the dry bulb temperature of the return air and is used when 20.0 Deg C, 68 Deg F
the Economizer Type is Temperature & Enthalpy or Model Based.
Return Air Temperature is typically connected from the RA-T
hardware input.
Suitability Selection Defines the method for determining the suitability. Suitability may Local Sensors
be a function of network suitability, hardware suitability, or humidity
Set Name: Free
and temperature.
Cooling Select
Supply Fan Status Provides the operating status of air-handling unit supply fan. When True
the fan is off, ECON-AVAILABLE is immediately set to False. When
the fan turns on, the conditions are immediately evaluated to
determine the economizer status. Running = True, Off = False.
Unit Set Specifies whether this module should operate in Metric or Imperial SI, IP
Set Name: Unit Set

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if appliable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning Modes
Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Economizer Availability)

Table 293: Economizer Availability Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Network Free Cooling Available The input is assumed to be False.
Hardware Free Cooling Available The input is assumed to be False.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 708

Economizer Availability RA-T Compare
The Economizer Availability RA-T Compare module compares the outdoor air temperature with the return air
temperature to determine economizer availability. If the return air temperature is greater than the outdoor air
temperature by the Temp Difference SP value and the outdoor air temperature is less than the Change Over
Temperature minus the Change Over Differential, then the economizer is available. When the difference drops below
this value by the Temp Difference Differential, the economizer is not available. If the outdoor air temperature rises
above the Change Over Temperature, the economizer is not available.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic; however, the Free Cooling Availability contained within
this module that performs much of the module’s calculations cannot be viewed or modified.

Module Use in Applications (Economizer Availability RA-T Compare)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 294.
Table 294: Economizer Availability RA-T Compare Uses In Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Econ Enable OA versus RA AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Economizer Availability RA-T Compare)

Table 295 describes the attributes used by the Economizer Availability RA-T Compare module.
Table 295: Economizer Availability RA-T Compare Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Change Over Differential Determines whether the economizer is available. When the 4.5 Deg C, 8.0 Deg F
OA Temperature is less than the Change Over Temperature
by this value, free cooling is available.
ECON-AVAILABLE (Free G, V Displays a value of True when increasing the volume of False
Cooling Available) outside air can reduce the cooling coil load. This attribute
contains a value of False when the volume of outside air
should be at the minimum required for ventilation.
ECONSWO-SP (Change Specifies the change over dry bulb temperature used to 20.0 Deg C, 68 Deg F
Over Temperature) determine whether the economizer is available. When the
OA Temperature is greater than this value, the economizer
is not available.
OA Temperature Contains the dry bulb temperature of the outside air. 25.0 Deg C, 77 Deg F
Return Air Temperature Provides the dry bulb temperature of the return air. 20.0 Deg C, 68 Deg F
Supply Fan Status Provides the operating status of the AHU supply fan (Running True
= True, Off = False).

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 709

Table 295: Economizer Availability RA-T Compare Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Temp Difference SP Determines whether the economizer is available. When the 3.0 Deg C, 5.5 Deg F
Return Air Temperature minus the OA Temperature is greater
than this value, the economizer is available.
Temp Difference Determines the value used to disable the economizer. When 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
Differential the Return Air Temperature minus the OA Temperature is
less than the Temp Difference SP, the economizer is

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Economizer Availability RA-T Compare)

This module uses the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

Device Mode Determination

The Device Mode Determination group provides flow status determination for heat pumps and unit ventilators, staged
device enable and warmup cooldown determination for VAV boxes, and summer winter mode determination for
mixed air and 100% outdoor air single duct air handling units.

Analog Status Determination

This module is responsible for generating a status value for AHUs that use a single analog input to test for fan status
for a fan array. Individual fan status devices are wired in series with a resistor across the contact, and one additional
resistor wired in the circuit permanently to prevent short circuiting the input. All resistors must have the same
resistance value, and this value is entered in the Resistance per Fan input (default value = 100 ohms). See Figure
108 for a suggested wiring implementation to match this module.
Closing the contact decreases the total resistance a fixed amount per activated device. If the total measured resistance
is greater than the minimum number of running devices multiplied by the resistance per device, the unit fan is off. If
the measured resistance is less, then the unit fan is considered to be operating properly. The module outputs the
number of running devices, the effective fan status, and a Boolean output of the fan status.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 710

Figure 108: Suggested Wiring for Analog Status Determination

Module Use in Application (Analog Status Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group with the names in the following
Table 296: Analog Status Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Supply Fan Analog Status Determination AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Exhaust Fan Analog Status Determination AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Return Fan Analog Status Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Relief Fan Analog Status Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Analog Status Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Analog Status Determination module.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 711

Table 297: Analog Status Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan State Indicates the calculated status of the fan array using a Boolean False
• False = Off
• True = On
Fan Status Indicates the calculated status of the fan array using the off/on Off
enum set.
Minimum Running Devices Indicates the minimum number of devices that constitute fan 8
Number of Devices (input) Indicates maximum number of devices wired to the single input. 8
Number of Devices (output) Indicates calculated number of operating devices. 9
Resistance 1 Indicates current resistance measured by the analog input. 100
Resistance per Fan Indicates number of Ohms each fan status reduces the 100
measured resistance by.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Dual Fan Command OR

The Dual Fan Command OR Module provides the ability to OR the inputs to the module and passes the result to
the output. This module is implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Figure 109: Dual Fan Command OR Logic

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan Command OR)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 298: Dual Fan Command OR Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Dual Fan Command OR AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 712

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dual Fan Command OR)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan Command OR modules.
Table 299: Dual Fan Command OR Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Command This input represents the command being sent Off
to the first device.
Set Name: Off/On
Command 2 This input represents the command being sent Off
to the second device.
Set Name: Off/On
Output G This is the result of the OR operation. Off
Set Name: Off/On

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Dual Fan Speed High Select

The Dual Fan Speed High Select Module provides a high select between two inputs and passes the result to the
output. This module is implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group's logic.
Figure 110: Dual Fan Speed High Select Logic

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan Speed High Select)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 300: Dual Fan Speed High Select Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Dual Fan Speed High Select AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 713

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dual Fan Speed High Select)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan Speed High Select modules.
Table 301: Dual Fan Speed High Select Common Attributes
1 2 Description Default Value
Name Type
Input 1 Indicates the float variable that is compared 0
to other inputs.
Display Units: None
Input 2 Indicates the float variable that is compared 0
to other inputs.
Display Units: None
Fan Percent Cmd G Indicates the result of the high select. 0.0
Display Units: None

1 Attributes apply to all the modules within this category.

2 B: BACnet Exposed Parameter, C: Configuration Mode Only, G: Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC:
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V: Calculated Value (Outputs)

Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination

This module is designed to generate the appropriate alarm state for a device. The module monitors the command
and flow status of two devices and determines whether the current state should be Normal or Alarm. This module
is implemented as a control activity. The following state diagram shows how each fan status is determined. The
results of these determinations is then ORed and ANDed to produce the outputs of the module.
Figure 111: Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination

You can view and modify the modules in this group's logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 714

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 302: Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination Uses in Application System Selection Tree
Module Instance Name Applications
Dual Supply Fan Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Relief Fan Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Return Fan Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Exhaust Fan Status Alarm Determination AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination modules.
Table 303: Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination Common Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Alarm - AND Current alarm status of both devices as a result of an AND Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Alarm - OR Current Alarm status of either device as a result of an OR Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Alarm 1 Current alarm status of the first device. Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Alarm 2 Current alarm status of the second device. Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Command The current command to the first device. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Command 2 The current command to the second device. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Delay Delay allowed for the device to start before indicating a fault. 30 Seconds
Display Precision: 1s
Flow Status Current status of the first device. Off
Note: When you set Failsoft = True, the value for the switch
Set Name: Off/On
automatically sets to OFF when the input is not

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 715

Table 303: Dual Fan Status Alarm Determination Common Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Flow Status2 Current status of the second device. Off
Note: When you set Failsoft = True, the value for the switch
Set Name: Off/On
automatically sets to OFF when the input is not
Status - AND Current effective status of both devices as a result of an AND False
function. A true indicates that the device is commanded on and
the Flow Status is on. The value is false when the Flow Status
input is off.
Status - OR G Current Alarm status of either device as a result of an OR False
function. A True indicates that the device is commanded on
and the Flow Status is on. The value is False when the Flow
Status input is off.
Status 1 Current effective status of the first device. A True indicates that False
the device is commanded on and the Flow Status is on. The
value is False when the Flow Status input is off.
Status 2 Current effective status of the second device. A True indicates False
that the device is commanded on and the Flow Status is on.
The value is False when the Flow Status input is off.

1 B: BACnet Exposed Parameter, C: Configuration Mode Only, G: Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC:
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V: Calculated Value (Outputs)

Flow Status Determination

This module monitors the status of the Airflow Proving Switch as compared to the commanded Fan Mode. The
module adds some error checking to remove short glitches in the signal and also indicates a fault should the fan
command be on for a length of time without any indication of proof of flow.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic, but the Airflow Proving FSM contained within cannot be

Module Use in Applications (Flow Status Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group with the names in Table 304.
Table 304: Flow Status Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Airflow Status Determination Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 716

Attributes (Flow Status Determination)
Table 305 describes the attributes used by the Flow Status Determination module.
Table 305: Flow Status Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Air Proving Switch Displays the current status of the Air Proving Switch. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Delay Specifies the delay allowed for the fan to start before 30 Seconds
a fault occurs.
Fan Mode Provides the last command sent to the fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Fan Status V Displays the current effective status of the Airflow
Proving Switch. This attribute is the same as the Status
except that Fault is mapped to False.
FLOW-S (Status) G, V Displays the current effective status of the Airflow Set Name: False/True/Fault
Proving switch.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Flow Status Determination)

• False: The Airflow Proving Switch is Off and the Fan Mode is Off or has been On for less than the Delay time.
• True: The Airflow Proving Switch is On and the Fan Mode is On.
• Fault: The Airflow Proving Switch is Off and the Fan Mode has been On for at least the Delay time.

Reliability (Flow Status Determination)

This module uses the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel

This module generates a True, False, or Fault state to indicate to a parallel staged device that the airflow requirements
have been met. For a parallel device (a parallel fan in a single duct VAV box application), the only requirement to
enable the device is that the fan is commanded on.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 306.
Table 306: Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel Uses in Application System
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 717

Attributes (Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel)
Table 307 describes the attributes used by the Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel module.
Table 307: Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan Mode Displays the last command sent to the Off
Set Name: Off/On
STGDEV-STATE (State) G, V Displays the current effective status for Enable
the staged device.
Set Name: False/True/Fault

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel)

• False: Conditions are not appropriate to allow staged devices to operate.
• True: Conditions are appropriate to allow staged devices to operate.
• Fault: Conditions are not appropriate to allow staged devices to operate.

Reliability (Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel)

This module uses the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

Staged Device Enable Determination Series

This module generates the True, False, or Fault state to indicate to a staged device that the airflow requirements
have been met. If either the fan command (on/off) is on or the supply flow is greater than the minimum flow value,
the state is True. This module is designed for use with VAV boxes that contain a heating coil in the discharge air
stream (series). This module can be used for VAV boxes with or without a fan. If a fan does not exist, the default
Fan Mode value is Off and the default for the State does not change if the Fan Mode is not connected.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Staged Device Enable Determination Series)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in Table 308.
Table 308: Staged Device Enable Determination Series Uses in Application System
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Device Enable Determination Series VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Staged Device Enable Determination Series)

Table 309 describes the attributes used by the Staged Device Enable Determination Series module.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 718

Table 309: Staged Device Enable Determination Series Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan Mode Displays the last command sent to the fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
STGDEV-MINFLOW (Staged Displays the minimum required flow that must be 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Device Min Flow) reached (without the fan being commanded on)
before the system issues a True.
STGDEV-STATE (State) G, V Displays the current effective status indicating Enable
whether the staged device should be enabled or
Set Name: False/True/Fault
Supply Flow Indicated the current supply airflow rate. 0 l/s, 0 cfm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Staged Device Enable Determination Series)

• False: Conditions are not appropriate to allow staged devices to operate.
• True: Conditions are appropriate to allow staged devices to operate.
• Fault: Conditions are not appropriate to allow staged devices to operate.

Reliability (Staged Device Enable Determination Series)

This module uses the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

Status Alarm Determination

This module generates the appropriate alarm state for a device. The Status Alarm Determination module monitors
the command and flow status to determine whether the current state is Normal or Alarm.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Status Alarm Determination)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in Table 310.
Table 310: Status Alarm Determination Uses in Application System
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Pump Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Cooling Pump Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
CWPX Status Alarm Determination Central Heating Applications
(Where X Is 1-8)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 719

Table 310: Status Alarm Determination Uses in Application System
Module Instance Name Applications
Exhaust Fan Status Alarm Determination AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
GEF Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
(General Exhaust Fan) AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Heat Recovery Pump Status Alarm AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
HR Energy Wheel Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Min Outdoor Air Fan Status Alarm AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
PCHWPX Status Alarm Determination Central Cooling Applications
(Where X Is 1-8)
PHWPX Status Alarm Determination Central Heating Applications
(Where X Is 1-8)
Preheat Pump Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Reheat Pump Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 720

Table 310: Status Alarm Determination Uses in Application System
Module Instance Name Applications
Relief Fan Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Return Fan Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
SCHWPX Status Alarm Determination Central Cooling Applications
(Where X Is 1-8)
SHWPX Status Alarm Determination Central Heating Applications
(Where X Is 1-8)
TEF Status Alarm Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
(Toilet Exhaust Fan) AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
TwrFanX Status Alarm Determination Central Cooling Applications
(Where X Is 1-8)

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Status Alarm Determination)

Table 311 describes the attributes used by the Status Alarm Determination module.
Table 311: Status Alarm Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Alarm G Indicates the current alarm status of the device. Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Command Indicates the current command to the device. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Delay Displays the delay (time period) allowed to elapse after the 30 seconds
device starts and before it indicates a fault.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 721

Table 311: Status Alarm Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Flow Status Indicates the current status of the device. If Failsoft is True, Off
the switch is set to Off when the input is not Reliable.
Set Name: Off/On
Status Indicates the current effective status of the device. When False
True, the device is commanded on and the Flow Status is
on. This value is False when the Flow Status input is off.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Status Alarm Determination)

• NoFlow: The input is Off.
• Flow: The input is On.

Reliability (Status Alarm Determination)

This module uses the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

SummerWinter Mode Determination

The Summer Winter Mode module is designed to switch a unit that controls a two-pipe coil between summer and
winter operation based on the supply water temperature. This module accepts supply water temperature, setpoint,
and differential as inputs. The module has a state output. If the supply water temperature is greater than the setpoint,
the unit operates in the winter mode; and if the supply water temperature is less than the setpoint (with a differential),
the unit operates in the summer mode. The module uses the last reliable water temperature when the water
temperature becomes unreliable.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (SummerWinter Mode Determination)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in Table 312.
Table 312: SummerWinter Mode Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Summer Winter Mode Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (SummerWinter Mode Determination)

Table 313 describes the attributes used by the SummerWinter Mode Determination module.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 722

Table 313: SummerWinter Mode Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
State G, V Indicates the current effective status of Summer Winter Set Name:
Mode Determination. Summer/Winter
SUMWINSWO-DIFF Represents the switchover differential. To reverse from 22.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
(Switchover Diff) winter to summer, the Switchover Process Variable must
be less than the setpoint minus this attribute value.
SUMWINSWO-SP Compares the supply water temperature with this setpoint 38.0 Deg C, 100.0 Deg F
(Switchover Setpoint) to determine whether the water is warm or cold. This input
is the switchover setpoint.
Switchover Process Indicates the supply water temperature. If the water is hot, 15.0 Deg C, 60 Deg F
Variable then the unit must operate in the winter mode, and if the
water is cold, the unit must operate in the summer mode.
Switchover Process Variable is typically connected from
a hardware input.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (SummerWinter Mode Determination)

• Summer: The supply water is cold and the unit may operate in cooling modes.
• Winter: The supply water is hot and the unit may operate in heating modes.

Reliability (SummerWinter Mode Determination)

This module uses the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

WarmupCooldown Determination
This module determines the effective WarmupCooldown status for single duct VAV applications by evaluating the
Network Input and the automatic Warmup mode based on the supply air temperature. The module issues a warmup
status ANY TIME the SA-T (Supply Air Temperature)meets the requirements necessary for warmup (that is, both
SA-T and ZN-T are reliable and SA-T > [ZN-T+Differential]). If both SA-T and ZN-T are reliable and the SA-T is not
warm enough to trigger warmup, the WC-C (WarmupCooldown) network input is not allowed to force warmup
(remains in Normal). The module state output is the effective WarmupCooldown mode for the application.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (WarmupCooldown Determination)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in Table 314.
Table 314: WarmupCooldown Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
WarmupCooldown Determination VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 723

Attributes (WarmupCooldown Determination)
Table 315 describes the attributes used by the WarmupCooldown Determination module.
Table 315: WarmupCooldown Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Supply Air Indicates the temperature of the supply air used to determine 15.0 Deg C, 59.0 Deg F
Temperature whether the status should automatically be set to warmup. It
also prevents a network warmup command if the supply air is
not warmer than the temperature in the Zone Temperature
WarmupCooldown Specifies the network input for warmup cooldown mode Normal
Set Name: OST Warmup
WC-S (State) G, V Indicates the effective WarmupCooldown state of the Set Name: OST Warmup
application. If the Supply Air temperature is greater than the Cooldown
value of Zone Temperature plus the value of Warmup Diff, the
output is Warmup. Otherwise, the output matches the
WarmupCooldown input.
WCT-DIFF (Warmup Contains the minimum differential between the supply air and
Diff) zone temperatures before the system issues a warmup status.
Zone Temperature Indicates the zone temperature that is compared to the Supply 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Air Temperature to determine whether warmup mode should
be active.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (WarmupCooldown Determination)

• Normal: No warmup/cooldown is required based on the Network Input. Warmup is activated only if the supply
air temperature is greater than the zone temperature by more than the differential.
• Warmup: The heating and cooling temperature setpoints adjust to the occupied values and go to the heating
states to control to the heating setpoint.
• Cooldown: The heating and cooling temperature setpoints adjust to the occupied values and turn all heating
modes off (does not affect this module.)
• Coast: The heating and cooling temperature setpoints adjust to the unoccupied values (does not affect this

Reliability (WarmupCooldown Determination)

Table 316: WarmupCooldown Determination Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Supply Air Temperature Automatic Warmup activation is disabled and the module only passes through the
network warmupcooldown mode input.
Zone Temperature Automatic Warmup activation is disabled and the module only passes through the
network warmupcooldown mode input.

Fan Lockout
The Fan Lockout group locks out the fan in the unoccupied mode when there is no heating or cooling available,
according to whether the module is a heating or cooling lockout module.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 724

Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout
The Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout module locks out the fan in the unoccupied mode when there is no cooling available.
This module’s Boolean output indicates whether or not the fan can run.

Module Use in Applications (Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout)

The application System Selection trees use the Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout module in this group using the name
in Table 317.
Table 317: Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout)

Table 318 describes the attributes used by the Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout module.
Table 318: Unoccupied Cooling Fan Lockout Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling isAvailable Provides a network input used to enable or disable False
Cooling Required Indicates whether there is a need for cooling. True
Occupancy Indicates the effective occupancy command. Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
Present Value Indicates the current status of the device availability. False
The Present Value is True when the device is
available and False when the device is not available.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout)

The Unocc Cooling Fan Lockout modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Unocc Heating Fan Lockout

The Unocc Heating Fan Lockout module locks out the fan in the unoccupied mode when there is no heating available.
This module’s Boolean output indicates whether or not the fan can run.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 725

Module Use in Applications (Unocc Heating Fan Lockout)
The application System Selection trees use the Unocc Heating Fan Lockout module in this group using the name
in Table 319.
Table 319: Unocc Heating Fan Lockout Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Unocc Heating Fan Lockout All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unocc Heating Fan Lockout)

Table 320 describes the attributes used by the Unocc Heating Fan Lockout module.
Table 320: Unoccupied Heating Fan Lockout Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heating isAvailable Provides a network input used to enable or disable False
Heating Required Indicates whether there is a need for heating. True
Occupancy Indicates the effective occupancy command. Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
Preheat isAvailable Provides a network input used to enable or disable the False
preheat functionality.
Present Value Indicates the current status of the device availability. False
The Present Value is True when the device is available
and False when the device is not available.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Unocc Heating Fan Lockout)

The Unocc Heating Fan Lockout modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Flow Calculation
The Flow Calculation group provides flow calculations for various applications.

Flow Calculation
This module calculates flow from a differential pressure input. It is applicable for use with pitot tube sensors that are
commonly provided with variable air volume terminal units.
This module supports automated offset (that is, zero flow) calibration of the differential pressure sensor input. The
application can take advantage of this by closing the dampers or equalizing the intakes of the differential pressure
sensor input and then setting the Autocalibrate Now input temporarily to True.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 726

As long as this input is True, the module calculates the average Autocalibration Offset that would cause the flow
calculation Effective dP to equal zero. This average is done recursively using the EWMA function that does a simple
average for the first 1,000 samples. Typically, the Autocalibrate Now input is set True for only 5 to 10 seconds at a
time and must reset to False by the connected source.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Flow Calculation)

The application System Selection trees use the individual module in this group using the names in Table 321.
Table 321: Flow Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CD Flow Calculation VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Cold Deck Flow Calculation AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Discharge Flow Calculation AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Exhaust Air Flow Calculation AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Exhaust Flow Calculation All VAV Applications
HD Flow Calculation VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Hot Deck Flow Calculation AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Minimum OA Flow Calculation AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Outdoor Air Flow Calculation AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Relief Flow Calculation AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Return Flow Calculation AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Supply Flow Calculation All VAV Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 727

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Flow Calculation)

Table 322 describes the attributes used by the Flow Calculation modules.
Table 322: Flow Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Autocalibrate Now When True, causes the Flow Calculation module to re-calculate False
the Autocalibration Offset property to make the current flow
Autocalibrate Offset V Displays the correction added to Differential Pressure that Display Units: Pa, in.
determines the Effective dP is used to calculate the Airflow W.C.
Rate. It is recalculated whenever Autocalibrate Now is set to
Contains the area at the location of the pitot tube (m or ft ). 0.0 m , 0.0 ft
EA-AREA, HD-AREA, Note: In VAV applications, this input receives its value from
MOA-AREA, OA-AREA, the Balancer Override module.
CD-KFACTOR, DA-KFACTOR, Displays the amplification provided by the pickup tube. For 2.0
EA-KFACTOR, HD-KFACTOR, single point calibration, Pickup Gain 2 is set to zero and Pickup
MOA-KFACTOR, Gain is calculated using the equation in Pickup Gain
OA-KFACTOR, RA-KFACTOR, Calculations (Flow Calculation).
or RLF-KFACTOR (Pickup Note: In VAV applications, this input receives its value from
Gain) the Balancer Override module.
Differential Pressure Displays the differential pressure measured across a square 0.0 Pa, 0.0 in. W.C.
law device (normally a pitot tube). The differential pressure
measurement is related in a non-linear way to the flow rate.
Effective dP V Contains the effective differential pressure used for calculating Display Units: Pa, in.
Airflow Rate. It is determined by adding the Autocalibrate Offset W.C.
to the Differential Pressure input. This value is clamped at a
minimum value of zero.
Elevation Displays the distance above or below sea level. A negative 0.0 m, 0.0 ft
value represents a distance below sea level (m or ft).
Flow Units C Defines the preferred flow units (l/s, cu meter/h, or cfm). l/s, cfm
Set Name: Flow
Calculation Units
FLOW, CD-F, DA-F, EA-F, G, V Contains the measured airflow rate (l/s, cu meter/h, or cfm).
RLF-F, or SA-F (Airflow Rate)
Full Range dP Contains a scaling factor used for calculating the Percent dP 373.5 Pa, 1.5 in.
Offset. If the percent dP Offset is far from zero, it likely indicates W.C.
the Flow Calculation was autocalibrated when the flow was not
really zero.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 728

Table 322: Flow Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Percent dP Offset V Displays the value of the Autocalibration Offset as a percentage Display Units: %
of the Full Range dP (that is, the value is 100 * Autocalibrate
Offset/Full Range dP).
Pickup Gain 2 Used for 2 point calibration so that the measured airflow rate 0.0
can match the balancer at both minimum and maximum airflow
rate setpoints. For single point calibration the value of this input
is zero.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)s

Pickup Gain Calculations (Flow Calculation)

For single point calibration, Pickup Gain 2 is set to zero and Pickup Gain is calculated using the following equation:

When using two-point calibration, calculate the Pickup Gain values using the following procedures and equations:
Note: You must balance the VAV box manually instead of using the balancing feature.
1. In Commissioning mode, view details of the Supply Flow Calculation module.
2. Record the current value of Pickup Gain as PGoriginal.
3. If not set to zero, set Pickup Gain 2 to zero.
4. Override the flow setpoint to the desired minimum flow and allow the flow controller to stabilize.
5. Record the SA-F value that appears as MinFlowController.
6. Record the Differential Pressure value that appears as EffDPminflow.
7. Record the airflow measured using a hood as MinFlowHood.
8. Override the flow setpoint to the desired maximum flow and allow the flow controller to stabilize.
9. Record the SA-F value that appears as MaxFlowController.
10. Record the Differential Pressure value that appears as EffDPmaxflow.
11. Record the airflow measured using a hood as MaxFlowHood.
12. Calculate the PGminflow and PGmaxflow using the following equations:

13. Calculate PG2 and PGnew using the following equations, where

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 729

• PGnew is the new Pickup Gain to enter in the Balancer Override module
• PG2 is the Pickup Gain 2 to enter into the Flow Calculation module

14. View details of the Balancer Override SD module and click Edit.
15. In the SA-KFACTOR field, enter the value calculated for PGnew.
16. Click Apply and then click Close.
17. View details of the Flow Calculation module and click Edit.
18. In the Pickup Gain 2 field, enter the value calculated for PG2.
19. Click Apply and then click Close.
The Flow Calculation module uses the following equation to calculate flow:

Reliability (Flow Calculation)

The Reliability of the Flow Calculation module and its outputs is set as follows:
• Input Unreliable: Set if either the Autocalibrate Now or Differential Pressure inputs are unreliable.
• Math Error: Set if the external Patm (atmospheric pressure) function called by this module is unreliable.
• Reliable: Set otherwise.

Flow Differential Calculation

This module subtracts two flows and attaches the reliability of the two inputs onto the result. (The resultant reliability
is unreliable if either of the inputs is unreliable).
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Flow Differential Calculation)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 323.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 730

Table 323: Flow Differential Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Calculate CD Flow VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Calculate HD Flow VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Flow Differential Calculation)

Table 324 describes the attributes used by the Flow Differential Calculation module.
Table 324: Flow Differential Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD-F, HD-F, or FLOW G, V Contains the result of the subtraction with Display Units: l/s, cfm
(Calculated Flow) reliability.
Contributing Flow Displays the measured flow to be subtracted 0 l/s, 0 cfm
from the Total Flow.
Total Flow Displays the measured total flow. 0 l/s, 0 cfm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Flow Differential Calculation)

Table 325: Flow Differential Calculation Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Contributing Flow The Calculate Flow is flagged unreliable.
Total Flow The Calculate Flow is flagged unreliable.

Flow Sum Calculation

This module adds two flows and attaches the reliability of the two inputs onto the result. (The resultant reliability is
unreliable if either of the inputs is unreliable.)
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Flow Sum Calculation)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 326.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 731

Table 326: Flow Sum Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Calculate Supply Flow VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Calculate Supply Flow Setpoint VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Discharge Flow Determination AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Flow Sum Calculation)

Table 327 describes the attributes used by the Flow Sum Calculation module.
Table 327: Flow Sum Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Contributing Flow 1 Displays the measured flow to be added to 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Contributing Flow 2.
Contributing Flow 2 Displays the measured flow to be added to 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Contributing Flow 1.
DA-F, SA-F, or FLOW G, V Contains the result of the addition with Display Units: l/s, cfm
(Calculated Flow) reliability.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), DC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Flow Sum Calculation)

Table 328: Flow Sum Calculation Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Contributing Flow 1 The Calculate Flow is flagged unreliable.
Contributing Flow 2 The Calculate Flow is flagged unreliable.

Minimum Flow Calculation

The Minimum Flow Calculation module provides a minimum flow value based on the number of running devices.
This module provides a float output. Based on the inputs, the module sets the Output equal to the Min Flow or the
sum of the devices currently running, whichever is larger.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 732

Module Use in Applications (Minimum Flow Calculation)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 329: Minimum Flow Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Min HW Flow Calculation Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Minimum Flow Calculation)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Minimum Flow Calculation modules.
Table 330: Minimum Flow Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Min Flow Indicates the lowest value sent to the output of the 0.0
Device X Command Indicates the current command being sent to the Off
controlled device (where X is 1-8).
Set Name: Off/On
Device X Min Flow Indicates the minimum flow required for the controlled 0.0
device (where X is 1-8).
Output G, V Indicates the minimum flow value required for all devices 0.0
that are currently On.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Required Flow
This module is responsible for determining the required minimum flow setpoint for two pipe plants. This module
accepts the inputs listed below. The module outputs either the cooling minimum flow or the heating minimum flow
depending on the plant mode. It is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Miscellaneous Calculation
This group provides calculations for miscellaneous items.

Degrees to Direction
The Degrees to Direction module converts analog degrees to compass point values (North, NorthNorthEast, and
so on). This module accepts the wind direction inputs defined in the attributes section. The module outputs the
current direction of the wind to an enumeration value using the Wind Direction 16 enumeration set. The Degrees to
Direction module is implemented as a standard Control Activity.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 733

Figure 112: Degrees to Direction

You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Degrees to Direction)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 331: Degrees to Direction Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Wind Direction Determination Custom and Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications
(Custom Applications)

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Degrees to Direction)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Degrees to Direction modules.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 734

Table 332: Degrees to Direction Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input Indicates the angular wind direction to convert to compass 0
Display Units: deg angular
Wind Direction Long G Provides the spelled out compass point values: North
• 0=North Set Name: Wind Direction
• 1=NorthNorthEast 16
• 2=NorthEast
• 3=EastNorthEast
• 4=East
• 5=EastSouthEast
• 6=SouthEast
• 7=SouthSouthEast
• 8=South
• 9=SouthSouthWest
• 10=SouthWest
• 11=WestSouthWest
• 12=West
• 13=WestNorthWest
• 14=NorthWest
• 15=NorthNorthWest
Wind Direction Provides the abbreviated compass point values: N
• 0=N Set Name: Wind Dir 16
• 1=NNE
• 2=NE
• 3=ENE
• 4=E
• 5=ESE
• 6=SE
• 7=SSE
• 8=S
• 9=SSW
• 10=SW
• 11=WSW
• 12=W
• 13=WNW
• 14=NW
• 15=NNW

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 735

Equipment Count
The Equipment Count module examines up to 16 enum inputs and indicates the total number of those inputs that
have a status of ON, along with a status value if the total number of inputs ON exceeds the Minimum Running
Devices input. The module accepts as inputs up to 16 ON/OFF inputs and the minimum number of devices required,
and has outputs for the number of devices ON, a TRUE/FALSE state, and a status output.
This module is implemented as a Control Activity. You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Figure 113: Equipment Count Logic

Module Use in Applications (Equipment Count)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 736

Table 333: Equipment Count Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Exhaust Fan Count AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Relief Fan Count AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Return Fan Count AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Supply Fan Count AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Equipment Count)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module:
Table 334: Equipment Count Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Fan State Indicates if more fans are ON than the defined False
minimum number of running devices using a Boolean
Fan Status Indicates if more fans are ON than the defined Off
minimum number of running devices using an enum
Set Name: Off/On
Input n (where n is Provides the Binary status of each fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Minimum Running G Indicates the comparison threshold, where less than 1
Devices this number of fans is not considered ON for overall
Number of Devices Indicates the number of inputs with a value of ON. 0

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Setpoint Calculation
This group provides calculations for setpoints within the applications.

Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2

This module is designed to reset the damper minimum flow based on the space CO2. The module has an input for
the space CO2, two inputs for the CO2 reset band (CO2 Reset A and CO2 Reset B), and two inputs for the damper
minimum flow reset band (Min Pos Low Setpoint and Min Pos High). This module has an output for the Damper
Minimum Flow. This module is implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 737

Module Use in Applications (Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2)
The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in the following table.
Table 335: Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2 module.
Table 336: Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CO2 Represents the CO2 input. 800 ppm
MAD-MINPOS (Present G, V Specifies the damper minimum 0 cfm
Value) position as determined by this
module based on the CO2 value.
Min Pos High Setpoint Defines the maximum damper flow 825 cfm
when the CO2 input equals the
CO2 Reset B value.
Min Pos Low Setpoint Defines the minimum damper flow 425 cfm
when the input equals the CO2
Reset A value.
MOA-CO2RSTA (CO2 Specifies that when CO2 is less 800 ppm
Reset A) than or equal to this value, the
Damper Minimum equals the Min
Pos Low Setpoint.
MOA-CO2RSTB (CO2 Specifies that when CO2 is greater 1000 ppm
Reset B) than or equal to this value, the
Damper Minimum equals the Min
Pos High Setpoint.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Damper Minimum Flow Reset by CO2)

If the inputs become unreliable, these modules use the last reliable value.

Damper Minimum Position Determination

This module sets the minimum damper position to the Occ Min Damper Value when the Occupancy is Occupied or
Bypass and sets it to zero otherwise.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 738

Module Use in Applications (Damper Minimum Position Determination)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 337.
Table 337: Damper Minimum Position Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Damper Minimum Position Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Min Position Determination Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Minimum Position Determination)

Table 338 describes the attributes used by the Damper Minimum Position Determination modules.
Table 338: Damper Minimum Position Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Occupancy Displays the current Occupancy status of the Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
Occ Minimum OA Percent Contains the desired damper minimum 10.0%
position during occupied or bypass mode.
Minimum OA Position G, V Displays the minimum damper position. 0.0%

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Damper Minimum Position Determination)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Pressure Request Determination

This module generates a value that indicates a VAV box needs additional airflow from the air handling unit to meet
the space requirements.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 739

Module Use in Applications (Pressure Request Determination)
The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in the following table.
Table 339: Pressure Request Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Pressure Request Determination VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Pressure Request Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Pressure Request Determination module.
Table 340: Pressure Request Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD Percent Represents the cooling damper command. 0% open
Differential Indicates the required reduction in damper command before 10%
pressure request is no longer required.
Flow Request G Indicates the output of the module: 0
• 1: additional flow is required
• 0: additional flow is not required
HD Percent Represents the heating damper command. 0% open
Setpoint Indicates the maximum damper command that initiates an 95% open
increase in static pressure.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Pressure Request Determination)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Temperature Request Determination

This module generates a value used to indicate a VAV box needs colder air from the air handling unit to meet the
space requirements.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 740

Module Use in Applications (Temperature Request Determination)
The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in the following table.
Table 341: Temperature Request Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Temperature Request Determination VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Temperature Request Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Temperature Request Determination module.
Table 342: Temperature Request Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD Percent Represents the cooling damper 0% open
Cooling Request G Indicates the output of the module: 0
• 1: lower temperature supply air
is required
• 0: lower temperature supply air
is not required
Cooling Setpoint Indicates the maximum damper 95% open
command that initiates a decrease
in supply temperature.
Differential Indicates the required reduction in 10%
damper command before pressure
request is no longer required.
HD Percent Represents the heating damper 0% open
Heating Request Indicates output of module: 0
• 1: higher temperature supply
air is required
• 0: higher temperature supply
air is not required
Heating Setpoint Indicates the maximum damper 95% open
command that initiates an increase
in supply temperature.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Temperature Request Determination)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 741

Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2
This module is designed to reset the damper minimum position based on the space CO2. The module has an input
for the space CO2, two inputs to define the CO2 reset band (CO2 Reset A and CO2 Reset B), and two inputs for
damper minimum position and the low and high ends of the band (Min Pos Low Setpoint and Min Pos High). This
module has an output for the Damper Minimum Position.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in Table 343.
Table 343: Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2)

Table 344 describes the attributes used by the Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 modules.
Table 344: Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CO2 Represents the CO2 input. 800 ppm
MAD-MINPOS (Present Value) G, V Specifies the damper minimum position as determined Display Units: %
by this module based on the CO2 value.
Min Pos High Setpoint Defines the maximum damper position when the CO2 100.0%
input equals the CO2 Reset B value.
Min Pos Low Setpoint Defines the minimum damper position when the input 0.0%
equals the CO2 Reset A value.
MOA-CO2RSTA (CO2 Reset Specifies that when CO2 is less than or equal to this 800 ppm
A) value, the Damper Minimum equals the Min Pos Low
MOA-CO2RSTB (CO2 Reset Specifies that when CO2 is greater than or equal to this 1000 ppm
B) value, the Damper Minimum equals the Min Pos High

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Damper Minimum Position Reset by CO2)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 742

Discharge Air Setpoint Determination
The Discharge Air Setpoint Determination module sets the DA-T Setpoint based on the operating modes of the air
handler. The module accepts as input the Unoccupied Status, the WarmupCooldown state, the occupied setpoint,
the unoccupied heating and cooling setpoints, and a default DA-T setpoint. The EFFDAT-SP (Discharge Air Setpoint)
is set to the Occ Setpoint, the DATHTGUNOCC-SP (Unocc Heating Setpoint), or the DATCLGUNOCC-SP (Unocc
Cooling Setpoint) based on the WarmupCooldown input first, and the Unocc Status input if WarmupCooldown does
not equal Warmup or Cooldown.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Discharge Air Setpoint Determination)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in Table 345.
Table 345: Discharge Air Setpoint Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Discharge Air Setpoint Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Discharge Air Setpoint Determination)

Table 346 describes the attributes used by the Discharge Air Setpoint Determination modules.
Table 346: Discharge Air Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
DATCLGUNOCC-SP (Unocc Contains the Discharge Air setpoint used when 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Cooling Setpoint) unoccupied cooling or Cooldown is required.
DATHTGUNOCC-SP (Unocc Specifies the Discharge Air setpoint used when 32.0 Deg C, 90 Deg F
Heating Setpoint) unoccupied heating or Warmup is required.
EFFDAT-SP (Discharge Air G, V Indicates the effective Discharge Air Temperature 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Setpoint) Setpoint.
Occ Setpoint Contains the Discharge Air setpoint used when 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
unoccupied control and WarmupCooldown are not
Unocc Status Displays the current unocc status. This input Unocc Ctrl Not Req’d
indicates if unoccupied cooling, unoccupied
Set Name: Unocc Status
heating, or neither is required.
WarmupCooldown Indicates the current warm up or cool down status Normal
of the application.
Set Name: OST Warmup

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 743

Reliability (Discharge Air Setpoint Determination)
These modules use the last reliable value if their inputs become unreliable.

Discharge Air Setpoint Reset

This module is designed to reset the discharge air temperature setpoint based on a reset process variable (typically
the outdoor air temperature). The module has two inputs that define the temperature reset band (OA Reset A and
OA Reset B), and two inputs that specify the DA-T setpoints at each end of that band (Discharge Air Low Limit and
Discharge Air High Limit). This module has an output for the DAT-SP (Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint).
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Discharge Air Setpoint Reset)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in Table 347.
Table 347: Discharge Air Setpoint Reset Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cold Deck Discharge Air Setpoint Reset AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Discharge Air Setpoint Reset AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Hot Deck Discharge Air Setpoint Reset AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Hot Deck Discharge Air Setpoint Reset by EA-T AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Hot Deck Discharge Air Setpoint Reset by RA-T AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Discharge Air Setpoint Reset)

Table 348 describes the attributes used by the Discharge Air Setpoint Reset modules.
Table 348: Discharge Air Setpoint Reset Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CDTHI-SP, DATHI-SP, or HDTHI-SP Defines the Discharge Air Setpoint when the OA Depends on use
(Discharge Air High Setpoint) Temperature input equals the OA Reset B value.
(Deg C, Deg F)
CDTLO-SP, DATLO-SP, or Defines the Discharge Air Setpoint when the OA Depends on use
HDTLO-SP (Discharge Air Low Temperature input equals the OA Reset A value.
(Deg C, Deg F)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 744

Table 348: Discharge Air Setpoint Reset Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CDT-OARSTA, DAT-OARSTA, Specifies that when OA Temperature equals Depends on use
HDT-EARSTA, HDT-OARSTA, or this value, the Discharge Air Setpoint equals the
(Deg C, Deg F)
HDT-RARSTA (OA Reset A) Discharge Air Low Setpoint.
CDT-OARSTB, DAT-OARSTB, Specifies that when the OA Temperature equals Depends on use
HDT-EARSTB, HDT-OARSTB, or this value, the Discharge Air Setpoint equals the
(Deg C, Deg F)
HDT-RARSTB (OA Reset B) Discharge Air High Setpoint.
CDT-SP or HDT-SP (Discharge Air G, V Displays the Discharge Air Setpoint as Depends on use
Setpoint) determined by this module based on the OA
(Deg C, Deg F)
Temperature level.
OA Temperature Serves as a reset variable for determining the 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
effective DA-T Setpoint.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Discharge Air Setpoint Reset)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation

This module is responsible for generating the differential flow setpoint based upon the occupancy input.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 349.
Table 349: Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Exhaust Differential Setpoint Calculation All VAV Applications
Flow Differential Setpoint Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation)

Table 350 describes the attributes used by the Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation modules.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 745

Table 350: Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EFFFLOW-DIFF (Diff G, V Contains the actual flow differential setpoint. Display Units: l/s, cfm
OCCEAFLOW-DIFF (Occ Diff Contains the desired difference between the exhaust 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Setpoint) and supply flow or between the supply flow and return
flow under occupied conditions. (Exhaust Flow-Supply
Flow or Supply Flow-Return Flow).
Occupancy Displays the current Occupancy status of the unit. Unoccupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
UNOCCEAFLOW-DIFF Contains the desired difference between the exhaust 0 l/s, 0 cfm
(Unocc Diff Setpoint) and supply flow or between the supply flow and return
flow under unoccupied and standby conditions. (Exhaust
Flow-Supply Flow or Supply Flow-Return Flow).

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Flow Differential Setpoint Calculation)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Setpoint Reset by OA
This module calculates the setpoint offset based on the outdoor air temperature. The Setpoint Reset by OA-T module
has an input for the outdoor air temperature, two inputs for the outdoor air setpoints (OA High Setpoint and OA Low
Setpoint), and two inputs for the offset span (Setpoint and Setpoint Span). The output of this module is the Setpoint
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Setpoint Reset by OA)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 351.
Table 351: Setpoint Reset by OA Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CD-T sp Reset by OA AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
DA-T sp Reset by OA AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
HD-T sp Reset by OA AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Heating Zone X SP Reset (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
RA-T sp Reset by OA AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 746

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Setpoint Reset by OA)

Table 352 describes the attributes used by the Setpoint Reset by OA modules.
Table 352: Setpoint Reset by OA Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Effective Setpoint G, V Indicates the setpoint calculated by adding the Setpoint 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Offset to the Setpoint.
OA High Setpoint Indicates that when the outdoor air temperature is this 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
value, the Setpoint Offset is the Setpoint Span.
OA Low Setpoint Indicates that when the outdoor air temperature is this 0.0 Deg C, 32.0 Deg F
value, the Setpoint Offset is the Setpoint.
OA Temperature Indicates the outdoor air temperature. 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Setpoint Determines the value of the Setpoint Offset when the 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
outdoor air temperature is at the OA Low Setpoint.
Setpoint Offset Indicates the setpoint offset as determined by this module 6.0 Deg C, 11.0 Deg F
based on the outdoor air temperature.
Setpoint Span Determines the amount by which to adjust the Setpoint 6.0 Deg C, 11.0 Deg F
when the outdoor air temperature is at the OA High

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Setpoint Reset by OA)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Summer Winter Compensation

The Summer Winter Compensation module provides local calculation of setpoint shifts based on the outdoor air
temperature. This method is sometimes used for units serving building entry areas (lobbies, vestibules, and more)
to save energy by allowing the temperature setpoint to shift closer to the outdoor conditions. Alternatively, in poorly
insulated buildings, the heating shift may increase the temperature setpoint in all exterior spaces to compensate for
cold wall temperatures.
The ZN-T Setpoint Determination module uses these shifts as well as other influences to calculate the zone heating
setpoints and zone cooling setpoints.
When the Outdoor Air Temp is Reliable, the effective shift values are calculated. Otherwise, the shift values are set
to zero.
In the Winter example, the Winter Setpoint determines the Outdoor Air Temperature at which the module begins
shifting the setpoints. The Winter Gain is the gain of the shift expressed in the number of degrees shift per number
of degrees deviation from the Outdoor Air Temperature. The Winter Change Limit limits the maximum amount of
shift allowed (positive or negative).

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 747

You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Summer Winter Compensation)

The application System Selection trees use the individual module in this group using the names in Table 353.
Table 353: Summer Winter Compensation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Summer Winter Compensation AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Summer Winter Compensation)

Table 354 describes the attributes used by the Summer Winter Compensation modules.
Table 354: Summer Winter Compensation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EFF-CLGSHIFT (Effective V Contains the effective cooling shifting value for the cooling Display Units: Deg C,
Cooling Shift) setpoints. Deg F
EFF-HTGSHIFT (Effective V Contains the effective heating shifting value for the heating Display Units: Deg C,
Heating Shift) setpoints. Deg F
Outdoor Air Temp Displays the current Outdoor Air Temperature. 18.0 Deg C, 65.0 Deg F
SUM-CHANGELIMIT Displays the value of the difference between the calculated 5.0 Deg C, 9.0 Deg F
(Summer Change Limit) cooling compensation and the value of the Summer Change
Limit attribute. (The calculated cooling compensation may
only be positive.)
SUM-GAIN (Summer Gain) Contains the gain of the compensation, expressed in 0.2
degrees of shift per degree deviation from the Summer
SUM-SP (Summer Setpoint) Contains the point at which this object begins calculating a 24.0 Deg C, 75.0 Deg F
cooling shift. The Outdoor Air Temperature must be greater
than the Summer Setpoint before a cooling shift is
WIN-CHANGELIMIT (Winter Displays the absolute value of the difference between the 3.0 Deg C, 5.4 Deg F
Change Limit) calculated heating compensation and the value of the Winter
Change Limit attribute. (The calculated heating
compensation may be positive or negative.)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 748

Table 354: Summer Winter Compensation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
WIN-GAIN (Winter Gain) Contains the gain of the compensation, expressed in -0.1
degrees of shift per degree deviation from the Winter
WIN-SP (Winter Setpoint) Contains the point at which this object begins calculating a 10.0 Deg C, 50.0 Deg F
heating shift. The Outdoor Air Temperature must be less
than the Winter Setpoint before a heating shift is calculated.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, If applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Summer Winter Compensation)

This module uses the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation

This module is responsible for generating minimum and maximum deck flows for both the cold and hot decks of a
constant volume dual duct application. The module accepts the minimum deck flow setpoints and the maximum box
flow setpoint. The module outputs individual deck minimum and maximum flow setpoints.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 355.
Table 355: VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Constant Dual Duct Endpoint Calculation VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation)

Table 356 describes the attributes used by the VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation modules.
Table 356: VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Box Max Flow Contains the constant flow for the dual duct 0 l/s, 0 cfm
CD Min Flow Contains the minimum flow for the cold duct. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
EFFCD-MAXFLOW (Eff CD Max V Contains the effective maximum flow setpoint Display Units: l/s, cfm
Flow) for the cold deck.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 749

Table 356: VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EFFCD-MINFLOW (Eff CD Min G, V Contains the effective minimum flow setpoint Display Units: l/s, cfm
Flow) for the cold deck.
EFFHD-MAXFLOW (Eff HD Max V Contains the effective maximum flow setpoint Display Units: l/s, cfm
Flow) for the hot deck.
EFFHD-MINFLOW (Eff HD Min V Contains the effective minimum flow setpoint Display Units: l/s, cfm
Flow) for the hot deck.
HD Min Flow Contains the minimum flow for the hot duct. 0 l/s, 0 cfm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (VAV Dual Duct Constant Flow Endpoint Calculation)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination

This module determines the minimum deck flow setpoints (heating and cooling) according to the occupied and
warmupcooldown conditions within a VAV dual duct application. The module accepts Occupancy, WarmupCooldown
modes, and flow setpoints. The module outputs the minimum deck flows. During conditions of Standby, the unoccupied
flow setpoints are issued. During conditions of Unoccupied, the unoccupied flow setpoints are also issued unless
there is a warmup/cooldown mode. During conditions of Occupied or Bypass, the occupied flow setpoints are issued.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 357.
Table 357: VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Minimum Flow Determination - Dual Duct VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination)

Table 358 describes the attributes used by the VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination modules.
Table 358: VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD-MINFLOW (CD Min Flow) G, V Contains the minimum required cold deck flow. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
CDUNOCC-MINFLOW (Unocc CD Contains the minimum required cold deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Min Flow) when unoccupied.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 750

Table 358: VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLDWNCD-MINFLOW (Cooldown Contains the minimum required cold deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
CD Min Flow) when cooldown.
CLDWNHD-MINFLOW (Cooldown Contains the minimum required hot deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
HD Min Flow) when cooldown.
HD-MINFLOW (HD Min Flow) V Contains the minimum required hot deck flow. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
HDUNOCC-MINFLOW (Unocc HD Contains the minimum required hot deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Min Flow) when unoccupied.
Occ CD Min Flow Contains the minimum required cold deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
when occupied.
Occ HD Min Flow Contains the minimum required hot deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
when occupied.
Occupancy Contains the current Occupancy status of the Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
WarmupCooldown Contains the current WarmupCooldown status Normal
of the unit.
Set Name: OST Warmup
WUCD-MINFLOW (Warmup CD Min Contains the minimum required cold deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Flow) when warmup.
WUHD-MINFLOW (Warmup HD Min Contains the minimum required hot deck flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Flow) when warmup.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (VAV Dual Duct Minimum Flow Determination)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation

This module generates minimum and maximum deck flows for both the cold and hot deck of a standard dual duct
application. These values are based upon the input minimum and maximum flows and ventilation requirements.
Two scenarios exist that can change the Minimum and Maximum Flows for the Hot Deck and Cold Deck, based on
ventilation requirements. In both cases, the controller calculates how much OA it receives from both the Hot Deck
and Cold Deck, depending on the value of the CD OA Percent and HD OA Percent Network Inputs.
1. If the Min Flow Reset Type is set to None, the OA ventilation requirements are calculated by multiplying the
Occupancy Level (number of occupants) by the Ventilation Requirement (amount of OA required per occupant).
The minimum values increase to ensure the OA delivered from the AHU meets the requirements of the space.
2. If the Min Flow Reset Type is set to CO2, when the Process Variable (typically, Zone CO2) is greater than the
Setpoint, the minimums increase to deliver more air to the space. The total increase in the minimum flows includes
this proportional value as well as any increase to make sure that the air stream contains enough outdoor air.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 751

The module is designed to meet the following three conditions (listed from highest priority):
• Do not exceed the user-entered maximum flows. There is a heating maximum flow and a cooling maximum flow
and under the appropriate heating/cooling conditions, these total flows are not exceeded.
• Do not provide individual deck flows that are less than the user-entered minimum flows. This condition is obeyed
unless it causes the condition above to be exceeded. In this situation, the minimum flows is adjusted down.
• Meet the outdoor air requirements. This condition is met as long as it does not cause the above conditions to be
exceeded. As part of this condition, the outdoor air requirements may be compromised when the sum of the two
OA percentages is less than 10 percent. This procedure ensures that the individual deck minimums change
smoothly as the outdoor air percentages change. For example, a change from 2% to 3% in outdoor air percent
does not cause the minimum flow rate to jump from 500 cfm to 333 cfm.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 359.
Table 359: VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Standard Dual Duct Endpoint Calculation VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation)

Table 360 describes the attributes used by the VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation modules.
Table 360: VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD Min Flow Specifies the minimum flow for the cold duct. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
CD OA Percent Displays the percent of the cold duct air that is outdoor 20.0%
Cooling Max Flow Contains the constant flow for the dual duct box. 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
EFFCD-MAXFLOW (Eff CD V Contains the required cold duct maximum flow. Display Units: l/s, cfm
Max Flow)
EFFCD-MINFLOW (Eff CD Min G, V Contains the required cold duct minimum flow. Display Units: l/s, cfm
EFFHD-MAXFLOW (Eff HD V Contains the required hot duct maximum flow. Display Units: l/s, cfm
Max Flow)
EFFHD-MINFLOW (Eff HD Min V Contains the required hot duct minimum flow. Display Units: l/s, cfm
HD Min Flow Specifies the minimum flow for the hot duct. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
HD OA Percent Displays the percent of the hot duct air that is outdoor air. 20.0%
Heating Max Flow Specifies the constant flow for the dual duct box. 500 l/s, 1000 cfm

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 752

Table 360: VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Min Flow Reset Type Defines the type of min flow reset strategy. When None None
is selected, the min flow values are the values at the
Set Name: None/CO2
appropriate inputs. When CO2 is selected, a proportional
reset based on a CO2 setpoint and a CO2 proportional
band determines the required min flow values. In both
cases, the Occupancy Level and Ventilation Requirement
can increase the minimum flows.
MINFLOWCO2-PB Specifies the band that the CO2 level must increase above 400 ppm
(Proportional Band) the Setpoint to produce the largest minimum flow values
when the Min Flow Reset Type is other than None.
MINFLOWCO2-SP (Setpoint) Specifies the CO2 level that the process variable must 700 ppm
exceed to begin resetting the minimum flows when the
Min Flow Reset Type is other than None.
OCC-LEVEL (Occupancy Displays the number of people in the zone. 0
Process Variable Contains the measured variable used to reset the 0 ppm
minimum airflow when the Min Flow Reset Type is other
than None.
Ventilation Requirement Displays the outdoor airflow required per person 10 l/s, 20 cfm
(Occupancy Level).

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (VAV Dual Duct Variable Flow Endpoint Calculation)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination

This module is responsible for determining the minimum flow setpoint (heating and cooling) according to the occupied
and warmup/cooldown conditions. During conditions of Standby, the unoccupied flow setpoints are issued. During
conditions of Unoccupied, the unoccupied flow setpoints are also issued unless there is a warmup/cooldown mode.
During conditions of Occupied or Bypass, the occupied flow setpoints are issued, including adjustments made by
the reset scheme.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 361.
Table 361: VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Minimum Flow Determination VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 753

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination)

Table 362 describes the attributes used by the VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination modules.
Table 362: VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLDWN-MINFLOW (Cooldown Contains the minimum required cooling flow when 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Min Flow) cooldown.
CLG-MINFLOW (Cooling Min The required cooling minimum flow. Display Units: l/s, cfm
CLGUNOCC-MINFLOW (Unocc Displays the minimum required cooling flow when 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Cooling Min Flow) unoccupied.
HTG-MINFLOW (Heating Min The required heating minimum flow. Display Units: l/s, cfm
HTGUNOCC-MINFLOW (Unocc Contains the minimum required heating flow when 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Heating Min Flow) unoccupied.
Min Flow Reset Type Defines the type of min flow reset strategy. When None None
is selected, the min flow values are the values at the
Set Name: None/CO2
appropriate inputs. When CO2 is selected, a proportional
reset based on a CO2 setpoint and a CO2 proportional
band determines the required min flow values. In both
cases, the Occupancy Level and Ventilation
Requirement can increase the minimum flows.
MINFLOWCO2-PB (Proportional This parameter specifies the band that the CO2 level 400 ppm
Band) must increase above the Setpoint to produce the largest
min flow values when the Min Flow Reset Type is other
than None.
MINFLOWCO2-SP (Setpoint) Specifies the CO2 level that the process variable must 700 ppm
exceed to begin resetting the min flows when the Min
Flow Reset Type is other than None.
OA Percent Percent of the supply air that is outdoor air. 20.0%
Occ Cooling Min Flow Displays the minimum required cooling flow when 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Occ Heating Min Flow Displays the minimum required heating flow when 100 l/s, 200 cfm
OCC-LEVEL (Occupancy Level) The number of people in the zone 0
Occupancy Displays the current Occupancy status of the unit. Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
Process Variable Contains the measured variable used to reset the 0 ppm
minimum airflow when the Min Flow Reset Type is other
than None.
Ventilation Requirement Outdoor airflow required per person (Occupancy Level). 10 l/s, 20 cfm

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 754

Table 362: VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
WarmupCooldown Displays the current WarmupCooldown status of the Normal
Set Name: OST Warmup
WU-MINFLOW (Warmup Min Contains the minimum required heating flow when 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Flow) warmup.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (VAV Single Duct Minimum Flow Determination)

These modules use the last reliable value if its inputs become unreliable.

ZN-T Setpoint Determination

The configuration options for the ZN-T Setpoint Determination module are done with a combination of system
selection choices under the Temperature/Setpoint Adjust section of the selection tree and the module’s configuration
settings in the Details dialog box. The resulting configuration provides the Zone Setpoints for Heating and Cooling
used by any applications configured for a zone temperature control strategy.
The following block diagram highlights the standard and optional interfaces to this module.
Figure 114: ZN-T Setpoint Determination Interfaces

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 755

During the System Selection process for any Zone Temperature controlled application, you have the following options
to determine how to integrate the Network or local Zone Setpoint interfaces. Under the Temperature/Setpoint
Adjust selection:
• If no options are selected, then only a Network Input for Zone Setpoint is created (ZNT-SP).
• If a Common Setpoint Adjust option is selected, then an Analog Input is created for a Zone Setpoint (ZN-SP).
You can also manually add a Network Zone Setpoint (ZNT-SP) and make a connection to the Network Setpoint
of the module. For this scenario, the Analog Input for the local Zone Setpoint is configured as the backup to the
Network Zone Setpoint when communication is lost from the Network. To make the local Zone Setpoint the
backup, open the Details dialog box of this module and modify the Remote Setpoint Mode attribute.
• If the Warm-Cool Adjust option is selected, then a Warmer Cooler Offset Analog Input (WC-ADJ) is created
along with a Network Input for the Zone Setpoint (ZNT-SP). In this case, the Warmer Cooler Adjustment value
configured at the local Zone Temperature Setpoint offsets the value of the Zone Setpoint value from the Network
Input for the Zone Setpoint. The offset range for the Warmer Cooler Adjustment is configured in its Input Detail
dialog box for this input.
To derive the Effective Heating and Cooling Setpoints, you must first understand the default settings for the key
Setpoint values (Table 363). In the Parameters table or Details dialog box for this module, you can edit the default
heating and cooling setpoints for each Occupancy mode. You also can set the default value for the Network or Local
Zone Setpoint in their respective Details dialog box.
The Default Value for the Network or Local Zone Setpoint is 72.
Table 363: Key Setpoint Values
Setpoint Value
Occ Cooling Setpoint 74
Occ Heating Setpoint 70
Standby Cooling Setpoint 77
Standby Heating Setpoint 66
Unocc Cooling Setpoint 82
Unocc Heating Setpoint 61

If these values are never adjusted, the system uses the Occupied, Standby, and Unoccupied Heating or Cooling
Setpoints as the Effective Heating and Cooling Setpoints. This scenario occurs based on the state generated from
the Occupancy Mode Determination State Generation module.
As you change the Network or Local Zone Setpoint, the module automatically derives an Absolute Setpoint Offset
Value (AbsOffset). The Absolute Setpoint Offset (AbsOffset) is calculated as the difference between the Network or
Local Setpoint and the mean of the Occupied Heating and Occupied Cooling setpoints.
Absolute Setpoint Offset (AbsOffset) Calculation:
AbsOffset = Network or Local Setpoint - AVG (Occ Cooling Setpoint, Occ Heating Setpoint)
Based on system default values, the AbsOffset = 72 - AVG (74 - 70), which equals 0.
For example, assume the Network or Local Setpoint is changed from 72 to 70 and the Occupied Cooling and Heating
Setpoints remain at their default values of 74 and 70. The AbsOffset value is now -2. The value of -2 is now added
to established Cooling and Heating defaults to derive the Effective Cooling and Heating Setpoints (when Occupancy
Mode is not set to Unoccupied). When the Occupancy Mode is set to Unoccupied, the AbsOffset is not used, the

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 756

In a scenario where the Warm Cool Adjust option was selected for the zone sensor interface, the offset value
provided from this local adjustment is added to the AbsOffset calculation. For example, assume that all of the default
values for the Network Zone Setpoints and Mode Heating and Cooling Setpoints were set up with the Warm Cool
Adjust option. If you adjust the Warmer/Cooler setting at the zone sensor from 0 to -2, the AbsOffset value is -2.
You also can limit the range of the Network or Local Setpoint adjustments. In the Details dialog box for the module,
you can configure the Maximum and Minimum settings for both the Heating and Cooling Setpoints. These limits take
precedence over any default setpoints created per Occupancy Mode.
For configurations with Optional Summer Winter Compensation, the Effective Heating and Effective Cooling
Setpoints are derived based on setpoint shift values, and are included in the calculation for the Absolute Offset
Value. See the Summer Winter Compensation module to see how it uses Outdoor Air Temperature to derive the
offset used by this module.
For configurations with integrated Warmup/Cooldown logic, the Details dialog box of the Zone Setpoint Configuration
module allows you to set the occupancy modes during the Warmup, Cooldown, and Coast modes generated by the
WarmupCooldown Sequencing State Generator.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (ZN-T Setpoint Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in Table 364.
Table 364: ZN-T Setpoint Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
ZN-T Setpoint Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (ZN-T Setpoint Determination)

Table 365 describes the attributes used by the ZN-T Setpoint Determination modules.
Table 365: ZN-T Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLGOCC-SP (Occ Cooling Contains the value for the occupied cooling setpoint. 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
CLGSTBY-SP (Standby Contains the value for the standby cooling setpoint. 25.0 Deg C, 77.0 Deg F
Cooling Setpoint)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 757

Table 365: ZN-T Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLGUNOCC-SP (Unocc Specifies the value for the unoccupied cooling setpoint. 28.0 Deg C, 82.0 Deg F
Cooling Setpoint)
Eff Occ Cooling Setpoint V Specifies the effective occupied cooling setpoint. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Eff Occ Heating Setpoint V Specifies the effective occupied heating setpoint. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
EFFCLG-SP (Effective V Contains the effective cooling setpoint. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Cooling Setpoint)
EFFHTG-SP (Effective V Contains the effective heating setpoint. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Heating Setpoint)
Hardware Setpoint Specifies the absolute setpoint of the space (this is one 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
of two optional inputs). This input is used if the Remote
Setpoint Mode is Hardware Only or if the Network
Setpoint is not reliable and the Remote Setpoint Mode
is Network with Hardware Backup.
Hardware Setpoint Offset Contains the setpoint offset for the space. 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
HTGOCC-SP (Occ Heating Specifies the value for the occupied heating setpoint. 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
HTGSTBY-SP Standby Specifies the value for the standby heating setpoint. 19.0 Deg C, 66.0 Deg F
Heating Setpoint)
HTGUNOCC-SP (Unocc Specifies the value for the unoccupied heating setpoint. 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
Heating Setpoint)
Max Cooling Setpoint Defines the maximum cooling setpoint allowed. 30.0 Deg C, 86.0 Deg F
Max Heating Setpoint Defines the maximum heating setpoint allowed. 25.0 Deg C, 77.0 Deg F
Min Cooling Setpoint Defines the minimum cooling setpoint allowed. 20.0 Deg C, 68.0 Deg F
Min Heating Setpoint Defines the minimum heating setpoint allowed. 15.0 Deg C, 59.0 Deg F
Network Setpoint Specifies the absolute setpoint of the space (this is one 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
of two optional inputs). This input is used if the Remote
Setpoint Mode is Network Only or Network with
Hardware Backup. If the Network Setpoint is not reliable
and the Remote Setpoint Mode is Network Only, the
last reliable value is used. If the Network Setpoint is not
reliable and the Remote Setpoint Mode is Network with
Hardware Backup, the Hardware Setpoint is used.
2 Specifies the value for shifting occupied cooling 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Occ Cooling Shift
2 Contains the value for shifting occupied heating 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Occ Heating Shift
Occupancy Indicates the actual occupancy mode of the unit. Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
Optimal Start Status Indicates the status of an optimal start/stop algorithm, Normal
if being used by this application. When the Optimal
Set Name: OST Warmup
Start/Stop input is not Normal, then the user can choose
the effective occupancy used for the setpoint
calculations via the OST Warmup State, OST Cooldown
State, and OST Coast State properties.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 758

Table 365: ZN-T Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
OST Coast State Specifies the effective occupancy mode when the Unoccupied
Optimal Start/Stop input is equal to Coast.
Set Name: Occ Effective
OST Cooldown State Specifies the effective occupancy mode when the Occupied
Optimal Start/Stop input is equal to Cooldown.
Set Name: Occ Effective
OST Warmup State Specifies the effective occupancy mode when the Occupied
Optimal Start/Stop input is equal to Warmup.
Set Name: Occ Effective
Remote Setpoint Mode Allows you to decide whether or not the Remote No Remote Setpoint
Setpoint input should be used in the setpoint
Set Name: ZN-T Remote
calculations. If used, you can choose whether the
Setpoint Mode
default value or last reliable value is used when the
Remote Setpoint input is not Reliable.
2 Specifies the value for shifting standby cooling setpoints. 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Standby Cooling Shift
2 Contains the value for shifting standby heating setpoints. 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Standby Heating Shift
2 Contains the value for shifting unoccupied cooling 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Unocc Cooling Shift
2 Contains the value for shifting unoccupied heating 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Unocc Heating Shift

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)
2 Shift attributes are set by the Summer Winter Compensation module.

Reliability (ZN-T Setpoint Determination)

Table 366: ZN-T Setpoint Determination Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Hardware Setpoint The Hardware Setpoint uses the last reliable value.
Hardware Setpoint Offset The Hardware Setpoint Offset uses the last reliable value.
Network Setpoint If the Remote Setpoint mode is Network Only, use the last reliable value.If the
Remote Setpoint mode is Network with Hardware Backup, use the Hardware

Sideloop Signal Conditioning

These modules allow you to use multiple analog inputs with a single sideloop output controller. They provide the
ability to average the inputs, add the inputs together, select the maximum value, and select the minimum value. The
Flow Calculation module is described elsewhere. It allows you to convert an analog value representing velocity
pressure into flow.

Sideloop Average Inputs

This module averages the inputs to produce the output. The module accepts two inputs and outputs the average of
the inputs. The user can add more inputs to the module.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 759

To see this module’s connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connection table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Average Inputs)

Table 367 describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Average Inputs modules.
Table 367: Sideloop Average Inputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input 1 Contains the first input to be averaged. 0.0
Input 2 Contains the second input to be averaged. 0.0
Present Value G, V Displays the average of the inputs.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Sideloop Average Inputs)

Table 368: Sideloop Average Inputs Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Input 1 The average calculation uses the last Reliable value.
Input 2 The average calculation uses the last Reliable value.

Sideloop Maximum Selector

This module selects the maximum value of the inputs to produce the output. The module accepts two inputs and
outputs the maximum of the inputs. The user can add more inputs to the module.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
To see this module’s connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connection table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Maximum Selector)

Table 369 describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Maximum Selector modules.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 760

Table 369: Sideloop Maximum Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input 1 Contains the first input used to determine the 0.0
Input 2 Contains the second input used to determine the 0.0
Present Value G, V Displays the maximum of the inputs.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Sideloop Maximum Selector)

Table 370: Sideloop Maximum Selector Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Input 1 The last Reliable value is used in the maximum selection.
Input 2 The last Reliable value is used in the maximum selection.

Sideloop Minimum Selector

This module selects the minimum value of the inputs to produce the output. The module accepts two inputs and
outputs the minimum of the inputs. You can add more inputs to the module.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
To see this module’s connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connection table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Minimum Selector)

Table 371 describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Minimum Selector modules.
Table 371: Sideloop Minimum Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input 1 Contains the first input used to determine the 0.0
Input 2 Contains the second input used to determine the 0.0
Present Value G, V Displays the minimum of the inputs.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 761

Reliability (Sideloop Minimum Selector)
Table 372: Sideloop Minimum Selector Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Input 1 The last Reliable value is used in the minimum selection.
Input 2 The last Reliable value is used in the minimum selection.

Sideloop Sum Inputs

This module adds the inputs together to produce the output. The module accepts two inputs and outputs the sum
of the inputs. The user can add more inputs to the module.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Sideloop Sum Inputs)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 373: Sideloop Sum Inputs Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CHWP Stabilize Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CWP Stabilize Time Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Sum Inputs)

Table 374 describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Sum Inputs modules.
Table 374: Sideloop Sum Inputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input 1 Contains the first input to add. 0.0
Input 2 Contains the second input to add. 0.0
Present Value G, V Displays the minimum of the inputs.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Sideloop Sum Inputs)

Table 375: Sideloop Sum Inputs Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Input 1 The sum calculation uses the last Reliable value.
Input 2 The sum calculation uses the last Reliable value.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 762

The Timing group provides a unit (one time step) delay for a data signal. The Timing group contains the Last Value
(Boolean, Enum, Float) modules.

Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float)

This section describes the Last Value modules of the Setpoint Determination/Misc type. For information on the Last
Value modules of the Output Control type, see Timing in the Output Control Modules section.
The Last Value module holds the value that its input had at the end of the previous execution (of the Control System)
for use by the current execution. This module is used when you want to compare the current value of a variable with
the value from the last execution. If this module is not operated continuously (for example, placed in the state section
of a hybrid activity), it starts at its Default Value when re-enabled. One additional constraint is that connections from
Hybrid Activity Inputs are not allowed to be made directly to the Input of the Last Value module in one of its State
Sections. You cannot directly connect an Input to a Last Value block within the State section of a Hybrid Activity.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Last Value)

The application System Selection trees use the individual Setpoint Determination/Misc Last Value modules in this
group using the names in Table 376.
Table 376: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Pump x MS LV (where x = 1 or 2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Autocalibrate Now LV All VAV Applications
CD Area LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
CD Pickup Gain LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
CHW Cap Fault LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Central Cooling Applications
CHW Chlr Add OK LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Central Cooling Applications
Cooling Pump x MS LV (where x = 1 or 2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
CW Cap Fault LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Central Cooling Applications
CW Chlr Add OK LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Central Cooling Applications
CW Pump Shed OK LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Central Cooling Applications
Exhaust Area LV All VAV Applications
Exhaust Pickup Gain LV All VAV Applications

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 763

Table 376: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
HD Area LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
HD Pickup Gain LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Preheat Pump x MS LV (where x = 1 or 2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Pump x MS LV (where x = 1 or 2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Supply Area LV All VAV Applications
Supply Pickup Gain LV All VAV Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Last Value)

Table 377 describes the attributes used by the Setpoint Determination/Misc Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float)
Table 377: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input Passes the Default Value to the Present Value on the False
first execution after startup or enable. Otherwise the
1st Enum
Current Value of the Input is passed to the Present
Value. 0.0
Present Value G, V Displays the output of this module.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Last Value)

(Setpoint Determination/Misc Last Value)
For the first execution, the Reliability of the Present Value are Reliable. For subsequent executions, the Reliability
of the Present Value reflects the reliability of the Input.

Damper Trouble Detection

The Trouble Detection group determines the trouble status of the damper control within VAV applications.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 764

Damper Trouble Detection
The Damper Trouble Detection module determines the trouble status of the damper control within VAV applications.
This module provides position detection for VAV dampers and also provides an indication of failure due to the damper
not opening or closing properly. This module is used for UL 864 UUKL Smoke Control support to validate the VAV
damper is in the commanded position. This module monitors the Damper Percent Cmd and outputs a Trouble warning
after the specified Delay under the following circumstances:
• The flow is not near zero if the damper is commanded closed.
• The flow is not near maximum if the damper is commanded to 100%.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Trouble Detection)

The application System Selection trees use the individual Damper Trouble Detection modules in this group using
the names in Table 378.
Table 378: Damper Trouble Detection Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cold Deck Damper Trouble Detection VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Exhaust Damper Trouble Detection VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Hot Deck Damper Trouble Detection VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Supply Damper Trouble Detection VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Trouble Detection)

Table 379 describes the attributes used by the Damper Trouble Detection modules.
Table 379: Damper Trouble Detection Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Closed Flow Fraction Indicates the maximum fraction of the Max Flow to expect 0.10
when the damper is fully closed. This value is non-zero to
Display Precision: 100ths
account for leakage of the damper when fully closed.
Current Flow Indicates the flow measurement for the monitored damper. 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm
Damper Closed Indicates whether the damper is closed. False
Damper Open Indicates whether the damper is open. False
Damper Percent Cmd Indicates the Present Value of the damper output object 0.0%
(Analog Output Object or Position Adjust Output Object).

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 765

Table 379: Damper Trouble Detection Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Delay Specifies the time allowed for the damper to open or close 75 seconds
before the flow is checked to indicate Trouble.
Display Precision: 1s
Max Flow Indicates the rated flow for the monitored damper. 500.0 l/s, 1000.0 cfm
Open Flow Fraction Indicates the minimum fraction of the Max Flow to expect 0.85
when the damper is fully opened. Adjust this value after
Display Precision: 100ths
testing and balancing each VAV box to determine the actual
flow that can be achieved during an emergency situation (for
example, pressurize).
Trouble G Indicates the current status of the damper control. False

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Damper Trouble Detection)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules 766

State Generation Modules
The State Generation group of modules determines the current mode of the unit.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Alarm Management
The Alarm Management group provides State Generators for alarms.

Dual Fan Alarms

The Dual Fan Alarms module provides the ability to AND or OR the inputs to the module and passes the result to
separate outputs. This module is implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Figure 115: Dual Fan Alarms Logic

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan Alarms)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 380: Dual Fan Alarms Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Instance Name Application
Exhaust Fan Dual Alarms AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Relief Fan Dual Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Return Fan Dual Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Supply Fan Dual Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 767

Attributes (Dual Fan Alarms)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan Alarms modules:
Table 381: Attributes (Dual Fan Alarms)
Name Type Description Default Value
Fan 1 Alarm This input represents the alarm condition Default Value: Normal
of the first device.
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Fan 2 Alarm This input represents the alarm condition Default Value: Normal
of the second device.
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Output - AND G This is the result of the AND operation. Default Value: Normal
Set Name: Normal/
Output - OR This is the result of the OR operation. Default Value: Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Latching Alarm Manager

This module provides the ability to latch the inputs to the module. The module applies the OR operator to the result
and passes it to the output. The Latching Alarm Manager module contains an input that attaches the OR operator
to all of the results to cascade multiple modules.
When the Setup attribute is set to Automatic, the Output is Alarm when the value of any of the inputs is Alarm, and
equals Normal when all input values are Normal.
When the Setup attribute is set to Manual, the Output is Alarm when the value of any of the inputs is Alarm, and
equals Normal when all input values are Normal and the Reset input is set to Reset.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Latching Alarm Manager)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 382: Latching Alarm Manager Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Pump Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
2 Pipe Pump X Alarms (Where X is 1–2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 768

Table 382: Latching Alarm Manager Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cooling Pump Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Cooling Pump X Alarms (Where X is 1–2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
CWPX Alarms (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Exhaust Fan Alarms AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Exhaust Fan2 Alarms AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
GEF Alarms All Air Handling Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Heat Recovery Pump Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
HR Energy Wheel Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Minimum OA Fan Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
PCHWPX Alarms (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
PHWPX Alarms (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Preheat Pump Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 769

Table 382: Latching Alarm Manager Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Preheat Pump X Alarms (Where X is 1–2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Reheat Pump Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Reheat Pump X Alarms (Where X is 1–2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Relief Fan Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Relief Fan2 Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Return Fan Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Return Fan2 Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
SCHWPX Alarms (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
SHWPX Alarms (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Supply Fan Alarms AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Supply Fan2 Alarms AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
TEF Alarms All Air Handling Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
TwrFanX Alarms (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 770

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Latching Alarm Manager)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Latching Alarm Manager modules:
Table 383: Latching Alarm Manager Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cascaded OR Input Provides the functionality to connect multiple modules using Normal
the OR operator on more than four inputs.
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Input X Indicates the inputs to this module (X is 1-4). Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Maintenance Provides the result of the latch and OR operation, but is Enable
Switch translated into the disabling/enabling of the maintenance
Set Name: Disable/Enable
Output G, V Provides the result of the latch and OR operation. Normal
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Rest X Provides the inputs (X is 1-4) to return the Output to Normal Off
when the Setup X attribute is set to Manual.
Set Name: Off/Reset
Setup X Indicates the latch action used by the specific input (X is 1-4). Automatic
When the Setup X attribute is set to Automatic, the Output is Set Name: Reset Type
Alarm if the associated input is Alarm, and equals Normal
when all input values are Normal.
When the Setup X attribute is set to Manual, the Output is
Alarm if the associated input is Alarm, and equals Normal
when all input values are Normal and the Reset n input is set
to Reset.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Latching Alarm Manager)

• When the Setup X attribute is set to Automatic, the Output is Alarm if the associated input is Alarm, and equals
Normal when all input values are Normal.
• When the Setup X attribute is set to Manual, the Output is Alarm if the associated input is Alarm, and equals
Normal when all input values are Normal and the Reset X input is set to Reset.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 771

Table 384: Latching Alarm Manager Command Hierarchy
Input Reset LastOut Setup Output
Alarm * * * Alarm
Normal * * Automatic Normal
Reset Normal Manual Normal
Alarm Manual Normal
Off Normal Manual Normal
Alarm Manual Alarm

Reliability (Latching Alarm Manager)

This module uses the input’s last reliable value if the input becomes unreliable.

Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm

This module provides logic to compare OA-T to a low OALT-SP. When the OA-T is less than the low OALT-SP, the
module output matches the value of the Alarm input. When the OA-T is greater than the OALT-SP plus the differential,
the output module is in a Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm)

The application System Selection trees use individual modules in this group using the names in the following table.
Table 385: Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm modules.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 772

Table 386: Preheat Pump Low OA Alarm Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Alarm Represents the Alarm condition of Normal
the pump, when in alarm and the
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
OA-T is less than the OA Low SP.
The output is in Alarm.
Differential G, V Specifies the differential for the OA 0 deg F
OA Low Setpoint Represents the Low Outdoor Air 0 deg F
Temperature Setpoint.
OA Temperature Represents the Outdoor Air 0 deg F
Output Represents the current output of Normal
the module.
Set Name: Normal/Alarm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Central Plant
The Central Plant group provides State Generators for heating and cooling equipment.

CW Sequencer
The CW Sequencer module is designed to determine the best operation of the condenser water system. The module
determines whether the Bypass Valve should be modulated or open to the towers, and if the tower fans should be
used to control the condenser water temperatures. This sequencer uses the outdoor air temperature and humidity
to calculate the outdoor air wetbulb temperature. The outdoor air wetbulb temperature is used to determine the
cooling tower’s capability to provide cooling to the condenser water. If the outdoor air humidity is unreliable, the
sequencer uses the outdoor air drybulb to determine the cooling tower’s ability to cool the condenser water. If the
outdoor air temperature or the condenser water temperature are unreliable, the state output is Sensors Unreliable.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 773

Figure 116: Condenser Water Sequencer

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 774

Module Use in Applications (CW Sequencer)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 387: Condenser Water Sequencer Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Condenser Water Sequencer Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (CW Sequencer)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Condenser Water Sequencer modules:
Table 388: Condenser Water Sequencer Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Bypass Control Status Indicates the current control status of the bypass valve Normal
control. This input typically comes from the bypass valve
Set Name: Control Status
control module. This provides appropriate timing to prevent
cycling between modes.
Condenser Water This is the setpoint to which the condenser water is being 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
Setpoint controlled.
Condenser Water This is the process variable. 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
Delay This input is the delay time to wait to enter the tower control 180 Seconds
state from the bypass valve control state after the bypass
valve PID reached 100%.
OA Humidity This input is the outdoor air humidity. 50% RH
OA Temperature Displays the outdoor air temperature. 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
State G Shows current state of this output controller. Off
Set Name: Condenser Water
Switchover Diff This is the differential used to prevent cycling as the outdoor 2.5 Deg C, 5.0 Deg F
air wetbulb floats around the switchover setpoint.
Switchover Setpoint This is the setpoint this module uses to determine if the 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
outdoor air wetbulb is too warm to provide control of the
condenser water with only the bypass valve. If the OA
Humidity is unreliable or not connected, the module uses
only the OA Temperature.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 775

Table 388: Condenser Water Sequencer Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
System Enable Indicates when the chilled water system is enabled. True
Tower Control Status Indicates the current control status of the cooling tower Normal
control. This input typically comes from the cooling tower
Set Name: Control Status
PID control module. This provides appropriate timing to
prevent cycling between modes.

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Device Enable Determination

The Device Enable Determination module enables the device after the required corresponding equipment is enabled
and disables the device if any corresponding equipment becomes disabled. For example, when the device is a chiller
the corresponding equipment includes condenser isolation valves, condenser pumps, chilled water isolation valves,
chilled water pumps, and the chiller itself. This module can also be used to enable one or more towers based on
the tower’s corresponding isolation valves.
You cannot view and modify modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Device Enable Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 389: Device Enable Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Chiller Enable Determination Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Cooling Tower Enable Determination Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Device Enable Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Device Enable Determination modules:
Table 390: Device Enable Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device Enable n Establishes the enable status of the device. A Boolean value of False True
takes the associated device out of service. If a device is on when this is
set to False, Enable n Out is set to False immediately. (Where n is 1-8.)
Enable n Out G Contains the enable value (Boolean) for the corresponding Device. True
(Where n is 1-8.)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 776

Table 390: Device Enable Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Iso Vlv A Enable n Establishes the enable status of an isolation valve. A Boolean value of True
False takes the associated device out of service. If a device is on when
this input is set to False, Enable n Out is set to False immediately. (Where
n is 1-8.)
Iso Vlv B Enable n Establishes the enable status of a second isolation valve. A Boolean True
value of False takes the associated device out of service. If a device is
on when this is set to False, Enable n Out is set to False immediately.
(Where n is 1-8.)
Pump A Enable n Establishes the enable status of a pump. A Boolean value of False takes True
the associated device out of service. If a device is on when this is set to
False, Enable n Out is set to False immediately. (Where n is 1-8.)
Pump B Enable n Establishes the enable status of a second pump. A Boolean value of True
False takes the associated device out of service. If a device is on when
this is set to False, Enable n Out is set to False immediately. (Where n
is 1-8.)

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Central Heating Low Temp Control

This module generates the appropriate frost protection state.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Central Heating Low Temp Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 391: Central Heating Low Temp Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Frost Protection Determination Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Central Heating Low Temp Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Central Heating Low Temp Control modules:

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 777

Table 392: Central Heating Low Temp Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Frost Protect Differential Indicates the amount by which the outdoor air temperature 1.5 Deg C, 3.0 Deg F
must rise above a setpoint to reset the condition.
Frost Protect OA Provides the first outdoor air temperature setpoint. When 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Setpoint 1 the Outdoor Air Temperature is less than this value, the
State is Low OAT 1.
Frost Protect OA Provides the second outdoor air temperature setpoint. 2.0 Deg C, 35.0 Deg F
Setpoint 2 When the Outdoor Air Temperature is greater than this
value, the State is Low OAT 2.
Outdoor Air Temp Indicates the outdoor air temperature. 0.0
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
State G Indicates the current state of the module. This output Normal
connects to the State Selection table.
Set Name: CP Frost Protect
Zone Differential Indicates the amount by which the Zone Temperature must 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
rise above the Zone Setpoint to reset the condition.
Zone Setpoint Provides the zone temperature setpoint. This attribute 20.0 Deg C, 68.0 Deg F
typically connects to the Zone Heating Setpoint. When the
Zone Temperature is less than this value and the Outdoor
Air Temperature is less than Frost Protect OA Setpoint 2,
the State is Low OAT and Low Zone.
Zone Temperature Indicates the zone temperature. 0.0
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Central Heating Low Temp Control)

• When the Zone Temperature is less than the Zone Setpoint value and the Outdoor Air Temperature is less than
Frost Protect OA Setpoint 2, the State is Low OAT and Low Zone.
• When the Outdoor Air Temperature is less than the Frost Protect OA Setpoint 1 value, the State is Low OAT 1.
• When the Outdoor Air Temperature is greater than the Frost Protect OA Setpoint 2 value, the State is Low OAT
Table 393: Central Heating Low Temp Control Command Hierarchy
Zone Loop Boiler Primary Pumps State
* * * Normal
* * On Low OAT 1
* On On Low OAT 2
On On On Low OAT and Low Zone

Reliability (Central Heating Low Temp Control)

This module uses the input’s last reliable value if the input becomes unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 778

Load Calculation v2
Important: As of Release 3.0, the Load Calculation v2 module replaces the Calculate Building Load module.
The Load Calculation module provides the logic necessary to evaluate cold and hot water loads. The module inputs
include system flow, supply and return temperatures media, a Heating or Cooling Switch, and glycol concentration.
This module considers Pure water, Water-Ethylene Glycol solution, and Water-Propylene Glycol solution. You can
select the media and the concentration of Glycol in percentage, as necessary. The output of this module is the
heating or cooling heat transfer rate. A positive output value in the Heating mode indicates a heating load and a
positive output value in the Cooling mode indicates a cooling load.
The required physical properties (density and heat capacity) are calculated for water as functions of temperature.
The Glycol solutions are calculated as functions of both temperature and concentration according to the following
Load Calculation
Load is calculated according to the following equation.
Load = Flow x 10 x ρ x Cp x Δ T

• Flow: Volumetric Flow [gpm input converted to l/s]
• ρ: Density [kg/m ]

• cp : Specific Heat Capacity [kJ/kg-˚C]

• ΔT: Temperature Differential (Treturn - Tsupply ) [˚F input converted to˚C]

Load Calculation Computations

The Load Calculation Standard Object computes heating/cooling loads if the heat transfer media is one of the
• Water
• Water-Ethylene Glycol solution
• Water-Propylene Glycol solution
If you choose Water, the density ( ρ ) and specific heat (Cp) are calculated using the following equations:

ρ = R(1) + R(2)*T +R(3)*T^2

Cp = C(1) + C(2)*T +C(3)*T^2

• ρ in kg/m^3
• Cp in kJ/kg-K
• T in ˚C. Range of applicability is 0 to 226.85 ˚C.
• R(1) = 1002.346
• R(2) = -0.1811972
• R(3) = -0.002543243
• C(1) = 4.211899
• C(2) = -0.001419488
• C(3) = 0.00001446954

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 779

If you choose any of the solutions, the concentration in volume percent of the Glycol (either Ethylene or Propylene)
should be provided. In these two cases, two properties are calculated as a function of both Temperature and
Composition, using the following equations:
ρ = R(1) + R(2)*T +R(3)*Comp +R(4)*T*Comp +R(5)*T^2 +R(6)*Comp^2
Cp = C(1) + C(2)*T +C(3)*Comp +C(4)*T*Comp +C(5)*T^2 +C(6)*Comp^2

• ρ in kg/m^3
• Cp in kJ/kg-K
• T in ˚C. Range of applicability -35 to 125 ˚C
Composition is in decimals, for example, 10% is 0.1.
The range of applicability is 0.1 to 0.9.
Ethylene Glycol:
• R(1) = 1000.993
• R(2) = -0.1820508
• R(3) = 180.1828
• R(4) = -0.3142169
• R(5) = -0.002448466
• R(6) = -39.50314
• C(1) = 4.090844
• C(2) = 0.001329405
• C(3) = -1.5259387
• C(4) = 0.005028424
• C(5) = -0.0000001239507
• C(6) = -0.4911836
Propylene Glycol:
• R(1) = 1004.741
• R(2) = -0.2981901
• R(3) = 126.9451
• R(4) = -0.4054804
• R(5) = -0.001850845
• R(6) = -61.60746
• C(1) = 4.12479074756495
• C(2) = 0.00105318162514
• C(3) = -0.73136943192630
• C(4) = 0.00559981967494
• C(5) = 0.00000004392872
• C(6) = -1.21562837961674

Important: Since the preceding equations are curve fits of experimental data, these equations cannot and should
not be used beyond the stated range of applicability.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 780

You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Load Calculation)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 394: Load Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Building Load Calculation v2 Central Heating Applications
Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Load Calculation)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Load Calculation modules:
Table 395: Load Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Flow Indicates the rate the media is moving through the 0
Display Units: l/s, gpm
Glycol Concentration Indicates the percentage of Glycol in the system. 0
Display Units: %
HeatingCooling Switches the Load output, so a positive value is Heating
output for either a Heating or Cooling Mode.
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
Load V Indicates the calculated Load. 0
Display Units: W, Btuh
Media Indicates the type of media used in the system. Water
Set Name: Load Media
Return Temperature Indicates the temperature of the media returning 0
from the system.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Supply Temperature Indicates the temperature of the media supplied to 0
the system.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Unit Set Switches the calculation based on the application’s IP
system of units.
Display Units: SI, IP

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 781

Count On Inputs
This module is responsible for determining if any of the interlock devices are on. The module accepts eight status
inputs as well as a limit input value that acts as a high limit. Based on the input commands and the parameter
settings, the module outputs the number of devices that are ON.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Count On Inputs)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 396: Count On Inputs Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CHW Isolation Valve Status Central Cooling Applications
CW Isolation Valve Status Central Cooling Applications
Isolation Valve Status Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Count On Inputs)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Count On Inputs modules:
Table 397: Count On Inputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input # Indicates if the device status is off or on. Input # is a Off
Binary input.
Limit Variable Acts as a high limit in the number of devices that are able 8
to run. Limit Variable is a floating value.
Output (Float) V Indicates the current number of devices that are ON. 0

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Device Availability Calculation (Count True Inputs)

The Device Availability Calculation module calculates the number of available devices that are able to run. This
module accepts eight device enable inputs as well as a limit input value that acts as a high limit. Based on the input
commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs a number (floating value) of devices that are currently
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Device Availability Calculation, Count True Inputs)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 782

Table 398: Device Availability Calculation Uses in Application System Selection Trees
1 Applications
Module Instance Name
Boilers Available Central Heating Applications
CWPs Available Central Cooling Applications
CW Pump Capacity Check Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
PCHWPs Available Central Cooling Applications
Towers Available Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

1 The Count True Inputs palette item appears in the Setpoint Determination/Misc column, but the module instances appear in
the State Generator and Output Controller columns of the UI.

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Device Availability Calculation, Count True Inputs)

The following attributes are used by the Device Availability Calculation modules:
Table 399: Device Availability Calculation Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device X Enable Indicates if the device is available to run. Device X False
Enable is a Boolean input.
Limit Variable Acts as a high limit in the number of devices that are 8
able to run. Limit Variable is a floating value.
Output (Float) V Indicates the current number of devices that are able 0
to run.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

PID Sequencer
The PID Sequencer module is responsible for sequencing the cooling tower valve and the cooling tower fans and
making sure that the tower valve is open before starting the cooling tower fans. This module accepts as inputs a
Delay, an Input 1, an Input 2, and a System Enable. Based on the input commands and the attribute settings, the
module outputs a state for sequencing the valve and fans.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (PID Sequencer)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 783

Table 400: PID Sequencer Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CW Sequencing Central Cooling Applications
CW Sequencing v100 Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (PID Sequencer)

The following table describes the attributes used by the PID Sequencer modules:
Table 401: PID Sequencer Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
BYP Saturation Provides an input that comes from the Cooling Disabled
Tower Valve Control Status output.
(Input 1) Set Name: Control Status
CT Saturation Provides an input that comes from the Cooling Disabled
Tower Fans Control Status output.
(Input 2) Set Name: Control Status
Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Up that 15
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can
Display Units: Seconds
be performed.
State Indicates the current state generated. Off
Set Name: Plant Sequencing Mode
System Enable Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Disabled
Set Name: Disable Enable

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Plant Sequencing-Building Load

The Plant Sequencing-Building Load module is responsible for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of a
discrete plant system to meet a building load. This module accepts as inputs a stage capacity, a load, a percent
deadband, a Stabilize Delay, an Up Delay, a Down Delay, a System Interlock Status, a Start-Up Delay, Minimum
Running Devices, and a System Enable. Based on the input commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs
a state for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of a discrete plant system and an output for the number of
devices to run.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Plant Sequencing-Building Load)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 784

Table 402: Plant Sequencing-Building Load Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Boiler Sequencing by Building Load Central Heating Applications
Chiller Sequencing by Building Load Central Cooling Applications
Chiller Sequencing by Chiller Load Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Plant Sequencing-Building Load)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Plant Sequencing-Building Load modules:
Table 403: Plant Sequencing-Building Load Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
% Deadband Indicates the percentage of the Stage Capacity that 5%
separates the Stage Up and the Stage Down.
Control Status This returns a status of the System Enable. Off
Down Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Down that another 10 Minutes
operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can be performed.
Load Indicates the amount of the load a single stage can satisfy. 0 btuh or %FLA or Amps
Minimum Running Devices Indicates the minimum quantity of stages to run as a first 0
Number of Devices Indicates the number of devices that are currently being 0
Running called by the BO sequencer to run.
Output (Float) V Indicates the number of devices that are being called to run. 0
Stabilize Delay Prevents debounce in staging up or down. 180 Seconds
Stage Capacity Determines whether Stage Up or Stage Down is required 0 btuh or %FLA or Amps
and is the variable that is compared to the Stage Capacity
and the number of devices running.
Start-Up Delay Prevents staging until system reaches equilibrium. 60 Minutes
State G Indicates the current state. Off
Set Name: Plant
Sequencing Mode
System Enable Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
System Interlock Status Indicates the status of the interlock. The Global System On
Interlock Status must be On before any staging can occur.
Up Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Up that another 15 Minutes
operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can be performed.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 785

Plant Sequencing-Decouple
The Plant Sequencing-Decouple module is responsible for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of a discrete
plant system to maintain a decouple flow setpoint. This module accepts as inputs a process variable, a setpoint, an
Up Delay, a Down Delay, a Number of Devices Running, a System Interlock Status, a Stabilize Delay, a Start-Up
Delay, Minimum Running Devices, Device Mode, and a System Enable. Based on the input commands and the
attribute settings, the module outputs a state for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of a discrete plant system
and an output for the number of devices to run.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Plant Sequencing-Decouple)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 404: Plant Sequencing-Decouple Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chiller Sequencing by Decouple Loop Flow Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Plant Sequencing-Decouple)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Plant Sequencing-Decouple modules:
Table 405: Plant Sequencing-Decouple Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device Mode Indicates the direction of flow for flow meters with a BI Normal
for direction.
Set Name: Polarity
Down Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Down that 10
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can be
Display Units: Minutes
Minimum Running Indicates the minimum quantity of stages to run. 0
Display Units: Minutes
Number of Devices Indicates the number of devices that are currently being 0
Running called by the BO sequencer to run.
Display Units: Minutes
Output Indicates the number of devices that are being called to 0
Process Variable Determines whether Stage Up or Stage Down is required 100
and is the variable that is compared to the setpoint.
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 100
Stabilize Delay Prevents debounce in staging up or down. 180
Display Units: Minutes

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 786

Table 405: Plant Sequencing-Decouple Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Start-Up Delay Prevents staging until the system reaches equilibrium. 60
Display Units: Minutes
State Indicates the current state generated by the sequence. Off
Set Name: Plant Sequencing
System Enable Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
Set Name: Off/On
System Interlock Status Indicates the status of the Global System Interlock. The On
Global System Interlock Status must be On before any
Set Name: Off/On
staging may occur.
Up Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Up that another 15
operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can be performed.
Display Units: Minutes

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Plant Sequencing-Decouple)

• Off: Indicates the system is disabled.
• Pump Only: Allows a circulation pump to run as a minimum whenever the system is enabled.
• System Interlock: Allows a global system interlock to be turned on prior to starting any stages.
• Control: Allows the output value to change to meet the demand of the system.

Plant Sequencing-Discrete
The Plant Sequencing-Discrete module is responsible for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of a discrete
plant system to maintain a setpoint. This module accepts as inputs a process variable, a setpoint, a deadband, a
heating/cooling flag, a Stabilize Delay, an Up Delay, a Down Delay, a Number of Devices Running, a System Interlock
Status, a Start-Up Delay, Minimum Running Devices, and a System Enable. Based on the input commands and the
attribute settings, the module outputs a state for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of a discrete plant system
and an output for the number of devices to run.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Plant Sequencing-Discrete)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 406: Plant Sequencing-Discrete Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chiller Sequencing by Delta T Central Cooling Applications
Discrete Boiler Sequencing by HWR-T Central Heating Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 787

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Plant Sequencing-Discrete)

The attributes in the following table are used by the Plant Sequencing-Discrete modules:
Table 407: Plant Sequencing-Discrete Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Deadband Indicates an area of a signal range or band where no 2
action occurs and the State outputs a Hold.
Down Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Down that 10
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can be
Display Units: Minutes
HeatingCooling Inverts the action of the Stage Up/Stage Down. Heating
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
Minimum Running Indicates the minimum quantity of stages to run. 0
Display Units: Minutes
Number of Devices Indicates the number of devices that are currently being 0
Running called by the BO sequencer to run.
Display Units: Minutes
Output Indicates the number of devices that are being called to 0
Process Variable Determines whether Stage Up or Stage Down is required 100
by being compared to the setpoint.
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 100
Stabilize Delay Prevents debounce in staging up or down. 180
Display Units: Minutes
Start-Up Delay Prevents staging until the system reaches equilibrium. 60
Display Units: Minutes
State Represents the current state generated. Off
Set Name: Plant Sequencing
System Enable Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
Set Name: Off/On
System Interlock Status Indicates the status of the Global System Interlock. The On
Global System Interlock Status must be On before any
Set Name: Off/On
staging may occur.
Up Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Up that another 15
operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can be performed.
Display Units: Minutes

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 788

Primary States (Plant Sequencing-Discrete)
• Control: Allows the output value to change, to meet the demand of the system.
• Off: Indicates the system is disabled.
• Pump Only: Allows a circulation pump to run as a minimum whenever the system is enabled.
• System Interlock: Allows a global system interlock to be turned on prior to starting any stages.

Plant Sequencing-Modulating
The Plant Sequencing-Modulating module is responsible for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of modulating
plant equipment to maintain a setpoint. This module accepts as inputs a process variable, a stageup setpoint, a
number of stages running, an Up Delay, a Down Delay, a System Interlock Status, a Stabilize Delay, a Start-Up
Delay, and a System Enable. Based on the input commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs a state
for sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of modulating plant equipment and an output for the number of devices
to run. This module provides an output for a stagedown setpoint that is calculated based on the number of devices
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Plant Sequencing-Modulating)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 408: Plant Sequencing-Modulating Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Modulating HX or Boiler Sequencing Central Heating Applications
Secondary CHW Pump Sequencing Central Cooling Applications
Secondary HW Pump Sequencing Central Heating Applications
Variable Speed Fan Clg Twr Sequencing Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Plant Sequencing-Modulating)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Plant Sequencing-Modulating modules:
Table 409: Plant Sequencing-Modulating Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Plant Sequencing-Modulating Common Attributes
Down Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Down that 10 minutes
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can
be performed.
Minimum Running Indicates the minimum quantity of stages to run as 0
Devices a first stage.
Number of Devices Indicates the number of devices that are currently 0
Running being called by the BO sequencer to run.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 789

Table 409: Plant Sequencing-Modulating Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Output V Indicates the number of devices that are being 0
called to run.
Process Variable Indicates the variable that is compared to the 100%
setpoint and determines whether Stage Up or Stage
Down is required.
Stabilize Delay Prevents debounce in staging up or down. The Plant 180 Seconds
Sequencing-Modulating module must be in Stage
Up or Stage Down mode for this length of time
before command is issued.
StageDown Setpoint V Indicates the target value of the process variable. 15%
StageUp Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 95%
Start-up Delay Indicates the period to wait before staging on 60 Minutes
additional (above minimum) devices to allow the
system to stabilize.
State G Indicates the current state generated by the OffSet Name: Plant Sequencing
sequence. Mode
System Enable Indicates the status of the Off/On command that Off
enables the staging process to run.
System Interlock Status Indicates the on or off status of the Global System On
Interlock. This attribute must beOnbefore staging
can occur.
Up Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Up that 15 Minutes
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can
be performed.
Secondary HW Pump Sequencing and Secondary CHW Pump Sequencing Attributes
Down Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Down that 5 Minutes
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can
be performed.
Start-up Delay Indicates the period to wait before staging on 0 Minutes
additional (above minimum) devices to allow the
system to stabilize.
Up Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Up that 5 Minutes
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can
be performed.
Variable Speed Fan Clg Twr Attributes
Down Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Down that 3 Minutes
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can
be performed.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 790

Table 409: Plant Sequencing-Modulating Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Start-up Delay Indicates the period to wait before staging on 0 Minutes
additional (above minimum) devices to allow the
system to stabilize.
Up Delay Indicates the minimum time after a Stage Up that 3 Minutes
another operation (Stage Up or Stage Down) can
be performed.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Plant Sequencing-Modulating)

• Off: Indicates that the system is disabled.
• Pump Only: Allows a circulation pump to run as a minimum whenever the system is enabled.
• System Interlock: Allows a global system interlock to be turned on prior to starting any stages.
• Control: Allows the output value to change to meet the demand of the system.

Plant Sequencing-OA-T
The Plant Sequencing-OA-T module is responsible for sequencing stages of a discrete heating system based on
an outdoor air temperature setpoint. This module accepts as inputs an outdoor air temperature, an OA heating
enable setpoint, a low limit setpoint, a Number Available, a System Interlock Status, Minimum Running Devices,
and a System Enable. Based on the input commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs a state for
sequencing pumps, interlocks, and stages of a discrete plant system and an output for the number of devices to
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Plant Sequencing-OA-T)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 410: Plant Sequencing-OA-T Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Boiler Sequencing by OA-T Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Plant Sequencing-OA-T)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Plant Sequencing-OA-T modules:

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 791

Table 411: Plant Sequencing-OA-T Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low Limit Setpoint Indicates the temperature at which all the stages of heat 0 Deg C, 30 Deg F
are running.
Minimum Running Devices Indicates the minimum quantity of stages to run as a 1
first stage.
Number Available Indicates the maximum quantity of stages allowed to 8
start by a Stage Up command.
OA Heating Enable Setpoint Indicates the temperature at which the first heating 18 Deg C, 65 Deg F
device is able to run.
Outdoor Air Temperature Determines whether another stage is required and is 24 Deg C, 75 Deg F
the variable that is compared to the setpoint.
Output (Float) V Indicates the number of devices that are being called to 0
State G Indicates the current state. Off
Set Name: Plant
Sequencing Mode
System Enable Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
System Interlock Status Indicates the status of the interlock. The Global System On
Interlock Status must be On before any staging can

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

System Enable
The System Enable module enables or locks out a heating or cooling device. This module accepts as inputs outdoor
air temperature, outdoor air enable setpoint, outdoor air enable differential, heating/cooling selection, and a network
isAvailable. The module has a state output that indicates if the module is enabled.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (System Enable)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 412: System Enable Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chilled Water System Enable Central Cooling Applications
Hot Water System Enable Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 792

Attributes (System Enable)
The following table describes the attributes used by the System Enable modules:
Table 413: System Enable Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HeatingCooling Determines the polarity of the comparison. Set Cooling
HeatingCooling to Heating for a heating device, and set
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
HeatingCooling to Cooling for a cooling device.If
HeatingCooling is set to Cooling, a greater than comparison
is used, so State is true if the OA Temperature is greater
than the OA Temperature Setpoint.If HeatingCooling is set
to Heating, a less than comparison is used, so State is true
if the OA Temperature is less than the OA Temperature
HWSYS-AVAILABLE or Indicates if the State output is true when the device is False
CHWSYS-AVAIL available and is false when the device is not available.
isAvailable Enables or disables a device. True
OA Temperature Indicates the outdoor air temperature. 24, 70
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
OA Temperature Diff Indicates the differential for the setpoint. 4
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
OA Temperature Enable Indicates the outdoor air temperature setpoint above which, 15, 61
Setpoint the cooling is enabled, or below which the heating is
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Tower Sequencing-1 Speed v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Tower Sequencing-1 Speed v50 module replaces the Tower Sequencing-1
The Tower Sequencing 1 Speed module is responsible for sequencing cooling tower fans to maintain a setpoint.
This module accepts as inputs a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, a minimum on time, a minimum off time, a
rotate now, process units, a device x runtime (where x is 1-12), and a device x enable (where x is 1-12). Based on
the input commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs a control status and a device x out (where x is
1-12). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Tower Sequencing 1 Speed)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 414: Tower Sequencing-1 Speed Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
On/Off Fan Clg Twr Sequencing v50 Central Cooling Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 793

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Tower Sequencing 1 Speed)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Tower Sequencing-1 Speed modules:
Table 415: Tower Sequencing-1 Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status Indicates the status of the PID that controls the stages. Normal
Set Name: Control Status
Device X Enable Enables the stage to be a part of the control strategy. False
(Where X Is 1-12) Boolean
Device X Out Commands the fan to run or not. False
(Where X Is 1-12) Boolean
Device X Runtime Indicates the device’s current runtime value. 0
(Where X Is 1-12)
Minimum Off Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held off. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Minimum On Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held on. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Mode Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
Set Name: Off/On
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by False
this output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0.0
this controller drives.
Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID.
Process Units Rotates the lead of the stages, when True, starting Deg F
with the one that has the lowest runtime.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Determines whether Stage Up or Stage Down is 100
required and is the variable that is compared to the
Display Units: Deg F

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 794

Table 415: Tower Sequencing-1 Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Rotate Now Indicates the target value of the process variable. False
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 95
Display Units: Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Tower Sequencing-2 Speed v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Tower Sequencing-2 Speed v50 module replaces the Tower Sequencing-2
Speed module.
The Tower Sequencing-2 Speed module is responsible for sequencing two speed cooling tower fans to maintain a
setpoint. This module accepts as inputs a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, a minimum on time, a minimum off
time, a rotate now, process units, a device x runtime (where x is 1-6), and a device x enable (where x is 1-6). Based
on the input commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs a control status and a device x out (where x
is 1-12). This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The
module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Tower Sequencing-2 Speed)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 416: Tower Sequencing-2 Speed Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Speed Fan Clg Twr Sequencing v50 Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Tower Sequencing-2 Speed)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Tower Sequencing-2 Speed modules:
Table 417: Tower Sequencing-2 Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status Indicates the status of the PID that controls the stages. Normal
Set Name: Control Status
Device X Enable (Where X Enables the stage to be a part of the control strategy. False
Is 1-6)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 795

Table 417: Tower Sequencing-2 Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device X Out (Where X Is Commands the fan to run or not. False
Device X Runtime (Where X Indicates the device’s current runtime value. 0
Is 1-6)
Minimum Off Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held off. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Minimum On Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held on. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Mode Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
Set Name: Off/On
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by False
this output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0.0
this controller drives.
Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID.
Process Units Rotates the lead of the stages, when True, starting Deg F
with the one that has the lowest runtime.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Determines whether Stage Up or Stage Down is 100
required and is the variable that is compared to the
Display Units: Deg F
Rotate Now Indicates the target value of the process variable. False
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 95
Display Units: Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Tower Sequencing-2 Speed)

Table 418: Tower Sequencing-2 Speed Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Max * Max
Limited Max * Max
Hold Reset 1st PID Control
Hold * Hold
Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 796

Table 418: Tower Sequencing-2 Speed Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Control * Control
Failsoft * Control

Tower Sequencing-3 Speed v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Tower Sequencing-3 Speed v50 module replaces the Tower Sequencing-3
Speed module.
The Tower Sequencing-3 Speed module is responsible for sequencing cooling tower fans to maintain a setpoint.
This module accepts as inputs a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, a minimum on time, a minimum off time, a
rotate now, process units, a device x runtime (where x is 1-4), and a device x enable (where x is 1-4). Based on the
input commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs a control status and a device x out (where x is 1-12).
The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Tower Sequencing-3 Speed)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 419: Tower Sequencing-3 Speed Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
3 Speed Fan Clg Twr Sequencing v50 Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Tower Sequencing-3 Speed)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Tower Sequencing-3 Speed modules:
Table 420: Tower Sequencing-3 Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status Indicates the status of the PID that controls the stages. Normal
Set Name: Control Status
Device X Enable Enables the stage to be a part of the control strategy. False
(Where X Is 1-4) Boolean
Device X Out Commands the fan to run or not. False
(Where X Is 1-12) Boolean
Device X Runtime Indicates the device’s current runtime value. 0
(Where X Is 1-4)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 797

Table 420: Tower Sequencing-3 Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Minimum Off Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held off. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Minimum On Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held on. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Mode Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
Set Name: Off/On
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by False
this output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0.0
this controller drives.
Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID.
Process Units Rotates the lead of the stages, when True, starting Deg F
with the one that has the lowest runtime.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Determines whether Stage Up or Stage Down is 100
required and is the variable that is compared to the
Display Units: Deg F
Rotate Now Indicates the target value of the process variable. False
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 95
Display Units: Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Tower Sequencing-3 Speed)

Table 421: Tower Sequencing-3 Speed Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Max * Max
Limited Max * Max
Hold Reset 1st PID Control
Hold * Hold
Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown
Control * Control
Failsoft * Control

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 798

Tower Sequencing-Vernier v50
Important: As of Release 5.0, the Tower Sequencing-Vernier v50 module replaces the Tower Sequencing-Vernier
The Tower Sequencing-Vernier module is responsible for sequencing cooling tower fans to maintain a setpoint. This
module accepts as inputs a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, a minimum on time, a minimum off time, a rotate
now, process units, a device x runtime (where x is 1-12), and a device x enable (where x is 1-12). Based on the
input commands and the attribute settings, the module outputs a control status, an output for modulating the vernier
device, and a device x out (where x is 1-12). You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic. The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Tower Sequencing-Vernier)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 422: Tower Sequencing-Vernier Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
On/Off Fan w/ Vernier Output Clg Twr Sequencing v50 Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Tower Sequencing-Vernier)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Tower Sequencing-Vernier modules:
Table 423: Tower Sequencing-Vernier Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status Indicates the status of the PID that controls the stages. Normal
Set Name: Control Status
Device X Enable (Where X Enables the stage to be a part of the control strategy. False
Is 1-12)
Device X Out (Where X Is Commands the fan to run or not. False
Device X Runtime (Where X Indicates the device’s current runtime value. 0
Is 1-12)
Minimum Off Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held off. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Minimum On Time Indicates the minimum time a stage is held on. 15
Display Units: Seconds
Mode Enables the staging process to run using an Off/On Off
Set Name: Off/On

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 799

Table 423: Tower Sequencing-Vernier Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Output (Float) Indicates the output for the vernier stage to be 0
controlled proportionally.
Display Units: %
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by False
this output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0.0
this controller drives.
Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID.
Process Units Rotates the lead of the stages, when True, starting Deg F
with the one that has the lowest runtime.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Determines whether Stage Up or Stage Down is 100
required and is the variable that is compared to the
Display Units: Deg F
Rotate Now Indicates the target value of the process variable. False
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 95
Display Units: Deg F
Rotate Now Indicates the target value of the process variable. False
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 95
Display Units: Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Tower Sequencing-Vernier)

Table 424: Tower Sequencing-Vernier Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Max * Max
Limited Max * Max
Hold Reset 1st PID Control
Hold * Hold
Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown
Control * Control
Failsoft * Control

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 800

Tower Start Determination
The Tower Start Determination module enables the cooling tower subsystem whenever the system enable is true,
or a condenser water pump is on. This module monitors the System Enable input and the CW Pump Sequencer.
The cooling tower subsystem is not disabled until System Enabled is False, all condenser water pumps are off, and
a user-defined delay has expired. This module has inputs for the user-defined delay, System Enabled, and the
number of active pumps. It has a single state output which indicates whether the cooling tower subsystem should
be enabled or disabled.
Figure 117: Tower Start Determination

Module Use in Applications (Tower Start Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 425: Tower Start Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Tower Start Determination Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Tower Start Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Tower Start Determination modules:
Table 426: Tower Start Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
isAvailable Indicates whether the system is enabled. False
Pump Count Indicates the number of active pumps. 0
Pump Delay Indicates the amount of time to wait after turning off 20 Seconds
pumps before closing isolation valves.
State G Provides an output indicating whether the cooling tower False
subsystem is enabled.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 801

Waterside Economizer Sequencer
The Waterside Economizer Sequencer module is designed to automatically switch the central plant between chiller
(mechanical) cooling and waterside economizer cooling with minimal disturbance to flows and to the chilled water
supply temperature. The module uses a finite state machine to accomplish transitions between nine possible states
listed in the following table.
Table 427: Waterside Economizer Sequencer Module States
State Description
Off The system is disabled. All devices are off.
Chiller Control Chillers are controlled to provide chilled water to the building.
Stop Chillers Chillers are disabled prior to initiating waterside economizer cooling with heat
Start Hx Waterside economizer cooling is initiated. Cooling towers are run at maximum speed
to bring the condenser water temperature down to meet the Economizer CWS-T Setpoint
as quickly as possible.
Hx Control Heat exchangers are controlled to provide chilled water to the building. Cooling towers
are modulated to control the CWS-T to the Economizer CWS-T Setpoint and the Heat
Exchanger Selector stages heat exchangers to meet the building load.
CHWS-T Timing Waiting state. Heat Exchangers are in control, but the CHWS-T has risen above the
Economizer CHW-Tsp plus Differential, which indicates a transition back to chiller
control may be possible due to an increase in building load.
Warm CW-T Precursor state to return to chiller control. Flows are directed through the heat
exchangers, but cooling towers are turned off and fully bypassed to allow the CWS-T
to warm up to an acceptable chiller startup temperature as quickly as possible.
Start Chillers Chillers are started. Time in this state is brief because this state is exited as soon as
chiller status is True.
Stop Hx Heat exchangers are disabled. Heat exchanger isolation valves are closed. Time in
this state is brief because this state is exited as soon as Hx status is False.

Module Use in Application (Waterside Economizer Sequencer)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 428: Waterside Economizer Sequencer Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Waterside Economizer Sequencer Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Waterside Economizer Sequencer)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Waterside Economizer Sequencer.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 802

Table 429: Waterside Economizer Sequencer Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
CHWS Temperature 44.0
This value is used with CW Temperature to
calculate the lift and adjust the plant capacity
if the lift sensitivity was defined for the chillers.
CHWS Temperature Setpt Setpoint of the chilled water. 44.0
CHWS-T Wait Time In the CHWS-T Timing state, this input is the 30
time allowed for the CHWS-T to drop below the
CHWS-Tsp Diff This input is the chilled water supply 3.0
temperature setpoint differential.
CW Temperature This value is used with CHWS Temperature to 85.0
calculate the lift and adjust the plant capacity
if the lift sensitivity was defined for the chillers.
CW-T Chiller Start Setpt The condenser water temperature required 60.0
before starting the chiller.
CW-T Cooldown Time In the Start Hx state, this input is the time 30
allowed for the CW-T to cool down to the
economizer CW-Tsp before entering Hx
Chiller Count Indicates the number of chillers. 0
Chiller Min On Time Minimum amount of time the chiller should be 30
commanded on.
Econ Reset This input forces the FSM input Econ isValid False
to true, allowing the sequencer to transition
from mechanical cooling to economizer cooling
without being influenced by the amount of time
Econ isAvail has been true.
Econ isAvail Enables or disables waterside economizer. False
Hx Count Indicates the number of heat exchangers. 0
Mech isAvail Enables or disables the chillers. False
System Enabled Enables or locks out system. False
State Shows current state of output controller. Off
Set Name: Waterside
Econ State

Device Enable
The Device Enable group provides the ability to enable devices based on network commands or outdoor air
This module typically provides information to other State Generation modules rather than connecting directly to State
Selection. Also, see the Device Enable category of modules in the Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 803

Pass Through (Device Enable)
The Device Enable Pass Through modules provide an automatic connection to the State Selection module. They
typically take Network Inputs and connect them to State Selection. The Device Enable category’s Pass Through
modules have the same configuration as the Pass Through category’s Pass Through (Boolean, Enum) module.

Module Use in Applications (Device Enable Pass Through)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 430: Device Enable Pass Through Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe isAvailable Pass Through AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Box Heating isAvailable Pass Through VAV Single Duct Applications
Cooling isAvailable Pass Through Fan Coil Applications
Heating isAvailable Pass Through Fan Coil Applications
High Temp Alarm Pass Through AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Humidification IsAvailable Pass Through All Air Handling Unit Applications
Master CD Constant Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Master CD Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Master Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Master HD Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Supp Heating isAvailable Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Availability Determination
The Availability Determination module enables or locks out a heating or cooling device. The module accepts as
inputs outdoor air temperature, outdoor air enable setpoint, outdoor air enable differential, heating/cooling selection,
network isAvailable, and a resolution mode. The module has a state output that indicates if the device should be
enabled. When the output is True, the heating or cooling device is enabled. When the output is False, the heating
or cooling device is not enabled.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 804

Module Use in Applications (Availability Determination)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 431: Availability Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cooling Availability Determination All Air Handling Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Heating Availability Determination Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Preheat Availability Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Reheat Availability Determination All Air Handling Unit Applications
Zone Heating Availability Determination AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Availability Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Availability Determination modules.
Table 432: Availability Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Availability Determination Common Attributes
DEVICE-AVAILABLE, G, V Displays True when the device is available and
CLG-AVAILABLE, False when the device is not available
isAvailable Displays the network input for enabling or disabling True
a device.
OA Temperature Contains the temperature that is compared to the 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
outdoor air temperature setpoint to determine if
heating or cooling is available.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 805

Table 432: Availability Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
OA Temperature Diff Contains the differential input to the comparison 2.0 Deg C, 4.0 Deg F
between the OA temperature and the OA
temperature enable setpoint. When Heating/Cooling
= Cooling, a greater than comparison is used. When
Heating/Cooling = Heating, a less than comparison
is used.
OA Temperature Enable Contains the outdoor air temperature setpoint above 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
Setpoint which the cooling is enabled or below which the
heating is enabled.
Resolution Mode Allows the module to be configured to use the Either Can Activate
outdoor air temperature, the network input, or either
Set Name: Resolution Mode
of the two to enable a cooling or heating device
Cooling Availability Determination-Specific Attributes
HeatingCooling Specifies that when Heating/Cooling = Cooling, a Cooling
greater than comparison is used, so State is True
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
if the OA Temperature is greater than the OA
Temperature Setpoint.
Heating Availability Determination-Specific Attributes
HeatingCooling Specifies that when Heating/Cooling = Heating, a Heating
less than comparison is used, so State is True if the
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
OA Temperature is less than the OA Temperature
Preheat Availability Determination-Specific Attributes
HeatingCooling Specifies that when Heating/Cooling = Heating, a Heating
less than comparison is used, so State is True if the
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
OA Temperature is less than the OA Temperature
Reheat Availability Determination-Specific Attributes
HeatingCooling Specifies that when Heating/Cooling = Heating, a Heating
less than comparison is used, so State is True if the
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
OA Temperature is less than the OA Temperature
Zone Heating Availability Determination-Specific Attributes
HeatingCooling Specifies that when Heating/Cooling = Heating, a Heating
less than comparison is used, so State is True if the
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
OA Temperature is less than the OA Temperature

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 806

Primary States (Availability Determination)
The device is enabled when the State output is True and disabled when the State output is False. The following
table shows the command hierarchy used to determine whether the State should be True or False. The Hardware
Mode is determined by the OA Temperature being compared with the OA Temperature Enable Setpoint and by
whether it is configured for heating or cooling. For example, when configured for heating, and the OA Temperature
is below the setpoint, the Hardware Mode is True. If the OA Temperature is not reliable, then the Hardware Reliability
is False. Network Mode and reliability is determined by the IsAvailable input.
Table 433: Availability Determination Command Hierarchy
Resolution Mode Network Reliable Network Mode Hardware Hardware Mode State
* False * False * True
Network Priority True True * * True
False * * False
False * True True True
False False
Hardware Priority * * True True True
False False
True True False * True
False False * False
Either Can Activate True False False * False
True False False
True True True
True * * True
False * True False False
True True

Reliability (Availability Determination)

See the Table 433 for operation when inputs are not Reliable.

Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination

The Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination module determines whether the conditions are suitable for
using the heat recovery function for heating or cooling. This module uses outdoor air and return/exhaust air enthalpy
to determine whether to use heat recovery. The return/exhaust air dry bulb temperature is adjusted by the amount
of the Deadband/2 to make sure enough energy can transfer to justify the operation of heat recovery. The module
compares the return/exhaust air temperature with the outdoor air temperature to make the decision. If any of the
temperature or humidity inputs are unreliable, the heat recovery is set to not suitable.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 807

Module Use in Applications (Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 434: Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination modules.
Table 435: Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Deadband Provides an input to make sure the return air and outdoor air 5.0 Deg C, 10.0 Deg F
conditions are different so that heat recovery operations are
Elevation Indicates the distance above or below sea level and is used 0 ft, 0 m
for psychrometric calculations.
Display Precision: 1s
Exhaust Air Temperature Displays the exhaust air temperature. 25.0 Deg C, 77.0 Deg F
Heat Recovery Diff Displays the heat recovery temperature suitability differential. 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
Once heat recovery is suitable, the difference between Exhaust
Air Temperature and OA Temperature must decrease by the
Heat Recovery Diff value below the setpoint to make heat
recovery unsuitable.
Heat Recovery isAllowed Contains a network input that can be used to make heat True
recovery suitable or not suitable. True means heat recovery
may be suitable and False means not suitable.
HR-AVAILABLE (Heat G, V Used to determine whether the heat recovery is used for cooling Set Name: AHU HR Suit
Recovery Suitability) control or heating control, or if the heat recovery is unsuitable
for either control.
HRT-SP (Heat Recovery Contains the heat recovery temperature suitability setpoint. If 6.0 Deg C, 11.0 Deg F
Setpoint) the OA Temperature minus the Exhaust Air Temperature is
greater than the Setpoint, Heat Recovery is suitable for cooling.
If the Exhaust Air Temperature minus the OA Temperature is
greater than the Setpoint, Heat Recovery is suitable for heating;
otherwise, heat recovery is not suitable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 808

Table 435: Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit process variable that may be the glycol 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Variable temperature in a glycol loop or the exhaust air leaving air
temperature for an enthalpy wheel. The low limit process
variable must be reliable for heat recovery to be suitable.
OA Humidity Indicates the outdoor air humidity. 45.0% RH
OA Temperature Contains the outdoor air temperature. If the temperature 25.0 Deg C, 77.0 Deg F
difference between the exhaust air temperature and the outdoor
air temperature is large enough, heat recovery may be suitable.
Return Air Humidity Indicates the return air humidity. 30.0% RH
Return Air Temperature Displays the return air temperature. 25.0 Deg C, 77.0 Deg F
Supply Fan Status Indicates the operating status of the AHU supply fan, where True
Running equals True and Off equals False.
Unit Set Indicates the units of measurement used at the site. SI, IP
Set Name: Unit Set

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination)

The Heat Recovery Suitability output is set to Cool if heat recovery is allowed, the temperature inputs are reliable,
and Clg HR is True. The Clg HR tells the command hierarchy whether the exhaust air is cold enough with respect
to the outside air temperature to make cooling energy recovery suitable. The exhaust air temperature must be below
the outdoor air temperature by the Deadband/2 before the CLG HR is set to True.
The Heat Recovery Suitability output is set to Heat if heat recovery is allowed, the temperature inputs are reliable,
and Htg HR is True. The Htg HR tells the command hierarchy whether the exhaust air is warm enough with respect
to the outside air temperature to make heating energy recovery suitable. The exhaust air temperature must be above
the outdoor air temperature by the Deadband/2 before the Htg HR is set to True.
The Heat Recovery Suitability output is set to None if Heat Recovery isAllowed is False, any temperature input is
not reliable, or both Clg HR and Htg HR are False.
Table 436: Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery IsAllowed Clg HR Htg HR Heat Recovery Suitability
False * * None
True False False None
True True None
True False Cool
False True Heat

Reliability (Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability Determination)

The Heat Recovery Enthalpy Suitability output is set to None if the OA Temperature, Exhaust Air Temperature, or
the Low Limit Process Variable inputs are not reliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 809

Heat Recovery Suitability Determination
The Heat Recovery Suitability Determination Module determines whether the conditions are suitable for using the
heat recovery function for heating or cooling. The module checks the reliability of all analog inputs and compares
the exhaust air temperature with the outdoor air temperature to make the decision.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heat Recovery Suitability Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 437: Heat Recovery Suitability Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Heat Recovery Suitability Determination Applications
Heat Recovery Suitability Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Recovery Suitability Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Recovery Suitability Determination modules.
Table 438: Heat Recovery Suitability Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Exhaust Air Temperature Displays the exhaust air temperature. 25.0 Deg C,
77.0 Deg F
Heat Recovery Diff Displays the heat recovery temperature suitability differential. 1.0 Deg C,
Once heat recovery is suitable, the difference between Exhaust
2.0 Deg F
Air Temperature and OA Temperature must decrease this much
below the setpoint to make heat recovery unsuitable.
Heat Recovery isAllowed Contains a network input that can be used to make heat recovery True
suitable or not. True means heat recovery may be suitable and
False means not suitable.
HR-AVAILABLE (Heat G, V Used to determine whether the heat recovery is used for cooling Set Name: AHU HR
Recovery Suitability) control or heating control, or if the heat recovery is unsuitable for Suit
either control.
HRT-SP (Heat Recovery Contains the heat recovery temperature suitability setpoint. If the 6.0 Deg C,
Setpoint) OA Temperature minus the Exhaust Air Temperature is greater
11.0 Deg F
than the Setpoint, Heat Recovery is suitable for cooling. If the
Exhaust Air Temperature minus the OA Temperature is greater
than the Setpoint, Heat Recovery is suitable for heating;
otherwise, heat recovery is not suitable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 810

Table 438: Heat Recovery Suitability Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit process variable which may be the glycol 7.0 Deg C,
Variable temperature in a glycol loop or the exhaust air leaving air
45.0 Deg F
temperature for an enthalpy wheel. The low limit process variable
must be reliable for heat recovery to be suitable.
OA Temperature Contains the outdoor air temperature. If the temperature 25.0 Deg C,
difference between the exhaust air temperature and the outdoor
77.0 Deg F
air temperature is large enough, heat recovery may be suitable.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Recovery Suitability Determination)

The Heat Recovery Suitability output is set to Cool if heat recovery is allowed, the temperature inputs are reliable,
and Clg HR is True. The Clg HR tells the command hierarchy if the exhaust air is cold enough with respect to the
outside air temperature to make cooling energy recovery suitable. The exhaust air temperature must be below the
outdoor air temperature by the heat recovery setpoint amount before the CLG HR is set to True.
The Heat Recovery Suitability output is set to Heat if heat recovery is allowed, the temperature inputs are reliable,
and Htg HR is True. The Htg HR tells the command hierarchy if the exhaust air is warm enough with respect to the
outside air temperature to make heating energy recovery suitable. The exhaust air temperature must be above the
outdoor air temperature by the heat recovery setpoint amount before the Htg HR is set to True.
The Heat Recovery Suitability output is set to None if heat recovery is allowed and is False, any temperature input
is not reliable, or both Clg HR and Htg HR are False.
Table 439: Heat Recovery Suitability Determination Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery EA-T Reliable OA-T Reliable LL-T Reliable Clg HR Htg HR Heat Recovery
IsAllowed Suitability
False * * * * * None
True False * * * * None
True False * * * None
True False * * None
True False False None
True True None
True False Cool
False True Heat

Reliability (Heat Recovery Suitability Determination)

The Heat Recovery Suitability output is set to None if the OA Temperature, Exhaust Air Temperature, or the Low
Limit Process Variable inputs are not reliable.

General Sequencing
The General Sequencing modules sequence a set of specific devices or control modes for (primarily) AHU applications.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 811

Analog Override Check
The Analog Override Check module checks multiple signals to determine whether the outputs associated with them
are overridden. This module is used within a Control Sequence.
The Analog Override Check module monitors the priority of output objects. The Number of Input Attributes property
sets the number of objects monitored by this module. When any input is overridden and the Setup value is OR, the
output is set to True. When all inputs are overridden and the Setup value is AND, the output is set to True.

Module Use in Applications (Analog Override Check)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 440: Analog Override Check Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Analog Override Check OR 01 Sideloop Applications
Boiler Override Check Central Heating Applications
Box Heat Override Check VAV Single Duct Applications
CD Damper Override Check VAV Dual Duct Applications
CHW Bypass Valve Override Check Central Cooling Applications
Condenser Pump Override Check Central Cooling Applications
Cooling Override Check All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Cooling Tower Override Check Central Cooling Applications
CW Bypass Valve Override Check Central Cooling Applications
Damper Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Dual Duct VAV Damper Override Check VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Enthalpy Wheel Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Exhaust Damper Override Check VAV Dual Duct Applications
Exhaust Fan Override Check AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 812

Table 440: Analog Override Check Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Glycol Loop Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
HD Damper Override Check VAV Dual Duct Applications
Heat Exchanger Override Check Central Heating Applications
Heating Override Check Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Hot Water Bypass Override Check Central Heating Applications
Humidification Override Check All Air Handling Unit Applications
HW Mixing Override Check Central Heating Applications
HX Mixing Valve Override Check Central Heating Applications
Min OA Damper Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Min OA Fan Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Preheat Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Primary Pump Override Check Central Cooling Applications
Central Heating Applications
Reheat Override Check All Air Handling Unit Applications
Relief Fan Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Return Fan Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Secondary Pump Override Check Central Cooling Applications
Central Heating Applications
Single Duct VAV Damper Override Check VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 813

Table 440: Analog Override Check Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Supplemental Heat Override Check VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
Supply Fan Override Check AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Two Pipe Override Check AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Zone Htg Valve X Override Check (where X is Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Analog Override Check)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Analog Override Check module.
Table 441: Analog Override Check Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Number of Input Indicates the number of inputs evaluated by this module. The module 1
Attributes calculates this value.
Output n Priority Indicates the current priority of the monitored analog output. 0
Display Precision: 1s
Output Overridden G Indicates whether the output is overridden.This output value is set False
to True when Setup equals AND, and all of the Output n Priority
inputs show that the output objects being monitored are in an
Overridden State (that is, the value is greater than zero and less
than 16).
This output value is set to True when Setup equals OR, and any of
the Output n Priority inputs show that the output objects being
monitored are in an Overridden State.
Setup Indicates whether the value of Output Overridden is set to True when OR
all of the Output n Priority inputs are not 0 or 16 (AND), or this value
Set Name: AND/OR
is set to True when any of the Output n Priority inputs are not 0 or
16 (OR).

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 814

Reliability (Analog Override Check)
This module does not associate any output with the object’s reliability; therefore, the output from this module is
always Reliable.

Binary Override Check 01, 04, and 08

The Binary Override Check module checks multiple signals to determine whether the outputs associated with them
are overridden. This module is used within a Control Sequence.
The Binary Override Check module monitors the priority and the command of Binary Output objects. The Number
of Input Attributes property sets the number of BO objects monitored by this module. When any input is overridden
and the Setup value is OR, the output is set to True. When all inputs are overridden and the Setup value is AND,
the output is set to True.
Based on the Number of Input Attributes property in the On state, the output indicates the estimated percentage
command from a PID to achieve that state.

Module Use in Applications (Binary Override Check)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 442: Binary Override Check Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Binary Override Check AND 01 Sideloop Applications
Binary Override Check AND 04 Sideloop Applications
Binary Override Check AND 08 Sideloop Applications
Box Heat Staged Override Check 01 VAV Single Duct Applications
Box Heat Staged Override Check 04 VAV Single Duct Applications
Cooling Staged Override Check 01 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Cooling Staged Override Check 04 Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Cooling Staged Override Check 08 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Heat Pump Override Check 01 Heat Pump Applications
Heat Pump Override Check 04 Heat Pump Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 815

Table 442: Binary Override Check Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Heating Staged Override Check 01 Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Heating Staged Override Check 04 Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Humidification Staged Override Check 01 All Air Handling Unit Applications
Humidification Staged Override Check 04 All Air Handling Unit Applications
Preheat Staged Override Check 01 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Preheat Staged Override Check 08 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Reheat Staged Override Check 01 All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Staged Override Check 08 All Air Handling Unit Applications
Supplemental Heat Staged Override Check 01 VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Supplemental Heat Staged Override Check 04 Heat Pump Applications
Two Pipe Staged Override Check 01 Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Binary Override Check)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Analog Override Check module.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 816

Table 443: Binary Override Check Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Command n Indicates the current command of the monitored BO. Off (0)
Set Name: Off/On
Command n Priority Indicates the current priority of the monitored BO. 0
Display Precision: 1s
Device Capacity Indicates the percent capacity that each Command n represents. This 12.5
value is used to calculate the Output Position.
Device Enable Provides an enable signal used by an MSC or Sequencer False
module.When the matching Command n Priority is overridden, the
output is False.When the matching Command n Priority is not
overridden, the output is True.
Number of Input Indicates the number of inputs evaluated by this module. The module 1
Attributes calculates this value.
Output Overridden G Indicates whether the output is overridden.This output value is set to False
True when Setup equals AND, and all of the Command n Priority
inputs show that the output objects being monitored are in an
Overridden State (that is, the value is greater than zero and less than
16).This output value is set to True when Setup equals OR, and any
of the Command n Priority inputs show that the output objects being
monitored are in an Overridden State.
Output Position Indicates the estimated PID command that produces the current state 0.0
of the Command n inputs. This value is calculated as: (Total Inputs in
State 1) x Device Capacity.
Setup Indicates whether the value of Output Overridden is set to True when OR
all of the Output n Priority inputs are not 0 or 16 (AND), or this value
Set Name: AND/OR
is set to True when any of the Output n Priority inputs are not 0 or 16

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Binary Override Check)

This module does not associate any output with the object’s reliability; therefore, the output from this module is
always Reliable.

Coil Circulation Pump Sequencing

The Coil Circulation Pump Sequencing provides Less Than or Equal logic. This logic block is laid down by the Coils
> Coil Pump > Low Temperature Circulation selection in the Air Handling Unit Applications. If the Outdoor Air
Temperature is less than the Low OA-T Setpoint, the pump is called to run. See the Less Than or Equal description
in the Compare topic of the Logic section.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 817

Dehumidification Sequencing v3
This module is designed for the sequencing the dehumidification process. While dehumidifying, the dehumidification
devices are controlled based on the return or zone air relative humidity and the relative humidity setpoint. This
module monitors the controlled relative humidity and the status of the cooling and heating devices to determine the
current dehumidification control state.
For an AHU where the reheat occurs at the zones, this module acts as though reheat is available. In addition to
monitoring the Zone or Return Humidity, it also monitors the current temperature process variable and, if it rises
above setpoint, it returns to normal temperature control.

Module Use in Applications (Dehumidification Sequencing)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 444: Dehumidification Sequencing Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Dehumidification Sequencing v3 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Note: This module is also referred to as Dehumidification
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Sequencer v3.
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dehumidification Sequencing)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Dehumidification Sequencing module.
Table 445: Dehumidification Sequencing Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Contains the value fed back from the cooling controller that Normal
is necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take. This input is the PID status from cooling output
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired occupied cooling temperature setpoint 23.0 Deg C,
(must be equal to or greater than the heating setpoint).
73.0 Deg F
Dehum Process Variable Displays the zone air humidity or the return air humidity. 50.0%RH
DEHUM-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the AHU Set Name: AHU Dehum
dehumidification sequence. States
Eff Heating Setpoint V Displays the effective occupied heating temperature setpoint 21.0 Deg C,
used by the heating output controller (if present). When
69.0 Deg F
dehumidification is active, this equals the Cooling Setpoint
input, otherwise it equals the Heating Setpoint input.
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired occupied heating temperature setpoint 21.0 Deg C,
(must be equal to or less than the cooling setpoint).
69.0 Deg F

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 818

Table 445: Dehumidification Sequencing Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Humidity Setpoint Defines the dehumidification setpoint. 60.0%RH
Process Variable Displays the temperature being used to control the heating 22.0 Deg C,
and cooling devices.
71.0 Deg F
Reheat Control Status Contains the value fed back from the heating controller that Normal
is necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take. This input is the PID status from heating output
Reheat isAvailable Indicates the presence of a reheat coil. True

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Dehumidification Sequencing)

• Normal Dehumid: The sequencer is in this state if the cooling and heating output controllers are responding to
this sequencer and the Dehum Process Variable is greater than the Humidity Setpoint.
• Humidity Unreliable: This is the unreliable state. The sequencer is in this state if the Process Variable sensor
becomes unreliable.
• No Dehumid: The sequencer is in this state if the Dehum Process Variable sensor is reliable and any of the
three following conditions are true:
- The heating device is not responding to this sequencer.
- The cooling device is not responding to this sequencer.
- The Dehum Process Variable is less than the Humidity Setpoint and the heating output controller Control
Status is Low.

Reliability (Dehumidification Sequencing)

Table 446: Dehumidification Sequencing Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Dehum Process Variable Transition to Humidity Unreliable state.

Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing

This module is designed to generate the appropriate no airflow state for an air handler application and six other
outputs to show the two supply fans statuses. The module monitors the two supply fans command and flow, and
determines whether the current state should be Normal, Manual Reset Fault, Self Reset Fault, or Low Flow. This
module is implemented as a control activity. The following state diagram shows how each fan’s airflow state is
determined. The results of these determinations go through OR and AND functions to produce the outputs of the

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 819

Figure 118: Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing Logic

You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 820

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 447: Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Dual Fan Loss of Airflow Sequencing AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing modules.
Table 448: Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Flow Status Indicates proof of airflow input for the first supply fan. This is an Off
enumerated input with two possible values: NoFlow and Flow.
Set Name: Off/On
Command Indicates supply fan command for fan 1. The activity uses this input Off
to determine if the fan was commanded on or off.
Set Name: Off/On
Flow Status2 Indicates proof of airflow input for the second supply fan. This is an Off
enumerated input with two possible values: NoFlow and Flow.
Set Name: Off/On
Command 2 Indicates the supply fan command for fan 2. The activity uses this Off
input to determine if the fan was commanded on or off.
Set Name: Off/On
Supply Flow Indicates the airflow measurement. This input may be used on a unit 200 l/s 424 cfm
with electric heat to make sure the heating coils have enough airflow.
Min Air Flow Defines the minimum amount of airflow required for operating the 200 l/s 424 cfm
Setpoint electric heat.
Electric Heat Indicates when electric heat is used. Units with electric may require False
low flow protection.
Restart Config This input is used to configure the sequencer for manual fault False
recovery. When set to true, a fault requires manual intervention for
recovery. When set to false, the unit may self recover. To exit the
manual reset mode, the operator must use the Hardware Restart or
the Network Restart inputs to clear the fault.
Hardware Restart Provides a hardware binary input for fault recovery. Normal
Set Name:
Network Restart Provides a network input for fault recovery. Normal
Set Name:

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 821

Table 448: Dual Fan No Airflow Sequencing Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Delay Defines the maximum time required for the fan to prove. If the fan is 30 Seconds
commanded on and does not prove within this time, the unit enters
either the manual recovery fault state or the self recovery fault state.
Flow Debounce Defines the amount of time the module ignores a temporary loss of 10 Seconds
airflow before it takes action.
NOFLOW-STATE G Indicates current state of the activity. This output is connected to the Normal
state selection matrix.
Set Name: AHU Flow
Proof of Airflow Shows the current airflow status. This enumerated output may be True
either True, False, or Fault. True means one of the two fans was
Set Name:
commanded on and airflow has been detected; False means the both
fans were not commanded on; and Fault means the fans were
commanded on, but airflow proof has not been detected for either
fan. This output would be connected to the MSC primitive Proof of
Airflow input for a staged device.
Status 1 Shows the current airflow status for the first fan. This Boolean output False
may be either True when there is proof of airflow or False when there
is not.
Supply 2 Shows the current airflow status for the second fan. This Boolean False
output may be either True when there is proof of airflow or False when
there is not.
Supply - OR Shows the current airflow status for both fans. This Boolean output False
may be either True when there is proof of airflow for either fan or
False when there is not. This output would be connected to the Free
Cooling Availability primitive Supply Fan Status input.
Alarm 1 Shows the current alarm status for the first fan. This Enum output Normal
may be either Normal when there is proof of airflow or Alarm when
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
there is no proof.
Alarm 2 Shows the current alarm status for the second fan. This Enum output Normal
may be either Normal when there is proof of airflow or Alarm when
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
there is no proof.

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL

The Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL module processes the emergency command and determines the
current emergency mode. This module accepts the emergency command, four safety switch inputs, and a shutdown
delay duration. The module has state and priority outputs. The priority output provides UL 864 UUKL smoke control
support where you can write to the hardware points at a high priority during an emergency.
Note: For a UL approved project, you must use the currently approved software version.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 822

Module Use in Applications (Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 449: Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL All Applications (except not used in the Fan Coil Application)

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL module.
Table 450: Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Emergency Mode Used to force the controller to respond to fire or shutdown Normal
Set Name: Emergency Modes
Priority Indicates the BACnet priority for the output points. For 16
normal control, this value is set to 16 (default). When the
State is not Normal, this value is set to 2 (Automatic
Fire/Life Safety Control).
Safety Switch 1 Connected to a safety input (for example, high or low duct Normal
pressure or temperature).
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Safety Switch 2 Connected to a safety input (for example, high or low duct Normal
pressure or temperature).
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Safety Switch 3 Connected to a safety input (for example, high or low duct Normal
pressure or temperature).
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Safety Switch 4 Connected to a safety input (for example, high or low duct Normal
pressure or temperature).
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
Shutdown Delay Displays the amount of time in seconds to remain in the 180 Seconds
Pre-Shutdown state prior to transitioning to Shutdown.
This attribute also specifies the delay from Shutdown to
Normal after the Mode and/or Safety Switches are cleared.
SMOKE G, V Indicates the current mode of the state generator. Set Name: Emergency States

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 823

Primary States (Smoke Control Sequencing for UL-864-UUKL)
• Normal: This is the normal operational state. No emergency response or shutdown is required. The sequencer
transitions to this state after being in Shutdown for the Shutdown Delay and the Emergency Mode is in Normal
and all the Safety Switches are in Normal state.
• Pre-Shutdown: Indicates to stop heating, cooling, and ventilating. The sequencer transitions to this state from
Normal if Emergency Mode is set to Shutdown or any Safety Switch goes to Alarm. The sequencer transitions
to Pre-Shutdown from Depressurize, Pressurize, or Purge if Emergency Mode is set to Shutdown or any Safety
Switch goes to Alarm. Pre-shutdown allows the fans to spin down and the dampers to close, which resets the
fans and dampers before entering the Normal state.
• Shutdown: Stops heating, cooling, and ventilating. The sequencer transitions to this state after being in
Pre-Shutdown for the Shutdown Delay.
• Pressurize: The sequencer enters this fire emergency state when the Emergency Mode is set to Pressurize
and all the Safety Switches are in Normal. The zone is pressurized to prevent smoke from entering the zone.
When pressurizing, the OAD opens, the supply fan is on, the RAD closes, the return fan is off, and the EAD
closes. Also, command the VAV boxes in the affected zones to Open.
• Depressurize: The sequencer enters this fire emergency state when the Emergency Mode is set to Depressurize
and all the Safety Switches are in Normal. The zone is depressurized to draw smoke out of the zone. When
depressurizing, the OAD closes, the supply fan is off, the RAD closes, the return fan is on, and the EAD opens.
Also, command the VAV boxes in the affected zones to Closed.
• Purge: The sequencer enters this fire emergency state when the Emergency Mode is set to Purge and all the
Safety Switches are in Normal. The exhaust dampers open, the exhaust fan is on, the supply dampers open,
and the supply fan is on. The air in the zone is vented to the outside, and fresh air is brought into the zone. Also,
the VAV boxes in the affected zones are commanded Open.

Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing

The HR Low Limit Sequencer module manages a heat recovery device and activates an alternative control mode if
the low limit process variable falls below the low limit setpoint. This module could be used with either a glycol loop
or an energy wheel to prevent the exhaust temperature from dropping below the low limit setpoint. This module
accepts inputs for the limit temperature and setpoint, and the heat recovery output controller control status. The
module has an output for the state.

Module Use in Applications (Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 451: Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 824

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing module.
Table 452: Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Delay When Heat Recovery Modulated is False, this input defines 120 Seconds
the amount of time the Low Limit Temperature must be
greater than the Low Limit Temperature Setpoint before the
unit can return to the T Control state.
Heat Recovery Control Contains the value fed back from the output controller PID. Normal
Status This is needed for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Heat Recovery Contains a configuration input used to tell the state machine False
Modulated if the heat recovery is modulated or not. True means
modulated, and False means not modulated.
HRLL-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current operational mode of the state T Control
Set Name: AHU HX LL
Low Limit Process Contains the value that is compared to the limit setpoint and 4.0 Deg C, 39.0 Deg F
Variable used to determine whether it is necessary to switch from T
Control to LL-T Control.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the limit setpoint used to determine whether it is 4.0 Deg C, 39.0 Deg F
necessary to switch from T Control to LL-T Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Recovery Low Limit Sequencing)

• T Control: This is the temperature control and starting state. The sequencer transitions to this state from either
the LL-T Wait or LL-T Control if the Heat Recovery device is not responding to the sequencer and the Low Limit
Process Variable is greater than the Low Limit Setpoint. The Sequencer transitions to T Control from LL-T Control
if the Low Limit Process Variable is greater than the Low Limit Setpoint and the heat recovery device Control
Status is High. Finally, the sequencer transitions to T Control from LL-T Wait if it has been in this state for more
than the Delay.
• LL-T Control: The sequencer transitions to LL-T Control from T Control or LL-T Wait states if the Low Limit
Process Variable is less than the Low Limit Setpoint.
• LL-T Wait: This state is achieved only when sequencing on/off heat recovery devices. The sequencer transitions
to LL-T Wait from LL-T Control if the Low Limit Process Variable is greater than the Low Limit Setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 825

Humidification Sequencing
This module is designed for sequencing the humidification process. While humidifying, the humidification device
modulates based on the humidity and the humidity setpoint. This state machine has a limited humidification state
for the case where too much moisture is added to the discharge air. This module monitors the status of the zone or
return air humidity, discharge air humidity, and setpoints to determine the current humidification control state.

Module Use in Applications (Humidification Sequencing)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 453: Humidification Sequencing Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Humidification Sequencing All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Humidification Sequencing)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Humidification Sequencing module.
Table 454: Humidification Sequencing Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Discharge Humidity Contains the discharge air humidity. 50.0%RH
Discharge Humidity Setpoint Contains the discharge air high humidity setpoint. 70.0%RH
Humidity Control Status Displays the value fed back from the humidification Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine
Set Name: Control Status
what actions to take. This input is the PID status
from humidification output controller.
Humidity Process Variable Contains the zone or the return air humidity. 50.0%RH
Humidity Setpoint Defines the zone or return air humidification setpoint. 40.0%RH
HUM-STATE (State) G, V Displays the current state generated by the AHU No Humid
humidification sequence.
Set Name: AHU Hum States

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 826

Primary States (Humidification Sequencing)
• No Humid: This is the initial state and the idle state for the humidification sequencer. The sequencer is in this
state if either of the following occurs:
- The humidification device is not responding and the Humidity Process Variable is greater or equal to the
Humidity Setpoint or any of the two humidity sensors were unreliable and they both become reliable.
- The Humidity Process Variable is less than the setpoint and the humidification output controller Control Status
is Low.
• Humidity Unreliable: This is the unreliable state. The sequencer is in this state if any of the two humidity sensors
(process variable or discharge) become unreliable.
• Normal Humid: This is the normal humidification state. The sequencer is in this state if the Humidity Process
Variable is less than the Humidity Setpoint and the Discharge Humidity is less than the Discharge Humidity
• Limited Humid: This is a limited humidification state. The sequencer transitions from Normal Humid to this state
when the Discharge Humidity is higher than the Discharge Humidity Setpoint.

Reliability (Humidification Sequencing)

Table 455: Humidification Sequencing Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Discharge Humidity Transition to Humidity Unreliable state.
Humidity Process Variable Transition to Humidity Unreliable state.

Loss of Airflow Sequencing

This module generates the appropriate no airflow state for an air handler application. The module, in addition to the
State, provides two other outputs to show the supply fan status. The module monitors the supply fan command and
flow and determines whether the current state should be Normal, Manual Reset Fault, Self Reset Fault, or Low Flow.

Module Use in Applications (Loss of Airflow Sequencing)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 456: Loss of Airflow Sequencing Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Loss of Airflow Sequencing All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Loss of Airflow Sequencing)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Loss of Airflow Sequencing module.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 827

Table 457: Loss of Airflow Sequencing Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Air Proving Switch Displays the proof of airflow input. This is an enumerated input Off
with two possible values: Off and On.
Set Name: Off/On
Delay Defines the maximum time required for the fan to prove. If the fan 30 Seconds
is commanded on and does not prove within this time, the unit
enters either the manual recovery fault state or the self recovery
fault state.
Electric Heat Indicates when electric heat is used. Units with electric heat may False
require low flow protection.
Flow Debounce Defines the amount of time the module ignores a temporary loss 10 Seconds
of airflow before it takes action.
Hardware Restart Provides a hardware binary input for fault recovery. Normal
Set Name:
Min Air Flow Setpoint Defines the minimum amount of airflow required for operating the 200 l/s, 424 cfm
electric heat.
Network Restart Provides a network input for fault recovery. Normal
Set Name:
NOFLOW-STATE G, V Displays the current state of the activity. This output is connected Set Name: AHU Flow
(State) to the state selection matrix. States
Proof of Airflow V Shows the current airflow status. The output may be True, False, Set Name:
or Fault. True means the fan was commanded on and airflow has False/True/Fault
been detected. False means the fan was not commanded on. Fault
means the fan was commanded on, but airflow proof has not been
detected. This output would be connected to the MSC module
Proof of Airflow input for a staged device.
Restart Config Configures the sequencer for manual fault recovery. When set to False
True, a fault requires manual intervention for recovery. When set
to False, the unit may self recover. To exit the manual reset mode,
the operator must use the Hardware Restart or the Network Restart
inputs to clear the fault.
Supply Fan OnOff Displays the supply fan command. The activity uses this input to Off
determine if the fan was commanded on or off.
Set Name: Off/On
Supply Fan Status V Shows the current airflow status. The output may be either True
when there is proof of airflow or False when there is not. This output
would be connected to the Free Cooling Availability module Supply
Fan Status input.
Supply Flow Contains the airflow measurement. This input may be used on a 200 l/s, 424 cfm
unit with electric heat to make sure the heating coils have enough

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 828

Primary States (Loss of Airflow Sequencing)
• Normal: This is the normal operational state that results when the command sent to the output controller agrees
with the both the Air Proving Switch and the Supply Flow. During start up of the unit, the sequencer transitions
to either Self Reset Fault or Manual Reset Fault if the Air Proving Switch does not detect flow within the Delay
• Low Flow: This state is reached when the Supply Fan is commanded on and the Supply Flow is less than the
Min Air Flow Setpoint. This state is reached only in systems with Electric Heat.
• Self Reset Fault: This state is reached when the Supply Fan is commanded On and the Air Proving Switch does
not detect flow and the sequencer has been configured as a Self Reset system (Restart Config is False.) The
sequencer transitions to Normal if the Air Proving Switch detects flow for more than the Flow Debounce time.
• Manual Reset Fault: This state is reached when the Supply Fan is commanded On and the Air Proving Switch
does not detect flow and the sequencer has been configured as a Manual Reset system (Restart Config is True.)
The sequencer transitions to Normal by issuing a Trigger command through the Manual Restart or Network

PID Tuning Reset

This module generates the appropriate PID Tuning Reset state so the application resets all PIDs to their default
tuning parameters. The PID Tuning Reset sequence starts when the input Application Tuning Reset transitions from
False to True. During this sequence, the output PID Tuning Reset is set to True. The state of this module transitions
through several states allowing the output controllers to enter the State Selection section containing PIDs and change
the Time Constant to a large value, and then return to the normal value. This action causes the PID to recalculate
its tuning parameters. The following state diagram shows how State output of the module is determined. The PID
Tuning Reset is set to true whenever the State is not equal to Normal.
Figure 119: PID Tuning Reset FSM

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 829

Module Use in Applications (PID Tuning Reset)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 458: PID Tuning Reset Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
PID Tuning Reset All Air Handling Unit Applications
Central Cooling Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (PID Tuning Reset)

The following table describes the attributes used by the PID Tuning Reset modules.
Table 459: PID Tuning Reset Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Application Tuning Provides a trigger to reset the tuning parameters of the PIDs False
Reset in the output controllers.
PID Tuning Reset When set to True, signals the output controllers to calculate False
new tuning parameters instead of controlling.
State Provides the state to feed through State Selection to place Set Name: PID Tuning
the output controllers in the appropriate State Selection Reset
section to allow recalculation of the PIDs tuning parameters.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (PID Tuning Reset)

• Normal: This is the normal state of this state machine. It remains in this state until the input Application Tuning
Reset transitions to True.
• Reset 1st PID: This state resets the tuning of the first State Selection section containing a PID in an output
• Reset 2nd PID: This state resets the tuning of the second State Selection section containing a PID in an output

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 830

• Reset 3rd PID: This state resets the tuning of the third State Selection section containing a PID in an output
• Reset 4th PID: This state resets the tuning of the fourth State Selection section containing a PID in an output

Output Controller Actions (PID Tuning Reset)

The following table describes the PID Tuning Reset Output Controller actions
Table 460: PID Tuning Reset Output Controller Actions
Outdoor Air Reheat Valve PBPD Cooling Valve Humidification Supply Fan
Damper Control Control Control Valve Control Control
PID Tuning Reset
Normal * * * * *
Reset 1st PID T Control T Control Valve T Control H Control S-P Control
Reset 2nd PID Hold T Control Damper H Control Limited H Control Hold
Reset 3rd PID Hold LL-T Control Valve Hold Hold Hold
Reset 4thPID Hold LL-T Control Damper Hold Hold Hold

Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA)

The 100 OA Start Stop Sequencer module sequences the fans and dampers for a controlled start and controlled
stop in a 100% outdoor air system. The module accepts Heating Required and Cooling Required inputs that are
used to initiate a start or stop sequence. The module accepts several user adjustable times such as Fan Start Delay
and Fan Stop Delay. The module accepts inputs for static pressure such as Duct Static Pressure 1, Duct Static
Pressure 2, and Duct Static Pressure Setpoint. The module accepts a configuration input Supply Fan Type. The
module also has supply fan status inputs such as Supply Fan OnOff and Supply Fan Percent Cmd. The module has
a state output and a duct static pressure output.
The unit initiates a start sequence if any of the following is true:
• Cooling Required = True
• Heating Required = True
The unit goes through the shutdown sequence if either of the following conditions is met:
• Cooling Required = False AND Heating Required = False
• The duct static pressure sensors fail.
The unit goes directly to Off, without passing through the normal shutdown sequence if the Supply Fan Control
Status stops responding. This happens when a higher level sequencer, such as the No Air Flow Sequencer or the
Emergency Mode Sequencer, takes control of the supply fan.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic. The Finite State Machine cannot be modified.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 831

Module Use in Applications (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU 100% OA])
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 461: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
100 OA Start Stop Sequencing AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU 100% OA])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA) modules.
Table 462: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA) Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Cooling Required Indicates cooling demand. When this input is True, the Start/Stop False
module initiates a start up sequence.
Duct Static Pressure V Contains the value of the duct static pressure used by this module Display Units: Pa, in.
and passed to the Supply Fan Output controller. W.C.
Duct Static Pressure 1 Contains the supply air duct static pressure. The unit may have two 0 Pa, 0.00 in. W.C.
pressure sensors. When the application has one pressure sensor,
it must be connected to both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static
Pressure 2.
Duct Static Pressure 2 Contains the supply air duct static pressure. The unit may have two 0 Pa, 0.00 in. W.C.
pressure sensors. When the application has one pressure sensor,
it must be connected to both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static
Pressure 2.
Duct Static Pressure Contains the supply air static pressure setpoint. This input is used 250 Pa, 1.00 in. W.C.
Setpoint to trigger a state change if the supply fan type is variable speed and
static pressure control is used.
Fan Ready V Indicates that the Start/Stop sequencer has reached the On State.
The temperature control sequencers (such as the 100OA SD
Sequencer or the 100OA CD Sequencer) use this information to
allow DAT temperature sequencing.
Fan Start Delay Contains the time delay provided from the time between issuing the 90 Seconds
start commands (supply and exhaust fans simultaneously) to
expecting the fans to have started. This delay includes the time for
the 2-position damper for each fan to open (that is, it assumes the
damper is hard-wired with the fan starter).
Fan Stop Delay Displays the time delay allocated to stopping the fans and closing 240 Seconds
the dampers. It also enforces a minimum time off before restarting.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 832

Table 462: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA) Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Heating Ramp Rate Used to determine the time to remain in the Cold Start state (if 20 Change per Minute
applicable). During the Cold Start state, the preheat output is
prevented from closing quickly allowing it to come into control without
tripping the Low Limit on the unit.
Heating Required Indicates heating demand. When this input is True, the Start/Stop False
module initiates a startup sequence.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the setpoint that determines whether Cold Start is necessary. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
When the OA Temperature is below this setpoint or is not reliable,
the Cold Start mode is activated during Startup.
OA Temperature Contains the outdoor air temperature. 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Proof of Airflow Shows the current airflow status. The output may be either True, True
False, or Fault. True means the fan was commanded on and airflow
Set Name:
has been detected. False means the fan was not commanded on.
Fault means the fan was commanded on, but airflow proof has not
been detected. This input is used to restart the supply fan after a fan
status fault.
Stabilize Delay Displays the time allocated for the OA Temperature sensor to 180 Seconds
accurately reflect the outside conditions. It is only applicable for
constant capacity units as it is assumed that the time required for
ramping the variable capacity supply fan to the static pressure
setpoint is sufficient for the sensor to stabilize.
STARTSTOP-STATE G, V Displays the current state of the finite state machine. This output is Set Name: AHU 100 OA
(State) connected to the state selection matrix. StartStop States
Supply Fan OnOff Contains the control signal for the supply fan. The enumeration set Off
only has two values, Off and On. The command signature of this
Set Name: Off/On
input indicates if the supply fan is responding to this sequencer.
Supply Fan Percent Displays the current value of the supply fan output. 0%
Supply Fan Type Indicates the air handler supply fan type. The module supports two Variable Capacity
supply fan types, variable capacity, and constant capacity.
Set Name: AHU Supply
Fan Type

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU 100% OA])

• Off: This is the Off state. Here, the fans are off, and the dampers are closed. The unit waits for the signal to
begin the start up sequence. The start sequence begins if heating or cooling is required. In addition to these, the
Supply Fan Output Controller must respond to this sequencer.
• Start Fans: This state starts both fans. No delay is needed between supply or exhaust fans because there is
no connecting duct between them.
• Ramp SF: A variable capacity supply fan is set to ramp so it slowly speeds up and slowly increases the duct
static pressure. The FSM switches to the On state when the duct static pressure is above the duct static pressure
setpoint. Constant Capacity fans are kept in this state for the Stabilize Delay to allow the outside temperature to
accurately sense the outside conditions prior to determining whether a Cold Start should become active.
• Cold Start: This state allows preheat to come into control while limiting the rate at which it can close to prevent
tripping the low limit.
Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 833
• Normal Start: This state is activated when it is determined that the OA temperature is not cold. It is active for a
single execution to turn off preheat prior to releasing the unit to sequenced control.
• On: The fans and dampers are sequenced properly for a startup condition. Control of the dampers is released
to a lower level state machine. The AHU is allowed to run.
• Stop Fans: This state is used to turn off the fans.
• Fan Fault: The FSM enters this state after proof of airflow fault. The FSM remains in this state until airflow is
proven. Once airflow is proven, the FSM transitions to the RAMP SF state to restart the supply fan.

Reliability (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU 100% OA])

Table 463: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU 100% OA) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Duct Static Pressure 1 If both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static Pressure 2 inputs are unreliable, a
shut down Sequence is initiated.
Duct Static Pressure 2 If both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static Pressure 2 inputs are unreliable, a
shutdown Sequence is initiated.

Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air)

The Mixed Air Start Stop Sequencer module sequences the fans and dampers for a controlled start and controlled
stop in a mixed air system. The module accepts several inputs which are use to initiate a start or stop sequence
such as Preheat Percent Cmd, Reheat Percent Cmd, Cooling Required, Heating Required, and Occupancy. The
module accepts several user adjustable times such as Fan Start Delay, Stabilize delay, Damper Close Delay, Fan
Stop Delay. The module accepts inputs for static pressure such as Duct Static Pressure 1, Duct Static Pressure 2,
and Duct Static Pressure Setpoint. The module accepts configuration inputs such as First Fan To Start, Supply Fan
Type, and Intermittent Fan. The module has inputs for a preheat bonnet switch and a reheat bonnet switch which
may be used to provide a heating fan on delay. The module also has supply fan status inputs such as Supply Fan
OnOff and Supply Fan Percent Cmd. The module has a state output, a duct static pressure output, and a fan ready
indicator output.
The unit initiated a start sequence if any of the following is true:
• Cooling Required = True
• Preheat Bonnet Switch = Hot AND Preheat Percent Cmd > 0 AND Heating Required = True
• Reheat Bonnet Switch = Hot AND Reheat Percent Cmd > 0 AND Heating Required = True
The unit goes through the shutdown sequence if either of the following conditions is met:
• Cooling Required = False AND Heating Required = False
• The duct static pressure sensor fails.
The unit goes directly to Off, without passing through the normal shutdown sequence if the Supply Fan Control
Status stops responding. This situation occurs when a higher level sequencer, such as the No Air Flow Sequencer
or the Emergency Mode Sequencer, takes control of the supply fan.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic. The Finite State Machine cannot be modified.

Module Use in Applications (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 834

Table 464: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Start Stop Sequencing AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Start Stop Sequencing DA-T AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications (DA-T Control)
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Start Stop Sequencing Zone AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications (Zone Control)
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air])

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.
Table 465: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air) Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Cooling Required Indicates cooling demand. When this input is True, the Start/Stop False
module initiates a start up sequence.
Damper Close Delay Displays the time required to close the dampers before turning the 90 Seconds
fan off.
Duct Static Pressure V Contains the value of the duct static pressure used by this module Display Units: Pa, in.
and passed to the Supply Fan Output controller. W.C.
Duct Static Pressure 1 Displays the supply air duct static pressure. The unit may have two 0 Pa, 0.00 in. W.C.
pressure sensors. When the application has one pressure sensor, it
must be connected to both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static
Pressure 2.
Duct Static Pressure 2 Displays the supply air duct static pressure. The unit may have two 0 Pa, 0.00 in. W.C.
pressure sensors. When the application has one pressure sensor, it
must be connected to both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static
Pressure 2.
Duct Static Pressure Contains the supply air static pressure setpoint. This input is used to 250 Pa, 1.00 in. W.C.
Setpoint trigger a state change if the supply fan type is variable speed and
static pressure control is used.
Fan Ready V Indicates that the Start/Stop sequencer has reached the On State.
The temperature control sequencers (such as the MA SD Sequencer
or the MA CD Sequencer) use this information to allow DAT
temperature sequencing. This output is delayed one operational cycle
after the State output to ensure the Fan Ready output is in sync with
the control status inputs (Damper CS, Cooling CS, Preheat CS, and
so on) on the lower level sequencers.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 835

Table 465: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air) Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Fan Sequence Indicates which fan must start first. The module supports three cases, SF First
supply fan first (SF First), return fan first (RF/EF First), and supply
Set Name: AHU Fan
fan only (SF Only) for the case where there is no return fan.
Fan Start Delay Displays the time delay between starting the first fan and starting the 10 Seconds
second fan.
Fan Stop Delay Serves a dual purpose. It is the time delay between stopping the first 30 Seconds
and second fan, and it is the time delay between stopping the second
fan and allowing the system to restart.
Heating Required Indicates heating demand. When this input is True, the Start/Stop False
module initiates a start up sequence depending on the status of the
Preheat Bonnet Switch, Preheat Percent Cmd, Reheat Bonnet Switch,
and Reheat Percent Cmd.
Minimum OA Position Defines the minimum position for the OAD and the EAD. It is used 0%
to calculate the Ramp OA delay time used by the FSM.
Occupancy Contains the occupancy status for the unit. Occupied
Set Name: Occ
Preheat Bonnet Switch Contains the bonnet switch input from the preheat device. It indicates Hot
whether preheat is hot enough for the fan to start. The bonnet switch
Set Name: Cold/Hot
is used to provide a supply fan on delay when the AHU has gas heat.
The bonnet switch is only supported in systems with a single speed
supply fan which starts first.
Preheat Percent Cmd Contains the heating command to the preheat device. This input is 1.0%
used to determine if the unit is heating and if heating or cooling are
Proof of Airflow Shows the current airflow status. The output may be either True, False
False, or Fault. True means the fan was commanded on and airflow
Set Name:
has been detected. False means the fan was not commanded on.
Fault means the fan is commanded on, but airflow proof has not been
detected. This input is used to restart the supply fan after a fan status
Ramp Rate Defines the rate of change in damper position. It is used to calculate 50 Change per Minute
the Ramp OA delay time used by the FSM.
Reheat Bonnet Switch Displays the bonnet switch input from the reheat device. It indicates Hot
reheat is hot enough for the fan to start. The bonnet switch is used
Set Name: Cold/Hot
to provide a supply fan on delay when the AHU has gas heat. The
bonnet switch is only supported in systems with a single speed supply
fan which starts first.
Reheat Percent Cmd Contains the heating command to the reheat device. This input is 1.0%
used to determine if the unit is heating and if heating or cooling are
Stabilize Delay Defines the amount of time it takes to circulate air within the AHU to 60 Seconds
stabilize temperatures before opening the dampers.
STARTSTOP-STATE G, V Displays the current state of the finite state machine. This output is Set Name: AHU MA
(State) connected to the state selection matrix. StartStop States

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 836

Table 465: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air) Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Supply Fan OnOff Indicates if the supply fan is responding to this sequencer. This input Off
is the control signal for the supply fan. The enumeration set only has
Set Name: Off/On
two values, Off and On.
Supply Fan Percent Contains the current value of the supply fan output. 0%
Supply fan Type Indicates the air handler supply fan type. The module supports two Variable Capacity
supply fan types, variable capacity and constant capacity.
Set Name: AHU Supply
Fan Type

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air])

• Off: This is the Off state. Here, the fans are off, and the dampers are closed. The unit waits for the signal to
begin the start up sequence. The start sequence begins if heating or cooling is required.
• SF Starts First: This state is used if the supply fan must start first. The supply fan is turned on.
• RF Starts First: This state is used if the return fan must start first. The return fan is turned on.
• Ramp SF: A variable capacity supply fan is set to ramp so it slowly speeds up and slowly increases the duct
static pressure. The FSM switches to the Stabilize state when the duct static pressure is above the duct static
pressure setpoint.
• Stabilize System: This state is used to circulate the air in the AHU and allow temperatures to stabilize before
opening the dampers.
• Ramp Min OA: This state is used to ramp the dampers from closed to minimum position.
• On: The fans and dampers were sequenced properly for a startup condition. Control of the dampers is released
to a lower level state machine. The AHU is allowed to run.
• Fan Fault: The FSM enters this state after proof of airflow fault. The FSM remains in this state until airflow is
proven. Once airflow is proven, the FSM transitions to the RAMP SF state to restart the supply fan.
• Close Dampers: This is the first step in the stop sequence. The dampers are closed during this state.
• RF Stops First: The fans are stopped in the opposite order they were started (first on last off). This state is used
when the supply fan started first. The return fan is off in this state.
• SF Stops First: The fans are stopped in the opposite order they were started (first on last off). This state is used
when the return fan started first. The supply fan is off in this state.
• Fans Off: This state is used to turn off the fan that started first or turn off the supply fan when there is no return

Reliability (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air])

Table 466: Start Stop Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Duct Static Pressure 1 If both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static Pressure 2 inputs are unreliable, a
shutdown Sequence is initiated.
Duct Static Pressure 2 If both Duct Static Pressure 1 and Duct Static Pressure 2 inputs are unreliable, a
shutdown Sequence is initiated.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 837

Occupied Sequencing
The Occupied Sequencing modules are the default sequencers that manage the occupied operation of an application.
The sequencers follow a consistent general philosophy for occupied sequencing and tailored for the unique devices
and requirements of each application type. The sequencing philosophy includes the following concepts:
• Single Process, Multiple Devices: The modules typically sequence multiple devices for control of a single
process variable (typically Zone Temperature or Discharge Air Temperature). To ensure control stability and
minimize energy consumption, the sequencers allow only one device at a time to actively control the process to
prevent rapid cycling between devices (during normal control).
• Transitions based on Saturation Status: To prevent unnecessary transitions between devices, the sequencers
allow the device in control to remain in control until the output controller handling that device indicates that the
device is not able to maintain the process at a setpoint. This is communicated to the sequencer via the Control
Status (Saturation Status) from the Output Controller managing that device.
• Satisfied State: Most of the sequencers support a pair of distinct setpoints (for example, heating and cooling
or humidification and dehumidification). The Satisfied state indicates that no control is necessary (that is, in the
deadzone between setpoints). The Satisfied state also serves as a general entry point for the sequencer before
determining whether heating or cooling is necessary.
• Unreliable State: When the key process variable is not Reliable, the sequencers enter an Unreliable state
allowing for a known action to be taken during this error condition.
• Fast Sequence on Setpoint Change: Many of the sequencers are used to control Zone Temperature. The
speed at which a zone responds to changes is relatively slow, where Time Constant values of 15-45 minutes
are not uncommon. For this reason, the normal control sequencing for zone control is also relatively slow to
prevent rapid cycling between devices when attempting to control at the edge of the device’s control range (that
is, near 0% or 100% of a device’s capacity). The exception to this slow sequencing is when a user directly
intervenes in the control conditions by changing the setpoints. For example, if a heating device is in control and
the Heating Setpoint is decreased by more than the Setpoint Threshold (default of 1 Deg C, 2 Deg F) and the
current Zone Temperature is no longer below the Heating Setpoint, the sequencer immediately transitions to the
Satisfied state. A similar transition is made for cooling devices.
• One Sequencer per Application: The sequencers manage the worst-case device set for a particular application
(for example, Box Heating, Supplemental Heating, and Primary Cooling for a VAV Single Duct application). This
provides a balance between the number and complexity of the modules needed.
• Sequencer Anti-Windup: Some sequencers support more devices than a particular application contains (for
example, VAV single duct with only box heating) or than are currently enabled (for example, VAV with electric
supplemental heating locked out due to demand limiting, but hot water box heating is available). When this is
the case, the sequencer is limited in the number of states it may activate. The typical restriction is that the
sequencer may activate the first heating state even if it is not available, but cannot continue on to a second
heating state (if applicable). This process allows the application to indicate to supervisory logic that heating is
required, but prevents windup of the sequencer that may cause overheating when a temporarily unavailable
heating device becomes available again (for example, the device is no longer locked out).
• Integrated Comfort Limits (Unit Ventilators and Heat Pumps): The Heat Pump and Unit Vent applications
are unique among the simple terminal unit applications (Unit Ventilators, Heat Pumps, Fan Coil, VAV Single
Duct, and VAV Dual Duct) in that they control introduction of outdoor air into the zone. In situations when the
outdoor air temperature is low, the sequencers for these applications have integrated comfort limits for discharge
air temperature (if the sensor is available) to minimize occupant perception of cold drafts.

Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OADD)

The Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OADD) module is responsible for generating the appropriate temperature
control state for a the cold deck of a 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Air Handling Unit (AHU) application. This module
accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs as well as the heating, cooling, and heat recovery control statuses. The
module outputs the current state.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 838

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OADD])
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 467: Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OADD) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
100 OA Cold Deck Sequencing AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OADD])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OADD) module.
Table 468: Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OADD) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the sequence. Set Name: AHU DAT DP
Cooling Control Status Contains the value fed back from the mechanical cooling PID Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Fan Ready Comes from the Start/Stop Sequencer and indicates whether False
the fans and dampers have been sequenced properly.
Heat Recovery Control For proportional heat recovery devices, specifies the value Normal
Status fed back from the heat recovery device PID necessary for the
Set Name: Control Status
sequencer to determine what actions to take.
Heat Recovery Contains a configuration input used to tell the state machine False
Modulated if the heat recovery is modulated or not. True means
modulated and False means not modulated.
Preheat Control Status Contains the value fed back from the preheat PID controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Preheat Percent Cmd Displays the position of the output controller. This attribute is 0.0%
used to prevent the preheat device from unnecessarily cycling
off then back on as the air handling unit starts up.
Process Variable Contains the cold deck discharge air temperature. It is the 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
variable that is compared to the setpoint and is used to
determine whether it is necessary to heat or cool the discharge
Setpoint Contains the cold deck temperature setpoint the state 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
generator attempts to control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 839

Primary States (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OADD])
In the following descriptions, HX stands for Heat Recovery.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state if no heating or cooling is required.
The sequencer transitions to Satisfied from HX Cool+Mech if the cooling device is not responding to the sequencer
or the Process Variable is less than the Setpoint and the cooling device PID saturated low.
When heat recovery is modulated, the sequencer transitions to Satisfied from HX Heat if the Process Variable
is greater than the Heating Setpoint, and either the heat recovery device control status is low or the heat recovery
device is not responding to the sequencer.
When heat recovery is two position (Heat Recovery Modulated is False), the sequencer transitions to Satisfied
from HX Heat if the Process Variable is greater than the Heating Setpoint.
The sequencer transitions to Satisfied from Heating Idle if the Process Variable becomes greater than the Setpoint
and Preheat Percent Cmd is zero.
• HX Cool+Mech: The sequencer enters this state from Satisfied if cooling is required and the cooling device is
responding to the sequencer. In this state, the heat recovery device is on and cooling device controls the process
• HX Heat: The sequencer enters this state from Heating Idle (and Satisfied) if the startup sequence has completed
and therefore the fan is ready and the Process Variable is less than the setpoint (heating is required) and the
Preheat Percent Cmd is greater than zero and heat recovery is modulated.
The sequencer enters this state from HX Heat+Preheat if the Process Variable is greater than the Setpoint and
either the Preheat Control Status is Low or the preheat device is not responding.
• HX Heat+Preheat: The sequencer enters this state from Heating Idle if the startup sequence has completed
and therefore the fan is ready and either Preheat Percent Cmd is greater than zero or heat recovery is not
The sequencer enters this state if after being in HX Heat the process variable is still less than the setpoint and
any of the following three conditions is true:
- The heat recovery output controller is not responding to the sequencer.
- The heat recovery PID has saturated high.
- The heat recovery device is not modulated. In this state, Preheat is set to its maximum position, and the
reheat output controller controls the process variable.
• Heating Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied if the Process Variable is less than the Setpoint
or Preheat Percent Cmd is greater than zero. The sequencer enters Heating idle from any heating state if the
Start Stop sequencer informs that the fan is not ready.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer enters this state if the process variable sensor is unreliable.

Reliability (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OADD])

Table 469: Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OADD) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Transition to Temperature Unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 840

Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD)
The Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD) module is responsible for generating the appropriate temperature
control state for a 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Air Handler Unit (AHU) application. It is to be used for discharge
air control sequencing only. This module accepts the discharge temperature and setpoint, heating, cooling, and heat
recovery devices statuses. The module outputs the current operational state.

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OASD])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 470: Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
100 OA Single Duct Sequencing AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OASD])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD) module.
Table 471: Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
AHU-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the sequence Set Name: AHU DAT OA
Cooling Control Status Contains the value fed back from the mechanical cooling PID Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Fan Ready Comes from the Start/Stop Sequencer and indicates that the False
fans and dampers have been sequenced properly.
Heat Recovery Control For proportional heat recovery devices, displays the value Normal
Status fed back from the heat recovery device PID necessary for
Set Name: Control Status
the sequencer to determine what actions to take.
Heat Recovery Used to tell the state machine if the heat recovery is False
Modulated modulated or not. True means modulated, and False means
not modulated.
Preheat Control Status Contains the value fed back from the preheat PID controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Preheat Percent Cmd Displays the position of the output controller used to prevent 0.0%
the preheat device from unnecessarily cycling off then back
on as the air handling unit starts up.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 841

Table 471: Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Displays the discharge air temperature. It is the variable that 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
is compared to the setpoint to determine whether it is
necessary to heat or cool the discharge air.
Setpoint Contains the discharge air temperature setpoint the state 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
generator attempts to control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OASD])

In the following descriptions, HX stands for Heat Recovery.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state if no heating or cooling is required.
The sequencer transitions to Satisfied from HX Cool+Mech if either of the following occurs:
- The cooling device is not responding to the sequencer.
- The Process Variable is less than the Setpoint and the cooling device PID saturated low.
When heat recovery is modulated, the sequencer transitions to Satisfied from HX Heat if the Process Variable
is greater than the Heating Setpoint, and either the heat recovery device control status is low or the heat recovery
device is not responding to the sequencer.
When heat recovery is two position (Heat Recovery Modulated is False), the sequencer transitions to Satisfied
from HX Heat if the Process Variable is greater than the Heating Setpoint.
The sequencer transitions to Satisfied from Heating Idle if the Process Variable becomes greater than the Setpoint
and Preheat Percent Cmd is zero.
• HX Cool+Mech: The sequencer enters this state from Satisfied if cooling is required and the cooling device is
responding to the sequencer. In this state, the heat recovery device is on and cooling device controls the process
• HX Heat: The sequencer enters this state from Heating Idle (and Satisfied) if the startup sequence has completed
and therefore the fan is ready and the Process Variable is less than the setpoint (heating is required) and the
Preheat Percent Cmd is greater than zero and heat recovery is modulated.
The sequencer enters this state from HX Heat+Preheat if the Process Variable is greater than the Setpoint and
either the Preheat Control Status is Low or the preheat device is not responding.
• HX Heat+Preheat: The sequencer enters this state from Heating Idle if the startup sequence has completed
and therefore the fan is ready and either Preheat Percent Cmd is greater than zero or heat recovery is not
The sequencer enters this state if after being in HX Heat the process variable is still less than the setpoint and
any of the following three conditions is true:
- The heat recovery output controller is not responding to the sequencer.
- The heat recovery PID has saturated high.
- The heat recovery device is not modulated.
In this state, Preheat is set to its maximum position, and the reheat output controller controls the process variable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 842

Finally, the sequencer enters this state from HX Heat+Preheat+Reheat if the Reheat device is not responding
to the commands of this sequencer or the control status of the reheat device is low and the Process Variable is
greater than the Setpoint.
• HX Heat+Preheat+Reheat: The sequencer enters this state if after being in HX Heat+Preheat the Process
Variable still is less than the Setpoint and the reheat device is responding to the commands of this sequencer
and either the preheat device is not responding to this sequencer or the preheat device control status is High.
• Heating Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied if the Process Variable is less than the Setpoint
or Preheat Percent Cmd is greater than zero. The sequencer enters Heating idle from any heating state if the
Start Stop sequencer informs that the fan is not ready.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer enters this state if the Process Variable sensor is unreliable.

Reliability (Occupied Sequencing [AHU 100% OASD])

Table 472: Occupied Sequencing (AHU 100% OASD) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Transition to Temperature Unreliable state.

Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD)

The Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD) module generates the appropriate temperature control state for the cold
deck on a mixed air dual deck Air Handler Unit (AHU) application. This module accepts the temperature and setpoint
inputs as well as the heating, cooling, and damper control statuses.

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 473: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Mixed Air Cold Deck Sequencing AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD) module.
Table 474: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the sequence. Set Name: AHU DAT DP MA
Cooling Control Status Displays the value fed back from the mechanical cooling Normal
PID controller that is necessary for the sequencer to
Set Name: Control Status
determine what actions to take.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 843

Table 474: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Control Status Displays the value fed back from the economizer PID Normal
controller that is necessary for the sequencer to determine
Set Name: Control Status
what actions to take.
Fan Ready Comes from the Start/Stop Sequencer and indicates that False
the fans and dampers have been sequenced properly.
Free Cooling Available Displays the output of the Economizer Availability module. False
Preheat Control Status Contains the value fed back from the preheat PID Normal
controller that is necessary for the sequencer to determine
Set Name: Control Status
what actions to take.
Process Variable Displays the cold deck discharge temperature that is 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
compared to the setpoint and used to determine whether
preheating or cooling is required.
Setpoint Displays the setpoint the state generator attempts to 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD])

• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state if no heating or cooling is required. The transition to Satisfied normally
requires the sequencer to be either in Preheat or Econ and the device to saturate low (or closed). To facilitate
commissioning (when the Fast Sequence Enable flag is True), the sequencer goes out of any cooling state if
the Cooling Setpoint increases by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is lower than the
new Cooling Setpoint. Likewise, the sequencer goes out of any heating state if the Heating Setpoint decreases
by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is lower than the new Heating Setpoint.
The sequencer also might enter Satisfied from Mechanical Cooling if the Process Variable is less than the Cooling
Setpoint and the cooling device is not responding to the sequencer. Likewise, the sequencer might enter Satisfied
from Preheat if the Process Variable is greater than the Heating Setpoint and the preheat device is not responding
to the sequencer.
• Econ: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is available. In this state, the
damper controls the process variable.
• Mech: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is not available. In this state,
the damper should close and the cooling device controls the Process Variable.
• Econ + Mech: The sequencer enters this state if, after being in Econ, the damper output controller is saturated
open. In this state, the damper is open to its maximum position, and the cooling output controller controls the
process variable.
• Preheat: The sequencer enters this state if heating is required. In this state the preheat output controller controls
the process variable.
• Cooling Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied whenever it is enabled. In this state, all of the
output controllers should hold their last command. This state allows the fans to start and obtain an accurate
reading of the Outdoor Air Temperature (and humidity if used) to determine the free cooling suitability.
• Heating Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied whenever it is enabled. In this state, all of the
output controllers should hold their last command. This state is used, in the DA-T Control Units, to wait for the
fans to start. In Zone control units, the state machine skips through to Preheat.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer enters this state if the process variable sensor is unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 844

Reliability (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD])
Table 475: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Transition to Temperature Unreliable state.

Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR)

The Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR) module generates the appropriate temperature control state for the
cold deck on a mixed air dual deck AHU application. This module accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs listed
in the attributes table as well as the heating, cooling, and damper control statuses.

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD w HR])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 476: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Mixed Air Cold Deck HR Sequencing AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD w HR])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR) module.
Table 477: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the sequence. Set Name: AHU DAT DP
Cooling Control Status Displays the value fed back from the mechanical cooling Normal
PID controller necessary for the sequencer to determine
Set Name: Control Status
what actions to take.
Damper Control Status Displays the value fed back from the economizer PID Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Fan Ready Comes from the Start/Stop Sequencer and indicates that False
the fans and dampers have been sequenced properly.
Free Cooling Available Displays the output of the Economizer Availability module. False
Heat Recovery Control Contains the value fed back from the heat recovery PID Normal
Status controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Heat Recovery Modulated Indicates whether the heat recovery is modulated (True False
equals modulated and False equals not modulated).

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 845

Table 477: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Preheat Control Status Contains the value fed back from the preheat PID controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Preheat Percent Cmd Indicates the preheat command used to prevent the preheat 0.0%
from cycling off and on unnecessarily when the AHU starts.
Process Variable Displays the cold deck discharge temperature compared 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
to the setpoint and used to determine whether heating or
cooling is required.
Setpoint Displays the setpoint the state generator attempts to 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD w HR])

• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state if no heating or cooling is required. The transition to Satisfied normally
requires the sequencer to be either in Preheat or Econ and the device to saturate low (or closed). To facilitate
commissioning when the Fast Sequence Enable flag is True, the sequencer goes out of any cooling state when
the Cooling Setpoint increases by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is lower than the
new Cooling Setpoint. Likewise, the sequencer goes out of any heating state if the Heating Setpoint decreases
by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is lower than the new Heating Setpoint.
The sequencer also might enter Satisfied from Mechanical Cooling if the Process Variable is less than the Cooling
Setpoint and the cooling device is not responding to the sequencer. Likewise, the sequencer might enter Satisfied
from Preheat if the Process Variable is greater than the Heating Setpoint and the preheat device is not responding
to the sequencer.
• Econ: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is available. In this state, the
damper controls the process variable.
• Econ + Mech: The sequencer enters this state if, after being in Econ, the damper output controller is saturated
open. In this state, the damper is open to its maximum position, and the cooling output controller controls the
process variable.
• HX Cool + Mech: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is not available. In
this state, the damper closes and the cooling device controls the Process Variable.
• HX Heat: In this state, the heat recovery output controller controls the process variable.
• HX Heat + Preheat: In this state, the preheat output controller controls the process variable and the heat recovery
is set to its maximum.
• Cooling Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied whenever it is enabled. In this state, all of the
output controllers hold their last command. This state allows the fans to start and obtain an accurate reading of
the Outdoor Air Temperature (and humidity if used) to determine the free cooling suitability.
• Heating Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied whenever it is enabled. In this state, all of the
output controllers hold their last command. This state is used, in the DA-T Control Units, to wait for the fans to
start. In Zone control units, the state machine skips through to Preheat.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer enters this state if the process variable sensor is unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 846

Reliability (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MADD w HR])
Table 478: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MADD w HR) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Transition to Temperature Unreliable state.

Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) v51 module replaces the Occupied
Sequencing (AHU MASD) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a mixed air, single duct Air Handler Unit (MASD
AHU) rooftop application. This module accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs as well as preheat, reheat,
cooling, and damper control statuses. The module outputs the current state.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 479: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Mixed Air Single Duct Sequencing v51 AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) module.
Table 480: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
AHU-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the sequence. Set Name: AHU DAT MA
Cooling Control Status Displays the value fed back from the mechanical cooling PID Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Cooling Setpoint Contains the setpoint the state generator attempts to control 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
when cooling.
Damper Control Status Displays the value fed back from the economizer PID Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Fan Ready Comes from the Start/Stop Sequencer and indicates that False
the fans and dampers have been sequenced properly

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 847

Table 480: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fast Sequence Enabled Indicates if a change to a Satisfied state should occur if a False
setpoint changes as described in the Setpoint Threshold
Free Cooling Available Contains the output of the Economizer Availability module. False
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Contains the setpoint the state generator attempts to control 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
when heating.
Preheat Control Status Contains the value fed back from the preheat PID controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Process Variable Contains the value compared to the setpoint and is used to 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
determine whether heating or cooling is required.
Reheat Control Status Displays the value fed back from the reheat PID controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Setpoint Threshold Indicates how much Cooling Setpoint must increase/Heating 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
Setpoint must decrease to cause a change to a Satisfied
state from a Cooling/Heating state.
Zone Control Contains a Boolean input that should be True when the unit False
is Zone Control without Cascaded DA-T setpoint reset.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD])

• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state if no heating or cooling is required. The transition to Satisfied normally
requires the sequencer to be either in Preheat or Econ and the device to saturate low (or closed). To facilitate
commissioning (when the Fast Sequence Enable flag is True), the sequencer goes out of any cooling state if
the Cooling Setpoint increases by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is lower than the
new Cooling Setpoint. Likewise, the sequencer goes out of any heating state if the Heating Setpoint decreases
by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is lower than the new Heating Setpoint.
The sequencer also might enter Satisfied from Mechanical Cooling if the Process Variable is less than the Cooling
Setpoint and the cooling device is not responding to the sequencer. Likewise, the sequencer might enter Satisfied
from Preheat if the Process Variable is greater than the Heating Setpoint and the preheat device is not responding
to the sequencer.
• Econ: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is available. In this state, the
damper controls the process variable.
• Mech: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is not available. In this state,
the damper should close and the cooling device controls the Process Variable.
• Econ + Mech: The sequencer enters this state if after being in Econ, the damper output controller is saturated
open. In this state, the damper is open to its maximum position, and the cooling output controller controls the
process variable.
• Preheat: The sequencer enters this state if heating is required. In this state the preheat output controller controls
the process variable.
Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 848
• Preheat + Reheat: The sequencer enters this state if after being in Preheat, the preheat output controller has
saturated high. In this state, Preheat is set to its maximum position, and the reheat output controller controls the
process variable. To transition back to Preheat the sequencer requires that the Process Variable is greater than
the Heating Setpoint and either the reheat device saturate low or the Reheat Device is not responding to the
• Cooling Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied whenever it is enabled. In this state, all of the
output controllers should hold their last command. This state is used to allow the fans to start and obtain an
accurate reading of the Outdoor Air Temperature (and humidity if used) to determine the free cooling suitability.
• Heating Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied whenever it is enabled. In this state, all of the
output controllers should hold their last command. This state, in the DA-T Control Units, waits for the fans to
start. In Zone control units, the state machine skips through to Preheat.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer enters this state if the process variable sensor is unreliable.

Reliability (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD])

Table 481: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Transition to Temperature Unreliable state.

Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) v51 module replaces the Occupied
Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a mixed air, single duct AHU (MASD AHU) with
Heat Recovery application. This module accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs listed in the attribute table, as
well as preheat, reheat, cooling, and damper control statuses. The module outputs the current state.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD w HR])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 482: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Mixed Air Single Duct HR Sequencing v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD w HR])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) module.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 849

Table 483: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
AHU-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the sequence. Set Name: AHU DAT MA
Cooling Control Status Displays the value fed back from the mechanical cooling PID Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Cooling Setpoint Contains the setpoint the state generator attempts to control 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
when cooling.
Damper Control Status Displays the value fed back from the economizer PID Normal
controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Fan Ready Comes from the Start/Stop Sequencer and indicates that the False
fans and dampers have been sequenced properly.
Fast Sequence Enabled Indicates whether a change to a Satisfied state occurs when False
a setpoint changes as described in the Setpoint Threshold
Free Cooling Available Contains the output of the Economizer Availability module. False
Heat Recovery Control Contains the value fed back from the heat recovery PID Normal
Status controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Heat Recovery Modulated Indicates whether the heat recovery is modulated, where False
True equals modulated and False equals not modulated.
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Contains the setpoint the state generator attempts to control 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
when heating.
Preheat Control Status Contains the value fed back from the preheat PID controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Preheat Percent Cmd Indicates the preheat command used to prevent the preheat 0.0%
from cycling off and on unnecessarily when the AHU starts.
Process Variable Contains the value compared to the setpoint and is used to 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
determine whether heating or cooling is required.
Reheat Control Status Displays the value fed back from the reheat PID controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Setpoint Threshold Indicates how much the Cooling Setpoint must 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
increase/Heating Setpoint must decrease to cause a change
to a Satisfied state from a Cooling/Heating state.
Zone Control Contains a Boolean input that is True when the unit is Zone False
Control without Cascaded DA-T setpoint reset.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 850

Primary States (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD w HR])
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state if no heating or cooling is required. The transition to Satisfied normally
requires the sequencer to be either in Preheat or Econ and the device to saturate low (or closed). To facilitate
commissioning when the Fast Sequence Enable flag is True, the sequencer goes out of any cooling state when
the Cooling Setpoint increases by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is lower than the
new Cooling Setpoint. Likewise, the sequencer goes out of any heating state if the Heating Setpoint decreases
by more than the Setpoint Threshold and the Process Variable is higher than the new Heating Setpoint.
The sequencer also might enter Satisfied from Mechanical Cooling if the Process Variable is less than the Cooling
Setpoint and the cooling device is not responding to the sequencer. Likewise, the sequencer might enter Satisfied
from Preheat if the Process Variable is greater than the Heating Setpoint and the preheat device is not responding
to the sequencer.
• Econ: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is available. In this state, the
damper controls the process variable.
• Econ + Mech: The sequencer enters this state if, after being in Econ, the damper output controller is saturated
open. In this state, the damper is open to its maximum position, and the cooling output controller controls the
process variable.
• HX Cool + Mech: The sequencer enters this state if cooling is required and the economizer is not available. In
this state, the damper closes and the cooling device controls the Process Variable.
• HX Heat: In this state, the heat recovery output controller controls the process variable.
• HX Heat + Preheat: In this state, the preheat output controller controls the process variable and the heat recovery
is set to its maximum.
• HX Heat + Preheat + Reheat: In this state, the reheat output controller controls the process variable and the
preheat and heat recovery is set to maximum.
• Cooling Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied if it is enabled. In this state, all of the output
controllers hold their last command. This state is used to allow the fans to start and obtain an accurate reading
of the Outdoor Air Temperature (and humidity if used) to determine the free cooling suitability.
• Heating Idle: The sequencer enters this state through Satisfied if it is enabled. In this state, all of the output
controllers hold their last command. This state, in the DA-T control units, waits for the fans to start. In Zone
control units, the state machine skips through to Preheat.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer enters this state if the process variable sensor is unreliable.

Reliability (Occupied Sequencing [AHU MASD w HR])

Table 484: Occupied Sequencing (AHU MASD w HR) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Transition to Temperature Unreliable state.

Occupied Sequencing (Single Device)

The Occupied Sequencing (Single Device) module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a single
heating or cooling device in an Air Handling Unit (AHU) application. This module can be used when the preheat
device controls the mixed air temperature, the heating device controls the hot deck temperature, or the cooling
device is not sequenced with preheat or economizer such as a cooling only 100% Outdoor Air Unit. This module
accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs as well as the control status.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 851

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Sequencing [Single Device])
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 485: Occupied Sequencing (Single Device) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Preheat Sequencing AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

1 The AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct and Multizone applications use both Preheat Sequencing and Mixed Air Hot Deck Sequencing.
2 The AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct application uses 100 OA Hot Deck Sequencing instead of Preheat Sequencing.

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Sequencing [Single Device])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Sequencing (Single Device) modules:
Table 486: Occupied Sequencing (Single Device) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status Displays the value fed back from the output controller PID. Normal
This is needed for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Fan Ready Comes from the Start/Stop Sequencer, and indicates that the True
fans and dampers have been sequenced properly. This input
must not be connected in a zone control system; it is only for
a discharge air control system.
Fast Sequence Enabled Indicates if a change to a Satisfied state should occur if a False
setpoint changes as described in the Setpoint Threshold input.
HC-STATE, HD-STATE, Displays the current state generated by the sequence. Satisfied
or PH-STATE (State)
Set Name: AHU Single
Htg or Clg
Heating Device Used to tell the state machine if the module is a heating False
sequencer or a cooling sequencer. When this input is set True,
the state machine is a heating sequencer, and when the input
is set False, the state machine is a cooling sequencer.
Process Variable Displays the value that is compared to the setpoint and used 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
to determine whether it is necessary to heat or cool.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 852

Table 486: Occupied Sequencing (Single Device) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled towards.
Setpoint Threshold Indicates how much the setpoint must change to cause a state 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
transition to a Satisfied state from the T Control state.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Sequencing [Single Device])

• Satisfied: The sequencer transitions to Satisfied from Control Unreliable if the Process Variable becomes reliable.
The sequencer transitions to Satisfied from Idle if configured for heating and no heating is required or configured
for cooling and no cooling is required.
The sequencer transitions to Satisfied from T Control if the temperature requirement is satisfied (configured for
Heating and no heating is required of configured for cooling and no cooling is required) and any of the three
following conditions is true:
- The output control device control status is Low.
- The output controller is not responding to this sequencer.
- A large setpoint change has occurred. This later requisite happens when Fast Sequence Enable is True and
the setpoint has changed by a value larger than the Setpoint Threshold.
• Idle: The sequencer enters this state from Satisfied if configured for heating and heating is required or configured
for cooling and cooling is required.
• T Control: The sequencer enters this state from Idle when the fan is operational as indicated by the Fan Ready
input element.
• Control Unreliable: The sequencer enters this state if the Process Variable sensor is unreliable.

Reliability (Occupied Sequencing [Single Device])

Table 487: Occupied Sequencing (Single Device) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Transition to Control Unreliable state.

Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC/AHU) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Sequencing (FC/AHU) v51 module replaces the Occupied Sequencing
(FC/AHU) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a zone control application. This module monitors
the status of the heating and cooling controllers and setpoints to determine whether the current state should be
satisfied, heating, cooling, or temperature unreliable.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 853

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Zone Sequencing [FC/AHU])
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 488: Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
FC-ZN-T Sequencing v51 Fan Coil Applications
Zone Sequencing v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing [FC/AHU])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC/AHU) module.
Table 489: Occupied Zone Sequencing (FC/AHU) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Indicates the status of the feedback controller for the Overridden
cooling process.
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired zone temperature when under 26.0 Deg C, 75.0 Deg F
cooling control.
Fast Sequence Enabled Allows the user to enable or disable the transition True
tosatisfiedwhen the setpoint changes by more than
the Setpoint Threshold.
Heating Control Status Indicates the status of the feedback controller for the Overridden
heating process.
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating 0.0
controller that operates first. This signal comes directly
Display Units: %
from the PID in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired zone temperature when under 18.0 Deg C, 68.0 Deg F
heating control.
Setpoint Threshold Used to determine whether a significant setpoint 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
change has occurred.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Indicates the current operational mode of the output Set Name: FC ZNC States
Zone Temperature Contains the measured temperature in the zone. 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 854

Primary States (Occupied Zone Sequencing [FC/AHU])
• Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Heating Setpoint and
the Zone Temperature is less than the Cooling Setpoint and both the Heating and Cooling Control Status’ are
Low. The sequencer may also go to Satisfied when Fast Sequence Enabled is True and the Zone Temperature
is between the Heating and Cooling Setpoints and Heating Setpoint was decreased by more than the Setpoint
Threshold or the Cooling Setpoint was increased by more than the Setpoint Threshold.
• Cooling: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is not reliable.

Occupied Zone Sequencing (HP) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Zone Sequencing (HP) v51 module replaces the Occupied Zone
Sequencing (HP) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a heat pump application. This module monitors
the status of the heating, cooling, damper, supplemental heating controllers, setpoints, and occupancy to determine
the current zone control state.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Zone Sequencing [HP])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 490: Occupied Zone Sequencing (HP) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Zone Sequencing (HP) v51 Heat Pump Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing [HP])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Zone Sequencing (HP) module.
Table 491: Occupied Zone Sequencing (HP) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Contains the value fed back from the cooling controller Overridden
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired zone temperature when under 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
cooling control.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 855

Table 491: Occupied Zone Sequencing (HP) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Control Status Displays the value fed back from the damper controller Overridden
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Discharge Air Contains the value that is to be compared to the Discharge 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Temperature Air Low Limit (DALL) and is used to determine whether it
is necessary to enter DALL control to modulate the OA
Damper closed to keep the discharge air temperature from
falling below the DALL.
Fast Sequence Enabled Allows the user to enable or disable the transition to True
satisfied when the setpoint changes by more than the
Setpoint Threshold.
Free Cooling Available Indicates whether economizer cooling is available. False
Heating Control Status Displays the value fed back from the heating controller Overridden
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired zone temperature when under 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
heating control.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the low limit for the Discharge Air Temperature. 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Occupancy Accepts the current occupancy status. Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective
Setpoint Threshold Contains the value used to determine whether a significant 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
setpoint change has occurred.
Supp Heating Control Contains the value fed back from the supplemental heating Overridden
Status controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the heat pump Set Name: HP ZNC States
zone temperature sequence.
Zone Temperature Contains the measured temperature in the zone. 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Zone Sequencing [HP])

• Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint and
Supplemental Heating is not needed.
• Supplemental Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating
Setpoint and Heating is saturated high.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state when Heating or Cooling are not needed.
• Economizer: The sequencer is in this state when Cooling is needed and Economizer Cooling is available.
• Economizer + Cooling: The sequencer is in this state when the Economizer is saturated high and Zone
Temperature is still greater than the Heating Setpoint.
• Cooling Only: The sequencer is in this state when Cooling is needed and Economizer Cooling is not available.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 856

• DALL Economizer: The sequencer is in this state when Economizer Cooling is available and the discharge air
temperature is less than the Low Limit Setpoint.
• Zone Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is not reliable.

Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) v51 module replaces the Occupied
Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a Unit Ventilator ASHRAE Cycle 1 zone control
application. This module accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs as well as the heating, cooling, and damper
control statuses. The module outputs the current state as calculated by the ZN-T Sequencing Finite State Machine.
ASHRAE Cycle 1 supplies 100% outside air at all times, except during the warmup state. As the zone temperature
rises into the range of the heating setpoint, the outside air damper is fully opened. The heating valve is modulated
in response to the zone temperature to maintain setpoint. Low discharge air temperature can override zone heating
control to maintain a minimum discharge air temperature into the space. Low limit control logic can also override
the damper position if opening the heating valve is unable to maintain either the zone or discharge setpoints.
Note: If the discharge air temperature is not reliable, no discharge air low limit operation takes place and the module
controls the zone temperature only.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 1])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 492: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV-ZN-T Sequencing ASHRAE 1 v51 Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 1])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) module.
Table 493: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Displays the value fed back from the cooling controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the zone temperature when 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
under cooling control.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 857

Table 493: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 1) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Control Status Displays the value fed back from the OA damper controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Discharge Air Contains the value that is to be compared to the Discharge 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Temperature Air Low Limit (DALL) and is used to determine whether it is
necessary to enter DALL control to either turn on heating
or modulate the OA Damper closed to keep the discharge
air temperature from falling below the DALL.
Fast Sequence Enabled Allows the user to enable or disable the transition to satisfied True
when the setpoint changes by more than the Setpoint
Heating Control Status Displays the value fed back from the heating controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the zone temperature when 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
under heating control.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the low limit for the Discharge Air Temperature. 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Setpoint Threshold Used to determine whether a significant setpoint change 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
has occurred.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the zone Set Name: ZNC ASHRAE 1
temperature sequence. States
Zone Temperature Contains the value that is compared to the heating and 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
cooling setpoints and is used to determine whether it is
necessary to heat or cool the zone.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 1])

• Zone Damper: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint and
Heating is saturated High.
• Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state when Heating, Cooling, or Low Limit Protection are not needed.
• Cooling: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint.
• DALL Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Discharge Air Temperature is less than the Low Limit
Setpoint and heating is not saturated High.
• DALL Damper: The sequencer is in this state when the Discharge Air Temperature is less than the Low Limit
Setpoint and heating is saturated High.
• Zone Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 858

Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 2) v51
Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Sequencing (UV Cycle 2) v51 module replaces the Occupied
Sequencing (UV Cycle 2) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a Unit Ventilator ASHRAE Cycle 2 zone control
application. This module accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs as well as the heating, cooling, and damper
control statuses. The module outputs the current state as calculated by the ZN-T Sequencing Finite State Machine.
As the zone temperature rises to near the heating setpoint, ASHRAE Cycle 2 opens the outdoor air damper to the
minimum position. A fixed minimum amount of outside air, normally 15 to 50%, is admitted during the heating and
ventilating states. The percentage is gradually increased to 100%, if required, during the ventilating state. The heating
valve and outside air dampers are operated in sequence as required to maintain zone temperature. Low discharge
air temperature can override the zone temperature’s action on the heating valve to open the valve. Low discharge
air temperature can also override the zone temperature’s action on the damper to close the damper to minimum.
As the discharge temperature continues to drop, the heating output goes to 100% and the outside damper closes
to prevent discharge air from dropping below a minimum temperature.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 2])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 494: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 2) Uses in Application System Selection
Module Instance Name Applications
UV-ZN-T Sequencing ASHRAE 2 v51 Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 2])

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.
Table 495: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 2) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Contains the value fed back from the cooling controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the zone temperature when 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
under cooling control.
Damper Control Status Contains the value fed back from the OA damper controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 859

Table 495: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 2) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Discharge Air Contains the value that is to be compared to the Discharge 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Temperature Air Low Limit (DALL) and is used to determine whether it is
necessary to enter DALL control to either turn on heating
or modulate the OA Damper closed to keep the discharge
air temperature from falling below the DALL.
Fast Sequence Enabled Allows the user to enable or disable the transition to satisfied True
when the setpoint changes by more than the Setpoint
Free Cooling Available Indicates whether economizer cooling is available. False
Heating Control Status Contains the value fed back from the heating controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the zone temperature when 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
under heating control.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit for the Discharge Air Temperature. 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Setpoint Threshold Used to determine whether a significant setpoint change 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
has occurred.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the zone Set Name: ZNC ASHRAE 2
temperature sequence. States
Zone Temperature Contains the value that is compared to the heating and 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
cooling setpoints and is used to determine whether it is
necessary to heat or cool the zone.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 2])

• Zone Damper: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint and
Heating is saturated High.
• Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state when Heating, Cooling, or Low Limit Protection are not needed.
• Economizer: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint
and Free Cooling is available.
• Economizer + Cooling: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling
Setpoint and Cooling is available and the damper is saturated High.
• Cooling Only: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint
and Free Cooling is not available.
• DALL Economizer: The sequencer is in this state when the Discharge Air Temperature is less than the Low
Limit Setpoint and Free Cooling is available.
• DALL Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Discharge Air Temperature is less than the Low Limit
Setpoint and Free Cooling is not available.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 860

• DALL Damper: The sequencer is in this state when the Discharge Air Temperature is less than the Low Limit
Setpoint and Free Cooling is not available and Heating is saturated High.
• Zone Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is not reliable.

Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) v51 module replaces the Occupied
Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a Unit Ventilator ASHRAE Cycle 3 zone control
application. This module accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs as well as the heating, cooling, and damper
control statuses. The module outputs the current state as calculated by the ZN-T Sequencing Finite State Machine.
In ASHRAE Cycle 3, a mixed air sensor controls the mixed air temperature. During the heating, ventilating, and
cooling states, Cycle 3 supplies a variable amount of outside air as required to maintain a fixed temperature (typically
55˚F) entering the heating coil. As the zone temperature rises into the range of the heating setpoint, ventilation
dampers control the air temperature entering the heating coil at the mixed air setpoint. Zone temperature is controlled
by positioning the heating valve as required. The zone sensor directly controls the heating element without low limit
Note: The mixed air temperature is read and used for control of the damper within the UV Cycle 3 Damper Output
module; it is not an input in this module.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 3])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 496: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV-ZN-T Sequencing ASHRAE 3 v51 Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 3])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) module.
Table 497: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Displays the value fed back from the cooling controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the zone temperature 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
when under cooling control.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 861

Table 497: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle 3) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Control Status Displays the value fed back from the OA damper controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Fast Sequence Enabled Allows the user to enable or disable the transition to True
satisfied when the setpoint changes by more than the
Setpoint Threshold.
Heating Control Status Displays the value fed back from the heating controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions
Set Name: Control Status
to take.
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the zone temperature 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
when under heating control.
Setpoint Threshold Used to determine whether a significant setpoint change 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
has occurred.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the zone Set Name: ZNC ASHRAE 3
temperature sequence. States
Zone Temperature Contains the value that is compared to the heating and 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
cooling setpoints and is used to determine whether it is
necessary to heat or cool the zone.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle 3])

• Zone Damper: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint and
Heating is saturated High.
• Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state when Heating or Cooling are not needed.
• Cooling: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint.
• Zone Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is not reliable.

Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle W) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Sequencing (UV Cycle W) v51 module replaces the Occupied
Sequencing (UV Cycle W) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a Unit Ventilator ASHRAE Cycle W zone control
application. The module accepts the temperature and setpoint inputs as well as the heating, cooling, and damper
control statuses. The module outputs the current state as calculated by the ZN-T Sequencing Finite State Machine.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 862

ASHRAE Cycle W is the same as ASHRAE Cycle 2 with one exception: the discharge air low limit sensor controls
only the outside and recirculated air dampers. The zone sensor directly controls heating without interference from
the low limit. As the zone temperature rises to the normal operating temperature, the outside air damper is opened
to minimum. A fixed minimum amount of outside air, normally 15 to 50%, is admitted during the heating and satisfied
states. The percentage is gradually increased to 100%, if required, in the economizer and cooling states. The heating
valve and outside air dampers are operated in sequence as required to maintain zone temperature. The discharge
air sensor can override the zone sensor action on the damper to close the damper to minimum. As the discharge
temperature continues to drop, the OA damper closes to prevent discharge air from dropping below a minimum
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle W])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 498: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle W) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV-ZN-T Sequencing ASHRAE W v51 Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle W])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle W) module.
Table 499: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle W) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Contains the value fed back from the cooling controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the zone temperature when 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
under cooling control.
Damper Control Status Contains the value fed back from the OA damper controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Discharge Air Contains the value that is to be compared to the Discharge 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Temperature Air Low Limit (DALL) and is used to determine whether it is
necessary to enter DALL control to either turn on heating
or modulate the OA Damper closed to keep the discharge
air temperature from falling below the DALL.
Fast Sequence Enabled Allows the user to enable or disable the transition to satisfied True
when the setpoint changes by more than the Setpoint
Free Cooling Available Indicates whether economizer cooling is available. False

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 863

Table 499: Occupied Zone Sequencing (UV Cycle W) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heating Control Status Contains the value fed back from the heating controller Normal
necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the zone temperature when 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
under heating control.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the low limit for the Discharge Air Temperature. 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Setpoint Threshold Used to determine whether a significant setpoint change 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
has occurred.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Represents the current state generated by the zone Set Name: ZNC ASHRAE
temperature sequence. W States
Zone Temperature Contains the value that is compared to the heating and 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
cooling setpoints and is used to determine whether it is
necessary to heat or cool the zone.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Zone Sequencing [UV Cycle W])

• Zone Damper: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint and
Heating is saturated High.
• Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint.
• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state when Heating, Cooling, or Low Limit Protection are not needed.
• Economizer: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint
and Free Cooling is available.
• Economizer + Cooling: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling
Setpoint and Cooling is available and the damper is saturated High.
• Cooling Only: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint
and Free Cooling is not available.
• DALL Economizer: The sequencer is in this state when the Discharge Air Temperature is less than the Low
Limit Setpoint and Free Cooling is available.
• DALL Damper: The sequencer is in this state when the Discharge Air Temperature is less than the Low Limit
Setpoint and Free Cooling is not available.
• Zone Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is not reliable.

Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) v51 module replaces the Occupied Zone
Sequencing (VAV) module.
This module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a VAV zone control application. This module
monitors the status of the heating and cooling controllers and setpoints to determine whether the current state should
be satisfied, unreliable, one of the stages of heating, or one of the stages of cooling.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 864

This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Applications (Occupied Zone Sequencing [VAV])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 500: Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
VAV-ZN-T Sequencing v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV-ZN-T Sequencing Single Duct v51 VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing [VAV])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) module.
Table 501: Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Box Heating Control Displays the value fed back from the box heating controller Overridden
Status necessary for the sequencer to determine what actions to
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the zone temperature when 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
under cooling control.
Fast Sequence Enabled Specifies whether the state machine is allowed to proceed True
directly to Satisfied on large setpoint changes.
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from the heating controller 0.0
that operates first. This signal comes directly from the PID
Display Units: %
in the output controller module.
Heating Priority Contains the value that determines whether supplemental Supplemental
or box heat should be the first level of heat.
Set Name: VAV Heating
Note: This is a configuration input. Resulting state changes
do not take place until the move through the Satisfied
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired zone temperature when under heating 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
Primary Cooling Control Displays the value fed back from the primary cooling output Overridden
Status controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
Setpoint Threshold Specifies that setpoint changes larger than this value cause 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
the state machine to proceed directly to the Satisfied state
when the temperature is reliable, the Fast Sequence Enabled
input is True and the change is associated with making the
satisfied temperature band larger.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 865

Table 501: Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Supp Heating Control Displays the value fed back from the supplemental heating Overridden
Status controller necessary for the sequencer to determine what
Set Name: Control Status
actions to take.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Indicates the current operational mode of the controller. Set Name: VAV ZNC States
Zone Temperature Contains the value that is to be compared to the setpoints 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
and is used to determine whether it is necessary to proceed
from the satisfied state.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupied Zone Sequencing [VAV])

• Satisfied: The sequencer is in this state when Heating or Cooling are not needed.
• Supp Htg: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint and Box
Priority = Supplemental.
• Supp Htg + Box Htg: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating
Setpoint, Box Priority = Supplemental, and Supp Heating Control Status = High.
• Box Heating: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating Setpoint and
Box Priority = Box.
• Box Htg + Supp Htg: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is less than the Heating
Setpoint, Box Priority = Box, and Box Heating Control Status = High.
• Prmy Clg: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is greater than the Cooling Setpoint.
• Temperature Unreliable: The sequencer is in this state when the Zone Temperature is not reliable.

Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR

This module determines if the box should be in the heating flow reset (HFR) mode or the standard modes (non-HFR
module). The State Table is set up to manage the HFR mode correctly along with the HFR output controller(s). This
module generates the appropriate temperature control state for a VAV zone control application. This module monitors
the status of the heating and cooling controllers and setpoints to determine whether the current state should be
satisfied, unreliable, one of the stages of heating, or one of the stages of cooling. This module uses a heating flow
reset strategy that increases flow when the maximum heating output is reached.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Module Use in Application (Occupied Zone Sequencing [VAV] HFR)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 502: Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 866

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR module.
Table 503: Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Box Heating Control Status Displays the value fed back from the Overridden
box heating controller necessary for
Set Name: Control Status
the sequencer to determine what
actions to take.
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
zone temperature when under
cooling control.
Fast Sequence Enabled Specifies whether the state machine True
is allowed to proceed directly to
Satisfied on large setpoint changes.
Heating Control Status Indicates the status of the feedback Overridden
controller for the heating process.
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the current command from 0.0
the heating controller that operates
Display Units: %
first. This signal comes directly from
the PID in the output controller
Heating Priority Contains the value that determines Supplemental
whether supplemental or box heat
Set Name: VAV Heating Priority
should be the first level of heat.
Note: This is a configuration input.
Resulting state changes do
not take place until the
move through the Satisfied
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired zone 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
temperature when under heating
Primary Cooling Control Status Displays the value fed back from the Overridden
primary cooling output controller
Set Name: Control Status
necessary for the sequencer to
determine what actions to take.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 867

Table 503: Occupied Zone Sequencing (VAV) HFR Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Setpoint Threshold Specifies that setpoint changes 1.0 Deg C, 2.0 Deg F
larger than this value cause the
state machine to proceed directly to
the Satisfied state when the
temperature is reliable, the Fast
Sequence Enabled input is True and
the change is associated with
making the satisfied temperature
band larger.
Supp Heating Control Status Displays the value fed back from the Overridden
supplemental heating controller
Set Name: Control Status
necessary for the sequencer to
determine what actions to take.
ZNT-STATE (State) G, V Indicates the current operational Set Name: VAV ZNC States HFR
mode of the controller.
Zone Temperature Contains the value that is to be 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
compared to the setpoints and is
used to determine whether it is
necessary to proceed from the
satisfied state.

Pass Through
The Pass Through group contains the Pass Through (Boolean, Enum) modules.

Pass Through (Boolean, Enum)

The Pass Through modules provide an automatic connection to the State Selection module. They typically take
Network Inputs and connect them to State Selection.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Pass Through)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 868

Table 504: Pass Through (Boolean, Enum) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Condensate Alarm Pass Through All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Emergency Mode Pass Through No longer used. Previously used by:
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
Fan Control by Others BI Pass Through Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Fan Speed Override Pass Through Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Master CD Constant Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Master CD Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Master Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
Master HD Flow Setpoint Pass Through VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
WarmupCooldown Pass Through All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
Water System Flush Pass Through All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
Waterside Economizer State Pass Through Central Cooling with Optimization
Zone Damper Mode Pass Through SG v50 AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Zone Htg Valve Mode Pass Through SG v50 AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Zone Staged Htg Mode Pass Through SG v50 AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)

A pass through module takes a value from a Network Input and connects it to State Selection.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 869

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Pass Through)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Pass Through (Boolean, Enum) modules.
Table 505: Pass Through (Boolean, Enum) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input The input to the pass through module. 1st Enum or False
Present Value G, V The output of the pass through module

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Pass Through)

The Reliability of the Present Value reflects the reliability of the Input.

State Determination
The State Determination modules determine the effective state for a particular device or application feature.

Application Mode Determination

AHU applications have an Application Mode input that allows you to force the unit into a mode of operation. The
possible modes are Cool Only, Heat Only, Fan Only, Water Flush, Purge, Vent, and Auto. This module separates
the Water Flush mode to a separate output to allow it to be separately connected to State Selection.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Application Mode Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 506: Application Mode Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Application Mode Determination All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Application Mode Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Application Mode Determination modules:

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 870

Table 507: Application Mode Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Application Mode Indicates the current Application Mode. Auto
Set Name: AHU Application Mode
Eff Mode G, V Indicates the effective Application mode after Set Name: AHU Effective App
splitting off the Water Flush output. Mode
Water Flush V Indicates whether Water Flush is requested. Boolean

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Application Mode Determination)

• Cool Only: The unit may operate but cannot use heating devices.
• Heat Only: The unit may operate but cannot use cooling devices.
• Fan Only: The unit may operate but cannot use heating or cooling devices.
• Purge: The unit should start and operate with maximum outdoor air but no heating or cooling devices.
• Vent: The unit should start and operate with maximum outdoor air as well as any available heating or cooling
• Auto: No application modes are active.

Energy Hold Off Determination

This module resolves two energy hold off inputs, one hardware mode and one network mode, into a single energy
hold off output. This single output is generated from the two inputs based on the resolution mode setting and the
reliability of the inputs. Energy Hold Off is typically used with Zone Low Limit Determination for applications serving
zones with direct openings outside the building, including loading docks and offices with operable windows. When
the Energy Hold Off is active (that is, window open), all heating and cooling is de-activated. The Zone Low Limit
option should be selected if heat is needed to prevent the zone from cold outdoor air conditions.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Energy Hold Off Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 508: Energy Hold Off Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Energy Hold Off Determination Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 871

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Energy Hold Off Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Energy Hold Off Determination modules.
Table 509: Energy Hold Off Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EHO-STATE (State) G, V Contains the state output generated from the Network Set Name: Normal/Energy
mode and Hardware mode inputs based on the
Hold Off
Resolution Mode setting.
Hardware Mode Specifies whether to allow the unit to operate Normal
normally or in Energy Hold Off.
Set Name: Normal/Energy
Hold Off
Network Mode Specifies whether to allow the unit to operate Normal
normally or in Energy Hold Off.
Set Name: Normal/Energy
Hold Off
Resolution Mode Used when both inputs are connected to determine Either Can Activate
how the two input commands (network and hardware)
Set Name: Resolution Mode
should be resolved into a single output command.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Energy Hold Off Determination)

The state output is generated from the Network mode and Hardware mode inputs based on the Resolution Mode
setting. The following table shows the command hierarchy used to determine whether the State should be Normal
or Energy Hold Off.
Table 510: Energy Hold Off Determination Command Hierarchy
Resolution Mode Network Reliable Network Mode Hardware Hardware Mode State
Network Priority True Normal * * Normal
Energy Hold Off * * Energy Hold Off
False * True Normal Normal
Energy Hold Off Energy Hold Off
False * Normal
Hardware Priority * * True Normal Normal
Energy Hold Off Energy Hold Off
True Normal False * Normal
Energy Hold Off False * Energy Hold Off
False * False * Normal

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 872

Table 510: Energy Hold Off Determination Command Hierarchy
Resolution Mode Network Reliable Network Mode Hardware Hardware Mode State
Either Can Activate True Normal False * Normal
True Normal Normal
Energy Hold Off Energy Hold Off
Energy Hold Off * * Energy Hold Off
False * True Normal Normal
Energy Hold Off Energy Hold Off
False * Normal

Reliability (Energy Hold Off Determination)

Table 511: Energy Hold Off Determination Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Hardware Mode Specifies that when the Hardware Reliability is False the State output matches the Network
Mode if the Network Reliability is True. If both Hardware Reliability and Network Reliability
are False, the output is Normal.
Network Mode Specifies that when the Network Reliability is False the State output matches the Hardware
Mode if the Hardware Reliability is True. If both Hardware Reliability and Network Reliability
are False, the output is Normal.

Fan Alarm Status

This module monitors the airflow status and the fan command. If the fan is commanded on and the airflow status
goes to a fault state, the fan alarm output is set to Alarm. The output remains in the Alarm state until manually reset.
The Fan Alarm module is used by the Unit Ventilator and Heat Pump applications when the user has requested that
the Fan be locked off when a failure has been detected. When a fan failure is detected, the fan is locked off until a
reset is received.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Alarm Status)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 512: Fan Alarm Status Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Applications
Fan Alarm Status Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 873

Attributes (Fan Alarm Status)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Alarm Status modules.
Table 513: Fan Alarm Status Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan Alarm G, V Indicates if a fan alarm has been detected.
Fan Mode Contains the current fan command. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Flow Status Displays the current status from the Air Flow False
Status module.
Set Name: False/True/Fault
Reset Used to clear the Fan Alarm and allow the fan to False

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Alarm Status)

When the Fan Alarm from the command hierarchy is True the module output is latched in an Alarm state until reset
by the reset input.
Table 514: Fan Alarm Status Command Hierarchy
Fan Mode Flow Status Fan Alarm
Off * False
On NOT Fault False
Fault True

Reliability (Fan Alarm Status)

This module uses the input’s last reliable value if the input becomes unreliable.

Fan Determination (Terminal Units)

This module generates the on or off state for the control of a fan within a zone control application. It looks at the
heating, cooling, and damper command values fed back from the output controllers and the occupancy status to
determine whether the fan is required to operate. The heating or cooling command must exceed the fan on threshold
while the damper command must exceed the minimum damper position to turn the fan on. The module can be
configured to operate the fan continuously during occupied and bypass or cycle based on demand.
This module can be used to provide the on command to single speed fans, three speed fans, or proportional fans.
It can also be set up to continue to operate the fan for a period of time following the call for heat by setting the Heating
Purge Duration parameter to a positive value.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 874

Module Use in Applications (Fan Determination [Terminal Units])
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 515: Fan Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Fan Determination Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Determination [Terminal Units])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Determination modules.
Table 516: Fan Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Percent Cmd Contains the value fed back from the cooling output control. It 0.0%
should be set to 0% if no cooling output exists.
Damper Percent Cmd Contains the value fed back from the damper output control and 0.0%
must exceed the minimum oa position value by 2% before the fan
state output is turned on. It should be set to 0% if no damper output
Fan Off Threshold Displays the percent output command required to turn the fan off. 1.0%
This value is compared to the larger of the Cooling Percent Cmd
and Heating Percent Cmd.
Fan On Threshold Contains the percent output command required to turn the fan on. 5.0%
This value is compared to the larger of the Cooling Percent Cmd
and Heating Percent Cmd.
FAN-CYCLE (Fan Cycling) Specifies whether the fan cycles during occupied periods. If the No
parameter is set to Yes, the fan only turns on when there is a call
Set Name: No/Yes
for cooling, heating, or economizer (damper percent cmd).
Otherwise, if set to No, the fan operates during all occupied and
bypass periods.
FAN-STATE (State) G, V Indicates whether the fan is required to operate. Set Name: Off/On
Heating Percent Cmd Contains the value fed back from the heating output control. It 0.0%
should be set to 0% if no heating output exists.
HTG-PURGETIME Specifies that when the heating percent command drops below 120.0 Seconds
(Heating Purge Duration) the fan off threshold value, the fan continues to operate for this
period of time.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 875

Table 516: Fan Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Minimum OA Position Used to prevent the fan from starting unless the Damper Percent 0.0%
Cmd is above its minimum position by 2%.
Occupancy Contains input from the Occupancy Mode Determination module Unoccupied
relaying the effective occupancy mode of the application.
Set Name: Occ

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Determination [Terminal Units])

The state output is set to On if the heating percent command or cooling percent command exceed the fan on
threshold, the damper percent command exceeds the minimum oa position by two percent, or fan cycling is False
and the occupancy is Occupied or Bypass.
The state output is set to Off if the heating percent command is less than the fan off threshold and the heating purge
duration has expired, the cooling percent command is less than the fan off threshold, the damper percent command
drops below the min oa position, and the fan cycling is False and the occupancy is Unoccupied or Standby.

Reliability (Fan Determination [Terminal Units])

This module uses the input’s last reliable value if the input becomes unreliable.

Occupancy Mode Determination

Most standard applications use the Occupancy Mode Determination module which can make use of up to four
different occupancy inputs. These inputs (Occupancy Override, Temporary Occupancy, Occupancy Schedule, and
Occupancy Sensor) from highest to lowest priority are used to determine the effective occupancy used by other
modules throughout the application.
The following example illustrates the common use of the various inputs:
A particular system is responsible for maintaining temperature control of a large conference room. The output of this
module, Effective Occupancy, is used by other modules in determining the effective setpoint. You can use Occupancy
Override to perform manual control of the Occupancy Mode. The building schedule dictates the Occupancy Schedule
input for daily Occupied/Unoccupied operation. The room has an Occupancy Sensor to allow the system to use the
Standby heating and cooling setpoints and lower outdoor air requirements if the room is not being used during
scheduled Occupied hours. Finally, the room has a Temporary Occupancy push-button on the local zone temperature
sensor to allow the occupants to activate Occupied temperature control after normal business hours.
See the Primary States (Occupancy Mode Determination) section for a detailed description of the interaction between
these inputs in determining the effective occupancy.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 876

Module Use in Applications (Occupancy Mode Determination)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names the following table.
Table 517: Occupancy Mode Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Occupancy Mode Determination AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupancy Mode Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by this module.
Table 518: Occupancy Mode Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EFF-OCC (Effective G, V The resultant Occupancy Mode of the control system Set Name: Occ Effective
Occupancy) as determined based on the input values.
OCCMODE-BYPASSTIME V Displays the length of time that the Bypass mode 3600 Seconds
(Bypass Time) remains active, once activated.
Occupancy Override SC Contains the highest priority in controlling the effective Not Set
occupancy output. It typically is controlled by the user
Set Name: Occ Override
directly commanding the input.
Occupancy Schedule SC Contains the third highest priority in controlling the Not Set
effective occupancy output. It typically is controlled
Set Name: Occ Schedule
by a schedule in the supervisory system.
Occupancy Sensor SC Indicates when someone is in the space or whether Not Set
the space should be considered occupied.
Set Name: Occ Sensor
Temporary Occupancy SC Represents a local momentary button that allows Inactive
occupants to indicate their presence.
Set Name: Inactive/Active

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 877

Primary States (Occupancy Mode Determination)
The Effective Occupancy is determined based on four inputs: Occupancy Schedule, Occupancy Sensor, Temporary
Occupancy, and Occupancy Override.
The Occupancy Override has the highest priority in the Decision Table. If the Occupancy Override is Occupied,
Unoccupied, or Standby, the Effective Occupancy is set to that value. The Occupancy Override can also be set to
Bypass or Not Set. When the Occupancy Override is set to Bypass, it does not directly set the Effective Occupancy,
but may trigger the Bypass Timer as described as follows.
The Bypass Timer has the second highest priority in the Decision Table, but is allowed to operate only if the Occupancy
Schedule is not equal to Occupied (that is, it is equal to Standby, Unoccupied, or Not Set). The Bypass Timer is
reset if the Occupancy Schedule becomes equal to Occupied and is prevented from restarting as long as the
Occupancy Schedule remains equal to Occupied. The Bypass Timer also is reset if the Occupancy Override is set
to a value other than Bypass or Not Set.
When the Occupancy Schedule is not equal to Occupied, if either the Occupancy Override is Bypass or if the
Occupancy Override is Not Set and the Temporary Occupancy input is Active, the Bypass Timer is started for the
Bypass Time. When active, the timer restarts when the Occupancy Override is Not Set and the Temporary Occupancy
input changes from Inactive to Active or when the Occupancy Override changes from Not Set to Bypass. The Bypass
Timer is allowed to continue timing if the Occupancy Override is set to Not Set.
The Bypass Time is user configurable. If the Bypass Timer is active and the Bypass Time is changed, the Bypass
Timer is restarted for the new Bypass Time.
The Occupancy Schedule has the third highest priority in the Decision Table. If the Occupancy Schedule is Unoccupied
or Standby, then the Effective Occupancy is set to that value. If the Occupancy Schedule is Occupied but the
Occupancy Sensor indicates no one is present (that is, value is Unoccupied), then the Effective Occupancy is set
to Standby to conserve energy. Otherwise, the Effective Occupancy is set to Occupied.
The Occupancy Sensor has the lowest priority in the Decision Table. If the Occupancy Schedule is Not Set, the
Occupancy Sensor directly sets the Effective Occupancy. Finally, if all of the inputs are Not Set and the Bypass
Timer is False, then the effective Occupancy Mode is set to the Default Occupancy property (initially equal to
Table 519: Occupancy Mode Determination Decision Command Hierarchy
Occupancy Override Temp Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Sensor Effective Occupancy
(Supervisory (Bypass Timer) (Hardware Sensor) (Effective
Override Command) (Supervisory Occupancy Result)
Occupied * * * Occupied
Unoccupied * * * Unoccupied
Standby * * * Standby

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 878

Table 519: Occupancy Mode Determination Decision Command Hierarchy
Occupancy Override Temp Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Sensor Effective Occupancy
(Supervisory (Bypass Timer) (Hardware Sensor) (Effective
Override Command) (Supervisory Occupancy Result)
1 True 2 * 2
Bypass or Not Set Occupied Occupied
3 * Bypass
NOT Occupied
False Occupied Occupied Occupied
1 Occupied
Not Set
Unoccupied Standby
Unoccupied * Unoccupied
Standby * Standby
1 Occupied Occupied
Not Set
Unoccupied Unoccupied
1 4
Not Set Default Occupancy

1 Input is set to be Not Set by default when no value has been written to it following a reset. This would typically mean that the
input does not have any value assigned and it is represented by this value Not Set.
2 When the Occupancy Schedule is set to Occupied, the Bypass Timer is reset. For that reason, this row in the table is never
active (the output of the Bypass Timer is reset to False before this table is evaluated following the Occupancy Schedule
transition to Occupied). It is shown to avoid the potential confusion that could be caused if one of the combinations of the
inputs was not handled in the Decision Table logic.
3 This entry indicates that this row is selected when the input is Unoccupied, Standby, or Not Set.
4 Default Occupancy is initially set to Occupied but the user can change the value.

Reliability (Occupancy Mode Determination)

This module uses the input’s last reliable value if the input becomes unreliable.

Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ)

This module extends the base Occupancy Mode Determination module with support for a Temporary Occupancy
input for up to eight zones (with the zone number designated here by X, representing zones 1-8). You can view and
modify this module; however, you cannot change the key behavior performed by the Occupancy Mode Determination

Module Use in Applications (Occupancy Mode Determination [MZ])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 520: Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ) AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 879

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Occupancy Mode Determination [MZ])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ) modules:
Table 521: Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EFF-OCC (Effective G, V Displays the resultant Occupancy Mode based on the Set Name: Occ Effective
Occupancy) input values.
OCCMODE-BYPASSTIME Displays the length of time that the Bypass mode 3600 Seconds
(Bypass Time) remains active once activated.
Occupancy Override Contains the highest priority in controlling the effective Not Set
occupancy output. It typically is controlled by the user
Set Name: Occ Override
directly commanding the input.
Occupancy Schedule Contains the third highest priority in controlling the Not Set
effective occupancy output. The occupancy schedule
Set Name: Occ Schedule
typically is controlled by a schedule in the supervisory
Occupancy Sensor Indicates when someone is in the space or whether the Not Set
space should be considered occupied.
Set Name: Occ Sensor
Zone X Temp Occ Allows monitoring of up to eight zones’ local momentary Inactive
buttons using the Zone X Temp Occ inputs (X is 1-8)
Set Name: Inactive/Active
to allow occupants to indicate their presence.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Occupancy Mode Determination [MZ])

The module behaves in the same manner as the base Occupancy Mode Determination module. The eight Zone X
Temp Occ inputs are assumed to be momentary(only active for a few seconds at a time and up to a minute for
remote sensors). If an input remains active for long periods of time, the module may not be able to detect other
zones requesting temporary occupancy.

Reliability (Occupancy Mode Determination [MZ])

Table 522: Occupancy Mode Determination (MZ) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Zone X Temp Occ Input returned to its default value (Inactive)

System Mode Determination

Terminal Unit applications have a System Mode input that allows you to force the unit into a mode of operation. The
possible modes are Cool Only, Heat Only, Fan Only, Water Flush, Purge, and Auto. This module splits out the Water
Flush mode to a separate output to allow it to be separately connected to State Selection.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 880

You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (System Mode Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 523: System Mode Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
System Mode Determination Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (System Mode Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the System Mode Determination modules:
Table 524: System Mode Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Eff Mode G, V Indicates the effective System mode after Set Name: Effective System Mode
splitting off the Water Flush output.
System Mode Indicates the current System Mode. Auto
Set Name: System Mode
Water Flush V Indicates whether Water Flush is requested. Boolean

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (System Mode Determination)

• Cool Only: The unit may operate but cannot use heating devices.
• Heat Only: The unit may operate but cannot use cooling devices.
• Fan Only: The unit may operate but cannot use heating or cooling devices.
• Purge: The unit should start and operate with maximum outdoor air but no heating or cooling devices.
• Auto: There are no system mode overrides.

Unit Enable Determination

This module generates a unit enable command. This command is generated from a combination of a network and
hardware mode and the parameters for controlling the power fail restart.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 881

Module Use in Applications (Unit Enable Determination)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 525: Unit Enable Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Unit Enable Determination All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unit Enable Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Unit Enable Determination modules.
Table 526: Unit Enable Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Hardware Mode Specifies whether to allow the unit to operate Enable
normally or to shutdown.
Set Name: Shutdown/Enable
Network Mode Specifies whether to allow the unit to operate Enable
normally or to shutdown.
Set Name: Shutdown/Enable
PFRESTART-EN (Power Fail Specifies that, when this value is set to true, a timer False
Restart Enable) holds the output at shutdown until the Power Fail
Restart Time elapses.
PFRESTART-TIME (Power Specifies that, when the power fail restart logic is 60.0 Seconds
Fail Restart Time) enabled, the start is delayed by the time specified in
this value.
Resolution Mode Used when both inputs are connected to determine Either Can Shutdown
how the two input commands (network and hardware)
Set Name: Resolution Mode2
should be resolved into a single output command.
UNITEN-STATE (State) G, V Displays the current desired state for the unit. Set Name: Shutdown/Enable

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Unit Enable Determination)

The State output is generated from the Network Mode and Hardware Mode inputs based on the Resolution Mode
setting and the Power Fail Restart Timer. The following table shows the command hierarchy used to determine
whether the State output should be Enable or Shutdown.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 882

If the Timer input is False, the State output is Shutdown. The Timer input is False until the Power Fail Restart Time
When both Hardware and Network Mode inputs are Unreliable, the State output remains in the Enable state. When
one of the two inputs is Reliable, its mode determines the state. When both inputs are Reliable, the Resolution Mode
determines which has priority.
The State output matches the state of the mode having priority. For example, when Hardware Mode is Reliable and
the Resolution Mode is Hardware Priority, the State output is set to Enable when Hardware Mode is Enable and
Shutdown when Hardware Mode is Shutdown.
Table 527: Unit Enable Determination Command Hierarchy
Timer Resolution Network Mode Network Hardware Hardware State
Mode Reliable Mode Reliable
False * * * * * Shutdown
True * * False * False Enable
Network Priority Enable True * * Enable
Shutdown True * * Shutdown
* False Enable True Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown
Hardware Priority * * Enable True Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown
Enable True * False Enable
Shutdown True * False Shutdown
Either Can Enable True * False Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown
Enable True Enable
Shutdown True * * Shutdown
* False Enable True Enable
Shutdown True Shutdown

Reliability (Unit Enable Determination)

Table 528: Unit Enable Determination Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Hardware Mode Specifies that when Hardware Reliability is False, the State output matches the Network
Mode if Network Reliability is True. If both Hardware Reliability and Network Reliability are
False, the output is Enable.
Network Mode Specifies that when Network Reliability is False, the State output matches the Hardware
Mode if Hardware Reliability is True. If both Hardware Reliability and Network Reliability are
False, the output is Enable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 883

Zone Low Limit Determination
This module specifies whether a low limit condition exits. This condition is determined based on the zone temperature,
the low limit setpoint, and the low limit differential. When the zone temperature drops below the low limit setpoint,
the module outputs a low limit state. When the zone temperature is unreliable, the last reliable value is used in the
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Zone Low Limit Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 529: Zone Low Limit Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Zone Low Limit Determination Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Zone Low Limit Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Zone Low Limit Determination modules.
Table 530: Zone Low Limit Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
ZNLL-DIFF (Low Limit Diff) Specifies that once a low limit state is reached, the 2.0 Deg C, 4.0 Deg F
zone temperature must increase by this value above
the setpoint to return to a normal state.
ZNLL-SP (Low Limit Contains the value the zone temperature must go 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
Setpoint) below for it to output a low limit state.
ZNLL-STATE (State) G, V Indicates whether a low limit condition exists within Set Name: Normal/Low Limit
the zone.
Zone Temperature Displays the current temperature of the zone used 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to determine if a low limit condition exists.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Zone Low Limit Determination)

The state output is Low Limit when the zone temperature drops below the low limit setpoint. It remains in the Low
Limit state until the zone temperature increases above the low limit setpoint plus the differential. It then switches to
the Normal state.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 884

Reliability (Zone Low Limit Determination)
This module uses the input’s last reliable value if the input becomes unreliable.

The Timing group provides a unit (one time step) delay for a data signal. The Timing group contains the Last Value
(Boolean, Enum, Float) modules.

Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float)

This section describes the Last Value modules of the State Generation type. For information on the Last Value
modules of the Output Control or Setpoint Determination/Misc type, see Timing in the Output Control Modules section
or see Timing in the Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules section.
The Last Value module holds the value that its input had at the end of the previous execution of the control logic for
use by the current execution. Use this module when you want to compare the current value of a variable with the
value from the last execution. If this module does not operate continuously (that is, is placed in the state section of
a hybrid activity), it starts at its Default Value when re-enabled. One additional constraint is that connections from
Hybrid Activity Inputs are not allowed to be made directly to the Input of Last Value module in one of its State Sections.
You cannot directly connect an Input to a Last Value block within the State section of a Hybrid Activity. You cannot
view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Last Value)

The application System Selection trees use the individual State Generation Last Value modules in this group using
the names in Table 531.
Table 531: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Pump Startup Required LV Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
SL Interlock LV Sideloop Applications
CW Pump Count LV Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Last Value)

Table 532 describes the attributes used by the State Generation Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) modules.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 885

Table 532: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input Passes the Default Value to the Present Value on the False
first execution after startup or enable. Otherwise the
1st Enum
Current Value of the Input is passed to the Present
Value. 0.0
Present Value G, V Displays the output of this module.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Last Value)

(State Generation Last Value)
For the first execution, the Reliability of the Present Value is Reliable. For subsequent executions, the Reliability of
the Present Value reflects the reliability of the Input.

Unoccupied Sequencing
The Unoccupied Sequencing subgroup of modules determines the action of a unit when the zone temperature drops
below the Unoccupied Heating Setpoint or rises above the Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint. The general sequence of
operation is to cycle the unit and its heating or cooling devices on and off during unoccupied to keep the controlled
temperature within the Unoccupied Heating and Cooling Setpoints. When the temperature goes outside the limits
set by the Unoccupied Setpoints, the unit is typically started and the appropriate device (heating or cooling) operates
at its limited max value. When the temperature returns within the limits, the unit continues to operate for a period of
time and then turns off.
In some cases, the heating device is opened if the outdoor air temperature is low during the unoccupied mode.

Unoccupied Sequencing (Common) v100

This module generates an Unocc Status. When not in Unoccupied, the Unocc Status is Unocc Cntrl Not Req’dwhich
allows other sequencers to control the devices. When unoccupied, the zone temperature is monitored to determine
when the temperature exceeds the band specified by the two unoccupied temperature setpoints. When this occurs,
the Unocc Status is set to the appropriate heating or cooling state. The module remains in this state until the
appropriate setpoint has been satisfied for the Satisfied Timer Duration. After that period of time the status is set to
When unoccupied, if the temperature is unreliable, the Unocc Status is set to Temperature Unreliable.

Module Use in Applications (Unoccupied Sequencing [Common] v100)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 533: Unoccupied Sequencing (Common) v100 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
COM-Unocc Status Determination v100 Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 886

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unoccupied Sequencing [Common] v100)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Unoccupied Sequencing modules.
Table 534: Unoccupied Sequencing (Common) v100 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Differential Amount Zone Temperature must 2.0 Deg F
exceed Unoccupied Setpoint to stop
unoccupied control.
Occupancy Displays the occupancy as Occupied
determined by Occupancy Mode
Set Name: Occ Effective
Off During Occupied Selects the occupancy scheme. False
State V Shows the current state of the Set Name: COM Unocc Status State
hybrid activity.
Unocc Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired unoccupied 28.0 Deg C, 82.0 Deg F
cooling temperature setpoint.
Unocc Heating Setpoint Displays the desired unoccupied 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
heating temperature setpoint.
UNOCC-SATTIME (Satisfied Timer Contains the time that the Zone 30 Seconds
Duration) Temperature must be within the
limits before switching to Satisfied.
UNOCC-STATE (Unocc Status) V, G Contains the current unoccupied Set Name: Unocc Status
WarmupCooldown Indicates the current OST status.
Zone Control Determines if zone control is used True
for unoccupied determination.
Zone Temperature Displays the current Zone 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Unoccupied Sequencing [Common] v100)

• Unocc Cooling: The unit operates in a cooling mode. Typically the cooling device operates at its limited max
position until the temperature drops below the unoccupied cooling setpoint for a period of time. The system then
transitions to Satisfied. (Because Heat Pumps are staged devices, the cooling device operates in the control
• Unocc Heating: The unit operates in a heating mode. Typically the heating device operates at its limited max
position until the temperature rises above the unoccupied heating setpoint for a period of time. The system then
transitions to Satisfied. (Because Heat Pumps are staged devices, the heating device operates in the control
• Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d: The unit is not in an unoccupied mode or warmup or cooldown are active.
Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 887
• Satisfied: The temperature has returned within the limits defined by the unoccupied temperature setpoints.
• Temperature Unreliable: The monitored temperature is unreliable.

Reliability (Unoccupied Sequencing [Common] v100)

Table 535: Unoccupied Sequencing (Common) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Zone Temperature State and Unocc Status go to Temperature Unreliable.

Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU) v100

This module generates an Unoccupied Status for AHUs that perform DA-T Control (both constant DA-T and single
zone Cascaded DA-T). When not Unoccupied, the Status is Unocc Cntrl Not Req'd.
When unoccupied, the zone temperature is monitored to determine when the temperature exceeds the band specified
by the two unoccupied temperature setpoints. When this occurs, the Unoccupied status is set appropriately (Unocc
Cooling or Unocc Heating) until the zone temperature is satisfied for the length of time specified by the satisfied
timer duration. After that period of time, the status is set to Satisfied.
If the temperature is unreliable when unoccupied, the Unoccupied Status is set to Unreliable. When commanded to
Vent, the unit runs with maximum outdoor air. When units that serve multiple zones (that is, Cascaded Zone Control
= False) are commanded to Warmup or Cooldown, the units run continuously to provide warm or cool air. In both
cases, the sequencer switches to Not Unoccupied to allow the main AHU sequencer to control the heating and
cooling devices.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Unoccupied Sequencing [AHU] v100)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 536: Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU) v100 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
DA-T Unocc Status Determination v100 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unoccupied Sequencing [AHU] v100)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU) v100 modules:

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 888

Table 537: Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU) v100 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Application Mode Indicates the current Application Auto
Set Name: AHU Effective
App Mode
Cascaded Zone Control Indicates whether the module is True
used to control a single zone using
cascaded DA-T reset based on
zone or return air is considered
zone control. For AHU applications
with constant discharge temperature
control (or reset by OA-T), this value
should be false.
UNOCC-DIFF (Differential) Amount Zone Temperature must 2.0 Deg F
exceed Unoccupied Setpoint to stop
unoccupied control.
Occupancy Indicates the current Occupancy Occupied
mode as determined by Occupancy
Set Name: Occ Effective
Mode Determination.
Off During Unoccupied Selects the unoccupancy scheme. False
State V Indicates the current state of the Set Name: COM Unocc
hybrid activity.
Status State
Unocc Cooling Setpoint Indicates the desired unoccupied 28.0 Deg C, 82.0 Deg F
cooling temperature setpoint.
Unocc Heating Setpoint Indicates the desired unoccupied 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
heating temperature setpoint.
UNOCC-SATTIME (Satisfied Timer Indicates the time that the Zone 30 Seconds
Duration) Temperature must be within the
limits before switching to Satisfied.
UNOCC-STATE (Unocc Status) G, V Indicates the current Unoccupied Set Name: Unocc Status
WarmupCooldown Indicates the current OST status. Normal
Set Name: OST Warmup
Zone Temperature Indicates the current Zone 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 889

Primary States (Unoccupied Sequencing [AHU] v100)
The module is implemented using a Hybrid Activity with possible states of Not Unoccupied, Unocc Htg/Clg Check,
and Unoccupied Off. When the State is Not Unoccupied, the Unocc Status is set to Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d and when
the State is Unoccupied Off, the State is set to Satisfied. When the State is Unocc Htg/Clg Check, the Zone
Temperature input is monitored to determine whether unoccupied operation is required.
• Unocc Cooling: Unoccupied sequencing is active and the zone requires cooling.
• Unocc Heating: Unoccupied sequencing is active and the zone requires heating.
• Unocc Cntrl Not Req'd: Unit does not require unoccupied sequencing.
• Satisfied: Unoccupied sequencing is active but zones are all satisfied.
• Temperature Unreliable: Unoccupied sequencing is active but the zone temperature is not reliable.
Table 538: Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU) v100 Command Hierarchy
Occupancy Application Temp Reliable Off During Zone Control Warmup State
Mode Unocc Cooldown
NOT * * * * * Not Unoccupied
Unoccupied Vent * * * * Not Unoccupied
NOT (Vent) * * FALSE Warmup Not Unoccupied
Cooldown Not Unoccupied
TRUE * Normal Unoccupied Off
Coast Unocc Htg/Clg
TRUE FALSE * Normal Unocc Htg/Clg
Coast Unocc Htg/Clg
FALSE FALSE * Normal Temperature
Coast Temperature
TRUE * TRUE Warmup Unocc Htg/Clg
Cooldown Unocc Htg/Clg
FALSE * TRUE Warmup Temperature
Cooldown Temperature

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 890

Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air ZN-T)
This module generates an Unocc Status for the AHU zone temperature control applications. When not in Unoccupied,
the Unocc Status is Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d which allows other sequencers to control the devices. When unoccupied,
the zone temperature is monitored to determine when the temperature exceeds the band specified by the two
unoccupied temperature setpoints. When this occurs, the Unocc Status is set to the appropriate heating or cooling
state. The module remains in this state until the appropriate setpoint has been satisfied for the Satisfied Timer
Duration. After that period of time the status is set to Satisfied.
When unoccupied, if the temperature is unreliable, the Unocc Status is set to Temperature Unreliable.

Module Use in Applications (Unoccupied Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air ZN-T])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 539: Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air ZN-T) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Zone Unoccupied Sequencing AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unoccupied Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air ZN-T])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Zone Unoccupied Sequencing modules.
Table 540: Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air ZN-T) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired unoccupied cooling temperature 28.0 Deg C, 82.0 Deg F
Damper Control Status Indicates to this module that it can affect the damper Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Detailed State V Contains the detailed unocc state giving devices Set Name: AHU Zone Unocc
requested. Detailed
Fan Ready Indicates when the Start Stop sequencer has finished False
its delay for the fans to start. This wait time allows
time for the fans to start and the temperatures to
stabilize before starting control.
Free Cooling Available Indicates when the economizer is available. False
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired unoccupied heating temperature 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
Occupancy Contains the current Occupancy mode as determined Occupied
by the Occupancy Mode Determination.
Set Name: Occ Effective

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 891

Table 540: Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air ZN-T) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Off During Unoccupied Selects the unoccupied scheme. True provides Off False
during Unoccupied and only enters unocc htg/clg
states when WarmupCooldown is Warmup or
Preheat Control Status Indicates to this module that it can affect the preheat Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
State V Contains the current state of the hybrid activity. Set Name: Unoccupied Status
UNOCC-SATTIME Contains the time that the Zone Temperature must 30 Seconds
(Satisfied Timer Duration) be within the limits before switching to Satisfied.
UNOCC-STATE (Unocc V, G Displays the current unoccupied status. Set Name: AHU Zone Unocc
Status) Status
WarmupCooldown Displays the current WarmupCooldown State. Normal
Set Name: OST Warmup
Zone Temperature Displays the current Zone Temperature. 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Unoccupied Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air ZN-T])

• Satisfied: The temperature has returned within the limits defined by the unoccupied temperature setpoints.
• Econ: The unit operates in a cooling mode with the economizer damper fully open until the temperature drops
below the unoccupied cooling setpoint. If the temperature remains above the unoccupied cooling setpoint for a
period of time, the system transitions to Econ+Mech.
• Mech: The unit operates in a cooling mode with the economizer damper fully closed. Typically the cooling device
operates at its limited max position until the temperature drops below the unoccupied cooling setpoint for a period
of time. The system then transitions to Satisfied. If the Free Cooling Available input becomes True, the system
transitions to Econ+Mech.
• Econ+Mech: The unit operates in a cooling mode with the economizer damper fully open. Typically the cooling
device operates at its limited max position until the temperature drops below the unoccupied cooling setpoint for
a period of time. The system then transitions to Satisfied. If the Free Cooling Available input becomes False, the
system transitions to Mech.
• Preheat: The unit operates in a heating mode. Typically the preheat device operates at its limited max position
until the temperature rises above the unoccupied heating setpoint for a period of time. The system then transitions
to Satisfied. If the temperature remains below the unoccupied heating setpoint for a period of time the system
transitions to Preheat+Reheat.
• Preheat+Reheat: The unit operates in a heating mode. Typically the preheat and reheat devices operates at
their limited max positions until the temperature rises above the unoccupied heating setpoint for a period of time.
The system then transitions to Satisfied.
• Idle: This state is active when the supply fan is starting and the temperature is greater than the unoccupied
cooling setpoint. Once the Fan Ready input goes true, one of the cooling states become active.
• Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d: The unit is not in an unoccupied mode or warmup or cooldown are active.
• Temperature Unreliable: The monitored temperature is unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 892

Reliability (Unoccupied Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air ZN-T])
Table 541: Unoccupied Sequencing (AHU Mixed Air ZN-T) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Zone Temperature State and Unocc Status go to Temperature Unreliable.

Unoccupied Sequencing (MZ) v100

This module is used as part of a Multizone AHU that provides air to up to eight zones. The unit may cycle during
unoccupied based on the minimum or maximum zone temperature. When the temperatures exceed the band specified
by the two unoccupied temperature setpoints, the Unocc status is set appropriately (Unocc Cooling, Unocc Heating,
or Unocc Htg Clg) until all zone temperatures are satisfied for the length of time specified by the Satisfied Timer
If some zones are calling for heating while others are calling for cooling, then the unit runs without any device
restrictions. Zones that are unreliable are ignored (input element Failsoft = True and the Default Value is between
unoccupied setpoints).
The Warmup or Cooldown command allows this type of unit to run continuously to provide warm or cool air. Similarly,
the Vent command allows the unit to run with maximum outdoor air. In both cases, the sequencer switches to Not
Unoccupied to allow the main AHU sequencer to control the heating and cooling devices.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Unoccupied Sequencing [MZ] v100)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 542: Unoccupied Sequencing (MZ) v100 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
MZ-Unocc Status Determination v100 AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unoccupied Sequencing [MZ] v100)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Unoccupied Sequencing (MZ) v100 modules:
Table 543: Unoccupied Sequencing (MZ) v100 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Application Mode Displays the current Application Auto
Set Name: AHU Effective App Mode
Differential Amount Zone Temperature must 2.0 Deg F
exceed Unoccupied Setpoint to stop
unoccupied control.
Occupancy Displays the current Occupancy Occupied
Set Name: Occ Effective

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 893

Table 543: Unoccupied Sequencing (MZ) v100 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Off During Unoccupied Selects the unoccupancy scheme. False
State V Displays the current state of the Set Name: MZ Unocc Status State
Hybrid Activity.
Unocc Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired unoccupied 28 Deg C, 82 Deg F
cooling temperature setpoint.
Unocc Heating Setpoint Displays the desired unoccupied 16 Deg C, 61 Deg F
heating temperature setpoint.
UNOCC-SATTIME (Satisfied Timer Displays the time that the Zone 30 Seconds
Duration) Temperature must be within the
limits before switching to Satisfied.
UNOCC-STATE (Unocc Status) G, V Displays the current Unoccupied Set Name: MZ Unocc Status
WarmupCooldown Displays the current OST status. Normal
Set Name: OST Warmup Cooldown
Zone X Temperature Displays the current temperature of 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
Zone X (where X is1-8).

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Unoccupied Sequencing [MZ] v100)

This module is implemented using a Hybrid Activity with possible states of Not Unoccupied, Unocc Htg/Clg Check,
and Unoccupied Off. When the State is Not Unoccupied, the Unocc Status is set to Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d. When
the State is Unoccupied Off, the State is set to Satisfied. When the State is Unocc Htg/Clg Check, the Zone
Temperature inputs are monitored to determine whether unoccupied operation is required.
• Unocc Cntrl Not Req'd: Unit does not require unoccupied sequencing.
• Satisfied: Unoccupied sequencing is active, but zones are all satisfied.
• Unocc Htg Clg: Unoccupied sequencing is active and zones require a mix of heating and cooling.
• Unocc Heating: Unoccupied sequencing is active and zones require heating (only).
• Unocc Cooling: Unoccupied sequencing is active and zones require cooling (only).
Table 544: Zone Damper Command Hierarchy
Occupancy Application Mode WarmupCooldown Off During Unocc State
NOT (Unoccupied) * * * Not Unoccupied
Unoccupied Vent * * Not Unoccupied
NOT (Vent) Warmup * Not Unoccupied
Cooldown * Not Unoccupied
Normal FALSE Unocc Htg/Clg Check
Coast FALSE Unocc Htg/Clg Check
Normal TRUE Unoccupied Off
Coast TRUE Unoccupied Off

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 894

Reliability (Unoccupied Sequencing [MZ] v100)
Table 545: Unoccupied Sequencing (MZ) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Zone X Temperature Input returned to its default value (22 Deg C, 72 Deg F)

Unoccupied Sequencing (UV) v100

This module generates an Unocc Status for Unit Ventilators. When not in Unoccupied, the Unocc Status is Unocc
Cntrl Not Req’d which allows other sequencers to control the devices. When unoccupied, the zone temperature is
monitored to determine when the temperature exceeds the band specified by the two unoccupied temperature
setpoints. When this occurs, the Unocc Status is set to the appropriate heating or cooling state. The module remains
in this state until the appropriate setpoint has been satisfied for the Satisfied Timer Duration. After that period of time
the status is set to Satisfied.
When unoccupied, if the temperature is unreliable, the Unoccupied Status is set to Temperature Unreliable.
If the user selects the Monitor OA During Unoccupiedoption, the outdoor air temperature also is monitored and if
the OA-T is below the Low OA Temperature Setpoint, the heating valve is opened to a user-defined position. This
operation does not take precedence over unocc heating, unocc cooling, warmup, or cooldown operation.

Module Use in Applications (Unoccupied Sequencing [UV] v100)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 546: Unoccupied Sequencing (UV) v100 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV-Unocc Status Determination v100 Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unoccupied Sequencing [UV] v100)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Unoccupied Sequencing (UV) v100 module.
Table 547: Unoccupied Sequencing (UV) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Differential Amount Zone Temperature must
exceed Unoccupied Setpoint to stop
unoccupied control.
Low OA Temperature Diff Contains the differential for the Low 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
OA Temperature mode. Once the
unocc status has been set to Low
OAT, the outdoor air temperature
must rise above the Low OA
Temperature Setpoint by this
amount to switch out of this mode.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 895

Table 547: Unoccupied Sequencing (UV) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Monitor OA During Unoccupied Set to True if operation of the False
heating valve is required when
outdoor air temperature is cold
during unoccupied.
OALL-SP (Low OA Temperature Specifies that when the outdoor air 0.0 Deg C, 32.0 Deg F
Setpoint) temperature drops below this, and
monitor OA during unoccupied is
true, the Unocc Status is set to LOW
Occupancy Contains the current Occupancy Occupied
mode as determined by Occupancy
Set Name: Occ Effective
Mode Determination.
Off During Unoccupied Sets the unoccupancy scheme. False
Outdoor Air Temperature Used to decide if the heating valve 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
should be opened based on low
outdoor air temperature.
Satisfied Timer Duration Displays the length of time that the 30 Seconds
Zone Temperature must be within
the limits before switching to
State V Displays the current state of the Set Name: COM Unocc Status State
hybrid activity.
Unocc Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired unoccupied 28.0 Deg C, 82.0 Deg F
cooling temperature setpoint.
Unocc Heating Setpoint Displays the desired unoccupied 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
heating temperature setpoint.
Unocc Status V, G Contains the current unoccupied Set Name: UV Unocc Status
WarmupCooldown Displays the current Normal
WarmupCooldown State.
Set Name: OST Warmup Cooldown
Zone Temperature Displays the current Zone 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Unoccupied Sequencing [UV] v100)

• Unocc Cooling: The unit operates in a cooling mode. Typically the cooling device operates at its limited max
position with the outdoor air damper closed until the temperature drops below the unoccupied cooling setpoint
for a period of time. The system then transitions to Satisfied.
• Unocc Heating: The unit operates in a heating mode. Typically the heating device operates at its limited max
position with the outdoor air damper closed until the temperature rises above the unoccupied heating setpoint
for a period of time. The system then transitions to Satisfied.
• Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d: The unit is in this mode if it is not in an unoccupied mode or warmup or cooldown are
• Satisfied: The temperature has returned within the limits defined by the unoccupied temperature setpoints.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 896

• Temperature Unreliable: The monitored temperature is unreliable.
• Low OA-T: The system enters this mode if Monitor OA During Unoccupied is TRUE, the outdoor air temperature
is reliable and below the Low OA Temperature Setpoint and the zone temperature is within the band specified
by the two unoccupied temperature setpoints. If the zone temperature drops below the unoccupied heating
setpoint and cooldown mode is not active, the system transitions to Unocc Heating. If the zone temperature rises
above the unoccupied cooling setpoint and warmup mode is not active, the system transitions to Unocc Cooling.

Reliability (Unoccupied Sequencing [UV] v100)

Table 548: Unoccupied Sequencing (UV) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Zone Temperature State and Unocc Status go to Temperature Unreliable.

Unoccupied Sequencing (VAV)

This module generates an Unocc Status for the VAV applications. When not in Unoccupied, the Unocc Status is
Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d which allows other sequencers to control the devices. When unoccupied and Warmup or
Cooldown are active, the Unocc Status is Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d. When unoccupied and Warmup and Cooldown
are not active, the zone temperature is monitored to determine when the temperature exceeds the band specified
by the two unoccupied temperature setpoints. When this occurs, the Unocc Status is set to the appropriate heating
or cooling state. The module remains in this state until the appropriate setpoint has been satisfied for the Satisfied
Timer Duration. After that period of time the status is set to Satisfied.
When unoccupied, if the temperature is unreliable, the Unoccupied Status is set to Temperature Unreliable.

Module Use in Applications (Unoccupied Sequencing [VAV])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 549: Unoccupied Sequencing (VAV) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
VAV Unocc Status Determination VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Unoccupied Sequencing [VAV])

The following table describes the attributes used by the VAV Unocc Status Determination modules.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 897

Table 550: Unoccupied Sequencing (VAV) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Box Heating Control Status Used to indicate to this module that it can affect Overridden
the box heating output.
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired unoccupied cooling 28.0 Deg C, 82.0 Deg F
temperature setpoint.
Detailed State V Contains the detailed unocc state giving devices Set Name: VAV Unocc Detailed
Heating Priority Indicates which heating to use first when both Supplemental
box and supplemental heating exist.
Set Name: VAV Heating Priority
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired unoccupied heating 16.0 Deg C, 61.0 Deg F
temperature setpoint.
Occupancy Contains the current Occupancy mode as Occupied
determined by Occupancy Mode Determination.
Set Name: Occ Effective
State V Displays the current state of the hybrid activity. Set Name: Unoccupied Status
Supp Heating Control Used to indicate to this module that it can affect Overridden
Status the supplemental heating output.
Set Name: Control Status
UNOCC-SATTIME (Satisfied Displays the time that the Zone Temperature must 30 Seconds
Timer Duration) be within the limits before switching to Satisfied.
UNOCC-STATE (Unocc V, G Contains the current unoccupied status. Set Name: VAV Unocc Status
WarmupCooldown Displays the current WarmupCooldown State. Normal
Set Name: OST Warmup Cooldown
Zone Temperature Displays the current Zone Temperature. 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Unoccupied Sequencing [VAV])

• Satisfied: The temperature has returned within the limits defined by the unoccupied temperature setpoints.
• Prmy Clg: The unit operates in a cooling mode with the VAV flow setpoint set to Cooling Max Flow. When the
temperature drops below the unoccupied cooling setpoint for a period of time, the system transitions to Satisfied.
• Supp Htg: The unit operates in a heating mode with the supplemental heating device at limited max. When the
temperature rises above the unoccupied heating setpoint for a period of time, the system transitions to Satisfied.
If the temperature remains below the unoccupied heating setpoint and box heating is available, the system
transitions to Box Htg + Supp Htg.
• Box Htg: The unit operates in a heating mode with the box heating device at limited max. When the temperature
rises above the unoccupied heating setpoint for a period of time, the system transitions to Satisfied. If the
temperature remains below the unoccupied heating setpoint and supplemental heating is available, the system
transitions to Box Htg + Supp Htg.
• Box Htg + Supp Htg: The unit operates in a heating mode. Typically the heating device operates at its limited
max position until the temperature rises above the unoccupied heating setpoint for a period of time. The system
then transitions to Satisfied.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 898

• Temperature Unreliable: The monitored temperature is unreliable.
• Unocc Cntrl Not Req’d: The unit is not in an unoccupied mode or warmup or cooldown are active.

Reliability (Unoccupied Sequencing [VAV])

Table 551: Unoccupied Sequencing (VAV) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Zone Temperature State and Unocc Status go to Temperature Unreliable.

VAV Specific Sequencing

The VAV Specific Sequencing modules provide features specific to the requirements of VAV applications.

Autocalibration Sequence v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Autocalibration Sequence v50 module replaces the Autocalibration Sequence
The Autocalibration Sequence module controls the timing for automatically calibrating (that is, recalculating the zero
offset) of the velocity pressure sensors. The sequence for calibration involves commanding the dampers to close,
waiting sufficient time for the dampers to close, signalling the calibration process itself, and then returning the
application to normal control. It is used in standard VAV control applications.
The calibration sequence is enabled to occur automatically if the input Days between Autocals is greater than
zero. If that is the case, the first autocalibration is initiated automatically after controller download, startup, power
enable, and so on. The delay before this first autocalibration is equal to five times the FCB MAC address of the
controller so that not all VAV applications on a given network trunk calibrate at the same time.
If automatic calibration is enabled, an autocalibration sequence occurs periodically based on the Days between
Autocals input. The timer used to determine the next automatic calibration is restarted whenever a calibration
sequence completes.
The calibration sequence can also be manually initiated on a rising edge (False to True transition) of the Autocalibration
Request input (connected by default from the AUTOCAL-C network input. The module resets the PIDs to default
tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Autocalibration Sequence)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 552: Autocalibration Sequence Use in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Autocalibration Sequence All VAV Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 899

Attributes (Autocalibration Sequence)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Autocalibration Sequence modules.
Table 553: Autocalibration Sequence Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Autocalibrate Now V Specifies that when this value is true, this attribute signals the
Flow Calculation modules to calculate a new zero offset.
Autocalibration Request This input is typically connected from the AUTOCAL-C network False
input (via the Balancer Override modules) to allow a user to
manually trigger autocalibration.
AUTOCAL-STATE G, V Current operational state of the module.
(Autocalibration Status)
Damper Percent Cmd Current position of the primary damper. This input is used to 0.0
verify whether the damper is responding to this module.
Days between Autocals Specifies the period between autocalibrations. If set to zero, 14 days (no Exhaust
then periodic autocalibration is not performed. It is set to zero Box)
for VAV applications with an exhaust box to prevent disturbing
0 days (with Exhaust
the flow differential controls.
Eff Stroke Time 1 Specifies the effective stroke time of one of the dampers 120 Seconds
controlled by the VAV application.
Eff Stroke Time 2 Specifies the effective stroke time of one of the dampers 0 Seconds
controlled by the VAV application.
Eff Stroke Time 3 Specifies the effective stroke time of one of the dampers 0 Seconds
controlled by the VAV application.
Output Overridden Indicates when the controlled outputs are overridden. This False
stops autocalibration until all damper outputs are not

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Autocalibration Sequence)

The module’s AUTOCAL-STATE takes on the following values.
• Uncalibrated: This is the initial state for the module. If periodic autocalibration is enabled (Days Between Autocals
> 0), then the module remains in this state until the initial autocalibration sequence begins. If not enabled, then
the module immediately transitions to the Normal state and await a manual request for autocalibration.
• Waiting to Calibrate: This is the first state in the calibration sequence. The dampers are commanded closed
while the module is in this state. The module remains in this state long enough for all of the dampers to close
(based on the values of the Stroke Time inputs).
• Waiting for Damper: This state is a holding pattern for the module if the Damper Percent Cmd indicates that
the damper is not responding to the module’s command (for example, Emergency Mode has control via a value
other than Normal). The module remains in this state until the damper again is responding. This is done to prevent
a new zero offset from being calculated when the damper may not be closed.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 900

• Autocalibrate: This state indicates that the flow calculation primitives should re-calculate the zero offset point.
The module remains in this state for 10 seconds, during which time the flow calculation primitives average the
velocity pressure input to determine a smoothed offset.
• Normal: This state is the typical value for the module. It indicates that no calibration is currently active. If periodic
autocalibration is enabled (Days Between Autocals > 0), then the module remains in this state for the time
specified by the Days Between Autocals input.

VMA Actions in Autocalibration FSM States (Autocalibration Sequence)

The following table describes the VMA Actions in Autocalibration FSM States actions.
Table 554: PID Tuning Reset Output Controller Actions
Supply Flow Single Speed Proportional Box Staged Supply Damper
Control Fan Control Heating Control Supplemental Control
Heating Control
Uncalibrated * * * * *
Normal * * * * *
Waiting to Calibrate Close Off Off * Close
Waiting for Damper Close Off Off * Close
Autocalibrate Close Off Off * Close

Balancer Override
The Balancer Override modules provides a known interface for external balancing tools to gather data from the VAV
application logic and to interact with the application to calibrate the flow calculations. They provide a single point of
interface for values that are used in several places in the applications. They also allow the user to configure a subset
of that data.
The outputs of this block can be configured by a balancer UI from the tool or a balancing version of the Network
Sensor. See the Network Sensor documentation.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Important: Do not right-click the State Generation header in the Control View and add a second Balancer Override
module because this action breaks the balancing functionality of the application. In addition, do not
delete an existing Balancer Override module because this deletion ruins the application.

Module Use in Applications (Balancer Override)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 555: Balancer Override Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Balancer Override DD VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Balancer Override DDX VAV Dual Duct Applications (with exhaust box)
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 901

Table 555: Balancer Override Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Balancer Override SD VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
Balancer Override SDX VAV Single Duct Applications (with exhaust box)
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Balancer Override)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Balancer Override modules.
Table 556: Balancer Override Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Balancer Override Common Attributes
Autocal Status SC, V Contains the status of the application with respect Set Name: False/True/Fault
to Autocalibration.
Autocalibrate Now SC Contains input from the logic handling False
autocalibration that triggers the Flow Calculation
modules to calculate new dP offset values. When
this input goes from False to True to False, it
indicates that the autocalibration process is
Balancer Override G, V Specifies the current state of the VAV Balancer Set Name: Balancer Override
Duct Configuration SC Indicates the configuration of the duct: See Description column.
• Balancer Override SD: Single Duct
• Balancer Override DD: Dual Duct
• Balancer Override SDX: Single Duct with
• Balancer Override DDX: Dual Duct with Exhaust
Effective Autocalibrate SC, V Triggers autocalibration sequence on receipt of the
Start Autocalibration command.
Flow Setpoint Occupancy SC, V Specifies the effective occupancy mode for use in Set Name: Occ Effective
calculating flow setpoints. When the Balancer
Override output is equal to Normal, the Flow
Setpoint Occupancy is set to the current value of
the Occupancy input. When the Balancer Override
output is equal to any other value (that is, not
Normal), the Flow Setpoint Occupancy is set to

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 902

Table 556: Balancer Override Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Network Autocalibrate SC Used to manually trigger an autocalibration False
sequence. The user is responsible for setting (to
True) and clearing (to False) the CS input that is
typically connected to the Network Autocalibrate
Occupancy Displays the current status of the Occupancy Mode Occupied
for the application.
Set Name: Occ Effective
Recalculate Gain Status SC, V Contains the status resulting from the Recalculate Set Name: Recalculate Gain
Gain command most recently sent to this module. Status
Reliability SC Indicates the current reliability status. The Balancer Reliable
Override modules are always reliable.
Settling Time Specifies the time over which the module averages 10 Seconds
the flow reading after receiving the Recalculate Gain
Status SC Indicates the current status of the module. Normal
Timeout Delay Specifies the balancing mode inactivity timer (that 60 Minutes
is, the amount of time after which to exit balancing
Range: 10-480 Minutes
mode due to inactivity).
Balancer Override SD and SDX-Specific Attributes
CLG-MAXFLOW (Cooling V Displays the maximum flow allowed for Supply Flow. 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
Max Flow)
CLGOCC-MINFLOW (Occ V Contains the occupied cooling minimum flow 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Cooling Min Flow) setpoint for Supply Flow.
HTGOCC-MINFLOW (Occ V Contains the occupied Heating minimum flow 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Heating Min Flow) setpoint for Supply Flow.
SA-AREA (Supply Area) V Displays the area at location of measurement of 0.0324 sq meter, 0.349 sq ft
Supply Flow.
SA-KFACTOR (Supply V Contains the amplification provided by the pitot tube 2.00
Pickup Gain) for Supply Flow.
Supply Flow (Flow 1) SC Contains the current flow measurement for Supply 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm
Supply Percent dP Offset SC Displays the percent offset used in calculating 0.0%
(Flow 1 Percent dP Offset) Supply Flow.
Supply Stroke Time (Flow SC Contains the stroke time of the damper controlling 60 Seconds
1 Stroke Time) Supply Flow.
Balancer Override DD and DDX-Specific Attributes
CD Percent dP Offset SC Contains the percent offset used in calculating Cold 0.0%
(Flow 1 Percent dP Offset) Deck Flow.
CD Stroke Time (Flow 1 SC Displays the stroke time of the damper controlling 60 Seconds
Stroke Time) Cold Deck Flow.
CD-AREA (Cold Deck V Displays the area at location of measurement of 0.0324 sq meter, 0.349 sq ft
Area) Supply Flow.
CD-KFACTOR (Cold Deck V Displays the amplification provided by the pitot tube 2.00
Pickup Gain) for Supply Flow.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 903

Table 556: Balancer Override Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CDOCC-MINFLOW (Occ V Contains the occupied cooling minimum flow 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Cold Deck Min Flow) setpoint for Cold Deck Flow.
CLG-MAXFLOW (Cooling V Contains the maximum flow allowed for Cold Deck 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
Maximum Flow) Flow.
Cold Deck Flow (Flow 1) SC Contains the current flow measurement for Cold 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm
Deck Flow.
HD Percent dP Offset SC Displays the percent offset used in calculating the 0.0%
(Flow 2 Percent dP Offset) Deck Flow.
HD Stroke Time (Flow 2 SC Contains the stroke time of the damper controlling 0 Seconds
Stroke Time) the Deck Flow.
HD-AREA (Hot Deck Area) V Displays the area at location of measurement of 0.0324 sq meter, 0.349 sq ft
Supply Flow.
HD-KFACTOR (Hot Deck V Displays the amplification provided by the pitot tube 2.00
Pickup Gain) for Supply Flow.
HDOCC-MINFLOW (Occ V Contains the occupied heating minimum flow 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Hot Deck Min Flow) setpoint for Hot Deck Flow.
Hot Deck Flow (Flow 2) SC Contains the current flow measurement for Hot Deck 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm
HTG-MAXFLOW (Heating V Contains the maximum flow allowed for Hot Deck 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
Maximum Flow) Flow.
3 4
Balancer Override SDX and DDX-Specific Attributes ,
EA-AREA (Exhaust Area) V Contains the area at location of measurement of 0.0324 sq meter, 0.349 sq ft
Exhaust Flow.
EA-KFACTOR (Exhaust V Contains the amplification provided by the pitot tube 2.00
Pickup Gain) for Exhaust Flow.
Exhaust Flow SC Displays the current flow measurement for the 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm
Exhaust box.
Exhaust Percent dP SC Contains the percent offset used in calculating the 0.0%
Offset Exhaust Flow.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 904

Table 556: Balancer Override Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Exhaust Stroke Time SC Contains the stroke time of the damper controlling 0 Seconds
Exhaust Flow.
OCCEAFLOW-DIFF (Occ V Contains the desired occupied setpoint for the 100 l/s, 200 cfm
Exhaust Diff) difference between the exhaust and supply (that is,
Occ Exhaust Diff = Exhaust Flow - Supply Flow).
Positive values result in a negative zone static
pressure, while negative values result in a positive
zone static pressure. Zero provides matching supply
and exhaust flows.
Note: You cannot enter a value less than -9999
or greater than 9999. To enter a value
outside of these limits, for example 12,000,
perform the following workaround. Add a
floating network input or constant. Break
the connection to the output attribute
OCCEAFLOW-DIFF. Connect the Network
Input or Constant to the Occ Diff Setpoint
or Exhaust Differential Setpoint Calculation

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)
2 The Area 2, Flow 2, Flow 2 Percent dP Offset, Flow 2 Stroke Time, Max Flow 2, and Pickup Gain 2 attributes exist in the
Balancer Override SD and Balancer Override SDX modules, but are unused. The version 1 instances of these attributes are
used for Supply Flow. In the Balancer Override DD and Balancer Override DDX, the version 1 instances of these attributes
are used for Cold Deck Flow while the Flow 2 versions apply to the Hot Deck Flow.
3 The attributes specific to the Balancer Override SD also apply to the Balancer Override SDX, and the attributes specific to
the Balancer Override DD also apply to the Balancer Override DDX.
4 The Balancer Override SDX and Balancer Override DDX attributes listed here also exist in the Balancer Override SD and
Balancer Override DD modules, but are unused.

Primary States (Balancer Override)

The balancer override sends the following states to state selection:
• Close All: This is typically used to close all dampers and turns off any box fan.
• Flow 1 Min: This sets the VAV Single Duct application to cooling minimum flow. For VAV Dual Duct applications,
it sets the cold duct to cooling minimum flow and closes the hot duct damper.
• Flow 1 Max: This sets the VAV Single Duct application to cooling maximum flow. For VAV Dual Duct applications,
it sets the cold duct to cooling maximum flow and closes the hot duct damper.
• Flow 2 Min: This sets the VAV Single Duct application to heating minimum flow. For VAV Dual Duct applications,
it sets the hot duct to minimum flow and closes the cold duct damper.
• Flow 2 Max: This sets the VAV Single Duct application to heating minimum flow. For VAV Dual Duct applications,
it sets the hot duct to maximum flow and closes the cold duct damper.

Reliability (Balancer Override)

The Balancer Override modules are always reliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 905

Box Flow Test
The Box Flow Test module can be used to verify and diagnose the operation of VAV Single Duct applications. It
provides the timing, output control, and data-gathering functions for testing the flow control performance of a VAV
application. It can identify eight different potential errors including Large dP Offset, Flow Not Reliable, Damper
Command Not Responding, Poor Flow Response, Insufficient Flow, Excessive Flow, Non-Increasing Flow, and
Excessive Hysteresis. The Box Flow Test module supports only Single Duct applications. It does not support
exhaust box or hot deck applications.
You cannot view or modify this modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Box Flow Test)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 557: Box Flow Test Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Box Flow Test VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Box Flow Test)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Box Flow Test modules.
Table 558: Box Flow Test Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Percent Cmd Contains the current value for the command being sent to the 0.0%
damper output. This does not reflect any user-overrides of the
actual damper output object or any problems with the actuator.
dP Offset Tolerance Displays the percentage above which the absolute value of the 10.0%
Percent dP Offset is considered to be out of normal range.
Eff Stroke Time Contains the time (in seconds) that it takes the actuator to go 0.0 Seconds
from fully closed to fully open as well as the time from fully open
to fully closed. If the open and close stroke times are unequal,
this input should be set to the maximum of the two values.
Results Summary Contains a byte of which each bit represents the status of each Set Name: Box Flow Test
of the eight possible results evaluated during data analysis at Results
the end of the test.
Flow Contains the current amount of airflow as measured by the VAV 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm
box flow pickup.
Flow Data Displays the raw position and flow pairs collected during the
Flow Tolerance Contains the percentage of the Rated Box Flow used for 10.0%
analyzing the test data.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 906

Table 558: Box Flow Test Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Percent dP Offset Contains the current value for the zero offset of the differential 0.0%
pressure input expressed as a percentage of the sensor range.
Rated Box Flow Displays the flow of the box under nominal conditions when the 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm
damper is 100% open.
Settling Time Contains the time over which the module averages the flow 10.0 Seconds
reading at each data point. This is done because the sensed
flow is typically a noisy signal and is not filtered.
State G, V Contains the current operational mode for the module. State is Set Name: Normal/Box
set equal to Box Flow Test when a test is active; otherwise it is Flow Test
Step Position V, SC Specifies the position, when a box flow test is active, to which 0.0%
the damper should be commanded.
Test Status SC Displays a simple summary of the status of the current or most No Test Data
recent test.
Set Name: Box Flow Test
Errors during test, No Test
Data, Test Cancelled, Test
Complete Normal, Test In
Progress, Test Started
Test Step SC Displays the current step of the active test or the last step
completed of the most recent test.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Box Flow Test)

The module begins a test when the Begin Test command is received.
Once a test is started, it runs through to completion unless the test cancelled by the user or the module is disabled.
At the start of the test, all errors are reset to False (see below for exceptions). Once the test is complete, the data
collected during the test is analyzed to flag any errors. In addition, the Percent dP Offset and Flow reliability during
the test is noted.
The Max Flow and Min Flow are calculated based on the data gathered during the test (ignoring any unreliable flows
of -999.999). The value of the Rated Box Flow input and Flow Tolerance property when the module finishes the test
are used for the error analysis. The module otherwise ignores any changes to these values during the test.
The following are the eight possible results of the Box Flow Test module.
• Large dP Offset: Set if the absolute value of the Percent dP Offset is greater than or equal to the dP Offset
Tolerance. This indicates that an auto calibration was performed when the damper was not fully closed. This is
often a symptom of a stuck or reversed actuator. This error is evaluated on input change while the test state is
Test in Progress or No Test Data. The error is reset when a test begins and the absolute value of the current
Percent dP Offset input is less than the dP Offset Tolerance.
• Flow Not Reliable: Set if the Flow input Reliability is not reliable. This error is evaluated on input change while
the test state is Test in Progress or No Test Data. The error is reset when a test begins and the Flow is currently
reliable. This error indicates one or more of the Flow readings is not reliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 907

• Damper Command Not Responding: Set if the Damper Percent Cmd input did not reach the Step Position
(within 1%) for one or more of the test steps. This indicates the application is being controlled by higher precedence
• Poor Flow Response: Set if (Max Flow - Min Flow) <= (Rated Box Flow * Flow Tolerance / 100). The Min Flow
and Max Flow refer to the minimum and maximum of the recorded flow values.
• Insufficient Flow: Set if (Max Flow) < Rated Box Flow * (100 - Flow Tolerance) / 100.
• Excessive Flow: Set if (Max Flow) > 1.5 * Rated Box Flow.
• Non-Increasing Flow: Check all steps (other than the starting position) against previous step to verify flow is
moving in direction expected. Considered an error if moving opposite expected direction (by more than half the
tolerance) for any of the steps or if the flows at the fully open or closed positions are not within the tolerance of
the max or min flows, respectively.
• Excessive Hysteresis: Evaluated only if Check Hysteresis is True. For all positions that have a pair of flow
values (all steps except the end stop opposite the starting position), set error if flows are different by more than
the tolerance.

Reliability (Box Flow Test)

The reliability associated with the Box Flow Test module always reports as Reliable.

Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel

The Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel module ensures that airflow is enabled before VAV Staged Box
Heating Control is enabled. The module interlocks with a parallel fan command, or checks that the supply flow is
greater than the minimum heating flow setpoint (when there is a box fan) before enabling the staged heating.

Module Use in Applications (Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel)

The application System Selection trees use the individual module in this group using the name in the following table.
Table 559: Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
VAV Flow Determination Parallel VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel module.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 908

Table 560: Staged Device Enable Determination Parallel Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan Mode Indicates whether the fan is currently Off
commanded on.
Set Name: Off/On
State G Provides the desired status to Staged False
Set Name: False/True/Fault

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Staged Device Enable Determination Series

The Staged Device Enable Determination Series module ensures that airflow is enabled before VAV Staged Box
Heating Control is enabled. The module interlocks with a series fan command, or checks that the supply flow is
greater than the minimum heating flow setpoint (when there is a box fan) before enabling the staged heating.

Module Use in Applications (Staged Device Enable Determination Series)

The application System Selection trees use the individual module in this group using the name in the following table.
Table 561: Staged Device Enable Determination Series Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
VAV Flow Determination VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Staged Device Enable Determination Series)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Staged Device Enable Determination Series module.
Table 562: Staged Device Enable Determination Series Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan Mode Indicates whether the fan is currently Off
commanded on.
Set Name: Off/On
Staged Device Min Flow Indicates the minimum required flow before 100.0 | 200.0
issuing a command to true without the fan being
Display Units: l/s | cfm
commanded on.
State G Provides the desired status to Staged Enable. False
Set Name: False/True/Fault
Supply Flow Indicates the measured supply flow. 0.0
Display Units: l/s | cfm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 909

WarmupCooldown Sequencing
This module is responsible for generating a WarmupCooldown status. For VAV Single Duct, it sequences the primary
heating (hot supply air), box heating and supplemental heating. For warmup, it starts with primary heating and then
adds box or supplemental heating based on the heating priority. For VAV Dual Duct, the hot duct is considered box
heating and there is no primary heating. For warmup, it uses supplemental heating or box heating based on the
heating priority.
You can view and modify the module in this group’s logic, but the finite state machine logic cannot be modified.

Module Use in Applications (WarmupCooldown Sequencing)

The application System Selection trees use the individual module in this group using the name in the following table.
Table 563: WarmupCooldown Sequencing Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
WarmupCooldown Sequencing VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (WarmupCooldown Sequencing)

The following table describes the attributes used by the WarmupCooldown Sequencing module.
Table 564: WarmupCooldown Sequencing Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Box Heating Control Contains the current control status from the box heating Overridden
Status controller necessary for the sequencer to determine
Set Name: Control Status
what actions to take.
Heating Priority Defines whether supplemental or box heat should be Supplemental
the next level of heat after the primary heat has been
Set Name: VAV Heating Priority
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the zone temperature 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
when under warmup control.
Mode Supports a network command for Warmup, Cooldown, Normal
or Coast.
Set Name: OST Warmup
Primary Heating Control Contains the current control status from the Supply Overridden
Status Flow Setpoint Control necessary for the sequencer to
Set Name: Control Status
determine what actions to take.
State V Contains the current state generated by Warmup Set Name: VAV Warmup
Cooldown Sequencing. Cooldown State
Supp Heating Control Contains the current control status from the Overridden
Status supplemental heating controller necessary for the
Set Name: Control Status
sequencer to determine what actions to take.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 910

Table 564: WarmupCooldown Sequencing Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
WC-STATE G, V Contains the desired status of WarmupCooldown. This Set Name: VAV Warmup
(WarmupCooldown output is the default element as it is the key output of Cooldown Status
Status) this module typically connected to the State Selection.
Zone Temperature Specifies the process variable. 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (WarmupCooldown Sequencing)

• Normal: Normal temperature control. (warmup, or cooldown or coast are inactive)
• Warmup Satisfied: System is in a warmup mode, and the zone temperature is greater than the heating setpoint.
The system transitions to Prmy Htg if the zone temperature drops below the heating setpoint.
• Warmup Unreliable: Zone temperature is unreliable and warmup is requested.
• Cooldown: System is in a cooldown mode.
• Cooldown Unreliable: Zone temperature is unreliable and cooldown is requested.
• Prmy Htg: Primary heating is used to warm up the space. The system transitions to Prmy Htg + Supp Htg or
Prmy Htg + Box Htg (based on heating priority) if the zone temperature remains below the zone setpoint for a
period of time. The system transitions to Warmup Satisfied if the zone temperature rises above the heating
setpoint for a period of time.
• Prmy Htg + Supp Htg: Primary heating is at maximum and the supplemental heating is modulated. The system
transitions to Prmy Htg + Supp Htg + Box Htg if the zone temperature remains below the zone setpoint for a
period of time. The system transitions to Prmy Htg if the zone temperature rises above the heating setpoint for
a period of time.
• Prmy Htg + Supp Htg + Box Htg: Primary heating is at maximum, the supplemental heating is at maximum
and the box heating is modulated. The system transitions to Prmy Htg + Supp Htg if the zone temperature rises
above the heating setpoint for a period of time.
• Prmy Htg + Box Htg: Primary heating is at maximum and the box heating is modulated. The system transitions
to Prmy Htg + Box Htg + Supp Htg if the zone temperature remains below the zone setpoint for a period of time.
The system transitions to Prmy Htg if the zone temperature rises above the heating setpoint for a period of time.
• Prmy Htg + Box Htg + Supp Htg: Primary heating is at maximum, the box heating is at maximum and the
supplemental heating is modulated. The system transitions to Prmy Htg + Box Htg if the zone temperature rises
above the heating setpoint for a period of time.

Reliability (WarmupCooldown Sequencing)

Table 565: WarmupCooldown Sequencing Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Zone Temperature State is Warmup Unreliable if Mode is Warmup and WarmupCooldown Status is Warmup
Unreliable.State is Cooldown Unreliable if Mode is Cooldown and WarmupCooldown
Status is Cooldown Unreliable.

VAV Fan Determination

The VAV Fan Determination modules determine when the VAV box fan should operate. They use combinations of
the current Occupancy status, current damper, and heating and cooling commands to determine when the VAV box
fan should be on.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 911

Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Flow Based)
This module generates the on or off state for the control of a parallel fan within a VAV application according to a
flow based algorithm.
If the unit is in Occupied, Standby or Bypass mode and the flow is less the Parallel Fan Occ Min Flow setting, the
state output is on. Additionally, if the heating or cooling command are greater than the Fan On Threshold, the state
output is on. When the heating and cooling command are both below the Fan Off Threshold, the state output is off.
If the Heating Purge Duration is greater than zero, the Heating Command must be below the Fan Off Threshold for
the time specified before the state output is off.
Note: The VAV with Flow based Parallel Fan application has a default value of zero for Fan Control, which could
cause a short cycle condition for the fan motor. To avoid a short cycle condition, view the logic for the module
Parallel Fan Determination Flow Based. Select the Less Than block and view details. Change the differential
to a value that does cause the fan to short cycle.
This module can be used to provide the on command to single speed fans, three speed fans, or proportional fans.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Flow Based])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 566: Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Flow Based) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Parallel Fan Determination Flow Based VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Flow Based])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Flow Based) module.
Table 567: Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Flow Based) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Percent Cmd Displays the current cooling command. 0.0%
Fan Off Threshold Contains the percent output required to disable the fan. This 0.1%
value is compared to the Cooling Percent Cmd and the
Heating Percent Cmd. Both must be less than this to turn
the fan off due to heating or cooling requirements.
Fan On Threshold Contains the percent output required in order to enable the 5.0%
fan. This value is compared to the Cooling Percent Cmd and
the Heating Percent Cmd. If either is greater than this value,
the State output is on.
FAN-STATE (State) G, V Contains the desired Status for the Fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Heating Percent Cmd Displays the current heating command. 0.0%

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 912

Table 567: Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Flow Based) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HTG-PURGETIME (Heating Specifies that when a call for heating is ended, the fan 120 Seconds
Purge Duration) continues to operate for this period of time. Although this
input can accept any value, it is connected to the timer’s
duration input. The Timer clamps the duration value at its
min value or its max value if the write is outside of this range.
OCC-MINFLOW (Parallel Contains the occupied flow threshold. For occupied Display Units: l/s, cfm
Fan Min Occ Flow) conditions, a supply flow below this value causes the fan to
Occupancy Contains the effective occupancy of the Occupancy Mode Unoccupied
Set Name: Occ
Supply Flow Contains the measured Supply Flow. 0.0 l/s, 0.0 cfm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Flow Based])

• Off: The fan is desired to be off.
• On: The fan is desired to be on.

Reliability (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Flow Based])

This module always uses the last reliable value received if any of the inputs should become unreliable.

Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Temp Based)

This module is responsible for generating the on or off state for the control of a parallel fan within a VAV application
according to a temperature based algorithm.
If the heating or cooling command are greater than the Fan On Threshold, the state output is on. When the heating
and cooling command are both below the Fan Off Threshold, the state output is off. If the Heating Purge Duration
is greater than zero, the Heating Command must be below the Fan Off Threshold for the time specified before the
state output is off.
This module can be used to provide the on command to single speed fans, three speed fans, or proportional fans.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Temp Based])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 568: Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Temp Based) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Parallel Fan Determination Temp Based VAV Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 913

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Temp Based])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Temp Based) module.
Table 569: Fan Determination (VAV Parallel Temp Based) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Percent Cmd Contains the current cooling command. 0.0%
Fan Off Threshold Displays the percent output required to disable the fan. This 0.1%
value is compared to the Cooling Percent Cmd and the Heating
Percent Cmd. Both must be less than this to turn the fan off
due to heating or cooling requirements.
Fan On Threshold Displays the percent output required in order to enable the fan. 5.0%
This value is compared to the Cooling Percent Cmd and the
Heating Percent Cmd. If either is greater than this value, the
State output is on.
FAN-STATE (State) G, V Contains the desired Status for the Fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Heating Percent Cmd Contains the current heating command. 0.0%
HTG-PURGETIME (Heating Specifies that when a call for heating is ended, the fan 120 Seconds
Purge Duration) continues to operate for this period of time. Although this input
can accept any value, it is connected to the timer’s duration
input. The Timer clamps the duration value at its min value or
its max value if the write is outside of this range.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Temp Based])

• Off: The fan is desired to be off.
• On: The fan is desired to be on.

Reliability (Fan Determination [VAV Parallel Temp Based])

This module always uses the last reliable value received if any of the inputs should become unreliable.

Fan Determination (VAV Series)

This module generates the on or off state for the control of a parallel fan within a VAV application according to a
flow based algorithm.
If the unit is in Occupied, Standby mode, or Bypass mode, the state output is on. If the unit is in the Unoccupied
mode and the damper, heating or cooling command are greater than the Fan On Threshold, the state output is on.
When the damper, heating and cooling command are all below the Fan Off Threshold, the state output is off. If the
Heating Purge Duration is greater than zero, the heating command must be below the Fan Off Threshold for the
time specified before the state output is off.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 914

This module can be used to provide the on command to single speed fans, three speed fans, or proportional fans.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Determination [VAV Series])

The application System Selection trees use the individual module in this group using the name in the following table.
Table 570: Fan Determination (VAV Series) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Series Fan Determination VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Determination [VAV Series])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Determination (VAV Series) module.
Table 571: Fan Determination (VAV Series) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Percent Cmd Displays the current cooling command. 0.0%
Damper Percent Cmd Displays the current supply damper command. 0.0%
Fan Off Threshold Contains the percent output required to disable the fan. This 0.1%
value is compared to the Cooling Percent Cmd and the Heating
Percent Cmd. Both must be less than this to turn the fan off
due to heating or cooling requirements.
Fan On Threshold Contains the percent output required in order to enable the 5.0%
fan. This value is compared to the Cooling Percent Cmd and
the Heating Percent Cmd. If either is greater than this value,
the State output is on.
FAN-STATE (State) G, V Contains the desired Status for the Fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Heating Percent Cmd Displays the current heating command. 0.0%
HTG-PURGETIME (Heating Specifies that when a call for heating is ended, the fan 120 Seconds
Purge Duration) continues to operate for this period of time. Although this input
can accept any value, it is connected to the timer’s duration
input. The Timer clamps the duration value at its min value or
its max value if the write is outside of this range.
Occupancy Contains the effective occupancy of the Occupancy Mode Unoccupied
Set Name: Occ

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 915

Primary States (Fan Determination [VAV Series])
• Off: The fan is desired to be off.
• On: The fan is desired to be on.

Reliability (Fan Determination [VAV Series])

This module always uses the last reliable value received if any of the inputs should become unreliable. The default
value of the input is used if the signal to it has never been reliable.

Controller Tool Help: State Generation Modules 916

Output Control Modules
The output controllers use the following general philosophies:
• Two Position Devices: Two position devices can be off/on or closed/open. These controllers typically support
modes of Close/Open/Hold or Off/On/Hold.
• Variable Devices: Variable devices are modulated to control a process variable. These controllers typically
support modes for the following purposes:
- control the system (pressurize, depressurize, purge, water flush, and so on)
- close the device
- turn off the device
- set the device to a maximum position
- set the device to a user defined position
- control the process variable
- control to the limit process variable
- ramp to a position (move at a selected rate)
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Cascaded Zone Control

The Cascaded Zone Control output controllers provide a setpoint for another control loop (discharge air temperature
or VAV flow control). The output controllers vary the setpoint based on the zone temperature and the appropriate
zone heating or cooling setpoint.

Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination

This module is designed to reset the discharge air temperature setpoint based on the zone temperature error. This
module should be used only when the VAV is controlling one zone. The module has inputs for the control temperature,
heating setpoint, PID configuration inputs, and minimum and maximum heating discharge air temperature setpoint.
The module may operate in one of several modes, including Off, Hold, and Htg DA-Tsp Reset. This module has
outputs for the DA-T setpoint. This module is implemented as a control activity. The module resets the PIDs to default
tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is true.

Module Use in Applications (Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 572: Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination VAV Single Duct Applications
Box Htg Setpoint Reset VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by these modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 917

Table 573: Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Discharge Air Setpoint V Indicates discharge air temperature setpoint as 13.0 deg C (55.0 deg F)
determined by this module based on the zone air
temperature error.
Discharge Air Setpoint Indicates maximum heating DA-T setpoint. 40.0 deg C (105.0 deg
Heating Max F)
Discharge Air Setpoint Zone Indicates minimum heating DAT setpoint and the 21.0 deg C (70.0 deg F)
Satisfied maximum cooling DAT setpoint.
Heating Absolute EWMA V Represents Exponentially Weighted Moving Average 0.0 %
Effort (EWMA). It is computed by the PID primitive and is
based on the Current Present Value and the Last
Present Value. It is the absolute value of the difference
between the two.
Heating Absolute EWMA V Represents EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0 deg C (0.0 deg F)
Error (Setpoint - Process Variable).
Heating EWMA Error V Represents EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0 deg C (0.0 deg F)
- Process Variable).
Heating EWMA Present Value V Represents EWMA of the current Present Value. It is 0.0 %
based on the difference of (Present Value - Last Present
Heating Percent Cmd V Indicates output of the Heating Reset PID. 0.0 %
Heating Setpoint Indicates desired heating setpoint for the zone. 21.0 deg C (72.0 deg F)
Heating Zone Control Status V Indicates zone heating PID status: 0 = Normal
• 0 = Normal
• 1 = Low
• 2 = Timing Low
• 3 = High
• 4 = Timing High
• 5 = Disabled
• 6 = Overridden
Mode Indicates which state is active: 0 = Off
• 0 = Off: Discharge Air Temperature (DAT) does not
reset. DAT is held constant at Discharge Air
Setpoint Zone Satisfied.
• 1 = Hold: Outputs are held at the current value.
• 2 = Htg DA-T Reset: DAT is reset between the
minimum and maximum heating limits based on the
control temperature and the Heating Setpoint.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters 0 = Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
• 0 = Normal
• 1 = Reset 1st PID
• 2 = Reset 2nd PID
• 3 = Reset 3rd PID
• 4 = Reset 4th PID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. deg C, deg F

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 918

Table 573: Cascaded DA Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Indicates the control temperature. Either Zone 22.0 deg C (70.0 deg F)
temperature or return air temperature may be connected
to this input.
State G, V Represents the current module mode of operation. 0 = Off
• 0 = Off: Discharge Air Temperature (DAT) does not
reset. DAT is held constant at Discharge Air
Setpoint Zone Satisfied.
• 1 = Hold: Outputs are held at the current value.
• 2 = Htg DA-T Reset: DAT is reset between the
minimum and maximum heating limits based on the
control temperature and the Heating Setpoint.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination v51 module replaces the
Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination v50 module.
This module resets the discharge air temperature setpoint based on the zone temperature error. This module should
only be used when the air handler is controlling one zone. The module has inputs for the control temperature, heating
and cooling setpoints, configuration inputs, and min and max heating and cooling duration adjust type (DAT)
setpoints. The module may operate in one of several modes which include Off, Hold, Htg DA-Tsp Reset, or Clg
DA-Tsp Reset. This module has outputs for the DA-T setpoint. This module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is true.
This module provides exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) diagnostic values calculated by the PID.
Controllers have the ability to collect data about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the
controller, the EWMA minimizes memory requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way
to analyze collected data. See EWMA Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
This module also provides a quick transition from heating to cooling mode during major changes to space load
conditions or setpoints (for example, a large group of people enter a space, or a schedule changes from unoccupied
to occupied mode).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 919

Figure 120: Cascaded DA-T Setpoint

You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 574: Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Box Htg DA Setpoint Reset VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 920

Table 575: Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Percent Cmd Indicates the output of the 0.0
Cooling Reset PID.
Display Units: %
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired cooling 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
setpoint for the zone.
Cooling Zone Control Status V Displays the current zone Set Name: Control Status
cooling saturation status of the
DATCLGMIN-SP (Discharge Displays the minimum cooling 12.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
Air Setpoint Cooling Min) DA-T setpoint.
DATHTGMAX-SP (Discharge Displays the maximum heating 40.0 Deg C, 105.0 Deg F
Air Setpoint Heating Max) DA-T setpoint.
DATSATISFIED-SP Displays the DA-T setpoint 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
(Discharge Air Setpoint Zone when the application is neither
Satisfied) heating or cooling, for example,
the zone is satisfied.
DATSP-STATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational Set Name: AHU DAT RST
state of the output controller.
See Table 576.
Discharge Air Setpoint V Displays the discharge air Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
temperature setpoint as
determined by this module
based on the zone air
temperature error.
Heating Absolute EWMA Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
Effort the absolute value of (Current
Display Units: %
Present Value - Last Present
Value). The PID computes this
Note: This attribute is used
by the Cascaded
Discharge Air Setpoint
Determination module
Heating Absolute EWMA Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
Error the absolute value of (Setpoint
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
- Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
Note: This attribute is used
by the Cascaded
Discharge Air Setpoint
Determination module

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 921

Table 575: Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heating EWMA Error Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
the difference of (Setpoint -
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
Note: This attribute is used
by the Cascaded
Discharge Air Setpoint
Determination module
Heating EWMA Present Value Provides an EWMA of the 0.0
Present Value. The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
Note: This attribute is used
by the Cascaded
Discharge Air Setpoint
Determination module
Heating Percent Cmd Indicates the output of the 0.0
Heating Reset PID.
Display Units: %
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired heating 21.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
setpoint for the zone.
Heating Zone Control Status V Displays the current zone Set Name: Control Status
heating saturation status of the
Mode Displays the mode requested Off
by State Selection. Table 576.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset Normal
their tuning parameters to the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
default based on the
appropriate Process ID.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg F
See the PID specification for
Set Name: Unit
more information. For this
particular module, Deg C and
Deg F are the only two valid
Process Variable Displays the control 22.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
temperature. Either Zone
temperature or return air
temperature may be connected Display Units: %
to this input.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 922

Table 575: Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
ZN-HTG-ABSEFFORT Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
(Heating Absolute EWMA the absolute value of (Current
Display Units: %
Effort) Present Value - Last Present
Value). The PID computes this
Note: This attribute is used
by the Box Htg DA
Setpoint Reset module
ZN-HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) the absolute value of (Setpoint
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
- Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
Note: This attribute is used
by the Box Htg DA
Setpoint Reset module
ZN-HTG-ERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
EWMA Error) the difference of (Setpoint -
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
Note: This attribute is used
by the Box Htg DA
Setpoint Reset module
ZN-HTG-EWMA (Heating Provides an EWMA of the 0.0
EWMA Present Value) Present Value. The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
Note: This attribute is used
by the Box Htg DA
Setpoint Reset module

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination)

• Off: The Discharge Air Setpoint does not reset. It is held constant at Discharge Air Setpoint-Zone Satisfied.
• Hold: Holds the outputs at their current value.
• Htg DA-Tsp Reset: The Discharge Air Setpoint is reset between the min and max heating limits based on the
control temperature and the Heating Setpoint.
• Clg DA-Tsp Reset: The Discharge Air Setpoint is reset between the min and max cooling limits based on the
control temperature and the Cooling Setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 923

Table 576: Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Hold Reset 1st PID Heating DA-T Reset
Hold Reset 2nd PID Cooling DA-T Reset
Hold * Hold
Heating DA-T Reset * Heating DA-T Reset
Cooling DA-T Reset * Cooling DA-T Reset

Reliability (Cascaded Discharge Air Setpoint Determination)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) v51 module replaces the Flow Setpoint (VAV
Dual Duct) v50 module.
This module provides the flow setpoint to be controlled by a module (typically a Supply Damper Control). This module
is designed to control zone temperature while keeping the flow within the minimum and maximum flow settings. The
module accepts a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, the measured flow, and configuration values as inputs.
Based upon the input mode and configuration settings, the module outputs a flow setpoint, a flow percent, and a
Control Status. This module is intended for use within dual duct applications. This module also incorporates tracking
the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters
if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Flow Setpoint [VAV Dual Duct])

The application System Selection trees in the software use the individual modules in this group using the names in
the following table.
Table 577: Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CD Constant Flow Setpoint Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
CD Flow Setpoint Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
HD Flow Setpoint Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications

Note: The Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) module instances appear in the Output Control category; however, to
add a new Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) module from the palette (Module Selection dialog box), select
New from the State Generation header right-click menu.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 924

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Flow Setpoint [VAV Dual Duct])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) modules.
Table 578: Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CDFLOW-ABSEFFORT, Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
HDFLOW-ABSEFFORT, or (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
SAFLOW-ABSEFFORT computes this value.
(Absolute EWMA Effort)
CDFLOW-ABSERROR, Provides an EWMA based on the Zone Cooling Error 0.0
HDFLOW-ABSERROR, or (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
SAFLOW-ABSERROR (Absolute value.
EWMA Error)
CDFLOW-ERROR, Provides an EWMA based on the Zone Cooling Error 0.0
HDFLOW-ERROR, or (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
SAFLOW-ERROR (EWMA Error) value.
CDFLOW-EWMA, Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
HDFLOW-EWMA, computes this value.
Display Units: %
Present Value)
CDFLOW-OUTSTATE, G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: VAV DD Flow
HDFLOW-OUTSTATE, or controller. Controller
Control Status V Contains the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Deck Specifies the type of deck (Cold or Hot). Cold
Set Name: Cold/Hot
Deck Max Flow Contains the maximum deck flow setpoint. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Deck Min Flow Contains the minimum deck flow setpoint. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Failsoft Value Contains the percent of Deck Max Flow desired when 0.0%
mode is set to Failsoft.
Flow Percent V Displays the flow setpoint rescaled between 0 and 100 Display Units: %
percent. 0% maps to the min flow and 100% maps to
max flow.
Flow Setpoint V Contains the desired Flow Setpoint. This is the setpoint 0 l/s, 0 cfm
for another activity, typically the Supply Damper
Control module.
Mode Contains the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: VAV DD Flow

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 925

Table 578: Flow Setpoint (VAV Dual Duct) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when commanded to Control, this is the 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
attribute that is to be controlled. Typically connected
to the Zone Temperature.
Setpoint Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
the desired setpoint to which the process variable is
to be controlled.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Flow Setpoint [VAV Dual Duct])

• Min: Output the Deck Min Flow.
• Max: Output the Deck Max Flow.
• Hold: Maintain the current flow setpoint. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input is passed
to the Flow Percent.
• Control: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the setpoint. If the input PID Tuning Reset
is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.
• Failsoft: Output the flow setpoint that is spanned between the Deck Min Flow and Deck Max Flow by the value
of Failsoft Value (percent).

Reliability (Flow Setpoint [VAV Dual Duct])

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) v51 module replaces the Flow Setpoint (VAV
Single Duct) v50 module.
This module provides the flow setpoint to be controlled by a module (typically a Supply Damper Control). This module
is designed to control zone temperature while keeping the flow within the minimum and maximum flow settings. The
module accepts as inputs a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, the measured flow, and configuration values.
Based upon the input mode and configuration settings, the module outputs a flow setpoint, a flow percent, and a
Control Status. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO).
The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 926

This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Flow Setpoint [VAV Single Duct])

The application System Selection trees in the software use the individual modules in this group using the name in
the following table.
Table 579: Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Supply Flow Setpoint Control v51 VAV Single Duct Applications

Note: The Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) module instance appears in the Output Control category; however, to
add a new Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) module from the palette (Module Selection dialog box), select
New from the State Generation header right-click menu.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Flow Setpoint [VAV Single Duct])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) modules.
Table 580: Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Supply Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of Zone 0.0
Flow Absolute EWMA Cooling Error (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: %
Effort) computes this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Supply Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Flow Absolute EWMA (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
CLG-ERROR (Supply Flow Provides an EWMA based on the Zone Cooling Error 0.0
EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
CLG-EWMA (Supply Flow Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
EWMA Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
CLG-O (Flow Percent) V Displays the flow setpoint rescaled between 0 and 100 Display Units: %
percent. 0% maps to the min flow (whether heating or
cooling) and 100% maps to Max Cooling Flow.
Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Max Flow Contains the desired setpoint for the flow to be controlled 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
when the cooling mode is set to Max Cooling. This is also
the maximum flow when the mode is set to Control Cooling.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 927

Table 580: Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Min Flow Contains the desired setpoint for the flow to be controlled 0 l/s, 0 cfm
to when the mode is set to Min Cooling. This is also the
minimum flow when the mode is set to Control Cooling.
Cooling Setpoint Specifies that when the mode is set to Cooling Control, this 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
is the desired setpoint to which the process variable is
Failsoft Value Contains the percent of Cooling Max Flow desired when 0.0%
mode is set to Failsoft.
Flow Setpoint V Contains the desired Flow Setpoint. This is the setpoint for 0 l/s, 0 cfm
another activity, typically the hybrid PVDC module.
Heating Min Flow Displays the minimum flow setpoint under any heating 0 l/s, 0 cfm
conditions (that is, Heating, Warmup)
Heating Setpoint Specifies that when the mode is set to Heating Control, this 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
is the desired setpoint to which the process variable is
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: VAV Cascaded
Flow Controller
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable When commanded to Control, this is the variable that is to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
be controlled. Typically connected to the Zone Temperature.
SAFLOW-OUTSTATE G, V Contains the current operational state of the output Set Name: VAV Cascaded
(State) controller. Flow Controller

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Flow Setpoint [VAV Single Duct])

• Min: Output the Cooling Min Flow Setpoint.
• Max: Output the Cooling Max Flow Setpoint.
• Hold: Maintain the current flow setpoint. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input is passed
to the CLG-O.
• Control: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the cooling setpoint. The flow setpoint adjusts
between the minimum and maximum flows. If the input PID Tuning Reset is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input
to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.
• Heating: Set the flow setpoint to the value of the Heating Min Flow.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 928

• Warmup: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the heating setpoint.
• Failsoft: Output the flow setpoint what is spanned between the Cooling Min Flow and Cooling Max Flow by the
value of Failsoft Value (percent).

Reliability (Flow Setpoint [VAV Single Duct])

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

HD Constant Flow Setpoint

This module determines the hot deck flow setpoint to complement the cold deck flow setpoint in a constant volume
dual deck VAV application. The generated flow setpoint is to be controlled by a module (typically a Supply Damper
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (HD Constant Flow Setpoint)

The application System Selection trees in the software use the individual modules in this group using the name in
the following table.
Table 581: HD Constant Flow Setpoint Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Constant Flow Setpoint Control VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (HD Constant Flow Setpoint)

The following table describes the attributes used by the HD Constant Flow Setpoint modules.
Table 582: HD Constant Flow Setpoint Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD Percent Contains a percentage that spans between the max and 0.0%
min flows. 0% maps to max flow and 100% maps to min
Deck Max Flow Contains the maximum deck flow setpoint. 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
Deck Min Flow Specifies the minimum deck flow setpoint. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Flow Percent V Displays the flow setpoint rescaled between 0 and 100 Display Units: %
percent. 0% maps to the min flow and 100% maps to max
Flow Setpoint V Contains the desired Flow Setpoint. This is the setpoint 0 l/s, 0 cfm
for another activity, typically the Supply Damper Control

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 929

Reliability (HD Constant Flow Setpoint)
This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control

This module provides the flow setpoint controlled by a module (typically a Supply Damper Control). This module
controls airflow while keeping the flow within the minimum and maximum flow settings. The module accepts as inputs
a mode, a flow percent, and configuration values. Based upon the input mode and configuration settings, the module
outputs a flow setpoint. This module is intended for use within slave VAV single duct applications.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 583: Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control modules.
Table 584: Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-O (Flow Percent) V Displays the flow setpoint rescaled between 0 and 100 Display Units: %
percent. 0% maps to the min flow (whether heating or
cooling) and 100% maps to Max Cooling Flow.
Cooling Max Flow Contains the desired setpoint for the flow to be controlled 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
when the cooling mode is set to Max Cooling. This is also
the maximum flow when the mode is set to Control Cooling.
Cooling Min Flow Contains the desired setpoint for the flow to be controlled 0 l/s, 0 cfm
when the mode is set to Min Cooling. This is also the
minimum flow when the mode is set to Control Cooling.
Flow Setpoint V Contains the desired Flow Setpoint. This is the setpoint for 0 l/s, 0 cfm
another activity, typically the hybrid PVDC module.
Heating Min Flow Displays the minimum flow setpoint under any heating 0 l/s, 0 cfm
conditions (that is, Heating or Warmup).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 930

Table 584: Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Min
Set Name: VAV Cascaded
Flow Controller
SAFLOW-OUTSTATE G, V Contains the current operational state of the output Set Name: VAV Cascaded
(State) controller. Flow Controller

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control)

• Min: Output the Cooling Min Flow Setpoint.
• Max: Output the Cooling Max Flow Setpoint.
• Hold: Maintain the current flow setpoint.
• Control: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the cooling setpoint. The flow setpoint adjusts
between the minimum and maximum flows.
• Heating: Set the flow setpoint to the value of the Heating Min Flow.
• Warmup: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the heating setpoint.
• Failsoft: Output the flow setpoint that is spanned between the Cooling Min Flow and Cooling Max Flow by the
value of the Failsoft Value (percent).

Reliability (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct

This module provides the flow setpoint to be controlled by a module (typically a Supply Damper Control). This module
controls airflow while keeping the flow within the minimum and maximum flow settings. The module accepts as inputs
a mode, a flow percent, and configuration values. Based upon the input mode and configuration settings, the module
outputs a flow setpoint. This module is intended for use within slave VAV dual duct applications.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 585: Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Slave CD Constant Flow Setpoint Control VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Slave CD Flow Setpoint Control VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Slave HD Flow Setpoint Control VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 931

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct modules.
Table 586: Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CD Percent V Displays the flow setpoint rescaled between 0 and 0.0%
100 percent. 0% maps to the min flow and 100%
maps to max flow.
CDFLOW-OUTSTATE, G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Min
HDFLOW-OUTSTATE, or controller.
Set Name: VAV DD Flow
Deck Max Flow Contains the maximum deck flow setpoint. 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
Deck Min Flow Contains the minimum deck flow setpoint. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Flow Percent V Displays the flow setpoint rescaled between 0 and 0.0%
100 percent. 0% maps to the min flow and 100%
maps to max flow.
Flow Setpoint V Contains the desired flow setpoint. This is the 0 l/s, 0 cfm
setpoint for another activity, typically the Supply
Damper Control module.
Mode Contains the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: VAV DD Flow

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct)

• Min: Output the Deck Min Flow.
• Max: Output the Deck Max Flow.
• Hold: Maintain the current flow setpoint.
• Control: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the setpoint.
• Failsoft: Output the flow setpoint that is spanned between the Deck Min Flow and Deck Max Flow by the value
of the Failsoft Value (percent).

Reliability (Slave Supply Flow Setpoint Control Dual Duct)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 932

Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR
This module provides the flow setpoint to be controlled by a module (typically a Supply Damper Control). This module
is designed to control zone temperature while keeping the flow within the minimum and maximum flow settings. The
module accepts as inputs a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, the measured flow, and configuration values.
Based upon the input mode and configuration settings, the module outputs a flow setpoint, a flow percent, and a
Control Status. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO).
The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module uses a heating flow reset strategy that increases flow when the maximum heating output is reached.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR)

The application System Selection trees in the software use the individual modules in this group using the name in
the following table.
Table 587: Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Supply Flow Setpoint HFR modules.
Table 588: Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Supply Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
Flow Absolute EWMA Effort) the absolute value of Zone
Display Units: %
Cooling Error (Setpoint -
Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Supply Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
Flow Absolute EWMA Error) the absolute value of (Setpoint
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
- Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
CLG-ERROR (Supply Flow Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
EWMA Error) the Zone Cooling Error
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
(Setpoint - Process Variable).
The PID computes this value.
CLG-EWMA (Supply Flow Provides an EWMA of the 0.0
EWMA Present Value) Present Value. The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 933

Table 588: Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
CLG-O (Flow Percent) V Displays the flow setpoint Display Units: %
rescaled between 0 and 100
percent. 0% maps to the min
flow (whether heating or
cooling) and 100% maps to
Max Cooling Flow.
Control Status V Displays the current saturation Set Name: Control Status
status of the controller.
Cooling Max Flow Contains the desired setpoint 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
for the flow to be controlled
when the cooling mode is set
to Max Cooling. This is also the
maximum flow when the mode
is set to Control Cooling.
Cooling Min Flow Contains the desired setpoint 0 l/s, 0 cfm
for the flow to be controlled to
when the mode is set to Min
Cooling. This is also the
minimum flow when the mode
is set to Control Cooling.
Cooling Setpoint Specifies that when the mode 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
is set to Cooling Control, this is
the desired setpoint to which
the process variable is
Failsoft Value Contains the percent of Cooling 0.0%
Max Flow desired when mode
is set to Failsoft.
Flow Percent V Indicates flow setpoint 0%
converted between 0 and
100%. A value of 0% maps to
the min flow (whether heating
or cooling) and 100% maps to
Max Cooling Flow.
Flow Setpoint V Contains the desired Flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Setpoint. This is the setpoint for
another activity, typically the
hybrid PVDC module.
Heating Control Status Indicates the status of the Normal
feedback controller for the
heating process.
Heating Max Flow Indicates the maximum box 250 l/s, 500 cfm
flow used in Heating Flow
Reset mode.
Heating Min Flow Displays the minimum flow 0 l/s, 0 cfm
setpoint under any heating
conditions (that is, Heating,

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 934

Table 588: Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Heating Setpoint Specifies that when the mode 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
is set to Heating Control, this is
the desired setpoint to which
the process variable is
Mode Displays the mode requested Off
by State Selection.
Set Name: VAV Cascaded
Flow Controller HFR
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual False
output controlled by this output
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present 0%
Value of the output that this
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset Normal
their tuning parameters to the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
default based on the
appropriate Process ID.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg F
For this particular module, Deg
Set Name: Unit
C and Deg F are the only two
valid values.
Process Variable When commanded to Control, 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
this is the variable that is to be
controlled. Typically connected
to the Zone Temperature.
SAFLOW-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Contains the current Set Name: VAV Cascaded
operational state of the output Flow Controller

Primary States (Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR)

• Min: Output the Cooling Min Flow Setpoint.
• Max: Output the Cooling Max Flow Setpoint.
• Hold: Maintain the current flow setpoint. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input is passed
to the CLG-O.
• Control: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the cooling setpoint. The flow setpoint adjusts
between the minimum and maximum flows. If the input PID Tuning Reset is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input
to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.
• Heating: Set the flow setpoint to the value of the Heating Min Flow.
• Warmup: Adjust the flow setpoint to maintain the process variable at the heating setpoint.
• Failsoft: Output the flow setpoint what is spanned between the Cooling Min Flow and Cooling Max Flow by the
value of Failsoft Value (percent).
• Heating Flow Reset: Increase flow when maximum heating output reached.

Reliability (Supply Flow Setpoint Control HFR)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.
Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 935
Central Plant
The Central Plant group provides Output Controllers for all central plant equipment.

Block Protect
The Block Protect module protects motor equipment by commanding the device to run periodically. The user-adjustable
Max Off Time input determines the duration between run commands. If the Command input remains Off for a period
greater than the Max Off Time, this module sets the State output to Run. The device remains in the run state for a
period of time equal to the Blocking On Time input.
Note: The Block Protect module does not work correctly in Simulation mode. For example, when tested with 10X
Simulation speed up, the Total Off Time must accumulate 10 times the Max Off Time before the State output
transitions to the Protect state. This functionality will be fixed in a future release. This module does behave
correctly in real-time Commissioning mode.
You cannot view and modify modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Block Protect)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 589: Block Protect Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CHW Pump X Block Protect (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW Pump X Block Protect (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Cooling Tower X Block Protect (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Secondary Pump X Block Protect (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Block Protect)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Block Protect modules:
Table 590: Block Protect Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Blocking On Time This input defines the duration of time to run the device. 5.0 Seconds
Command This input represents the command being sent to the device. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Max Off Time This output defines the duration of time between run 7.0 Days
commands to the device. If set to zero, blocking protection is
Min Value: 0
not performed.
Max Value: 45

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 936

Table 590: Block Protect Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
State G This output displays Protect when the Max Off Time is Off
exceeded and Command is Off. The device remains in the
Set Name: Block Protect
Protect state until Blocking On Time is met or the Command
input is changed to On.
Total Off Time SC This output indicates the amount of time spent in the Off state. Display Units: Days
When this value exceeds the Max Off Time input value the
state switches to Run for the duration of the Blocking On

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

The Changeover module allows the changing from heating to cooling in a 2-pipe system.
You can view and modify modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Changeover)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 591: Changeover Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Changeover Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Changeover)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Changeover modules:
Table 592: Changeover Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CHW System Enable Indicates that the plant is operating in cooling False
Cooling Setpoint Determines if cooling plant should operate. 55.0°F (13.0°C)
Heating Setpoint Determines if heating plant should operate. 90.0°F (32.0°C)
HW System Enable Indicates that the plant is operating in heating False
Input 1 Indicates the current heating plant load. 0.0
Input 2 Indicates the current cooling plant load. 0.0
Mode Indicates the desired plant operation. Summer

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 937

Table 592: Changeover Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Number of Pumps Indicates the number of pumps required to 0.0
Plant Enable Enables or disables plant operation. False
Pump to Shed Starts pump to eliminate excess heat or to False
quickly warm up the loop temperature.
State Indicates the current state of the 2-pipe plant. Summer
Temp Provides the loop water temperature so that 70.0°F (21.1°C)
the heating and cooling equipment is protected
from thermal shock.
Valve OpenClose Controls the changeover valves for the plant. Off

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Chiller Output Control

The Chiller Output Control module provides proper operation of a chiller and, when required by chiller plant
configuration, its isolation valves. This module provides the on/off signal that enables a chiller to operate and provides
open and close commands for a two position isolation valve. This module also provides the variable output signal
for an analog isolation valve. Based on the Mode input, the module sets the Chiller OnOff, Iso Valve OpenClose,
Iso Valve Pct Cmd, and Inputs and Outputs.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Chiller Output Control)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 593: Chiller Output Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
ChlrX Control (Where X Is 1 to 8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Chiller Output Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Chiller Control modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 938

Table 594: Chiller Output Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Valve
Isolation Valve This Input is a Boolean command that opens or closes False
Command the two position isolation valve.
Stroke Time This input is the time (in minutes) for the module to drive 1.0 Second
the analog isolation valve command from zero to one
hundred percent.
Chiller Command Indicates the desired chiller operation. False
True means on and False means off.
Chiller OnOff V This output drives the chiller BO. Off
Set Name: Off/On;
Set Members: 0=Off, 1=On
Iso Valve OpenClose V This output drives the two position isolation valve BO. Close
Both the condenser water and chilled water isolation Set Name: Close/Open;
valves can be connected to this output.
Set Members: 0=Close,
Iso Vlv Pct Cmd V This output is the command for an analog isolation valve. 0.0 %
Both the condenser water and chilled water isolation
valves can be connected to this output.

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Chiller Selector
The Central Cooling Plant with Optimization application uses Chiller Selector module, which provides logic to control
devices, to:
• maximize the operating efficiency of the chiller plant
• minimize the total starts of the devices
• attempt to balance runtimes and start counts for the devices
If configured, the module determines the combination that best meets the requirements and turns on/off the appropriate
devices in an orderly manner to arrive at the desired combination. The best combination produces the largest adjusted
The Chiller Selector module provides individual outputs for each device, and works with either:
• dedicated or headered, constant or variable speed pumps on the condenser water (CW) system
• dedicated or headered, constant or variable speed pumps on the chilled water (CHW) system
For dedicated pumping, this module provides separate output commands to the pumps. For headered pumping, this
module provides separate output commands to the isolation valves as well as outputs (as network variables) the
required flow rates for both CW and CHW systems.
You cannot view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Once system selection is complete, the Chiller Selector module requires further configuration. Refer to the
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization™ 10 Application Note (LIT-12011575) for information on configuring
this module and for more application level information.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 939

Module Use in Applications (Chiller Selector)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 595: Chiller Selector Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chiller Selector X (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Chiller Selector)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Chiller Selector modules:
Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Available Capacity V Provides the sum of the derated 0
capacities of the enabled devices.
Display units come from Capacity
CHLR CAP LIMIT (Capacity Limit) V Limits the capacity of the devices 100
currently on for a time to achieve a
Display Units: %
more stable transition when adding
a device. This output is used in Range: 30-100
headered chilled water systems with
variable speed chillers only.
You may set up the Capacity Limit
feature in Manual or Automatic
mode using the Capacity Limit
Setup input:
• Manual: When adding any
device (including the first
device), the Capacity Limit
output is restricted to the
Capacity Limit User Input for the
Capacity Limit Hold Time, after
which the output releases back
to 100% (no limit).
• Automatic: When adding the
first device, the Capacity Limit
output is not limited (100%).
When adding any additional
device, the Capacity Limit
output ramps from 100% down
to the Current Percent Load in
half the Capacity Limit Hold
Time. At the end of the Capacity
Hold Time, the Capacity Limit
output releases back to 100%.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 940

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Capacity Limit Hold Time Indicates the amount of time to 10
restrict the output when Capacity
Display Units: Min
Limit is active.
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: Less than Stabilize
Capacity Limit Setup Determines the Capacity Limit Manual
feature implementation. The options
Set Name: Reset Type
are Manual or Automatic.
CHLR CURRENT LIMIT (Capacity Limits the total capacity of all 60
Limit User Input) devices currently on when the
Display Units: %
Capacity Limit Setup is Manual and
Capacity Limit is active. Range: 30-100
Capacity Units Indicates the units used for capacity Tons
depending on the Units of the
Set Name: Unit
CHW Available Flow Indicates the chilled water flow 0
available based on the pump
Display units come from Flow Units.
enables and pump ratings (for
headered CHW systems). Chiller Minimum Value: 0
combinations requiring a minimum
headered chilled water flow greater
than this value are not requested.
This value is typically available from
the CHW Pump Selector.
CHW Commanded Flow Indicates the actual chilled water 0
flow based on the pump status and
Display units come from Flow Units.
pump ratings. This value is used in
the percent load calculations for Minimum Value: 0
headered CHW systems only, and
is typically available from the CHW
Pump Selector. This value must be
greater than CHW Min flow defined
in the Device Info Table before the
chiller can be commanded on.
CHW Headered/Dedicated Specifies whether operating with Headered
headered, dedicated, or no pumping
Set Name:
on the Chilled Water side of the
chiller. HeaderedDedicated
CHW Iso Valve/Pump nn Cmd V Provides the request commands to False
the chilled water side isolation
valves or any dedicated pumps
(where nn is 01-08). Headered
pumps are not controlled by this
CHW Max Flow Indicates the maximum chilled water 0
flow of each device.
Display units come from Flow Units.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 941

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CHW Min Flow Indicates the minimum chilled water 0
flow of each device (in flow units).
Display units come from Flow Units.
CHW Temperature Provides the Chilled Water 6.7 Deg C, 44.0 Deg F
Temperature input, which is used to
Minimum: 18 Deg C, 0 Deg F
calculate the instantaneous Uprated
Capacity of the devices. Maximum: 50 Deg C, 120 Deg F
CHLR COAST (Coast) Allows the module to stage down False
when the load diminishes, by turning
off devices (instead of switching to
smaller devices) while preventing
the module from staging up even if
the load increases.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 942

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Mode Determines how the process Building Load
variable is treated:
Set Name: Chiller Control
• 0) Building Load: The process
variable is the building’s chilled
water heat gain calculated
elsewhere in the application.
This load is compared with the
current requested rated device
capacity to call for more or less
device capacity.
• 1) Chiller Load: Similar to
Building Load. The process
variable is the sum of the
amperage (or kW) currently
consumed by the active devices
and compared with the currently
requested rated device current
(or power).
• 2) Flow Differential: This mode
is for use with primary constant
speed pumps only. In this
arrangement, the process
variable provides the signed
differential flow (positive value
indicates the flow in the primary
loop is greater than the flow
through the secondary loop,
negative value indicates the
flow in the primary loop is less
than the flow through the
secondary loop).
When operating in this mode,
the Chiller Selector module
attempts to maintain the flow in
the bypass close to zero that is
when the plant capacity
matches the building load.
• 3) Temperature Differential:
This mode is for use only with
primary constant speed pumps
with or without secondary
pumps. The Process Variable
is the Temperature drop across
the chillers and is used to
calculate the chiller plant load.
Current Capacity G, V Provides the sum of the derated 0
capacities of the devices currently
Display units come from Capacity
on (that is, Device nn Status = On).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 943

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Current COP V Indicates the capacity weighted 0.1
efficiency (COP) of the devices
Display Units: %
currently commanded to On.
Current Percent Load V Indicates the percent loading of the 0
devices currently commanded to On
Display Units: %
adjusted by the Derate Percent.
Current/Power Units Indicates the units used for the A
current/power depending on the
Set Name: Unit
Units of the application.
CW Available Flow Indicates the condenser water flow 0
available based on the pump
Display units come from Flow Units.
enables and pump ratings (for
headered CW systems). Chiller Minimum Value: 0
combinations requiring a minimum
headered condenser water flow
greater than this value are not
requested. This value is typically
available from the CW Pump
CW Commanded Flow Indicates the actual condenser 0
water flow based on the pump
Display units come from Flow Units.
status and pump ratings. This value
is used in the percent load Minimum Value: 0
calculations for headered CW
systems only, and is typically
available from the CW Pump
Selector. This value must be greater
than CW Min flow defined in the
Device Info table before the chiller
can be commanded on.
CW Headered/Dedicated Specifies whether operating with Headered
headered, dedicated, or no pumping
Set Name:
on the Condenser Water side of the
chiller. HeaderedDedicated
CW Iso Valve/Pump nn Cmd V Provides the request commands to False
the condenser water side isolation
valves or any dedicated pumps
(where nn is 01-08). Headered
pumps are not controlled by this
CW Min Flow Indicates the minimum condenser 0
flow of each device (in flow units).
Display units come from Flow Units.
CW Temperature Provides the Condenser Water 29.4 Deg C, 85.0 Deg F
Temperature input, which is used to
Minimum: 2 Deg C, 35 Deg F
calculate the instantaneous Uprated
Capacity of the devices. Maximum: 50 Deg C, 120 Deg F
Delta Temperature Units Indicates the units used for delta deg F
temperature depending on the Units
Set Name: Unit
of the application.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 944

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Derate Now Forces an upstage. False
This input is used only when the
Control Mode is Building Load, as
possible device malfunction (for
example, a fouled device or a day
that is beyond the design day) may
result in not meeting the building
load, and the module is unable to
determine a saturation condition
from the input Process Variable or
the calculated percent load. The
module acts as it is meeting the
cooling demand. Therefore, this
input may force a necessary
Derate Reset Resets the derating percent value False
to zero instantly rather than waiting
for its inherent decay. The derate
reset action is triggered at the rising
edge of the module. See Derate
Derating Percent V Indicates the percentage of derating 0
internally applied to all devices. This
Display Units: %
value is calculated and used in
Building Load Mode only. If devices
are unable to meet the rated
capacities, elsewhere in the
application the Derate Now input is
set to True. The Chiller Selector
then derates the devices by this
percentage. Large values of this
property should be investigated
since it could indicate possible
malfunction of the chillers.
Device Info Provides a structure of arrays
containing individual information of
each device. This structure
contains: Rated Capacity, CW Min
Flow, Rated CW Flow, CHW Min
Flow, Rated CHW Flow, Peak COP,
Device Lift, Lift Sensitivity, Rated
Current/Power, CHW Max Flow,
Max Pct Load, Min Pct Load, Min
Pct Load COP, Max Pct Load COP,
Interstage Transition Delay,
Stabilize Time.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 945

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Lift Sensitivity Indicates the sensitivity of the 0.0
device capacity to changes in the
Units: kW, Deg C, Ton, Deg F
difference between the condenser
and chilled water temperatures.
The Chiller Selector adjusts the
capacity due to lift according to the
following equation:
Ca = S * (La - Lr) + Cr
• S is the lift sensitivity
• Ca is the adjusted capacity of
the chiller at the reduced lift
• Cr is the rated capacity of the
chiller at the rated lift
• La is the reduced lift
• Lr is the rated lift
S is calculated as follows:
S = (Ca - Cr) / (La - Lr)
Device nn Cmd V Provides the lift request commands False
to each device (where nn is 01-08).
Device nn Current Power Out V Provides an output with the Rated 0
Capacity used elsewhere in the
Display units come from Capacity
application (where nn is 01-08).
Device nn Enable Indicates the Disable/Enable state True
of the devices (where nn is 01-08).
Device nn Runtime Indicates the runtimes of the 0
devices (where nn is 01-08).
Display Units: Hours
Device nn Start Count Indicates the number of starts 0
performed by each device (where
nn is 01-08).
Device nn Status Indicates the current Off/On state of Off
the devices as reported by the
Set Name: Off/On
hardware itself (where nn is 01-08).
Device Type Indicates the required letter for each Type A
device. If the types are all the same
Set Name: Chiller Type
or it doesn’t matter, then use Type
A for each. The default value is all
devices Type A.
Flow Units Indicates the units used for the flow gpm
depending on the Units of the
Set Name: Unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 946

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Hysteresis Indicates the value of an additional 0.005
efficiency penalty to be applied
Display Units: %
before a change is made. Larger
values increase the stability of the
chiller combination currently
operating while forcing a greater
drop in efficiency before a switch is
made. The adjusted efficiency of the
new combination includes this
Interstage Off Delay Delay after an Off command before 15
starting to downstage again.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0.1-120
Interstage On Delay Delay after an On command before 15
starting to upstage again.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0.1-120
Interstage Transition Delay When changing from one 8
combination of devices to another,
Display Units: Min
this is the amount of time to wait
between turning one device on and Range: 1-120
another device off. For example:
The system has three chillers, and
chillers 1 and 3 are running, and the
system requirements change such
that it is more efficient to run chillers
1 and 2. This scenario requires two
chillers to change and only one is
allowed to change at a time.
Therefore, the chiller selector turns
on chiller 2, waits the interstage
delay time, then turns off chiller 3.
Is Stable SC, V Specifies whether the Stabilize False
Timer has expired and the Process
Variable can be used to update the
combination of devices. The
stabilize timer starts when a chiller
command output or a chiller status
input changes. A shorter stabilize
timer (20% of the Stabilization Time)
also starts when the Chilled Water
Commanded Flow input changes
due to the start or stop of a chilled
water pump.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 947

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Iso Valve Stroke Time Indicates the stroke time of the 60
isolation valve. This input delays the
Display Units: Sec
process of turning the chilled water
pump on and off. Since dedicated Range: 0-180
systems do not use this type of
valve, the tool sets this property
equal to zero during selection.
CHLR LOWER PCT LOAD (Lower Indicates the left hand endpoint of 60
Optimal Pct Load) the chiller efficiency plateau. When
Display Units: %
the percent load goes below this
value, the module considers other The maximum value must be less
combinations of devices that would than the Higher Optimal Pct Load
produce a higher percent load. This value.
is a nominal value that applies to
each device individually. Minimum Value: 30

Low Load Indicates the only operating chiller False

has been commanded off to provide
chilled water more efficiently.
Max CHW Flow Indicates the sum of the Rated CHW 0
Max Flows of all the devices
Display units come from Flow Units.
currently On. This is the maximum
amount of variable speed CHW
Flow that the chiller selector is
allowing the Variable Speed Pump
Selector to command.
Max Delta CHWT Indicates the maximum temperature 12
drop across all devices in selectable
Display units come from Delta
units. This value is used when the
Temperature Units.
Control Mode is Temperature
Differential. When the process
variable (Temperature Differential)
equals this value, the percent
loading is 100%.
Min CHW Flow Setpoint V Indicates the minimum flow required 0
for safe chiller operation. This output
Display units come from Flow Units.
is used in headered variable speed
chilled water systems.
Min CW Flow Setpoint V Indicates the minimum flow required 0
for safe chiller operation. This output
Display units come from Flow Units.
is used in headered variable speed
condenser water systems.
CHLR-MINOFFTIME (Min Off Indicates the minimum amount of 10
Time) off time applied to all devices.
Display Units: Min
Range: 1-120
CHLR-MINONTIME (Min On Time) Indicates the minimum amount of 10
on time applied to all devices.
Display Units: Min
Range: 1-120

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 948

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CHLR BASE LOAD (Min Required Indicates a value in units of load. 0.1
Capacity) The Chiller Selector module
Display units come from Capacity
maintains, at a minimum, this
amount of rated cooling. It is
recommended to set this input to The minimum value must be greater
the desired chiller capacity times the than 0.
optimal percent load (halfway
between the lower and upper
optimal percentages). For example,
if the average of the Upper and
Lower Optimal Load Percent is 80%
and the minimum run conditions are
two 70T chillers, the Min Required
Capacity is (2 * 70) * 80% = 112T.
Peak COP Indicates the peak Coefficient of 7.0
Performance (COP) of each device,
Minimum Value: 0.1
which is the ratio of cooling output
to power input. Combinations of Display Units: %
devices that have higher peak
COPs are preferentially selected
during operation without regard for
improving run time or start count
Only devices with the same Peak
COP have the ability to be balanced
for run time and/or start counts. For
example, if two devices have peak
COPs X and two other devices have
peak COPs Y, start count and
runtime balancing occurs among the
devices with peak COPs X and
among the devices with peak COPs
Y but not among all devices. This
happens because the run time and
start count adjustments are an order
of magnitude more precise (to the
hundredths place) than the precision
of the Peak COPs (to the tenths
Predicted Adjust COP SC, V Indicates the Predicted COP 0.1
adjusted for runtime, start count,
start/stop, load change, and
hysteresis penalties.
Predicted COP SC, V Indicates the expected capacity 0.1
weighted coefficient of performance
Display Units: %
(COP) based on the Required
Devices (steady state device
Predicted Percent Load SC, V Indicates the expected percent load 0
based on the Required Devices
Display Units: %
(steady state device commands).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 949

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Provides a value used to determine 0
the current load of the chiller plant.
Display units come from Process
See Control Mode.
Variable Units.
When Mode is Building Load, Chiller
Load, or Temperature Differential,
the minimum value is 0.
Process Variable Units Indicates the units used for the kW
Process Variable depending on the
Set Name: Unit
Units of the application and the
Mode of Operation. When the Mode
is Chiller Load, an selection option
is available in the System Selection
Pump Delay Indicates the longest amount of time 15
required for the pump to stop once
Display Units: Sec
a stop is received, or the amount of
time to speed up once the on Range: 0-120
command is received.
CHLR PMP DWN TIME (Pump Indicates the amount of time to run 10
Down Time) the CW and CHW pumps after
Display Units: Min
turning off a device. This delay
allows the removal of refrigerant Range: 1-120
from the evaporator.
Rated Capacity Indicates the cooling capacities of 0
each device (in capacity units).
Display units come from Capacity
Rated CHW Flow Indicates the rated chilled water flow 0
of each device (in flow units).
Display units come from Flow Units.
Rated CHW Max Flow Indicates the rated maximum flow 0
of each device (in flow units).
Display units come from Flow Units.
Rated Current Power Indicates the rated current of each 0
Display units come from
Current/Power Units.
Rated CW Flow Indicates the rated condenser flow 0
of each device (in flow units).
Display units come from Flow Units.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 950

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Required CHW Flow V Indicates the required chilled water 0
flow associated with the currently
Display units come from Flow Units.
requested (or soon to be requested)
devices. This output is used in
headered chilled water systems.
To ensure enough chilled water flow
during chiller staging, the CHW
Required Flow is increased by 10%
with a minimum value as calculated
and a maximum value equal to the
Rated CHW Flow.
This flow requirement value is
issued with enough anticipation to
allow flows to be obtained prior to
devices turning on and maintains its
high value while the Pump Down
Timer is active, when devices are
being turned off.
Required CW Flow V Indicates the required condenser 0
water flow associated with the
Display units come from Flow Units.
currently requested (or soon to be
requested) devices. This output is
used in headered condenser water
The module calculates a minimum
condenser water flow based on the
individual minimum condenser water
requirements and the rated
condenser water flows.
To ensure enough condenser water
flow during chiller staging, the CW
Required Flow is increased by 10%
with a minimum value as calculated
and a maximum value equal to the
Rated CW Flow.
This flow requirement value is
issued with enough anticipation to
allow flows to be obtained prior to
devices turning on and maintains its
high value while the Pump Down
Timer is active, when devices are
being turned off.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 951

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Required Devices SC, V Provides an integer output 0
representing the packed bits of the
desired steady state set of devices
commanded On.
For example, a value of 88 means
0-1-0-1-1-0-0-0, which indicates
device 2, 4, and 5 are On, and the
rest are Off.
Required Interim Devices SC, V Provides an integer output 0
representing the packed bits of the
intermediate devices requested to
turn on while the chiller selector
moves toward the desired steady
Required Tower Flow V Indicates the required cooling tower 0
water flow. This output is a
Display units come from Flow Units.
time-shifted version of the Required
CW Flow output to ensure proper
sequencing of the cooling tower with
the other equipment when devices
are added or removed. This is the
sum of the chiller rated flow sent to
the cooling tower selector.
Rotate Now On the rising edge of this signal, the False
Chiller Selector calculates a new
combination of devices that provides
the required cooling capacity while
promoting the maximum rotation of
the chillers.
Rotation Mode Determines how rotation is None
Set Name: Rotation Mode
• 0: None. The module does not
attempt to equalize either
runtimes or start counts of the
individual devices.
• 1: Run Time. The module
attempts to equalize the
runtimes of the individual
• 2: Start Counts. The module
attempts to equalize the start
counts of the individual devices.
• 3: Both. The module attempts
to equalize both start counts
and run times of the individual

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 952

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Sequence Row Indicates a sequence table row 0
number that the module attempts to
move toward while following device
timers and statuses. This input is
available when the Sequence Row
Control input is True. If the input
value is out of range or if a
sequence table is not present,
Sequence Row input is ignored.
Sequence Row Control Enables Sequence Row parameter False
to enable devices.
Sequence Table Provides an array of integers. Each
column is a device type letter
(maximum of letter types above).
Each row is a combination
represented by counts of each
device type.
Stabilize Time Indicates the amount of time after a 15
device changes on or off that the
Display Units: Min
must elapse before recognizing
changes to the Process Variable. Range: 15-120
Staging Margin When considering a downstage 2.0
combination, the percent load
Display Units: %
actually increases by this value
when performing the efficiency
calculation. This method provides a
safety margin as the percent load is
a theoretical value, and the actual
percent load of the new combination
could be higher than calculated.
When considering an upstage
combination, the percent load
actually reduces by this value when
performing the efficiency calculation.
This method provides a safety
margin as the actual percent load
of the new combination could be
lower than calculated.
Since the Upper Optimal Pct Load
is typically closer to 100% than the
Lower Optimal Pct Load is to 0%,
the slope of the right hand side
curve is much steeper than the left
hand side slope; therefore, when
the load is increasing, the system
efficiency of the current combination
drops faster compared with the
slower increase of efficiency of the
new combination, allowing the
algorithm to switch to a new stage.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 953

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Steady Sequence Row SC, V Indicates the row of the sequence
table that the module is moving
towards. If the Sequence Table is
not defined, this value is zero.
System Enable Disables/enables the chiller plant. False
When System Enabled is False, the
Chiller Selector downstages to zero
CHLR START DELAY (System Indicates the delay applied when 30
Start Delay) the System Enabled input
Display Units: Min
transitions from Disabled to
Enabled. The Minimum Load is
maintained during this time allowing
the chilled and condenser water
pumps to operate.
This time period is typically longer
than the Stabilize Time to allow the
system to achieve steady state after
not being under control for some
Time Constant Indicates the amount of time 500
required for a first-order system to
Display Units: Sec
reach 63% of its final magnitude,
given a 100% step change of its Range: 60-3,600
process variable. The Period of
execution of the module is Time
Constant divided by 6.
Total Current/Power V Indicates the total actual 0
current/power output of all currently
Display units come from
operating devices.
Current/Power Units.
Tower Available Flow Indicates the available cooling tower 0
flow based on tower enabled and
Minimum Value: 0
its capacity. The Chiller Selector
uses this value in determining valid Display units come from Flow Units.
device combinations. The value is
typically available from the Cooling
Tower Selector.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 954

Table 596: Chiller Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Tower Commanded Flow Indicates the Cooling Tower flow 0
based on Cooling Tower status and
Minimum Value: 0
its capacity. This value must be
greater than the CW Min flow Display units come from Flow Units.
defined in the Device Info Table
before the chiller can be
commanded on. This value provides
status feedback to the Chiller
Selector to ensure proper
sequencing of the cooling tower with
the other equipment when a device
is added or removed. The value is
typically available from the Cooling
Tower Selector.
Tower Piping Specifies whether operating with Headered
headered, dedicated, or no cooling
Set Name:
tower piping on the Condenser
Water side of the chiller. HeaderedDedicated
CHLRx-UPPER PCT LOAD (Upper Indicates the right hand endpoint of 90
Optimal Pct Load) the chiller efficiency plateau. When
Display Units: %
the percent load goes above this
value, the module considers other The minimum value must be greater
combinations of devices that would than the Lower Optimal Pct Load
produce a lower percent load. This value.
is a nominal value that applies to
the device individually. Maximum Value: 100

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Chiller Selector)

The Reliability of all modules reflects the Reliability of its Outputs. If any Output Reliability is not reliable, then the
module Reliability must not be reliable.
The module checks the values of the following attributes, according to the Control Mode and the CW
headered/dedicated attributes as follows:
Table 597: Chiller Selector Reliability
Control Mode CW Header/Dedicated CHW Header/Dedicated Required Properties
Any Any Any Rated Capacity
Rated CHW Flow
CHW Min Flow
Chiller Load Any Any Rated Current Power
Any Headered Any Rated CW Flow
CW Min Flow

If any of the required values is less than or equal to zero, the reliability of the module is Unreliable: Invalid
Configuration, and the module does not execute.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 955

During commissioning, the module checks that the Upper Optimal Pct Load is greater than the Lower Optimal Pct
Load, Stabilize Time is larger than the Interstage Delay, and that Lift Sensitivity is less than or equal to zero. If any
of these checks fail, the module rejects the write and sends a corresponding write error.

Cooling Tower Control

The Cooling Tower Control module coordinates the outputs to a cooling tower. This module supports single speed,
two speed, three speed, or variable speed tower fans.
The module accepts a percent command, speed commands, and an isolation valve command to determine which
outputs are active. When the fans are multi-speed, this module ensures that only the currently required speed output
is active.
Figure 121: Cooling Tower Control

Fan Start Point Table (Cooling Tower Control)

This table is provided for reference only. The table indicates the start points for each tower and for each speed based
on the number of towers and the number of speeds. The actual on/off request for each speed is generated by a
sequencer external to this module. These requests are passed in via the Speed n Cmd, where n is 1, 2, or 3.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 956

Figure 122: Fan Start Point Table

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Tower Control)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 598: Cooling Tower Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Cooling Tower X Control (Where X is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 957

Attributes (Cooling Tower Control)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Tower Control modules:
Table 599: Cooling Tower Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Blocking Protect This input causes the fan to run when the input value is Protect, Off
Tower Enable is True, and System Enable is True. When this
Set Name: Blocking
input is Protect and the system and tower are enabled, the fan
runs for 5 seconds (default) once a week (default)
Device OnOff V Indicates the desired fan operation. This output is typically Off
connected to either a constant speed fan or a variable speed fan.
Set Name: Off/On
This output is also used for runtime totalization for this tower.
Fan Type This input indicates the tower configuration. The tower may be VFD
variable-frequency drive (VFD), one speed fan, two speed fans,
Set Name: Tower Fan
three speed fans, or vernier fan (a single fan with one or more
one speed fans).
Instant Shutdown This input provides a means to shut the tower down quickly. When False
true, the output’s Device OnOff, Speed 1 OnOff, Speed 2 OnOff
and Speed 3 OnOff are set to Off. The Iso Valve Open Close
output is set to Close.
Interstage Delay This input is the minimum time between switching speeds. 120 Seconds
Display Precision: 1s
Iso Valve Cmd This input is the cooling tower isolation valve command. False
Iso Valve OpenClose V This output drives the isolation valve BO. Close
Set Name: Close/Open
Iso Valve Setup This input provides the cooling tower isolation valve setup. When Auto
set to Auto, the Iso Valve OpenClose output reflects the Iso Valve
Set Name: Fan Mode Seq
Cmd. When Set to On, the Iso Valve OpenClose output is always
Percent Cmd V This indicates the desired speed of a variable speed fan. %
Pid Pct Cmd This is the input from the Cooling Tower PID Control module. This 0.0%
input is the signal passed through for variable speed fans.
Speed 1 Cmd Input from the sequencer indicating that the tower should operate False
in speed 1.
Speed 2 Cmd Input from the sequencer indicating that the tower should operate False
in speed 2.
Speed 3 Cmd Input from the sequencer indicating that the tower should operate False
in speed 3.
Speed 1 OnOff V This is the desired fan speed 1 operation. This output is typically Off
connected to a multi-speed fan’s low speed or speed 1 contactor.
Set Name: Off/On
Speed 2 OnOff V This is the desired fan speed 2 operation. This output is typically Off
connected to a multi-speed fan’s low speed or speed 2 contactor.
Set Name: Off/On
Speed 3 OnOff V This is the desired fan speed 3 operation. This output is typically Off
connected to a multi-speed fan’s low speed or speed 3 contactor.
Set Name: Off/On
State G The current state of this output controller. Off
Set Name: Fan Speed

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 958

Table 599: Cooling Tower Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
System Enable This input indicates when the chilled water system is enabled. True
Tower Enable This input indicates when this tower is enabled. When the tower True
is enabled, any isolation valve associated with this tower is open.

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Cooling Tower Control)

• Off: The DeviceOnOff, Speed 1, Speed 2, and Speed 3 outputs are off. The Iso Valve Open Close output is
• Disabled: The DeviceOnOff, Speed 1, Speed 2, and Speed 3 outputs are off. The Iso Valve Open Close output
is Close. The FSM enters this state if either the System Enable or Tower Enable are false.
• Speed 1: The DeviceOnOff, and Speed 1 outputs are on. The Iso Valve Open Close output is Open. There is a
short delay for Speed 2 or Speed 3 to turn off before Speed 1 turns on.
• Speed 2: The DeviceOnOff and Speed 2 outputs are on. The Iso Valve Open Close output is Open. There is a
short delay for Speed 1 or Speed 3 to turn off before Speed 2 turns on.
• Speed 3: The DeviceOnOff and Speed 3 outputs are on. The Iso Valve Open Close output is Open. There is a
short delay for Speed 1 or Speed 2 to turn off before Speed 2 turns on.

Cooling Tower PID Control v61

The Cooling Tower PID Control module provides cooling tower control to maintain condenser water supply temperature.
This module provides a modulating signal that can be used to start and stop cooling tower fans and vary the speed
of a variable speed cooling tower fan.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Tower PID Control v61)

Table 600: Cooling Tower PID Control v61 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Cooling Tower PID Control v61 Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling Tower PID Control v61)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Tower PID Control v61 modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 959

Table 601: Cooling Tower PID Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status V This output indicates the current status of Set Name: Control Status
the cooling tower PID.
Deadband This is the value used to prevent the PID 1 Deg C, 2 Deg F
from overreacting when the process variable
is near the setpoint.
Fan Type This input indicates the type of fans Set Name: Tower Fan
controlled by the central cooling plant. This Type
module supports variable speed fans,
1-speed fans, 2-speed fans, 3-speed fans,
and vernier control.
Integral Time This input is the Integral Time used by the 600 Seconds
cooling tower PID controller.
Display Precision: 1s
Limited Max Value Defines the proportional output 0% when 0.0%
the module is in Limited Max mode.
Display Precision: 10ths
Min Speed This value is the minimum output for the 20%
Percent Cmd when VFD Fan is true. This
value is the minimum speed at which the
fan runs.
Mode This input indicates the desired operating Set Name:
mode for the cooling tower PID. Off/Max/Control/Limited
Number Available This input indicates the number of cooling Display Precision: 1s
towers that are enabled.
Number Of Towers This input indicates the number of cooling Display Precision: 1s
towers in the central plant.
Offset This input is the value for Percent Cmd 0%
when the error is zero. The output can vary
from this value if the cooling tower PID had
to integrate for some time to drive the
Process Variable to the Setpoint.
Percent Cmd V This modulating signal is used to drive %
variable speed fan drives.
Process Variable This input is the value that is controlled by 25 Deg C, 78 Deg F
modulating the Percent Cmd output.
Proportional Band This input is the Proportional Band used by 10 Deg C, 20 Deg F
the cooling tower PID controller.
Setpoint This is the setpoint that the cooling tower 25 Deg C, 78 Deg F
PID attempts to control the Process Variable
State This output is the current state of the cooling Set Name:
tower control module. Off/Max/Control

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 960

CPO30 Twr Run Switch
This module is designed to switch the control of the tower fan command whether it is in the CPO30 mode and whether
the tower fan run CSI is true or not. The module has inputs for the CPO-30 Enable, CPO-30 RUNCTFAN, and the
device command from the tower selector. This module has a Boolean output that indicates if the tower fan device
command is active. This module is implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Application (CPO30 Twr Run Switch)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 602: CPO30 Twr Run Switch Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
CPO30 Twr Run Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (CPO30 Twr Run Switch)

The following table describes the attributes used by the CPO30 Twr Run Switch modules:
Table 603: CPO30 Twr Run Switch Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
CPO-30 Enable Indicates the current system False
status, which determines if
system is in CPO-30 mode.
CPO-30 RUNCTFAN Indicates the current command False
CPO-30 is sending to control
the tower fans.
Device OnOff Indicates the desired fan False
operation. This output is
typically connected to either a
constant speed fan or a
variable speed fan. This output
is also used for runtime
totalization for this tower.
Present Value Indicates actual command for False
the tower fan.

Cooling Tower Selector

The Cooling Tower Selector provides logic and sequencing for controlling a bank of cooling towers and cooling tower
isolation valves. The Cooling Tower Selector provides individual outputs for each device. In general, when enabled,
the Cooling Tower Selector determines the combination that best meets the requirements and turns on/off the
appropriate towers in an orderly manner to arrive at the desired combination.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 961

This selector works with the Chiller Selector and the Pump Selector to provide timing and sequencing for the
condenser water system in a chilled water plant. The Cooling Tower Selector uses the core algorithm of the Chiller
When enabled, the Cooling Tower Selector receives condenser water requirements from both the Chiller Selector
and the Condenser Water Pump Selector, using the larger of the two, and decides which towers to turn on. This
module immediately opens the corresponding isolation valve, and after the Iso Valve Stroke Time timer expires, the
module enables the tower fan (Device nn Cmd = True).
To shut off a tower, the module first disables the tower fan (Device nn Cmd = False), and after the Iso Valve Stroke
Time, the module closes the isolation valve.
You cannot view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Once system selection is complete, the Cooling Tower Selector module requires further configuration. Refer
to the Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization™ 10 Application Note (LIT-12011575) for information on configuring
this module and for more application level information.

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Tower Selector)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 604: Cooling Tower Selector Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cooling Tower Selector X (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling Tower Selector)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Tower Selector modules:
Table 605: Cooling Tower Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Available Capacity V Provides the sum of the capacities 0
of the enabled towers.
Display units come from Flow Units.
Current Capacity G, V Provides the sum of the capacities 0
of the devices currently on (that is,
Display units come from Flow Units.
Device nn Status = On).
Current Efficiency V Indicates the capacity weighted 0
efficiency of the devices currently
Display Units: %
commanded to On.
Current/Power Units Indicates the units used for the A
current/power. These units are not
Set Name: Unit
currently used.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 962

Table 605: Cooling Tower Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CW Commanded Flow Indicates the capacity of the active 0
condenser water pumps. The Pump
Display units come from Flow Units.
Selector provides this value, if used.
The Cooling Tower Selector uses Minimum Value: 0
the maximum of Process Variable
and CW Commanded Flow to
determine when to start and stop
the cooling towers.
Device Info Provides a structure of arrays
containing individual information of
each device. This structure
contains: Rated Capacity, Rated
Current/Power, and Peak Efficiency.
Device nn Capacity Indicates the flow capacity of each
device in selectable units (where nn
is 01-08).
Device nn Cmd V Provides the request commands to False
each cooling tower (where nn is
Device nn Enable Indicates the Disable/Enable state True
of the devices (where nn is 01-08).
Device nn Runtime Indicates the runtimes of the 0
devices (where nn is 01-08).
Display Units: Hours
Device nn Start Count Indicates the number of starts 0
performed by each device (where
nn is 01-08).
Device nn Status Indicates the current Off/On state of Off
the devices as reported by the
Set Name: Off/On
hardware itself (where nn is 01-08).
These inputs are used to enforce
the Minimum On and Minimum Off
Flow Units Indicates the units used for the flow l/s, gpm
depending on the Units of the
Set Name: Unit
Interstage Off Delay Delay after an Off command before 15
starting to downstage again.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0.1-120
Interstage On Delay Delay after an On command before 15
starting to upstage again.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0.1-120
Iso Valve nn Cmd V Provides the request commands to False
each cooling tower isolation valve
(where nn is 01-08).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 963

Table 605: Cooling Tower Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Iso Valve Stroke Time Indicates the amount of time that 25
the Cooling Tower Selector waits
Display Units: Sec
from the time the it opens the
isolation valve to the time it Range: 0-120
commands the tower fan on.
Low Load Indicates the only operating chiller False
has been commanded off to provide
chilled water more efficiently.
Min Off Time Indicates the minimum amount of 1
off time applied to all cooling towers.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0-60
Min On Time Indicates the minimum amount of 1
on time applied to all cooling towers.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0-60
Peak Efficiency Indicates the peak efficiency of each 85
cooling tower. The Cooling Tower
Display Units: %
Selector chooses the devices with
the highest value first. Range: 50-100
Predicted Adjusted Efficiency SC, V Indicates the Predicted Efficiency of 0
the Required Devices (steady state
Display Units: %
device commands) adjusted for
runtime imbalances, start count
imbalances, start/stop differences,
and start/stop efficiency penalties.
Predicted Efficiency SC, V Indicates the expected efficiency 0
based on the Required Devices.
Display Units: %
Process Variable Provides the required tower flow 0
from the Chiller Selector.
Display units come from Flow Units.
Rated Capacity Indicates the cooling capacities of 0.1
each device.
Display units come from Flow Units.
Rated Current/Power Indicates the rated current of each 0
Display units come from
Current/Power Units.
Required Devices SC, V Provides an integer output 0
representing the packed bits of the
desired steady state set of towers
commanded On.
For example, a value of 88 means:
0-1-0-1-1-0-0-0 which indicates
device 4, 5, and 7 are On, and the
rest are Off.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 964

Table 605: Cooling Tower Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Required Interim Devices SC, V Provides an integer output 0
representing the packed bits of the
intermediate devices requested to
turn on while the Cooling Tower
Selector moves toward the desired
steady state.
Rotate Now Causes an immediate re-evaluation False
of the required devices to provide
the required capacity to meet the
current required flow based on the
current Device Runtime or Start
Counts or both.
Rotation Mode Determines how rotation is None
Set Name: Rotation Mode
• 0: None. The module does not
attempt to equalize either
runtimes or start counts of the
individual devices.
• 1: Run Time. The module
attempts to equalize the
runtimes of the individual
• 2: Start Counts. The module
attempts to equalize the start
counts of the individual devices.
• 3: Both. The module attempts
to equalize both start counts
and run times of the individual
Sequence Row Indicates the sequence table row 0
number that the module attempts to
move toward while following device
timers and statuses. This input is
available when the Sequence Row
Control input is True. If the input
value is out of range or if a
sequence table is not present,
Sequence Row input is ignored.
Sequence Row Control Enables Sequence Row parameter False
to enable devices.
Sequence Row Transition Delay When Sequence Row becomes Default: 0.2 minutes
False, this indicates the amount of
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
time the selector does not make any
staging decisions.
Note: This time is ignored when
System Enabled becomes

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 965

Table 605: Cooling Tower Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
System Enabled Disables/enables the Cooling Tower False
Selector. When System Enabled is
False, the Cooling Tower Selector
downstages to zero capacity.
Note: When False, the isolation
valves to the towers are
Total Current/Power V Indicates the total actual 0
current/power output of all currently
Display units come from
operating devices.
Current/Power Units.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Cooling Tower Selector)

The Reliability of all modules reflects the Reliability of its Outputs. If any Output Reliability is not reliable, then the
module Reliability must not be reliable.
The Cooling Tower Selector module checks the value of the Device nn Capacity and Rated Current/Power properties
of all devices. If any of the required values is less than or equal to zero, the reliability of the module is Unreliable:
Invalid Configuration, and the module does not execute.
If you attempt to change the Device nn Capacity to an invalid value, the module rejects the write and sends a
corresponding write error.

Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination

The Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination module determines the number of fans and the speeds at which
the fans operate. This fan count can be used to start and stop cooling tower fans.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 606: Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Tower Speed Count Determination modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 966

Name Type Description Default Value
Fan Type Indicates the type of fans One Speed
controlled by the central cooling
plant. This module supports
variable speed fans, 1-speed
fans, 2-speed fans, 3-speed
fans, and vernier control.
Number of Towers Indicates the number of cooling 3
towers in the central plant.
Percent Cmd Indicates the number of fans 0%
and at which speed they
Speed 1 Count Indicates the number of fans at 0
low speed.
Speed 2 Count Indicates the number of fans at 0
medium speed.
Speed 3 Count Indicates the number of fans at 0
high speed.

Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control v51 module replaces the Heat
Exchanger with Return Water Control v50 module.
The Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control module controls a heat exchanger that uses superheated hot water
as its heating source. This module manages the output water temperature. If the leaving heating source water
temperature drops below the limit setpoint, the control valve is modulated to control the leaving heating source water
at its low limit. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO).
The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 607: Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Heat Exchanger with Return Water Output v51 (Heat Exchanger Central Heating Applications
with Low Limit Output v51)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 967

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control modules:
Table 608: Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Cmd Controls the heat exchanger valve. The valve is commanded 0.0
from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Control Status V Provides the PID status with possible values of Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Low Limit Process Provides the low limit temperature process variable. 38.0 Deg C, 100.0 Deg F
Low Limit Proportional Provides the range across which the valve is proportionally 5.0 Deg C, 9.0 Deg F
Band modulated open as the Low Limit Process Variable drops
below the Low Limit Setpoint.
Low Limit Setpoint Provides the upper threshold for the low limit temperature, 38.0 Deg C, 100.0 Deg F
below which the heating supply water valve is proportionally
modulated open during normal control modes.
Mode Indicates the mode of operation for the module. Off
Set Name: Off/Max/Control
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Percent Cmd V Controls the heating supply water valve. 0.0%
Percent Request V Contains the output requested by the control before being 0.0%
limited based on the Low Limit Process Variable. This
attribute provides bumpless transfer between state sections.
Process ID Indicates the type of heating process being controlled by ZN-T
the device when the mode is Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the heating PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, the only two valid values are Deg C and Deg F.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Provides the control temperature. 0.0

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 968

Table 608: Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Setpoint Provides the control temperature setpoint. 0.0
State G Provides the operating state output as determined by the Off
Mode input.
Set Name: Off/Max/Control

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Exchanger with Return Water Control)

• Off: Set the Percent Request and Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the output to maximum. Set the Percent Request and Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable. If the leaving heating source water temperature drops
below the limit, the control valve opens further to control the leaving water temperature.

Heat Exchanger Selector

The Heat Exchanger Selector primitive provides the logic for sequencing a bank of up to four heat exchangers. The
primitive provides individual outputs for the equipment required by each heat exchanger, including isolation valves,
pumps, and cooling towers (as necessary). The primitive works in concert with the Pump and Tower Selector
primitives to provide proper sequencing and timing.
The Heat Exchanger Selector primitive is designed to help maximize the chiller plant's operating efficiency while
minimizing total starts and attempting to balance run times for the devices involved. The user can control the Rotation
method by reducing the devices' internally rated efficiency based on run time imbalance.
The primitive supports three modes of operation.
• Building Load - The cooling load is directly represented by the value of the Process Variable input. Typically,
this is provided (by a separate module in the application) as some product of delta T, Heat Capacity, and Flow.
• Flow Differential - Only for systems with primary constant speed pumps. The cooling load can be determined
based on the measured flow differential that is input on the Process Variable. For this calculation, the users also
needs to know the actual chilled water flow as the CHW Commanded Flow input.
• Temperature Differential - Only for primary constant speed pumps. The cooling load can be determined based
on the measured temperature differential that is input on the Process Variable. For this calculation, the users
also needs to know the actual chilled water flow as the CHW Commanded Flow input and the maximum rated
temperature drop across the devices.
The user can optionally designate a device type for groups of devices and indicate the desired staging or sequencing.
The desired sequencing is specified as a Sequence Table. Basically, this table defines which combinations of devices
can be used.
This primitive is used within a Control Sequence. The Heat Exchanger Selector primitive can only exist within a
Control Sequence or Control Activity within a Control Sequence. For this release, a maximum of four devices are
You cannot view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Once system selection is complete, the Heat Exchanger Selector module requires further configuration.
Refer to the Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization™ 10 Application Note (LIT-12011575) for information on
configuring this module and for more application level information.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 969

Module Use in Applications (Hx Selector)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 609: Hx Selector Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Hx Selector X (Where X Is 1-4) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 970

Attributes (Hx Selector)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Hx Selector modules:
Table 610: Hx Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default
CHW Indicates the actual chilled water flow based on the pump status and pump ratings. 0
Commanded This value is used in the percent load calculations for headered CHW systems only,
Flow and is typically available from the CHW Pump Selector. The Flow Stabilize Timer
units come
starts when the CHW Commanded Flow changes, and has a duration of 0.2 * Stabilize
from Flow
Time. This timer prevents the changes of the Process Variable from being recognized,
and allows the system to stabilize following a change in the headered CHW flow.
Value: 0
CHW Specifies whether operating with headered, dedicated, or no pumping on the Chilled Headered
Headered/ Water side of the heat exchanger.
Set Name:
Control Mode Determines how the process variable is treated: Building
• 0) Building Load: The process variable is the building’s chilled water heat gain
calculated elsewhere in the application. This load is compared to the current Set Name:
requested rated device capacity to call for more or less device capacity. Hx Control
• 1) Flow Differential: This mode is for use with primary constant speed pumps Mode
only. In this arrangement, the process variable provides the signed differential
flow. (A positive value indicates that the flow in the primary loop is greater than
the flow through the secondary loop. A negative value indicates that the flow in
the primary loop is less than the flow through the secondary loop.)
When operating in this mode, the Hx Selector module attempts to maintain the
flow in the bypass close to zero, which is when the plant capacity matches the
building load.
• 2) Temperature Differential: This mode is for use only with primary constant speed
pumps with or without secondary pumps. The Process Variable is the Temperature
drop across the heat exchangers and is used to calculate the chiller plant load.
CW Indicates the actual condenser water flow based on the pump status and pump ratings. 0
Commanded This value is used in the percent load calculations for headered CW systems only,
Flow and is typically available from the CW Pump Selector. .
units come
from Flow
Value: 0
CW Headered/ Specifies whether operating with headered, dedicated, or no pumping on the Headered
Dedicated Condenser Water side of the heat exchanger.
Set Name:
Derate Now Enables Derate Now, which commands the Hx Selector module to calculate a reduced False
capacity of the running heat exchangers and then command the module to reevaluate
which heat exchangers should be operating.
Derate Reset Resets the Derating Percent back to zero instantly. False

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 971

Table 610: Hx Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default
Derating V Indicates the percentage of derating internally applied to all devices. This value is 0
Percent calculated and used in Building Load Mode only. If devices are unable to meet the
rated capacities, elsewhere in the application the Derate Now input is set to True.
Units: %
The Hx Selector then derates the devices by this percentage. Large values of this
property should be investigated since it could indicate possible malfunction of the
heat exchangers.
HX Indicates the sum of the enabled derated capacities. 0
CAP Units: Tons
HX BASE Indicates the minimum rate cooling the heat exchanger selector maintains. 0.1
LOAD Display
Units: Tons
HX CURRENT Indicates sum of the derated capacities of the devices currently commanded on. 0
CAP Display
Units: Tons
HX CURRENT Indicates the percent loading of the devices currently commanded on, adjusted by 0
PCT LOAD the Derating Percent. Display
Units: %
HX-MINOFFTIME Indicates the minimum amount of off time applied to all devices. 10
(Min Off Time)
Units: Min
HX-MINONTIME Indicates the minimum amount of on time applied to all devices. 10
(Min On Time)
Units: Min
HX START Indicates the delay applied when the System Enabled input transitions from Disabled 30
DELAY to Enabled. The Minimum Load is maintained during this time, allowing the chilled
(System Start and condenser water pumps to operate.
Units: Min
This time period is typically longer than the Stabilize Time to allow the system to
achieve steady state after not being under control for some time.
HX1-REQUIRED SC, V Provides an integer output representing the packed bits of the desired steady state 0
DEVS set of devices commanded On.
For example, a value of 88 means 0-1-0-1-1-0-0-0, which indicates device 2, 4, and
5 are On, and the rest are Off.
HX1-REQD SC, V Provides an integer output representing the packed bits of the intermediate devices 0
INTERIM DEVS requested to turn on while the heat exchanger selector moves toward the desired
(Required steady state.
Iso Valve Indicates stroke time of the isolation valves. This input delays turning on the first 60
Stroke Time headered pumps. For dedicated pumping on both CW and CHW sides, this value
should equal zero.
Units: Sec

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 972

Table 610: Hx Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default
Max CHW Flow Indicates the sum of the Rated CHW Max Flows of all the devices currently On. 0
units come
from Flow
Min CHW Flow V Indicates the minimum flow required for safe chiller operation. This output is used in 0
Setpoint headered variable speed chilled water systems.
units come
from Flow
Min CW Flow V Indicates the minimum flow required for safe chiller operation. This output is used in 0
Setpoint headered variable speed condenser water systems.
units come
from Flow
Process Indicates the units used for the Process Variable depending on the Units of the kW
Variable Units application and the Mode of Operation.
Set Name:
Pump Delay Indicates the longest amount of time required for the pump to stop once a stop is 15
received, or the amount of time to speed up once the on command is received.
Units: Sec
Pump Down Indicates the amount of time to run the CW and CHW pumps after turning off a device. 10
Time This delay allows the removal of refrigerant from the evaporator.
Units: Min
Required CHW V Indicates the required chilled water flow associated with the currently requested (or 0
Flow soon to be requested) devices. This output is used in headered chilled water systems.
To ensure enough chilled water flow during taging, the CHW Required Flow is units come
increased by 10% with a minimum value as calculated and a maximum value equal from Flow
to the Rated CHW Flow. Units.
This flow requirement value is issued with enough anticipation to allow flows to be
obtained prior to devices turning on and maintains its high value while the Pump
Down Timer is active, when devices are being turned off.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 973

Table 610: Hx Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default
Required CW V Indicates the required condenser water flow associated with the currently requested 0
Flow (or soon to be requested) devices. This output is used in headered condenser water
units come
The module calculates a minimum condenser water flow based on the individual from Flow
minimum condenser water requirements and the rated condenser water flows. Units.
To ensure enough condenser water flow during staging, the CW Required Flow is
increased by 10% with a minimum value as calculated and a maximum value equal
to the Rated CW Flow.
This flow requirement value is issued with enough anticipation to allow flows to be
obtained prior to devices turning on and maintains its high value while the Pump
Down Timer is active, when devices are being turned off.
Required V Indicates the required cooling tower water flow. This output is a time-shifted version 0
Tower Flow of the Required CW Flow output to ensure proper sequencing of the cooling tower
with the other equipment when devices are added or removed.
units come
from Flow
Rotate Now On the rising edge of this signal, the Hx Selector calculates a new combination of False
devices that provides the required cooling capacity while promoting the maximum
rotation of the heat exchanger.
Rotation Mode Determines how rotation is processed: None
• 0: None. The module does not attempt to equalize either runtimes or start counts Set Name:
of the individual devices. Rotation
• 1: Run Time. The module attempts to equalize the runtimes of the individual Mode
• 2: Start Counts. The module attempts to equalize the start counts of the individual
• 3: Both. The module attempts to equalize both start counts and run times of the
individual devices.
Selector Indicates if Heat Exchanger is in operation. This input enables Heat Exchanger to False
Enabled determine if it can turn on pumps before opening its first isolation valves (turning on
the first heat exchanger) or close its last isolation valves before turning off all the
pumps (turning off the last heat exchanger). This input connects to the same source
as Chiller Selector's System Enabled input, if present.
Sequence Row Enables Sequence Row parameter to enable devices. False
Sequence Row Indicates the sequence table row number that the module attempts to move toward 0
while following device timers and statuses. This input is available when the Sequence
Row Control input is True. If the input value is out of range or if a sequence table is
not present, Sequence Row input is ignored.
Stabilize Time Indicates the amount of time after a device changes on or off that the must elapse 15
before recognizing changes to the Process Variable.
Units: Min
System Disables/enables the chiller plant. When System Enabled is False, the Heat Exchanger False
Enabled Selector downstages to zero capacity.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 974

Table 610: Hx Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default
Tower Indicates the available cooling tower water flow. The Hx Selector uses this value in 0
Available Flow determining valid device combinations. The value is typically available from the
Cooling Tower Selector.
Value: 0
units come
from Flow
Tower Indicates the actual cooling tower water flow. This value provides status feedback to 0
Commanded the Hx Selector to ensure proper sequencing of the cooling tower with the other
Flow equipment when a device is added or removed. The value is typically available from
Value: 0
the Cooling Tower Selector.
units come
from Flow
Tower Piping Specifies whether operating with headered, dedicated, or no cooling tower piping on Headered
the Condenser Water side of the heat exchanger.
Set Name:

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Hx Selector)

The Reliability of all modules reflects the Reliability of its Outputs. If any Output Reliability is not reliable, then the
module Reliability must not be reliable.
The module checks the values of the following attributes, according to the Control Mode and the CW
headered/dedicated attributes as follows:
Table 611: Hx Selector Reliability
Control Mode CW Header/Dedicated CHW Header/Dedicated Required Properties
Any Any Any Rated Capacity
Rated CHW Flow
CHW Min Flow
Building Load Any Any Rated Current Power
Any Headered Any Rated CW Flow
CW Min Flow

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 975

Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit
The Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit module provides a cooling tower control signal using the Near Optimal
Open Loop Tower Control block. Normally, the percent command output of the module is the output of the Near
Optimal Open Loop Tower Control block only. However, if the condenser water temperature drops below the low
limit setpoint, the module starts low limit control. In this condition, the module output becomes the minimum of the
block output and the output of a PID controlling the condenser water temperature to the low limit setpoint. When
conditions are favorable for exiting low limit control [that is, CW-T > (LL Spt + Differential) and (OA Wet Bulb Temp
+ Tower Approach) > LL Spt], the module output is handed back to the block output only. This module is implemented
as a standard Control Activity.
In addition, this module has a high limit feature using a High Control Setpoint input. If the CW-Temp is above the
High Control Setpoint, the fan spins at 100%.
For equations and more information on the Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control logic block used by this module,
see Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control in the Control category of the Logic section.
This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 612: Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit modules:
Table 613: Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Absolute EWMA Effort Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this
Display Units: %
Absolute EWMA Error Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Setpoint - 0.0
Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 976

Table 613: Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Chiller Plant Capacity Provides the name plate chiller capacity. You may enter the 100 kW, 28.4 Tons
sum of all the chillers in the plant, or the Chiller Selector may
supply the sum of the active chillers.
Chiller Plant Load Indicates the amount of energy added to the chilled water by 100 kW, 28.4 Tons
the plant.
Chiller Plant Sensitivity Indicates the incremental increase in chiller power for each 0.02
degree increase in condenser water temperature as a fraction
Minimum: 0.01
of the power. Typically, the sensitivity factor is between 0.01
and 0.03. Maximum: 0.03
Display Precision: 100ths
Chiller Rated Power Provides the name plate chiller power. You may enter the sum 100 kW, 134 hp
of all the chillers in the plant, or the Chiller Selector may supply
the sum of the active chillers.
CW Temperature Indicates the condenser water temperature, which is the low 29.4 Deg C, 85.0 Deg F
limit process variable.
Enable Enables or disables the module. When disabled, the Percent True
Cmd is 0.0%.
EWMA Error Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint - 0.0
Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
EWMA Present Value Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID computes 0.0
this value.
Display Units: %
Fan Type Defines the type of fans used in the cooling towers. This module VFD
supports 1-speed, 2-speed, 3-speed, and variable speed fans.
Set Name: Tower Fan Type
It does not support vernier fans.
High Control Setpoint Indicates the high control (limit) temperature setpoint. 30.0 Deg C, 86.0 Deg F
Low Limit Control Indicates the control status of the PID that controls the Normal
Status condenser water temperature to the condenser water low limit
Set Name: Control Status
Low Limit Enable Enables or disables low limit control. True
Low Limit Setpoint Indicates the low limit temperature setpoint. 15.6 Deg C, 60.0 Deg F
Low Limit Setpoint Indicates the low limit temperature differential. 2.8 Deg C, 5.0 Deg F
Low Limit State Represents the current state of the low limit control FSM. No Low Limit
Set Name: Low Limit
Minimum Speed Sets a minimum speed for the module percent command output 20%
when controlling a VFD with such a requirement.
OA Humidity Indicates the outdoor air humidity. 50% RH
OA Temperature Indicates the outdoor air temperature. 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 977

Table 613: Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd G,V Indicates the control signal output sent to the cooling tower. If 0.0%
the Low Limit State is No Limit Control, this is the percent
command output of the Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control
block. If the Low Limit State is Control Limit, this is the minimum
of the output of the Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control
block and the PID controlling the condenser water temperature
to the condenser water low limit setpoint.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the heating PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg FSet Name:
the only two valid values are Deg C and Deg F. Units
Tower Approach Indicates the designed cooling tower approach, which is the 3.9 Deg C, 7.0 Deg F
expected temperature difference between the condenser water
temperature leaving the cooling tower and the outdoor air wet
bulb temperature under design conditions. This value is typically
7.0 Deg F, but may be found in the cooling tower manufacturer’s
Tower Range Indicates the designed cooling tower range, which is the 5.6 Deg C, 10.0 Deg F
expected condenser water temperature drop from inlet to outlet
under design conditions. This value is typically 10.0 Deg F, but
may be found in the cooling tower manufacturer’s literature.
Tower Rated Power Provides the name plate cooling tower power. You may enter 10 kW
the sum of all the cooling towers in the plant, or the Cooling
Tower Selector may supply the sum of the active cooling towers.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit)

• No Limit Control: Disables the Low limit control.
• Control Limit: Controls the low limit process variable to the low limit temperature setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 978

Figure 123: Low Limit Control FSM

Plant Control
This module is responsible for controlling a central plant device (for example, a Boiler, Chiller, or Tower Fan). This
module accepts as inputs a mode, command, on delay, safety, interlock status, interlock off delay, alarm delay,
percent command, ramp time, percent limit, and maintenance switch. Based on the input command and attribute
settings, the module outputs a rotate enable, device onoff, alarm command, interlock device command, and an
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Plant Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 614: Plant Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Boiler X Control (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Chiller X Control (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 979

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Plant Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Plant Control modules:
Table 615: Plant Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Alarm Indicates the status of the primary device condition. Normal
Alarm Delay Indicates the value in seconds to wait for inputs to clear before 30 Seconds
generating an alarm.
BLRX-OUTSTATE or G Provides a Binary output to the primary controlled device. This Off
CHX-OUTSTATE (Device attribute is used to start the pump or boiler, for example.
Command Starts the interlock and the device when in a Mode of Control. When False
in a Mode of Interlock Only, this input starts the interlock.
Interlock Command Provides a Binary output for the interlock device. This attribute is Off
used to open the isolation valve or circulation pump, for example.
Interlock Off Delay Indicates the value in seconds to wait in Off Mode before stopping 300 Seconds
the interlock device.
Interlock Status Provides a Binary Input from an optional interlock device (isolation On
valve status). This attribute is used to prevent the primary device
from starting unless status is On when connected.
Maintenance Switch Provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device. Enable
Mode Determines mode of the module. Off
Set Name: Plant
On Delay Indicates the time in seconds to wait before turning on the Command 20 Seconds
output in Control Mode. This attribute is used to allow interlocked
devices to activate before starting the primary device.
Output (Float) V Provides an Analog output for the primary device. This attribute is 0.0%
used to modulate the boiler burner or load chiller, for example.
Percent Cmd Provides an Analog Value input to determine the percent operating 0.0%
level of the controlled device.
Percent Limit Indicates the maximum analog output value for the controlled device. 100%
This attribute is used to limit the operation of the analog device.
Ramp Time Indicates the time in minutes that the ramp block takes to change 20 Minutes
from 0 to 100% output.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 980

Table 615: Plant Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Rotate Enable Provides a Binary output that indicates if the current device is allowed False
to run.
Safety Provides a Binary Input from an additional optional safety device On
(flow switch). This attribute is used to prevent the primary device
from starting unless safety is On when connected.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Plant Control)

• Off: Turns the device off. The Output is set to 0%, the Alarm is set to Off, the interlock Command is delayed off,
and the Command is set to Off.
• Control: Enables the Command Input to start and stop the interlock and the device.
• Instant Shutdown: Turns the device off immediately. The Output is set to 0%, the Alarm is set to Off, the interlock
Command is off, and the Command is set to Off. This state is used for Emergency Shutdown only and bypasses
all timers which may cause dangerous conditions.
• Interlock Only: Enables the Command Input to start and stop the interlock.

Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit v61

The Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit module provides a cooling tower control signal using the Near Optimal
Open Loop Tower Control block. Normally, the percent command output of the module is the output of the Near
Optimal Open Loop Tower Control block only. However, if the condenser water temperature drops below the low
limit setpoint, the module starts low limit control. In this condition, the module output becomes the minimum of the
block output and the output of a PID controlling the condenser water temperature to the low limit setpoint. When
conditions are favorable for exiting low limit control [that is, CW-T > (LL Spt + Differential) and (OA Wet Bulb Temp
+ Tower Approach) > LL Spt], the module output is handed back to the block output only. This module is implemented
as a standard Control Activity.
In addition, this module has a high limit feature using a High Control Setpoint input. If the CW-Temp is above the
High Control Setpoint, the fan spins at 100%. This module also allows for a limited max mode of operation.
For equations and more information on the Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control logic block used by this module,
see Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control in the Control category of the Logic section.
This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 981

Module Use in Applications (Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit v61)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 616: Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit v61 Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit v61)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit modules:

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Absolute EWMA Effort Provides an EWMA based on the absolute 0.0
value of (Current Present Value - Last Present
Display Units: %
Value). The PID computes this value.
Absolute EWMA Error Provides an EWMA based on the absolute 0.0
value of (Setpoint - Process Variable). The
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
PID computes this value.
Chiller Plant Capacity Provides the name plate chiller capacity. You 100 kW, 28.4 Tons
may enter the sum of all the chillers in the
plant, or the Chiller Selector may supply the
sum of the active chillers.
Chiller Plant Load Indicates the amount of energy added to the 100 kW, 28.4 Tons
chilled water by the plant.
Chiller Plant Sensitivity Indicates the incremental increase in chiller 0.02
power for each degree increase in condenser
Minimum: 0.01
water temperature as a fraction of the power.
Typically, the sensitivity factor is between 0.01 Maximum: 0.03
and 0.03.
Display Precision: 100ths
Chiller Rated Power Provides the name plate chiller power. You 100 kW, 134 hp
may enter the sum of all the chillers in the
plant, or the Chiller Selector may supply the
sum of the active chillers.
CW Temperature Indicates the condenser water temperature, 29.4 Deg C, 85.0 Deg F
which is the low limit process variable.
Enable Enables or disables the module. When True
disabled, the Percent Cmd is 0.0%.
EWMA Error Provides an EWMA based on the difference 0.0
of (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
computes this value.
EWMA Present Value Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The 0.0
PID computes this value.
Display Units: %

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 982

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan Type Defines the type of fans used in the cooling VFD
towers. This module supports 1-speed,
Set Name: Tower Fan Type
2-speed, 3-speed, and variable speed fans. It
does not support vernier fans.
High Control Setpoint Indicates the high control (limit) temperature 30.0 Deg C, 86.0 Deg F
Limited Max Enable Indicates when the actual output that is False
controlled by this output controller has been
set to the Limited Max Value.
Limited Max Position Provides the current Present Value of the 0%
output that this controller drives when Limited
Max is enabled.
Low Limit Control Status Indicates the control status of the PID that Normal
controls the condenser water temperature to
Set Name: Control Status
the condenser water low limit setpoint.
Low Limit Enable Enables or disables low limit control. True
Low Limit Setpoint Indicates the low limit temperature setpoint. 15.6 Deg C, 60.0 Deg F
Low Limit Setpoint Indicates the low limit temperature differential. 2.8 Deg C, 5.0 Deg F
Low Limit State Represents the current state of the low limit No Low Limit
control FSM.
Set Name: Low Limit Control
Minimum Speed Sets a minimum speed for the module percent 20%
command output when controlling a VFD with
such a requirement.
OA Humidity Indicates the outdoor air humidity. 50% RH
OA Temperature Indicates the outdoor air temperature. 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by False
this output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the 0%
output that this controller drives.
Percent Cmd G,V Indicates the control signal output sent to the 0.0%
cooling tower. If the Low Limit State is No Limit
Control, this is the percent command output
of the Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control
block. If the Low Limit State is Control Limit,
this is the minimum of the output of the Near
Optimal Open Loop Tower Control block and
the PID controlling the condenser water
temperature to the condenser water low limit
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
appropriate Process ID.
Process Units Specifies the units for the heating PID. For this Deg C, Deg FSet Name: Units
particular module, the only two valid values
are Deg C and Deg F.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 983

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Tower Approach Indicates the designed cooling tower 3.9 Deg C, 7.0 Deg F
approach, which is the expected temperature
difference between the condenser water
temperature leaving the cooling tower and the
outdoor air wet bulb temperature under design
conditions. This value is typically 7.0 Deg F,
but may be found in the cooling tower
manufacturer’s literature.
Tower Range Indicates the designed cooling tower range, 5.6 Deg C, 10.0 Deg F
which is the expected condenser water
temperature drop from inlet to outlet under
design conditions. This value is typically 10.0
Deg F, but may be found in the cooling tower
manufacturer’s literature.
Tower Rated Power Provides the name plate cooling tower power. 10 kW
You may enter the sum of all the cooling
towers in the plant, or the Cooling Tower
Selector may supply the sum of the active
cooling towers.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit v61)
• No Limit Control: Disables the Low limit control.
• Control Limit: Controls the low limit process variable to the low limit temperature setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 984

Figure 124: Low Limit Control FSM v61

Pump Control v2
Important: As of Release 3.1, the Pump Control v2 module replaces the Pump Control module.
The Pump Control module is responsible for controlling a pump. This module accepts as inputs a mode, a command,
an on delay, off delay, a status, an alarm delay, a percent command, a ramp time, a percent limit, and a maintenance
switch. Based on the input command and attribute settings, the module outputs a rotate enable, a device on off, an
alarm command, and an output.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Pump Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 617: Pump Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CW Pump X Control v2 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Primary CHW Pump X Control v2 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 985

Table 617: Pump Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Primary Pump X Control v2 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Secondary CHW Pump X Modulating Control v2 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Secondary HW Pump X Control v2 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Pump Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Pump Control modules:
Table 618: Pump Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Command Starts or stops the pump when in a Mode of Control or False
Interlock Only.
Maintenance Switch Provides a binary input to disable or enable the controlled Enable
Set Name:
Mode Determines the operating mode of the module. Off
Set Name: Plant
Off Delay Indicates the time in seconds to wait before turning off the 300 Seconds
Device OnOff output in Control Mode. This attribute is used
to allow interlocked devices to deactivate before stopping the
primary device.
On Delay Indicates the time in seconds to wait before turning on the 20 Seconds
Device OnOff output in Control Mode. This attribute is used
to allow interlocked devices to activate before starting the
primary device.
Output (Float) V Provides an analog output for the primary device. This attribute 0.0%
is used to modulate variable speed pumps.
Percent Cmd Provides an analog value input to determine the percent 0.0%
operating level of the controlled device.
Percent Limit Provides a maximum analog output value for the controlled 100%
device. This attribute is used to limit the operation of the
analog device.
PHWP1-OUTSTATE, G Provides a binary output to the primary controlled device. This Off
SHWP1-OUTSTATE, attribute is used to start the pump.
Set Name: Off/On
(Device OnOff)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 986

Table 618: Pump Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Ramp Time Indicates the time in minutes that the ramp block takes to 1 Minute
change from 0 to 100% output.
Rotate Enable Provides a binary output that indicates whether the current False
device is allowed to run.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Pump Control)

• Off: Turns the device off. The Output is set to 0%, the Alarm is set to Off, and the Device OnOff is delayed off.
• Control: Enables the Command Input to start and stop the device.
• Instant Shutdown: Turns the device off immediately. The Output is set to 0%, the Alarm is set to Off, and the
Device OnOff is set to Off. This state is used for Emergency Shutdown only and bypasses all timers which may
cause dangerous conditions.
• Interlock Only: Works the same as the Control Mode.

Pump Output Control

The Pump Output Control module provides proper operation of a constant speed or variable speed pump. It provides
the on/off signal to turn on both variable speed and constant speed pumps. This module also provides the variable
output signal for a variable speed pump. Based on the Mode input, it sets the Device OnOff output and the Percent
Command Output. This module is implemented as a hybrid control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Pump Output Control)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 619: Pump Output Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
CW Pmp X Control (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CHW Pump X Control (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Secondary Pump X Control (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Pump Output Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Pump Output Control modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 987

Table 620: Pump Output Control Attributes
Attribute Type
1 Description Default Value
Blocking Protect This input is the signal from blocking protection. When this Off
input is Protect, the device turns on for few seconds once
Set Name: Blocking Protect
a week.
Command This input is the command to the device. The input usually False
comes from the device sequencer.
Device OnOff V This output provides the on-off signal to turn the pump on Default Value: Off
and off.
Set Name: Off/On
Enable This input is the status of the enable for this pump. True
Min Speed This input is the minimum value of the Percent Command 0.0%
when the Percent Cmd is equal or less than Min Speed.
Percent Cmd V This input is the value from the static pressure control PID 0.0%
module. It provides the control signal for the VFD outputs.
Percent Command V This output is the percent command that is being sent to the Default Value: 0.0
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for the pump.
Display Units: %
Percent Limit This input is the maximum value of the Percent Command 100.0%
when the Percent Cmd is equal or greater than Percent
Ramp Time This input is the time (in minutes) for the module to ramp 5.0 Minutes
from zero to the minimum of the Percent Limit and the
Percent Cmd on startup.
Speed Setting This input indicates whether the controlled device is variable Constant Capacity
speed or constant speed.
Set Name: AHU Supply Fan
State G This is the current state of the activity. Default Value: Off
Set Name: CP Pump Output
System Enable This input indicates that the chilled water system is enabled. True

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Pump Output Control)

• Off: Sets the Device OnOff output to off. The Percent Command is set to 0%.
• On: Sets the Device OnOff output to on. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Control: Sets the Device OnOff to on. When this state is first entered a Rate Limit object begins to increase its
output starting from zero. When the output of the rate limit reaches the minimum of the Percent Cmd input and
the Percent Limit input, the minimum of those two inputs is passed to the Percent Command output. The Percent
Command varies between Min Speed and 100% as the input Percent Cmd varies from 0 to 100%.
• Hold: Holds the Device OnOff and Percent Command at the last outputed value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 988

Figure 125: Pump Output Control Signal Relationships During Control

Table 621: PMP Control Command Hierarchy (Enum Output)

System Enable Enable Blocking Protect Command Speed Setting State
FALSE * * * * Off
TRUE FALSE * * * Off
TRUE TRUE Protect * * On
TRUE TRUE Off TRUE Variable Capacity Control
TRUE TRUE Off TRUE Constant Capacity On

Pump Selector
When the pumps (chilled or condensed water) are arranged in a headered configuration, the Central Cooling Plant
with Optimization application uses Pump Selector to control each headered circuit to:
• maximize the pumping efficiency by choosing the most efficient pump (or combination of pumps) available
• minimize the total starts of the devices
• attempt to balance run times and start counts for the pumps, if configured
In general, when enabled, the module determines the combination that best meets the requirements and turns on/off
the appropriate pumps in an orderly manner to arrive at the desired combination.
The best combination produces the largest adjusted efficiency. Efficiencies are calculated based on the Device
Efficiency, percent load, Required Capacity and Rated Flow.
You cannot view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
Once system selection is complete, the Pump Selector module requires further configuration. Refer to the
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization™ 10 Application Note (LIT-12011575) for information on configuring
this module and for more application level information.

Module Use in Applications (Pump Selector)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 989

Table 622: Pump Selector Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CWP Selector XX (Where XX Is 01-08) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
PCHWP Selector XX (Where XX Is 01-08) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Pump Selector XX (Where XX Is 01-08) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
SCHWP Selector XX (Where XX Is 01-08) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Pump Selector)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Pump Selector modules:
Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Available Capacity V Provides the sum of the enabled 0
pump derated capacities.
Display units come from Capacity
Control Mode Determines how the pumps are Constant Speed
Set Name: Pump Control Mode
• Constant Speed: The Pump
Selector uses the Requested
Flow input to decide how many,
and which pumps to command.
• Variable Speed: This
configuration assumes that
there is another block in the
application that controls the flow
and provides the pumps speed
to this module. The pump speed
is used to stage up and to
calculate the flow for staging
Current Capacity G, V Provides the sum of the derated 0
capacities of the devices currently
Display units come from Capacity
on (that is, Device nn Status = On).
Current Efficiency V Indicates the capacity weighted 2.0
efficiency of the pumps currently
Display Units: %
commanded to On.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 990

Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Current Percent Load V Indicates the percent loading of the 0
pumps currently commanded to On
Display Units: %
adjusted by the Derate Percent. For
constant speed pumps, this value
represents the percent of the flow
being used to satisfy the current
load requirements. For variable
speed pumps, this value represents
the percent of flow versus the total
available flow.
Derate Now Derates the rated flow of the False
currently operating devices and may
force an upstage. This input may be
triggered, for example, by the
Saturation Status of the PID that
controls the Bypass Valve.
This input applies to only constant
speed pumping systems, as
possible pump malfunction may
result in not meeting the flow
The module calculates that a
Derating Percent such as the
Current Percent Capacity becomes
101%. For example, if a rising edge
of the Derate Now occurs when the
Current Percent Capacity is 80%,
the On devices are assigned a
Derating Percent of 20.8%
(101-80)/101*100, and are
effectively rated at 79.2% of their
actual rating. This value forces an
immediate upstage. The Derating
Percent is set to zero for all devices
at the rising edge of the Derate
Reset input. The individual Derating
Value nn (where nn is 01-08) are
properties of the module. As this
condition is usually indicative of a
hardware issue, the Derate Now
input (or its source) should be used
to set an alarm in the BAS.
Derate Reset Resets the derating value to zero. False
The derate reset action is triggered
at the edge of the module. See
Derate Now.
Derating Value nn V Indicates the array of individual 0
device derate values (where nn is
Display Units: %

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 991

Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device nn Capacity Indicates the flow capacities of each 0
device in selectable units (where nn
Display units come from Capacity
is 01-08).
Device nn Cmd V Provides the command requests to False
each pump (where nn is 01-08).
Device nn Enable Indicates the Disable/Enable state True
of the devices (where nn is 01-08).
Device nn Peak Efficiency Indicates the peak efficiency for the 85
pumps as percentages (where nn
Display Units: %
is 01-08). This value is limited to
integers between 50% and 100%. Range: 50-100
Combinations with devices that
have higher peak efficiencies are
preferentially selected during
operation without regard for
improving run time or start count
Only devices with the same Peak
Efficiency have the ability to be
balanced for run time and/or start
counts. For example, if two devices
have peak efficiencies X, and two
other devices have peak efficiencies
Y, the start count and runtime
balancing happens among the
devices with peak efficiencies X and
among the devices with peak
efficiencies Y, but not among all
devices. This selection happens
because the run time and start
count adjustments are small decimal
values that do not add up to one unit
and the Peak Efficiencies are whole
numbers. See Combination
Device nn Runtime Indicates the runtimes of the 0
devices (where nn is 01-08).
Display Units: Hours
Device nn Start Count Indicates the number of starts 0
performed by each device (where
nn is 01-08).
Device nn Status Indicates the current Off/On state of Off
the devices as reported by the
Set Name: Off/On
hardware itself (where nn is 01-08).
Flow Units C Indicates the units used for the flow gpm
depending on the Units of the
Set Name: Unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 992

Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Hysteresis Indicates the value of an additional 0.00
efficiency penalty to be applied
Display Units: %
before a change is made. Larger
values increase the stability of the Range: 0.00-10.00
combination currently operating
while forcing a greater drop in
efficiency before a switch is made.
The adjusted efficiency of the new
combination includes this
Interstage Off Delay Delay after an Off command before 15
starting to downstage again.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0.1-120
Interstage On Delay Delay after an On command before 15
starting to upstage again.
Display Units: Min
Range: 0.1-120
CHWP LOWER PCT LOAD, CWP Indicates the nominal value that 78
LOWER PCT LOAD, PCHWP applies to all pumps collectively.
Display Units: %
LOWER PCT LOAD, SCHWP This value is the left hand endpoint
LOWER PCT LOAD (Lower of the pump efficiency plateau.
Optimal Pct Load) When this value decreases, the
application stages down at lower
percent loads. For example, a plant
runs pumps with a combined
capacity of 400 gpm. When the
Lower Percent Load is 70%, the
application considers staging down
when the current required flow
reduces to less than 280 gpm. If this
value is reduced to 55, the
application does not consider
staging down until the required flow
decreases to less than 220 gpm.
CHWP UPPER PCT LOAD, CWP Indicates the nominal value that 98
LOWER PCT LOAD, PCHWP applies to all pumps collectively. It
Display Units: %
LOWER PCT LOAD, SCHWP is the right hand endpoint of the
LOWER PCT LOAD (Upper pump efficiency plateau.
Optimal Percent Load)
Maximum Flow For Variable Speed Mode, this input 1e30
provides a maximum limit on the
Display units come from Flow Units.
pumping capacity (flow) that can be
turned On to prevent more capacity
than required by the enabled
chillers. Maximum Flow takes
precedence over Minimum Flow;
therefore, when this input is zero,
all pumps shut off.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 993

Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CHWP-MINOFFTIME, Indicates the minimum amount of 1
CWP-MINOFFTIME, off time applied to all pumps.
Display Units: Min
SCHWP-MINOFFTIME (Min Off Range: 0-60
CHWP-MINONTIME, Indicates the minimum amount of 1
CWP-MINONTIME, on time applied to all pumps.
Display Units: Min
SCHWP-MINONTIME (Min On Range: 0-60
CHWP BASE LOAD, CWP BASE Indicates the minimum capacity 0
LOAD, PCHWP BASE LOAD, (flow) that the system needs to
Display units come from Flow Units.
SCHWP BASE LOAD (Minimum maintain. Together with the Process
Flow) Variable, this input defines the
minimum number of pumps to
command. It is assumed that other
application block, presumably the
Chiller Selector module, sets the
two inputs according to the chillers
flow requirements, setting both of
them to zero only when no flow is
necessary (for example, when pump
down is finished).
Predicted Adjusted Efficiency SC, V Indicates the Predicted Efficiency of 0
the Required Devices (steady state
Display Units: %
device commands) adjusted for run
time imbalances, start count
imbalances, start/stop differences,
user-defined efficiency hysteresis,
and start/stop efficiency penalty.
Predicted Efficiency SC, V Indicates the expected capacity 0
weighted efficiency based on the
Display Units: %
Required Devices (steady state
device commands).
Predicted Percent Load SC, V Indicates the expected percent load 0
based on the Required Devices
Display Units: %
(steady state device commands).
Process Variable Provides a value depending on the 0
Control Mode property. When
When Mode is Constant Speed, the
Control Mode is Constant Speed,
Display units come from Process
the Process Variable is the
Variable Units.
Requested Flow. When Control
Mode is Variable Speed, the When Mode is Variable Speed, the
Process Variable is the current display units is %.
commanded speed to all pumps.
This value is calculated elsewhere
in the application by a PID that
controls the water pressure drop
across the load.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 994

Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Units Indicates the units used for the kW
Process Variable depending on the
Set Name: Unit
Units of the application and the
Mode of Operation.
Required Devices SC, V Provides an integer output 0
representing the packed bits of the
desired steady state set of pumps
commanded On.For example, a
value of 4 means 1-0-0, which
indicates pump 3 is On and pumps
2 and 1 are Off.
Required Interim Devices SC, V Provides an integer output 0
representing the packed bits of the
intermediate devices requested to
turn on while the pump selector
moves toward the desired steady
Rotate Now Causes an immediate re-evaluation False
of the required devices to provide
the required capacity to meet the
current required flow based on the
current Device Runtime or Start
Counts or both.
Rotation Mode Determines how rotation is None
Set Name: Rotation Mode
• 0: None. The module does not
attempt to equalize either
runtimes or start counts of the
individual devices.
• 1: Run Time. The module
attempts to equalize the
runtimes of the individual
• 2: Start Counts. The module
attempts to equalize the start
counts of the individual devices.
• 3: Both. The module attempts
to equalize both start counts
and run times of the individual
Sequence Row Control Enables Sequence Row parameter False
to enable devices.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 995

Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Sequence Row Indicates the sequence table row 0
number that the module attempts to
move toward while following device
timers and statuses. This input is
available when the Sequence Row
Control input is True. If the input
value is out of range or if a
sequence table is not present,
Sequence Row input is ignored.
Sequence Row Transition Delay When Sequence Row becomes Default: 0.2 minutes
False, this indicates the amount of
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
time the selector does not make any
staging decisions.
Note: This time is ignored when
System Enabled becomes
Stabilize Time Indicates the amount of time to wait 0
after a pump is commanded off or
Display Units: Min
on before evaluating if the current
combination of pumps is meeting
the current demand, or if another
pump should be turned on or off.
This should reflect the amount of
time it takes for a pump to ramp up
its commanded speed, and the
amount of time it takes for the
system to recognize a change to the
process variable.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 996

Table 623: Pump Selector Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Staging Margin When considering a downstage 2.0
combination, the percent load
Display Units: %
actually increases by this value
when performing the efficiency Range: 0.0-10.0
calculation. This method provides a
safety margin as the percent load is
a theoretical value, and the actual
percent load of the new combination
could be higher than calculated.
When considering an upstage
combination, the percent load
actually reduces by this value when
performing the efficiency calculation.
This method provides a safety
margin as the actual percent load
of the new combination could be
lower than calculated.
Since the Upper Optimal Pct Load
is typically closer to 100% than the
Lower Optimal Pct Load is to 0%,
the slope of the right hand side
curve is much steeper than the left
hand side slope; therefore, when
the load is increasing, the system
efficiency of the current combination
drops faster compared with the
slower increase of efficiency of the
new combination, allowing the
algorithm to switch to a new stage.
System Enable Disables/enables the pump selector. False
When System Enabled is False, the
Pump Selector downstages to zero
CHWP UPPER PCT LOAD, CWP Indicates the nominal value that 98
UPPER PCT LOAD, PCHWP applies to all pumps collectively.
Display Units: %
UPPER PCT LOAD, SCHWP This value is the right hand endpoint
UPPER PCT LOAD (Upper of the pump efficiency plateau. Maximum Value: 99.9
Optimal Pct Load) When this value increases, the
application stages up at higher
percent loads. For example, a plant
runs pumps with a combined
capacity of 400 gpm. When the
Upper Percent Load is 80%, the
application considers staging up
when the current required flow
exceeds 320 gpm. If this value is
changed to 95, the application does
not consider staging up until the
required flow exceeds 380 gpm.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 997

Reliability (Pump Selector)
The Reliability of all modules reflects the Reliability of its Outputs. If any Output Reliability is not reliable, then the
module Reliability must not be reliable.
The Pump Selector module checks the value of the Device nn Capacity property of all devices. If the capacity of
any of the devices is zero, the reliability of the module is Configuration Error and the module does not execute.

Pump Startup Determination

The Pump Startup Determination module monitors the Chiller Selector and determines whether the pumping
subsystems should be enabled. This module prevents variable speed headered pumps from activating until the
Chiller Selector has opened at least one isolation valve. The Pump Startup Determination module has eight Boolean
inputs and a single Boolean output. This module is only needed for variable speed headered primary pumps because
the Chiller Selector and the Pump Selector are decoupled from one another.
Figure 126: Pump Startup Determination

Module Use in Applications (Pump Startup Determination)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 624: Pump Startup Determination Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Pump Startup Determination Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Pump Startup Determination)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Pump Startup Determination modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 998

Table 625: Pump Startup Determination Attributes
Attribute Type
1 Description Default Value
Device nn Status Indicates whether any of the pumps should be turned False
on. This module has 8 inputs.
Output G Indicates that one or more pumps should start. The False
output is an Or function of the inputs.

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Ramp to Command with Limit

The Ramp to Command with Limit module provides the variable output signal for a variable speed pump. This module
is implemented as a hybrid control activity.

Module Use in Applications (Ramp to Command with Limit)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 626: Ramp to Command with Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Boiler Pump XX Speed Control (Where XX Is 01-08) Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Ramp to Command with Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Ramp to Command with Limit modules:
Table 627: Ramp to Command with Limit Attributes
Attribute Type
1 Description Default Value
Command Provides the command to the device. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Min Speed Indicates the minimum value of the Percent Command 0.0%
when the Percent Cmd is 0.0%.
Percent Cmd Indicates the value from the PID module. It provides 0.0%
the control signal for the VFD outputs.
Percent Command V Indicates the percent command that is being sent to 0.0%
the VFD for the pump.
Percent Limit Indicates the value that limits the maximum output of 100.0%
the module.
Ramp Time Indicates the time (in minutes) for the module to ramp 5.0 Minutes
from zero to the minimum of the Percent Limit and the
Percent Cmd on startup.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 999

Table 627: Ramp to Command with Limit Attributes
Attribute Type
1 Description Default Value
State G, V Indicates the current state of the activity. Default Value: Off
Set Name: configuration
parameters (CP) Pump Output
System Enable Indicates whether the system is enabled. True

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Ramp to Command with Limit)

• Off: Sets the Device OnOff output to off. The Percent Command is set to 0.0%.
• On: Sets the Device OnOff output to on. The Percent Cmd is set to 100.0%.
• Control: Sets the Device OnOff to on. When this state is first entered, a Rate Limit object begins to increase its
output starting from zero. When the output of the rate limit reaches the minimum of the Percent Cmd input and
the Percent Limit input, the minimum of those two inputs is passed to the Percent Command output. The Percent
Command varies between Min Speed and 100.0% as the input Percent Cmd varies from 0.0 to 100.0%.
• Hold: Holds the Device OnOff and Percent Command at the last output value.
Figure 127: Ramp to Command with Limit Signal Relationships during Control

Table 628: Ramp to Command with Limit Command Hierarchy (Enum Output)
System Enable Command State
TRUE Off Off
TRUE On Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1000

Rotation Small
The Rotation Small module provides the same logic as the Sequencer 08 module (See the Sequencer 01 through
Sequencer 16 section.). The Sequencer module provides multiple stage sequence control. This module is designed
to control discrete systems where the relative capacities of the stages are known. This module uses relative capacities
to determine which outputs to turn on or off. For example, three boilers with different capacities (x btu, y btu, and z
btu) allow for 8 stages of control. The method is based on the split-range control concept and allows multiple stages
to be controlled by a single feedback controller, such as a PID. This module should be operated continuously (that
is, do not place this module in a hybrid activity because the activity disables all modules associated with a specific
state when that state is not active.)
You cannot view and modify this modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Rotation Small)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 629: Rotation Small Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Boiler Rotation Small Central Heating Applications
Chiller Rotation Small Central Cooling Applications
Cooling Tower Speed 1 Selector Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Cooling Tower Speed 2 Selector Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Cooling Tower Speed 3 Selector Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW Pump Rotation Small Central Cooling Applications
Primary CHW Pump Rotation Small Central Cooling Applications
Primary Pump Rotation Small Central Heating Applications
Secondary CHW Pump Rotation Small Central Cooling Applications
Secondary Hot Water Pump Rotation Small Central Heating Applications
Tower Rotation Small Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Rotation Small)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Rotation Small modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1001

Table 630: Rotation Small Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Rotation Small Common Attributes
BLRROTATE-STATE, G Identifies the operational state of the sequencer Idle
CHROTATE-STATE, at any given point in time.
(Operating State)
BLR-RUNNING, V Indicates the number of active outputs of the 0
CH-RUNNING, sequencer.
CT-RUNNING (Current Stage)
Device X Enable Establishes the enable status of the sequencer True
device outputs. A value of FALSE takes the
associated device out of service. Only the enables
for the number of outputs are shown. This module
is created with X individual Device X Enable
inputs based on the Number of Outputs.
Device X Out SC Contains the output value for the corresponding False
device. This module is created with X individual
Device X Output inputs based on Number of
Device X Rank Represents the ranking of each device. This value 0.0
establishes the order by which the device outputs
Units: %
are activated. Only the ranks for the number of
outputs are shown. This module is created with
X individual Device X Rank inputs based on
Number of Outputs.
Input Provides a floating value control signal input to 0.0
this module. This input is compared against the
Min Value: 0.0
make and break limits to determine how many
outputs to activate. Units: %
Instant Shutdown Forces all outputs inactive when TRUE. When False
FALSE, the module monitors the input and stages
the outputs. When this value transitions from
FALSE to TRUE, all of the outputs are deactivated
instantly (ignoring any Minimum On Timers and
the Interstage Off Timer).
Interstage Off Delay Time Defines the minimum time interval that must 0 Seconds
elapse between the sequential deactivation of
multiple Sequencer stages unless the Instant
Shutdown value is TRUE or the module is

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1002

Table 630: Rotation Small Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Interstage On Delay Time Defines the minimum time interval that must 0 Seconds
elapse between the sequential activation of
multiple Sequencer stages.
Interstage Timing SC Provides an indication of when an interstage timer False
is active.
Min Off Time Indicates the minimum time that an output must 600 Seconds
remain off before it can be reactivated to an on
condition following deactivation. A separate timer
is established for each device output upon
deactivation. Until the time interval expires, the
output is blocked from being reactivated unless
Rotate Now has transitioned from FALSE to
Min On Time Indicates the minimum time interval that an output 600 Seconds
must remain on before it can be deactivated to
an off condition following activation. A separate
timer is established for each device output upon
activation. Until the time interval expires, the
output is blocked from being deactivated unless
the Instant Shutdown value is TRUE, the module
is disabled, or Rotate Now has transitioned from
Rotate Now Provides rising edge activation. This attribute False
retains a value of TRUE until it is written back to
FALSE. Writing this attribute to TRUE causes an
immediate rotation based on the current ranks.
Boiler Rotation Small and Chiller Rotation Small Attributes
Min On Time Indicates the minimum time interval that an output 30 Seconds
must remain on before it can be deactivated to
an off condition following activation. A separate
timer is established for each device output upon
activation. Until the time interval expires, the
output is blocked from being deactivated unless
the Instant Shutdown value is TRUE, the module
is disabled, or Rotate Now has transitioned from
CW Pump Rotation Small, Primary CHW Pump Rotation Small, Primary Pump Rotation Small, Secondary Hot Water
Pump Rotation Small, Secondary CHW Pump Rotation Small, and Tower Rotation Small Attributes

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1003

Table 630: Rotation Small Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Min Off Time Indicates the minimum time that an output must 30 Seconds
remain off before it can be reactivated to an on
condition following deactivation. A separate timer
is established for each device output upon
deactivation. Until the time interval expires, the
output is blocked from being reactivated unless
Rotate Now has transitioned from FALSE to
Min On Time Indicates the minimum time interval that an output 30 Seconds
must remain on before it can be deactivated to
an off condition following activation. A separate
timer is established for each device output upon
activation. Until the time interval expires, the
output is blocked from being deactivated unless
the Instant Shutdown value is TRUE, the module
is disabled, or Rotate Now has transitioned from

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Rotation Small)

• Idle: Idle State, Satisfied has no change pending.
• Deactivated, Instant Shutdown: Instant Shutdown is True, shutdown is complete, all outputs are commanded
off, and the input value is not being used to determine the number of required stages.
• Shutdown In-Process: Instant Shutdown is True with a shutdown in progress.
• Staging Up, Interstage On Delay: Needs to stage up and is waiting for Interstage On Delay to expire.
• Staging Up, Minimum Off Delay: Needs to stage up and is waiting for Minimum Off Delay to expire.
• Staging Down, Interstage Off Delay: Needs to Stage down and is waiting for Interstage Off Delay to expire.
• Staging Down, Minimum On Delay: Needs to stage down and is waiting for Minimum On Delay to expire.

Reliability (Rotation Small)

The reliability associated with the Sequencer module may report the input unreliable. When the input is unreliable,
all outputs hold the last value set when the input was reliable.
If the Sequencer is unable to stage up or down because the remaining outputs are disabled, the Sequencer’s reliability
is Unreliable.
The Sequencer module provides the following reliability values: Input unreliable, Unreliable.
This module does not associate any output with the module’s reliability. Therefore, even though the Reliability may
not be equal to Reliable, the outputs from this module always appear Reliable.

Secondary Pump PID v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Flow Setpoint (VAV Single Duct) v50 module replaces the Flow Setpoint (VAV
Single Duct) module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1004

The Secondary Pump PID module controls a proportional source within a control application. This module accepts
the following inputs: a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, and more. Based on the input mode and parameter
settings, the module outputs a percent command and control status. This module has a delay timer. When the mode
changes to off, the timer holds in the current mode for the Delay time, then transitions to off. This module also
incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to
default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Secondary Pump PID)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 631: Secondary Pump PID Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Secondary Chill Water Pump PID v50 Central Cooling Applications
Secondary Hot Water Pump PID v50 Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Secondary Pump PID)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Secondary Pump PID modules:
Table 632: Secondary Pump PID Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status V Indicates the current status of the module. Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Delay Indicates the duration of the delay timer. 0.0 seconds
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID (True = Direct Acting and False = False
Reverse Acting). Direct Acting is used in applications where an
increase in the process variable causes the controller’s present
value to increase. For example, a direct acting control is temperature
control with a cooling coil.
Reverse Acting is used in applications where an increase in the
process variable causes the controller’s present value to decrease.
For example, reverse acting control is temperature control with a
heating coil, flow rate control, or static pressure control applications.
Mode Determines the operating mode of the module. Control
Set Name:
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this PID is overridden False
by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this controller 0%

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1005

Table 632: Secondary Pump PID Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Percent Cmd V Provides an Analog output to control the single actuator that 0.0%
provides cooling or heating.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Specifies the process being controlled. See the PID Pre-Processor Pump Diff P
for details.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Range Indicates the magnitude of the range that the PID process variable 40 psi
traverses as the PID present value varies between its minimum
and maximum values. You do not need to configure this attribute
except for when the Process ID equals Airflow or Airflow Diff. When
this occurs, configure this attribute to the designed maximum flow
rate of the controlled device. For other Process ID values, the
effective process range is automatically found in the standards
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. psi
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable When commanded to Control, this is the variable under control. 10 psi
This variable is typically connected to the Zone Temperature
Setpoint Indicates the desired setpoint for the process variable being 10 psi
controlled (when commanded to Control).
State G Indicates the state of the device. Control
Set Name:

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes ONly, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Secondary Pump PID)

• Off: Sets the Common Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum and sets the Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the process variable. If the process variable is reliable, the module controls
the output to maintain the process variable at the setpoint.
• Hold: Holds the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.
Table 633: Secondary Pump PID Command Hierarchy
Mode Delay Last State PID Tuning Reset State
* True Max * Max
* True Control * Control
* True Hold * Hold
Off * * * Off
Max * * * Max

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1006

Table 633: Secondary Pump PID Command Hierarchy
Mode Delay Last State PID Tuning Reset State
Control * * * Control
Hold * * Reset 1st PID Control
Hold * * * Hold

Sequenced Output
The Sequenced Output module takes one proportional output and spans it over two proportional outputs. This module
accepts as inputs an Input (float) and a Valve 1 Percent Capacity. Based on the input commands, the module outputs
two proportional outputs.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Sequenced Output)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 634: Sequenced Output Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
HX1 Multi Valve Span Central Heating Applications
HX2 Multi Valve Span Central Heating Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sequenced Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sequenced Output modules:
Table 635: Sequenced Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input (Float) Provides the variable that comes from the PID that 0%
is spanned across two outputs.
Valve 1 Percent Capacity Indicates the capacity of the first valve, in percent. 33.3%
Valve 1 Percent Cmd V Provides an output from the span. 0%
Valve 2 Percent Cmd V Provides an output from the span. 0%

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Tower Control v2
Important: At Release 3.1, the Tower Control v2 module replaces the Tower Control module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1007

The Tower Control module controls a single or multiple speed cooling tower fan. This module accepts as inputs a
mode, a command, a speed 2, a speed 3, a delay, a safety, a percent command, a ramp time, a percent limit, and
a maintenance switch. Based upon the input command and attribute settings, the module outputs a rotate enable,
a fan onoff, a fan onoff x (where x is 1-3), and an output.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Tower Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 636: Tower Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Tower Fan X Control v2 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Tower Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Tower Control modules:
Table 637: Tower Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Command Starts the Fan OnOff 1 when in a Mode of On. False
Delay Indicates the time in seconds to wait before turning on the 5 Seconds
Command output in Control Mode. This attribute is used to allow
interlocked devices to activate before starting a primary device.
Device OnOff G Provides a binary output to the primary controlled device and Off
indicates whether any fan output is on.
Set Name: Off/On
Device OnOff 1 Provides a binary output to the primary controlled device and is Off
used to start the Single or Low Speed Tower Fan.
Set Name: Off/On
Device OnOff 2 Provides a binary output to the primary controlled device and is Off
used to start the Medium Speed Tower Fan.
Set Name: Off/On
Device OnOff 3 Provides a binary output to the primary controlled device and is Off
used to start the High Speed Tower Fan.
Set Name: Off/On
Maintenance Switch Provides a binary input to disable or enable the controlled device. Enable
Set Name: Disable Enable
Mode Indicates the device’s mode of operation. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Output (Float) V Provides an analog output for the primary device and is used to 0.0%
modulate the boiler burner and load chiller, for example.
Percent Cmd Provides an analog value input to determine the percent 0.0%
operating level of the controlled device.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1008

Table 637: Tower Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Percent Limit Provides a maximum analog output value for the controlled 100%
device and is used to limit the operation of an analog device.
Ramp Time Indicates the time in minutes the ramp block takes to change 1 Minute
from 0 to 100% output.
Rotate Enable Provides a binary output that determines whether the current False
device is allowed to run.
Safety Provides a binary input from an additional optional safety device On
(flow switch). This attribute is used to prevent a primary device
Set Name: Off/On
from starting unless the safety is On when connected.
Speed 2 Starts the Fan OnOff 2 when in a Mode of On. False
Speed 3 Starts the Fan OnOff 3 when in a Mode of On. False
State V Provide an Enum Output to indicate the operating mode of the Off
Set Name: Off Low Med Hi

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Tower Control)

• Off: Turn the device off. Set the Output to 0%, set the Alarm to Off, delay off the interlock Command, and set
the Command to Off.
• On: Enable the inputs to start and stop the device.

Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61

The Variable Speed CW with Low Limit module controls the speed of the CW pumping while preventing it from falling
below a minimum flow within a control application. The module accepts a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, and
so on as inputs. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a percent command and
control status. This module is implemented as a standard Control Activity. This module also incorporates tracking
the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters
if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Module Instance Name Applications

Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1009

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Variable Speed CW with Low Limit modules:

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Absolute EWMA Effort V Provides an EWMA based on 0.0%
the absolute value of (Current
Present Value - Last Present
Value). The PID computes this
Absolute EWMA Error V Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
the absolute value of (Setpoint
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
- Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
Control Status V Current status of the module. Overridden
See the PID for more
Set Name: Control Status
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: True
True= Direct Acting, False =
Reverse Acting. Direct acting
control is used in applications
where an increase in the
process variable causes the
controller’s present value to
increase. An example of direct
acting control is temperature
control with a cooling coil. With
reverse acting control, an
increase in the process variable
causes the control present
value to decrease. Three
examples of reverse acting
control are: temperature control
with a heating coil, flow rate
control, and static pressure
control applications.
EWMA Error V Provides an EWMA based on 0.0
the difference of (Setpoint -
Process Variable). The PID
computes this value.
EWMA Present Value V Provides an EWMA of the 0.0%
Present Value. The PID
computes this value.
Limited Max Value Defines the proportional output 0%
when the module is in Limited
Max mode.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1010

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low Limit Diff Indicates the low limit setpoint 57.0 l/s, 15.0 gpm
Low Limit Percentage SP Indicates the value to which the 80%
process variable is compared,
allowing the module to enter
the low limit mode.
Low Limit Process Variable When Mode is commanded to 0.0 l/s, 0.0 gpm
Control, this is the controlled
variable. Therefore, this
variable must respond to
changes in the output. For
example, it can be connected
to the CW Flow.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint 0.0 l/s, 0.0 gpm
for the low limit process
variable to be controlled to
when the mode is Control.
Mode Displays the desired mode of Control
Set Name:
Output Overridden Indicates whether the actual False
controlled output is overridden.
Output Position Provides the current Present 0.0%
Value of the output driven by
the controller.
Percent Cmd G, V This is the analog percent 0.0%
output that controls the single
actuator that provides cooling
or heating.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset Normal
their tuning parameters to the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
default based on the
appropriate Process ID.
Process ID Specifies the process being MA-T
controlled. See the PID
Set Name: Process ID
Pre-Processor for details.
Process Range The magnitude of the range 3785 l/s, 1000 gpm
that the PID Process Variable
traverses as the PID Present
Value varies between its
minimum and maximum values.
For example, when the Process
Variable ranges between 60
and 90 degrees due to the PID
Present Value varying from its
Low Limit to its High Limit, then
Process Range is set to 30 (60
- 90).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1011

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg F
See the PID Pre-Processor for
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable When Mode is commanded to 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
Control, this is the controlled
variable. Therefore, this
variable must respond to
changes in the output. For
example, it can be connected
to the CW Differential Pressure.
Setpoint This is the desired setpoint for 0.0 Deg C, 0.0 Deg F
the process variable when
commanded to Control.

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and COmmissioning Modes ONly, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module controls
the output to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
• Hold: Outputs remain at the last value. When the Output Overridden input is True, the Output Position input
passes to the Percent Cmd.
• Limited Max: Percent Cmd output is commanded to Limited Max Value.

VF Primary Min Flow Control

This module controls a proportional source within a control application. The module accepts a mode, a process
variable, and a setpoint as inputs. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a percent
command and control status. This module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input
is true. This module is implemented as a standard Control Activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (VF Primary Min Flow Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 638: VF Primary Min Flow Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
CHW Pump Differential Pressure Control Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
HW Pump Differential Pressure Control Central Heating Applications
Primary CHW Bypass Valve Control Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
VF Primary Min Flow Control Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1012

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (VF Primary Min Flow Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the VF Primary Min Flow Control modules:
Table 639: VF Primary Min Flow Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status Current status of the module. See the PID specification for more Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: True= Direct Acting, False = Reverse False
Acting. Direct acting control is used in applications where an
increase in the process variable causes the controller’s present
value to increase. An example of direct acting control is temperature
control with a cooling coil. With reverse acting control, an increase
in the process variable causes the control present value to decrease.
Three examples of reverse acting control are: temperature control
with a heating coil, flow rate control, and static pressure control
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. Control
Set Name:
Output Overridden Not implemented at this time; for future use. Indicates whether the False
controlled output is overridden externally.
Output Position Not implemented at this time; for future use. Used for bumpless 0.0
transfer after an output override is released.
Percent Cmd This is the analog percent output to the control device. 0.0%
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Dead Time The time required for the process variable to begin to reflect the 6 Seconds
results of a step change of the Percent Cmd.
Process Range The magnitude of the range that the PID Process Variable traverses 6.3 l/s, 100 gpm
as the PID Present Value varies between its minimum and maximum
values. For example, when the Process Variable ranges between
60 and 90 degrees due to the PID Present Value varying from its
Low Limit to its High Limit, then Process Range is set to 30 (60 -
Process Time Const The time required for a first-order system to reach 63% of its final 60 Seconds
magnitude given a 100% step change; it is often represented by
the symbol T.
Process Variable When Mode is commanded to Control, this is the controlled variable. 6.3 l/s, 100 gpm
Therefore, this variable must respond to changes in the output. For
example, it can be connected to the Zone Temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1013

Table 639: VF Primary Min Flow Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Ramp Rate Analog value that defines the rate of change in Percent Cmd output. 60 per Minute
Setpoint This is the desired setpoint for the process variable when 6.3 l/s, 100 gpm
commanded to Control.
State G Indicates operating state of the module. Control
Set Name:

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (VF Primary Min Flow Control)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable to the setpoint. If the Process Variable is reliable,
the module controls the output to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
• Hold: Outputs remain at the last value.

VF Primary Min Flow Control v61

This module controls a proportional source within a control application. The module accepts a mode, a process
variable, and a setpoint as inputs. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a percent
command and control status. This module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input
is true. This module is implemented as a standard Control Activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (VF Primary Min Flow Control v61)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Module Instance Name Application

CHW Pump Differential Pressure Control Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
HW Pump Differential Pressure Control Central Heating Applications
Primary CHW Bypass Valve Control Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
VF Primary Min Flow Control v61 Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (VF Primary Min Flow Control v61)

The following table describes the attributes used by the VF Primary Min Flow Control modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1014

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status Current status of the module. Overridden
See the PID specification for
Set Name: Control Status
more information.
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: False
True= Direct Acting, False =
Reverse Acting. Direct acting
control is used in applications
where an increase in the
process variable causes the
controller’s present value to
increase. An example of direct
acting control is temperature
control with a cooling coil. With
reverse acting control, an
increase in the process variable
causes the control present
value to decrease. Three
examples of reverse acting
control are: temperature control
with a heating coil, flow rate
control, and static pressure
control applications.
Limit Active Enables the Limit Active to False
operate when set True. If Limit
Active is False, the output is set
equal to the input.
Limited Max Value Defines the proportional output 0%
when the module is in Limited
Max mode.
Mode Displays the desired mode of Control
Set Name:
Output Overridden Not implemented at this time; False
for future use. Indicates
whether the controlled output
is overridden externally.
Output Position Not implemented at this time; 0.0
for future use. Used for
bumpless transfer after an
output override is released.
Percent Cmd This is the analog percent 0.0%
output to the control device.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset Normal
their tuning parameters to the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
default based on the
appropriate Process ID.
Process Dead Time The time required for the 6 Seconds
process variable to begin to
reflect the results of a step
change of the Percent Cmd.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1015

Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Range The magnitude of the range 6.3 l/s, 100 gpm
that the PID Process Variable
traverses as the PID Present
Value varies between its
minimum and maximum values.
For example, when the Process
Variable ranges between 60
and 90 degrees due to the PID
Present Value varying from its
Low Limit to its High Limit, then
Process Range is set to 30 (60
- 90).
Process Time Const The time required for a 60 Seconds
first-order system to reach 63%
of its final magnitude given a
100% step change; it is often
represented by the symbol T.
Process Variable When Mode is commanded to 6.3 l/s, 100 gpm
Control, this is the controlled
variable. Therefore, this
variable must respond to
changes in the output. For
example, it can be connected
to the Zone Temperature.
Ramp Rate Analog value that defines the 60 per Minute
rate of change in Percent Cmd
Setpoint This is the desired setpoint for 6.3 l/s, 100 gpm
the process variable when
commanded to Control.
State G Indicates operating state of the Control
Set Name: Off/Max/Control

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (VF Primary Min Flow Control v61)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable to the setpoint. If the Process Variable is reliable,
the module controls the output to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
• Hold: Outputs remain at the last value.
• Limited Max: Percent Cmd output is commanded to Limited Max Value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1016

Damper Control
The Damper Control modules provide for outdoor and return economizer dampers control of the process variable
at the setpoint. The output controllers also provide for low limit control. The module for Damper Control for UV Cycle
1, 2, or W provide specific sequencing to meet the ASHRAE® cycles 1, 2, or W for unit ventilators.

Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Damper Control for unit ventilator (UV) Cycle 1, 2, or W v51 module replaces
the Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W v50 module.
This module is responsible for outside air damper control for Unit Ventilator zone control applications. The module
accepts as inputs; a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, a low limit process variable, and a low limit setpoint. The
module outputs a percent command and the control status based on the input mode and parameter settings. This
module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets
the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names the following table.
Table 640: Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Unit Vent 1 Damper Control v51 Unit Ventilator Application
Proportional Unit Vent 2-W Damper Control v51 Unit Ventilator Application

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W module.
Table 641: Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for damper Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is Control Econ.
2 Firefighter's Smoke Control Station (FSCS) Outdoor Air
Damper Command
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to 20 Deg C, 68 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is Control Min.
Low Limit Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is Control Econ Limit or Control 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
Min Limit, this is the variable that is controlled. Typically
connected to the damper actuator (DA) Temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1017

Table 641: Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is Control Econ Limit or
Control Min Limit.
MAD-ABSEFFORT Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of the 0.0Display Units: %
(Economizer Absolute Zone Cooling Error (Cooling Setpoint - Process Variable).
EWMA Effort) The PID computes this value.
MAD-ABSERROR Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
(Economizer Absolute (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
EWMA Error) value.
MAD-ERROR (Economizer Provides an EWMA based on the Zone Cooling Error 0.0
EWMA Error) (Cooling Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
this value.
MAD-EWMA (Economizer Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
EWMA Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
MAD-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Set Name: UV Damper
controller. Control Mode
Minimum OA Position Display the desired minimum for the Percent Cmd. 10%
Mode Indicates the desired state. Close
Set Name: UV Damper
Control Mode
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Controls the single actuator that is modulating the OA Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is Control Econ or Control Min, 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
this is the variable that is to be controlled. Typically
connected to the Zone Temperature.
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to True, the controller operates as TRUE
normal. When set to False or Fault, the controller
transitions to the close state.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)
2 This FSCS input is not used.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1018

Primary States (Damper Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W)
• Open: Sets the output for maximum outdoor air. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Close: Sets the output for zero outdoor air. The Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Min: Sets the output for minimum outdoor air. The Percent Cmd is set to Minimum outside air (OA) Pos.
• Hold: Keeps the outputs at their current position.
• Control Econ: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable. The Percent Cmd is adjusted between Minimum
OA Pos and 100%.
• Control Min: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable. The Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and
Minimum OA Pos.
• Control Econ Limit: Adjusts the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable. The Percent Cmd is adjusted
between Minimum OA Pos and 100%.
• Control Min Limit: Adjusts the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable. The Percent Cmd is adjusted
between 0% and Minimum OA Pos.

Limit States Description (Zone Damper Limit Control for UV Cycle 1, 2, or W

DALL Economizer: Control Econ Limit

In this mode, two PIDs are enabled simultaneously.
1. UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Econ Limit state’s PID (controls damper from MinPos-100% based
on DA-T and DA-Tllsp) is active.
2. UV Zone Damper Control: Control Econ state's PID (controls damper from MinPos-100% based on ZN-T and
ZN-Tcsp) is active.
These rules apply to the Control Econ Limit:
• The MINIMUM of the PID outputs is sent to the Percent Cmd.
• The Saturation Status from the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Econ Limit state’s PID is published as
the Control Status.
• If ZONE is HOT, UV Zone Damper Control: Control Econ state's PID requests the damper to open (will eventually
saturate high). This request is ignored since the maximum cooling allowed is being performed (DA-T = DA-Tllsp).
• If ZONE is COLD (OA that maintains DA-Tllsp overcools the zone) or DA-T is HOT (OA is no longer cold enough
to cause DA-T Low Limit issues), the UV Zone Damper Control: Control Econ state’s PID eventually has a smaller
value than the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Econ Limit state’s PID. The DA-T rises (less OA brought
in) and the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Econ Limit state's PID requests the damper to open, and
eventually saturates high. This triggers the transition back to the Economizer state. The UV Zone Damper Control:
Control Econ state’s PID then continues in control and the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Econ Limit
state’s PID is disabled.
• If DA-T is COLD, then the UV Zone Damper Control: Control Econ state’s PID requests the damper to go to
Minimum Position and saturates low. This setting triggers the transition down to the DALL Heating state.

DALL Damper: Control Min Limit

In this mode, two PIDs are enabled simultaneously.
1. UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Min Limit state’s PID (controls damper from 0%-MinPos based on
DA-T and DA-Tllsp)
2. UV Zone Damper Control:Control Min state’s PID (controls damper from 0%-MinPos based on ZN-T and

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1019

These rules apply to the Control Min Limit:
• The MINIMUM of the PID outputs is sent to the Damper Percent Cmd.
• The Saturation Status from the Limit Min PID is published as the DPRcs.
• If ZONE is HOT, UV Zone Damper Control: Control Min state’s PID requests the damper to open (eventually
saturates high). This is ignored as the maximum cooling allowed is already being performed (DA-T = DA-Tllsp).
• If ZONE is COLD (OA that maintains DA-Tllsp overcools the zone) or DA-T is HOT (OA is no longer cold enough
to cause DA-T Low Limit issues), the UV Zone Damper Control: Control Min state’s PID eventually has a smaller
value than the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Min Limit state's PID. The DA-T rises (less OA brought
in) and the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Min Limit state’s PID requests the damper to open, and
eventually saturates high. This setting triggers the transition to the Zone Damper state. The UV Zone Damper
Control: Control Min state’s PID then continues in control and the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Min
Limit state’s PID is disabled.
• If DA-T is COLD, then the UV Zone Damper Limit Control: Control Min Limit state’s PID eventually requests the
damper to fully close and saturates low.

Feedback of Percent Cmd to UV Zone Damper Limit Control

The Zone Damper Limit Control uses the feedback of the Percent Cmd to begin controlling at the current damper
position, when either form of limit control is required to maintain the discharge air temperature. When the transition
out of a limit control occurs, the UV Zone Damper Control is already in control or the state requested is a fixed
position state and does not require the Percent Cmd as its startup value.

Damper Control with Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Damper Control with Low Limit v51 module replaces the Damper Control with
Low Limit v50 module.
This module is responsible for outside air damper control. This module is used by two applications, the Unit Ventilator
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Cycle 3 zone control application
and the Heat Pump application. When in the Control Limit mode, the module selects the minimum percent command
from the normal control and the low limit control to position the OA Damper. The module accepts inputs in the form
of a mode, process variable, setpoint, low limit process variable, and low limit setpoint. The module outputs a percent
command and the control status based on the input mode and parameter settings. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Control with Low Limit)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 642: Damper Control with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Damper Output v51 Heat Pump Applications
Proportional Unit Vent 3 Damper Control v51 Unit Ventilator Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1020

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Control with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control with Low Limit module.
Table 643: Damper Control with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status V Indicates the current status of the controller for damper Set Name: Control Status
FSCS OAD Command Specifies the position of the OA damper when it is not Auto.
When the input is set to Open or Close, the mode input is
Low Limit Process ID Indicates the process type that is represented by the Low DA-T
Limit Process Variable.
Set Name: Process ID
Low Limit Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is Control Econ Limit, this is the 20 Deg C, 68 Deg F
variable that is to be controlled. For the Heat Pump this is
typically the Discharge Air Temperature. For the Unit
Ventilator this is typically the Zone Temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to 20 Deg C, 68 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is Control Limit.
MAD-ABSEFFORT Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
(Economizer Absolute Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes
Display Units: %
EWMA Effort) this value.
MAD-ABSERROR Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of the 0.0
(Economizer Absolute Zone Cooling Error (Cooling Setpoint - Process Variable).
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
EWMA Error) The PID computes this value.
MAD-ERROR (Economizer Provides an EWMA based on the Zone Cooling Error 0.0
EWMA Error) (Cooling Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
this value.
MAD-EWMA (Economizer Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
EWMA Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
MAD-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Set Name: COM Damper
Control Mode
Minimum OA Position Contains the desired minimum for the Percent Cmd. 10.0%
Mode Indicates the desired state. Close
Set Name: COM Damper
Control Mode
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1021

Table 643: Damper Control with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0.0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Used to control the single actuator that is modulating the Display Units: %
OA Damper.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Indicates the process type that is represented by the ZN-T
Process Variable.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is Control Econ, this is the 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
variable that is to be controlled. For the Heat Pump, this is
typically the Zone Temperature. For the Unit Ventilator, this
is typically the Mixed Air Temperature.
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to True, the controller operates as True
normal. When set to False or Fault, the controller transitions
to the close state.
Setpoint Displays the Mixed Air Temperature setpoint for Unit 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
Ventilator and Zone Temperature Setpoint for Heat Pump.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes ONly, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Damper Control with Low Limit)

• Open: Sets the output for maximum outdoor air. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Close: Sets the output for zero outdoor air. The Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Min: Sets the output for minimum outdoor air. The Percent Cmd is set to Minimum OA Pos.
• Hold: Keeps the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Control Econ: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable. The Percent Cmd is adjusted between Minimum
OA Pos and 100%.
• Control Econ Limit: Adjusts the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable. The Percent Cmd is adjusted
between Minimum OA Pos and 100%.
Table 644: Damper Control with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
FSCS OAD Cmd Proof Of Airflow Process Variable Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Is Reliable
Open * * * * Open
Close * * * * Close

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1022

Table 644: Damper Control with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
FSCS OAD Cmd Proof Of Airflow Process Variable Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Is Reliable
Auto * * Hold Reset 1st PID Control Econ Limit
Fault * * * Close
FALSE * * * Close
TRUE TRUE Close * Close
Open * Open
Min * Min
Hold * Hold
Control Econ * Control Econ
Control Econ Limit * Control Econ Limit
FALSE * * Close

Table 645: Damper Control Command Hierarchy

Mode State
Close Close
Open Open
Min Min
Hold Hold
Control Econ Control
Control Econ Limit Control

Table 646: Limit Control Command Hierarchy

Mode State
Control Econ Limit Close
Hold Hold
Close No Limit Control
Open No Limit Control
Min No Limit Control
Control Econ No Limit Control

Damper Control - AHU Econ

The AHU Damper Control output controllers provide for control of the outdoor, return, and exhaust economizer
dampers to control the process variable at the setpoint. These output controllers also provide integrated logic for
low limit control.

Damper Control for Economizer v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Damper Control for Economizer v50 module replaces the Damper Control for
Economizer module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1023

This module controls the Exhaust Air Damper (EAD), Outdoor Air Damper (OAD), and the Return Air Damper (RAD).
The module is designed so that the EAD and OAD positions are the same, and the RAD position is complementary
(the sum of the RAD and OAD positions is 100%). The module has functions for economizer control and low limit
control of the dampers. It also has functions to ramp the damper to minimum position and maximum position.
The module also accepts commands for pressurize, depressurize, and purge. In the normal control modes, the
damper control is modulated closed as the Low Limit Process Variable drops below the Low Limit Setpoint. This
module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output objects. The module resets the PIDs to
default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Control for Economizer)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 647: Damper Control for Economizer Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional OA Damper Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Control for Economizer)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control for Economizer modules.
Table 648: Damper Control for Economizer Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Control Status V Contains the PID Status, and the possible values are Normal
Normal, Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and
Set Name: Control Status
Timing High.
Exhaust Percent Cmd V Controls the exhaust air damper. The exhaust air damper 0%
is commanded from 0% to 100%.
2 FSCS Outdoor Air Damper Command
2 FSCS Exhaust Air Damper Command
2 FSCS Return Air Damper Command
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit temperature process variable. This 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the
preheat air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Specifies the range across which the damper is 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band proportionally modulated shut as the Low Limit Process
Variable drops below the Low Limit Setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1024

Table 648: Damper Control for Economizer Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the upper threshold for the low limit temperature, 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
below which the damper is proportionally modulated shut
during normal control modes.
MAD-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Displays the operating state as determined by the Mode Close
Set Name: AHU OA
Damper Control
Minimum OA Position Defines the minimum position for the OAD and the EAD. 0.0%
Mode Contains the desired mode of operation CloseSet Name: AHU OA
Damper Control
OA Percent Cmd V Controls the outdoor air damper. The outdoor air damper 0%
is commanded from 0% to 100%.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Contains the type of cooling process that this output DA-T
controller is controlling when the mode is T Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the cooling PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Contains the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
discharge air temperature, or return air temperature may
be connected to this input.
Ramp Rate Defines the rate of change in damper position. This input 50.0 Change per minute
is used in the Ramp Min OA and Ramp Open state.
Return Percent Cmd V Controls the return air damper. The return air damper is 0%
commanded from 0% to 100%.
Setpoint Displays the control temperature setpoint. 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)
2 The FSCS Cmds (EAD, OAD, RAD) are not used.

Primary States (Damper Control for Economizer)

• Pressurize: This mode opens the OAD and closes the RAD and EAD.
• Depressurize: This mode opens the EAD and closes the RAD and OAD.
• Close: This mode opens the RAD and closes the EAD and OAD.
• Purge: This mode opens the EAD and OAD and closes the RAD.
• Min OA: This mode puts the EAD and OAD to minimum position. The RAD is 100% - Min Pos.
• Hold: This mode holds the dampers in their last position.
• Ramp Min OA: This mode ramps the EAD and OAD to Min Pos at a controlled ramp rate. The RAD position is
the complement of the EAD position.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1025

• Ramp Open: This mode ramps the EAD and OAD open at a controlled ramp rate. The RAD position is the
complement of the EAD position.
• T Control: This is the free cooling mode. The OAD is modulated to allow outdoor air for cooling purposes. The
EAD position is the same as the OAD position, and the RAD position is the complement of the OAD position.
The OAD and EAD modulate between the minimum position and 100%.
Table 649: Damper Control for Economizer Command Hierarchy
1 1 Mode State
1 Reset
!Auto * * * Pressurize Pressurize
Auto !Auto * * Depressurize Depressurize
Auto Auto !Auto * Close Close
Auto Auto Auto * Purge Purge
Auto Auto Auto * Min OA Min OA
Auto Auto Auto Reset 1st PID Hold T Control
Auto Auto Auto * Hold Hold
Auto Auto Auto * Ramp Min OA Ramp Min OA
Auto Auto Auto * Ramp Open Ramp Open
Auto Auto Auto * T Control T Control

1 The FSCS Cmds (OAD, EAD, RAD) are not used.

Reliability (Damper Control for Economizer)

The inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Damper Control for Relief Fan v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Damper Control for Relief Fan v50 module replaces the Damper Control for
Relief Fan module.
This module controls the Outdoor Air Damper (OAD) and Return Air Damper (RAD) in a system with a relief fan.
The module is designed so that OAD and the RAD are staged as shown in the following figure and ASHRAE
Guideline16-2003 - Selecting Outdoor, Return, and Relief Dampers for Air-Side Economizer Systems. The OA
Percent Cmd output is double the value of the Minimum OA Position input as indicated in the figure.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1026

Figure 128: Dampers Staged for Control with a Relief Fan

For temperature control modes, the OAD modulates from minimum position to 100%, Once the OAD is 100% open,
the RAD modulates from 100% to 0%. The module has functions for economizer control and low limit control of the
dampers. It also has functions to ramp the dampers to minimum position and maximum position. The module also
accepts commands for pressurize, depressurize, and purge. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden
value of the actual output objects. The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning
input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Control for Relief Fan)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 650: Damper Control for Relief Fan Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional OA Damper Control for Relief Fan v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1027

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Control for Relief Fan)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control for Relief Fan modules.
Table 651: Damper Control for Relief Fan Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Control Status V Contains the PID Status, and the possible values are Normal
Normal, Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High,
Set Name: Control Status
and Timing High
2 FSCS Outdoor Air Damper Command
2 FSCS Return Air Damper Command
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit temperature process variable. This 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the
preheat air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Specifies the range across which the damper is 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band proportionally modulated shut as the Low Limit Process
Variable drops below the Low Limit Setpoint.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
MAD-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Displays the operating state as determined by the Mode Close
Set Name: AHU OA Damper
Minimum OA Position Defines the minimum position for the OAD. 0%
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. Close
Set Name: AHU OA Damper
OA Percent Cmd V Controls the outdoor air damper. The outdoor air damper 0%
is commanded from 0% to 100%.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID Contains the type of cooling process that this output DA-T
controller is controlling when the mode is T Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the cooling PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Contains the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
discharge air temperature, or return air temperature may
be connected to this input.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1028

Table 651: Damper Control for Relief Fan Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Ramp Rate Defines the rate of change in damper position. This input 50 Change per Minute
is used in the Ramp Min OA and Ramp Open.
Return Percent Cmd V Controls the return air damper. The return air damper is 0%
commanded from 0% to 100%.
Setpoint Displays the control temperature setpoint. 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)
2 The FSCS Cmds (OAD, RAD) are not used.

Primary States (Damper Control for Relief Fan)

• Pressurize: This mode opens the OAD and closes the RAD.
• Depressurize: This mode closes the RAD and OAD.
• Close: This mode opens the RAD and closes the OAD.
• Purge: This mode opens the OAD and closes the RAD.
• Min OA: This mode moves the OAD and RAD to the appropriate position for minimum outdoor airflow.
• Hold: This mode holds the dampers in their last position.
• Ramp Min OA: This mode ramps the OAD to the minimum position and ramps the RAD to 100%.
• Ramp Open: This mode ramps the OAD to 100% and the RAD to 0%.
• T Control: This is the free cooling mode. The OAD and the RAD is modulated to allow outdoor air for cooling
purposes. The OAD modulates from minimum position to 100%. If more outdoor air is required, the RAD modulates
from 100% to 0%.
Table 652: Damper Control for Relief Fan Command Hierarchy
1 PID Tuning FSCS RAD Cmd
1 State
* !Auto * * FSCS Control
* Auto * !Auto
FSCS Control Auto * Auto
Pressurize Auto * Auto Pressurize
Depressurize Auto * Auto Depressurize
Close Auto * Auto Close
Purge Auto * Auto Purge
Min OA Auto * Auto Min OA
Hold Auto Reset 1st PID Auto T Control
Hold Auto * Auto Hold
Ramp Min OA Auto * Auto Ramp Min OA
Ramp Open Auto * Auto Ramp Open
T Control Auto * Auto T Control

1 The FSCS Cmds (OAD, RAD) are not used.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1029

Reliability (Damper Control for Relief Fan)
The inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Damper Control for Volume Matching v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Damper Control for Volume Matching v50 module replaces the Damper Control
for Volume Matching module.
This module controls the Exhaust Air Damper (EAD), Outdoor Air Damper (OAD), and the Return Air Damper (RAD).
The module controls airflow by modulating the EAD instead of the OAD; therefore, the EAD is modulated, the OAD
is controlled like a 2-position damper, and the RAD position becomes the complement of the EAD position. Controlling
the dampers in this fashion (with Return Fan Volume Matching Control) helps make sure that all outdoor air drawn
into the unit comes through the outdoor air damper (and is not drawn in through the exhaust damper).
The module has functions for economizer and low limit control. It also has functions to ramp the damper to minimum
position, and maximum position. The module also accepts commands for pressurize, depressurize, and purge. This
module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output objects. The module resets the PIDs to
default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Control for Volume Matching)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 653: Damper Control for Volume Matching Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional EA Damper Control for Volume Matching v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Control for Volume Matching)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control for Volume Matching modules.
Table 654: Damper Control for Volume Matching Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Control Status V Contains the PID Status, and the possible values are normal, Normal
overridden, disabled, low, timing low, high, and timing high.
Set Name: Control Status
Exhaust Percent Cmd V Controls the exhaust air damper. The exhaust air damper is 0%
commanded from 0% to 100%.
Low Limit Delay Defines the time the OA OpenClose damper remains closed 180 Seconds
once the low limit process variable rises above the low limit
setpoint minus the deadband. This low limit delay only applies
to a two position damper.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1030

Table 654: Damper Control for Volume Matching Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable. This 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the
preheat air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Displays the range across which the damper is proportionally 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band modulated shut as the Low Limit Process Variable drops
below the Low Limit Setpoint.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the upper threshold for the low limit temperature, 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
below which the damper is proportionally modulated shut
during normal control modes.
MAD-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Represents the current module mode of operation. Close
Set Name: AHU OA
Damper Control
Minimum EA Position Defines the minimum position for the EAD. 0%
Mode Contains the desired mode of operation. Close
Set Name: AHU OA
Damper Control
OA OpenClose V Controls the two position outdoor air damper. The outdoor Close
air damper is commanded open or close.
Set Name: Close/Open
OA Percent Cmd V Controls the proportional outdoor air damper. The outdoor 0%
air damper is commanded from 0% to 100%.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Contains the type of cooling process that this output controller DA-T
is controlling when the mode is T Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the cooling PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Contains the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
discharge air temperature, or return air temperature may be
connected to this input.
Ramp Rate Defines the rate of change in damper position. This input is 50 Change per Minute
used in the Ramp Min OA and Ramp Open state.
Return Percent Cmd V Controls the return air damper. The return air damper is 0%
commanded from 0% to 100%.
Setpoint Contains the control temperature setpoint. 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Calue (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1031

Primary States (Damper Control for Volume Matching)
• Pressurize: This mode opens the OAD and closes the RAD and EAD.
• Depressurize: This mode opens the EAD and closes the RAD and OAD.
• Close: This mode opens the RAD and closes the EAD and OAD.
• Purge: This mode opens the EAD and OAD and closes the RAD.
• Min OA: This mode closes the EAD. The RAD and OAD are 100% open. This is done to prevent air from entering
the building through the exhaust air damper.
• Hold: This mode holds the dampers in their last position.
• Ramp Min OA: This mode ramps the EAD closed and the OAD open at a controlled ramp rate. The RAD position
is the complement of the EAD position.
• Ramp Open: This mode ramps the EAD open at a controlled ramp rate. The RAD position is the complement
of the EAD position, and the OAD is at a fixed 100% position.
• T Control: This is the free cooling state. The EAD is modulated to allow outdoor air for cooling purposes. The
OAD position is fixed at 100%, and the RAD position is the complement of the EAD position.
Table 655: Damper Control for Volume Matching Command Hierarchy
1 1 PID Tuning State
1 Reset
* !Auto * * * FSCS Control
* Auto !Auto * * FSCS Control
* Auto Auto Auto * FSCS Control
FSCS Control Auto Auto Auto * FSCS Control
Pressurize Auto Auto Auto * Pressurize
Depressurize Auto Auto Auto * Depressurize
Close Auto Auto Auto * Close
Purge Auto Auto Auto * Purge
Min OA Auto Auto Auto * Min OA
Hold Auto Auto Auto Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Auto Auto Auto * Hold
Ramp Min OA Auto Auto Auto * Ramp Min OA
Ramp Open Auto Auto Auto * Ramp Open
T Control Auto Auto Auto * T Control

1 The FSCS Cmds (OAD, EAD, RAD) are not used.

Reliability (Damper Control for Volume Matching)

The inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Damper Control - AHU Min OA

The AHU Min OA output controllers provide support for two position or variable dampers and two position and
variable capacity fans.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1032

Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow v50
Important: As of Release 5.0, the Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow v50 module replaces the
Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow module.
This module adjusts the outdoor air damper minimum position to control the minimum outdoor airflow. This module
also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output objects. The module resets the PIDs to default
tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 656: Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Damper Min Reset by OA Flow v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Min OA Damper 2 Position modules.
Table 657: Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
COM Damper Control State Represents the current module mode of operation. Close
Damper Control Status Indicates current status of the controller for damper control. Normal
Set Name: Control
Differential Indicates the process type represented by the Process 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Min Air Flow Setpoint Indicates the analog percent output used to control the single 0%
actuator modulating the OA damper.
Min Pos Low Setpoint When the Mode is Control Econ, this variable is controlled. 10%
For the Heat Pump this is typically Discharge Air
Temperature. For the Unit Ventilator this is typically the Zone
Minimum OA Flow When the Mode is Control Econ, this variable is controlled. 0 l/s, 0 cfm
For the Heat Pump this is typically Zone Temperature. For
the Unit Ventilator this is typically the Mixed Air Temperature.
Minimum OA Flow Range Indicates the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 0 l/s, 0 cfm
controlled when the mode is Control Mode.
Minimum OA Flow Setpoint Indicates the Mixed Air Temperature setpoint for Unit 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Ventilator and Zone Temperature Differential

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1033

Table 657: Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Mode Indicates the desired state.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the cooling PID. For this particular Set Name: UNIT
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow)

• Close: Sets the output for zero outdoor air. The Minimum Air Setpoint is set to 0%.
• Open: Sets the output for maximum outdoor air. The Minimum Air Flow Setpoint is set to 100%.
• Min: Sets the output for minimum outdoor air. The Minimum Air Flow Setpoint is set to Min Pos Low Setpoint.
• Hold: Holds the Minimum Air Flow Setpoint at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, the Output
Position input is passed to the Minimum Air Flow Setpoint.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Minimum OA Flow. The Minimum Air Slow Setpoint is adjusted between
Minimum OA Position and 100%. If the input PID Tuning Reset is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID
is set true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters. While that occurs, the outputs are held at its last
Table 658: Damper Minimum Position Controlled by OA Flow Command Hierarchy
Mode Damper Control Status Flow < Min PID Tuning Reset State
Close * * * Close
Open * * * Open
Min * * * Min
Hold * * Reset 1st PID Control
Hold * * * Hold
Control Overridden * * Control
Control Overridden FALSE * Min
Control Overridden TRUE * Control

Min OA Damper 2 Position

This module controls a 2 position damper. The module accepts a mode input a well as inputs for low limit protection.
It has an output to command the damper open or close.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1034

Module Use in Applications (Min OA Damper 2 Position)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 659: Min OA Damper 2 Position Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Packaged Economizer Control AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Two Position Exhaust Damper Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Two Position Min OA Damper Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Min OA Damper 2 Position)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Min OA Damper 2 Position modules.
Table 660: Min OA Damper 2 Position Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper OpenClose V Contains the control signal for the Damper output. The Close
enumeration set only has two values, Close and Open.
Set Name: Close/Open
DAMPER-OUTSTATE or V, G Represents the current module mode of operation. Close
Set Name: Close/Open/Hold
Low Limit Delay Defines the time the damper remains closed once the 180 Seconds
low limit process variable rises above the low limit
setpoint minus the Low Limit Proportional Band.
Low Limit Process Variable Contains the low limit temperature process variable. 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
This temperature is usually the mixed air temperature
or the preheat air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Specifies the amount below the Low Limit Setpoint that 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
Band the Low Limit Process Variable is allowed to fall before
the damper closes.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the upper threshold for the low limit process 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. Close
Set Name: AHU Two Pos

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1035

Primary States (Min OA Damper 2 Position)
• Close: The output is commanded close.
• Open: The output is commanded open, but it is closed during low limit conditions.
• Emergency Open: This command opens the minimum OA damper.
• Hold: When commanded to this mode of operation, the module outputs retain their last values.
Table 661: Min OA Damper 2 Position Command Hierarchy
Mode Damper Lockout State
Close * Close
Open TRUE Open
Emergency Open * Open
Hold * Hold

The Damper Lockout is False when the low limit process variable is less then the low limit setpoint, or it is false when
the low limit process variable is unreliable. While damper lockout is false, the damper may not open.

Reliability (Min OA Damper 2 Position)

If the low limit process variable is unreliable, the damper closes unless commanded to Emergency Open. All other
inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Min OA Damper Proportional Output

This module is designed to control a proportional minimum outdoor air damper. The module is used to provide a
minimum outdoor airflow. During normal operation, the minimum OA damper is either closed or at its operational
position. The module also accepts a Mode input, a minimum OA position input which allows the minimum OA damper
position to be reset externally, and a ramp rate input. The module outputs a 0% to 100% control signal to a proportional
minimum OA damper.

Module Use in Applications (Min OA Damper Proportional Output)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 662: Min OA Damper Proportional Output Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Damper Minimum OA Flow Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Min OA Damper Proportional Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Min OA Damper Proportional Output modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1036

Table 663: Min OA Damper Proportional Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Percent Cmd V Contains the analog signal for the minimum OA damper, it is 0%
used to command the minimum OA damper position. This
output can range from 0% to 100%.
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable. This 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the
preheat air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Defines the temperature range where the damper is 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band proportionally modulated to control the mixed air temperature
to the low limit temperature setpoint.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the upper threshold for the low limit process function. 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
When the low limit process variable is above this temperature,
the damper may be modulated to provide adequate levels of
outdoor air. Below this setpoint, outdoor air levels may be
limited by modulating the damper closed to control the low
limit process variable to the low limit setpoint.
Minimum OA Position Defines the minimum OA damper position. 90%
MOAD-OUTSTATE V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output controller. Close
Set Name: AHU MinOAD
Mode Contains the desired mode of operation. Close
Set Name: AHU MinOAD
Ramp Rate Defines the rate of change in damper position. This input is 50 Change per Minute
used in the Ramp Min OA and Ramp Closed modes.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Min OA Damper Proportional Output)

• Close: This command closes the minimum OA damper.
• Open: This command opens the minimum OA damper.
• Emergency Open: This command opens the minimum OA damper. While in this mode of operation, the low
limit reset factor is ignored.
• Min OA: The minimum OA damper is opened to its minimum position when commanded to this mode.
• Ramp Min OA: The minimum OA damper ramps to its minimum position when commanded to this mode of
• Ramp Closed: The minimum OA damper ramps to closed when commanded to this mode of operation.

Reliability (Min OA Damper Proportional Output)

If the low limit process variable is unreliable, the damper closes unless commanded to Emergency Open. All other
inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Min OA Fan Constant Capacity

This module controls a minimum OA damper and a minimum OA injection fan. Both components are two position

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1037

Module Use in Applications (Min OA Fan Constant Capacity)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 664: Min OA Fan Constant Capacity Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Constant Capacity Fan Minimum OA Flow Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Min OA Fan Constant Capacity)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Min OA Fan Constant Capacity modules.
Table 665: Min OA Fan Constant Capacity Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Delay Allows the damper to start opening before the fan is energized. 30 Seconds
The damper delay defines the amount of time between the
damper opening and the fan starting.
Damper OpenClose Contains the control signal for the minimum OA damper. The Close
enumeration set only has two values, Close and Open.
Set Name: Close/Open
Fan OnOff Contains the control signal for the minimum injection fan. The Off
enumeration set only has two values, Off and On.
Set Name: Off/On
Low Limit Delay Defines the time the damper remains closed once the low limit 180 Seconds
process variable rises above the low limit setpoint.
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit temperature process variable. This 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the preheat
air temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Indicates the threshold for the low limit process function. When 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
the low limit process variable is above this temperature, the
damper and fan may be turned on to provide adequate levels
of outdoor air. Below this setpoint, outdoor air levels may be
limited by turning off the fan and damper until the low limit
process variable remains above the setpoint for the Low Limit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1038

Table 665: Min OA Fan Constant Capacity Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
MOA-OUTSTATE Indicates the current operational mode of the Output Controller. No Flow
Set Name: AHU MinOA Fan
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. No Flow
Set Name: AHU MinOA Fan

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Min OA Fan Constant Capacity)

• No Flow: This mode closes the OAD, and it de-energizes the minimum injection fan.
• Max Flow: This mode opens the OAD, and it energizes the minimum injection fan.
• Start: This mode opens the OAD, and the minimum injection fan is off. This mode is used to sequence the
damper and the fan to ensure the damper is opening before the fan is energized.
Table 666: Min OA Fan Constant Capacity Command Hierarchy
Mode Min Flow Control Enable Damper Ready State
Emergency Flow * TRUE Max Flow
No Flow * * No Flow
Max Flow TRUE TRUE Max Flow
FALSE * No Flow

The Min Flow Control Enable Input indicates that the damper may be opened, and the fan may be energized. This
input is True when the Low Limit Process variable is reliable, and it is more than the Low Limit Setpoint.
The Damper Ready input indicates that the damper has started to open, the damper delay has expired, and the fan
is now allowed to start.

Reliability (Min OA Fan Constant Capacity)

If the low limit process variable is unreliable, the damper closes unless commanded to Emergency Open. All other
inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control v50 module replaces the Min OA
Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control module.
This module controls a two position minimum outdoor air damper and a variable capacity minimum outdoor air
injection fan. The two components are used to provide and control a minimum outdoor airflow. The module accepts
a mode input, a flow and flow setpoint input, and an unreliable mode input which defines the module behavior when
the flow sensor is unreliable. The module has a binary control output for the minimum OA damper, a binary and an
analog output for the injection fan, and an output which gives PID status information. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1039

Module Use in Applications (Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 667: Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Variable Capacity Fan Minimum OA Flow Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control modules:
Table 668: Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Damper Delay Allows the damper to start opening before the fan is energized. 30 Seconds
The damper delay defines the amount of time between the
damper opening and the fan starting.
Damper OpenClose Contains the control signal for the minimum OA damper. The Close
enumeration set only has two values, Close and Open.
Set Name: Close/Open
Fan OnOff Displays the binary signal for the minimum injection fan. The Off
enumeration set only has two values, Off and On.
Set Name: Off/On
Fan Percent Cmd Displays the analog signal for the minimum injection fan, it is 0%
used to command a fan speed. This output can range from 0%
to 100%.
Low Limit Delay Defines the time the damper remains closed once the low limit 180 Seconds
process variable rises above the low limit setpoint minus the
Low Limit Process Specifies the low limit temperature process variable. This 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the preheat
air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Defines the temperature range where the damper is 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band proportionally modulated to control the mixed air temperature
to the low limit temperature setpoint.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the upper threshold for the low limit process function. 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
When the low limit process variable is above this temperature,
the minimum injection fan may be modulated to provide adequate
levels of outdoor air. Below this setpoint, outdoor air levels may
be limited by resetting the flow setpoint to control the low limit
process variable to the low limit setpoint.
Minimum OA Flow Displays the flow through the minimum OA damper. 940 l/s, 2000 cfm

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1040

Table 668: Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Minimum OA Flow Contains the desired flow through the minimum OA damper. 940 l/s, 2000 cfm
Setpoint This module does not perform any setpoint reset. If that function
is desired, it must be performed in another module.
MOAFLOW-RANGE Specifies that the magnitude of the range that the PID Process 850 l/s, 1800 cfm
(Minimum OA Flow Variable traverses as the PID Present Value varies between its
Range) minimum and maximum values. For example, when the Process
Variable ranges between 200 and 2000 l/s due to the PID
Present Value varying from is Low Limit to its High Limit, then
Process Range is set to 1800 (|2000 - 200|). This input is location
MOA-OUTSTATE (State) Represents the current module mode of operation. No Flow
Set Name: AHU MinOA
VFD Fan State
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. No Flow
Set Name: AHU MinOA
VFD Fan Mode
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, l/s, cu l/s, cfm
m/h, and cfm are the only valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Unrel Flow Mode Defines the module behavior when the flow station sensor is No Flow
Set Name: NoFlow/Flow

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control)

• No Flow: This mode closes the OAD and de-energizes the minimum injection fan.
• Max Flow: This mode opens the OAD and energizes the minimum injection fan.
• Start: This mode opens the OAD and the minimum injection fan is turned off. This mode sequences the damper
and the fan to ensure the damper is opening before the fan is energized.
• Min Flow Control: The minimum OA Damper is opened, and the flow is controlled by the PID block. The PID
block increases the injection fan speed as the flow drops below the flow setpoint. This module does not have
flow setpoint reset based on CO2 or some other indoor air quality parameter, but another module could be
connected to the flow setpoint input which does reset the flow setpoint.
• Hold: Holds the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1041

Table 669: Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control Command Hierarchy
Mode Minimum OA Unrel Flow Min Flow Damper Ready PID Tuning State
Flow Reliable Mode Control Reset
* * * * False * Start
* * * * True * Max Flow
* * * * * *
Hold Reset 1st PID Min Flow
Hold * * * * * Hold
No Flow * * * * * No Flow
Max Flow * * TRUE TRUE * Max Flow
FALSE * Start
FALSE * * No Flow
Emergency Flow * * * TRUE * Max Flow
FALSE * Start
Min Flow Control TRUE * TRUE TRUE * Min Flow
FALSE * Start
FALSE * * No Flow
FALSE No Flow * * * No Flow
Flow TRUE TRUE * Max Flow

Reliability (Min OA Fan Variable Capacity Flow Control)

If the low limit process variable is unreliable, the damper closes and the fan de-energizes unless commanded to
Emergency Open.
If the flow sensor is unreliable, module commands the fan off and the damper closed or it commands the fan on and
the damper open based on a user selection.
All other inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Damper Control - VAV

This group of modules provides the flow control for VAV dampers.

Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) v51 module replaces the Damper Control (VAV
Exhaust) module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1042

This module controls the exhaust flow through a damper to maintain a difference between this flow and the supply
flow. This difference is calculated as Exhaust Flow - Supply Flow. The responsibility of this module is to maintain
this difference at the Differential Setpoint by adjusting the output percent, thereby controlling the Flow. This module
accepts as inputs a mode, an exhaust flow (measured), a supply flow (measured), a differential setpoint (positive
or negative), and configuration values. Based upon the input mode and configuration settings, the module outputs
a percent command representing the desired position of the damper and a Control Status. If either of the flows are
detected as unreliable, this controller switches to pressure dependent control. If a request to control a flow near zero
(0.2% of Rated Flow) is detected, the module instead closes the damper rather than control zero flow. The adjustable
parameters provide a way for the user to configure the module to operate in the correct manner for any size damper
whether a positive or negative differential is desired.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Control [VAV Exhaust])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 670: Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Exhaust Damper Control v51 All VAV Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Damper Control [VAV Exhaust])

The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) modules.
Table 671: Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
EAD-ABSEFFORT (Exhaust Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Air Damper Absolute EWMA Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes
Display Units: %
Effort) this value.
EAD-ABSERROR (Exhaust Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Supply 0.0
Air Damper Absolute EWMA Flow Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: l/s, cfm
Error) value.
EAD-ERROR (Exhaust Air Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Supply Flow 0.0Display Units: l/s, cfm
Damper EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
EAD-EWMA (Exhaust Air Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID computes 0.0Display Units: %
Damper EWMA Present this value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1043

Table 671: Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EAD-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: VAV Exhaust
controller. Flow Ctrl State
EAFLOW-DIFF (Diff Setpoint) Contains the desired setpoint for the difference between 0 l/s, 0 cfm
the two measured flows when the mode is set to Control.
This setpoint can be positive, negative, or zero. Positive
values result in a negative zone static pressure, while
negative values result in a positive zone static pressure.
Zero provides flow matching.
Exhaust Flow Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is the 0 l/s, 0 cfm
flow that is to be controlled and must therefore respond to
changes in the output.
Exhaust Rated Flow Displays the rated flow of the exhaust box. This is not a limit 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
to the flow when in control mode.
Exhaust Stroke Time Contains the time (in seconds) that it takes the actuator to 60 Seconds
move from 0% to 100% or from 100% to 0%. Should these
values be different, the average is used.
Minimum Pulse Width V Contains the minimum pulse width used by the PVDC block. Display Units: Seconds
Mode Contains the mode requested by State Selection. Close
Set Name: VAV Exhaust
Flow Ctrl Mode
PD Max Position Displays the maximum position under unreliable control. 80.0%
Under unreliable flow conditions, flow setpoints are linearly
converted into a damper position between this value and
Percent Cmd V Contains the analog percent output on a scale of 0% to Display Units: %
100%. This value is typically connected to either a PAO or
an AO.
Shutdown Position Contains the percentage to output when commanded to a 0.0%
shutdown position.
Supply Flow Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this attribute 0 l/s, 0 cfm
provides the second flow for calculating the flow difference.
Supply Flow Setpoint Contains the current flow setpoint for the supply damper. 0 l/s, 0 cfm

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Damper Control [VAV Exhaust])

• Shutdown: Issue the Percent Cmd specified by the shutdown position variable.
• Close: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Open: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Hold Position: Hold the Percent Cmd output at its current value.
• Control Flow Unreliable: Adjust the Percent Cmd output using a pressure dependent mode of operation while
either flow input is unreliable.
• Control Flow Reliable: Adjust the Percent Cmd output to maintain the flow difference at the value of the Flow
Differential SP.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1044

Reliability (Damper Control [VAV Exhaust])
Table 672: Damper Control (VAV Exhaust) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Exhaust Flow Control using a Pressure Dependent mode.
Supply Flow Control using a Pressure Dependent mode.

Damper Control (VAV Supply) v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Damper Control (VAV Supply) v51 module replaces the Damper Control (VAV
Supply) module.
This module specifies the damper position in flow control modules and applications. This module accepts a mode
as close, open, hold, control, box flow test, and failsoft and adjusts the output accordingly. Should control be requested
and the flow is unreliable, it sets the damper position to a value proportional to the PD Max Position. Unreliable flow
results in operation as a pressure dependent controller. Attempts to control near zero result in the damper being
closed. The adjustable parameters provide a way for the user to configure the module to operate in the correct
manner for control of any size damper.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Damper Control [VAV Supply])

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 673: Damper Control (VAV Supply) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CD Constant Damper Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
CD Damper Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
HD Constant Damper Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
HD Damper Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Supply Damper Control v51 VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1045

Attributes (Damper Control [VAV Supply])
The following table describes the attributes used by the Damper Control (VAV Supply) modules.
Table 674: Damper Control (VAV Supply) Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Auxiliary Flow 1 Contains the measured auxiliary flow. The reliability of this 0 l/s, 0 cfm
input is monitored. The flow estimate parameter updates
only when in control and this variable is reliable.
Auxiliary Flow 2 Displays the measured auxiliary flow. The reliability of this 0 l/s, 0 cfm
input is monitored. The flow estimate parameter updates
only when in control and this variable is reliable.
Auxiliary Stroke Time 1 Displays the time (in seconds) that it takes the auxiliary 0 Seconds
actuator to go from fully closed to fully open or from fully
open to fully closed. Should these values be different, the
average value is used. This is employed in dual duct and
supply/exhaust control applications to keep actuator
adjustments within the speed of the slowest actuator.
Auxiliary Stroke Time 2 Displays the time (in seconds) that it takes the auxiliary 0 Seconds
actuator to go from fully closed to fully open or from fully
open to fully closed. Should these values be different, the
average value is used. This is employed in dual duct and
supply/exhaust control applications to keep actuator
adjustments within the speed of the slowest actuator.
Box Flow Test Position Displays the desired damper position when mode is set to 0.0%
Box Flow Test.
CDD-OUTSTATE, G, V Displays the current operational state of the output controller. Set Name: VAV Flow
HDD-OUTSTATE, or Control State
CDFLOW-ABSEFFORT, Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
CDDFLOW-ABSEFFORT Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this
Display Units: %
Damper Absolute EWMA Effort)
CDFLOW-ABSERROR, Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Flow 0.0
CDDFLOW-ABSERROR Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: l/s, cfm
Damper Absolute EWMA Error)
CDFLOW-ERROR, Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Flow Setpoint 0.0
CDDFLOW-ERROR - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: l/s, cfm
Damper EWMA Error)
CDFLOW-EWMA, Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID computes 0.0
CDDFLOW-EWMA this value.
Display Units: %
SAFLOW-EWMA (Supply Damper
EWMA Present Value)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1046

Table 674: Damper Control (VAV Supply) Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CDFLOW-SP, HDFLOW-SP, or Specifies that if the mode is set to Control, this is the desired 0 l/s, 0 cfm
SAFLOW-SP (Flow Setpoint) setpoint to which the Flow is controlled.
Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control
Damper Percent Cmd V Contains the analog percent output on a scale of 0% to Display Units: %
100%. This value typically is connected to either a PAO or
an AO.
Failsoft Value Displays the desired damper position when in Failsoft mode. 0.0%
Flow Displays the measured flow. When the mode is set to 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Control, this is the flow that is directly controlled and
therefore must respond to changes in the output.
Minimum Pulse Width V Contains the minimum pulse width used by the PVDC block. Display Units:
Mode Contains the mode requested by State Selection. Close
Set Name: VAV Flow
Control Mode
PD Max Position Displays the maximum position under unreliable control. 80.0%
Under unreliable flow conditions, flow setpoints are linearly
converted into a damper position between this value and
Rated Box Flow Contains the rated flow of the box under nominal conditions. 500 l/s, 1000 cfm
For most control purposes and under most reasonable
design conditions, this can be set to the desired maximum
box flow. Should the rated flow be larger than the desired
maximum box flow by more than 25% unstable control may
result. Correct this by setting this value to the actual rated
box flow.
Stroke Time Displays the time (in seconds) that it takes the actuator to 60 Seconds
go from fully closed to fully open or from fully open to fully
closed. Should these values be different, the average value
is used.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Damper Control [VAV Supply])

• Bypass: Issue a fixed value to the Damper Percent Cmd (Shutdown, Box Flow Test, or Failsoft values).
• Hold: Hold the Percent Cmd output at its current value.
• Control Flow Unreliable: Adjust the Percent Cmd output using a pressure dependent mode of operation while
either flow input is unreliable.
• Control Flow Reliable: Adjust the Percent Cmd output to maintain the flow difference at the value of the Flow
Differential SP.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1047

Table 675: Damper Control (VAV Supply) Command Hierarchy
Mode Flow Reliable Non-Zero SP State
Open * * Bypass
Close * * Bypass
Hold * * Hold
Control * False Bypass
False True Control Flow Unreliable
True True Control Flow Reliable
Box Flow Test * * Bypass
Failsoft * * Bypass

Reliability (Damper Control [VAV Supply])

Table 676: Damper Control (VAV Supply) Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Flow Control using a Pressure Dependent mode.
Auxiliary Flow 1 Control using a Pressure Dependent mode.
Auxiliary Flow 2 Control using a Pressure Dependent mode.

Damper and Fan Control

This module provides logic to ensure that the dampers are commanded open before the fans are commanded on.
This module is implemented as a Hybrid Control Activity.

Module Use in Applications (Damper and Fan Control)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 677: Damper and Fan Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
EA Damper and Fan Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
EA Damper and Fan2 Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
OA Damper and Fan Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
OA Damper and Fan2 Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1048

Attributes (Damper and Fan Control)
The following table describes the attributes used by these modules.
Table 678: Damper and Fan Control
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper isAvailable Indicates the availability of the damper. True
Damper OpenClose G, V Provides the control signal output to the damper BO. Close
Damper Status Indicates the status of the commanded damper. Open
Delay Indicates the time required to wait before starting the 60.0 seconds
fan when the mode is On, and alternatively close the
dampers when the mode is Off.
Fan OnOff V Provides the control signal output to the fan BO. Off
Fan Status Indicates the status of the commanded fan. Off
Mode Indicates the required fan command. Off
State V Represents the current state of the hybrid activity. Off

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Device OR
This module is responsible for examining two enumeration inputs and provides OR logic where at least one input
must be On for the output to be On. The module accepts two Off/On inputs and has a output.

Module Use in Applications (Device OR)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 679: Device OR Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cooling Coil Pump Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Heating/Cooling Coil Pump Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1049

Table 679: Device OR Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Preheat Coil Pump Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Reheat Coil Pump Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Device OR)

The following table describes the attributes used by these modules.
Table 680: Device OR Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device 1 OnOff Indicates binary status of device 1. Off
Device 2 OnOff Indicates binary status of device 2. Off
Alarm OR G, V If any input is on, this output is on. Off

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Dual Pump Sequencer

The Dual Pump Sequencer module provides a Control System with dual pump control. This module is designed to
control two pumps and to provide Lead Lag operation based on availability or runtime. The Dual Pump Sequencer
module can only exist within a Control Sequence or Control Activity within a Control Sequence.

Module Use in Applications (Dual Pump Sequencer)

The application System Selection Trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1050

Table 681: Dual Pump Sequencer Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Pump Sequencer AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Cooling Pump Sequencer AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Preheat Pump Sequencer AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Reheat Pump Sequencer AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dual Pump Sequencer)

The following table describes the attributes used by these modules.
Table 682: Dual Pump Sequencer Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device 1 Enable Establishes the enable status of the sequencer device False
outputs. A value of FALSE takes the associated device
out of service.
Device 2 Enable Establishes the enable status of the sequencer device False
outputs. A value of FALSE takes the associated device
out of service.
Device 1 OnOff V Contains the output value for the corresponding device. Off
Device 2 OnOff V Contains the output value for the corresponding device. Off
Device 1 Runtime Represents the ranking of each device. This value 0.0 hours
establishes the order by which the device outputs are

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1051

Table 682: Dual Pump Sequencer Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Device 2 Runtime Represents the ranking of each device. This value 0.0 hours
establishes the order by which the device outputs are
Instant Shutdown Forces all outputs inactive when it is TRUE. When it is False
FALSE, the module monitors the input and stages the
outputs. When this value transitions from FALSE to TRUE,
all of the outputs are deactivated instantly (ignoring any
Minimum On Timers and the Interstage Off Timer.)
Interstage Off Delay Time Defines the minimum time interval that must elapse 5.0 seconds
between the sequential deactivation of multiple Sequencer
stages unless the Instant Shutdown value is TRUE or the
primitive is disabled.
Interstage On Delay Time Defines the minimum time interval that must elapse 5.0 seconds
between the sequential activation of multiple Sequencer
Min Off Time Indicates the minimum time that an output must remain 30.0 seconds
off before it can be reactivated to an on condition following
deactivation. As such, a separate timer is established for
each device output upon being deactivated. Until the time
interval expires, the output is blocked from being
reactivated unless Rotate Now has transitioned from
Min On Time Indicates minimum time interval that an output must remain 30.0 seconds
on before it can be deactivated to an off condition following
activation. As such, a separate timer is established for
each device output upon being activated. Until the time
interval expires, the output is blocked from being
deactivated unless the Instant Shutdown value is TRUE,
the module is disabled or Rotate Now has transitioned
from FALSE to TRUE.
Pump OnOff G Represents enumeration value that is the control signal Off
input to this module.
Rotate Now Activates by rising edge. It retains a value of TRUE until False
it is written back to FALSE. Writing this attribute to TRUE
causes an immediate rotation based on the current ranks.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Fan Control
This group provides modules that control single speed air handling and terminal unit fans as well as proportional
and three speed terminal unit fans.

Fan Proportional
This module controls a proportional fan. The module accepts as inputs a command, a heating percentage and a
cooling percentage. Based upon the input command and parameter settings, the module outputs a percent command
and an on/off command.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1052

Module Use in Applications (Fan Proportional)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 683: Fan Proportional Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Fan Control Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Proportional)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Proportional modules.
Table 684: Fan Proportional Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Percent Cmd Contains the percent cooling, typically connected from the
cooling output module. This value is used to span to a fan
Fan OnOff Contains the output command enumeration for information Set Name: Off/On
feedback representing the on/off status of the fan.
FAN-OUTSTATE (State) Displays the current operational state of the output controller. Set Name: Off/On/Max
Heating Percent Cmd Contains the percent cooling, typically connected from the
heating output module. Used to span to a fan speed.
Max Speed Cooling Contains the output percentage when the Cooling Percent 100.0%
Cmd input is at 100%.
Max Speed Heating Contains the output percentage when the Heating Percent 100.0%
Cmd input is at 100%.
Minimum Speed Specifies that when commanded to on, this is the minimum 20.0%
value that is output in the Percent Cmd output.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: Off/On/Max
Percent Cmd Displays the output for fan control (0-100%). Display Units: %

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Proportional)

• Off: Turn the fan off. The Percent Cmd is set to 0% and the Fan OnOff is set to Off.
• On: Turn the fan on at the appropriate speed. The speed is determined internally based on a span of the Minimum
Speed and the max heating or cooling percentage inputs.
• Max: Turn the fan on at the max heating speed. The Percent Cmd is set to the Max Speed Heating.
Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1053
Reliability (Fan Proportional)
This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Parallel Fan Control

This module passes the state selection output to the output and is used for consistency in the User Interface.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Parallel Fan Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 685: Parallel Fan Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Parallel Fan Control VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Parallel Fan Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Parallel Fan Control modules.
Table 686: Parallel Fan Control Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Input The input to the pass through module Off
Set Name: Off/On
Present Value G, V The output of the pass through module Set Name: Off/On

Reliability (Parallel Fan Control)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Single Speed Fan Control

This module passes the state selection output to the output and is used for consistency in the User Interface.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1054

Module Use in Applications (Single Speed Fan Control)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 687: Single Speed Fan Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Single Speed Fan Control Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Single Speed Fan Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Single Speed Fan Control modules.
Table 688: Single Speed Fan Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan OnOff Contains the output command enumeration for Set Name: Off/On
information feedback representing the on/off status
of the fan.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: Off/On

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Single Speed Fan Control)

• Off: Turn the fan off. The Fan OnOff is set to Off.
• On: Turn the fan on. The Fan OnOff is set to On.

Reliability (Single Speed Fan Control)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Fan Three Speed

This module controls a three-speed fan. The module accepts a single input mode and produces three separate
output On/Off commands. As the fan stages up, the module turns off the lower speed output first before turning on
the higher speed output (following a very short delay so that both contacts are not closed at the same time). As the
fan stages down, the module provides a user defined delay after turning off the higher speed output before turning
on the lower speed output.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1055

Module Use in Applications (Fan Three Speed)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 689: Fan Three Speed Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Three Speed Fan Control Fan Coil Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Three Speed)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Three Speed modules.
Table 690: Fan Three Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Percent Cmd Displays the percent cooling, typically connected from the cooling
output module. In Auto Low and Auto Medium Modes, the value
is used to determine fan speed based on threshold values.
Fan OnOff V Indicates that the fan is off or on. Set Name: Off/On
Fan OnOff 1 V Contains the output for fan speed 1. Set Name: Off/On
Fan OnOff 2 V Contains the output for fan speed 2. Set Name: Off/On
Fan OnOff 3 V Contains the output for fan speed 3. Set Name: Off/On
Fan Speed Status V Contains the feedback to zone sensor and/or other display to Set Name: Three
indicate the current control state (auto/off) and speed Speed Status
(off/low/medium/high) of the fan.
FAN-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational state of the output controller. Set Name: Off/On/Max
Heating Percent Cmd Contains the percent cooling, typically connected from the heating
output module. In Auto Low and Auto Medium Modes, this value
is used to determine fan speed based on threshold values.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: Off/On/Max
Speed 2 Off Threshold Used when Mode = Auto-Low to determine whether to decrease 30.0%
fan speed to Low (done if the larger of the cooling and heating
percentages is less than or equal to this value).
Speed 2 On Threshold Used when Mode = Auto-Low to determine whether to increase 35.0%
fan speed to Medium (done if the larger of the cooling and heating
percentages is greater than this value).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1056

Table 690: Fan Three Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Speed 3 Off Threshold Used when Mode = Auto-Low or Auto-Medium to determine 65.0%
whether to decrease fan speed to Medium (done if the larger of
the cooling and heating percentages is less than or equal to this
Speed 3 On Threshold Used when Mode = Auto-Low or Auto-Medium to determine 70.0%
whether to increase fan speed to High (done if the larger of the
cooling and heating percentages is greater than this value).
Stage Down Delay Specifies the time that all outputs are turned off when the requested 1 Second
speed is decreased one stage before the next lower stage is turned
on. This time allows the motor to slow down before re-engaging
the motor at the lower speed. If the speed is decreased two stages
(from High to Low), the outputs are held off for twice the time.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Three Speed)

• Off: Manual request to turn the fan off (typically made by network or zone sensor input). All three Fan OnOffs
are set to Off.
• Low: Manual request to turn the fan on at the low speed (typically made by network or zone sensor input). Fan
OnOff 1 is set to On. The others are set to Off.
• Medium: Manual request to turn the fan on at the medium speed (typically made by network or zone sensor
input). Fan OnOff 2 is set to On. Fan OnOff 1 and 3 is set to Off.
• High: Manual request to turn the fan on at the high speed (typically made by network or zone sensor input). Fan
OnOff 3 is set to On and Fan OnOff 1 and 2 set to Off.
• Auto-Off: Turn the fan off. All three Fan OnOffs are set to Off.
• Auto-Low: Turn the fan on at no lower than Low speed. Compare the percent cmd inputs to the thresholds to
determine the actual speed.
• Auto-Medium: Turn the fan on at no lower than Medium speed. Compare the percent cmd inputs to the thresholds
to determine the actual speed.
• Auto-High: Turn the fan on at the high speed. Fan OnOff 3 is set to On and Fan OnOff 1 and 2 set to Off.
Table 691: Fan Three Speed Command Hierarchy
Mode Speed 2 Speed 3 State
Off * * Off
Low * * Low
Medium * * Medium
High * * High
Auto-Off * * Off
Auto-Low False False Low
True False Medium
* True High

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1057

Table 691: Fan Three Speed Command Hierarchy
Mode Speed 2 Speed 3 State
Auto-Medium * False Medium
True High
Auto-High * * High

Reliability (Fan Three Speed)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Fan VAV Series

This module is responsible for controlling a single-speed fan. The module accepts an input mode and an adjustable
speed and produces fan output.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Fan VAV Series)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 692: Fan VAVSeries Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Series Fan Control VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan VAV Series)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan VAV Series modules.
Table 693: Fan VAV Series Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan OnOff Displays the output command enumeration for Set Name: Off/On
information feedback representing the on/off status
of the fan.
FAN-OUTSTATE (State) Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: Off/On/Hold
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: Off/On/Hold

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1058

Table 693: Fan VAV Series Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Percent Cmd Contains the output for fan control (0-100%). Display Units: %
Speed Setting Contains the desired output (0-100%) when the fan 100.0%
is commanded on.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan VAV Series)

• Off: Turn the fan off. The Percent Cmd is set to 0% and the Fan OnOff is set to Off.
• On: Turn the fan on at the Speed Setting value.
• Hold: Hold the existing output.

Reliability (Fan VAV Series)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Fan Control - AHU

The AHU Fan Control output controllers provide for variable capacity control of supply, return, exhaust, and relief

Dual Fan Lead-Lag

This module is designed to start and stop two fans so they run in a lead lag fashion for an air handler application
and two other outputs to control the speed of those fans. The module monitors the two supply fans command, alarm
status, and speed to determine whether the lag fan needs to operate. This module is implemented as a control
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan Lead-Lag)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 694: Dual Fan Lead-Lag Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
Dual Exhaust Fan Lead-Lag AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Relief Fan Lead-Lag AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Return Fan Lead-Lag AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Supply Fan Lead-Lag AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1059

Attributes (Dual Fan Lead-Lag)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan Lead-Lag modules.
Table 695: DUAL FAN Lead-Lag Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Delay This input defines the minimum time required for the lag fan 120
to start or stop after the setpoint has been reached.
Display Units: seconds
Fan 1 Alarm This Enum input shows the current alarm status for the first Normal
fan. The input may be either Normal when there is proof of
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
airflow or Alarm when there is not.
Fan 2 Alarm This Enum input shows the current alarm status for the Normal
second fan. The input may be either Normal when there is
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
proof of airflow or Alarm when there is not.
Fan OnOff G This input is the fan command for the application. The activity Off
uses this input to determine if a fan is needed to be
Set Name: Off/On
commanded on or off.
Fan Percent Cmd This input defines the speed required for the fan or fans that 0.0
are running.
Display Units: none
Lead Device Request This input defines which fan is going to be the lead device. Device 1
Set Name: AHU Two Device
Stagedown Setpoint This input defines the minimum percent command that is 28
needed to transition from running two fans (Lead and Lag
Display Units: %
Devices) back to one fan (Lead Device).
Stageup Setpoint This input defines the maximum percent command that is 90
needed to transition from running one fan (Lead Device) to
Display Units: %
two fans (Lead and Lag Devices).
Fan 1 OnOff This Enum output is the fan command for the first fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Fan 2 OnOff This Enum output is the fan command for the second fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Fan 1 Output This Float output is the fan speed command for the first fan. 0.0
Display Units: none
Fan 2 Output This Float output is the fan speed command for the second 0.0
Display Units: none

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Dual Fan Run-Standby

This module is designed to start and stop two fans so they run in a lead standby fashion. Only the lead fan runs. If
the lead fan fails, then the standby fan operates until the failed fan is cleared. For an air handler application two
other outputs to control the speed of the fans. The module monitors the alarm status of the lead fan to determine
whether the standby fan needs to operate. This module is implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group's logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1060

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan Run-Standby)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 696: Dual Fan Run-Standby Uses in Application System Selection Tree
Module Instance Name Application
Dual Exhaust Fan Run-Standby AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Relief Fan Run-Standby AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Return Fan Run-Standby AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Supply Fan Run-Standby AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dual Fan Run-Standby)

Table 697 describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan Run-Standby modules.
Table 697: Dual Fan Run-Standby Common Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan 1 Alarm This Enum input shows the current alarm status for the Normal
first fan. The input may be either Normal when there is
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
proof of airflow or Alarm when there is no proof of airflow.
Fan 2 Alarm This Enum input shows the current alarm status for the Normal
second fan. The input may be either Normal when there
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
is proof of airflow or Alarm when there is no proof of
Fan OnOff G This input is the fan command for the application. The Off
activity uses this input to determine if a fan is needed to
Set Name: Off/On
be commanded on or off.
Fan Percent Cmd This input defines the speed required for the fan or fans 0.0
that are running.
Display Units: none
Lead Device Request This input defines which fan is going to be the lead device. Device 1
Set Name: AHU Two Device
Fan 1 OnOff This Enum output is the fan command for the first fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Fan 2 OnOff This Enum output is the fan command for the second fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1061

Table 697: Dual Fan Run-Standby Common Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan 1 Output This Float output is the fan speed command for the first 0.0
Display Units: none
Fan 2 Output This Float output is the fan speed command for the 0.0
second fan.
Display Units: none

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Dual Fan Run Together

This module is designed to start and stop two fans so the fans run together, where both fans are commanded on
and run during normal operation. For an air handler application two outputs control the speed of the fans. The module
monitors the alarm status of each fan to determine whether the command must be commanded off. This module is
implemented as a control activity.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Dual Fan Run Together)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 698: Dual Fan Run Together Uses in Application System Selection Tree
Module Instance Name Applications
Dual Exhaust Fan Run Together AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Relief Fan Run Together AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Return Fan Run Together AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Dual Supply Fan Run Together AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Dual Fan Run Together)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Dual Fan Run Together modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1062

Table 699: Dual Fan Run Together Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan 1 Alarm This Enum input shows the current alarm status for the Normal
first fan. The input may be either Normal when there is
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
proof of airflow or Alarm when there is no proof of airflow.
Fan 2 Alarm This Enum input shows the current alarm status for the Normal
second fan. The input may be either Normal when there
Set Name: Normal/Alarm
is proof of airflow or Alarm when there is no proof of airflow.
Fan OnOff G This input is the fan command for the application. The Off
activity uses this input to determine if a fan is needed to
Set Name: Off/On
be commanded on or off.
Fan Percent Cmd Input defines the speed required for the fan or fans that 0.0
are running.
Display Units: none
Fan 1 OnOff This Enum output is the fan command for the first fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Fan 2 OnOff This Enum output is the fan command for the second fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Fan 1 Output This Float output is the fan speed command for the first 0.0
Display Units: none
Fan 2 Output This Float output is the fan speed command for the second 0.0
Display Units: none

1 B - BACnet Exposed Parameter, C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC -
Simulation and Commissioning Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Fan Single Speed

This module controls a 2 position fan. The module accepts a mode input and it has an output to turn the fan on or
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Single Speed)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 700: Fan Single Speed Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Constant Capacity Exhaust Fan Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Constant Capacity Return Fan Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Constant Capacity Supply Fan Control All Air Handling Unit Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1063

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Single Speed)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Single Speed modules.
Table 701: Fan Single Speed Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan OnOff Contains the output command enumeration for Set Name: Off/On
information feedback representing the on/off status
of the fan.
FAN-OUTSTATE (State) Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: Off/On/Hold
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: Off/On/Hold

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Single Speed)

• Off: Turn the fan off. The Fan OnOff is set to Off.
• On: Turn the fan on. The Fan OnOff is set to On.
• Hold: The fan remains in the state it was in when this mode was requested. If it is on, it stays on. If it is off, it
stays off.

Reliability (Fan Single Speed)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control v50 module replaces the Fan Relief
Variable Capacity BSP Control module.
This module controls building static pressure using a variable speed relief fan in an air handler application. This
module accepts building static pressure and setpoints. The module has outputs for controlling a variable speed relief

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1064

Module Use in Applications (Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 702: Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Variable Capacity Relief Fan BSP Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control modules.
Table 703: Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
Bldg Static Pressure Displays is the building static pressure. 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
Bldg Static Pressure Used in the BS-P Control modes. This is the 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
Setpoint building static pressure setpoint.
Building Static Pressure Used in the BS-P Control mode. This input allows Pa, in. W.C.
Units the user to define the units for the process.
Set Name: Unit
Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU Relief Fan
Relief Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status, and the possible values Normal
are normal, overridden, disabled, low, timing low,
Set Name: Control Status
high, and timing high.
Relief Fan OnOff V Displays the control signal for the relief fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Relief Fan Percent Cmd V Displays the analog signal for the relief fan, it is 0%
used to command a fan speed. This output ranges
from 0% to 100%.
RLF-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU Relief Fan

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control)

• Off: The fan is off when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Max: The relief fan turns at its maximum speed. The Relief Fan Percent Cmd output is set to 100%.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1065

• Min: The analog fan output (Relief Fan Percent Cmd) is zero, and the fan control output (Relief Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• BS-P Control: The relief fan controls the building static pressure when the module receives this command. The
module operates in the BS-P Control mode if the building static pressure is reliable.
Table 704: Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control Command Hierarchy
Mode BSP Is Reliable State
Off * Off
Off * Off
Min * Min
Max * Max
BS-P Control TRUE BS-P Control

Reliability (Fan Relief Variable Capacity BSP Control)

If building static pressure is unreliable, the fan state changes to off as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.
All other inputs use the last reliable value while unreliable.

Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Fan Relief for UL-864-UUKL v50 module replaces the Fan Relief for UL-864-UUKL
The Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL module controls building static pressure using a variable speed relief fan in
an air handler application. This module accepts building static pressure, PID tuning parameters, and setpoints. The
module has outputs for controlling a variable speed relief fan. This module accepts commands from a FSCS. The
FSCS input takes precedence over the mode input. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of
the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning
input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 705: Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Relief Fan BSP Control for UL-864-UUKL v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1066

Attributes (Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL modules.
Table 706: Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Bldg Static Pressure Displays the building static pressure. 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
Building Static Pressure Used in the BS-P Control mode. This input defines the Pa, in. W.C.
Units units for the process.
Set Name: Unit
Emergency BSP Setpoint Used in the BS-P Control modes during an emergency or -25 Pa, -0.10 in. W.C.
when the FSCS input is not set to Auto.
Emergency On Percent Indicates the Percent Cmd issued to the fan during an 70%
Cmd emergency if the Building Static Pressure is not reliable.
Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU RF BSP
Mode UL
Normal BSP Setpoint Used in the BS-P Control modes under normal control 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
circumstances. This is the building static pressure setpoint.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Priority Specifies the BACnet priority for the output points. For 16
normal control, this value is set to 16 (Default). This value
is set to 1 when the FSCS input is not Auto and set to 2
(Automatic Fire/Life Safety Control) when the Mode
indicates an emergency is not Normal.
Relief Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are normal, Normal
overridden, disabled, low, timing low, high, and timing high.
Set Name: Control Status
Relief Fan OnOff V Displays the control signal for the relief fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Relief Fan Percent Cmd V Displays the analog signal for the relief fan, which is used 0.0%
to command a fan speed. This output ranges from 0% to
RLF-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU Relief Fan
State UL

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1067

Primary States (Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL)
• Off: The fan is off when the module is in the Off mode of operation.
• Min: The analog fan output (Relief Fan Percent Cmd) is zero, and the fan control output (Relief Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in the Min mode of operation.
• BS-P Control: The relief fan controls the building static pressure when the module receives this command. The
module operates in the BS-P Control mode if the building static pressure is reliable.
• Emergency BS-P Control: The relief fan controls the Emergency BSP Setpoint when the module receives this
command. The module operates in the Emergency On state if the pressure sensor is unreliable and the Emergency
On Percent Cmd is issued to the Fan Percent Cmd output.
• Emergency Off: The fan is off and the priority is set to 1 or 2 depending on the FSCS status.
• Emergency On: When the mode is Emergency BS-P Control or the FSCS RF Cmd is On and the pressure
sensor is not reliable, the module enters this state, turns on the fan, and issues the Emergency On Percent Cmd
to the fan percent command.
• Hold: The module operates in this state when the output priorities are not 16.
Table 707: Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL Command Hierarchy
Mode BSP Is Reliable FSCS RF Cmd PID Tuning Reset State
* * Off * Off
* TRUE On * BS-P Control
* FALSE On * Emergency On
Hold * Auto Reset 1st PID BS-P Control
Off * Auto * Off
Min * Auto * Min
BS-P Control TRUE Auto * BS-P Control
FALSE Auto * Off
Emergency BS-P Control TRUE Auto * BS-P Control
FALSE Auto * Emergency On
Emergency Off * Auto * Off
Hold * Auto * Hold

Reliability (Fan Relief BSP for UL-864-UUKL)

If building static pressure is unreliable, the fan state changes to Off as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.
All other inputs use the last reliable value while unreliable.

Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control

The Return Fan BSP module controls a variable speed fan and building static pressure (BSP) in an air handler
application. This module accepts building static pressure, and setpoints. The module has outputs for controlling a
variable speed return fan.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1068

Table 708: Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Variable Capacity Exhaust Fan BSP Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Variable Capacity Return Fan BSP Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control modules.
Table 709: Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Bldg Static Pressure Displays the building static pressure. 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
Bldg Static Pressure Setpoint Displays the building static pressure setpoint. 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
Building Static Pressure Units Allows the user to define the units for the process. Pa, in. W.C.
Set Name: Unit
EF-OUTSTATE or V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the Off
RF-OUTSTATE (State) output controller.
Set Name: AHU RF BSP
Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU RF BSP
Return Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal
normal, overridden, disabled, low, timing low, high,
Set Name: Control Status
and timing high.
Return Fan OnOff V Displays the control signal for the return fan or Off
exhaust fan.
Set Name: Off/On
Return Fan Percent Cmd V Contains the analog signal for the return fan or the 0%
exhaust fan and it is used to command a fan
speed. This output can range from 0% to 100%.
Supply Fan Percent Cmd Displays the supply fan percent command and 0%
used in the Failsoft mode.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1069

Primary States (Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control)
• Off: The fan is off when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Max: The return fan turns at its maximum speed. The Return Fan Percent Cmd output is set to 100%.
• Min: The analog fan output (Return Fan Percent Cmd) is zero, and the fan control output (Return Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• BS-P Control: The return fan controls the building static pressure when the module receives this command.
The module operates in the BS-P Control mode if the building static pressure is reliable.
• Failsoft: The return fan tracks the supply fan while in this mode of operation. Failsoft is a fault mode entered
only if the pressure sensor is unreliable.
The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control modules.
Table 710: Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control Command Hierarchy
Mode BSP Is Reliable State
Off * Off
Min * Min
Max * Max
Hold * Hold
BS-P Control TRUE BS-P Control
FALSE Failsoft

Reliability (Fan Return or Exhaust BSP Control)

If building static pressure is unreliable, the fan state changes to failsoft as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.
All other inputs uses the last reliable value while unreliable.

Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL v50 module replaces the Fan RF or EF
BSP for UL-864-UUKL module.
The Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL module controls a variable speed fan and Building Static Pressure (BSP)
in an AHU application. This module accepts building static pressure, PID tuning parameters, and setpoints. The
module has outputs for controlling a variable speed return fan. This module accepts commands from a FSCS. The
FSCS input takes precedence over the mode input. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of
the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning
input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1070

Table 711: Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Exhaust Fan BSP Control for UL-864-UUKL v50 AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Return Fan BSP Control for UL-864-UUKL v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL modules.
Table 712: Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Bldg Static Pressure Displays the building static pressure. 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
Building Static Pressure Allows the user to define the units for the process. Pa, in. W.C.
Set Name: Unit
EF-OUTSTATE or V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
RF-OUTSTATE (State) controller.
Set Name: AHU RF BSP
State UL
Emergency BSP Setpoint Used in the BS-P Control modes during an emergency or -25 Pa, -0.10 in. W.C.
when the FSCS RF Cmd is On.
Emergency On Percent Indicates the Percent Cmd issued to the fan during an 70%
Cmd emergency if the Building Static Pressure is not reliable.
FSCS RF Cmd Accepts a command from the FSCS, and allows Auto
emergency personnel to control the return fan.
Set Name: Auto/Off/On
Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU RF BSP
Mode UL
Normal BSP Setpoint Used in the BS-P Control modes under normal control 25 Pa, 0.10 in. W.C.
circumstances. This is the building static pressure setpoint.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1071

Table 712: Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Priority Specifies the BACnet priority for the output points. For 16
normal control, this value is set to 16 (Default). This value
is set to 1 when the FSCS input is not Auto and set to 2
(Automatic Fire/Life Safety Control) when the Mode
indicates an emergency is not Normal.
Return Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are normal, Normal
overridden, disabled, low, timing low, high, and timing
Set Name: Control Status
Return Fan OnOff V Displays the control signal for the return fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Return Fan Percent Cmd V Contains the analog signal for the return fan and is used 0%
to command a fan speed. This output can range from 0%
to 100%.
Supply Fan Percent Cmd Displays the supply fan percent command and is used in 0%
the Failsoft mode.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL)

• Off: The fan is off when the module is in the Off mode of operation.
• Min: The analog fan output (Return Fan Percent Cmd) is zero, and the fan control output (Return Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in the Min mode of operation.
• BS-P Control: The return fan controls the building static pressure when the module receives the BS-P Control
command. The module operates in the BS-P Control mode if the building static pressure is reliable. If the pressure
sensor is unreliable, the module operates in the Failsoft state.
• Failsoft: The return fan tracks the supply fan while in this mode of operation. Failsoft is a fault mode entered
only if the pressure sensor is unreliable.
• Emergency BS-P Control: The relief fan controls the Emergency BSP Setpoint when the module receives this
command. If the PID Tuning Reset is true, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set true causing the PID to
recalculate its tuning parameters. While that is occurring, the Return Fan Percent CMD is held at its last value.
The module operates in the Emergency On state if the pressure sensor is unreliable and the Emergency On
Percent Cmd is issued to the Fan Percent Cmd output.
• Emergency Off: The fan is off and the priority is set to 1 or 2 depending on the FSCS status.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden input is true, then the Output Position
input is passed to the Return Fan Percent CMD. The module operates in this state when the output priorities are
not 16.
The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL modules.
Table 713: Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL Command Hierarchy
Mode BSP Is Reliable FSCS RF Cmd PID Tuning Reset State
* * Off * Off
* TRUE On * BS-P Control
* FALSE On * Emergency On

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1072

Table 713: Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL Command Hierarchy
Mode BSP Is Reliable FSCS RF Cmd PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Auto * Off
Min * Auto * Min
Min * Auto Reset 1st PID BS-P Control
Min * Auto * Hold
BS-P Control TRUE Auto * BS-P Control
FALSE Auto * Failsoft
Emergency BS-P Control TRUE Auto * BS-P Control
FALSE Auto * Emergency On
Emergency BS-P Control * Auto * Off

Reliability (Fan RF or EF BSP for UL-864-UUKL)

If building static pressure is unreliable, the fan state changes to Failsoft as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.
All other inputs use the last reliable value while unreliable.

Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking

The Return Fan track Output Controller module is designed to control a variable speed return fan in an air handler
application. The return fan tracks the supply fan. The module has outputs for controlling a variable speed return fan.
The Supply Fan Percent Cmd is used as an input to the module and after passing through a span block is sent to
the Return Fan Percent Cmd. By default, the span is set to mirror the Supply Fan Percent Command, but this can
be modified by manipulating the low and high limits of the span block.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 714: Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Variable Capacity Exhaust Fan Track Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Variable Capacity Return Fan Track Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1073

Table 715: Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EF-EFRSTHI or RF-RFRSTHI Displays the desired return fan speed when the supply fan 100%
(Return Fan High) is at its high calibration point. This input is used in the Fan
Track mode. It is used to scale the Supply fan command so
the return fan moves the desired amount of air.
EF-EFRSTLO or RF-RFRSTLO Displays the desired return fan speed when the supply fan 0%
(Return Fan Low) is at its low calibration point. This input is used in the Fan
Track mode. It is used to scale the Supply fan command so
the return fan moves the desired amount of air.
EF-OUTSTATE or V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
RF-OUTSTATE (State) controller.
Set Name: AHU RF
EF-SFRSTHI or RF-SFRSTHI Displays the supply fan high flow calibration point. This input 100%
(Supply Fan High) is used in the Fan Track mode. It is used to scale the Supply
fan command so the return fan moves the desired amount
of air.
EF-SFRSTLO or RF-SFRSTLO Displays the supply fan low flow calibration point. This input 0%
(Supply Fan Low) is used in the Fan Track mode. It is used to scale the Supply
fan command so the return fan moves the desired amount
of air.
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU RF
Return Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are normal, Normal
overridden, disabled, low, timing low, high, and timing high.
Set Name: Control
Return Fan OnOff V Contains the control signal for the return fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Return Fan Percent Cmd V This output is the analog signal for the return fan, it is used 0%
to command a fan speed. This output can range from 0%
to 100%.
Supply Fan Percent Cmd Displays the analog signal from the supply fan. 0%

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking)

• Off: The fan is off when the module is in this mode of operation
• Max: The return fan turns at its maximum speed. The Return Fan Percent Cmd output is set to 100%.
• Min: The analog fan output (Return Fan Percent Cmd) is zero, and the fan control output (Return Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Fan Track Control: The return fan speed tracks the supply fan speed. When the module receives this command,
it operates in the Fan Track mode.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1074

Reliability (Fan Return or Exhaust Tracking)
The inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control

The Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control module controls a variable speed fan and maintains a volume
differential between the supply and return or exhaust ducts in an air handler application. This module accepts return
or exhaust and supply flows, a low limit temperature, and setpoints. The module has outputs for controlling a variable
speed return or exhaust fan. In addition to the volume matching capabilities, this module also has a low limit function
where the differential flow setpoint is decreased when the low limit temperature is below the low limit setpoint.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 716: Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Variable Capacity Exhaust Fan Volume Match Control AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Variable Capacity Return Fan Volume Match Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control modules.
Table 717: Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Common Attributes
EF-OUTSTATE or V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the Off
RF-OUTSTATE (State) output controller. This output is the current state
Set Name: AHU RF VOL State
of the activity.
Mode Contains the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU RF VOL Mode
Process Units Allows the user to define the units for the l/s, cfm
Set Name: Unit
Return Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values Normal
are normal, overridden, disabled, low, timing
Set Name: Control Status
low, high, and timing high.
Return Fan OnOff V Displays the on/off signal for the return fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1075

Table 717: Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Return Fan Percent Cmd V Contains the analog signal for the return fan 0.0%
used to command a fan speed. This output can
range from 0% to 100%.
Return Flow Allows you to connect the return airflow or the 10000 l/s, 22000 cfm
exhaust airflow to this input.
Supply Fan Percent Cmd Contains the analog signal from the supply fan 0.0%
used in the Failsoft mode.
Supply Flow Displays the discharge airflow. 10000 l/s, 22000 cfm
Vol Process Range Specifies that the magnitude of the range that 10000 l/s, 22000 cfm
the PID Process Variable traverses as the PID
Present Value varies between its minimum and
maximum values. For example, the process
range should be configured to be the design
flow of the return fan.
Volume Diff Setpoint Contains the volume differential (Supply Flow - 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Return Flow or Supply Flow - Exhaust Flow)
Variable Capacity Return Fan Volume Match Control Specific Attributes
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable variable. This temperature is usually the mixed
air temperature or the preheat air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Defines the temperature range where the flow 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band differential setpoint is reset to control the low
limit process variable to the low limit
temperature setpoint.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the upper threshold for the low limit 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
process function. When the low limit process
variable is above this temperature, the return
fan may be modulated to maintain the desired
flow differential between the supply duct and
the return duct. Below this setpoint, outdoor air
levels may be limited by resetting the differential
flow setpoint.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control)

• Off: The fan is off when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Max: The return fan is commanded to its maximum speed. The Return Fan Percent Cmd output is set to 100%.
• Min: The analog fan output (Return Fan Percent Cmd) is zero, and the fan control output (Return Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1076

• Failsoft: When in this mode of operation, the return fan tracks the supply fan. This mode is a fault mode entered
if either flow sensor is unreliable.
• VOL Control: When in this mode of operation, the return fan controls the return flow to maintain a differential
flow (Volume Diff Setpoint) between the return and supply ducts. This operation is volume matching.
The following table illustrates the State Output dependencies on Mode and Flow Reliability inputs.
Table 718: Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control Command Hierarchy
Mode Flow Reliable State
Off * Off
Min * Min
Max * Max
Hold * Hold
VOL Control TRUE VOL Control
FALSE Failsoft
Zero VOL Control TRUE Zero VOL Control
FALSE Failsoft

Reliability (Fan Return or Exhaust Volume Match Control)

If either of the flow measurements is unreliable, the fan state changes to failsoft as shown in the Command Hierarchy
All other inputs use the last reliable value while unreliable.

Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL v50 module replaces the Fan RF or
EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL module.
The Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL module controls a variable speed fan and maintains a volume
differential between the supply and return or exhaust ducts in an AHU application. This module accepts discharge
and supply flows, a low limit temperature, PID tuning parameters, and setpoints. The module has outputs for controlling
a variable speed return or exhaust fan. In addition to the volume matching capabilities, this module also has a low
limit function where the differential flow setpoint is decreased when the low limit temperature is below the low limit
setpoint. This module accepts commands from a FSCS. The FSCS input takes precedence over the mode input.
This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1077

Table 719: Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Exhaust Fan Volume Match Control for UL-864-UUKL v50 AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
Return Fan Volume Match Control for UL-864-UUKL v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL modules.
Table 720: Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EF-OUTSTATE or V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output controller. Off
RF-OUTSTATE (State) This output is the current state of the activity.
Set Name: AHU RF VOL
State UL
Emergency On Percent Indicates the Percent Cmd issued to the fan if an emergency 70%
Cmd calls for the Return Fan to run and the Supply Fan is Off.
FSCS RF Cmd Accepts a command from the FSCS, and allows emergency Auto
personnel to control the return fan.
Set Name: Auto/Off/On
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable. This 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable temperature is usually the mixed air temperature or the preheat
air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Defines the temperature range where the flow differential 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band setpoint is reset to control the low limit process variable to the
low limit temperature setpoint.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the upper threshold for the low limit process function. 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
When the low limit process variable is above this temperature,
the return fan may be modulated to maintain the desired flow
differential between the supply duct and the return duct. Below
this setpoint, outdoor air levels may be limited by resetting the
differential flow setpoint.
Mode Contains the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU RF VOL
Mode UL
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1078

Table 720: Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Priority Specifies the BACnet priority for the output points. For normal 16
control, this value is set to 16 (Default). This value is set to 1
when the FSCS input is not Auto and set to 2 (Automatic
Fire/Life Safety Control) when the Mode indicates an
emergency is not Normal.
Process Units Allows the user to define the units for the process. l/s, cfm
Set Name: Unit
Return Fan Control V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are normal, Normal
Status overridden, disabled, low, timing low, high, and timing high.
Set Name: Control Status
Return Fan OnOff V Displays the on/off signal for the return fan. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Return Fan Percent Cmd V Contains the analog signal for the return fan used to command 0.0%
fan speed. This output can range from 0% to 100%.
Return Flow Displays the return airflow. 10000 l/s, 22000 cfm
Supply Fan Percent Cmd Contains the analog signal from the supply fan used in the 0.0%
Failsoft mode.
Supply Fan State Indicates the current state of operation for the supply fan. Off
During an emergency mode, this value determines whether
the fan is running.
Supply Flow Displays the discharge airflow. 10000 l/s, 22000 cfm
Vol Process Range Specifies the magnitude of the range that the PID Process 10000 l/s, 22000 cfm
Variable traverses as the PID Present Value varies between
its minimum and maximum values. For example, the process
range should be configured to be the design flow of the return
Volume Diff Setpoint Contains the volume differential (Supply Flow - Return Flow or 0 l/s, 0 cfm
Supply Flow - Exhaust Flow) setpoint.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL)

• Off: The fan is off when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Max: The return fan is commanded to its maximum speed. The Return Fan Percent Cmd output is set to 100%.
• Min: The analog fan output (Return Fan Percent Cmd) is zero, and the fan control output (Return Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd. The module operates in this state when the output priorities are not 16.
• VOL Control: In this mode of operation, the return fan controls the return flow to maintain a differential flow
(Volume Diff Setpoint) between the return and supply ducts. This operation is volume matching.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1079

• Zero VOL Control: In this mode of operation, the return fan controls the return flow to maintain a differential
flow (Volume Diff Setpoint) between the return and supply ducts.
• Emergency VOL Control: If the Supply Fan is On, the return fan controls the volume match differential. If the
Supply Fan is Off, the module operates in the Emergency On state and the Emergency On Percent Cmd is
issued to the Fan Percent Cmd output.
• Emergency Off: The fan is off and the priority is set to 1 or 2 depending on the FSCS status.
• Fan Track: The return fan is turned on and the Return Fan Percent Cmd is set to match the Supply Fan Percent
The following table describes the State Output dependencies on Mode and Flow Reliability inputs.
Table 721: Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL Command Hierarchy
Mode Flow Reliable FSCS SF State PID Tuning State
* * Off * * Off
* * On Off * Emergency On
* TRUE On ! Off * VOL Control
* FALSE On ! Off * Failsoft
Off * Auto * * Off
Min * Auto * * Min
Hold * Auto * * VOL Control
Hold * Auto * * Hold
VOL Control TRUE Auto * * VOL Control
FALSE Auto * * Failsoft
Zero VOL Control TRUE Auto * * Zero VOL Control
FALSE Auto * * Failsoft
Emergency VOL * Auto Off * Emergency On
TRUE Auto ! Off * VOL Control
FALSE Auto ! Off * Failsoft
Emergency Off * Auto * * Off
Fan Track * Auto ! Off * Failsoft

Reliability (Fan RF or EF Vol Match for UL-864-UUKL)

If either of the flow measurements is unreliable, the fan state changes to Failsoft, as shown in the Command Hierarchy
All other inputs use the last reliable value while unreliable.

Fan Supply Duct Static Control

This module is designed to use the supply fan to control the supply air duct static pressure. The module has inputs
for the desired mode, a ramp rate, pressure, pressure setpoint, and process units. The module is also designed to
accept commands from a FSCS. The FSCS input takes precedence over the mode input.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1080

Module Use in Applications (Fan Supply Duct Static Control)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 722: Fan Supply Duct Static Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Variable Capacity Supply Fan Control AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Supply Duct Static Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Supply Duct Static Control modules.
Table 723: Fan Supply Duct Static Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Duct Static Pressure Displays the supply air duct static pressure. 250 Pa, 1 in. W.C.
Duct Static Pressure Displays the normal supply air duct static pressure 250 Pa, 1 in. W.C.
Setpoint setpoint.
Emergency Duct Static Contains the supply air duct static pressure setpoint 374 Pa, 1.5 in. W.C.
Setpoint when Emergency S-P control is activated.
FSCS SF Cmd Accepts a command from the FSCS and allows Auto
emergency response personnel to control the supply
Set Name: Auto/Off/On
fan. Possible states are Auto, Off, and On.
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU SF Control
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Pa, in. W.C.
module, Pa, in. W.C., Psi, and kPa are valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Ramp Rate Defines the rate of change in fan speed. This input is 50 Change per Minute
used in the Ramp mode.
SF-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU SF State
Supply Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal
Normal, Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High,
Set Name: Control Status;
and Timing High.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1081

Table 723: Fan Supply Duct Static Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Supply Fan OnOff V Contains the control signal for the supply fan. The Off
enumeration set only has two values, Off and On.
Set Name: Off/On
Supply Fan Percent Cmd V Displays the analog signal for the supply fan and uses 0.0%
it to command a fan speed. This output ranges from 0%
to 100%.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Supply Duct Static Control)

• Off: The fan is off when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Min: The analog fan output (Supply Fan Percent Cmd) is zero and the fan control output (Supply Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Emergency On: When the mode is Emergency S-P and the pressure sensor is not reliable, the module enters
this state and turns on the fan while retaining its last value for the fan percent command.
• Ramp: The supply fan slowly changes from its initial speed to 100% at a rate defined by the ramp rate input.
This mode may be used during the Start/Stop sequence to start the fan in a controlled fashion.
• S-P Control: The module controls the supply duct static pressure to the duct static pressure setpoint while the
module is in this mode of operation.
The following table describes the State Output dependencies on FSCS SF Cmd, Mode, and Duct Static Pressure
reliability inputs.
Table 724: Fan Supply Duct Static Control Command Hierarchy
FSCS SF Cmd Mode Duct Static Pressure State
Off * * Off
On * TRUE S-P Control
FALSE Emergency On
Auto Off * Off
Min * Min
Ramp TRUE Ramp
S-P Control TRUE S-P Control
Emergency S-P Control TRUE S-P Control
FALSE Emergency On
Emergency Off * Off

Reliability (Fan Supply Duct Static Control)

If the duct static pressure input is unreliable, the supply fan state changes to off as shown in the Command Hierarchy
All other inputs use the last reliable value while unreliable.
Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1082
Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL v50
Important: As of Release 5.0, the Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL v50 module replaces the Fan Supply
Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL module.
The Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL module uses the supply fan to control the supply air duct static pressure.
The module has inputs for the following items: desired mode, desired mode when the pressure sensor is unreliable,
a ramp rate, pressure, pressure setpoint, and process units. The module is also designed to accept commands from
a firefighter smoke control station FSCS. The FSCS input takes precedence over the mode input. This module also
incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to
default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 725: Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Supply Fan Duct Static Control for UL-864-UUKL AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL modules.
Table 726: Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Duct Static Pressure Displays the supply air duct static pressure. 250 Pa, 1 in. W.C.
Duct Static Pressure Displays the normal supply air duct static pressure setpoint. 250 Pa, 1 in. W.C.
Emergency Duct Static Contains the supply air duct static pressure setpoint when 374 Pa, 1.5 in. W.C.
Setpoint Emergency S-P control is activated.
Emergency On Percent Indicates the Percent Cmd issued during an emergency if 70%
Cmd the Duct Static Pressure is not reliable.
FSCS SF Cmd Accepts a command from the FSCS and allows emergency Auto
response personnel to control the supply fan. Possible
Set Name: Auto/Off/On
states are Auto, Off, and On.
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU SF Control
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1083

Table 726: Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Priority Specifies the BACnet priority for the output points. For 16
normal control, this value is set to 16 (Default). This value
is set to 1 when the FSCS input is not Auto and set to 2
(Automatic Fire/Life Safety Control) when the Mode
indicates an emergency is not Normal.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Pa, in. W.C.
Pa, in. W.C., Psi, and kPa are valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Ramp Rate Defines the rate of change in fan speed. This input is used 50 Change per Minute
in the Ramp mode.
SF-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU SF State
Supply Fan Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Supply Fan OnOff V Contains the control signal for the supply fan. The Off
enumeration set only has two values, Off and On.
Set Name: Off/On
Supply Fan Percent Cmd V Displays the analog signal for the supply fan and uses it to 0.0%
command a fan speed. This output ranges from 0% to

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and COmmissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL)

• Off: The fan is off when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Min: The analog fan output (Supply Fan Percent Cmd) is zero and the fan control output (Supply Fan OnOff) is
on when the module is in this mode of operation.
• Emergency On: When the mode is Emergency S-P and the pressure sensor is not reliable, the module enters
this state and turns on the fan while retaining its last value for the fan percent command.
• Ramp: The supply fan slowly changes from its initial speed to 100% at a rate defined by the ramp rate input.
This mode may be used during the Start/Stop sequence to start the fan in a controlled fashion.
• S-P Control: The module controls the supply duct static pressure to the duct static pressure setpoint while the
module is in this mode of operation. If the pressure sensor is not reliable, the fan turns off.
• Emergency S-P Control: The module controls the supply duct static pressure to the Emergency Duct Static
Pressure Setpoint while the module is in this mode of operation. If the pressure sensor is not reliable, the fan
stays on at the Emergency On Percent Cmd.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1084

• Emergency Off: The mode turns off.
• Hold : Holds the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden input is true, the Output Position input
is passed to the Return Fan Percent Cmd. The module operates in this state when the output priorities are not
The following table describes the State Output dependencies on FSCS SF Cmd, Mode, and Duct Static Pressure,
and PID Tuning Reset reliability inputs.
Table 727: Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL Command Hierarchy
Mode FSCS SF Cmd Duct Static Pressure PID Tuning Reset State
* Off * * Off
* On TRUE * S-P Control
* On FALSE * Emergency On
Off Auto * * Off
Min * * Min
Hold * Reset 1st PID S-P Control
Hold * * Hold
Ramp TRUE * Ramp
S-P Control TRUE * S-P Control
Emergency S-P Control TRUE * S-P Control
FALSE * Emergency On
Emergency Off * * Off

Reliability (Fan Supply Duct Static for UL-864-UUKL)

If the duct static pressure input is unreliable, the supply fan state changes to Off, as shown in the Command Hierarchy
All other inputs use the last reliable value while unreliable.

Heating & Cooling Control - 2 Pipe

The 2 Pipe Heating and Cooling output controllers control a coil that can be supplied with hot or chilled water. Support
for 2 position and proportional valves is provided and some modules also provide support for face and bypass
dampers. Some of the modules offer low limit control.

2 Pipe 2 Position Valve v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve v51 module replaces the 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve v50

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1085

This module controls a two-position valve where the temperature of the source water is either hot or cold (depending
on the season). The module accepts as inputs a cooling mode and a heating mode, a process variable, two setpoints,
and the SummerWinter setting. The module outputs the calculated Percent Command, which is typically passed to
the MSC module which in turn translates the percent value into pulses of the binary output. The module also outputs
the calculated cooling and heating percentages and statuses. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden
value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset
PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module controls a single two-position valve that dynamically switches from a heating (winter) to a cooling
(summer) mode. This module provides this control within a zone control application.
The module accepts as inputs a cooling mode, a heating mode, a process variable, heating and a cooling setpoint,
a SummerWinter setting, a limited max value, a flush position, and configuration information. Based upon the input
commands, other inputs and the parameter settings, the module outputs the calculated Percent Command, which
is typically passed to the MSC module, which in turn translates the percent value into pulses of the binary output.
The module also outputs the calculated cooling and heating percentages and statuses.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (2 Pipe 2 Position Valve)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 728: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Position 2 Pipe Control v51 Fan Coil Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (2 Pipe 2 Position Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve modules.
Table 729: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Cooling Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
computes this value.
CLG-ERROR (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Cooling 0.0
Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1086

Table 729: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
CLG-EWMA (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
CLG-O (Cooling Percent Cmd) V Controls the single actuator when SummerWinter is set Display Units: %
to Summer.
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Cooling Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller Overridden
when SummerWinter is set to Summer.
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Contains the cooling mode requested by State Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired cooling setpoint to which the 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
process variable should be controlled when the cooling
mode is set to Control.
Eff Process Time Const V Displays the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Failsoft Cooling Value Displays the value of the output when the cooling mode 0.0%
is set to Failsoft.
Failsoft Heating Value Displays the value of the output when the heating mode 0.0%
is set to Failsoft.
HC-MINOFF (Eff Minimum Off V Displays the minimum off time to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
HC-MINON (Eff Minimum On V Displays the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
HC-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: FC 2or4-Pipe Out
controller. State
Heating Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller Overridden
when SummerWinter is set to Winter.
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Contains the heating mode requested by State Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired heating setpoint to which the 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
process variable should be controlled when the heating
mode is set to Control.
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Heating Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
computes this value.
HTG-ERROR (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Heating 0.0
Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1087

Table 729: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve Attributes
Name Type Description Default Value
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-O (Heating Percent Cmd) V Controls the single actuator when SummerWinter is set Display Units: %
to Winter.
Limited Max Position Specifies that when the cooling or heating mode are set 100.0%
to Limited Max, this is the value the Percent Cmd is set
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Indicates the current capacity requested by either the Display Units: %
Cooling Percent Cmd or the Heating Percent Cmd.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
PMAC Period V Contains the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Indicates the variable that is to be controlled. This input 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
typically is connected to the Zone Temperature.
SummerWinter Specifies whether the supply is currently configured to WinterSet Name:
deliver cooling (Summer) or heating (Winter). Summer/Winter

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (2 Pipe 2 Position Valve)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Percent Cmd, and Damper Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the valve and the damper. The Percent Cmd and Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max Heating: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Limited Max Heating Value. This
state may be used for unoccupied heating. Percent Cmd is set equal to Limited Max Heating Value; therefore,
this mode would be able to start the AHU.
• Limited Max Cooling: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Limited Max Cooling Value. This
state may be used for unoccupied cooling. Percent Cmd is set equal to Limited Max Cooling Value; therefore,
this mode would be able to start the AHU.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd
• Water Flush: The valve is opened and the damper is closed. The Percent Cmd is set to 0%, therefore this mode
does not trigger the AHU to start.
• Heating Control: If the Process Variable is reliable, open the valve and adjust the damper output to control the
Process Variable at the Heating Setpoint. The Percent Cmd and Damper Percent Cmd are adjusted between
0% and 100%.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1088

• Cooling Control: If the Process Variable is reliable, open the valve and adjust the damper output to control the
Process Variable at the Cooling Setpoint. The Percent Cmd and Damper Percent Cmd are adjusted between
0% and 100%.
• Failsoft Heating: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Failsoft Heating Value. This state is
used when the control temperature is unreliable. Percent Cmd remains unchanged so this mode does not trigger
the AHU to either start or stop.
• Failsoft Cooling: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Failsoft Cooling Value. This state is
used when the control temperature is unreliable. Percent Cmd remains unchanged so this mode does not trigger
the AHU to either start or stop.
Table 730: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve Command Hierarchy
SummerWinter Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Winter * Off * Off
Max Max Heating
Limited Max Limited Max Heating
Hold Hold
Waterflush Water Flush Heating
Failsoft Failsoft Heating
Control Control Heating
Summer Off * Off
Max * Max Cooling
Limited Max * Limited Max Cooling
Hold * Hold
Waterflush * Water Flush Cooling
Failsoft * Failsoft Cooling
Control * Control Cooling

Reliability (2 Pipe 2 Position Valve)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51 module replaces the 2 Pipe 2
Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v50 module.
This module controls a single two positional source that is dynamically switched from a heating (winter) to a cooling
(summer) mode. It also supports a discharge low limit for the heating mode. The module accepts as inputs a mode,
a process variable, a low limit process variable, setpoints, and configuration information. The module outputs the
representative percent commands, control status, and Multistage Output configuration information. The Percent
Cmd is typically passed to the MSC module, which in turn translates the percent value into pulses of the binary
output. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The
module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1089

Module Use in Applications (2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 731: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
UV 2 Pipe 2 Position Control v51 Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit module.
Table 732: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes
Display Units: %
this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Cooling 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
CLG-ERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Cooling 0.0
EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
CLG-EWMA (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
CLG-O (Cooling Percent V Contains a representative analog percent output on a scale Display Units: %
Cmd) of 0% to 100%. This is the value that represents the desired
(requested) output for purposes of determining the Fan
On/Off command. This value typically feeds back to the
inputs of the Fan Status Determination block.
Control Band V Contains the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg
Cooling Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for cooling Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Contains the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is Control Cooling and
SummerWinter is Summer.
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1090

Table 732: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Eff Process Time Const V Displays the effective process time constant that is used Display Units: Seconds
by the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg
Failsoft Cooling Value Displays the value of the output when the Cooling Mode is 100.0%
Failsoft Heating Value Displays the value of the output when the Heating Mode 100.0%
is Failsoft.
HC-MINOFF (Minimum Off Displays the Minimum Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HC-MINON (Minimum On Displays the Minimum On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HC-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Contains the current operational mode of the output Set Name: UV 2-Pipe Out
controller. States
Heating Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for heating Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Contains the mode requested by State Selection. OffSet Name: UV Valve Out
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to 20.0 Deg C, 68.0 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is Control Heating and
SummerWinter is Winter.
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes
Display Units: %
this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Heating 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
HTG-ERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Heating 0.0
EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HT-O (Heating Percent Cmd) V Contains a representative analog percent output on a scale Display Units: %
of 0% to 100%. This is the value that represents the desired
(requested) output for purposes of determining the Fan
On/Off command. This value typically feeds back to the
inputs of the Fan Status Determination block.
Limited Max Value Specifies that when the mode is Limited Max Heating or 100.0%
Limited Max Cooling, the output is set to this value.
Low Limit Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is Control Limit and 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
SummerWinter is Winter, this is the variable that is to be
controlled and must therefore respond to changes in the
output. This value typically is connected to the Discharge
Air Temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1091

Table 732: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the low limit process 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the mode is Control Limit
and SummerWinter is Winter.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Contains a representative analog percent output on a scale Display Units: %
of 0% to 100%. This output is connected to the MSC input.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the variable that is to be controlled and must 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
therefore respond to changes in the output. This attribute
typically is connected to the Zone Temperature.
SummerWinter Indicates the desired summer-winter mode for this module. Summer
When it is Summer it is in a cooling mode and responds to
Set Name: Summer/Winter
the Cooling Mode input. When it is Winter it is in a heating
mode and responds to the Heating Mode input.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

Cooling Mode
The following cooling modes are only active when the SummerWinter input is set to Summer.
• Off: Sets the Cooling Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum cooling. The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd to the Limited Max Value input percentage.
• Hold: Holds the Cooling Percent Cmd output at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, the Output
Position input is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: Sets the Cooling Percent Cmd output to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable (cooling only). As this Cooling Percent Cmd varies,
it causes changes to the valve output. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order
to maintain the process variable at the Cooling Setpoint. Otherwise, the Cooling Percent Cmd output is set to
the failsoft value. If the input PID Tuning Reset is true, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set true causing the
PID to recalculate its tuning parameters. While that occurs, the Cooling Percent Cmd is held at its last value.
• Failsoft: Sets the Cooling Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd outputs to the Failsoft Clg Value.
Heating Mode

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1092

The following heating modes are only active when the SummerWinter input is set to Winter.
• Off: Sets the Htg Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum heating. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd to the Limit Max Value input percentage.
• Hold: Holds the Heating Percent Cmd output at its current value.
• Water Flush: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd output to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable (heating only). As the Heating Percent Cmd varies,
it causes changes to the valve output.
• Control Limit: Adjusts the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable (heating only). As the Heating Percent
Cmd varies, it causes changes to the valve output. The process variable (zone temperature) is also controlled
in this mode. The maximum of the Control Limit and Control Heating output is sent as the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Failsoft: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd outputs to the Failsoft Htg Value.
Table 733: 2 Pipe 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Command Hierarchy
SummerWinter Heating Mode Cooling Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Hold * Reset 1st PID Control Limit
* Hold * Reset 2nd PID Control Cooling
* * Hold Reset 1st PID Control Cooling
* * Hold Reset 2nd PID Control Limit
Winter Off * Off
Max * Max Heating
Limited Max * Limited Max Heating
Water Flush * Water Flush Heating
Hold * Hold
Control Limit * Control Limit
Control * Control Heating
Failsoft * Failsoft Heating
Summer * Off Off
Max Max Cooling
Water Flush Water Flush Cooling
Limited Max Limited Max Cooling
Hold Hold
Control Control Cooling
Failsoft Failsoft Cooling

2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the 2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit v50 module replaces the 2 Pipe
FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1093

The Heating Cooling 2-position Valve with Face and Bypass Damper Output Module controls a 2-position valve with
a face and bypass damper that dynamically switches between heating and cooling. The module can be configured
for DA-T or ZN-T control. The module has been designed with temperature control, Limited Max control, and a Low
OA Temperature mode. In addition to the 2-position valve and face and bypass damper, this module is also designed
to control a circulating pump. This module incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object
(AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 734: 2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
FBPD 2 Position Valve 2 Pipe Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the 2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit modules.
Table 735: 2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status V Displays the cooling PID Status. The possible values are Normal
Normal, Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and
Set Name: Control Status
Timing High.
Cooling Mode Contains the desired cooling mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU Common
Valve Out
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired cooling setpoint for the process variable 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
to be controlled to when the Cooling Mode is T Control.
Damper Percent Cmd V Controls the heating/cooling face and bypass damper. The 0%
damper is commanded from 0% (full bypass) to 100% (full
Failsoft Cooling Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the 100%
module is cooling and in the Failsoft mode.
Failsoft Heating Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the 100%
module is heating and in the Failsoft mode.
HC-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU Common
Valve State
Heating Control Status V Displays the heating PID Status. The possible values are Normal
Normal, Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and
Set Name: Control Status
Timing High.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1094

Table 735: 2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heating Mode Contains the desired heating mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU Common
Valve Out
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired heating setpoint for the process variable 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
to be controlled to when the Heating Mode is T Control.
Limited Max Cooling Defines the face and bypass damper position when the 100%
Value module is in the Limited Max Cooling state.
Limited Max Heating Defines the face and bypass damper position when the 100%
Value module is in the Limited Max Heating state.
Low OA Temperature Diff Displays the differential for the Low OA Temperature 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
function. Once the valve opens, the OA Temperature must
increase Low OA Temperature Diff more than the setpoint
before the valve can close.
Low OA Temperature Contains the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature function. 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
Setpoint When the OA Temperature is below this setpoint, the valve
is opened.
OA Temperature Used for the Low OA Temperature mode. If the OA 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
Temperature drops below a defined setpoint the valve is
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Contains the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Zone temperature, 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
discharge air temperature, or return air temperature may be
connected to this input.
Pump OnOff V Controls the circulating pump. Off
Set Name: Off/On
SummerWinter Determined if the module should heat or cool. If the input is Winter
Summer, cooling is allowed, and heating is unavailable. If
Set Name: Summer/Winter
the input is winter, heating is allowed, and cooling is
Valve OpenClose V Controls the two position valve. Close
Set Name: Close/Open

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1095

Primary States (2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)
• Off: Turn everything off. The Percent Cmd, and Damper Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the valve and the damper. The Percent Cmd and Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max Heating: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Limited Max Heating Value. This
state may be used for unoccupied heating. Percent Cmd is set equal to Limited Max Heating Value; therefore,
this mode would be able to start the AHU.
• Limited Max Cooling: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Limited Max Cooling Value. This
state may be used for unoccupied cooling. Percent Cmd is set equal to Limited Max Cooling Value; therefore,
this mode would be able to start the AHU.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the OUtput Position input
is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: The valve is opened and the damper is closed. The Percent Cmd is set to 0%, therefore this mode
does not trigger the AHU to start.
• Heating T Control: If the Process Variable is reliable, open the valve and adjust the damper output to control
the Process Variable at the Heating Setpoint. The Percent Cmd and Damper Percent Cmd are adjusted between
0% and 100%.
• Cooling T Control: If the Process Variable is reliable, open the valve and adjust the damper output to control
the Process Variable at the Cooling Setpoint. The Percent Cmd and Damper Percent Cmd are adjusted between
0% and 100%.
• Failsoft Heating: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Failsoft Heating Value. This state is
used when the control temperature is unreliable. Percent Cmd remains unchanged so this mode does not trigger
the AHU to either start or stop.
• Failsoft Cooling: The valve is opened and the damper is opened to the Failsoft Cooling Value. This state is
used when the control temperature is unreliable. Percent Cmd remains unchanged so this mode does not trigger
the AHU to either start or stop.
• Low OA Temperature: When the OA Temperature is reliable and less than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint
the valve is open. Damper Percent Cmd is set to the Low OA Temperature Position. The Percent Cmd is set to
0%, therefore this mode does not trigger the AHU to start.
Table 736: 2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
SummerWinter Cooling Mode Heating Mode OA Temperature PID Tuning Reset State
is Reliable
* Hold * * Reset 1st PID Cooling T Control
* Hold * * Reset 2nd PID Heating T Control
* * Hold * Reset 1st PID Cooling T Control
* * Hold * Reset 2nd PID Heating T Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1096

Table 736: 2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
SummerWinter Cooling Mode Heating Mode OA Temperature PID Tuning Reset State
is Reliable
Winter * Off * * Off
Hold * * Hold
Water Flush * * Water Flush
Max * * Max
Limited Max * * Limited Max
T Control * * Heating T Control
Failsoft * * Failsoft Heating
Low OA TRUE * Low OA
Temperature Temperature
FALSE * Limited Max
Summer Off * * * Off
Hold * * * Hold
Water Flush * * * Water Flush
Max * * * Max
Limited Max * * * Limited Max
T Control * * * Cooling T Control
Failsoft * * * Failsoft Cooling
Low OA * TRUE * Low OA
Temperature Temperature
FALSE * Limited Max

Reliability (2 Pipe FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)

All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.
If the outdoor air temperature is unreliable while in the Low OA Temperature mode, the module switches to the
Limited Max mode as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.

2 Pipe Proportional Valve v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the 2 Pipe Proportional Valve v51 module replaces the 2 Pipe Proportional Valve
v50 module.
This module controls a single proportional source that dynamically switches from a heating (winter) to a cooling
(summer) mode. This module is designed to provide this control within a zone control application.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1097

The module accepts as inputs a cooling mode, heating mode, process variable, heating and cooling setpoints,
SummerWinter setting, limited max value, flush position, and configuration information. Based upon the input
commands, other inputs, and the parameter settings, the module outputs a percent command (the proportional
signal) along with the calculated cooling and heating percentages and statuses for feedback purposes. This module
also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs
to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (2 Pipe Proportional Valve)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 737: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional 2 Pipe Control v51 Fan Coil Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (2 Pipe Proportional Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the 2 Pipe Proportional Valve modules.
Table 738: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
CLG-ERROR (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1098

Table 738: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLG-EWMA (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
Compensator Cmd Controls the heating/cooling valve. The valve is 0.0
commanded from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates
Display Units: %
the Lead Compensator.
Cooling Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller Overridden
when SummerWinter is set to Summer.
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Displays the cooling mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Cooling Percent Cmd V Analog percent output that controls the single actuator Display Units: %
when SummerWinter is set to Summer.
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired cooling setpoint for the process 23.0 Deg C, 74.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the cooling mode is set
to Control.
Failsoft Cooling Value Displays the value of the output when the cooling mode 0.0%
is set to Failsoft.
Failsoft Heating Value Displays the value of the output when the heating mode 0.0%
is set to Failsoft.
Flush Position Displays the value the Percent Cmd is commanded to 100.0%
when the cooling or heating mode is set to Water Flush.
This value is sent directly to the Percent Cmd output.
HC-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: FC 2or4-Pipe
controller. Out State
Heating Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller Overridden
when SummerWinter is set to Winter.
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Displays the heating mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Heating Percent Cmd V Controls the single actuator when SummerWinter is set Display Units: %
to Winter.
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired heating setpoint for the process 21.0 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the heating mode is set
to Control.
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
HTG-ERROR (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1099

Table 738: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
Limited Max Position Specifies that when the cooling or heating mode are set 100.0%
to Limited Max, this is the value for the Percent Cmd.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Indicates the current capacity requested by either the Display Units: %
Cooling Percent Cmd or the Heating Percent Cmd.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the cooling or heating mode are set 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to Control, this is the variable that is controlled. Typically
connected to the Zone Temperature.
SummerWinter Specifies whether the supply is currently configured to Winter
deliver cooling (Summer) or heating (Winter).
Set Name: Summer/Winter

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (2 Pipe Proportional Valve)

Cooling Mode
The following cooling modes are only active when the SummerWinter input is set to Summer.
• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%. The state is Off.
• Max: Set the output for maximum cooling. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 0% and the Cooling and Percent
Cmds are set to 100% if in Summer mode. The state is Max Cooling.
• Limited Max: Set the output for maximum cooling with a limit. Similar to the Max Cooling command except the
maximum value is specified by the user through the Limited Max Value input. The state is Limited Max Cooling.
• Water Flush: Set the output to the Flush Position value. The state is Water Flush Cooling.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Cmd output at its current value. The state is Hold. If the Output Overridden is true, then
the Output Position input is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable (cooling only). If in Summer mode and the Process
Variable is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the process variable at the Cooling Setpoint. The
state is Control Cooling.
• Failsoft: The state generation section can use this if the process variable is unreliable, the output is set to the
Failsoft Cooling Value. The state is Failsoft Cooling.
Heating Mode

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1100

The following heating modes are only active when the SummerWinter input is set to Winter.
• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%. The state is Off.
• Max: Set the output for maximum heating. The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 0% and the Heating and Percent
Cmds are set to 100% if in Winter mode. The state is Max Heating.
• Limited Max: Set the output for maximum heating with a limit. Similar to the Max Heating command except the
maximum value is specified by the user through the Limited Max Value input. The state is Limited Max Heating.
• Water Flush: Set the output to the Flush Position value. The state is Water Flush Heating.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Cmd output at the current value. The state is Hold. If the Output Overridden is true, then
the Output Position input is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable (heating only). If in Winter mode and the Process
Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the process variable at the Heating
Setpoint. The state is Control Heating.
• Failsoft: The state generation section can use this if the process variable is unreliable, the output is set to the
Failsoft Heating Value. The state is Failsoft Heating.
Table 739: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve Command Hierarchy
SummerWinter Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Hold * Reset 1st PID Control Cooling
Hold Reset 2nd PID Control Heating
* Hold Reset 1st PID Control Cooling
Hold Reset 2nd PID Control Heating
Winter * Off * Off
Max Max Heating
Limited Max Limited Max Heating
Hold Hold
Waterflush Water Flush Heating
Failsoft Failsoft Heating
Control Control Heating
Summer Off * Off
Max Max Cooling
Limited Max Limited Max Cooling
Hold Hold
Waterflush Water Flush Cooling
Failsoft Failsoft Cooling
Control Control Cooling

Reliability (2 Pipe Proportional Valve)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51 module replaces the 2 Pipe
Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v50 module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1101

This module controls a single proportional source that is dynamically switched from a heating (winter) to a cooling
(summer) mode. It also supports a discharge low limit for the heating mode. The module accepts as inputs a
summer/winter changeover, cooling mode, heating mode, process variable, limit variable, cooling setpoint, heating
setpoint, limit setpoint, and configuration information. The module outputs a cooling percent command, heating
percent command, percent command, cooling control status, and a heating control status. This module also
incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to
default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 740: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV 2 Pipe Proportional Control v51 Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit module.
Table 741: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this
Display Units: %
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Cooling 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
CLG-ERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Cooling 0.0
EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1102

Table 741: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLG-EWMA (Cooling Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID computes 0.0
EWMA Present Value) this value.
Display Units: %
Compensator Cmd Controls the heating/cooling valve. The valve is commanded 0.0
from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Cooling Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for cooling control. Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection, only active Off
when the SummerWinter input is set to Summer.
Set Name: COM Valve
Cooling Percent Cmd V Contains the representative analog percent output on a scale Display Units: %
of 0% to 100% for cooling. This typically is for information
only and is not connected to an output.
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
controlled to when commanded to Control Cooling.
Failsoft Cooling Value Contains the value of the Cooling Percent Cmd and Percent 100%
Cmd when Cooling Mode is commanded to Control and the
process variable is unreliable.
Failsoft Heating Value Displays the value of the Heating Percent Cmd and Percent 100%
Cmd when Heating Mode is commanded to Control and the
process variable is unreliable.
Flush Position Contains the value the Cooling or Heating Percent Cmd is 100%
commanded to when Cooling Mode or Heating Mode = Water
Flush. This value is sent directly to the Percent Cmd output.
HC-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Displays the current operational mode of the output controller. Set Name: UV 2-Pipe Out
Heating Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for heating control. Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection, only active Off
when the SummerWinter input is set to Winter.
Set Name: UV Valve Out
Heating Percent Cmd V Contains the representative analog percent output on a scale Display Units: %
of 0% to 100% for heating. This typically is for information
only and is not connected to an output.
Heating Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 20.0 Deg C, 68.0 Deg F
controlled to when commanded to Control Heating.
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this
Display Units: %
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Heating 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
HTG-ERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Heating 0.0
EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1103

Table 741: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID computes 0.0
Present Value) this value.
Display Units: %
Limited Max Value Specifies that when Cooling Mode or Heating Mode = Limited 100%
Max, this is the value the output is commanded to.
Low Limit Process Variable Specifies that when the Heating Mode = Control Limit, this 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
is the variable that is to be controlled and must therefore
respond to changes in the output. This value typically is
connected to the Discharge Air Temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled to when the Heating Mode = Control Limit.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Contains an analog percent output on a scale of 0% to 100% Display Units: %
that represents the command sent to the valve for heating
or cooling.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Contains the variable that is to be controlled and must 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
therefore respond to changes in the output. This value
typically is connected to the Zone Temperature.
SummerWinter Indicates the desired mode for this module. When it is Summer
Summer, it is in a cooling mode. When it is Winter, it is in a
Set Name: Summer/Winter
heating mode.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

Cooling Mode
The following cooling modes are only active when the SummerWinter input is set to Summer.
• Off: Sets the Cooling Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum cooling. The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd to the Limited Max Value input percentage.
• Hold: Holds the Cooling Percent Cmd output at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, the Output
Position input is passed to the Heating/Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: Sets the Cooling Percent Cmd output to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable (cooling only). As this Cooling Percent Cmd varies,
it causes changes to the valve output. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1104

to maintain the process variable at the Cooling Setpoint. Otherwise, the Cooling Percent Cmd output is set to
0%. If the PID Tuning Reset is true, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set true causing the PID to recalculate
its tuning parameters. While that occurs, the Heating/Cooling Percent Cmd is held at its last value.
• Failsoft: Sets the Cooling Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd outputs to the Failsoft Clg Value.
Heating Mode
The following heating modes are only active when the SummerWinter input is set to Winter.
• Off: Sets the Htg Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Sets the output for maximum heating. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd to the Limit Max Value input percentage.
• Hold: Holds the Heating Percent Cmd output at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, the
Output Position input is passed to the Heating/Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd output to 100%.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable (heating only). As the Heating Percent Cmd varies,
it causes changes to the valve output. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module controls the output to
maintain the process variable at the Heating Setpoint. Otherwise the Heating Percent Cmd output is set to 0%.
If the PID Tuning Reset is true, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set true causing the PID to recalculate its
tuning parameters. While that occurs, the Heating/Cooling Percent Cmd is held at its last value.
• Control Limit: Adjusts the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable (heating only). As the Heating Percent
Cmd varies, it causes changes to the valve output. The process variable (zone temperature) is also controlled
in this mode. The maximum of the Control Limit and Control Heating output is sent as the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Failsoft: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd and Percent Cmd outputs to the Failsoft Htg Value.
Table 742: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Command Hierarchy
SummerWinter Heating Mode Cooling Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Hold * Reset 1st PID Control Limit
* Hold * Reset 2nd PID Control Cooling
* * Hold Reset 1st PID Control Cooling
* * Hold Reset 2nd Control Limit
Winter Off * Off
Max * Max Heating
Limited Max * Limited Max Heating
Water Flush * Water Flush Heating
Hold * Hold
Control Limit * Control Limit
Control * Control Heating
Failsoft * Failsoft Heating

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1105

Table 742: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Command Hierarchy
SummerWinter Heating Mode Cooling Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Summer * Off Off
Max Max Cooling
Limited Max Limited Max Cooling
Water Flush Water Flush Cooling
Hold Hold
Control Control Cooling
Failsoft Failsoft Cooling

2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51 module replaces the 2 Pipe
Proportional Valve with Low Limit v50 module.
The Heating and Cooling 2-pipe Control with 2-position Valve and Proportional valve Module controls a 2-position
valve and a proportional valve for either reheat or cooling. The module can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, or ZN-T
control. The module is designed with temperature control, low limit control, and a Low OA Temperature mode. In
addition to the proportional valve, this module is also designed to control a circulating pump. This module incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic

Module Use in Applications (2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 743: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Valve 2 Pipe Control v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1106

Table 744: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Compensator Valve Cmd Controls the heating/cooling valve. The valve is commanded 0.0
from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Cooling Control Status V Contains the cooling PID Status. The possible values are Normal
Normal, Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and
Set Name: Control Status
Timing High.
Cooling Mode Indicates which cooling mode is active Off
Set Name: AHU Common
Valve Out
Cooling Setpoint Displays the desired cooling setpoint for the process variable 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
to be controlled to when the cooling mode is T Control.
Failsoft Cooling Value Defines the proportional valve position when the module is 100%
cooling and in the Failsoft mode.
Failsoft Heating Value Defines the proportional valve position when the module is 100%
heating and in the Failsoft mode.
Flush Position Defines the proportional valve position when the module is in 100%
the Water Flush state.
HC-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output controller. Off
Set Name: AHU 2 Pipe Htg
Valve State
Heating Control Status V Displays the heating PID Status. The possible values are Normal
Normal, Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and
Set Name: Control Status
Timing High.
Heating Mode Indicates which heating mode is active. Off
Set Name: AHU 2 Pipe Htg
Valve Out
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired heating setpoint for the process variable 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
to be controlled to when the Heating Mode is T Control.
Limited Max Cooling Defines the proportional valve position when the module is in 100%
Value the Limited Max Cooling state.
Limited Max Heating Defines the proportional valve position when the module is in 100%
Value the Limited Max Heating state.
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit temperature process variable. This input 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Variable usually is the mixed air temperature or the preheat air
Low Limit Proportional Contains the range across which the valve is proportionally 5 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band modulated open as the Low Limit Process Variable drops
below the Low Limit Setpoint plus the Low Limit Proportional
Band. This input is used only in the Remain In Control mode.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 7 Deg C, 45 Deg F
Low OA Temperature Diff Contains the differential for the Low OA Temperature function. 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
Once the valve has been opened to protect the coil, the protect
temperature must increase Low OA Temperature Diff more
than the Protect setpoint before the valve can close.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1107

Table 744: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Low OA Temperature Defines the proportional valve position or the face and bypass 100%
Position damper position when the module is in the Low OA
Temperature state.
Low OA Temperature Specifies that when the protect temperature is below this 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
Setpoint setpoint, the valve is opened.
OA Temperature Specifies that the module supports a Low Temperature 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
response where the valve may be opened if OA Temperature
drops below a defined setpoint. This input is used for the Low
OA Temperature input temperature.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Determines the type of process that this output controller DA-T
controls when the mode is Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg Deg C, Deg F
C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Zone temperature, discharge 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
air temperature, return air temperature, or preheat temperature
may be connected to this input.
Pump OnOff V Controls the circulating pump. Off
Set Name: Off/On
SummerWinter Used to determine if the module should heat or cool. If the Winter
input is Summer, cooling is allowed, and heating is
Set Name: Summer/Winter
unavailable. If the input is Winter, heating is allowed, and
cooling is unavailable.
Valve Percent Cmd V Used to control the single actuator that is modulating the valve. 0%

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the valve. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max Heating: The valve is opened to the Limited Max Heating Value. This state may be used for
unoccupied heating.
• Limited Max Cooling: The valve is opened to the Limited Max Cooling. This state may be used for unoccupied
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Water Flush: The valve is opened to the Water Flush Position.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1108

• Heating T Control: Adjust the valve output to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable,
the module controls the output in order to maintain the Process Variable at the Heating Setpoint. The Valve
Percent Cmd and the Percent Cmd are adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• Cooling T Control: Adjust the valve output to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable,
the module controls the output in order to maintain the Process Variable at the Cooling Setpoint. The Valve
Percent Cmd and the Percent Cmd are adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• Failsoft Heating: The valve is opened to the Failsoft Heating Value. This state may be used when the control
temperature is unreliable.
• Failsoft Cooling: The valve is opened to the Failsoft Cooling Value. This state may be used when the control
temperature is unreliable.
• Low OA Temperature: The valve is opened to the Low OA Temperature Position when the OA Temperature is
less than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint.
• Remain In Control: Modulate the valve to control the Limit Variable to the Limit Setpoint. If the Limit Variable
is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. This mode
should only be used as a shutdown strategy to add energy to the duct when the fan is off. It should not be used
for general temperature control.
Table 745: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
Summer Cooling Mode Heating Mode Low Limit OA PID Tuning State
Process Temperature Reset
Variable is is Reliable
* Hold * * * Reset 1st PID Cooling T
Hold * * * Reset 2nd PID Heating T
* Hold * * Reset 1st PID Heating T
* Hold * * Reset 2nd PID Cooling T
Winter * Off * * * Off
Hold * * * Hold
Water Flush * * * Water Flush
Max * * * Max
Limited Max * * * Limited Max
T Control * * * Heating T
Failsoft * * * Failsoft Heating
Low OA * TRUE * Low OA
Temperature Temperature
* FALSE * Limited Max
Remain In TRUE * * Remain In
Control Control
FALSE * Failsoft Heating

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1109

Table 745: 2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
Summer Cooling Mode Heating Mode Low Limit OA PID Tuning State
Process Temperature Reset
Variable is is Reliable
Summer Off * * * * Off
Hold * * * * Hold
Water Flush * * * * Water Flush
Max * * * * Max
Limited Max * * * * Limited Max
T Control * * * * Cooling T
Failsoft * * * * Failsoft Cooling
Low OA * * TRUE * Low OA
Temperature Temperature
* FALSE * Limited Max

Reliability (2 Pipe Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

• All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.
• If the outdoor air temperature is unreliable while in the Low OA Temperature mode, the module switches to the
Limited Max mode as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.
• If the Low Limit Process Variable is unreliable while in the Remain In Control mode, the module switches to the
Failsoft mode as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.

Heating & Cooling Control - Cooling

The Cooling output controllers control a cooling device. Some of the modules offer dehumidification control.

Cooling 2 Position Valve v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Cooling 2 Position Valve v51 module replaces the Cooling 2 Position Valve v50
This module controls a two-position cooling valve within a zone control application. This module determines the
required percent of capacity and then provides the appropriate control inputs to a MSC. The module accepts as
inputs a mode, process variable, and a setpoint. Based upon the input mode, the module produces outputs intended
to be connected to the MSC module that controls the actual two-position valve. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data about their
inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory requirements,
reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA Diagnostics in the
Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1110

Module Use in Applications (Cooling 2 Position Valve)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 746: Cooling 2 Position Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Position Cooling Control v51 Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling 2 Position Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling 2 Position Valve modules.
Table 747: Cooling 2 Position Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
CLG-ERROR (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of 0.0
Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
CLG-EWMA (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
CLG-MINOFF (Minimum Off Displays Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
CLG-MINON (Minimum On Displays Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
CLG-O (Percent Cmd) V Controls the single actuator that is providing cooling. Display Units: %
CLG-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Contains the current operational state of the output Set Name: COM Valve Out
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1111

Table 747: Cooling 2 Position Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Eff Process Variable V Displays the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Failsoft Value Displays the value of the output when commanded to 0.0%
HeatingCooling Configures the module to be either compatible with a Cooling
heating source or a cooling source.
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
Limited Max Value Specifies that when commanded to Limited Max, this 100.0%
is the value the Percent Cmd is set to.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0.0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID.
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm Display Units: Seconds
portion of theMSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
the variable that is controlled. This value typically is
connected to the Zone Temperature.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Cooling 2 Position Valve)

• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%. The MSC closes the 2 position valve, but only after all timers are satisfied.
• Max: Percent Cmd is set to 100%. The MSC opens the 2 position valve, but only after all timers are satisfied.
• Limited Max: Set the Percent Cmd to the Limited Max Value. The MSC cycles the 2 position valve to provide
the percent represented by the Limited Max Value.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Cmd at its current value. This value continues to be fed to the MSC and the 2 position
valve cycles to provide the percent represented by the current input to the MSC .
• Water Flush: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%. The MSC opens the 2 position valve, but only after all timers are
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. As the Percent Cmd varies, the MSC varies
the open and closed timing of the 2 position valve.
• Failsoft: Set the Percent Cmd to the Failsoft value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the 2 position
valve opens accordingly based on the timer settings.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1112

Reliability (Cooling 2 Position Valve)
This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification v50 module replaces the
Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification v50 module.
The Cooling Control with 2-position Valve and Face and Bypass Damper (FBPD) Output Module is designed to
control a 2-position valve and a face and bypass damper for either cooling or dehumidification. The module can be
configured for DA-T, RA-T, or ZN-T control as well as dehumidification. This module accepts a control temperature,
a low limit temperature, relative humidity, and setpoints. The module has outputs for controlling a face and bypass
damper, a 2-position valve, and a circulating pump. This module incorporates tracking the overridden value of the
actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning
input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 748: Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
FBPD 2 Position Valve Cooling Control v50 All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification
Table 749: Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output controller. Off
Set Name: AHU Clg FBPD
Cooling Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Damper Percent Cmd V Controls the face and bypass damper. The damper is 0%
commanded from 0% (full bypass) to 100% (full face).
Dehum Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is RA-H
controlling when the mode is H Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Failsoft Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the 100%
module is in the Failsoft state.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1113

Table 749: Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Humidity Process Displays the value of the humidity being measured by the 50% RH
Variable humidity sensor. It is used as the process variable in the
dehumidification control.
Humidity Setpoint Displays the dehumidification Setpoint. 50% RH
Limited Max Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the 100%
module is in the Limited Max Heating state.
Low OA Temperature Diff Contains the differential for the Low OA Temperature mode. 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
Once the valve has been in the Low AO Temperature mode,
the OA Temperature must increase Low OA Temperature
Diff more than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint before the
valve can close.
Low OA Temperature Displays the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature mode. 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
Setpoint When the OA Temperature is below this setpoint, the valve
opens and the face and bypass dampers are be set to 100%.
Mode Displays the desired mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU Clg FBPD
OA Temperature Specifies that when the module supports a Low Temperature 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
response, the valve may be opened if OA Temperature drops
below a defined setpoint. This input is used for the Low OA
Temperature input temperature.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Specifies the type of cooling process that this output controller DA-T
is controlling when the mode is T Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the cooling PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Contains the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
discharge air temperature, or return air temperature may be
connected to this input.
Pump OnOff V Controls the circulating pump. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is Control.
Valve OpenClose V Controls the two position cooling valve. Close
Set Name: Close/Open

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1114

Primary States (Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification)
• Off: Turn everything off. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the cooling valve and the damper. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Water Flush: The valve opens to the Water Flush Position and the face and bypass damper closes.
• Limited Max: The valve is open, and the damper is opened to the Limited Max Value. This state may be used
for unoccupied heating or cooling.
• T Control: The valve is open, and the damper is modulated to control the process variable to the setpoint. The
Damper Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• H Control: The cooling valve is opened, and the face and bypass damper is modulated to control the humidity
process variable to the humidity setpoint. Adjust the cooling valve to control the humidity. The Damper Percent
Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• Low OA Temperature: The valve is opened and the face and bypass damper is opened to 100% when the OA
Temperature is less than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint.
• Failsoft: The valve is opened and the face and bypass damper is opened to the Failsoft Value. This state may
be used when the control temperature is unreliable.
• Face: The valve is closed, but the damper is opened to 100% face. This state may be used during heating if the
unit needs the FBPD to be 100% face while using electric heat.
Table 750: Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification Command Hierarchy
Mode OA Temperature is PID Tuning Reset State
Off * * Off
Max Max
T Control T Control
H Control H Control
Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID H Control
Hold Hold
Low OA Temperature TRUE * Low OA Temperature
Low OA Temperature FALSE Limited Max
Water Flush * Water Flush
Limited Max Limited Max
Failsoft Failsoft
Face Face

Reliability (Cooling FBPD 2 Position Valve with Dehumidification)

All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.
If the outdoor air temperature is unreliable while in the Low OA Temperature mode, the module switches to the
Limited Max mode as shown in the Command Hierarchy table.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1115

Cooling Proportional Valve v51
Important: As of Release 5.1, the Cooling Proportional Valve v51 module replaces the Cooling Proportional Valve
v50 module.
This module controls a proportional Cooling source within a zone control application. The module accepts as inputs
a mode, process variable, and a setpoint. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs
a percent command and control status. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual
output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is
not Normal
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Proportional Valve)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names the following table.
Table 751: Cooling Proportional Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Cooling Control v51 Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling Proportional Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Proportional Valve modules.
Table 752: Cooling Proportional Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
CLG-ERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
EWMA Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1116

Table 752: Cooling Proportional Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-EWMA (Cooling Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
EWMA Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
CLG-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: COM Valve Out
Compensator Cmd Specifies the analog percent output that controls the single 0.0
actuator that provides cooling. This output incorporates
Display Units: %
the Lead Compensator.
Control Status V Contains the current saturation status of the controller. Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Failsoft Value Displays the value of the output when commanded to 0.0%
Flush Position Displays the value of the output when commanded to 100,0%
Water Flush. This value is sent directly to the Percent
Cmd output.
HeatingCooling Configures the module to be either compatible with a Cooling
heating source or a cooling source.
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
Limited Max Value Specifies that when the module is commanded to Limited 100,0%
Max, this is the value of the Percent Cmd.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Controls the single actuator that is providing Cooling. Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is the 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable that is controlled. This value typically is connected
to the Zone Temperature.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Cooling Proportional Valve)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Set the Percent Cmd to the Limited Max Value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1117

• Hold: Hold the Percent Cmd at the current value.
• Water Flush: Set the Percent Cmd to Flush Position.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable.
• Failsoft: Set the Percent Cmd to the Failsoft value.

Reliability (Cooling Proportional Valve)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification v51 module replaces the
Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification v50 module.
The Cooling Proportional Valve Output Module controls a proportional valve for either cooling or dehumidification.
The module can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, or ZA-T control and it may be configured for RA-H or ZN-H control.
The module has been designed with temperature control, dehumidification, and several different protection modes.
This module also can control a circulating pump. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the
actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning
input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 753: Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Valve Cooling Control v51 All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1118

Table 754: Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational state of the output controller. Off
Set Name: AHU Clg Valve
Compensator Clg Cmd Controls the cooling valve. The valve is commanded from 0% 0.0
to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead Compensator.
Display Units: %
Cooling Control Status V Contains the current saturation status of the controller. Normal
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Percent Cmd V Controls the cooling valve. The valve is commanded from 0% 0%
to 100%.
Dehum Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is RA-H
controlling when the mode is H Control:
Set Name: Process ID
• Discharge Air Humidity (DA-H)
• Return Air Humidity (RA-H)
• Exhaust Air Humidity (RA-H)
• Zone Air Humidity (ZN-H)
• Zone Air Humidity Compensated (ZN-H LC)
Failsoft Value Specifies the output when the mode is set to Failsoft. 100%
Flush Position Specifies the output when the mode is set to Water Flush. 100%
Humidity Process Displays the value of the relative humidity being measured 50% RH
Variable by the humidity sensor. It is used as the process variable in
the dehumidification control.
Humidity Setpoint Contains the dehumidification Setpoint. 50% RH
Limited Max Value Specifies the output when the mode is set to Limited Max. 100%
Low OA Temperature Diff Indicates the differential for the Low OA Temperature mode. 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
Once the valve is opened to allow water to flow through the
coil during low OA temperature conditions, the OA temperature
must increase above the OA Temperature Setpoint by the
Low OA Temperature Diff before the valve can close.
Low OA Temperature Specifies the output when the mode is set to Low OA 100%
Position Temperature.
Low OA Temperature Indicates the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature mode. 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
Setpoint When the OA Temperature falls below this setpoint, the valve
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Clg Valve
OA Temperature Indicates the Outside Air Temperature. 4 Deg C, 40 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1119

Table 754: Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control:
Set Name: Process ID
• Discharge Air Temperature (DA-T)
• Return Air Temperature (ZN-T)
• Zone Air Temperature (ZN-T)
• Exhaust Air Temperature (ZN-T)
• Zone Air Temp Compensated (ZN-T LC)
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg Deg C, Deg F
C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is the 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
variable that is controlled. This value typically is connected to
the Zone Temperature.
Pump OnOff V Controls the circulating pump. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the cooling valve. The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Water Flush: The valve is opened to the Water Flush Position.
• Limited Max: The valve is opened to the Limited Max Value. This state may be used for unoccupied cooling.
• T Control: Adjust the cooling valve to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the output in order to maintain the Process Variable Setpoint. The Cooling Percent Cmd is adjusted
between 0% and 100%.
• H Control: Adjust the cooling valve to control the humidity. If the humidity is reliable, the module controls the
output to maintain the humidity at the dehumidification setpoint. The Cooling Percent Cmd is adjusted between
0% and 100%.
• Low OA Temperature: The valve is opened to the Low OA Temperature Position when the OA Temperature is
less than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint.
• Failsoft: The valve is opened to the Fail Soft Position. This state may be used when the process variable is

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1120

Table 755: Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification Command Hierarchy
OA Temperature is PID Tuning Reset Mode State
* * Off Off
Max Max
T Control T Control
H Control H Control
Reset 1st PID Hold T Control
Reset 2nd PID Hold T Control
* Hold Hold
TRUE Low OA Temperature Low OA Temperature
FALSE Low OA Temperature Limited Max
* Water Flush Water Flush
Limited Max Limited Max

Reliability (Cooling Proportional Valve with Dehumidification)

All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.
If the outdoor air temperature is unreliable while in the Low OA Temperature mode, the module switches to the
Limited Max mode as shown in Table 755.

Cooling Staged Outputs v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Cooling Staged Outputs v51 module replaces the Cooling Staged Outputs v50
This module is responsible for controlling a discrete Cooling device within a zone control application. The module
accepts an input mode, a process variable, a setpoint, and configuration information. The module outputs the
representative percent command and a control status. The outputs are sent to a MSC module which provides the
control for the actual binary outputs. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output
object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Staged Outputs)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 756: Cooling Staged Outputs Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Cooling Control v51 Fan Coil Applications
Unit Ventilator Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1121

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling Staged Outputs)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Staged Outputs module.
Table 757: Cooling Staged Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
CLG-ERROR (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
CLG-EWMA (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
CLG-MINOFF (Minimum Off Contains the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
CLG-MINON (Minimum On Contains the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
CLG-O (Percent Cmd) V Contains a representative analog percent output on a Display Units: %
scale of 0% to 100%.
CLG-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output Set Name: COM Staged Out
Control Band V Contains the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for Cooling Set Name: Control Status
Eff Minimum Off Time V Contains the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Contains the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Displays the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Displays the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Failsoft Value Specifies that when the mode is set to Failsoft, the 0.0%
output cycles to maintain this percentage duty cycle.
HeatingCooling Configures the module to be either compatible with a Cooling
heating source or a cooling source.
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
Instant Shutdown V Indicates to the MSC to shut off all outputs instantly.
Limited Max Value Specifies that when the mode is set to Limited Max, the 100.0%
output cycles to maintain this percentage duty cycle.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1122

Table 757: Cooling Staged Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Max Capacity Fraction Displays the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all 1.0
the stages.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Staged Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
the variable that is controlled.
This value typically is connected to the Zone
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to False or True, the controller True
operates as normal.
Set Name: False/True/Fault
When set to Fault, the controller transitions to an instant
off state.
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Cooling Staged Outputs)

• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0% and the Instant Shutdown output to False. The MSC turns off all outputs, but
only after all timers are satisfied.
• Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages are turned on
accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Limited Max: Set the output to the limited max value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages
are turned on accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Command output at the current value. This value continues to feed to the MSC and the
stages continue to be controlled by the sequencer. Should timers expire, it is possible for the number of enabled
stages to change during a hold command because the Percent Command is really the only value that is explicitly
held. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Instant Shutdown: Set the Percent Cmd to 0% and the Instant Shutdown output to True. The MSC turns off all
outputs instantly.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to the
enabling of the staged outputs from the MSC .

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1123

• Failsoft: Set the output to the Failsoft value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages are turned
on accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Proof of Airflow: When set to False or Fault, sets the output to zero and sets the Instant Shutdown output to
True. Typically used to prevent electric heating or DX cooling from being enabled without airflow. When set to
True, this allows the output to vary and sets the Instant Shutdown output to False.
• Unreliable Process Variable: If the process variable is not Reliable and the module happens to be commanded
to Control, the PID holds its last value. Typically, the state generator provides an alternate mode (for example,
Hold or Off) when the process variable is not Reliable.

Reliability (Cooling Staged Outputs)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification v50

The Staged Cooling Output Module is designed to control staged compressors for either cooling or dehumidification.
The temperature control can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, or ZA-T control and the dehumidification may be configured
for RA-H or ZN-H. The module accepts inputs for temperature, relative humidity, temperature setpoint, humidity
setpoint, and compressor minimum on and off times. The module has outputs for controlling the MSC module. This
module incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the
PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 758: Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
AHU Staged Cooling Control v50 All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification modules.
Table 759: Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-MINOFF (Minimum Off Contains the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
CLG-MINON (Minimum On Contains the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
CLG-O (Cooling Percent V Controls the cooling device. The device is commanded Display Units: %
Cmd) from 0% to 100%.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1124

Table 759: Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
CLG-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output Set Name: AHU Clg Staged
controller. Out
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Cooling Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Dehum Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller RA-H
is controlling when the mode is H Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant that is used Display Units: Seconds
by the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Humidity Process Variable Displays the value of the relative humidity being 50.0% RH
measured by the humidity sensor. It is used as the
process variable in the dehumidification control.
Humidity Setpoint Contains the dehumidification Setpoint. 50.0% RH
Instant Shutdown V Indicates to the MSC to shut off all outputs instantly.
Limited Max Value Defines the proportional valve position when the module 100.0%
is in the Limited Max state.
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all 1.0
the stages.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Clg Staged
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by False
this output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
PMAC Period V Specifies the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller DA-T
is controlling when the mode is H Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either Zone 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
temperature, discharge air temperature, return air
temperature or preheat temperature may be connected
to this input.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1125

Table 759: Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to False or True, the controller True
operates as normal. When set to Fault, the controller
Set Name: False/True/Fault
transitions to an instant off state.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
to be controlled to when the mode is Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 0%. The MSC module observe any minimum on and
minimum off times.
• Max: The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: The Cooling Percent Cmd is opened to the Limited Max Position. This state may be used for
unoccupied cooling.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Instant Shutdown: Turn everything off. The Cooling Percent Cmd is set to 0%. The MSC module does not
observe any minimum on and minimum off times.
• T Control: Adjust the cooling device to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the
module controls the output to maintain the Setpoint. The Cooling Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and
• H Control: Adjust the cooling device to control the humidity. If the relative humidity sensor is reliable, the module
controls the output to maintain the humidity at the dehumidification setpoint. The Cooling Percent Cmd is adjusted
between 0% and 100%.

Table 760: Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification Command Hierarchy

Proof of Airflow Mode PID Tuning Reset PID Tuning Reset
Fault * * Instant Shutdown
Not (Fault) Instant Shutdown Instant Shutdown
Off Off
Max Max
Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID H Control
Hold * Hold
H Control H Control
T Control T Control
Limited Max Limited Max

Reliability (Cooling Staged Outputs with Dehumidification)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1126

Heating & Cooling Control - Heat Pump
The Heat Pump output controller controls a heat pump. This module type provides control for switchover of the
reversing valves as well as staging of the compressor.

Heat Pump Staged Compressors v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heat Pump Staged Compressors v51 module replaces the Heat Pump Staged
Compressors v50 module.
This module controls heat pump compressors and reversing valves that are dynamically switched from a heating to
a cooling mode. This module is designed to provide this control within a zone control application.
The module accepts as inputs a cooling mode and a heating mode, process variable, two setpoints, and configuration
information. Based upon the input modes and Proof of Airflow input, the module outputs a percent command along
with the calculated cooling and heating percentages for feedback purposes. Prior to commanding, the compressor
on the module commands the reversing value to the proper position. The heating and cooling control status are also
output. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The
module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic. The Finite State Machine cannot be modified.

Module Use in Applications (Heat Pump Staged Compressors)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 761: Heat Pump Staged Compressors Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Compressor Control v51 Heat Pump Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Pump Staged Compressors)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Pump Staged Compressors modules.
Table 762: Heat Pump Staged Compressors Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Action Controls the action of the reversing valve. The On for Htg On for Htg
state energizes the reversing valve output when in heating
Set Name: On For Htg/On
For Clg
CLG-ABSEFFORT (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1127

Table 762: Heat Pump Staged Compressors Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
CLG-ABSERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Cooling Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
this value.
CLG-ERROR (Cooling Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Cooling 0.0
EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
CLG-EWMA (Cooling EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
COMPCLG-O (Cooling V Contains a representative analog percent output for Display Units: %
Percent Cmd) cooling on a scale of 0% to 100%. This typically is
connected to the three speed or proportional fan output.
This value does not exactly match the staged outputs due
to PMAC and the status of min on and min off timers.
COMPHTG-O (Heating V Contains a representative analog percent output for Display Units: %
Percent Cmd) heating on a scale of 0% to 100%. This typically is
connected to the three speed or proportional fan output.
This value does not exactly match the staged outputs due
to PMAC and the status of min on and min off timers.
COMP-MINOFF (Minimum Displays the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
Off Time)
COMP-MINON (Minimum On Displays the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
COMP-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: HP Discrete Out
controller. State
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Cooling Control Status V Displays the current cooling saturation status of the Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Displays the cooling mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: HP Cooling Mode
Cooling Setpoint Contains the desired cooling setpoint for the process 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the cooling mode is set
to Control.
Eff Minimum Off Time V Specifies the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Specifies the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant that is used Display Units: Seconds
by the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Displays the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Heating Control Status V Displays the current heating saturation status of the Set Name: Control Status
Heating EWMA Present Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Value computes this value.
Display Units: %

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1128

Table 762: Heat Pump Staged Compressors Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Heating Mode Displays the heating mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: HP Heating
Heating Setpoint Displays the desired heating setpoint for the process 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the heating mode is set
to Control.
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Heating Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
this value.
HTG-ERROR (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Heating 0.0
Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Instant Shutdown V Triggers the MSC to shut off all outputs instantly.
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest pulsable stage to the sum 1
of all the stages.
Off Time Specifies the delay in the Off state before switching the 6 Seconds
reversing valve.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Contains a representative analog percent output on a Display Units: %
scale of 0% to 100%.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
PMAC Period V Specifies the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the cooling or heating mode are set 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to Control, this is the variable that is controlled. This value
typically is connected to the Zone Temperature.
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to Fault, the module goes to the True
Off state.
Set Name: False/True/Fault
Reversing Valve V Specifies the on/off command to the reversing valve. Set Name: Off/On

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1129

Table 762: Heat Pump Staged Compressors Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
System Mode Displays the current System Mode. This is used to lock Auto
out heating when in cooling only system mode, and to
Set Name: System Mode
lock out cooling when in heating only system mode.
Transition Time Specifies the delay before commanding on the 6 Seconds
compressor, which allows the reversing valve to switch
into position.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Pump Staged Compressors)

Heating Mode
• Off: Set the Percent Cmd and Heating Percent Cmd to 0%. Instant Shutdown is issued to the MSC and turns
off all the stages.
• Max: Set the output for maximum heating when in a heating configuration. The Common Percent Cmd is set to
100%. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages turns on accordingly based on the timer settings.
See the MSC section for more information.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable when in a heating configuration. As the Common
Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to the enabling of the staged outputs from the MSC. If the Process
Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
Otherwise the Common Percent Cmd output is set to 0%. See the MSC section for more information.
• Failsoft: Set the Percent Cmd, Heating Percent Cmd and Cooling Percent Cmd output to the 0%.
• Hold: Resets the PID primitive’s tuning parameters to downloaded defaults. If this is the Heating Mode and PID
Tuning input is Normal, the module goes to an off state.
Cooling Mode
• Off: Set the Percent Cmd and Cooling Percent Cmd to 0%. The MSC turns off all the stages, but proceed through
the minimum on timers. See the MSC section for more information.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable when in a cooling configuration. As the Common
Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to the enabling of the staged outputs from the MSC. If the Process
Variable is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint. Otherwise
the Common Percent Cmd output is set to 0%. See the MSC section for more information.
• Failsoft: Set the Percent Cmd and Cooling Percent Cmd output to 0%.
Table 763: Heat Pump Staged Compressors Command Hierarchy
Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Hold * * Reset 1st PID Control Heating
Hold * * Reset 2nd PID Control Cooling
Hold * * * Hold
* Hold * Reset 1st PID Control Heating
* Hold * Reset 2nd PID Control Cooling
* Hold * * Hold
* * Off Off
* * Max Heating * Max Heating

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1130

Table 763: Heat Pump Staged Compressors Command Hierarchy
Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* * Transition to Cooling * Transition to Cooling
* * Transition to Heating * Transition to Heating
* * Control Cooling * Control Cooling
* * Control Heating * Control Heating
* * Idle * Idle

Reliability (Heat Pump Staged Compressors)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Heating & Cooling Control - Heat Recovery

The Heat Recovery output controllers controls heat recovery equipment. Support for glycol loop control and heat
recovery wheels is included.

Heat Recovery Glycol Loop v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heat Recovery Glycol Loop v51 module replaces the Heat Recovery Glycol
Loop v50 module.
The Heat Recovery Glycol Loop Output Module recovers energy from the exhaust air using a glycol loop. The module
can be configured for DA-T, EA-T, or ZN-T control. This module accepts heating and cooling mode inputs, a suitability
input, control temperature and setpoint inputs, and limit temperature and setpoint inputs. It has an analog output
and a binary output for controlling the glycol valve and a binary signal for controlling a circulating pump. This module
also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs
to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic

Module Use in Applications (Heat Recovery Glycol Loop)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 764: Heat Recovery Glycol Loop Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Glycol Loop Control v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1131

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Recovery Glycol Loop)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Recovery Glycol Loop modules.
Table 765: Heat Recovery Glycol Loop Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Heat Controls the heat recovery valve. The valve is commanded 0.0
Recovery Cmd from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Cooling Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Displays the desired cooling mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Cl EW
Heat Recovery V Displays the binary signal to the glycol valve. Close
Set Name: Close/Open
Heat Recovery Percent V Displays the analog signal to the glycol valve. 0%
Heat Recovery Suitability Indicates if the heat recovery may be used for cooling None
control, heating control, or unsuitable for either control. The
Set Name: AHU HR Suit
enumeration set is Heat, Cool, or None.
Heating Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Displays the desired heating mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Ht GL
HR-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit temperature process variable, normally 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
Variable connected to a sensor located in the exhaust duct after the
Heat Recovery device.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1132

Table 765: Heat Recovery Glycol Loop Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is Tctrl:
Set Name: Process ID
• Discharge Air Temperature (DA-T)
• Zone Air Temperature (ZN-T)
• Exhaust Air Temperature (ZN-T)
• Zone Air Temp Compensated (ZN-T LC)
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Contains the control temperature, and it may be connected 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
to either Zone temperature, discharge air temperature, or
exhaust air temperature. The latter signal is expected to
come from a sensor in the exhaust duct upstream of the
heat recovery device.
Pump OnOff V Displays the binary signal to the glycol circulating pump. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is Tctrl.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Recovery Glycol Loop)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Heat Recovery percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: The glycol valve is opened 100%.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• T Control: Modulate the glycol valve to control the Process Variable at the setpoint. This mode is used for heating
only since the heat recovery device can provide more heat than what is required to condition the space. On the
other hand, during cooling, the heat recovery device cannot produce enough cold air to condition the space.
• LL-T Control: Modulate the glycol valve to control the Low Limit Variable. Normally the low limit variable is the
glycol temperature, and this mode would be used to prevent the glycol temperature from dropping below freezing.
If the Limit Variable is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit setpoint.
Table 766: Heat Recovery Glycol Loop Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Hold * Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
* Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
* Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
None * * * Off
Cool Off * * Off
Max * * Max
Hold * * Hold

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1133

Table 766: Heat Recovery Glycol Loop Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Heat * Off * Off
Max * Max
Hold * Hold
T Control * T Control
LL-T Control * LL-T Control

Reliability (Heat Recovery Glycol Loop)

All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Heat Recovery Wheel v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Heat Recovery Wheel v50 module replaces the Heat Recovery Wheel module.
The Heat Recovery Energy Wheel Output Module recovers energy from the exhaust air using an energy wheel. The
module can be configured for DA-T, EA-T, or ZN-T control. This module accepts heat and cooling mode inputs, a
suitability input, control temperature and setpoint inputs, limit temperature and setpoint inputs, a maximum speed
input, and a Limited Max Speed input. It has an analog output and a binary output for controlling the energy wheel.
This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Heat Recovery Wheel)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 767: Heat Recovery Wheel Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Enthalpy Wheel Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1134

Attributes (Heat Recovery Wheel)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Recovery Wheel modules.
Table 768: Heat Recovery Wheel Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Displays the desired cooling mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Cl EW
Heat Recovery OnOff V Displays the binary signal to the Enthalpy Wheel. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Heat Recovery Percent V Contains the analog signal sent to the Enthalpy Wheel. 0%
Heat Recovery Suitability Indicates if the heat recovery may be used for cooling None
control, heating control, or unsuitable for either control. The
Set Name: AHU HR Suit
enumeration set is Heat, Cool, or None.
Heating Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Displays the desired heating mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Ht EW
HR-MAXOUT (Max Wheel Defines the maximum wheel speed which provides 65%
Speed) maximum heat transfer.
HR-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU HR Ht EW
Limited Max Speed Defines the wheel speed when the module is in the Limited 65%
Max state.
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable, 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
Variable normally connected to a sensor located in the exhaust duct
after the Heat Recovery device.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1135

Table 768: Heat Recovery Wheel Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Displays the control temperature, and it may be connected 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
to either Zone temperature, discharge air temperature, or
exhaust air temperature. The latter signal is expected to
come from a sensor in the exhaust duct upstream of the
enthalpy wheel.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Recovery Wheel)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Heat Recovery Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Operate the energy recovery wheel at the maximum wheel speed.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• T Control: Modulate the energy wheel speed to control the Process Variable at the Setpoint. This mode is used
for heating only since the heat recovery device can provide more heat than what is required to condition the
space. On the other hand, during cooling, the heat recovery device cannot produce enough cold air to condition
the space.
• Limited Max: Operate the energy recovery wheel at the Limited Max Speed.
• LL-T Control: Modulate the energy wheel speed to control the Low Limit Variable. The low limit variable is the
air temperature leaving the energy wheel, and this mode would be used to prevent the leaving temperature from
dropping below freezing. If the Limit Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the
Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint.
Table 769: Heat Recovery Wheel Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Hold * Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
* Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
* Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
None * * * Off
Cool Off * * Off
Max * * Max
Hold * * Hold
Heat * Off * Off
Max * Max
Hold * Hold
Limited Max * Limited Max
T Control * T Control
LL-T Control * LL-T Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1136

Reliability (Heat Recovery Wheel)
All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers v50 module replaces the
Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers module.
The Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers output module recovers energy from the exhaust air using
an energy wheel with a two-position bypass damper. The module can be configured for DA-T, EA-T, or ZN-T control.
This module accepts heat and cooling mode inputs, a suitability input, control temperature and setpoint inputs, limit
temperature and setpoint inputs, and maximum speed and limited max speed inputs. It has an analog output and a
binary output for controlling the energy wheel, and a second binary output to control the two-position bypass damper.
This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 770: Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Energy Wheel Two Pos Byp v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers modules.
Table 771: Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Displays the desired cooling mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Cl EW
Heat Recovery Displays the binary signal to the bypass damper. Close
Set Name: Close/Open

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1137

Table 771: Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heat Recovery OnOff V Displays the binary signal to the Enthalpy Wheel. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Heat Recovery Percent Displays the analog signal to the Enthalpy Wheel. 0%
Heat Recovery Suitability Indicates whether the heat recovery may be used for cooling None
control, heating control, or unsuitable for either control. The
Set Name: AHU HR Suit
enumeration set is Heat, Cool, or None.
Heating Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Displays the desired heating mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Ht EW
HR-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU HR Ht EW
Limited Max Speed Defines the wheel speed when the module is in the Limited 65%
Max state.
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable, normally 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
Variable connected to a sensor located in the exhaust duct after the
Heat Recovery device.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
Max Wheel Speed Defines the maximum wheel speed to provide the maximum 65%
heat transfer.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control. The Discharge Air
Set Name: Process ID
Temperature process variable has a Process ID of DA-T.
The Zone Air Temperature process variable has a Process
ID of ZN-T. The Exhaust Air Temperature process variable
has a Process ID of EA-T. The Return Air Temperature
process variable has a Process ID of RA-T.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1138

Table 771: Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Displays the control temperature, and it may be connected 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
to either Zone temperature, discharge air temperature, or
exhaust air temperature. The latter signal is expected to
come from a sensor in the exhaust duct upstream of the
enthalpy wheel.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers)

• Off: Set the output to the heat recovery wheel to off.
• Max: Operate the energy recovery wheel at the maximum wheel speed. Turn off the Heat Recovery CloseOpen.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Limited Max: Operate the energy recovery wheel at the Limited Max Speed. Turn off the Heat Recovery
• T Control: Modulate the energy wheel speed to control the Process Variable at the Setpoint. This mode is used
for heating only because the heat recovery device can provide more heat than what is required to condition the
space. During cooling, the heat recovery device cannot produce enough cold air to condition the space. When
Heat Recovery Percent Cmd is 0%, the Heat Recovery OpenClose is set to Open. When Heat Recovery Percent
Cmd is any other value, the Heat Recovery OpenClose is set to Close.
• LL-T Control: Modulate the energy wheel speed to control the Low Limit Variable. The low limit variable is the
air temperature leaving the energy wheel, and this mode is used to prevent the leaving temperature from dropping
below freezing. If the Limit Variable is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Limit Variable at
the Limit Setpoint. When Heat Recovery Percent Cmd is 0%, the Heat Recovery OpenClose is set to Open.
When Heat Recovery Percent Cmd is any other value, the Heat Recovery OpenClose is set to Close.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1139

Table 772: Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Hold * Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
* Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
None * * Off
Cool Off Off
Max Max
Hold Hold
Heat * Off Off
Max Max
Limited Max Limited Max
Hold Hold
T Control T Control
LL-T Control LL-T Control

Reliability (Heat Recovery Wheel with 2 Pos Bypass Dampers)

All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers v50 module replaces the Heat
Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers module.
The Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers output module recovers energy from the exhaust air using an
energy wheel. The module can be configured for DA-T, EA-T, or ZN-T control. This module accepts heat and cooling
mode inputs, a suitability input, control temperature and setpoint inputs, and limit temperature and setpoint inputs.
It has two analog outputs for outdoor air and exhaust face and bypass dampers, and a binary output for controlling
the energy wheel. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO).
The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1140

Table 773: Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Heat Exchanger with Bypass Dampers AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers modules.
Table 774: Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Displays the desired cooling mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Cl EW
EA FBD Modulated Indicates whether the EA face and bypass damper is True
modulated or set to the EA FBD Value when the state is T
Control or LL-T Control.
EA FBD Value Indicates the position of the EA face and bypass damper when 100%
EA FBD Modulated is set to False.
Heat Recovery Exhaust V Contains the analog signal sent to the exhaust face and 0%
FBD Cmd bypass damper.
Heat Recovery OA FBD V Contains the analog signal sent to the OA face and bypass 0%
Cmd damper.
Heat Recovery OnOff V Displays the binary signal to the Enthalpy Wheel. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Heat Recovery Suitability Indicates whether the heat recovery may be used for cooling None
control, heating control, or unsuitable for either control. The
Set Name: AHU HR Suit
enumeration set is Heat, Cool, or None.
Heating Control Status V Displays the PID Status. The possible values are Normal, Normal
Overridden, Disabled, Low, Timing Low, High, and Timing
Set Name: Control Status

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1141

Table 774: Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heating Mode Displays the desired heating mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Ht
HR-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output controller. Off
Set Name: AHU HR Ht
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable, normally 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
Variable connected to a sensor located in the exhaust duct after the
Heat Recovery device.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 4 Deg C, 39 Deg F
OA FBD Modulated Indicates whether the OA face and bypass damper is True
modulated or set to the OA FBD Value when the state is T
Control or LL-T Control.
OA FBD Value Indicates the position of the OA face and bypass damper when 100%
OA FBD Modulated is set to False.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this False
output controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control. The Discharge Air
Set Name: Process ID
Temperature process variable has a Process ID of DA-T. The
Zone Air Temperature process variable has a Process ID of
ZN-T. The Exhaust Air Temperature process variable has a
Process ID of EA-T.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg Deg C, Deg F
C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature, and it may be connected to 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
either Zone temperature, discharge air temperature, or exhaust
air temperature. The latter signal is expected to come from a
sensor in the exhaust duct upstream of the enthalpy wheel.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13 Deg C, 55 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1142

Primary States (Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers)
Cooling Mode
• Off: Turn everything off. The face and bypass damper outputs are set to 0%.
• Max: Operate the energy recovery wheel with the face and bypass dampers positioned for full flow through the
wheel. The wheel operates at maximum capacity during cooling, since the heat recovery device cannot produce
enough cold air to condition the space.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
Heating Mode
• Off: Turn everything off. The face and bypass damper outputs are set to 0%.
• Max: Operate the energy recovery wheel with the face and bypass dampers positioned for full flow through the
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• T Control: Modulate the bypass damper position to control the Process Variable at the Setpoint. This mode is
used for heating only, since the heat recovery device can provide more heat than what is required to condition
the space.
• LL-T Control: Modulate the bypass damper position to control the Low Limit Variable. The low limit variable is
the air temperature leaving the energy wheel, and this mode is used to prevent the leaving temperature from
dropping below freezing. If the Limit Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the
Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint.
• Off: Turn everything off. The face and bypass damper outputs are set to 0%.
• Max: Operate the energy recovery wheel with the face and bypass dampers positioned for full flow through the
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• T Control: Modulate the bypass damper position to control the Process Variable at the Setpoint. This mode is
used for heating only since the heat recovery device can provide more heat than what is required to condition
the space. On the other hand, during cooling, the heat recovery device cannot produce enough cold air to
condition the space
• LL-T Control: Modulate the bypass damper position to control the Low Limit Variable. The low limit variable is
the air temperature leaving the energy wheel, and this mode is used to prevent the leaving temperature from
dropping below freezing. If the Limit Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the
Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint.
Table 775: Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Hold * Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
* Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1143

Table 775: Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers Command Hierarchy
Heat Recovery Cooling Mode Heating Mode PID Tuning Reset State
None * * Off
Cool Off * Off
Max * Max
Hold * Hold
Heat * Off Off
Max Max
Hold Hold
T Control T Control
LL-T Control LL-T Control

Reliability (Heat Recovery Wheel with Bypass Dampers)

All inputs use their last reliable value while unreliable.

Heating & Cooling Control - Heating

The Heating output controllers controls a heating device. Support for two position valves, face and bypass dampers,
proportional valves, and staged outputs is included. Support for face and bypass dampers combined with proportional
or two position valves is also included. Some of the modules also provide for low limit control.

Heating 2 Position Valve v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating 2 Position Valve v51 module replaces the Heating 2 Position Valve v50
This module controls a two-position heating valve within a zone control application. This module determines the
required percent of capacity and then provides the appropriate control inputs to an MSC. The module accepts as
inputs, a mode, a process variable, a setpoint. Based upon the input mode, the module produces outputs intended
to be connected to the MSC module that controls the actual two-position valve. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heating 2 Position Valve)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1144

Table 776: Heating 2 Position Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Position Box Heating Control v51 VAV Single Duct Applications
2 Position Heating Control v51 Fan Coil Applications
2 Position Supplemental Heating Control v51 VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating 2 Position Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating 2 Position Valve modules:
Table 777: Heating 2 Position Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Eff Minimum Off Time V Contains the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Contains the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Failsoft Value Contains the value of the output when commanded 0.0%
to Failsoft.
HeatingCooling Configures the module to be either compatible with Heating
a heating source or a cooling source.
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The
Display Units: %
PID computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-ERROR (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of 0.0
Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-MINOFF or Contains the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
Off Time)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1145

Table 777: Heating 2 Position Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HTG-MINON or Contains the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HTG-O or SUPHTG-O (Percent V Controls the single actuator that is providing heating. Display Units: %
HTG-OUTSTATE or G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: COM Valve Out
SUPHTG-OUTSTATE (State) controller.
Limited Max Value Specifies that when commanded to Limited Max, this 100,0%
is the value for the Percent Cmd.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID.
PMAC Period V Contains the period used by the PMAC algorithm Display Units: Seconds
portion of the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg FSet Name: Unit
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
is the variable that is controlled. Typically connected
to the Zone Temperature.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating 2 Position Valve)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0%. The MSC closes the 2 position valve, but only after all timers are satisfied.
• Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%. The MSC opens the 2 position valve, but only after all timers are satisfied.
• Limited Max: Set the Percent Cmd to the Limited Max Value. The MSC cycles the 2 position valve to provide
the percent represented by the Limited Max Value.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Cmd at it’s current value. This value continues to feed to the MSC and the 2 position
valve cycles to provide the percent represented by the current input to the MSC.
• Water Flush: Sets the Percent Cmd to 100%. The MSC opens the 2 position valve, but only after all timers are
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. As the Percent Cmd varies, the MSC varies
the open and closed timing of the 2 position valve.
• Failsoft: Set the Percent Cmd to the Failsoft value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the 2 position
valve opens accordingly based on the timer settings.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1146

Reliability (Heating 2 Position Valve)
These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51 module replaces the Heating
2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v50 module.
This module is responsible for controlling a two-position heating valve within a zone control application. This module
determines the required percent of capacity and then provides the appropriate control input to an MSC. This module
also provides for discharge air low limit control in Unit Ventilator applications.
The module accepts as inputs a mode, process variable, setpoint, low limit process variable, low limit setpoint, and
other configuration inputs. The module outputs a representative percent command, a percent request, a control
status, and other outputs which feed the MSC module. It passes the outputs to the MSC module that controls the
actual binary outputs. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO,
PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 778: Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Application
UV 2 Position Heating Control v51 Unit Ventilator Application

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit module.
Table 779: Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Set Name: Unit
Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for cooling Set Name: Control Status
or heating control.
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant that is used Display Units: Seconds
by the MSC.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1147

Table 779: Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Eff Process Variable V Displays the Process Variable used by the MSC. Set Name: Unit
Failsoft Value Specifies that when the mode is set to Control and the 100.0%
process variable is unreliable, the output cycles to
maintain this percentage duty cycle.
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-ERROR (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-MINOFF (Minimum Off Contains the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HTG-MINON (Minimum On Contains the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HTG-O (Percent Cmd) V Contains a representative analog percent output on a Display Units: %
scale of 0% to 100%.
HTG-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Set Name: UV Valve Out
Limited Max Value Specifies that when the mode is set to Limited Max, the 100.0%
output cycled to maintain this percentage duty cycle.
Low Limit Process Variable Contains the process variable to be controlled when the 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
mode is set to Control Limit.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the low limit process 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the mode is Control
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: UV Valve Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg FSet Name: Unit
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1148

Table 779: Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
the variable that is to be controlled. Typically connected
to the Zone Temperature.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

• Off: Output is commanded to 0%.
• Max: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%. This value then feeds through the MSC and the valve opens accordingly
based on the timer settings.
• Limited Max: Set the output to the limited max value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the valve
opens and closes accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Hold: Output holds its current value. The MSC turns the valve on and off using the Minimum On and Off times,
the valve continues to cycle to provide the percent cmd being held. If the Output Overridden input is true, the
Output Position input is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: Set the Percent Cmd output to 100%. This value continues to feed to the MSC and the valve opens
by the sequencer.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to the
opening and closing of the valve from the MSC. If the input PID Tuning Reset is true, the Reset Tuning input to
the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters. While that occurs, the Heating Percent
Cmd is held at its last value.
• Control Limit: Adjust the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes
changes to the opening and closing of the valve from the MSC.
• Failsoft: The Percent Cmd is set to the Failsoft Value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the valve
opens and closes accordingly based on the timer settings.
Table 780: Heating 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Max * Max
Limited Max * Limited Max
Hold Reset 1st PID Control Limit
Hold * Hold
Water Flush * Water Flush
Control * Control
Control Limit * Control Limit
Failsoft * Failsoft

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1149

Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51
Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51 module replaces the
Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit v50 module.
This module is responsible for face and bypass damper control within a Unit Ventilator zone control application. The
module accepts as inputs a mode, process variable, setpoint, limit setpoint, limit process variable, and other
configuration inputs. The module outputs a damper percent command, control status, a valve open/close command
for a two-position valve, and state based on the input mode and parameter settings. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 781: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV Face and Bypass Heating Control v51 Unit Ventilator Application

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit module.
Table 782: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for FBP Set Name: Control Status
damper control.
Cooling Coil Location Displays the location of the Cooling Coil (same path as Same as Heating
Heating or Separate from Heating.)
Set Name: Coil Location
Damper Percent Cmd V Used to control the single actuator that is modulating the Display Units: %
FBP Damper.
Failsoft Value Specifies that when the mode is Failsoft, the damper 0.0%
percent cmd output is set to the Failsoft Value.
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Heating Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
this value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1150

Table 782: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HTG-ERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Heating 0.0
EWMA Error) Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-EWMA (Heating Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
EWMA Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Indicates the current operational mode of the output Set Name: UV Face Bypass
controller. Out
Limited Max Value Specifies that when the mode is Limited Max, this is the 100.0%
value for the damper percent cmd output.
Low Limit Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is Control Limit, this is the 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
variable that is to be controlled and must therefore
respond to changes in the output. This value typically is
connected to the DA Temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the low limit process 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the mode is Control Limit.
Mode Indicates the desired state of operation. Off
Set Name: UV Face Bypass
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is Control, this is the 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable that is controlled and must therefore respond to
changes in the output. Typically connected to the Zone
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is Control.
Valve OpenClose V Contains the output command to the two position valve. Set Name: Close/Open

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Low Limit)
• Off: Turn everything off. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the heating valve. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Open the heating valve. Damper Percent Cmd is set to the Limited Max Value.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Heating Percent Command.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1151

• Water Flush: Open the heating valve. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Control: Open the heating valve and adjust the damper output to control the Process Variable. If the Process
Variable is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Process Variable at the Setpoint. The Damper
Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%. If the input PID Tuning Reset is true, the reset Tuning input to
the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters. While that occurs, the Damper Percent
Cmd and Valve OpenClose is held at its last value.
• Control Limit: Open the heating valve and adjust the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable. If the
Low Limit Process Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the Low Limit Process
Variable at the Low Limit Setpoint. The Damper Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• Failsoft: Set the output to the Failsoft value.
• Cooling: Set the damper output for cooling operation. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100% when the Cooling
Coil Location is the same path as heating and 0% when in separate path from heating.
Table 783: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with DA-T Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Max * Max
Limited Max * Limited Max
Hold Reset 1st PID Control Limit
Hold * Hold

Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit v50 module replaces the Heating
FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit module.
The Heating Control with 2-position Valve and Face and Bypass Damper Output Module controls a 2-position valve
and a proportional face and bypass damper for either preheat or reheat. The module can be configured for DA-T,
RA-T, ZN-T, or PH-T control. The module has been designed with temperature control, low limit control, and a Low
OA Temperature mode. In addition to the valve and proportional damper, this module is also designed to control a
circulating pump. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO).
The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 784: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
FBPD 2 Position Valve Preheat Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1152

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit modules.
Table 785: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Damper Percent Cmd V Controls the face and bypass damper. The damper is Display Units: %
commanded from 0% (full bypass) to 100% (full face).
Failsoft Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Failsoft state.
Heating Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Heating Ramp Rate Determines the time to remain in the Cold Start state (if 20.0%
applicable). During the cold start state, the preheat output is
prevent from closing quickly to allow it to come into control
without tripping the Low Limit on the unit.
HTG-OUTSTATE or G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output controller. Set Name: AHU Htg FBPD
PH-OUTSTATE (State) State
Limited Max Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Limited Max mode.
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit temperature process variable. This input 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Variable is usually the preheat or discharge air temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Low OA Temperature Contains the differential for the Low OA Temperature function. 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
Diff Once the valve has been opened in the Low OA Temperature
mode, the OA Temperature must increase Low OA
Temperature Diff more than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint
before the valve can close.
Low OA Temperature Contains the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature function. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Setpoint When the OA Temperature is below this setpoint, the valve
opens and the face and bypass damper is set to Low OA
Temperature Position.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Htg FBPD
OA Temperature Displays the outdoor air temperature. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1153

Table 785: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID This is the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control. The following lists the
Set Name: Process ID
process variables and the correct setting for the Process ID:
Process Variable: Process ID
• Discharge Air Temperature: DA-T
• Preheat Air Temperature: DA-T
• Return Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Zone Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Exhaust Air Temperature: ZN-T
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg Deg C, Deg F
C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
discharge air temperature, return air temperature, or preheat
temperature may be connected to this input.
Pump OnOff V Controls the circulating pump. Set Name: Off/On
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.
Valve OpenClose V Contains the output command to the two-position valve. Set Name: Close/Open

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 0%. The Pump OnOff is turned off and the Valve
OpenClose is commanded closed.
• Max: The valve is open, and the damper is opened to 100% face. The Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Water Flush: The damper is 0% face, the valve is opened, and the pump is on.
• Limited Max: The valve is open, and the damper is opened to the Limited Max Value. This state may be used
for unoccupied heating or cooling.
• T Control: Open the heating valve and adjust the damper output to control the Process Variable. If the Process
Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the Process Variable at the Setpoint. The
Damper Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• LL-T Control: Open the heating valve and adjust the output to control the Limit Variable. If the Limit Variable is
reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. The Damper
Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• Low OA Temperature: The valve is open and the damper is opened to 100% when the OA Temperature is less
than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1154

• Failsoft: The valve is opened, and the damper is opened to the Failsoft Value. This state may be used when
the control temperature is unreliable.
• Low OA Temperature Startup: This mode activates the T Control state section, but limits the rate at which the
valve can close so that the unit can safely come into control (typically used for 100% OA units with low OA
temperatures at startup).
Table 786: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
OA Temperature Mode PID Tuning Reset State
* Off * Off
Max * Max
T Control * T Control
LL-T Control * LL-T Control
Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
Hold Hold
Water Flush Water Flush
True Low OA Temperature Low OA Temperature
False Low OA Temperature Failsoft
* Limited Max Limited Max
Failsoft Failsoft
Low OA Temperature Startup T Control

Reliability (Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit)

Table 787: Heating FBPD 2 Position Valve with Low Limit Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
OA Temperature Output controller changes to Failsoft Mode.

Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51 module replaces the
Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit v50 module.
The Heating Control with Proportional Valve and Face and Bypass Damper Output Module controls both a proportional
valve and a face and bypass damper for either preheat or reheat. The valve is the controlled device if the OA
Temperature is above the Switchover Setpoint, and the face and bypass damper is the controlled device if the OA
Temperature is less than the Switchover Setpoint. When the valve is in control, the face and bypass damper is 100%
face. When the face and bypass damper is in control, the valve is 100% open. The module can be configured for
DA-T, RA-T, ZN-T, or PH-T control. The module has been designed with temperature control, low limit control, and
protection modes. This module is also designed to control a circulating pump. This module also incorporates tracking
the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters
if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1155

This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 788: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
FBPD Proportional Valve Preheat Control v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit modules.
Table 789: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Compensator Htg Cmd Controls the heating valve. The valve is commanded from 0% 0.0
to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead Compensator.
Display Units: %
Damper Percent Cmd V Controls the face and bypass damper. The damper is Display Units: %
commanded from 0% (full bypass) to 100% (full face).
Failsoft Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Failsoft state.
FBPDSWO-SP Contains the switch over setpoint. If the Switchover Process 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
(Switchover Setpoint) Variable Temperature is greater than the setpoint, the valve is
the controlled device. If the Switchover Process Variable
Temperature is less than the setpoint, the face and bypass
damper is the controlled device.
Flush Position Defines the proportional valve position when the module is in 100.0%
the Water Flush state.
Heating Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1156

Table 789: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Heating Percent Cmd V Controls the heating valve. The valve is commanded from 0% Display Units: %
to 100%.
Heating Ramp Rate Used to determine the time to remain in the Cold Start state (if 20.0%
applicable). During the cold start state, the preheat output is
prevent from closing quickly to allow it to come into control
without tripping the Low Limit on the unit.
HTG-OUTSTATE or G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output controller. Set Name: AHU Htg w
PH-OUTSTATE (State) FBPD Valve Out
Limited Max Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Limited Max mode.
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable. This input 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Variable is usually the preheat or discharge air temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Low OA Temperature Diff Contains the differential for the Low OA Temperature function. 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
Once the valve has been opened in the Low OA Temperature
mode, the OA Temperature must increase Low OA Temperature
Diff more than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint before the
valve can close.
Low OA Temperature Defines the proportional valve position or the face and bypass 100.0%
Position damper position when the module is in the Low OA Temperature
Low OA Temperature Contains the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature function. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Setpoint When the OA Temperature is below this setpoint, the valve
opens and the face and bypass damper is set to Low OA
Temperature Position.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Htg Valve
Network Switchover Contains the network switch over variable which is used to FBPD
determine if the valve or the FBPD is the control device.
Set Name: FBPD/Valve
OA Temperature Displays the outdoor air temperature. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Percent Cmd V Shows the total system output from 0% to 100%. Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1157

Table 789: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Process ID Displays the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control. The following lists the
Set Name: Process ID
process variables and the correct setting for the Process ID:
Process Variable: Process ID
• Discharge Air Temperature: DA-T
• Preheat Air Temperature: DA-T
• Return Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Zone Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Exhaust Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Zone Air Temp Compensated: ZN-T LC
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg Deg C, Deg F
C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
discharge air temperature, return air temperature, or preheat
temperature may be connected to this input.
Pump OnOff V Controls the circulating pump. Set Name: Off/On
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.
Switchover Diff Specifies the switch over differential. The Switch T must be this 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
much more than the setpoint before the module may return to
valve control.
Switchover Process Contains the switch over variable which is used to determine if 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Variable the valve or the FBPD is the control device. The mixed air
temperature or the outdoor air temperature are usually
connected to this input.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

• Off: Turn everything off. The damper is 0% face, and the valve closes.
• Max: Open the heating valve and the damper.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Water Flush: The damper is 0% face, and the valve is opened to the Water Flush Position. Percent Cmd is set
to 0 because this mode is not intended to provide heating (that is, should not transition from full open).
• Limited Max: For valve control, the damper is 100% face, and the valve is opened to the Limited Max Value.
For damper control, the valve is opened 100%, and the damper is opened to the Limited Max Value. This state
may be used for unoccupied heating.
• T Control: Modulate the controlled device to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable,
the module controls the output in order to maintain the Process Variable at the Setpoint.
• LL-T Control: Modulate the controlled device to control the Limit Variable. If the Limit Variable is reliable, the
module controls the output in order to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint.
• Low OA Temperature: The valve is opened to the Low OA Temperature Position when the Protect-T is less
than the Protect-Tsp.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1158

• Failsoft: For valve control, the damper is 100% face, and the valve is opened to the Failsoft Value. For damper
control, the valve is opened 100%, and the damper is opened to the Failsoft Value. This state may be used when
the control temperature is unreliable.
• Low OA Temperature Startup: This mode activates the T Control state section, but limits the rate at which the
valve can close so that the unit can safely come into control (typically used for 100% OA units with low OA
temperatures at startup).
• Remain In Control: Modulate the controlled device to control the Limit Variable to the Limit Setpoint. If the Limit
Variable is reliable, the module controls the output in order to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint.
This mode should only be used as a shutdown strategy to add energy to the duct when the fan is off. It should
not be used for general temperature control.
Table 790: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchies - 1
Local isReliable Network isReliable Local Switchover Network Switchover Valve in Control
False * * * False
True False * * False
True False FPBD False
Valve True
True * True

Table 791: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchies - 2
Low Limit OA Valve in PID Tuning Mode State
Process Temperature Control Reset
Variable isReliable
* * * * Off Off
* * * * Max Max
* * True * T Control T Control Valve
* * False * T Control T Control Damper
* * True * LL-T Control LL-T Control Valve
* * False * LL-T Control LL-T Control Damper
* * * Reset 1st PID Hold T Control Valve
* * * Reset 2nd PID Hold T Control Damper
* * * Reset 3rd PID Hold LL-T Control Valve
* * * Reset 4th PID Hold LL-T Control Damper
* * * * Hold Hold
* * * * Water Flush Water Flush
* * True * Limited Max Limited Max Valve
* * False * Limited Max Limited Max Damper
* True * * Low OA Temperature Low OA Temperature
* False * * Low OA Temperature Failsoft Valve
* * True * Failsoft Failsoft Valve
* * False * Failsoft Failsoft Damper

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1159

Table 791: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchies - 2
Low Limit OA Valve in PID Tuning Mode State
Process Temperature Control Reset
Variable isReliable
* * True * Low OA Temperature T Control Valve
* * False * Low OA Temperature T Control Damper
True * * * Remain In Control Remain In Control
False * * * Remain In Control Failsoft Valve

Reliability (Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

Table 792: Heating FBPD Proportional Valve with Low Limit Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
OA Temperature If the requested mode is Low OA Temperature, the output controller changes
to Failsoft Valve.
Low Limit Process Variable If the requested mode is Remain In Control, the output controller changes to
Failsoft Valve.

Heating Proportional Valve v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating Proportional Valve V51 module replaces the Heating Proportional Valve
v50 module.
This module controls a proportional heating source within a zone control application. The module accepts as inputs
mode, process variable, and a setpoint. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a
percent command and control status. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual
output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is
not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heating Proportional Valve)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1160

Table 793: Heating Proportional Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Box Heating Control v51 VAV Single Duct Applications
Proportional Heating Control v51 Fan Coil Application
Proportional Supplemental Heating Control v51 VAV Single Duct Applications VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating Proportional Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating Proportional Valve modules.
Table 794: Heating Proportional Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Cmd Specifies the analog percent output that controls the single 0.0
actuator that provides heating. This output incorporates
Display Units: %
the Lead Compensator.
Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Failsoft Value Displays the value of the output when commanded to 0.0%
Flush Position Contains the value the output is commanded to when 100.0%
commanded to Water Flush. This value is sent directly to
the Percent Cmd output.
HeatingCooling Configures the module to be either compatible with a Heating
heating source or a cooling source.
Set Name: Heating/Cooling
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-ERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
EWMA Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-OUTSTATE or G, V Displays the current operational state of the output Set Name: COM Valve Out
SUPHTG-OUTSTATE (State) controller.
Limited Max Value Specifies that when commanded to Limited Max, this is 100.0%
the value for the Percent Cmd.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1161

Table 794: Heating Proportional Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Controls the single actuator that is providing heating. Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is the 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable that is to be controlled. This value typically is
connected to the Zone Temperature.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating Proportional Valve)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Set the Percent Cmd to the Limited Max Value.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Cmd at the current value. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Cooling Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: Sets the Percent Cmd to Flush Position.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the output to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint. If the input PID Tuning Reset is not Normal,
the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.
• Failsoft: Set the Percent Cmd to the Failsoft value.

Reliability (Heating Proportional Valve)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v51 module replaces the Heating
Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit v50 module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1162

This module controls a proportional heating source within a zone control application. Besides controlling the primary
source temperature (typically the zone), this module specifies functionality for controlling a discharge air low limit
temperature. The module accepts as inputs a mode, process variable, setpoint, limit variable, limit setpoint, limited
max value, flush position, and inputs to the PID blocks within the module. Based upon the input command and
parameter settings, the module outputs a percent command and control status. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
This module provides Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) diagnostic values calculated by the PID.
Controllers have the ability to collect data about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the
controller, the EWMA minimizes memory requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way
to analyze collected data. See EWMA Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 795: Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV Proportional Heating Control v51 Unit Ventilator Application

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit module.
Table 796: Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Cmd Controls the heating and cooling valve. The valve is 0.0
commanded from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates
Display Units: %
the Lead Compensator.
Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for heating Display Units: %
Failsoft Value Contains the value of the Percent Cmd output when 100%
commanded to Failsoft.
Flush Position Specifies the value the output is commanded to when Mode 100%
= Water Flush. This value is sent directly to the Percent
Cmd output.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1163

Table 796: Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
HTG-ERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint - 0.0
EWMA Error) Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Displays the current operational mode of the output Set Name: UV Valve Out
Limited Max Value Specifies that when Mode = Limited Max, this is the value 100%
the output is commanded to.
Low Limit Process Variable Specifies that when Mode = Control Limit, this is the 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
variable that is controlled. Typically connected to the
Discharge Air Temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the Limit Variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled to when Mode = Control Limit.
Mode Commands the module into a state of operation. Off
Set Name: UV Valve Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Contains the analog percent output to be used to control Display Units: %
the single actuator that is providing heating.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode = Control, this is the variable 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
that is controlled. Typically connected to the Zone
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the Process Variable to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
be controlled to when Mode = Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1164

Primary States (Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit)
• Off: The Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Set the output for maximum heating. The Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: Set the Percent Cmd to the Limit Max Value input percentage.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Command output at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, the Output
Position input is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: Command the Percent Cmd to the Flush Position.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable (heating only). If the input PID Tuning Reset
is true, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters. While
that occurs, the Heating Percent Cmd is held at its last value.
• Control Limit: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Low Limit Process Variable (heating only).
• Failsoft: Set the Percent Cmd output to the Failsoft Value.
Table 797: Heating Proportional Valve with DA-T Low Limit Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Max * Max
Limited Max * Limited Max
Hold Reset 1st PID Control Limit
Hold * Hold
Water Flush &* Water Flush
Control * Control
Control Limit * Control Limit
Failsoft * Failsoft

Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit v51 module replaces the Heating
Proportional Valve with Low Limit v50 module.
The Heating Proportional Valve Output Module controls a proportional valve for either preheat or reheat. The module
can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, ZA-T, or PH-T control. The module has been designed with temperature control,
low limit control, and protection modes such as Low OA Temperature based on OA Temperature. In addition to the
proportional valve, this module is also designed to control a circulating pump. This module incorporates tracking the
overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if
the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1165

Module Use in Applications (Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 798: Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Heating Zone X Output v51 (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Proportional Valve Preheat Control v51 All Air Handling Unit Applications
Proportional Valve Reheat Control v51 All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit modules.
Table 799: Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Htg Cmd Controls the heating valve. The valve is commanded from 0% 0.0
to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead Compensator.
Display Units: %
Failsoft Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Failsoft state.
Flush Position Defines the proportional valve position when the module is in 100.0%
the Water Flush state.
Heating Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Heating Percent Cmd V Controls the heating valve. The valve is commanded from 0% Display Units: %
to 100%.
Heating Ramp Rate Determines the time to remain in the Cold Start state (if 20.0%
applicable). During the cold start state, the preheat output is
prevented from closing quickly to allow it to come into control
without tripping the Low Limit on the unit.
HTG-OUTSTATE, G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output controller. Set Name: AHU Htg
Limited Max Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Limited Max mode.
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable. This input 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Variable is usually the preheat or discharge air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Contains the range across which the valve is proportionally 5.0 Deg C, 9.0 Deg F
Band modulated open as the Low Limit Process Variable drops below
the Low Limit Setpoint plus the Low Limit Proportional Band.
This input is used only in the Remain In Control mode.
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1166

Table 799: Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Low OA Temperature Diff Displays the differential for the Low OA Temperature function. 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
Once the valve has been opened in the Low OA Temperature
mode, the OA Temperature must increase Low OA Temperature
Diff more than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint before the
valve can close.
Low OA Temperature Defines the proportional valve position or the face and bypass 100.0%
Position damper position when the module is in the Low OA Temperature
Low OA Temperature Contains the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature function. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Setpoint When the OA Temperature is below this setpoint, the valve
opens and the face and bypass damper is set to Low OA
Temperature Position.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Htg Valve
OA Temperature Displays the outdoor air temperature. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output that is controlled by this output False
controller is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Specifies the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control. The following lists the
Set Name: Process ID
process variables and the correct setting for the Process ID.
Process Variable: Process ID
• Discharge Air Temperature: DA-T
• Preheat Air Temperature: DA-T
• Return Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Zone Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Exhaust Air Temperature: ZN-T
• Zone Air Temp Compensated: ZN-T LC
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg Deg C, Deg F
C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
discharge air temperature, return air temperature, or preheat
temperature may be connected to this input.
Pump OnOff V Controls the circulating pump. Set Name: Off/On
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1167

Primary States (Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit)
• Off: Turn everything off. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the heating valve. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.
• Water Flush: The valve is opened to the Water Flush Position.
• Limited Max: The valve is opened to the Limited Max Value. This state may be used for unoccupied heating.
• T Control: Open the heating valve and adjust the output to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable
is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Process Variable at the Setpoint. The Heating Percent
Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• LL-T Control: Open the heating valve and adjust the output to control the Limit Variable. If the Limit Variable is
reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. The Heating Percent
Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100%.
• Low OA Temperature: The valve is opened to the Low OA Temperature Position when the Protect-T is less
than the Protect-Tsp.
• Failsoft: The valve is opened to the Failsoft Value. This state may be used when the control temperature is
• Low OA Temperature Startup: This mode activates the T Control state section, but limits the rate at which the
valve can close so that the unit can safely come into control (typically used for 100% OA units with low OA
temperatures at startup).
• Remain In Control: Modulate the valve to control the Limit Variable to the Limit Setpoint. If the Limit Variable
is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. This mode should
only be used as a shutdown strategy to add energy to the duct when the fan is off. It should not be used for
general temperature control.
Table 800: Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
OA Temperature Low Limit Process PID Tuning Reset Mode State
isReliable Variable isReliable
* * * Off Off
Max Max
T Control T Control
LL-T Control LL-T Control
Reset 1st PID Hold T Control
Reset 2nd PID Hold LL-T Control
* Hold Hold
True * * Low OA Temperature Low OA Temperature
False * * Low OA Temperature Failsoft
* * * Water Flush Water Flush
Limited Max Limited Max
Failsoft Failsoft
Low OA Temperature T Control
True * Remain In Control Remain In Control
False * Remain In Control Failsoft

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1168

Reliability (Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit)
Table 801: Heating Proportional Valve with Low Limit Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Low Limit Process Variable If the requested mode is Remain In Control, the output controller changes to
OA Temperature If the requested mode is Low OA Temperature, the output controller changes
to Failsoft.

Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit v50 module replaces the Heating
Sequenced Valves with Low Limit module.
The Htg 2 Sequenced Valves Output Module controls two sequenced proportional steam valves for either preheat
or reheat. The capacity ratio of the valves is a required input from the user. When controlling a temperature, the first
(smaller) valve starts to modulate. When this valve is fully open the second valve starts to modulate. When the
control temperature increases, the second valve (larger) closes first. When the second valve is fully closed, the first
valve starts to close. The module can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, ZA-T, or PH-T control. The module has been
designed with temperature control, low limit control, Low OA Temperature and Failsoft. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 802: Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Sequenced Valves Preheat Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Sequenced Valves Reheat Control v50 All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1169

Table 803: Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Failsoft Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Failsoft state.
Heating Control Status V Contains the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Heating Ramp Rate Determines the time to remain in the Cold Start state (if 20.0%
applicable). During the cold start state, the preheat output is
prevented from closing quickly to allow it to come into control
without tripping the Low Limit on the unit.
HTG-O (Percent Cmd) V Contains an analog percent output showing the total system Display Units: %
output from 0% to 100%.
HTG-OUTSTATE, G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output controller. Set Name: AHU Htg
Limited Max Value Defines the face and bypass damper position when the module 100.0%
is in the Limited Max mode.
Low Limit Process Displays the low limit temperature process variable. This input 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Variable usually is the preheat or discharge air temperature.
Low Limit Proportional Contains the range across which the valve is proportionally 5.0 Deg C, 9.0 Deg F
Band modulated open as the Low Limit Process Variable drops below
the Low Limit Setpoint plus the Low Limit Proportional Band.
This input is used in the Remain In Control mode.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the low limit temperature setpoint. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Low OA Temperature Diff Contains the differential for the Low OA Temperature function. 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
Once the valve has been opened in the Low OA Temperature
mode, the OA Temperature must increase Low OA Temperature
Diff more than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint before the
valve can close.
Low OA Temperature Defines the proportional valve position or the face and bypass 100.0%
Position damper position when the module is in the Low OA
Temperature state.
Low OA Temperature Displays the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature function. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Setpoint When the OA Temperature is below this setpoint, the valve
opens and the face and bypass damper is set to Low OA
Temperature Position.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU 2
Sequenced Valves Out
OA Temperature Displays the outdoor air temperature. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output 1 Position Provides the current Present Value of the output 1 that this 0%
controller drives.
Output 2 Position Provides the current Present Value of the output 2 that this 0%
controller drives.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1170

Table 803: Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID This is the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control. The following lists the
Set Name: Process ID
process variables and the correct setting for the Process ID.
Process Variable: Process ID
Discharge Air Temperature: DA-T
Preheat Air Temperature: DA-T
Return Air Temperature: ZN-T
Zone Air Temperature: ZN-T
Exhaust Air Temperature: ZN-T
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg Deg C, Deg F
C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
discharge air temperature, return air temperature, or preheat
temperature may be connected to this input.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.
Valve 1 Percent Capacity Indicates the percent of the total capacity provided by valve 1. 33.0%
In a 1/3 - 2/3 configuration, this input would be 33.3%.
Valve 1 Percent Cmd V Controls the first (smaller) heating valve. The valve is Display Units: %
commanded from 0% to 100%.
Valve 2 Percent Cmd V Controls the second (larger) heating valve. The valve is Display Units: %
commanded from 0% to 100%.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit)

• Off: Turn everything off. The two valves are set to 0%.
• Max: Open the two heating valves to 100%.
• Hold: When commanded to this mode of operation, the module outputs retain their last values.
• Limited Max: The valves are opened to the Limited Max Value. This state may be used for unoccupied heating.
• T Control: The two valves are modulated in sequence to maintain the Process Variable at the Setpoint. The
Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100% showing the total capacity percent used at any given time. The
valves are modulated from 0% to 100%.
• LL-T Control: The two valves are modulated in sequence to maintain the Low Limit Process Variable at the Low
Limit Setpoint. The Percent Cmd is adjusted between 0% and 100% showing the total capacity percent used at
any given time. The valves are modulated from 0% to 100%.
• Low OA Temperature: When the OA Temperature is less than the Low OA Temperature Setpoint the valves
are opened to the Low OA Temperature Position.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1171

• Failsoft: The valve is opened to the Failsoft Value. This state may be used when the control temperature is
• Low OA Temperature Startup: This mode activates the T Control state section, but limits the rate at which the
valve can close so that the unit can safely come into control (typically used for 100% OA units with low OA
temperatures at startup).
• Remain In Control: Modulate the valve to control the Limit Variable to the Limit Setpoint. If the Limit Variable
is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. This mode should
only be used as a shutdown strategy to add energy to the duct when the fan is off. It should not be used for
general temperature control.
Table 804: Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
Low Limit Process Mode OA Temperature PID Tuning Reset State
Variable isReliable isReliable
* Off * * Off
Max * * Max
T Control * * T Control
LL-T Control * * LL-T Control
Hold * Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold * Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
Hold * * Hold
Low OA Temperature True * Low OA Temperature
Low OA Temperature False * Failsoft
Limited Max * * Limited Max
Failsoft * * Failsoft
Low OA Temperature * * T Control
True Remain In Control * * Remain In Control
False Remain In Control * * Failsoft

Reliability (Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit)

Table 805: Heating Sequenced Valves with Low Limit Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
OA Temperature If the requested mode is Low OA Temperature, the output controller changes
to Failsoft.
Low Limit Process Variable If the requested mode is Remain In Control, the output controller changes to

Heating Staged Outputs v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating Staged Outputs v51 module replaces the Heating Staged Outputs v50

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1172

This module controls a discrete heating device within a zone control application. The module accepts an input mode,
a process variable, a setpoint, and configuration information. The module outputs the representative percent command
and a control status. The outputs are sent to an MSC module that provides the control for the actual binary outputs.
This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Module Use in Applications (Heating Staged Outputs)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 806: Heating Staged Outputs Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Heating Control v51 Fan Coil Application
Staged Supplemental Heating Control v51 • Heat Pump Application
• VAV Single Duct Applications
• VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating Staged Outputs)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating Staged Outputs module.
Table 807: Heating Staged Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
BOXHTG-O, HTG-O, or V Contains a representative analog percent output on a Display Units: %
SUPHTG-O (Percent Cmd) scale of 0% to 100%.
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for heating Set Name: Control Status
control. See the PID section for more information.
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Failsoft Value Specifies that when the mode is set to Failsoft, the 0.0%
output cycles to maintain this percentage duty cycle.
HeatingCooling Configures the module to be either compatible with a Heating
heating source or a cooling source.
Set Name: Heating/Cooling

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1173

Table 807: Heating Staged Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-ERROR (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-MINOFF or Contains the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
Off Time)
HTG-MINON or Contains the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HTG-OUTSTATE or V, G Displays the current operational mode of the output Set Name: COM Staged Out
SUPHTG-OUTSTATE (State) controller.
Instant Shutdown V Contains the indication to the MSC to shut off all outputs
Limited Max Value Specifies that when the mode is set to Limited Max, the 100.0%
output cycles to maintain this percentage duty cycle.
Max Capacity Fraction Displays the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all 1.0
the stages.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Staged Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
PMAC Period V Contains the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC Controller.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
the variable that is controlled. Typically connected to
the Zone Temperature.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1174

Table 807: Heating Staged Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to False or True, the controller True
operates as normal. When set to Fault, the controller
Set Name: False/True/Fault
transitions to an instant off state.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
to be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating Staged Outputs)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to False. The MSC turns off all outputs,
but only after all timers are satisfied.
• Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages turn on accordingly
based on the timer settings.
• Limited Max: Set the output to the limited max value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages
turn on accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Command output at it’s current value. This value continues to feed to the MSC and the
stages continue to be controlled by the sequencer. Should timers expire, it is possible for the number of enabled
stages to change during a hold command since the Percent Command is really the only value that is explicitly
• Instant Shutdown: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to True. The MSC turn
off all outputs instantly.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to the
enabling of the staged outputs from the MSC.
• Failsoft: Set the output to the Failsoft value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages turn on
accordingly based on the timer settings.

Reliability (Heating Staged Outputs)

These modules use the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit v51 module replaces the Heating
Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit v50 module.
This module controls a discrete heating device within a zone control application. The module accepts an input mode,
process variable, setpoint, low limit process variable, low limit setpoint, and configuration information. The module
outputs the representative percent command, and a control status. The outputs are sent to an MSC module which
provides the control for the actual binary outputs. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of
the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning
input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1175

Module Use in Applications (Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 808: Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
UV Staged Heating Control v51 Unit Ventilator Application

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit module.
Table 809: Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C
Control Status V Displays the current status of the controller for heating Set Name: Control Status
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Displays the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C
Failsoft Value Contains the value of the output when the mode is 0.0%
HTG-ABSEFFORT (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) (Current Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID
Display Units: %
computes this value.
HTG-ABSERROR (Heating Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes this
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-ERROR (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint 0.0
Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
HTG-EWMA (Heating EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID 0.0
Present Value) computes this value.
Display Units: %
HTG-MINOFF (Minimum Off Contains the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HTG-MINON (Minimum On Contains the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HTG-O (Percent Cmd) V Contains a representative analog percent output on a Display Units: %
scale of 0% to 100%.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1176

Table 809: Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HTG-OUTSTATE (State) V, G Displays the current operational mode of the output Set Name: UV Discrete Out
Instant Shutdown V Contains the indication to the MSC to shut all outputs
off instantly.
Limited Max Value Specifies that when the mode is set to Limited Max, the 100.0%
output cycles to maintain this percentage duty cycle.
Low Limit Process Variable Contains the process variable controlled when the mode 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
is set to Control Limit. This value typically is connected
to the Discharge Air Temperature.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the low limit process 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the mode is Control
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all 1.0
the stages.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: UV Discrete Out
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
PMAC Period V Specifies the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when the mode is set to Control, this is 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
the variable that is controlled. This value typically is
connected to the Zone Temperature.
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to False or True, the controller True
operates as normal. When set to Fault, the controller
Set Name: False/True/Fault
transitions to an instant off state.
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process variable to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
be controlled to when the mode is set to Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit)

• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to False. The MSC turns all outputs off,
but only after all timers are satisfied.
• Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages turns on accordingly
based on the timer settings.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1177

• Limited Max: Set the output to the limited max value. This value then feeds through the MSC and the stages
turns on accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Hold: Hold the Percent Command output at it’s current value. This value continues to feed to the MSC and the
stages continue to be controlled by the sequencer. Should timers expire, it is possible for the number of enabled
stages to change during a hold command since the Percent Command is really the only value that is explicitly
held. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Instant Shutdown: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to True. The MSC turns
off all outputs instantly.
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to the
enabling of the staged outputs from the MSC. If the input PID Tuning Reset is true, the Reset Tuning input to
the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters. While that occurs, the Heating Percent
Cmd is held at its last value.
• Control Limit: Adjust the output to control the Low Limit Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes
changes to the enabling of the staged outputs from the MSC.
• Failsoft: Set the output to the Failsoft value.
Table 810: Heating Staged Outputs with DA-T Low Limit Command Hierarchy
Proof of Airflow Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Fault * * Instant Shutdown
NOT Fault Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown
NOT Fault Off * Off
NOT Fault Limited Max * Limited Max
NOT Fault Max * Max
NOT Fault Hold Reset 1st PID Control Limit
NOT Fault Hold * Hold
NOT Fault Control * Control
NOT Fault Control Limit * Control Limit
NOT Fault Failsoft * Failsoft

Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit v50 module replaces the Heating Staged
Outputs with Low Limit module.
The Staged Heating Output Module is designed to control staged electric or gas heat for either heating or low limit
control. The temperature control can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, or ZA-T. The module accepts inputs for
temperature, temperature setpoint, and minimum on and off times. The module has outputs for controlling the MSC
module. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The
module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1178

Table 811: Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Preheat Control v50 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Staged Reheat Control v50 All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit modules.
Table 812: Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant that is Display Units: Seconds
used by the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable to be used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Heating Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Heating Ramp Rate Determines the time to remain in the Cold Start state 20 Change per Minute
(if applicable). During the cold start state, the preheat
output is prevented from closing quickly to allow it to
come into control without tripping the Low Limit on the
HTG-MINOFF, PH-MINOFF, Contains the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
or RH-MINOFF (Minimum Off
HTG-MINON, PH-MINON, or Contains the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
RH-MINON (Minimum On
HTG-O, PH-O, or RH-O V Controls the heating device. The device is commanded Display Units: %
(Heating Percent Cmd) from 0% to 100%.
HTG-OUTSTATE, G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output Set Name: AHU Htg Staged
PH-OUTSTATE, or controller. State
Instant Shutdown V Contains the indication to the MSC to shut off all outputs

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1179

Table 812: Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Limited Max Value Defines the proportional valve position or the face and 100.0%
bypass damper position when the module is in the
Limited Max Heating state.
Low Limit Process Variable Contains the low limit temperature process variable. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Low Limit Setpoint Displays the low limit temperature setpoint. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all 1.0
the stages.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Htg Staged
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.
Process ID Displays the type of process that this output controller DA-T
is controlling when the mode is Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either Zone 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
temperature, discharge air temperature, return air
temperature or preheat temperature may be connected
to this input.
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to False or True, the controller True
operates as normal. When set to Fault, the controller
Set Name: False/True/Fault
transitions to an instant off state.
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
to be controlled to when the mode is Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 0%. The MSC module observes any minimum on
• Max: The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Limited Max: The Heating Percent Cmd is set to the Limited Max Value. This state may be used for unoccupied
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1180

• Instant Shutdown: Turn everything off. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 0%. The MSC module does not
observe any minimum on time.
• T Control: Use the heating device to control the Process Variable. The module controls the output in order to
maintain the Process Variable at the Setpoint. The Heating Percent Cmd adjusts between 0% and 100%.
• LL-T Control: Use the heating device to control the Limit Variable. The module controls the output to maintain
the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. The Heating Percent Cmd adjusts between 0% and 100%.
• Low OA Temperature Startup: This mode activates the T Control state section, but limits the rate at which the
valve can close so that the unit can safely come into control (typically used for 100% OA units with low OA
temperatures at startup).
Table 813: Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit Command Hierarchy
Proof of Airflow Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Fault * * Instant Shutdown
Not (Fault) Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown
Off * Off
Max * Max
Hold Reset 1st PID T Control
Hold Reset 2nd PID LL-T Control
Hold * Hold
LL-T Control * LL-T Control
T Control * T Control
Limited Max * Limited Max
Low OA Temperature Startup * T Control

Reliability (Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO v50 module replaces the HeatingCooling
Valves w Shared AO module.
This module controls a four-pipe system (commonly referred to as sequenced heating and cooling control). Such a
system consists of two proportional valves both connected to a single analog output. Half the range of the analog
output controls the heating valve and the other half controls the cooling valve. For example, moving from 5 volts to
0 volts drives the heating value from fully closed to fully open, while the cooling valve remains closed. Likewise,
moving from 5 volts to 10 volts drives the cooling valve from fully closed to fully open while the heating valve remains
closed. Typical hardware configurations allow for either the heating or the cooling to be controlled over the low range
of the analog output. This is handled in the configuration of the output controller by setting the LowHigh Range
The module accepts as inputs, two modes, a flush mode, a process variable, a cooling setpoint, a heating setpoint,
a limited max value and a flush position. Based upon the input modes and parameter settings, the module outputs
a common percent command (the proportional signal) along with the calculated cooling and heating percentages
and status' for feedback purposes. The heating mode takes precedence over the cooling mode. This module is
implemented as a standard Control Activity. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual
output objects (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input
is not Normal.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1181

Module Use in Applications (HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 814: HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
HeatingCooling w Shared AO v50 None

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO)

The following table describes the attributes used by the HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO modules.
Table 815: HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Cooling Control Status Indicates current status of the controller for cooling control. Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Cooling isAvailable Indicates cooling can be use to maintain support. True
Cooling Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the cooling Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Cooling Percent Cmd Indicates cooling percent. 0%
Cooling Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives
Cooling Setpoint Indicates desired setpoint to which the process variable is 23 Deg C, 74 Deg F
controlled to when commanded to Control Cooling.
Failsoft Cooling Value Indicates the value of the output when commanded to 0%
control cooling and the process variable is unreliable.
Failsoft Heating Value Indicates the value of the output when commanded to 0%
control heating and the process variable is unreliable
Flush Position Indicates the percent heating or cooling that is commanded 100%
according to the flush mode setting (heating or cooling).
Heating Control Status Indicates the current status of the controller for heating Overridden
Set Name: Control Status
Heating isAvailable Indicates heating can be use to maintain support True
Heating Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the heating Off
Set Name: COM Valve Out
Heating Percent Cmd Percent Heating requested. 0%
Heating Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 100.0%
controller drives.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1182

Table 815: HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heating Setpoint Indicates desired setpoint to which the process variable is 21 Deg C, 70.0 Deg F
controlled to when commanded to Control Heating.
Limited Max Value When commanded to Limited Max Heating or Cooling, the 100%
output is restricted to this value.
LowHigh Range Select Specifies which control is handled by the lower half of the HeatingCooling
analog output range (effectively 50% to 0%)
Set Name: FC 4-Pipe
Range Select
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd Indicated analog percent output used to control the single 0%
actuator providing heating or cooling.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg F
Set Name: UNIT
Process Variable When commanded to control cooling or heating, this variable 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
is controlled and must respond to changes in the output.
This is typically connected to the Zone Temperature.
System Mode Displays the control temperature. Either zone temperature, Auto
discharge air temperature, return air temperature or preheat
Set Name: System Mode
temperature may be connected to this input.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO)

Cooling Mode
• Off : Set the Cooling Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the output for maximum cooling.
• Limited Max : Set the output for maximum cooling with a limit.
• Hold : Hold the output at it's current value.
• Water Flush: Set the output to the Flush Position for either the cooling or heating based on the value of Flush
• Control : Adjust the output to control the Process Variable (cooling only). If the Process Variable is reliable, the
module controls the output in order to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
• Failsoft : The state generation section can use this if the process variable is unreliable, the output is set to the
Failsoft Cooling Value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1183

Heating Mode
• Off : Set the Heating Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the output for maximum heating.
• Limited Max: Set the output for maximum heating with a limit.
• Water Flush: Set the output to the Flush Position for either the cooling or heating based on the value of Flush
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current values. If the Output Overridden input is true, then the Heating Position
input is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd and the Cooling Position input is passed to the Cooling Percent
• Control: Adjust the output to control the Process Variable (heating only). If the Process Variable is reliable, the
module controls the output in order to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
• Failsoft: The state generation section can use this if the process variable is unreliable, the output is set to the
Failsoft Heating Value.
Table 816: HeatingCooling Valves w Shared AO Command Hierarchy
Cooling Mode Heating Mode State
* Max Max Heating
* Limited Max Limited Max Heating
* Hold Hold
* Water Flush Water Flush Heating
* Failsoft Failsoft Heating
* Control Control Heating
Off Off Off
Max Off Max Cooling
Limited Max Off Limited Max Cooling
Hold Off Hold
Water Flush Off Water Flush Cooling
Failsoft Off Failsoft Cooling
Control Off Control Cooling

Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control v51 module replaces the
Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control v50 module.
The Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control module controls a proportional valve for preheat. The
module can be configured for DA-T, RA-T, ZN-T, or PH-T. The proportional valve is modulated to control the configured
Process Variable. If the return water temperature falls below the Low Limit Setpoint, the valve opens beyond the
current control position (maximum 100%) to warm up the return water temperature. The module has temperature
control, low limit control, and protection modes such as Low OA Temperature based on OA Temperature. In addition
to the proportional valve, this module controls a circulating pump. This module also incorporates tracking the
overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if
the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1184

This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 817: Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Preheat Proportional Valve Output v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control
Table 818: Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Preheat Cmd Controls the preheat valve. The valve is commanded from 0.0
0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Failsoft Value Defines the proportional valve position or the face and 100.0%
bypass damper position when the module is in the Failsoft
Flush Position Defines the proportional valve position when the module is 100.0%
in the Water Flush state.
Heating Control Status V Displays the PID status. Normal
Set Name: Control Status
Heating Ramp Rate Determines the time to remain in the Cold Start state (if 20 Change per Minute
applicable). During the cold start state, the preheat output
is prevented from closing quickly to allow it to come into
control without tripping the Low Limit on the unit.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1185

Table 818: Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
HTG-O, PH-O, or RH-O V Controls the heating valve. The valve is commanded from 0.0%
(Heating Percent Cmd) 0% to 100%.
HTG-OUTSTATE, G, V Displays the current operational mode of the output Off
PH-OUTSTATE, or controller.
Set Name: AHU Htg Valve
Limited Max Value Defines the proportional valve position when the module is 100.0%
in the Limited Max mode.
Low Limit Process Contains the low limit temperature process variable. This 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Variable input is usually the mixed air temperature or the preheat air
Low Limit Proportional Contains the range across which the valve is proportionally 5.0 Deg C, 9 Deg F
Band modulated open as the Low Limit Process Variable drops
below the Low Limit Setpoint plus the Low Limit Proportional
Band. This input is used only in the Remain In Control mode.
Low Limit Setpoint Contains the low limit temperature setpoint. 7.0 Deg C, 45.0 Deg F
Low OA Temperature Diff Contains the differential for the Low OA Temperature 0.5 Deg C, 1.0 Deg F
function. When the valve is open in the Low OA Temperature
Mode, the protect temperature must increase the Low OA
Temperature by more than the Protect setpoint before the
valve closes.
Low OA Temperature Defines the proportional valve position or the face and 100.0%
Position bypass damper position when the module is in the Low OA
Temperature state.
Low OA Temperature Contains the setpoint for the Low OA Temperature function. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Setpoint When the protect temperature is below this setpoint, the
valve opens to the Low OA Temperature Position.
Mode Displays the mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU Htg Valve
OA Temperature Contains the outdoor air temperature. 4.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Displays the type of process that this output controller is DA-T
controlling when the mode is T Control.
Set Name: Process ID
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1186

Table 818: Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either zone temperature, 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
discharge air temperature, return air temperature or preheat
temperature may be connected to this input.
Pump OnOff Controls the circulating pump. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 13.0 Deg C, 55.0 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is T Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control)

• Off: Turn everything off. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 0%.
• Max: Open the heating valve. The Heating Percent Cmd is set to 100%.
• Hold: Hold the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden input is true, then the Output Position
input is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Water Flush: Open the valve to the Water Flush Position.
• Limited Max: Open the valve to the Limited Max Value. This state may be used for unoccupied heating.
• T Control: Open the heating valve and adjust the output to control the Process Variable. The module controls
the output in order to maintain the Process Variable at the Setpoint. The Heating Percent Cmd adjusts between
0% and 100%.
• LL-T Control: Open the heating valve and adjust the output to control the Limit Variable. The module controls
the output to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. The Heating Percent Cmd adjusts between 0%
and 100%.
• Low OA Temperature: Open the valve to the Low OA Temperature when the Protect-T is less than Protect-Tsp.
• Failsoft: Open the valve to the Failsoft Value. This state may be used when the control temperature is unreliable.
• Low OA Temperature Startup: This mode activates the T Control state section, but limits the rate at which the
valve can close so that the unit can safely come into control (typically used for 100% OA units with low OA
temperatures at startup).
• Remain In Control: Modulate the valve to control the Limit Variable to the Limit Setpoint. If the Limit Variable
is reliable, the module controls the output to maintain the Limit Variable at the Limit Setpoint. Use this mode only
as a shutdown strategy to add energy to the duct when the fan is off. Do not use this mode for general temperature
Table 819: Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control Command Hierarchy
OA Low Limit LowOAT PID Tuning Mode State
Temperature Process Reset
isReliable Variable
* * * * Off Off
* * * * Max Max
* * * * T Control T Control
* * * * LL-T Control LL-T Control
* * * Reset 1st PID Hold T Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1187

Table 819: Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control Command Hierarchy
OA Low Limit LowOAT PID Tuning Mode State
Temperature Process Reset
isReliable Variable
* * * Reset 2nd PID Hold LL-T Control
* * * * Hold Hold
TRUE * TRUE * Low OA Temperature LL-T Control
TRUE * FALSE * Low OA Temperature Off
FALSE * * * Low OA Temperature Failsoft
* * * * Water Flush Water Flush
* * * * Limited Max Limited Max
* * * * Failsoft Failsoft
* * * * Low OA Temperature T Control
* * * * Remain in Control Remain in Control
* * * * Remain in Control Failsoft

Reliability (Preheat Proportional Valve with Return Water Control)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Staged Box Heating Control v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Staged Box Heating Control v50 module replaces the Staged Box Heating
Control module.
The Staged Box Heating Control Module is designed to control staged devices within a VAV single duct control
application. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The
module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Staged Box Heating Control)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 820: Heating Staged Outputs with Low Limit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Box Heating Control v50 VAV Single Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1188

Attributes (Staged Box Heating Control)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Staged Box Heating Control modules.
Table 821: Staged Box Heating Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
Control Status Indicates current status of the controller for cooling or Normal
heating control.
Set Name: Control Status
Eff Minimum Off Time V Displays the minimum off time to be used by the MSC. 120 Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Displays the minimum on time to be used by the MSC. 120 Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant that is used by 0 Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable to be used by the MSC. 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
Failsoft Value When the mode is set to Control and the process variable 0%
is unreliable, the output is cycled to maintain this percentage
duty cycle.
HeatingCooling Configures the module to be compatible with either a heating Heating
or cooling source.
Set Name: HeatingCooling
Instant Shutdown V Contains the indication to the MSC to shut off all outputs False
Limited Max Value When the mode is set to this state, the output is cycled to 100.0%
maintain this percentage duty cycle.
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all the 1.0
Minimum Off Time Indicates the Min Off duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
Minimum On Time Indicates the Min On duration for all stages 120 Seconds
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: COM Staged
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd Indicates the analog percent output on a scale of 0 to 100%. 0%
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion of 30 Seconds
the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Displays the control temperature. Either Zone temperature, 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
discharge air temperature, return air temperature or preheat
temperature may be connected to this input.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1189

Table 821: Staged Box Heating Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Proof of Airflow Specifies that when set to True, the controller operates as True
normal. When set to False, the controller performs as normal
Set Name: False/True/Fault
and an non-zero value is allowed to be output through the
Percent Request output, but the outputs are not allowed to
turn on. When set to Fault, the controller performs an instant
Setpoint Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
controlled to when the mode is Control.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Staged Box Heating Control)

• Instant Shutdown: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to TRUE. The Multistage
Controller turns all outputs off instantly.
• Off: Sets the Percent Cmd to 0% and sets the Instant Shutdown output to FALSE. The Multistage Controller
turns all outputs off, but only after all timers are satisfied.
• Hold: Holds the Percent Cmd output at it's current value. This value continues to be fed to the Multistage Controller
and the stages continue to be controlled by the sequencer. Should timers expire it is possible for the number of
enabled stages to change during a hold command, since the Percent Cmd is really the only value that is explicitly
held. If the Output Overridden input is true, the Output Position input is passed to the Heating Percent Cmd.
• Limited Max: Sets the output to the limited max value. This value is then be fed through the Multistage Controller
and the stages are turned on accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Max: The Percent Cmd is set to 100%. This value is then fed through the Multistage Controller and the stages
are turned on accordingly based on the timer settings.
• Control: Adjusts the output to control the Process Variable. As this Percent Cmd varies, it causes changes to
the enabling of the staged outputs from the Multistage Controller. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the output in order to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint. Otherwise the Percent Cmd output
is set to Failsoft Value. If the input PID Tuning Reset is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set true
causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.
• Failsoft: Sets the output to the Failsoft value.

Humidity Control
The Humidity Control output controllers control humidification equipment. Support for a proportional signal or staged
outputs is included.

Humidification Packaged Unit v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Humidification Packaged Unit v51 module replaces the Humidification Packaged
Unit v50 module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1190

The Humidification Packaged Unit module controls a packaged humidification device. The humidity control may be
configured for either RA-H or ZN-H. When the percent cmd is greater than 1%, the Humidity Enable output is set to
onto activate the unit. In addition, the module is designed with a humidity high limit control to prevent the duct
humidity from rising above a duct high humidity setpoint. The module accepts inputs from the control relative humidity
and setpoint and the high limit humidity and setpoint. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value
of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID
Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Humidification Packaged Unit)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 822: Humidification Packaged Unit Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Packaged Humidifier Control v51 (Proportional AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Humidification Control v51)
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Humidification Packaged Unit)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Humidification Packaged Unit modules.
Table 823: Humidification Packaged Unit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Humidity Controls the humidifier valve. The valve is commanded from 0.0
Cmd 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Discharge Humidity Contains the process variable when the activity operates 70.0% RH
in the Limited H Control mode.
Discharge Humidity Contains the desired process variable setpoint when the 70.0% RH
Setpoint activity operates in the Limited H Control mode.
Humidity Control Status V Contains the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1191

Table 823: Humidification Packaged Unit Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Humidity Enable V Used to enable the electric heating element is a packaged Set Name: Off/On
humidification device. This output would be ON anytime
humidification is required.
Humidity Percent Cmd V Contains a representative analog percent output on a scale Display Units: %
of 0 to 100%. This output should be connected to the
humidification control device.
Humidity Process ID Defines the type of process being controlled. This input RA-H
must be set to either zone humidity or return humidity
Set Name: Process ID
depending on the actual process.
Humidity Process Variable Used for either the return air humidity or the zone air 40.0% RH
humidity. This is the process variable when the activity
operates in the H Control mode.
Humidity Setpoint Displays the desired process variable setpoint when the 40.0% RH
activity operates in the H Control mode.
HUM-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Contains the current operational mode of the output Set Name: AHU Hum Prop
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Hum Prop
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Humidification Packaged Unit)

• Off: The proportional device is closed, and the Hum-O output is set to 0%.
• Hold: Holds the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Valve Percent Command.
• H Control: When operating in the H Control mode, the activity attempts to control the process variable (either
return relative humidity or zone relative humidity) to the setpoint. As the humidity drops below the setpoint, the
proportional valve opens to add humidity into the air stream. This mode is the normal humidification mode.
• Limited H Control: When operating in the Limited H Control mode, the activity attempts to control the discharge
relative humidity to the setpoint. As the humidity drops below the setpoint, the proportional valve opens to add
humidity into the air stream. This mode is the humidity high limit mode and is intended to prevent the discharge
air from becoming too humid.
Table 824: H Control Command Hierarchy
Mode State
Off Off
H Control H Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1192

Table 824: H Control Command Hierarchy
Mode State
Limited H Control H Control
Hold Hold

Table 825: Limited H Control Command Hierarchy

Mode State
Off No Limit Control
H Control No Limit Control
Limited H Control Limited H Control
Hold Hold

Reliability (Humidification Packaged Unit)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Humidification Proportional Steam Output v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Humidification Proportional Steam Output V51 module replaces the Humidification
Proportional Steam Output v50 module.
The Humidification Proportional Steam Output module controls a proportional steam humidification device. The
module includes an Isolation Valve Command and On Delay input to configure the time that the Isolation Valve is
on before the proportional output is allowed to open. The humidity control may be configured for either RA-H or
ZN-H. In addition, the module has a humidity high limit control to prevent the duct humidity from rising above a duct
high humidity setpoint. The module accepts inputs from the control relative humidity and setpoint and the high limit
humidity and setpoint. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO,
PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Humidification Proportional Steam Output)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 826: Humidification Proportional Steam Output Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Proportional Steam Humidification Control v51 All Air Handling Unit Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1193

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Humidification Proportional Steam Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Humidification Proportional Steam Output modules.
Table 827: Humidification Proportional Steam Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Humidity Controls the humidifier valve. The valve is commanded from 0.0
Cmd 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Delay Defines the time that the Humidity Percent Cmd is held at 300 Seconds
0% following activation of the Isolation Valve Command.
Discharge Humidity Contains the process variable when the activity operates in 70.0% RH
the Limited H Control mode.
Discharge Humidity Contains the desired process variable setpoint when the 70.0% RH
Setpoint activity operates in the Limited H Control mode.
Humidity Control Status V Contains the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Humidity Percent Cmd V Contains a representative analog percent output on a scale Display Units: %
of 0% to 100%. This output should be connected to the
humidification control device.
Humidity Process ID Defines the type of process being controlled. This input must RA-H
be set to either zone humidity or return humidity depending
Set Name: Process ID
on the actual process.
Humidity Process Variable Used for either the return air humidity or the zone air 40.0% RH
humidity. This is the process variable when the activity
operates in the H Control mode.
Humidity Setpoint Displays the desired process variable setpoint when the 40.0% RH
activity operates in the H Control mode.
HUM-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Contains the current operational mode of the output Set Name: AHU Hum
controller. Prop
Isolation Valve Command V Enables the steam isolation and/or humidifier jacket valve Set Name: Off/On
when controlling a proportional steam humidification valve.
This output would be ON anytime humidification is required.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Hum
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1194

Table 827: Humidification Proportional Steam Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to Normal
the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Humidification Proportional Steam Output)

• Off: The proportional device is closed, and the Hum-O output is set to 0%.
• Hold: Holds the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Valve Percent Command.
• H Control: When operating in the H Control mode, the activity attempts to control the process variable (either
return relative humidity or zone relative humidity) to the setpoint. As the humidity drops below the setpoint, the
proportional valve opens to add humidity into the air stream. This mode is the normal humidification mode.
• Limited H Control: When operating in the Limited H Control mode, the activity attempts to control the discharge
relative humidity to the setpoint. As the humidity drops below the setpoint, the proportional valve opens to add
humidity into the air stream. This mode is the humidity high limit mode and is intended to prevent the discharge
air from becoming too humid. In this mode, both the discharge humidity limit and normal humidity controllers are
active at the same time. By having both controllers active, the program determines when it is no longer necessary
to operate in this mode.
Table 828: Humidification Proportional Steam Output Command Hierarchy
Mode State
Off Off
H Control H Control
Limited H Control H Control
Hold Hold

Table 829: Limited H Control Command Hierarchy

Mode State
Off Off
H Control H Control
Limited H Control H Control
Hold Hold

Reliability (Humidification Proportional Steam Output)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Humidification Scrubber Output v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Humidification Scrubber Output v51 module replaces the Humidification Scrubber
Output v50 module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1195

The Humidification Scrubber Output module controls a scrubber that provides humidification. A scrubber is a
two-position humidification device. The basin fills and the pump runs when humidification is required. If the pump is
off for a user-defined period of time, the fill line closes and the basin drains. This module also incorporates tracking
the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters
if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Humidification Scrubber Output)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 830: Humidification Scrubber Output Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Humidity Scrubber Output v51 AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Humidification Scrubber Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Humidification Scrubber Output modules.
Table 831: Humidification Scrubber Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Basin Drain Enable Disables the timed activation of the basin drain. True
Basin Fill Time Indicates the amount of time it takes to fill the basin. 15 Minutes
Compensator Humidity Cmd Controls the humidifier valve. The valve is commanded 0.0
from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the Lead
Display Units: %
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. 5.0% RH
Discharge Humidity Contains the process variable when the activity operates 70.0% RH
in the H Control mode.
Discharge Humidity Setpoint Contains the desired process variable setpoint when the 70.0% RH
activity operates in the Limited H Control mode.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1196

Table 831: Humidification Scrubber Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Drain Basin Provides a Network Input to initiate basin drain process. False
Drain Delay Time Indicates the amount of time the pump output must be 24 Hours
off before the basin drains.
Drain Valve Provides the output for the drain valve. Close
Set Name: Close/Open
Eff Minimum Off Time V Contains the minimum off time used by the MSC. 120 Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Contains the minimum on time used by the MSC. 120 Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant used by 720 Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Displays the process variable to be used by the MSC. 22.0% RH
Fill Valve Provides the output for the fill valve. Open
Set Name: Close/Open
Humidity Control Status V Displays the current status of the humidification Normal
Set Name: Control Status
Humidity Enable Turns on the scrubber pump. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Humidity Process ID Defines the type of process being controlled. This input RA-H
must be set to either zone humidity or return humidity
Set Name: Process ID
depending on the actual process.
Humidity Process Variable Provides the process variable when the activity operates 40.0% RH
in the H Control mode. This attribute is used for either
the return air humidity or the zone air humidity.
Humidity Setpoint Contains the desired process variable setpoint when the 40.0% RH
activity operates in the H Control mode.
HUM-MINOFF (Minimum Off Displays the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HUM-MINON (Minimum On Displays the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HUM-O (Humidity Percent V Contains a representative analog percent output on a 0.0%
Cmd) scale of 0% to 100%. This output should be connected
to the humidification control device.
HUM-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Contains the current operational mode of the output Off
Set Name: AHU Hum
Instant Shutdown Contains the indication to the MSC to shut all outputs off False
Mode Displays the mode of operation. Off
Set Name: AHU Hum
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1197

Table 831: Humidification Scrubber Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion 24 Seconds
of the MSC.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Humidification Scrubber Output)

• Off: Set Humidity Percent Cmd to 0% and turn off all the stages, but observe the minimum on and off timers. If
this state is active longer than the Basin Delay Time and Basin Drain Enable is True, the drain valve opens and
the fill valve closes.
• Instant Shutdown: Turn everything off and do not observe minimum on and off timers. Close the fill valve and
open the basin drain valve.
• Hold: Holds the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Valve Percent Command.
• H Control: When operating in the H Control mode, the module controls the process variable (either return
humidity or zone humidity) to the setpoint. As the humidity drops below the setpoint, the analog percent output
Humidity Percent Cmd increases, which with the intervention of the MSC module causes the controlled devices
to remain on longer and/or turn on more devices. The fill valve opens and the drain valve closes. The pump stays
off for an adjustable amount of time (Basin Fill Time) to allow the basin to fill if the drain valve was open when
this state first occurred.
• Limited H Control: When operating in the Limited H Control mode, the module controls the discharge humidity
to the setpoint. As the humidity rises above the setpoint, the analog percent output Humidity Percent Cmd
decreases, which with the intervention of the MSC module causes the controlled devices to remain on less time
and/or turn off more devices. This mode is the humidity high limit mode and is intended to prevent the discharge
air from becoming too humid. The fill valve opens and the drain valve closes.
Table 832: Humidification Scrubber Output Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown
H Control * H Control
Limited H Control * Limited H Control
Hold Reset 1st PID Limited H Control
Hold * Hold

Table 833: Staged H Control Command Hierarchy

Drain Basin Mode State
True * Instant Shutdown
False Off Off

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1198

Table 833: Staged H Control Command Hierarchy
Drain Basin Mode State
False Instant Shutdown Instant Shutdown
False H Control H Control
False Limited H Control H Control
False Hold Hold

Table 834: Staged Limited H Control Command Hierarchy

Drain Basin Mode State
True * No Limit Control
False Off No Limit Control
False Instant Shutdown No Limit Control
False H Control No Limit Control
False Limited H Control Limited H Control
False Hold Hold

Reliability (Humidification Scrubber Output)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Humidification Staged Outputs v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Humidification Staged Outputs v50 module replaces the Humidification Staged
Outputs module.
The Humidity Staged Outputs module is designed to control staged humidification devices. The relative humidity
control may be configured for either RA-H or ZN-H. The module is also designed with a humidity high limit control
to prevent the duct relative humidity from rising above a duct high humidity setpoint. The module accepts inputs for
relative humidity and setpoint, the high limit humidity and setpoint, and minimum on and off times. The module has
outputs for controlling the MSC module. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual
output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is
not Normal.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Humidification Staged Outputs)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 835: Humidification Staged Outputs Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Staged Humidification Control v50 All Air Handling Unit Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1199

Attributes (Humidification Staged Outputs)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Humidification Staged Outputs modules.
Table 836: Humidification Staged Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: % RH
Discharge Humidity Contains the process variable when the activity operates 70.0% RH
in the Limited H Control mode.
Discharge Humidity Setpoint Contains the desired process variable setpoint when 70.0% RH
the activity operates in the Limited H Control mode.
Eff Minimum Off Time V Contains the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Contains the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Displays the Process Variable to be used by the MSC. Display Units: % RH
Humidity Control Status V Displays the current saturation status of the controller. Set Name: Control Status
Humidity Process ID Defines the type of process being controlled. This input RA-H
must be set to either zone humidity or return humidity
Set Name: Process ID
depending on the actual process.
Humidity Process Variable Used for either the return air humidity or the zone air 40.0% RH
humidity. This is the process variable when the activity
operates in the H Control mode.
Humidity Setpoint Contains the desired process variable setpoint when 40.0% RH
the activity operates in the H Control mode.
HUM-MINOFF (Minimum Off Displays the Min Off Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HUM-MINON (Minimum On Displays the Min On Duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
HUM-O (Humidity Percent V Contains a representative analog percent output on a Display Units: %
Cmd) scale of 0% to 100%. This output should be connected
to the humidification control device.
HUM-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Contains the current operational mode of the output Set Name: AHU Hum Prop
Instant Shutdown V Contains the indication to the MSC to shut all outputs
off instantly.
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all 1.0
the stages.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
Mode Displays the mode requested by State Selection. Off
Set Name: AHU Hum Prop

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1200

Table 836: Humidification Staged Outputs Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
PMAC Period V Displays the period used by the PMAC algorithm portion Display Units: Seconds
of the MSC.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Humidification Staged Outputs)

• Off: Set Humidity Percent Cmd to 0% and turn off all the stages, but observe the minimum on and off timers.
• Instant Shutdown: Turn everything off, do not observe minimum on and off timers.
• Hold: Holds the outputs at their current position. If the Output Overridden is true, then the Output Position input
is passed to the Valve Percent Command.
• H Control: When operating in the H Control mode, the activity attempts to control the process variable (either
return humidity or zone humidity) to the setpoint. As the humidity drops below the setpoint, the analog percent
output Humidity Percent Cmd increases, which with the intervention of the MSC module causes the controlled
devices to remain on longer and/or turn on more devices.
• Limited H Control: When operating in the Limited H Control mode, the activity attempts to control the discharge
humidity to the setpoint. As the humidity rises above the setpoint, the analog percent output Humidity Percent
Cmd decreases, which with the intervention of the MSC module causes the controlled devices to remain on less
time and/or turn off more devices. This mode is the humidity high limit mode and is intended to prevent the
discharge air from becoming too humid.
Table 837: Humidification Staged Output Command Hierarchy
Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown
H Control * H Control
Limited H Control * Limited H Control
Hold Reset 1st PID Limited H Control
Hold * Hold

Table 838: Staged H Control Command Hierarchy

Mode PID Tuning Reset State
Off * Off
Instant Shutdown * Instant Shutdown
H Control * H Control
Limited H Control * Limited H Control
Hold Reset 1st PID Limited H Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1201

Table 839: Staged Limited H Control Command Hierarchy
Mode State
Off No Limit Control
Instant Shutdown No Limit Control
H Control No Limit Control
Limited H Control Limited H Control
Hold Hold

Reliability (Humidification Staged Outputs)

This module uses the last reliable value if the inputs become unreliable.

Lighting Control
The lighting control group provides output control for lighting circuits that are connected to a controller.

The Lighting Control module provides lighting operation. It accepts a two-state enumerated input and outputs a
two-state enumerated Present Value. The Present Value typically is sent to a Binary Output object that controls the
physical lighting hardware. For Pulse type lighting outputs, the Lighting Control module monitors the Light Status
input and changes (if necessary) the Polarity output to synchronize the lighting hardware with the desired Present
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Lighting)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 840: Lighting Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Lighting Control Fan Coil Application
Heat Pump Application
Unit Ventilator Application
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Lighting)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Lighting Control modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1202

Table 841: Lighting Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Feedback Provided C Indicates whether the lighting hardware provides binary feedback False
indicating the actual status of the lights. The Lighting module’s
Feedback Provided input should be set True only for the Pulsed
BO with BI Status hardware type.
Input Contains the desired state of the lights. If the Input is unreliable, Off
the last reliable value is used.
Set Name: Off/On
Light Status Displays the status of the lights from pulse-type lighting control Off
Set Name: Off/On
LIGHT-DELAY (Light Specifies the time between the warning blink (if issued) and the 120 Seconds
Shutoff Delay) light being permanently switched off. If the Lighting module’s
Lighting Operating State is Waiting to Shut Off and the Light Shutoff
Delay is changed, the current time remaining is discarded and the
Lighting module starts a new timer for the new Light Shutoff Delay.
Lighting Operating V Displays the current state of operation for the module. Lights Off
Set Name: Lighting
LIGHT-WARN (Warn Indicates that the Lighting module should issue a warning blink True
Occupant) before the lights are permanently switched off.
Polarity V Displays the output used to synchronize pulsed-type lighting output Normal
devices (Feedback Provided = True) so that the Light Status
Set Name: Polarity
matches the Present Value. If Feedback Provided = False, the
value for the Polarity output always remains Normal. The Lighting
module assumes that changing the Polarity causes the Binary
Output object to issue an extra pulse. If the Binary Output used
does not support this behavior, the user must connect the Present
Value and Polarity outputs to the inputs of an XOR block and
connect the output of the XOR block to the Binary Output.
Present Value G, V Displays the current output of the module. Set Name: Off/On
Sync State V Displays the current state of the synchronization of the pulse-type Present Value Changed
lighting control hardware.
Set Name: Lighting Sync

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Lighting)

• Lights On: The Present Value is on in this state. If the input switches to off, the state changes to Lights Blink if
Warn Occupant is True. Otherwise, the state changes to Lights Off.
• Lights Off: The Present Value is off in this state. If the input switches to on, the state changes to Lights On.
• Lights Blink: The Present Value is off in this state. If the input remains off for 2 seconds, the state changes to
Waiting to Turn Off. If the input remains off and Warn Occupant changes to False, the state changes to Lights
Off. If the input switches to on, the state changes to Lights On.
• Waiting to Turn Off: The Present Value is on in this state. If the input remains off for a period of time longer
than the Light Shutoff Delay, the state changes to Lights Off. If the input remains off and Warn Occupant changes
to False, the state changes to Lights Off. If the input switches to on, the state changes to Lights On.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1203

Reliability (Lighting)
The following reliability states only apply when Feedback Provided = True. Otherwise, the last reliable input values
are used.
• Reliability is set to Failed to Synchronize if LC is unable to make the Light Status reflect the desired Present
Value (after 1 minute delay - 30 seconds before changing the Polarity output and another 30 seconds waiting
for synchronization).
• Reliability returns to Reliable from Failed to Synchronize if the Light Status changes at a later time (without
the Present Value changing) so that it now matches the desired Present Value.
• Reliability changes to Failed to Synchronize if Light Status changes so that it no longer matches the desired
Present Value.

Motor Protection
The Motor Protection modules provide protection for motors.

Blocking Protection
The Motor Protection module monitors the output command for a motor. If the command is off for an extended period
of time, the motor starts for a short amount of time.
You can view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Motor Protection)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 842: Motor Protection Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Pump Blocking Protection AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
2 Pipe Pump X Blocking Protection (Where AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
X is 1 or 2)
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Cooling Pump Blocking Protection AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Cooling Pump X Blocking Protection (Where AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
X is 1 or 2)
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
CWPX Blocking Protection (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1204

Table 842: Motor Protection Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Exhaust Fan Blocking Protection AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
GEF Blocking Protection (General Exhaust AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Fan Blocking Protection)
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Heat Pump Application
Heat Recovery Pump Blocking Protection AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
HR Energy Wheel Blocking Protection AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
PCHWPX Blocking Protection (Where X Is Central Cooling Applications
PHWPX Blocking Protection (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Preheat Pump Blocking Protection AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Preheat Pump X Blocking Protection (Where AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
X is 1 or 2)
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1205

Table 842: Motor Protection Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Reheat Pump Blocking Protection AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Reheat Pump X Blocking Protection (Where AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
X is 1 or 2)
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
SCHWPX Blocking Protection (Where X Is Central Cooling Applications
SHWPX Blocking Protection (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
TEF Blocking Protection (Toilet Exhaust Fan AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Blocking Protection)
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Heat Pump Application
TwrFanX Blocking Protection (Where X Is Central Cooling Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Motor Protection)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Motor Protection modules.
Table 843: Motor Protection Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Blocking On Time Indicates the amount of time that the motor is turned 5 seconds
on when blocking protection is required.
Max Off Time Indicates the maximum amount of time that the motor 7.0 days
can be off before this module starts the motor for the
Blocking On Time.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1206

Table 843: Motor Protection Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Motor Input Displays the current requested command to the motor. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Motor Output G Provides the final output to the motor. Off
Set Name: Off/On

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Multizone Zone Control

The Multizone Zone Control modules provide temperature control for one zone served by a constant volume, dual
duct AHU. Typically the damper for the hot deck and cold deck are mechanically linked. For example, when the
damper is open to one deck, the damper to the other deck is closed. These linked dampers are modulated to maintain
a Zone Temperature setpoint. Some of the modules optionally sequence the dampers with control of a reheat coil.
The multizone application supports up to eight independent zones, with the zone number designated by X (representing
zones 1-8).

Zone Damper v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Zone Damper v50 module replaces the Zone Damper module.
This module controls the zone dampers on a multizone unit. You can view and modify the modules in this group’s
logic. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Zone Damper)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 844: Zone Damper Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Zone X Damper Control v50 (Where X is 1-8) AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Zone Damper)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Zone Damper modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1207

Table 845: Zone Damper Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Status V Indicates the saturation status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Damper Percent Cmd V Provides the output for the mixing dampers, with 0% Display Units: %
corresponding to maximum heating and 100%
corresponding to maximum cooling.
Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the module. Control
Set Name: MZ Zone Mode
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Process Variable Indicates the variable that is controlled, typically Zone 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
Setpoint Indicates the desired nominal value for the controlled 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
variable when the mode is Control.
Setpoint Adjust Indicates the user adjustment that is added to the 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
nominal setpoint value.
Shutdown Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper when Hold Damper
the module Mode is Shutdown.
Set Name: MZ Zone
Unreliable Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper when Hold Damper
the module Mode is Control, but the Process Variable
Set Name: MZ Zone
is not Reliable.
ZNEFF-SP, ZNXEFF-SP V Indicates the effective setpoint to which the module Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
(Effective Setpoint) attempts to control.
ZN-OUTSTATE, G, V Indicates the current operational state of the module. Set Name: MZ Zone State

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Zone Damper)

• Close (Heating): Damper Percent Cmd is set to 0% (maximum heating).
• Open (Cooling): Damper Percent Cmd is set to 100% (maximum heating).
• Hold Damper: Damper Percent Cmd is held at its last value.
• Control: Damper Percent Cmd is modulated based on the PID output to control the Process Variable to the
Effective Setpoint.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1208

Table 846: Zone Damper Command Hierarchy
Mode ZN-T Reliable Shutdown Unreliable PID Tuning Reset State
Option Option
Shutdown * Open (Cooling) * * Open (Cooling)
* Close (Heating) * Close (Heating)
* Hold Damper * Hold Damper
Hold * * * Reset 1st PID Control
Hold TRUE * * * Hold Damper
Not (Shutdown) TRUE * * Control
FALSE Open (Cooling) Open (Cooling)
Close (Heating) Close (Heating)
Hold Damper Hold Damper

Reliability (Zone Damper)

Table 847: Zone Damper Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Damper action set based on the Unreliable Option input.

Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve v50 module replaces the Zone Damper
w 2 Position Heating Valve module.
This module sequences the control of the zone dampers on a multizone unit with a 2 position heating valve. You
can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value
of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID
Tuning input is not Normal.

Module Use in Applications (Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 848: Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Zone X with 2 Position Heating Valve Control v50 (Where X Is AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1209

Table 849: Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Indicates the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Cooling Control Status V Indicates the saturation status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the zone Control
cooling operation.
Set Name: MZ Zone Mode
Damper Percent Cmd V Provides the output for the mixing dampers, with 0% Display Units: %
corresponding to maximum heating and 100%
corresponding to maximum cooling.
Eff Minimum Off Time V Indicates the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Indicates the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Indicates the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Indicates the process variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Fast Sequence Enabled Indicates if a state change should be allowed if a True
setpoint changes as described in the Setpoint
Threshold input.
Heating Control Status V Indicates the saturation status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the zone Control
heating operation.
Set Name: MZ Zone Heating
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the appropriate
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process ID.
PMAC Period V Indicates the period used by the PMAC algorithm Display Units: Seconds
within the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid
Process Variable Indicates the variable that is controlled, typically Zone 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
Setpoint Indicates the desired nominal value for the controlled 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
variable when the mode is Control.
Setpoint Adjust Indicates the user adjustment that is added to the 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
nominal setpoint value to produce an Effective Cooling
Setpoint Threshold Indicates how much the Cooling Setpoint must 1 Deg C, 2 Deg F
Increase/Heating Setpoint must decrease to cause an
immediate change from Cooling to/from Heating.
Shutdown Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper Hold Damper
when the module Mode is Shutdown.
Set Name: MZ Zone

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1210

Table 849: Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Unreliable Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper Hold Damper
when the module Mode is Control, but the Process
Set Name: MZ Zone
Variable is not Reliable.
ZNEFFCLG-SP, V Indicates the effective setpoint to which the module Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
ZNXEFFCLG-SP (Effective attempts to control using the zone damper.
Cooling Setpoint)
ZNEFFHTG-SP, V Indicates the effective setpoint to which the module Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
ZNXEFFHTG-SP (Effective attempts to control using the heating valve.
Heating Setpoint)
ZNHTG-MINOFF, Specifies the minimum time for which the two position 120 Seconds
ZNXHTG-MINOFF (Minimum output should be off before it can be turned on.
Off Time)
ZNHTG-MINON, Specifies the minimum time for which the two position 120 Seconds
ZNXHTG-MINON (Minimum output should be on before it can be turned off.
On Time)
ZNHTG-O, ZNXHTG-O V Provides the Percent command for input to the MSC. Display Units: %
(Heating Percent Cmd)
ZNHTGSHFT-SP, Indicates the Offset value that is added to the Effective -2 Deg C, -4 Deg F
ZNXHTGSHFT-SP (Heating Cooling Setpoint to produce the Effective Heating
Shift) Setpoint.
ZN-OUTSTATE, G, V Indicates the current operational state of the module. Set Name: MZ Zone Heating
ZNX-OUTSTATE (State) State

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve)

The key states are described below. If the Heating Mode is Water Flush or Shutdown, the Heating Percent Cmd is
set to 100% or 0%, respectively, and the state is not allowed to enter Control Heating. Otherwise, when the Cooling
Mode is Control and the Zone Temperature is reliable, a two-state finite-state machine (FSM) determines whether
heating or cooling should be active.
Cooling Mode
• Control: Modulates the zone damper to control the Process Variable at the Effective Setpoint. If the Process
Variable is unreliable, the Damper Percent Cmd is set is based on the Unreliable Option input.
• Shutdown: Sets the Damper Percent Cmd based on the Shutdown Option input.
Heating Mode
• Control: Cycles the two position heating valve to control the Process Variable at the Effective Setpoint. If the
Process Variable is unreliable, the Heating Percent Cmd is set to true based on the Unreliable Option input.
• Shutdown: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd based on the Shutdown Option input.
• Water Flush: Sets Heating Percent Cmd to 100%. The zone damper continues to respond appropriately for
heating or cooling.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1211

Table 850: Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve Command Hierarchy
Cooling Heating Shutdown Unreliable ZN-T FSM State PID Tuning State
Mode Mode Option Option Reliable Reset
Hold * * * * * Reset 1st PID Control
Hold * * * * * Reset 2nd PID Control
Hold * * * * * * Hold
* Hold * * * * Reset 1st PID Control
* Hold * * * * Reset 2nd PID Control
* Hold * * * * * Hold
Shutdown Not (Control) Open * * * * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * * * * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * * * * Hold Damper
Control * * TRUE * * Control
Open FALSE * * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * * Hold Damper
Not * * * TRUE Cooling * Control
(Shutdown) Cooling
Heating * Control
Open FALSE * * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * * Hold Damper

Reliability (Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve)

Table 851: Zone Damper w 2 Position Heating Valve Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Damper action set based on the Unreliable Option input.

Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve v51 module replaces the Zone
Damper w Proportional Heating Valve v50 module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1212

This module sequences the control of the zone dampers on a multizone unit with a proportional heating valve. This
module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets
the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal. You can view and modify the
modules in this group’s logic.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic

Module Use in Applications (Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 852: Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Zone X with Proportional Heating Valve Control v51 (Where X AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Is 1-8)

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve modules:
Table 853: Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Heating Cmd Controls the heating and cooling valve. The valve is 0.0
commanded from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates
Display Units: %
the Lead Compensator.
Cooling Control Status V Indicates the saturation status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the zone Control
cooling operation.
Set Name: MZ Zone Mode
Damper Percent Cmd V Provides the output for the mixing dampers, with 0% Display Units: %
corresponding to maximum heating and 100%
corresponding to maximum cooling.
Fast Sequence Enabled Indicates if a state change should be allowed if a setpoint True
changes as described in the Setpoint Threshold input.
Flush Position Indicates the valve position when Heating Mode is Water 100%
Heating Control Status V Indicates the saturation status of the module. Set Name: Control Status

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1213

Table 853: Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Heating Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the zone Control
heating operation.
Set Name: MZ Zone Heating
Heating Percent Cmd V Indicates the Percent command for the heating valve. Display Units: %
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output False
is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular module, Deg C, Deg F
Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Process Variable Indicates the variable that is controlled, typically Zone 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
Setpoint Indicates the desired nominal value for the controlled 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
variable when the mode is Control.
Setpoint Adjust Indicates the user adjustment that is added to the 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
nominal setpoint value to produce an Effective Cooling
Setpoint Threshold Indicates how much the Cooling Setpoint must increase 1 Deg C, 2 Deg F
and the Heating Setpoint must decrease to cause an
immediate change from Cooling to/from Heating.
Shutdown Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper when Hold Damper
the module Mode is Shutdown.
Set Name: MZ Zone
Unreliable Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper when Hold Damper
the module Mode is Control, but the Process Variable
Set Name: MZ Zone
is not Reliable.
ZNEFFCLG-SP, V Indicates the effective setpoint to which the module Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
ZNXEFFCLG-SP (Effective attempts to control using the zone damper.
Cooling Setpoint)
ZNEFFHTG-SP, V Indicates the effective setpoint to which the module Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
ZNXEFFHTG-SP (Effective attempts to control using the heating valve.
Heating Setpoint)
ZNHTGSHFT-SP, Indicates the Offset value that is added to the Effective -2 Deg C, -4 Deg F
ZNXHTGSHFT-SP (Heating Cooling Setpoint to produce the Effective Heating
Shift) Setpoint.
ZN-OUTSTATE, G, V Indicates the current operational state of the module. Set Name: MZ Zone Heating
ZNX-OUTSTATE (State) State

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1214

Primary States (Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve)
The key states are described below. If the Heating Mode is Water Flush or Shutdown, the Heating Percent Cmd is
set to the Flush Position or 0%, and the state is not allowed to enter Control Heating. Otherwise, the Cooling Mode
is Control and the Zone Temperature is reliable. A two-state FSM determines whether heating or cooling should be
Cooling Mode
• Control: Modulates the zone damper to control the Process Variable at the Effective Setpoint. If the Process
Variable is unreliable, the Damper Percent Cmd is set is based on the Unreliable output input.
• Shutdown: Sets the Damper Percent Cmd based on the Shutdown Option input. If the input PID Tuning Reset
is Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.
Heating Mode
• Control: Modulates the heating valve to control the Process Variable at the Effective Setpoint. If the Process
Variable is unreliable, the Heating Percent Cmd is set to true based on the Unreliable Option input. If the input
PID Tuning Reset is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate
its tuning parameters.
• Shutdown: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd based on the Shutdown Option input.
• Water Flush: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd to Flush Position. The zone damper continues to respond
appropriately for heating or cooling.
Table 854: Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve Command Hierarchy
Cooling Heating Shutdown Unreliable ZN-T FSM State PID Tuning State
Mode Mode Option Option Reliable Reset
Hold * * * * * Reset 1st PID Control
Hold * * * * * Reset 2nd PID Control
Hold * * * * * * Hold
* Hold * * * * Reset 1st PID Control
* Hold * * * * Reset 2nd PID Control
* Hold * * * * * Hold
Shutdown Not (Control) Open * * * * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * * * * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * * * * Hold Damper
Control * * TRUE * * Control
Open FALSE * * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * * Hold Damper

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1215

Table 854: Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve Command Hierarchy
Cooling Heating Shutdown Unreliable ZN-T FSM State PID Tuning State
Mode Mode Option Option Reliable Reset
Not * * * TRUE Cooling * Control
(Shutdown) Cooling
Heating * Control
Open FALSE * * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * * Hold Damper

Reliability (Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve)

Table 855: Zone Damper w Proportional Heating Valve Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Damper action set based on the Unreliable Option input.

Zone Damper w Staged Heating v50

Important: As of Release 5.0, the Zone Damper w Staged Heating v50 module replaces the Zone Damper w
Staged Heating module.
This module sequences the control of the zone dampers on a multizone unit with staged electric heating. The damper
for the hot deck and cold deck are mechanically linked, so if the damper is open to one deck, the dampers closed
to the other deck. These linked dampers modulate in sequence with the zone reheat to maintain a Zone Temperature
setpoint. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The
module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal. You can view and
modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Zone Damper w Staged Heating)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 856: Zone Damper w Staged Heating Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Zone X with Staged Heating Control v50 (Where X Is 1-8) AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Zone Damper w Staged Heating)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Zone Damper w Staged Heating modules:

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1216

Table 857: Zone Damper w Staged Heating Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Control Band V Indicates the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Cooling Control Status V Indicates the saturation status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Cooling Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the zone Control
cooling operation.
Set Name: MZ Zone Mode
Damper Percent Cmd V Provides the output for the mixing dampers, with 0% Display Units: %
corresponding to maximum heating and 100%
corresponding to maximum cooling.
Eff Minimum Off Time V Indicates the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Indicates the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Indicates the effective process time constant used by Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Indicates the process variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Fast Sequence Enabled Indicates if a state change should be allowed if a True
setpoint changes as described in the Setpoint
Threshold input.
Heating Control Status V Indicates the saturation status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Heating Mode Indicates the desired mode of operation for the zone Control
heating operation.
Set Name: MZ Zone Mode
Instant Shutdown V Indicates to the MSC to shut off all outputs without Boolean
Max Capacity Fraction Indicates the ratio of the largest stage to the sum of all 1.0
the stages.
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this False
output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that 0%
this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters Normal
to the default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
PMAC Period V Indicates the period used by the PMAC algorithm within Display Units: Seconds
the MSC.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. For this particular Deg C, Deg F
module, Deg C and Deg F are the only two valid values.
Process Variable Indicates the variable that is controlled, typically Zone 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
Setpoint Indicates the desired nominal value for the controlled 22 Deg C, 72 Deg F
variable when the mode is Control.
Setpoint Adjust Indicates the user adjustment that is added to the 0 Deg C, 0 Deg F
nominal setpoint value to produce an Effective Cooling
Setpoint Threshold Indicates how much the Cooling Setpoint must increase 1 Deg C, 2 Deg F
and the Heating Setpoint must decrease to cause an
immediate change from Cooling to/from Heating.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1217

Table 857: Zone Damper w Staged Heating Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Shutdown Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper Hold Damper
when the module Mode is Shutdown.
Set Name: MZ Zone
Unreliable Option Indicates the desired control action for the damper Hold Damper
when the module Mode is Control, but the Process
Set Name: MZ Zone
Variable is not Reliable.
ZNEFFCLG-SP, V Indicates the effective setpoint to which the module Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
ZNXEFFCLG-SP (Effective attempts to control using the zone damper.
Cooling Setpoint)
ZNEFFHTG-SP, V Indicates the effective setpoint to which the module Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
ZNXEFFHTG-SP (Effective attempts to control using the heating valve.
Heating Setpoint)
ZNHTG-MINOFF, Specifies the minimum time for which the two position 120 Seconds
ZNXHTG-MINOFF (Minimum output should be off before it can be turned on.
Off Time)
ZNHTG-MINON, Specifies the minimum time for which the two position 120 Seconds
ZNXHTG-MINON (Minimum On output should be on before it can be turned off.
ZNHTG-O, ZNXHTG-O V Indicates the Percent command for input to the MSC. Display Units: %
(Heating Percent Cmd)
ZNHTGSHFT-SP, Indicates the Offset value that is added to the Effective -2 Deg C, -4 Deg F
ZNXHTGSHFT-SP (Heating Cooling Setpoint to produce the Effective Heating
Shift) Setpoint.
ZN-OUTSTATE, G, V Indicates the current operational state of the module. Set Name: MZ Zone Heating
ZNX-OUTSTATE (State) State

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Zone Damper w Staged Heating)

The key states are described below. If the Heating Mode is Shutdown, the Heating Percent Cmd is set to 0%, and
the state is not allowed to enter Control Heating. Otherwise, the Cooling Mode is Control and the Zone Temperature
is reliable. A two-state FSM determines whether heating or cooling should be active.
Cooling Mode
• Control: Modulates the zone damper to control the Process Variable at the Effective Setpoint. If the Process
Variable is unreliable, the Damper Percent Cmd is set is based on the Unreliable output input.
• Shutdown: Sets the Damper Percent Cmd based on the Shutdown Option input. If the input PID Tuning Reset
is Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its tuning parameters.
Heating Mode
• Control: Cycles the staged heating to control the Process Variable at the Effective Setpoint. If the Process
Variable is unreliable, the Heating Percent Cmd is set based on the Unreliable Option input. If the input PID
Tuning Reset is not Normal, the Reset Tuning input to the PID is set to true causing the PID to recalculate its
tuning parameters.
• Shutdown: Sets the Heating Percent Cmd based on the Shutdown Option input.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1218

Table 858: Zone Damper w Staged Heating Command Hierarchy
Cooling Heating Shutdown Unreliable ZN-T FSM State PID Tuning State
Mode Mode Option Option Reliable Reset
Hold * Reset 1st PID
Hold Reset 2nd PID
Hold *
* Hold Reset 1st PID
* Hold Reset 2nd PID
* Hold *
Shutdown Not (Control) Open * * * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * * * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * * * Hold Damper
Control * * TRUE * Control
Open FALSE * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * Hold Damper
Not * * * TRUE Cooling Control
(Shutdown) Cooling
Heating Control
Open FALSE * Open
(Cooling) (Cooling)
Close * Close
(Heating) (Heating)
Hold Damper * Hold Damper

Reliability (Zone Damper w Staged Heating)

Table 859: Zone Damper w Staged Heating Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable Damper action set based on the Unreliable Option input.

The Sequencer group contains the MSC 01 through MSC 12 modules for terminal unit control, Sequencer 01 through
Sequencer 16 for simple plant staging, and the Global Sequencer module for custom applications. The following
table provides a comparison of the three sequencers.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1219

Table 860: Comparison of Sequencers
Sequencer Feature Multi-Stage Sequencer 01 Global Sequencer Previous DX
Controller (MSC) through Sequencer Sequencer
System Electric Heaters Chillers Chillers Chillers
HVAC Boilers Boilers Boilers
Pumps Pumps
Electric Heaters Electric Heaters
Single Oil Pumps
DX Replacement No No Yes N/A
System Selection Tree VAV, Air Handling Units, Simple Central Plant, Not in selection trees N/A
Creation Fan Coil, Unit Central Heating Plant, created through Output
Ventilators, Heat Pumps, Central Cooling Plant, by Controller column or
by Output Controller Output Controller Logic view palette
column, or by Logic View column, or by Logic View
Palette Palette
Upfront Configuration Details Panel Details Panel Wizard, Details Panel Details Panel
Number of Devices 12 16 16 8 (16)
Input 0–100% Scalable, default is Scalable, default is 0–100%
Upstream controller is 0–100% 0–100%
expected to be a PID.
Mode Yes Rank Step Mode: The order is Step Mode: The order is
Provides intelligent decided according to decided according to
PMAC varies the on and
rotation of the start and Device number. Device number.
off times as well as the
stop order of the outputs
cycle time. It generates Sequential Mode: First Sequential Mode: First
based on the rank and
a pulse train based on On, First Off. On, First Off.
the device status.
the vernier control signal.
Equal runtime: Lowest Equal runtime: Lowest
A pulse train is Runtime and Startup
runtime device is First runtime device is First
comprised of a sequence count can be input to
On Last Off; highest On Last Off, Highest
of on and off states. rank. It has potential to
runtime device is Last runtime device is Last
These on and off states support Step Mode,
On First Off. Runtimes On First Off. Runtimes
always respect the Equal runtime, and
are external input. The are calculated in
Minimum on and Equal Startup. The order
order is calculated primitive. The order is
Minimum off times. is calculated
dynamically. calculated dynamically.
Binary Code: Sequence Binary Code: Sequence
according to a binary according to a binary
code principle. code principle.
Equal Startup: Lowest
Startup count device is
First On Last Off;
Highest Startup count
device is Last On First
Off. Startups are external
input. The order is
calculated dynamically.
Proactive No Yes Yes Yes
When proactive is true,
one stage is always on.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1220

Table 860: Comparison of Sequencers
Sequencer Feature Multi-Stage Sequencer 01 Global Sequencer Previous DX
Controller (MSC) through Sequencer Sequencer
Capacity/Make Limits Capacity Make Limits Capacity Capacity
Set per each stage Set per each stage Make Limits Set per each stage
Make Limits are
calculated when
Calculate Make-Break
Limits is True.
Set per each Stage.
Binary Code uses only
Differential Staging Hysteresis Break Limits Differential Differential
(Hysteresis)/Break 1 set per all stages Set per each stage
Break Limits 1 set per all stages
Break Limits are
calculated when
Calculate Make-Break
Limits is True.
Move Set per each
Stage under Break
Instant Shutdown Yes Yes Yes Yes
Instant Shutdown Delay Fast Step Down is used
is used to control the to control the rate at
rate at which the devices which the devices turn
turn off. off.
Device Enable Yes Yes Yes Yes
Grouping Yes No Yes Yes
Device First Of - This Device First Of – This Set-Stage
specifies how many specifies how many
devices are in the group devices are in the group
where this device is the where this device is the
first of the group. This first Of the group. This
device and the following device and the following
(value – 1) devices are (value – 1) devices are
grouped together for grouped together for
control. The Device First control. The Device First
Of property for the Of property for the
dependent devices of dependent devices of
this group are ignored. this group are ignored.
Invert Stage in Set Yes No Yes No
Equal Runtime Within No No Yes No
Equal Runtime mode

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1221

Table 860: Comparison of Sequencers
Sequencer Feature Multi-Stage Sequencer 01 Global Sequencer Previous DX
Controller (MSC) through Sequencer Sequencer
Rotate Now Yes Yes Yes No
The Rotate Now Delay
is used by the Rotate
Now feature to turn new
devices on before
turning previously
running devices off.
Force Upstage No No Yes No
Force Downstage No No Yes No
Inter-Stage On No 1 set per all stages Set per each stage 1 set per all stages
Delay/Inter-Stage Off
Stablize On No No Set per each stage No
Delay/Stablize Off
Minimum On 1 set per all devices 1 set per all stages Set per each stage 1 set per all stages
Time/Minimum Off
First Set On Delay No No Yes Yes
Vernier Control Yes No Yes No
An analog output of 0 to
100 that indicates the
required percentage of
the currently modulated
device required to meet
the required capacity.
The remaining output is
rescaled from 0 to100%.
Status Displayed Vernier Out Operating State Vernier Out OUT: = input
Active Stage Count Interstage Timing Operating State OUTS: Total of the
Capacity of Active
Percent Capacity Current Stage Current Stage
Percent Request
Next Device to Start /
MCSn: This attribute is
Max Capacity Fraction Stop
On when an interstage
Pulsed Device Interstage Time timer is counting.
Stabilize Time
Minimum On/Off Time n
Pump Down (Solenoid No No Yes No
Valve Out)
Single Oil Pump No No Yes No
Device 1 or Oil Pump

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1222

MSC 01 through MSC 12
The Multi-Stage Controller (MSC) module provides sequencing operations for multi-stage systems (typically smaller
tonnage rooftop multi-stage DX systems, heat pumps, and electric heat). This module uses relative capacities to
determine which outputs to turn on or pulse (cycle a device on and off while respecting the Min On Time and Min
Off Time) to meet a specific load requirement. The method is based on the split-range control concept and it allows
multiple stages to be controlled by a single feedback controller, such as a PID. The module uses a patented pulse
modulation adaptive control (PMAC).
Disabling this module is the same as setting the Instant Shutdown to True.
The Multistage Controller module establishes a means of activating 1 to 12 individual devices. The Multistage
Controller algorithm performs the following main functions:
• Allows you to set up the number and capacities of configured devices. See Number of Devices and Device
Capacity for details.
• Determines the appropriate device combination automatically. This module determines the switch points between
stage combinations using the relative capacities, the capacity requirement, and the Staging Hysteresis. You do
not need to provide make/break limits. See Determining Device Combinations for details.
• Provides a vernier output representing the difference between required capacity and actual capacity. The PMAC
algorithm uses the vernier output to provide behavior that is similar to proportional operation between the current
capacity and the next larger capacity. The module provides an output to indicate which device is being pulsed
at the current capacity. See Vernier Output and Pulsed Device for details.
• Provides equipment protection by enforcing minimum on and off times. See Minimum On and Minimum Off for
Note: You can bypass this protection by interacting directly with the Binary Output objects.
• Allows instant deactivation of all devices based on an Instant Shutdown input or Instant Shutdown command.
See Instant Shutdown for details.
• Provides intelligent rotation of the start and stop order of the devices based on the runtime and the device status.
The module also allows the user to force a rotation to occur immediately. See Device Runtime for details on lead
• Provides the relationship between devices (for example, runtime or start order) using Runtime. Devices with a
lower runtime value start before devices with the same capacity but a higher runtime value, and devices with a
higher runtime value are deactivated before devices with the same capacity but a lower runtime value.
• Indicates whether the device is enabled or disabled.
• Provides intelligent actions when a device is enabled or disabled. See Device Enable/Disable for details.
• Allows you to set up device groupings so that the first device always starts before the remaining devices in the
group. You can set the action of the dependent devices to be either normal or inverse. See Device Grouping for
Number of Devices and Device Capacity
Select the MSC with the appropriate number of devices (for example, MSC 02, MSC 05, and so on). The relative
capacity for each device is entered into the Device Capacity array.
Determining Device Combinations
This module creates and maintains a list of capacity combinations based on Device Capacity of all enabled devices.
For example, four devices with the capacities 5, 5, 10, 10 can achieve the following capacities when they are all
enabled: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. The Input indicates a percentage of the total enabled capacity that is required. The
module selects a new combination to use when either the required capacity exceeds the next larger capacity by
the Deadzone divided by two or when the required capacity is less than the current operating capacity by the
Deadzone divided by two.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1223

The Multistage Controller uses the following criteria to narrow the possible combinations sequentially until a single
combination is found:
• Selects the possible combinations of Device X Out that provides the capacity that is closest to but does not
exceed the required capacity.
• Selects the combinations that have a pulseable device with the smallest capacity that is off.
• Finds the combinations that produce the least number of changes in Device X Out compared to the current status
of Device X Out.
• Finds the combination with a Device X Out that has the lowest runtime of the devices that are on. See Device
Runtime for an example of this selection process.
If multiple combinations still exist, find the combination with a Device X Out that has the second lowest runtime of
the devices that are on. See Device Runtime for an example of this selection process.
If multiple combinations still exist, continue to test subsequent runtimes until a combination is found.
If all devices that are on have been compared with respect to runtime (the runtimes matched at every comparison),
and one combination has fewer devices that are on than the other, choose the combination with fewest devices that
are on.
If all devices that are on have been compared with respect to runtime and a single combination was not found, select
the combination with the lowest number of Device X Out. See Device Runtime for an example of this selection
If Rotate Now transitions from False to True or a Rotate Now Command is issued, the reevaluation for the new
combination occurs immediately with the selection criterion 4, 5, 6 (lowest runtimes) taking precedence over the
selection criteria 3 (lowest number of changes).
For example, 4, 5, 6 takes precedence over 3 in case of Rotate Now. Otherwise, the normal sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, or
8 of selection criterion is applicable for finding the best combination out of the available choices.
Vernier Output and Pulsed Device
The vernier output is an indication of the proportion of the required capacity that is not met by the current output
combination. This output takes into account the Deadzone. If there is only one device, the deadzone used to calculate
the vernier is set to zero.
The following table shows the associated staging table that produces the vernier signal in the following figure. The
different vernier output results when the combination of devices pulse a larger device to get to the next stage level.
The first vernier is what would be produced while pulsing the 5-ton device. The second vernier would be produced
when pulsing the 10-ton device.
Table 861: Staging Combinations for Capacities of 5 Tons, 10 Tons, and 15 Tons
Capacity 5 Ton Device 10 Ton Device 15 Ton Device Vernier Output
0 Off (pulsed) Off Off The vernier output varies from 0 to 100 as the
required capacity changes from 0.5 to 4.5.
5 On Off (pulsed) Off The vernier output varies from 0 to 50 as the
required capacity changes from 5.5 to 9.5.
10 Off (pulsed) On Off The vernier output varies from 0 to 100 as the
required capacity changes from 10.5 to 14.5.
15 Off (pulsed) Off On The vernier output varies from 0 to 100 as the
required capacity changes from 15.5 to 19.5.
20 On Off (pulsed) On The vernier output varies from 0 to 50 as the
required capacity changes from 20.5 to 24.5.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1224

Table 861: Staging Combinations for Capacities of 5 Tons, 10 Tons, and 15 Tons
Capacity 5 Ton Device 10 Ton Device 15 Ton Device Vernier Output
25 Off (pulsed) On On The vernier output varies from 0 to 100 as the
required capacity changes from 25.5 to 29.5.
30 On On On The vernier output is 0.

Figure 129: Typical Vernier Signal

The example shown in the previous table has three devices with the capacities 5 tons, 10 tons, and 15 tons. Only
the first (5 ton) and second (10 ton) devices are pulseable. The first stage pulses the first device as the vernier signal
goes from 0 to 100%. To go from the capacity of 5 tons to the capacity of 10 tons, the second device is pulsed while
the first device is on continuously. When the capacity reaches 10 tons, the first device is pulsed while the second
device now runs continuously.
If the current combination is the second-to-last combination from the table and the input reaches 100%, the last
stage is not chosen if a pulsable device exists in the second-to-last-combination. But, the pulsable device (in the
second-to-last combination) is controlled by PMAC. PMAC receives 100% from the vernier (in effect giving full 100%
capacity) and the second-to-last combination is maintained. If the current combination is not the second to last
combination and the input goes to 100%, the last stage combination (all 1s or On's) is chosen immediately, checking
for existing timers first, by virtue of the Deadzone divided by two rule.
Minimum On and Minimum Off
The outputs are all subject to minimum on and minimum off timers. The Multistage Controller maintains individual
timers for each device. These timers protect equipment from excessive wear due to short cycling. A timer is cleared
and an appropriate timer is started when a Device X Out changes status.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1225

If a minimum on or minimum off timer is active for any device that is changing state when a combination change is
required, the change in combination delays until all timers associated with the changing devices have been met
except for the following special conditions:
• Instant Shutdown is True
• Rotate Now changes from False to True
• Device Pulseable changes
• Device First Of changes
When a device is activated, it remains active for at least the Min On Time. This scenario occurs even if the input to
the Multistage Controller indicates that it should stage. If a device that needs to be deactivated has an active minimum
on timer, the Multistage Controller waits for that timer to expire before changing the state of any device. Commanding
the module to Instant Shutdown or setting the Instant Shutdown input to True causes the Min On Time to be ignored
and all devices are immediately deactivated. In addition, when a particular Device X Enable transitions to False, the
corresponding Device X Out is set off ignoring the Min On Time.
When a device is deactivated, it remains inactive for the Min Off Time. This occurs even if the Multistage Controller
indicates that it should stage. If a device that needs to be activated has an active minimum off timer, the Multistage
Controller waits for that timer to expire before changing the state of any device. At startup or enable, the Multistage
Controller does not consider minimum off timers (when disabled, all timers are canceled.) If the Instant Shutdown
input is True, the minimum off timers are maintained for all outputs. If a device transitions to off due to the Instant
Shutdown input, a minimum off timer is started for that device. If Instant Shutdown goes False and a device has its
minimum off timer active, the Multistage Controller waits for that timer to expire before staging up and activating that
device. If a device is disabled, a minimum off timer is started for that device if it turns off when it is disabled.
If the module is commanded to Rotate Now or the Rotate Now input transitions from False to True, the module
evaluates and implements the appropriate device combination immediately, ignoring the Minimum On/Off timers.
If any Device Pulseable or Device First changes, the Multistage Controller immediately reevaluates the required
outputs and changes the state of the outputs ignoring the minimum on and minimum off timers.
The Multistage Controller does not provide inter-stage timing. You can use a Sequencer module for inter-stage
timing. As indicated in Determining Device Combinations above, the Staging Hysteresis provides protection from
rapid cycling between adjacent stages.
In the past, PID controllers (set for proportional only) provided a signal to a stage sequencer to control the process
variable. You manually set the sequencer’s make and break limits for each stage. Typically, large load disturbances
or setpoint changes caused the system to overreact. To prevent using more energy than required and major overshoots
of the process variable, inter-stage delays kept the system from staging too quickly. This method created sluggish
response to large disturbances, although it worked for smaller disturbances.
The MSC with a self-tuning PID and the MSC Pre-Processor provide proper control for the current load. If a load
change occurs, the MSC has an appropriate response in the outputs without excessive overshoot. Because of this
operation, the MSC does not require Inter-Stage Timers.
Starts-per-hour is another method to make sure that the staged equipment does not cycle too frequently. The MSC
provides the same functionality by selecting appropriate Minimum On Time and Minimum Off Time.
Instant Shutdown
When the Instant Shutdown input is True or the Instant Shutdown command is received, all of the devices are turned
off ignoring the Min On Time. The vernier signal sent to the PMAC algorithm is set to zero and the PMAC algorithm
is re-initialized. If the Instant Shutdown input is True, it must be set false for the Multistage Controller to control the
devices. If an Instant Shutdown command is received, a Release Shutdown command must be received for the
Multistage Controller to control the devices.
Device Runtime

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1226

Each Device X Out has an associated Device X Runtime. As described in the Determining Device Combinations
section, this value is used to make a selection when more than one combination of devices can meet the required
Note: Capacity takes priority over runtime.
The module always looks for the combination that has the device with the lowest runtime value.
For example, consider four devices with the relative capacities of 5, 5, 10, 10 and with runtimes of 1, 2, 3, 4. Assume
that currently the Device X Out combination is 1, 1, 0, 0, which is a capacity of 10 and the input has changed to a
value that requires a capacity of 15.
Table 862: Staging Combinations Using Runtime
Runtime 51 52 101 102 Changes Pulse Lowest Second
Runtime Lowest
1 2 3 4 Runtime
Current Combination 1 1 0 0 101
1 New 0 1 0 1 2 51 2 4
2 0 1 1 0 2 51 2 3
3 1 0 0 1 2 52 1 4
4 1 0 1 0 2 52 1 3

The combinations shown in row 1, 2, 3, 4 are evaluated. The search through the possible combinations follows a
binary order, so combination 1 (0, 1, 0, 1) is checked and accepted with two changes from the current outputs. Then
combination 2 (0, 1, 1, 0) is evaluated. Combination 2 also has two changes and it has the same runtime. The
devices with the next Lowest Runtime are compared. The next lowest combination has the Second Lowest runtime
and is selected over the first combination. Combination 3 (1, 0, 0, 1) also has the same number of changes but it
has the Lowest Runtime device. Combination 3 is the best candidate at this point. Combination 4 (1, 0, 1, 0) is then
evaluated. It has the same number of changes and the same Lowest Runtime device. The next Lowest Runtime
devices is compared. It has the lowest Second Lowest Runtime and is selected as the current combination.
Another example is four devices with the relative capacities of 5, 5, 10, 10 and with runtimes of 0, 0, 0, 0. Assume
that currently the Device X Out combination is 1, 1, 0, 0, which is a capacity of 10 and the input has changed to a
value that requires a capacity of 15.
Table 863: Staging Combinations Using Device Number
Runtime 51 52 101 102 Changes Pulse Lowest Second
Runtime Lowest
0 0 0 0 Runtime
Current Combination 1 1 0 0 101
1 New 0 1 0 1 2 51 2 4
2 0 1 1 0 2 51 2 3
3 1 0 0 1 2 52 1 4
4 1 0 1 0 2 52 1 3

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1227

The combinations shown in row 1, 2, 3, 4 would be evaluated. The search through the possible combinations follows
a binary order, so combination 1 (0, 1, 0, 1) would be checked and accepted with two changes from the current
outputs. Then combination 2 (0, 1, 1, 0) would be evaluated. It also has two changes and the same matching runtime.
It would be selected over the first combination because it has Device 3 on while the first row has Device 4 on.
Combination 3 (1, 0, 0, 1) also has two changes, and it has the same runtime for all inputs that are on. It would be
selected over the currently selected combination because it has Device 1 on while the other combination has Device
2 on. The final combination (1, 0, 1, 0) is then evaluated. It has the same number of changes and the same runtimes.
They both have Device 1 on, but this combination has Device 3 on while the previously selected combination has
Device 4 on. It would have the second lowest Device number and thus selected as the current combination.
Device Enable/Disable
When a Device X Enable changes state to False, the associated Device X Out is set to off, and the module determines
a new combination appropriate to the required capacity as indicated by the Input. A minimum off timer is started for
the disabled device. When a Device X Enable changes state to True, the module determines a new combination
appropriate for the required capacity indicated by the Input. If a minimum off timer is active for the device, it must
expire before the device is started.
Note: Changing a Device X Enable to False when Device X Out is True causes a change in the current combination
of devices.
Device Grouping
In some instances, devices are grouped together. This grouping is used when a device must be turned on before
the module turns on any subsequent devices. The user sets up the group by indicating that this device is the first of
x devices. The module then knows that this output must be on before it can turn on any of the subsequent devices.
An example is a compressor with two unloaders. Device 1 First Of is set to three. Any combinations that require
Device 2 Out or Device 3 Out, must also have Device 1 Out on also. The available combinations for this compressor
are: (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0) and (1, 1, 1). If the user prefers to always have Device 2 Out on before
Device 3 Out, the user must make sure that Device 2 Runtime is equal to or less than Device 3 Runtime assuming
that Device 2 and Device 3 are the same capacity.
When devices are grouped, they can also support inverting. This means that when the first device turns on, all of
the devices turn on (the dependent devices do not begin tracking a minimum on timer). Then as the capacity
requirement increases, the subsequent devices are turned off to increase the capacity. If the first device turns off,
all of the devices are turned off.
Note: If a combination change is made that turns the first device off, the dependent devices may turn off before
satisfying their minimum on timer.
Note: Grouping means that the first device is always started first before the dependent devices.
PMAC Operation
The PMAC algorithm executes every PMAC Period (typically, the Time Constant input of the MSC Pre-Processor
divided by 180 with a minimum value of 1 second). The PMAC algorithm determines the on time and off time of a
device to keep the process variable within the control band while minimizing the number of times that the staged
device turns on and off. The Multistage Controller operates similar to the Duration Adjust Output. Duration Adjust
has a fixed cycle time and varies the on and off times based on the vernier signal. PMAC varies the on and off times
as well as the cycle time. It generates a pulse train based on the vernier control signal. A pulse train is comprised
of a sequence of on and off states. See the following figure for an example of a pulse. A cycle period is the time
between two off to on transitions. PMAC varies both the on-time, off-time, and cycle period to constrain the variation
in the controlled variable to be within the Control Band (as much as possible) while minimizing the number of cycles.
Note: The PMAC’s calculated On Time and Off Time are always greater than the Min On Time and Min Off Time,

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1228

Figure 130: Example Pulse

Re-initialization of the PMAC Algorithm

The PMAC algorithm is reinitialized and calculates a new pulse train when the following occur:
• A new Pulsed Device is selected.
• The PMAC Period changes.
The pulse train starts in an on state if the Vernier is greater than zero when re-initialization occurs. If the Vernier is
zero, the pulse train starts in an off state.
Percent Request Output
The Percent Request output is connected to the fan determination module in the standard applications for terminal
units. The Percent Request output has two modes of operation. Setting the Percent Request Mode input chooses
the mode of operation.
Percent Request Mode = Demand
The Percent Request output is set to the value of the Input.
Percent Request Mode = With Output
When the Percent Request Mode is With Output, the Percent Request is set to zero if all of the device outputs are
off (even if the input is non-zero). When one or more device outputs are on, the Percent Request output is set to
the maximum of the Input or Min Percent Request. When connected with the fan determination module, this connection
allows the fan to be turned on only when the pulsed heating or cooling devices are on (and turned off when the first
device cycles off).
Merging the PMAC Pulse Train
The Multistage Controller merges the pulse train from the PMAC algorithm with the selected output states from the
Multistage algorithm, and then these states are passed to the appropriate Device X Out. Changing the state of all
Device X Out is subject to Minimum On and Minimum Off timers. See Minimum On and Minimum Off for details on
Minimum On and Minimum Off timing.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (MSC)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1229

Table 864: MSC 01 through MSC 12 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
MSC 2 Position 2 Pipe Fan Coil Application
Unit Ventilator Application
MSC 2 Position Box Heating VAV Single Duct Applications
MSC 2 Position Cooling Fan Coil Application
Unit Ventilator Application
MSC 2 Position Heating Fan Coil Application
Unit Ventilator Application
MSC 2 Position Supplemental Heating VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
MSC Staged Box Heating XX (Where XX Is 01-03) VAV Single Duct Applications
MSC Staged Compressor X (Where X Is 1 or 2) Heat Pump Application
MSC Staged Cooling XX (Where XX Is 01-08) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Application
Unit Ventilator Application
MSC Staged Heating XX (Where XX Is 01- 03) Fan Coil Application
Heat Pump Application
Unit Ventilator Application
MSC Staged Humidification XX (Where XX Is 01-04) All Air Handling Unit Applications
MSC Staged Preheat XX (Where XX Is 01-08) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
MSC Staged Reheat XX (Where XX Is 01-08) All Air Handling Unit Applications
MSC Staged Supplemental Heating VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
Sideloop MSC XX (Where XX Is 01-08) Sideloop Applications
Zone X MSC 2 Position Heating (Where X Is 1-8) AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Zone X MSC Staged Heating XX (Where X Is 1-8 and XX AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Is 01-03)

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1230

Attributes (MSC)
The following table describes the attributes used by the MSC XX (where XX is 01 through 12) modules.
Table 865: MSC 01 through MSC 12 Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Active Stage Count G, V Specifies the number of discrete devices under control that are in an on
state. This output is equal to the total number of ON devices and is used
for diagnostic purposes.
Actual Period V Specifies the actual instantaneous PMAC period of execution, measured Display Units:
as the actual time between successive periodic executions of the PMAC Seconds
Capacity List V Contains a list of the possible capacities based on the Device Capacity
Control Band Contains the user-specified variation band of the controlled variable. 10.0 Deg C, 16.0
Multistage Controller controls the pulse train output. The variation of the Deg F
pulse train then causes the variation of the Process Variable to be equal to
or smaller than the specified value.
Note: The minimum achievable Control Band is not zero, but is dependent
on the system process time constant, process gain, minimum on/off
times, and the number of stages. Multistage Controller may not be
able to achieve the Control Band you set.
Deadzone V Contains a value calculated from the Staging Hysteresis and the smallest
Device X Capacity. Deadzone = Staging Hysteresis * smallest Device X
Desired Outputs V Represents the preferred state of all Device X Out at this instant. If this is
different from the actual state of the outputs, it is due to a minimum on or
minimum off timer.
Device Capacity Represents the relative capacity of each device. This value is used in 1 (for all devices)
establishing the order by which the devices are activated. These numbers
can represent the wattage of an electric heater, the tonnage of a chiller, and
so on. All capacities entered must be based on the same units and all
combinations of the capacities are used to create the Capacity List.
Note: The Capacity List is limited to 50 entries. To limit the Capacity List
to a maximum of 50, the user may need to round off the capacities
to reduce the number of unique values (for example, use capacity
of 5 for three devices with actual capacities of 4.6, 5.1, and 5.9).
Device First Of Specifies how many devices are in the group where this device is the first 1 (for all devices)
of the group. This device and the following (value - 1) devices are grouped
together for control. The Device First Of attribute for the dependent devices
of this group are ignored.
Device Pulsable Represents the action allowed for the device. When this is False, the True (for all
associated device is turned on or off only by the staging algorithm of this devices)
module. It is never selected as the Pulsed Device. If the value is True, then
this device can be pulsed using the PMAC algorithm.
Note: If none of the devices are pulseable, the controlling PID should have
its Adaptive Tuning input set to False.

Important: Using the MSC without a pulseable device may cause

excessive cycling of the equipment.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1231

Table 865: MSC 01 through MSC 12 Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Device X Enable Establish the enable status of the devices. A value of False takes the True
associated device out of service. If a device is on when this is set to False,
Device X Out is set off immediately, disregarding the minimum on timer. In
Device X Enable, X is 1-12.
Device X Out V Contains the output value for the corresponding device. In Device X Out, X Set Name: Off/On
is 1-12.
Device X Runtime Represent the ranking of each device. This value is used with the Device 0.0
Capacity in establishing the order by which the devices are activated. In
Device X Runtime, X is 1-12.
Input Represents the required capacity from 0 to 100% of available capacity. This 0.0%
signal typically is fed from an upstream controller (for example, PID or a
user defined algorithm).
Instant Shutdown Forces all Device X Out to False when it is True. When it is False, the module False
monitors the input and sequences the devices. When this value transitions
from False to True, all of the devices are deactivated instantly (ignoring
any minimum on timers).
Invert Stage Indicates the action of devices within a group as specified in Device First False
Of. If this input is True, when the first device of a group is turned on, all the
devices are turned on and the second and subsequent devices of the group
are turned off sequentially as the load increases. If this input is False, when
the first device of the group is turned on, the remaining devices of the group
turn on sequentially as the load increases.
Max Capacity V Contains the ratio of the largest enabled Device Capacity to the sum of all
Fraction Device Capacity.
Min Off Time Displays the minimum time that a Device X Out must remain off before it 120 Seconds
can be reactivated to an on state (following deactivation).
Min On Time Displays the minimum time interval that a Device X Out must remain on 240 Seconds
before it can be deactivated to an off state (following activation).
Min Percent Request Displays the minimum output signal at Percent Request when any output 1.0%
is desired to be on.
Min Period C Defines the shortest period that can be executed. 1 Second
Number of Devices V Displays the number of devices controlled by this Multistage Controller.
Off Pulse V Specifies the width of the current off pulse of the Pulsed Device in seconds. Display Units:
On Capacity V Specifies the capacity of the on outputs in units of the Device Capacity.
On Pulse V Specifies the width of the current on pulse of the Pulsed Device in seconds. Display Units:
Percent Capacity V Indicates the percentage of the total capacity represented by the currently
Enabled enabled devices’ capacities.
Percent Request V Indicates when the Multistage Controller requires the fan to be on. The value
of this request depends on the property Percent Request Mode.
Percent Request Indicates the method used to control the output Percent Request. Demand
Set Name:
Percent Request
Mode Enum Set

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1232

Table 865: MSC 01 through MSC 12 Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
PMAC Period Specifies the execution period of the PMAC algorithm of this module. If set 24 Seconds
to a value less than the Min Period property, the period requested for
execution is limited to the Min Period.
Process Time Displays the dominant time constant of the process being controlled. 720 Seconds
Process Variable Displays the value from the area that is being controlled. It typically originates 0.0 Deg C, 0.0
at a sensor and, after some signal processing, passes to the Multistage Deg F
Controller module.
Pulsed Device V Displays the current device that the PMAC algorithm controls at this capacity
Requested Capacity V Displays the capacity requested by the Input in units of the Device Capacity.
Rotate Now Retains a value of True until it is written back to False. (This attribute is False
rising edge activated.) Writing this attribute to True causes an immediate
update (disregarding Min On Time and Min Off Time) of the active devices
based on the current runtimes. All timers are cleared and the minimum on
(for devices that transition to on) and minimum off (for devices that transition
to off) timers begin counting from zero.
Staging Hysterisis Determines the Multistage Controller’s deadzone size (Deadzone divided 1.0%
by two is the amount the Input must be greater than a capacity switch point
to increase the capacity. The Input must be less than a capacity switch point
by this amount to decrease the capacity. The capacity list determines the
capacity switch points. See Deadzone.)
Timer Status V Represents the status of any timers associated with all Device X Out at this
instant. If the element corresponding to a specific Device X Out is True,
then a minimum on or minimum off timer is active. If the element is False,
then no timers are active.
Vernier V Contains an analog output of 0 to 100 that indicates the percentage of the Display Units: %
currently pulsed device necessary to meet the required capacity.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (MSC)
• If the Device Capacity inputs produce more than 50 combinations, the module becomes unreliable and the
Reliability is set to Inconsistent Inputs.
• If the Process Variable is unreliable, the module generates a pulse train based on the Input and the last valid
Process Variable. If the Input is unreliable, the system generates a pulse train based on the last valid Input.

Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16

The Sequencer module behaves the same as the Sequencer block in the Metasys NAE.
The Sequencer module provides a Control System with multiple stage sequence control. This module controls
discrete systems where the relative capacities of the stages are known. This module uses relative capacities to
determine which outputs to turn on or off. The method is based on the split-range control concept, and it allows a
single feedback controller, such as a PID, to control multiple stages. This module should be operated continuously
(that is, do not place this module in a hybrid activity). The activity disables all modules associated with a specific
state when that state is not active. There is no user interface to this disable/enable behavior.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1233

The sequencer module establishes a means of sequentially activating 1 to X stages of individual devices. The
sequencer control algorithm performs the following main functions:
• Handles transitions between stage combinations using make and break limits. See Configuration Details for
details on make and break limits. See Staging Up and Staging Down for details on staging up and staging down.
• Provides equipment protection by enforcing minimum on and off times. See Minimum On and Minimum Off for
Note: The user can defeat this protection by interacting directly with the output points.
• Provides Interstage on and off delays. See Interstage Timing for details.
• Allows instant deactivation of all outputs based on an Instant Shutdown input. See Instant Shutdown for details.
• Provides intelligent rotation of the start and stop order of the outputs based on the rank and the device status.
The sequencer module also allows the user to force a rotation to occur immediately. See Lead Rotation for details
on lead rotation.
• Provides the relationship between outputs (for example, runtime, number of starts). Devices with a lower rank
value start before devices with a higher rank value, and devices with a higher rank value are deactivated before
devices with a lower rank value. If the rank values are equal, the output with the lowest device number is activated
first, and the output with the highest device number is deactivated first.
• Indicates whether the device is active, inactive, or disabled. Active devices are first on the sequence order,
inactive devices are second, and disabled devices are last. This function provides a simple method to determine
the next device to start or stop.
• Provides for a First On, Last Off operation (default sequence order).
• Provides intelligent actions when a device is enabled or disabled. See Device Enable for details.
Configuration Details
The number of actively managed stages depends on the Number of Outputs and the operating mode (normal or
When the sequencer is operating in a proactive mode, the lead output of the sequencer module is activated
continuously when the sequencer is enabled and Instant Shutdown is False. This scenario causes the actively
managed stages to be one less than the Number of Outputs. When it is not in a proactive mode, the lead output of
the sequencer module is activated when the input exceeds the first make limit. In this case, the actively managed
stages are equal to the Number of Outputs.
The sequencer maintains one make limit and one break limit for each of the output stages it must actively manage.
When in Normal mode, the first make and break limits are the start and stop limits for stage 1. When in proactive
mode, the first make limit and break limit are the start and stop limits for the second stage since the first stage is
active continuously.
The input values at which the sequencer activates and deactivates each configured stage is contingent on the sets
of make and break limits specified for the sequencer. You can configure the make and break limits.
If a change to the make or break limits would cause an output to change state, it changes state provided that the
Interstage, minimum on and minimum off timing are satisfied.
If a timer prevents an output from starting or stopping, the module activates or deactivates the output when the timer
Staging Up
A staging up process involves comparing the input value against each of the make limits defined for the sequencer
module. When an input value equals or exceeds a make limit, when the Interstage On Delay is not active and when
the next device to activate does not have an active Minimum Off Timer, the sequencer reacts by increasing the
current stage. If more than one make limit is exceeded, the sequencer stages up one stage at a time with an Interstage
On Delay between each stage. When an increase in the current stage occurs, the Interstage On Delay starts.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1234

If an Interstage Off Delay is active when a make limit is exceeded, it does not prevent the stage up. When a stage
up occurs, any active Interstage Off Delay is canceled.
Staging Down
A staging down process involves comparing the input value against each of the break limits defined for the sequencer
module. When an input value is less than or equal to a break limit, when the Interstage Off Delay is not active, and
when the next device to deactivate does not have an active Minimum On Timer, the sequencer decreases the current
stage. If more than one break limit has been passed, the sequencer stages down one stage at a time with an
Interstage Off Delay between each stage. When a decrease in the current stage occurs, the Interstage Off Delay
If an Interstage On Delay is active when a break limit is exceeded and it does not prevent the stage down. When a
stage down occurs, any active Interstage On Delay is canceled.
Minimum On and Off Timing
The outputs are all subject to minimum on and minimum off timers. The sequencer maintains individual timers for
each output. These timers protect equipment from excessive wear due to short cycling. Timers are cleared if the
sequencer is commanded to Rotate Now or the Rotate Now input transitions from False to True.
When an output is activated, it remains active for the Min On Time. This occurs even if the input to the sequencer
indicates that it should stage down. If the output that needs to be deactivated has an active Minimum On Timer, the
sequencer waits for that timer to expire before staging down and deactivating that device. Setting the Instant Shutdown
input to True causes the Minimum On Timer to be ignored and all devices are immediately deactivated.
When an output is deactivated, it remains inactive for the Min Off Time. This occurs even if the sequencer decides
to stage up. If the output that needs to be activated has an active Minimum Off Timer, the sequencer waits for that
timer to expire before activating that output. At startup, the sequencer considers all minimum off timers to have been
met. If the Instant Shutdown input is True, the minimum off timers are maintained for all outputs. If Instant Shutdown
goes False and a device has its minimum off timer active, the sequencer waits for that timer to expire before staging
up and activating that device.
When a Minimum On/Off timer expires, the module checks to see if a stage up or down is required (the input is
currently greater than the next make limit or less than the appropriate break limit). If a change is required, the stage
up or down occurs if the appropriate Interstage and Minimum On/Off timers have been met. If there are no pending
changes, the module waits for the input to exceed a make limit or drop below a break limit to initiate a stage change.
Interstage Timing
Staged equipment requires some time to have an effect on the process variable. Delays between switching stages
are used to ensure that the process variable has adequate time to sense the change from the capacity increase or
decrease. Staging up and staging down are subject to Interstage on and off timers respectively. These timers are
cleared and restarted if the sequencer is commanded to Rotate Now or the Rotate Now input transitions from False
to True.
The Interstage On Delay Timer starts when the sequencer increases the current stage and must expire before the
sequencer is allowed to increase the current stage again. The Interstage On Delay allows the process variable to
respond to the increase in the system capacity before the control system continues to stage up.
If the input drops below a break limit while an Interstage On delay is active, the stage down occurs if the device to
be deactivated has no active minimum on timer.
The Interstage Off Delay Timer starts when the sequencer decreases the current stage and must expire before the
sequencer is allowed to decrease the current stage again. The Interstage Off Delay allows the process variable to
respond to the decrease in the system capacity before the control system continues to stage down. Setting the
Instant Shutdown input to True deactivates all outputs, ignoring the Interstage Off Delay.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1235

If the input rises above a make limit while an Interstage Off delay is active, the stage up occurs if the device to be
activated has no active minimum off timer.
When an Interstage timer expires, the module checks to see if a stage up or down is required (the input is currently
greater than the next make limit or less than the appropriate break limit). If a change is required, the stage up or
down occurs if all appropriate Minimum On/Off timers have been met. If there are no pending changes, the module
waits for the input to exceed a make limit or drop below a break limit to initiate a stage change.
Instant Shutdown
When the Instant Shutdown input is True, all of the outputs are deactivated ignoring the Minimum On Timers and
the Interstage Off Delay timer.
Lead Rotation
The following six events can cause the sequence order to change:
• Device activation
• Device deactivation
• Enabling a device
• Disabling a device
• Change of a device’s rank value
• Change in the Rotate Now input from False to True or receipt of a Rotate Now command.
The manner in which the outputs are scheduled for activation is based on a combination of three factors: the rank
value defined for each device, whether or not the device is enabled, and whether or not the device is already active.
Dynamic Reordering
After any occurrence of the first five items (cited in the previous section), the sequence order is re-evaluated. The
devices are placed into three distinct collections or categories:
• Enabled and active
• Enabled and not active
• Disabled
Within each of the categories, the entries are arranged in ascending order beginning with the lowest ranked device
and ending with the highest ranked device.
Note: If two or more devices are assigned equal rank values, they are ordered based on the device number.
The combination of the three categories is the overall sequence order with the enabled and active devices lowest
in the list, followed by enabled and inactive devices and finally by disabled devices.
The dynamic reordering allows the current lead device to be changed without actually deactivating or activating any
of the devices until a stage change is required. If an output is being deactivated, then the active output with the
highest rank value is deactivated. If an output is being activated, then the inactive output with the lowest rank value
is activated. After the device activates or deactivates, the groupings update.
Static Reordering
In the case that the sixth event occurs, the sequence order is reevaluated. This allows you to make an immediate
change to the devices that are running.
Note: Static Reordering disregards all Interstage and Minimum On/Off Timers.
The devices are placed into two distinct collections or categories:
• Enabled
• Disabled

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1236

Within each of the categories, the entries are arranged in ascending order beginning with the lowest ranked device
and ending with the highest ranked device.
Note: If two or more devices are assigned equal rank values, they are ordered based on the device number.
This method does not take into account the current status of the output (active or inactive). The combination of the
two categories is the overall sequence order with the enabled devices lowest in the list.
When the reordering is complete, the sequencer module immediately switches the state of its outputs to match the
new sequence order and Current Stage. This may result in currently active devices stopping and inactive devices
starting. For devices that change state, any current Minimum On or Minimum Off timers are cleared and appropriate
timers are started.)
Default Sequencing Order
At creation, the default sequence order matches the device numbering. The default value for Device X Rank is zero,
so the sequencer module defaults to the device numbering for the sequence.
Device Enable
The sequencer module only activates those devices that are enabled. When an active device is disabled, it is
immediately deactivated (disregarding minimum on timers) and the next available (enabled and inactivate) device
is activated in its place if no timers are active.
When a device is enabled, the sequencer module reevaluates the sequence order. The sequencer continues to
consider this device inactive when it becomes enabled. When a change is required by the make and break limits,
the appropriate device is started or stopped.
If some of the output devices are disabled, the sequencer may not be able to provide 100 percent capacity. In that
case, the input may continue to wind-up to a max value of 100 percent. When the load drops and the input signal
drops, the value of the input must drop to the break limit associated with the last stage that is currently enabled
before actually deactivating any outputs.
When a Device X Enable changes to false and the associated Device X Out is turned off, a minimum off timer is
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Pass Through
The Pass Through group contains the Pass Through (Enum) modules.

Pass Through (Enum)

The Pass Through modules provide an automatic connection from State Selection. They typically take Outputs and
connect to them from State Selection.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Pass Through)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1237

Table 866: Pass Through (Enum) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Coil Pump Pass Through AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
Calibration Solenoid Pass Through All VAV Applications
Combustion Damper Command Central Heating Applications
Cooling Coil Pump Pass Through All Air Handling Unit Applications
GEF Output Control (General Exhaust Fan Output All Air Handling Unit Applications Heat Pump Applications
High Temp Alarm Pass Through AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Hot Gas Bypass Valve Control AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Preheat Coil Pump Pass Through AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Reheat Coil Pump Pass Through All Air Handling Unit Applications
TEF Output Control (Toilet Exhaust Fan Output All Air Handling Unit Applications Heat Pump Applications
TWR Iso Valve (Pass Through) Central Cooling Applications
Zone Damper Mode Pass Through AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Zone Htg Valve Mode Pass Through AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications
Zone Staged Htg Mode Pass Through AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct) Applications

Unless otherwise stated, a pass through module takes a value from State Selection and connects it to an Output.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Pass Through)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Pass Through (Enum) modules.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1238

Table 867: Pass Through (Enum) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input The input to the pass through module. 1st Enum or False
Present Value G, V The output of the pass through module

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Pass Through)

The Reliability of the Present Value reflects the reliability of the Input.

Module Use in Applications (Sequencer)

The application System Selection Trees do not use the individual modules in this group.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sequencer)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Sequencer XX (where XX is 01 through 16) modules.
Table 868: Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Break Limit Represents the limits at which each successive stage deactivates. If Proactive
is True, the first limit applies to the second stage, the second limit applies to
the third stage, and so on. Each successive value must be greater than the
previous break limit and also less than its corresponding make limit. The size
of this array is set to Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs - 1 if Proactive
is True) at configuration time.
Current Stage G, V Indicates the number of the active outputs of the sequencer.
Device X Enable Establishes the enable status of the sequencer device outputs. A value of True
False takes the associated device out of service. In Device X Enable, X is
Device X Out V Contains the output value for the corresponding device. In Device X Out, X
is 1-16.
Device X Rank These float values represent the ranking of each device. This value establishes 0.0
the order by which the device outputs are activated. In Device X Rank, X is
Input Contains the control signal input to this module. It is compared against the 0.0%
make and break limits to determine how many outputs to activate.
Instant Shutdown Forces all outputs inactive when it is True. When it is False, the module False
monitors the input and stages the outputs. When this value transitions from
False to True, all of the outputs are deactivated instantly (ignoring any
Minimum On Timers and the Interstage Off Timer).

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1239

Table 868: Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Interstage Off Delay Defines the minimum time interval that must elapse between the sequential 1200 Seconds
deactivation of multiple Sequencer stages unless the Instant Shutdown value
is True or the module is disabled.
Interstage On Delay Defines the minimum time interval that must elapse between the sequential 1200 Seconds
activation of multiple Sequencer stages.
Interstage Timing V Provides an indication of when an interstage timer is active. False
Make Limit Represents the limits at which each successive stage is to be activated. If
Proactive is True, the first limit applies to the second stage, the second limit
applies to the third stage, and so on. Each successive value must be greater
than the previous make limit and also greater than its corresponding break
limit. The size of this array is set to Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs
- 1 if Proactive is True) at configuration time.
Min Off Time Displays the minimum time that an output must remain off before it can be 600 Seconds
reactivated to an on condition following deactivation. As such, a separate
timer is established for each device output upon being deactivated. Until the
time interval expires, the output is blocked from being reactivated unless
Rotate Now has transitioned from False to True.
Min On Time Contains the minimum time interval that an output must remain on before it 600 Seconds
can be deactivated to an off condition following activation. As such, a separate
timer is established for each device output upon being activated. Until the
time interval expires, the output is blocked from being deactivated unless the
Instant Shutdown value is True, the module is disabled, or Rotate Now has
transitioned from False to True.
Number of Outputs V Displays the number of outputs controlled by this Sequencer.
Operating State V Displays the current operational state of the sequencer. Set Name:
Operating State
Proactive C Indicates the mode of operation for the sequencer. When this value is False, False
the lead output is activated when the input reaches the first make limit. When
this attribute is True, the lead output is placed in a continuously activated
state (provided Instant Shutdown is False). The second stage actually is
activated when Input reaches the first make limit.
Rotate Now Retains a value of True until it is written back to False. This attribute is rising False
edge activated. Writing this attribute to True causes an immediate rotation
based on the current ranks.
Sequence Order V Contains the activation/deactivation order of the sequencer as determined by
the Lead Rotation. See Lead Rotation for details. In the case where the
sequencing order is Device 3 Output, Device 4 Output, Device 1 Output, and
Device 2 Output for a four stage Sequencer, the contents of this array is 3,
4, 1, 2.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1240

Reliability (Sequencer)
• The reliability associated with the Sequencer module may report the input unreliable. When the input is unreliable,
all outputs hold the last value set when the input was reliable during this situation.
• If the Sequencer is unable to stage up or down because the remaining outputs are disabled, the Sequencer’s
reliability is Unreliable.

Global Sequencer
The Global Sequencer module provides a Control System with multiple stage sequence control. This module uses
make and break limits to determine which outputs to turn on or off.
The Global Sequencer module provides two optional outputs specifically targeted for compressors and chillers. The
Solenoid Valve Out is used to support a pump down cycle before turning off the last stage. The Oil Pump Out provides
a means to turn on a single oil pump that serves a group of compressors. In that case, the Oil Pump Out must turn
on with the first compressor.
The Global Sequencer module can only exist within a Control Sequence or Control Activity within a Control Sequence.
This module should be operated continuously (that is, do not place this module in a hybrid activity). The hybrid
activity disables all modules associated with a specific state when that state is not active. There is no user interface
to this disable/enable behavior.
The sequencer module establishes a means of sequentially activating devices using five sequencer staging modes:
Step, Sequential, Equal Runtime, Equal Startup, and Binary Code. The sequencer control algorithm performs the
following main functions:
• Handles transitions between stage combinations using make and break limits. See Configuration Details for
details on make and break limits. See Staging Up and Staging Down for details on staging up and staging down.
• Provides equipment protection by enforcing minimum on and off times. See Minimum On and Minimum Off for
Note: The user can defeat this protection by interacting directly with the output points.
• Provides inter-stage on and off delays. See Inter-Stage Timing for details.
• Allows instant deactivation of all outputs based on an Instant Shutdown input. See Instant Shutdown for details.
• Provides intelligent rotation of the start and stop order of the outputs based on the runtime, the number of starts,
and the device status. The sequencer module also allows the user to force a rotation to occur immediately. See
Lead Rotation for details on lead rotation.
• Provides the relationship between outputs (for example, runtime or number of starts). Devices with a lower
runtime or number of starts value start before devices with a higher runtime or number of starts value, and devices
with a higher runtime or number of starts value are deactivated before devices with a lower runtime or number
of starts value. If the runtime or number of starts values are equal, the output with the lowest device number is
activated first and the output with the highest device number is deactivated first.
• The Sequence Order attribute indicates the order that the devices will start and stop in. It includes all devices,
whether active, inactive, or disabled. Active devices are first on the sequence order, inactive devices are second,
and disabled devices are last. This function provides a simple method to determine the next device to start or
• Provides intelligent actions when a device is enabled or disabled. See Device Enable for details.
Sets (Device Groupings) and Stages (Device n Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1241

The device outputs or stages can be grouped into sets, each set having a definable number of stages. This option
is applicable to chiller compressor control where the stages are connected to unloader solenoids. When this option
is enabled, all stages within a set are switched on when the first stage of a set is switched on, and then the second
and subsequent stages are switched off as the load increases. The behavior can be changed so that when first
stage turns on, the second and subsequent stages stay off and are switched on as the load increases.
As the load decreases, the reverse operation occurs. A set only turns off its first stage when the second and
subsequent stages are considered off.
When one of the rotation staging methods is chosen, only the runtime or number of starts for the first device in a set
is used. Inputs that match the other devices in the set are ignored. When equal runtime within sets is true, the stages
within a set will use their runtime to determine which one will start first.
Configuration Details
The number of actively managed stages depends on the Number of Outputs and the operating mode (normal or
When the sequencer is operating in a proactive mode, the lead output of the sequencer module is activated
continuously when the sequencer is enabled and Instant Shutdown is False. This scenario causes the actively
managed stages to be one less than the Number of Outputs. When it is not in a proactive mode, the lead output of
the sequencer module is activated when the input exceeds the first make limit. In this case, the actively managed
stages are equal to the Number of Outputs.
The sequencer maintains one make limit and one break limit for each of the output stages it must actively manage.
When in Normal mode, the first make and break limits are the start and stop limits for stage 1. When in proactive
mode, the first make limit and break limit are the start and stop limits for the second stage since the first stage is
active continuously.
The input values at which the sequencer activates and deactivates each configured stage is contingent on the sets
of make and break limits specified for the sequencer. You can configure the make and break limits.
If a change to the make or break limits would cause an output to change state, it changes state provided that the
inter-stage, minimum on, and minimum off timing are satisfied.
If a timer prevents an output from starting or stopping, the module activates or deactivates the output when the timer
When the property Calculate Make Break Limits is False, the user manually sets the Make and Break Limit arrays.
When the property is set to True, the user sets the Capacity array and the differential values. The Make and Break
Limits are then calculated based on these values. The Make and Break Limits are recalculated whenever a change
occurs in the sequence order.
Staging Details
The following five sequencer modes are available:
• Step Mode
• Sequential Mode
• Equal Runtime
• Equal Startup
• Binary Code
The sequencer can perform Vernier Control in all modes except Binary Code providing a proportional signal between
Step Mode

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1242

The output stages are controlled in sequence according to the last on, first off principle. For example, a three-stage
sequencer controls the output stages in the following sequence examples. Example 1 shows 3 stages where each
stage is a set. Example 2 shows stages within a set, with set 1 representing a compressor with two unloaders. In
this case, the unloaders turn off to load the compressor.
Table 869: Step Mode Example 1 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
Load 0 33 66 100 66 33 0
Set 1/Stage 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
Set 2/Stage 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Set 3/Stage 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Table 870: Step Mode Example 2 (Stage 1, 4, and 5: 0 = Off, 1 = On; Stage 2 and 3: 0 = Load, 1 = Unload)
Load 0 40 50 60 80 100 80 60 50 40 0
Set 1/Stage 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Set 1/Stage 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Set 1/Stage 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
Set 2/Stage 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Set 3/Stage 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Sequential Mode
The sets are controlled in sequence according to the first on, first off principle with a goal of equalizing runtime and
start counts. Stages within a set are controlled to the last on, first off principle (like Step mode).
For example, a three-set sequencer controls the output sets in the following sequence: (0 = Off, 1 = On)
Note: To equalize runtime and start counts, a device that turns off moves to the bottom of the sequence order.
Table 871: Sequential Mode Example 1: (0=Off, 1=On)
Load 0 33 66 100 66 33 0
Set 1/Stage 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Set 2/Stage 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Set 3/Stage 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

Table 872: Sequential Mode Example 2: (Stage 1, 4, and 5: 0=Off, 1=On; Stage 2 and 3: 0=Load, 1=Unload
Load (Percent) 0 20 40 60 80 100 80 60 40 20 0
Set 1/Stage 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Set 1/Stage 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Set 1/Stage 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Set 2/Stage 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Set 3/Stage 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1243

Table 873: Sequential Mode Example 3: (Stage 1, 4, and 5: 0=Oeff, 1=On; Stage 2 and 3: 0=Load, 1=Unload
Load 0 20 40 20 40 60 40 60 80 60 80 100 80 60 40 20 0
Set 1/Stage 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Set 2/Stage 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Set 3/Stage 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
Set 4/Stage 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Set 5/Stage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Equal Runtime
The On time of the first output stage of each set is totalized. In case of an increase of load requiring the activation
of a new set, the set with the lowest On time is switched on. In case of a decrease of load requiring the switching
off of a stage in a set at full load, the set with the highest On time is switched off first. Stages within a set are controlled
to the last on, first off principle (Step mode). For example, a three-set sequencer controls the output sets in the
following sequence: (0 = Off, 1 = On)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1244

When multiple Stages have the same runtime (such as, ON time), the Stage with the lowest number of starts is
activated first. If a new Stage needs to be switched OFF, the Stage with the highest number of starts amongst those
with greater runtime is switched OFF.
• Example 1: Three stages and each stage is a set. As the load increases, the set with a runtime of 40 hours
starts first. As the load decreases, the set with a runtime of 110 hours stops first.
Table 874: Increasing Load: 3 Sets, Each Set is One Stage (0=Off, 1=On)
Runtime Load (Percent) 0 33 66 100
90 hours Set 1/Stage 1 0 0 0 1
40 hours Set 2/Stage 2 0 1 1 1
65 hours Set 3/Stage 3 0 0 1 1

Table 875: Decreasing Load: 3 Sets, Each Set is One Stage (0=Off, 1=On)
Runtime Load (Percent) 100 66 33 0
95 hours Set 1/Stage 1 1 1 1 0
110 hours Set 2/Stage 2 1 0 0 0
99 hours Set 3/Stage 3 1 1 0 0

• Example 2: Stages within a set, set 1 represents a compressor with two unloaders. The unloaders turn off to
load the compressor. As the load increases, the set with a runtime of 40 hours starts first. As the load decreases,
the set with a runtime of 110 hours stops first.
Table 876: Increasing Load: Three Sets, First Set is One Stage (Stage 1), Sets Two and Three are a
compressor with a loader (Stage 2, 3, 4, 5: Stage 1, 2, 4: 0=Off, 1=On; Stage 3, 5: 0=Load, 1=Unload)
Runtime Load 0 40 50 60 80 100
90 hours Set 1/Stage 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
90 hours Set 2/Stage 4 0 0 0 1 0 0
90 hours Set 2/Stage 2 0 0 0 1 1 0
40 hours Set 3/Stage 5 0 1 1 1 1 1
65 hours Set 3/Stage 3 0 0 1 1 1 1

Table 877: Decreasing Load: Three Sets, First Set is One Stage (Stage 1), Sets Two and Three are a
compressor with a loader (Stage 2, 3, 4, 5: Stage 1, 2, 4: 0=Off, 1=On; Stage 3, 5: 0=Load, 1=Unload)
Runtime Load 100 80 60 50 40 0
95 hours Set 1/Stage 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
95 hours Set 2/Stage 4 0 0 0 0 1 0
95 hours Set 2/Stage 2 0 0 0 1 1 0
110 hours Set 3/Stage 5 1 0 0 0 0 0
99 hours Set 3/Stage 3 1 1 0 0 0 0

Equal Startup
For Equal Start-Up, the number of OFF to ON transitions, and the ON time of each Stage is totalized. In case of an
increase of load requiring the activation of a new Stage, the Stage with the lowest Start-Up (for example, OFF to
ON transitions) is switched ON.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1245

In the case where multiple Stages have the same number of starts, the one with the lowest runtime (for example,
ON time) is activated first. If a new Stage needs to be switched OFF, the Stage with the highest runtime amongst
those with greater transition number is switched OFF.
• Example 1: Three stages and each stage is a set. As the load increases, the set with a number of starts of 40
starts first. As the load decreases, the set with a number of starts of 110 hours stops first.
Table 878: Increasing Load: Three Sets, Each Set is One Stage (0=Off, 1=On)
Number of Load (Percent) 0 33 66 100
90 starts Set 1/Stage 1 0 0 0 1
40 starts Set 2/Stage 2 0 1 1 1
65 starts Set 3/Stage 3 0 0 1 1

Table 879: Decreasing Load: Three Sets, Each Set is One Stage (0=Off, 1=On)
Number of Load (Percent) 100 66 33 0
95 starts Set 1/Stage 1 1 1 1 0
110 starts Set 2/Stage 2 1 0 0 0
99 starts Set 3/Stage 3 1 1 0 0

• Example 2: Stages within a set, set one represents a compressor with two unloaders. The unloaders turn off to
load the compressor. As the load increases, the set with a number of starts of 40 starts first. As the load decreases,
the set with a number of starts of 110 hours stops first.
Table 880: Increasing Load: Three Sets, Each Set is One Stage (Stage 1, 4, 5: 0=Off, 1=On; Stage 2, 3:
0=Load, 1=Unload)
Number of Load 0 40 50 60 80 100
Starts (Percent)
90 starts Set 1/Stage 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
90 starts Set 2/Stage 2 0 0 0 1 0 0
90 starts Set 3/Stage 3 0 0 0 1 1 0
40 starts Set 2/Stage 4 0 1 1 1 1 1
65 starts Set 3/Stage 5 0 0 1 1 1 1

Table 881: Decreasing Load: Three Sets, Each Set is One Stage (Stage 1, 4, 5: 0=Off, 1=On; Stage 2, 3:
0=Load, 1=Unload)
Number of Load 100 80 60 50 40 0
starts (Percent)
95 starts Set 1/Stage 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
95 starts Set 2/Stage 2 0 0 0 0 1 0
95 starts Set 3/Stage 3 0 0 0 1 1 0
110 starts Set 2/Stage 4 1 0 0 0 0 0
99 starts Set 3/Stage 5 1 1 0 0 0 0

Binary Code
Note: The Binary Code mode is intended for use only with electric heaters or other non-mechanical devices.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1246

The binary code sequencer always selects the appropriate stage combination for the requested output, with a stage
delay between the changing of a stage combination. The sequencer will not step through successive combinations
when a large change in requested output occurs. For example, in the following table, if the Input changes from 0 to
2, the sequencer immediately turns on the 2 kW stage.
The output stages must form one set and are controlled in sequence according to a binary code principle. For
example, a three-stage sequencer controls the output stages in the following sequence.
Table 882: Binary Code Example: Three-Stage Sequencer
Stage 0kW 1kW 2kW 3kW 4kW 5kW 6kW 7kW
1 (1kW) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
2 (2kW) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
As Load % increases -> 3 (4kW) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Sequencer Control

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1247

The sequencer control is either proactive or retroactive. This is controlled by setting the Proactive property. When
it is True, the sequencer operates proactively. When Proactive is False, the sequencer acts retroactively.
• Proactive = True
The first stage selected by the sequencer is always On unless the Instant Shutdown input is True. The second
stage is switched On when the first stage is at its load factor, the third stage when the second stage is at its load
factor, and so on. This mode is normally required for equipment with its own modulating control, for example,
centrifugal refrigeration compressors.
Figure 131: Proactive Control

• Proactive = False (Retroactive)

The first stage is not switched On until the required load is equal to its load factor. Each subsequent stage is not
switched until its load factor is required. This mode is normally required for equipment without modulating control,
for the control of electric heaters, for example.
Figure 132: Retroactive Control

Setting Make/Break Limits

When the Calculate Make Break Limits property is True, it allows the rated capacity and differential to be set in %
data by unit.
The following table provides an example showing Make/Break Limits determined by rated capacities and differentials.
Note the following when you view this example:
• Calculate Make/Break Limits property = True.
• Step mode = Sequence based on device number, Proactive = True
• Make limit of nth unit = Total rated capacities of operating units up to (n-1)th unit
• Break limit of nth unit = Make limit of nth unit – differential of step-down unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1248

Table 883: Make/Break Limits Example
Unit No. Operating Order Rated Capacity Differential Make Limit Break Limit (Stop
during (Operation Setpoint)
Implementation Setpoint)
No.1 1 40% 4% 0% -
No.2 2 20% 2% 40% 38%
No.3 3 20% 2% 60% 58%
No.4 4 10% 1% 80% 79%
No.5 5 10% 1% 90% 89%
No.6 - - - - -
No.7 - - - - -
No.8 - - - - -

Remaining Output and Vernier

As the Input increases from 0% to Make Limit 1, the Remaining output is equal to the Input, and Stage 1 is OFF.
When Make Limit 1 is reached, Stage 1 turns ON, and the Remaining output becomes zero. As the Input continues
to increase, the Remaining output increases (Remaining = Input - Make Limit 1). The same behavior occurs between
each Make Limit n (Remaining = Input - Make Limit n).
The Vernier output is the Remaining output, rescaled from zero to one hundred percent.
Figure 133: Remaining Output and Vernier

Pump Down
Pump Down is an output (Solenoid Valve Out) used to switch a refrigeration circuit ON and OFF. In order to perform
this function, the refrigeration equipment MUST have compressors, a Normally Closed Solenoid Valve in the liquid
line (between Condenser and Expansion Valve), and a Normally Closed Low-Pressure switch in the suction line
(between Evaporator and Compressor).
This output is optional and typically used as follows.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1249

To stop the unit, the solenoid valve is closed (de-energized), and the compressor continues to run until the
low-pressure switch trips, which switches the compressor OFF. This leaves a high-pressure drop across the installation
when stopped.
To restart, the solenoid valve opens, and the low pressure increases until the Low Pressure switch trips back allowing
the compressor to restart.
With pump down active, the Solenoid Valve Out operates as follows:
During plant stop, the Solenoid Valve Out is closed, the compressor continues to run until the low pressure input
goes ON, then the compressor stops.
During plant restart, the Solenoid Valve Out is opened first, when the Low Pressure input goes OFF, then the first
Stage of the sequence is switched ON.
Variations of the following staging modes are available for Pump Down (Solenoid Valve).
• Step Mode with Pump Down
• Sequential Mode with Pump Down
• Equal Runtime with Pump Down
• Equal Start-Up with Pump Down
Single Oil Pump
Some refrigeration circuits have a single oil pump for a group of compressors. In this case, an oil pressure line is
available to make oil available to each compressor. Since the pump is mounted on one of the compressors and
driven by its motor, this compressor needs to be switched ON first and connected to Device 1 Out. In this case, the
first stage is always excluded from sophisticated sequences. When Device 1 Enable is false, the entire sequencer
is shut down at once. When Oil Pump on Device 1 is true, then Device 1 Out is always started first.
In addition, an output (Oil Pump Out) to turn on a separate oil pump is provided. This output is used when a common
oil pump operated separately from the compressors is provided. Oil Pump on Device 1 must be false for this output
to be turned on. This oil pump starts before any Device n Out is activated, and runs for an adjustable period of time
before the Device n Out outputs turn on. This oil pump stops after last Device n Out is deactivated, and runs for an
adjustable period of time.
This output is optional and typically used as described in the previous example.
Variations of the following staging modes are available for compressors with a Single Oil Pump. With a single oil
pump, the oil pump output is switched ON at the same time as the First Stage of the sequence and switched OFF
together with the Last Stage of the sequence.
• Step Mode with Single Oil Pump
• Sequential Mode with Single Oil Pump
• Equal Runtime with Single Oil Pump
• Equal Start-Up with Single Oil Pump
Staging Up
A staging up process involves comparing the input value against each of the make limits defined for the sequencer
module. When an input value equals or exceeds a make limit, when the Inter-stage On Delay is not active, and when
the next device to activate does not have an active Minimum Off Timer, the sequencer reacts by increasing the
current stage. If more than one make limit is exceeded, the sequencer stages up one stage at a time with an
Inter-stage On Delay between each stage. When an increase in the current stage occurs, the Inter-stage On Delay
If an Inter-stage Off Delay is active when a make limit is exceeded, it does not prevent the stage up. When a stage
up occurs, any active Inter-stage Off Delay is canceled.
Staging Down

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1250

A staging down process involves comparing the input value against each of the break limits defined for the sequencer
module. When an input value is less than or equal to a break limit, when the Inter-stage Off Delay is not active, and
when the next device to deactivate does not have an active Minimum On Timer, the sequencer decreases the current
stage. If more than one break limit has been passed, the sequencer stages down one stage at a time with an
Inter-stage Off Delay between each stage. When a decrease in the current stage occurs, the Inter-stage Off Delay
If an Inter-stage On Delay is active when a break limit is exceeded, it does not prevent the stage down. When a
stage down occurs, any active Inter-Stage On Delay is canceled.
Minimum On and Off Timing
The outputs are all subject to minimum on and minimum off timers. The sequencer maintains individual timers for
each output. These timers protect equipment from excessive wear due to short cycling. Timers are cleared if the
sequencer is commanded to Rotate Now or the Rotate Now input transitions from False to True.
When an output is activated, it remains active for the Min On Time. This occurs even if the input to the sequencer
indicates that it should stage down. If the output that needs to be deactivated has an active Minimum On Timer, the
sequencer waits for that timer to expire before staging down and deactivating that device. Setting the Instant Shutdown
input to True causes the Minimum On Timer to be ignored and all devices are immediately deactivated.
When an output is deactivated, it remains inactive for the Min Off Time. This occurs even if the sequencer decides
to stage up. If the output that needs to be activated has an active Minimum Off Timer, the sequencer waits for that
timer to expire before activating that output. At startup, the sequencer considers all minimum off timers to have been
met. If the Instant Shutdown input is True, the minimum off timers are maintained for all outputs. If Instant Shutdown
goes False and a device has its Minimum Off Timer active, the sequencer waits for that timer to expire before staging
up and activating that device.
When a Minimum On/Off timer expires, the module checks to see if a stage up or down is required (the input is
currently greater than the next make limit or less than the appropriate break limit). If a change is required, the stage
up or down occurs if the appropriate Inter-stage and Minimum On/Off timers have been met. If there are no pending
changes, the module waits for the input to exceed a make limit or drop below a break limit to initiate a stage change.
Inter-Stage Timing
Staged equipment requires some time to have an effect on the process variable. Delays between switching stages
are used to ensure that the process variable has adequate time to sense the change from the capacity increase or
decrease. Staging up and staging down are subject to inter-stage on and off timers respectively. These timers are
cleared and restarted if the sequencer is commanded to Rotate Now or the Rotate Now input transitions from False
to True.
The Inter-stage On Delay Timer starts when the sequencer increases the current stage and must expire before the
sequencer is allowed to increase the current stage again. The Inter-stage On Delay allows the process variable to
respond to the increase in the system capacity before the control system continues to stage up.
If the input drops below a break limit while an Inter-stage On delay is active, the stage down occurs if the device to
be deactivated has no active minimum on timer.
The Inter-stage Off Delay Timer starts when the sequencer decreases the current stage and must expire before the
sequencer is allowed to decrease the current stage again. The Inter-stage Off Delay allows the process variable to
respond to the decrease in the system capacity before the control system continues to stage down. Setting the
Instant Shutdown input to True deactivates all outputs, ignoring the Inter-stage Off Delay.
Stabilize Timing
If the input rises above a make limit while an Inter-stage Off delay is active, the stage up occurs if the device to be
activated has no active minimum off timer.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1251

When an Inter-stage timer expires, the module checks to see if a stage up or down is required (the input is currently
greater than the next make limit or less than the appropriate break limit). If a change is required, the stage up or
down occurs if all appropriate Minimum On/Off timers have been met. If there are no pending changes, the module
waits for the input to exceed a make limit or drop below a break limit to initiate a stage change.
The sequencer allows for individual stabilization timers for each stage (for example, Stage 1 On Delay = 300, Stage
2 On Delay = 120, Stage 1 Off Delay = 180, Stage 2 Off Delay = 60).
Stabilize timing occurs when the input exceeds a Make Limit or drops below a Break Limit.
Step-Up Stabilize On Delay Timer:
• Starts timing when the input value exceeds the Make Limit of the next stage.
• When the timer expires, the sequencer switches ON the next set/stage.
Step-Down Stabilize Off Delay Timer:
• Starts timing when the input value falls below the break limit of the next lower stage.
• When the timer expires, the sequencer switches OFF the next set/stage.
Figure 134: Stabilize Timing Example

Instant Shutdown
When the Instant Shutdown input is True, all of the outputs are deactivated ignoring the Minimum On Timers and
the Inter-stage Off Delay timer.
Lead Rotation
The following six events can cause the sequence order to change:
• Device activation
• Device deactivation
• Enabling a device
• Disabling a device
• Change of a device’s rank value
• Change in the Rotate Now input from False to True or receipt of a Rotate Now command.
Note: When the Rotate Now input is changed from False to True, or when a Rotate Now Command is issued, the
current device combination is re-evaluated and the selection of a new combination of devices instantly occurs.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1252

The manner in which the outputs are scheduled for activation is based on a combination of three factors: the rank
value defined for each device, whether or not the device is enabled, and whether or not the device is already active.
Dynamic Reordering
After any occurrence of the first five items (cited in the previous section), the sequence order is re-evaluated. The
devices are placed into three distinct collections or categories:
• Enabled and active
• Enabled and not active
• Disabled
Within each of the categories, the entries are arranged in ascending order beginning with the lowest ranked device
and ending with the highest ranked device.
Note: If two or more devices are assigned equal rank values, they are ordered based on the device number.
The combination of the three categories is the overall Sequence Order with the enabled and active devices first in
the list, followed by enabled and inactive devices, and finally by disabled devices.
The dynamic reordering allows the current lead device to be changed without actually deactivating or activating any
of the devices until a stage change is required. If an output is being deactivated, then the active output with the
highest rank value is deactivated. If an output is being activated, then the inactive output with the lowest rank value
is activated. After the device activates or deactivates, the groupings update.
Static Reordering
When a change in the Rotate Now input from False to True or the receipt of a Rotate Now command occurs, the
sequence order is re-evaluated. This allows you to make an immediate change to the devices that are running.
Note: Static Reordering disregards all Inter-stage and Minimum On/Off Timers.
The devices are placed into two distinct collections or categories:
• Enabled
• Disabled
Within each of the categories, the entries are arranged in ascending order beginning with the lowest ranked device
and ending with the highest ranked device.
Note: If two or more devices are assigned equal rank values, they are ordered based on the device number.
This method does not take into account the current status of the output (active or inactive). The combination of the
two categories is the overall sequence order with the enabled devices lowest in the list.
When the reordering is complete, the sequencer module immediately switches the state of its outputs to match the
new sequence order and Current Stage. This may result in currently active devices stopping and inactive devices
starting. For devices that change state, any current Minimum On or Minimum Off timers are cleared and appropriate
timers are started.)
Default Sequencing Order
At creation, the default sequence order matches the device numbering. The default value for Device X Rank is zero,
so the sequencer module defaults to the device numbering for the sequence.
Device Enable
The sequencer module only activates those devices that are enabled. When an active device is disabled, it is
immediately deactivated (disregarding minimum on timers) and the next available (enabled and inactivate) device
is activated in its place if no timers are active.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1253

When a device is enabled, the sequencer module reevaluates the sequence order. The sequencer continues to
consider this device inactive when it becomes enabled. When a change is required by the make and break limits,
the appropriate device is started or stopped.
If some of the output devices are disabled, the sequencer may not be able to provide 100 percent capacity. In that
case, the input may continue to wind-up to a max value of 100 percent. When the load drops and the input signal
drop, the value of the input must drop to the break limit associated with the last stage that is currently enabled before
actually deactivating any outputs.
When a Device n Enable changes to false and the associated Device n Out is turned off, a minimum off timer is
The logic of the Global Sequencer module is not viewable or editable.

Attributes (Global Sequencer)

The following tables describe the attributes and inputs and outputs used by the Global Sequencer module.
Table 884: Global Sequencer Attributes
Name Description Mode

Break Limit This array of float values represents the limits at which each successive SP, SQ, ER, ES
stage is deactivated. If Proactive is True, the first limit applies to the second
stage, the second limit applies to the third stage, and so on. Each
successive value must be greater than the previous break limit and also
less than its corresponding make limit. The size of this array is set to
Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs – 1 if Proactive is True) at
configuration time. These values are calculated using Device Capacity
when Calculate Make-Break Limits is True.
Calculate Make-Break When this value is True, the Make/Break Limit values are calculated using SP, SQ, ER, ES
Limits the Device Capacity and Differential values. When this value is False the
Make/Break Limit values must be set by the user.
Note: When using this option, varying capacities could yield unexpected
results depending on the selected staging mode.
Device Capacity This array of analog values represents the capacity of each device output. SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
These values are used to calculate the Make Limit values when Calculate
Make-Break Limits is True. When Calculate Make-Break Limits is False,
these are ignored and the Make Limits must be set by the user.
Device First Of This value specifies how many devices are in the group where this device SP, SQ, ER, ES
is the first of the group. This device and the following (value – 1) devices
are grouped together for control. The Device First Of property for the
dependent devices of this group are ignored.
Differential This value is used to calculate the Break Limit values when Calculate SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Make-Break limits is true. When Calculate Make-Break Limits is False,
these are ignored and the Break Limits must be set by the user.
Equal Runtime Within Sets This Boolean value indicates the effect of runtime on items within Sets. ER
When this property is True, the devices within a set are controlled to equal
runtime. If it is False, the first device is the compressor, and subsequent
device are unloaders, and runtime on unloaders are ignored.
When the property is True, the runtime of the set is the sum of all items
within the set. When it is False, the runtime of the set is the runtime of the
first device.
This property is only evaluated when the Mode is set to Equal Runtime
mode. If both Equal Runtime Within Sets and Invert Stages in Sets are set
to True, the sequencer only obeys the Invert States in Sets property.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1254

Table 884: Global Sequencer Attributes
Name Description Mode

Instant Shutdown Delay This delay value is used by the Instant Shutdown feature to control the SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
rate at which the devices turn off.
Inter-stage Delay On This Boolean value indicates whether or not Minimum On/Off and ER, BC, ES
Rotate Inter-stage On and Off timers must be respected before a rotation can
occur (from either the Rotate command or the Rotate Now input). When
the property is False, the primitive ignores any of these timers and proceeds
with the rotation. When this property is True, the primitive ignores the
Rotate Now Delay, but does respect it when the property is False.
This attribute is available when you select Inter-stage.
Inter-stage Timing Method This value indicates whether Inter-stage timing or stabilize timing is used. SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Inter-stage timing starts when a stage change occurs and prevents another
stage change from occurring until it has expired. Stabilize timing starts
when the Input exceeds a make limit or drops below a break limit and
prevents the stage change from occurring until the timer has expired.
Invert Stages in Sets This Boolean value indicates the action of devices within a group as SP, SQ, ER, ES
specified in Device First Of. If this input is True, when the first device of a
group is turned on, all the devices are turned on and the second and
subsequent devices of the group are turned off sequentially as the load
increases. If this input is False, when the first device of the group is turned
on, the remaining devices of the group turn on sequentially as the load
increases. This property cannot be used when Equal Runtime Within Sets
is True and the Mode is set to Equal Runtime mode. If both Equal Runtime
Within Sets and Invert Stages in Sets are set to True, the sequencer only
obeys the Invert Stages in Sets property.
This attribute is available when Oil Pump on Device 1 is False.
Make Limit This array of analog values represents the limits at which each successive SP, SQ, ER, ES
stage is to be activated. If Proactive is True, the first limit applies to the
second stage, the second limit applies to the third stage, and so on. Each
successive value must be greater than the previous make limit and also
greater than its corresponding break limit. The size of this array is set to
Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs – 1 if Proactive is True) at
configuration time. These values are calculated using Device Capacity
when Calculate Make-Break Limits is True.
Mode Value indicates the operating mode of the sequencer: SP = Step, SQ = SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup.
Number Of Outputs This is the number of binary outputs to be controlled by this sequencer. SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Oil Pump Off Delay This delay value is used by the Oil Pump feature to determine how long SP, SQ, ER, ES
to run the oil after stopping the last compressor. This is an optional item
typically used with chillers.
This attribute is available when Oil Pump on Device 1 is False
Oil Pump On Delay This delay value is used by the Oil Pump feature to determine how long SP, SQ, ER, ES
to run the oil before starting a compressor. This is an optional item typically
used with chillers.
This attribute is available when Oil Pump on Device 1 is False
Oil Pump On Device 1 This property indicates whether the single oil pump runs with the SP, SQ, ER, ES
compressor attached to Device 1 Out or has its own motor. This is an
optional item typically used with chillers.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1255

Table 884: Global Sequencer Attributes
Name Description Mode

Proactive This value indicates the mode of operation for the sequencer. When this SP, SQ, ER, ES
value is set False, the lead output is activated when the input reaches the
first make limit. When this attribute True, the lead output is placed in a
continuously activated state (provided Instant Shutdown is set False) and
as such, the second stage is actually activated when Input reaches the
first make limit.
Note: Proactive has no meaning when in Binary Code Mode.
Pump Down Available This property indicates whether a solenoid valve is connected to the SP, SQ, ER, ES
Solenoid Valve output and a Low Pressure input is connected to the low
pressure input. When this input is True, the stager provides a pump down
using the low pressure input and solenoid valve output. This is an optional
item typically used with chillers.
Rotate Now Delay This delay value is used by the Rotate Now feature to turn new devices ER, BC, ES
on before turning previously running devices off.
This attribute is available when Inter-stage Delay On Rotate is False
Sequence Order This integer array contains the activation/deactivation order of the SP, SQ, ER, ES
sequencer as determined by the Lead Rotation. In the case where the
sequencing order is Device 3 Output, Device 4 Output, Device 1 Output,
and Device 2 Output for a four stage Sequencer, the contents of this array
are {3, 4, 1, 2}.
Time Remaining Update This property controls how fast the Time Remaining outputs update. If this SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Interval value is zero, the Time Remaining output does not update. This is used
to conserve system bandwidth if no timer diagnostics information is needed.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Table 885: Global Sequencer Inputs and Outputs

Name Description Mode

Current Stage This value indicates the number of the SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
active outputs of the sequencer.
Device n Enable These Boolean values establish the SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
enable status of the sequencer device
outputs. A value of False takes the
associated device out of service. Only the
enables for the number of outputs are
shown. The primitive is created with n
individual Device n Enable inputs based
on Number of Outputs.
Device n Out These Enum values contain the output SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
value for the corresponding device. The
primitive is created with n individual Device
n Output inputs based on Number of

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1256

Table 885: Global Sequencer Inputs and Outputs
Name Description Mode

Device n Runtime These float values represent the runtime ER, ES

of each device. This value establishes the
order by which the device outputs are
activated. Only the runtimes for the
number of outputs are shown. The
primitive is created with n individual Device
n Runtime inputs based on Number of
Device n Starts These float values represent the number ER, ES
of starts of each device. This value
establishes the order by which the device
outputs are activated. Only the number of
starts for the number of outputs are
shown. The primitive is created with n
individual Device n Starts inputs based on
Number of Outputs.
First Set On Delay This float attribute provides the time to wait SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
when the first stage up is started before
starting the next set.
Force Downstage This attribute is rising edge activated. It SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
retains a value of True until it is written
back to False. Writing this attribute to True
causes the Sequencer to decrease the
number of stages active. The sequencer
waits for timers to expire. For example, if
a On Delay timer is active on the stage to
stop, then it waits for that timer to expire.
Force Upstage This attribute is rising edge activated. It SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
retains a value of True until it is written
back to False. Writing this attribute to True
causes the Sequencer to increase the
number of stages active. The sequencer
waits for timers to expire. For example, if
a Off Delay timer is active on the stage to
start, then it waits for that timer to expire.
Input This float value is the control signal input SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
to this primitive. It is compared against the
make and break limits to determine how
many outputs to activate. Typically, this
input is scaled 0 – 100 %, but it can be
scaled in Power Units (Tons/kW) of the
Plant if that is preferred.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1257

Table 885: Global Sequencer Inputs and Outputs
Name Description Mode

Instant Shutdown This Boolean value forces all outputs SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
inactive when it is True. When it is False,
the primitive monitors the input and stages
the outputs. When this value transitions
from False to True, all of the outputs are
deactivated in sequence with a delay of
Instant Shutdown Delay between steps
(ignoring any Minimum On Timers,
Inter-stage Timers and Stabilize Timers).
If a step down would normally start
another device, the device that would be
started is not turned on.
Interstage Off Delay n This attribute defines the minimum time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
interval that must elapse between the
sequential deactivation of multiple
Sequencer stages unless the Instant
Shutdown value is True or the primitive is
disabled. The associated timer starts
immediately after a stage down event.
This attribute is available when you select
Interstage On Delay n This attribute defines the minimum time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
interval that must elapse between the
sequential activation of multiple Sequencer
stages. The associated timer starts
immediately after a stage up event.
This attribute is available when you select
Interstage Time Remaining This float value provides the time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
remaining until a stage up or down can
occur. These timers start immediately after
a change in stage.
This attribute is available when you select
Low Pressure This input provides the indication SP, SQ, ER, ES
necessary to control the Solenoid Valve
Out for pump down. This is an optional
item typically used with chillers.
This attribute is available when Pump
Down Available is True.
Min Off Time n This is the minimum time that an output SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
must remain off before it can be
reactivated to an on condition following
deactivation. As such, a separate timer is
established for each device output upon
being deactivated. Until the time interval
expires, the output is blocked from being
reactivated unless Rotate Now has
transitioned from False to True.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1258

Table 885: Global Sequencer Inputs and Outputs
Name Description Mode

Min Off Time n Remaining This float value provides of the time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
remaining until the device can be turned
Min On Time n This is the minimum time interval that an SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
output must remain on before it can be
deactivated to an off condition following
activation. As such, a separate timer is
established for each device output upon
being activated. Until the time interval
expires, the output is blocked from being
deactivated unless the Instant Shutdown
value is True, the primitive is disabled, or
Rotate Now has transitioned from False
to True.
Min On Time n Remaining This float value provides of the time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
remaining until the device can be turned
Next Device to Start This float value identifies the next device SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
that starts when the sequencer stages up.
When there are no longer any devices to
stage up, the value is 0.
Next Device to Stop This float value identifies the next device SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
that stops when the sequencer stages
down. When there are no longer any
devices to stage down, the value is 0.
Oil Pump Out This output is used to control a single oil SP, SQ, ER, ES
pump associated with all of the
compressors. This is an optional item
typically used with chillers.
Operating State This enum value identifies the operational SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
state of the sequencer at any given point
in time, including Idle, Deactivated -
Instant Shutdown, Shutdown In - Process,
Staging Up -Interstage On Delay, Staging
Up -Minimum Off Delay, Staging Down
-Interstage Off Delay, Staging Down -
Minimum On Delay, Insufficient Capacity.
Remaining This output is the capacity requested on SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
the Input that is not met by the devices
that are on. Remaining = Input – SUM(On

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1259

Table 885: Global Sequencer Inputs and Outputs
Name Description Mode

Rotate Now This attribute is rising edge activated. It ER, BC, ES

retains a value of True until it is written
back to False. Writing this attribute to True
causes an immediate rotation based on
the current ranks. As this rotation occurs,
devices that are transitioning from off to
on are started and after an adjustable
delay, the devices transitioning from on to
off are stopped.
Solenoid Valve Out This output is used to control a solenoid SP, SQ, ER, ES
valve for pump down of the compressors.
This is an optional item typically used with
This attribute is available when Pump
Down Available is True.
Stabilize Off Delay n This attribute defines the minimum time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
interval that must elapse between the
sequential deactivation of multiple
Sequencer stages unless the Instant
Shutdown value is True or the primitive is
disabled. The associated timer starts after
the Input drops below a break limit.
This attribute is available when you select
Stabilize On Delay n This attribute defines the minimum time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
interval that must elapse between the
sequential activation of multiple Sequencer
stages. The associated timer starts after
the Input exceeds a make limit.
This attribute is available when you select
Stabilize Time Remaining This float value provides the time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
remaining until a stage up or down can
occur. These timers start when the input
exceeds a make limit or drops below a
break limit.
This attribute is available when you select
Vernier This analog output of 0 to 100 indicates SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
the required percentage of the currently
modulated device required to meet the
required capacity. The Remaining output
is rescaled from 0 to 100%.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Module Use in Application (Global Sequencer)

The application System Selection Trees do not use the individual modules in this group.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1260

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Reliability (Global Sequencer)

The reliability associated with the Global Sequencer module may report Input Unreliable. This condition occurs
when the Input is unreliable. When it is unreliable, all outputs hold the last value set when the input was reliable.
• If the Global Sequencer is unable to stage up because the remaining outputs are disabled, the Global Sequencer’s
reliability remains Reliable, but the Global Sequencer object Status and Operating State attributes change to
Insufficient Capacity.

Configuration Wizard
The following sections provide information on the attributes that appear as you move through the Global Sequencer
configuration screens. The attributes and screens that appear depend upon the mode you choose on the first screen.

Global Sequencer Basic Configuration

On this page, you can select the Global Sequencer operating mode. The mode you choose on this page affects the
attributes available in the following pages of the Wizard. The following table provides information on the operating
modes. See Global Sequencer in the Output Control Modules chapter for more detailed information.
Table 886: Modes
Mode Description
Step Mode The Sets are controlled in sequence of the device number. The output with the lowest device number is
activated first, and the output with the highest device number is deactivated first.
Sequential Mode The Sets are controlled in sequence according to the first on, first off principle.
Equal Runtime The set with the lowest On time is switched on first, and the set with the highest On time is switched off
Equal Startup The set with the lowest Start-up counts is switched on first, and the set with the highest Start-up counts
is switched off first.
Binary Code The output stages must form one set and are controlled in sequence according to a binary code principle.

Table 887: Attributes for Basic Configuration

Name Description Mode
Device Capacity This array of analog values represents the capacity of each device output. These SP, SQ, ER, BC,
values are used to calculate the Make Limit values when Calculate Make-Break ES
Limits is True. When Calculate Make-Break Limits is False, these are ignored
and the Make Limits must be set by the user.
Device First Of This value specifies how many devices are in the group where this device is the SP, SQ, ER, ES
first of the group. This device and the following (value – 1) devices are grouped
together for control. The Device First Of property for the dependent devices of
this group are ignored.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1261

Table 887: Attributes for Basic Configuration
Name Description Mode
Mode Value indicates the operating mode of the sequencer: SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, SP, SQ, ER, BC,
ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup. ES
Proactive This value indicates the mode of operation for the sequencer. When this value is SP, SQ, ER, ES
set False, the lead output is activated when the input reaches the first make limit.
When this attribute True, the lead output is placed in a continuously activated
state (provided Instant Shutdown is set False) and as such, the second stage is
actually activated when Input reaches the first make limit.
Note: Proactive has no meaning when in Binary Code Mode.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Global Sequencer Advanced Configuration

See Global Sequencer in the Output Control Modules chapter for more information.
Table 888: Attributes for Advanced Configuration
Name Description Mode
Calculate Make-Break Limits When this value is True, the Make/Break SP, SQ, ER, ES
Limit values are calculated using the
Device Capacity and Differential values.
When this value is False the Make/Break
Limit values must be set by the user.
Note: When using this option, varying
capacities could yield unexpected
results depending on the selected
staging mode.
Differential This value is used to calculate the Break SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
Limit values when Calculate Make-Break
limits is true. When Calculate Make-Break
Limits is False, these are ignored and the
Break Limits must be set by the user.
Equal Runtime Within Sets This Boolean value indicates the effect of ER
runtime on items within Sets. When this
property is True, the devices within a set
are controlled to equal runtime. If it is
False, the first device is the compressor,
and subsequent device are unloaders, and
runtime on unloaders are ignored.
When the property is True, the runtime of
the set is the sum of all items within the
set. When it is False, the runtime of the
set is the runtime of the first device.
This property is only evaluated when the
Mode is set to Equal Runtime mode. If
both Equal Runtime Within Sets and Invert
Stages in Sets are set to True, the
sequencer only obeys the Invert States in
Sets property.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1262

Table 888: Attributes for Advanced Configuration
Name Description Mode
Inter-stage Timing Method This value indicates whether Inter-stage SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
timing or stabilize timing is used.
Inter-stage timing starts when a stage
change occurs and prevents another stage
change from occurring until it has expired.
Stabilize timing starts when the Input
exceeds a make limit or drops below a
break limit and prevents the stage change
from occurring until the timer has expired.
Invert Stages in Sets This Boolean value indicates the action of SP, SQ, ER, ES
devices within a group as specified in
Device First Of. If this input is True, when
the first device of a group is turned on, all
the devices are turned on and the second
and subsequent devices of the group are
turned off sequentially as the load
increases. If this input is False, when the
first device of the group is turned on, the
remaining devices of the group turn on
sequentially as the load increases. This
property cannot be used when Equal
Runtime Within Sets is True and the Mode
is set to Equal Runtime mode. If both
Equal Runtime Within Sets and Invert
Stages in Sets are set to True, the
sequencer only obeys the Invert Stages
in Sets property.
This attribute is available when Oil Pump
on Device 1 is False.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Global Sequencer Set Make Break Limits

This screen appears if you have set Calculate Make-Break Limits to False. See Global Sequencer in the Output
Control Modules chapter for more information.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1263

Table 889: Attributes for Set Make Break Limits
Name Description Mode
Break Limit This array of float values represents the limits at which each successive stage is SP, SQ, ER, ES
deactivated. If Proactive is True, the first limit applies to the second stage, the
second limit applies to the third stage, and so on. Each successive value must be
greater than the previous break limit and also less than its corresponding make
limit. The size of this array is set to Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs – 1
if Proactive is True) at configuration time. These values are calculated using Device
Capacity when Calculate Make-Break Limits is True.
Make Limit This array of analog values represents the limits at which each successive stage SP, SQ, ER, ES
is to be activated. If Proactive is True, the first limit applies to the second stage,
the second limit applies to the third stage, and so on. Each successive value must
be greater than the previous make limit and also greater than its corresponding
break limit. The size of this array is set to Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs
– 1 if Proactive is True) at configuration time. These values are calculated using
Device Capacity when Calculate Make-Break Limits is True.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Global Sequencer Calculated Make Break Limits

This screen appears if you have set Calculate Make-Break Limits to True. See Global Sequencer in the Output
Control Modules chapter for more detailed information.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1264

Table 890: Attributes for Calculated Make Break Limits
Name Description Mode
Make Limit This array of analog values represents the SP, SQ, ER, ES
limits at which each successive stage is
to be activated. If Proactive is True, the
first limit applies to the second stage, the
second limit applies to the third stage, and
so on. Each successive value must be
greater than the previous make limit and
also greater than its corresponding break
limit. The size of this array is set to
Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs
– 1 if Proactive is True) at configuration
time. These values are calculated using
Device Capacity when Calculate
Make-Break Limits is True.
Break Limit This array of float values represents the SP, SQ, ER, ES
limits at which each successive stage is
deactivated. If Proactive is True, the first
limit applies to the second stage, the
second limit applies to the third stage, and
so on. Each successive value must be
greater than the previous break limit and
also less than its corresponding make
limit. The size of this array is set to
Number of Outputs (or Number of Outputs
– 1 if Proactive is True) at configuration
time. These values are calculated using
Device Capacity when Calculate
Make-Break Limits is True.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Global Sequencer Set Interstage Timing

This screen appears if you have set Interstage Timing Method to Interstage .See Global Sequencer in the Output
Control Modules chapter for more information.
Table 891: Attributes Set Interstage Timing
Name Description Mode
First Set On Delay This float attribute provides the time to wait when the first stage up is started before SP, SQ, ER, BC,
starting the next set. ES
Interstage Off This attribute defines the minimum time interval that must elapse between the sequential SP, SQ, ER, BC,
Delay n deactivation of multiple Sequencer stages unless the Instant Shutdown value is True ES
or the primitive is disabled. The associated timer starts immediately after a stage down
This attribute is available when you select Inter-stage.
Interstage On This attribute defines the minimum time interval that must elapse between the sequential SP, SQ, ER, BC,
Delay n activation of multiple Sequencer stages. The associated timer starts immediately after ES
a stage up event.
This attribute is available when you select Inter-stage.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1265

Table 891: Attributes Set Interstage Timing
Name Description Mode
Min Off Time n This is the minimum time that an output must remain off before it can be reactivated to SP, SQ, ER, BC,
an on condition following deactivation. As such, a separate timer is established for each ES
device output upon being deactivated. Until the time interval expires, the output is
blocked from being reactivated unless Rotate Now has transitioned from False to True.
Min On Time n This is the minimum time interval that an output must remain on before it can be SP, SQ, ER, BC,
deactivated to an off condition following activation. As such, a separate timer is ES
established for each device output upon being activated. Until the time interval expires,
the output is blocked from being deactivated unless the Instant Shutdown value is True,
the primitive is disabled, or Rotate Now has transitioned from False to True.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Global Sequencer Set Stabilize Timing

This screen appears if you have set Interstage Timing Method to Stabilize. See Global Sequencer in the Output
Control Modules chapter for more detailed information.
Table 892: Attributes for Set Stabilize Timing
Name Description Mode
First Set On Delay This float attribute provides the time to wait SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
when the first stage up is started before
starting the next set.
Min On Time n This is the minimum time interval that an SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
output must remain on before it can be
deactivated to an off condition following
activation. As such, a separate timer is
established for each device output upon
being activated. Until the time interval
expires, the output is blocked from being
deactivated unless the Instant Shutdown
value is True, the primitive is disabled, or
Rotate Now has transitioned from False
to True.
Min Off Time n This is the minimum time that an output SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
must remain off before it can be
reactivated to an on condition following
deactivation. As such, a separate timer is
established for each device output upon
being deactivated. Until the time interval
expires, the output is blocked from being
reactivated unless Rotate Now has
transitioned from False to True.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1266

Table 892: Attributes for Set Stabilize Timing
Name Description Mode
Stabilize On Delay n This attribute defines the minimum time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
interval that must elapse between the
sequential activation of multiple Sequencer
stages. The associated timer starts after
the Input exceeds a make limit.
This attribute is available when you select
Stabilize Off Delay n This attribute defines the minimum time SP, SQ, ER, BC, ES
interval that must elapse between the
sequential deactivation of multiple
Sequencer stages unless the Instant
Shutdown value is True or the primitive is
disabled. The associated timer starts after
the Input drops below a break limit.
This attribute is available when you select

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

Global Sequencer Miscellaneous Configuration

See Global Sequencer in the Output Control Modules chapter for more information.
Table 893: Attributes for Miscellaneous Configuration
Name Description Mode
Instant Shutdown This delay value is used by the Instant Shutdown feature to control the rate at which the SP, SQ, ER, BC,
Delay devices turn off. ES
Inter-stage Delay This Boolean value indicates whether or not Minimum On/Off and Inter-stage On and Off ER, BC, ES
On Rotate timers must be respected before a rotation can occur (from either the Rotate command
or the Rotate Now input). When the property is False, the primitive ignores any of these
timers and proceeds with the rotation. When this property is True, the primitive ignores
the Rotate Now Delay, but does respect it when the property is False.
This attribute is available when you select Inter-stage.
Oil Pump Off This delay value is used by the Oil Pump feature to determine how long to run the oil after SP, SQ, ER, ES
Delay stopping the last compressor. This is an optional item typically used with chillers.
This attribute is available when Oil Pump on Device 1 is False
Oil Pump On This delay value is used by the Oil Pump feature to determine how long to run the oil SP, SQ, ER, ES
Delay before starting a compressor. This is an optional item typically used with chillers.
This attribute is available when Oil Pump on Device 1 is False
Oil Pump On This property indicates whether the single oil pump runs with the compressor attached to SP, SQ, ER, ES
Device 1 Device 1 Out or has its own motor. This is an optional item typically used with chillers.
Pump Down This property indicates whether a solenoid valve is connected to the Solenoid Valve output SP, SQ, ER, ES
Available and a Low Pressure input is connected to the low pressure input. When this input is True,
the stager provides a pump down using the low pressure input and solenoid valve output.
This is an optional item typically used with chillers.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1267

Table 893: Attributes for Miscellaneous Configuration
Name Description Mode
Rotate Now This delay value is used by the Rotate Now feature to turn new devices on before turning ER, BC, ES
Delay previously running devices off.
This attribute is available when Inter-stage Delay On Rotate is False
Time Remaining This property controls how fast the Time Remaining outputs update. If this value is zero, SP, SQ, ER, BC,
Update Interval the Time Remaining output does not update. This is used to conserve system bandwidth ES
if no timer diagnostics information is needed.

1 SP = Step, SQ = Sequential, ER = Equal Runtime, BC = Binary Code, ES = Equal Startup

These modules provide several methods of controlling outputs. These include simple interlocks (where the input is
binary), reset control (where an analog input is spanned to produce an output), proportional input (PI) proportional
and staged control, and PI with reset proportional and staged.

Sideloop Binary Control v2

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Sideloop Binary Control v2 module replaces the Sideloop Binary Control module.
This module uses an analog input to control a binary output to maintain setpoint (Sideloop Analog to Binary Output).
This module accepts a mode, a process variable, a setpoint, differential, and action as inputs. Based on the input
commands and the parameter settings, the module outputs an output and control status.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
The Sideloop Binary Control module work with the state selection mode (optional).
For more information on this module, see the Attributes (Sideloop Binary Control) section.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Binary Control)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Binary Control module.
Table 894: Sideloop Binary Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Direct Acting Determines if the output controller should have a direct False
or reverse impact on the process variable.
Mode Provides the command that enables the process to Off
Set Name: Off/On/Control
Output Provides the output for the BO being controlled. Off
Set Name: Off/On

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1268

Table 894: Sideloop Binary Control Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Indicates the variable that is compared to the set point 20 Deg C, 72 Deg F
and is used to determine whether to turn the BO on
or off.
Setpoint Indicates the target value of the process variable. 20 Deg C, 72 Deg F
SL-Diff Indicates the Off/On differential. 1 Deg C, 2 Deg F
SL-Outstate Indicates the operating mode of the module. Normal
Set Name: Control Status

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog

This module selects the value sent to a proportional output based on the enumerated input value (typically from a
Binary Input). The value may be delayed based on the selected delay type (none, on, off, or both.)
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
The Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog modules work with the state selection mode (optional).
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog module.
Table 895: Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input Contains the input to this module. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Mode Contains a connection to the Selection object of a control Control
System. It overrides the internal logic.
Set Name:
Present Value G, V Displays the analog value output based on the input and the
status of the associated delays.
SL-DELAYTYPE (Delay Selects the type of delay from the time the binary input is None
Type) energized or de-energized to the time when the analog output
Set Name: BI to BO/AO
goes to Output Range High or Output Range Low. This can
Delay Type
be set for None, On, Off, or Both.
SL-OFFDELAY (Off Delay) Specifies the delay from the time the input is de-energized 30 Seconds
to the time when the analog output goes to Output Range

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1269

Table 895: Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
SL-ONDELAY (On Delay) Specifies the delay from the time the binary input is energized 30 Seconds
to the time when the analog output goes to Output Range
SL-OUTA (Output Range Contains the value sent to the output when the input is off 0.0
Low) and all timers are satisfied. If the Mode is Off, this value is
sent to the Output.
SL-OUTB (Output Range Contains the value sent to the output when the input is on 100.0
High) and all timers are satisfied. If the Mode is On, this value is
sent to the Output.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog)

• Off: The Present Value is set to Output Range Low.
• On: The Present Value is set to Output Range High.
• Control: If the Input is On and all timers are satisfied, the Output Range High is passed to the Present Value.
If the input is Off and all timers are satisfied, the Output Range Low is passed to the Present Value.

Reliability (Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog)

Table 896: Sideloop Interlock Binary to Analog Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Input The last Reliable value is used as the input.

Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary

This module passes the enumerated value (typically from a Binary Input) to an enumerated output (typically connect
to a Binary Output). The value may be delayed based on the selected delay type (None, On, Off, or Both.)
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
The Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary modules work with the state selection mode (optional).
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1270

Table 897: Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input Contains input to this module. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Mode Contains the connection to the Selection object of a Control
control System. It overrides the internal logic.
Set Name: Off/On/Control
Present Value G, V Contains the output based on the input and the status of Set Name: Off/On
the associated delays.
SL-DELAYTYPE (Delay Selects the type of delay from the time the binary input None
Type) is energized or de-energized to the time when the analog
Set Name: BI to BO/AO
output goes to Output Range High or Output Range Low.
Delay Type
This can be set to None, On, Off, or Both.
SL-OFFDELAY (Off Selects the delay from the time the input is de-energized 30 Seconds
Delay) to the analog output going to the Output Range Low.
SL-ONDELAY (On Selects the delay from time the binary input is energized 30 Seconds
Delay) to time when the analog output goes to Output Range

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary)

• Off: The Present Value is set to Off.
• On: The Present Value is set to On.
• Control: If the Input is On and all timers are satisfied, the Present Value is set to On. If the input is Off and all
timers are satisfied, the Present Value is set to Off.

Reliability (Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary)

Table 898: Sideloop Interlock Binary to Binary Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Input The last Reliable value is used as the input.

Sideloop PI Proportional Output v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Sideloop PI Proportional Output v51 module replaces the Sideloop PI Proportional
Output v50 module.
This module controls a proportional source within a control application. The module accepts as inputs, a mode, a
process variable, a setpoint, and so on. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a
percent command and control status. This module is a simplified version of Cooling Proportional Output or Heating
Proportional Output and supports only three Mode states, namely, Off, Max, and Control. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1271

This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Sideloop PI Proportional Output)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 899: Sideloop PI Proportional Output Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chilled Water Bypass Valve Control v51 Central Cooling Applications
CHW Pump Differential Pressure Control v51 Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Condenser Water Bypass Valve Control v51 Central Cooling Applications
Cooling Tower Control v51 Central Cooling Applications
Hot Water Bypass Valve Control v51 Central Heating Applications
Modulating Device PID v51 Central Cooling Applications
PI Proportional Output v51 Sideloop Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop PI Proportional Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop PI Proportional Output module.
Note: Make sure the Process ID and Process Units attributes are set according to the needs of your system. If the
Process ID selected is Airflow, Airflow Diff, or Other, the you must set the Process Range as necessary. The
Process Range must be greater than zero. If Process ID is Other, the user should configure the Time Constant
and Process Dead Time attributes from the details view of the PID Pre-Processor logic block inside the
module’s logic view. See the PID Pre-Processor logic block description and the Process ID Configuration
Restrictions in the Control topic of the Logic section for details.
Table 900: Sideloop PI Proportional Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Compensator Cmd Controls the valve. The valve is commanded from 0% to 100%. 0.0
This output incorporates the Lead Compensator.
Display Units: %
Control Status V Displays the current status of the module. Set Name: Control Status

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1272

Table 900: Sideloop PI Proportional Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: True = Direct Acting, False = True
Reverse Acting. Direct acting control is used in applications
where an increase in the process variable causes the
controller’s present value to increase. An example of direct
acting control is temperature control with a cooling coil. With
reverse acting control, an increase in the process variable
causes the control present value to decrease. Temperature
control with a heating coil, flow rate control, and static pressure
control applications are three examples of reverse acting
EFFSL-SP (Setpoint) Contains the desired setpoint for the process variable to be 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
controlled to when commanded to Control.
Mode Allows the state to be set to Off, Max, Hold, or Control. Control
Set Name:
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Controls the single actuator that is providing cooling or heating. Display Units: %
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Process ID Allows you to specify the process that is being controlled. DA-T
Set Name: Process ID
Process Range Displays the magnitude of the range that the PID Process 22.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Variable traverses as the PID Present Value varies between
its minimum and maximum values. You do not need to configure
this parameter unless Process ID = Airflow or Airflow Diff. In
these cases, Process Range should be configured to the design
maximum flow rate of the controlled device. For other Process
ID values, the effective process range is determined
automatically from the standards table.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg FSet Name:
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is commanded to Control, this is the 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable that is controlled and must therefore respond to
changes in the output. For example, it can be connected to the
Zone Temperature.
SL-ABSEFFORT (SL Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this
Display Units: %
SL-ABSERROR (SL Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Setpoint 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1273

Table 900: Sideloop PI Proportional Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
SL-ERROR (SL EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint - 0.0
Error) Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
SL-EWMA (SL EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID computes 0.0
Present Value) this value.
Display Units: %
SL-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current State of the module. Set Name: Off/Max/Control

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Sideloop PI Proportional Output)

• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the Percent Cmd to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
• Hold: Holds the Percent Cmd output at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, then the Output
Position input passes to the Percent Cmd.

Reliability (Sideloop PI Proportional Output)

Table 901: Sideloop PI Proportional Output Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable If the State is Control, the PID skips execution and holds its output at its last

Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100

This module controls a proportional source within a control application. The module accepts as inputs, a mode, a
process variable, a setpoint, and so on. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a
percent command and control status. This module is a simplified version of Cooling Proportional Output or Heating
Proportional Output and supports only three Mode states, namely, Off, Max, and Control. This module also incorporates
tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning
parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1274

Modules Use in Applications (Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100)
The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the names in the following
Table 902: Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100 Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
CW Bypass Valve Control v61 Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Secondary Pump Differential Pressure Control v61 Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100 module.
Note: Make sure the Process ID and Process Units attributes are set according to the needs of your system. If the
Process ID selected is Airflow, Airflow Diff, or Other, then you must set the Process Range as necessary.
The Process Range must be greater than zero. If Process ID is Other, the user should configure the Time
Constant and Process Dead Time attributes from the details view of the PID Pre-Processor logic block inside
the module’s logic view. See the PID Pre-Processor logic block description and the Process ID Configuration
Restrictions in the Control topic of the Logic section for details.
Table 903: Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Absolute EWMA Effort Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value 0.0
of (Current Present Value - Last Present Value).
Display Units: %
The PID computes this value.
Absolute EWMA Error Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value 0.0
of (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
computes this value.
Compensator Cmd Controls the valve. The valve is commanded 0.0
from 0% to 100%. This output incorporates the
Display Units: %
Lead Compensator.
Control Status V Displays the current status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: True = Direct True
Acting, False = Reverse Acting. Direct acting
control is used in applications where an increase
in the process variable causes the controller’s
present value to increase. An example of direct
acting control is temperature control with a
cooling coil. With reverse acting control, an
increase in the process variable causes the
control present value to decrease. Temperature
control with a heating coil, flow rate control, and
static pressure control applications are three
examples of reverse acting control.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1275

Table 903: Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
EWMA Error Provides an EWMA based on the difference of 0.0
(Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
this value.
EWMA Present Value Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The 0.0
PID computes this value.
Display Units: %
Limited Max Value Specifies that when commanded to Limited Max, 100%
this is the value the Percent Cmd is set to.
Mode Allows the state to be set to Off, Max, Control, Control
Hold, Limited Max.
Set Name:
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by False
this output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output 0%
that this controller drives.
Percent Cmd V Controls the single actuator that is providing Display Units: %
cooling or heating.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
appropriate Process ID.
Process ID Allows you to specify the process that is being DA-T
Set Name: Process ID
Process Range Displays the magnitude of the range that the PID 22.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Process Variable traverses as the PID Present
Value varies between its minimum and maximum
values. You do not need to configure this
parameter unless Process ID = Airflow or Airflow
Diff. In these cases, Process Range should be
configured to the design maximum flow rate of
the controlled device. For other Process ID
values, the effective process range is determined
automatically from the standards table.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg FSet Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is commanded to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Control, this is the variable that is controlled and
must therefore respond to changes in the output.
For example, it can be connected to the Zone

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1276

Table 903: Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100 Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Setpoint Displays the desired setpoint for the process 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when the mode is set
to Control.
State G, V Displays the current State of the module. Control
Set Name:

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100)

• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the Percent Cmd to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.
• Hold: Holds the Percent Cmd output at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, then the Output
Position input passes to the Percent Cmd.
• Limited Max: Set the Percent Cmd to the Limited Max Value.

Reliability (Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100)

Table 904: Sideloop PI Proportional Output v100 Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable If the State is Control, the PID skips execution and holds its
output at its last value.

Sideloop PI with Reset Proportional Output v61

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Sideloop PI with Reset Proportional Output v51 module replaces the Sideloop
PI with Reset Proportional Output v50 module.
This module controls a proportional source within a control application. The module accepts as inputs, a mode, a
process variable, a setpoint, and so on. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a
percent command and control status. This module allows the setpoint to reset according to the change in Reset
Input. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO). The module
resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides a second output that incorporates lead compensation to control devices. This function attempts
to remove some of the dynamics of the control loop. This process results in forward-looking predictions and speeds
up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to the controller. Lead compensation is
incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized or nonlinear valves might be applied.
For more information on the Lead Compensator block, see Lead Compensator in the Control category of the Logic

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1277

This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop PI with Reset Proportional Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop PI With Reset Proportional Output module.
Note: Make sure the Process ID and Process Units attributes are set according to the needs of your system. If the
Process ID selected is Airflow, Airflow Diff, or Other, you must set the Process Range as necessary. The
Process Range must be greater than zero. If Process ID is Other, the user should configure the Time Constant
and Process Dead Time attributes from the details view of the PID Pre-Processor logic block description and
the Process ID Configuration Restrictions in the Control topic of the Logic section for details.
Table 905: Sideloop PI With Reset Proportional Output Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Compensator Cmd Controls the valve. The valve is commanded from 0% to 100%. 0.0
This output incorporates the Lead Compensator.
Display Units: %
Control Status V Displays the current status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: True = Direct Acting, False = True
Reverse Acting. Direct acting control is used in applications
where an increase in the process variable causes the
controller’s present value to increase. An example of direct
acting control is temperature control with a cooling coil. With
reverse acting control, an increase in the process variable
causes the control present value to decrease. Temperature
control with a heating coil, flow rate control, or static pressure
control applications are three examples of reverse acting
EFFSL-SP (Setpoint) V Contains the actual setpoint for the process variable to be Display Units: Deg C, Deg
controlled to when commanded to Control. F
Mode Allows the state to be set to Off, Max or Control. Control
Set Name: Off/Max/Control
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by this output is False
overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output that this 0%
controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning parameters to the Normal
default based on the appropriate Process ID.
Set Name: PID Tuning
Percent Cmd V Controls the single actuator that is providing cooling or heating. Display Units: %

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1278

Table 905: Sideloop PI With Reset Proportional Output Attributes
Name Type Description
1 Default Value
Process ID Allows you to specify the process being controlled. DA-T
Set Name: Process ID
Process Range Specifies the magnitude of the range that the PID Process 22.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Variable traverses as the PID Present Value varies between
its minimum and maximum values. You do not need to configure
this parameter unless Process ID = Airflow or Airflow Diff. In
these cases, Process Range should be configured to the design
maximum flow rate of the controlled device. For other Process
ID values, the effective process range is determined
automatically from the standards table.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg F
Set Name: Unit
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is commanded to Control, this is the 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable that is controlled and must therefore respond to
changes in the output. For example, it can be connected to the
Zone Temperature.
Reset Input Used to reset the desired setpoint for the process variable to 22.0 Deg C, 72,0 Deg F
be controlled to when commanded to Control.
SL-ABSEFFORT (SL Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Current 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) Present Value - Last Present Value). The PID computes this
Display Units: %
SL-ABSERROR (SL Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value of (Setpoint 0.0
Absolute EWMA Error) - Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
SL-ERROR (SL EWMA Provides an EWMA based on the difference of (Setpoint - 0.0
Error) Process Variable). The PID computes this value.
Display Units: Deg C, Deg
SL-EWMA (SL EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The PID computes 0.0
Present Value) this value.
Display Units: %
SL-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current State of the module Set Name: Off/Max/Control
SL-RSTA (Reset A) Used to set up the span for the Control mode. When the Reset 21.0 Deg C, 70 Deg F
Input is at this value, the effective setpoint is at Setpoint A.
SL-RSTB (Reset B) Used to set up the span for the Control mode. When the Reset 0.0 Deg C, 32.0 Deg F
Input is at this value, the effective setpoint is at Setpoint B.
SL-SPA (Setpoint A) Used to set up the span for the Control mode. This represents 13.0 Deg C, 55 Deg F
the setpoint when the Input is at the Reset A value.
SL-SPB (Setpoint B) Used to set up the span for the Control mode. This represents 24.0 Deg C, 75.0 Deg F
the setpoint when the Input is at the Reset B value.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1279

Primary States (Sideloop PI with Reset Proportional Output)
• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the Percent Cmd to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint. The Setpoint is reset based on the
Reset Input and the limits Reset A, Reset B, Setpoint A, Setpoint B.
• Hold: Holds the Percent Cmd output at its current value. If the Output Overridden input is true, then the Output
Position input passes to the Percent Cmd.

Reliability (Sideloop PI with Reset Proportional Output)

Table 906: Sideloop PI With Reset Proportional Output Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable If the State is Control, the PID skips execution and holds its output at its last
Reset Input The last Reliable value is used as the input.

Sideloop PI Staged Output v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Sideloop PI Staged Output v51 module replaces the Sideloop PI Staged Output
v50 module.
This module controls a proportional source within a control application. The module accepts as inputs, a mode, a
process variable, a setpoint, and so on. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a
percent command and control status. It passes the outputs to the MSC module that controls the actual binary outputs.
This module is a simplified version of Cooling Staged Outputs or Heating Staged Outputs and only supports three
Mode states, namely, Off, Max and Control. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual
output object (AO, PAO). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is
not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop PI Staged Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop PI Staged Output module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1280

Note: Make sure the Process ID and Process Units attributes are set according to the needs of your system. If the
Process ID selected is Airflow, Airflow Diff, or Other, the you must set the Process Range as necessary. The
Process Range must be greater than zero. If Process ID is Other, the user should configure the Time Constant
and Process Dead Time attributes from the details view of the PID Pre-Processor logic block inside the
module’s logic view. See the PID Pre-Processor logic block description and the Process ID Configuration
Restrictions in the Control topic of the Logic section for details.
Table 907: Sideloop PI Staged Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Sideloop PI Staged Output Attributes Common Attributes
Control Status V Displays the current status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: True = Direct True
Acting, False = Reverse Acting. Direct acting
control is used in applications where an increase
in the process variable causes the controller’s
present value to increase. An example of direct
acting control is temperature control with a
cooling coil. With reverse acting control, an
increase in the process variable causes the
control present value to decrease. Temperature
control with a heating coil, flow rate control, or
static pressure control applications are three
examples of reverse acting control.
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest stage to the sum 1.0
of all the stages.
Mode Allows the state to be set to Off, Max, or Control. Control
Set Name: Off/Max/Control
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by False
this output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output 0%
that this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
appropriate Process ID.
Process ID Allows the user to specify the process being DA-T
Set Name: Process ID
Process Range Displays the magnitude of the range that the PID 22.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
Process Variable traverses as the PID Present
Value varies between its minimum and maximum
values. User does not need to configure this
parameter unless Process ID = Airflow or Airflow
Diff. In these cases, Process Range should be
configured to the design maximum flow rate of
the controlled device. For other Process ID
values, the effective process range is determined
automatically from the standards table.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg F
Set Name: Unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1281

Table 907: Sideloop PI Staged Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is commanded to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Control, this is the variable that is controlled and
must therefore respond to changes in the output.
For example, it can be connected to the Zone
SL-ABSEFFORT (SL Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) of (Current Present Value - Last Present Value).
Display Units: %
The PID computes this value.
SL-ABSERROR (SL Absolute Provides an EWMA based on the absolute value 0.0
EWMA Error) of (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
computes this value.
SL-ERROR (SL EWMA Error) Provides an EWMA based on the difference of 0.0
(Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID computes
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
this value.
SL-EWMA (SL EWMA Present Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The 0.0
Value) PID computes this value.
Display Units: %
SL-MINOFF (Minimum Off Displays the minimum off duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
SL-MINON (Minimum On Displays the minimum on duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
SL-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current State of the module Set Name: Off/Max/Control
SL-SP (Setpoint) Displays the desired setpoint for the process 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
variable to be controlled to when commanded to
Attributes That Must be Connected to the MSC XX Controller
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Eff Minimum Off Time V Contains the minimum off time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Contains the minimum on time used by the MSC. Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant used Display Units: Seconds
by the MSC.
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable used by the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
It is filtered when the Process Time Constant is
shorter than the sum of the Minimum On Time
and Minimum Off Time.
Instant Shutdown V Indicates to the MSC to shut off all outputs False
PMAC Period V Specifies the period of time used by the PMAC Display Units: Seconds
algorithm portion of the MSC.
SL-O (Percent Cmd) V Controls the single actuator that is providing Display Units: %
cooling or heating.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1282

Primary States (Sideloop PI Staged Output)
• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the Percent Cmd to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint.

Reliability (Sideloop PI Staged Output)

Table 908: Sideloop PI Staged Output Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable If the State is Control, the PID skips execution and holds its output at its last

Sideloop PI with Reset Staged Output v51

Important: As of Release 5.1, the Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output v51 module replaces the Sideloop PI
With Reset Staged Output v50 module.
This module controls a proportional source within a control application. The module accepts as inputs, a mode, a
process variable, a setpoint, and so on. Based upon the input mode and parameter settings, the module outputs a
percent command and control status. It passes the outputs to the MSC module that controls the actual binary outputs.
This module is a simplified version of Cooling Staged Outputs or Heating Staged Outputs and only supports three
Mode states, namely, Off, Max, and Control. This module allows the setpoint to be reset according to the change in
Reset Input. This module also incorporates tracking the overridden value of the actual output object (AO, PAO At
Release). The module resets the PIDs to default tuning parameters if the Reset PID Tuning input is not Normal.
This module provides EWMA diagnostic values calculated by the PID. Controllers have the ability to collect data
about their inputs, outputs, and internally calculated variables. Inside the controller, the EWMA minimizes memory
requirements, reduces communication traffic, and provides an easy way to analyze collected data. See EWMA
Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section for more information.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output module.
Note: Make sure the Process ID and Process Units attributes are set according to the needs of your system. If the
Process ID selected is Airflow, Airflow Diff, or Other, the you must set the Process Range as necessary. The
Process Range must be greater than zero. If Process ID is Other, the user should configure the Time Constant
and Process Dead Time attributes from the details of the PID Pre-Processor logic block inside the module’s
logic view. See the PID Pre-Processor logic block description and the Process ID Configuration Restrictions
in the topic of the section for details.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1283

Table 909: Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output Common Attributes
Control Status V Displays the current status of the module. Set Name: Control Status
Direct Acting Signals the action of the PID: True = Direct True
Acting, False = Reverse Acting. Direct acting
control is used in applications where an
increase in the process variable causes the
controller’s present value to increase. An
example of direct acting control is temperature
control with a cooling coil. With reverse acting
control, an increase in the process variable
causes the control present value to decrease.
Temperature control with a heating coil, flow
rate control, or static pressure control
applications are three examples of reverse
acting control.
EFFSL-SP (Setpoint) V Contains the actual setpoint for the process Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
variable to be controlled to when commanded
to Control.
Max Capacity Fraction Contains the ratio of the largest stage to the 1.0
sum of all the stages.
Mode Allows the state to be set to Off, Max, or Control
Set Name: Off/Max/Control
Output Overridden Indicates when the actual output controlled by False
this output is overridden by a user.
Output Position Provides the current Present Value of the output 0%
that this controller drives.
PID Tuning Reset Causes the PID objects to reset their tuning Normal
parameters to the default based on the
Set Name: PID Tuning Reset
appropriate Process ID.
Process ID Allows the user to specify the process being DA-T
Set Name: Process ID
Process Range Displays the magnitude of the range that the 22.0 Deg C, 40.0 Deg F
PID Process Variable traverses as the PID
Present Value varies between its minimum and
maximum values. User does not need to
configure this parameter unless Process ID =
Airflow or Airflow Diff. In these cases, Process
Range should be configured to the design
maximum flow rate of the controlled device. For
other Process ID values, the effective process
range is determined automatically from the
standards table.
Process Units Specifies the units for the PID. Deg C, Deg F
Set Name: Unit

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1284

Table 909: Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Process Variable Specifies that when Mode is commanded to 22.0 Deg C, 72.0 Deg F
Control, this is the variable that is controlled
and must therefore respond to changes in the
output. For example, it can be connected to the
Zone Temperature.
Reset Input Used to reset the desired setpoint for the 22.0 Deg C, 72,0 Deg F
process variable to be controlled to when
commanded to Control.
SL-ABSEFFORT (SL Provides an EWMA based on the absolute 0.0
Absolute EWMA Effort) value of (Current Present Value - Last Present
Display Units: %
Value). The PID computes this value.
SL-ABSERROR (SL Absolute Provides an EWMA based on the absolute 0.0
EWMA Error) value of (Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
computes this value.
SL-ERROR (SL EWMA Error) Provides an EWMA based on the difference of 0.0
(Setpoint - Process Variable). The PID
Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
computes this value.
SL-EWMA (SL EWMA Provides an EWMA of the Present Value. The 0.0
Present Value) PID computes this value.
Display Units: %
SL-MINOFF (Minimum Off Displays the minimum off duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
SL-MINON (Minimum On Displays the minimum on duration for all stages. 120 Seconds
SL-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current State of the module Set Name: Off/Max/Control
SL-RSTA (Reset A) Used to set up the span for the Control mode. 21.0 Deg C, 70 Deg F
When the Reset Input is at this value, the output
is at Setpoint A.
SL-RSTB (Reset B) Used to set up the span for the Control mode. 0.0 Deg C, 32.0 Deg F
When the Reset Input is at this value, the output
is at Setpoint B.
SL-SPA (Setpoint A) Used to set up the span for the Control state 13.0 Deg C, 55 Deg F
section. This represents the setpoint when the
Input is at the Reset A value.
SL-SPB (Setpoint B) Used to set up the span for the Control state 24.0 Deg C, 75.0 Deg F
section. This represents the setpoint when the
Input is at the Reset B value.
The following output attributes must be connected to the MSC XX controller
Control Band V Displays the control band for the MSC. Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
Eff Minimum Off Time V Contains the minimum off time used by the Display Units: Seconds
Eff Minimum On Time V Contains the minimum on time used by the Display Units: Seconds
Eff Process Time Const V Contains the effective process time constant Display Units: Seconds
used by the MSC.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1285

Table 909: Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Eff Process Variable V Contains the Process Variable used by the Display Units: Deg C, Deg F
MSC. It is filtered when the Process Time
Constant is shorter than the sum of the
Minimum On Time and Minimum Off Time.
Instant Shutdown V Indicates to the MSC to shut off all outputs False
PMAC Period V Specifies the period of time used by the PMAC Display Units: Seconds
algorithm portion of the MSC.
SL-O (Percent Cmd) V Controls the single actuator that is providing Display Units: %
cooling or heating.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output)

• Off: Set the Percent Cmd to 0%.
• Max: Set the Percent Cmd to 100%.
• Control: Adjust the Percent Cmd to control the Process Variable. If the Process Variable is reliable, the module
controls the Percent Cmd in order to maintain the process variable at the Setpoint. The Setpoint is reset based
on the Reset Input and the limits Reset A, Reset B, Setpoint A, Setpoint B.

Reliability (Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output)

Table 910: Sideloop PI With Reset Staged Output Reliability
Input Behavior When Input Is Not Reliable
Process Variable If the State is Control, the PID skips execution and holds its output at its last
Reset Input The last Reliable value is used as the input.

Sideloop Reset Output

This module spans the input using coordinates of a straight line. The Output is the result of the span. The module
accepts as inputs, a mode, an input, input range low, input range high, output range low, and output range high.
The module outputs a value based on the input mode and parameter settings.
You can view and modify the modules in this group’s logic.
To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:
• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Sideloop Reset Output)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Sideloop Reset Output module.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1286

Table 911: Sideloop Reset Output Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input Used to reset the desired setpoint for the process variable 0.0
to be controlled to when commanded to Control.
Mode Allows the state to be set to Min, Max, or Control. Control
Set Name:
Present Value V Contains the result of spanning the Input using the Input
Range Low, Input Range High, Output Range Low, and
Output Range High.
SL-OUTA (Output Range Used to set up the span when the mode is Control. This 0.0
Low) represents the Present Value when the Input is at or below
the Input Range Low.
SL-OUTB (Output Range Used to set up the span when the mode is Control. This 0.0
High) represents the Output when the Input is at or above the Input
Range High.
SL-OUTSTATE (State) G, V Displays the current State of the module. Set Name:
SL-RSTA (Input Range Low) Used to set up the span when the mode is Control. This 0.0
corresponds to the low x value.
SL-RSTB (Input Range Used to set up the span when the mode is Control. This 0.0
High) corresponds to the high x value.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Primary States (Sideloop Reset Output)

• Min: The Present Value is set to Output Range Low.
• Max: The Present Value is set to Output Range High.
• Control: The Input is spanned using the Input Range Low, Input Range High, Output Range Low, and Output
Range High to produce the Present Value.

Reliability (Sideloop Reset Output)

The last reliable value of the inputs are used if they go unreliable.

This group provides a unit (one time step) delay for a data signal.
The Timing group contains the Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) modules.

Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float)

This section describes the Last Value modules of the Output Controller type. For information on the Last Value
modules of the Setpoint Determination/Misc type, see Timing in the Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules section.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1287

The Last Value module holds the value that its input had at the end of the previous execution of the control logic for
use by the current execution. Use this module when you want to compare the current value of a variable with the
value from the last execution. If this module does not operate continuously (that is, is placed in the state section of
a hybrid activity), it starts at its Default Value when re-enabled. One additional constraint is that connections from
Hybrid Activity Inputs are not allowed to be made directly to the Input of Last Value module in one of its State Sections.
You cannot directly connect an Input to a Last Value block within the State section of a Hybrid Activity.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Last Value)

The application System Selection trees use the individual Output Controller Last Value modules in this group using
the names in the following table.
Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Cooling Control Status LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
2 Pipe Heating Control Status LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
2 Pipe Pump Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
2 Pipe Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
Boiler X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Boiler X Interlock Cmd LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Boiler X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Box Heating LV VAV Single Duct Applications
Box Heating Max Cap Fract LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
Cascaded DA-T Setpoint LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
CD CS LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
CD Output LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications
Chiller X Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Chiller X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Chiller X Interlock Cmd LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Chiller X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1288

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Chiller Load LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Chiller Plant Rated Power LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Chlr Sys Enable LV Central Cooling with Optimization
ChlrX CHW ISO Valve LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
ChlrX CW ISO Valve LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CHW Cap Match LV Central Cooling with Optimization
CHW Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
CHW Pump Shed OK LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Compressor Max Cap Fract LV Heat Pump Applications
Cooling X LV (Where X Is 1-8) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Cooling Control Status LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Application
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Application
Cooling Max Cap Fract LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Fan Coil Application
Unit Ventilator Application
Cooling Percent Cmd LV Fan Coil Application
Unit Ventilator Application
Cooling Pump Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Central Cooling Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1289

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cooling Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Central Cooling Applications
Cooling Required LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
CW Bypass Valve CS LV Central Cooling with Optimization
CW Cap Match LV Central Cooling with Optimization
CW Minimum Flow LV Central Cooling with Optimization
CWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Central Cooling with Optimization
CW Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
CW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
CW Sequencing LV Central Cooling Applications
CW Tower CS LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Damper Control Status LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Application
VAV Single Duct Applications
Damper Output LV Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Application
VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1290

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
EA Damper Command LV AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
EA Damper2 Command LV AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Exhaust Fan Command LV AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Exhaust Fan2 Command LV AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
Fan Cmd LV VAV Single Duct Applications
Fan OnOff LV Fan Coil Application
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Application
GEF Command LV (General Exhaust Fan Command LV) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Heat Pump Application
HD CS LV VAV Dual Duct Applications
Heat Recovery Htg CS LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Heating Control Status LV Fan Coil Application
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Application
Heating Cooling Required LV Fan Coil Application
Heat Pump Application
Unit Ventilator Application
Heating Max Cap Fract LV Fan Coil Application
Heat Pump Applications
Unit Ventilator Application

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1291

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Heating Percent Cmd LV Fan Coil Application
Unit Ventilator Application
VAV Single Duct Applications
Heating Required LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Heat Recovery Pump Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
HR Energy Wheel Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Humidification Max Cap Fract LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Humidification Pump Command LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Humidity Control Status LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Hx CW Minimum Flow LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Hx Max Flow LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Hx Sys Enable LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Min OA Damper Percent LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1292

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Min Outdoor Air Fan Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Number of Devices Running LV Central Cooling Applications
Central Heating Applications
Number of SCHWP Running LV Central Cooling Applications
Number of SHWP Running LV Central Heating Applications
Number of Towers Running LV Central Cooling Applications
OA Damper Command LV AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
OA Damper2 Command LV AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
PID LV Central Cooling Applications
Central Heating Applications
PCHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Central Cooling with Optimization
PHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Preheat X LV (Where X Is 1-8) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Preheat Control Status LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1293

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Preheat Max Cap Fract LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Preheat Percent Cmd LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Preheat Pump Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Preheat Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Primary CHW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Primary HW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Primary Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Prmy Heating LV VAV Single Duct Applications
Reheat X LV (Where X Is 1-8) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Control Status LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Max Cap Fract LV All Air Handling Unit Applications

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1294

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Reheat Percent Cmd LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Reheat Pump Command LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Pump X Command LV (Where X is 1 or 2) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Relief Fan Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
Relief Fan2 Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
Return Fan Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Return Fan2 Command LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
SCHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Central Cooling with Optimization
SHWPX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
SCHWP PID LV Central Cooling Applications
Secondary CHW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Secondary HW Pump X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Secondary Pump X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Central Heating Applications
SHWP PID LV Central Heating Applications
Sideloop Max Cap Fract LV Sideloop Applications
Supp Heating Control Status LV Heat Pump Applications
Supp Heating LV VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
Supply Fan OnOff LV All Air Handling Unit Applications
Supply Fan2 OnOff LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
Supply Fan Percent Cmd LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1295

Table 912: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Uses in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
TEF Command LV (Toilet Exhaust Fan Command LV) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Heat Pump Applications
Tower Fan X Enable LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Tower Fan X LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Tower Required Flow LV Central Cooling with Optimization
Tower Sys Enable LV Central Cooling with Optimization
TwrFanX Command LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Central Cooling with Optimization
TwrFanX ISO Vlv LV (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Zone Cooling Control Status LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Zone Heating Control Status LV AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU Rooftop Unit Applications
Zone X Max Cap Fract LV (Where X Is 1-8) AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Last Value)

The following table describes the attributes used by the Output Controller Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) modules:
Table 913: Last Value (Boolean, Enum, Float) Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Input Contains a Default Value of this Input that is passed to False
the Present Value on the first execution after startup or
1st Enum0.0
enable. Otherwise, the Current Value of the Input is
passed to the Present Value.
Present Value G, V Contains the output of this module

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1296

Reliability (Last Value)
(Output Controller Last Value)
The first execution, the Reliability of the Present Value will be Reliable. Subsequent executions, the Reliability of
the Present Value will reflect the reliability of the Input.

This group provides runtime totalization for the preheat, reheat, and cooling staged outputs.
The Totalization group contains the Totalization (Enum Runtime) modules.

Totalization (Enum Runtime)

The Totalization (Enum Runtime) modules compute the runtime for the staged outputs in the AHU applications.
These outputs can be preheat, reheat or cooling outputs.
You cannot view or modify the modules in this group’s logic.

Module Use in Applications (Totalization)

The application System Selection trees use the individual modules in this group using the name in the following
Table 914: Totalization in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
2 Pipe Pump X Totalization (Where X is 1 or 2) AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
Boiler X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Chiller X Start Count (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Chiller X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Central Cooling with Optimization
CHW Pump X Start Count (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CHW Pump X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Cooling X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Cooling Pump X Totalization (Where X is 1 or 2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1297

Table 914: Totalization in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Cooling Tower X Start Count (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Cooling Tower X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CW Pump X Start Count (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
CW Pump X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Central Cooling with Optimization
Preheat X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Preheat Pump X Totalization (Where X is 1 or 2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Primary CHW Pump X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Primary HW Pump X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Reheat X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) All Air Handling Unit Applications
Reheat Pump X Totalization (Where X is 1 or 2) AHU Mixed Air Single Duct Applications
AHU Mixed Air Dual Duct Applications
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Single Duct
AHU 100% Outdoor Air Dual Duct
AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Secondary CHW Pump X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling Applications
Secondary HW Pump X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Heating Applications
Secondary Pump X Start Count (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1298

Table 914: Totalization in Application System Selection Trees
Module Instance Name Applications
Secondary Pump X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization
Tower Fan X Totalization (Where X Is 1-8) Central Cooling with Optimization

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Attributes (Totalization)
The following table describes the attributes used by the Totalization modules.
Table 915: Totalization Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Accumulator V Accumulates the remainders in the calculation of Present Value due to
the precision limit of a single floating-point number. The sum of Present
Value and Accumulator gives effectively a double floating-point
expression of current totalized value for the module.
Active Halts the update of Present Value when you transition this attribute True
from True to False. Writing this attribute from False to True resumes
the Present Value update.
Error Since Last V Set to True if, since last reset, the module Reliability has ever been set
Reset to any value other than Reliable. This output is False when the Reset
input changes from False to True or an Reset command is issued.
Input Contains the value to be totalized. Off
Set Name: Off/On
Period C Specifies the execution period of this module when Setup is Analog 60 Seconds
Integration or Time in State.
Reference State Specifies the value the input needs to stay for the module to update On
the Present Value periodically.
Set Name: Off/On
Reset Resets the Present Value, Accumulator, Rollover Count, and Rollover False
Amount to zero when you transition this attribute from False to True.
Rollover Amount V Increments by the current value of Present Value when the Present
Value rolls over.
Rollover Count V Increments by 1 at Present Value rollover.
Rollover Limit Specifies that if the Rollover Mode is selected to be Rollover Limit, this 10,000
property allows you to set a value that would roll over automatically the
Present Value (that is, add the Present Value to Rollover Amount, add
1 to Rollover Count, and set the Present Value and Accumulator to 0)
as the Present Value exceeds the value.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1299

Table 915: Totalization Attributes
Name Type
1 Description Default Value
Rollover Mode Allows the user to set a method to automatically rollover the Present No Rollover
Value (that is, add the Present Value to Rollover Amount, add 1 to
Set Name:
Rollover Count, and set the Present Value and Accumulator to 0). The
Totalization Rollover
rollover method can be based on value (Rollover Limit) or the user can
select not to roll over. When Rollover Mode changes, Rollover Count
and Rollover Amount should all be zeroed.
Scale Factor Used for unit conversion. 1
Setup C Specifies the Setup of this module. Time in State
Set Name:
Totalization Setup
XX-RUNTIME G, V Contains a single floating-point expression of current totalized value
(Present Value) for the module. The sum of Present Value and Accumulator gives
effectively a double floating-point expression of current totalized value
for the module.

1 C - Configuration Mode Only, G - Default Element (Generated State, if applicable), SC - Simulation and Commissioning
Modes Only, V - Calculated Value (Outputs)

Reliability (Totalization)
The Totalization module reports the following reliability values:
• Overflow: Takes place when the Present Value, Accumulator, Rollover Amount, or Rollover Count exceeds the
maximum value that can be expressed by single floating-point number. At Overflow, the Present Value keeps
its previous value and stops updating.
• Round Off Error: Because the Present Value is implemented as a single floating-point number, it has 7 digits
• Input Unreliable: If input is unreliable, the module stops Totalization.

Controller Tool Help: Output Control Modules 1300

Network Output Modules
The Network Outputs module category appears in the Control View of the tool and lists the network outputs defined
for the system. A Network Output allows an output to be connected to over the network, acting as a network variable
read from a supervisory device. When a network output is not mapped to a supervisory device, it can only be viewed
from the Commissioning mode of the tool. Network outputs connect from other modules or the State Table. The
main difference between these outputs is the data type.
Network Output modules fall into one of the following categories:
Output Control Interface Modules
Central Plant Interconnection Modules
VAV Application Interconnection Modules
Generic (Add New) Modules
See also the N2 Compatibility Network Outputs section in N2 Compatibility Options.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Output Control Interface Modules

The Output Control Interface Network Outputs are always paired with an Output Control module. These outputs
receive a state condition from their paired Output Control module that is captured in the State Selection Table. For
example, the EFFZNDPR-MODE Network Output is integrated with the Zone Damper Mode Pass Through Output
Control module.
The following table describes the Output Control Interface Network Output modules and lists the applications in
which they are used.
Table 916: Output Control Interface Network Outputs Modules
Name Description Applications
EFFZNDPR-MODE Zone Damper Mode CSO - Receives input from the AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
Zone Damper Mode Pass Through Output Control Applications
EFFZNHTGVALVE-MODE Zone Htg Valve Mode CSO - Receives input from AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
the Zone Damper Mode Pass Through Output Applications
Control module.
EFFZNSTAGEDHTG-MODE Zone Staged Htg Mode CSO - Receives input from AHU Multizone (Mixed Air Dual Duct)
the Zone Damper Mode Pass Through Output Applications
Control module.

Central Plant Interconnection Modules

Central Plant Interconnection Network Output modules are directly connected to Network Input modules in Central
Cooling with Optimization Applications, unless otherwise indicated. The Central Plant Interconnection modules
provide connection between the controller and the associated pump, tower, or other controlled device. For some of
these modules, this connection occurs when the application is split across multiple controllers.
The following table describes these modules and lists the applications in which they are used.

Controller Tool Help: Network Output Modules 1301

Table 917: Central Plant Interconnection Network Output Modules
Name Description Applications
Building Load Source Building Load Source - Provides input to the Building Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Load Dest Network Input located on the Chiller
controller to indicate the cooling load of the building.
Chiller Max Flow Source Chiller Max Flow Source - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Chiller Max Flow Dest Network Input located on the
Chiller controller to indicate the maximum flow
allowed for the chilled water pumps.
Chiller Plant Capacity Chiller Plant Capacity Source - Provides input to Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source the Chiller Plant Capacity Dest Network Input
located on the tower controller to indicate the cooling
capacity of the active chillers.
Chiller Plant Power Chiller Plant Power Source - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Chiller Plant Power Dest Network Input located on
the tower controller to indicate the rated power of
the active chillers.
Chlr Max CHW Flow Chiller Maximum Chilled Water Flow Source - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Indicates the chiller selector required maximum
primary chilled water flow.
Chlr Min CHW Flow Chiller Minimum Chilled Water Flow Source - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Indicates the chiller selector required minimum
chilled water flow.
Chlr Min CW Flow Src Indicates the chiller selector required minimum Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
condenser water flow. This output exists in the
controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
Chlr Need Pmps Src Provides chiller selector indication that pump startup Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
is required. This output exists in the controller that
contains the chiller subsystem.
Chlr Req CHW Flow Src Indicates the required chilled water flow from the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
chiller selector. This output exists in the controller
that contains the chiller subsystem.
Chlr Req CW Flow Src Indicates the required condenser water flow from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
the chiller selector. This output exists in the
controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
Chlr Req Twr Flow Src Indicates the required cooling tower water flow from Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
the chiller selector. This output exists in the
controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR SYS-ENABLE SRC Functions as system enable for the chiller Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
subsystem. This output exists in the controller that
contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHW Current Cap Source CHW Current Cap Source - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CHW Current Cap Dest Network Input located on
the CHW Pump controller to indicate the current
pumping capacity of the active chilled water pumps.
CHWFLOW-AVAIL CHWFLOW-AVAIL (CHW Flow Available Source) Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
- Provides input to the CHWFLOW-AVAIL (CHW
(CHW Flow Available
Flow Available Dest) Network Input located on the
Chiller controller to indicate the available pumping
capacity of the chilled water pumps.

Controller Tool Help: Network Output Modules 1302

Table 917: Central Plant Interconnection Network Output Modules
Name Description Applications
CHWFLOW-SP CHWFLOW-SP (CHW Flow Setpt Source) - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Provides input to the CHWFLOW-SP (CHW Flow
(CHW Flow Setpt Source)
Setpt Dest) Network Input located on the chilled
water pump controller to indicate the chilled water
pumping capacity required by the chillers.
CHWPX-CMD CHWPX-CMD (CHWP X Cmd Source) - Provides Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
input to the CHWPX-CMD (CHWP X Cmd Dest)
(CHWP X Cmd Source)
Network Input located on the chilled water pump
(Where X Is 1-8) controller, which indicates the associated chilled
water pump’s command.
CHWPX-ENABLE SRC CHWPX-ENABLE SRC - Provides input to the CHW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
PUMPX-ENABLE DEST Network Input located on
(CHW Pump X Enable
the chilled water pump controller to indicate that the
chilled water pump is enabled.
(Where X Is 1-8)
CW Current Cap Source CW Current Cap Source - Provides input to the CW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Current Cap Dest Network Input located on the
Chiller Pump controller to indicate the current
pumping capacity of the active condenser water
CW Pump Count Source CW Pump Count Source - Provides input to the CW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Pump Count Dest Network Input located on the
Chiller controller to indicate the number of active
condenser water pumps.
CWFLOW-AVAIL CWFLOW-AVAIL (CW Flow Available Source) - Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Provides input to the CWFLOW-AVAIL (CW Flow
(CW Flow Available
Available Dest) Network Input located on the chiller
controller to indicate the available pumping capacity
of the condenser water pumps.
CWFLOW-SP CWFLOW-SP (CW Flow Setpt Source) - Provides Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
input to the CWFLOW-SP (CW Flow Setpt Dest)
(CW Flow Setpt Source)
Network Input located on the condenser water pump
controller to indicate the condenser water pumping
capacity required by the chillers.
CWPX-CMD CWPX-CMD (CWP X Cmd Source) - Provides input Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
to the CWPX-CMD (CWP X Cmd Dest) Network
(CWP X Cmd Source)
Input located on the condenser water pump
(Where X Is 1-8) controller, which indicates the condenser water
pump’s command.
CWPX-ENABLE SRC CWPX-ENABLE SRC - Provides input to the CW Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
PUMPX-ENABLE Dest Network Input located on
(CW Pump X Enable
the condenser water pump controller to indicate that
the condenser water pump is enabled.
(Where X Is 1-8)
ECON STATE SOURCE Provides waterside economizer sequencer state. Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
This output exists in the controller that has the heat
exchanger subsystem.
Hx CHW Pump ## Enable Indicates that primary chilled water pump ## is Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Src enabled (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This input
exists in the primary chilled water pump subsystem.
(Where ## is 1-4)

Controller Tool Help: Network Output Modules 1303

Table 917: Central Plant Interconnection Network Output Modules
Name Description Applications
Hx CW Pump ## Enable Indicates that condenser water pump ## is enabled Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Src (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This input exists in
the heat exchanger subsystem.
(Where ## is 1-4)
Hx CHWP##-CMD Indicates that dedicated primary chilled water pump Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
## is required to run (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4).
(Where ## is 1-4)
The input exists in the controller that contains the
primary chilled water pump subsystem. The output
exists in the controller that contains the heat
exchanger subsystem.
Hx CWP##-CMP Indicates that condenser water pump ## is required Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
to run (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). The input
(Where ## is 1-4)
exists in the controller that contains the condenser
water pump subsystem. The output exists in the
controller that contains the heat exchanger
Hx Min CW Flow Source Heat Exchanger Minimum Condenser Water Flow Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source - Indicates heat exchanger minimum
condenser water flow.
HXSELECTOR-PV Src Functions as process variable supplied to the heat Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
exchanger selector. This output exists in the
controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
Min CHW Flow Setpoint Min CHW Flow Setpoint Src - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Src Min CHW Flow Setpoint Dest Network Input located
on the chilled water pump controller to indicate the
minimum flow setpoint of the chilled water through
the active chillers. This modules also indicates the
minimum pumping capacity required by the active
Min CW Flow Source Min CW Flow Source - Provides input to the Min Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CW Flow Dest Network Input located on the chiller
controller to indicate the minimum condenser water
pump capacity required by the active chillers.
Pump Startup Required Pump Startup Required Source - Provides input to Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source the Pump Startup Required Dest Network Input
located on the pump controllers to indicate the
chilled water plant requires pumping and to enable
the pumping subsystems.
Tower Current Cap Tower Current Cap Source - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Tower Current Cap Dest Network Input located on
the tower controller to indicate the current capacity
of the active cooling towers.
Tower Flow Available Tower Flow Available Source - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Tower Flow Available Dest Network Input located
on the tower controller to indicate the available
cooling tower capacity.
Tower Required Flow Tower Required Flow Source - Provides input to the Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Tower Required Flow Dest Network Input located
on the chiller controller to indicate the cooling tower
capacity required by the active chillers.

Controller Tool Help: Network Output Modules 1304

Table 917: Central Plant Interconnection Network Output Modules
Name Description Applications
TWR SYS-ENABLE SRC Serves as the system enable for the cooling tower Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
subsystem. This input exists in the controller that
contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
WSE CHW Current Cap Waterside Economizer Chilled Water Current Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Capacity Source - Equals sum of the rated flows of
active pumps and provides indication of the current
capacity of the headered primary chilled water
WSE CW Current Cap Waterside Economizer Condenser Water Current Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Source Capacity Source - Equals sum of the rated flows of
active pumps and provides indication of the current
capacity of the headered condenser water pumps.

Table 918: Central Plant Optimization 30 Network Output Modules

Name Definition
CPO-30 CLGMODE Communicates to the CPO-30 system that the system is in
mechanical cooling mode (chillers only), free cooling mode, or
transitioning from one mode to another. The CPO-30 system
calculates setpoints differently depending on whether the system
is in mechanical cooling or free cooling mode. This output is
analog with values 0, 1, 2, and 3 as indicated below:
0 - Mechanical cooling mode. The chillers are enabled and
provide 100% of the cooling for the plant.
1 - Transitioning from mechanical cooling to free cooling mode.
2 - Free cooling mode. The chillers are disabled and the free
cooling heat exchanger(s) provide 100% of the cooling.
3 - Transitioning from free cooling mode to mechanical cooling.

VAV Application Interconnection Modules

VAV Application Interconnection Network Output modules are directly connected to Network Input modules in VAV
Applications, unless otherwise indicated. The VAV Application Interconnection modules provide connection between
the controller and the exhaust box, fan, heating coil, sensor, or other controlled device. For some of these modules,
this connection occurs when the application is split across multiple controllers.
Table 919: VAV Application Interconnection Network Output Modules
Name Description Applications
CLG-REQ SRC Cooling Request - Notifies the AHU that cooler air is VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
HTG-REQ SRC Heating Request - Notifies the AHU that warmer air is VAV Single Duct Applications
VAV Dual Duct Applications
PRESS-REQ SRC Pressure Request - Notifies the AHU that the airflow VAV Single Duct Applications
should be increased.
VAV Dual Duct Applications
VAV Slave Single Duct Applications
VAV Slave Dual Duct Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Output Modules 1305

Generic (Add New) Modules
For Custom Application creation, generic Network Outputs can be created using the right-click > New process
available on the Network Outputs header in the Control View. You have the choice of creating a Boolean, Enum, or
Float-based Network Output that can be renamed and integrated into the custom logic. See Adding a Network Output
in the Configuring a System section.
The following table describes the generic Network Output modules and lists the applications in which they are used.
Table 920: Generic Network Output Modules
Name Description Applications
OUTPUT-BOOLEAN CS Output (Boolean) Custom Applications
OUTPUT-ENUM CS Output (Enum) Custom Applications
OUTPUT-FLOAT CS Output (Float) Custom Applications

Controller Tool Help: Network Output Modules 1306

Output Modules
The outputs module category lists the outputs defined for the system. Outputs are the points that get connected to
an actual device, representing a physical hardware point in the system. Outputs can also represent a point associated
with an output. Outputs send data to hardware output points of a device. Outputs may be connected to the Network
Sensor, as well as Analog Inputs, Analog Outputs, Binary Inputs, and Binary Outputs.
See the following sections for information:
• Setting Preferences: The Preferences - Object Naming screen lists the outputs available in the system.
• Applications: The application sections list the outputs used by a particular application.
• Configuring a System: This section explains how to add an output, adjust an output signal, change an output
name, and so on.
• Commissioning a System: This section explains how to commission outputs.
• Input and Output Objects: This section describes the objects used in the tool.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Controller Tool Help: Output Modules 1307

Miscellaneous Output Modules
The Miscellaneous module category for outputs lists the miscellaneous outputs defined for the system. A miscellaneous
output writes to the Stroke Time and Min Pulse of PAO objects.
See the following sections for information:
• Applications: The application sections list the miscellaneous outputs used by a particular application.
• Configuring a System: This section explains how to add a miscellaneous output, change a miscellaneous output
name, and so on.
• Commissioning a System: This section explains how to commission miscellaneous outputs.
• Input and Output Objects: This section describes the objects used in the tool.
See the Upgrading System Files section for a list and description of the module and System Selection changes that
were made since the last release of the tool.

Controller Tool Help: Miscellaneous Output Modules 1308

Input and Output Objects
The input and output objects in this section appear in the tool in the Details dialog box of inputs and outputs. To see
the objects, right-click an input, output, network input, network output, miscellaneous input, or miscellaneous output
and select View Details. The Object Type attribute indicates the object by which the input or output is represented.
During Commissioning and Simulation, the Present Value appears in the Inputs and Outputs tables within the UI.
Two values appear (for example 70, 70), where the first value comes from the hardware, while the second value is
the value being used by the software. In addition, during Commissioning and Simulation, the Present Value appears
next to each Input and Output within the Connections table.
The default values for the attributes vary depending on the configuration you are using. Often, values are filled in
automatically and you will not need to edit the individual values.
An Sensor/Actuator bus (SAB) device such as a network sensor (duct, zone, or CO2) may be represented by an
Analog Input (zone temperature or zone relative humidity), Analog Value (setpoint request or zone temperature
display), Binary Value (occupancy request), or Multistate Value (fan speed request, fan status display, or occupancy
status display) object.
Click the following section names to view the attribute and command details for each object:
• Accumulator (Counter Input) Object
• Analog Input Object
• Analog Output Object
• Analog Value Object
• Binary Input Object
• Binary Output Object
• Binary Value Object
• Multistate Value Object
• Position Adjust Output Object
When viewing these objects through the UI of a Supervisory Controller or Server, you see them as MS/TP Field
Device object children.
For details, see Input Modules, Output Modules, Network Input Modules, Network Output Modules, Miscellaneous
Input Modules, and Miscellaneous Output Modules. For details about command priorities, see Command Priority
Levels. For details about object attributes, see Object Attributes.

Command Priority Levels

Many objects have BACnet commands (for example, the system object) associated with them. The commands in
the tool have different priority levels. Use Table 922 as a reference to understand these command priority levels.
The priority level command conventions appear from highest priority to lowest priority. The default priority level is
Table 921: Priority Levels
Priority Level Description
1 Manual life safety - high priority
2 Automatic life safety - high priority
3 Priority 3 - user defined - high priority
4 Priority 4 - user defined - high priority
5 Critical equipment control - high priority
6 Minimum on/off
7 Heavy equipment delay

Controller Tool Help: Input and Output Objects 1309

Table 921: Priority Levels
Priority Level Description
8 Operator override (manual operator)
9 Priority 9 - user defined
10 Priority 10 - user defined
11 Priority 11 - user defined
12 Priority 12 - user defined
13 Priority 13 - user defined
14 Priority 14 - user defined
15 Scheduling
16 Default
0 No priority
Note: No priority (0) appears as a blank in the tool software.

To use a different priority level, you need to perform an operator override command on the Supervisory Controller.
For more information on how to perform an operation override command, see the Supervisory Controller

Object Attributes
Each object section in the Help contains a table describing the object’s attributes. The columns in the object attribute
tables provide the following information:
• Name: Indicates the name of the attribute/parameter.
• Type: Indicates the attribute/parameter type. Options include:
- All Types: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears in all types: Input, Output, Network Input, Network
Output, Miscellaneous Input, and Miscellaneous Output.
- Input: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears for an Input or Miscellaneous Input module.
- Network Input: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears for a Network Input module.
- Network Output: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears for a Network Output module.
- Output: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears for an Output or Miscellaneous Output module.
• Mode: Indicates the view mode of the attribute/parameter. Options include:
- All Modes: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears in all modes: Configuration, Simulation, and
Commissioning mode.
- Simulation: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears in the Simulation mode.
- Commissioning: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears in the Commissioning mode.
- Network Input and Network Output Configuration Mode Only: Indicates if the attribute/parameter is for
Configuration mode only (for Network Input and Network Output modules).
• Description: Describes the function of the attribute/parameter. Along with the descriptions, the
attributes/parameters can be defined as:
- Default Element (Generated State, if applicable): Identifies the attribute/parameter designated as the
logic’s Default Element, which appears in the Control View columns below the module name. If applicable,
the attribute/parameter is also a state generated by the module’s logic.
- Visible in an Analog Input SAB Device: Indicates if the attribute/parameter appears for an Analog Input
device on the SA Bus.
- Calculated Value (Outputs): Indicates if the attribute/parameter is a value calculated by object’s logic and
configuration in the State Tables. This attribute/parameter appears in the Parameters table in the Control
View and/or in the Details dialog box.

Controller Tool Help: Input and Output Objects 1310

Binary to Multistate Enum Set Mapping Rules
Use the following table to match output objects to Binary Input and Binary Output enum sets when you edit or
customize a device. If you do not match the object correctly, the output object turns orange and appear as
Table 922: Binary to Multistate Enum Set Mapping Rules
Name Binary Enum Set ID Multistate Enum Set ID
Absent Present Absent Present Absent/Present
Active Inactive Active Inactive Active/Inactive
Alarm Normal Alarm Normal Alarm/Normal
Auto Manual Auto Manual Automatic Manual
Clean Dirty Clean Dirty Clean/Dirty
Close Open Close Open Close/Open
Closed Minimum Closed Minimum Closed/Minimum
Cold Hot Cold Hot Cold/Hot
Disable Enable Disable Enable Disable/Enable
False True False True False/True
Forward Reverse Forward Reverse Forward/Reverse
Heat Cool Heat Cool Heating/Cooling
Inactive Active Inactive Active Inactive/Active
Lag Lead Lag Lead Lag/Lead
Local Remote Local Remote Local/Remote
Low High Low High Low/High
Low Normal Low Normal Low/Normal
Mechanical Free Mechanical Free Mechanical/Free
No Yes No Yes No/Yes
NoFlow Flow NoFlow Flow NoFlow/Flow
Normal Alarm Normal Alarm Normal/Alarm
Normal EnergyHoldOff Normal EnergyHoldOff Normal/Energy Hold Off
Normal FanOnly Normal FanOnly Normal/FanOnly
Normal Low Normal Low Normal/Low
Normal LowLimit Normal LowLimit Normal/Low Limit
Normal Reverse Normal Reverse Polarity
Normal Trigger Normal Trigger Normal/Trigger
NotAvailable Available NotAvailable Available Not Available/Available
Occ Unocc Occ Unocc Occ Sensor
Off Auto Off Auto Off/Auto
Off On Off On Off/On
Off On w Hold Off On Off/On/Hold
Off Reset Off Reset Off/Reset
Offline Online Offline Online Offline/Online
Ok Fault Ok Fault Ok/Fault

Controller Tool Help: Input and Output Objects 1311

Table 922: Binary to Multistate Enum Set Mapping Rules
Name Binary Enum Set ID Multistate Enum Set ID
On Off On Off On/Off
Open Close Open Close Open/Close
Shutdown Enable Shutdown Enable Shutdown/Enable
Standby Run Standby Run Standby/Run
Start Stop Start Stop Start/Stop
State0 State1 State0 State1 States (0-1)
Stop Run Stop Run Stop/Run
Stop Start Stop Start Stop/Start
Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer/Winter
True False True False True/False
Unlock Lock Unlock Lock Unlock/Lock
Yes No Yes No Yes/No

Controller Tool Help: Input and Output Objects 1312

Accumulator (Counter Input) Object
Important: If the Field Controller family Accumulator (Counter Input) object is used, the main code of the Field
Controller family device must be at Release 5.0 or later.
The Accumulator object allows you to count pulses, which are often provided by energy meters. The accumulator
objects can feed their Present Values to the Pulse Meter Object. The Accumulator object is also referred to as the
Counter Input object.
Table 923 describes the MS/TP field bus accumulator object and how to add it to the system. The Integration (Device)
Type column indicates the type of integration and device in which the accumulator object resides.
Table 923: Accumulator Types
Integration (Device) Description Steps and Tips
MS/TP Field Bus (Field Provides integration of pulse meters integrated to To add an accumulator from a Field Controller
Controller Family the Dry Contact Pulsed (MISC-MTR) binary input family BACnet device on an MS/TP field bus:
BACnet Device) of a Field Controller family BACnet device. The tool 1. From the system user interface, add an
creates an Accumulator object for the pulse meter MS/TP field bus.
input of the Field Controller family BACnet device. 2. Add a Field Controller family BACnet device
This Field Controller accumulator is shadowed by that contains a visible accumulator (defined
the Supervisory Controller. by the tool).
Note: A Field Controller accumulator object is
3. Map the accumulator at the Supervisory
mapped at the Supervisory Controller via
Controller (that is, add the Accumulator point
the Insert Point Wizard.
to the mapped field device using the Insert
Point Wizard).

Figure 135 illustrates the interaction between the accumulator and the Supervisory Controller.
Figure 135: Accumulator Interaction

A Field Controller family BACnet device that resides on the MS/TP field bus has a binary input with a Dry Contact
Pulsed signal (MISC-MTR) created in the tool. See Adding an Input or Miscellaneous Input in the Configuring a
System section for the procedure on how to add an input; however, make sure you select the Dry Contact Pulsed
signal to add the Miscellaneous Metered Binary input (MISC-MTR). This provides a Field Controller accumulator.
The Field Controller accumulator has BACnet Prescale, Units, and Limit Monitoring Interval attributes that interact
with the accumulator in the Supervisory Controller via the prescaled Present Value.

Accumulator (Counter Input) Attributes

Table 924 describes the Accumulator object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table. Unless
otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present Value
appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).

Controller Tool Help: Accumulator (Counter Input) Object 1313

Table 924: Accumulator Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Debounce Input All Modes Indicates the length of time that the hardware input must remain in a state
for the connected object to detect that a change has occurred. The
hardware contact may bounce, producing extra input pulses. You can use
the Debounce attribute to eliminate these nuisance input pulses. Contact
fluctuations are ignored and, thus, filtered during this time period.
Note: Debounce is an attribute of only an MS/TP Accumulator (Counter
Description Input All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Device Type Input All Modes Describes the physical network device to which the object is connected.
Limit Monitoring Input Configuration Specifies the monitoring period in seconds for determining the Pulse Rate.
Interval The Pulse Rate is the number of pulses received during the previous Limit
Monitoring Interval period.
Max Value Input All Modes Specifies the maximum amount for Present Value (Appears as O1).
Name Input All Modes Indicates the name of the object.
Object Identifier Input All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the
network. The Object Identifier must be unique within the host device.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier
of AV:10026 has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of
Offline Input Commissioning Indicates if the object is currently communicating with the network device.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Out of Service Input Simulation Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or
offline (out of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Periodic Update Input All Modes Specifies the amount of time between evaluation of updates to Present
Value (Appears as O1), Reliability, and Status.
Default Value: 60 seconds
Range: 1 - 10,000 seconds
Prescale Input Configuration Indicates the coefficients used to convert the accumulated pulses into the
Present Value. This attribute uses moduloDivide integer division (where
5/2 is 2 with a remainder of 1; the integer division is carefully implemented
to avoid round-off errors by carrying the remainders forward in the
calculation). The algorithm used is
Present Value = (prescale.multiplier x
* The accumulated-pulses value in this calculation includes the remainder
from the moduloDivide integer division calculation.

Controller Tool Help: Accumulator (Counter Input) Object 1314

Table 924: Accumulator Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Present Value Input Simulation Indicates the prescaled pulse count. The raw pulse count is adjusted by
(Appears as O1) the Prescale calculation to arrive at the Present Value. Changes in Present
Value generate a change of value (COV) when the Periodic Update expires.
Present Value is saved once per day, and returns to the last saved value
during a restart. For controllers with fast persistence, present value may
be saved up to once per second.
Note: The present value is saved and does not return to the default value
after an upload and download with the tool.
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Reliability Input Simulation Provides the following values to indicate whether or not the Present Value
(Appears as O1) is reliable:
• Offline: The input hardware is offline.
• Connection Fail: The object fails to connect to the hardware.
• Reliable: The object is neither of the above.
If an Out of Service command is received, this attribute is Reliable. Only
when the object is out of service can you write values to this attribute.
Set Name: Reliability
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Status Input Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute and the
status of any commands.
Possible values for Accumulator objects are:
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Normal: Neither of the above is correct.
Set Name: Status
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Units Input All Modes Specifies the units of measure for Present Value (Appears as O1).
Use Default if Not Input All Modes Specifies the behavior when the Source is not reliable. If True, the Output
Reliable is set to its Default Value whenever its Source is not reliable and its
Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the Output maintains its last
reliable value and its Reliability reflects the reason that the source is not
Value Set Input Commissioning Allows you to reset the Present Value. The Present Value attribute gains
its value from the value written to the Value Set attribute.

Accumulator (Counter Input) Commands

Table 925 describes the Accumulator object commands. For information about command priorities, see Command
Priority Levels.

Controller Tool Help: Accumulator (Counter Input) Object 1315

Table 925: Accumulator Commands
Name Description
In Service Cancels the effects of an Out of Service command. This command changes Out of Service to
False and reconnects the input to the hardware. Present Value (Appears as O1), Reliability, and
Status values update at time specified in Periodic Update.
Out of Service Overrides Present Value (Appears as O1) for simulation or other purposes. This command changes
Out of Service to True, Present Value to the value you specify, Status to Out of Service, and
Reliability to Reliable. Present Value and Reliability are not connected to the hardware when the
input is out of service, so this is the only time they are writable.

Controller Tool Help: Accumulator (Counter Input) Object 1316

Analog Input Object
The analog input (AI) object smooths and filters analog data from hardware devices. You can use the value of this
object in logic and to monitor the status of hardware.
SAB Device Analog Input objects (for example, network duct or zone sensor AI objects) contain only a subset of the
attributes available in Analog Input objects that monitor the hardware inputs of a controller or I/O Module. See the
Type column in the table in the Analog Input Attributes section for whether the attribute is present in an SAB Device
Analog Input object.
For more information on the Analog Input object, see Analog Input Attributes and Analog Input Commands.

Analog Input Attributes

Table 926 describes the Analog Input object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table. Unless
otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present Value
appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).
Table 926: Analog Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Anti Spike Input Configuration Enables (True) or disables (False) the anti-spike filter. When this attribute is False,
the sub-filter input passes directly to the sub-filter output.
For details on this attribute, see Table 927.
Application Input All Modes Provides a change-of-value function for the application.
The Application COV is set to a non-zero value for setpoint inputs only (Network
Sensor inputs excluded). For all other input types, the value is set to zero.
This attribute is used for inputs that change frequently, causing the application to
run, which may increase COV messages on the MS/TP Field Bus.
COV Increment Input Configuration Indicates the minimum change in Present Value (Appears as O1) that triggers a
new COV message. On the expiration of the Update Interval, the object compares
the current Present Value with that of Present Value the last time a COV was sent.
Units: See Units.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Description Input All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Device Type Input Configuration Describes the physical network device to which the object is connected.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Display Input Configuration Indicates the point at which value attributes are rounded for display (how many
Precision numbers following the decimal point appear).
Set Name: Display Precision
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Endpoint Input Configuration Defines a band outside the endpoints of the input signal for which the input is
Tolerance considered to equal the endpoint value. This input only applies to the user-defined
linearization setup types.
For example, with a resistive setpoint adjustment, use this attribute to achieve the
full range but to prevent the input from going unreliable unless the input truly fails
(due to a wire break, for example).
Range: 0-100
Units: %

Controller Tool Help: Analog Input Object 1317

Table 926: Analog Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Field Offset Input Configuration Specifies an offset applied to the hardware value to compensate for certain aspects
of the system. This value is added to the hardware value before the object smooths
out the data.
For example, you can enter a value for this attribute to compensate for wiring
resistance in a temperature sensing application.
Field Units Input Configuration Indicates the units for Field Offset, Input Range Low, Input Range High, Output
Range Low, and Output Range High.
Set Name: Unit
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Filter Setup Input Configuration Allows you to specify the mechanism that configures the AI filter parameters for
your specific application. This attribute affects these attributes:
• Time Constant
• Anti Spike
• Spike Fraction
• Lowpass Filter Enable
• Minus 20 dB Frequency
• Update Interval
The tool does not enforce restrictions on these attributes. You are not prevented
from editing these attributes, even though the Analog Input in the controller may
ignore the value you enter.
The AI Filter Setup includes the following:
• Process ID: Derives the Time Constant from an internal standards table. You
cannot change any filter setup inputs.
• Process Data: Ignores Process ID and allows you to configure Time Constant
• Monitor Only: Sets Time Constant to 900 seconds. You can modify Time
Constant but no other filter setup inputs.
• VAV Flow Control: Includes built-in handling of signal noise. The object disables
Lowpass Filter Enable and ignores Process ID and Time Constant. You cannot
change any filter setup inputs except Update Interval.
• Custom: Allows you to configure all the filter setup points directly. The object
ignores Process ID and Time Constant.
For details on this attribute, see Table 927.
Set Name: AI Filter Setup
Input Range Input Configuration Allows you to create a custom line of the input signal, along with Input Range Low,
High Output Range Low, and Output Range High. The Input Range Low and Input
Range High default to the ends of the typical input range (0-10 Volts, 0-2,000 ohm,
or 4-20 mA). Input Range Low must be less than Input Range High.
To define a line with a negative slope, set Output Range High to a value less than
Output Range Low. The range of reliable values is based on the Min Value and
Max Value. The Input Range Low, Input Range High, Output Range Low, and
Output Range High attributes are used only to define the linear model.
If you choose a specific type of sensor, the input range high is defined already. In
this case, the Input Range High attribute is not used, even though it does not
appear dimmed.
Units: See Field Units.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Input Object 1318

Table 926: Analog Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Input Range Input Configuration Allows you to create a custom line of the input signal, along with Input Range Low,
Low Output Range Low, and Output Range High. The Input Range Low and Input
Range High default to the ends of the typical input range (0-10 Volts, 0-2,000 ohm,
or 4-20 mA). Input Range Low must be less than Input Range High.
To define a line with a negative slope, set Output Range High to a value less than
Output Range Low. The range of reliable values is based on the Min Value and
Max Value. The Input Range Low, Input Range High, Output Range Low, and
Output Range High attributes are used only to define the linear model.
If you choose a specific type of sensor, the input range high is defined already. In
this case, the Input Range High attribute is not used, even though it does not
appear dimmed.
Units: See Field Units.
Lowpass Filter Input Configuration Enables (True) or disables (False) the low pass sub-filter. When this attribute is
Enable False, the sub-filter input passes directly to the sub-filter output.
For details on this attribute, see Table 927.
Max Value Input Configuration Specifies the maximum value at which Present Value (Appears as O1) can still
be considered reliable. If the Present Value is higher than this value, the Reliability
attribute goes to Unreliable High. Max Value must be more than Min Value.
This attribute resets to the default value if you edit the Setup or Units attributes.
Units: See Units.
Min Value Input Configuration Specifies the minimum value at which Present Value (Appears as O1) can still be
considered reliable. If the Present Value is lower than this value, the Reliability
attribute goes to Unreliable Low. Min Value must be less than Max Value.
This attribute resets to the default value if you edit the Setup or Units attributes.
Units: See Units.
Minus 20 dB Input Configuration Indicates the rejection frequency of the Bessel filter. A sinusoid signal at this
Frequency frequency that passes through this filter is reduced ten times. An incorrect setting
for this attribute can lead to instability of the Bessel filter.
The minimum value of this attribute is 0.01 and the maximum value is 3 (10*
Hardware Period in seconds).
For details on this attribute, see Table 927.
Name Input All Modes Indicates the name of the object.
Object Input All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the network. The
Identifier Object Identifier must be unique within the host device. The Object Identifier is
created after defining hardware in the Hardware Definition Wizard accessible from
the Define Hardware button or Operations menu option.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s Instance
Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier of AV:10026 has
a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of 10026.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Offline Input Commissioning Indicates if the object is currently communicating with the network device.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Input Object 1319

Table 926: Analog Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Offset Input Configuration Specifies an offset applied to the hardware value to compensate for certain aspects
of the system. This value is added to the input after the object smooths out the
Units: See Units.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Note: In the CCT software, the Offset value for the NS Series CO2 Network
Sensor Zone Quality (ZN-Q) AI is labeled ppm; however, as of Release
5.3, the Offset value for this device actually represents the local
atmospheric pressure in hectopascals (hPa). Enter the Offset value only
in units of hPa. The CCT software internally converts the entered hPa
value into the correct Offset value. Refer to the NS Series CO2 Network
Sensor Installation Instructions (Part No. 24-10424-6) for proper hPa
Out of Service Input Commissioning Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or offline (out
of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Output Range Input Configuration Allows you to create a custom line of the input signal, along with Input Range Low,
High Input Range High, and Output Range Low. The Input Range Low and Input Range
High default to the ends of the typical input range (0-10 Volts, 0-2,000 ohm, or
4-20 mA). Input Range Low must be less than Input Range High.
To define a line with a negative slope, set Output Range High to a value less than
Output Range Low. The range of reliable values is based on the Min Value and
Max Value. The Input Range Low, Input Range High, Output Range Low, and
Output Range High attributes are used only to define the linear model.
If you choose a specific type of sensor, the Output Range High is defined already.
In this case, the Output Range High attribute is not used, even though it does not
appear dimmed.
Units: See Units.
Output Range Input Configuration Allows you to create a custom line of the input signal, along with Input Range Low,
Low Input Range High, and Output Range Low. The Input Range Low and Input Range
High default to the ends of the typical input range (0-10 Volts, 0-2,000 ohm, or
4-20 mA). Input Range Low must be less than Input Range High.
To define a line with a negative slope, set Output Range High to a value less than
Output Range Low. The range of reliable values is based on the Min Value and
Max Value. The Input Range Low, Input Range High, Output Range Low, and
Output Range High attributes are used only to define the linear model.
If you choose a specific type of sensor, the Output Range Low is defined already.
In this case, the Output Range Low attribute is not used, even though it does not
appear dimmed.
Units: See Units.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Input Object 1320

Table 926: Analog Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Present Value Input Simulation Indicates the current value of the input.
(Appears as
Commissioning This attribute changes when the following occurs:
• if the Present Value attribute is changed by a user editing the attribute. This
can be done only when Out of Service is False.
• if the Present Value attribute is changed by a user commanding the attribute.
This can be done only when Out of Service is True.
• if changes occur in the hardware input (when the object has a live connection
to the hardware)
• if, on a transition from offline to a live connection to the hardware, the Present
Value uses the last value reported from the hardware. If a value was never
recorded before going offline, the value is not updated and Reliability goes to
Connection Fail.
Set Name: States Text
This attribute is a generated value (Default Element), a calculated value (Output),
and is visible in an SAB device.
Priority Input All Modes Contains the current BACnet priority of the referenced object if it supports BACnet
Process ID Input Configuration Specifies the process that the Analog Input object measures. If the Filter Setup is
Process ID, the Process Identifier determines the filter setup. Otherwise, this
attribute is ignored.
Set Name: Process ID
Reliability Input Simulation Provides the following values to indicate whether or not the Present Value (Appears
as O1) is reliable:
• Open Circuit: The hardware input is infinite for resistive measurements.
• Short Circuit: The input is 0 for resistive measurements.
• Unreliable Low: The Present Value is less than the Min Value.
• Unreliable High: The Present Value is more than Max Value.
• Connection Fail: The object fails to connect to the hardware.
• Reliable: The object is none of the above.
If an Out of Service command is received, this attribute is Reliable. Only when the
object is out of service can you write values to this attribute.
Set Name: Reliability
This attribute is a calculated value (Output) and is visible in an SAB device.
Source Input Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the sources. All references must be
References from a single object.
Spike Fraction Input Configuration Defines the initial and minimum width of the anti-spike filter window in terms of AI
range. The value should be less than 1.
For details on this attribute, see Table 927.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Input Object 1321

Table 926: Analog Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Status Input Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute and the status
of any commands.
Possible values for Analog Input objects are:
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Normal: Neither of the above is correct.
Set Name: Status
This attribute is a calculated value (Output) and is visible in an SAB device.
Time Constant Input Configuration Specifies the time it takes a first-order system to reach 63% of its final magnitude
given a 100% step change. This setting affects the -20dB frequency of the Bessel
filter. Small values can result in Bessel filter instability.
The minimum value of this attribute should be 10* Hardware Period in seconds.
If Time Constant is less than the minimum value, set Lowpass Filter Enable to
For details on this attribute, see Table 927.
Units: Seconds
Units Input Configuration Indicates the units of measurement for Present Value (Appears as O1), Min Value,
Max Value, and Offset.
Set Name: Unit
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Update Interval Input Configuration Specifies the amount of time between evaluation of updates to Present Value
(Appears as O1), Reliability, and Status.
For details on this attribute, see Table 927.
Range: 0 - 4,294,967,295
Units: 100ths of seconds
Use COV Min Input Configuration Configures the object to send COV messages on a periodic basis instead of on
Send Time every change of value that exceeds the COV Increment. This attribute is typically
set to True for objects with values that fluctuate greatly, such as air pressure, to
decrease the number of COV messages. The change of value still must exceed
the COV Increment to be reported.
The Min Send Time value is set at the supervisory controller on the Device object,
and has a default of 15 seconds.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Use Default if Input All Modes Specifies the behavior when the Source is not reliable. If True, the Output is set
Not Reliable to its Default Value whenever its Source is not reliable and its Reliability is marked
as Reliable. If False, the Output maintains its last reliable value and its Reliability
reflects the reason that the source is not reliable.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Input Object 1322

Table 927: Filter Setup Impact on Other Attributes
Filter Setup Process Process Monitor VAV Flow Control Custom
Input ID Data Only
Update Interval Time Constant / 30 1 second
1 Defined by
the user.
Anti Spike True
Spike Fraction 0.02
Lowpass Filter True False
Minus 20 dB 3.0 / Time Constant N/A
Time Constant Based Defined by 900 N/A
on the the user. 1 seconds


1 Attributes in this table are updated by the controller to the specified values (online); however, you can modify them if desired.

Analog Input Commands

Table 928 describes the Analog Input object commands.
Table 928: Analog Input Commands
Name Description
In Service Cancels the effects of an Out of Service command. This command changes Out of Service to
False and reconnects the input to the hardware. Present Value (Appears as O1), Reliability, and
Status values update at time specified in Update Interval.
Out of Service Overrides Present Value (Appears as O1) for simulation or other purposes. This command changes
Out of Service to True, Present Value to the value you specify, Status to Out of Service, and
Reliability to Reliable. Present Value and Reliability are not connected to the hardware when the
input is out of service, so this is the only time they are writable.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Input Object 1323

Analog Output Object
The Analog Output (AO) object provides an output between Min Out Value and Max Out Value when the Present
Value (appears as I1) is between the Min Value and Max Value. The output is spanned between the Min Out Value
and Max Out Value as the Present Value changes from the Min Value to Max Value. You can use the value of this
object in logic and to monitor the status of hardware.
The Present Value is almost always within the range of 0 to 100%, so the Min Out Value corresponds to the Output
with an input signal of 0% and the Max Out Value corresponds to the Output with an input signal of 100%.
For example, for an EP-8000-2 at factory calibration, if you want 10 psi for the full closed position and 3 psi for the
full open position:
• Min Out Value = 50% (5 VDC)
• Max Out Value = 15% (1.5 VDC)
As the present value increases from 0 to 100%, the Output moves from the Min Out Value to the Max Out Value.
For more information on the Analog Output object, see Analog Output Attributes and Analog Output Commands.

Analog Output Attributes

Table 929 describes the Analog Output object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table. Unless
otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present Value
appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).
Table 929: Analog Output Attributes
Name Mode Description
COV Increment Configuration Indicates the minimum change in Present Value that triggers a new Change of
Value (COV) message.
Range: 0–100
Deadband Configuration Specifies the range around the current output outside which the calculation of a
new output must fall before the attribute is updated. A deadband of 0 allows the
value to reflect all changes to Present Value.
The low and high values for the Deadband range are calculated this way:
Low value: Output - (1/2 * Deadband attribute)
High value: Output + (1/2 * Deadband attribute)
Note: If Present Value equals or is outside Min Value or Max Value, Deadband
is ignored. Deadband is enabled again after value changes from Min
Out Value or Max Out Value. This allows the deadband to be set to either
Min Out Value or Max Out Value.
Range: 0–100
Description All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Device Type Configuration Describes the physical network device to which the object is connected.
Display Precision Configuration Indicates the point at which value attributes are rounded for display (and how
many numbers following the decimal point appear).
Set Name: Display Precision
Max Out Value Configuration Specifies the value for the output when Present Value (Appears as I1) is greater
than or equal to Max Value.
Range: 0 -100

Controller Tool Help: Analog Output Object 1324

Table 929: Analog Output Attributes
Name Mode Description
Max Value Configuration Represents the upper limit for Present Value (Appears as I1) when it is used to
calculate output. If Present Value is higher than the value specified in this attribute,
Present Value assumes the value of Max Value.
Note: This attribute does not affect the value of the Present Value attribute,
only the impact Present Value has on Output calculation.
If the Present Value amount used in the Output calculation equals Max Value,
Output equals the Max Out Value.
Max Value must be greater than Min Value.
Units: See Units.
Min Change to All Modes Indicates the array of floating values (each value corresponding to a single Input)
Send to specify the minimum change in the Input that is sent to the destination. This
attribute is only applicable when the input is of floating-point data type. The
change is evaluated by comparing the current value of the Input to the value the
last time a message was sent to the destination.
Min Out Value Configuration Specifies the value for the output when Present Value (Appears as I1) is less
than or equal to Min Value.
Range: 0–100
Min Value Configuration Represents the lower limit for Present Value (Appears as I1) when it is used to
calculate output. If Present Value is lower than the value specified in this attribute,
Present Value assumes the value of Min Value.
Note: This attribute does not affect the value of the Present Value attribute,
only the impact Present Value has on Output calculation.
If the Present Value amount used in the Output calculation equals Min Value,
Output equals the Min Out Value.
Min Value must be less than the Max Value.
This attribute resets to the default value if you edit the Units attribute.
Units: See Units.
Name All Modes Indicates the name of the object.
Object Identifier All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the network.
The Object Identifier must be unique within the host device. The Object Identifier
is created after defining hardware in the Hardware Definition Wizard accessible
from the Define Hardware button or Operations menu option.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s Instance
Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier of AV.10026
has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of 10026.
Offline Commissioning Indicates if the object is currently communicating with the network device.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Out of Service Commissioning Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or offline
(out of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Output Object 1325

Table 929: Analog Output Attributes
Name Mode Description
Present Value Simulation Indicates the current value (with the highest priority) being sent to this object.
(Appears as I1) Present Value is used to calculate the output.
Note: During this calculation, Present Value is restricted between Min Value
and Max Value; however, the value represented in the Present Value
attribute is not restricted.
Default Value: See Relinquish Default.
Units: See Units.
This attribute is a Default Element.
Priority All Modes Sends the output at the BACnet priority indicated by the value of the priority
Reliability Simulation Provides the following values to indicate whether or not the Present Value
(Appears as I1) is reliable:
• Connection Fail: The object fails to connect to the hardware.
• Math Error: An error occurred in the calculation of the output.
• Reliable: The object is none of the above.
If an Out of Service command is received, this attribute is Reliable. Only when
the object is out of service can you write values to this attribute.
Set Name: Reliability
This attributed is a calculated value (Output).
Relinquish Configuration Contains the default value for Present Value (Appears as I1) when all priorities
Default are released.
The Present Value is sent to the value in Relinquish Default only at startup or
when the last priority value is released. Present Value does not update if you
change Relinquish Default.
Units: See Units.
Restore Configuration Restores the commands you select in the case of a power failure. For more
Command information about command priorities, see Command Priority Levels. The following
Priority list displays the command priorities you can select.
• Operator Override
• Default
Status Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute and the status
of any commands.
Possible values for Analog Output objects are:
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• High Priority: Present Value (Appears as I1) is currently controlled at Priorities
• Operator Override: Present Value is currently controlled at Priority 8.
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Output Clipped: Present Value is outside the limits of Min Value and Max
Value. Status remains Output Clipped until the output changes (that is, it
exceeds Deadband).
• Normal: None of the above is correct.
Set Name: Status
This attributed is a calculated value (Output).

Controller Tool Help: Analog Output Object 1326

Table 929: Analog Output Attributes
Name Mode Description
Units Configuration Indicates the units of measurement for Present Value (Appears as I1), Min Value,
and Max Value. This attribute resets to the default value if you edit the Setup
Set Name: Unit
Use COV Min Configuration Configures the object to send COV messages on a periodic basis instead of on
Send Time every change of value that exceeds the COV Increment. This attribute is typically
set to True for objects with values that fluctuate greatly, such as air pressure, to
decrease the number of COV messages. The change of value still must exceed
the COV Increment to be reported.
The Min Send Time value is set at the supervisory controller on the Device object,
and has a default of 15 seconds.
Use Default if Not All Modes Specifies the behavior when the Input is not reliable. If True, the destination is
Reliable sent the Input’s Default Value whenever the Input is not reliable and its Reliability
is marked as Reliable. If False, the destination is not updated and keeps its last
reliable value.

Analog Output Commands

Table 930 describes the Analog Output object commands. For information about command priorities, see Command
Priority Levels.
Table 930: Analog Output Commands
Name Description
Adjust Replaces Present Value at priority 16 with the value you enter in the command and releases
priorities 9 through 15. The adjust has no effect if a priority 1–8 is in the Present Value attribute.
In Service Cancels the effects of an Out of Service command. This command changes Out of Service to
False and reconnects the input to the hardware. If you make changes to Present Value when
Out of Service is True, the hardware is commanded when you issue the In Service command.
Operator Override Replaces Present Value (Appears as I1) at the Operator Override priority with the value you
enter in the command. The override has no effect if a higher priority value is in the Present
Value attribute.
Out of Service Changes Out of Service to True, Present Value to the value you specify, Status to Out of
Service, and Reliability to Reliable. Present Value and Reliability are not connected to the
hardware when the input is out of service, so this is the only time they are writable. Commands
cannot be sent to the hardware output when Out of Service is True.
Release Releases a specific priority of Present Value (Appears as I1).
Release All Releases Priorities 3–15.
Release Operator Override Releases an Operator Override command.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Output Object 1327

Analog Value Object
This object allows you to hold an analog value for other objects to reference. In the tool, an analog value (AV) may
be created as part of an SAB device to provide analog data points from that device (for example, Zone Setpoint of
the Network Zone Sensor). Alternately, an Analog Value may be created as a reference point for a wireless sensor
to write its value (typically to the mapped AV in the supervisory device).
For more information on the Analog Value object, see Analog Value Attributes and Analog Value Commands.

Analog Value Attributes

Table 931 describes the Analog Value object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table.
Table 931: Analog Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Application Input All Modes Provides a change-of-value function for the application.
The Application COV is set to a non-zero value for setpoint inputs only
(Network Sensor inputs excluded). For all other input types, the value is
set to zero.
This attribute is used for inputs that change frequently, causing the
application to run, which may increase COV messages on the MS/TP Field
BACnet Network Input All Modes Allows you to expose the object to BACnetsystems. The BACnet exposed
Exposed object is a viewable object through the Supervisory Controller.
Network Output
COV Increment Input Configuration Indicates the minimum change in Present Value (Appears as O1) that
triggers a new COV message.
Output Commissioning
Range: 0 -100
Network Output
Default Value Network Input All Modes Allows you to specify the Present Value if no source is connected or if the
connected source is never reliable.
Network Output
Description Input All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Destination Output Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the destinations. All references
References must be from a single object.
Display All Types Configuration Indicates the point at which value attributes are rounded for display (and
Precision how many numbers following the decimal point appear).Set Name: Display

Controller Tool Help: Analog Value Object 1328

Table 931: Analog Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Error Status Network Input Configuration Displays the status of the last communication that occurred with an input
or output reference. Common errors include:
Network Output Commissioning
• Surrogate Object is Not Bound: The referenced device (Device ID)
has never responded because a device with the entered Device ID
either does not exist or is offline.
• Remote Device is Offline: The referenced device did respond at one
time but is no longer responding.
• Unknown Object: The referenced device exists and is online, but the
Object ID entered does not exist on that device.
• Type Mismatch: The referenced object exists but the data type of the
referenced attribute/property is invalid. This error generally does not
appear for inputs on Johnson Controls or third-party devices. For
outputs on third-party devices, the Object Type of the output needs to
match the type of output object making the peer reference.
• Unknown Property: This error generally does not appear if you leave
the Peer Reference Attribute field as Present Value. If you change
this setting, the Unknown Property error means the referenced object
exists but the referenced attribute does not exist.
Failsoft Network Input All Modes Indicates how the Network Input or Network Output behaves when the
connected source is not Reliable. If the source is not Reliable, the element
Network Output
uses either the default value for the current value (if Failsoft is true) or the
Last Reliable Value (if Failsoft is false). For a Network Input, the source
is considered unreliable whenever the priority array of the Present Value
is empty.
In Test Network Input Simulation Displays a Boolean value that is True if you manually set the Current Value
for test purposes.
Network Output Commissioning
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Max Value Input Configuration Represents the upper limit for Present Value (Appears as O1) when it is
used to calculate output. If Present Value is higher than the value specified
Output Commissioning
in this attribute, Present Value assumes the value of Max Value.
Note: This attribute does not affect the value of the Present Value
attribute, only the impact Present Value has on Output calculation.
Max Value must be greater than Min Value.
This attribute resets to the default value if you edit the Units attribute.
Units: See Units.
Min Change to Output All Modes Indicates the array of floating values (each value corresponding to a single
Send Input) to specify the minimum change in the Input that is sent to the
destination. This attribute is only applicable when the Input is of
floating-point data type. The change is evaluated by comparing the current
value of the Input to the value the last time a message was sent to the
Min Value Input Configuration Represents the lower limit for Present Value (Appears as O1) when it is
used to calculate output. If Present Value is lower than the value specified
Output Commissioning
in this attribute, Present Value assumes the value of Min Value.
Note: This attribute does not affect the value of the Present Value
attribute, only the impact Present Value has on Output calculation.
Min Value must be less than the Max Value.
This attribute resets to the default value if you edit the Units attribute.
Units: See Units.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Value Object 1329

Table 931: Analog Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Name All Types All Modes Displays the object name.
Object All Types All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the
Identifier network. The Object Identifier must be unique within the host device. The
Object Identifier is created after defining hardware in the Hardware
Definition Wizard accessible from the Define Hardware button or Operations
menu option.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier
of AV.10026 has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of
Out of Service Input Commissioning Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or
offline (out of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Peer Reference Network Input Configuration Contains the elements needed to use peer-to-peer communication. These
elements are:
Network Output Commissioning
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the device’s Instance
Number. Make sure you verify the device's instance number before
setting this value. You can access the device instance number on the
Network Settings screen of the Hardware Definition Wizard. You also
can locate the instance number of devices using the system UI. If the
Johnson Controls Point Schedule was used to download the controllers,
check the instance number on the MSTP Field Device tab of the
project's Point Schedule.
• Object Identifier:Displays the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number.
The BACnet Class ID should typically have the same Data Type as
the object for which the peer-to-peer attribute is being configured. For
example, an AV Network Input should reference another AV, an AI,
or an AO object. If multistate values are used in peer-to-peer
references, the Enumeration sets should match. If the sets do not
match, you must determine whether the values in the sets are
You can locate the Object Identifier in the Advanced view of the Details
dialog box. The Peer to Peer Disabled option allows you to disable
peer-to-peer communication.
Present Value All Types Simulation Indicates the current value (with the highest priority) being sent to this
(Appears as object.
Present Value is used to calculate the output.
Note: During this calculation, Present Value is restricted between Min
Value and Max Value; however, the value represented in the
Present Value attribute is not restricted.
Units: See Units.
This attribute is a Default Element and is a calculated value (Output).

Controller Tool Help: Analog Value Object 1330

Table 931: Analog Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Reliability All Types Simulation Provides the following values to indicate whether or not the Present Value
(Appears as O1) is reliable:
• Unreliable Low: Present Value is below Min Value.
• Unreliable High: Present Value is above Max Value.
• Reliable: Preset Value is between the Min Value and Max Value.
Set Name: Reliability
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Relinquish Input Configuration Contains the default value for Present Value (Appears as O1) when all
Default priorities are released.
Output Commissioning
The Present Value is sent to the value in Relinquish Default only at startup
or when the last priority value is released. Present Value does not update
if you change Relinquish Default.
Units: See Units.
Restore All Types All Modes Restores the commands you select in the case of a power failure. For
Command more information about command priorities, see Command Priority Levels.
Priority The following list displays the command priorities you can select.
• Operator Override
• Default
Source Input Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the sources. All references
References must be from a single object.
Status All Types Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute and the
status of any commands.
Possible values for Analog Value objects are:
• Offline
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• High Priority: Present Value (Appears as O1) is currently controlled at
Priorities 1 - 5.
• Operator Override: Present Value is currently controlled at Priority 8.
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Normal: None of the above is correct.
Set Name: Status
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Units All Types Configuration Indicates the units of measurement for Present Value (Appears as O1),
Mode for All Types Min Value, and Max Value.
Commissioning This attribute resets to the default value if you edit the Setup attribute.
Mode for Input and
Set Name: Unit
Output Types

Controller Tool Help: Analog Value Object 1331

Table 931: Analog Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Use COV Min Input Configuration Configures the object to send COV messages on a periodic basis instead
Send Time of on every change of value that exceeds the COV Increment. This attribute
Output Commissioning
is typically set to True for objects with values that fluctuate greatly, such
as air pressure, to decrease the number of COV messages. The change
of value still must exceed the COV Increment to be reported.
Note: If you have more than 100 objects, set this value to False.
The Min Send Time value is set at the supervisory controller on the Device
object, and has a default of 15 seconds.
Use Default if Input All Modes For Inputs: Specifies the behavior when the Source is not reliable. If True,
Not Reliable the Output is set to its Default Value whenever its Source is not reliable
and its Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the Output maintains its
last reliable value and its Reliability reflects the reason that the source is
not reliable.
For Outputs: Specifies the behavior when the Input is not reliable. If True,
the destination is sent the Input’s Default Value whenever the Input is not
reliable and its Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the destination
is not updated and keeps its last reliable value.

Analog Value Commands

Table 932 describes the Analog Value object commands. For information about command priorities, see Command
Priority Levels.
Table 932: Analog Value Commands
Name Description
Adjust Releases priorities 9 - 15 and sets Priority 16 to the value you enter in the command. Present
Value (Appears as O1) changes to the highest value in the priority table.
Note: This command is available only if the Analog Value is prioritized.
Operator Override Replaces Present Value (Appears as O1) at the Operator Override priority with the value you
enter in the command. The override has no effect if a higher priority value is in the Present
Value attribute.
Note: This command is available only if the Analog Value is prioritized.
Release Operator Override Releases an Operator Override command.
Note: This command is available only if the Analog Value is prioritized.
Release Releases a specific priority of Present Value (Appears as O1).
Note: This command is available only if the Analog Value is prioritized.
Release All Releases Priorities 3 - 15.
Note: This command is available only if the Analog Value is prioritized.
Enable Alarms Enables all types of alarming.
Note: This command is available only if the Analog Value is prioritized.
Disable Alarms Disables all types of alarming.
Note: This command is available only if the Analog Value is prioritized.

Controller Tool Help: Analog Value Object 1332

Binary Input Object
The binary input (BI) object interprets binary signals from hardware and presents them to you as the physical states
of the items. For example, a Binary Input can indicate whether a switch is on or off. You can use the state of this
object in logic and to monitor the status of hardware.
For more information on the Binary Input object, see Binary Input Attributes and Binary Input Commands.

Binary Input Attributes

Table 933 describes the Binary Input object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table. Unless
otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present Value
appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).
Table 933: Binary Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Active Text Input Configuration Indicates the active state of the object (for example, Occupied, Cooling,
or Active). This value for this attribute matches the active state name in
States Text.
Application COV Input All Modes Not used by this object.
Debounce Input Configuration Indicates the length of time that the hardware input must remain in a
state for the connected object to detect that a change has occurred. The
hardware contact may bounce, producing extra input pulses. You can
use the Debounce attribute to eliminate these nuisance input pulses.
Contact fluctuations are ignored and, thus, filtered during this time period.
Device Type Input Configuration Describes the physical network device to which the object is connected.
Description Input All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Inactive Text Input Configuration Indicates the inactive state of the object (for example, Not Occupied,
Heating, or Inactive). This value for this attribute matches the inactive
state name in States Text.
Name Input All Modes Indicates the name of the object.
Object Identifier Input All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the
network. The Object Identifier must be unique within the host device.
The Object Identifier is created after defining hardware in the Hardware
Definition Wizard accessible from the Define Hardware button or
Operations menu option.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnetClass ID and the object’s
Instance Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier
of AV.10026 has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of
Offline Input Commissioning Indicates if the object is currently communicating with the network device.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Out of Service Input Commissioning Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or
offline (out of service).This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Polarity Input Configuration Indicates the relationship between the physical state of the input read
from the hardware and the logical state represented by Present Value
(Appears as O1). If the Object is Out of Service, this attribute has no
effect on Present Value.
Set Name: Polarity

Controller Tool Help: Binary Input Object 1333

Table 933: Binary Input Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Present Value Input Simulation Reflects the current physical state of a device based on the state of the
(Appears as O1) input and Polarity. This attribute changes when the following occurs:
• If the Present Value attribute is changed by a user editing the
attribute. This can be done only when Out of Service is False.
• If changes occur in the hardware input (when the object has a live
connection to the hardware).
• If, on a transition from offline to a live connection to the hardware,
the Present Value uses the last value reported from the hardware.
If a value was never recorded before going offline, the value is not
updated and Reliability goes to Connection Fail.
Set Name: States Text
This attribute is a Default Element, and is a calculated value (Output).
Priority Input All Modes Contains the current BACnet priority of the referenced object if it supports
BACnet priorities.
Reliability Input Simulation Provides the following values to indicate whether or not the Present
Value (Appears as O1) is reliable:
• Connection Fail: The object fails to connect to the hardware.
• Reliable: The object is not in the Connection Fail state.
If an Out of Service command is received, this attribute is Reliable. Only
when the object is out of service can you write values to this attribute.
The controller must be online for this attribute value to appear.
Set Name: Reliability
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Source Input Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the sources. All references
References must be from a single object.
States Text Input Configuration Indicates the set used by Present Value (Appears as O1).
Commissioning Set Name: Two State
Status Input Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute and
the status of any commands.
Possible values for Binary Input objects are:
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Normal: Neither of the above is correct.
The controller must be online for this attribute value to appear.
Set Name: Status
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Use Default if Not Input All Modes Specifies the behavior when the Source is not reliable. If True, the Output
Reliable is set to its Default Value whenever its Source is not reliable and its
Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the Output maintains its last
reliable value and its Reliability reflects the reason that the source is not

Binary Input Commands

Table 934 describes the Binary Input object commands.

Controller Tool Help: Binary Input Object 1334

Table 934: Binary Input Commands
Name Description
In Service Cancels the effects of an Out of Service command. This command changes Out of Service to
False and reconnects the input to the hardware. Present Value (Appears as O1), Reliability, and
Status values return to the last known value as reported before the Out of Service command.
Out of Service Overrides Present Value (Appears as O1) for simulation or other purposes. This command changes
Out of Service to True, Present Value to the value you specify, Status to Out of Service, and
Reliability to Reliable. Present Value and Reliability are not connected to the hardware when the
input is out of service, so this is the only time they are writable.

Controller Tool Help: Binary Input Object 1335

Binary Output Object
The BO object represents a physical binary output.
You can use the value of this object in logic and to monitor the status of hardware.
For more information on the Binary Output object, see Binary Output Attributes and Binary Output Commands.

Binary Output Attributes

Table 935 describes the Binary Output object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table. Unless
otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present Value
appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).
Table 935: Binary Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Active Text Property Configuration Indicates the active state of the
object (for example, Occupied,
Cooling, or Active).
Device Type Property Configuration Describes the physical network
device to which the object is
Description Property All Modes Indicates the description provided
for the object.
Heavy Equip Delay Property Configuration Represents the minimum amount of
time between the activation of the
current load and the activation of
the next load.
When a heavy equipment delay
(HED) controller is designated, it
uses this value to assure the
separation between activations. The
HED holds Present Value as
Inactive by writing to it at Heavy
Equip Delay priority (7). The
attribute applies only when Present
Value is written at priorities lower
than the Heavy Equip Delay priority
Range: 0 - 255
HED Controller Property Configuration Contains the object reference for
the Heavy Equipment Controller that
services HED function calls for this
Range: 1 - 5
Ignore Relinquish Default Property Configuration Indicates whether the Relinquish
Default is used. When True, the
Relinquish Default attribute is not
used and has no effect.
Inactive Text Property Configuration Indicates the inactive state of the
object (for example, Not Occupied,
Heating, or Inactive).

Controller Tool Help: Binary Output Object 1336

Table 935: Binary Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Min Change to Send Property All Modes Indicates the array of floating values
(each value corresponding to a
single Input) to specify the minimum
change in the Input that is sent to
the destination. This attribute is only
applicable when the Input is of
floating-point data type. The change
is evaluated by comparing the
current value of the Input to the
value the last time a message was
sent to the destination.
Min Cycle Time Property Configuration Represents the minimum total
amount of time for the following
• transition from Inactive (or Hold)
to Active
• transition from Active to Inactive
• transition from Inactive to Active
If the object stays in an Active state
for less than the Min On Time, the
object is held Inactive at the
Minimum Off priority for the
remainder of the Minimum Cycle
Time (or Min Off Time, whichever is
longer) so that the minimum cycle
time is maintained.
Note: For modules that are driven
by the MSC, Minimum
Cycle Time, Min On Time,
and Min Off Time should be
configured at the Output
Controller module and must
be set to 0 in the Binary
Range: 0 - 65,535
Min Off Time Property Configuration Represents the minimum amount of
time the hardware output must
remain Inactive between
deactivation and activation. The
hardware output is Inactive at the
Minimum On Off priority for the time
specified in this attribute.
Note: For modules that are driven
by the MSC, Minimum
Cycle Time, Min On Time,
and Min Off Time should be
configured at the Output
Controller module and must
be set to 0 in the Binary
Range: 0 - 604,800

Controller Tool Help: Binary Output Object 1337

Table 935: Binary Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Min On Time Property Configuration Represents the minimum amount of
time the object must remain Active
between activation and deactivation.
The object is Active at the Minimum
On Off priority for the time specified
in this attribute.
Note: For modules that are driven
by the MSC, Minimum
Cycle Time, Min On Time,
and Min Off Time should be
configured at the Output
Controller module and must
be set to 0 in the Binary
Range: 0 - 604,800
Name Property All Modes Indicates the name of the object.
Object Identifier Property Configuration Indicates the instance number of the
Object Type as exposed to the
network. The Object Identifier must
be unique within the host device.
The Object Identifier is created after
defining hardware in the Hardware
Definition Wizard accessible from
the Define Hardware button.
The Object Identifier consists of the
BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number separated by a
colon. For example, an Object
Identifier of AV:10026 has a BACnet
Class ID of AV and an Instance
Number of 10026.
Offline Property Commissioning Indicates if the object is currently
communicating with the network
This attribute is visible in an SAB
Out of Service Property Commissioning Indicates whether the object is
currently connected to the hardware
or offline (out of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB
Priority Input All Modes Sends the output at the BACnet
priority indicated by the value of the
priority input.

Controller Tool Help: Binary Output Object 1338

Table 935: Binary Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Polarity Property Configuration Indicates the following, depending
on the mode:
• Normal
• Reverse
If the Object is Out of Service, this
attribute has no effect on Present
Set Name: Polarity
Present Value (Appears as I1) Input Simulation Indicates the current value (with the
highest priority) being sent to this
Only values of Inactive or Active can
be written to this attribute.
Note: A value of Hold means that
the hardware output has not
been commanded to
Inactive or Active since the
last device cold start, and
the true status of the
hardware output is
unknown. Hold is used by
Pulse and Start Stop
devices. Hardware outputs
do not change while
Present Value is Hold.
Set Name: See States Text.
This attribute is an input to a binary
Pulse Width Property Configuration Specifies how many seconds each
pulse should remain Active following
Note: In Maintained mode, this
attribute is not used.
Note: A write to this attribute does
not affect a pulse currently
in progress. Instead, the
change takes effect for the
next pulse.
Note: If the BO goes out of
service during a pulse, the
pulse completes normally.
Range: 0 - 100

Controller Tool Help: Binary Output Object 1339

Table 935: Binary Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Reliability Property Simulation Provides the following values to
indicate whether or not the Present
Value is reliable:
• Connection Fail: The object fails
to connect to the hardware.
• Reliable: The object is not in
Connection Fail.
If an Out of Service command is
received, this attribute is Reliable.
Only when the object is out of
service can you write values to this
Set Name: Reliability
This attribute is a calculated value
Relinquish Default Property Configuration Contains the default value for
Present Value when all priorities are
The Present Value is sent to the
value in Relinquish Default only at
startup or when the last priority
value is released. Present Value
does not update if you change
Relinquish Default.
Restore Command Priority Property Configuration Restores the commands you select
in the case of a power failure. For
more information about command
priorities, see Command Priority
Levels. The following list displays
the command priorities you can
• Operator Override
• Default
Startup OFF State Enable Property Configuration When enabled, prevents the field
device from commanding its outputs
on until a command is received from
the supervisory device.
States Text Property Configuration Indicates the set number used by
Present Value.
Set Name: Two State

Controller Tool Help: Binary Output Object 1340

Table 935: Binary Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Status Property Simulation Reflects the status of the object
based on the Reliability attribute and
the status of any commands.
Possible values for Binary Output
objects are:
• Out of Service: Out of Service
is True.
• High Priority: Present Value is
currently controlled at Priority 1
- 5.
• Min On Min Off: Present Value
is currently controlled at Priority
• Heavy Equip Delay: Present
Value is currently controlled at
Priority 7.
• Operator Override: Present
Value is currently controlled at
Priority 8.
• Unreliable: Reliability is not
• Normal: None of the above is
Note: Priorities for Min On Min Off
(6) and Operator Override
(8) are specified by BACnet
requirements. The priority
for Heavy Equip Delay (7)
follows Johnson Controls
Set Name: Status
This attribute is a calculated value
Use Default if Not Reliable Property All Modes Specifies the behavior when the
Input is not reliable. If True, the
destination is sent the Input’s
Default Value whenever the Input is
not reliable and its Reliability is
marked as Reliable. If False, the
destination is not updated and
keeps its last reliable value.

Binary Output Commands

Table 936 describes the Binary Output object commands. For information about command priorities, see Command
Priority Levels.

Controller Tool Help: Binary Output Object 1341

Table 936: Binary Output Commands
Name Description
Active Commanding for hardware is on.
Inactive Commanding for hardware is off.
In Service Cancels the effects of an Out of Service command. This command changes
Out of Service to False and reconnects the input to the hardware. If you
make changes to Present Value when Out of Service is True, the hardware
is commanded when you issue the In Service command.
Operator Override Replaces Present Value at the Operator Override priority (8) with the value
you enter in the command. The override has no effect if a higher priority
value is in the Present Value attribute. Min On Time, Min Off Time, Min
Cycle Time, or Heavy Equip Delay may apply.
Release Operator Override Releases an Operator Override command.
Out of Service Changes Out of Service to True, Present Value to the value you specify,
Status to Out of Service, and Reliability to Reliable. Present Value and
Reliability are not connected to the hardware when the input is out of service,
so this is the only time they are writable. Commands cannot be sent to the
hardware output when Out of Service is True.
Re-Command Reissues the current value of Present Value at the highest active priority to
the hardware. This command is used when the hardware is out of sync with
Present Value. Present Value is not changed.
The action that results from Recommand is based on system type:
• Maintained: A command to the expected hardware state is issued to
the hardware output.
• Start Stop: A pulse is issued depending on Present Value and Polarity.
• Pulse: A pulse is issued.
Recommand is most useful when used in the Pulse mode. Writing Present
Value in the other modes (at or above the highest active priority) can be
used instead of Recommand in the Maintained or Start Stop modes because
redundant commands are sent in those modes. In Pulse mode, no pulse is
issued on a write from Active to Active, for example.
If Present value is decoupled from the hardware output, Present Value is
Hold, the object is not connected to a hardware object, or field commands
have not been enabled, Recommand is ignored.
Note: The return status of the command is OK even if the command is
Note: Recommand may send an immediate pulse to change the load to
the opposite of the current state. No consideration is given to Heavy
Equip Delay, Min On Time, Min Off Time, or Min Cycle Time.
Release Releases a specific priority of Present Value.
Release All Releases priorities 3 - 15.

Controller Tool Help: Binary Output Object 1342

Binary Value Object
This object allows you to hold a binary value for other objects to reference. In the tool, a binary value (BV) may be
created as part of an SAB device to provide binary data points from that device (for example, Temporary Occupancy
of the Network Sensor). Alternately, a Binary Value may be created as a reference point for a wireless sensor to
write its value (typically to the mapped BV in the supervisory device).
For more information on the Binary Value object, see Binary Value Attributes and Binary Value Commands.

Binary Value Attributes

Table 937 describes the Binary Value object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table. Unless
otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present Value
appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).
Table 937: Binary Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Active Text Input Configuration Indicates the active state of the object (for example, Occupied, Cooling,
or Active). This value for this attribute matches the active state name in
Output Commissioning
States Text.
Application Input All Modes Not used by this object.
BACnet Network Input All Modes Allows you to expose the object to BACnet systems. The BACnet exposed
Exposed object is a viewable object through the supervisory controller.
Network Output
Default Value Network Input All Modes Allows you to specify the Present Value if no source is connected or if
the connected source is never reliable.
Network Output
Description Input All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Destination Output Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the destinations. All
References Commissioning references must be from a single object.
Error Status Network Input Configuration Displays the status of the last communication that occurred with an input
or output reference. Common errors include:
Network Output Commissioning
• Surrogate Object is Not Bound: The referenced device (Device
ID) has never responded because a device with the entered Device
ID either does not exist or is offline.
• Remote Device is Offline: The referenced device did respond at
one time but is no longer responding.
• Unknown Object: The referenced device exists and is online, but
the Object ID entered does not exist on that device.
• Type Mismatch: The referenced object exists but the data type of
the referenced attribute/property is invalid. This error generally does
not appear for inputs on Johnson Controls or third-party devices. For
outputs on third-party devices, the Object Type of the output needs
to match the type of output object making the peer reference.
• Unknown Property: This error generally does not appear if you leave
the Peer Reference Attribute field as Present Value. If you change
this setting, the Unknown Property error means the referenced object
exists but the referenced attribute does not exist.

Controller Tool Help: Binary Value Object 1343

Table 937: Binary Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Failsoft Network Input All Modes Indicates how the Network Input or Network Output behaves when the
connected source is not Reliable. If the source is not Reliable, the element
Network Output
uses either the default value for the current value (if Failsoft is true) or
the Last Reliable Value (if Failsoft is false). For a Network Input, the
source is considered unreliable whenever the priority array of the Present
Value is empty.
In Test Network Input Simulation Displays a Boolean value that is True if you manually set the Current
Value for test purposes.
Network Output Commissioning
Inactive Text Input Configuration Indicates the inactive state of the object (for example, Not Occupied,
Heating, or Inactive). This value for this attribute matches the inactive
Output Commissioning
state name in States Text.
Min Change to Output All Modes Indicates the array of floating values (each value corresponding to a
Send single Input) to specify the minimum change in the Input that is sent to
the destination. This attribute is only applicable when the Input is of
floating-point data type. The change is evaluated by comparing the current
value of the Input to the value the last time a message was sent to the
Min Off Time Input Configuration Represents the minimum amount of time the object must remain Inactive
between deactivation and activation. The load is Inactive for the time
Output Commissioning
specified in this attribute.
Note: For modules that support staged equipment, Minimum Cycle
Time, Min On Time, and Min Off Time must be set to 0.
Range: 0 - 65,535
Min On Time Input Configuration Represents the minimum amount of time the object must remain Active
between activation and deactivation. The object is Active for the time
Output Commissioning
specified in this attribute.
Note: For modules that support staged equipment, Minimum Cycle
Time, Min On Time, and Min Off Time must be set to 0.
Range: 0 - 65,535
Name All Types All Modes Displays the object name.
Object Identifier All Types All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the
network. The Object Identifier must be unique within the host device. The
Object Identifier is created after defining hardware in the Hardware
Definition Wizard accessible from the Define Hardware button or
Operations menu option.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier
of AV.10026 has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of
Out of Service Input Commissioning Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or
offline (out of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).

Controller Tool Help: Binary Value Object 1344

Table 937: Binary Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Peer Reference Network Input Configuration Contains the elements needed to use peer-to-peer communication. These
elements are:
Network Output Commissioning
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the device’s Instance
Number. Make sure you verify the device's instance number before
setting this value. You can access the device instance number on
the Network Settings screen of the Hardware Definition Wizard. You
also can locate the instance number of devices using the system UI.
If the Johnson Controls Point Schedule was used to download the
controllers, check the instance number on the MS/TP Field Device
tab of the project's Point Schedule.
• Object Identifier: Displays the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number. The BACnet Class ID should typically have the
same Data Type as the object for which the peer-to-peer attribute is
being configured. For example, an AV Network Input should reference
another AV, an AI, or an AO object. If multistate values are used in
peer-to-peer references, the Enumeration sets should match. If the
sets do not match, you must determine whether the values in the
sets are compatible. You can locate the Object Identifier in the
Advanced view of the Details dialog box. The Peer to Peer Disabled
option allows you to disable peer-to-peer communication.
Present Value All Types Simulation Indicates the current value (with the highest priority) being sent to this
(Appears as object.
Only values of Inactive or Active can be written to this attribute.
Set Name: States Text
This attribute is a Default Element, and a calculated value (Output).
Reliability All Types Simulation Provides values to indicate whether or not the Present Value (Appears
as O1) is reliable.
If an Out of Service command is received, this attribute is Reliable. Only
when the object is out of service can you write values to this attribute.
Set Name: Reliability
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Relinquish Input Configuration Contains the default value for Present Value (Appears as O1) when all
Default priorities are released.
Output Commissioning
The Present Value is sent to the value in Relinquish Default only at startup
or when the last priority value is released. Present Value does not update
if you change Relinquish Default.
Restore All Types Configuration Restores the commands you select in the case of a power failure. For
Command more information about command priorities, see Command Priority Levels.
Priority The following list displays the command priorities you can select.
• Operator Override
• Default
Source Input Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the sources. All references
References must be from a single object.
States Text Input All Modes Specifies the set used to obtain text for Present Value (Appears as O1).

Controller Tool Help: Binary Value Object 1345

Table 937: Binary Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Status All Types Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute, the
status of any commands.
Possible values for Binary Value objects are:
• Offline
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• High Priority: Present Value (Appears as O1) is currently controlled
at Priorities 1 - 5.
• Min On Min Off: Present Value is currently controlled at Priority 6
(which is reserved for min on min off).
• Operator Override: Present Value is currently controlled at Priority
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Normal: None of the above is correct.
Set Name: Status
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Use Default if Input All Modes For Inputs: Specifies the behavior when the Source is not reliable. If
Not Reliable True, the Output is set to its Default Value whenever its Source is not
reliable and its Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the Output
maintains its last reliable value and its Reliability reflects the reason that
the source is not reliable.
For Outputs: Specifies the behavior when the Input is not reliable. If
True, the destination is sent the Input’s Default Value whenever the Input
is not reliable and its Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the
destination is not updated and keeps its last reliable value.

Binary Value Commands

Table 938 describes the Binary Value object commands. For information about command priorities, see Command
Priority Levels.
Table 938: Binary Value Commands
Name Description
Operator Override Replaces Present Value (Appears as O1) at the Operator Override priority with the value you
enter in the command. The override has no effect if a higher priority value is in the Present
Value attribute.
Note: This command is available only if the Binary Value is prioritized.
Operator Override Release Releases an Operator Override command.
Note: This command is available only if the Binary Value is prioritized.
Release Releases a specific priority of Present Value (Appears as O1).
Note: This command is available only if the Binary Value is prioritized.
Release All Releases Priorities 3 - 15.
Note: This command is available only if the Binary Value is prioritized.
State 0 Releases command Priorities 9 - 15 and then writes State 1 to Present Value (Appears as O1)
at Priority 16.
Note: This command is available only if the Binary Value is prioritized.
State 1 Releases command Priorities 9 - 15 and then writes State 1 to Present Value (Appears as O1)
at Priority 16.
Note: This command is available only if the Binary Value is prioritized.

Controller Tool Help: Binary Value Object 1346

Multistate Value Object
The object attributes represent the desired state of one or more physical outputs or processes of the device in which
the object resides. The actual functions associated with a particular state are determined locally (not part of protocol).
Present Value (Appears as O1 for Inputs and I1 for Outputs) represents the state with a number and States Text
associates a description with each state.
This object allows you to hold a multistate value for other objects to reference. In the tool, an Multistate Value may
be created as part of an SAB device to provide a multistate data points from that device (for example, Fan Speed
Override from the Network Sensor) or a multistate data value sent to that device (for example, Fan Speed Status
and Occupancy Status for the Network Sensor).
For more information on the Multistate Value object, see Multistate Value Attributes and Multistate Value Commands.

Multistate Value Attributes

Table 939 describes the Multistate Value object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order. See
Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table. Unless
otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present Value
appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).
Table 939: Multistate Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Application COV Input All Modes Not used by this object.
BACnet Exposed Network Input All Modes Allows you to expose the object to BACnet systems. The BACnet
exposed object is a viewable object through the supervisory controller.
Network Output
Default Value Network Input All Modes Allows you to specify the Present Value if no source is connected or if
the connected source is never reliable.
Network Output
Description Input All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Destination Output Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the destinations. All
References references must be from a single object.
Error Status Network Input Configuration Displays the status of the last communication that occurred with an input
or output reference. Common errors include:
Network Output Commissioning
• Surrogate Object is Not Bound: The referenced device (Device
ID) has never responded because a device with the entered Device
ID either does not exist or is offline.
• Remote Device is Offline: The referenced device did respond at
one time but is no longer responding.
• Unknown Object: The referenced device exists and is online, but
the Object ID entered does not exist on that device.
• Type Mismatch:The referenced object exists but the data type of
the referenced attribute/property is invalid. This error generally does
not appear for inputs on Johnson Controls or third-party devices.
For outputs on third-party devices, the Object Type of the output
needs to match the type of output object making the peer reference.
• Unknown Property: This error generally does not appear if you
leave the Peer Reference Attribute field as Present Value. If you
change this setting, the Unknown Property error means the
referenced object exists but the referenced attribute does not exist.

Controller Tool Help: Multistate Value Object 1347

Table 939: Multistate Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Failsoft Network Input All Modes Indicates how the Network Input or Network Output behaves when the
connected source is not Reliable. If the source is not Reliable, the
Network Output
element uses either the default value for the current value (if Failsoft is
true) or the Last Reliable Value (if Failsoft is false). For a Network Input,
the source is considered unreliable whenever the priority array of the
Present Value is empty.
In Test Network Input Simulation Displays a Boolean value that is True if you manually set the Current
Value for test purposes.
Network Output Commissioning
Min Change to Output All Modes Indicates the array of floating values (each value corresponding to a
Send single Input) to specify the minimum change in the Input that is sent to
the destination. This attribute is only applicable when the Input is of
floating-point data type. The change is evaluated by comparing the
current value of the Input to the value the last time a message was sent
to the destination.
Name All Types All Modes Displays the object name.
Object Identifier All Types All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the
network. The Object Identifier must be unique within the host device.
The Object Identifier is created after defining hardware in the Hardware
Definition Wizard accessible from the Define Hardware button or
Operations menu option.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier
of AV.10026 has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of
Out of Service Input Commissioning Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or
offline (out of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Peer Reference Network Input Configuration Contains the elements needed to use peer-to-peer communication.
These elements are:
Network Output Commissioning
• Instance Number (BACnet ID): Displays the device’s Instance
Number. Make sure you verify the device's instance number before
setting this value. You can access the device instance number on
the Network Settings screen of the Hardware Definition Wizard. You
also can locate the instance number of devices using the system
UI. If the Johnson Controls Point Schedule was used to download
the controllers, check the instance number on the MS/TP Field
Device tab of the project's Point Schedule.
• Object Identifier:Displays the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number.
The BACnet Class ID should typically have the same Data Type as the
object for which the peer-to-peer attribute is being configured. For
example, an AV Network Input should reference another AV, an AI, or
an AO object. If multistate values are used in peer-to-peer references,
the Enumeration sets should match. If the sets do not match, you must
determine whether the values in the sets are compatible.
You can locate the Object Identifier in the Advanced view of the Details
dialog box. The Peer to Peer Disabled option allows you to disable
peer-to-peer communication.

Controller Tool Help: Multistate Value Object 1348

Table 939: Multistate Value Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Present Value All Types Simulation Indicates the current value (with the highest priority) being sent to this
(Appears as O1 object. Present Value is used to calculate the output.
for Inputs and I1
This attribute is a Default Element, and a calculated value (Output).
for Outputs)
Reliability All Types Simulation Provides values to indicate whether or not the Present Value (Appears
as O1 for Inputs and I1 for Outputs) is reliable.
Set Name: Reliability
Relinquish Input Configuration Contains the default value for Present Value (Appears as O1 for Inputs
Default and I1 for Outputs) when all priorities are released.
Output Commissioning
The Present Value is sent to the value in Relinquish Default only at
startup or when the last priority value is released. Present Value does
not update if you change Relinquish Default.
Restore All Types Configuration Restores the commands you select in the case of a power failure. For
Command more information about command priorities, see Command Priority
Priority Levels. The following list displays the command priorities you can select.
• Operator Override
• Default
Source Input Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the sources. All references
References must be from a single object.
States Text All Types Configuration Specifies the set used to obtain text for Present Value (Appears as O1
for Inputs and I1 for Outputs).
State Text Input All Modes Specifies the text to use for each enum member. By default it matches
the text from the States Text specified enum set. It can be customized
and then CCT uses the customized text.
You can only customize this value when the BACnet Exposed attribute
is set to True.
Status All Types Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute and
the status of any commands. Possible values for Multistate Value objects
• Offline
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• Operator Override: Present Value is currently controlled at Priority
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Normal: None of the above is correct.
Set Name: Status
Use Default if Input All Modes For Inputs: Specifies the behavior when the Source is not reliable. If
Not Reliable True, the Output is set to its Default Value whenever its Source is not
reliable and its Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the Output
maintains its last reliable value and its Reliability reflects the reason that
the source is not reliable.
For Outputs: Specifies the behavior when the Input is not reliable. If
True, the destination is sent the Input’s Default Value whenever the
Input is not reliable and its Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False,
the destination is not updated and keeps its last reliable value.

Controller Tool Help: Multistate Value Object 1349

Multistate Value Commands
Table 940 describes the Multistate Value object commands. For information about command priorities, see Command
Priority Levels.
Table 940: Multistate Value Commands
Name Description
Operator Override Replaces Present Value (Appears as O1 for Inputs and I1 for Outputs) at the Operator Override
priority with the value you enter in the command. The override has no effect if a higher priority
value is in the Present Value attribute.
Note: This command is available only if the Multistate Value is prioritized.
Operator Override Release Releases an Operator Override command.
Note: This command is available only if the Multistate Value is prioritized.
Release Releases a specific priority of Present Value (Appears as O1 for Inputs and I1 for Outputs).
Note: This command is available only if the Multistate Value is prioritized.
Release All Releases Priorities 3 - 15.
Note: This command is available only if the Multistate Value is prioritized.
State 0-N Releases Priorities 9 - 15 and then writes State 0-N to Present Value (Appears as O1 for
Inputs and I1 for Outputs) at Priority 16.
Note: This command is available only if the Multistate Value is prioritized.

Controller Tool Help: Multistate Value Object 1350

Position Adjust Output Object
The Position Adjust Output (PAO) object drives a floating/3-wire actuator that does not provide position feedback.
The object estimates the position of an actuator and then uses overdrives to reduce the difference between actual
and desired (Present Value (Appears as I1)) actuator position.
You can use the value of this object in logic and to monitor the status of hardware.
For more information on the Position Adjust Output object, see Position Adjust Output Attributes and Position Adjust
Output Commands.

Position Adjust Output Attributes

Table 941 describes the Position Adjust Output object attributes. These attributes are displayed in alphabetical order.
See Object Attributes in the Input and Output Objects section for descriptions of the data provided in this table.
Unless otherwise stated, the attributes listed in this table appear in the Details dialog box (for example, the Present
Value appears in the Control View below the module name in Simulation and Commissioning modes).
Table 941: Position Adjust Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
COV Increment Output Configuration Indicates the minimum change in output that triggers a new COV
Description Output All Modes Indicates the description provided for the object.
Destination Output Simulation Indicates the array of attribute references for the destinations. All
References references must be from a single object.
Device Type Output Configuration Describes the physical network device to which the object is connected.
Display Output Configuration Indicates the point at which value attributes are rounded for display (and
Precision how many numbers following the decimal point appear).
Set Name: Display Precision
Effective Stroke Output Configuration Displays the effective stroke time for the actuator to travel the full range
Time on its installed state. This value should take into account the actual range
of the device to which the actuator is attached.
For example, an actuator with a stroke time of 120 seconds for 90 degrees
of rotation would have an Effective Stroke Time of 60 seconds when
installed on a damper that allows 45 degrees of travel.
Accurate configuration of Effective Stroke Time is essential for VAV Box
Controller box flow control applications and is used to estimate the position
of the actuator. If you change the value of the Effective Stroke Time during
execution, the new value is used immediately but the Output is likely
inaccurate until the object synchronizes at an end stop.
Min Change to Output All Modes Indicates the array of floating values (each value corresponding to a single
Send Input) to specify the minimum change in the Input that is sent to the
destination. This attribute is only applicable when the Input is of
floating-point data type. The change is evaluated by comparing the current
value of the Input to the value the last time a message was sent to the
Min Pulse Width Output Configuration Displays the minimum allowable pulse sent to the motor actuator. This
value is specific to the actuator and is determined by the actuator
This value should not be negative.
Name Output All Modes Indicates the name of the object.

Controller Tool Help: Position Adjust Output Object 1351

Table 941: Position Adjust Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Object Identifier Output All Modes Indicates the instance number of the Object Type as exposed to the
network. The Object Identifier must be unique within the host device. The
Object Identifier is created after defining hardware in the Hardware
Definition Wizard accessible from the Define Hardware button or
Operations menu option.
The Object Identifier consists of the BACnet Class ID and the object’s
Instance Number separated by a colon. For example, an Object Identifier
of AV.10026 has a BACnet Class ID of AV and an Instance Number of
Offline Output Commissioning Indicates if the object is currently communicating with the network device.
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Out of Service Output Commissioning Indicates whether the object is currently connected to the hardware or
offline (out of service).
This attribute is visible in an SAB device.
Polarity Output Configuration Reverses the direction of Slot A and Slot B.
Commissioning Set Name: Polarity
Present Value Output Simulation Indicates the desired position of the actuator (as a percent of possible
(Appears as I1) rotation). A time-proportional command is issued to increase or decrease
the actuator to satisfy the required position.
Present Value is used to calculate the output.
This attribute is the default attribute for the Analog Input object.
Default Value: See Relinquish Default.
Range: 0 - 100
This attribute is the Default Element.
Priority Output All Modes Sends the output at the BACnet priority indicated by the value of the
priority input.
Reliability Output Simulation Provides the following values to indicate whether or not the Present Value
(Appears as I1) is reliable:
• Connection Fail: The object fails to connect to the hardware.
• Math Error: An error occurs in the calculation of the output or the time
proportional command.
• Reliable: The object is none in Connection Fail.
If an Out of Service command is received, this attribute is Reliable. Only
when the object is out of service can you write values to this attribute.
Set Name: Reliability
This attribute is a calculated value (Output).
Relinquish Output Configuration Contains the default value for Present Value (Appears as I1) when all
Default priorities are released.
The Present Value is sent to the value in Relinquish Default only at startup
or when the last priority value is released. Present Value does not update
if you change Relinquish Default. If this value is set to 0% or 100%, the
object starts resynchronizing on startup or reset.

Controller Tool Help: Position Adjust Output Object 1352

Table 941: Position Adjust Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Restore Output Configuration Restores the commands you select in the case of a power failure. For
Command more information about command priorities, see Command Priority Levels.
Priority The following list displays the command priorities you can select.
• Operator Override
• Default
Resync Amount Output Configuration Indicates the percentage of the Effective Stroke Time of overdrive allowed
per resynchronization.
This value should not be negative, but can be over 100.
Resync Period Output Configuration Indicate the length of time over which Resync Amount is the maximum
resynchronize amount allowed.
When the output approaches an end stop (the overdrive region), it applies
overdrive to resynchronize the Output with the actual actuator position.
Two options for overdrive are:
• Apply an overdrive once each time the actuator enters the overdrive
region. Only after the actuator leaves the region and re-enters may
the overdrive be applied again. Use this option for electrical actuators.
Set Resync Period to 0 for this option.
• Apply an initial overdrive when the actuator enters the overdrive region
and apply additional overdrives as long as the actuator remains in
the overdrive region. Use this option for actuators that drift from their
last position while not being commanded (for example, pneumatic
spring return actuators). As long as the actuator remains in the
overdrive region, the periodic overdrives will be applied on the Resync
Period. Set the Resync Period to a non-zero number for this option.
This value should not be negative.
Status Output Simulation Reflects the status of the object based on the Reliability attribute, the
status of any commands, and the disabled condition of the object.
Possible values for Binary Output objects are:
• Out of Service: Out of Service is True.
• High Priority: Present Value (Appears as I1) is currently controlled at
Priorities 1 - 5.
• Operator Override: Present Value is currently controlled at Priority 8.
• Unreliable: Reliability is not reliable.
• Output Clipped: Present Value is outside the limits of Min Value and
Max Value. Status remains Output Clipped until the output changes.
• Normal: None of the above is correct.
Set Name: Status
This attribute is a Calculated Value (Output).
Units Output Configuration Specifies the units of measurement for Present Value (Appears as I1).
For the PAO, the units can only be set to %.

Controller Tool Help: Position Adjust Output Object 1353

Table 941: Position Adjust Output Attributes
Name Type Mode Description
Use COV Min Output Configuration Configures the object to send COV messages on a periodic basis instead
Send Time of on every change of value that exceeds the COV Increment. This
attribute is typically set to True for objects with values that fluctuate greatly,
such as air pressure, to decrease the number of COV messages. The
change of value still must exceed the COV Increment to be reported.
The Min Send Time value is set at the supervisory controller on the Device
object, and has a default of 15 seconds.
Use Default if Output All Modes Specifies the behavior when the Input is not reliable. If True, the
Not Reliable destination is sent the Input’s Default Value whenever the Input is not
reliable and its Reliability is marked as Reliable. If False, the destination
is not updated and keeps its last reliable value.

Position Adjust Output Commands

Table 942 describes the Position Adjust Output object commands. For information about command priorities, see
Command Priority Levels.
Table 942: Position Adjust Output Commands
Name Description
Adjust Releases Priorities 9 through 15 and sets Priority 16 to the value you specify. Present Value
(Appears as I1) changes to the highest pending priority table value.
In Service Cancels the effects of an Out of Service command. This command changes Out of Service to
False and reconnects the input to the hardware. Commands can be sent to the object when it
is in service. If you make changes to Present Value when Out of Service is True, the hardware
is commanded when you issue the In Service command.
Operator Override Replaces Present Value (Appears as I1) at the Operator Override priority with the value you
enter in the command. The override has no effect if a higher priority value is in the Present
Value attribute.
Operator Override Release Releases an Operator Override command.
Out of Service Changes Out of Service to True, Present Value to the value you specify, Status to Out of
Service, and Reliability to Reliable. Present Value and Reliability are not connected to the
hardware when the input is out of service, so this is the only time they are writable. Commands
cannot be sent to the hardware output when Out of Service is True. The output does not update
when the object is out of service.
Release Releases a specific priority of Present Value (Appears as I1).
Release All Releases Priorities 3 through 15.

Controller Tool Help: Position Adjust Output Object 1354

A logic block is a component used to construct the logical functions for control of a system. You can view and work
with logic blocks in the Logic View. Logic block inputs are used to influence the state or values presented as outputs.
You can view and edit logic contained within modules highlighted in tan in the UI, but do not make changes until
you understand the default logic and consider the effect of changes on the connected outputs.
The Logic View is divided into four sections: a toolbar, activities tree (for selecting the logic to view), control block
palette, and logic diagram area. For information on the Logic View user interface, see Logic Tab in the User Interface
section. For information on how to create or edit logic, see Logic View Steps in the Configuring a System section.
These sections also describe the Launch Wizard and how to use it.
For information on Applications and Modules, see the Applications and Modules sections.
If applicable, each table in this section lists the type of block, its inputs and outputs, and the block description. The
tables indicate if the inputs are of Boolean, Enumeration (Enum), or Floating (Float) type. The inputs and outputs
that are exposed for connection by default are also identified.

Important: Not all logic blocks support the New Port feature. Although the New Port feature may appear for some
logic blocks, only use this feature for the blocks that indicate New Port support as documented in this
section. Using the New Port feature to add ports to blocks that do not support the feature breaks
your logic.

Activity Inputs
The Activity Inputs folder in the control block palette contains Boolean, float, and enumeration input blocks. Use
Activity Inputs to provide an incoming connection point to custom logic modules.
Note: The tool automatically creates and configures the hierarchy table in a translation block when you connect an
Activity Input block to an Activity Output block of different types (Boolean to two-state Enum or two-state
Enum to Boolean).
Table 943: Activity Input Blocks
Type Description
Input (Boolean) Provides a Boolean input for connection to other blocks in the logic diagram (True or
Input (Enum) Provides an enumeration (Enum) input for connection to other blocks in the logic
Input (Float) Provides a floating (Float) input for connection to other blocks in the logic diagram
(numeric value).

Activity Outputs
The Activity Outputs folder in the control block palette contains Boolean, float, and enumeration output blocks. Use
Activity Outputs to provide an outgoing connection point to custom logic modules.
Note: The tool automatically creates and configures the hierarchy table in a translation block when you connect an
Activity Input block to an Activity Output block of different types (Boolean to two-state Enum or two-state
Enum to Boolean).

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1355

Table 944: Activity Output Blocks
Type Description
Output (Boolean) Provides a Boolean output for connections from other blocks in the logic diagram
(True or False).
Output (Enum) Provides an enumeration (Enum) output for connection from other blocks in the logic
Output (Float) Provides a floating (Float) output for connection from other blocks in the logic diagram
(numeric value).

The Boolean folder in the control block palette contains blocks that perform Boolean functions on one or more inputs,
producing a single output. The number of inputs to a Boolean logic block depends on the type of Boolean function.
You cannot reduce the input count lower than the number of default connections. The Logic View allows you to add
multiple connections from the output of the block.
Table 945: Boolean Blocks
Type Description Inputs

AND Provides AND logic where all inputs defined must be I1 (Boolean) Present Value (Boolean)
True for the output to be True.
I2 (Boolean)
NOT Provides NOT logic where the input must be False for I1 (Boolean) Present Value (Boolean)
the output to be True.
OR Provides OR logic where at least one input must be True I1 (Boolean) Present Value (Boolean)
for the output to be True.
I2 (Boolean)
Reliability Check Provides the ability to check reliability of the source Input (Boolean) Present Value (Boolean)
2 value. The Present Value is set to True if the input
reliability is Reliable; otherwise the Present Value is
Reliability Check Same as previous Input (Enum) Present Value (Boolean)
Reliability Check Same as previous Input (Float) Present Value (Boolean)
Reliability Merge Provides the ability to set the reliability of the value being Input (Boolean) Present Value (Boolean)
(Boolean) sent. When Input is Reliable is True, the Present Value
Input is Reliable
is set to the current Input with a Reliability of Reliable.
When Input is Reliable is False, the Present Value is
held at its last value with a Reliability of Unreliable.
Reliability Merge Same as previous Input (Enum) Present Value (Enum)
Input is Reliable
Reliability Merge Same as previous Input (Float) Present Value (Float)
Input is Reliable

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1356

Table 945: Boolean Blocks
Type Description Inputs

3 Provides the communication status of the Supervisory Present Value (Boolean)

Supervisor Status
Controller to which the Controller is connected. For
example, use this block to take a specific action if the
communication status is False. When communications
are active, this block sets its Boolean output to True.
When communications are lost, this block sets its
Boolean output to False. This block can only exist within
a Control Sequence or a Control Activity within a Control
You can also add the Supervisor Status as a module
by right-clicking the Setpoint/Miscellaneous and State
Generation columns in the Control tab, and clicking New.
XOR Provides Exclusive OR logic where an odd number of I1 (Boolean) Present Value (Boolean)
inputs must be True for the output to be True, otherwise
I2 (Boolean)
the output is False.

1 The inputs and outputs of this block are exposed for connection by default.
2 An example use of the Reliability Check and Reliability Merge blocks is the min select option of duct static pressure sensors.
Use the minimum value from two duct sensors if both are Reliable, or use the Reliable value if only one sensor is Reliable.
Set the effective value to Unreliable if both sensors are not Reliable. See the following State Generation Modules, General
Sequencing sections for details: Reliability (Start Stop Sequencing [AHU 100% OA]) section and Reliability (Start Stop
Sequencing [AHU Mixed Air]) module section.
3 This block is available in Release 4.0 or later.

The Calculation folder in the control block palette contains blocks that perform various fixed calculations.

The EWMA logic block provides both signed (Input A - Input B) and absolute (ABS [Input A - Input B]) EWMA statistics
for estimating a time-series of values.
Use EWMA blocks for forecasting, control charts, and fault detection. The response of the calculation can be set by
choosing an appropriate Process ID or by directly configuring the Time Constant of the process data (if Process ID
= other).
The EWMA calculation is active when Update Ewma is set to True (in other words, when Update Ewma is False,
the logic block holds the last value).
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the EWMA logic block.
Table 946: EWMA Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Input A Float Yes Indicates the value of the first input, Input A, used in the 0.0
EWMA equation as previously described.
Input B Float Yes Indicates the value of the second input, Input B, used in the 0.0
EWMA equation as previously described.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1357

Table 946: EWMA Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Process ID Enum No Identifies the process that the EWMA is being used to ZN-T
evaluate. If the Process ID is any value other than Other, the
EWMA looks up the Eff Time Constant. Otherwise, the Time
Constant input directly sets the Eff Time Constant.
Time Constant Float No Indicates the time required for a system to reach 63% of its 720 Seconds
final magnitude given a 100% step change. When the Process
ID is Other, this input is used to specify the Eff Time Constant
and thus calculates the Interval; otherwise, it is ignored.
Update Ewma Boolean No Indicates if the logic block should hold the last value or True
perform the EWMA calculations.
Absolute EWMA Float Yes Indicates the second output of the EWMA block. 0.0
1 Float Yes Indicates the first output of the EWMA block. 0.0
Eff Time Float N/A Indicates the actual value used for the Time Constant in
2 determining the Interval.
2 Number N/A Indicates the time between expected executions. When the
Eff Time Constant is changed, the EWMA re-calculates the
Interval so that it is equal to 1/6th of the Time Constant
(rounded to the nearest second).
Setup Type Enum N/A Determines the type of calculation for the EWMA. Control Accuracy
Set Name: EWMA
Setup Type
Smoothing Float N/A Indicates the value used in the EWMA calculation. 3.703704
Constant E-031/270

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

2 Appears when simulating or commissioning a controller.

Expression (Boolean Output)

The Expression logic block allows the user to write complex logic without taking up many objects in the system. The
Expression (Boolean Output) logic blocks allow the user to define a block with multiple inputs and write an equation
that results in a boolean value.
See Table 949 for Expression Tokens, and Figure 136 and Figure 137 for expression examples.
Table 947: Expression (Boolean Output)
Name Data Type Exposed for Description Default Value
Connection by
Input Boolean, Enum, Float Yes False

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1358

Table 947: Expression (Boolean Output)
Name Data Type Exposed for Description Default Value
Connection by
1 Boolean Yes Indicates the output of False
Present Value
the block.
Expression Boolean, Enum, Float N/A Provides an editable text N/A
box for the token string
used to create the
expression. See Table
949 for a list of available

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Expression (Float Output)

The Expression logic block allows the user to write complex logic without taking up many objects in the system. The
Expression (Float Output) logic blocks allow the user to define a block with multiple inputs and write an equation
that results in a float value.
Note: If you include Boolean or Enum inputs in a expression, the expression cannot result in a float output. To have
a float output result, use only float inputs in the expression.
Table 948: Expression (Float Output)
Name Data Type Exposed Description Default Value
by Default
Input Float Yes 0.0
1 Float Yes Indicates the output of the block. 0.0
Present Value
Expression Boolean, Enum, N/A Provides an editable text box for the token string used to N/A
Float create the expression. See Table 949 for a list of available

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1359

Table 949: Expression Tokens
Token String UI Tab Description Function
= Enum, Equal Compares two Booleans, or two float values, or two Enum values.
Boolean, Float Returns true if they are equal and false otherwise. The datatype of
operand 1 must be same as operand 2.
Note: If the absolute value of the difference between operand 1
and operand 2 is less than or equal to 0.01, they are
considered equal.
!= Enum, Not Equal Compares two Booleans, or two float values, or two Enum values.
Boolean, Float Returns true if they are not equal and false otherwise. The datatype
of operand 1 must be same as operand 2.
Note: If the absolute value of the difference between operand 1
and operand 2 is less than or equal to 0.01, they are
considered equal.
( Enum, Opening Parenthesis Prioritizes the calculation of the enclosed string. For example,
Boolean, Float (A+B)*3 evaluates A+B, then multiples the result by 3.
) Enum, Closing Parenthesis
Boolean, Float
1 Enum, Logical AND Produces the result of a binary AND operation on Boolean operand
Boolean, Float 1 and Boolean operand 2.
1 Enum, Logical OR Produces the result of a binary OR operation on Boolean operand
Boolean, Float 1 and Boolean operand 2.
NOT Boolean Logical NOT Produces the result of a binary NOT operation on Boolean operand
XOR Boolean Logical XOR Produces the result of a binary XOR operation on Boolean operand
TRUE Boolean Boolean True
FALSE Boolean Boolean False
0–9 Float Numbers 0–9
. Float Decimal Point
+ Float Arithmetic Plus Produces an output from adding the value of operand 1 to operand
/ Float Arithmetic Divide Produces an output by dividing the value of operand 1 by operand
^ Float Arithmetic Power Produces an output raising value of operand 1 to the power of
operand 2.
- Float Arithmetic Minus Produces an output by subtracting value of operand 2 from operand
* Float Arithmetic Multiply Produce an output from multiplying the value of operand 1 to operand
> Float Greater Than Performs a greater than comparison between two float values and
returns True if operand 1 is greater than operand 2 and False

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1360

Table 949: Expression Tokens
Token String UI Tab Description Function
<= Float Less Than or Equal Compares two float values and returns True if operand 1 is less than
or equal to operand 2 and False otherwise.
Note: If the absolute value of the difference between operand 1
and operand 2 is less than or equal to 0.01, they are
considered equal.
< Float Less Than Compares two float values and returns True if operand 1 is less than
operand 2 and False otherwise.
>= Float Greater Than or Equal Compares two float values and returns True if operand 1 is greater
than or equal to operand 2 and False otherwise.
Note: If the absolute value of the difference between operand 1
and operand 2 is less than or equal to 0.01, they are
considered equal.
COS Float Cosine Function Produces COS of operand 1 expressed in radians.
SIN Float Sine Function Produces SIN of operand 1 expressed in radians.
TAN Float Tangent Function Produces TAN of operand 1 expressed in radians.
ACOS Float Arc Cosine Function Produces ARC COS of operand 1 expressed in radians.
ASIN Float Arc Sine Function Produces ARC SIN of operand 1 expressed in radians.
ATAN Float Arc Tangent Function Produces ARC TAN of operand 1 expressed in radians.
SQRT Float Square Root Function Returns the square root of operand 1.
ABS Float Absolute Function Returns the absolute value of operand 1.
LOG Float Natural Logarithm Returns natural logarithm of operand 1.
LOG10 Float Logarithm Base 10 Returns the logarithm base 10 of operand 1.
EXP Float Exponential Function Returns exponential value of operand 1.
DEL Enum, Delete Token
Boolean, Float
CLEAR Enum, Clear Expression
Boolean, Float

1 This token string applies to Boolean input types only.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1361

Figure 136: Boolean Logic

The preceding figure may result from one of the following three expressions:
Figure 137: Enumeration and Boolean Logic

The preceding figure may result from one of the following expression:
I1 != On AND I2

Line Segment
The Line Segment logic block provides linear scaling and biasing of an input value using one or more line segments
where two points define a single line segment.
You must double-click this block to configure its Input Points and Output Points. See Configuring the Line Segment
Block in the Configuring a System section.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Line Segment logic block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1362

Table 950: Line Segment Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Clamp First Boolean No Indicates the behavior when the Input is less than the first True
value in the Input Points array.
Clamp Last Boolean No Indicates the behavior when the Input is greater than the last True
value in the Input Points array.
Input Float Yes Indicates the signal that is transferred to the Present Value 0.0
based on the line segment that the input falls within.
1 Float Yes Indicates the result of the linear scaling and biasing performed 0.0
Present Value
by the block.
Input Points Float Array N/A Provides an array of values that contains the X values for the 0, 100
break points of the linearization.
Number of
Segments plus 1
Output Points Float Array N/A Provides an array of values that contains the Y values for the 0, 100
break points of the linearization.
Number of
Segments plus 1

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

The Span logic block provides linear scaling and biasing of an input value using a straight-line interpolation. The
Span block creates a linear relationship between the low input/output and high input/output pair. If the Input for the
Span block falls between the low and high input, the Output of the Span block is found on the line between the low
and high pairs. The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Span logic block.
Table 951: Span Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Clamp Highest Boolean No Indicates the behavior when the output exceeds the Output True
Range High.
Clamp Lowest Boolean No Indicates the behavior when the output exceeds the Output True
Range Low.
Input Float Yes Indicates the Input value that the block uses to provide linear 0.0
scaling and biasing using a straight-line interpolation.
Input Range Float No Indicates the highest value allowed for an input (that is, the 100.0
High high end of the input range).
Input Range Low Float No Indicates the lowest value allowed for an input (that is, the 0.0
low end of the input range).
Output Range Float No Indicates the highest value allowed for an output (that is, the 100.0
High high end of the output range).

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1363

Table 951: Span Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Output Range Float No Indicates the lowest value allowed for an output (that is, the 0.0
Low low end of the output range).
1 Float Yes Indicates the output of the linear scaling and biasing 0.0
Present Value
performed by the block.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Totalization (Analog Integration)

The Totalization (Analog Integration) logic block provides totalization to integrate an analog input over time. This
block is typically used to record the usage of a consumable (for example, electricity, steam, and chilled water)
monitored by the analog input. The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Totalization (Analog
Integration) logic block.
Table 952: Totalization (Analog Integration) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Active Boolean No Prevents or allows the updating of Present Value. True
Input Float Yes Indicates the Input value that the block uses to provide 0.0
Reference State Float No This attribute is not used for Analog Integration.
Reset Boolean No Resets the Present Value, Accumulator, Rollover Count, and False
Rollover Amount to zero.
Scale Factor Float No Provides unit conversion. 1
Accumulator Float No Accumulates the remainders in the calculation of the Present 0.0
Value due to the precision limit of a single floating-point
number. The sum of the Present Value and the Accumulator
provide a double floating-point expression of the current
totalized value for the block.
Error Since Last Boolean No Indicates any errors that occurred since the time of the last False
Reset Reset. Since the last Reset, if the block’s Reliability is any
value other than Reliable, this output is set to True. If the
Reset input changes from False to True or a Reset command
is issued, this output is set to False.
1 Float Yes Indicates the current value of the block. The sum of the 0.0
Present Value
Present Value and the Accumulator provide a double
floating-point expression of the current totalized value for the
Rollover Amount Float No Increments this value by the current value of Present Value. 0.0
Rollover Count Float No Indicates the value by which the Present Value is 0.0

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1364

Table 952: Totalization (Analog Integration) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Interval Float N/A Indicates the execution period of this block. 60 Seconds
Rollover Limit Float N/A Sets a value that automatically rolls over the Present Value 10,000
when the Present Value exceeds the value (that is, the block
adds the Present Value to the Rollover Amount, adds 1 to
the Rollover Count, and sets the Present Value and
Accumulator to 0).
Rollover Mode Enum N/A Indicates the method to automatically rollover the Present No Rollover
Value (that is, the block adds the Present Value to the
Rollover Amount, adds 1 to the Rollover Count, and sets the
Present Value and Accumulator to 0). The rollover method
is based on value (Rollover Limit) or set to No Rollover. When
the Rollover Mode changes, the Rollover Count and Rollover
Amount change to zero.
Setup Enum N/A Indicates the type of totalization block. Analog Integration

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Totalization (Boolean Event)

The Totalization (Boolean Event) logic block provides totalization to count the number of occurrences of one state
of a Boolean input over time. An example use of this block is to record how many times a device starts or stops.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Totalization (Boolean Event) logic block.
Table 953: Totalization (Boolean Event) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Active Boolean No Prevents or allows the updating of Present Value. True
Input Boolean Yes Indicates the Input value that the block uses to provide False
Reference State Boolean No Adds 1 to the Present Value every time the input switches to False
this Reference State.
Reset Boolean Yes Resets the Present Value, Accumulator, Rollover Count, and False
Rollover Amount to zero.
Scale Factor Float No Provides unit conversion. 1
Accumulator Float No Accumulates the remainders in the calculation of the Present 0.0
Value due to the precision limit of a single floating-point
number. The sum of the Present Value and the Accumulator
provide a double floating-point expression of the current
totalized value for the block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1365

Table 953: Totalization (Boolean Event) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Error Since Last Boolean No Indicates any errors that occurred since the time of the last False
Reset Reset. Since the last Reset, if the block’s Reliability is any
value other than Reliable, this output is set to True. If the
Reset input changes from False to True or a Reset command
is issued, this output is set to False.
1 Float Yes Indicates the current value of the block. The sum of the 0.0
Present Value
Present Value and the Accumulator provide a double
floating-point expression of the current totalized value for the
Rollover Amount Float No Increments this value by the current value of Present Value. 0.0
Rollover Count Float No Indicates the value by which the Present Value is 0.0
Interval Float N/A This property is not used with this setup. 60 Seconds
Rollover Limit Float N/A Sets a value that automatically rolls over the Present Value 10,000
when the Present Value exceeds the value (that is, the block
adds the Present Value to the Rollover Amount, adds 1 to
the Rollover Count, and sets the Present Value and
Accumulator to 0).
Rollover Mode Enum N/A Indicates the method to automatically rollover the Present No Rollover
Value (that is, the block adds the Present Value to the
Rollover Amount, adds 1 to the Rollover Count, and sets the
Present Value and Accumulator to 0). The rollover method
is based on value (Rollover Limit) or set to No Rollover. When
the Rollover Mode changes, the Rollover Count and Rollover
Amount change to zero.
Setup Enum N/A Indicates the type of totalization block. Event Totalization

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Totalization (Boolean Runtime)

The Totalization (Boolean Runtime) logic block provides tracking of the total time that a Boolean input resides in a
state. An example use is to record the total time a value is True or False. The following table describes the inputs
and outputs of the Totalization (Boolean Runtime) logic block.
Table 954: Totalization (Boolean Runtime) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Active Boolean No Prevents or allows the updating of Present Value. True
Input Boolean Yes Indicates the Input value that the block uses to provide False
Reference State Boolean No Updates the Present Value periodically as long as the input False
stays in the Reference State.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1366

Table 954: Totalization (Boolean Runtime) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Reset Boolean Yes Resets the Present Value, Accumulator, Rollover Count, and False
Rollover Amount to zero.
Scale Factor Float No Provides unit conversion. 1
Accumulator Float No Accumulates the remainders in the calculation of the Present 0.0
Value due to the precision limit of a single floating-point
number. The sum of the Present Value and the Accumulator
provide a double floating-point expression of the current
totalized value for the block.
Error Since Last Boolean No Indicates any errors that occurred since the time of the last False
Reset Reset. Since the last Reset, if the block’s Reliability is any
value other than Reliable, this output is set to True. If the
Reset input changes from False to True or a Reset command
is issued, this output is set to False.
1 Float Yes Indicates the current value of the block. The sum of the 0.0
Present Value
Present Value and the Accumulator provide a double
floating-point expression of the current totalized value for the
Rollover Amount Float No Increments this value by the current value of Present Value. 0.0
Rollover Count Float No Indicates the value by which the Present Value is 0.0
Interval Float N/A Indicates the execution period of this block. 20 Seconds
Rollover Limit Float N/A Sets a value that automatically rolls over the Present Value 10,000
when the Present Value exceeds the value (that is, the block
adds the Present Value to the Rollover Amount, adds 1 to
the Rollover Count, and sets the Present Value and
Accumulator to 0).
Rollover Mode Enum N/A Indicates the method to automatically rollover the Present No Rollover
Value (that is, the block adds the Present Value to the
Rollover Amount, adds 1 to the Rollover Count, and sets the
Present Value and Accumulator to 0). The rollover method
is based on value (Rollover Limit) or set to No Rollover. When
the Rollover Mode changes, the Rollover Count and Rollover
Amount change to zero.
Setup Enum N/A Indicates the type of totalization block. Time in State

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Totalization (Enum Event)

The Totalization (Enum Event) logic block provides totalization to count the number of occurrences of one state of
an Enum input over time. The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Totalization (Enum Event) logic

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1367

Table 955: Totalization (Enum Event) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Active Boolean No Prevents or allows the updating of Present Value. True
Input Enum Yes Indicates the Input value that the block uses to provide 1st Enum
Reference State Enum No Adds 1 to the Present Value every time the input switches to 1st Enum
this Reference State.
Reset Boolean Yes Resets the Present Value, Accumulator, Rollover Count, and False
Rollover Amount to zero.
Scale Factor Float No Provides unit conversion. 1
Accumulator Float No Accumulates the remainders in the calculation of the Present 0.0
Value due to the precision limit of a single floating-point
number. The sum of the Present Value and the Accumulator
provide a double floating-point expression of the current
totalized value for the block.
Error Since Last Boolean No Indicates any errors that occurred since the time of the last False
Reset Reset. Since the last Reset, if the block’s Reliability is any
value other than Reliable, this output is set to True. If the
Reset input changes from False to True or a Reset command
is issued, this output is set to False.
1 Float Yes Indicates the current value of the block. The sum of the 0.0
Present Value
Present Value and the Accumulator provide a double
floating-point expression of the current totalized value for the
Rollover Amount Float No Increments this value by the current value of Present Value. 0.0
Rollover Count Float No Indicates the value by which the Present Value is 0.0
Interval Float N/A This property is not used with this setup. 60 Seconds
Rollover Limit Float N/A Sets a value that automatically rolls over the Present Value 10,000
when the Present Value exceeds the value (that is, the block
adds the Present Value to the Rollover Amount, adds 1 to
the Rollover Count, and sets the Present Value and
Accumulator to 0).
Rollover Mode Enum N/A Indicates the method to automatically rollover the Present No Rollover
Value (that is, the block adds the Present Value to the
Rollover Amount, adds 1 to the Rollover Count, and sets the
Present Value and Accumulator to 0). The rollover method
is based on value (Rollover Limit) or set to No Rollover. When
the Rollover Mode changes, the Rollover Count and Rollover
Amount change to zero.
Setup Enum N/A Indicates the type of totalization block. Event Totalization

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1368

Totalization (Enum Runtime)
The Totalization (Enum Runtime) logic block provides tracking of the total time that an Enum input resides in a state.
An example use is to record the total time a device is ON or OFF. See Totalization in the Output Control Modules
section for more information. The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Totalization (Enum Runtime)
logic block.
Table 956: Totalization (Enum Runtime) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Active Boolean No Prevents or allows the updating of Present Value. True
Input Enum Yes Indicates the Input value that the block uses to provide Enum
Reference State Enum No Updates the Present Value periodically as long as the input 1st Enum
stays in the Reference State.
Reset Boolean Yes Resets the Present Value, Accumulator, Rollover Count, and False
Rollover Amount to zero.
Scale Factor Float No Provides unit conversion. 1
Accumulator Float No Accumulates the remainders in the calculation of the Present 0.0
Value due to the precision limit of a single floating-point
number. The sum of the Present Value and the Accumulator
provide a double floating-point expression of the current
totalized value for the block.
Error Since Last Boolean No Indicates any errors that occurred since the time of the last False
Reset Reset. Since the last Reset, if the block’s Reliability is any
value other than Reliable, this output is set to True. If the
Reset input changes from False to True or a Reset command
is issued, this output is set to False.
1 Float Yes Indicates the current value of the block. The sum of the 0.0
Present Value
Present Value and the Accumulator provide a double
floating-point expression of the current totalized value for the
Rollover Amount Float No Increments this value by the current value of Present Value. 0.0
Rollover Count Float No Indicates the value by which the Present Value is 0.0
Interval Float N/A Indicates the execution period of this block. 20 Seconds
Rollover Limit Float N/A Sets a value that automatically rolls over the Present Value 10,000
when the Present Value exceeds the value (that is, the block
adds the Present Value to the Rollover Amount, adds 1 to
the Rollover Count, and sets the Present Value and
Accumulator to 0).

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1369

Table 956: Totalization (Enum Runtime) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Rollover Mode Enum N/A Indicates the method to automatically rollover the Present No Rollover
Value (that is, the block adds the Present Value to the
Rollover Amount, adds 1 to the Rollover Count, and sets the
Present Value and Accumulator to 0). The rollover method
is based on value (Rollover Limit) or set to No Rollover. When
the Rollover Mode changes, the Rollover Count and Rollover
Amount change to zero.
Setup Enum N/A Indicates the type of totalization block. Time in State

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

The Compare folder in the control block palette contains comparison blocks such as Greater Than or Not Equal. All
compare blocks have three inputs (though the differential only has influence for floating point comparisons). The
blocks compare input number 1 with input number 2 using the differential (input number 3). The type of comparison
depends on the statistical type.
Table 957: Compare Blocks
Type Description Inputs Outputs
Equal Provides equal logic for Boolean inputs. If the inputs are Input 1 (Boolean)
1 Present Value
(Boolean) identical, the Present Value is True. Otherwise, the Present (Boolean)
Value is False. Input 2 (Boolean)
Differential (Float)
Equal (Enum) Provides equal logic for Enumeration (Enum) inputs. If the Input 1 (Enum)
1 Present Value
inputs are identical, the Present Value is True. Otherwise, the (Boolean)
Present Value is False. Input 2 (Enum)
Differential (Float)
Equal (Float) Provides equal logic for Floating (Float) inputs. When the Input 1 (Float)
1 Present Value
Differential is 0, the numbers must be the same for the Present (Boolean)
Value to be True. If the absolute value of Input 1 minus Input Input 2 (Float)
2 is greater than half of the Differential, then the Present Value
Differential (Float)
is False. If the Present Value is already False, the sign of the
difference between Input 1 and Input 2 must change or
become zero, and the absolute value of the difference must
be less than or equal to half of the Differential for the Present
Value to change to True.
Greater Than Provides greater than or equal logic where Input 1 must be Input 1 (Float)1 Present Value
or Equal greater than or equal to Input 2 for the Present Value to (Boolean)
change to True. If the Present Value is already True, Input 1 Input 2 (Float)
must be less than Input 2 minus the Differential for the Present
Differential (Float)
Value to change to False.
Greater Than Provides greater than logic where Input 1 must be greater Input 1 (Float)
1 Present Value
than Input 2 for the Present Value to change to True. If the (Boolean)
Present Value is already True, Input 1 must be less than or Input 2 (Float)
equal to Input 2 minus the Differential for the Present Value
Differential (Float)
to change to False.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1370

Table 957: Compare Blocks
Type Description Inputs Outputs
Less Than or Provides less than or equal logic where Input 1 must be less Input 1 (Float) 1 Present Value
Equal than or equal to Input 2 for the Present Value to change to (Boolean)
True. If the Present Value is already True, Input 1 must be Input 2 (Float)
greater than Input 2 plus the Differential for the Present Value
Differential (Float)
to change to False.
Less Than Provides less than logic where Input 1 must be less than Input Input 1 (Float)1 Present Value
2 for the Present Value to change to True. If the Present Value (Boolean)
is already True, Input 1 must be greater than or equal to Input Input 2 (Float)
2 plus the Differential for the Present Value to change to False.
Differential (Float)
Not Equal Provides NOT equal logic for Boolean inputs.If the inputs are Input 1 (Boolean)1 Present Value
(Boolean) identical, the Present Value is False. Otherwise, the Present (Boolean)
Value is True. Input 2 (Boolean)
Differential (Float)
Not Equal Provides NOT equal logic for Enumeration (Enum) inputs.If Input 1 (Enum)1 Present Value
(Enum) the inputs are identical, the Present Value is False. Otherwise, (Boolean)
the Present Value is True. Input 2 (Enum)
Differential (Float)
Not Equal Provides NOT equal logic for Floating (Float) inputs. If the Input 1 (Float)
1 Present Value
(Float) absolute value of Input 1 minus Input 2 is greater than half of (Boolean)
the Differential, then the Present Value is True. If the Present Input 2 (Float)
Value is already True, the sign of the difference between Input
Differential (Float)
1 and Input 2 must change or become zero, and the absolute
value of the difference must be less than or equal to half of
the Differential for the Present Value to change to False. When
the Differential is 0, any difference between Input 1 and Input
2 makes the Present Value True.

1 This input or output is exposed for connection by default.

2 This block behaves the same as the Interlock object in the Metasys NAE. See the following example where the differential
equals 2.0. The green upper lines are True, the black lower lines are False, and the x-axis is the difference between Input 1
and Input 2 (x-axis = Input 1 - Input 2).

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1371

Figure 138: Interlock Behavior

The Constant folder in the control block palette contains blocks that pass a constant value to block inputs. Constant
blocks can have multiple connections to the output of the block. Constant blocks can be any one of the following:
Table 958: Constant Blocks
1 Description 2
Block Outputs
Constant (Boolean) Provides a configurable constant value of Boolean type. Present Value (Boolean)
Constant (Enum) Provides a configurable constant value of Enumeration Present Value (Enum)
(Enum) type.
Constant (Float) Provides a configurable constant value of Floating Present Value (Float)
(Float) type.

1 For a constant block, the current Boolean, Enumeration, or Floating value appears in the header of the block.
2 The outputs of this block are exposed for connection by default.

Container Block
The Container folder in the control block palette contains the Activity and Hybrid Activity blocks that act as containers
for other blocks. This category also includes a Text block to use to annotate an application.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1372

Table 959: Container Blocks
Type Description
Activity Contains additional logic than what is displayed in the current logic diagram. This block allows you to
display only the output in the diagram.
Hybrid Activity Contains state-based logic. You can define different logic for each state in the chosen enumeration
set. You also can add the Hybrid Activity to the State Tables. For information on working with this
block, see Configuring a Hybrid Activity in the Configuring a System section.
Text Contains a text string (up to 400 characters) for display within the logic diagram or in a Control View
column (Setpoint/Miscellaneous, State Generation, or Output Control columns). You can define text
for different blocks or anywhere within the logic diagram. The Name label of the Text container block
appears in the logic diagram or Control View column. View the Details dialog box to view or modify
the text string. For example, enter equations or other text that may provide useful information for the
application/activity in the logic diagram or Control View.

The Control folder in the control block palette contains blocks that perform or help configure feedback control

Lead Compensator
The Lead Compensator block attempts to remove some of the dynamics of a control loop. This process results in
forward-looking predictions and speeds up controller responses. The effect is similar to adding derivative action to
the controller. Lead compensation is incorporated into most zone temperature control processes where oversized
or nonlinear valves might be applied. The Lead Compensator block only exists within a Control Sequence or Control
Activity within a Control Sequence.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Lead Compensator logic block.
Table 960: Lead Compensator Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Count Float Yes Indicates the number of executions performed by the PID. 0.0
This value is used to ensure that this block only runs its
execute method when the PID that drives the block runs.
Input Float Yes Provides an input to this logic block from the connected PID. 0.0
This input is referred to as uk in the equations defined in the
Present Value description. If the input is less than the Low
Limit, the low limit value is used. If the input is greater than
the High Limit, the High Limit value is used.
High Limit Float Yes Indicates the maximum value the Lead Compensator Present 100.0
Value can assume. If the High Limit is set to a value less than
the Low Limit, the block’s reliability is set to Input Out of
Range and the logic continues to use the last reliable pair of
values. See the Low Limit description for the behavior when
High Limit equals Low Limit.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1373

Table 960: Lead Compensator Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Low Limit Float Yes Indicates the minimum value that the Lead Compensator 0.0
Present Value can assume. The Low Limit must be less than
or equal to the High Limit. If the Low Limit is set to a value
greater than the High Limit, the block’s reliability is set to
Input Out of Range, the logic sets the Present Value to the
Low Limit, and behaves the same as if the limits are equal.
If the Low Limit is set to the same value as the High Limit,
the logic sets the Present Value to this value. These inputs
may be equal, therefore, the block’s Reliability is not set to
Input Out of Range.
Time Constant Float Yes Indicates the time constant of the process being controlled. 900
This value usually comes from a PID Pre-Processor.
1 Float Yes Provides an output from the Lead Compensator logic block, 0.0
Present Value
calculated by the following equations:

Actual Period Float N/A Indicates the length of time since the last execution of this 1.0 second
Lambda Float N/A Indicates the value used by the block. See the equations 0.8758
defined in the Present Value description.
Last Input Float N/A Indicates the input at the time of the last execution of this 0.0
block. This value is the same as the Input on the first
execution of this block on startup, or on an enable after a
Last Output Float N/A Indicates the output at the time of the last execution of this 0.0
block. This value is the same as the Input on the first
execution of this block on startup, or on an enable after a

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

MSC Pre-Processor
The MSC Pre-Processor logic block provides configuration for the Multistage Controller. This block also filters the
Process Variable of a PID when it is used in conjunction with the Multistage Controller to control staged (discrete)
The MSC Pre-Processor is connected between the PID Pre-Processor and the PID to adjust the default tuning data
based on the constraints of controlling a set of staged devices.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1374

Note: An external deadband is required for the process variable when using the MSC with the adaptive tuning
feature of the PID. For proper configuration of the PID Pre-Processor with the MSC Pre-Processor and PID,
see the Cooling Staged Outputs v51 and Heating Staged Outputs v51 modules (that is, view their logic).
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the MSC Pre-Processor logic block.
Table 961: MSC Pre-Processor Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Max Capacity Float No Indicates the ratio of the largest capacity device to the sum 0.33%
Fraction of all of the device capacities. This value is obtained from the
Display Precision:
MSC module.
Min Off Time Float No Indicates the requested minimum time that an output must 120 Seconds
remain Off before being reactivated to an On condition
following deactivation.
Min On Time Float No Indicates the requested minimum time interval that an output 240 Seconds
must remain On before being deactivated to an Off condition
following activation.
Minimum Tune Float Yes Provides a value used to determine the Eff Min Tune Band 0.0
Band if User Overwrite Minimum Tune Band is set to True.
Process Range Float Yes Indicates the range of the process. 22, 40
Process Variable Float Yes Indicates the value from the area being controlled. This value 0.0
typically comes from a sensor or after some signal processing
is passed to the MSC Pre-Processor block.
Time Constant Float Yes Indicates the dominant time constant of the process. 720 Seconds
Units Enum No Contains the units for the Process Variable, Process Range, Deg C, Deg F
Minimum Tune Band, Present Value, and Eff Min Tune Band.
Eff Min Off Time Float No Indicates the minimum time interval that an output must 120 Seconds
remain Off before being reactivated to an On condition
following deactivation. This value is always greater than or
equal to the Min Off Time.
Eff Min On Time Float No Indicates the minimum time interval that an output must 240 Seconds
remain On before being deactivated to an Off condition
following activation. This value is always greater than or equal
to the Min On Time.
Eff Min Tune Float No Provides the Minimum Tune Band used by the PID algorithm 16
Band and the control band used by the PMAC algorithm.
Eff Time Float No Provides the time constant used by the PID and PMAC 720 Seconds
Constant algorithms.
Interval Float No Indicates the period for this block and for the MSC's PMAC 24 Seconds
Period. The calculation for the Interval must truncate the
resulting value to an integer.
1 Float Yes Indicates the current output of the MSC Pre-Processor block. 0.0
Present Value
This value is the filtered Process Variable.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1375

Table 961: MSC Pre-Processor Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
2 Number N/A Indicates the amount of time for the process output to achieve 720 Seconds
Settling Time
±5% of its final value.
Standard Boolean N/A Indicates whether to use the default calculation for the Eff True
Minimum Tune Min Tune Band or to use the user-defined Minimum Tune
Band Band to determine the Eff Min Tune Band.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

2 Appears when simulating or commissioning a controller.

Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control

The Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control block uses an open loop control equation in terms of the total
chilled water cooling load. The cooling tower airflow is proportional to the chilled water cooling load. The Near Optimal
Open Loop Cooling Tower Control block only exists within a Control Sequence or Control Activity within a Control
This logic block is used within the Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Output Controller module. For more
information on the module, see Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit in the Central Plant category of the Output
Control Modules section.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control logic
Table 962: Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Chiller Plant Float Yes Provides the name plate chiller capacity. You may enter the 100.0 kW,
Capacity sum of all the chillers in the plant, or the Chiller Selector may
28.4 Tons
supply the sum of the active chillers.
Chiller Plant Float Yes Indicates the amount of energy added to the chilled water by 100.0 kW,
Load the plant.
28.4 Tons
Chiller Plant Float Yes Indicates the incremental increase in chiller power for each 0.02
Sensitivity degree increase in condenser water temperature as a fraction
Minimum: 0.01
of the power. Typically, the sensitivity factor is between 0.01
and 0.03. Maximum: 0.03
Display Precision:
Chiller Rated Float Yes Provides the name plate chiller power. You may enter the 100.0 kW
Power sum of all the chillers in the plant, or the Chiller Selector may
supply the sum of the active chillers.
Enable Boolean Yes Enables or disables the block. When disabled, the Percent True
Cmd is 0.0%.
Fan Type Enum Yes Defines the type of fans used in the cooling towers. This block VFDSet
supports 1-speed, 2-speed, 3-speed, and variable speed
Name: Tower Fan
fans. It does not support vernier fans.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1376

Table 962: Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Tower Design Float Yes Indicates the designed cooling tower approach, which is the 3.9 Deg C,
Approach expected temperature difference between the condenser
7.0 Deg F
water temperature leaving the cooling tower and the outdoor
air wet bulb temperature under design conditions. This value
is typically 7.0 Deg F, but may be found in the cooling tower
manufacturer’s literature.
Tower Design Float Yes Indicates the designed cooling tower range, which is the 5.6 Deg C,
Range expected condenser water temperature drop from inlet to
10.0 Deg F
outlet under design conditions. This value is typically 10.0
Deg F, but may be found in the cooling tower manufacturer’s
Tower Rated Float Yes Provides the name plate cooling tower power. You may enter 10.0 kW
Power the sum of all the cooling towers in the plant, or the Cooling
Tower Selector may supply the sum of the active cooling
1 Float Yes Indicates the desired fan speed. 0.0%
Percent Cmd
Anti Spike Boolean N/A Enables or disables the anti-spike sub-filter (True = enabled, True
False = disabled). If disabled, the sub-filter input passes
directly to the sub-filter output.
Lowpass Filter Boolean N/A Enables or disables the low pass filter (True = enabled, False True
Enable = disabled). If disabled, the sub-filter input passes directly to
the sub-filter output.
Minus 20 dB Float N/A Indicates the rejection frequency for the low pass filter. A 0.033 Hz
Frequency sinusoid signal at that frequency passed through the filter is
reduced 10 times (higher frequencies are reduced more,
lower frequencies are reduces less). The -20 db frequency
is limited to 0.01 Hz.
Period Float N/A Indicates the execution frequency of the block. If the value is 60 seconds
60 seconds, the block executes once per minute.
Spike Fraction Float N/A Defines the initial width of the anti-spike filter clipping window. 0.025
This value is used to calculate the Spike Window value.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control Equations
The Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control block (which is used within the Open Loop Tower Control with Low
Limit module) uses the following equations:
When the part load ratio is greater than 0.25, the following equation is used:

When the PLR is less than 0.25, the following equation is used:

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1377

And the C1 and C2 constants are defined as follows:

Table 963: Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control Block Equation Constants
Fan Type Constants
C1 C2
One Speed Fan 1.0 1.0
Two Speed Fan

Three Speed or Variable Speed Fan 0.5

PID Pre-Processor
The PID Pre-Processor logic block provides a way to look up key process data information for the PID block. If
controlling a proportional device, the outputs of the PID Pre-Processor are connected to the PID directly.
See the Cooling Proportional Valve v51, Heating Proportional Valve v51, Cooling Staged Outputs v51, and Heating
Staged Outputs v51 sections for examples of how this block is used.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the PID Pre-Processor logic block. Also, see the Process
ID Predefined Parameters section.
Table 964: PID Pre-Processor Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Integral Time Float No Specifies the time required by the PID’s integral action to 729 Seconds
contribute the same amount to the controller output as the
proportional term for a constant error. This value is used when
Standard Tuning is False.
Interval Float No Specifies the period that the process should run when 60 Seconds
Standard Tuning is False.
Process Dead Float No Specifies the time required for the process to begin to reflect 72 Seconds
Time the results of a step change.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1378

Table 964: PID Pre-Processor Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
1 Enum No Specifies the process being controlled. For each Process ZN-T
Process ID
Identifier, only a certain set of units is allowed (see Process
ID Predefined Parameters). If the Process Identifier is set to
a value that does align with the current Units, the block’s
reliability is set to Input Out of Range and the logic continues
to use the last reliable value. However, if Standard Tuning is
False, the Process ID and Units inputs are ignored, the block
is Reliable, and the outputs are calculated based on the
current values of the Process Time Constant, Process Dead
Time, and Process Range inputs. If a process ID is not
available for the particular process being controlled, then
choose a process ID with a similar dynamic response and
Process Range Float No Indicates the range that the PID Process Variable traverses 22, 40
as the PID Present Value varies between its minimum and
maximum values. For example, when the Process Variable
ranges between 60 and 90 degrees due to the PID Present
Value varying from its Low Limit to its High Limit, then Process
Range is set to 30 (|60 - 90|).
Proportional Float No Specifies the amount of change in the Process Variable that 16
Band produces a full range change (High Limit - Low Limit) in the
Present Value. This value may not be a negative number.
This value is used when Standard Tuning is False.
Standard Tuning Boolean No Indicates whether to use standard process data or to directly True
pass the process data inputs to the corresponding outputs.
If the Standard Tuning input is False or the Process Identifier
is Other, the block passes the Time Constant, Process Dead
Time, Process Range, Proportional Band, Integral Time,
Saturation Time, and Interval directly to their corresponding
effective outputs.
Saturation Time Float No Specifies time required for the process to saturate (high or 600 Seconds
low) when the output of the PID reaches its High Limit or its
Low Limit, when Standard Tuning is False.
Time Constant Float No Indicates the time required for a system to reach 63% of its 720 Seconds
final magnitude given a 100% step change.
Units Enum No Specifies the units used for the process being controlled. For Deg C, Deg F
each Process Identifier, only a certain set of units is allowed
(see Process ID Predefined Parameters). If the Process
Identifier is set to a value that does align with the current
Units, the block’s reliability is set to Input Out of Range and
the logic continues to use the last reliable value. However, if
Standard Tuning is False, the Process ID and Units inputs
are ignored, the block is Reliable, and the outputs are
calculated based on the current values of the Process Time
Constant, Process Dead Time, and Process Range inputs.
Eff Integral Time Float Yes Indicates the integral time determined by the block to pass 729 Seconds
to the PID.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1379

Table 964: PID Pre-Processor Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Eff Period Float Yes Indicates the interval/period determined by the block to pass 60 Seconds
to the PID.
Eff Process Float Yes Indicates the dead time determined by the block to pass to 72 Seconds
Dead Time the PID.
Eff Process Float Yes Indicates the process range determined by the block to pass 22, 40
Range to the PID.
Eff Proportional Float Yes Indicates the proportional band determined by the block to 16
Band pass to the PID.
Eff Saturation Float Yes Indicates the saturation time determined by the block to pass 600 Seconds
Time to the PID.
Eff Time Float Yes Indicates the time constant determined by the block to pass 720 Seconds
Constant to the PID.
Minimum Tune Float Yes Indicates the region around the PID setpoint that the PRAC+ 0.88, 1.6
Band does not attempt to tune.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Process ID Predefined Parameters

The following table shows the Process IDs and initial values across recent Metasys releases. When tuning, you can
restore Process IDs to their initial values by resetting tuning parameters.
Note: In some cases, the Process Range and Initial Prop Band need user input to define them.
Table 965: Process IDs Across Metasys Releases
ID Version Process Description Units Time Dead Process Initial Prop Initial Saturation Interval
Type Constant Time Range Band Integral Time (Period)
0 Pre-5.1 Airflow Airflow cfm, 30 3 User User 30 282 5
l/s Defined Defined
5.1 Airflow Airflow cfm, 30 3 User User 30 10 3
l/s Defined Defined
6.x Airflow Airflow cfm, 30 3 User User 30 15 3
l/s Defined Defined
1 Pre-5.1 Airflow % Airflow % 30 3 100.0% 72.7% 30 282 5
5.1 Airflow % Airflow % 30 3 100.0% 72.7% 30 10 3
6.x Airflow % Airflow % 30 3 100.0% 72.7% 30 15 3
2 Pre-5.1 Airflow Airflow cfm, 30 3 User User 30 282 5
Difference Difference l/s Defined Defined
5.1 Airflow Airflow cfm, 30 3 User User 30 10 3
Difference Difference l/s Defined Defined
6.x Airflow Airflow cfm, 30 3 User User 30 15 3
Difference Difference l/s Defined Defined

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1380

Table 965: Process IDs Across Metasys Releases
ID Version Process Description Units Time Dead Process Initial Prop Initial Saturation Interval
Type Constant Time Range Band Integral Time (Period)
3 Pre-5.1 Bldg Building in w.c. 90 9 25 Pa 18.2 Pa 91 320 15
Static Static Pa
0.10 in 0.073 in w.c.
5.1 Bldg Building in w.c. 30 3 25 Pa 18.2 Pa 30 10 1
Static Static Pa
0.10 in 0.073 in w.c.
6.x Bldg Building in w.c. 30 3 25 Pa 18.2 Pa 30 15 3
Static Static Pa
0.10 in 0.073 in w.c.
4 Pre-5.1 CHWS-T Chilled °F, °C 680 68 20.0°C 14.5°C 688 696 113
HEX Water
36.0°F 26.1°F
5.1 CHWS-T Chilled °F, °C 90 9 20.0°C 14.5°C 91 150 10
HEX Water
36.0°F 26.2°F
6.x CHWS-T Chilled °F, °C 300 30 20.0°C 14.5°C 304 150 30
HEX Water
36.0°F 26.1°F
5 Pre-5.1 CHWS-T Chilled °F, °C 500 50 20.0°C 14.5°C 506 581 83
Mixing Water
36.0°F 26.1°F
5.1 CHWS-T Chilled °F, °C 60 6 20.0°C 14.5°C 61 30 5
Mixing Water
36.0°F 26.2°F
6.x CHWS-T Chilled °F, °C 200 20 20.0°C 14.5°C 202 100 20
Mixing Water
36.0°F 26.1°F

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1381

Table 965: Process IDs Across Metasys Releases
ID Version Process Description Units Time Dead Process Initial Prop Initial Saturation Interval
Type Constant Time Range Band Integral Time (Period)
6 Pre-5.1 CWS-T Condenser °F, °C 600 60 15.0°C 10.9°C 607 645 100
27.0°F 19.6°F
5.1 CWS-T Condenser °F, °C 600 60 15.0°C 10.9°C 607 120 60
27.0°F 19.6°F
6.x CWS-T Condenser °F, °C 600 60 15.0°C 10.9°C 607 300 60
27.0°F 19.6°F
7 Pre-5.1 DA-H Discharge %RH 300 30 80% 58.1% 304 454 50
5.1 DA-H Discharge %RH 200 30 80% 82.4% 206 60 12
6.x DA-H Discharge %RH 240 30 80% 70.5% 245 180 24
8 Pre-5.1 DA-T Discharge °F, °C 200 20 30.0°C 21.8°C 202 390 33
54.0°F 39.2°F
5.1 DA-T Discharge °F, °C 200 20 30.0°C 21.8°C 202 60 12
54.0°F 39.2°F
6.x DA-T Discharge °F, °C 120 20 30.0°C 33.8°C 124 180 12
54.0°F 60.9°F
9 Pre-5.1 Duct Duct Static in w.c. 30 3 375 Pa 272.5 Pa 30 282 5
Static Pressure Pa
1.51 in 1.094 in w.c.
5.1 Duct Duct Static in w.c. 30 3 375 Pa 272.5 Pa 30 10 1
Static Pressure Pa
1.5 in w.c. 1.1 in w.c.
6.x Duct Duct Static in w.c. 30 3 375 Pa 272.5 Pa 30 15 3
Static Pressure Pa
1.51 in 1.094 in w.c.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1382

Table 965: Process IDs Across Metasys Releases
ID Version Process Description Units Time Dead Process Initial Prop Initial Saturation Interval
Type Constant Time Range Band Integral Time (Period)
10 Pre-5.1 HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 680 68 40.0°C 29.1°C 688 696 113
HW HEX Supply
72.0°F 52.4°F
Hot Water
5.1 HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 90 9 40.0°C 29.1°C 91 50 10
HW HEX Supply
72.0°F 52.3°F
Hot Water
6.x HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 300 30 40.0°C 29.1°C 304 150 30
HW HEX Supply
72.0°F 52.3°F
Hot Water
11 Pre-5.1 HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 500 50 40.0°C 29.1°C 506 581 83
Mixing Supply
72.0°F 52.4°F
5.1 HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 60 6 40.0°C 29.1°C 61 30 5
Mixing Supply
72.0°F 52.3°F
6.x HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 200 20 40.0°C 29.1°C 202 100 20
Mixing Supply
72.0°F 52.3°F
12 Pre-5.1 HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 680 68 55.0°C 40.0°C 688 696 113
Steam Supply
99.0°F 72.0°F
HEX Temperature/
Steam Heat
5.1 HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 90 9 55.0°C 40.0°C 91 50 10
Steam Supply
99.0°F 71.9°F
HEX Temperature/
Steam Heat
6.x HWS-T Hot Water °F, °C 300 30 55.0°C 40.0°C 304 150 30
Steam Supply
99.0°F 72.0°F
HEX Temperature/
Steam Heat

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1383

Table 965: Process IDs Across Metasys Releases
ID Version Process Description Units Time Dead Process Initial Prop Initial Saturation Interval
Type Constant Time Range Band Integral Time (Period)
13 Pre-5.1 MA-T Mixed Air °F, °C 80 8 25.0°C 18.2°C 81 314 13
45.0°F 32.8°F
5.1 MA-T Mixed Air °F, °C 80 8 25.0°C 18.2°C 81 60 12
45.0°F 32.7°F
6.x MA-T Mixed Air °F, °C 80 8 25.0°C 18.2°C 81 60 12
45.0°F 32.8°F
14 Pre-5.1 Pump Diff Pump psi, 30 3 140 kPa 101.7463 30 282 5
P Differential kPa kPa
561.5 in
w.c. 408.1 in w.c.
20.3 psi 14.75 psi
5.1 Pump Diff Pump psi, 30 3 140 kPa 101.7463 30 10 1
P Differential kPa kPa
561.5 in
w.c. 408.1 in w.c.
20.3 psi 14.5 psi
6.x Pump Diff Pump psi, 30 3 140 kPa 101.7463 30 15 3
P Differential kPa kPa
561.5 in
w.c. 408.1 in w.c.
20.3 psi 14.75 psi
15 Pre-5.1 RA-H Return Air %RH 1200 120 50% 36.3% 1215 1027 200
5.1 RA-H Return Air %RH 900 120 50% 46.6% 921 300 60
6.x RA-H Return Air %RH 900 120 50% 46.6% 921 300 60
16 Pre-5.1 ZN-H Zone %RH 1800 180 50% 36.3% 1822 1409 300
5.1 ZN-H Zone %RH 900 180 50% 66% 942 300 60
6.x ZN-H Zone %RH 900 180 50% 66% 942 300 60
17 Pre-5.1 ZN-T Zone °F, °C 900 30 15.0°C 4.2°C 892 836 150
27.0°F 7.6°F
5.1 ZN-T Zone °F, °C 900 30 15.0°C 4.2°C 892 300 60
27.0°F 7.6°F
6.x ZN-T Zone °F, °C 900 30 15.0°C 4.2°C 892 300 60
27.0°F 7.6°F

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1384

Table 965: Process IDs Across Metasys Releases
ID Version Process Description Units Time Dead Process Initial Prop Initial Saturation Interval
Type Constant Time Range Band Integral Time (Period)
19 Pre-5.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5.1 ZN-T LC Zone °F, °C 900 30 15.0°C 4.2°C 892 300 60
27.0°F 7.6°F
with Lead
6.x ZN-T LC Zone °F, °C 900 30 15.0°C 4.2°C 892 300 60
27.0°F 7.6°F
with Lead
20 Pre-5.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5.1 ZN-H LC Zone %RH 900 180 50% 66% 899 300 60
with Lead
6.x ZN-H LC Zone %RH 900 180 50% 66% 899 300 60
with Lead

Note: At Release 10, the internal algorithm of the PID block was updated to eliminate the rare possibility of adaptively
tuning to a state of two-position control. In these rare cases, where the PID Proportional Band was calculated
to a value very close to 0, the adaptive tuning logic now automatically slows down the sampling rate of the
PID by a factor of 10 and resets the tuning parameters to their original values.
The Proportional, Integral, and Derivative Control (PID) logic block provides feedback control operation to minimize
the error between two inputs by adjusting its Present Value.
Direct acting control is used in applications where an increase in the process variable causes the controller’s Present
Value to increase. An example of direct acting control is temperature control with a cooling coil. With reverse acting
control (Direct Acting = False), an increase in the process variable causes the controller’s Present Value to decrease.
Examples of reverse acting control include:
• temperature control with heating coil applications
• flow rate control applications
• static pressure control applications
When Manual Tuning is False, Adaptive Tuning is True, and the Saturation Status is Normal, Timing Low, or Timing
High, PRAC+ attempts to tune the PID. For all other states of Saturation Status, PRAC+ is off.
See EWMA Diagnostics in the Commissioning a System section.
See the Cooling Proportional Valve v51, Heating Proportional Valve v51, Cooling Staged Outputs v51, and Heating
Staged Outputs v51 sections for examples of how this block is used.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the PID logic block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1385

Table 966: PID Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Adaptive Tuning Boolean No Determines if adaptive tuning is allowed to operate. When True
set to False, adaptive-tuning is disabled. When set to True
and the Manual Tuning property is False, PRAC+ is enabled,
which may result in runtime changes to the Eff Proportional
Band and Eff Integral Time. When Adaptive Tuning is written,
there is no change to the Eff Proportional Band and Eff
Integral Time. These outputs retain their current value.
Deadband Float No Sets the Eff Deadband. This value is a band centered around 0.0
the Setpoint where the error is considered zero (+/- DB/2).
Derivative Time Float No Sets the Eff Derivative Time when Manual Tuning is True. 0 Seconds
The Derivative Time must be zero (to disable the derivative
action) or must be greater than 10 times the Interval. This
derivative term is calculated using a first-order finite-difference
filter. For a stable filter, the Derivative Time must be greater
than the time constant chosen for the filter. The filter time
constant chosen for the PID is 8.0 x Actual Period, but the
limit is set for 10 times to give a factor of safety for stability
in cases where the Actual Period is greater than the Interval.
Direct Acting Boolean No Signals the action of the PID (True= Direct Acting and False= True
Reverse Acting).
High Limit Float No Indicates the maximum value the PID Present Value can 100.0
assume. If the High Limit is set to a value less than the Low
Limit, the block’s reliability is set to Input Out of Range and
the logic continues to use the last reliable pair of values. See
description for Low Limit for the behavior when High Limit
equals the Low Limit.
Integral Time Float Yes Sets the initial Eff Integral Time. This value is the time required 729 Seconds
by the integral action to contribute the same amount to the
controller output as the proportional term for a constant error.
When Adaptive Tuning is False or Manual Tuning is True,
the Integral Time must be zero (to disable the integral action)
or must be greater than or equal to 2 times the Interval. The
tool prevents you from setting Integral Time to a value less
than 2 times the Interval. If Integral Time is written from a
Supervisory Device to a value less than 2 times the Interval,
the PID Reliability changes to Input Out of Range. When
Adaptive Tuning is True and Manual Tuning is False, PRAC+
limits the Eff Integral Time to 30 times the Interval. If Integral
Time is written to a value greater than 30 times the Interval,
the PID Reliability changes to Input Out of Range.
Interval Float Yes Sets the Eff Period. This value is the time period between 120 Seconds
normal PID algorithm executions.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1386

Table 966: PID Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Low Limit Float No Indicates the minimum value the PID Present Value can 0.0
assume. The Low Limit must be less than or equal to the High
Limit. If the Low Limit is set to a value greater than the High
Limit, the block’s reliability is set to Input Out of Range and
the logic sets the Present Value to the Low Limit; otherwise,
the block behaves as if the limits are equal.
If the Low Limit is set to the same value as the High Limit,
the logic sets the Present Value to this value and calculates
the Saturation Status. The Saturation Status calculation is
based on the current value for the Setpoint, Process Variable,
and Direct Acting inputs (If these inputs are equal, the block’s
Reliability is not set to Input Out of Range).
When Direct Acting is True, if the Process Variable is less
than the Setpoint, the block sets the Saturation Status to Low.
If the Process Variable is greater than the Setpoint, the block
sets the Saturation Status to High. If the Process Variable is
equal to the Setpoint, the Saturation Status is set to Normal.
When Direct Acting is False, the opposite behavior occurs
(Saturation Status is High if the Process Variable is less than
the Setpoint and vice versa).
When the limits are equal, the block may execute on any
input change or on the block’s normal periodic interval. The
Error and Execution Count are updated when the block
executes its logic. The diagnostic outputs (EWMAs) are held
at their last values. The PRAC function is skipped and the
PRAC Status output is set to Normal.
Minimum Tune Float Yes Indicates the region around the Setpoint that the PRAC+ does 0.88, 1.6
Band not attempt to tune. The PID Pre-Processor and PMAC
Pre-Processor blocks calculate this value based on the
outputs being controlled. The value calculated by these
primitives is equal to 0.04 * Process Range for proportional
outputs or larger for staged outputs. For custom modules that
may manually configure this value yet keep PRAC+ active
(Adaptive Tuning = True and Manual Tuning = False), the
minimum allowed value is restricted to 0.01* Process Range
to prevent PRAC+ from tuning on insignificant fluctuations in
the noise of the Process Variable.
If the Minimum Tune Band is less than 1% of the Process
Range, the PID Reliability changes to Input Out of Range.
Offset Float No Indicates the value added to the sum of the proportional term, 0.0
integral term, and derivative term used to generate the
Present Value. The Present Value equals the Offset when
the proportional, integral, and derivative terms are equal to
zero. The Offset has no effect for PI or PID control (that is,
the Offset’s effect is negated by the bumpless transfer to the
Startup Value).
Process Dead Float Yes Indicates the time required for the process to begin to reflect 72 Seconds
Time the results of a step change. This value is not currently used
by the PID algorithm.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1387

Table 966: PID Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Process Range Float Yes Indicates the magnitude of the range that the Process Variable 22.0, 40.0
traverses as the Present Value of the PID varies between its
minimum and maximum values. For example, when the
Process Variable ranges between 60 and 90 degrees due to
the PID Present Value varying from its Low Limit to its High
Limit, then Process Range is set to 30 (|60 - 90|). This input
must have a value greater than zero.
This value is currently used by the PID algorithm to validate
that the Minimum Tune Band is less than 1% of the Process
Range. If the Minimum Tune Band is less than 1% of the
Process Range, the PID Reliability changes to Input Out of
Process Variable Float Yes Indicates the value from the area that is being controlled. The 0.0
Process Variable typically originates at a sensor and after
some signal processing is passed to the PID.
Proportional Float Yes Sets the initial Eff Proportional Band. This value is the amount 16.0, 28.8
Band of change in the Process Variable that produces a full range
change (High Limit - Low Limit) in the Present Value. This
value must be a positive number, and must be greater than
zero. The action is set using the Direct Acting input rather
than by the sign of the Proportional Band.
Reset Tuning Boolean No When Reset Tuning is True, causes the PID to reset the Eff False
Proportional Band and the Eff Integral Time to the values in
Proportional Band and Integral Time. While Reset Tuning is
True, the Present Value, Absolute Effort EWMA, Absolute
Error EWMA, Error EWMA, and Present Value EWMA are
not updated. Manual Tuning has no effect on this behavior.
When Reset Tuning is False, the PID operates normally.
Saturation Time Float Yes Sets the Eff Saturation Time. This value is the duration the 720 Seconds
Present Value must meet or exceed either the Low or High
Limit for the saturation status to be set to Low or High.
Setpoint Float Yes Indicates the value in which the PID controls the Process 0.0
Startup Value Float No Allows this block to get the latest value of the output, Present 0.0
Value, when the block switches from one hybrid activity control
state to the state containing this PID. This value is required
for a bump-less transition from one hybrid activity control
state to the state containing this PID. If an integration is being
used, this value is used to set the Present Value at initial
startup and at restart.
Time Constant Float Yes Indicates the time required for a system to reach 63% of its 720 Seconds
final magnitude given a 100% step change. This value is not
currently used by the PID algorithm.
Absolute Effort Float No Provides an EWMA value of 100 x ABS (Current Present 0.0%
EWMA Value - Last Present Value) / (High Limit - Low Limit).

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1388

Table 966: PID Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Absolute Error Float No Provides an EWMA value for the absolute value of (Setpoint 0.0
EWMA - Process Variable).
Eff Integral Time Float No Indicates the value the PID is currently using for the integral 729.0 Seconds
tuning value. If Manual Tuning is False and Adaptive Tuning
is True, PRAC+ updates this value during execution. If Manual
Tuning is True and Adaptive Tuning is False, this value is
equal to the Integral Time input.
On startup, if Tuning Updated is True, the Eff Integral Time
uses the value stored in the PRAC Integral Time property. If
Tuning Updated is False and if any of the Proportional Band,
Integral Time, Interval, or Saturation Time inputs have
received a write since startup, this output is set to the value
of the Integral Time input. If none of these inputs have been
written, the value of the Eff Integral Time is set based on the
following calculation:

Eff Proportional Float No Indicates the value the PID is currently using for the 16.0, 28.8
Band proportional tuning value. If Manual Tuning is False and
Adaptive Tuning is True, PRAC+ updates this value during
execution. If Manual Tuning is True and Adaptive Tuning is
False, this value is equal to the Proportional Band input.
On startup, if Tuning Updated is True, the Eff Proportional
Band uses the value stored in the PRAC Prop Band property.
If Tuning Updated is False and if any of the Proportional Band,
Integral Time, Interval, or Saturation Time inputs have
received a write since startup, this output is set to the value
of the Proportional Band input. If none of these inputs have
been written, the value of the Eff Proportional Band is set
based on the following calculation:

Error Float No Indicates the difference between the Setpoint and Process 0.0
Variable (offset by DB/2 if the Eff Deadband is not zero). This
value is updated at each execution.
Error EWMA Float No Provides an EWMA value of the difference (Setpoint - Process 0.0

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1389

Table 966: PID Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Execution Count Float No Indicates the number of executions performed by the PID. 0.0
This value is incremented by 1 at every execution and is rolled
over to 0 after reaching the maximum floating-point value.
PRAC Status Enum No Indicates the results of the most recent PRAC+ calculation Normal
• Normal: Normal operation
• Monitoring Setpoint Change: Feature extraction following
large setpoint change in progress
• Monitoring Load Disturbance: Feature extraction following
large load disturbance in progress
• Tuning NOT Updated: Insignificant pattern or control
output saturated observed
• Normal Tuning Update: New gain and integral time have
been computed
• Gain Decreased: New decreased gain computed because
of fast oscillations
1 Float Yes Indicates the current output of the PID block. This value is 0.0
Present Value
typically passed to an actuator to provide repositioning
information or provides the setpoint to another PID block
when using cascaded control loops. The Present Value equals
the sum of the proportional, integral, derivative, and offset
Present Value Float No Provides an EWMA of the current Present Value scaled to a 0.0%
EWMA percent where the Percent Present Value = 100.0 x (Present
Value - Low Limit) / (High Limit - Low Limit).
Saturation Enum Yes Indicates the current operational status of the PID block. This Normal
Status value is based on the output and the amount of time that the
output is at the high or low limits. The Saturation Status is set
to Normal the first execution after the PID is Enabled (or
Re-Enabled). The Saturation Status is Normal for at least one
execution after returning from a non-Normal state. For
example, if the Saturation Status is Timing High and the
Present Value becomes equal to the Low Limit, the Saturation
Status is Normal for one execution before transitioning to
Timing Low at the next execution.
Note: The Enumeration Set for Saturation Status contains
the Overridden state, but the PID does not set this
attribute to that value. The Overridden state is used
by other applications.
2 Float N/A Indicates the actual instantaneous period of execution, 120 Seconds
Actual Period
measured as the actual time between successive executions
of the PID algorithm. This value is not computed after the first
periodic execution (startup, restart, or enable after disable),
in which case the value is assigned the value of Eff Period.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1390

Table 966: PID Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
2 Float N/A Indicates the value the PID uses for the Deadband. When 0.0
Eff Deadband
Manual Tuning is False, this value is set to zero. Otherwise,
this value is set to the value of the configurable Deadband
Eff Derivative Float N/A Indicates the value the PID uses for the derivative tuning 0 Seconds
2 value. When Manual Tuning is False, this value is set to zero.
Otherwise, this value is set to the value of the configurable
Derivative Time property.
2 Float N/A Indicates the value the PID uses for the period. If any of the 120 Seconds
Eff Period
Proportional Band, Integral Time, Interval, or Saturation Time
inputs have received a write since startup, this output is set
to the value of the Interval input. If none of these inputs have
been written, the value of the Eff Period is set based on the
following calculation (rounded to the nearest integer with a
minimum of 1):

Eff Saturation Float N/A Indicates the value the PID uses for the saturation time limit. 720 Seconds
2 When Manual Tuning is False, and if any of the Proportional
Band, Integral Time, Interval, or Saturation Time inputs have
received a write since startup, this output is set to the value
of the Saturation Time input. If none of these inputs have
been written, the value of the Eff Period is set based on the
following calculation:

Otherwise, this value is set to the value of the configurable

Saturation Time property.
Manual Tuning Boolean N/A Indicates whether to use the process-based tuning False
calculations or the manual tuning properties. When True, the
Setpoint Differential is used to decide when a large setpoint
change occurs and the Eff Proportional Band, Eff Integral
Time, Eff Derivative Time, Eff Saturation Time, and Eff Period
are set based on the corresponding configurable properties.
When False, these tuning parameters and some additional
parameters required by PRAC+ (Eff Min/Max Prop Band) are
calculated based on the Process Range, Time Constant, and
Process Dead Time. PRAC+ is disabled when Manual Tuning
is True.
PRAC Integral Float N/A Stores the last PRAC+ update to the Eff Integral Time. This 729 Seconds
3 value is used at startup if Tuning Updated is True.
PRAC Prop Float N/A Stores the last PRAC+ update to the Eff Proportional Band. 16.0, 28.8
Setpoint Float N/A When the absolute value of a setpoint change is greater than 1.0, 1.8
Differential this value, the PID executes even if its current Effective Period
has not expired.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1391

Table 966: PID Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Staged Output Boolean N/A Indicates that this PID is controlling staged outputs. False
Tuning Updated Boolean N/A When PRAC+ has updated the tuning parameters, this value False
is set to True. Tuning Updated is set to False when any of
the following conditions occur:
• Manual Tuning is True
• Reset Tuning is True
• the Time Constant changes
• the Process Dead Time changes
• the Process Range changes
• the Proportional Band changes
• the Integral Time changes

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

2 Appears when simulating or commissioning a controller.
3 This property does not appear in the UI. It is used behind-the-scenes to provide the PRAC functionality noted in the Description

The PVDC logic block provides a positional percent as an output to an actuator based on a desired flow setpoint, a
measured flow, and a current position controlling the flow. This block uses a fixed gain, proportional-only feedback
design for systems with constant-rate actuators. The PVDC has the integrating effect that incremental motor actuators
use to provide stable operation given the nonlinear flow through a damper or a valve.
Set the PVDC configuration parameters to reflect the characteristics of the environment. The output is sent to the
object that controls the actuator, typically a Position Adjust Output (PAO) object. Configure the PAO object consistently
with the PVDC block.
See the Damper Control (VAV Supply) v51 section for examples of how this block is used.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the PVDC logic block.
Table 967: PVDC Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Effective Stroke Float No Indicates the effective time the actuator requires to drive the 60 Seconds
Time damper from 0 to 100%. For proper operation, this input must
be configured based on the actual time it takes the actuator
to drive the damper. Depending on the range of motion for a
given VAV box, this value may be a fraction of the full actuator
stroke time (for example, 1/2 of the 90 degree stroke time for
a 45 degree damper).
Flow Float Yes Indicates the measured volumetric flow, or the difference 0.0
between two volumetric flow measurements (for example,
the exhaust flow and the supply flow).
Flow Setpoint Float No Indicates the desired amount of flow or the desired flow 0.0
difference requested of the controller.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1392

Table 967: PVDC Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Maximum Flow Float No Indicates the maximum flow that can be delivered by the box. 0.0
This value defaults to the maximum flow setpoint. However,
this value can be set manually in cases where the VAV box
serving the space is oversized.
You may need to break the default maximum cfm flow setpoint
connection and set this value manually to the actual
manufacturer-rated volume flow rate at a nominal static
pressure (for example, 1 in.w.g. or 250 Pa).
Min Pulse Width Float No Indicates the minimum pulse allowed for the motor actuator. 0.25 Seconds
Smooth Factor Float No Indicates the internal filter weight used for estimating the 0.015
standard deviation of the flow error.
Range: Greater
than 0 and less
than 1
Startup Value Float No Indicates the startup value of PVDC output. This value is used 0.0%
when startup or restart is the value of the PVDC Present
Absolute Effort Float No Provides an EWMA value for the absolute value of the 0.0%
EWMA controller effort.
Absolute Error Float No Provides an EWMA value for the absolute value of the flow 0.0
EWMA error (flow setpoint - flow measurement).
Error EWMA Float No Indicates the EWMA value of the flow error (flow setpoint - 0.0
flow measurement).
1 Float Yes Indicates the position, in percentage of maximum output, 0.0%
Present Value
being requested by the PVDC Controller of the motor actuator.
The Present Value is limited from 0 to 100%. When the
calculation results in a value beyond a limit, the Present Value
should be set to that limit.
Present Value Float No Indicates the EWMA value of the Present Value. 0.0%
Saturation Enum Yes Indicates the current operational status of the PVDC block. Normal
Status This value is based on the output and the amount of time that
the output is at the high or low limits (100% or 0%,
respectively). The Saturation Status is set to Normal the first
execution after the PVDC is Enabled (or Re-Enabled). The
Saturation Status is Normal for at least one execution after
returning from a non-Normal state. For example, if the
Saturation Status is Timing High and the Present Value
becomes equal to the Low Limit, the Saturation Status is
Normal for one execution before transitioning to Timing Low
at the next execution.
Note: The Enumeration Set for Saturation Status contains
the Overridden state, but the PVDC does not set this
attribute to that value. The Overridden state is used
by other applications.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1393

Table 967: PVDC Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
2 Float N/A Indicates the actual instantaneous period of execution, 1 Second
Actual Period
measured as the actual time between successive periodic
executions of the PVDC algorithm. This value is not computed
after the first periodic execution (startup, restart, or enable
after disable) or when the block executes for any other reason
(for example, when an input changes value).
Dynamic Float N/A Indicates the smoothed Deadzone value. 0.0
Interval Number N/A Indicates the execution period of PVDC block. 1 Second
2 Float N/A Indicates the smoothed standard deviation of the measured 0.0
Noise Estimate

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

2 Appears when simulating or commissioning a controller.

The Math folder in the control block palette contains blocks that perform mathematical functions on one or more
inputs, producing a single output. The number of inputs to a Math block depends on the number of inputs supported
by the type of math function. The Logic View allows you to add multiple connections to the output of the block.
Table 968: Math Blocks
Type Description Inputs (Float)
Outputs (Float)

Absolute Value Absolute Value I1 Present Value

2 Arc Cosine I1 Present Value
Add Add I1 Present Value
2 Arc Sine I1 Present Value
2 Arc Tangent I1 Present Value
2 Cosine I1 Present Value
Divide Divide (I1/I2) I1 Present Value
Exp Exponent (e )
l1 I1 Present Value

LOG Natural Log (LN, LOGe, or LOG I1 Present Value

base e)
LOG10 LOG10 I1 Present Value
Multiply Multiply I1 Present Value
Negate Negative I1 Present Value
Power Power (I1 )
I2 I1 Present Value

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1394

Table 968: Math Blocks
Type Description Inputs (Float)
Outputs (Float)

Round Rounds to nearest 1s I1 Present Value

2 Sine I1 Present Value
SQRT Square Root I1 Present Value
Subtract Subtract I1 Present Value
2 Tangent I1 Present Value

1 The inputs and outputs of this block are exposed for connection by default.
2 This block uses radians instead of degrees. To convert from degrees to radians, multiply the value by 0.0174533, that is,

Multi-State Controller
The Multi-State Controller folder includes blocks MSC 01 through MSC 12, which are primarily used to control
terminal units. You can find more information on this block in the MSC 01 through MSC 12 section of the Output
Control Modules chapter.

The Psychrometric folder in the control block palette contains blocks that perform psychrometric functions on the
defined inputs, producing a single output.

Absolute Humidity
The Absolute Humidity logic block calculates the density of the water vapor element of air. The absolute humidity
is the ratio of the mass of water vapor in a given volume of air or the weight of the water vapor in a known value of
air. The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Absolute Humidity logic block.
Table 969: Absolute Humidity Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Dry Bulb Float Yes Indicates the temperature of air as measured with a simple 25 Deg C,
Temperature thermometer.
77 Deg F
Relative Float Yes Indicates the relative humidity of air. 50%
Range: 0-100%
Absolute Float Yes Indicates the density of water vapor in air. 11.5 g/c m,
Humidity 0.0 lb/cu ft
Unit Set Enum N/A Indicates the units of measurement used by the block. SI, IP

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1395

Dew Point
The Dew Point logic block calculates the dew point temperature of air. The following table describes the inputs and
outputs of the Dew Point logic block.
Table 970: Dew Point Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Dry Bulb Float Yes Indicates the temperature of air as measured with a simple 25 Deg C, 77 Deg
Temperature thermometer. F
Relative Float Yes Indicates the relative humidity of air. 50%
Range: 0-100%
Dew Point Float Yes Indicates the dew point temperature of air, which is the 14.0 Deg C,
1 temperature at which moisture condenses out of the air.
Temperature 57.0 Deg F
Unit Set Enum N/A Indicates the units of measurement used by the block. SI, IP

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

The Enthalpy logic block calculates the enthalpy of air given dry bulb temperature and either relative humidity or
dew point temperature as configured by the Setup attribute found in the Details dialog box of the block.
Table 971: Enthalpy Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Dew Point Float Yes Indicates the dew point temperature of air, which is the 14.0 Deg C,
Temperature temperature at which moisture condenses out of the air. If
57.0 Deg F
the Setup property is DP, this input represents the air dew
point temperature that is used to calculate Enthalpy. If the
Setup property is RH, this input is ignored.
Dry Bulb Float Yes Indicates the temperature of air as measured with a simple 25 Deg C, 77 Deg
Temperature thermometer. F
Elevation Float No Indicates the distance above or below sea level. Below sea 0 ft, 0 m
level is represented with a negative value.
Relative Float Yes Indicates the relative humidity of air. If the Setup property is 50%
Humidity RH, this input represents the air relative humidity that is used
Range: 0-100%
to calculate Enthalpy. If the Setup property is DP, this input
is ignored.
1 Float Yes Indicates the air enthalpy. 21.5 Btu/lb,
50.0 kJ/kg

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1396

Table 971: Enthalpy Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Setup Enum N/A Indicates if relative humidity or dew point temperature is used RH
as the second independent variable to calculate Enthalpy.
Unit Set Enum N/A Indicates the units of measurement used by the block. SI, IP

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Free Cooling is Available

The Free Cooling is Available logic block provides economizer decision logic to determine when outdoor air, in
excess of the minimum amount required for ventilation, can be used to reduce the cooling coil load.
The output is evaluated when the Supply Fan Status input changes and then subsequently only on its Interval
(configurable property in the Advanced Details dialog box). This block does not constantly calculate its outputs as
the inputs change.
Different methods include:
• Dry Bulb Temperature Economizer where if the supply fan is running and the Outside Air Temp is less than
the Change Over Temp, then Free Cooling Available is True.
• Temperature and Enthalpy Economizer where measurements of Outside Air Temp, Outside Air Humidity,
Return Air Temp, and Return Air Humidity are used to calculate the enthalpy of the outside air and return air
streams. Free Cooling Available is True when:
- the supply fan is running
- the calculated outside air enthalpy is less than the calculated return air enthalpy
- the outside air dry bulb temperature is less than the return air dry bulb temperature
• Model Based Economizer where measurements of Outside Air Temp, Outside Air Humidity, Return Air Temp,
and Return Air Humidity as well as an estimate of the temperature leaving the cooling coil are used for calculations.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Free Cooling is Available logic block.
Table 972: Free Cooling is Available Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Bypass Percent Float No Indicates the percent of air passing through the coil that is 20%
unaffected by the coil (%). This value is used for the
Range: 0-50%
Model-Based Economizer Type.
Change Over Float No Indicates the change over dry bulb temperature used to 20.0 Deg C,
Temperature determine if free cooling is available for the Dry Bulb
68.0 Deg F
Temperature economizer option.
Cooling Float Yes Indicates the effective discharge air temperature for the 12.0 Deg C,
Discharge cooling coil. This value is used for the Model-Based
55.0 Deg F
Temperature Economizer Type.
Economizer Enum Yes Allows you to select the type of economizer logic. Temperature &
Type Enthalpy

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1397

Table 972: Free Cooling is Available Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Elevation Float No Indicates the distance above or below sea level in m or ft. 0
This value is used in the psychrometric calculations performed
for Economizer Type = Temperature & Enthalpy or Model
Min OA Percent Float No Indicates the percent (%) of maximum supply fan flow rate 20%
required for the minimum amount of ventilation air.
Range: 0-100%
Outside Air Float Yes Indicates the Relative Humidity of the outside air. 50%
Range: 0-100%
Outside Air Float Yes Indicates the dry bulb temperature of the outside air stream. 25 Deg C,
77 Deg F
Return Air Float Yes Indicates the Relative Humidity of the return air. 50%
Range: 0-100%
Return Air Temp Float Yes Indicates the dry bulb temperature of the return air stream. 20.0 Deg C,
68.0 Deg F
Supply Fan Boolean Yes Indicates the operating status of the AHU supply fan (Running False
Status = True, Off = False).
Unit Set Enum No Indicates the units of measurement that appear in the tool. SI, IP
Free Cooling Boolean Yes Indicates the following: False
1 • This output is True when increasing the volume of outside
air can reduce the cooling coil load.
• This output is False when the volume of outside air should
be at the minimum required for ventilation.
Interval Float N/A Indicates the time between scheduled executions of the block. 900 Seconds

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Relative Humidity
The Relative Humidity logic block calculates the Relative Humidity of air given dry bulb temperature and either the
dew point or wet bulb temperature. The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Relative Humidity
logic block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1398

Table 973: Relative Humidity Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Dew Point Float No Indicates the dew point temperature of air, which is the 14.0 Deg C,
Temperature temperature at which moisture condenses out of the air. If
57.0 Deg F
the Setup property is DP, this input represents the air dew
point temperature that is used to calculate Enthalpy. If the
Setup property is WB, this input is ignored.
Dry Bulb Float Yes Indicates the temperature of air as measured with a simple 25 Deg C, 77 Deg
Temperature thermometer. F
Elevation Float No Indicates the distance above or below sea level. Below sea 0 ft, 0 m
level is represented with a negative value.
Wet Bulb Float No Indicates the wet bulb temperature. If the Setup property is 18.0 Deg C,
Temperature WB, this input represents the air wet bulb temperature that
64.4 Deg F
is used to calculate Relative Humidity. If the Setup property
is DP, this input is ignored.
Relative Float Yes Indicates the relative humidity of air. 50%
Humidity Range: 0-100%
Setup Enum N/A Indicates if wet bulb or dew point temperature is used as the WB
second independent variable to calculate Relative Humidity.
Unit Set Enum N/A Indicates the units of measurement used by the block. SI, IP

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Wet Bulb
The Wet Bulb logic block calculates the wet bulb temperature of air given dry bulb temperature and either relative
humidity or dew point temperature as configured by the Setup attribute found in the Details dialog box of the block.
This block calculates the saturation temperature, which is a very close approximation to the thermodynamic wet
bulb temperature. The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Wet Bulb logic block.
Table 974: Wet Bulb Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Dew Point Float No Indicates the dew point temperature of air, which is the 14.0 Deg C,
Temperature temperature at which moisture condenses out of the air. If
57.0 Deg F
the Setup property is DP, this input represents the air dew
point temperature that is used to calculate Enthalpy. If the
Setup property is RH, this input is ignored.
Dry Bulb Float Yes Indicates the temperature of air as measured with a simple 25 Deg C, 77 Deg
Temperature thermometer. F
Elevation Float No Indicates the distance above or below sea level. Below sea 0 ft, 0 m
level is represented with a negative value.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1399

Table 974: Wet Bulb Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Relative Float No Indicates the relative humidity of air. If the Setup property is 50%
Humidity RH, this input represents the air relative humidity that is used
Range: 0-100%
to calculate the wet bulb temperature. If the Setup property
is DP, this input is ignored.
Wet Bulb Float Yes Indicates the wet bulb temperature. The wet bulb temperature 18.0 Deg C,
1 is the adiabatic saturation temperature defined as the
Temperature 64.4 Deg F
temperature at which water, by evaporating into air, brings
the air to saturation at the same temperature.
Setup Enum N/A Indicates if relative humidity or dew point temperature is used RH
as the second independent variable to calculate wet bulb
Unit Set Enum N/A Indicates the units of measurement used by the block. SI, IP

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

The Selection folder in the control block palette contains Command Hierarchy, MUX, and Translation blocks that
perform multiplexing for multiple inputs and one mode input, producing a single output. Based on the current mode
assigned to each input, the selector chooses which input to pass through to the output. The Logic View allows you
to add multiple connections to the output of the block. See Configuring the MUX Block, Configuring the Command
Hierarchy Block, and Configuring the Translation Blocks in the Configuring a System section.
Table 975: Selection Blocks
Type Description Inputs

Boolean to Enum Provides a pre-configured Command Hierarchy block I1 (Boolean) State (Enum)
2 with a single Boolean input translated to an
Enumeration (Enum) output.
See Translation (Enum to Boolean or Boolean to
Command Hierarchy Provides truth table evaluation capability to convert I1 (Enum) State (Boolean)
(Boolean Output) or resolve multiple inputs into a single output State of
I2 (Boolean)
Boolean type.
See Command Hierarchy (Enum Output or Boolean
Command Hierarchy Provides truth table evaluation capability to convert I1 (Enum) State (Enum)
(Enum Output) or resolve multiple inputs into a single output State of
I2 (Boolean)
Enumeration (Enum) type.
See Command Hierarchy (Enum Output or Boolean

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1400

Table 975: Selection Blocks
Type Description Inputs

Enum to Boolean Provides a pre-configured Command Hierarchy block I1 (Enum) State (Boolean)
2 with a single Enumeration (Enum) input translated to
a Boolean output.
See Translation (Enum to Boolean or Boolean to
MUX (Boolean IO, Provides source-switching operation. A Multiplexor is Mode (Boolean) Present Value
Boolean Mode) equivalent to a switch, which directs one of the Inputs, (Boolean)
I1 (Boolean)
based on the Mode, to the Present Value. This block
has Boolean inputs and a Boolean mode. I2 (Boolean)
See MUX.
MUX (Boolean IO, Enum Same as previous, except this block has Boolean Mode (Enum) Present Value
Mode) inputs and an Enumeration (Enum) mode. (Boolean)
I1 (Boolean)
See MUX.
I2 (Boolean)
MUX (Enum IO, Boolean Same as previous, except this block has Enumeration Mode (Boolean) Present Value
Mode) (Enum) inputs and a Boolean mode. (Enum)
I1 (Enum)
See MUX.
I2 (Enum)
MUX (Enum IO, Enum Same as previous, except this block has Enumeration Mode (Enum) Present Value
Mode) (Enum) inputs and an Enumeration mode. (Enum)
I1 (Enum)
See MUX.
I2 (Enum)
MUX (Float IO, Boolean Same as previous, except this block has Floating Mode (Boolean) Present Value
Mode) (Float) inputs and a Boolean mode. (Float)
I1 (Float)
See MUX.
I2 (Float)
MUX (Float IO, Enum Same as previous, except this block has Floating Mode (Enum) Present Value
Mode) (Float) inputs and an Enumeration (Enum) mode. (Float)
I1 (Float)
See MUX.
I2 (Float)

1 The inputs and outputs of this block are exposed for connection by default.
2 The tool automatically creates and configures the hierarchy table in a translation block when you connect two activity blocks
of different types (Boolean to two-state Enum or two-state Enum to Boolean).

The Sequencer folder contains Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16, which are primarily used for simple plant
applications, and the Global Sequencer, which is primarily used for custom applications.
You can find more information on these blocks in the Sequencer 01 through Sequencer 16 and Global Sequencer
sections of the Output Control Modules section.

The Statistical folder in the control block palette contains blocks that perform statistical functions on multiple inputs
producing a single output (with the exception of the Statistics block, which provides multiple location and spread
statistic outputs). Statistical blocks perform statistics on input. The number of inputs to a Statistical block depends
on the number of inputs supported by the type of statistic. The Logic View allows you to add multiple connections
to the output of the block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1401

Table 976: Statistical Blocks
Type Description Inputs (Float)
Outputs (Float)

AVG Average (Mean Value) I1 Present Value

MAX Maximum I1 Present Value
MIN Minimum I1 Present Value
Statistics Statistics: Provides descriptive statistics, both the location and spread, for the input data set.
Location statistics (average or median) reduce the entire input data set into a single value
representing the center or most likely value of the data set. The spread statistics (Minimum
Value, Maximum Value, and Standard Deviation) measure dispersion about the location statistic.
See Table 977 for information on the inputs, outputs, and properties of the Statistics block.

1 The inputs and outputs of this block are exposed for connection by default.

Table 977: Statistics Block

Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
I1 Float Yes Provides input to the block. 0.0
I2 Float Yes Provides input to the block. 0.0
Minimum Trim Float No
1 Indicates the minimum number of reliable inputs to be trimmed 0
Count from each end of a sorted list of reliable inputs. This value
ensures that at least some inputs are trimmed even when the
Trim Percent would not normally trim that many. If the number
of reliable inputs is less than 2 x Minimum Trim Count + 1,
then the inputs are considered to be effectively all unreliable.
Trimming Boolean No
1 Trims the block’s values as follows: True
• When Trimming is set to False, the remaining inputs are
those left after the unreliable inputs have been discarded.
• When Trimming is True, the remaining inputs are those
left after the unreliable inputs have been discarded and
the specified high and low values have been trimmed
based on the Trim Percent and Minimum Trim Count.
Trim Percent Float No
1 Indicates the percentage of reliable inputs to be trimmed from 15.0%
each end of the sorted list of reliable inputs. The number of
Range: 0-50%
inputs trimmed for both bottom and top of list are always the
same. If the calculated number of inputs to be trimmed is less
than 1, then only the Minimum Trim Count number of inputs
are trimmed.
2 Float Yes Indicates the average (arithmetic mean) of the remaining 0.0
reliable inputs.
Maximum Value Float Yes Indicates the maximum value of the remaining inputs. 0.0

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1402

Table 977: Statistics Block
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Median Float Yes Indicates the median value as follows: 0.0
• If the number of remaining inputs is odd, this output is
the middle value of the sorted list of remaining inputs.
• If the number of remaining inputs is even, this output is
the average of the two middle values.
Minimum Value Float Yes Indicates the minimum value of the remaining inputs. 0.0
Standard Float Yes Indicates the standard deviation of remaining inputs. 1.0
Interval Float N/A
1 Equals the time between scheduled executions of the block. 600 seconds
Range: 1-32,767
Use Default if Boolean N/A
1 Allows you to specify the behavior when the block goes False
Not Reliable unreliable. If True, the Outputs are set to their Default Values
(user configurable) and their Reliability is set to Reliable. If
False, the Outputs maintain the last reliable values and their
Reliability is set to the Reliability of the block.

1 This property/input only appears in the Details dialog box of the block.
2 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

The Timing folder in the control block palette contains blocks that perform timing functions such as Pulse, On Delay,
and Off Delay. Timing blocks are used to break up feedback loops.

Execution Status
The Execution Status logic block provides information about the conditions of the current execution:
• Power Up: First execution following controller power cycle
• Restart: First execution following controller reboot without the power being lost
• Re-Enabled: Neither of the above conditions are true and this is the first execution after being re-enabled
• Normal: None of the above conditions are true
An example use of the Execution Status block is to execute alternate logic for the first execution following a power
failure or controller restart by using the Present Value to set the State of a Hybrid Activity.
Similarly, you can use this block to perform a different calculation the first execution after a particular State of a
Hybrid Activity is enabled (for example, Execution Status - Present Value connecting to a MUX within a Hybrid
Activity State section).
The following table describes the output of the Execution Status logic block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1403

Table 978: Execution Status Block Output
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
1 Enum Yes Indicates the enumeration value output that provides Normal Set
Present Value
information about the execution status. Name: Execution
Status Normal,
Power Up,
Restart, or

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Last Value (Boolean)

The Last Value (Boolean) logic block holds the value that its input (Boolean type) had at the end of the previous
execution of the control logic for use by the current execution. Use this block to compare the current value of a
variable with the value from the last execution.
We do not recommend connecting multiple Last Value blocks. You cannot use Last Value blocks to create a moving
average because the execution interval of the control logic is not periodic. If a signal requires filtering or you need
a moving average, use the EWMA block.
We do not recommend using the Last Value blocks in an attempt to integrate a value. Use the Totalization (Analog
Integration) block to integrate a value.
When the control logic completes its execution and a new change (value, reliability, or command) gets written to the
input of a Last Value block (causing the current value of the input to change), the block requests to execute again
immediately. If the logic is designed so that the input to the Last Value block changes every execution, an infinite
loop is created resulting in impaired performance of the controller. Avoid configuring the Last Value block in this
If this block does not operate continuously (that is, is placed in the state section of a hybrid activity), it starts at its
Default Value when re-enabled. One additional constraint is that connections from Hybrid Activity Inputs are not
allowed to be made directly to the Input of Last Value block in one of its State Sections. You cannot directly connect
an Input to a Last Value block within the State section of a Hybrid Activity.
For more Last Value information, see the Timing, Output Control Modules and Timing Setpoint Reset by OA sections.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Last Value (Boolean) logic block.
Table 979: Last Value (Boolean) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Input Boolean Yes Passes the Default Value of this Input to the Present Value False
on the first execution after startup or being enabled.
Otherwise, the Current Value of the Input is passed to the
Present Value.
1 Boolean Yes Indicates the output of the block. False
Present Value

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1404

Table 979: Last Value (Boolean) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Include State Boolean N/A Indicates if the block passes or drops the command signature True
Status from the input.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Last Value (Enum)

The Last Value (Enum) logic block holds the value that its input (Enumeration [Enum] type) had at the end of the
previous execution of the control logic for use by the current execution. Use this block to compare the current value
of a variable with the value from the last execution.
We do not recommend connecting multiple Last Value blocks. You cannot use Last Value blocks to create a moving
average because the execution interval of the control logic is not periodic. If a signal requires filtering or you need
a moving average, use the EWMA block.
We do not recommend using the Last Value blocks in an attempt to integrate a value. Use the Totalization (Analog
Integration) block to integrate a value.
When the control logic completes its execution and a new change (value, reliability, or command) gets written to the
input of a Last Value block (causing the current value of the input to change), the block requests to execute again
immediately. If the logic is designed so that the input to the Last Value block changes every execution, an infinite
loop is created resulting in impaired performance of the controller. Avoid configuring the Last Value block in this
If this block does not operate continuously (that is, is placed in the state section of a hybrid activity), it starts at its
Default Value when re-enabled. One additional constraint is that connections from Hybrid Activity Inputs are not
allowed to be made directly to the Input of Last Value block in one of its State Sections. You cannot directly connect
an Input to a Last Value block within the State section of a Hybrid Activity.
For more Last Value information, see the Timing, Output Control Modules, and Timing, Setpoint Reset by OA sections.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Last Value (Enum) logic block.
Table 980: Last Value (Enum) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Input Enum Yes Passes the Default Value of this Input to the Present Value 1st Enum
on the first execution after startup or being enabled.
Otherwise, the Current Value of the Input is passed to the
Present Value.
1 Enum Yes Indicates the output of the block. 1st Enum
Present Value
Include State Boolean N/A Indicates if the block passes or drops the command signature True
Status from the input.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1405

Last Value (Float)
The Last Value (Float) logic block holds the value that its input (Floating [Float] type) had at the end of the previous
execution of the control logic for use by the current execution. Use this block to compare the current value of a
variable with the value from the last execution.
We do not recommend connecting multiple Last Value blocks. You cannot use Last Value blocks to create a moving
average because the execution interval of the control logic is not periodic. If a signal requires filtering or you need
a moving average, use the EWMA block.
We do not recommend using the Last Value blocks in an attempt to integrate a value. Use the Totalization (Analog
Integration) block to integrate a value.
When the control logic completes its execution and a new change (value, reliability, or command) gets written to the
input of a Last Value block (causing the current value of the input to change), the block requests to execute again
immediately. If the logic is designed so that the input to the Last Value block changes every execution, an infinite
loop is created resulting in impaired performance of the controller. Avoid configuring the Last Value block in this
If this block does not operate continuously (that is, is placed in the state section of a hybrid activity), it starts at its
Default Value when re-enabled. One additional constraint is that connections from Hybrid Activity Inputs are not
allowed to be made directly to the Input of Last Value block in one of its State Sections. You cannot directly connect
an Input to a Last Value block within the State section of a Hybrid Activity.
For more Last Value information, see the Timing, Output Control Modules, and Timing, Setpoint Reset by OA sections.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Last Value (Float) logic block.
Table 981: Last Value (Float) Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Input Float Yes Passes the Default Value of this Input to the Present Value 0.0
on the first execution after startup or being enabled.
Otherwise, the Current Value of the Input is passed to the
Present Value.
1 Float Yes Indicates the output of the block. 0.0
Present Value
Include State Boolean N/A Indicates if the block passes or drops the command signature True
Status from the input.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

The Latch logic block holds a Boolean True value until you command it to reset. Latch blocks help capture rapidly
changing binary states that might otherwise be missed. For example, use this block to capture alarm conditions.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Latch logic block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1406

Table 982: Latch Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Input Boolean Yes Provides the Boolean value that causes latching of the output False
when it is set to True.
Reset Boolean Yes Provides the Boolean value that resets the output to False False
when this value is set to True.
1 Boolean Yes Indicates the output of the block. False
Present Value

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

Rate Limiter
The Rate Limiter logic block controls the rate at which the Output changes with variations in the Input value. If rate
limiting is disabled, this block passes the value of the Input to the Output. If rate limiting is enabled, this block limits
changes to its Output to an increment determined by the Step Equation. The Rate Limiter block updates every 5
Step Equation = Rate Limit x 5/60.0
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Rate Limiter logic block.
Table 983: Rate Limiter Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Input Float Yes Provides an Analog Value to the block. 0.0
Startup Value Float No Sets the output to this value when the block is enabled. 0.0
Rate Limit Float No Provides an Analog Value used in the step equation. The 100.0
output is incremented or decremented by this value.
Units: Change per
Limit Active Boolean No Enables the block to operate when set to True. If Limit Active True
is False, the output is set to equal the input.
1 Float Yes Indicates the output of the block. 0.0
Present Value
2 Boolean N/A Provides the following behavior: False
Active Limit
• If Limit Active is True, then this value is True if the Present
Value does not reach the Input at that execution. This
value is False on the execution when the Present Value
reaches the Input.
• If Limit Active is False, then this value remains False.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

2 Appears when simulating or commissioning a controller.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1407

The Timer logic block provides different types of timers as configured by the Setup attribute found in the Details
dialog box of the block. Each type uses a Duration (how long the timer is active) and unique functions to generate
an Output.
The Duration range is 5 seconds to 3,888,000 seconds (45 days). The Timer resets upon power failure, controller
restart, or when the control logic is disabled and re-enabled.
The Timer types include:
• Pulse: The Present Value is normally False. The timer generates a True pulse for the Present Value for the
Duration time when the Input transitions from False to True. For example, you can use a Pulse timer to ensure
that initialization of a device is over before transitioning to next state.
• Cancelable Pulse: This timer is the same as the Pulse timer, except that while the timer is active an Input
transition from True to False cancels the current timing and sets the Present Value to False. For example, use
this timer when a controller performs an operation for the Duration time period, but the operation can be stopped
at the occurrence of a certain event.
• Retriggerable: This timer is similar to Pulse timer, except that while the timer is active, each additional transition
of Input from False to True forces a restart of the timing cycle. The Present Value remains True as a result of
this timing restart. For example, if you press a button (Binary Input), the timer restarts its timing cycle for the
Duration and a certain set of logic is enabled while the timer is active.
• On Delay: The Present Value tracks the Input except that it is delayed for the Duration time when the Input
transitions from False to True. For example, you can set logic to delay the start of the Supply Fan until 10 seconds
after the Return fan starts.
• On Delay with Memory: Similar to the On Delay timer, except once the Present Value becomes True, it is
latched True until the Reset is True. For example, use this timer to trigger an alarm after waiting for a delay to
prove that the equipment is in alarm.
• Off Delay: The Present Value tracks the Input except that it is delayed for the Duration time when the Input
transitions from True to False. For example, you can set a Supply fan to turn off 30 seconds after the heating is
turned off.
• Free Running: This timer runs continuously and generates a square wave for the Present Value. Use this timer
to create test signals for testing, This timer is not typically used in feedback control applications.
• Minimum On: The Present Value tracks the Input except that it must remain True for the Duration time before
following the Input to False. For example, you can configure a chiller so that once it is started, it remains running
for a minimum of 10 minutes.
• Minimum Off: The Present Value tracks the Input except that it must remain False for the Duration time before
following the Input to True. For example, once a chiller is turned off, it must be left off for a minimum time to allow
refrigerant to equalize.
The following table describes the inputs and outputs of the Timer logic block.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1408

Table 984: Timer Block Inputs and Outputs
Name Data Exposed for Description Default Value
Type Connection
by Default
Duration Float No Indicates the time period used for the specified Timer 5 Seconds
configuration. You can change the Duration during the
execution of a Timer. If the Duration is changed when the
Timer is running a timing cycle, the Time Remaining is set to
equal the new Duration. For values less than 6,535 seconds,
the timing resolution is set to the nearest second. For values
greater than 6,535 seconds, the timing resolution is rounded
to the nearest minute.
Note: The tool prevents updates to this block if you attempt
to set the Duration out of range (Default Value and
Test Value). The block clamps the Eff Duration
property at end of the allowed range (1 to 3,888,000).
Input Boolean Yes Provides a Boolean signal that drives the Timer block for all False
Setup values other than Free Running.
Reset Boolean No Restarts the operation, forcing the Present Value to False. False
Reset has no effect when Setup is Minimum On or Minimum
Reset Action Enum No Defines the behavior of the Timer block’s Present Value when Wait
Reset is changed from True to False. This attribute only
affects the operation of the Timer when the value of Setup is
Pulse, Cancelable Pulse, or Retriggerable Pulse. You can
change the Reset Action during the execution of the Timer.
The change takes effect on the next execution.
Setup Enum No Identifies the type of timer function being used for the Timer Pulse
block. You can change the Setup (type of timer) of the Timer
at any time. Changing the Setup cancels the Timer block's
previous activities and causes the Timer to behave as if it
were just re-enabled.
1 Boolean Yes Indicates the current value of the output of the block. False
Present Value

Time Remaining Float

2 N/A Indicates the amount of time remaining in the current active 0 Seconds
timing cycle. This value is set to zero if the Timer is Inactive.
This value is updated when the Timer executes and when
the property value is requested.
Effective Float N/A Indicates the actual value used for the Timer's duration when 5 Seconds
2 the Duration input is set outside its allowed range (1 to
3,888,000 seconds).
Time Remaining Float N/A Indicates how fast the Time Remaining output updates. If this 0 seconds
Update Interval value is zero, the Time Remaining output does not update.
This value is used to conserve system bandwidth if no timer
diagnostics information is needed.

1 This input or output is the Default Element of the block.

2 Appears when simulating or commissioning a controller.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1409

Logic Blocks Used as Modules
The logic blocks in this section are used as output modules within the application.

Module Use in Application (Add)

The application System Selection trees in the software use the individual modules in the following table.
Table 985: Module Use in Application (Add)
Module Instance Name Applications
Required CHW Flow Sum Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Required CW Flow Sum Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Required Tower Flow Sum Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Max CHW Flow Sum Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Min CHW Flow Sum Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Min CW Flow Sum Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Module Use in Application (MAX)

The application System Selection trees in the software use the individual modules in the following table.
Table 986: MAX Blocks Used as Modules
Module Instance Name Applications
Max CHW Flow Max Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Required CHW Flow Max Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Required CW Flow Max Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Required Tower Flow Max Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

Module Use in Application (MUX)

The application System Selection trees in the software use the individual modules in the following table.
Table 987: Module Use in Application (MUX)
Module Instance Name Applications
CPO-30 Enable Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CPO-30 Cap Limit Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1410

Table 987: Module Use in Application (MUX)
Module Instance Name Applications
CPO-30 Cooling Mode Output Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CPO-30 CWP Ramp Time Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CPO-30 PCHWP Ramp Time Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CPO-30 SCHWP Ramp Time Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
CPO-30 TWR## Run Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Hx CPO-30 Enable Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE Chiller Selector Enable Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE Hx Selector Enable Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE Tower Enable Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE Chlr CHW Current Cap Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE HX CW Current Cap Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
Hx CW Pump Capacity Check Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE CW Pump Count LV Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE Pump Startup Reqd Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE CW DP Setpt Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE CW-T Setpt Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications
WSE Twr CS State Switch Central Cooling with Optimization Applications

To see a module's connections and how modules interact with it:

• view the Connections table. For details, see Connections in the Perspectives section and Viewing and Modifying
Connections in the Configuring a System section.
• view the Show Involvement dialog box. For details, see Showing and Hiding Involvement in the Commissioning
a System section.

The Custom folder only appears in the control block palette after exporting or sharing custom modules. You may
need to close and reopen the controller application file (.caf) for the folder and modules to appear.
An exported module is saved in a file in the C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\<Product Name>\UI\Custom
Control Modules directory on your computer using the user specified name of the module with a .caf.module file
extension. You can also create sub-directories under the Custom Control Modules folder.
You can share the exported file with other users by placing a copy of the file in the Custom Control Modules directory
on a different computer; the module appears in the Custom folder in the palette the next time the tool is started on
that computer.
See Importing and Exporting a Module in the Configuring a System section. For information on upgrading modules,
rerunning system selection, and other versioning details, see the Upgrading System Files section.

Controller Tool Help: Logic 1411

Table 988: Controller Tool Troubleshooting
Problem Solution
Simulation fails to start when the Point Schedule Only one of these processes may run at a time. Do not run Simulation while
is downloading and the following error occurs: downloading with the Point Schedule.
Error starting Simulation MCE.
In Commissioning mode, a Wireless Sensor that Be aware that the Wireless Sensor may be in an Offline or Unreliable state.
is Offline or Unreliable appears as Unreliable
along with its last known value.
While downloading or uploading an application Repeat the same uploading or downloading operation for the same device.
from a device, one of the following errors occur: The upload or download completes successfully the second time.
Error generating MOI file for device
Error generating MOZ file for device
(where xxxx is the type of device being uploaded
or downloaded)
The download to a wireless device fails. Repeat the download operation. You may need to do this a few times before
the download completes successfully.
You are experiencing problems downloading Download devices over the SA Bus using the following sequence:
multiple devices through an SA Bus connection.
1. Individually download the Main Code of the device to which you are
2. Individually download the Application Code of the device to which you
are connected.
3. Continue with downloading other devices using multiple download,
where applicable.
You are experiencing problems downloading Use the FC Bus to download multiple devices at once, if possible. When
multiple devices at once. using the Point Schedule, the following rules apply:
• The point schedule sends a list of devices and a single .caf file to the
load tool. These devices can be wired or wireless, and in any order.
Then, the load tool processes the download in any order, and the point
schedule reads the status.
• If the first device is not accessible, the download fails.
• If the first device is wired, the load tool assumes all devices are wired.
• If the first device is wireless, the load tool assumes all devices are
• Make sure to upgrade the boot code first.
• Do not load wired and wireless devices at the same time.
You are experiencing slow speed while If you are performing multiple downloads at once, overall download speed
downloading multiple devices at once. can be improved by first disconnecting the field bus from the Supervisory
After selecting items to print from the Summary Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\CCT\UI
Report Options dialog box, the Adobe Acrobat
Note: For Windows XP, go to C:\Documents and Settings\All
window does not open to display the file
Users\Application Data\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\CCT\UI.
The file appears and can be manually opened.

Controller Tool Help: Troubleshooting 1412

Table 988: Controller Tool Troubleshooting
Problem Solution
The following security message appears in the Internet Explorer security settings may prevent Help systems with active
Internet Explorer Information Bar when opening content from opening without first verifying it is OK to open. To open the
Help: Help:
To help protect your security, Internet 1. Click Click here for options and select Allow Blocked Content. A
Explorer has restricted this file from Security Warning dialog box appears stating:
showing active content that could Allowing active content such as script and ActiveX
access your computer. Click here for controls can be useful, but active content might
options. also harm your computer. Are you sure you want to
let this file run active content?
2. Click Yes. The Help system opens.
Peer-to-peer functionality is lost on Field You must configure peer-to-peer communication in the Configuration
Controllers after a power failure. mode.
If you change peer-to-peer references in Commissioning mode, the
communication works until the controller loses power.
When the controller resets, the peer-to-peer reference changes are lost.
To resolve this problem, make the necessary peer-to-peer communication
changes in the Configuration mode, then download the application to the
See Peer-to-Peer Communication and Setting Up Peer-to-Peer
Communication in the Configuring a System section for more information.
The behavior of a binary input versus a universal The BI reports based on an event (for example, a contact closure). The UI
input differs when used with a dry contact. is scanned once per second. There may be a delay of up to one second
in reading a contact status change.
The zone temperature overshoots the unoccupied The Satisfied Timer Duration is set to too large a value. Reduce this value
heating or cooling setpoint during unoccupied to decrease the overshoot.
The Satisfied Timer Duration works as follows:
When unoccupied, the zone temperature is monitored to determine when
the temperature exceeds the band specified by the two unoccupied
temperature setpoints. When this occurs, the Unocc Status is set to the
appropriate heating or cooling state. The module remains in this state until
the appropriate setpoint has been satisfied for the Satisfied Timer Duration.
After that period of time, the status is set to Satisfied.
The zone temperature cycles too frequently The Satisfied Timer Duration is set to too small a value. Increase this value
during unoccupied operation. to reduce the cycling.
The Satisfied Timer Duration works as follows:
When unoccupied, the zone temperature is monitored to determine when
the temperature exceeds the band specified by the two unoccupied
temperature setpoints. When this occurs, the Unocc Status is set to the
appropriate heating or cooling state. The module remains in this state until
the appropriate setpoint has been satisfied for the Satisfied Timer Duration.
After that period of time, the status is set to Satisfied.
The Open or Save dialog box appears blank, and Do not add a new folder, rename a file or folder, or delete a file or folder
you cannot close the dialog box. in the Open or Save dialog box. If this problem occurs, use Windows Task
Manager to exit. Add or delete files or folders using Windows Explorer.

Controller Tool Help: Troubleshooting 1413

Table 988: Controller Tool Troubleshooting
Problem Solution
While making connections, one of the following Add a Last Value block to break the unsupported loop. This process
error messages appears: provides the information to the controller regarding where to start calculating
values in this loop.
Loop found in logic flow.
Note: Within a state in a Hybrid Activity, you can create a loop without a
A component is connected in an
Last Value block when connecting an output of the state back to
unsupported loop configuration. an input of a block within that state.
There are no Pressure Dependent VAV Control Set the Min Value for the VP input to a value greater than zero. This causes
paths to let you easily apply the VMA16. this input to always be unreliable, and the standard Pressure Independent
application reverts to Pressure Dependent operation.
This path is used when no internal VP transducer
for airflow control is needed.
No airflow measurement.
There is no path for Constant Volume VAV airflow Set the Min Flow = Max Flow.
control with CO2 sensor reset only.
An example of using a Single Duct VAV
application with a constant volume of air flow
would be when the VAV Box is providing
Ventilation Air to fan coil units. In this scenario,
the VAV Box does not have a temperature control
No temperature control.
There is no VAV Heat or Cool Switchover Mode This option is available as the Warmup Mode. This mode can be
path VAV heating or cooling action based on implemented with a network input for supply air temperature or an supply
AHU supply air temperature. air temperature analog Input.
When working with logic, the following error To remove the blocks and connections:
message appears:
1. Right-click the State block and select View > Details. The Details
There are blocks and/or connections window appears.
that are in a non-existent state Note: Be sure to make a note of where this State block is connected.
section. Please remove them. 2. Click Edit.
3. In the States Text drop-down box, select a value with more States than
the current value. For example, if the current value is States (0–1),
choose States (0–5).
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.
6. Delete any connections or blocks from unused hybrid activity state
7. View the details of the State block again and change the States Text
value back to the original value.
8. Click Apply, and then click Close.
9. Return to the event section of the State block, and then reconnect the
State block to the logic it was connected to previously.
Note: This issue does not affect the operation of the controller, but causes
the application file size to increase.
When in Commissioning or Simulation mode and A permanent solution for this issue is under development and planned for
you modify a constant value in an inactive state implementation in a future release.
section of a hybrid activity, the output of the
Until a permanent solution is provided, use caution when modifying the
hybrid activity changes.
default values of blocks in an inactive state section of a hybrid activity.

Controller Tool Help: Troubleshooting 1414

Table 988: Controller Tool Troubleshooting
Problem Solution
When you restart a field equipment controller, To preserve network input changes after restart:
the modifications to network inputs objects are 1. Right-click the network input and select View Details.
lost. 2. Click Edit.
3. Under Restart Options, select the Default check box.
The following alert appears when launching the Click OK and launch the Tool again.
This alert appears for various reasons, such as when there are problems
initializing communications with the database and the Tool's data access
layer. To see specific information about the cause of the error, consult the
application log found here:

You experience poor SA Bus performance. Increase the Analog Input Update Interval. See SA Bus Diagnostics for
When you download an N2 application to an N2 To switch communication to N2, download the application code and select
controller, the communication mode is MS/TP the Switch Communication Mode check box on the Load Summary screen.
(Wired Field Bus) instead of N2.
When downloading a field controller configured Once a field controller is configured for N2 communication, the only port
as N2, the FC bus port does not work with the available for the Bluetooth commissioning converter is the SA bus port.
Bluetooth commissioning converter. The FC bus port is configured as N2 and cannot be used by the Bluethooth
commissioning converter.
When you map points to a supervisory device, For controllers with more than 100 analog value (AV) objects, set the Use
some points are not refreshed in the supervisory COV Min Send Time attribute to False.
device configuration tool user interface.

Controller Tool Help: Troubleshooting 1415

Fan Coil..............................................................471
Index Heat Pump..........................................................478
A Monitoring Supervisory Control Only..................573
About Tool..................................................................20 Sideloop..............................................................569
Absolute Effort EWMA..............................................309 Simple Plant........................................................514
Absolute Error EWMA..............................................309 Unit Ventilator....................................................485
Absolute Humidity Psychrometric Logic..................1395 VAV.....................................................................589
Absolute Value Math Logic......................................1394 VAVDD................................................................599
Accumulator Object................................................1313 VAVDD Slave......................................................605
ACOS Math Logic..................................................1394 VAVSD................................................................590
Activity Container Logic..........................................1372 VAVSD Slave......................................................596
Activity Inputs Logic................................................1355 ASIN Math Logic....................................................1394
Activity Outputs Logic..............................................1355 ATAN Math Logic....................................................1394
Add Math Logic......................................................1394 Attribute Template Utility Wizard..............................302
Advanced Controller Information..............................229 Attribute Templates..................................................291
Advanced Data............................................................75 Autocalibrate VAV Box Controller..............................314
Advanced Tab..............................................66, 75, 221 AV Object................................................................1328
Advanced Widget......................................................221 AVG Statistical Logic..............................................1401
AHU Applications......................................................355 B
AHU MADD Applications..........................................381 Backup Files..............................................................112
AHU MASD Applications..........................................356 BACnet Router Connection......................................275
AHU Multizone MADD Applications..........................451 Balance VAV Box......................................................314
AHU OADD Applications..........................................422 Balancer Override SD..............................................309
AHU OASD Applications..........................................401 Balancer Tab Steps..................................................314
AHU RTU Applications..............................................441 Balancing..................................................................309
AI Object......................................................1317, 1324 Balancing Parameters..............................................314
Air Handling Unit Applications..................................355 BI Object................................................................1333
Alarms......................................................................224 Binary Input Object..................................................1333
Analog Input Object................................................1317 Binary Output Object..............................................1336
Analog Output Object..............................................1324 Binary Value Object................................................1343
Analog Value Object................................................1328 Bluetooth Connection................................................275
AND Boolean Logic................................................1356 BO Object................................................................1336
Application Code......................................................275 Boolean Logic.........................................................1356
Application Example....................................................40 Boolean to Enum Translation Selection Logic........1400
Application Tab............................................................58 Boot Code................................................................275
tins.353,355–356,381,401,422,441,451,471,478,485,491–492,503,514,521,569,573,589–590,596,599,605 Box Flow Test............................................................320
AHU....................................................................355 Box Flow Test Screen..............................................322
AHU MADD........................................................381 Box Flow Test Steps..................................................320
AHU MASD........................................................356 BV Object................................................................1343
AHU Multizone MADD........................................451 C
AHU OADD........................................................422 CAF File......................................................................26
AHU OASD........................................................401 Calculate K-Factors..................................................315
AHU RTU............................................................441 Calculation Logic.....................................................1357
Air Handling Units..............................................355 Calendar....................................................................221
Central Cooling..................................................492 Calendars..................................................................224
Central Cooling with Optimization......................521 Central Cooling Applications....................................492
Central Heating..................................................503 Central Cooling with Optimization Applications........521
Central Plant......................................................491 Central Heating Applications....................................503
Custom..............................................................573 Central Plant Applications........................................491

Controller Tool Help 1416

Classic View..........................................................28, 37 Download Device......................................................278
Code Download Order..............................................276 Download Multiple CAFs..........................................289
Codes........................................................................275 Download Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility......................285
Command..................................................................312 Download Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility Wizard..........299
Command Hardware................................................312 Download Single CAF and Attributes........................287
Command Hierarchy (Boolean Output) Selection Download ZFR Device..............................................292
Logic........................................................................1400 Download ZFR Trunk Utility......................................286
Command Hierarchy (Enum Output) Selection Download ZFR Trunk Utility Wizard..........................303
Logic........................................................................1400 E
Command Item..........................................................253 Enthalpy Psychrometric Logic................................1396
Command Priority Levels........................................1309 Enum to Boolean Translation Selection Logic........1400
Commission Device..................................................311 Equal (Boolean) Compare Logic............................1370
Commissioning..........................................................309 Equal (Enum) Compare Logic................................1370
Commissioning Device Wizard................................315 Equal (Float) Compare Logic..................................1370
Commissioning Mode..................................................36 Error EWMA..............................................................309
Compare Logic........................................................1370 Ethernet Connection................................................275
Configuration............................................................130 Event Log..................................................................221
Configuration Mode....................................................35 Event Logs................................................................224
Connection Lines (Logic)..........................................313 EWMA Calculation Logic........................................1357
Connections..................................................66, 76, 275 EWMA Diagnostics..................................................309
Constant (Boolean) Constant Logic........................1372 Exception Schedules................................................221
Constant (Enum) Constant Logic............................1372 Execution Status Timing Logic................................1403
Constant (Float) Constant Logic............................1372 Exp Math Logic......................................................1394
Constant Logic........................................................1372 Exported Module (Custom Logic)............................1411
Container Logic......................................................1372 F
Control Logic...........................................................1373 Fan Coil Applications................................................471
Control Tab............................................................37, 64 Flow Override Command..........................................314
Controller Information Dialog Box Free Cooling is Available Psychrometric Logic........1397
(Commissioning)......................................................317 G
Controller Information Wizard..................................210 Global Calendar........................................................221
COS Math Logic......................................................1394 Global Sequencer..................................................1254
Counter Input Object..............................................1313 Attributes...........................................................1254
COV Increment........................................................313 Inputs and Outputs..........................................1254
Custom Applications................................................573 Greater Than Compare Logic................................1370
Custom Logic..........................................................1411 Greater Than or Equal Compare Logic..................1370
Debug Console........................................................254 Hardware Commands..............................................312
Define Hardware..............................................259, 646 Hardware Considerations..........................................258
N2 Mapping........................................................646 Hardware Definition..................................................258
Depth........................................................................330 Hardware Definition Wizard......................................267
Details Dialog Box................................................61, 68 Heat Pump Applications............................................478
Device Notification....................................................223 Help Screen........................................................24, 130
Dew Point Psychrometric Logic..............................1396 Hide Involvement......................................................312
Display......................................................................249 Hide Logic Connection Lines....................................313
Display Tab....................................................66, 78, 249 Hybrid Activity Container Logic..............................1372
Divide Math Logic....................................................1394 I
Download..................................................................275 Icons............................................................................43
Download CAF & Attributes Trunk Utility..................285 Input (Boolean) Activity Input..................................1355
Download CAF & Attributes Trunk Utility Wizard........296 Input (Enum) Activity Input......................................1355

Controller Tool Help 1417

Input (Float) Activity Input......................................1355 Menus..................................................................44, 48
Input Modules............................................................671 Right-Click......................................................44, 48
Input Objects..........................................................1309 Control Tab....................................................44
Intrinsic Alarming......................................................221 Logic Tab........................................................48
Intrinsic Alarms..........................................................224 MIN Statistical Logic................................................1401
J Miscellaneous Input Modules....................................672
Job Information........................................................220 Miscellaneous Output Modules..............................1308
K Modes........................................................................35
K-Factors..................................................................315 Modules.27, 648, 651, 671–673, 767, 917, 1301, 1307–1308
L Inputs..................................................................671
Last Value (Boolean) Timing Logic..........................1404 Miscellaneous Inputs..........................................672
Last Value (Enum) Timing Logic............................1405 Miscellaneous Outputs....................................1308
Last Value (Float) Timing Logic..............................1406 Network Inputs....................................................651
Latch Timing Logic..................................................1406 Network Outputs..............................................1301
Lead Compensator Control Logic..........................1373 Output Control....................................................917
Less Than Compare Logic......................................1370 Outputs.............................................................1307
Less Than or Equal Compare Logic........................1370 Setpoint/Miscellaneous......................................673
Line Segment Calculation Logic..............................1362 State Generation................................................767
Load Device Wizard..................................................280 Monitoring Supervisory Control Only Applications......573
Local Controller Display............................................249 MSC Pre-Processor Control Logic..........................1374
Local Display............................................................249 MSV Object............................................................1347
LOG Math Logic......................................................1394 Muitistate Mapping Rules........................................1311
LOG10 Math Logic..................................................1394 Multiply Math Logic................................................1394
Logic.1355–1357,1370,1372–1373,1394–1395,1400–1401,1403,1411 Multistate Value Object..........................................1347
Activity Inputs....................................................1355 Multizone MADD Applications..................................451
Activity Outputs................................................1355 MUX (Boolean IO, Boolean Mode) Selection
Boolean.............................................................1356 Logic........................................................................1400
Calculation........................................................1357 MUX (Boolean IO, Enum Mode) Selection Logic......1400
Compare...........................................................1370 MUX (Enum IO, Boolean Mode) Selection Logic......1400
Constant..........................................................1372 MUX (Enum IO, Enum Mode) Selection Logic........1400
Container..........................................................1372 MUX (Float IO, Boolean Mode) Selection Logic......1400
Control..............................................................1373 MUX (Float IO, Enum Mode) Selection Logic........1400
Custom..............................................................1411 N
Math..................................................................1394 N2..............................................................611, 615–617
Psychrometric...................................................1395 Modules..............................................................617
Selection...........................................................1400 Network Inputs....................................................615
Statistical..........................................................1401 Network Outputs................................................616
Timing...............................................................1403 N2 Compatibility........................................................611
Logic Blocks................................................................27 N2 Mapping..............................................................611
Logic Execution..........................................................52 N2 Mapping Tab........................................................646
Logic Tab....................................................................46 Naming Tab (Local Display)......................................249
M Near Optimal Open Loop Cooling Tower Control
MADD Applications..................................................381 Logic........................................................................1376
Main Code................................................................275 Negate Math Logic..................................................1394
Manage Attribute Templates....................................286 Network Input Modules............................................651
MASD Applications..................................................356 Network Output Modules........................................1301
Math Logic...............................................................1394 Network Sensors......................................................258
MAX Statistical Logic..............................................1401 Network VSDs..........................................................258
Menu Bar....................................................................33 NOT Boolean Logic................................................1356

Controller Tool Help 1418

Not Equal (Boolean) Compare Logic......................1370 Printing......................................................................254
Not Equal (Enum) Compare Logic..........................1370 Process IDs............................................................1380
Not Equal (Float) Compare Logic............................1370 Psychrometric Logic................................................1395
O PVDC Control Logic................................................1392
OADD Applications..................................................422 R
OASD Applications....................................................401 Radio Code..............................................................275
Objects.1309, 1313, 1317, 1324, 1328, 1333, 1336, 1343, 1347, 1351 Radio Code Load......................................................277
Accumulator......................................................1313 Rate Limiter Timing Logic........................................1407
Analog Input......................................................1317 Read/Write Attributes................................................290
Analog Outputs................................................1324 Read/Write Attributes Online Utility..........................286
Analog Value....................................................1328 Read/Write Attributes Trunk Utility Wizard................301
Binary Input......................................................1333 Relative Humidity Psychrometric Logic..................1398
Binary Output....................................................1336 Reliability Check (Boolean) Boolean Logic............1356
Binary Value......................................................1343 Reliability Check (Enum) Boolean Logic................1356
Multistate Value................................................1347 Reliability Check (Float) Boolean Logic..................1356
Position Adjust Output (PAO)..........................1351 Reliability Merge (Boolean) Boolean Logic............1356
Offsets......................................................................312 Reliability Merge (Enum) Boolean Logic................1356
OR Boolean Logic..................................................1356 Reliability Merge (Float) Boolean Logic..................1356
Output (Boolean) Activity Output............................1355 Rename....................................................................220
Output (Enum) Activity Output................................1355 Block..................................................................220
Output (Float) Activity Output..................................1355 Module................................................................220
Output Control Modules............................................917 Rerun System Selection............................................113
Output Modules......................................................1307 Restore Flow Command..........................................315
Output Objects........................................................1309 Round Math Logic..................................................1394
P RTU Applications......................................................441
Packages..........................................................258, 262 S
Packages Tab............................................................262 SA Bus Performance................................................222
Panning....................................................................254 Schedules................................................................224
PAO Object..............................................................1351 Select Attribute Dialog Box......................................302
PAO Polarity..............................................................313 Select System............................................................36
Parameters............................................................66, 78 Selection Logic........................................................1400
Parameters Table........................................................78 Sensors....................................................................258
Parameters Widget....................................................78 Setpoint/Miscellaneous Modules..............................673
Peer-to-Peer Communication....................132, 608–609 Settings......................................................................35
VAVDD Master-Slave References......................609 Setup Tab (Local Display..........................................249
VAVSD Master-Slave References......................608 Show Involvement....................................................312
Perspective Management..........................................71 Show Logic Connection Lines..................................313
Perspectives................................................................71 Sideloop......................................................................36
PID Control Logic....................................................1385 Sideloop Applications................................................569
PID EWMA Diagnostics............................................309 Signal........................................................................214
PID Pre-Processor Control Logic............................1378 Simple Plant Applications..........................................514
Position Adjust Output Object................................1351 Simple View..........................................................30, 58
Power Math Logic..................................................1394 Simulation...........................................................64, 252
Preferences..............................................117, 126–127 Simulation Debugging..............................................254
Localization........................................................127 Simulation Debugging Dialog Box............................257
Naming and Signal............................................126 Simulation Mode........................................................36
System Selection................................................127 Simulation Parameters..............................................255
Present Value EWMA................................................309 Simulation Startup Screen........................................255
Print......................................................................63, 69 SIN Math Logic........................................................1394

Controller Tool Help 1419

Span Calculation Logic..........................................1363 Upgrade Multiple CAFs......................................287
SQRT Math Logic....................................................1394 Upgrade Multiple CAFs Wizard..........................307
State Generation Modules........................................767 Upload Multiple CAFs Wizard............................305
State Tables..........................................................66, 78 U
Statistical Logic......................................................1401 UI..........................................................................26–27
Statistics Logic........................................................1401 Unit Ventilator Applications......................................485
Status Bar..................................................................59 Upgrade.............................................................103, 112
Status Colors........................................................43, 54 Bulk CAF Upgrade Utility....................................112
Control Tab..........................................................43 Upgrade Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility........................287
Logic Tab..............................................................54 Upgrade Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility Wizard............307
Subtract Math Logic................................................1394 Upgrade Multiple Devices........................................294
Summary Report..................................................63, 69 Upload......................................................................275
Supervisor Status Boolean Logic............................1356 Upload Device..........................................................278
Switch Communication Mode....................................275 Upload Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility..........................286
System Selection...............................................113, 134 Upload Multiple CAFs Trunk Utility Wizard..............305
New....................................................................134 Upload Multiple Devices............................................293
Rerun..................................................................113 User Interface........................................................26–27
System Selection Information Tab..............................59 V
System Selection Wizard..........................................130 Variable Speed Drives..............................................258
System Selection Wizard Help Screen....................130 VAV Applications......................................................589
System Tab..........................................................55, 64 VAV Balancing..........................................................309
System Tab Screen....................................................64 VAVDD Applications..................................................599
T VAVDD Master-Slave Peer References....................609
TAN Math Logic......................................................1394 VAVDD Slave Applications........................................605
Test Mode..................................................................309 VAVSD Applications..................................................590
Text Container Logic..............................................1372 VAVSD Master-Slave Peer References....................608
Timer Logic..............................................................1408 VAVSD Slave Applications........................................596
Timing Logic............................................................1403 VSDs........................................................................258
Totalization (Analog Integration) Calculation W
Logic........................................................................1364 Weekly Schedules....................................................221
Totalization (Boolean Event) Calculation Logic........1365 Wet Bulb Psychrometric Logic................................1399
Totalization (Boolean Runtime) Calculation Wireless Refrigerator/Freezer Temperature
Logic........................................................................1366 Transmitter/Probe......................................................258
Totalization (Enum Event) Calculation Logic..........1367 Wireless Sensors......................................................258
Totalization (Enum Runtime) Calculation Logic........1369 X
Trends..............................................................222, 227 XOR Boolean Logic................................................1356
Trunk Z
Utilities......283, 285–287, 296, 299, 301–303, 305, 307 ZCT..................................................................325, 333
Attribute Template..............................................286 Abandoned Children..........................................333
Attribute Template Wizard..................................302 ZCT UI..............................325, 341–343, 345, 347, 349
Download CAF & Attributes................................285 Device Tab..........................................................347
Download CAF & Attributes Wizard....................296 Diagnostic Tab....................................................343
Download Multiple CAFs............................285–286 Header................................................................341
Download Multiple CAFs Wizard........................299 Menu Bar............................................................325
Download ZFR....................................................286 Point Schedule Tab............................................349
Download ZFR Wizard........................................303 Routing Tab........................................................345
Read/Write Attributes Online..............................286 Status Tab..........................................................342
Read/Write Attributes Wizard............................301 ZFR Channel Configuration......................................351
Select Attribute Dialog Box................................302 ZFR Channel Configuration Steps............................351

Controller Tool Help 1420

ZFR Channel Configuration Wizard..........................351
ZFR Checkout Tool..................................................325
ZFR Country Code....................................................351
ZigBee Connection....................................................275

Building Efficiency
507 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Metasys® and Johnson Controls® are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
All other marks herein are the marks of their respective owners.© 2014 Johnson Controls, Inc.

Published in U.S.A.

Controller Tool Help 1421

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