Sup Obv 1 Danielson Tool

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INSTRUMENT Informal Observation Tool

Performance Rating

Requires Action Progressing Accomplished Exemplary

(0 points) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points)
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment (Domain weight: 20%)

2a: Classroom interactions, Classroom interactions, Classroom interactions Classroom interactions among
Creating an between the teacher and between the teacher and between the teacher and the teacher and individual
Environment of students and/or among students and among students, students and among students students are respectful,
Respect and Rapport students, are negative, are generally appropriate and are polite and respectful, reflecting genuine warmth and
inappropriate, or insensitive to free from conflict, but may be reflecting general warmth and caring and sensitivity to
(Component weight: 5%) students’ cultural backgrounds characterized by occasional caring, and are appropriate to students’ cultures and levels of
and are characterized by behaviors and/or language the cultural and developmental development. Students
sarcasm, put-downs, or that compromise the differences among groups of themselves ensure high levels
conflict. promotion of learning. students. of civility among members of
the class.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe

Comments: Found at 2:15, 3:17, 5:16, 10:18, 20:34, and 35:16. Could be more warm, and
students are still working on civility towards each other.

Elements include:
Teacher interaction with students
Student interactions with other students
2b: The classroom environment The teacher’s attempt to The classroom culture is High levels of student energy
Establishing a Culture conveys a negative culture for create a culture for learning is characterized by high and teacher passion for the
for Learning learning, characterized by low partially successful, with expectations for most subject create a culture of
teacher commitment to the moderate teacher commitment students, the belief that learning in which everyone
importance and relevancy of to the importance and students can succeed if they shares a belief in the
(Component weight: 5%)
learning goals of the lesson, relevancy of learning goals of work hard, and genuine importance of the subject and
the belief that students can
low expectations for student the lesson, some evidence commitment to the subject by
succeed if they work hard. All
achievement, little or no that students are committed to both teacher and students, students hold themselves to
student pride in work and no success beyond completion of with students demonstrating high standards of
evidence that students believe assignments, modest pride in their work. performance—for example, by
that they can succeed if they expectations for student initiating improvements to their
work hard. achievement, and little student work.
pride in work.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe

Comments: Found at 10:15, 12:15, 16:00, and 25:35. Students still working on demonstrating
pride, and care for their work.

Elements include:
Importance of the content
Expectations for learning and
achievement Student pride in work

Performance Rating

Requires Action Progressing Accomplished Exemplary

(0 points) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points)

Distribution: Information Services, Human Resources

(Updated 7/30/12) Page 1 of 7
INSTRUMENT Informal Observation Tool
2c: Much instructional time is lost Some instructional time is lost Little instructional time is lost Students contribute without
Managing Classroom because of inefficient because classroom routines because of classroom routines prompting to the seamless
Procedures classroom routines and and procedures for transitions, and procedures for transitions, operation of classroom
procedures for transitions, handling of supplies, and handling of supplies, and routines and procedures for
(Component weight: 2.5%) handling of supplies, and performance of noninstructional performance of noninstructional transitions, handling of
performance of noninstructional duties are only partially duties, which occur smoothly. supplies, and performance of
duties. effective. Students willingly assist with non-instructional duties.
procedures when asked.

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe

Comments: Found at
beginning of video, could be

Elements include:
Management of
instructiona l groups
Management of transitions
Management of materials and supplies
Performance of noninstructional duties
Supervision of volunteer and paraprofessionals
2d: There is no evidence that It appears that the teacher has Standards of conduct appear Standards of conduct are
Managing Student standards of conduct have made an effort to establish to be clear to students, and clear, with evidence of student
Behavior been established and little or standards of conduct for the teacher monitors student participation in setting them.
no teacher monitoring of students and tries to monitor behavior against those The teacher’s monitoring of
student behavior. Response to student behavior and respond standards. The teacher’s student behavior is subtle and
(Component weight: 5%)
student misbehavior is to student misbehavior, but response to student preventive, and responses to
repressive or disrespectful of these efforts are not always misbehavior is appropriate and student misbehavior are
student dignity. successful. respectful to students. sensitive to individual student
needs. Students actively
The teacher does not reinforce The teacher reinforces The teacher strategically monitor the standards of
positive behavior. The teacher positive behavior. The reinforces positive behavior. behavior.
does not address offtask, teacher addresses some The teacher addresses most
inappropriate, or challenging offtask, inappropriate, or off-task, inappropriate, or The teacher strategically
behavior efficiently. challenging behavior challenging behavior reinforces positive behavior
efficiently. efficiently. AND there is significant
Inappropriate and off-task evidence that students
student behavior has Inappropriate and off-task Inappropriate and off-task reinforce positive classroom
culture. The teacher
significant negative impact on student behavior has some student behavior has little
addresses almost all off-task,
the learning of students in the negative impact on the negative impact on the
inappropriate, or challenging
class. learning of students in the learning of students in the behavior efficiently.
class. class.
Inappropriate and off-task
behavior has no negative
impact on student learning.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe

Comments: Seen at 15
minutes in, 20 minutes in, and
27 minutes in, still working on
students calling out and making
inappropriate comments

Elements include:
Monitoring of student
Response to student

Distribution: Information Services, Human Resources

(Updated 7/30/12) Page 2 of 7
INSTRUMENT Informal Observation Tool
Performance Rating

Requires Action Progressing Accomplished Exemplary

(0 points) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points)
2e: The physical environment is The classroom is safe, and The classroom is safe, and The classroom is safe, and the
Organizing Physical unsafe, or many students don’t essential learning is accessible learning is accessible to all physical environment ensures
Space have access to learning. to most students. The teacher students; the teacher ensures the learning of all students,
Alignment between the may attempt to modify the that the physical arrangement including those with special
(Component weight: 2.5%) physical arrangement and the physical arrangement to suit supports the learning activities. needs. Students contribute to
lesson activities is poor. learning activities with partial The teacher makes effective the use or adaptation of the
success. use of physical resources. physical environment to
advance learning. The teacher
uses technology skillfully, as
appropriate to the lesson.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe

Comments: Adequate use of

space, could be better, not
seen too much in video.

Elements include:
Safety and accessibility
Arrangement of
furniture and use of physical resources

Distribution: Information Services, Human Resources

(Updated 7/30/12) Page 3 of 7
INSTRUMENT Informal Observation Tool

Performance Rating

Requires Action Progressing Accomplished Exemplary

(0 points) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points)
Domain 3: Instruction (Domain weight: 40%)

3a: The purpose and relevancy of The teacher's attempt to The purpose and relevancy of The teacher links the purpose
Communicating with the lesson’s instructional explain the purpose and the lesson’s instructional and relevancy of the lesson’s
Students outcomes are unclear to relevancy of the lesson’s outcomes are clearly instructional outcomes to
students and the directions and instructional outcomes has communicated to students, students' interests; the
procedures are confusing. The only limited success, and/or including where it is situated directions and procedures are
(Component weight: 9%)
teacher's explanation of the directions and procedures within broader learning; clear and anticipate possible
must be clarified after initial directions and procedures are
content contains major errors. student misunderstanding.
student confusion. The explained clearly. The
The teacher's spoken or teacher's explanation of the teacher's explanation of The teacher's explanation of
written language contains content may contain minor content is well scaffolded, content is thorough and clear,
errors of grammar or syntax. errors; some portions are clear; clear and accurate, and developing conceptual
Vocabulary is inappropriate, other portions are difficult to connects with students' understanding through artful
vague, or used incorrectly, follow. The teacher's knowledge and experience. scaffolding and connecting
leaving students confused. explanation may consist of a During the explanation of with students' interests. The
monologue, with no invitation content, the teacher invites students contribute to
to the students for intellectual student intellectual extending the content, and in
engagement. The teacher's engagement. The teacher's explaining concepts to their
spoken language is correct; spoken and written language classmates. The teacher's
however, vocabulary is clear and correct. spoken and written language
is limited or not fully Vocabulary is appropriate to the
is expressive, and the teacher
appropriate to the students' students' ages and interests.
finds opportunities to extend
ages and/or backgrounds.
students' vocabularies.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe


Elements include:
Expectations for learning
Directions and procedures
Explanations of content
Use of oral and written lang
3b: The teacher's questions are of The teacher's questions lead While the teacher may use The teacher uses a variety or
Using Questioning and low cognitive challenge, asking students through a single path some low-level questions, series of questions or prompts
Discussion Techniques for single correct responses, of inquiry, with answers he/she poses questions to to challenge students
and/or are asked in rapid seemingly determined in students designed to promote cognitively, advance high level
succession. advance. Alternatively, the student thinking and thinking and discourse, and
(Component weight: 9%)
Interactions between teacher teacher attempts to frame understanding. The teacher promote meta-cognition. The
and students are
some questions designed to creates a genuine discussion students formulate many
predominately recitation style
promote student thinking and among students, providing questions, initiate topics and
with the teacher mediating all
understanding, but only a few adequate time for students to make unsolicited contributions.
questions and answers. A few
students are involved. respond, and stepping aside The students themselves
students dominate the
when appropriate. The ensure that all voices are heard
teacher successfully engages in the discussion.
most students in the
discussion, employing a range
of strategies to ensure that
most students are heard.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe

Distribution: Information Services, Human Resources

(Updated 7/30/12) Page 4 of 7
INSTRUMENT Informal Observation Tool

Elements include:
Quality of questions
Discussion techniques
Student participation

Performance Rating

Requires Action Progressing Accomplished Exemplary

(0 points) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points)
3c: The learning tasks and The learning tasks or prompts The learning tasks and Virtually all students are
Engaging Students in activities, materials, are partially aligned with the activities are aligned with the intellectually engaged in
Learning resources, instructional groups instructional outcomes but instructional outcomes and challenging content, through
and/or technology are poorly require only minimal thinking are designed to challenge well-designed learning tasks,
aligned with the instructional by students, allowing most student thinking, resulting in and suitable scaffolding by the
(Component weight 9%)
outcomes, or require only rote students to be passive or active intellectual engagement teacher, and fully aligned with
responses. The pace of the the instructional outcomes.
merely compliant. Learning by most students with
lesson is too slow or rushed. There is evidence of some
activities are not sufficiently important and challenging student initiation of inquiry,
Few students are intellectually challenging and lack the rigor content, and with teacher and student contributions to
engaged or interested. to promote intellectual scaffolding to support that the exploration of important
engagement. The pacing of engagement. The pacing of content. The pacing of the
the lesson may not provide the lesson is appropriate, lesson provides students the
students the time needed to providing most students the time needed to intellectually
be intellectually engaged. time needed to be engage with and reflect upon
intellectually engaged. their learning and to
consolidate their
understanding. Students may
have some choice in how they
complete tasks and may serve
as resources for one another.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe


Elements include:
Activities and assignments
Grouping of students
Use of instructional materia
Structure and pacing ls, resources and technology (as available)

Distribution: Information Services, Human Resources

(Updated 7/30/12) Page 5 of 7
INSTRUMENT Informal Observation Tool
3d: Assessment is not used in Assessment is occasionally Assessment is regularly used Assessment is fully integrated
Using Assessment in instruction, either through used in instruction, through in instruction, through in a sophisticated manner in
Instruction monitoring of progress by the some monitoring of progress selfassessment by students, instruction through student
teacher or students, or of learning by teacher and/or monitoring of progress of involvement in establishing the
through feedback to students; students. Feedback to learning by the teacher and/or assessment criteria,
(Component weight 9%)
students are unaware of the students is uneven, and students, and high-quality selfassessment by students,
feedback to students. monitoring of progress by both
assessment criteria used to students are aware of only
Students are fully aware of the students and teachers, and
evaluate their work. some of the assessment assessment criteria used to high-quality feedback to
criteria used to evaluate their evaluate their work. students from a variety of
work. sources.
Formative assessments
provide students with multiple Formative assessments
ways to demonstrate mastery provide students with multiple
and are woven into the lesson ways and multiple
in a seamless fashion. opportunities during the unit to
demonstrate mastery and are
woven into the lesson in a
seamless fashion.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe


Elements include:
Assessment criteria
Monitoring of student
Feedback to students
Student self-assessment and monitoring of progress

Performance Rating

Requires Action Progressing Accomplished Exemplary

(0 points) (1 point) (2 points) (3 points)
3e: The teacher adheres to the The teacher attempts to The teacher promotes the The teacher seizes an
Demonstrating instruction plan, even when a modify the lesson when successful learning of all opportunity to enhance
Flexibility and change would improve the needed and to respond to students, making adjustments learning, building on a
Responsiveness lesson or address students’ student questions with as needed to instruction plans spontaneous event or student
needs. The teacher brushes moderate success; however, and accommodating student interests. The teacher
aside student questions; alternate instructional questions, needs, and ensures the success of all
(Component weight 4%) strategies are limited and interests. students, using an extensive
minimally successful. repertoire of instructional
In response to student strategies.
The teacher does not accept
The teacher accepts progress data, the teacher 1)
responsibility for students'
responsibility for student re-teaches, as appropriate, In response to student
performance. The teacher
performance. In response to and 2) modifies long-term progress data, the teacher 1)
does not re-teach.
student progress data, the plans, as appropriate. re-teaches, as appropriate, 2)
teacher re-teaches, as modifies long-term plans, as
appropriate. appropriate, and 3) modifies
practice, as appropriate.
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Did Not Observe


Distribution: Information Services, Human Resources

(Updated 7/30/12) Page 6 of 7
INSTRUMENT Informal Observation Tool
Elements include:
Lesson adjustment
Response to students

Distribution: Information Services, Human Resources

(Updated 7/30/12) Page 7 of 7

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