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Name: John Michael A.

Bayocot Section: 4IT-E

Student No: 2014068886 Date: 01/30/2018

How History Influence my Life?

History influences me on the way I think, speak and interact with others. Certain events
that happened in the past would teach us to make right decisions in life and through these we can
learn from our mistakes. Filipinos are considered to be adaptable and resilient. The influence of
other countries affects the Filipino culture including the way we speak. History influences me to
write because I believe that we are all writer of our own stories and experiences. It allows me to
see how my behavior affected a particular situation and through history it made me more
culturally aware. It made me appreciate artworks and other relics. With history, I also get to
understand human behavior when I travel to different places and understand their way of life.

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