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U.S. Attorney‟s Office

District of Arizona
(U) Suspicious Incident
Trends in Arizona
I ntelligence B ul l et i n
Front-Line Reporting Trends from the Citizens
and Law Enforcement of Arizona

February 2008

FBI Phoenix Division

Joint Terrorism Task Force

Suspicious Incident Overview

12/16/2007 – 1/15/2008

Prepared by
FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Recipients are reminded that this bulletin
contains sensitive information meant for use primarily within the law
USAO enforcement and homeland security communities. Such bulletins shall
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Suspicious Incident Overview

1/16/2008 – 2/15/2008

Suspicious Inquiry to Purchase Photography of Federal Courthouse

Chemicals << Click for more… << Click for more…

Money Allegedly Sent to

Taliban Member
<< Click for more…



Observation of Palo Verde NGS

<< Click for more…

Executive Summary

(U//FOUO) We noted that the FBI and DHS have urged vigilance during this heightened state of
tension in the Middle East following the 12 Feb ‘08 assassination of senior Hizballah official Imad
Mughniyah. Hizballah has publicly accused Israel of conducting the operation and has vowed to
retaliate. FBI and DHS assess that while retaliation in the Homeland is unlikely, Hizballah has
demonstrated a capability to respond forcefully outside the Middle East to similar events in the
past. We note that Hizballah’s past retaliatory operations against embassies and cultural centers
affiliated with Israel/Judaism portend increased vigilance. >>Double click for more…

(U//FOUO) There is no information at this time to suggest that the incidents or activities reported
by concerned citizens during the reporting period are related to terrorism.

INFORMATION RELIABILITY: The information provided is raw, unevaluated information, the majority of which was
volunteered by individuals whose access and agenda are unknown. However, since volunteers have provided authentic
leads on occasion, this information is provided for your evaluation, purely due to its alleged and/or potential terrorism
nexus. The provision of this information does not indicate that investigating agencies have made a determination as to its

Although unclassified, this report is designated “For Official Use Only,” meaning it should not be disseminated or
discussed outside of law enforcement or homeland security communities. No portion of this report should be furnished to
the public or the media, either in written or verbal form.


Suspicious Incident Reporting

1/16/2008 – 2/15/2008

Click to Return to
Overview Map

Although unclassified, this report is designated “For Official Use Only,” meaning it should not be disseminated or
discussed outside of law enforcement or homeland security communities. No portion of this report should be furnished to
the public or the media, either in written or verbal form.



Terrorism Indicators/Observables
Distinguishing a Biological Agent Production Lab from a Methamphetamine Lab
(U//FOUO) Persons attempting to produce a biological agent will need a laboratory designed
and equipped for this purpose. In some very basic respects, including simple glassware, utility
requirements, or location, such a laboratory may resemble one constructed for
methamphetamine production; however, there are observables common to biological agent
production processes that are not common to methamphetamine production, and vice versa.
>>Double click for more…

Trends and Tactics

“Chlorine Bombs” Described on the Internet Pose Minimal Toxic Hazard

(U//FOUO) DHS and the FBI assess that improvised “chlorine bombs” constructed using plastic
soda bottles containing pool treatment tablets mixed with rubbing alcohol based on instructions
found on the Internet pose a minimal toxic hazard. Technical analysis of instructions for these
bombs has determined that the bombs do not release chlorine gas or appreciable amounts of
any other chemical that would pose a toxic inhalation hazard. The devices may, however,
physically injure persons close to the explosion. >>Double click for more…

Al-Qa„ida‟s 2007 Media Campaign

(U//FOUO) DHS and the FBI assess that al-Qa„ida in 2008 probably will increase the frequency,
sophistication, timeliness, and Western targeting of its propaganda statements, particularly as
the United States advances toward the Presidential election in November. What remains
unclear is what impact these statements will have on the Western Muslim community and other
individuals who are al-Qa„ida‟s primary target audiences. >>Double click for more…

Homeland: Lessons In Government Outreach To American Muslim Communities
(U//FOUO) Engagement is most effective when officials identify specific objectives beforehand,
focusing efforts and maintaining consistency with community partners. Local officials often are
more effective than those from the federal government at building trust with communities
because they have more consistent interactions and can divorce themselves from issues that
are contentious for those communities, such as the Patriot Act, immigration, and foreign policy.
>>Double click for more…

Although unclassified, this report is designated “For Official Use Only,” meaning it should not be disseminated or
discussed outside of law enforcement or homeland security communities. No portion of this report should be furnished to
the public or the media, either in written or verbal form.


U.S. Attorney’s Office FBI Phoenix Division

National Security Section Joint Terrorism Task Force
(602) 514-7552 (602) 279-5511

For comments or questions related to the content or dissemination of

this product, please contact (602) 514-7552

Although unclassified, this report is designated “For Official Use Only,” meaning it should not be disseminated or
discussed outside of law enforcement or homeland security communities. No portion of this report should be furnished to
the public or the media, either in written or verbal form.

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