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Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center

APRIL 8, 2011 Situational Awareness Bulletin
(602) 644-5805 y (877) 2 SAVE AZ or (877) 272-8329 y Fax (602) 644-8718 y ACTIC@AZDPS.GOV

Arizona Related Incidents


Hook End

Hotel Room Burglary Tool

The metal tool pictured above was recovered by police after it was used in an attempted burglary at a Chandler, Arizona
hotel. Unknown suspect(s) attempted to break into an unoccupied room by sliding the metal tool under the room door and
then hooking the “hooked” end onto the door handle. When pulled down the room door would open, allowing suspects to
access the room. Similar methods and devices have been seen on YouTube to open garage doors as well.
Source: Chandler Police Department Crime Information Bulletin, dated 3/31/2011

Dozens Face Firearms And Drug Charges Following 9-Month Sting
Nearly 50 people are facing federal firearms and drug trafficking charges after a nine-month undercover investigation at a
west Phoenix secondhand store. A multi-agency task force led by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives with help from Phoenix police and the U.S. Marshals Service began arresting suspects last week. A total of 49
individuals have been arrested so far. Throughout the investigation dubbed "Operation 602 Exchange," officials seized
223 weapons including handguns, assault rifles and sawed-off shotguns. Many of the firearms had been stolen. Officers
also confiscated narcotics including methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana prescription medications and heroin. The
investigation ended in January. Agents were able to purchase guns and narcotics from individuals who went to the
secondhand store, which deals with military supplies and used electronics.

Second Border Activist Sentenced to Death in Arivaca Double-killing Case
A Pima County jury sentenced Jason Bush to die after deliberating nearly four hours over two days. Bush, 36, was
convicted of first-degree murder last month in the May 30, 2009, deaths of Arivaca residents Raul Junior Flores, 29, and
his daughter Brisenia Flores, 9. Bush was part of Minutemen American Defense founder Shawna Forde's plan to rob and
kill drug smugglers to fund her organization, prosecutors say. Forde, 43, was convicted and sentenced to death in
February. Bush was also found guilty of attempted first-degree murder, first-degree burglary and multiple counts of
robbery and aggravated assault. He will be sentenced on those counts May 13.
Source :
Analytical Comment: There are several groups in Arizona that conduct patrols along the US-Mexico border to detect
illegal immigration. These patrols are often conducted within the confines of the law and considered a lawful activity.
Forde and Bush were both sentenced to death for their role in this home invasion and subsequent murder of a man Forde
thought was a drug runner who had a large stash of cash in the home.

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Flagstaff Man Found Guilty of Illegal Gun Possession
Mala Travon Shorty, 41, has been found guilty on three counts of being a felon in possession of firearms and
ammunition by the U.S. District Court in Phoenix. Mr. Shorty was also convicted of four counts of aiding and abetting
another person to make false statements in connection with acquiring firearms. Shorty had been convicted of a felony in
California in 1994, which legally prohibits him from acquiring a firearm. Because he couldn't buy the weapons on his
own, he had his girlfriend buy firearms for him on multiple occasions. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Shorty
would go in and pick out the gun he wanted and then have his girlfriend enter and purchase it. His girlfriend falsely stated
on the paperwork that she was the actual firearms buyer. The charges claimed that he acquired 12 firearms and 310 rounds
of ammunition this way. Source :

Critical Infrastructure Key Resources (CIKR)

Suspicious Photography at Aerospace Defense Building
In the past two weeks there have been two incidents of unknown persons taking photography of a critical infrastructure
key resource location in Mesa, Arizona. On March 28, an unknown female was seen taking photographs of a major
aerospace and defense corporation headquarters located in Mesa. The female arrived in a gray, 4-door, passenger car
bearing and identified Arizona plate and initially parked across the street from the building in the parking lot of a vacant
facility. The female took several photographs of the building, and then drove her vehicle across the street, onto the
property. She stopped after driving approximately 40 feet, turned around, and the drove away. The incident was witnessed
by several employees who stated they did not recognize the vehicle or the female. The woman was described as white
with brown hair. Mesa PD ICU researched the plate and found it had not been registered since 2003. ICU made contact
with the last owner of the plate and verified she was not involved.

On April 4, one week after the above incident, a silver, 4-door, SUV style vehicle stopped on the street in front of the
same building. A white male exited the driver’s side and began photographing the front of the building. Security was
dispatched to the scene and a security officer was able to see the male well enough to provide the following description;
middle aged white male, salt and pepper hair, a beard, eyeglasses, and wearing a brown wide rimmed hat. The security
officer was unable to record a make or model of the vehicle, but was able to see that the license plate’s background was
the American flag. Source: Mesa PD ICU Bulletin
ACTIC Analyst Comment: In Arizona there are multiple locations that manufacture weapons defense systems and
components for the U.S. government. These locations are recognized as key resources for the state of Arizona as well
as on a national level by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Reporting suspicious persons, activity and
behavior is vital to the safety and security of these resources. While photography in itself is not suspicious or criminal
in nature, the totality of the circumstances creates reasonable suspicion that warrants a deeper look into the incidents.
The ACTIC seeks to collect suspicious activity information for the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) database that is
shared nationwide with other fusion centers across the country. Participation in this program will allow analysts and
detectives nationwide to “connect the dots” and share local information on a national level that will enable the
intelligence community to identify trends and possibly prevent a terrorist attack.

City of Mesa Wastewater Employee Faces Terrorism Charges
Maricopa County prosecutors are reviewing an intentional act of terrorism case against Robert Olson, a city of Mesa
Wastewater employee, who was arrested after a two-hour standoff with the Gilbert police SWAT team the morning of
April 1. Olson had called 911 about 2:30 a.m. to report that he had shut off numerous operating control systems inside the
plant’s 14-building facility that caused a buildup of methane gas. Armed with a handgun and knives, Olson was the lone
worker inside the plant during the midnight shift and although safety mechanisms kicked in at the plant that would’ve
released any excess methane gas into the atmosphere, police say Olson’s actions endangered the lives of first responders
and believe he was under the influence of either alcohol or drugs, according to court records. After he retreated to the top
of one of the plant buildings prior to the standoff, he told police that a “muzzle flash” from their weapons could cause the
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building to ignite. He also told authorities he wanted to show the city that “employees had power,” and that the plant
could blow up, the report stated. Olson, who police believe was “mentally disturbed” according to the report, now is being
held in Maricopa County’s Fourth Avenue jail on a $250,000 bond and also faces charges of criminal damage, tampering
and criminal harassment. Source:
ACTIC Analyst Comment: Robert Olson self-reported to 911 allegedly indicating suicidal behaviors. He is allegedly
mentally disturbed and has expressed frustration with the City of Mesa. Olson caused significant disruption to the
wastewater reclamation plant by deactivating several alarm systems and shutting down pumps in the facility that
serviced the City of Mesa, Gilbert and Queen Creek. Further, the alleged intent to blow up the building with gun fire
into the building where he caused a build-up of methane gas demonstrates his desire to cause serious injury to himself,
first responders and the public. The potential threat of an attack on a city’s wastewater system could impact the
public’s safety and compromises the integrity of the infrastructure. Charges of Terrorism could be possible due to the
disruption of service on the City’s Water Infrastructure and the threat to cause serious injury to others.

US-Mexico Border Issues

Mexican Drug Cartels may be Classified as Terrorist
Texas Republican Congressman Michael McCaulhas introduced legislation seeking to place six Mexican Drug Cartels –
the Arellano Feliz Organization, Los Zetas, the Beltran Leyva Organization, La Familia Michoacana, Sinaloa Cartel and
Gulf Cartel– on the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list. This designation would allow the United States to limit
cartels’ financial, property and travel interests, and to impose harsher punishment on anyone who provides material
support to cartels. Source:

UN Says Mexico Fails To Prosecute Human Trafficking

The U.N. Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families criticized on
April 4 the inability of Mexico to catch and prosecute those engaged in human trafficking. Salvador Beltran del Rio,
commissioner of Mexico's INM immigration agency and head of the Mexican delegation to the meeting in Geneva, said
"the action of organized crime has become the chief threat to migrants traveling across Mexico." Mexico has 1 million
foreign-born residents and some 150,000 migrants traveling through the country each year, the commissioner said.

Yuma Sector Border Patrol Agent Suspected of Smuggling Drugs in Government Vehicle
Two Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents reportedly spotted another agent in the east sector (near Wellton) transporting
bundles of marijuana. Officials say the suspect agent was transporting the marijuana in a Border Patrol vehicle at the time.
The two agents notified their superiors. They arrested the suspect agent and turned him over to the Drug Enforcement
Administration. The suspect, who had worked for the Border Patrol for 3 years, was immediately suspended from his
duties. Source:

“I'm the Guy” Shooting Suspect Tells Journalists
Journalists covering a deadly shooting became part of the story when the man police say is the main suspect calmly
walked up to them and told them he was the person authorities were after. Thomas Franklin May, 34, was charged with
capital murder and attempted murder and was being held without bond, Opelika Police Chief Tommy Mangham said. He
said Wednesday’s parking lot shooting at a community college campus in eastern Alabama was related to a domestic
problem and was preplanned. One woman was killed and May’s estranged wife and another woman were wounded, police
said. Source:

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In Reversal, 9/11 Plotter to Be Tried by Military Panel
In a major reversal, the Obama administration has decided to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed for his role in the attacks of
September 11 before a military commission at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and not in a civilian courtroom. Mohammed, the
self-described mastermind of the attacks, and four other accused conspirators will face charges before a panel of military
officers. United States Attorney General Eric Holder, who had wanted to prosecute Mr. Mohammed before a regular
civilian court in New York City, changed his mind after Congress imposed a series of restrictions barring the transfer of
Guantánamo detainees into the United States. Mohammed and the accused conspirators were charged before a military
commission at Guantánamo Bay late in the Bush administration, and had given signs that they were preparing to plead
guilty. But their trial was cut short in January 2009 when President Obama, as one of his first moves after his
inauguration, froze all tribunal proceedings at Guantánamo to start a review of the counterterrorism policies he inherited
from former President George W. Bush. Source:

El Paso / Cuba
Closing Arguments Delayed in Ex-CIA Agent Case
Closing arguments were postponed in the often delayed federal perjury trial of an elderly anti-communist militant from
Cuba considered former President Fidel Castro's nemesis. The trial of 83-year-old Luis Posada Carriles was suspended
for at least a day due to unforeseen circumstances. No one disputes that Posada, an ex-CIA agent and Cuba native, slipped
into the United States in 2005, but prosecutors say he lied during immigration hearings in El Paso about how he made it
into the country. They also accuse him of lying about his alleged planning of a wave of 1997 bombings at Cuban luxury
hotels and an iconic Havana tourist restaurant, killing an Italian visitor and wounding about a dozen other people. Posada
faces 11 counts of perjury, obstruction and immigration fraud.
ACTIC Analyst update:
On Friday April 8, 2011 Carriles was acquitted by a jury on all charges. The jurors took only 3 hours to reach a verdict
after enduring 13 weeks of delayed testimony.

Brazil School Shooting Rampage Kills at Least 13
Brazilian authorities say that a gunman opened fire in an elementary school in Rio de Janeiro and at least 13 people are
dead. The gunman is among them, though it is not clear if he shot himself or was killed by police. Fire department
spokesman Evandro Bezerra tells the Globo television network that at least 20 people were wounded in the shooting.

Arizona Lost & Stolen Public Safety Equipment

No items reported for this week.

ACTIC Analyst Comment:

For this week’s edition we have chosen not to highlight a specific group in our Group Profile Section (following
page) but instead highlight a number of significant dates coming up in the next two weeks. The next two weeks in
April contain anniversaries of significant domestic terrorist events and violence. Law enforcement agencies should
plan for various groups to conduct their own memorial services or unfortunately celebrations of the events, depending
on their perceived views. Agencies should place particular attention on April 19, anniversary date of the Waco, Texas
siege ending and Oklahoma City bombing 2 years later. April 20 is the anniversary of Hitler’s birthday. Both of these
dates are viewed by hate groups as significant dates to recognize each year.

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Group Profile Section

Historic Extremist Events and Other Dates of Significance

April 14
An incendiary device was discovered at a furrier in Walnut Creek, CA, claimed by the ALF. (1998)
April 16
Virginia Tech Massacre, a school shooting in two separate attacks that were two hours apart, on a campus in Blacksburg, VA.
Virginia Tech student 23 year-old Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and injured 25 others, before committing suicide. (2007)
April 19
The last day of the 51 day siege and burning of the BRANCH DAVIDIAN Compound in Waco, TX in which religious leader,
David Koresh, 82 of his followers (Branch Davidians) and four US law enforcement agents were killed. (1993)

Oklahoma City Bombing- The bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, resulted in the deaths of 168 people.
Timothy McVeigh convicted for the attack. (1995)

Chemical attack on Yokohamo Subway in Japan (the second attack within one month). Four hundred people were injured by
phosgene gas, also called “choking gas”. The first attack using Sarin gas took place March 20, 1995. (1995)
April 20
Adolph Hitler’s birthday (1889)

Columbine High School shooting in Littleton, CO. Two students, ages 17 and 18, who called themselves the TRENCH COAT
MAFIA killed 12 students, 1 teacher and injured 23 other students, before committing suicide. (1999)

Upcoming Events
Agencies within Arizona are asked to submit the names and dates of any events that will be occurring within their jurisdiction over the next two
months. This allows the ACTIC to be proactive in developing intelligence regarding any potential threats. Information can be submitted to .

April 8- Fight Back Fridays at the Tucson State Building on NW corner of Congress and Granada. To take place every
Friday at 4pm. This week is to demonstrate against the shooting of 19 year old Carlos Lamadrid by Border Patrol.

April 10- Peruvian Elections in US

April 16- Tribute Dinner for Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik in Tucson.

April 18- US Tax Day

April 22- Earth Day, historically a day for demonstrations by environmentalists.

April 23 - National Day of Protest at the Arizona State Capitol. This date marks one year since the signing of Senate Bill 1070
regarding illegal immigration.

April 24- World Laboratory Animal Liberation Day.

April 26 - 25th Anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

Anti-nuclear protest at APS Headquarters 400 N. 5th St., Phoenix

May 30-June 5 The Migrant Trail: We Walk for Life, a 75 mile walk from Sasabe, Sonora, Mexico to Tucson to walk the same path
of migrants who have died on the trail.

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