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My Hero

1. Which line suggests that the persona thinks of his father as the best hero?
I rate him Number One
2. What is the meaning of “the dead of night”?
The night is very dark and quiet


1. List two things that do not scare the persona’s father.

(i) Late-night film /horror movie on television
(ii) Skeletons

2. Which line tells us that the persona is confident about his father’s bravery?
Not dad, not on your Nelly!


1. What would the persona’s father do to prove that he is not afraid of ghosts?
Smile and greet them
2. Which line suggests that his father is better than other fathers?
My dad could just defeat ‘em


1. List the three types of monsters mentioned in this stanza.

(i) Vampires
(ii) Wolf-man
(iii) Frankenstein’s monster
2. The word “him” refers to the persona’s father


1. Which line suggests that the persona’s father is very confident?

And he’s always ready to prove it
2. What does his mother have to do in the bathroom?
She has to remove the spider that is in the bathtub
PRACTICE 2 (HOTS Questions)

NOTE :The answers for HOTS questions can be varied & wide ranging but most importantly,
they should be logical/reasonable and relevant to the question. Teachers are advised to use
their own discretion. The answers given below are simply examples of acceptable ones.

1. Who do you think the persona is talking to about his father? Why?
Maybe he is talking to his friends/classmates because they are making comparisons
about their fathers.
2. How does the persona know that his father is not afraid of watching horror movies late at
The persona sleeps late every night / he watches the movies with his father.
3. In your opinion, which line is the best description of his father’s bravery? Why?
“My dad could just defeat ‘em” because he can do what other fathers cannot do.
(Note: The student can just choose any line but he needs to justify his choice.)
4. What would his father do to the monsters (in stanza 4)? How?
He would kill them all by using his karate skills.
5. Why do you think the persona’s mother has to remove the spider in the bathtub?
His father is scared of spiders or tiny/furry insects.
6. Suggest two ways to show your appreciation to your father.
(i) Always help him wash his car
(ii) Play games with him
7. Apart from your father, who would you consider your hero? Why?
I choose my neighbour because he is strong and brave like my father.
8. What would be the best present you could give to your father on his birthday? Why?
I will give him a video camera so that he can record all the family activities for his video


No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning

1 Horrors Fears 4 Vampires Living corpse
2 Skeleton Bones of a dead person 5 Upset Unhappy/disappointed
3 Defeat Win over 6 Remove Get rid of/throw away
What is red?

1. From the poem, list the positive examples of red. (Choose five from the list below)
(i) Sunset (vii) fire-crackers (festive occasions)
(ii) Feeling brave (viii) fire-engine
(iii) Rose (ix) lipstick
(iv) Brick (x) rubber ball
(v) Sound of a band (xi) Valentine heart
(vi) Circus cart (xii) Red Indian

2. From the poem, list the negative examples of red.

(i) Sunburn
(ii) Anger
(iii) Shout
(iv) Blood from a cut
(v) Feeling embarrassed

3. What is the meaning of “with all your might”?

With all your power or strength
4. What causes a sunburn?
Being under the hot sun for too long
5. In the poem, “you” refers to the reader
6. “Red squiggles out” refers to blood
7. What flower does red refer to in this poem?
8. Which line suggests that red is also the colour of love?
A Valentine heart.
9. Which line tells us that some people wear red to attract attention?
Red is a show-off
10. What does “it” in the last line refer to?
PRACTICE 2 (HOTS Questions)
NOTE :The answers for HOTS questions can be varied & wide ranging but most importantly,
they should be logical/reasonable and relevant to the question. Teachers are advised to use
their own discretion. The answers given below are simply examples of acceptable ones.

1. Why do you think red refers to the sunset and not the sunrise?
Because it is getting dark and the sun is setting, so the colour darkens too (from
yellow to reddish colour).
2. How is it possible for you to get a sunburn? Explain.
I will get sunburn if/when I sit under the sun for too long without wearing anything to
protect me from the heat, like wearing a cap or hat.
3. Based on your own experience, why do people dislike feeling embarrassed?
Because they do not want to be laughed at / they will lose their confidence when they
feel silly.
4. Why do you think people give red roses to their loved ones?
As a symbol of love or romance / Red roses are special because they are very
beautiful and expensive.
5. How could a visit to a circus make you happy?
I can see many interesting circus acts and also animals like tigers and elephants.
6. In your opinion, is red the best colour for a lipstick? Why?
Yes, because it is a bright colour and can make a woman look very beautiful.
No, because it is too bright and it will make a woman look ugly/like a clown.
7. Who do you think would be interested in playing with a big red rubber ball? Why?
Small children will like it because it will be fun trying to kick or catch a big ball.
8. Do you think red is the best choice of colour for a school uniform? Why?
Yes, because it will make the students look smart and cheerful.
No, because it is not suitable for a school as a place to study.
9. Would you want to live in a red bungalow? Why?
Yes, because my house will look the most interesting in my area.
No, my neighbours will think that we are a crazy family because we choose red paint.
10. Some people do not like red. Give two possible reasons.
(i) The colour is too bright
(ii) They do not like to show off.

No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning
1 Blazing Burning brightly 4 Embarrassed Feeling uncomfortable/
2 Might Power/strength 5 Flicker Glint/glimmer
3 Squizzles Wriggles/moves unevenly 6 Trimmings decorations

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