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Republic of the Philippines


College of Business Management and Accountancy

Narrative Report

Name : Poso, Gwen Michelle A.

Course & Year : BSBA - 4FM
Topic : Human Relations,
Office Decorum and Etiquette, and
Speaker(s) : Ms. Katherine Anosa
Mrs. Arcelli Lorico
Ms. Filipina Caratay
Date and Time : January 19, 2018 9am-12pm

I. Introduction

We the 4th year Business Administration students are required to initiate a

Pre-OJT Seminar to orient us students for our upcoming On-the-Job Training as it is
required in our curriculum. Students of Business Administration major in Human
Resource Development organized the seminar which was held at the lobby of HRM
Building in ESSU-Main Campus. They invited speakers which also happened to be
our instructors of our college department. The topics that were discussed in our
seminar was about Human Relations, Office Decorum and Etiquette, and Practicum.

II. Knowledge / Learning Acquired

The first topic of our seminar was about Human Relations and it was
discussed by Ms. Katherine Anosa. She opened her topic through giving us a quote
which was “An ideal personality is called a well-rounded personality.” She says that
being well rounded is to broaden your knowledge so to relate to more people and to
make your own a better person through expanding your education outside of your
comfort zone you add more depth to your existing knowledge. She also explains that
the purpose of personality development is to achieve human relations in which
human relations is an art of getting along well with other people. I learned that human
relations is about respect and courtesy to every human being that with respect and
courtesy are requirements for an effective communication, to learn to discuss things
respectfully and argue intelligently because if we wont, conflicts may occur. She also
discussed the spheres of personality which are the (a)physical appearance the
posture, facial expression as well as appropriateness and condition of clothes so we
must be confident, (b)intellectual capacity is how we talk, the range of ideas we
expresses and the things we talk about, values and mental alertness, to stop saying
nonsense and unrelated to work, (c)emotional make-up is the likes and dislikes, how
to respond when things become difficult, to become mature and to ask assistance if
we don’t know what to do, (d)social qualities is how well a person conducts himself
with other people, to become mindful to other people, and (e)value system is the
person’s attitudes towards life, moral principles and beliefs. She also discussed the
three dimensions of a positive self-image (a)physical projections on how we should
dress appropriately, have good posture, have ourselves proper grooming, to smile
naturally, eye contact, absence of unpleasant mannerisms, pleasant disposition, oral
hygiene and to have appropriate make-up for women, (b)verbal projections is to
being careful with tone, pitch and body language, well-modulated voice, spontaneity
in expression, tactfulness and assertiveness towards communicating, (c)behavior
and performance to adhere to professional standards of service, compliance to
standard operating procedures, adherence to ethics, being discreet with confidential
matters, practice of social graces-table manners, telephone courtesy and appropriate
behavior in public. She also discussed why image is image important because social
image represents the impressions people make about us as they judge us on the
basis of our looks, body language, communications, attitude and behavior. She also
discussed the grooming checklist for men and women in which they should wear
clothes that are clean and crisp looking appropriate attire, fingernails well-trimmed,
hair free from dandruff and other hair problems, to take a bath daily, to brush teeth, to
have clean shave, hair well-trimmed, shoes polished and in good condition, and free
from undesirable odor, clean lingerie everyday, and bags are clean and uncluttered
by non-essentials. and for her last discussion, she discussed the 7 habits of highly
confident people in which one should life assertively thy just don’t know how to say no
and mean it but confident people know when to speak up for themselves and when to
share their ideas with the group, second is to live guiltlessly in which people don’t
waste their time feeling guilty for not being able to get things done, next is to apply
effort when things are hard, next is to appreciate their worth to emphasize the value
of the skill and wisdom they bring to the table in any situation, .next is to assume
control to their decisions, emotions and life they don’t let their thoughts and emotions
get carried away into negativity, next is to accept failure in which one should be ready
to acknowledge they are stronger as a result of the newly gained knowledge and
skills to help them move forward to their goals and lastly to stay accountable to admit
their mistakes to own them and learn from them in turn fuels their confidence more.
And lastly she closed her discussion to a quote “People succeed in life because they
believe they can.”

The second topic of our seminar was about Office Decorum and it was
discussed by Mrs. Arcelli Lorico. She started her discussion by defining what office
decorum is in which it is simply about the DO’s and DON’Ts to be observed in the
office. She also defined what etiquette is, are rules governing socially acceptable
behavior. Then she continued to discuss the office decorum. (1)Be prepared to arrive
on time and stay late, i learned that if we arrive on time, we may be able to give good
impression to the trainors/employees at the office and also to stay late, (2)Exercise
professional maturity by showing good judgment and build good relationship, with this
we’ll be able to practice our professionalism in the real actual job environment and to
make our trainors and the employees at the office to have good impression to you,
(3)Don’t hesitate to ask questions, learning is acquired in asking questions that’s why
we must not hesitate to ask questions, (4)Dress the part, to dress appropriately in the
working environment, (5)Put your cellphones away, cellphones provides distractions
from your work and it may be a bad impression to your trainors, (6)Network within the
office, to talk to the people in the office and to show some interest, (7)Do not cough or
sneeze in anyone’s direction, use a tissue if possible to catch germs and say ‘excuse
me’, (8)Popping bubblegum in the presence if co-workers is neither cool nor dignified,
(9)You should be respectful and courteous, helpful and cooperative, responsible for
your mistakes and tidy, (10)When in doubt, Don’t. She ended her discussion with a
quote saying “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of an
individual member is the team.”

The last topic of our seminar was about Practicum and it was discussed by
Ms. Filipina Caratay. She started her discussion by telling us what On-the-Job
Training/Practicum is, it provides students the actual workplace experience, exposure
to various management styles, industrial and procedures of various occupations in
relations to their respective fields of learning. I learned that the objectives of these
program is to expose students to actual technical and managerial styles and acquire
skills/expertise employed by the industry; to apply the theories obtained from the
different subjects in Business Administration curriculum in real world setting; to
develop Business Administration graduates who are highly employed and trainable
and will match the industry’s demand; to develop and instill positive attitude,
self-confidence, and self-motivation required of a responsible professional; and to
emphasize the importance of human relations in a working environment. She
discussed the requirements of the program, the course content, and the rubrics in the
grading of student’s practicum.

III. Observation

During our seminar, I observed that our speakers have enough knowledge
about the topics that they discussed. I also observe that our speakers insert
humorous words or jokes to make the students alive and enthusiast, interested and
not be bored during the discussion. I observed that all students are interested to the
topics discussed and and participating with the speakers and listen enough to learn.

IV. Recommendations / Suggestions

I suggest that they provide a hand outs for all the participants of the seminar
so that the participants or all the students have notes to be compiled and use it while
the seminars going on so that they don’t need to copy instead they will focus more on
listening to the speaker. And for the organizers, i suggest that they should have
searched for much bigger venue so that all the participants will be seated in one place
and to be able to listen and participate attentively.

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