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30063 - Practice Probability 01 03/04/16 21:08


30063 - Practice Probability 01 (Homework) 30063 - 2016, section class 18, Spring 2016
Instructor: Fabrizio Iozzi
Current Score : 24 / 24 Due : Monday, April 4 2016 12:00 PM CEST

1. 1/1 points | Previous Answers

The sample space of an experiment is Ω={0,1,4,5,7}. Consider the following set of events of Ω:
= ∅, {0,1}, {4}, {5,7}, {0,1,4}, {4,5,7}, Ω}
Which of the events below must be added to in order to make an algebra?

{0,1,4,5} {0,4,5,7}
{1,4,5,7} {0,1,5,7}

2. 3/3 points | Previous Answers

Events A and B are such that

P(A) = 0.4
P(B) = 0.2
P(A∪B) = 0.5.
P A = 0.6

P A∩B = 0.1

P A∪B = 0.9

3. 2/2 points | Previous Answers

Event E has probability

P(E) = 0.3
K is another event such that
P(K|E) = 0.8 P(K|E) = 0.9
P(K) = 0.31

P(E|K) = 0.77 Page 1 of 4
30063 - Practice Probability 01 03/04/16 21:08

4. 1/1 points | Previous Answers

Ω={2,3,9} and ={∅,{2},{3,9},Ω} is an algebra over Ω. Which of the following functions defined
on Ω with values in are random numbers, that is are Borel measurable? (Select all that apply.)

X(2)=13, X(3)=12, X(9)=12

X(2)=13, X(3)=13, X(9)=13

X(2)=12, X(3)=13, X(9)=12

X(2)=13, X(3)=12, X(9)=13

5. 2/2 points | Previous Answers

A and B are events such that:

P(A) = 3/5
P(B) = 1/6
P(A∩B) = 1/6
P(A|B) =

P(B|A) =

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30063 - Practice Probability 01 03/04/16 21:08

6. 1/1 points | Previous Answers

A and B are events with positive probability. Which of the following statements are true? (Select all
that apply.)



P(A|B)+P(A|B) = 1

P(A|B)+P(A|B) = 1

7. 3/3 points | Previous Answers

A box contains 6 red balls and 5 blue balls. A ball is drawn at random from the box. Then another
ball is drawn at random from the same box.
Find the probability the second ball is blue


Find the probability the second ball is blue given that the first is red


Find the probability they are both red

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30063 - Practice Probability 01 03/04/16 21:08

8. 4/4 points | Previous Answers

Events A and B are such that

P(A) = 0.4
P(B) = 0.3
Find the minimum and maximum value the probability of the intersection of A and B can take
0 ≤ P A∩B ≤ 0.3

Find the minimum and maximum value the probability of the union of A and B can take
0.4 ≤ P A∪B ≤ 0.7

9. 2/2 points | Previous Answers

Assume A and B are stochastically independent events such that

P(A) = 0.6
P(B) = 0.5

P A∩B = 0.3

P A∪B = 0.8

10.5/5 points | Previous Answers

In a large organization, email messages are managed by a dedicated computer that performs some
test on each message to prevent spam to be delivered to employees accounts.
The probability that a message received by the server is spam is 0.6.
Thus, the probability the message is not spam is 0.4 .
IT staff uses a spam detecting software that assigns the label SPAM to some of the messages.
However, the software is not perfect.
Historical data showed that whenever a message is spam, the software detects it correctly with
probability 0.95. In mathematical terms, if S is the event "message is spam" and D is the event
"message is detected as spam", we have P(D|S)=0.95 .
On the other side, when a message is not spam is not labeled as such with probability P(D|S)=0.8 .
Therefore, the probability of a "false positive" (a legitimate message that is labeled as spam) is
P(D|S)= 0.2 and the probability of a "false negative" (a spam message that is not
detected) is P(D|S)= 0.05 .
What is the probability P(D) that a message is labeled as SPAM? 0.65
An employee gets a message in the mailbox that appears as a legitimate one. What is the probability
that it's spam? 0.0857 Page 4 of 4

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