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Main Skill

Speaking 2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others

Complementary skill

Reading 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts


1. Pupils write down a list of free time activities.

2. Pupils compare their lists with their partner.


1. In pairs, pupils read the quiz in the text book Pulse 2 and choose the best answer.
2. Pupils discuss the answers
3. Pupils are given descriptions to their score.

Low/Intermediate: Pupils complete the strips by choosing the correct words given.

High: Pupils complete the strips.

5. Pupils compare answers with other group members

Main Skill

Reading 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts

Complementary Skill

Speaking 2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others

Speaking 2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended classroom

- Read a magazine interview

- Express their opinions


1. Pupils look at pictures and answer questions in the textbook Unit 1 Pulse 2.
2. Pupils compare answers in pairs.


1. In pairs, pupils read the sentences carefully

2. Pupils listen and follow the text in their books.
3. Pupils decide if sentences are true or false and correct the false sentences.

Low/Intermediate: Pupils complete the task by choosing the true/false

statements given.

High: Pupils complete the task using their own creativity.

5. Pupils compare answers with other students


1. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the comprehension questions.


Main Skill

Speaking 2.3 Use appropriate communication strategies

Speaking 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in longer exchanges by checking understanding of what the
speaker is saying

1. Learn and revise words related to jobs and chores

2. Ask and answer questions about chores they do at home.


1. Pupils listen and repeat the list of jobs and chores given in the textbook Pulse 2.
2. Pupils discuss with their partner which jobs/chores are the most enjoyable.


1. In pairs, pupils list all the jobs that they know

2. Pupils discuss the answers
3. Pupils are asked to complete the adverts on the Community noticeboard.

Low/Intermediate: Pupils complete the advert by choosing the correct words given.

High: Pupils complete the advert using their own creativity.

5. Pupils compare answers with other group members


1. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the sentences using the vocabulary from Exercise 1.
Main Skill

Reading 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts on a range
of familiar topics

Complementary Skills

Reading 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer

texts on a range of familiar topics

Speaking 2.1.1 Ask about and explain key information from simple texts

- Read an online message board

- Read for gist and for specific information


1. Pupils make a list of the money that is used in different countries.

2. Pupils write the money used in other countries on the board.


1. In pairs, pupils read and listen to the message board.

2. Pupils identify which characters do not suggest way of making money.
3. Pupils are asked to answer the five comprehension questions.

Low/Intermediate: Pupils complete the task by giving the correct answers from
the text given.

High: Pupils complete the task and choose the best tips.

5. Pupils compare answers with other group members


1. Teacher asks pupils to think of other ways to save money.

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