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Administration Manual

CANape Installation

For CANape Version 14.0 SP2


Vector Informatik GmbH

Ingersheimer Str. 24
D-70499 Stuttgart

The information and data given in this user manual can be changed without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced in
any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher, regardless of which method or which instruments, electronic
or mechanical, are used. All technical information, drafts, etc. are liable to law of copyright protection.
 Copyright 2015, Vector Informatik GmbH
All rights reserved.
Administration Manual CANape Installation Introduction

Table of contents

1 Introduction 4
1.1 MSI Setup at a Glance 5
1.2 About this User Manual 5
1.2.1 Access Helps and Conventions 5
1.2.2 Certification 6
1.2.3 Warranty 6
1.2.4 Support 6
1.2.5 Registered Trademarks 7

2 Setup Prerequisites 9
2.1 Overview 10
2.2 Windows Installer 3.1 10
2.3 MSXML 6.0 SP1 10
2.4 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable 10
2.5 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable 11
2.6 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable 11
2.7 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x64 Redistributable 11
2.8 Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable 11
2.9 .Net Framework 12
2.10 Vector CANdela Persistors 12
2.11 Vector License Manager 12
2.12 Vector ODX Studio 13
2.13 Vector CANdela Studio 13
2.14 Vector AUTOSAR Explorer 13
2.15 Vector FIBEX Explorer 14
2.16 Vector LDF Explorer 14
2.17 Vector vFlash 14
2.18 Feature Prerequisites 15
2.18.1 Vector Function Library (global) 15
2.18.2 Vector MDF Shell Extension 32 15
2.18.3 Vector MDF Shell Extension 64 15
2.18.4 Matlab Integration Package 16

3 Settings 17
3.1 Using Setup.exe 18
3.2 The MSI File 19
3.3 Features 21

4 Further Installations 23
4.1 Silent Installation Example 24
4.2 Service Pack Installation 25
4.2.1 Prerequisites 25
4.2.2 Silent Update 25
4.3 Hardware Installation 25

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 -3-

Introduction Administration Manual CANape Installation

5 Addresses 27

1 Introduction

In this chapter you find the following information:

1.1 MSI Setup at a Glance page 5

1.2 About this User Manual page 5
Access Helps and Conventions
Registered Trademarks

-4- For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 © Vector Informatik GmbH

Administration Manual CANape Installation Introduction

1.1 MSI Setup at a Glance

Installation guide This document provides an installation guide for IT departments who want to install
Vector CANape silently on target machines using software deployment systems.
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Windows Installer technology and the
software deployment system used.
After depicting the necessary Setup Prerequisites (chapter 2), this document explains
how the public properties of the installer can be configured in order to install the
required application components and how embedded transforms can be used to
setup CANape alongside on the same machine (chapter 3).
This document applies to CANape version 14 and up. For an updated version of this
document please always check the documentation that came with your product
before packaging the application as some items mentioned here are version
dependent (e.g. updated installation prerequisites).

1.2 About this User Manual

1.2.1 Access Helps and Conventions

To find information The user manual provides you the following access helps:
quickly > At the beginning of each chapter you will find a summary of the contents.
> The header shows in which chapter and paragraph you are.
> The footer shows the version of the manual.

Conventions In the two following charts you will find the conventions used in the user manual
regarding utilized spellings and symbols.

Style Utilization
bold Blocks, surface elements, window- and dialog names of the
software. Accentuation of warnings and advices.
[OK] Push buttons in brackets
File|Save Notation for menus and menu entries
CANape Legally protected proper names and side notes.
Source code File name and source code.
Hyperlink Hyperlinks and references.
<STRG>+<S> Notation for shortcuts.

Symbol Utilization
Here you can obtain supplemental information.

This symbol calls your attention to warnings.

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 -5-

Introduction Administration Manual CANape Installation

Symbol Utilization
Here you can find additional information.

Here is an example that has been prepared for you.

Step-by-step instructions provide assistance at these points.

Instructions on editing files are found at these points.

This symbol warns you not to edit the specified file.

1.2.2 Certification

Certified Quality Vector Informatik GmbH has ISO 9001:2008 certification.

Management System The ISO standard is a globally recognized quality standard.

1.2.3 Warranty

Restriction of We reserve the right to change the contents of the documentation and the software
warranty without notice. Vector Informatik GmbH assumes no liability for correct contents or
damages which are resulted from the usage of the user manual. We are grateful for
references to mistakes or for suggestions for improvement to be able to offer you
even more efficient products in the future.

1.2.4 Support

You need support? You can get through to our hotline at the phone number
+49 (711) 80670-200
or you send a problem report to

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Administration Manual CANape Installation Introduction

1.2.5 Registered Trademarks

Registered All trademarks mentioned in this user manual and if necessary third party registered
trademarks are absolutely subject to the conditions of each valid label right and the rights of
particular registered proprietor. All trademarks, trade names or company names are
or can be trademarks or registered trademarks of their particular proprietors. All rights
which are not expressly allowed are reserved. If an explicit label of trademarks, which
are used in this user manual, fails, should not mean that a name is free of third party
> Outlook, Windows, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP,
Windows 2000 and Windows NT are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
> CANape is a trademark of Vector Informatik GmbH.

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 -7-

Administration Manual CANape Installation Setup Prerequisites

2 Setup Prerequisites

In this chapter you find the following information:

2.1 Overview page 10

2.2 Windows Installer 3.1 page 10
2.3 MSXML 6.0 SP1 page 10
2.4 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable page 10
2.5 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable page 11
2.6 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable page 11
2.7 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x64 Redistributable page 11
2.6 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable page 11
2.8 Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable page 11
2.9 .Net Framework page 12
2.10 Vector CANdela Persistors page 12
2.11 Vector License Manager page 12
2.12 Vector ODX Studio page 13
2.14 Vector AUTOSAR Explorer page 13
2.15 Vector FIBEX Explorer page 14
2.17 Vector vFlash page 14
2.18 Feature Prerequisites page 15
Vector Function Library (global)
Vector MDF Shell Extension 32
Vector MDF Shell Extension 64
Matlab Integration PackageMatlab Integration Package

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 -9-

Setup Prerequisites Administration Manual CANape Installation

2.1 Overview

Prerequisites Several prerequisites must be met in order to install and/or use CANape. Those
prerequisites will be listed in the following sections.
Please ensure that every client meets these prerequisites before installing CANape.
Setup programs You can find the setup programs for all prerequisites in the setup directory on your
DVD under ISSetupPrerequisites.
Minimum Required Defines the minimum required version of the prerequisite. Useful if another version of
Version the prerequisite is installed.

2.2 Windows Installer 3.1

Prerequisites Windows Installer 3.1 (or later) is needed in order to install CANape. It is assumed,
that this prerequisite is met.
Installation check To check if the correct Microsoft Windows Installer are installed, check if a file called
msi.dll with at least version 3.1.4000.2435 is installed on the target machine under
Setup folder {57bcd1d4-2de9-49d9-bc0c-3f4263e9970e}

2.3 MSXML 6.0 SP1

Prerequisites MSXML 6.0 SP1 or MSXML 6.0 need to be installed to use CANape.
Installation check To check if the correct Microsoft XML Core Services are installed, check if a file called
msxml6.dll with at least version 6.10.1129.0 is installed on the target machine
under Systemfolder.
Installation To install the MSXML 6.0 SP1 Parser and SDK Security Update silently, use the
following command:
Setup folder MSXML_6_SP1

2.4 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable

Installation check To verify that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributables are installed, check
if the software with the following product code is installed:
Installation To install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributables silently, use the
following command:
vcredist_x86.exe -Q -C:"msiexec /I vcredist.msi /q"
Setup folder VC 2005 SP1 Redist

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Administration Manual CANape Installation Setup Prerequisites

2.5 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable

Installation check To verify that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributables are installed, check if the
software with the following product code is installed:

Installation To install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributables silently, use the following
vcredist_x86.exe /q

Setup folder VC 2008 SP1 Redist

2.6 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable

Installation check To verify that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributables are installed, check if the
software with the following product code is installed:
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributables package may be installed as part of
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Therefore, the following product code should also be

Installation To install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributables silently, use the following
vcredist_x86.exe /q /norestart

Setup folder VC 2010 SP1 Redist

2.7 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x64 Redistributable

Installation check To verify that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributables are installed, check if the
software with the following product code is installed:
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributables package may be installed as part of
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Therefore, the following product code should also be

Installation To install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributables silently, use the following
vcredist_2010_SP1_x86.exe /q /norestart

Setup folder VC 2010 SP1 Redist

2.8 Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable

Installation check To verify that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributables are installed, check if the
software with the following product code is installed:

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Setup Prerequisites Administration Manual CANape Installation


Installation To install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributables silently, use the following
vcredist_x86.exe /q /norestart

Setup folder VC 2013 Redist

2.9 .Net Framework

Prerequisites The .NET Framework 4.0 needs to be installed in order to use CANape. Note that
the .NET Framework 4.0 does not include the .NET Framework versions up to 3.5.
Installation check To check if the .NET Framework is installed you can check if the following registry key
is present:
If this registry key exists, the .NET Framework 4.0 is installed
Installation To install the .NET Framework 4.0 silently, use the following command:
dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /q /norestart

Setup folder dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64

2.10 Vector CANdela Persistors

Installation check To verify that the Vector CANdela Persistors is installed, check if the software with the
following product code is installed:
Version 8.2.00100
Installation The Vector CANdela Persistors is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can
install it using the package CANdelaPersistors*.msi. Note that if you don’t provide a
target path (e.g. via the INSTALLDIR property), the CANdela converters are installed
to C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\CANdelaPersistors. To install
silently, use the following command:
CANdelaPersistors8.2.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector CANdela Persistors

2.11 Vector License Manager

Installation check To verify that the Vector License Manager is installed, check if the software with the
following product code is installed:

Version 1.3.2100.0
Installation The Vector License Manager add-on is provided as a Windows Installer Package.
You can install it using the package VectorLicenseManagerInstaller.msi. To install
the License Manager silently, use the following command:
VectorLicenseManagerInstaller.msi /qn

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Administration Manual CANape Installation Setup Prerequisites

Setup folder Vector License Manager

2.12 Vector ODX Studio

Installation check To verify that the Vector ODXStudio is installed, check if the software with the
following product code is installed:

Version 3.2.02100
Installation The Vector ODX Studio is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can install it
using the package ODXStudio*.msi. To install the License Manager silently, use the
following command:
ODXStudio3.2SP2.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector ODX Studio
Minimum required Vector ODXStudio 3.0 SP1 P2

2.13 Vector CANdela Studio

Installation check To verify that the Vector CANdelaStudio is installed, check if the software with the
following product code is installed:

Version 8.2.100
Installation The Vector CANdelaStudio is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can
install it using the package CANdelaStudio*.msi. To install the CANdelaStudio
silently, use the following command:
CANdelaStudio8.2.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector CANdelaStudio
Minimum required Vector CandelaStudio 8.0

2.14 Vector AUTOSAR Explorer

Installation check To verify that the Vector AUTOSAR Explorer is installed, check if the software with
the following product code is installed:

Version 1.7.14
Installation The Vector AUTOSAR Explorer is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can
install it using the package AUTOSARExplorer*.msi. To install the AUTOSAR
Explorer silently, use the following command:
AUTOSARExplorer_1.7.14.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector AUTOSAR Explorer

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 - 13 -

Setup Prerequisites Administration Manual CANape Installation

Minimum required Vector AUTOSAR Explorer 1.6.11


2.15 Vector FIBEX Explorer

Installation check To verify that the Vector FIBEX Explorer is installed, check if the software with the
following product code is installed:

Version 3.2.48
Installation The Vector FIBEX Explorer is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can
install it using the package FIBEXExplorer*.msi. To install the FIBEX Explorer
silently, use the following command:
FIBEXExplorer_3.2.48.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector FIBEX Explorer
Minimum required Vector FIBEX Explorer 3.2.26

2.16 Vector LDF Explorer

Installation check To verify that the Vector LDF Explorer is installed, check if the software with the
following product code is installed:

Version 1.4.22
Installation The Vector LDF Explorer is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can install
it using the package LDFExplorer*.msi. To install the LDF Explorer silently, use the
following command:
LDFExplorer_1.4.22.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector LDF Explorer
Minimum required Vector LDF Explorer 1.3.22

2.17 Vector vFlash

Installation check To verify that the Vector vFlash is installed, check if the software with the following
product code is installed:

Version 2.7.05100.0
Installation The Vector vFlash is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can install it
using the package vFlash*.msi. To install the vFlash silently, use the following
vFlash2.7SP5.msi /qn

- 14 - For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 © Vector Informatik GmbH

Administration Manual CANape Installation Setup Prerequisites

Setup folder Vector vFlash

Minimum required Vector vFlash 2.6 Patch 1

2.18 Feature Prerequisites

Prerequisites Feature prerequisites are associated with features.

associated with
Usually the prerequisites are optional and installed by selecting the corresponding

2.18.1 Vector Function Library (global)

Installation check To verify that the Vector Function Library is installed, check if the software with the
following product code is installed:

Installation The Vector Function Library is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You can
install it using the package Vector Function Library.msi. To install the Vector
Function silently, use the following command:
Vector Function Library.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector Function Library
Feature name FunctionLibraryGlobal

2.18.2 Vector MDF Shell Extension 32

Displaying additional Displays additional information of MDF files in the Windows Explorer.
file information
To display this information within 32 bit applications, it is recommended to install the
32 bit extension on 64 bit operating systems, also.
Installation check To verify that the Vector MDF Shell Extension 32 is installed, check if the software
with the following product code is installed:
Installation The Vector MDF Shell Extension 32 is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You
can install it using the package Vector MDF Shell Extension 32.msi. To install the
Vector Function silently, use the following command:
Vector MDF Shell Extension 32.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector MDF Shell Extension
Feature name MDFShellExtension

2.18.3 Vector MDF Shell Extension 64

Installation check To verify that the Vector MDF Shell Extension 64 is installed, check if the software
with the following product code is installed:

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 - 15 -

Setup Prerequisites Administration Manual CANape Installation

Installation The Vector MDF Shell Extension 64 is provided as a Windows Installer Package. You
can install it using the package Vector MDF Shell Extension 64.msi. To install the
Vector Function silently, use the following command:
Vector MDF Shell Extension 64.msi /qn
Setup folder Vector MDF Shell Extension
Feature name MDFShellExtension

2.18.4 Matlab Integration Package

Installation The Vector Matlab Integration Package is provided as a 32/64 bit Setup executable.
To install the desired version, the Setup must be executed. To install the 64 Bit
Integration Package for a Matlab installation(E:\Matlab\R2013a_win64\)
silently, use the following command:
MATLAB_CANape_Integration_Package_1300_win64.exe /s /v"/qn
INSTALLDIR=\"E:\Matlab\R2013a_win64\" MATLAB_REG_SERVER=1"

Setup folder Vector Matlab Integration Package

Feature name Matlab Integration Package 32Bit and Matlab Integration Package 64Bit

- 16 - For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 © Vector Informatik GmbH

Administration Manual CANape Installation Settings

3 Settings

In this chapter you find the following information:

3.1 Using Setup.exe page 18

3.2 The MSI File page 19
3.3 Features page 21

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 - 17 -

Settings Administration Manual CANape Installation

3.1 Using Setup.exe

Executable The Setup.exe setup launcher serves as a bootstrap application that manages the
prerequisites and tools which are required to run the application. It is recommended
to run the installation always using the setup.exe bootstrapper.

Command line The following table lists the command line parameters and their meaning.

Note: The parameters are only setup.exe related. To configure the msi installation,
pass the public properties and the parameter using the setup.exe parameter /v.

Parameter Description
/s Silent mode
This parameter suppresses the initialization
dialog. To run the installation silently, run the
command line
Setup.exe /s /v/qn
/x Uninstall mode
The option causes Setup.exe to uninstall a
previously installed
/instance=<InstanceId> Lets you specify which instance you want to
install, update, or uninstall. <InstanceId>
represents the value of the InstanceId property
that identifies the instance. Whenever you use this
option and include a valid InstanceId value, the
installation suppresses the instance selection
For example, the following sample command line
installs the instance that has 2 as the value of the
InstanceId property:
Setup.exe /instance=2
Use default to identify the instance that is installed
by the base installation package, as in the
following example:
Setup.exe /instance=default
To specify the instance that you want to uninstall,
include the /x option with the
/instance=<InstanceId> option.
CANape support up to 10 instances

/v Passes command-line options and values of

public properties through to Msiexec.exe.
If you want to pass more than one argument to
Msiexec.exe, you can use the /v option
multiple times at the command line, once for each
argument. For example:
Setup.exe /v"/l*v c:\test.log"
As an alternative, you can pass multiple

- 18 - For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 © Vector Informatik GmbH

Administration Manual CANape Installation Settings

Parameter Description
arguments through the /v option as in the
following example:
Setup.exe /v"/l*v c:\test.log
"MYPROPERTY1=value1 /
/L This option indicates that the installation should
run in the specified language as specified. You
can specify the language ID as either a
hexadecimal or decimal number.
If you specify the hexadecimal number, be sure to
proceed the value with 0x. For example:
l0x0407 or -l1031 indicates that the installation
should be run in German.
Note: If you specify a language ID that is not
supported by the installation or you specify an
invalid language ID, the parameter is ignored.
Also note that if this parameter is specified and it
is valid, the language dialog (if enabled) is
automatically suppressed.
/b Specifies the directory in which to cache the
installation files, as in the following example:

Setup.exe /b"C:\CacheDirectory"

Note: You must specify the full URL with the


Usually the files are cached in the folder

Under some circumstances (e.g. installation in
system context) the msi server process has no
access to this folder. In this case specify another

3.2 The MSI File

MSI file The MSI is included in the Setup. If the deployment environment requires a MSI
Package, extract the file from the setup.exe.
Ensure that the Prerequisites are properly installed on the target machine before the
msi installation starts. Usually the setup.exe bootstrapper ensure this.

Extracting The MSI file will be cached during the installation process after the prerequisites are
installed to a temporary folder. To extract the MSI, execute the setup.exe. After
preparing the install wizard, the welcome page is displayed. The file CANape.msi is
located in a temporary subfolder of the installing users %TEMP% folder. Copy the
CANape.msi for further actions.
Properties for using The MSI setup was created to ease the deployment of CANape in large IT networks
software deployment via software deployment systems. To support this, the options that can be changed in
systems the user interface setup are represented by public properties. Note, that CANape is a
complex software utility whose correct execution depends on some settings you might

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 - 19 -

Settings Administration Manual CANape Installation

want to change. Only change the settings available through the properties described
in the following table, otherwise, a correct setup execution cannot be guaranteed.
Public properties The following table lists the public properties and their meaning, as well as their
standard or predefined values respectively.

Note: In case one of the following public properties shall be set to a customized
value, the respective property and its value
> have to be either directly provided on the msiexec command line or
> have to be added and/or modified in the "Property" table of the MST when using
your own transform files for deployment.
For an example please see section Silent Installation Example on page 24.

Note: Property names are case sensitive! Public properties using uppercase letters,

Installation context To perform per-user installation or per-machine installation depends on different

settings (operating system, installation context, etc.). The ALLUSERS and
MSIINSTALLPERUSER are related to control the behavior. Find more information in
the Microsoft ALLUSERS property help.

Property Meaning Default Value

ADDLOCAL Adding feature to See page 22
REMOVE Removing feature from see section Features on
configuration page 21
ALLUSERS Configures the 1
installation context.
per-machine installation
MSIINSTALLPERUSER Configures the Not set
installation context.
VPROGRAM_LANGUAGE Language to use at 01
program start.
Possible values are:
01 = English
49 = German
INSTALLDIR Absolute path where the %ProgramFilesFolder%
application should be Vector
installed to. \CANape\ [Main
VREGKIND Kind of licensing. 1
1 = Demo
2 = Software based
3 = Hardware based
VSETUPKEY_CUSTOMER Name of customer that No default value.
would normally be
entered in the license
dialog during CANape
setup. Property

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Administration Manual CANape Installation Settings

Property Meaning Default Value

VSETUPKEY_ Serial Number that No default value.
SERIALNUMBER would normally be
entered in the license
dialog during CANape
Property VREGKIND=3
MUST be set.
VSETUPKEY_LICENSEKEY License key of your No default value.
CANape version that is
normally entered in the
license dialog during
CANape setup.
Property VREGKIND=3
MUST be set.

Note: Please note, that for correct execution of CANape it is important to keep the
directory structure the same as defined in the installation package. Modifying this
directory structure can lead to erroneous behavior which can lead to wrong simulation

Caution: You MUST NOT change anything else than the public properties specified
in the table above.

Note: Starting with Windows Vista, installing the application and user data in the
system program folder (e.g. C:\Program Files) is not supported. If you install
CANape in the system program directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Vector
CANape), the data folders are located in a subfolder of the recommended root data

3.3 Features

Features The following applications are (de)selectable by the user:

Feature Meaning
Examples General Example files Selected

COM Examples: Com Example Not selected
CANapeApi CANape API and ASAP3 Selected
applications and examples
CRTProject Extras: CANape Real Time Selected
Target project templates
DriverGenerator Extras: CANape Driver Selected
Generator project templates

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Settings Administration Manual CANape Installation

Feature Meaning
MatlabIntegrationPackage1 Installation of the MATLAB Not selected
Integration Package (no silent
FunctionLibraryGlobal Installs/updates global Selected
Vector Function Library
MDFShellExtension Installs/Updates MDF Shell Selected
USBDongle Installs the Vector USB Not Selected
Keyman driver

Note: The MatlabIntegrationPackage Feature cannot be installed silently.

When installing the MatlabIntegrationPackage user interaction is always

Note: Configuring the features using the ADDLOCAL property requires configuring
each feature which should be installed, independent from the default values.

It is also available as discrete setup in the ISSetupPrerequisites subfolder.

- 22 - For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 © Vector Informatik GmbH

Administration Manual CANape Installation Further Installations

4 Further Installations

In this chapter you find the following information:

4.1 Silent Installation Example page 24

4.2 Service Pack Installation page 25
Silent Update
4.3 Hardware Installation page 25

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 - 23 -

Further Installations Administration Manual CANape Installation

4.1 Silent Installation Example

Silent Installation Installing CANape on the machine silently


Command line only: CANape Setup.exe silent installation:

Install and configure license information
Setup.exe /s /v"/qn

Install and configure installation directory and English as startup language

Setup.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"<Installationdirectory>\"

Installation instance 5
Setup.exe /s /instance=5 /v"/qn"

Setup.exe /s /x /v"/qn"

Note: Command-line options that require a parameter must be specified with no

space between the option and its parameter.
For example, Setup.exe /v"ALLUSERS=2" is valid, while
Setup.exe /v "ALLUSERS=2" is not.
Quotation marks around an option’s parameter are required only if the parameter
contains spaces. If a path within a parameter contains spaces, you may need to use
quotation marks within quotation marks, as in the following example:
Setup.exe /v"INSTALLDIR=\"c:\My Files\""

CANape.msi installation
Install and configure license information
CANape.msi /qn

Install and configure Installation directory and English as startup language

CANape.msi /qn INSTALLDIR=\"<Installationdirectory>\"

CANape.msi /x /v"/qn"

- 24 - For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 © Vector Informatik GmbH

Administration Manual CANape Installation Further Installations

Note: Silent execution of the CANape.msi requires administrator privileges and

starts in administrator context.

4.2 Service Pack Installation

4.2.1 Prerequisites

Prerequisites A service pack installation can only be executed if a CANape of the same main
version but lower SP level is already installed. Otherwise a full installation has to be

4.2.2 Silent Update

Silent Update For a silent update the following parameters have to be set at the command line:

In case multiple instances are installed on the machine you can specify the instance
to be updated by adding the parameter /n {Product-Code}.

Note: The parameter ( /n {Product-Code} ) must not be set, in case you want to
update a CANape installation which was installed using the base product code.

4.3 Hardware Installation

Installation The drivers for Vector hardware interfaces are not installed via the Windows Installer
setup. At the moment there are no Windows Installer installations available for Vector
hardware drivers. You have to ensure that the drivers for the used Vector hardware
are installed on the target machines.

© Vector Informatik GmbH For CANape Version 14.0 SP2 - 25 -

Administration Manual CANape Installation Addresses

5 Addresses

Addresses on Vector Please find the contacts of Vector Informatik GmbH and all subsidiaries worldwide
homepage via:

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Get more Information!

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> Products
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