Anaphylactic Shock Treatment Kit

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Anaphylactic Shock Treatment Kit

An essential tool for every surgery, this great value Anaphylactic Response Kit contains everything required to
respond effectively to an anaphylactic emergency.

Kit Contents:
2 × 1ml Adrenaline Injection 1mg in 1ml (1 in 1000).
2 × Hydrocortisone sodium succinate 100mg.
1 × 1ml Chlorphenamine Injection 10mg in 1ml.
2 × 1ml syringe.
2 x Needle 23G x 1¼.
3 x Needle 21G x 1½
1 x Guedel Airway Size 0
1 x Guedel Airway Size 00
1 x Guedel Airway Size 1
1 x Guedel Airway Size 2
1 x Guedel Airway Size 3
1 x Guedel Airway Size 4
1 x Resuscitation Face Shield
1 x IV Cannula 18g Green
1 x Empty Clear Box
Anaphylaxis algorithm/dosage tables
2 x Alcohol swabs

Inhaled beta 2 agonist – albuterol


Kortikosteroid iv

A convenient oral corticosteroid is prednisone. No proven best dose exists.

In adults, a dose of 1 mg/kg/d in divided doses is probably adequate; in
children, a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg/d in divided doses is appropriate. Tapering
is not necessary unless the patient has been taking steroids chronically.
Dipenhydramine iv (Benadryl)
H1 -blocker antihistamine treatment is as follows:
 Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) - Adults: 25 mg PO q6h for 2-5 d; Children: 1
mg/kg PO q6h for 2-5 d
 Hydroxyzine (Atarax) - Adults: 25 mg PO q8h for 2-5 d; Children: 1 mg/kg PO
q8h for 2-5 d
Administer intramuscular (IM) epinephrine immediately. [37, 67] IM
administration of epinephrine in the thigh (vastus lateralis) results in higher
and more rapid maximum plasma concentrations of epinephrine than IM or
subcutaneous (SC) administration in the arm (deltoid) of asymptomatic
children and adults (see Medication). [49]However, similar studies comparing
IM injections to SC injections in the thigh have not yet been done. Obesity
or other conditions that enlarge the subcutaneous fat pad may prevent
intramuscular access.
Health care professionals are sometimes reluctant to administer
epinephrine for fear of adverse effects. However, the use of epinephrine for
anaphylaxis has no absolute contraindications. It is the drug of choice and
it is usually well tolerated and potentially lifesaving. [48, 69, 72]Anaphylactic
deaths correlate with delayed administration of epinephrine.

Because hypotension in anaphylaxis is due to a dramatic shift of intravascular

volume, the fundamental treatment intervention after epinephrine is aggressive IV
fluid administration. Large volumes of crystalloid may be required, potentially
exceeding 5 L. The exact amount should be individualized and based on blood
pressure and urine output. Depending on its severity, refractory hypotension may
require placement of an invasive cardiovascular monitor (central venous catheter)
and arterial line.
In patients with preexisting heart disease, ischemic myocardial dysfunction may
occur due to hypotension and hypoxia. Epinephrine still may be necessary in
patients with severe anaphylaxis, but remember the potential for exacerbating
ischemia. If pulmonary congestion or evidence of cardiac ischemia is present, fluid
resuscitation should be approached more cautiously.

Vasopressors may also be needed to support blood pressure. Intravenous

epinephrine (1:10,000 v/v preparation) can be administered as a
continuous infusion, especially when the response to intramuscular
epinephrine (1:1000 v/v) is poor. Dopamine infusion can also be used.

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