Refractories and Industrial Ceramics Volume 51 Issue 4 2010 (Doi 10.1007 - s11148-010-9306-5) L. A. Angolenko G. D. Semchenko E. E. Starolat S. A. Savina - Thermomechanical Properties of Refracto

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Refractories and Industrial Ceramics Vol. 51, No.

4, 2010


L. A. Angolenko,1 G. D. Semchenko,1 E. E. Starolat,1 S. A. Savina,1

S. V. Tishchenko,1 and V. V. Povshuk2

Translated from Novye Ogneupory, No. 7, pp. 29 – 33, July 2010. Original article submitted December 23, 2009.

Comparative characteristics are presented for the physicomechanical properties and oxidation resistance of re-
fractory materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition based on an ACPB for the original materials (fired at
1400°C) and after impregnation with a sol-gel composition and heat treatment at 800°C. A reduction in mate-
rial porosity, increase in strength and reduction in carbon burn-off are due to development of a glassy phase in
the pore space and on graphite flakes due to SiO2 formation with thermal destruction of the organosilicon sub-
Keywords: silicon nitride, aluminochromium phosphate binder (ACPB), sol-gel composition, physico-
mechanical properties.

Different composites based of a combination of oxide a reducing atmosphere in situ SiAlON with addition of Si3N4
and oxygen-free compounds, among which of most practical to the concrete and increasing the amount of Si. It has been
value are SiC and Si3N4, and also graphite-containing com- established that with an increase in Si3N4 content the strength
posites, makes it possible to achieve high operating proper- of material starts to increase, reaching a maximum with con-
ties due to strengthening of the useful properties and sup- tent of 6% Si3N4, and then it decreases with a further in-
pressing undesirable properties, that considerably expands crease in Si3N4 content. With introduction of silicon concrete
their field of application [1 – 3]. strength increases with an increase in Si content. Introduc-
A promising field for creation of effective refractory ma- tion of additional SiO2 and Al2O3 nanopowder promotes a
terials for metallurgy is the system Al2O3–Si3N4–C, within reduction in the temperature for forming b-SiAlON and a re-
which it is possible to use not only silicon nitride, but also duction in the amount of materials with a low melting tem-
ferrosilicon nitride FeSi3N4. Ferrosilicon nitride exhibits perature [6]. Addition of silicon nitride may also be consid-
high mechanical strength at high temperature, low LTEC, ered as an antioxidant for different graphite-containing mate-
and absence of shrinkage during repeated firing. As a result rials.
of chemical reaction of silicon, nitrogen, carbon present in
Various unmolded refractories are most in demand in the
iron at high temperature there is formation of silicon carbide
refractory market, one of the main advantages of which is a
and silicon nitride bonds, that also governs an improvement
combination of the optimum price and a reduction in con-
in refractory mix properties [4]. Ferrosilicon nitride is within
sumption in an installation, and also the possibility of realiz-
the composition of the majority of contemporary imported
refractory mixes. ing the concept of an “infinite” lining. The principal of creat-
The mechanism of the modifying action of Si3N4 in ma- ing an “infinite” lining assumes prior treatment of the surface
terials of the system Al2O3–C is covered in [5]. Thermody- of the remaining layer of lining before applying a new refrac-
namic calculations showed that refractory concretes of the tory concrete layer. Therefore modification of the surface of
Al2O3–Si3N4–C system may be strengthened by synthesis in a basic layer may considerably increase the operating life of
a lining, that activates developments in this direction. A
National Technical University, Khar’kov Polytechnic Institute, study of the possibility of repeated use of Al2O3–Si3N4–C
Khar’kov, Ukraine. composite material based on an aluminochromium phos-
OOO PO Ukrspetsogneupor, Zaporozh’e, Ukraine. phate binder (ACPB) as a lining material, skull or torcrete

1083-4877/10/5104-0274 © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
Thermomechanical Properties of Refractory Materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C Compositions 275

Fig. 2. Dependence of weight gain Dm as a result of sol-gel compo-

Fig. 1. Dependence of water absorption W of rammed mixes of sition impregnation of rammed mix specimens of Al2O3–Si3N4–C
Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition based on ACPB on the amount of sili- composition on the amount of silicon nitride (a) and graphite (b ) in
con nitride (a) and graphite (b ) in the charge. the charge.

mix, also makes it possible to resolve the problem of energy with repeated use due to impregnation with an organoelemental
and resource saving. substance. The starting components used were coarse
The area studied was technology of preparing materials electrocorundum (56 – 70 wt.%) and fine fraction (24 – 30 wt.%),
of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition using an ACPB for creating finely dispersed silicon nitride (0 – 10 wt.%), graphite
unmolded refractories, assuming realization of the principal (0 – 15 wt.%), ACPB (10 wt.% above 100%), ethyl silicate
of creating an “infinite” lining. The problem studied included ETS-40. The physicomechanical properties were determined
development of compositions of refractory mixes based on by the standard procedure [7]. Before low-temperature heat
the Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition using an ACPB. Mixes treatment (1t 800°C for 4 h) material of the Al2O3–Si3N4–C
should have sufficiently high physicomechanical properties composition was previously fired at 1450°C, impregnated
with a sol-gel composite based on ethyl silicate
hydrolysate ETS-40 (ETS-40:water:HNO3 = 4:1:0.004)
TABLE 1. Dependence of Water Absorption W and Weight Gain DmETS for 8 h and weight increase was studied after impregna-
on the Amount of Silicon Nitride x and Graphite y tion with the binder with a change in water absorption of
the original material with variation of the amount of sili-
Value of parameter Dependence equation
con nitride and graphite.
Without Si3N4 W = – 0.0056x3 + 0.0516x2 – 0.126x + 3.02 As may be seen from Figs. 1 and 2 material water ab-
addition DmETS = – 0.9515x3 + 7.3717x2 – 13.17x + 22.77 sorption is 5 – 11% and the weight increase in 0.5 – 1.5%.
1 wt.% Si3N4 W = – 0.0083x3 + 0.0585x2 – 0.0902x + 2.77 Their dependence on the amount of silicon nitride is less
DmETS = – 0.2513x3 + 1.533x2 – 0.7217x + 18.4 clear than on the amount of graphite (Table 1), that is gov-
2.5 wt.% Si3N4 W = 0.0007x3 – 0.0119x2 + 0.0412x + 2.64 erned mainly by water absorption W and impregnation ca-
DmETS = – 1.2362x3 + 9.3267x2 – 16.21x + 26.87 pacity +DmETS: the higher the graphite content, the greater
5 wt.% Si3N4 3 2
W = – 0.0023x + 0.0135x – 0.0112x + 2.57 W and +DmETS.
DmETS = 0.3762x3 – 2.7047x2 + 3.5785x + 26.04 The dependence of the weight change was studied af-
Without graphite W = – 8·10–5y3 + 0.0036y2 – 0.066y + 3.02 ter heat treatment at 800°C for 4 h of refractory materials
DmETS = – 0.0295y3 + 0.6996y2 – 3.634y + 22.77 of the Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition based on ACPB on
5 wt.% C W = – 0.0003y3 + 0.0068y2 – 0.0697y + 2.94 the amount of silicon nitride and graphite in the charge for
DmETS = 0.0159y3 – 0.301y2 + 1.6963y + 16.02 the original specimens (Fig. 3) and impregnated with a
10 wt.% C 3 2
W = – 7·10–5y + 0.0022y – 0.0413y + 2.94 sol-gel composite (Fig. 4). The average weight loss for
DmETS = – 0.0084y3 + 0.1634y2 – 0.367y + 21.05 materials containing 5 wt.% graphite is 4% (or 82% of the
15 wt.% C 3 2
W = – 0.0002y + 0.0052y – 0.07y + 2.98 original graphite), for 10 wt.% of graphite it is 7.5% (77%
DmETS = – 0.0096y + 0.2108y – 0.9277y + 22.27
3 2 of the original amount of graphite), for 15% graphite it is
11% (75% of the original amount of graphite). Equations
276 L. A. Angolenko et al.

Fig. 4. Dependence of Dm of rammed mixes of Al2O3–Si3N4–C

Fig. 3. Dependence of Dm of rammed mixes of Al2O3–Si3N4–C com- composition after impregnation with sol-gel composition on the
position on the amount of Si3N4 (a) and graphite (b ) in the charge. amount of graphite (a) and Si3N4 (b ) in the charge.

for the dependence of weight loss [-Dm800] on the amount of typical for material containing 2.5 wt.% Si3N4. The prevail-
silicon nitride and graphite are provided in Table 2. ing effect on the mount of weight loss is the graphite content.
As may be seen from Figs. 3 and 4, weight loss depends Weight loss increases with an increase in graphite content.
little on the amount of silicon nitride, and the least losses are On the whole, impregnation of materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C
composition reduces weight loss by 5 – 10%, and this is
shown in Figs. 5 and 6. Impregnation of specimens makes
it possible to reduce open porosity (Figs. 7 and 8) and loss
TABLE 2. Dependence of Weight Loss After Heat Treatment at 800°C
DmETS on the Amount of Silicon Nitride x and Graphite y of strength (Figs. 9 and 10) after heat treatment of corun-
dum-graphite materials with addition of Si3N4. As may be
Value of parameter Dependence equation
seen from Fig. 8a, b, open porosity of corundum-graphite
Without Si3N4 Dm800 = 0.0094x3 – 0.0678x2 + 0.1116x + 0.0487 materials with addition of silicon nitride due to impregna-
addition Dm800 ETS = 0.0064x3 – 0.0501x2 + 0.0942x + 0.2319 tion of a sol-gel composite is less than 4 – 14%, and the
1 wt.% Si3N4 Dm800 = 0.0275x3 – 0.173x2 + 0.1757x + 3.9575 strength (see Fig. 10a, b ) is higher by a factor of 1.5 to
Dm800 ETS = 0.0756x3 – 0.3527x2 – 0.146x + 4.1326 2.0.
2.5 wt.% Si3N4 Dm800 = – 0.0344x3 + 0.257x2 – 0.5124x + 7.7223 Thus, a study of the thermomechanical properties of
Dm800 ETS = 0.2709x3 – 1.5537x2 + 1.6243x + 6.8047 original refractory materials of the Al2O3–Si3N4–C com-
5 wt.% Si3N4 Dm800 = – 0.0006x3 – 0.1158x2 + 0.7922x + 10.511 position based on an ACPB and after impregnation with a
Dm800 ETS = 0.3762x3 – 2.7047x2 + 3.5785x + 26.04
sol-gel composite made it possible to draw the following
Without graphite Dm800 = 0.0019y3 – 0.039y2 + 0.9205y + 0.083 conclusions:
Dm800 ETS = – 0.0101y3 + 0.1946y2 + 0.0366y + 0.2511
– weight loss with low-temperature heat treatment
5 wt.% C Dm800 = 0.0006y3 – 0.0069y2 + 0.7596y + 0.0504 (800°C for 4 h) is 4 – 12%, and after impregnation of ma-
Dm800 ETS = 0.0006y3 – 0.0061y2 – 0.5133y + 0.2544
terials with ETS hydrolysate it is 3.5 – 10.5%; the reduc-
10 wt.% C Dm800 = 0.001y3 – 0.0238y2 + 0.8713y + 0.1019
tion in graphite burn-off may be explained by formation
Dm800 ETS = – 0.0037y3 + 0.0552y2 + 0.5012y + 0.2824
of a protective glass coating on flaky graphite due to
15 wt.% C Dm800 = – 0.0011y3 + 0.0138y2 + 0.7407y + 0.0487
Dm800 ETS = – 0.0009y – 0.0118y + 0.8603y + 0.2319
3 2 forming SiO2 with thermal destruction of the organo-
silicon substance;
Thermomechanical Properties of Refractory Materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C Compositions 277

Fig. 5. Dependence of weight loss after heat treatment at 800°C for Fig. 7. Dependence of open porosity after heat treatment at 800°C
materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition, containing 5 wt.% graph- for materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition, containing 5 wt.%
ite, after impregnation with a sol-gel composition (curve) and ETS graphite, after impregnation with a sol-gel composition (curve) and
gel content in material after impregnation (rectangles) on the ETS gel content in material after impregnation (rectangles) on the
amount of graphite (a) and Si3N4 (b ) in the charge. amount of graphite (a) and Si3N4 (b ) in the charge.

Fig. 6. Dependence of weight loss after heat treatment at 800°C for Fig. 8. Dependence of open porosity after heat treatment at 800°C
materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition, containing 5 wt.% graph- for materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition, containing 5 wt.%
ite, original (n) and after sol-gel composition impregnation (n) on graphite, original (n) and after sol-gel composition impregnation
the amount of Si3N4 (a) and graphite (b )in the charge. (n) on the amount of Si3N4 (a) and graphite (b ) in the charge.
278 L. A. Angolenko et al.

Fig. 9. Dependence of loss of strength after heat treatment at 800°C

for materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition, containing 5 wt.% Fig. 10. Dependence of loss of strength after heat treatment at
graphite, after impregnation with a sol-gel composition (curve) and 800°C for materials of Al2O3–Si3N4–C composition, containing
ETS gel content in material after impregnation (rectangles) on the 5 wt.% graphite, original (n) and after sol-gel composition impreg-
amount of graphite (a) and Si3N4 (b ) in the charge. nation (n) on the amount of Si3N4 (a) and graphite (b ) in the charge.

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