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Size Stone Masonry

i) General
a) This specification refers to providing materials and constructing course rubble masonry in
foundations, plinth and superstructure.

b) Stones : Stones shall conform to specifications stipulated above in 3.C.1.1 and IS:1597.

c) Different categories of stones such as face stone, backing stone, hearting stone, headers,
quoins, etc., shall be collected in advance so as to suffice least for a week's requirements and
shall be stacked separately category-wise.

ii) Face & Backing Stones:

a) These stones shall be chiseled dressed top and bottom, true and square for at least 5cm
(2") back from the face and the rest of the width shall tail into the work and shall not project
below or above the plane of dressing. No stone shall tail to a point. The vertical joints shall be
chisel dress for a depth of not less than 4cm (1.5") from the face. Individual stones shall have
their thickness and width of not less than 15cms (about 6") in its thickest part and no stones
shall have its length less than 1.5 times its height.

b) The face stones and backing stones shall be selected from the mass of quarry stones for
their greater size, good beds, close grain and uniform colour. 50 percent of the stones shall be
more than 0.010 cum (about 1/3 cft) in thicker walls.

Through Stones
One through stone shall be provided per half square meter of facing evenly distributed. They
shall be about 0.03 Sqm (about 1/3 sft.) in face and shall have a tailing of the full width of the
masonry when the width is 60cm (above 2') or less. If the wall or masonry be over 60cm
(about 2') in width, line of headers, overlapping each other by at least 15cm (about 6") shall be
laid right through the wall from face to back. The length of the interior headers shall not be less
than 45cm (about 18") and their average cross sectional area shall not be less than 0.25 Sqm
(about ¼ sq.ft.). Face header shall be distinctly marked on its face.

Vertical Headers
For the massive work with a width of a meter (about 3.38') and above, vertical headers 45cm
(about 18") long or depth of two courses whichever is more shall be provided at the rate of one
for every sq. meter (about 10.76 sft.) of area in plan. For every course a new set of headers
shall be introduced at this rate in a staggered pattern. Their average sectional area shall not
be less than 0.03 Sqm (1/3 sft.).

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Hearting Stones
These can be rubble stones. In walls of 50cm (about 20") and less about 30 percent of the
stones shall not be less than 0.10 Cu.M. (about 1/3 cft) and for thicker walls about 30 percent
of stones shall not be less than 0.15 Cu.M. or (about ½ cft). The hearting stones shall be
hammer dressed on the top and bottom beds. A small proportion of spalls and chips can be
used to fill the hollows between the sides of the hearting stones in each course so as to avoid
thick mortar joints. However, spalls shall not be used for making up the height of hearting to
that of the course.


a) The quions shall be of selected stone and shall normally be 20cm x 25cm x 40cm (about 8"
x 10" x 16") or as directed by the Employer /Architect. The faces of quions shall be rough
tooled or provided the same type of dressing as that of the face stones as directed. Chisel
draft of about 40mm (about 1½") shall be provided on each side of the exposed corner.
b) The Beds and top shall be dressed square to the face and rough tooled to 10cm (about 4")
from the face and vertical joints similarly dressed to 4cm (about 1.5") from the face. In the
embedded portion the length of the side shall not be less than that of the exposed side
opposite by more than 8cm (about 3") for the longer and the shorter side

a) Cement, sand and water shall be as specified under clauses 2.4 .Cement and sand shall be
mixed in specified proportions, sand being measured in measuring boxes. The proportions will
be by volume on the basis of 50Kg., bag of cement being equal to 35 litres (about 1.2 cft). The
mortar shall be machine-mixed for major works

b) Preparation: hand mixing to be done only by the approval of Employer /Architect.

i. In hand-mixed mortar, cement and sand in the specified proportions shall be thoroughly
mixed dry on a clean impervious platform by turning over at least 3 times till a homogenous
mixture of uniform colour is obtained. Fresh and clean water as specified above shall be
added gradually through a hose and thoroughly mixed to form a stiff plastic mass of uniform
colours so that each particle of sand shall be complete covered with a film of wet cement. The
Water-Cement ratio may be directed by the Employer /Architect.

ii. Mixing platform shall be so arranged that no deleterious and extraneous material shall get
mixed with mortar nor the mixing water of the mortar shall flow out. Machine mixed mortar
shall be prepared in an approved mixer. About 5 percent to 10 percent of mixing water shall be
put into the mixer, sand and cement in the required proportions shall be then added. The
remainder of water, quantity of which shall be predetermined by consideration of strength and
consistency shall be added uniformly. Mixing will be continued until all particles of sand are
uniformly coated with cement paste. Mixing for 1.5 to 2 minutes will normally be sufficient.
Water-cement ratios will be as per hand-mixed mortar. the mortar so prepared shall be used
within 30 minutes of adding water. Only such quantity or mortar shall be prepared as can to be

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used within 30 minutes. the mortar remaining unused after that period or mortar which has
partially hardened or is otherwise damaged shall not be retempered or remixed. It shall be
destroyed or thrown away.

a) The masonry shall be laid to lines, levels, curves and shapes shown in the plans. all iron,
stone, concrete or other fixtures, plugs, frames, etc., if any, shall be built and bonded in at
places shown on the plan or as directed by the Employer /Architect /PMCas the work
proceeds and not inserted or joggled on after the masonry is advanced. Holes of the required
size and shape shall be left in the Masonry during construction itself for fixing pipes, service
lines or for passage of water. After the service lines, pipes, etc., are fixed extra hollow left if
any shall be filled with 1:4:8 cement concrete and the face shall be neatly finished with
matching stones. If any fixtures are to be provided, they shall be neatly embedded in the
required position while laying the masonry. Iron fixtures shall be embedded in 1:4:8 cement

b) Stones in hearting shall be laid on their broadest face, which gives better opportunity to fill
the space between stones. Stratified stones must be laid on their natural beds. All bed joints
shall be normal to the pressure upon them. The stones shall be wetted before laying in mortar.
Each mason shall be supplied by the Contractor with a vessel full of water and a tumbler for
wetting stones, care being taken not to spill any water on green masonry. The bed, which is to
receive the stone, shall be cleaned, wetted and covered with a layer of fresh mortar. All stones
shall be laid full in mortar both in bed and vertical joints and settled carefully in place with a
mallet immediately on placement and solidly bedded in mortar before it has set.

c) Clean chips and spalls, carefully selected to fill in the space shall be wedged into the mortar
joints wherever necessary to avoid thick joints of mortar. In case any stone already set in
mortar is disturbed or the joint broken the stone shall be taken out without disturbing the
adjoining stones and joints, the mortar thoroughly cleaned from the joints and the stone reset
in fresh mortar. Attempts must never be made to slide one stone over another already laid.

d) Shaping and dressing shall be done before the stone is laid in the work. No dressing and
hammering which will loosen the masonry will be permitted after it is once placed. There shall
be good collection of stones and spalls within easy reach of mason to enable proper selection
of stones for individual location while laying. The stones shall be continuously replenished.

e) The face stones and backing stones shall be laid without any pinnings on the exposed
faces. In each course the headers or lines of headers, as the case may be, shall be kept, in
position at specified intervals and with specified laps, where such laps are required before the
masonry of the layers is commenced to ensure that they are being laid properly and in
required number and intervals. They shall be embedded in mortar as masonry in that layer

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f) Quoins shall be laid stretcher and headerwise as seen on each face and shall correspond to
the arrangement of quoins in the same course. The quantity of mortar for 1 cubic meter of thin
and missive masonry shall range from 0.30 Cum. to 0.35 Cum respectively and for water
retaining masonry from 0.46 Cum to 0.48 Cum.

a) Lateral Bond
To give sufficient lateral bond, a stone in any course shall break joint with the stone in the
course below or above about half the height of the course and generally not less than 8 cm.
(about 3") i.e., joints parallel to the pressure in courses above and below shall not lie too
closely near the same vertical line.

b) Transverse Bond :
To give sufficient transverse bond, the prescribed number of headers shall extend from front to
back of thin walls upto a width of 60cm (about 2') or prescribed number of lines of overlapping
headers from face to back to walls over 60cm (about 2' thick). Over laps shall be 15cm (about
6") at each end. To ensure provision of full number of headers of the required sizes, they shall
be kept at specified intervals in each course in advance of starting masonry and then
embedded in mortar. Their position in each course shall be staggered, so that each will be
near about the middle in the courses below and above. Their faces shall be marked with a
distinguishing sign to identify them.

c) At Junctions
To bond work at all angles and junctions of walls, the stones at each alternate course shall be
so carried into each of the respective walls as to join the work thoroughly, Quoins shall be laid
header and stretcher wise when seen on each side of the wall.

d) With old work

i. When new work has to be started on the old or one completed a long while ago or in the
previous working season, care shall be taken to roughen and clean masonry before laying the
new. It shall be wetted before laying bedding mortar.

Where practicable the whole of the masonry in the stretcher shall be carried upto a uniform
level throughout. But where breaks are unavoidable in carrying the work continuously in
horizontal courses, sufficiently long step shall be left to join the courses to be laid later. All
junctions of wall shall be formed at the time the walls are being built; cross walls should be
carefully bonded into the main walls. The practice of building two thin faces tied with
occasional through stones and spalls and putting mortar on top must be strictly guarded
against. Putting dry chips in the joints of stones before filling them with mortar shall be left
uneven at the top of each course. But the top of the plinth and verandah walls shall be leveled
up with fiat chips laid in mortar, if necessary, to receive damp proof course coping etc..

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No face joints shall exceed 16 mm (about 5/8")

a) Striking Joints
The face joint shall be properly struck while the mortar is fresh. Joints which cannot be so
struck at the time of laying, shall be prepared for it by raking joints to a depth of not less than
16mm (about 5/8") when the mortar is fresh. These joints should be properly cleaned of loose
particles, wetted thoroughly and filled with good fresh cement mortar 1:3 and finished off by
being trawled smooth.

b) Treatment of Joints
When the joints are to be pointed they shall be raked to a depth of not less than their width
when the mortar is still green. When the pointing is not to be done, the mortar in the joints
shall be pressed and trawled smooth while masonry is being laid. Joints shall be raked when
plastering is to be done.

Item to Include
a) Coursed rubble masonry laid in cement mortar of specified proportion, built in any position
to any height or depth and to lines, levels curved and batters shown on the plans or as
ordered by the Employer /Architect /PMC including quoins, headers, etc., and striking joints
and curing.

b) Erecting and removing all scaffolding ladders and use of plant required for execution of the
item, safety of the labour and inspection for the work including compensation for any injury,
damage, etc. De-watering to allow construction in the dry and proper setting of masonry.
Clearing the site round the masonry.

Mode of Measurement and Payment for Masonry

The quantity of coursed rubble masonry to be paid under this item shall be in cubic meter of
the finished work including quoins, etc., Measurements shall be taken as specified in IS: 1200
with the limiting dimensions not exceeding those shown on the plans. No deduction shall be
made for pipes and openings each upto 01. Sqm in area or for fixtures upto 0.10 Sqm in area.
The contract rate shall be based on a unit of one cum of finished masonry.




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The following IS shall apply to this section

IS code no: Description
777 -1970 Specification for Glazed earthen ware tiles
2508-1984 Specification for low density polythene films.
13711-1993 Ceramic tiles- sampling and basis for acceptance.
13712-1993 Ceramic tiles-Definitions Classification characteristics and marking
2571-1970 Code of practice for laying in situ cement concrete flooring.
4631-1986 Code of practice for laying of Epoxy resin floor toppings.
5491-1969 Code of practice for laying of In situ Granolithic concrete floor
13630 -1993 all parts Methods of test for Ceramic tiles.



Concrete Grade Slab

Structural Slab


1. The surface to receive flooring shall be clean, free from dirt and free from foreign material.
2. Any undulations or mortar remainings on the floor shall be trimmed.
3. Base course shall be trimmed.
4. The base shall be cleaned and watered before laying the floor.
5. Provide a layer of mortar to the specified preparations in the case of slabs, tiles to correct
levels and slopes as required.
6. Provide a layer of chemical additives for fixing ceramic tiles on to the floor slab or walls as
per specifications to correct height and levels.
7. Work includes at all depths and heights.
8. The finished surface shall be kept wet for a maximum period of one week.

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1 Cement tile shall conform to IS 1237.

2 Cement tiles shall be of size 250 x 250 mm or of 300 x 300 mm and shall be of 20 / 25 mm
3 The colour of the tiles shall be approved by the Architects.


1 Cement tiles shall be laid on a cement mortar bed of 1:6, 20 mm thick and shall be laid and
appropriately levelled.
2 After laying, setting and curing polishing shall be done as per IS 1443.



1. Vitrified /Ceramic tiles, glazed tiles in flooring and dadoing and skirting are included.
2. Ceramic tiles shall be from approved manufacturers conforming to IS specifications.
3. It shall be of specific size and thickness.
4. The colour and the texture of the tiles shall be as approved by the Architects.
5. Tiles shall be well soaked in water, washed and cleaned.


1. Cement slurry of 1:3 proportion shall be laid over the surface of floor or wall to an average
thickness of 12 mm.
2. Cement paste of good consistency shall be spread over the mortar to an extent of 25 Sq.ft.
at a time.
3. Cement paste is also applied to the back of the tiles and fixed on to the floors or walls as the
case may be.
4. Tiles shall be properly bedded with the cement mortar and gently tapped with wooden mallet
to get the tiles in line/level with the adjoining tiles.
5. The joints shall be kept as thin as possible and in straight lines.
6. The joint shall be kept as per the pattern shown by the Architects.

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7. Surplus cement shall be removed and cleaned off.

8. The joint shall be cleaned off grey cement grout with a wire brush or trowel to a depth of 5
9. All dust and loose mortars shall be removed from the surface.
10. Joints shall then be flush jointed with white cement.
11. White cement shall be mixed with colour to match the colour of the tile where required.
12. Flooring/dadoing when finished shall be kept wet for 14 days.
13. After curing, the surface shall be washed with mild hydrochloric acid and cleaned with water.
14. Care shall be taken that there should be no hollow sound when tapped with wooden mallet.

11.7 Granite Slab Works:

All supplied granite should be cut mechanically before laying. All work should be covered with
a layer of Plaster of Paris with a layer of paper to avoid scratches, impressions etc.


The Contractor shall provide pre-polished Granite slab flooring to areas as called for in the
drawings and schedule of Finishes. The size of the slabs shall be as called for in the drawings
and shall be normally 20 mm thick. They shall be of colour as approved by the
Employer/Architect/PMC , and shall be hard, sound, dense, homogeneous in texture, free from
cracks, decay, weathering and other defects. Pave areas where called for (toilet floors, etc)
with pre-polished granite/marble slab of size and thickness as called in the drawings. The cut
slab shall be truly rectangular, true to size, and free of any defects. It shall be ensured that the
slabs are of same uniform colour. Allowable tolerances shall be + 1 mm for length and

Screed base, laying, fixing with adhesive, grouting and pointing. Final cleaning, protection of
completed surface, etc., shall be as laid down earlier.


Samples of all flooring materials shall be submitted to the Employer/Architect/PMC/PMC for

approval, and all slabs procured shall fully match the samples.

Machine Polished Faces

Every stone shall have the top surface machine polished before being brought to the site. All
stones shall be machine cut to the required sizes and all edges ground smooth and even to
the full depth. A straight edge laid along the side of the slab shall be in full contact with it. All
angles and edges of the slabs shall be true and square and free from chipping.


Allowance tolerances in length and breadth shall be + 3 mm and in thickness +1.5 mm.

Requirements for laying of slabs, adhesive, etc shall be the same as laid down under earlier
excepting that the slabs shall be laid abutting each other to obtain as fine joints as possible.
Edges of slabs shall also be buttered with adhesive and placed in position closely in contact

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with the adjacent slab to correct levels with fine joints. Slabs adjoining walls shall enter under
the SKIRTING or DADO as called for on the drawings. Any slight unevenness at the meeting
of the slabs shall be removed by fine chiseling and grinding to original finish.

Granite Skirting

The skirting are laid truly vertical, with the face slightly projecting from the plaster face above.
Top of skirting shall be chamfered as shown in the drawings and polished finished skirting
height shall be min.100 mm clear.

Granite Slab Cladding for internal areas

The slabs shall be of approved colour/shade, of approved variety, etc. all as selected by the
Employer/Architect/PMC . They shall be of size as called in the drawings with clear sharp,
correct corners. They shall be truly rectangular to enable joints to be uniform and straight.
Slabs shall be free from cracks, chipped edges and corners, spots, etc. and shall be hard and


The slabs shall be laid with waterproof tile adhesive over dry, clean, hardened plaster backing.
All requirements as laid down for ceramic tiles in regard to adhesive, laying to pattern to true
plane etc., and cleaning, joints, etc. shall be applicable.

Cleaning and Protection

The Contractor shall protect completed work in the manner already described.

Final Polish

At the appropriate time when all other trades have completed their work, the marble and
granite stone slab surfaces shall be worked clean with dilute oxalic acid solution and dried.
Non-slip work polish shall then be applied with soft linen on the clean and dry surfaces and a
polishing machine fitted with felt shall be run over the surface to achieve desired glossy finish
as approved by the Employer/Architect/PMC . Care shall be exercised to ensure that the floor
is not rendered slippery. Spread clean sawdust and protect surface until Practical Completion.

Granite Slab Cladding for External areas.

The slabs shall be of approved colour/shade, of approved variety, etc. all as selected by the
Employer/Architect/PMC. They shall be of size as called in the drawings with clear sharp,
correct corners. They shall be truly rectangular to enable joints to be uniform and straight.
Slabs shall be free from cracks, chipped edges and corners, spots, etc. and shall be hard and

The slabs shall be laid with The granite shall be fixed to the wall using GI sections & fixtures.
Details as shown in the drawings. Using 18mm thk. Polished Granite cladding with groves at
ends of joints . Horizontal and vertical joints are filled Dow corning or equivalent .

Cleaning and Protection

The Contractor shall protect completed work in the manner already described.

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Final Polish
At the appropriate time when all other trades have completed their work, the marble and
granite stone slab surfaces shall be worked clean with dilute oxalic acid solution and dried.
Non-slip work polish shall then be applied with soft linen on the clean and dry surfaces and a
polishing machine fitted with felt shall be run over the surface to achieve desired glossy finish
as approved by the Employer/Architect/PMC .

Granite Counter tops :

Counter tops toilets, kitchen, pantry and other areas shall be of Granite Slabs, pre-polished on
the top and visible edges, (including 30 mm under top where under counter basin is fixed)
uniformly 20 mm thick throughout. The slabs shall be in single length for Toilet Counters and
in appropriate long lengths as called for in kitchens. They shall be clear 600 mm wide unless
otherwise called for on the drawings.
Provide neatly cut holes, oval or circular as required to accommodate under slung wash
basins in Toilets. Edges of formed holes shall be ground neat and smooth and polished. The
openings provided shall be precise to size and shape. Provide cutouts as required for
stainless steel sinks in kitchen, toilets and pantry. Provide neatly cut holes for pillar cocks
wherever called for. Round off or bull nose edges and polish neatly.
Supports: Counters shall be supported by galvanized steel brackets as called for on the
drawings. Supports shall be anchored into wall properly with the other end screwed to Granite
slab bottom through stainless steel plates and screws as shown in details.

Granite Slab Treads, Risers etc.

Treads of steps and risers of steps of staircases shall be of pre-polished marble stone/Granite
slabs of sizes as called for on the drawings. They shall be of 20 mm uniform thickness and of
single piece. The tread shall be provided with three line anti skid grooves and the nosing shall
be of 40mm thk. Bull nose which is prepared by sticking two 20mm thick half nosed slab by
metal paste or as called in the drawing. Riser shall be of single piece granite slab and placed
truly vertical as called in the drawings.

Urinal partitions
The urinal partitions are of single piece 20 mm thick slab and both faces polished. The edges
shall be bull nose and polished. Size, shape and fixing details of the partitions shall be as
called in the drawings.

12.0 Joinery Works


This item of specification relates to the requirement of supplying, fabricating, erecting in

position, and efficient functioning of doors. The type, quality, materials, sizes and shapes of
members etc., shall be as per detailed drawings and specifications.

Reference to Standard Specifications

The provisions of the following Indian Standard Specifications shall with the `amendments'
form a part of these specifications: -
IS: 4021 Timber door, window and ventilator frames.

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IS : 1003 Timber paneled and glazed shutters (Parts I & II)

IS : 4913 Specifications, installations and maintenance of Timber door and window.
IS: 1141 Seasoning of Timber.
IS : 2202 Wooden Flush door shutters (Solid core type)
IS : 303 Plywood for general purpose.
IS : 1328 Veneered decorative plywood
IS : 3097 Veneered particle boards.
IS : 2380 Methods and tests for wood particle boards and boards from other lignose
llulosic materials.
IS: 226 Specifications for structural steel of standard quality.
IS : 1477 Part I & II - Painting of ferrous metal in building, painting and allied finishes.
IS : 2338 Finishing of wood and wood based materials.
IS : 1341 Steel butt hinges.


a. Teak wood shall be from the forests of Dandeli and Mysore in Karnataka, Malabar in
Kerala, Ballarsha in MP and Bulsar in Gujrat.

b. It shall have uniform colour reasonably straight grains and shall be free from large loose
dead knots cracks, shakes, warp, twists, bends bore holes, sap wood.


a) Nandi and Sal wood shall be from the forests of Karnataka.

b) It shall have uniform colour reasonably straight grains and shall be free from large loose
dead knots, cracks, shaks, warp, twists, bends, bore holes, sap wood.



1. Conform to IS 1036 and read in conjunction with IS 1080 and IS-1081.

2. Conform to the design and drawings submitted by Architects.
3. Take into account the opening sizes provided at site.
4. Windows may be side, top or centre hung, vertical or horizontally pivoted or
fixed and of composite sizes as detailed on the drawings.

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5. Windows shall be jointed together side by side or on top of one another by

fabricated mullions (vertical coupling members) or transoms (horizontal coupling
members) as may be required or as shown on drawings.
6. Dimensions indicated on drawings are clear heights and widths of openings and
shall not vary ± 1.5 mm.
7. Provide weather bars wherever necessary.


1. Steel windows to be fabricated to the dimensions and sizes mentioned in

2. Shall be fixed to brick, concrete, hollow concrete block or stone masonry by rawl
plugs number 19 and 32 mm and no. 10 galvanized screws or anchor fasteners, or
by adjustable steel lugs 3.2 mm thick 15 mm wide 100 mm long and embedded in
concrete 1:2:4 blocks 115 x 115 x 150 mm.
3. To fix with steel clips 40 x 40 x 8 mm and galvanized bolts with hexagonal nuts
in case of steel members.
Provide with lugs, screws and clips:
2 nos. on each side for frames upto 1 M. high.
3 nos. on each side for frames upto 1.5 M. high.
4 nos. on each side for frames upto 2 M. high.
1 no. additional for every 60 cms. or part thereof of height above 2 M.
Provide lugs, screws or clips at top or bottom one on each full for every 60 cms.
length or part thereof.
4. Embed the lugs in concrete sills if specified. To concrete in sills only after the
steel windows are fixed in position.


1 Steel window frames shall be to correct size and dimensions.

2 Frames shall be square and flat.
3 Provide adequate sections for fixed as well as openable frames, as on
4 Cut the sections to proper length and corners electrical flash welded to true right
5 Sub dividing bars shall be dovetailed and rivetted in to the frame where

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1 Steel surfaces shall be cleaned, free of dust, scale burrs, dirt and mill scale by
pickling or phosphating.
2 Paint with two coats of ready mixed red lead non- settling primer conforming to
IS:102-1950 immediately after the operations mentioned in item (1) conforming to


1. Mastic at the rate of 0.3 kgs per linear meter of joint shall be used for composite
2. Mastic specifically suited for the purpose shall be used in embedding the frame
in brick concrete or steel surfaces.
3. Mastic to be properly fitted between the frames and the plastered surfaces to
make the joints water proof.


1 Cement:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Fineness
ii) Soundness
iii) Consistency
iv) Setting time
v) Compressive strength and
vi) Chemical analysis

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 4031-1988 Method of physical tests for Hydraulic cement.

Part 2 – Determination of fitness by Blaine air Permeability method.

Part 3 – Determination of Soundness.
Part 2 – Determination of Consistency.
Part 2 – Determination of initial and final setting time.
Part 2 – Determination of compressive strength.

IS:4032-1985 Chemical analysis of Hydraulic cement.

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IS:3535-1986 Method of sampling Hydraulic cements.

IS:8112-1989 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement.
IS:12269-1987 Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement.
IS:12330-1988 Specification for sulfate resisting Portland cement.

Concrete workers

Guide – 1992 by Research and Consultancy directorate, A.C.C. Ltd., Mumbai

2 Fine aggregate:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Particle size and shape

ii) Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities.
iii) Specific gravity and density

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 383-1990 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources
for concrete.
IS:2430-1986 Method of sampling of aggregates for concrete.
IS:2386-1990 Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete

Part 1 – Particle size and shape

Part 2 – Estimate of deleterious materials and organic impurities.
Part 3 – Specific gravity and density.
Part 6 – Mortar making properties of fine aggregate.

Concrete workers

Guide – 1992 by Research and Consultancy directorate, A.C.C. Ltd., Mumbai

3 Coarse aggregate:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Sieve analysis
ii) Flakiness index
iii) Specific gravity and density
iv) Soundness
v) Alkali aggregate reaction
vi) Mechanical properties
vii) Petrographic examination

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:

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As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

e) Relevant references:

IS: 383-1990 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for
IS:2430-1986 Method of sampling of aggregates for concrete.
IS:2386-1990 Methods of tests for aggregates for concrete

Part 1 – Particle size and shape

Part 3 – Specific gravity and density.
Part 4 – Mechanical properties
Part 5 – Soundness
Part 7 – Alkali aggregate reactivity
Part 8 – Petrographic examination

Concrete workers

Guide – 1992 by Research and Consultancy directorate, A.C.C. Ltd., Mumbai

4 Water

a) Recommended tests:

i) P-Alkalinity
ii) M-Alkalinity
iii) Inorganic solids
iv) Sulfates
v) Chlorides
vi) Suspended solids
vii) pH Value

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance criteria
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

d) Relevant references
IS: 456-1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.
IS: 3025 – 1986 Method of sampling and tests (Physical and chemical) for
water and waste water.
Part 1 (1986) - Sampling
Part 2 (1983) - pH Value
Part 15 (1989) - Total residue (total solids dissolved and suspended)
Part 16 (1989) - Total dissolved solids
Part 17 (1989) - Total suspended solids
Part 23 (1986) - Alkalinity
Part 24 (1986) - Sulfates
Part 32 (1988) - Chlorides

5 Admixtures:
(Accelerating, retarding, water reducing/workability improvement and air entraining

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a) Recommended tests:

i) Water content of concrete with and without admixture

ii) Setting time of concrete with and without admixture
iii) Compressive strength of concrete with and without admixture
iv) Change in length of concrete with and without admixture
v) Bleeding of concrete with and without admixture
vi) Workability of concrete with and without admixture
vii) Air content of concrete with and without admixture
viii) Heat of hydration of concrete with and without admixture
ix) Chloride content

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS:9103 - 1979 Specification for admixtures for concrete.
IS:516 - 1991 Method of tests for strength of concrete.
IS:6925 – 1087 Method of test for determination of water soluble
chlorides in concrete admixtures.

6 Fresh concrete:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Slump/compaction factor/Vee Bee test

ii) Setting time of concrete by penetration method
iii) Air content
iv) Analysis for constituents

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guide lines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance Criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) elevant references:
IS: 1199 – 1991 Method of sampling and analysis of concrte
IS: 8142 – 1987 Setting time of concrete by penetration resistance

7 Hardened concrete:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Compressive strength
ii) Accelerated curing
iii) Normal curing
iv) Permiability test

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As pe guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

LRPL, Page 16 of 24

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS : 456 – 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
IS: 516 – 1991 Methods of tests for strength of concrte
IS: 9013 – 1987 Method of testing of accelerated cured concrete
IS: 3085 – 1990 Method of tests for permeability of cement mortar and concrete.

8 Reinforcing Steel:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Tensile test on bars welded or otherwise.

ii) Bend and rebend test
iii) Bond test
iv) Chemical analysis

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian standards.

d) Relevant refrences:
IS:1786 – 1990 Specification of high strength deformed steel bars for
concrete reinforcement.
IS: 1608 – 1991 Method of tensile testing of steel products.
IS: 228 – 1987 Method of chemical analysis of steel.
Part 1 : Determination of carbon by volumetric method.
Part 3 : Determination of phosphorous by alkali metric method
Part 9 : Determination of sulphur

9 Solid concrete blocks:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Dimensional tolerances
ii) Block density and compressive strength
iii) Water absorption
iv) Drying shrinkage
v) Moisture movement

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 2185 – 1987 Specification for concrete masonry units part-1 (1987)
solid concrete blocks.

10 Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Blocks:

LRPL, Page 17 of 24

a) Recommended tests:

i) Dimensional tolerances
ii) Block density and compressive strength
iii) Water absorption
iv) Drying shrinkage
v) Moisture movement

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 6072 – 1990 Specification for autoclaved reinforced cellular concrete
wall slabs.
IS: 6441 – 1987: Method of tests for autoclaved cellular concrete products.
Part 1 : Determination of unit wt. And moisture content.
Part 2 : Determination of drying shrinkage.
Part 4 : Corrosion protection of steel reinforcement.
Part 5 : Determination of compressive strength
IS: 2185 – 1987: Specification for concrete masonry units.
Part 3 (1990) Autoclaved cellular (aerated) concrete blocks.

11 Door Shutters:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Dimensions and defects of squareness test

ii) General flatness test
iii) Local planeness test
iv) Impact indentation test
v) Edge loading test
vi) Shock resistance test
vii) Buckling test
viii) Misuse test
ix) Slamming test
x) Screw holding power test
xi) Additional test on wood particle board:
1) Determination of water absorption
2) Determination of swelling in water

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines n relevant Indian Standards.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 4020 – 1994 Door shutters method of test
Part 1 : General
Part 2 : Measurement of dimensions & defects of
Part 3 : Measurement of defects of general flatness

LRPL, Page 18 of 24

Part 4 : Local planeness test

Part 5 : Impact indentation test
Part 7 : Edge loading test
Part 8 : Shock resistance test
Part 9 : Buckling test
Part 10 : Misuse test
Part 11 : Slamming test
Part 12 : Screw holding power test
IS: 2389 – 1977 Method of test for wood particle board
Part 16 : Determination of water absorption
Part 17 : Determination of swelling in water

12 Aluminium:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Thickness measurement of member

ii) Coating thickness

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

d) Relevant references:
IS: 5523 – 1991 Method of testing anodic coating on aluminium

13 Tiles (Concrete):

a) Recommended tests:

i) Dimensional tolerance
ii) Flatness
iii) Perpendicularity
iv) Straightness
v) Water absorption
vi) Wet transverse strength
vii) Resistance to wear

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant reference:
IS : 1237- 1990 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles.

14 Glazed Earthenware Tiles:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Dimensional tolerance
ii) Warpage

LRPL, Page 19 of 24

iii) Water absorption

iv) Impact strength
v) Cracking test

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance Criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

d) Relevant references:
IS: 777 – 1986 Specification for glazed earthenware wall tiles.

15 Marble:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Moisture absorption
ii) Hardness

b) Sampling and frequency of sampling:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards

d) Relevant references:
IS: 1237 – 1990 Specification for marbles (Blocks, slabs & tiles)
IS: 1124 – 1990 Methods of tests for determination of water absorption,
apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stone.

16 Pile Foundation:

a) Recommended Tests:

i) Vertical load test

ii) Pile integrity test

b) Frequency of test:

i) 1% of the total number of pipes for vertical load test in addition to

preliminary test.
ii) Pile integrity test only on piles in doubt.

c) Acceptance criteria
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 2911-1979 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundation
Part 1 / sec 1 – 1979 Concrete piles / driven cast in-situ piles.
Part 1 / sec 2 – 1979 Concrete piles / bored cast in situ piles
Part 4 – 1985 Load test on piles.

17 Non-destructive Testing of Concrete:

LRPL, Page 20 of 24

a) Recommended tests:

i) Ultrasonic pulse velocity test

ii) Rebound hammer test

b) Frequency of test:
About 5% of randomly selected reinforced concrete structural components (in-
situ of precast)

c) Acceptance Criteria:
As perp guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS:13311-1997 Non-destructive testing of concrete
Part 1 : Method of test for Ultrasonic pulse velocity
Part 2 : Method of test for Rebound hammer
The testing of concrete in structures by J.H.Bungey, Surrey University Press, 1982.

18 Core Test on Concrete:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Texture of concrete
ii) Compressive strength test

b) Frequency of test:
Core to be taken from walls, slabs and footings whenever in doubt.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:

IS: 516 – 1991 Method of tests for strength of concrete

IS: 456 – 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete

19 Load Test:

a) Recommended test:
Load testing of selected in-situ panels/pre-cast components (service load test)

b) Frequency of test:
On representative in-situ panels in each type of housing whenever in doubt
about 0.5% of the total precast floor roof components.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 456- 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.
IS: 6441 (part 7 & 8) Method of test for autoclaved cellular concrete products
subject to load test.

LRPL, Page 21 of 24

20 Earth-filling in Building:

a) Recommended tests:

i) Grain size distribution for material selection

ii) Proctor compaction test
iii) Field density by core extraction

b) Frequency of test:

i) One sample from each borrow pit

ii) Three cores for every 1000 sqm. In compacted thickness of 30cm.

c) Acceptance criteria:
As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
IS: 2720-1987 Method of test for soil
Part 2 – 1987 Determination of water content
Part 4 – 1990 Grain size analysis
Part 5 – 1990 Determination of liquid and plastic limit.
Part 7 – 1987 Determination of water content-dry density relation using
light compaction.
Part 29 – 1988 Determination of dry density of soils in place by core
cutter method.

21 Mix design:

a) Recommended method:
Method outlined in SP-23-1982 – Hand book on concrete mixes.

b) Frequency of design:
On every source of type of the following:

i) Aggregates
ii) Cement
iii) Admixtures and for different grades of workability.

c) Acceptance criteria of mix:

As per guidelines in relevant Indian Standards.

d) Relevant references:
SP:23-1982 Hand book on concrete mixes
SP: 10262 – 1982 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design.
SP: 456-1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.


1 Properties of concrete by A.M>Neville, ELBS Publication 1981

2 (a) Elements of concrete making, 1991

(b) Concrete workers guide, 1992
(c) Control tests for quality user, 1992
(d) Notes for the cement user, 1992 by Research and Consultancy directorate, ACC
Ltd., Mumbai.

LRPL, Page 22 of 24

3 SP: 24-1983 Explanatory handbook on Indian Standard Code of practice for plain and
reinforced concrete.

4 Workshop on testing of fresh and hardened concrete Indian Concrete Institute, 1986.

5 SP:21 – 1983 Summaries of Indian Standard for building materials.

6 National building code, 1983.

7 Non-destructive testing by Barry Hall, Macmillan Education, 1988.


Sl. Item Tolerance

1 Variation from plumb in the lines and surface of columns, piers,
walls and arrises.
a) In any 3.05 mt height. 6 mm
b) Maximum for total building height of approx. 50m. 38 mm
2 Variation in plumb for exposed corner columns. Control joint
groves and other conspicuous lines.
a) In any 6.10 mt height. 6 mm
b) Maximum for total building height of approx. 50m 19 mm
3 Variation in level of slab soffits, ceiling, beam soffits and in
arrirers, measured before removal of supporting shores.
a) In any 3.05 mt height. ± 6 mm
b) In any bag or in any 6.10m length. ± 10 mm
c) Maximum for total length of the structure ± 19 mm
4 Variation in level of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal
grooves and other conspicuous lines.
a) In any bag or in any 6.10m length. ± 6 mm
b) Maximum for total length of the structure ± 13 mm
5 Variation in level of elevation control points for slabs on grade.
a) In any bag or in any 6.10m length. ± 10 mm
b) Maximum for total length of the structure ± 19 mm
6 Variation in linear building lines from the basic dimension in plan
and related position of columns, walls, beams and partitions.
a) In any bay
b) In bay 6.10m ± 13 mm
c) Maximum for the structure ± 13 mm
± 25 mm
7 Variation in size of sleeves, floor openings, and wall opening. ± 6 mm
8 Variation in location of centre lines of sleeves, floor opening and
wall opening. ± 13 mm
9 Variation in cross sectional dimension of columns, beams, walls
and slab thickness
a) Upto 3.05 mm + 10 mm
- 6 mm
b) More than 3.05mm + 13 mm
- 10 mm
10 Variation in horizontal dimension of footings with formed + 51 mm
excavation. - 13 mm
11 Variation in horizontal dimension of footing with unformed + 76 mm

LRPL, Page 23 of 24

excavation. - nil
12 Variation in misplacement or eccentricity of footing
Positive and Negative tolerance
Lesser of 51mm or 2% of footing dimension in the direction of
13 Variation in cross sectional thickness of footing. + no limits
- 5%
14 Variation in alignment of footing to receive masonry
a) In 3.05 m length ± 6 mm
b) Maximum for 15.24 m length ± 13 mm
15 Variation in level of footing to receive masonry construction
a) In 3.05 m length ± 6 mm
b) Maximum for 15.24 m length ± 13 mm
16 Variation in dimension of an individual step of a stairway.
a) Riser ± 3 mm
b) Tread ± 6 mm
17 Variation in dimension of an extra flight of a stairway.
a) Rise ± 3 mm
b) Run ± 6 mm
18 Variation in finished slab surface determined as depressions in
floors between high spots using a 3.05 m long aluminium
straight edge over five consecutive measurements per day. 8 mm
19 Variation from specified gradient in longitudinal direction of
pavements as measured with a 3.05 m long aluminium straight
edge. 3 mm
20 Variation from specified gradient in turnover direction of
pavements as measured with a 3.05 m long aluminium straight
edge. 6 mm
21 Variation from specified gradient of ramps and intersection as
measured with a 3.05 m long aluminium straight edge. 6 mm
22 Variation from specified location of dowels. ± 25 mm
23 Variation in alignment of 450mm long dowels. ± 6 mm
24 Variation in length of precast non-prestressed elements.
a) Per 3.05 m of length ± 3 mm
b) Maximum for entire length. ± 19 mm
25 Variation in cross sectional dimensions of precast non-pre-
stressed elements.
a) Sections upto and including 152 mm ± 3 mm
b) Sections between 153mm and 456mm ± 5 mm
c) Sections between 457mm and 913mm ± 6 mm
d) Sections above and including 914mm ± 10 mm
26 Variation from straight line of precast non pre-stressed elements
a) In any 3.05m of length ± 3 mm
b) Maximum for entire length ± 19 mm
27 Variation from specified camber of precast non-pre-stressed
a) Per 3.05 m of span ± 3 mm
b) Maximum for entire width ± 13 mm
28 Differential in camber between adjacent units in erected position
of precast, non pre-stressed elements.
a) Per 3.05m of span ± 3 mm
b) Maximum for entire length ± 13 mm

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