Pratham Mumbai Education Initiative National Open School Level - B

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National Open school

Level - B

Subject : English (Ist language)

Name of the candidate __________________________ Date:_____________

Roll No. ____________ Examiner’s signature: _____________
Time : 2 hrs 30 min Centre Name : ___________________ Total Marks:80

Question 1 Total Marks

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Obtained Marks

I) Read the passage and answer the given questions

A Television Show
A cricket match takes place in a far off country; there is a music programme in a
big city, a doctor carries out a difficult operation and you see it all without leaving
your place. Thanks to television.
Television has become a part of our everyday life. It brings you information and
entertainment at a click of a remote. It’s fun to watch entertaining shows but it’s not
easy to make a television programme.
First of all somebody has to write a script. A T.V script has to include words as well
as actions of all characters.
A typical script looks like this
Crowds at a beach. Boy: Help, help
Boy drowning waving Life guard moves aside.
hands. Help is on the way
The producer reads the script and the director tells the actors, how to move and
speak. In fact every one in front of the camera and those behind it have to work hard
to make it successful. Cameraman and technicians are very important to the set.

1) Who are those in front of the camera and those behind the camera? Name them
____________________________________________________________________________ 2
2) What does a producer do?
3) How has television become the part of life?
4) Give words from the passage to mean
a) Places away from here ________________ b) Written story ___________________
5) Name 4 important people needed to make a film.
6) See the box and write a (dialogue)
Police chasing Woman : _______________________________________
a robber Crowd shout : _______________________________________
Woman crying Police : _______________________________________
Robber caught

II) Read the poem and answer the given below questions
I wonder why?
I wonder why the grass is green
And why the wind is not seen
Who taught the birds to build a nest
And told the trees to take the rest

Why the moon is not quite round

Where the missing piece can be found
Who paints the rainbow in the sky
And makes fluffy coulds hang high.

1) Give words from the poem that rhyme e.g. nest and rest 2
a) __________________________________ b) ______________________________________
2) What is invisible and cannot be seen?
3) What looks fluffy?
4) What is the poet saying about a missing piece of the moon? When does it happen?
_____________________________________________________________________________ 2
Q 5) Who do you think does all this?
Q 6) Name three things poet is wondering about.
Structure and Writing
1) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given in bracket
e.g. Sunita was (be) getting (get) ready to go out 6
Once three men ____________________ (be) hunting in a forest, when one of them
___________________ (see) a tiger he aimed and _________________ shoot) the animal.
When they went near the tiger many people _________________ (shout) at them for
________________ (kill) the tiger and called the police to _______________ (arrest) them
because no one is allowed to shoot tigers.

2) Fill in the blanks with prepositions - about, from, on, under, for 5
My mother was _________________ tension because my father had not returned
_______________ his trip. He had gone ________________ a job in town and there was no
call or news from him. We all were worried ________________ him, because he was
_______________ the train and the train was derailed.

3) Frame questions to suit the answer- e.g Did you do your work? Yes, I did ( You
can use ‘Wh’ questions too)
a) ________________________________________________________________________________
Ans: He is walking slowly because he’s hurt.
b) ________________________________________________________________________________
Ans: This bus goes to Pune.
c) ________________________________________________________________________________
Ans: No, I am not going out.
d) __________________________________________________________________________________
Ans: Yes, we came here yesterday.
e) ________________________________________________________________________________
Ans: I saw aHindi movie yesterday.
4) Look at this invitation card and write who is inviting, why and when?
Mr. and Mrs. Kazi
request the pleasure of your
company for the wedding of
their daughter


at Town Hall, on Sunday

2nd of July at 6.30 p.m

5) Fill in the blanks with any word
Last night when we were ______________ T.V. we heard a ___________ noise. When we
______________ out of the window. We saw an ___________ and a police ___________ had
crashed. I think the patient ___________ when the accident happened.
6) Write to your friend to tell him that you are too busy to go with him for a movie
tomorrow. Tell him why you are busy.
Dear __________,
Thank you for your call but _______________________________________________________
7) Write what you did when you went on a camp to Khandala.

We reached at our camp at 10 o’clock in the morning. It was week end camp. 5
On the first day ______________________________________________________________________

8) Write the following on sign posts board. e.g Beware of dogs ( Be careful of dogs)

a) Do not smoke here. ________________________________ 4

b) You cannot turn right here. ________________________________

c) Do not make noise here. ________________________________

d) You cannot enter here. ________________________________

9) Write True or False 4

a) It’s quarter past 10 means it’s 10.45 a.m. ________________
b) There is nobody taller than her means she is the tallest. ________________
c) What’s up? means what is upstairs. ________________
d) The plane has taken off means the plane has landed. ________________
10) Fill in the travel form
Name : XYZ Destination ___________________
Date of Travel _____________________ Return date ___________________
11) Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition (at, on, from, for)
My friend arrived ______________ London ____________ Saturday. His plane landed
_______________ 9.15 a.m. I was waiting ______________ him in the car.

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