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OBLICON CASE 01 - De Guia v.

Manila Electric Co
MANUEL DE GUIA, plaintiff vs. THE MANILA ELECTRIC RAILROAD & Another consideration would be the fact that the car was practically
LIGHT COMPANY, defendant & appellant [1920] empty.
 Main basis for imputing negligence: not so much because of the
Facts: excessive speed but the fact that the car was allowed to run a relatively
Sept. 4, 1915, 8 p.m. long distance considering that the front wheels of the rear truck were
 de Guia, a physician & resident of Caloocan boarded a street-car derailed. An experienced & attentive motorman should have discovered
(parang train ata ‘to…) in Caloocan. He boarded a car at the end of the that something was wrong & would have stopped.
line. 2. WON the defendant company is liable - YES
 30 meters from the starting point: car entered a switch, de Guia  Liable for the damage resulting to de Guia due to the negligence.
remained at the back of the platform holding the handle of the right hand There was a contractual relationship bet him & the company. Company
door was bound to convey & deliver him safely & securely w/the degree of care
 Upon coming out of the switch, small wheels of rear truck left the required by law & custom (CC Art. 1258).
track eventually shattering a concrete post at the left of the track.  Defense of exercise of due care in selection & instruction of operator
Defendant company claims it was caused by a stone somewhat larger (CC Art. 1903) is immaterial because such is only applicable in negligence
than a goose egg lodged accidentally between the rails. w/o contractual relation.
 As the car stopped, de Guia was thrown against the door w/some  However, the Court can moderate the company’s liability according to
violence w/c resulted to some bruises and probably some internal injuries. the circumstances of the case (CC Art. 1103) especially since the company
 De Guia claims that he became unconscious due to the impact & he can be considered as a debtor in good faith due to its exercise of due
was taken to his house. Different physicians who checked on him had diligence (CC Art. 1107). Thus, defendant’s liability is limited to damages
different testimonies. One claimed that de Guia was walking while one that might be directly caused by the physical injuries inflicted & w/c were
said that he spit up blood due to the bruises on his side. Signs of physical in fact a necessary result of those injuries.
& nervous derangement were also observed. However, defendant 3. WON lower court erred in admitting as primary evidence the
presented some experts who testified that de Guia’s injuries were trivial & written statements of 4 physicians who examined de Guia. – YES.
simulated. Physicians merely identified their signatures. These cannot be classified as
primary evidence since they’re of a hearsay nature. Physicians should have
De Guia filed a suit for damages wanting to claim the following: been asked to testify in court. Their statements cannot be used considering
1. compensation for money lost due to his inability to properly attend to that there had been no failure/exhaustion of memory.
his professional labors for 3 mos & his practice was suspended during that 4. Damages claimed by de Guia:
time  P900.00 award for loss of professional earnings sustained.
2. P3,900.00 w/c he should have earned P3,900.00 as a district health  P3,900.00 (health officer’s salary) denied since it’s way too
officer in Occidental Negros where he was supposed to serve for 2 years speculative.
earning P1,600.00 per annum. He even added P350.00 as earnings from  Damages for supposed incapacitation denied. Court has reason to
possible outside practice. believe that de Guia wants to profit from the situation thus his promotion
3. P40,000.00 - P10k for his medical treatment and P30k for injuries w/c of the litigation. He made use of his medical knowledge coupled w/the
he claim would incapacitate him for exercise of medical profession in the help of his professional associates to make it appear that he has a strong
future. He claimed to have numerous diseases. case.
*Breakdown for P10k medical expenses: P350 to Dr. Montes (doctor who  Medical expenses: Limited to expenditures as were reasonably suited
first saw de Guia) plus payment to 3 other physicians. to the case. Defendant is only liable for the expenses incurred during the
first check-up w/c amounts to P350. However, only P200 was paid by
RTC: motorman negligent in maintaining a very rapid speed. P900.00 for loss plaintiff thus, that is the only amount w/c the defendant company is
of professional earnings. P3,900.00 for supposed salary as a district health obliged to pay. Obligation WRT other physicians cannot be subj to
officer in Occidental Negros. Total award amounts to P6,100.00 recovery since:
a. there’s no proof that these physicians charged for
Issues & Ratio: those services. They seem to be gratuitous services. Physician’s
1. WON the motorman/car operator was negligent - YES testimonies re their rates do not mean that de Guia did actually pay
 Derailment is actually a fortuitous event as determined by cause. But them.
operator’s negligence cannot be denied. He was moving at point four b. Court believes that de Guia employed many
speed (about 5-6 miles per hour) but some witnesses observed that the physicians to make sure of his success in this litigation rather than to
train was moving at a higher rate since the car was behind schedule. actually cure him.
OBLICON CASE 01 - De Guia v. Manila Electric Co
Holding: Modified. de Guia entitled to P1,100.00 w/legal interest from Nov. 8,

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