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Investing in Family Planning: Key to Achieving the

Sustainable Development Goals
Ellen Starbird,a Maureen Norton,a Rachel Marcusa

Voluntary family planning brings transformational benefits to women, families, communities, and
countries. Investing in family planning is a development ‘‘best buy’’ that can accelerate
achievement across the 5 Sustainable Development Goal themes of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and

INTRODUCTION and private commercial sectors, as well as through civil


F amily planning encompasses the services, policies,

information, attitudes, practices, and commodities,
including contraceptives, that give women, men,
This paper outlines the multiple reasons why
investing in family planning is a good decision at every
level. It is aligned with recent studies that find that
couples, and adolescents the ability to avoid unintended investing in family planning is a development ‘‘best
pregnancy and choose whether and/or when to have a buy.’’1 Accordingly, we hope that the information
child. In this commentary, we outline family planning’s presented here will help governments and planners—
links to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and including Ministries of Finance, district health teams,
highlight the transformational benefits that voluntary and civil society organizations—to consider family
family planning brings to women, families, commu- planning as a fundamental element of any long-term,
nities, and countries. We present family planning as a socioeconomic development strategy, and key to SDG
cross-sectoral intervention that can hasten progress achievement.
across the 5 SDG themes of People, Planet, Prosperity, In 2000, representatives from 189 United Nations
Peace, and Partnership (Figure). We particularly stress Member States endorsed 8 Millennium Development
family planning’s: Goals (MDGs) to be achieved by 2015, and affirmed
 Link to human rights, gender equality, and their collective commitment to poverty reduction and
empowerment improved quality of life. However, during the next
 Impact on maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent decade, progress toward MDG 4 (reduce child mortal-
health ity), 5 (improve maternal health), and 6 (combat
HIV/AIDs, malaria, and other diseases) was relatively
 Role in shaping economic development and envir- slow. In fact, MDG 5.B, universal access to reproductive
onmental and political futures health, including access to voluntary family planning
Accelerating progress in these areas is critical for (not added until 2007), witnessed the least progress
SDG achievement. over the entire 15-year MDG time frame. By 2010,
We set forth evidence on ways that family planning experts concluded that ‘‘the poorest, least educated
can influence SDG achievement. At times, the evidence women in sub-Saharan Africa have lost ground, with
is strong; at other times, less so. Our hope is that the adolescents lagging farthest behind.’’2
evidence gaps will motivate researchers to address The international community, however, has made
unanswered questions. Most importantly, we hope that important strides in recent years. The 2010 ‘‘Global
the evidence presented here leads to action at the Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health’’ has
international and country level—to fully support mobilized new resource commitments, and Family
organized, voluntary family planning in the public Planning 2020 (FP2020), the UN Commission on Life-
Saving Commodities, the MDG Health Alliance, and
other groups have revitalized family planning globally.
U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, USA.
Civil society organizations are highly engaged at local
Correspondence to Rachel Marcus (

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Family Planning and the SDGs

FIGURE. The 5 Sustainable Development Goal Themes of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership

Investing in family levels to ensure the positive momentum con- themselves, whether, when, and how many
planning is a tinues. Despite this renewed momentum, family children they want to have—a basic human right.3
development planning investments and service access fall short Family planning supports the rights of the girl
‘‘best buy.’’ of need in virtually all low-resource settings. child to remain unmarried and childless, until she
Below, we present the SDGs using the is physically, psychologically, and economically
organizing principles set forth in the preamble ready, and desires to bear children. It supports
of the Sustainable Development Goals—People, the rights of adolescent boys and girls to informa-
Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership. (Thus, tion on how rapid, repeat pregnancies will affect
the SDGs are not always presented in numerical their future. It strengthens the rights of women
order in this article.) We then synthesize the with HIV to decide on future childbearing, free of
most recent analyses that document family coercion. Family planning supports the rights of all
planning’s importance for the achievement of people to accurate, unbiased information on
Despite renewed the SDGs. contraceptive methods that can help them achieve
momentum, their reproductive preferences. Yet, in many
family planning countries, despite possessing these inherent rights,
investments and women and girls often bear more children than
service access fall they want, or at times when they are not planned.
short of need in Family planning affects people in myriad ways. In 2012, the year for which the most recent
virtually all low- Most fundamentally, it advances human rights. data are available, approximately 85 million
resource settings. Voluntary family planning helps women and pregnancies, representing 40% of all pregnancies
men secure their rights to decide freely, and for globally, were unintended.125 This number was

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Family Planning and the SDGs

projected to rise to 92 million by 2015.4 In 2014, for poverty reduction strategies and family In 2012,
225 million women in the developing world had planning are clear. approximately
an unmet need for a modern contraceptive At the household level, some studies caution 85 million
method.5 Women with unmet need are defined against ‘‘the widely held view that large families pregnancies were
as those who want to stop or delay childbearing are poorer’’ and fail to find links between unintended.
but are not using modern contraceptive methods. household size and poverty.11 Other studies take
SDGs 3.7 and 5.6 support ‘‘universal access to a different approach to examining family plan- SDG 3.7 supports
sexual and reproductive health-care services, ning’s contribution to poverty reduction. They universal access to
including for family planning’’ and ‘‘universal focus instead on family planning’s role in creating sexual and
access to sexual and reproductive health and human capital. A 2010 study found that the reproductive
reproductive rights,’’ respectively.6 family planning program in Colombia reduced health care
Beyond human rights, family planning affects women’s completed lifetime fertility by approxi- services, including
people in other ways, as outlined below. mately one-half of a child and explained a family planning.
relatively low 6% to 7% of the fertility decline SDG 5.6 supports
Goal 1. No Poverty: End Poverty in All Its between 1964 and 1993.12 ‘‘Despite its modest universal access to
Forms Everywhere role in reducing lifetime fertility,’’ the study sexual and
concluded, ‘‘the ability of family planning to
Family Planning Helps Reduce Poverty reproductive
fight poverty cannot be easily dismissed.’’ The
Over the last 3 decades, extreme poverty has rights.
study found that women with access to family
declined significantly. In 1981, 50% of the
planning as teenagers gained 0.05 more years
developing world’s population lived on less than
of schooling, were 7% more likely to work in
US$1.25 per day. In 2010, this indicator had
the formal sector, and were 2% less likely to
dropped to 21%.7 While population’s links to
cohabit with male partners. In addition, young
poverty have been debated over the years, a
Colombian women with access to modern contra-
consensus is emerging that rapid population
ception ‘‘experienced substantial socio-economic
growth can increase the sheer number of poor
gains’’ because contraception allowed them to
postpone their first births and determine their life
 The latest data show that the share of course. The study concluded that these estimates
Africans who were poor fell from 56% in may place family planning ‘‘among the most
1990 to 43% in 2012. Yet, due to population effective (and cost-effective) interventions to
growth, many more people are poor—about foster human development.’’12
330 million in 2012, up from about 280 million This work links to other SDGs related to
in 1990.9 economic development and poverty reduction,
 Equally important, African population growth including Goal 8 (decent work and economic
is not slowing as quickly as anticipated. In growth) and Goal 10 (reduced inequalities).
2015, the UN estimated that Africa had the
highest annual population growth rate among
major geographic areas (2.55%) and projected Goal 2. Zero Hunger: End Hunger, Achieve
that it would remain high in 27 African Food Security and Improved Nutrition, and
countries.10 Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Family Planning Contributes to Improved Nutrition
 Between 2015 and 2050, an estimated
1.3 billion people will be added in Africa.
As noted in a recent brief on the impacts of family
The populations of Angola, Burundi, Demo-
planning on nutrition, ‘‘undernutrition, which
cratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mali,
includes stunting, underweight, wasting, and
Niger, Somalia, Uganda, United Republic of
vitamin deficiencies, contributes to nearly half
Tanzania, and Zambia may increase at least
of all childhood deaths. This means that about
fivefold by 2100.10
3.1 million children under age 5 die each year
The 2015 UN report of population estimates from malnutrition-related causes.’’13
and projections concludes, ‘‘y population The breastfeeding method of family plan-
growth in the poorest countries will make it ning—the Lactational Amenorrhea Method
harder for those governments to eradicate (LAM), considered a modern method of family
poverty and inequality y [and] improve the planning14—yields all of the nutritional benefits
provision of basic services.’’10 The challenges of exclusive breastfeeding, and thus can directly

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influence newborn and infant nutritional status. infants. And when pregnancies are planned,
However, correct use of this method globally is research shows that mothers can breastfeed
low at 26% of reported LAM users.15 Scaling up for longer periods of time and breastfeeding
correct LAM use globally could bring tremendous practices improve, leading to improved
nutritional benefits to newborns and infants and nutrition.13,24,25,26
prevent unwanted pregnancy among postpartum
women for 6 months, before transitioning to
another modern method. Goal 3. Good Health and Well-Being:
Family planning Family planning also helps women time and Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-
helps women time space their pregnancies to ensure healthy nutri- Being at All Ages
and space their tional outcomes: Family Planning Saves Lives
pregnancies to  Spacing pregnancies at least 24 months Every day, approximately 830 women die from
ensure healthy apart (the equivalent of 3 years between causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.
nutritional births) is linked to reduction of a key measure Nearly all—99%— of these maternal deaths occur
outcomes. of malnutrition—stunting—among children in low-income countries. More than half of
under 5. Children born after a 2-year interval the deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, while
or less, compared with a 4-year interval, are one-third occur in South Asia. In addition, in
27% more likely to be stunted and 23% more 2015 5.9 million children died who were under
likely to be underweight.16 5 years of age.27
Analyses indicate that, between 2012 and 2020,
 Timing pregnancy to occur after age 18 family planning could help avert approximately
improves adolescents’ growth and develop- 7 million under-5 deaths and prevent 450,000
ment17,18 and reduces the risk of poor out- maternal deaths in 22 priority countries of the
comes for their children—stunting, low birth U.S. Agency for International Development
weight, and preterm birth.19 (USAID).28 A modeling study of 172 countries
 Spacing pregnancies helps women replenish estimated that, in 2008 alone, family planning
essential nutrients. Studies have found that averted 272,040 maternal deaths—a 44% reduc-
‘‘strong evidence’’ exists for women’s folate tion compared with the maternal deaths that
depletion at 3 to 12 months postpartum,21 a would have occurred without contraceptive use.29
deficiency linked to the risk of low birth It also estimated that satisfying unmet need for
weight in the next pregnancy.22,23 contraception could prevent another 104,000
 Spacing pregnancies also gives mothers more maternal deaths per year (an additional 30%
time, energy, and resources to breastfeed their reduction).
Demographic high-risk pregnancies—preg-
nancies that occur too early or late in the
mother’s age, are too closely spaced, or are
considered too many (high parity)—are asso-
ciated with higher risk of mortality or morbidity.
Family planning improves the health of women
and children by reducing the proportion of
pregnancies that are considered to be high risk.
Family planning also reduces the number of
women exposed to pregnancy-related health
risks, thus lowering the number of unintended
pregnancies and births.
The global community generally agrees that
family planning prevents maternal deaths by:

 Reducing the number of times a woman is

exposed to the risks of pregnancy30,31
 Helping women avoid unintended and closely
A provider counsels a young woman on birth spacing at a primary spaced pregnancies—a study in Bangladesh
health care center in Kagoro, Nigeria. found that very short pregnancy intervals are

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linked with 7 times increased risk of induced parity, and older-age births. The analysis found no
abortion32 significant change in births to women younger
 Helping women avoid more than 4 births, or than 18 years of age, and it did not examine first
births after 35 years of age30 births. It also found that 63% of the increase in
the mCPR was due to family planning program
The healthiest times for a pregnancy are efforts, 21% due to economic development, and The healthiest
between the ages of 18 and 34 and at least 17% due to women’s education.38 times for a
24 months after a birth (which ensures about Family planning helps women bear children pregnancy are
3 years between births), while avoiding more at the healthiest times of their lives—when they between the ages
than 4 births. are psychologically, physically, emotionally, and of 18 and 34 and
On newborn and child health, a wealth of economically ready for a pregnancy and thus at least 24 months
studies conducted in both rich and poor coun- most likely to survive, stay healthy, and have after a birth while
tries, using diverse data sets, have found that healthy children. Through strengthened, inte- avoiding more
spacing pregnancies at least 24 months after a grated service delivery and improved counseling than 4 births.
live birth (or about 3 years between births) is for women and girls, especially on the risks of
associated with lower newborn, infant, and child short birth intervals,39,40,41 high parity, and
mortality.23,33,34,35 Other studies, focusing on advanced maternal-age pregnancies,42 family
contraceptives, despite mixed results have con- planning should be playing a larger role in child
cluded that family planning helps women space and maternal survival and in adolescent health
their births and ‘‘is protective against short and well-being.
intervals.’’36 Current analyses indicate that spa-
cing births reduces the risk of death in infancy by
up to 10%, and for children under age 5 by Family Planning Prevents HIV/AIDS Transmission
21%.16,31,35 In an era when approximately 34 million adults Family planning
Questions remain on family planning’s and children are living with HIV/AIDS, and has a critical role
effects on children after they are born. A recent women of childbearing age account for nearly to play in curbing
study among infants in Kenya found that a half of the infected population, family planning the HIV/AIDS
preceding birth interval of less than 18 months has a critical role to play in curbing the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
was associated with a twofold increase in epidemic.
mortality risk (compared with a birth interval of Correct and consistent use of male or female
36 months), while succeeding intervals of less condoms prevents transmission of the HIV virus.
than 20 months were associated with a 245% It also prevents unintended pregnancy in women
increase in early childhood mortality, compared with HIV, and thus potential transmission of the
with last births.20 In another study, children in virus to the newborn, as well as maternal deaths
Afghanistan with a preceding birth interval (including those related to HIV). A modeling
less than 18 months or greater than 60 months study found that, in the 14 countries with the
had significantly higher risks of dying due largest numbers of pregnant women with HIV (at
to diarrhea, sepsis, and low birth weight the time of the study), programs to prevent
than children with a preceding birth interval of perinatal HIV transmission would prevent over
24–35 months.37 Finally, a systematic review 240,000 infant HIV infections if all women in
found evidence for folate depletion, vertical need used the most efficacious antiretroviral
transmission of infection, and transmission of regimen available; the estimated cost would be
infectious disease between siblings as mechan- over US$131 million, or US$543 per infant
isms that may explain the adverse perinatal, infection averted per year. In comparison, the
infant, and child health outcomes associated with annual cost of providing family planning to all
short intervals.22 women with HIV who wished to prevent unin-
Questions also remain on the role of family tended pregnancies was estimated at about
planning programs in child survival. A recent US$26 million in the 14 countries (US$33 million
analysis of trends in 57 countries (1985–2013) in globally). If all unmet needs for family planning
the modern contraceptive prevalence rate were satisfied for pregnant women with HIV,
(mCPR) and high-risk births found that the 423,000 births could be prevented at a cost of
countries with the fastest mCPR progress experi- US$61 per birth averted in the 14 countries.43
enced the greatest declines in high-risk births, While approximately 1 in 4 women in sub-
including those due to short birth intervals, high Saharan Africa has an unmet need for family

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planning, studies have shown that women living  An analysis in Iran explored married women’s
with HIV have higher unmet need for family contraceptive use and education and found
planning and reproductive health services than that those using a modern contraceptive
the general population, in part due to lack of method before the first birth were 84%
investment in integrated family planning and more likely to advance their education by
HIV services.44 For example, a 2012 study found 1 to 2 years than those not using any method
that programs that have ‘‘succeeded in promoting before the first birth.50
condom use and providing HIV prevention and  An analysis of 200,000 married women from
treatment services y have largely missed the 242 districts in 26 African countries concluded
opportunity to address the contraceptive needs of that the number of births to women with
the key populations they serve.’’44 Another recent children under age 6 and short intervals
study found that if the needs of women with HIV between the last 2 children ‘‘have substantial
for modern contraceptive methods and antiretro- negative effects’’ on women’s employment
viral medication were both fully met, HIV outside agriculture.’’51
transmission from mothers to newborns would
 A series of case studies concluded that ‘‘over-
be nearly eliminated—reduced by 93% annually,5
greatly contributing to the ‘‘AIDS-Free Genera- all well-being of women and girls improves as
tion’’ goal of the U.S. President’s Emergency fertility declines, especially as it relates to
Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Pursuing oppor- their maternal health, educational attain-
tunities to advance family planning integration ment, and workforce participation,’’ and
with HIV services would significantly expand fertility decline has had a more positive
family planning access across Africa and address impact on girls’ education than it has had
unmet need. on boys’ education.52
 A study in Bangladesh found wide-ranging
Goal 4. Quality Education: Ensure Inclusive and multiple, positive impacts of family plan-
and Equitable Quality Education and ning on the education and empowerment of
Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities women and girls. Women in the family
for All planning-maternal and child health interven-
Family Planning Supports Women’s and Girls’ tion area had not only fewer children with
Education longer intervals between births but also higher
Family planning can help women and girls, individual and household incomes than that of
especially those who have become mothers, stay the women and households in the comparison
in school, become literate, learn a trade, start a group. The daughters of the program house-
business, or otherwise achieve their educational holds were better educated than the daughters
Early and and employment goals. Early and unintended of families who were not in the program.53
unintended pregnancy can be both a cause and a consequence  The lifetime opportunity costs of adolescent
pregnancy of dropping out of school.45 pregnancy—a measure of the annual income
can be both Since 2000, adolescent pregnancy has declined adolescent mothers forgo over their lifetime—
a cause and a only modestly in most countries,46 and adolescents range from 1% of annual gross domestic
consequence of continue to face many barriers in obtaining product (GDP) in a large country, such as
dropping out of contraceptive services and commodities.47 In China, to 30% of annual GDP in a smaller
school. 2015, in 56 USAID-assisted countries, approxi- economy such as Uganda. If adolescent girls in
mately 22 million adolescents ages 15–19 had Brazil and India were able to wait until their
begun childbearing and, of these, 4.3 million have early twenties to have children, the increased
had a second or third child.48 Adolescent preg- economic productivity would equal more than
nancy affects the adolescents themselves, their US$3.5 billion and US$7.7 billion, respectively.54
families, communities, and broader society.18 With
such high numbers of adolescent pregnancies
globally, the world ‘‘squanders the well-being, Goal 5. Gender Equality: Achieve Gender
talents, and contributions’’ of the 20,000 young Equality and Empower All Women and Girls
girls under the age of 18 who give birth each Family Planning Advances Gender Equality and
day.’’49 Empowerment
Research shows how family planning sup- Gender equality and empowerment call for equal
ports girls’ and women’s education: access to resources, services, and opportunities.

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Family Planning and the SDGs

Gender equality refers to equal enjoyment of Clear and compelling evidence points to Women’s access
human rights, goods, opportunities, and services serious consequences of rapid population growth to their chosen
among women and men, while empowerment on environmental outcomes. Population dynamics, family planning
refers to expanding people’s capacity to make and including human population size, growth, den- method and their
act on decisions.55 They require addressing the sity, and migration, are important drivers of ability to
barriers women face in making decisions about environmental and natural resource degradation, negotiate use of
their own daily lives.46 Women’s access to their including land, forests, biodiversity, and water.65 the method
chosen family planning method and their ability to The relationships are complex, mediated by strongly supports
negotiate use of the method, therefore, strongly poverty, technology, and management practices, gender equality
supports gender equality and empowerment. among other factors.66 However, as recognized in and
Many women, however, are unable to make the 2013 Second International Population,
and act on decisions affecting their reproductive Health, and Environment Conference, ‘‘poor
lives. A 2014 report found that less than half of reproductive health outcomes and population
currently married women use modern contra- growth exist hand-in-hand with poverty and
ception in 37 of 46 countries, and around one- unsustainable natural resource use,’’ especially
quarter or more of currently married women have in remote and rural communities.67 Although up-
an unmet need for family planning in 21 of the to-date empirical data on the specific role of
46 countries.46 High levels of unmet need may family planning is scarce, a recent review of the
indicate that women are not empowered to use existing evidence found that integrating family
contraception because they lack access to health planning into non-health sector projects, such as
care or are unable to negotiate family planning natural resource management, has led to
with their partner. Increasing women’s ability to improvements in environmental indicators,
choose the number, timing, and spacing of their increased use of contraceptives, and, in instances
children, or their ability to decide if they want to where long-term measurement was possible,
bear children at all, is fundamental for women’s declines in parity or crude birth rates.67
control over the circumstances of their lives and
for the full achievement of SDG 5.
While family planning programs are not the Goal 6. Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure
only contributors to increasing equality, empow- Availability and Sustainable Management
erment, and education, the evidence is clear that of Water and Sanitation for All
family planning makes a critical contribution Family Planning Mitigates Population Growth’s
toward achieving these global goals. These Effects on Access to Water and Sanitation
broader societal impacts have been achieved, in In 2014, the World Economic Forum identified
part, through well-designed and implemented water crises as the global systemic risk of third
service delivery programs that reach underserved highest concern.68 Population growth affects
communities—programs that should now be water scarcity in important ways. It contributes
scaled up across Africa and Asia.56,57,58,59,60 to increased demand and competition for water
for domestic, industrial, and municipal uses,
including irrigation, and limits the amount of
water available per person. Estimates suggest
In 2016, scientists issued an urgent environmen- that by 2035, 3.6 billion people will be living in
tal call—‘‘we have a global emergency’’61—and areas of water stress or scarcity, up from
predicted that climate change will be quicker and approximately 2 billion today.69
more catastrophic than anticipated.62 They stated Population growth also negatively affects
that even 2 degrees Celsius63 of global warming access to sanitation. The United Nations Chil-
would be too much and recommended that dren’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health
‘‘fossil fuel CO2 emissions should be reduced as Organization (WHO) estimate that, in 2015,
rapidly as practical.’’ While not all agree with the some 2.4 billion people—over one-third of the
scientists’ dire assessment, their pragmatic world’s population—lacked access to improved Family planning
recommendations are ones that all concerned sanitation.70 Between 1990 and 2011, Eastern has a critical role
with planetary health should heed. Family plan- and Southern Africa and West and Central to play in the
ning has a critical role to play in the growing Africa experienced massive population growth, planetary health
social movement of support for the transforma- and the number of people practicing open movement.
tion from ‘‘public to planetary health.’’64 defecation in both regions rose to over

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Family Planning and the SDGs

100 million.70 In sub-Saharan Africa overall, the Uganda collaborated with a clean energy provider
number of people defecating in the open is still to provide solar lights to family planning peer
increasing, largely due to population growth, educators. Prior to the project, the peer discus-
declared UNICEF and WHO.70 sions were necessarily held during daylight hours
To what extent can family planning influence and thus engaged women only. The solar lights,
availability of water and sanitation? While the powered by the sun, were cleaner, more sustain-
evidence is not extensive: able, and less expensive than kerosene, and they
enabled the peer educators to visit homes at
 Analyses have highlighted water availability night—when the men would be home from
under projected scenarios of high and low work—to talk to couples about family planning.75
fertility. For example, estimates suggest that
in Jordan, with low fertility (total fertility rate
of 2.1 rather than the current rate of 3.8) 26% Goal 9. Industry, Innovation, and
less water (644 cubic meters versus 733 cubic Infrastructure: Build Resilient Infrastructure,
meters) would be required for the country as a Promote Inclusive and Sustainable
whole in 2040.71 Industrialization, and Foster Innovation
 Analyses have also found that family plan- Family Planning Contributes to Building Resilient
ning programs in Egypt and Jordan have Infrastructures
generated modest sectoral savings in water Resilience refers to the ability of households,
and sanitation (but significant sectoral sav- communities, systems, and countries to respond
ings in health and education).71,72 to and recover from shocks and stresses in ways
that reduce chronic vulnerability and facilitate
inclusive growth.76
Goal 7. Affordable and Clean Energy: The dramatic case of the Sahel demonstrates
Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, the important role that family planning can play in
Sustainable, and Modern Energy for All helping to create resilient countries and commu-
Integrated Population, Health, and Environment nities. Since 1960, the Sahel, ‘‘one of the most
Projects Can Expand Access to Clean and Renew- chronically vulnerable regions of the world’’76
able Energy encompassing 10 countries and 100 million
Access to clean and renewable energy is a global inhabitants, has experienced severe drought, food
issue. Clean energy is defined as heat and insecurity, low rainfall, environmental degradation,
electricity produced from renewable sources and civil conflict, leading to declining agricultural
(wind, sun, rain, waves, tides), generating little production. All countries in the Sahel have
or no pollution or emissions. In contrast, approxi- experienced the ‘‘gendered nature of natural
mately 2.8 billion people cook with firewood and disasters.’’77 Four of the 10 countries with the
other fuels that are linked with health issues and highest total fertility rates in the world are in the
widespread deforestation.73 In 2012, at least Sahel (Niger 7.6, Chad 6.5, Burkina Faso 6.0, and
4.3 million premature deaths, mostly to women Mali 5.9).76 Contraceptive use by married women
and children, were attributed to household air is extremely low—for example, less than 2% of
pollution and the effects of reliance on polluting married women in Chad use contraception.
cook stoves.74 Continuing this trajectory of high fertility and
Over the years, population growth has eroded low contraceptive use will severely undermine
renewable energy gains. A 2013 World Bank these countries’ abilities to respond to social
Integrated report found that although 1.7 billion people sector needs. In Niger, population growth is 4%
population, gained access to electricity in the last 10 years, annually and will double in just 20 years. ‘‘This
health, and ‘‘this is only slightly ahead of population growth growth will require a massive investment in
environment of 1.6 billion over the same period.’’73 Therefore, schools, health clinics, and job creation for
projects have ‘‘the pace of expansion will have to double’’ to youth,’’ with additional investment also needed
successfully meet the 2030 targets for modern electricity in agriculture and livestock systems to ensure
introduced both access. food security. Increased investment in family
family planning Integrated population, health, and environ- planning in the region could make a critical step
and clean energy ment (PHE) projects have successfully introduced toward resilience.78
into communities. both family planning and clean energy into An analysis in Egypt helps us understand how
communities. A family planning project in family planning and lower population growth

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Family Planning and the SDGs

helped build a more resilient infrastructure for

health and economic development. The Egyptian
family planning program contributed to a decline
in the total fertility rate, from 5.6 in 1976 to 3.1 in
2005. During this time, use of contraception
increased from 19% to 59%, made available
through the expansion of public-sector and NGO
clinics.72 Under conditions of constant fertility in
Egypt, by 2040 there would be 3.6 million births
per year. On the other hand, if the fertility rate
were lowered, by 2040 there would be about
2 million births per year (about 2.4 per woman).
Under this scenario, there would also be79:

 1.3 million fewer people entering the labor

 6.4 million fewer primary students in 2040
 80 billion Egyptian Pounds saved in health
care costs Houses in Cambodia stand on the Siem Reap River, which is clogged
 20% more land per person in 2040 with litter and refuse.
 13% less water required
 Family planning
Africa is experiencing the most rapid urbaniza-
 17% more electricity available per person
and lower
tion in the world, with annual urban growth
Analysis revealed that, between 1980 and rates in recent years of 3.36% per year.83 As the
2005, the family planning program contributed to UN Economic Commission for Africa stated in
growth can help
45,838 million Egyptian Pounds in savings in a recent report, ‘‘Urbanization, together with
build a more
expenditures on education, child health, and food Africa’s approaching demographic transition,
subsidies, while costing 2,402 million Egyptian may well become the most decisive determi-
infrastructure for
Pounds. The resulting lower health care and nants of Africa’s economic and social develop-
health and
education costs, and more land, water, electricity, ment since independence.’’83 economic
and jobs available per person, has yielded multi-  The estimated number of slum dwellers is development.
ple development benefits for Egypt and an increasing, from over 650 million in 1990 to
improved quality of life for Egyptians.72 about 863 million in 2012.81 In Africa between
1990 and 2010, the proportion of urban residents
living in slums declined from 70% to 62%, ‘‘yet
Goal 11. Sustainable Cities and the actual number of slum dwellers has almost
Communities: Make Cities and Human doubled from 103 million to 200 million.’’84
Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and
Urban growth in Africa is happening so quickly
that it is overwhelming governments’ abilities to
Family Planning Contributes to Building Safe,
provide education, health services, housing, drink-
Resilient, and Sustainable Cities
ing water, transportation, electricity, and waste
Studies have found that it is ‘‘not only rapid
disposal.84 The latest Demographic and Health
population growth, but rapid urbanization that is
Survey data show that although urban women in
causing problems for the poorest countries.’’80
Africa continue to have fewer children than their
Estimates indicate that the world is confronting
rural counterparts,85 the urban total fertility rate is
the largest wave of urbanization in human
still above 3 in most countries.85 While many
history.81 By 2030, about 5 billion people will live
assume that urban dwellers have greater access to
in cities,81 putting huge pressure on infrastructures,
family planning messages and services than rural
such as health, water, sanitation, and education.
populations, in many instances this is not the
 The urban population in 2014 accounted for case.86
54% of the total global population, up from Findings from a longitudinal family planning
34% in 1960, and continues to grow.82 study in the urban areas of India (Uttar Pradesh),

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Family Planning and the SDGs

Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal shed light on person per day; by 2025, this will increase to
effective, evidence-based strategies to address 4.3 billion urban residents generating about
the unmet need for family planning of urban 1.4 kg of waste per person per day.
women and slum dwellers. The study found that  In lower-income cities, solid waste management
exposure to demand-generation activities was is usually the single largest budgetary item.
significantly and positively associated with mod-
ern method use in all of the countries’ studied, Given the urgency of these issues, studies are
showing that ‘‘targeted, multi-level demand needed on the role family planning could play as
generation activities can make an important it relates to urbanization and reduction of food
contribution to increasing modern method use and chemical waste, and the sectoral financial
in urban areas of Africa.’’87 savings that might be generated as a result.

Goal 12. Responsible Consumption and Goal 13. Climate Action: Take Urgent
Production: Ensure Sustainable Action to Combat Climate Change and Its
Consumption and Production Patterns Impact
Family Planning Can Help Reduce Population Family Planning Helps Address the Challenges of
Effects on Food and Chemical Waste Climate Change
Population According to the United Nations Environment Population dynamics have an important connec-
dynamics have Programme, ‘‘The well-being of humanity, the tion to both the challenges of and solutions to the
an important environment, and the functioning of the econ- problem of climate change. Rapid population
connection to both omy, ultimately depend upon the responsible growth exacerbates vulnerability to the negative
the challenges of management of the planet’s finite natural consequences of climate change and exposes
and solutions to resources. These challenges are mounting as the growing numbers of people to climate risk. The
the problem of world population is forecast to reach over 9 billion Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
climate change. by 2050.’’88 Sustainable consumption and pro- (IPCC) considers population (along with eco-
duction is about managing finite resources and nomic growth and technical change) ‘‘one of the
energy efficiency. Key SDG 12 targets involve root causes of greenhouse gas emissions.’’90
managing resources efficiently by reducing Meeting family planning needs will stem popula-
waste—for example, by 2030, halving per capita tion growth, easing challenges associated with
food waste, reducing waste generation, and adapting to climate change impacts and reducing
achieving sound management of chemical waste. the growth of greenhouse gas emissions.
Countries of the Organisation for Economic  A 2015 study on family planning as a cost-
Co-operation and Development (OECD) produce
effective strategy to address food insecurity
almost half of the world’s waste, while Africa and
and climate change concluded that slowing
South Asia produce the least. But the issue of
population growth can ‘‘slow global climate
waste management is relevant for Asia and Africa
change, by providing 16% to 29% of the needed
and for family planning because, as a World Bank
emissions reductions’’ by 2050 and reduce the
report observed, ‘‘y waste is inextricably linked
need to increase food production.91,92 By the
to urbanization.’’89 It noted, ‘‘Today, more than
end of the century, the effect of slower
50% of the world’s population lives in cities, and
population growth could reduce total emis-
the rate of urbanization is increasing quickly.’’ As
sions from fossil fuel use by 37% to 41%.
urbanization increases, income and consumption
also increase, leading to a corresponding increase  Another study found that improving access to
in waste. The report found89: family planning is a relatively inexpensive
intervention for reducing carbon emissions
 Improving waste management in low-income compared with other strategies such as solar,
countries is an urgent priority. wind, and nuclear power; biofuels; or carbon
 Poor waste management has an enormous capture and storage.93
impact on health and well-being—contribut-  The IPCC argues that ‘‘providing access to
ing to flooding, pollution, respiratory ail- reproductive health services (including mod-
ments, diarrhea, and dengue fever. ern family planning)’’ is an opportunity ‘‘to
 Today there are about 3 billion urban resi- achieve co-benefits y to improve child and
dents generating about 1.2 kg of waste per maternal health through birth spacing and

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Family Planning and the SDGs

reduce population growth, energy use, and disappeared since 1972.98 Population growth
consequent CAP [climate-altering pollutants] affects the oceans in many ways including
emissions over time.’’94 coral reef damage; accidental killing of mil-
 An analysis examining the relationship lions of tons of birds, fish, and sea turtles;
between food security, population growth, runoff laced with massive chemical fertilizer
and climate change in Ethiopia showed the applications creating ocean ‘‘dead zones;’’ and
potential of family planning to address the a vast amount of discarded waste of 6.8 billion
food security gap resulting from decreased consumers, which finds its way to the oceans.
crop productivity due to climate change.  Population growth will likely impact the
Assuming the current pace of climate change success of programs meant to help species
continues, the study found that, by the year rebound and protect the ocean ecosystem.
2050, slower population growth would ‘‘com- More research is needed on how family
pensate completely for the effects of climate planning can support the protection of oceans
change on food insecurity.’’95 and marine resources.
An analysis found that between 2004 and
2009, in government reports articulating priorities Goal 15. Life on Land: Protect, Restore, and
for climate change adaptation, 37 of 40 govern- Promote Sustainable Use of Terrestrial
ments recognized that population growth was Ecosystems, Sustainably Manage Forests,
important for climate change, yet only 6 proposed Combat Desertification, and Halt and
activities to address it.96 The analysis called for Reverse Land Degradation and Halt
broad-based adaptation of an integrated approach Biodiversity Loss
and gave the example of an integrated watershed Family Planning Helps Mitigate the Effects of
management project in Ethiopia in Wichi province Deforestation and Unhealthy Interaction Among
that aimed to improve crop production, minimize Humans, Domestic Animals, and Wildlife
biodiversity loss, and increase access to family The world loses approximately 14.5 million
planning and HIV/AIDS awareness. It concluded hectares of forest each year.99 As populations As populations
that governments’ repeated emphasis on the grow rapidly, the demand for food and forest grow rapidly, the
relevance of demographic trends in their climate products also grows, and forest areas are turned demand for food
change adaptation plans ‘‘provide a strong collec- into fields for agriculture and commercial forestry. and forest
tive case for the ‘mainstreaming’ of an integrated A comprehensive study of 46 countries in products also
approach y exemplified by the Ethiopian case Africa, Asia, and Latin America found that grows.
study.’’ Such a call is still highly relevant today. ‘‘agriculture is the main driver of deforestation,
causing 73% of all deforestation.’’100 Deforesta-
Goal 14. Life Below Water: Conserve and tion threatens the well-being and livelihoods of
Sustainably Use the Oceans, Seas, and millions of people who heavily depend on forest
Marine Resources for Sustainable resources.101,102 Deforestation also contributes to
Development biodiversity loss: it is estimated that the South-
Family Planning Helps to Protect Declining Marine east Asia region, which has the highest relative
Resources rates of deforestation, will lose three-quarters of
Under intense population pressure, global fish- its original forests and up to 42% of its
eries are disappearing and ocean resources are biodiversity by 2100.103 Rapid population growth
becoming extinct. is a driver of biodiversity loss.
Preventing desertification and land degrada-
 A 2009 study of global commercial fisheries tion is also part of these goals. Desertification
found that ‘‘80% of fish stocks have either occurs with intensive farming, as well as chang-
been fully exploited, overexploited, or have ing climate conditions. Population density con-
collapsed.’’97 While reducing the catch by 20% tributes to soil depletion and erosion. Providing
to 50% is needed for sustainable fishing, men and women with family planning to achieve
demand for fish is expected to increase by their desires for smaller family sizes will con-
35 million tons due to increased consumption tribute to reduced rates of deforestation, deserti-
and population. fication, and land degradation.
 Of the 21 marine species known to have Population dynamics can also contribute to
become extinct in the past 300 years, 16 unhealthy interactions among humans, domestic

Global Health: Science and Practice 2016 | Volume 4 | Number 2 201

Family Planning and the SDGs

animals, and wildlife. Human population density family planning services with human capital
has been found to be a ‘‘significant independent development policies to accelerate economic
predictor’’ of emerging infectious diseases.104 growth.108,109,110
Population expansion is linked to other under-
lying drivers of disease emergence, including PEACE
environmental changes. For example, increasing
interaction among humans, domestic animals, As a multi-sectoral intervention, family planning
and wildlife, following land use change, is also contributes to reaching vulnerable popula-
considered to be a significant contributor to tions, mitigating conflict, and achieving state
disease emergence.105 stability and peace.

PROSPERITY Goal 10. Reduced Inequalities: Reduce

Inequality Within and Among Countries
Goal 8. Decent Work and Economic Family Planning Promotes Inclusive Societies by
Growth: Promote Sustained, Inclusive, and Addressing the Needs of Disadvantaged Populations
Sustainable Economic Growth, Full and SDG 10 states, ‘‘There is growing consensus that
Productive Employment, and Decent Work economic growth is not sufficient to reduce
for All poverty if it is not inclusive. y To reduce
Family Planning Contributes to Economic Growth inequality, policies should be universal in princi-
One important way that family planning con- ple paying attention to the needs of disadvan-
tributes to economic growth is by facilitating taged and marginalized populations.’’111
changes in a country’s age structure. Rapid Unmet need for contraception is often highest
fertility decline, which is linked to increased among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable—
family planning use, lowers the ratio of depen- adolescents, the poor, those living in rural areas
dents to income earners. This results in a higher and urban slums, people living with HIV, and
proportion of wage earners and leads to national internally displaced persons. These groups have
savings. With supportive socioeconomic policies the fewest resources and are the least able to
and attention to equity, countries can then deal with the demands of an unexpected preg-
experience a ‘‘demographic dividend’’ of rapid nancy. Postpartum women have especially high
economic growth. Estimates indicate that the unmet need: 61% of women within 1 year of their
demographic dividend effect of family planning is last birth have an unmet need for modern
most pronounced in countries with current high contraceptive methods.112 Effective family plan-
fertility, where rates of return on economic ning programs reach these underserved popula-
productivity and potential lifetime earnings from tions and will need to accelerate efforts in this
improved availability and uptake of contraception area if the universal access goals of SDGs 3.7
could exceed 8% of GDP by 2035.’’1 (universal access to sexual and reproductive
In the case of the East Asian Tigers (Hong health-care services), 5.6 (universal access to
Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan), the sexual and reproductive health and reproductive
demographic dividend lasted up to 25 years and rights), and 10 (reduce inequality) are to be
The poor-rich gap has been estimated to account for between 25% achieved. A 2015 study showed that, overall, the
in contraceptive to 40% of East Asia’s ‘‘economic miracle.’’106 poor-rich gap in contraceptive use is diminishing,
use is diminishing, Across Africa, estimates suggest that a demo- and even more so when family planning pro-
but gaps remain in graphic dividend could raise average incomes grams are strong. Gaps remain in many sub-
many sub- by 56% compared with a scenario in which the Saharan African countries.113
Saharan African share of the working age population remains At the individual and household level, experts
countries. constant.107 The demographic dividend is a note that identifying the effect of demographic
window of opportunity for countries to take factors on economic welfare has ‘‘proved elusive,’’
advantage of a robustly expanding workforce. and finding the links between household poverty
The payoffs will be high if social and economic and childbearing has ‘‘proved contentious.’’8
policies support the education and employment As discussed under the SDGs for poverty, educa-
of young people, especially girls. tion, and equality, some studies show that more
South Korea and Thailand, demographic women are likely to enter the labor force with
dividend success stories, represent strong exam- fewer children114; families who received family
ples of countries’ aligning population policy and planning and maternal-child health services were

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Family Planning and the SDGs

more likely to have higher incomes and greater

savings and assets53,115; and fewer children per
family leads to increased household savings and
increased investments in each child.116 A study
from Pakistan found that the direct effect of more
children of all age/sex combinations on savings is
negative and substantial,117 and a study from
Nigeria found that household size was linked
with the probability of being poor.118
These few studies suggest that new research
is needed on fertility’s effects on household
income and savings.

Goal 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong

Institutions: Promote Peaceful and Inclusive
Societies for Sustainable Development,
Provide Access to Justice for All, and Build With the help of an NGO in Alirajpur district, India, a father started
Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive a basket-weaving business, allowing him to send his girl child to
Institutions at All Levels school.
Family Planning Contributes to Peace and Stability
Studies have shown that a large ‘‘youth bulge’’ PARTNERSHIP
(defined as a high proportion of youth 15 to 29
years old relative to the older adult population) is Goal 17. Partnerships for the Goals:
associated with a high risk of civil conflict.119 Strengthen the Means of Implementation
That is, states with youthful age structures— and Revitalize the Global Partnership for
especially within a politically organized minor- Sustainable Development
ity120—are more likely to experience armed, Family Planning Partnerships Can Support the
intrastate conflict and other types of violence. Achievement of the SDGs
The political impact of fertility decline is A revitalized family planning agenda continues to
significant. As a country and its population age, be needed.8 Family planning services still fall For every US$1
studies show that the probability of attaining and short of need in all developing regions, though invested in family
maintaining a liberal democracy is increased.121 analyses show that for every dollar invested in planning, up to
Currently, more than 40 countries are family planning, between US$1.47 and US$4.00 US$4 is saved in
‘‘young,’’ with total fertility rates above 4 children is saved in maternal and newborn health maternal and
per woman. However, in another 70 countries the care.5,124 Investing in family planning, in addition newborn health
demographic transition is more advanced, and to maternal and newborn services, can save care.
the chances for liberalization—and stability—are US$1.5 billion while achieving the same health
greater.122 outcomes.5 According to the new Global Invest-
In many of the ‘‘young’’ countries, large ment Framework for Women’s and Children’s
numbers of alienated youth cannot find jobs Health, scaling up access to and use of modern
and are easy recruits for radical groups that can contraceptive methods would directly avert 53%
provide a regular salary. While family planning is (78 million) of the 147 million child deaths
not the sole solution, it is important to under- prevented under the high-investment scenario
stand that the high proportion of jobless youth but would require only 4% of intervention-
relates to the overall population structure and the specific costs between 2015 and 2035.1
sluggish economies that cannot support even A wide range of global partnerships have
menial jobs for everyone. Other experts also see made important strides in recent years in
the ‘‘youth bulge’’ as a possible precursor to promoting and strengthening family planning.
violence. They urge such countries to consider These partnerships—including FP2020, the
increasing support for girls’ education, family UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities,
planning, and youth employment, contending the Ouagadougou Partnership, and the MDG
that ‘‘the pill is mightier than the sword.’’123 Health Alliance—provide a foundation and a

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Family Planning and the SDGs

BOX. The Central Role of Family Planning in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Across the
5 Themes of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership


 Family planning advances human rights.

 Family planning helps reduce poverty.
 Family planning contributes to improved nutrition outcomes.
 Family planning saves lives.
 Family planning prevents HIV/AIDS transmission.
 Family planning supports women’s and girls’ education.
 Family planning advances gender equality and empowerment.


 Family planning mitigates population growth’s effects on access to water and sanitation.
 Integrated population, health, and environment projects can expand access to clean and renewable energy.
 Family planning contributes to building resilient infrastructures.
 Family planning contributes to building safe, resilient, sustainable cities.
 Family planning helps reduce population effects on food and chemical waste.
 Family planning helps address the challenges of climate change.
 Family planning helps to protect declining marine resources.
 Family planning helps mitigate the effects of deforestation and unhealthy interaction among humans, domestic
animals, and wildlife.


 Family planning contributes to economic growth.


 Family planning promotes inclusive societies by addressing the needs of disadvantaged populations.
 Family planning contributes to peace and stability.


 Family planning partnerships can support the achievement of the SDGs.

Global Health: Science and Practice 2016 | Volume 4 | Number 2 204

Family Planning and the SDGs

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Peer Reviewed

Received: 2015 Nov 18; Accepted: 2016 May 2; First Published Online: 2016 Jun 9

Cite this article: Starbird E, Norton M, Marcus R. Investing in family planning: key to achieving the sustainable development goals. Glob Health Sci
Pract. 2016;4(2):191–210.

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