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Epilepsia, 54(3):405–414, 2013

doi: 10.1111/epi.12109


Antiepileptic drug treatment in pregnancy: Changes in drug

disposition and their clinical implications
orn Tomson, †Cecilie Johannessen Landmark, and ‡Dina Battino

*Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; †Department of Pharmacy and Biomedical
Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway; and
‡Epilepsy Center, Department of Neurophysiology, IRCCS Foundation Carlo Besta Neurological Institute, Milan, Italy

Some AEDs, such as carbamazepine seem to be affected

only marginally by pregnancy. Data on pharmacokinetics
Pregnancy is a state where pharmacokinetic changes during pregnancy are lacking completely for some of the
are more pronounced and more rapid than during any newer generation AEDs: pregabalin, lacosamide, retiga-
other period of life. The consequences of such bine, and eslicarbazepine acetate. Where data are avail-
changes can be far reaching, not least in the management able, the effects of pregnancy on serum concentrations
of epilepsy where the risks with uncontrolled seizures seem to vary considerably individually and are thus diffi-
during pregnancy need to be balanced against potential cult to predict. Although large-scale systematic studies of
teratogenic effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). This the clinical relevance of the pharmacokinetic alterations
article aims to review the literature on gestational are lacking, prospective and retrospective case series
effects on the pharmacokinetics of older and newer have reported an association between declining serum
generation AEDs and discuss the implications for the concentrations and deterioration in seizures control. The
treatment of epilepsy in women during pregnancy. usefulness of routine monitoring of AED serum concen-
Pregnancy can affect the pharmacokinetics of AEDs at trations in pregnancy and of dose adjustments based on
any level from absorption, distribution, metabolism, to falling levels, are discussed in this review. We suggest that
elimination. The effect varies depending on the type monitoring could be important, in particular when
of AED. The most pronounced decline in serum women have been titrated to the lowest effective AED
concentrations is seen for AEDs that are eliminated by dose and serum concentration before pregnancy, and
glucuronidation (UGT), in particular lamotrigine where when that individual optimal concentration can be used as
the effect may be profound. Serum concentrations of reference.
AEDs that are cleared mainly through the kidneys, for KEY WORDS: Epilepsy, Pregnancy, Antiepileptic drugs,
example, levetiracetam, can also decline significantly. Pharmacokinetics.

The pharmacologic treatment of epilepsy is seldom epilepsy. Fetal loss has been reported in conjunction with
more challenging than during pregnancy. Treatment prolonged seizures, such as status epilepticus (Teramo &
involves drug exposure to at least two individuals: the Hiilesmaa, 1982), and frequent tonic–clonic seizures dur-
mother with epilepsy and the unborn fetus(es). The mater- ing pregnancy are associated with poorer cognitive devel-
nal and fetal risks imposed by uncontrolled epileptic sei- opment of the child (Meador et al., 2009a). On the other
zures need to be balanced against the possible adverse hand, AEDs can be teratogenic, thereby increasing the
fetal effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Management risk of congenital malformations as well as of adverse
is further complicated by the fact that effects on the fetus cognitive outcomes (Tomson & Battino, 2012). Recent
can be difficult to monitor and may be irreversible. Major publications from epilepsy and pregnancy registries have
convulsive seizures (generalized tonic–clonic seizures) suggested that AEDs differ in their teratogenic potential,
can be harmful to the fetus, in addition to causing medical but also that these adverse effects of AEDs on the fetus
risks and psychosocial consequences for the mother with are dose-dependent (Meador et al., 2009a; Tomson et al.,
2011; Hernandez-Diaz et al., 2012; Mawhinney et al.,
Accepted December 19, 2012; Early View publication January 29, 2013. 2012). Therefore, the usually recommended treatment
Address correspondence to Torbj€orn Tomson, Department of Neuro-
logy, Karolinska University Hospital, SE 171 76 Stockholm, Sweden.
strategy is to review and possibly revise treatment well
E-mail: before conception, selecting the most appropriate AED
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. for the individual woman, taking efficacy as well as tera-
© 2013 International League Against Epilepsy togenic risks into account, and regardless of which drug is

T. Tomson et al.

chosen to titrate to the lowest effective dose before

pregnancy (Harden et al., 2009a; National Institute for
Clinical Excellence, 2012; Tomson & Battino, 2012). The
objectives of the further management during pregnancy
are to maintain control of in particular tonic–clonic sei-
zures while at the same time keeping exposure to poten-
tially teratogenic drugs to a minimum. This demanding
task is complicated by the fact that pregnancy can signifi-
cantly affect the pharmacokinetics of AEDs with potential
consequences for seizure control as well as drug exposure
to the fetus. So, although the risk of malformations has
been assessed in relation to AED doses at the time of con-
ception (Tomson et al., 2011), or during the first trimester
(Hernandez-Diaz et al., 2012; Mawhinney et al., 2012),
the level of exposure to the fetus can change during the
course of pregnancy. In this article, we review the litera-
ture on the effects of pregnancy on the pharmacokinetics
of different AEDs and discuss the implications for the Figure 1.
treatment of epilepsy in women during pregnancy. Pharmacokinetic changes in drug disposition during pregnancy
and basic pharmacokinetic relationships. CL, total clearance;
AUC, area under the curve of a drug; F, bioavailability; t1/2, half-
Search Strategy life; k, elimination constant and Vd, volume of distribution; Css,
serum concentration at steady state, and τ, dose frequency).
References for this review were identified from the Epilepsia ILAE
authors’ files and from a PubMed search (from 1966 to July
2012) using various combinations of the following terms
(by searching as text words) “pregnan*,” “maternal”
“mother,” “fetal,” “fetus” with the terms “*kinetics,” “dis- Absorption
position,” “plasma,” “utilization” and the names of individ- Generally, absorption is extensive and bioavailability
ual AEDs included in the review or the terms high for most AEDs. The rate and extent of absorption
“antiepileptic*,” “anti-epileptic*,” “anticonvuls*,” “anti- can, however, vary with the drug formulation. Gastric pH
convuls*,” “barbit*. and rate of emptying, and small intestine motility may all
In addition, the list of references of the retrieved articles decrease during pregnancy, leading to a decrease in the
was examined for further studies. Moreover, original absorption of AEDs (Pennell, 2003), and the pharmacoki-
research articles and previously published review articles netic parameters peak concentration (Cmax) and time to
were examined. peak concentration (Tmax) (Fig. 1). Malaise and vomiting
Only articles published in English were reviewed. The in early pregnancy are likely to affect the absorption of
review was restricted to studies in humans. AEDs taken orally. An impaired drug absorption would
result in decreased serum concentrations of AEDs and a
possibly decrease inefficacy. However, to the best of our
Mechanisms of Pregnancy- knowledge, there is only one published report of break-
Induced Alterations through seizures due to poor AED absorption during preg-
nancy. This was a single case of phenytoin malabsorption
in Drug Disposition leading to status epilepticus during pregnancy (Ramsay
The physiologic changes that take place during preg- et al., 1978). Hence, it appears that poor drug absorption
nancy can affect any level of the disposition of drugs, from is a rare cause of treatment failure during pregnancy.
absorption, distribution, metabolism, to excretion (ADME,
Fig. 1). It is important to understand the mechanisms by Distribution
which pregnancy alters the pharmacokinetics of AEDs, as During the course of the pregnancy, the blood volume pro-
this determines the possible clinical implications as will be gressively increases, with a decrease in the total serum con-
discussed in more detail below. However, every pregnancy centrations of drugs in parallel. The increase in body water
represents a singular occurrence of genetic variables and and in fat stores leads to an alteration of fat/water ratio that
environmental factors, and AEDs may interact differently may cause an increase in the volume of distribution (Vd). The
with any of these in the individual woman and also differ- overall effects of gestation-induced alterations in Vd appear
ently from pregnancy to pregnancy (Wlodarczyk et al., to be variable between individuals, but the net effect on active
2012). AED serum concentrations is generally limited.

Epilepsia, 54(3):405–414, 2013

doi: 10.1111/epi.12109
Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy

Serum albumin and a1-acid glycoprotein levels decline pregnancy (Sturgiss et al., 1994). Increased renal clearance can
as pregnancy progresses, and these are essential transporters affect serum concentrations of AED that are mainly excreted
for AEDs in the bloodstream. A decrease in serum albumin renally, such as gabapentin, levetiracetam, pregabalin, and
and protein binding capacity, and displacement of AEDs by vigabatrin. It has also been suggested as an important contrib-
endogenous compounds, may result in an alteration in the uting cause for the pronounced increase in clearance of lamo-
ratio between the total and the unbound concentration of trigine and its N2-glucuronide metabolite in early pregnancy
highly protein-bound drugs, for example, phenytoin, stirip- (Reimers et al., 2011; Reimers & Brodtkorb, 2012).
entol, tiagabine, and valproate, AEDs with a protein binding Most documented changes can thus be considered the
ranging from 90% to 99% (for review, see (Johannessen consequence of enzyme induction and to some extent
Landmark et al., 2012)). The total serum concentrations of increased renal clearance. Still, several issues are poorly
valproate and phenytoin have been shown to decline in par- investigated, for example, some isoenzymes have been
allel with the falling albumin levels (Yerby et al., 1990, investigated for only one drug, the effect of transport pro-
1992). The net effect of a decrease in protein binding is a fall teins during pregnancy remains to be clarified, as well as
in the total (bound plus unbound) serum concentration of effects of pregnancy on drugs that are eliminated through
the drug, whereas the unbound drug concentration may be non-CYP/UGT or multiple pathways (Anderson, 2005).
essentially unchanged. The unbound concentration is the
pharmacologically active, and also presumably the concen-
tration determining drug exposure to the fetus. A decrease Gestation-Induced Alterations
in protein binding would thus not alter the effect of treat- in Kinetics of Individual AEDs
ment, but total serum concentrations as routinely measured
Published data on some basic pharmacokinetic properties
would be misleading and underestimating the effective
and on alterations in pharmacokinetics of different AEDs dur-
concentration and the fetal exposure. Monitoring of
ing pregnancy are summarized in Table 1. Because lamotri-
free concentrations may be preferable in such situations
gine is the most extensively studied AED in this regard, data
(Johannessen & Tomson, 2006; Patsalos et al., 2008).
on its kinetics during pregnancy are reported separately and
in more detail in Table 2. A brief account of data on individ-
ual AEDs (in alphabetical order) is provided in the following.
The total clearance of AEDs that are metabolized by the
liver depends on the hepatic clearance. The main route is
phase I oxidative metabolism through the cytochrome P450 Carbamazepine
system (CYP). There are different CYP isoenzymes, each of Carbamazepine is approximately 75% protein bound and
which is a specific gene product with characteristic sub- is eliminated by hepatic metabolism through CYP1A2,
strate specificity, where CYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 are CYP2C8, and CYP3A4 (Johannessen Landmark et al.,
among the most important for the metabolism of AEDs 2012). Several studies have analyzed the effect of preg-
(Johannessen & Landmark, 2010; Johannessen Landmark nancy on carbamazepine serum concentrations (Lander
& Patsalos, 2010, 2012). et al., 1981; Battino et al., 1985; Yerby et al., 1985;
Phase I CYP enzymes as well as phase II enzymes (uri- Tomson et al., 1994a,b; Bernus et al., 1995), and the results
dine glucuronyl transferases, UGTs) can be induced during are slightly conflicting. Reported declines in total concen-
pregnancy. Such enzyme induction is the clinically most trations from prepregnancy to late pregnancy have ranged
important mechanism for declining serum concentrations of from 0% to 42%. The fall in unbound concentrations has
AEDs during pregnancy, as it will result in a fall in unbound been more limited: 0–28% (Lander et al., 1981; Battino
as well as total serum concentrations. Enzyme induction et al., 1985; Yerby et al., 1985; Tomson et al., 1994a,b;
appears to be most pronounced for AEDs that are metabo- Bernus et al., 1995). In fact, the largest study of women on
lized through glucuronidation such as lamotrigine, monotherapy reported a very limited decline in total con-
oxcarbazepine (or rather its active MHD-derivative), and centrations during the second and third trimesters (9–12%),
valproate. The extent to which pregnancy affects AED whereas unbound concentrations remained essentially
metabolism varies considerably between patients and is unchanged (Tomson et al., 1994b).
therefore difficult to predict (Tomson & Battino, 2007;
Patsalos et al., 2008; Johannessen Landmark et al., 2012). Gabapentin
Gabapentin is absorbed form the gastrointestinal tract
Excretion through saturable active transportation (Gidal et al., 2000),
During pregnancy, there is a significant increase in renal but there are no data on the effects of pregnancy on its
blood flow and glomerular filtration rate, up to 50–80% of the absorption. Gabapentin is not bound to serum proteins; it is
prepregnancy rate (Sturgiss et al., 1994; Pennell, 2003). This not metabolized but eliminated by renal excretion (Johann-
process starts shortly after conception and continues throughout essen Landmark et al., 2012). No studies have followed the
the second trimester and then declines in the last part of the course of gabapentin serum concentrations throughout

Epilepsia, 54(3):405–414, 2013

doi: 10.1111/epi.12109
T. Tomson et al.

Table 1. Pharmacokinetic data and effects of pregnancy on serum concentrations of antiepileptic drugs
with published
pharmacokinetic Protein Effect of pregnancy
References Antiepileptic drug data (n) Elimination binding on serum concentrations
Bardy et al. (1982); Battino et al. Carbamazepine 157 Almost completely metabolized, About 75% Decrease by 0–42%
(1985); Bernus et al. (1995); the most important pathway
Lander and Eadie (1991); being the formation of
Tomson et al. (1994a); and carbamazepine epoxide
Yerby et al. (1992, 1985)

Ohman et al. (2005) Gabapentin 3 Unchanged via kidney Not bound No decline
Johannessen et al. (2005); Levetiracetam 45 Two thirds unchanged in Not bound Decrease by 40–60%
Pennell et al. (2005); urine, one-third
Tomson et al. (2007); and metabolized by peripheral
Westin et al. (2008) hydrolysis
Christensen et al. (2006); Oxcarbazepine 27 Pre-systemic 10-keto reduction About 40% Decrease by 30–38%
Mazzucchelli et al. (2006); to the two enantiomers of
and Petrenaite et al. (2009) MHD than glucuronidation
of the active metabolite
Bardy et al. (1987); Battino Phenytoin 307 Mainly via hepatic microsomal- 85–90% Decrease by 56–61%
et al. (1982); Dansky et al. mixed function oxidase
(1982); Lander and Eadie (1991); reaction, with subsequent
and Tomson et al. (1994a) glucuronidation and
excretion of hydroxylated
Bardy et al. (1982); Battino et al. Phenobarbital 56 Hepatic oxidation, 50–60% Decrease by 50–55%
(1984a); Lander and Eadie (1991); glucosidation, hydroxylation
and Yerby et al. (1992) and subsequent conjugation
Battino et al. (1984a); and Rating Primidone-derived 23 Decreased by 70%
et al. (1982) phenobarbital

Ohman et al. (2009, 2002); and Topiramate 34 Mainly unchanged in urine, About 15% Decrease by 13–40%
Westin et al. (2009) 20–30% hepatic
Battino et al. (1982); Lander and Valproate 68 Hepatic metabolism, 85–95% Decrease by 0–28%
Eadie (1991); Omtzigt et al. mainly by glucuronidation
(1992); Philbert et al. (1985);
and Yerby et al. (1992)
Kawada et al. (2002); and Zonisamide 2 Mainly hepatic 40–60% Decreased by 40–50%
Oles and Bell (2008); biotransformation,
15–30% unchanged in urine

pregnancy. Available data are limited to maternal plasma Lamotrigine is by far the most extensively studied newer-
concentrations at delivery and 3 weeks after delivery in generation AED in conjunction with pregnancy, and the
three women who were taking gabapentin in combination results are summarized in Table 2. In patients taking lamo-

with other AEDs (Ohman et al., 2005). These limited data trigine, monotherapy serum concentrations usually decline
do not suggest lower gabapentin levels in late pregnancy markedly as pregnancy progresses. A decrease in serum
compared to 2 to 3 weeks after. The only potential antici- concentration can be seen already in the first trimester but is
pated effects of pregnancy on its kinetics are those related to most marked in the mid–third trimester (Ohman € et al.,
changes in glomerular filtration. The reported few cases, 2000; Tran et al., 2002; de Haan et al., 2004; Pennell et al.,
however, do not suggest any major effects on the plasma 2004; Petrenaite et al., 2005; Reimers et al., 2011). On

concentration (Ohman et al., 2005) (Table 1). average, lamotrigine serum concentrations decrease by 50–
60%, but an even more pronounced decline has been
Lamotrigine reported in individual patients (Tomson et al., 1997). The
The serum protein binding of lamotrigine is approxi- effects of pregnancy on lamotrigine disposition, however,
mately 55% (Fitton & Goa, 1995). The drug is metabolized vary considerably between individuals and are thus difficult
mainly by glucuronidation catalyzed by UDP-glucuronosyl- to predict (Petrenaite et al., 2005; Franco et al., 2008; Pen-
transferase (UGT), UGT1A4 and 2B7 (Hussein & Posner, nell et al., 2008). The effects are much less pronounced in
1997). women taking lamotrigine in combination with valproate

Epilepsia, 54(3):405–414, 2013

doi: 10.1111/epi.12109
Table 2. Effects of pregnancy on the disposition of lamotrigine
No. of
pregnancies on LTG Time of
monotherapy/total sampling after
Authors pregnancies Data presented as Preconception Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 delivery Postpartum
Tran 2/14 Mean apparent clearance 1.2 0.37 1.97 0.53 2.31 0.91 2.26 0.94 2–36 weeks 1.22 0.54
et al. (2002) (L/[kg/day])SD
% change apparent >65% p < 0.05 >65% p < 0.05 vs.
clearance vs. PC and PP PC and vs. PP
Fotopoulou 9/9 Median dose/serum 39 (39–41) 77 (68–154) 92 (76–167) 97 (74–110) On average 3 weeks 35 (35–36)
et al. (2009) concentration
(25–75% percentile)
197% NS 236% p < 0.05 248% p < 0.05
Pennell 14/14 Apparent 52.9 20.8 89 41 133 71 171 100 2–12 weeks 66 29
et al. (2004)a clearance mg/(mg/L) (from figure)
% change apparent 191 107 249 142 361 194 150 69
Reimers 17/21 Mean doses 244 144 342 180 At least 4 weeks
et al. (2011) (mg/day)  SD
% change mean >34% vs. PC
Petrenaite 11/11 Mean ratio LTG 63.5 30.8 46.7 18.3 22.1 5.4 21.7 7.1 6 weeks (from 70 10
et al. (2005) plasma level-to-dose
(lmol/l/mg)  SD figure)
27% NS 65% p < 0.01 66% p < 0.01
€ b
Ohman 8/8 Mean 2-N-GLUC/LTG 1.02 0.27 Up to 3 months 0.4 0.06
et al. (2008b) ratio
% change 2-N-GLUC/LTG 154% >PP p < 0.01

Ohman 17/17b Mean dose/plasma 227.1 74 At least 1 month 66.5 17.9
et al. (2008a) concentrations
% change mean 250% >PP
LTG 2-N-glucuronide/LTG 0.349 0.141
concentrations lmol/L
147% >PP
de Haan 12/12 Weeks 1–10 Weeks 11–20 Weeks 21–30 Weeks 31–40 PP
et al. (2004) Mean level-to-dose 82% 14% 51% 14% 40% 8% 97% 15% 48% 10%
ratios (presented as
percentage of
baseline  SD) for
10-week periods
LTG, lamotrigine; PC, preconception; PP, postpartum; 2-N-GLUC, lamotrigine-2-Nglucuronide.
Post hoc analyses of % change of apparent clearance: first trimester versus second trimester: p < 0.0001; first trimester versus third trimester: p < 0.0001; first trimester versus postpartum: p < 0.03; second tri-
mester versus third trimester: p < 0.04; second trimester versus postpartum: p < 0.0001; third trimester versus postpartum: p < 0.0001.
Pregnancies on LTG monotherapy (or without concomitant use of other drugs known to interact with lamotrigine).
Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy

Epilepsia, 54(3):405–414, 2013


doi: 10.1111/epi.12109
T. Tomson et al.

(Tomson et al., 2006). Although the dose-to-plasma con- cies, confirm that serum concentrations of MHD decline by
centration ratio of lamotrigine increased from baseline to on average 30–40%, hence slightly less than what is seen for
midgestation by 295% in women on lamotrigine monothera- lamotrigine (Christensen et al., 2006; Mazzucchelli et al.,
py; the increase was only 60% among women on lamotri- 2006; Petrenaite et al., 2009). An increase in MHD serum
gine in combination with valproate. concentrations was observed within 7–8 days after delivery
The decline in lamotrigine levels is probably mainly due (Mazzucchelli et al., 2006).
to enhanced metabolic elimination by induction of the
UGT. This hypothesis is supported by observations of Phenytoin
increased ratios in late pregnancy between the lamotrigine- Phenytoin is approximately 90% bound to serum pro-
2-Nglucuronide metabolite and lamotrigine in plasma and teins. It is eliminated by oxidative metabolism through

in urine (Ohman et al., 2008a,b). However, a more detailed CYP2C9 and CYPC19 (Johannessen Landmark et al.,
analysis of the ratio lamotrigine-2-Nglucuronide/lamotri- 2012). Pregnancy can thus affect the disposition of phenyt-
gine throughout pregnancy suggests that an enhanced renal oin by decrease in protein binding as well as by induced
excretion may contribute in particular to the fall in lamotri- metabolism. The decrease of phenytoin serum concentra-
gine concentrations in early pregnancy (Reimers et al., tions generally starts during the first trimester and becomes
2011). Regardless of whether the mechanism is by increased more evident in the third when total concentrations are
hepatic or renal clearance, the net effect is a decline on total decreased by 55–61%, on average. However, the unbound
as well as unbound lamotrigine concentrations. and pharmacologically active concentrations decline to a
Serum lamotrigine concentrations return rapidly to prep- lesser extent, by 16–31% (Battino et al., 1982; Dansky
regnancy values after pregnancy. The process starts within et al., 1982; Bardy et al., 1987; Yerby et al., 1992; Tom-
days after delivery and is complete 2 to 3 weeks postpartum son et al., 1994a).

(Ohman et al., 2000; Tran et al., 2002; de Haan et al.,
2004). Phenobarbital
Phenobarbital is approximately 50% bound to serum pro-
Levetiracetam teins, and is eliminated through metabolism by CYP2C19
Levetiracetam is not bound to serum proteins and its and 2E1. Phenobarbital levels have been reported to decline
elimination is primarily renal, although nonoxidative by 50–55% during pregnancy (Battino et al., 1984b; Yerby
metabolism by hydrolysis accounts for approximately 30% et al., 1990), whereas the decline has been suggested to be
of its elimination. (Patsalos, 2000; Radtke, 2001). more pronounced, up to 70%, for primidone-derived pheno-
Two reports based on 15 (Tomson et al., 2007) and 21 barbital (Rating et al., 1982; Battino et al., 1984b).
(Westin et al., 2008) pregnancies observed a significant
decline in plasma concentrations during pregnancy by 40% Topiramate
to 60% at the end of pregnancy compared to baseline levels Topiramate is only 15% bound to serum proteins and
before or after pregnancy. A decrease in serum concentra- eliminated mainly unchanged via the kidneys, but a small
tions, or increase in apparent clearance, is observed already fraction undergoes hepatic CYP-dependent metabolism
in the first trimester (Pennell et al., 2005). As with lamotri- (Langtry et al., 1997).
gine, the effects of pregnancy on levetiracetam disposition Two studies have assessed the effects of pregnancy on to-
vary considerably between individuals (Westin et al., €
piramate serum concentrations (Ohman et al., 2009; Westin
2008). Serum concentrations have been found to increase et al., 2009). These reports suggest an average decline in to-
rapidly after delivery to reach prepregnancy levels within piramate levels of 30% to 40% during the third trimester
the first week (Westin et al., 2008). Although the mecha- compared with before or after pregnancy, but with a consid-
nisms have not been studied in detail, it is likely that the erable interindividual variation (Table 1). These effects are
decline in levetiracetam levels is caused by a combination most likely explained by increased renal excretion.
of an increased renal elimination and enhanced enzymatic
hydrolysis. Valproate
Valproate is highly protein bound, approximately 90%,
Oxcarbazepine and is cleared through hepatic metabolism, mainly by
Oxcarbazepine is a prodrug, which is almost completely glucuronidation through UGT1A3 and 2B7 in addition to
metabolized to mono-hydroxycarbazepine (MHD). MHD is several CYPs. Data on the effects of pregnancy on the
responsible for the effects of oxcarbazepine. The protein disposition of valproate are limited. Total concentrations
binding of MHD is about 40%, and it is cleared from the have been reported to fall in late pregnancy by up to 40%
human body mainly by glucuronidation (May et al., 2003). compared with before pregnancy, but this appears to be due
Because its elimination is by the same metabolic route as mainly to decreased protein binding, since unbound valpro-
for lamotrigine, significant effects of pregnancy can be ate concentrations remain essentially unchanged (Philbert
expected. Three studies, comprising altogether 27 pregnan- et al., 1985; Omtzigt et al., 1992; Yerby et al., 1992).
Epilepsia, 54(3):405–414, 2013
doi: 10.1111/epi.12109
Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy

Zonisamide in serum AED concentrations in an individual patient is

The serum protein binding of zonisamide is approxi- accompanied by a change in efficacy, and in general an
mately 60%. Zonisamide is extensively metabolized by increased risk of seizures. The usefulness of serum level
acetylation, glucuronide conjugation, and oxidation, and is monitoring and the need to adjust the dose to maintain sta-
eliminated also partly by renal excretion (Seino et al., 1995; ble serum concentrations is nevertheless often questioned
Perucca & Bialer, 1996). (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2003). Such
There are no systematic studies of the kinetics of zonisa- a position would assume either that pregnancy as such
mide in pregnancy. In a single reported case, zonisamide makes patients less likely to have seizures or more respon-
levels were followed regularly from the fifth gestational sive to the drug treatment, or that the woman enters preg-
week to the end of pregnancy. The patient received 200 mg/ nancy with a higher AED dose than necessary. There is no
day of zonisamide as monotherapy until week 29, when the evidence whatsoever for the former, and the latter is also
dose was increased to 300 mg/day, since plasma concentra- unlikely if the general management policy to titrate to the
tions decreased from values ranging between 7.5 and 10.1 lowest effective AED dose before pregnancy has been fol-
(from week 5 to week 22) to 4.4 lg/ml in week 27 (Oles & lowed.
Bell, 2008). Clinical observations of lamotrigine and oxcarbazepine
Hence, no firm conclusions can be drawn concerning ges- pregnancies also seem to support that the decline in serum
tation-related alterations in zonisamide kinetics, but induc- concentrations is associated with an increased risk of sei-
tion of its metabolism might occur. zures. Increase in lamotrigine dose was considered to be
needed in 11 of 12 pregnancies in one series (Tran et al.,
Other newer AEDs 2002), and dose adjustment in all 14 lamotrigine monothera-
To the best of our knowledge no published data exist on py pregnancies in another (Pennell et al., 2004). Seizure
the pharmacokinetics of felbamate, pregabalin, tiagabine, aggravation was observed in 9 of 12 cases of pregnancies
vigabatrin, lacosamide, retigabine, perampanel, or from a Dutch series (de Haan et al., 2004) and in 5 of 11
eslicarbazepine acetate during pregnancy. pregnancies from Denmark, all of whom were taking lamo-
trigine monotherapy (Petrenaite et al., 2005). Low concen-
trations of the active oxcarbazepine metabolite were
Clinical Implications and associated with emergence of seizures in two of four in an
Italian series (Mazzucchelli et al., 2006). Another Danish
Conclusions case series found that changes in oxcarbazepine disposition
It is thus undisputable that pregnancy can affect the phar- were often associated with worsening in seizure frequency
macokinetics of AEDs and that this effect varies depending in a study of 13 pregnancies, 10 of which were on monother-
on the type of AED. For some, for example, lamotrigine, the apy (Petrenaite et al., 2009), although others have failed to
effect is profound, whereas other AEDs, for example, carba- find an association between changes in serum concentra-
mazepine, seem to be affected only marginally. For some of tions of the active metabolite of oxcarbazepine and seizure
the newer generation AEDs, data are scarce or even lacking control (Christensen et al., 2006). In the prospective obser-
completely. However, some general assumptions can be vational EURAP study, the dosage was increased more
made based on available data. A pronounced decline in often in pregnancies with monotherapy with lamotrigine or
serum concentrations can be expected for AEDs that are oxcarbazepine compared with other treatments (The
eliminated by glucuronidation (UGT). This might be EURAP study group, 2006). The best evidence for an
relevant for eslicarbazepine acetate and possibly also for association between declining serum concentrations and
retigabine (ezogabine) (Bialer et al., 2009). Plasma concen- deterioration in seizure control comes from a prospective
trations of AEDs that are cleared mainly through the study of 36 pregnancies with lamotrigine monotherapy, of
kidneys, for example, gabapentin, pregabalin, and lacosa- which 39% experienced an increase in seizure frequency
mide, can also be expected to decline significantly. during pregnancy (Pennell et al., 2008). The risk was
Perampanel is protein bound to a high degree, 96%, and significantly increased when the lamotrigine serum concen-
metabolized through CYP3A4 (Bialer et al., 2009). A trations dropped by >35% from the individual optimal
displacement can thus be expected during pregnancy, lead- serum concentration before pregnancy.
ing to declining total concentrations, whereas the active Although there seems to be an association between
unbound concentrations could remain fairly stable. For declining serum concentrations of AEDs and deterioration
AEDs whose pharmacokinetic properties are affected, the in seizure control, many women remain seizure free despite
extent varies between individuals and is therefore difficult lower drug concentrations. Some therefore advise against
to predict. Polytherapy makes it even more difficult to drug level monitoring and also against increasing the dose
predict the course of AED concentrations during pregnancy. unless the patient has had deterioration in seizure control
The key issue is if these alterations in serum concentra- (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2003). This
tions are of clinical relevance. It appears obvious that a fall position rests on the assumption that risks associated with
Epilepsia, 54(3):405–414, 2013
doi: 10.1111/epi.12109
T. Tomson et al.

an increase of the AED dose outweigh seizure-related pine, and possibly topiramate. The value of monitoring
maternal and fetal risks. We question this assumption. A during pregnancy largely depends on whether the patient’s
dose increase should aim primarily at maintaining the optimal serum concentration has been determined before
woman’s individual optimal serum concentration, not pregnancy. The sampling frequency during pregnancy
increase it. In general, organogenesis is already completed depends on the AED as well as on knowledge of the individ-
at the stage of pregnancy when such dose adjustments are ual woman’s prior sensitivity to dose changes. Sampling
considered, and a dose adjustment would not increase the monthly could be justified for a woman on lamotrigine, who
risk of birth defects. It can be argued that drug exposure later has been carefully titrated to the lowest effective dose (and
in pregnancy can be of relevance for cognitive development. serum concentration) prior to pregnancy, and where a lower
However, adverse effects of AEDs on cognitive outcomes dose in the past has been associated with major seizures. For
have been shown convincingly only for valproate (Meador such women, we would also propose a proactive approach
et al., 2009a), and this is an AED where serum concentra- with dose adjustments before breakthrough seizures, aiming
tions of the active unbound drug is normally unchanged. at maintaining the optimal prepregnancy levels. Less fre-
Seizures probably do not induce birth defects, and a single quent sampling could on the other hand be considered in a
seizure is unlikely to cause significant harm to the fetus. woman who is on a drug with less pronounced gestational
However, five or more tonic–clonic seizures during preg- changes in kinetics, who has been seizure free for a long per-
nancy have been associated with poorer cognitive develop- iod prior to pregnancy, and for whom it is possible that the
ment of the child (Adab et al., 2004; Meador et al., 2009b), used dose could be higher than necessary for seizure control.
and a single seizure in a previously seizure free woman can In such one would also be less inclined to increase the dose
have a major impact on that woman’s everyday life. In based only on a fall in serum concentration. If the AED dose
addition, although rarely, a single tonic–clonic seizure can has been increased during pregnancy, one needs to be aware
even be fatal. The Confidential Enquiries into Maternal of the rapid reversal of the kinetics after delivery: dose
Deaths in the United Kingdom noted that of 261 reductions may be necessary during the first few days after
maternal deaths, 14 women died of epilepsy, 5.4% of all delivery to avoid toxicity.
maternal deaths (Cantwell et al., 2011). The potential In conclusion, pregnancy can have profound effects on
consequences of unnecessary seizures are thus significant. AED pharmacokinetics. Declining serum concentrations is
Admittedly, the evidence for an association between likely to have an impact on the efficacy of the treatment,
pharmacokinetic alterations and deterioration in seizure although for obvious reasons, class I evidence is lacking.
control during pregnancy is circumstantial. Class I evidence Drug level monitoring should nevertheless be considered
would require a randomized controlled trial. However, and decisions on dose adjustments made on an individual
based on the available data and on common sense, it is the basis. If monitoring is considered for highly protein-bound
opinion of the present authors that it would be unethical to AEDs, such as phenytoin and valproate, free concentrations
randomize pregnant women to having their AED dose are preferred. The value of monitoring relies on comparison
guided by clinical judgment only or by clinical judgement with the individual optimal serum concentration established
supported by serum concentration data in settings where before pregnancy rather than with general so-called refer-
drug level monitoring is available. We find it difficult to see ence ranges.
the true equipoise in the two management alternatives.
The evidence-based practice parameter update of the
American Academy of Neurology and American Epilepsy Disclosure
Society concluded that monitoring of lamotrigine, carba-
TT has received speaker’s honoraria or research funding from Bial,
mazepine, and phenytoin levels during pregnancy should be Eisai, GSK, UCB, Sanofi-Aventis, and Novartis. CJL declares no conflicts
considered; monitoring of levetiracetam and oxcarbazepine of interest. DB has received speaker’s honoraria from Eisai and UCB
(as MHD) levels may be considered, and although there is Pharma. We confirm that we have read the Journal’s position on issues
involved in ethical publication and affirm that this report is consistent with
insufficient evidence to support or refute changes in those guidelines.
phenobarbital, valproate, primidone, or ethosuximide lev-
els, this lack of evidence should not discourage monitoring
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doi: 10.1111/epi.12109
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