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Development of Bidirectional Net Meter in Grid

Connected Solar PV System for Domestic

Conference Paper · April 2016

DOI: 10.1109/ICEETS.2016.7582897


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4 authors, including:

Maharaja Kamatchi Pradeep Balaji

Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology


Sangeetha Shanmugam
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology


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Development of Bidirectional Net Meter in Grid Connected Solar PV
System for Domestic Consumers
K. Maharaja, P. Pradeep Balaji, S. Sangeetha, M. Elakkiya,,,

Abstract— Solar energy is inexhaustible, available generation is becoming more important as a renewable
abundant in nature and free from pollution. The solar energy source since it offers many advantages such as no
photovoltaic (PV) systems are a perfect solution for urban fuel cost, no noise, no pollution and less maintenance [3]-
residential areas since the system is noiseless. The main [4]. Net energy metering requires the meter to measure two
problem with solar energy is its intermittency. In order to have
quantities, (i) Energy delivered by the Electric Distribution
reliable power, storage batteries are required in case of off-
grid system thus it increases the overall cost of a system. In Company to the consumer (Imported energy) and (ii)
case of grid connected solar PV system the demand can be Energy delivered by the consumer to the Electric
satisfied by using solar energy and the energy drawn from grid Distribution Company (Exported energy). In this paper,
without using batteries. In this system, if the solar PV panel bidirectional net meter is developed to calculate to display
produce surplus power, then that has to be supplied to the grid the difference between imported and exported energy [5]-
and the exported surplus power must be accounted. The [6].
energy meter has to account for imported power from the grid
to consumer system and the exported power from the II. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS
consumer system to grid. In this paper bidirectional net meter
in grid connected solar PV system for domestic consumers is
A. Solar PV technology
proposed that keeps track of the difference between the The applications of Solar PV power systems can be split
electricity imported from grid and the surplus energy or into four main categories:
exported electricity to grid. The proposed bidirectional net
Off - grid domestic;
meter consists of voltage and current measurement circuit
which measures the instantaneous voltage and current
Off - grid non-domestic;
respectively. It consists of arduino uno which acts as the Grid - connected distributed;
processing unit and LCD display to display the net energy at Grid - connected centralized.
regular intervals. Experimental results show the accuracy in The main components of a PV power plant are PV
calculating the net energy of the system. modules, mounting (or tracking) systems, inverters and
transformers. Solar PV modules are made up of PV cells,
Keywords—Solar energy; solar photovoltaic systems; net which are most commonly manufactured from silicon but
meter; net energy other materials are also available. Cells can be based on
either wafers (manufactured by cutting wafers from a solid
I. INTRODUCTION ingot block of material) or “thin film” deposition of material
Energy is considered to be an important commodity for over low cost substrates. In general, silicon-based crystalline
development of any country. The world’s economic growth wafers provide high efficiency solar cells but are relatively
is placing enormous demand on its energy resources. The costly to manufacture, whereas thin film cells provide a
energy gap between generation and demand has to be cheaper alternative but are less efficient.
balanced by incorporating renewable power generation to an In general, good quality PV modules are expected to have
existing conventional power generation. The technological a useful life of 25 to 30 years, although their performance
innovation and environmental incentives are changing the will steadily degrade over this period. Selecting the correct
face of electricity generation and transmission. Centralized module is of fundamental importance to a PV system,
generating facilities are giving way to smaller, more keeping in mind the numerous internationally accepted
distributed generation partially due to the loss of traditional standards. When assessing the quality of a module for any
economics of scale. Most emerging technologies such as specific project, it is important to assess its specifications,
micro turbines, photovoltaic, fuel cells and wind energy certifications and performance record besides the track
conversion system have lower emissions have the potential record of the manufacturer. PV modules must be mounted
to have lower cost negating traditional economies of scale on a structure. This helps to keep them oriented in the
[1]-[2]. correct direction and provides them with structural support
Renewable power generation has become an ultimatum and protection mounting structures may be either fixed or
in recent years. In recent times many energy experts, tracking. Since fixed tilt mounting systems are simpler,
scientists, engineers and activists actively promote a 100% cheaper and have lower maintenance requirements than
renewable energy vision. The recent reports suggest that, we tracking systems, they are the preferred option for countries
have already used almost 2/3 of our carbon budget and at with a nascent solar market and with limited indigenous
the current projected rate; this entire budget will be used by manufacturers of tracking technology (such as India) [1]-
the year 2040. So it is essential that we move rapidly [2].
towards a renewable energy. The solar photovoltaic (PV) PV modules are generally connected together in series to
produce strings of modules of a higher voltage. These

978-1-4673-9925-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE 46

strings may then be connected together in parallel to positive voltage because the Arduino reads only positive
produce a higher current DC input to the inverters. Inverters voltages. The output from the level shifter is given to the
are solid state electronic devices that convert DC electricity port1of the Arduino. Fig.2 shows the voltage measurement
generated by the PV modules into AC electricity, suitable circuit.
for supply to the grid. In addition, inverters can also perform
a range of functions to maximize the output of a PV plant
[7]-[8]. In general, there are two main classes of inverters:
central inverters and string inverters. Central inverters are
connected to a number of parallel strings of modules. String
inverters are connected to one or more series strings. While
numerous string inverters are required for a large plant,
individual inverters are smaller and more easily maintained
than a central inverter. While central inverters remain the
configuration of choice for most utility-scale PV projects, Fig. 2. Voltage measurement circuit
both configurations have their pros and cons. Central
inverters offer high reliability and ease of installation. String 2) Current Measurement Circuit: The current
inverters, on the other hand, are cheaper to manufacture, measuring circuit consists of an amplifier circuit and level
simpler to maintain and can give enhanced power plant shifter circuit. The output from the current sensor is given to
performance on some sites. the filter circuit to mitigate the ripples and then it is given to
the amplifier circuit. The amplified signal is given to the
level shifter circuit which is fed to Arduino (A1). Fig.3
Net meter is used to measure the net energy between the shows the current measurement circuit.
grid to load and the excess energy from any renewable
energy sources that fed to the grid [9]-[13]. The proposed
system consists of a voltage and current measuring circuit,
power supply unit, amplifiers (Op-amp IC 741), regulators
(LM 7809) and processing unit. The voltage and current
measuring circuit feeds the corresponding instantaneous
values of voltage and current as an input to Arduino.
Arduino calculates the net energy by using instantaneous
values of voltage and current. The net output energy is
displayed through LCD which is interfaced with Arduino.
Fig.1 shows the block diagram of proposed net meter. Fig. 3. Current Measurement Circuit
3) Power Supply Circuit: The 230V AC supply is
given to the centre tapped step-down transformer. The step-
down transformer converts 230V AC to 9V AC. The bridge
rectifier circuit converts AC to DC. The output from the
bridge rectifier is given to the voltage regulators to get 5V
and 9V respectively.

Fig. 1. Block diagram

A. Electrical Circuits Fig 4. Power Supply Circuit

1) Voltage Measurement Circuit: The AC supply is

given to the 12-0-12 transformer with the current rating of 1 4) Processing Unit: The Arduino is an interactive
amps. In voltage measuring circuit, a step-down transformer system that through the use of hardware and software can
converts 230V AC to 12V AC. The input of 12V AC is interact with its environment. The proposed system uses
given to the potential divider circuit to reduce the voltage to Arduino (Type of ATmega 328) as processing unit. The
5V AC. The 5V AC is given to the level shifter to get the input to the Arduino is fed from voltage and current

measuring circuit which process the input data and a) Test performance - From Grid to Load: When the
calculates the net output energy by using appropriate energy is transferred from grid to load (import) the energy is
software coding. The output of Arduino is displayed calculated and updated for every 4 seconds. The updated
through LCD which is interfaced with Arduino. Table 1 value is displayed through LCD. The recorded energy is
shows the specifications of Arduino (Atmega 328) noted and listed below in Table II. Fig.6 shows the plot
between imported energy and time.
Microcontroller ATmega 328
S. No. Time (Sec) Energy (Wh)
Operating Voltage 5V 1 60 1.01
2 120 2.00
Input Voltage
7-12V 3 180 2.99
4 240 3.98
Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V 5 300 4.99

14 (of which 6 provide PWM

Digital I/O Pins
Analog Input Pins 6
DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V
50 mA
32 KB (ATmega328) of which 2
Flash Memory
KB used by bootloader
Fig. 6. Plot for Imported Energy
SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328) a) Test Performance – From Solar panel to Grid: To
EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328) test the proposed system to calculating export of energy
from solar to grid, the load of 60 W is considered as grid
Clock Speed 16 MHz and instead of solar grid is considered as source of supply.
when the energy is transferred from solar to grid (export)
the energy delivered is calculated and subtracted from the
IV. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS import and displayed is listed below in Table III. Fig.7
shows the plot between exported energy and time.
A 60 W incandescent lamp is considered as the load.
When it is switched on by the supply either with grid or
with solar, the voltage and current is measured and fed to
the Arduino. The energy is calculated and displayed at S. No. Time (Sec) Energy (Wh)
regular intervals of 4 seconds in LCD. Fig.5 shows the 1 60 4.01
overall hardware setup of proposed bidirectional net meter. 2 120 3.03
3 180 2.05
4 240 1.02
5 300 0.01

Fig .5. Overall Hardware Setup

Fig. 7. Plot for Exported Energy

V. CONCLUSION [13] G. Deepak, M. J. B. Reddy, D. K. Mohanta, “Hardware
implementation of grid connected PV system with energy
In this paper, the hardware configuration of net meter in management scheme”, International Conference on Environment and
grid connected solar PV system for domestic consumers has Electrical Engineering , Wroclaw, pp. 324 – 329, November 2013.
been designed and successfully implemented to calculate the
net difference between imported and exported energy. This Mr. K. Maharaja has obtained his B.E
proposed model is simple to build with good accuracy. degree in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering from Anna University,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Chennai in 2010. He received his M.E in
The authors would like to thank SNR Sons Charitable Power Systems Engineering from Anna
Trust, Dr. R. Joseph Xavier, Principal and Sri Ramakrishna University, Chennai in 2012. At present he
Institute of Technology for their support and is working as an Assistant Professor in
encouragement. We would like to thank Ms. K. Mekala, Ms. Department of EEE at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of
R. Nagananthini, Ms. K. Pradeepha and Ms. S. Sathya for Technology, Coimbatore. His area of research area includes
their valuable contribution in completion of the project. renewable energy and Microgrid.

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