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PHILIPPINE AGENDA 21  The civil society needs to specify its

commitments and contributions to achieving

What is Agenda 21? sustainability in the updated document.
Agenda 21 is a program of action into the 21st  Government departments need to be imbued
century for bringing the Earth into a sustainable with the sustainable development perspective
future. It was adopted by the participating with which to handle issues properly.
governments of the world in the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED), otherwise known as the Earth Summit, What are the Goal Elements of the Enhanced
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992. PA 21?
What is Philippine Agenda 21 (PA 21)? The Enhanced PA 21 has five goal elements,
Philippine Agenda 21 (PA 21) is our own national as follows:
agenda for sustainable development. It is 1. Poverty Reduction: Poverty is a central
basically made up of: concern of sustainable development. Consistent
with this, the various consultations for the
 The Principles of Unity updating of PA 21 have yielded poverty reduction
 The Action Agenda agenda that includes measures to create an
 The Implementation Strategies enabling economic environment for sustained
and broad-based growth; improve employment,
productivity and income; and attain food security.
PA 21 is the Philippines’ commitment to the 2. Social Equity: Social equity should mean
UNCED. It also lays down the mix of strategies allocation of resources on the bases of efficiency
that integrate the parameters in the country’s and equity to achieve balanced development.
overall development strategy, identifies the Efficiency and equity mean the channeling of
intervention areas (or Action Agenda) – from the resources to developing areas where greater
national to the regional level – with the economic benefits accumulate and where there is
corresponding implementing platforms and plans. greater need, distribution being dependent on the
What is the Vision of PA 21? practicality and urgency of needs.
PA 21 envisions a better quality of life for all 3. Empowerment and Good Governance:
through the development of a just, moral, Empowerment is a precondition of informal
creative, spiritual, economically-vibrant, caring, choices. Good governance is a necessary
diverse yet cohesive society characterized by precondition to empowerment, as empowerment
appropriate productivity, participatory and is to good governance. These two are a defining
democratic process and living in harmony within element of each other.
the limits of the carrying capacity of nature and 4. Peace and Solidarity: The cycle of poverty
the integrity of creation. and conflict goes on as the costs of war escalate
What is sustainable development? in terms of various kinds of destruction while
Sustainable development as defined in the PA 21 withholding funds for basic services, resulting in
(1996) is “harmonious integration of a sound and more poverty and underdevelopment.
viable economy, responsible governance, social 5. Ecological Integrity: In general, the path
cohesion and ecological integrity, to ensure that towards enhancing the integrity of the country’s
development is a life-sustaining process.” ecological domain will have to involve heightened
What is the Enhanced PA 21? and sustained implementation of environmental
Ten yeas after the UNCED, world leaders laws, as well as the continued pursuit of resource
gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa for the conservation, and environmental
World Summit on Sustainable Development restoration/enhancement programs.
(WSSD) to reinvigorate global commitment to What is the Philippine Council for Sustainable
sustainable development. In line with the Development?
Johannesburg Summit, the PA 21 was updated The Philippine Council for Sustainable
into the Enhanced PA 21, particularly noting that: Development (PCSD) is a multi-sectoral body
formed to coordinate and monitor the fulfillment
of the commitments of the Philippines to the
 The rise of globalization and the creation of an
external environment of finance, markets, and UNCED, and later, the WSSD. It has
technology did not seem conducive to spearheaded the formulation of PA 21.
Who are the key actors in sustainable
sustainable development.
development work?
Philippine Agenda 21 (PA 21) recognizes three equity and managing the ecosystems that
key actors in sustainable development, and sustain life.
their roles in different realms of society. They are:
PA 21 was adopted on 26 September 1996,
 Business, the key actor in economy, which is with the issuance of Memorandum Order No.
mainly concerned with producing goods and 399 by then President Fidel V. Ramos which
services for people. identified the roles of the Philippine Council for
 Government, the key actor in polity, which is Sustainable Development (PCSD) and each
concerned with democratic governance and sector in the operationalization of PA 21. The
security of human rights. action agenda is based on the imperatives of the
 Civil society, the key actor in culture, which is current national situation and emerging
concerned with the development of the social landscape for sustainable development.
and spiritual capacities of human beings.
CAPACITY 21 project was a capacity-building
Philippine Agenda 21 is the nation’s blueprint initiative designed to assist the government in
for sustainable development. In concreting the fulfilling its commitment to the 1992 Rio Earth
vision, it describes a path for individuals, Summit. Specifically, it aimed to support the
families, households and communities; an action PCSD in integrating the principles of Agenda 21
plan for each ecosystem (coastal/marine, into national planning and development.
freshwater, upland, lowland, and urban); and
across ecosystems in consideration of the
interaction of the various lifescapes and The major components of the project were:
landscapes found therein. The path is grounded
on respect and active advocacy for the (1) formulation of the Philippine Agenda 21
empowerment of the various social groupings of (PA21); (2) documentation of sustainable
society to manage the economy, critical development practices; (3) human resource
resources, society and culture, politics and development; and (4) conduct of the Information,
governance and in the arena of foreign relations. Education and Communication (IEC)
programme. These components were aimed at
Philippine Agenda 21 advocates a fundamental developing stakeholders’ capacity to fulfill their
shift in development thinking and approach. It mandate and perform their tasks in pursuit of
departs from traditional conceptual frameworks sustainable development for the country.
that emphasize sector-based and macro
concerns. Philippine Agenda 21 promotes The Capacity 21 Project has linked several
harmony and achieves sustainability by government agencies (such as the
emphasizing. Department of Education, Culture and Sports,
the Department of Social Welfare and
 A scale of intervention that is primarily area- Development, the National Economic and
based. The national and global policy Development Authority, the Department of
environment builds upon and supports area- Environment and Natural Resources) with
based initiatives. several youth organizations from PO and NGOs
in the preparation of the Philippine Agenda 21.
 Integrated island development approaches
where applicable. This recognizes the This is a catalytic project that assisted PCSD
archipelagic character of the Philippines members and other stakeholder groups in
which includes many small island provinces. building their capacity to integrate principles of
sustainable development and the Philippine
 People and integrity of nature at the Agenda 21 into their development plans and
center of development initiatives. This programmes. One objective of the project is the
implies the strengthening of roles, upgrading and strengthening of the institutional
relationships, and interactions between and and technical capabilities of PCSD towards the
among stakeholders in government, civil promotion and sustenance of advocacy efforts in
society, labor and business. Basic sectors sustainable development. That objective will be
have an important role to play in achieving pursued through the HRD component of the
project which is designed to develop whilst enhancing the capability of national
competencies, knowledge and the skills institutions like DENR and the League of Cities
necessary for the formulation, integration, of the Philippines (LCP) to support LGUs in
monitoring and evaluation of the Philippine EPM. Through the financial support from the
Agenda 21. United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) and UN-HABITAT, the three year
programme was implemented through a Project
Sustainable development is development that Management Coordinating Unit (PMCU)
meets the needs of the present without established in the DENR, in partnership with the
compromising the ability of future generations to LCP.
meet their own needs
Tagbilaran City Environmental Management
economic development that is conducted without Office (TCEMO) was assisted by three part-
depletion of natural resources. time coordinators for (1) solid, toxic and
hazardous waste, (2) Air quality and traffic,
(3) Coastal resources, water quality and liquid
GOVERNANCE FOR PHILIPPINE AGENDA 21 wastes on temporary assignment to the office.
Over time these City environmental
The GOPA 21 with the support of the management tasks have gradually been lodged
Philippines-Canada Development Fund was within the City Planning and Development
implemented from 1999 to 2002 in order to Office.
strengthen the capacities of stakeholders at the
LGU level in collectively addressing the SD Successfully promoted the involvement &
issues. Its overarching goal is the integration of participation of key stakeholders in LGU
SD and PA21 in the decision-making structures decision making on priority environmental
and processes among LGUs. GOPA 21 was concerns, and facilitated the establishment of
implemented in nine pilot sites in the Visayas broader partnerships with other government
and Mindanao and focused in the partner sites, agencies as well as with communities and the
participatory and consensus-based formulation private sector.
of local Agenda 21, and institutionalization of the
local agenda 21 into the governance processes
of target LGUs. Working Group members from civil society
groups were able to acquire technical
knowledge on coastal waste management,
The project was instrumental in doing the which further strengthened their organization's
following: i) identified and adressed priority interest and helped develop advocacy strategies
capacity-building to enhance capacities of to their members, resulting in regular Coastal
stakeholders in effecting SD in their respective Cleaning Campaigns.
areas; ii) formulated social marketing plans to
broaden social acceptability of SD concepts and The capacities of the LGU were enhanced in
initiatives; iii) formulated and adopted policies different areas, including the establishment of
and ordinances to be able to sustain the project Environmental Management Information
outcomes; iv) defined the elements of Systems & Geographical Information Systems.
localization; and v) conducted and initial
assessment of PA 21 implementation.
Sustainable Cities Programme in Philippines
The Sustainable Cities Programme was
implemented in the Philippines through the
"Strengthening Local Environmental Planning
and Management" (L-EPM) by the Department
of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
The Project was established to strengthen the
Local Government Units (LGUs) and enhance
their capacities for participatory environmental
planning and management at the local level,

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