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Student Name: ______________________ Character Name: _____________________ 

Wax Museum Rubric 

This rubric can also be viewed at home by clicking the Writing page and then “Wax Museum” button on! 

Presentation: (30 Points) 

Expression: The student should use excellent expression when presenting the speech at the wax 
museum, completely personifying their character. ___/15 

Memorization: The student should know their character, use appropriate pronunciation, and present 
their memorized speech in a smooth, confident manner. ___/15 

Costume/Characterization: (20 Points) 

Completeness: The costume should adequately depict traits and/or accessories of the character. The 
costume appears authentic and appropriate for the time period. The costume materials are used 
creatively for the character. ___/20 

Written Report: (50 Points) 

Completeness: The report is written as a personal narrative, is instructive to the audience, and effectively 
details the character’s life. ____/15 

List of Sources: I have attached my list with at least 3 reliable sources. _______/5 

Quality: The final copy is well written, showing excellent effort, thought, and attention to detail. Ms. R will 
use an individual rubric for the written report with a detailed grading system. ___/30 

Total: ____/100 

I, ___________________, have shown my parents/guardian this Rubric so that all 

expectations are clear for the Wax Museum on Wednesday, March 28th.  

Parent Signature: ___________________________________ 

Student Signature: ___________________________________ 

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