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6 6A will / wont (predictions) A Vimsceing janeatsix. B She'll belate @4) ‘The movie's in French. We won't understand anything. It’sa great book. I'm sure you'll ike it. don't think i'l rain tomorrow. + We often use will won't + base form for furure predictions, ie.,to say things we think, guess, or know about the future. + Weoftenuse [think /Idon’ think + will think he'll fail the exam. don’t think he'll pass theexam. NOT Fthinkkewor't pass: be going tofor predictions We can also use be going to to predict something you know of can see is going to \/You/He/She / 1VYou/He/She/ happen 60 38), c. It/We/They |"Ubelate, i/We/ They. | won be te. ee aes Contractions: = wil; won = wllnot They're playing very wel. Im sure thoy re aoing to win rs, Blom on S she / 2) she she / wat |P/S2 | be tater ves, M/S wit No, | M2/SHEY wont, they ‘they they 6B will / won't (decisions, offers, promises) ip ea oe help you with thosebags. NOT Hielp you: decisions ew) ee e Iwon'estay fordinner. [think Pll go home early. offers Pithelp you with your homework. promises Pilalwayslove you. I won'etell anybody. THlopen the door for you. + In? sentences with and we, shall (and not will) is sometimes used to offer to do something or to make a suggestion, but this is nota common use, Shall we go fora walk? 6C review of verb forms: present, past, and future tense ‘example @19) ive downtown, She doesn’t smoke, simple present things that happen always or usually present continuous He's looking for a new job. things that are happening now or in the near future Tm leaving tomorrow, things that we have arranged for the Future simple past Wesaw-a good movie lst night. ‘We didn't do anything yesterday. finished actions in the past past continuous He was working in Chiang Mai. What were you doing at 7:00? be going to + base form | I'm going to see Tom tonight. actions that were in progress at past time furure plans: Look! I's going to ra predictions when we know [can see what's going to happen will [won't + base form | You'll love New York. predictions Vil call her later. Pithelp you. instant decisions offers Pil pay you back tomorrow. promises present perfect I've finished the book. recently finished actions (we don’t say when) Have you ever been to Iran? past experiences 6A @ Write sentences and questions with will wor’, Use contractions where you can, 1 2 3 4 6 7 a 1 it/beeasy to pass Itwon'tbe easy to pass Ithink they [lose the game the meeting | belong E] she | get the job—she’s not qualified you / see him at work later I don't want to go. it {be impossible to park 1 you /like that book I think she /love the present [bought her Ei there { be alot of traffic in the morning GRAMMAR BANK Complete with will +a verb from the list. be(@) get lke pass snow A Doyouthink the eraffie will be bad? B No, because i’sa holiday today. LA Doyoulike this band? B Yes,Ithinkthey 2 A Isthisagood movie. B Yes,'msure you it. 3A Doyouthinkit B No, it’s norcold enough, 4A Whatdo you think! B [don't know. What did you ask for? famous one day. for my birthday? 9 Gl you finda good job, 'm sure 5 A I'msoworried about the exam! 10 Ei everything / be OK, so there's no need to worry B (Dow eevoy. Li ajo sina 6B A Leanttdo this crossword B you. a Match the sentences. 2 A Isasecret. Ieshotin here. [G] A Tithelp you with it B1_____anyone,1 promise 1 tmehiesty. 2] putas pout, 3. A When will hear from you again? 2 Thaveaheadache. [_] C T'llearry one for you. BI you tonight. 3 Thisexerciseishard. [] _ Fillend you some money. 4 A Cant borrow $50? 4 I'mhungry. |] E P'llbuy some on my way home. B Whee, yea. mci back! 5 These bagsareheavy. ["]__F I'llsenditby email now 5 A Wenny bithday nexe week. 6 thay salltarhome: -] 6 open the window 2 Deneve 7 need that photo urgently. [—] H 1'lltuen off the music See cubes 8 Wedon'thave any milk. [| I Illgetyoua glass of water. 7 A Thischocolae you bought isnt very good. b_ Complete the sentences with will | won't + averb. B Yes, [know.1 again, Oo 8 A These shoes are too small buy call forget get have help pay take tell . en A What would you like? B Ul have the fish. p46 6c 1b Purthe verb in the right form. a Complete the questions with one word. Where do you usually have hunch? I didn’t see you at work last week. Were you sick? you often remember your dreams? You isten to the game on the radio last night? Who doyouthink your brother like rock music? you going to watch on TV tonight? ‘snowing when you left? Were you at the party last night? I you been to the supermarket? ‘the movie finished yet? win the election next year? What see you. ‘A What are we doing tonight? (do) B We! A Butwe B Yes, butthey® A Oh, OK then.41 B It’s 8 oclock! Where? A 'msorry. When I dinner with Diego and Luz. (have) dinner with them last week! (have) totellussome good news. (want) some flowers. (buy) you ? (be) hhome,1 to buy the flowers. And then [ Markin the store... (walk, stop, see) B Well, hurry up, We® late! (be) AIesOK.12 ataxi,and lll be ready in five minutes. (already call)

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