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Name : Yahya Ramadoni

NIM : 15020084058

Journal’s title : The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly (June 2017) Volume 19 Issue 2
Article’s title : Factors contributing to Thai teachers’ uptake of tablet technology in EFL
primary classrooms
The authors : Sompatu Vungthong, Emilia Djonov, & Jane Torr

1. Quoting 3 lines (or less)
Original text:
Factors influencing secondary school and university teachers’ decisions on whether or not to
use computer technologies in EFL classrooms can be divided into two main groups: institution-
related and teacher-related.

Vungthong, Djonov, and Torr (2017:11) stated that “Factors influencing secondary school
and university teachers’ decisions on whether or not to use computer technologies in EFL
classrooms can be divided into two main groups: institution-related and teacher-related.”

2. Quoting more than 3 lines

Original text:

The most prominent issue reported by the teachers (75.36%/104 respondents) was the tablet’s
poor quality, rather than the app itself. The problems cited included: programming errors and
slow downloading; short battery life; problems with the headphones and sound system;
overheating; and difficulties in connecting to the internet.


The problems in using tablet computer in learning activities are found by Vungthong et al.
(2017:18), They concluded:
The most prominent issue reported by the teachers (75.36%/104 respondents) was the
tablet’s poor quality, rather than the app itself. The problems cited included:
programming errors and slow downloading; short battery life; problems with the
headphones and sound system; overheating; and difficulties in connecting to the

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