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H. Okubo

A a
B r=0.25 m O 15 kg

Figure 1: Problem 1

1. For what acceleration a of the frame

will the uniform slender rod maintain 8 kg
the orientation shown in the figure? Ne-
glect the friction and mass√of the small
rollers at A and B. (a = g 3) 10 kg
Solution. Applying the three equa-
tions of motion gives Figure 2: Problem 2

ma = RA (1)
vectors, i, j, k, are attached to point
0 = RB − mg (2) O, with the y-axis vertical and the zx-
plane horizontal. The moment of iner-
0 = RB l cos 30◦ − RA l sin 30◦ (3)
tia of the drum is
Substituting Eqs (1) and (2) into Eq. 1
(3) gives I = Mr 2 (5)

0 = mg( 3/2) − ma/2 where M is the drum mass. The equa-
√ tions of motion are
0 = g 3−a

a = g 3 (4) r(T10 − T8 ) = Iα (6)
T10 − m10 g = m10 a10 (7)
2. Calculate the downward acceleration a T8 − m8 g = m8 a8 (8)
of the 10-kg cylinder. The drum is a
uniform cylinder, and friction at the where T10 is the tension of the cable
pivot is negligible. Compare your an- attached the 10-kg cylinder, T8 is the
swer with that obtained by ignoring tension of the cable for the 8-kg cylin-
the inertia effects of the drum. (a = der, m10 and m8 are the masses of 10-
0.769 m/s2 , a = 1.090 m/s2 ) kg and 8-kg cylinders. The accelera-
Solution. The axes x-y-z with unit tions of the cylinders are a10 and a8 ,


b b

b 2b
x Figure 4: Problem 4

P where ω̇ is the angular acceleration of

the plate, and I is the moment of inertia
Figure 3: Problem 3
which is
Z b/2 Z b/2
and the angular acceleration of drum is m
I = dxdy(x2 + y 2 )
α. The relationship between a10 and a8 −b/2 −b/2 b2

is a = −a10 = a8 . a can be expressed

m b/2 b/2 2
as α = a/r. Eliminating α, T10 , and T8 = 2 x dxdy
from Eqs. (6)-(8), we have b −b/2 −b/2
m b/2 2 b/2
r 2 (−m10 a + m10 g − m8 a − m8 g) + 2 y dxdy
1 b −b/2 −b/2
= Mr 2 a mb2
2 = (12)
m10 − m8 6
a= g
M/2 + m10 + m8 Using the expressionn of I and Eq.
= 0.769 m/s2 (9) (11), we calculate ω̇.
With M = 0, a = 1.09 m/s2 . 3P
ω̇ = k (13)
3. The uniform square plate of mass m is mb
lying motionless on the horizontal sur- The acceleration of B, aB is
face when the force P is applied at A
as shown. Determine the resulting ini- −−→
aB = aG + ω̇ × GB
tial acceleration of point B. Friction is P 3P

b b

negligible. (a = (P/2m)(−3i − j)) = j+ × − i+ j
m mb 2 2
Solution. We apply the equations of
motion P
= (−3i − j) (14)
maG = P j
P 4. The uniform rectangular plate is re-
aG = j (10) leased from rest in the position shown.
Determine the maximum angular ve-
where m is the mass of the plate, and
locity ω during the ensuring motion.
aG is the acceleration vector of the cen-
p g at the pivot is negligible.
ter of mass.
−→ (0.861 b )
I ω̇ = GA × P j (11) Solution. The moment of inertia

about O is A B

θ θ
2b Z b
m 2
IO = (x + y 2)dydx b b
0 0 2b2
5 2
= mb (15)
3 Figure 5: Problem 5

The change in kinetic energy is

The virtual change in kinetic energy is
1 5
∆T = IO ω 2 = mb2 ω 2 (16) b b
2 6 dT = m( α)( dθ) + Iαdθ
2 2
The change in gravitational potential m 2 m
= b αdθ + b2 αdθ
energy is 4 12
1 2
√ !   = mb αdθ (20)
5 b 3
∆Vg = mg − b − mg −
2 2 The virtual change in potential energies
1 √ of the system becomes
= − ( 5 − 1)mgb (17)
2 b b
dVg = d(−mg sin θ + mg )
when the center of gravity is located at 2 2
the lowest position. Substituting into b
= d{mg (1 − sin θ)}
the energy equation gives 2
5 2 2 1 √ = −mg cos θdθ (21)
0 = mb ω − ( 5 − 1)mgb 2
6√ 2
3( 5 − 1) g Substitution into the work-energy equa-
ω2 = tion for virtual change gives
5r b
g 1 b
ω = 0.861 (18) 0 = mb2 αdθ − mg cos θdθ (22)
b 3 2
from which the angular acceleration is
5. The two uniform slender bars are
hinged at O and supported on the hor- 3g cos θ
α= (23)
izontal surface by their end rollers of 2b
negligible mass. If the bars are released
from rest in the position shown, deter- 6. The 75-kg flywheel has a radius of gy-
mine their initial angular acceleration ration about its shaft axis of k = 0.50
α as they collapse in the vertical plane. m and is subjected to the torque M =
cos θ
(α = 3g 2b ) 10(1 − e−t Nm, where t is in seconds. If
Solution. The moment of inertia of the the flywheel is at rest at time t = 0, de-
slender bar is termine its angular velocity ω at t = 3
Z b/2 s. (ω = 1.093 rad/s)
m 2 m Solution. Application of the angular
I= x dx = b2 (19)
−b/2 b 12 impulse-momentum equation over the

y 0.4 m
v B

z C Ω x0
Ω y x
x p
Figure 6: Problem 7 Figure 7: Problem 8

interval gives 8. The collar at O and attached shaft OC

Z 3 rotate about the fixed x0 -axis at the
Mdt = mk ω (24) constant rate Ω = 4 rad/s. Simulta-
3 neously, the circular disk rotates about
75(0.52 )ω = 10 t + e−t 0

OC at the constant rate p = 10 rad/s.
10(3 + e−3 − 1) Determine the magnitude of the to-
ω = tal angular velocity ω of the disk and
find its angular acceleration α. (ω =
= 1.093 rad/s (25) 10.8 rad/s, α = −40 rad/s2 )
Solution. We use x-y-z components
7. The rotor and shaft are mounted in a
with unit vectors i, j, k. The system
clevis which can rotate about the z-axis
has two components of angular veloc-
with an angular velocity Ω. With Ω = 0
ity: Ω about x0 -axis and p about z-
and θ constant, the rotor has an angular
axis. The x0 -axis coincides with x-axis.
velocity ω 0 = −4j − 3k rad/s. Find
Thus, the angular velocity vector be-
the velocity v A of point A on the rim
if its position vector at this instant is
r = 0.5i + 1.2j + 1.1k m. What is the ω = Ωi + pk
rim speed vB of any point B? (vB =
= 4i + 10k rad/s (28)
2.62 m/s)
Solution. The velocity v A becomes The magnitude of ω is
vA = ω0 × r p
ω = Ω2 + p2
= (−4j − 3k) √
= 42 + 102
×(0.5i + 1.2j + 1.1k) √
= 116 = 10.8 rad/s (29)
= −0.8i − 1.5j + 2k (26)
The rim speed vB equal the magnitude The angular acceleration vector is
of velocity of A. Thus
α = Ωi × pk
vB = (−0.8)2 + (−1.5)2 + 22 = −Ωpj
= 2.62 m/s (27) = −40j rad/s2 (30)

9. For the conditions of Prob. 8, deter- y
mine the velocity v A and acceleration
αA of point A on the disk as it passes
the position shown. Reference axes x- b
y-z are attached to the collar at O and b
its shaft OC. (v A = −3i − 1.6j + 1.2k
m/s, aA = −34.8j − 6.4k m/s2 ) O
Solution. We use x-y-z components b
with unit vectors i, j, k. The vector
CA has two components of angular ve-
z b
locity: Ω about x0 -axis and p about ω
z-axis. The x0 -axis coincides with x-
Figure 8: Problem 10
axis. Thus, the angular velocity vector
velocity ω as shown. Neglect the ra-
ω = Ωi + pk dius of each sphere compared with the
= 4i + 10k rad/s (31) other dimensions and write expressions
for the magnitudes of their linear mo-
The velocity of A is given by mentum G and their angular momen-
−→ tum H O about the origin √ O of the co-
v A = v C + ω × CA
ordinates. (G = mbω 2( √12 i − √12 j),
= 4i × 0.4k + (4i + 10k) × 0.3j
H O = 3mb2 ω( 31 i + 32 j − 32 k))
= −3i − 1.6j + 1.2k (32) Solution. We use unit vectors i, j, k
−→ for x-y-z components. The linear mo-
The angular acceleration vector of CA
mentum is
α = Ωi × pk G = Σmω × r
= −40j rad/s2 (33) = m{(−ωk) × (bj + 2bk)
+(−ωk) × (bi + bk)
The acceleration of A becomes +(−ωk) × (−bk)}
aA = Ωi × (Ωi × OC) = mbω(i − j)
−→ −→ √ 1 1
+α × CA + ω × (ω × CA) = mbω 2( √ i − √ j) (35)
= 4i × (4i × 0.4k) 2 2
+(−40j) × 0.3j The angular momentum is
+(4i + 10k)
H O = Σr × m(ω × r)
×{(4i + 10k) × 0.3j}
= m(bj + 2bk) × bωi
= −34.8j − 6.4k m/s2 (34)
+m(bi + bk) × (−bωj)
10. The three small spheres, each of mass = mb2 ω(i + 2j − 2k)
m, are rigidly mounted to the horizon- 1 2 2
= 3mb2 ω( i + j − k)(36)
tal shaft which rotates with the angular 3 3 3

b b pressed by
M = Ḣ
= + ω × H (38)
l dt xyz
= (Ḣx − Hy ωz + Hz ωy )i
+(Ḣy − Hz ωx + Hx ωz )j
+(Ḣz − Hx ωy + Hy ωx )k
Figure 9: Problem 11 When Ḣx = Ḣy = Ḣz = 0, ωx = ωy =
0, and ωz = ω, the moment is
11. Each of the two rods of mass m is
M = −Hy ωi + Hx ωj
welded to the face of the disk which ro-
tates about the vertical axis with a con- = Iyz ω 2i − Ixz ω 2 j (40)
stant angular velocity ω. Determine the Iyz and Ixz are calculated as
bending moment M acting on each rod
at its base. (M = 21 mblω 2 ) Iyz = 0 (41)
Solution. The rotating reference axes
x-y-z with unit vectors i, j and k are Z
attached to the disk. The x and y axes Ixz = xzdm
lie in the horizontal plane of the disk l
and the z axis is vertical. The z-x plane = bz dz
includes the two rods. General angular 0 l
Z l
momentum H can be described as mb
= zdz
l 0
H = (Ixx ωx − Ixy ωy − Ixz ωz )i 1
+(−Iyx ωx + Iyy ωy − Iyz ωz )j = mbl (42)
+(−Izx ωx − Izy ωy + Izz ωz )k The moment equation gives
= Hx i + Hy j + Hz k (37)
M = − mblω 2 j (43)
where the quantities Ixx , Iyy , and Izz 2
are the moment of inertia of the body The bending moment M B equals −M ,
about the respective axes, and Ixy (= so that
Iyz ), Iyz (= Izy ), and Izx (= Ixz ) are the 1
M B = mblω 2 (44)
products of inertia with respect to the 2
coordinates axes, Hx , Hy , and Hz are 12. For the spring-mass system shown, de-
components of H, and ωx , ωy , ωz are termine the static deflection δst , the sys-
the components of angular velocity vec- tem period τ , and the maximum ve-
tor ω. locity vmax which result if the cylin-
The general moment releation is ex- der is displaced 0.1 m downward from

k=144 N/m
k=392 N/m
Equilibrium m=4 kg 2 kg
c=42 Ns/m
Figure 11: Problem 13
Figure 10: Problem 12

its equilibrium position and released.

(δst = 0.273 m, τ = π3 s, vmax = 0.6 k=100 kN/m c
Solution. From the spring relation-
ship, we see that at equilibrium, m=10 kg
0 = mg − kδst
mg 4(9.81)
δst = = = 0.273 m
k 144 F=1000 cos 120t N
r r Figure 12: Problem 14
k 144
ωn = = = 6 rad/s
m 4 13. Determine the value of the damping ra-
ωn 6 3 tio ζ for the simple spring-mass-dashpot
fn = = = Hz
2π 2π π system shown. (ζ = 0.75)
1 π Solution. We compute the damping
τ= = s
τ 3 ratio ζ.
The motion of the mass is p p
ωn = k/m = 392/2 = 14 rad/s
y = A cos ωn t + B sin ωn t
ẏ = −Aωn sin ωn t + Bωn cos ωn t c 42
ζ= = = 0.75 (47)
Evaluating the displacement and veloc- 2mωn 2(2)(14)
ity at time t = 0 gives
14. Determine the amplitude X of the
0.1 = A cos 0, 0 = Bωn cos 0 steady-state motion of the 10-kg mass
Solving the two equations for A and B if (a) c = 500 Ns/m and (b) c =
yields A = 0.1 m and B = 0. Therefore, 0. ((a)X = 1.344(10−2) m (b)X =
the velocity is 2.27(10−2) m)
Solution. The equation of motion is
ẏ = −0.1ωn sin ωn t
from which the maximum velocity is mẍ + cẋ + kx = f cos ωt
vmax = 0.1(6) = 0.6 m/s ẍ + 2ζωn ẋ + ωn2 = cos ωt(48)

k c
ωn = ,ζ = k
m 2mωn O m
The solution of Eq. (48) for the steady-
state can be expressed as
x = X1 cos ωt + X2 sin ωt (49)
ẋ = ω(−X1 sin ωt + X2 cos ωt)
(50) b b b
ẍ = −ω (X1 cos ωt + X2 sin ωt)
Figure 13: Problem 15
Substituting Eqs (49)-(51) into Eq. 1000/10
X= = 1.344(10−2) m
(48) gives 7440.43
(ωn2 2
− ω )X1 + 2ζωnωX2 = ζ=0
m p
(52) (ωn2 − ω 2 )2 + (2ζωn ω)2 = 4400
−2ζωn ωX1 + (ωn2 − ω 2 )X2 = 0 1000/10
X= = 2.27(10−2 ) m
(53) 4400
15. The light rod and attached sphere of
Therefore, mass m are at rest in the horizontal
2 2
(ωn − ω )f /m position shown. Determine the period
X1 = (54) τ for small oscillations in the verti-
(ωn2 − ω 2)2 + (2ζωnω)2
calpplane about the pivot O. (τ =
2ζωnωf /m
X2 = (55) 6π m/5k)
(ωn2 − ω 2)2 + (2ζωnω)2
Solution. The equation of motion is
The amplitude X = X12 + X22 is m(3b)2 θ̈ = −k(2b)2 θ − kb2 θ − mg(3b)
f /m 2 3mg
X=p (56) = −5kb θ + (57)
(ωn2 − ω 2 )2 + (2ζωnω)2 5kb
p 5k 3mg
ωn = 100(103)/10 = 100 θ̈ = − θ+ (58)
9m 5kb
(ωn2 − ω 2 )2 = (1002 − 1202)2 = 44002
The angular velocity ω is
(a) r
500 1 5k
ζ= = 0.25, ω=
2(10)(100) 3 m
p The period τ is
(ωn2 − ω 2)2 + (2ζωnω)2 r
2π m
τ= = 6π
= 44002 + (2(0.25)(100)(120))2 ω 5k
= 7440.43

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