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Marlea Pavlick

Mrs. Haberman

AP Chemistry

Chemical Analysis by Redox Titration

8 November 2017


The purpose of this lab is to determine the percent concentration of peroxide by using

permanganate ion in a acidic solution using redox titration.


A titration was performed using Permanganate (!MnO4−1) as a titrant and the titrated

! +2. The
substance of the acidic environment of !H2O2 twice. This was titrated twice to yield Mn

reaction was done twice for accuracy.

Experimental Data:

This is the data taken during the lab.

Calculations and Graphs:


The purpose of this lab was to determine the amount of peroxide in the solution, and the

conclusion of this lab was that the unknown percent of peroxide was .23% H
! 2O2 in the solution.

Discussion of Theory:

Titration is a technique used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution. Titration is

commonly executed by adding a known solution from a buret into a solution where a partial

amount of the solution is known until the reaction is complete. Then, through stoichiometry the

concentration of the unknown of the solution can be determined. The calculations made support

this lab because the concentration and percent of peroxide were able to be determined.

Error Analysis:

In this experiment, the final solution was meant to be clear. While taking every precaution, the

final solution was still more than needed. In my trial number 2, the solution was the least pink.

The amount of !MnO4− added was 11.4, but could have been less because more than needed was

added to the solution. Other sources of error could have been the precision of reading the buret,

the precision of reading the erlenmeyer flask, or the accuracy of the scale.


1. How could this be used practically or in the real world?

2. Could this have been done without a solution that needed to be balance using redox?

3. Does the preciseness of the data effect the lab results and if so, by how much?

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