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10 Key Lessons in Applied Entrepreneurial Finance


• Introduction (5 Minutes)

• One Word Check-in (10 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Mindset (20 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Finance (25 Minutes)

• Questions and Answers (30 Minutes)

• One Take Away (20 Minutes)

Introduction: Jonathan B. Smith
•Founder - ChiefOptimizer

– Big 6 Accounting
– Wall Street
– Serial Entrepreneur

– Michigan State University – Certificate in Homeland Security
– University of Hartford – MS Accounting
– Wesleyan University – BA Social Studies

– Entrepreneur’s Organization
– Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC 84)
– Leader Dog for the Blind
– State Department Ambassador for Entrepreneurship

– 2007 Inc 500 Winner (#203) Wave Dispersion Technologies
– The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society - National Man of the Year
– Multiple Government Procurement Awards

• Introduction (5 Minutes)

• One Word Check-in (10 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Mindset (20 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Finance (25 Minutes)

• Questions and Answers (30 Minutes)

• One Take Away (20 Minutes)

One Word Check-In

• Introduction (5 Minutes)

• One Word Check-in (10 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Mindset (20 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Finance (25 Minutes)

• Questions and Answers (30 Minutes)

• One Take Away (20 Minutes)

Entrepreneurial Mindset: Energy
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Optimism
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Risk
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Tuition


• Innovate by iterating quickly

• Learn from calculated risks in real time

• Teaches more than 1,000 hours pondering

Entrepreneurial Mindset: Results

Those who say it cannot be

done, should not interrupt those
doing it.

Chinese proverb
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Team
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Integrity
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Abundance
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Long Haul
Entrepreneurial Mindset: All
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Simplicity
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Sheer Will

• Introduction (5 Minutes)

• One Word Check-in (10 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Mindset (20 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Finance (25 Minutes)

• Questions and Answers (30 Minutes)

• One Take Away (20 Minutes)

Entrepreneurial Finance: Heilmeyer’s Catechism
• What are you trying to do? In English, no CorpSpeak

• How is it done today, and what are the limits of current practice?

• What's new in your approach and why do you think it will be successful?

• Who cares?

• If you're successful, what difference will it make?

• What are the risks and the payoffs?

• How much will it cost?

• How long will it take?

• What are the midterm and final "exams" to check for success?
Entrepreneurial Mindset: Financing Priorities

Variable Inputs Objective

Results Build a Successful Business

Liquidity Sufficient $ to Fund Needs

Control Maintain

Ownership Retain

Professional Investor - Strategic Benefits Networking & Expertise

Risk Share

Rewards Share
Entrepreneurial Finance: Cash Flow
Entrepreneurial Finance: Working Capital Cycle

A good working capital cycle balances incoming and outgoing payments to

maximize working capital. Simply put, you need to know you can afford
to research, produce, and sell your product.

Entrepreneurial Finance: Motivation
Entrepreneurial Finance: Break Even
Entrepreneurial Finance: Personal Financing
Entrepreneurial Finance: Friends and Family
Entrepreneurial Finance: Customer Financing
Entrepreneurial Finance: Vendor Financing
Entrepreneurial Finance: Angel Financing

• Individual investors who invest in

businesses seeking higher returns
than traditional investments.
• Goal to help other entrepreneurs.
• Typically a bridge from the Early
Stage to the Series A VC Round.
• Average funding found $150,000 to
$1.5 million.
• The term "angel" comes from the
practice in the early 1900's of
wealthy businessmen investing in
Broadway productions.
Entrepreneurial Finance: Factoring
Entrepreneurial Finance: Merchant Account Advance
Entrepreneurial Finance: Government

• Taxes
– International
– Federal
– State
– Local
• International Trade
– Duties
– Tariffs
– Offsets
• Economic Development
– Abatements
– Grants
– Incentives
– Subsidized Loans

• Introduction (5 Minutes)

• One Word Check-in (10 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Mindset (20 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Finance (25 Minutes)

• Questions and Answers (30 Minutes)

• One Take Away (20 Minutes)

Question and Answers

• Introduction (5 Minutes)

• One Word Check-in (10 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Mindset (20 Minutes)

• Entrepreneurial Finance (25 Minutes)

• Questions and Answers (30 Minutes)

• One Take Away (20 Minutes)

One Take Away
Thank You

Jonathan B. Smith
+1(703) 569-1011

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