Application SOJ FoxHaven 1stsub

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Fox Haven Zoning Proffer Amendment: Statement of Justification

Fox Meadows Investment Co., LLC and GGFS/Foxhaven LLC are the owners of two parcels of land (PIN #
6889-54-9297-000 and 6889-74-2503-000) containing approximately 90 acres zoned R-4 with
preliminary plat approval for up to 197 single-family residential homes (Fox Haven Subdivision).

When the property was zoned in 2003 the applicants proffer statement included several items including
the payment of $14,730/lot in cash proffers and an annual limit of 33 home sales per year.

The owners of Fox Meadows Investment Co. LLC and GGFS/Fox Haven LLC are also the owners of the
Remland, LLC and VCA LLC, entities which own parcels 6887-68-2679-000, 6888-50-4476-000 and 6888-
41-5000-000. These parcels consist of land in the Remington Service District, zoned R-1 and R-2, totaling
approximately 365 acres with preliminary plat approval for 249 single-family residential lots. These lots
have been preliminary plat approved since the 1980’s and have no cash or other proffers attached to
their approval.

In a related rezoning application being processed concurrently with this application, Remland, LLC and
VCA, LLC are seeking the rezoning of approximately 230 of the 365 acres in Remington from R-1 to BP.
This rezoning will allow for the construction of industrial facilities and will result in the elimination of
199 of the 249 residential lots. The financial and other benefits to the county of that rezoning are
itemized in a separate rezoning application and related Statement of Justification

The purpose of this zoning amendment is to request that, in exchange for the elimination of 199 by-right
lots, the cash proffer be eliminated for the 197 Fox Haven lots and the 33-unit annual limit be increased
to 66 units per year. These proposed changes allow for the sale of the 230 acres at a price which makes
the industrial project economically feasible. While the two related rezoning requests are required to be
processed separately, they are essentially a joint rezoning application with each being dependent upon
the other.

While the benefits of the industrial development are significant for the county, the economics of the
residential changes proposed provide the county with significant benefits on their own. Utilizing the
county’s TischlerBise Project Modeling software for Fiscal/Economic impacts (copy attached), the
removal of the 199 Meadows/Laurenwood lots will result in reduced total capital impacts of $7,478,827
and reduction of capital capacity triggered of $660,766. By comparison, according to the same modeling
software, the capital impact costs for the 197-unit Fox Haven subdivision would be $7,512,598 with
triggered capital costs of $897,240.

In evaluating the full impacts of the Remington rezoning from residential to industrial, County staff has
also evaluated the annual fiscal impact on the County of the elimination of 199 single-family residences
in Remington. According to that analysis (copy attached) this elimination would reduce annual net
County expenditures by $458,000.

The existing proffered limit of 33 lot sales/year severely hampers the ability of a builder to generate
sales sufficient to justify the sales/construction infrastructure for a profitable home sales operation.
Most builders require sales in the range of 5 to 6 units/month to cover their fixed costs. The requested
limit of 66-unit sales per year would allow for an economically viable development operation and is
consistent with those proffered for other similarly-sized projects in the county.

In addition to the capital and fiscal impacts referenced above, the impact on road improvements for
Lucky Hill Road will be significantly reduced. The existing by-right development of 199 single family
residences would, according to VDOT guidelines, add close to 2000 trips per day to Lucky Hill Road. The
proposed industrial development will likely add less than 500 trips per day, resulting in significantly
reduced pressure on the existing roadways.

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