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1.Rachmat . . . . . all of his friends to the celebration next week.

a. Will invite
b. Invites
c. Invited
d. Invitation

2. Manda and I . . . . . some plates and glasses on the dining table for the dinner tonight.
a. Was preparing
b. Prepared
c. Shall prepare
d. Prepare

3. Yongki and Yoga will not . . . . . in music competition at school next month.
a. Participates
b. Participate
c. Patcipation
d. Participated

4. Ami : Hey! Look at those dark clouds!

Kiki : Woow! It is . . . . . rain soon
a. Will
b. The
c. Coming
d. Going to

5. . . . . . Rama give back Dayat’s phone?

a. Is
b. Will
c. Does
d. Was

6. Will you . . . . . the suspect tomorrow?

a. Arresting
b. Arrest
c. Arrested
d. To arrest

7. I will not . . . . . my Dad about the accident.

a. Tell
b. Telling
c. Tells
d. To tell

8. The athletes . . . . . with the college track team next month.

a. Trains
b. Trained
c. Will train
d. Have joined
9. Manda : I . . . . . the students exchange programme next year.
Kiki : that’s good idea
a. Join
b. Joined
c. Will join
d. Have joined

10. Nita : what are you planning to do with all these sculpture?
Rachmat : I . . . . . them in cultural fair next month.
a. To be exhibiting
b. To exhibit
c. Will exhibit
d. Be exhibiting

11. Yongki : what is your plan for this weekend?

Yoga : I . . . . . my uncle.
a. Will have visited
b. Have visited
c. Visited
d. Will visit

12. Eka : could you tell your brother to meet me at the cafetaria tonight?
Eko : sure, I . . . . . him.
a. Told
b. Will tell
c. Be telling him
d. Tell

13. What will I . . . . . in Australia?

a. Buying
b. To buy
c. Buy
d. Bought

14. Your sister . . . . . happy if you send them a gift on her birthday.
a. Will be
b. Will
c. Going to
d. Are

15. I . . . . . rich someday.

a. Will be
b. Will
c. Going to
d. Am

16. There . . . . . no drastic development in my town in 2020.

a. Will
b. Will be
c. Is
d. Going to

17. I saw weather forecast on TV that tomorrow . . . . . windy.

a. Will be
b. Is
c. Going to
d. Will

18. . . . . . buy a new car next week.

a. I
b. I will
c. I am
d. I am going to

19. Your parents . . . . . proud of you if you finish your study at University.
a. Will be
b. Will
c. Going to
d. Is

20. My website . . . . . the best source for English learners someday.

a. Will be
b. Will
c. Going to be
d. Going to

Kunci Jawaban :

1. A. Will invite
2. C. Shall prepare
3. B. Participate
4. B. Going to
5. B. Will
6. B. Arrest
7. A. Tell
8. C. Will train
9. C. Will join
10. C. Will exhibit
11. D. Will visit
12. B. Will tell
13. C. Buy
14. A. Will be
15. A. Will be
16. B. Will be
17. A. Will be
18. B. I will
19. A. Will be
20. A. Will be

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