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Working Group Report on Fostering a

Safer & More Welcoming Environment at

the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
November 2017 - Present

Delta Kappa Epsilon

Gentleman, Scholars, and Jolly Good Fellows

The Objectives of Delta Kappa Epsilon:

The Cultivation of General Literature and Social Culture, the Advancement and Encouragement of

Intellectual Excellence, the Promotion of Honorable Friendship and Useful Citizenship, the Development

of a Spirit of Tolerance and Respect for the Rights and Views of Others, the Maintenance of Gentlemanly

Dignity, Self-Respect, and Morality in All Circumstances, and the Union of Stout Hearts and Kindred

Interests to Secure to Merit its Due Reward


a. Sober Monitors
b. Co-ed Bouncers and Bartenders
c. Maximum House Occupancy
d. Water Access
e. Attendees
f. Front Porch
g. Alcohol
h. Music Pauses
i. Social Event Registration
j. Feedback
a. Sanitation and Cleanliness
b. Bar
c. Coat Rack
d. Backyard
e. Indoor Lighting
f. Upstairs Policy
g. Front Porch Railing and Banister
a. Consequences for Internal Violations
i. Zero Tolerance Policy
ii. Definitions of Internal Violations
iii. Three Strike Policy
b. Consequences for Violation that Occur During a Social Event
i. Consultation with Leadership of Other Organizations
a. Workshops
b. Academics
c. Community Service
d. Appointment of Standards Committee


Last November, we commissioned a Working Group consisting of six members to research and detail
ways in which we as an organization can play our part in providing a safer and more welcoming social
space on Yale’s Campus. This document is that working group’s report and following a collection of
feedback from organizations committed to stamping out sexual misconduct, we intend to publish and
implement the recommendations within this report by February 11.

Collectively, DKE members understand the gravity of the challenge we all now face, to radically
transform the culture of our fraternity; both the security of our social space and the manner by which
we hold each other accountable are imperative to ensuring real change takes place. We are all totally
committed to making any and all necessary changes to do our part to stamp out sexual assault across
Yale’s campus.

We are committed to involving as many people as possible in this process. We want to meet with every
single student, group and administrator that wishes to contribute to the reform of our organization.
We’re looking forward to taking up the Women’s Center on their invitation to share our report with
them during this process and we have also reached out to the CCEs and USAY, but we want to give
everyone an opportunity to have the same input. If you’d like to be a part of this, please reach out to us.

We are also well aware that true change has been promised but not delivered in the past and we know
we have to earn the trust of everyone in Yale’s community. That’s exactly what we intend to do. When
this process is complete and our report has been published, we will be inviting every member of the Yale
community who took part in contributing to the ways we can improve, to see for themselves if change
has truly been implemented. An open invitation to every social event DKE hosts will be extended to
these individuals and we truly hope they will take us up on that offer, to hold us accountable in our
efforts to improve.

We want to do everything possible to improve the climate of our organization, ensuring safety, security,
warmth and welcome for every student who walks through our doors. But we will need the help of
everyone at Yale engaged in the fight against sexual misconduct to do so, because if we are to truly hold
our organization to the highest possible standard, we require all of campus to hold us accountable.

Nicholas Hardy ‘18, President

Andrew Johnson ‘18, Vice-President


This report is split into four sections: Transformation of Social Climate, Investment in Infrastructure,

Consequences and Discipline and General Culture. Its aim is to break down the ways in which DKE, as an

organization, can proactively prevent incidents of sexual misconduct taking place at its events while also

fulfilling our institutional responsibility to all of campus by providing and enforcing training and education

for all of our members.


a. Sober Monitors
i. In order to ensure a safer social climate for all guests, at least four DKE members,
who have received the mandatory training in bystander intervention, will
volunteer to be sober throughout the night of a social event. Before each ‘mixer’
is set up, the current, elected Social Chair will offer the other organization the
option of matching the number of sober monitors that the fraternity provides for
the social event. This policy increases the accountability of DKE’s sober monitors
and assures safety for all guests.
ii. The sober monitors will serve an active role in supervising interactions and
behavior of members and guests, focusing their attention on inappropriate sexual
behavior. They will also be looking for any members or guests that show signs of
overconsumption of alcohol, and will call Yale Police if need be.
iii. Sober Monitors will be clearly identifiable to any guest.
iv. Sober Monitors must be undergraduates of sophomore class or above and each
member must serve as a Sober Monitor at least once per academic year.
b. Co-ed Bouncers and Bartenders
i. Before each ‘mixer’ is set up, the current, elected Social Chair will offer the other
organization the option of having two of their members behind the bar and/or
two at the front door at any time throughout the event in order to ensure the
highest possible standard of bartending and entry policies. People not affiliated
with either organization will not be permitted to bartend nor perform bouncer
duties at any time during the social event.
ii. In order to improve safety standards, all bartenders must be TIPS certified,
including those from any organization that may be co-hosting the event.
c. Maximum House Occupancy
i. In order to maintain a safe environment during all social events, there will be a
set number of guests allowed into the DKE house, and this maximum occupancy
will be strictly enforced. This number may change based on variables such as
weather, temperature, or time, but will be determined prior to the start of the
social event. Two pitch counters will be held and operated by the bouncers at the
front door in order to keep track of the number of guests inside the event. Once
this number is reached, the bouncers at the front door will adopt a “one in, one
out” policy until the number of guests falls below the max occupancy.
ii. We will engage with relevant health and safety services in order to determine this
d. Water Access
i. The bar will have an accessible water cooler that will be refilled before and during
each event in order to prevent the over consumption of alcohol by any members
or guests. As mentioned above, if a sober monitor notices signs of any members
or guests being overly intoxicated, they will determine the proper course of

action, including the possibility of calling emergency personnel and/or Yale
ii. The Sober Monitors will be responsible for refilling the water cooler as need be.
This gives an opportunity for an event guest to engage in a low-stake interaction
with a Sober Monitor.
e. Attendees
i. Only students who present a valid Yale Student ID or guests of those students will
be permitted to enter the event.
ii. Students over the age of 21 will be given a wristband or a stamp by one of the
bouncers at the front door. The wristband or stamp will have to be shown to the
bartenders in order to receive an alcoholic drink.
iii. Bouncers reserve the right to refuse entry to any guest who is visibly intoxicated
and will alert a Sober Monitor if further aid is required.
f. Front Porch
i. At any given time, only bouncers, sober monitors, and DKE executive board
members will be permitted on the front porch. There will be no loitering on the
porch or in front of the house, with the exception of those waiting to enter the
ii. Bouncers and sober monitors, educated through Bystander Intervention Training,
are required to remain aware and active through the entirety of the social event.
iii. Bouncers are tasked with ensuring smooth flow of traffic into the house.
iv. Bouncers are tasked with clearing those who may be loitering in the front yard
and porch area.
g. Alcohol
i. Alcohol distribution will be limited to those who are 21 years of age or older and
have received a wristband upon entry to the event.
ii. Alcohol will stop being served at 1:00 AM.
iii. Only TIPS-certified bartenders will be allowed to serve alcohol. Outside alcohol
will not be permitted.
iv. Following 1:00 AM, any leftover alcohol will be locked up in a secure storage
space. Any member who attempts to access this alcohol after 1:00 AM will be
subject to the Three Strike Policy outlined in this report.
h. Music Pauses
i. In order to maintain a more controlled event environment, music will be paused
for three seconds in between each song. Based on feedback from other campus
organizations, such a pause gives guests the opportunity to better avoid
uncomfortable interactions.
i. Social Event Registration
i. All social events will continue to be registered with the Yale Police Department.
j. Feedback
i. In order to continually hold the fraternity accountable to the standards outlined
in this report, a member of the chapter’s Executive Board will request feedback
from ‘mixing’ organizations after social events. This feedback will allow event
guests to voice any concerns they may have had about behavior they witnessed
at the event and to give our organization an opportunity to continually improve.


a. Sanitation and Cleanliness

i. Before each event, bathrooms will be properly cleaned and stocked.
ii. Empty, large trash cans will be placed throughout the house to reduce waste on
the floor and to prevent guests tripping over and injuring themselves.
iii. Before and after each event, the house, front, and backyard will be cleaned.
b. Bar
i. The bar will be moved into a room with three entry/exit points in order to prevent
crowding in close quarters. This change will also open up more room to access
the bathroom. As the bartenders will be sober monitors, this change will also give
them a better view of the main dance floor so they can take action in the case of
inappropriate behavior.
c. Coat Rack
i. A coat rack will be available in the foyer area of the house in order to prevent any
guests from going upstairs, unsupervised, to hang their coat.
d. Backyard
i. Weather permitting, we will endeavor to make the backyard of the house a
welcoming environment for everyone. This space will include a large area for
open-air socializing. We hope this will help prevent congested social events in the
house, providing guests with more space to move around and keep close to their
ii. Benches
1. Seating will be available outside to provide a place to rest in the fresh air.
iii. Outdoor Lighting
1. For night time events, outdoor lighting will be placed in order to provide
a well-lit environment.
iv. Heaters
1. During winter months, heaters will be placed in order to maintain the
viability of using the backyard as an outdoor space.
e. Indoor Lighting
i. In order to provide a more safe and welcoming event space, every area of the
house will be better lit.
f. Upstairs Policy
i. In order to manage risk and limit guest accessibility to unsupervised areas, we will
install a barrier to prevent guests from accessing upstairs areas in the house
during social events. The upstairs will be accessible only to house occupants and
their non-event guests.
g. Front Porch Railing and Banister

i. To improve the safety of guests entering the house, we will build an additional
banister for the staircase leading to the front door. This will also allow for a more
organized system for guests attempting to enter social events at the house.


a. Consequences for Internal Violations

i. Zero Tolerance Policy
1. If any member is found by the University to have violated Title IX
regulations, he is expelled from the fraternity for life.
ii. Definitions of Internal Violations
1. DKE understands that its role is not to replicate the University’s UWC
proceedings and we openly and vigorously encourage any member of
Yale’s community to take any complaint relating to sexual misconduct
through the Title IX process. We also understand, however, that as a
campus organization, we must find ways to hold each other accountable,
encouraging a culture where every person can feel safe and welcome.
Based upon the expectations of conduct set out above, the following
instances will constitute violations of DKE’s Code of Conduct:
a. Serving alcohol after 1:00 A.M.
b. Serving alcohol when not acting as a preselected TIPS certified
c. Refusing to leave the porch or front yard area when asked.
d. Taking a guest upstairs during a social event.
e. Using any disrespectful language or engaging in conduct that
makes a guest feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.
f. Refusing to follow the instructions of a Sober Monitor, Bouncer,
Bartender or member of DKE’s Executive Board at a social event.
2. Every member of DKE will be held to account to follow these regulations
by Sober Monitors, Bouncers, Bartenders and DKE Executive Board
Members. If a member is found to breach this code at a social event, any
Sober Monitor, Bouncer, Bartender or DKE Executive Board Member may
remove the member from the event.
iii. Three Strike Policy
1. If a member is found to have violated any of the internal regulations listed
above, he will receive his first strike, given to him by the current
Standards Committee. The first strike will result in a two-week
suspension from any social events that may take place.
2. If a member is found to have violated any internal regulations listed
above for the second time, he will receive his second strike. The second
strike will result in a four-week suspension from any social events that
may take place. Following the issuance of a second strike, and depending
on the nature of the violation, the disciplined member may be subject to
mandatory one-on-one meetings with relevant campus organizations.

3. If a member is found to have violated any internal regulations listed
above for the third time, he will be expelled from the fraternity.
4. If members of the Standards Committee or elected executive board are
made aware of a single instance and/or pattern of harmful or unsafe
behavior from any member, they reserve the right to expel any member
from the fraternity for life.
b. Consequences for Violation that Occur During a Social Event
i. Consultation with Leadership of Other Organizations
1. If a member is found to have acted in any inappropriate manner during a
‘mixer’ or social event, the leadership of the other organization may
advise the Standards Committee and/or executive board of the fraternity
before any formal punishment is decided. If the leadership of the other
organization does not wish to advise the fraternity’s Standards
Committee or executive board, the punishment will be handled internally
according to the Three Strike Policy mentioned above. The severity of any
punishment decided in conjunction with another organization will be
dependent on the nature of the actions for which consultation was


a. Workshops
i. In order to keep an open and ongoing conversation about DKE’s sexual climate
and place in the greater Yale community, each new member of the fraternity
must attend workshops with groups such as the CCEs, AODHRI and USAY. A
member’s completion of our pledging process is conditional on his completion
of these workshops.
ii. We find that these types of workshops are effective ways that the Yale
community opens conversations about sexuality and consent for new students
arriving on campus. We want to continue those conversations to ensure that all
new members clearly understand the values and expectations inherent in being
a member both of DKE and of the greater Yale community.
iii. Moreover, for the same reasons listed above, the pledge process will include
mandatory viewing of educational material dealing with the issue of sexual
assault. These materials will be selected by the fraternity’s Standards Committee
in concert with relevant groups on campus.
b. Academics
i. In order to ensure that all members be held to the highest possible standards as
members not only of the fraternity, but also to the greater Yale community, we
will enforce a minimum GPA requirement for all members.
ii. In order to be an active member of the fraternity, members must maintain a GPA
of at least 2.75. If a member falls below this benchmark, he will be placed on
c. Community Service
i. In order to further integrate DKE as a part of the greater Yale and New Haven
community, that the fraternity will complete an annual service project.

ii. The elected Philanthropy Chair of the current leadership will be tasked with the
planning and execution of this project. The nature of the project will be decided
by the Philanthropy Chair. All active members of the fraternity will be required to
participate in this project.
d. Appointment of Standards Committee
i. In order to execute the policies outlined in this report and hold all members of
the fraternity accountable to the values we want to uphold, we will commission
of a Standards Committee.
ii. The Vice President will chair the Standards Committee. The Committee will also
include the President, a Rush Chair, and a Pledge Educator. If a member of the
Standards Committee is the subject of a discussion of punishment or violation,
his place will be taken by the Treasurer.
iii. In addition to executing the Three Strike Policy outlined in this report, the
Standards Committee will also liaise with groups and the Yale administration from
time to time in order to ensure that the fraternity continues to hold itself
accountable to the highest possible standards.


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