Lesson Plan Task 1

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Subject: English

Year: 5

No. of pupils: 40

Date : 17th August 2017

Time : 7:00-8:00

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic : Fascinating Sabah and Sarawak

Focused Skill: Listening and Speaking

Previous Knowledge: They recognize various states in Malaysia

Content standards: Learning Standards

1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate
schooling, pupils will be able to understand understanding of oral texts by:
and respond to oral texts in a variety of
contexts. a) asking and answering questions

b) giving main ideas

c) giving supporting details

d) sequencing

e) predicting

Behavioural objectives :

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Pupils should be able to navigate Google Earth to match famous landmarks in the
respective states.

2. Pupils should be able to comprehend video shown and list down the main ideas.

3. Pupils should be able to:

I. Read and answer the questions in the worksheet correctly.

II. Write and use the preposition in the sentence correctly.

III. Work well with their peers and come up with a short role play.

Language Content

- Prepositions: above, beside, between, by, down, near, opposite

Cross Curriculum Emphases

Knowledge Content of learning is taken from YouTube vid


Multiple Auditory, Visual, Interpersonal


Moral Value/s Able to understand and accept different cultures

Able to respect other cultures

Willing to work with peers and contribute ideas

Resources/Teaching aids

Youtube Videos, Popplet, Google Earth, Pinterest, Projector, Computers, Internet, Speakers

Anticipated Problem/s &

 Pupils may have difficulty in understanding certain words and vocabulary in the video

Possible Solution/s

 Teacher explains the vocabularies that are not understood by the pupils.

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Remarks
Set Induction Questions: Preparation phase
(5 minutes)  Have you ever went 1. Teacher introduces (Setting the tone of
on a vacation with Google Earth to pupils. the lesson)
your family? 2. Teacher provides
 What did you see? guidance to pupils on To attract the students’
how to use the online attention.
3. Pupils are allowed to To generate pupils’
navigate with the interests towards the
application and ‘visit’ lesson.
different places around
the world. To introduce the topic of
the day.

Assessment of
learning objective 1

Teaching aids:
Google earth
Presentation Activity: 1. Teacher instructs Imagination phase
(20 minutes) Learning time! pupils to listen and list
down main ideas of 1. To introduce the
- Prepositions: topic.
videos such as famous
above, 2. To prepare pupils to
beside, destinations, traditional the listening
between, by, food and various session.
down, near, ethnics in Sabah and 3. To ensure pupils
opposite Sarawak. listen and watch the
2. Teacher projects videos and are able
- Famous YouTube videos to list down main
travel ideas as instructed
uploaded by Sabah &
destinations by teacher.
in Sabah & Sarawak tourism.
Sarawak 3. Pupils listen and watch Assessment of
the video attentively learning objective 2
- Cultures in and then list down the
Sabah & main ideas as Teaching aids:
Sarawak instructed as - YouTube Videos
(traditional preparation for next
food, ethnics,
4. Question and answer
session where pupils
can ask the teacher
anything they are not
sure of.

Practice Activity: 1. Teacher organises the Development Phase
(20 minutes) (Guided practice)
Let’s visit Sabah and classroom into several
Sarawak! groups. 1. To check
understanding of the
2. Teacher gives
video shown.
instructions to pupils 2. To encourage
discussion among
on how to conduct the
the pupils.
activity. 3. To ensure that
pupils are able to
3. Pupils are given 10
apply knowledge in
minutes to plan a trip a different context.
4. To ensure that
to Sabah and Sarawak
pupils are able to
using the list they sequence and
came up with from the
previous activity.
Assessment for
4. Pupils will then present
learning objective 3
in their respective
Educational emphasis:
groups their ‘vacation’
-Collaborative learning
in the form of role
playing in front of the
class in 5 minutes’
5. Teacher will give
appropriate feedbacks
to each group.
Production Activity: 1. Teacher hands out a Action Phase
(10 minutes) Exercise time! set of questions about (Independent practice)
the topic learned.
2. Pupils will answer - To ensure pupils
these question are able to
individually. demonstrate
understanding of
the topic by
answering the
set of questions
in the worksheet

Assessment for
learning objective 3

Teaching aids:

Closure Conclusion of lesson 1. Teacher closes the Closure phase
(5 minutes) lesson by asking class (Summary and
what they liked most reinforcement)
about their ‘trips’ to
Sabah and Sarawak. To revise what had been
2. From the crowd, one taught and reinforce
pupil will be chosen to pupils’ learning.
speak for about 2
minutes in front of the Moral value:
class. - Able to understand and
3. Teacher will close accept different cultures
lesson by asking if
pupils are interested to - Able to respect other
visit Sabah & Sarawak cultures
with their family.

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