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Basso Continuo and Sustained Bass Instrument

Doubling (at pitch)

by Joëlle Fancher Morton

see “Basso Continuo” by Paul O’Dette and Jack Ashworth in Stewart

Carter’s A Performer’s Guide to 17th Century Music Schirmer, 1997


Italy, 1600-1635
Sacred Polyphony (Monteverdi) organ no
Sacred Concerto (Viadana, Gabrieli) organ (+ theorbo) bowed bass has own part
double bass added occasionally
Solo Song/Monody (Caccini) theorbo, harpsichord no
Villanelle, Canzonette (Kapsberger) guitar, theorbo, harpsichord no
Sonatas, Canzonas (Fontana, Castello) organ, theorbo, harpsichord no
Concerted Madrigal (Monteverdi) theorbo, harpsichord, lute, organ no, except with other string parts
Opera (Peri, Monteverdi) harpsichord, organ, theorbo no, except with other string parts

Italy, 1635-1665
Liturgical Music (Rovetta, Cazzati) organ, theorbo usually, at pitch to reinforce organ
Oratorio (Carissimi) organ, theorbo, harpsichord, lirone occasionally, in arioso movements, for effect
Opera & Cantata in Venice (Cavalli, Cesti) theorbo, harpsichord occasionally, in arioso movements, for effect
Opera & Cantata in Rome (Landi, Rossi) theorbo, lirone, guitar, harpsichord occasionally, in arioso movements, for effect
Sonatas (Uccellini) organ, harpsichord, theorbo no

Italy, 1665-1700
Mass (A. Scarlatti, Legrenzi) organ, theorbo yes
Oratorio, Opera, Cantata organ, theorbo, harpsichord yes, but only within larger ensembles
Sonata da Chiesa (Corelli) organ no
Sonata da Camera (Corelli) harpsichord OR cello (chordal) possibly, if melodically interesting part
Concerto Grosso (Corelli) harpsichord, theorbo, organ has own part, but double bass may be added
to ritornelli

England, 1600-1635
Service Music (Gibbons) organ no
Masque Song (Ferrabosco, Lawes) lute, theorbo, cittern, band., harpsichord yes
Solo Song (Lanier, R. Johnson) lute or theorbo no
String Consort (William Lawes) organ, theorbo has own part (no double bass)

England, 1635-1665
Ayre & Dialoque (Lawes) lute, theorbo or bass viol (chordal) no
String, Consort (Jenkins) organ has own part (no double bass)

England, 1665-1700
Service Music (Purcell) organ, theorbo yes, at pitch, to reinforce organ
Ayre (Purcell, Blow) organ, harpsichord, theorbo or bass viol yes, bass viol or violone, at pitch
Theater Music (Locke, Purcell) harpsichord, guitar, theorbo has own part
Chamber Music (Purcell) organ, harpsichord no, unless it has a specific part

North Germany, 1600-1635

Sacred Polyphony (Schütz) organ or lute no
Religious Polychoral (Praetorius, Schütz) one organ or lute PER choir yes (preferably violone, at pitch)
Sacred Concerto (Scheidt, Schütz) organ, theorbo optional
String Consort (Schein, Brade) lute, spinet, or none has own part (no double bass)
North Germany, 1635-1665
Sacred Concerto (Schültz,
Hammerschmidt) organ, lute, harpsichord optional - both Schutz & Hammerschmidt
permit 8' and 16' bowed bass, if desired
Sacred Polyphony (Schütz) organ or lute no
String Consort (Hammerschmidt) lute, spinet, theorbo has own part

North Germany, 1665-1700

Church Cantata (Buxtehude) organ, theorbo yes, as desired, both 8' and 16'
String Consort (Rosenmüller) harpsichord, organ, theorbo has own part
Chamber Music (Buxtehude) harpsichord no

South Germany, 1600-1635

Mass (Priuli, Valentini) organ yes, probably 8' violone
Sacred Concerto (Valentini) organ, theorbo yes, probably 8' violone
String Consort (Valentini) organ, harpsichord, theorbo has own part
Concerted Madrigal (Valentini) chitarrone ?

South Germany/Austria, 1635-1665

Mass (Schmelzer, Kerll) organ, theorbo yes, probably 8' violone
Oratorio (Bertali, Sances) organ, theorbo yes, probably 8' violone
Opera (Cesti) harpsichord, theorbo yes, probably. 8' violone

South Germany/Austria, 1665-1700

Mass (Draghi, Kerll, Biber) organ yes, often fagotto
Oratorio (Draghi) organ, theorbo, harpsichord yes
Theater Music (Draghi, Biber) harpsichord, theorbo yes
Chamber Music (Biber, Schmelzer, harpsichord yes, often many instruments!

France, 1600-1635
no basso continuo repertoire until 1647,

France, 1635-1665
Air de Cour (Huygens, Lambert) theorbo, lute, harpsichord no
Motet (du Mont) organ, theorbo no

France, 1665-1700
Opera and Ballet (Lully):
solo vocal parts and choruses theorbo, harpsichord yes
instrumental ensembles no harmonic continuo "bass violin" (cello) has own part
Mass, Moted (Lully) organ, theorbo yes
Chamber Music (Charpentier, Couperin) theorbo, harpsichord yes, usually bass viol

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