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How do you experience the technical reliability of your current conventional rickshaw?

How do you experience the ease of use of your current conventional rickshaw?

How do you experience the sound level of your current conventional rickshaw?

How do you currently experience the range of your EV?

To what extent do you have insights in the cost savings of your EV, compared to a conventional car?

How much knowledge do you have of charging point locations? Instrumental

How often do you feel the need for reserving a charge point? Instrumental

Factor Type of factor

I have considered the following monetary factors in the decision to drive an solar
electric rickshaw:
(Provide your answer by assigning percentages, adding up to 100%)
Purchase price
Maintenance cost
Fuel cost Instrumental
Residual value

I have considered the following non-monetary factors in the decision to drive an EV:
(Provide your answer by assigning percentages, adding up to 100%)
Sustainable image
Innovative image
Others (acceleration, design)

Number Of Rickshaw Own
How Much Do You Drive / Travel During One Day On Average?
Driving Experience
Marital Status
Average driving km
A solar electric rickshaw is more reliable than my current car.

A solar electric rickshaw accelerates slower than my current car.

A solar electric rickshaw is more exible to use than my current car.

A solar electric rickshaw emits less greenhouse gasses than my current car.


Purchase price

The purchase price of the vehicle, dependent on the respondent's usual car
purchase price. Mark-ups per AFV were used to reect higher purchase price of

Monthly cost

A combination of fuel costs (tailored to respondent's mileage, maintenance costs

and, if applicable, road taxes.

Driving range

The number of kilometers to be driven on a full tank or fully charged batteries,

depending on the car type.

Recharge/refuelling time

The time it takes to fully charge or refuel the car, depending on the car type.

Additional detour time

The additional detour time to reach a fuel station that has the required AFV
fuel/electricity compared to a gas station, depending on the AFV type.

Number of brands/models
The number of di_erent car brands and models available for that car type, AFV type

Policy measures

Bene_cial policy measures for AFVs like urban bus lane use and free parking.

Purchase price
Maintenance cost
Fuel cost
Residual value
Sustainable image
Innovative image

1- Solar electric rickshaw are relatively more expensive to purchase but can pay for
themselves in lower fuel costs
Vehicle: operation costs

2- I think I can fulfil all my transport needs with a solar electric rickshaw that has a
range of 100 miles before recharging
Vehicle: range anxiety

3- I would value the ability to refuel my rickshaw from home

Infrastructure: decentralisation

4- Solar electric rickshaw doesn’t offer enough performance

Vehicle: performance

5- I would feel relatively less safe in a solar electric rickshaw

Vehicle: safety
6- I think it would be easy for me to find places to plug in a solar electric rickshaw
Infrastructure: availability

7- Solar electric rickshaws are less reliable than conventional rickshaw

Vehicle: reliability

8- I think solar electric rickshaw would be complicated to use

Vehicle: complexity
Cost-purchase, running, small engine, resale value, tax, insurance
Interior space/boot size
Environmentally friendly, low CO2 emissions
Style, design, image of brand, model, in car technologies
Large engine, speed, performance
Electric car, van - one that's plugged directly into an electricity supply

Battery: distance travelled on charge
Lack of knowledge
Technology: doesn't work/not proven
The vehicle: performance, size/practicality, looks
Limited choice (not many vehicles to choose from)
Safety features/record
Resale/residual value
Have you heard of electric cars (cars that are fully powered by an electric engine and use no fuel)?
􀂀 I have not heard about it
􀂀 I have heard a bit about it
􀂀 I have heard a lot about it

Have you ever seen an electric passenger car in real life?

􀂀 No I have not / Not that I know of
􀂀 Yes I have / I think I have

Would you be interested in buying an electric car within the next 2 years?
Not at all interested 2 3 4 5 6 Very interested
􀂀 􀂀􀂀􀂀􀂀 􀂀 􀂀

A fully charged electric car can drive a maximum amount of miles before it has to be charged again.
What is the least amount of miles that it has to be able to drive on one battery for you to consider
buying an electric car?

Imagine you have an electric car. Please indicate below what your preferred
charging location would be

􀂀 I have a private parking place (at home or at work) and I will prefer to only charge
my car there.
􀂀 I have a private parking place (at home or at work), but I will also need to charge
my car in public places because I want to keep my car continuously as fully charged
as possible
􀂀 I have a private parking place (at home or work), but I will also need to charge my
car in public places because I will drive long distances
􀂀 I don’t have a private parking place (at home or work) and therefore I will charge
my car only in public places
􀂀 I don’t have a private parking place (at home or work) and I'm afraid I will not find
public places to charge my car
􀂀 I don’t know

To fully charge your car battery at a private parking place (at home or work) would cost around £2.50
(for a driving range of about 75 miles), while charging your car in public costs around £4.25.
Please indicate below what your preferred charging location would be
􀂀 I will prefer to keep my car as fully charged as possible and therefore also use public charging
places regardless the price difference
􀂀 I will prefer to only charge my car at home or at work at a lower price, even if it means driving
on a lower battery charge during the day until I get home
􀂀 I don’t have a private parking place (at home or work) and therefore could not charge my car
at home
􀂀 I don’t know

Please indicate whether you would be interested in participating in the following scheme
A scheme in which the electricity provider delays charging a part of the battery to night-time when the
electricity is cheaper and the battery is fully charged by the morning. If you want your car charged
immediately anyway, you pay the normal electricity price
Not at all interested 2 3 4 5 6 Very interested
􀂀 􀂀􀂀􀂀􀂀 􀂀 􀂀

Please select the main reason why you would not be interested.
􀂀 I want to have my car fully charged as quickly as possible
􀂀 I dislike the idea of electrical companies being in control of my car charging
􀂀 I’m unsure what effect this will have on my battery
􀂀 For me the price difference is not big enough
􀂀 I’m not confident the car will be charged on time
􀂀 I’m concerned I will suddenly need my car and it will not be charged enough to drive as far as I
􀂀 Other, please specify

It is possible to charge just a part of your battery to reach a specified travel capacity,
with the remaining charge delayed until the lower cost charging period. The more
capacity you allow for delayed charging the cheaper you get the electricity. Please
choose the option that you would find the most interesting.

􀂀 The battery will be charged without delay up to a capacity of 25 miles while the
rest of the charging is delayed and I will pay a total of £ 1.70 for a full tank (around
75 miles)
􀂀 The battery will be charged without delay up to a capacity of 50 miles while the
rest of the charging is delayed and I will pay a total of £2.10 for a full tank (around 75
􀂀 The battery will be charged up to a full capacity of 75 miles without delay and I will
pay a total of £2.50

Please indicate whether you would be interested in participating in the following scheme:
A scheme in which I allow the electricity provider to use a part of the electricity stored in my car
battery as a buffer during extreme peaks in electricity use, under the condition that the battery
remains full enough to drive a minimum amount of miles specified by me
Not at all interested 2 3 4 5 6 Very interested
􀂀 􀂀􀂀􀂀􀂀 􀂀 􀂀

Please select the main reason why you would not be interested
􀂀 I want to have my car fully charged as quickly as possible
􀂀 I dislike the idea of electrical companies being in control of my car charging
􀂀 I’m unsure what effect this will have on my battery
􀂀 The benefits for me are not high enough
􀂀 I’m concerned I will suddenly need my car and it will not be charged enough to drive as far as I
􀂀 Other, please specify
Please indicate to what extent you agree with the following statement:
Helping to reduce emissions that contribute to global warming is an important goal in my daily life and
Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 Strongly agree

EVs have unique features that stand out from gasoline counterparts
EVs are much cheaper to own in the long run than gasoline cars
EVs are exciting to drive and own
Gas prices are not high enough to justify buying an EV

When you selected your most recent vehicle that is primarily for your use, to what degree did each of
the following factors influence your choice of the specific vehicle type? Note that we recognize there
may be other factors that influenced you.

a. Vehicle price
b. Miles per gallon
c. Power/performance
d. Vehicle class (e.g. compact, midsize, minivan, pickup, ets…)
e. Manufacturer advertising
f. Observations of what friends and/or family own
g. Discussion with friends and/or family
h. Observations of what vehicles I saw on the road in my community
i. Proximity/quality of dealership for service.
not at all 41.9%
a little 20.4%
somewhat 21.5%
a lot 12.6%
this was a predominant factor 3.60%

1. Assuming you were buying a new vehicle, what is your comfort level in purchasing/leasing
the new PHEV technology rather than a more established type of vehicle, assuming it had all
the other features you desired and was within your budget?

I would consider being one of the first people to purchase a PHEV. If 1-10% of the vehicles I observed
around me were PHEV's,
I would consider purchasing a PHEV. 8.90% If 11-25% of the vehicles I observed around me were
I would consider purchasing a PHEV. 12.1% If 26-50% of the vehicles I observed around me were
I would consider purchasing a PHEV. 18.3% If 51-75% of the vehicles I observed around me were
I would consider purchasing a PHEV. 13.4% If 76-100% of the vehicles I observed around me were
I would consider purchasing a PHEV. 7.40%
I would never consider purchasing a PHEV. 7.50%

2. How concerned are you about each of the following aspects of the PHEV batteries used for
propulsion, in terms of how this would reduce your comfort level in purchasing/leasing the new
PHEV technology, rather than a more established type of vehicle, assuming it had all the other
features you desired and was within your budget?
a. The lifetime of the battery.
b. The replacement cost of the battery, should it fail.
c. The potential inconvenience of recharging the battery.
d. The ecological and/or political costs for manufacturing the battery.
e. The ecological costs of battery disposal.
f. Difficulties in getting the PHEV engine serviced or repaired.
not at all 2.00%
a little 5.50%
somewhat 18.5%
quite a lot 51.8%
this would prevent me from buying a PHEV 22.2%

3. How much do you think each of the following would increase your comfort level in
purchasing/leasing the new PHEV technology, rather than a more established type of vehicle,
assuming it had all the other features you desired and was within your budget?
a. Realizing a PHEV could cut my greenhouse gas emissions significantly (potentially to zero)
b. Realizing a PHEV could save me significantly in monthly fuel costs, especially if gasoline prices
continue to rise, potentially saving me money in the long run.
c. Realizing a PHEV can run on gasoline after the battery is out of charge, so that the range is not
limited as it is in a purely electric vehicle.
d. Realizing that PHEV batteries can be repurposed, and eventually recycled, after they no longer
have enough storage capacity for PHEV propulsion.
e. Getting a tax rebate of $7000 for purchasing a PHEV.
f. Having a PHEV battery leasing program, so that I wouldn’t have to fear unexpected costs due to
battery failure.
g. Having PHEV battery exchanges at service centers around that country, so that I wouldn’t have to
fear unexpected costs due to battery failure and also wouldn’t have to bother with recharging.
h. Having a 10-year/ 150,000-mile PHEV battery warranty.
i. Having recharging facilities at home, so that I could recharge easily overnight.
k. Owning a PHEV would make a statement regarding my strong environmental values.
l. Owning a PHEV would make it clear to others that I am on the forefront of new technology.
[ ] not at all
[ ] a little
[ ] somewhat
[ ] quite a lot
[ ] this would be a deciding factor

4. The first generation of PHEVs will come only in compact models. What is the likelihood you might
consider purchasing a compact vehicle in the future in order to get the new PHEV technology?

[ ] I already drive a compact vehicle, but I would not consider a compact PHEV. 4.00%
[ ] I already drive a compact vehicle, and might consider a compact PHEV. 13.2%
[ ] I already drive a compact vehicle, and would definitely consider a compact PHEV. 13.5%
[ ] I do not currently drive a compact vehicle, and I would not consider a compact PHEV. 17.6%
[ ] I do not currently drive a compact vehicle, but I might consider a compact PHEV. 37.2%
[ ] I do not currently drive a compact vehicle, but I would definitely consider a compact PHEV

VI.Future Vehicle Purchase

There are many potential reasons why some U.S. consumers would like to reduce their fuel
consumption related to transportation, including a desire to save money at the fuel pump, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the risk of oil spills, reduce dependence on foreign oil, etc.
However, many new vehicle technologies are expected to have a higher sticker price associated with
increased fuel efficiency. This section of the survey is designed to assess your willingness to pay a
higher sticker price for a more fuel-efficient vehicle, independent of the specific fuel technology, other
vehicle attributes, or other complementary approaches to solving the above problems.
** Distributions for Section VI of the survey are provided in Appendix C

1. Suppose you have decided to buy a new car and you have narrowed your selection to two vehicles
that differ only in price and fuel efficiency
a. I would pay AT MOST ______ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of 50 gallons of gasoline per month over each year of ownership.
b. I would pay AT MOST ______ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of 40 gallons of gasoline per month over each year of ownership.
c. I would pay AT MOST ______ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of 30 gallons of gasoline per month over each year of ownership.
d. I would pay AT MOST ______ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of 20 gallons of gasoline per month over each year of ownership.
e. I would pay AT MOST ______ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of 10 gallons of gasoline per month over each year of ownership.
2. Suppose you have decided to buy a new car and you have narrowed your selection to two vehicles
that differ only in price and fuel efficiency.
a. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of $3000/yr in fuel costs over each year of ownership.
b. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of $2500/yr in fuel costs over each year of ownership.
c. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of $2000/yr in fuel costs over each year of ownership.
d. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional for the more fuel efficient vehicle, assuming I would save
an average of $1500/yr in fuel costs over each year of ownership.
e. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional for the more fuel efficientvehicle, assuming I would save an
average of $1000/yr in fuel costs over each year of ownership.
f. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional for the more fuelefficient vehicle, assuming I would save an
average of $500/yr in fuel costs over each year of ownership.

3. Suppose you have decided to buy a new car. Please answer each of the following as honestly as
you can.
a. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional to get a ZERO GHG emissions vehicle, to help mitigate the
worldwide ecological and financial impacts of global climate change in the hopes that it would directly
benefit myself, loved ones, or our direct descendants, among others.
b. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional to get a ZERO GHG emissions vehicle, to help mitigate the
worldwide ecological and financial impacts of global climate change, even if I didn’t think it would
directly benefit myself, my children, or my immediate relatives. c. I would pay AT MOST _____
additional to get a ZERO GHGemissions vehicle, to help mitigate the worldwide ecological and
financial impacts of global climate change, even if I didn’t think it would directly benefit those in my
local community.
d. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional to get a ZERO GHGemissions vehicle, to help mitigate the
worldwide ecological and financial impacts of global climate change, even if I didn’t think it would
directly benefit those in my State.
e. I would pay AT MOST _____ additional to get a ZERO GHGemissions vehicle, to help mitigate the
worldwide ecological and financial impacts of global climate change, even if I didn’t think it would
directly benefit those in my Country..

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