Synopsis: Track: Duration: Music Video Type: Main Cast: Performance: Narrative

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Track: Baazi
Duration: 3:30
Music Video Type: Performance and Narrative Based
Main Cast: 4 girls and the band
Performance: 1 minute 30 seconds
Narrative: 2 minutes
School girls sneaking out to play as to them, that is the most valuable and thrilling
The music video will not directly start from the song, A typical school scene will be
showed where a teacher is teaching the students.
The music will start when 4 girls begin to pass notes while giggling. The notes will
indicate that the girls are planning to meet outside the school for an event which is
unknown to the audience.
The video now shifts to the performance of the band.
As soon as the girls here the school bell ring, they all run outside and sneak out of
The video now shifts to the performance of the band who are in the same settings
where the girls are running.
In the next scene One of the girls takes out a key and opens the door to the house.
The video now shifts to the performance of the band again.
The girls get excited and begin to dress up. The open up their schoolbags which are filled
with their belongings (clothes, jewelry, dolls, bangles etc.) They will build a blanket fort
and place the dolls underneath it. Different clips of them playing will be shown. (The
band performance will be incorporated during these clips).
A final scene of the girls playing happily will be shown.
The music video ends with the band performing.

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