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Codex: Adepta Sororitas Codex: Ingiston ‘The Emporers Hand xdo Xenos Ord erations Odo Cronos xd Signa (Ondo Machicun ‘Ondo Scars hilosophios ofthe Initio Jena Orechiel| Gideon Ravenor Inquisitorial Wasbands Acolytes ‘Minstonum Priests crusoders Jokaeso Weaponsiths Pavers Death Cult Assassins Servitoes Ingusvorial Transports The Emperors Will lnuisitorial Warlord Traits ‘Tools ofthe lguision Elites -Inustorial Henchmen Warband Dedicated Traseports- Rhino Dedicated Transports - Land Raider Crusader Dedicated Transports -Labd Raider Redeemer Reference ‘Coming S000 Copmisht } THE EMPEROR'S HAND. t Yow accuse me of being a macinan. What right have you fo judge what is sane and what i not? have fought withthe shadows on the edge of our vision. Thave seen the faces that laugh at you in your nighimares. have smelt the foot breath that sues from the mouth of hell self ‘Thave heard th stot voices that make your spine tingle ith dread. {have entered the reaims benween worlds where there ts no time or pace have clashed with creatures the sight of which would sear your soul othe core. ‘have bested horrors that ehil witha gaze and tempt umveasonig terror. have faced death eye to eye and blade to blade. have stared into the eyes of tsanttyand met thetral-consiantng stare, {have done al this for you: for your protection and the guarantee of «future for Mankind Lind yet you accuse me of being @ madman you soho ive never had your sanity tested eo sore. Whar right have you to call me herete and blasphemy, whe have not heard the whisper of dark gods in yow ear? Youre weak Vulnerable. Human inyour frailty. Lam strong, and yet still you judge me. “And yer you sludge me for my srs, you who art most Sinful 0 the heart? (Oly the smsane have srength enough to prosper only those that prosper ral jee what i sane ‘The lmperiam stands on the beak of destruction, Surrounded on all sdes by unknowable threats, and tempted to rain by the lare of forbidden knowledge, Mankind Is bat one mistake away from extermination. This fate Is averted only through the ensleeping vigilance ofthe Inquisition, steadfast agents who shield Mankind from the {errors of the stars, andthe of myth as much of lsh and blood, releatess beings who descend fom on high fo pass judgement upon te mutant, te traitor and te heretic, It is a rare citizen who does not ‘read drawing an nusiter’s stool gaze, who does wot experience the stakes eto a his or her presence. Every Imperial ize, om the poorest of uerive sa othe highest and wealthiest of nobles, hs beard the tales of death and destruction, ofthe all-secing eye that conden or absolves with impunity. Those who have rossed an Inguistor's path and survived to tel of tare scldom eager to invite his tention agin guisitors ae as Varied in appearance and maser a the mad teats thy face. They range in age from fiery young 2alots to hour old veterans who have fought in the Aackness for ccntris. Some wear ostenatons robes and symbols oftheir allegiance, whilst thers shan the trappings of stats Ingusitors commonly cary a wide range of| Seay and wager, 9 5 be prepared foray eat hy might ie, Sone nus se ovtanish weapon ken rom defeated es: xtc arr, len gos and Daemon-possessed weapons Ingistors themselves care litle for morality, and nothing at al forte Inperum's many Ines and procedures, except when they choose to make use ofthem. They are the Enperor's loft and asthe Adeptus Terra shi ight, and stand in judgement overall he lnperiun's organisations. Indeed, an Inquisitor s apart fom the rest of Manis in every Way that maters. By apicat wadtion, bis autority comes direcly from te Emperor himsof there is wo hierarchy o which he must answer, aud be is beholden only tis fellows, More than this, a beater of th lquisitoral Seal can requisition any servant athe Imperium o assist in his mission, fom he lowliet of clerks to entire Space Marine Chapters and imperial Navy batlefloets Survival is the only goa for which Inguistors strive; not personal survival, for they, more han any, understand that on ie is meaningless when set pon the galactic scale. ‘Aa Inquisitor labours for nothing lots than the endaraace of Mankind. This is acold-bearted praguatie, 3 uayielding and fervid that it eclipees the faith of even he most devout ofthe Ecclesiarciy'sadeps. The Inquisitor is an arbiter of absolut uh nhs or her eyes, tadition is irrelevant, decades of blameless existence count for uoshing and ‘morance matters not one Whit. The deeds ofthe hour are the Iquisitor's obsession nd the consequences spiralling fom the most seemingly isigifcae acts is burden Though learned, Inguisitrs do not possess seme all-encompassing sore of knowledge and certainty, for even the furthest travelled and most experience oftheir number hold bota faction of the Emperor's wisdom. Thovgh there are many thousands of Ingusitos scattered across the Inperiva,soch are the treats arayed against Mankind that en times ther number could not hope to achieve lasting vitor, or even meaning respite. Daenons clamour beyond the Emperors light, waiting fr the hou in which the darkness drowns al. Aliens crowd close, subverting and destroying whole works. And all he while, the wif, he foolish he msgued an he arrogant within Hamanity's| own ranks unowingly werk towards their own destruction All ofthese treats must be opposed and conained, by watever means are necessary, and only Inquisitor have the ‘breadth of vision and auhoriy to do so. Where a planetary governor or miliary commander night perceive only aa insurrection tobe crushed, a lquisitor will recogaise the heresy of which that rebellion is but a ymptom. He will ve the contacts and resources o root ob alien conspiracies, bueaacraiccormption and he gcne-seed devinnces festering within hither blameless Space Marine Chapters, [fperspcacious enough, an Ingusitr willbe able to detect incipient disaster through analysis or instinct, excising the cancer befor it takes root, whether in person or through the salpe ofthe Officio Assasinorum, Too offen, however, his efforts are expended on a cataclysm already bern, one which ean ony be ended by the sledgehammer ofthe Inpeial Guard or the horror of Exteninats.Theve ate no Length to which a aguisitor will st goin pursit of his ty, no sacton foo exteme. He knows that itis beter fo a billion blameless sous to perish alongside a sina gill fositvs, if it cmaures the irate cad, Mort lnqustors grieve forthe murder thy wreak ia srvival’s cause; they nour every deat, al Torge on only Urough the know ledge tha the ac served a ereatr purpose, Others have become so emotionally euterised tha they give he tater no mae thought haa thoy would when sweepiag the pieces fom a ganiag boar Yo thre are occasionally acts of mercy to balance those of marder. Inquisitor ae not blind tothe possibility of redemption. Virne in the present can sometimes ontweighthe evils of the post though sich reprieves are rare indeed Lesser aon might believe atthe meats mater tore than the ead, bu thse who bear the Inguisttoral Seal iow bet. Perhaps ia stotber time — another place — the men and women of the Inguisition would be considered as monstrous a the treats they oppose, butt judae them as such isto wilfully overlook a brtal tu: morality and ‘compassion are lures that te inperum ean il afford, Steeped in arity thowgh they may be, Inquisitor are the heroes ther times require HISTORY OF THE INQUISITION ltsbould come aso suprise thatthe Inqisition’s pati shrouded in ssorecy. Even the Inavisitors themsclves have only the haziest of uerstandngs ast how their organisation was founded, snd ast rely on hunded of disparate and contradictory lepeads for guidance. Indeed, there i branch of th Inquisition tue -the Ordo Orisinatis~ dedicated to maravelig tee millennia of myth, cxaggcrations a lic, This is a dificult task, rized to impossibility duc tothe opposing work of the Ordo Redacts, who foews their own efforts ato deliberately obscaing the past, ls the enemies of Mankind discover some advantage trough knowledge ofthe Inquisiton's begsmings. ‘What almost al the legen agree on, however, stat the Inguisiton was founded by Malcador the Silt a the Emperor's insinction. As the story goes, in the final days ofthe Horas Heresy, Maleador brought four men azd women before the Enero, individuals of blemished loyal, determination and stength of tind, who would serve him well isthe yeas to come. Beyond that one fac, th legends diverse, ascebiag mamerous idee to each of th foursome ladicrous, mazy credible ad all uterly Umprovable. ‘Thoushit is widely known thatthe Inuisition exists, its deeds are all but impossible to trace. Records ae sealed restricted or simpy destroyed. Witnesses are silenced, saflr telepathic mind-wipe or are slain out of hand. Vet th signs are hae for those who know how to Took for them. Many Imperial Scholars believe hat the aquisition played a pivotal roe in och momentons events a he Second Founding, the Beheading and the Fall of Nova Tera ‘Ther ae gps in official resords tht indicate whole branches ofthe dcp Tera have boen pot tothe sword in the past, and who bt the Inston have the ako to do such a thing, let alone disguise th act therea lr? Moat who sock the Ingusition's past go a Ifetine without poof, and the that do uscoverevidencs have a tendency 0 Gisappear. Some atract a Inguisitor’satenton, their sills deemed suitable for advancing the Inguisitions goals. Most simply perish, ter lifeless bodies later disovered insinuations so damning ast call heir character ito question. ‘The Inguisiton watch over the Inperum —they donot cae tobe watched ia reir. THE INQUISITORIAL ORDOS As the Inquisition possesses neither formal hierarchy nor leadership, each Inuisitor is fre to pursue th mission of Humaniy's survival inthe manar he or she believes most appropriate, Like minded fellows gather together to investiane areas of ial intrest or copcere, s bounded by one of the many Inistorial Ordos. Each Ordo waxes td wares withthe times, for may lustre move feely between thm according to where they jude the noed to Le. The greater he lvel of daemonie activity, the Lager the (Ordo Malleus becomes; in tines of heresy, the Ordo Hercticus grows to match the treat An Ordo can le fllow for years, existing only as ahistorical curio ma its field of study becomes relevant once more. Such is he nate of he pala, however, tat some perils ~ specifically those posed bythe Dae, he alien abd the heretic — are ever presets Ascordinaly, the Ordos dediate to combating tem — the Ordo Males, th Ordo Keno ad the Ordo Harte ~ are conden Ordos Mr frie ils Severening Nevertsies, hee are my scores of Ordos Minors aswel, ester branches diated to more aie dangers ea ede ae eee ee el eee pe ee eee eel egal re me ‘woul arg that 0 compartments the foes of Mane would be a rag eer, fr aloo en theives between disciplines ane fief th oie of sonexience Just as Pligue of mation gt origate om alien infestation a blossoming population of payers mh rove tobe the vanguard of an inmeeat desone incursion. ‘Membership ofan Ord ia statement of ner, feld of sty If nqstor declares himrelf part ofthe Ordo Maes his ellws wil mow tht hi phere of adeavour encompasses mates demonic, He ned seek no approval odo $0, fora Iquiifor has superiors, save those be choases fo acknowledge. There are sometines “lomo of orarcy o be fond within a Ordo, albeit cba and hah informal ons. Avan Ingustor sows more accomplished and eared garers stot snd oy ammo consen is graced with ie, such ar “Grandmaster. Thee are marks of respect rather than wnconcional authority, Ingistors may deer ow college's experience aed rept, bu the ae by to means required odo so. ea ere leer eee tere neat tpt ere ee eet Ingusitors sometimes band together into a lose association called a conclave. A conclave is assenbed at the request ofa respected lgustr, who sees to poo the sil, lsowdge and resources fhe pers in crdorto oppose tet ca arat for single ngisitor fo face; an Ore Wasagh!, das aceon on ensive sal, or plage others ‘Most commonly, a conclave wil call pon only sitgle Ondo, but itis a Som unhetdof fr a coclave to include several raschs ofthe aquisition, if station request Meniiers of the conclave seldom tke marta! lad ~ sich things retest lett the commander of whichever forces the conclave bas requstoned. Nevers, te cola svarably sends representative oversea military actions, ad thas ese hate oc Fhe mission st los the heat ate. Iressa, hs ‘chsary wl seize command of he eae son, bt ost guise Hd preferable ena the shadows hil the Emperors ais ao about hr bloody work OF RADICALS AND PURITANS Discord beneeen Ordos, or beneeen conclves, is extremely ae fo each its own clearly find ares of interest However, th samc camot be sid for Ingstors Pa ee a a ee nly be fat with his own weapons, sch as by employing sorcery apttt Dacmons. Fr ots, ach compromises are anathema, saving compton ofthe Ordos work for estonableain Goch nageecrens are cftenpresertd asa conf beoween aca and purtnpilosophies, bathe eh is mnch nore complex. The dsinetion between he two posions eater ee arte cee elt et oilers as sh A member of the Ordo Maou mig be quick to decy a collengoas radical for using forbids loro bed a Daan tos wl, ithe recognising that ors tis Ordo condor im just as angsroas fr dering o cons tom of blasphenoa: lore, eve hough he sno intention of employing te knoe contained within For some mers of fi Ordo Nenos, even Teming an lies Ingo is considered dangerous wilt thers think nothing offing nenoe mercenaries tft heir vars. ne ecard rece eae ee et ee en ee tet ee eee era eee y tere path Perhaps, enough evidence canbe eater, it an be presented before & conclave anda judgement of Exconnonicate Traitors be sou, More commonly, a instr {sles ta mor sata his mabe, Civen the shaded dstons between sales nd tacesary vile, fw Ingle willingly iavolve testes ins quate Benrseh Sei fllows Se ee ne eet ee teen eee ete ere ea ofthe tine, sch diasreemcas bur thmseles oto are serseded by gemine iets ut sometimes ty descend into outright cont been the We Ingutors nd thir The deolgial sree berween radical nd prt i ot bale bere igh and wrong, fr sch iil define teldom aly wan Inisie's wor. Radia! sneths ea serve asthe sli fo millions, jot an he close mindedness of pritans can oom then. Al, there no way os the otcome it as oosrred An Ingusitor can read fom te Grimoire Maefc, and an we its knowledge to close a Warp rif but in so doing he risks opening his sou fo Cos and becoming the very thing he fears, Thos of paar midst nist sch risks ar reckless and unaeesoary nd would sek ther metho to close he Warp rif ven ifthe delay doomed dozen wold Inthis cas, he radical methodology woul apear tobe te correct one. Bl wit if, by opening his mind ote Warp, the reader ofthe Grimoire Malefat is Inter possessed by ‘Daemon who wreaks nore dange than the 8 ever would have? Iti itl wonder Bator Ingustrs leave 0 8 sie cra of Belle, fo to dou one's actions it be eee cele ee eer te —yr—— EXCOMMUNICATION ‘Aa Inquisitor has the power to declare an individual, or somtimes an organisation or planet as “Excomauicate Tiaitoris'. This declaration excomsicates th accused fom the human rece, and s an indication to ober Inguisitrs and Adepia thatthe excommniate party shouldbe huted down and killed for the good ofthe Imperium. Ingistrial enclaves are often the vemse for declaring excommunications and, in extreme eireustances, even afellow Ingustor canbe so branded. Excomucication is nover done lightly, bi a principal weapon ofthe lagustion and one ofthe svay ts authority can be used to protect te nperitn. } ORDO MALLEUS : ‘THE DAEMON HUNTERS Inuistors ofthe Ordo Malleus make it their business to combat th pipsical manifestation of Chaos itself the Daemon. They have pledged their every waking Hour tthe discovery and scouring of sch eeanze, wherever they canbe found. Members ofthe Odo Malls are often batle-bardened warriors, for Daetonsearaot be east ot rough ‘he subletis of espionage or wicker) ~ oly the blessed bade and the purified fame will serve. However, knowledges their chief weapon. Agents ofthe Ordo Malls are scholars of daemonic lore an iow how to shackle and bind Warpspawn. Most ss this ony to seek avantage over thei otherworldly prey to leave them vulnerable to the strike ofa Dsemon hammer ota sanctified bote shel. A few, however, go further, imprisoning daeneoni entities in mortal host bodies and freing the creatures to cmbat their own kind Militari, the Ordo Mallen isthe most formidable ofthe Inguiston's branches, forts agents can call ypon the services ofthe Grey Knights oad them in their stages ‘The Grey Knights ae Space Marines, designated Chapter 66, Tei origins ~ lik those ofthe lauisiton~ are grounded i the ial days before the Exiperot's Ascension Unlike other Chapters of te Adepts Astares, who ae called upon to fight any an all threats othe Imperium, te Grey Knights ar dedicated to slaying Daemons and stand ever ‘ready 10 assist the Ordo Malleus in thei long war against Chaos. The calling ofthe Ordo Xenos is to investigate and catalog alien species, identifying those which may be of ws othe Imperium and orchestrating the destruction of those deemed to bea treat. Agent ofthe Ordo Xenos are pically the most eccentric of their kind, for they spend years even decades — traveling and living in oahuman space, learaiag everything they can that wil faciinte the exploitation o elimination ofthe races day encounter As arsul, may Ordo Neos Iausiors have sous ties wid Rogue Traders, with whom they sbare many goals, and often travel with retimies of alien mercenaries or travellers, Most speak dozens of nonuman languages and have acquaintances ‘nd informants far beyond the Imperius boundaries. Despite this, ther i more blood onthe hands ofthe Ondo Xeno tan any other branch ofthe Inquisition. All too often, decades of peacfil and seemingly friendly contact are but a screen babind which aids by Deathwatch Kill Teams sabotage vital inastucne leavig the alionsdefeneless gaint xenocdal atack fom an Imperial bate fet. ‘st asthe Ordo Malls ca call upon the Grey Knights, 0 too can the Ordo Xesos cll upon the services oftheir wn Chater Militant, the Deathwatch, Formed log ag by accord between a conclave of Inquisitor Lords and an sicemed assemblage of Space Marine Chapter Masters, the Deatnwaich is composed entirely of veteran Space “Marines, seconded from the greatest Chapters nthe galas). They are tained and equipped to repel the alien tide tat hreates to overwhelm Himasity, and are an invaluable tool fr any Inquisitor seeking to vanquish the xen threat ¥ ORDO HERETICUS % ‘THE WITCH HUNTERS A shadowy branch of an organisation already swathed in secrecy, the Ordo Hereticus is the unrian of Humanity the watcher a the gntes that protects Mankind —as ch fiom its own weaknesses as any thea ftom without. Th Witch Hunters ofthe Ondo Heretics ae sinister, fered individuals Their skin i pale ffom long days speat in the cexcruciaion chambers of lauisiton fortesses or poring over ancient texts tht speak of th heretic aud his machsations. Forth irs few millenia ofits existence, the Ordo Heretions was but a rumour even to oherIngustors, so fanatical was its secrecy guarded, Al his came to an end following the Age of Apostasy, when it was decided that the Ordo Would serve Deter by casting an iatmnidating shadow, ater thmn existing as a myth to easily ignored. As the Ecclesiarchy flourished, so too did the Ordo Heraticusarow with it fr nothing piques a Inuisior's suspicion more readily than a holy ma claiming o speak wit he Emperors voice. Ofte, its ageats pose as servants ofthe Eeclsiachy, feigning subservience to a Cardinal's wil until they have suficient proof ofthe mans guilt it sa rare pest with whom a member of the Ordo Hereticuscaamot ad fut The arival of an Ordo Hercticus Inguisitr is et with as mich tcpidation as ave, since none know were sir gimlet gaze may land and vpon wom heir suspicions miaht {al nado to monitoring the Eeclesirchy— ensring hat Wars of Faith do not exceed their mandate o hat its many Cardinals donot amass more poster than is deemed sppropriate~tha Ordo Heretics keaps a close eye on many oter Imperial organisations the Adopts Arbites, the Adapts Astras, the AdeptaSorortas and also fellow ton. They monitor doctrinal and plysieal purty, and no one i beyond thei jurisdiction Tei a brave man who crosses the path ofa Witch Hunter, as § ORDO CHRONOS ‘THE GUARDIANS OF HISTORY Few have head of the Ordo Chronos, and fewer sil have any inking of its mission, which isto stady the effects of Warp travel andthe passage of time tis common knowledge that a vesscl occasionally arsves ais destination moch ltr than its Navigator intended, the crew experiencing th passage of many months, whilst ceaares passin the real world. Such events ae the subject of may legends, but accepted as one ofthe sks associated with Warp wavel. Far less common, but by no meas uneard-of, fe those occasions wheaa vessel has become embroiled ina Warp phenomenon tat results init being expelled into realspace before it actually set et ‘The Ordo Chronos are concered with preventing and combating any anomalies created by sol eves is members are motivated by the concer hat travellers appearing in ‘he past mist somshow altar the proper low of event, or oterwise disrupt the Emperors intentions. Iis hard to eau thar success of ule, party dua tothe parsdcxical ‘nature oftheir work, but also because the entire Ordo is said to have disappeared witheut trace. Of course, this would not be the frst tine an Inguisitoral Ord has "vanished" over the millemia, many have gone quiescent, or simply stepped so deep into the shadows tat even tei brotier Ingusitors cant find them. Nevertheless, those few who knew ofthe Ordo Chronos’ existence believe that tere is a deeper meaning tits silence thoaghno vo Inquisiers can age on precisely wat hat meaning 5 ORDO SCRIPTORUM "THE UNSLEEPING EYE, (One of seventeen Ordos hasod on Tore itself the Ordo Scriporum is dedicated tothe examination and investzation of records and commniqués. This may seem a trvil almost facile tsk in ight ofthe weight maters pursued by other branches ofthe Inquisition, bt nothing could be farther from the tah The imperium constantly stains under the weight ofits own colossal bureaveracy, an all mame of vital bibelots of information ae lost o misled trough simple uaa ror. Far fom Tera, a planatary governor whose world is in uprea looks tote skies for sign of assistance ite Inowing that his request for aid has been bound itt the spine ‘of cht ered page missive onlimendesin. Elsewhere, an Imperial Fleet ~himdreds of ships al told—hangs silent in interstellar space, because the dacomertation ‘updating ite orders has travelled fom desk to desk, never reaching a recipient with sufcietauborsaion. The Ordo Scriptonan can ony intercept a baal of hase flues, ‘but even ane can prove the difference between the life and demh of billions. Moreover even the rumour that an Inquisitor s supervising 2 sribe's work i enough to galvanise him to more carefl practice, eosring hat fewer such errors occur the fre ¥ ORDO MACHINUM ‘ ‘THE JUDICATORS OF THE FORGE Jt asthe Ordo Herstcus pay close steuton to te Ecclesiachy, the Ondo Machin sertinise the Adepms Meckanicus. Specifically, they are concerned withthe reintegration of recovered STC varians into the Imperium’ anaes ad the rare adoptions of alien technologies into established Mechanicum protocols. The purpose hee is twofold Fira, the Ordo Mackin ensure that lesson he pat ofthe Onaisia's worshippers does nt penta awed technology o eater the Emperor's service. More ‘importantly, the Ordo Machinum ensures that no Magos is tempted to withold vit systems fom other faction ofthe Adzpus Terra with a view to increasing the Adopts Mechanits” poser within te pert uisitors ofthe Ordo Machin ofien accompany Adspmis Mechancus archaeological teams to distant worlds, the beter to se for thmselves exactly what has been recovered. They of work in concert with he Ordo Xenos~ especially wien the word in qeston has been under alee contro or there is any suggestion of won-human origin forthe technology the Adeptus Mechanics sek to recover. 5 ORDO SICARIUS ‘THE EXECUTIONERS. Founded by the logondaryInguisitor Jacpar inthe wake ofthe Age of Apostasy the Ordo Sicarins is responsible for iavestiating and controlling th Officio Assassizorum, Since Jargar’s reforms o Imperial Assasin may be deployed without the majority approval ofthe High Lords of Terma. This of course, immensely impractical, and quite ‘fen, an ingusitor ofthe Ordo Sicarue will sanction the Oficio Acsasinorum under the guise ofan edict fom Tera, While sre beiove this tobe an abuse of their power, in ® galaxyspanning civilisation, such mearurs are essential to maintain a level of response required by the myriad threats to Mankind a a +4+0rdo Redactus reports+ “+4++Ekcerpt from Doctiment: Branches ofthe Ingustion +++ “+Marked for deletion 978.414 DESIGNATION - INITIAL FOUNDING - EST, STRENGTH - AREA OF VIGILANCE Ordo Aegis MAO - > ~ The Cain Gate (Ordo Astute - M32 ->S0 laquisitrs~ Chapters of depts Astros Ondo Astra» M34 -<$0 Inquisitor - Stellar Cartograpy (Ordo Barbarus = > -<10 lnguisitors -Pre-tndustal Worlds ‘Ordo Custodian - M35 ->$0Taguisitors = Terra (Ordo Desolates- <-ankmowa>> 1 Ingusitor-<-wnknowa>> (Ondo Excorivn = <> = 100 Inuisitors- Monitoring Exterminans| ‘Ordo Miltarum -M35 ->S00 lnguisitrs- Imperial Guaed (Ordo Neeros M375 Ingisitors -<> (Ordo Sanctorum - M36 < ~The Eclesiarchy (Ondo Seripts - M38 - 6 Inguisitrs- Officio on Tera (Ordo Senstoram -M33 = <-anknown>> = <> Ordo Thenatos = unkowt>> ~-coiown>> = =kowi>> (Ondo Viglus «M37 <> + Ordo Necros PHILOSOPHIES OF THE INQUISITION Many Ingisitrs blaze a uniques trail hroush the galaey, relying on their own judgement and nowledgo to provail. However, itis Manknd’s nature to seek consensus — a commen path upon which o proceed —and Inusitors are no different. Atay tine, there ar scores of different philosophies advocated within he Inquisition, each considered the path ofukiate truth sod salvation by heir adherents, These ar nt doctrines, but ideas, tested with every tool atthe lnuisitor's disposal. fan lnguisitor adopts one philosopy to the exclusion ofall oxer, its not because its principles fulfil a religious aced, but because he o she has coms to embrace is tenets asthe ultimate uth Jat a the size of an Ordo itselfrises an falls, so too does the popularity ofeach pilosopiy, with some faring but briefly and others enduring through the millenia. Thovgh they are often pursued with the tenacity of eligious belie these are theories founded i reason and tested trough sient rigour. nqusitors ae, ist and forenoet, practi ‘meand worca they do uot waste tei eo or tne on ideos proven tobe Might of faa. These pilosophies are often so broad tat they cut aross the Inusitorial diseplines, drawing like-minded lnquisitrstogetier from across many Ordos. Such groupings are somtimes refered to as factions, but this is erroneous, implying a structre tat simply doesnot exist. All are equal ina pilosophy’s pursuit, eventhough they might choose Afferent methods. Thus, Thorian — who believes tat the Emperor's soa ean be reborn into anew body of flesh and blood ~ might il from one of many Ordos. Even a= Inguistor ofthe Ordo Nenos seeks alien gene-ech to create a new body, a member ofthe Ordo Malleus might delve ino th study ofthe Wat fo lear how the Emperor's sprit right be guided into th pysical world Meanie, an Inustor ofthe Ondo Heretics might contribu is own researches int the legend of the Ecelesiarchy. However, for each lgsisitor dedicated to sacha philosophy, thre is always at least one who opposes it ax radical folly and secs to destroy all traces oft Aral central to he Inuisition's purpose isthe credo "Trust No One’, and thi applies ss mich or pethaps sore greatly soto one's fellow Inguistors as anyother living bei. } THORIANS t ee ene en ISCO EE coe ee Peas lee oer nas Se Ca SS LF a a a Se ea RT Be tn ea ee Se aaa ee oe a at a oe eae nee a ce re SS aa meade einem ter mee coe paring teem eae ana een ee Sean tes oa ceo re peor aaa ereeee ee” ee ae ee ee ee eee Pe ee ely aaa BU oe nn Seen Sag sof ama alee ee ee day they shall finds host suitable for the Emperor's magnificence, and through prayers and ritual be able to guide His spirit into His new body, allowing the Emperor to once ec ee ee ee eee eee Sa ee ear Se aes ee a ea ag egos eT Seaeeer as ey ence ys ee ec eee ni Sa ae sr Se oer er ee } |ONODOMINANTS t Inthe third conury of M33, Inquisitor Goldo compiled his many exparionces and commentaries from nearly four umdred years of service tothe Imperium. His final conclssion amounted to declaring thatthe only way the Emperor’ loyal servants would survive inthe lany was if everthing else was destroyed. At the te, this oventhy [essinvstic view found few syupathisers and was atbuted toa devon! but ageing Inquisitor suffering a Dreakdown and losing hs fait in Humanity abilyto prevail However, scveral centres late, IagisitrJerimims of Pacitia revived this theme of Monodominance and swore t enact Golda’s vision and thas enjoyed varying levels of popularity amongst Ingusitors ever since. ‘Monodomiaauis have absolutly no tolerance for any hind of wayward behaviour. There is o excuse for laresy,contamplaineMeresy or for abetngheratcs. Heresy ‘includes maton, eligi deviation, aliens, payers and any other beings who donot conform to their view of he pare and loyal Imperial servant. There is only ane punishment ‘in the Monodomisantpilosophy ~ death. Mankind is fighting a war for racial survival, and the Monodominants hope tha if they kil oT enough aliens, pylers, mutant a ‘rei, eventually (omnia selection will prevail and Humanity will risa to its postion of ulimate power ‘Monodoninants are very militant and will resort othe ial solution of Exterminats more readily than any other Ingisitrs, Unusually, they seldom work in secre instead using thie presence to sir widespread xenophobia sod hatred, leading tnobe of feniedcitzeney to purge thir own ranks of the filly and unclens heretics who treten their fare. They are tert rtless and unforgiving inflecble aod intolerant They are generally the youtgest and most hotheaded ofthe Inquisition, charging across the Imperium leaving devastation in their wake } AMALATHIANS t ‘The start of the 41st Millenium was time of spiritual and piysical rebuilding forthe Inperium. great conclave was held on Gathalamor, at Mount Amalath, where military, religions and political leaders and dinitares entered in rr thossands o swear once more tc oaths of loyalty tothe Emperor and Mankind, Iwas this gathering that spared Macharus to his conquest of marly a thousend worlds, and during this tine there was a swell of opts within the Iguisiion that everything was ce more proceeding asthe Emperor had plamed, in courst othe widespread pessimism tht pervaded before and afer the Rein of Blood and Plague of Unbrelie A large number of ingusitors have been drawn to the Amalathian movement, believing hat it was thei duty to let nothing tneaten the strength which te Imperium was regaining. They sive to maiatain the status qu, soaking out ay person or agency Hat might destabilise te power a the Imperium from without or within. Thoy are less ‘oncemed with the more traditional eres of mutation, witchery and religious heresy, except where these confit withthe insttatons ofthe Empire of Man. They ty to keep the Fivaly and politicking between the various Imperial organisations to a miianan, holding wo the Inquisition erigital ered of stent hough wniy. Change i considered the ‘most serious threat of al, for change can eral disaster. While other Ingusitors may endeavor to bring abou some grat upheaval or revelation tht will se Mankind break Som is curent trol into» new golden age, te Amalathians prefer to progres slowly, if progress is necessary at al } XANTHITES t Xantism is one ofthe oldest philosophies ofthe Inquisition, named after Zaranchek Xana, who was executed 2s a heretic in M32. Xandus was accused of Chaos worship, snd although be professes his imoence sonal, he was eventally baat atthe stake by his fellow Ingisitors. Throughout, Xaahus had uantained that he renazed pure, though he adstined hat be did on occasion tls the faces of the Warp and Chaos to achieve his goal. R was hs firm stance dat such power could be harnessed without the spirial cormoption of he wielder tnt wns to be Inter taken vp by ote Ingvisitors Its theultimate gol ofthe Xauhites to hamess the power of Cos for Mankitd. They believe that Chaos cannot be defeated, for it is merely a reflection of Humanity vel. However, thse enrains and powers created by ife existence ean be tarned back forthe bane of Human, thor than bei at ene. This docs aot mean hat they advocsts ving into Chaos, but rater wish fo captire the essence of Chios ant to wsefil rather than desttive purposes, Inthe same way as the Warp, that roiling realm ofthe ‘ery st of Chace, allows Warp travel, 30 foo can other facets of Chaos be conrlle, tne wo the Emperor's purpose. ‘Nantes investzate all aspects ofthe Warp and Chaos, inbung its power iat theaselves where possible, deswoying it only when necessary. They will use Chos tainted steiets, Daemon weapons, oaks of Chaos lore and other beretial tems, uilsing the abilities ofthese weapons and tools to eombat the ineions of Chios, heretics end liens, Witia the Xauhitos there ate those whose beliefs go even further, known as Horsian. The Horusans look tothe Prinarch Hors, who was amshty being conferred ‘with immense Chaos power, and se an opportaniy wasted. They belive that a new Horas could be created invested with great energy from the Warp, but one wo would nite all of Mankind for its betervent, rather han ensaving it to Caos. ‘Mast othr Inusitor consider the Xanites, and particularly Horusians, tobe walking along th edge ofa precipice. Xanthits are commonly seen amongst ihe Inquisition ss arrogant and dangers, ving with powers they donot filly comprehend. However, as one ofthe oldest philosophies ofthe Invision, and inching among ther rimber ous ofthe ost learved and powerful lguisitor, itis a brave or rash Inguisitor who will standalone against the Nantes, Most ofen as was the case with Nandus hwelf a Cell of Inguisitors will form a commen cause against a particular Namite in an efor to expose his perceived heresies ad to deal justice ‘Theit dealings with Daemons and the Warp leads rim Xanthites and Horusins to heceme members ofthe Ordo Malle, aed they quite frequently buildup associations with Chaos cule, Thay have been knows to crest secs of their own which are conceraed with wravelling ancient uyteries ad delving into arcane lore and knowledge } RECONGREGATORS t According othe Reconprezatin pilosophy the Imperium has become corrupt and decayed. Itno longer serves the purpose for which it exists, and warks inspite of its massive organisations rather than becanse of them. Over tne, the moras of politics, factions, bureacracy and the immense eifiesof the Inperim must be polled apart and feassembled ita ew fashion tat works bet for Mankind. ifthe Inperun is allowed to coatings to stagnate, i will eventually fll part and Humanity will ll prey tthe ‘umunbered perils ht it fces. Recougregatorsatempt to destabilise the Inpeval organisations from the inside, replacing corrpt aud conservative leaders with people who ave more radial views ada wilt lage. Most re wary ooo meh npeaval neh preferring wt estoy semetig me ba sb cage tan shape thei wil Recongregators are mostly found within the Ordo Heretics, rere they can lean ofinvidoals cho may be usc to their plans. Resongregatrs often help ani-npcrial sects and covers even altering the cls pilosophies to match tei own ifpossible. They are not above exreme action when necessary, ifthis will promote the required response and change thoy dasie. As canbe imagined, Recongrenators have frequent ruins with those who believe inthe Amalathian philosophy, asthe two beliefs are diametrically opposed Ths ca lead to conflict between Inquisitors ofthe two concepts, with one working to destabilise or overthrow’ a particlar person's or organisation's over, andthe otter striving to miata it } ISSTVANIANS, t ‘The greatest conflict o engulf Humanity was the Great Heresy which bogan wih the Primarch Hors’ vrus-bombing of Isstvan I. Although tho Horus Heresy saw the destaction of entire worlds and devastation onan mprecedented and worepeated scale, there ar some Inquisitors who se itas one ofthe moments during which he Imperiue td Mankind ite was forged. From the Horus Herery camo the great alitary changes tat saw te breakup ofthe Space Marie Legions andthe division of Navy and Guard, the Emperor's Ascension and the creation ofthe Ministorun, and maxy ether events which shaped the Inperium ofthe reseat. Its the goal ofthe Isstvanians to strenathen Humanity through adversity, believing thatthe huoan race is at is strongest intnes of tame and conflict. From periods of rates upbeaval have como the greatest leaps forward in techaoogy, faith and galactic dominaace. Did aot the Horus Heresy Weed ou those Space Marines disloyal to the ‘Experor! Did notte Ago of Aportasy herald the coming of Scbastian Thor and te reformation ofthe Ecclesiarchy? Did atthe eoat bales fovabt by Mackarive’ armies shine like a great torch inthe dark tines ofthe early 4st Millenium? These are the arpimens they put forward, ‘The sstvaniaas cai hat oaly whoa tis hardest ested does Mankiad show th ue stenuh that Kies within it To this end, the Istvaians endeavour to propagate strife and confit for Nanking” own greater fit, Istvanians fn the ies of war and bated so tat Mankind will say vigilant, tha its warriors wil be slilled and ready, and =o none ‘ill believe that hey have done all they ca. They are a bombastic and obvious creed, aunting their warmongering ways nslling those nearby with fiery zal to fight for themselves andthe rest of Mankind, They pt faction against faction, world agaiet world, so tha the survivors willbe the stronger for i [sstvanians will str up trouble wherever they ao, exploiting the phobias and prejudices of imperial comnanders, military officers and the general populace to breed superstition, suspicion aod violence, They work well with destabilisation ad ttrorist groups aad foster elaionships with violent pro-iaperial cals. Quite often, they will ‘buld wp the power ofthese secret societies and sects, only to revel the threat hat they pose to the authorities, urging the faithful to bring torch and sword to purge the corruption within THE PATH OF THE INQUISITOR As with all specs of the Ingustion, the matter of recruitment is nt eeuralised, andthe power to invest others into its ranks lies with he Inguisitrs. Some donot recruit at all spending their years i the posit oftheir enemies and dedicating themselves to their dstes within thei oe lifetime. Otbers fel itis one oftheir burdens to bring about the next generation of fauisitrst carry forward the bate that they must wage Inuistors are letto their own judgement in all maters, subject only to sera by their pees, and the same applies to reeriting new Ingustors. Many Inuisitors leave such maters fo chanee or perhaps ft, picking a suitable candidate or candidates ftom amongst those individuals whose paths they cross, OterIngisitors are more rigorous in their pursuit of apprentices. Thay will spend a proportion of thir tie sacking out suitable candidates, perhaps from amongst the ranks of ether imperial organisations. ‘There ae no consistent criteria of age or pyseal condition required to be stable for investiture ino the Invision. Proof of atellgence and loyalty ae the key requisites, sud offen these aspects of« perso’ character cannot be properly judged val ater in fe, Itaay happen that extraordinary circustances lead a laguisitor to ecnuta bay of so whilst stl in thei teens, if hey show exceptional ability, but kis is not common practice. On the woe, Inquistrs will take note of infividuals hat are fee-hinking, possessed of willpower and determination and winchng principles. they find a suitable petson, they wll bacoms part ofthe Inguisitors retioe,perkaps serving ina more minor capacity wile the Ingusitorconinnes their evaluation. Those tha prove thet worth ‘working withthe Ingusitor wil then be taken ino their masters or mistress greater confidence. ‘Over stveral years, the apprestie wil learn what they caa of Inquisitor’s knowledge and, inte, will ke on many duties, Some lnguistns refer to these seai- ‘qualified individuals as Interrogirs, hough they ae also known as Noviiaies, Neoplytes or Approbaiors—or ined one of a hundred oer tes, according othe Inguisitn’s kes Suharto one ov, conta operations cose Whe Inquiry ae sil Ubon wt hema or assess ly avests them normally requires the consent of other Inguisitors to pass onthe fll powers of an Inquisitor and grant on Ingustorial Seal, though there have been oecsions when this has not been necessary, othe immediate station has dictated thatthe apprentice take on fll Ingusitorial respoosibilities immediately. This s Likely ifan Inquisitor is Killed ~ their spprentice will inherit their Inguisitorial Seal and may fulfil three of an Inquisitor, subjat to repeal by anther Inui. Intrrosntors may pass from one Inquisitor bother as fate and necessity dictates. Is in this period thatthe ideal ofthe Inuisitorare passed on and spread, and through this generational growth the factions and ‘Hatnions tha ake up the lngustion are propagated across the entries. As well ax pilosophy, the stident will also lean what their tor knows ofthe intemal working of the Inquisition —or sch fact as the Inguisitor feels it right and proper to confer it is aa important raditon amongst Iguisitors that each of them cars the knowledze tht i= theirs, as Well as the respect oftheir peers. Such wisdom caznot he feey ven nr taken without efor, for it devalbes the knowledge isl. As the saving goes: “Knowledge is power, guard t well INQUISITOR LORDS “The Inquisition does pot have a formal organisation, and therefore there sno system of ranks or command as there ar inthe Adept Tera orth military. Aubority within the Inquisition is governed by two factors ~ reputation and influence. An Inquisitor may be willing to gainsay one f his fellows, but if eoatonted by several he will deer; thus, an Inquisitor with experince and contacts can exert conral over younger, less inflvential comrades. Seniority isin self no tu test of suorty, but most Inguisitors ‘vil deft the wisdom of another tht is older and more experienced Despite this, ther isa need fora higher ter of Iqusitor to help maintain he integrity ofthe Inquisition and to watch over the rest ofthe organisation andthe marshalling of esources. They ae known as Lord lnguistors, ngusitor Lords or High lauisitors. Promotion tothe rak of Inquisitor Lord is by ination eal and is extended to those tbat have proven themselves mneroos times, nt only by their courage and ability, but also their integrity and loyalty. To become an Inquisitor Lord, one must be nominated ‘by an existing Lord, and lave the romination approved by two otbers. Such decisions are iavarialy taken in sort, nd quite offen the elevation comes asa sixprise tothe recipient Indeed i i said tat one does nt strive for the postion of Ingusitor Lord ~ rater, finds thse worthy ofthe choosing ite olen his emoblement ea formality, as te word ofa Inquisitor Lords sacrosanct to his fellows, andthe chances ofan Inqvisitor actualy being known personaly Ubymore than one Lord are exceptionally stall. However, there i occasionally contention and a conclave tay have tobe evened to discuss th mater ~ustlly, bu mot alveays, wit the aomince in atandance to answer enqutis ast their activities and belts. ‘Being an ingistor Lordi a recognition rather than an absolute rank, and is more a formalsation of a postion enjoyed by the Ingusitor rather than an acta promotion, ‘This is because an Inquisitor Lon has 0 real temporal dominion — they are not responsible for ary given area o the galaxy nor specific individuals. stead, itis ‘eiaforcomest of the Inguisitor's authority and ia pariular power withia the organisation. The most obvious benefits are the ability to reeogise the appointments of others tothe ranks of Inusitr, to convene High Conclaves and to cll mote widely wpon the Invision’ forces and agents ‘The Inquisition is avast onganisaton, and for over ten millenia has known remarkable individuals beyond cousting. Most have long been forgotten, for many Inquisitors seek to Keep thelr deeds secret even after death Indecd often the last instruction left to a successor to erase all proof of hls master’s existence. A few, however, have become legends within their Ordos, thelr stories whispered as examples tobe followed, or cautionary tals concerning the misuse of power. Quite which role each scart in depends entirely onthe speaker's sympathies and whether or not his own personal philosophies are cast i alignment or opposition } TORQUEMADA COTEAZ, t “orquemutia Coteaz has ever been driven bya single consuming passion: to destroy Daemons wheresoever they manifest Unlike many of his fellow Inquisitors ofthe Ordo alles, Coteaz alas refused to contemplate harnessing the power of the Warp for his ovm ends, and agpressively prosecuted those who lacked his purity. So perished CCotez's mentor, ngustor Laredian~ an old man axcoted at his stadeuts haa for dabbling in forbidden as. Upon Laredians death Cotez assumed his responsibilities as Protector of the Formosa Sector. Through alliance, coercion and outright intimidation, Coteaz formed a spy network of contacts, henchmen and infileatrs throughout the sector's inhabited worlds, Not for Cota the way ofthe Inguistrial Mandate, of requisitioning trope when he noed presets itself—be sought an aay of is own, ever athe beck aad call ‘Who knows how many ofthe Formosa Seton's planetary defence frees areas mich Coteo"s sworn men as they ae thei commanders"? Or how many hive gangs aot under CCotez's cont, gives license to pursue toi own petty activiies so long as thy act as his eyes? People disappear easily ia Formosa sad its citizens kaow beter than 0 ingire. At first glance, Cotas stranglehold would seem merely another cautionary tale concerung the tempations of absolute power, yete doesnot sec orule~ planetary governors ae left o oversee their dus largely withou oversight or interference. Coteaz’s network of informants exists onl to provide Waring of any teat overtaking Formosa. Iisa most efficient form of protection ara, ina secor where any gathering of thee citizens contains at least two of tears informants, how does attr gather 1 fllowing? This has Coens domain prospered in an age when th peri is increasinlybrovgt orn by te enemy within. Few other men could hope to replicate this ‘Suceas, for Cotez isa man consumed by his chosen task. He seldom sleps, and spends every Walia hou fing through reports delivered by his fihfl Glovodan Paybor- case, ox personally lading his forces aginst Daemons, keetics or aliens folish enough to uespass ox his realm. Lately, Cotea has cast his pal of influence over worlds bordering the Fomnosa Sector, bringing yet more planets under his protection. Yet even as his Borders expand, CCotez's worries arow: He is ow an old man, an lke all old men, b fears leaving his werk uadona Without a suceesser to costime i ofall the many aclytesCoteaz has caltivated, non bave had the necessary drive or srenth of wil. Ths, Coteaz has bean a search for frgoten fagments of cloning lore and alien rjvenaton technolory, any teats of extending his life ~ or rather, aay means bar one, Coteaz knows tha the boon be seeks could eal be grated by a Daemon, should he sutnon abit i according 10 the proper rituals. Part of him longs te embrace this small ei tat tay fim up th foundations of his igteous work. tis a temptation that grows steager with every passing day, bat one hat Coteaz has stalwart ested, atleast oF } FYODOR KARAMAZOV t Fyodor Karamazov is an Inquisitor ofthe Ordo Hertius and, even in tose unforgiving ranks, a more mcompromising and ruthless inividual would be hart find. Over the couse ofa career sparing nearly wo centuries, Karamazov has blaze a tal of blood and fire from one side ofthe ealaxy tothe othe. From Salem Proctor to Ultima ‘Macharia, fom Bala to Cypra Mond, he is a rin legend, an uatleatingivestantor who will top at nothing 0 uproot coruption aad heres ‘Karamazov's actions are driven, frst and foremort, by an snswervng belief tnt Mankind lives, even now, according toa plan set in mation bythe Emperor many thousands ot yeas ago. His life's work has been to ease that no one, hun or alien Ingusitor or Daemon, interferes with his grand plan. To most Inuisitor, this would seem an fanpossible tat in both mae and scope, bt each is Kaasiazov”smshakable conden, in both is own ability ad the Emperors perepicaciy that hs has never once doubted bis actions Indeod, Karamazov believes tit, ax Mankind”s mnfolding fat sin accordance withthe Emperor's rand design his wn aeons mist serve as an e=tental part of that design, and ar therefore above reproach, “Many Inguistrs prefer to work under a cloak of secrecy, conducting busines inthe shadows unless strictly necessary, but Karamazov cannot be counted amones their ‘number. In pursuit of is goals, Karamazov ean as likely be fowed atthe head ofa erosading army as be can presiding over te judgement of heretics. His actions are uterly without gil or subterfuge, for nothing of ether canbe found in his heart — displaced long ago by a deep dstnst of his fellow man. So itis that Karamazov every deed is bold tothe point of audacity, the beter o serve asa warning o those who would interfere with Mankind destiny ‘Whether in pursuit ofa campaign or heresy, Karamazov inevitably direct his minions from his Throne of Judgement, a ancient walking caodral presented to him following ‘he Abraxan purges of 930.M41. The throne i well-ammed, an its bull: more than compensates forts mastr’ less han imposing physical presence, so Karamazov long ago bond it into the pomp and ceremony of is rials. There ae at ays by which ema caa nd himself wceremoniusly lauled before Karamazov ostentatious Throae of Jdgemest on a charge of heresy, weason or witcher. For Karamazov, there i mo such hing a a minor infraction of the sacred lore ~ even the merest departre from protocol and procedure is an afront fo the Emperor's ‘plan for Mankind and mst therefore be punished without mere. Clemency, forgiveness, mitigation ~ dese things are unknown in Fyodor Karamazov's court. Noris there any lope of defence to be found in gomine innocence. Karamazov has ao paticace lor tose foolish enough to appear gully whe they are blameless. Sach halfwits ae eit of ‘wasting his vlbable tne, ifaothing else, and are led without hesitation tothe purging fires alongside the murderers, traitors, saboters and bers, } YRUS, t ‘Tyrsis a batt follower ofthe Monodominantpilosoply— a bombastic man whose bloody purges have left thousands of heretics dead in his wake. Suspicious ofall psyes, even those supposedly cleared bythe Inquisition, sis Tyrus” creed to hint dow and exterminate every witch, muta and warlock nthe aly Gecluing alien psphet)-Ifaloag the way. this meaas eradicating those who would seek to protect such abhorou creatures, tea so be it Tyras is perhaps oe athe most active laquisitors ‘wth regards to infers policing, ferociously hinting down thse whom he deems heretics within the ranks of his own organisation } QuIxos t Originally a devout member ofthe Ordo Malleus, Quitos' destiny was forever changed after he was wounded by a Dacmon onthe world ofLackan XV. Pat ofthe abominations claw hod become lodged in Ques" heart, and this fragment gave Quixos a link to the Warp be hd never before known ‘Quixos soon begs investigating how he might pur the powers ofthe Warp to his own uses, Over succestive ceria, Quins became ever mare deeply caught up in occult study and te use of Chaos. He bouad te Daemoa Kharnagar into a sword be then took as his personal weapon, stole the Malus Codicium from te Library of Otiella on Zanini Prime, created Daemonhoss, and built yp a vast network of etspaws and puppets thoughout the Inquisition an the broader peri, "Yet hough Quitos was arguably falling into danaatia, i Was i the hope of achieving a eeat good ~ chiefly harnessing th eneries ofthe Cadian pylons ia order to close the Eye of Terror Als, his methods grew ever more extreme, and bronght him ino increasingly frequent contact ~ and conflict — with more puritanical Ingustors. Inthe en, Quisos plans fl into ust wien fellow Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn at ast sle hm in single combet at Farness Beta. To date, no oer has attempted to replicate Quitos’ designs. Until hey do, twill be impossible to say whethor Quixas was motivated by genius or Warp-touched insanity } GREGOR EISENHORN t iseahorn was once one ofthe most zealous and hardline Inuisitors, but his mumerous exploits, including his dispatching ofthe “renegade” Quixos several centuries ago, have changed him eto amore pragmatic man. He has a longstanding pact with the daemorie entity known as Cherabael, ain recent tes has been iow to associate with all, tnanber of terconaties, boutty hunters, gmslingers and e'er-do-wells, Now several centuries old his eatly work alll eps han in good stead withfllowiag generations of Inguisitrs, and his experience and authority gai him noch respect. However, tee isa growing opinion anongst the more puritan factions that he himself has now become as uch of threat as Quixos once was, Inguistor Lichtenstein is a dangerous radical thought by almost ll of is colleagues to be uty insane. He has been declared ExcommmmicateTratoris, and is acti being pursed by one ofthe galas most ated witch haters, Tyrus, It was Licheasei's single-minded obsesion withthe arf codified asthe ibrar Heresis tha {cod the Daemon Prince Phare’ guootla from is prisoa on Karis Cephalon. Sice the, his fate las ban iextcably linked with hat of the Daemon, Tyrs aad another Inguistor; an ex-daemonhost called Kessel, These titee clashed on Karis over a manifestation of the Daemon Prince on the barren workd of Pagans Reach, a again at Cephalon Spaceport where Lichtenstein managed to break Kessel fee fiom Tyras" usted. return, Keselaranged for Lichensein’s sae passage t Equins, a world where, under the false name of Thravin Fast the dangerously obsessed Inquisitor searches irclessly forte tuc location of the Librarium Hersius. Lichenstsin san old ofd man, but the ser strength of will behind his steely fates shock all who met his gnze, There i touch of madness in his re, staring eyes Lichtenstein son quest save Mankind from enslavement at the hands ofan ancient mechanical race who worship death Sioce a0 one believes hia, he bad vowed todo it by himeel. He knows tht within the Librarsum Heresivs s a powerfal weapon, proof apnine these aien killing machines, Licbenscin wil do anything, chong the bamessing ‘nd wlisation of Chios ~ the nemesis ofthe xenos tea to locate and comand this ancient atta, } HELYNNA VALERIA t Inquisitor Helynna Valeri has always believed that he work ofthe Ordo Xenos, and the wider Inquisition, shouldbe guided by the spirit and intent ofthe lore tows the weapons ofthe enemy against th enemy. This she considers true no mticr the source, and can require using Warp-taiied weapons against Daemons, or xenesarchectech against Ist alien races, For Valera there are no lies that catoot be crossed, no dc that cannot be tanspressad. The Experor bade the Inquisition defend Mankind from bot it ‘own destiny anda hostile alany~ task so important tat Valeria demand that no methodology, however extreme, shouldbe considered forbidden. In pursuit ofthis goa, Valeria became a collector ofthe archaic and arcane of bibelts ant fragments of technological lore, of ancient and alien technologies tobe pressed im fresh use. She has spent many deeades exploring the rns of far-fung worlds, poring over age-crambled documents in races the Psamahean Libraries, treating with Eldar, Uluneathi, Draxians, Hid and a hundred more inorder o expand Humanity toe of inowlede, ‘The recovery ofthe Dimensional Forge was to have been the erowtig glory of Valeria’ life's work. Accondng tothe Iron Grinoise, the device was discovered by Jams daring one of his carliest bales. Legcnd recount that it could project aml zone ~ an aea of space into which Daemons could not ener ~many lait years in diameter. The Dimensional Forge's location bad been lost during the tumult of The Howling 0 when Valeri's network of contacts brought news tat an alien device answering the ‘Dimensional Forge's description hed heen uncovered on the hive word of Cavlock, se immediately took ship there. Alas, recovery was delayed by a daemonic incursion, ad as te batle for Caviock raged, Valevia's mission came to the atention ofer puritanical rival, Emil Darkhananer ~ an lnguisitor who viewed al ales technology as anthem, regardless of ts origins or finetions. Arriving at Caviock afer Valera, Dasibanmer nevertheless had ample tne to issve an Exterminatus order under the pretext of preventing tha spread of daomonic corrption. As Valria watshod fom orbit, Cavlockand is secrets were reduced to cinders So did the vendetta begin between Helymna Valeria and Enil Darkbammer. Ina, Valeria cared litle forte billions slain at Darkbamamer's hand —in ber view, Mankind is oral, sd individual met have always ben easily eplaced. Rather, what angered ber was th reckless destruction ofthe Dithonsinal Forge, a device whose ryseries could, ‘nave finally delivered Mankind fom the perils of te Warp. Having declared Darkharaner Exconmunicate Traitors, she ha harried him all across the Sepmeatu ObScurUs, secing revenge under he pretext of justice ‘Asya other Inquisitor have sided with eter party — lguisitoral vendenas ofthis nature ar sot uboard of, and stability has ever heen served best by now-interfirenc, Likewise, the Grey Knights largely maintain a neu stanee, as is ther rght and duty. However, ules his conflict ends soon, otber paris will surely be dra it taking ses. I this happens, the Veneta could well destabilise the Ingusition itself and this undo the work of millenia, ene THE INQUISITORIAL REPRESENTATIVE, (One of th High Lords of Tera, the Inquisitorial Representative — seins known asthe Master ofthe Inquisition is nominated from amongst the Inquisitor Lotds ofthe scclorssurouding Tera, and inguisitors that have filled this role are referred to a a Inquisitor Lord Terran, Its wot unusual fr several Lords Teran to sare the role of [nqistoril Representative a the same tine, The bile oflnguisioral Representative itselT's fairly meaningless othe Inquisitor who beni forthe chances ae hgh hat ‘he was siuply the cloves ofthe Lords Terran when the council was convened. lnded, te te is more fr the benefit ofthe lagustorial Represeaitive's fellow High Lords; a measure of reassurance that they are dealing with an equal, and an unspoken reminder thatthe eyes of te Inquisition lie ypon even that most august of assemblages. Though the attendance of the Representative is always appreciated, his or her position inthe chambers ofthe Senaforum Inperalis i often empty and thet vote conferred ‘by missive such are the demands ofthe Inquisition. Despite the positions origins asa sop to otber branches, over the long millemia, the Inquisition have learmed tat it s most wsefil having one amongst ter kind to act asa Drazen symbol of vigilance. So focssed are taitors and fols on evading the Representative’ gaze, that tey donot see ie oer eyes watching ftom te darkness The [nguistorial Representatives dy is therefore to blaze so brightly tat he or she deepens the shadows in which oterIngisitrs operate, bringing only the hishest-pofile traitors to justice in amannersuflicieny glorious aso instil ear and compliance for generations to come ‘An Inqusitoral Representative may fulfil het role only once in their if, or tcy may attend the Senalorum for several years, The requirements of service to the Inquisition ‘nay necessitate thom leaving Terra to attend a conclave, while otbers quickly te of bureaucracy and politics tthe Senatorun is based upon and eiaguish hee ‘positon to return to more active roles out inthe wider galaxy. To avoid uapeasun politicking onthe part of the Representative, te maxim term that an Inguisitr Lord Terran ean serve on the Sentorum s five years, afer whieh they must stand down. leis rare thatthe lnguistor Lords cannot agree ona candidat forthe role, frit carves litle more hous tha that of messenger. The Representative speks rarely in counsel, but when does he communicates th will ofthe Inquisition, uot his own. However, itdoes come with a great deal of responsibility. ‘While the Ingusition enoys absolute authority, in reality the cooperation ofthe other High Lords is essential in maintaining this positon. Ifa Representative were to offend the Fabricator-General of Mars, or insttce the starships and ams by which the Inuisiton’s power is maintained may be put at risk Conversely ifthe lnguisition feels ‘that an orsanisation i sting ints dedication, presate can be applied t the relevant High Lord, mining an organisational ise into one of pereoual condone, In this respect, the Representative is in an usparallled position of leverage, forhe has nt attained his role by personal anbition or desire and therefore risks no personal stoke in his dealings with the other High Lords. They on the other band, willbe only too avare ofthe subordinates that view their postion with envy and ambition and so ‘aust actively protect this power at each tra. The meret hat ofthe Inqusitio’s displeasure can be the catalyst fora High Lord being removed by those he presets. ‘Those High Lords whose position is non-permanent, such asthe leader ofthe Charist Captains orth Lord Solar are particularly vulnerable tthisfpe of caret ‘manipulation by the Representative, for they risk not only their personal privilege, Dut also that ofthe organisation they represet. Ths the crefl balance of power ‘betwen the Inguiston and the rest of the Imperium is carefully preserve, As well as garering suppor for the Inuisiton’s endeavours, the Represeuative has two ether main responsibilities. Th first sto war the Senatorum of heats Sanficant enough to trouble det debates, The Inuisition operates in sucha way tht its normally the first o become aware of emergent menaces to the Imperium, and bas ‘proven this with regards to the Necron awakening, the arial ofthe Tyra hive floss, and during nay cher momeatous evens, Thus the Iguisition serves a the High Lords’ eyes and ears across the galaxy, enabling them to bypass the dreary and lengthy processes maintained by the Adeps Tera, when the ned arises, Sch warnings consist of not enly information, Dat are inevitably atendod by a recommended course of action. Th High Lords will debate this recommendation, sally moditng iin some form or anotber, and ten begin turing the great wieels of the Imperium to implement their plan. } EMIL DARKHAMMER t Darktasmer fray believes that the Inperian’s only hope of survival is fra ther races in he gulany tobe destroyed. He bas no tolerance for any deviation fom he ‘purest interpretations of fnquistiona lore. For him, there ean be no shades of rey when it eomes to interpreting the Emperor's word, only darkness and light All Iaguistrs ate ruhless~ they must be to protect Maakiad fom threats both within and without ~ yet Dakbanaiers uncompromising philosophy is basher than most Its 1 comerstone of his methodology that nothing and no ene can be ranked as indispensable inthe cause of Mankind survival. The Imperium mst, afterall, be kept safe tall costs no matter what the tally in lives or worlds might be. This belief has earned Darkbammer many detaciors, not only within te ranks of te Inquisition, but in the wider Imperiua se well, Howaver, even the highest-ankng diguitarics are olotant to deobey or ciicise am Inuisitor, lt alone atin opposition to him, so Darkarsmer's actions mst with few obstostions. pursuance of his credo, Datkhanmer has ordered Eternats on over thirty worlds. Soma his hs been to end rampant war, corrption or plague, bt as ofen to destroy a mere bad of subvesives or aliens, oro obliterate ancicat artefacts and Wary-tanted devices sought afer by his radial collegues. Such fortriht acts have long Since polarised the opinions of otberInqusitos. Some believe Darkamamer tobe a beacon of righteousness in dak mes, he sista her of Inguisitrs Goldo and Jerinims, ‘who fist codified the Monodonnaat edo hat he follows. Others consider Datkhanner to be only fractionally less destructive tha the Daetsons of the Wasp. (Only ona few oceasions has Darkhammer stayed his hand - most notably inte afermath ofthe First War for Armageddon. There, he commted an Exterminats order toa program of aisssexecition std psychic mind-wipe, as determined bya region's lave of expose to Angron'sdactionic hordes, Theres no question that this wae done with, atest reluctance. The Space Wolves Chapter had fought long and hard fo preserve Armageddon and were still preseat in streagh wher Darkbammer avd, Few men, ‘anf or an, are papel antago he Wolves of Few el tas forth aon nd hs enon alae, at Aragon as prsed om er “Recently, Darthamuner's ations bave finally euraged another Inquisitor beyond th point of mutual declarations of Excommumicate Traitors. By his overzealous Exterminans of the planet Cavloe, is defenders and the alien Dimensional Forge beneath its surface, be has provoked afll-fedged vendeta with Helyna Valeria, Now, Dakdhamer's work is futher complicated by the noe to defend himself rom this fresh threat. This conic as, a tla onto a hand of direct skirmishes betwen the ‘vo lnguisitors' warior bands. Noneticless, given Darkharmer’s propensity for extreme souions, it can only be a matter of ine before the vendetta escalates to catalyse levels } KRYPTMAN t Inquisitor Krptman was the first to recognise the terrible threat posed by the Tyranids, and isthe rapacious aloas' most determined foe, Wherever ahve flat has broached the galaxy's bounds, Krpptnan was thereto oppose thea by whatever meats he deemed necessary. By the time Hive Feet Leviathan had entered the galaxy, Krypnan'scbsessioa bad all but consuned hin. Determining tat vo cost was oo great o contin the Tyranid rmanace, he ordered the razing or destruction of scores of warlds. His hope was tat by denying the aliens the bio-mass upon which they thrived the swarms rapacious advance ‘would be greatly slowed inthis, Kryptman was eventually proved correct, but he never escaped the shadow of the trillions he had condemned fo death, Soom afer the campaign bfiass Exterminatis was conchded, Keypman was expelled from the lngusition’sraaks and forced int hiding. Husted and ext off fon his fonser resources, Keyptnas ‘nevertheless contin his war agaist the Tyraids. Ramours persist htt was he who broapt Leviathan into condlict with he Orks of Octariv, buying he Inpeita anciher few precious decades, He is surely readying another attempt to drive them bak; the oly question is wether any wil any survive to witness it } JENA ORECHIEL t ‘Jena Orechic! hasbeen inthe Inguistion’s service for many decades first as an acolyte to the famed Ordo Xenos Inuisitr Darzaso and, om his deaths an Inquisitor in her own righ Upon inheritance of Daeaso's position, Orehiel gained not only her master's Inquisitorial Seal and followers, but also a mission of the vinostimportamce— to ‘prevents second dawn forthe ancient star gods known ae the Can. (Orechicl sfscinnted by alien species and tecinology, mich othe distaste of many of her Inguisitral colleagues Her blatant wc of xaos weapons and technology bas been frowned upon by he more conservative members ofthe Ord, as has her use of aliens inher renbe. Rumours state she has, on occasion, eavorted withthe enigmatic Eldar evento the point of having one inher service, Nevertolss, Orechial’s record speaks fer itself, and uone can deny that she prosecatstheInguisition's war aginst the Daemon, te alin nd the heretic with consuming Fervour. } GIDEON RAVENOR t Gideon Ravenor frst rose to prominence serving as Interrogator to the infamous Gregor Eisethor. His keen insight and considerable intelligence were enhanced bya vary high level of psyehic ability. Grievoosly injured a the Atrocity of Spatian Gate, Raven was rendered physically incapable and spent theres of his lie within a stasis char amour life-support container tat provided for his needs and allowed hin to tavelatd operate. Deprived of phiscal ability, he developed his psychic sills oa ighening level of fiction. He commanded several ntable warbands, and spared the lmperiam from the excescosof many notorious heretics. He also famous composed books onthe nature of reality and the funtion of the mind which are stil considered boh scientifically rigorous and aristically brilliant. His most famous investigation was, without doubt, the one tha finally brought back togster the destinies of Ravenor and his estwhile master Eisenhorn } INQUISITORIAL WARBANDS t Although an Inquisitor is himself a mighty warrior and scholar, he is sil aman, with a man’s limits. He must face untold fos, dare uncharted perils and overcome many formidable obsiacles in pursuit of calling, Thos, on Ingustor wl often sock accomplices andthe aid of others As in al things, the reasons why this may be #9 are vncouated as umumbered asthe Inguistorsthetseives, Many Iagusitors see their followers as aece tol, with sills nd abilities which hey do ot possess and so aust vile trough oes. Some may sce tei disciples asa band of companion, brave souls who share their great burden ofthe protection ofthe Emperor and Mankind, Oters simply year fo be understood, so tha although they must ever work unseen and thankless, they know that another is aware of thei great works. For some, te association wit) fellow mon act as a reminder to them af their du, embodying the people tay seoktodafend,remindins thom ofthe common humanity which thoy themselves must sacrifice to siccced TA Tnguisitr has, in theory, the whole of Hust to command to his cause, He can requisition Space Marines and soldiers ofthe Inperal Guard, call ypon specialist, warriors suchas Grey Knights and Sisters of Bate. And yet, the nature of his tasks mean that all to cea he must ely upon his own teagths and resource. Ife fears a planetary ruler tobe user the intuence ofthe malign beasts oF Chaos, to whom ea he tr? Ihe poplaceof a world as risen in revolt against the Experor, who wil provide bi with suecou? By necessity, the Inquisitor works mosty inthe darkaces and shadows, his presence nt recognised, hi works unseen. Tus the Inguisitr and hie warrior tband know that they most standalone against the horrors ofthe gala, forthe can tt no one ese ‘There ae any ways a person's path nay cross that of ab Inquisitor and thee fates bacome intertwined. There are thse who have bees rescued by their master, saatched fiom death and torture. Some may once have fought against him but in seing his grim ask and ordained duty, converted oth path of wisdom and seek redemption in his service. A few might be aliens, mereenaries led to the Inguisitr's ease by wealth, a sared cause o the promise of aid in ther ow perilous sinations, ‘At Toguisitr cat ke use of ay san or woman, even thove who ate otherwise shunted std anahetatised by society and their peers can fad « purpose within the Inquisition. Those most specialised of servants andthe most dedicated, may be rerste, or even eented, bythe Invision itself fr the ad of its servants and agen. On oceasion, an Inquisitor may combine forces with a nan or womsm whose quest or goal matches ther own, using ir conmon cause to bind them to one another. And then there {that fawning and sycophantic breed who latch onto the more overtly operating Inquisitor, forming a sometimes welcome, but often despised entourage, IfanInguisitor takes up the great works of another Inquisitor, who perhnps as ded before his mission is complec, he may take on those individuals who fllowed his predecessor. Soltis ata complex web of fate aad design binds the Inquisitor to his fellows and followers, each reacting wo thie station in ther own wey, a their personality and morals demand. } ACOLYTES t Almost all Inguisitors maintain an inner circle of bodyguards and warriors. Where these individuals ae recruited from depends upon the character ofthe Inquisitor and the nature of his work, Some Inquisitor inet fom only the most slried institutions of the Adeptas Terra; the Schola Progen, the Skitari Legions or the Chambers Mitt of the Eeclesiarchy. Others prefer the knfe-edge reactions and gute instincts of bounty ters, underhive mutts and rogue frontiers, No mater where or bow they ate recruited, these Acolytes mst exubit exceptional qualities or resilience, determination and loyalty to thir master, forty wil be entactd wth many tribe tasks and are expected fo excel i het eompletion, Service as an inquisitorial Acolyte is aught with danger, but also the ist rite of passage for one who wishes to fllow in his master’s footsteps. So tis that some Acolytes will goon o become novitiate Inguisitor. Indeed some ofthe most accomplished — or infamous —Ingisitors inthe Imperius history came from truly inmble beginnings, thie fates changing forever upon the day they swore themselves to their master's service. Yet for every Acolyte at eventually rise to dizyingbeiahts of power, many Will die samless and forzotion i th ploricus pursuit ofthe Inqustion's great works } MINISTORUM PRIESTS t Ever ready to martyr themselves upon the altar of peril victory, Priest tide willinaly into the ies of war. Their impassioned oratory and bellicose war bys can steady abate lie inthe face of overwhelming odds, or dive ter flock into an impassioned frenzy in which mea shrug off moral wounds with miraculous ease, Whether these phenomena can be atibuted to mass lystoria or the muifest powers ofthe Eesperor is wimportant— dat they Work i all that maters to a guise “he more pious agents of te Ordos are lke to keep a Priest or two ou hand simply as a mater ofcourse. When one must engage inate withthe daemonic and the aol, having «mn of faith at you side can make all he difference. Yet there are ote, mote radically inlined Ingisitrs who keep a Priest nearby for darker neasons. Aer all, deeds of afarots satire are easier to perpetrate while hidden behind a vil of epparet pty, and ot all Press presch from ths sane scrpmtes } CRUSADERS t Sone Inquistors recruit Crusaders frm the osu guard of the Cardinals Crsnson — that nos mysterious ofall the Esclsiarchy's many orders. is said hat where ca more devout warriors be found ~ save peraps within te ranks ofthe famed Sisters of Bale. Most are selected fom amongst te piers who flock across the galaxy to the Crimson Basliea, hoping aeninst hope tha thet piety and sll at arms may lead ta thei elevation. Tobe selected isa great honour, thought leads only to a groeling ie of sceicism, martial perfection nan uamoured death ia bale against the forces ofbresy and apostasy Iti improbable that a Crsaders fate will differ greatly in an Ingustor's service: Nonetheless, such a calling guarantes the opportunity to test sword and shield against Mankind's greatest enemies. Fer a Crusade, ter is o higher honour. } SJOKAERO WEAPONSMITHS t Joknero are heavyset,orang-furredxenos with retractable fingers and toes, passinly similar in appearance tothe orangutans of aciont Tera. Yet this primitive sppearance is completely mislening. loknero arc technosavants without peer and have an stintve understanding of machinery and technological systems. Given scien Te and saaments of alloy an eteuity, aJokaero can make altos thing, rom a spaceship oa food sathesizer. a Jokaero can be lred into an Ingusitor’s service it wll swifly make its mark ypoa te retin"s Weapons and wargear, performing minor (and ofen perplexing) ‘upgrades, No all such modifications will improve the te elficay ofthe cusiomised equipment sometimes the just make the iem in question fel’ right tothe Jobaero. This is ‘fen Sustrating to the creatir’s allies, wh take furious exception to their Meckanicus sanctioned arnsameats being allered to suit the aesthetic preferences of «xenos, but for fefise his assistance. With a few moments of inspiration, a Jokacro cen transform even a imble lan into something formidable. Or he mist simply choose t add some Aevoratveknotwork to the barrel ~ if impossible to predict. } PSYKERS t Each Psyker exhibits diferent bilities, manipulating the energies ofthe Warp in nique ways. Some are able to conjure searing ectoplasmic bolts that cantar holes in ‘vemy fortifications, or engl the foe's massed ranks in oiling ame. Others use tei minds to samme domes of protective enery that shield their comrades fom fire or fender tem invisible. When serving onthe fat lite, Pykers bear deadly force weapons, crackling with power, with which they are even able orp the very souls from their sercaming foes. Whatever their particular talent, Pykers are as lethal tothe enemy as they ae dstarbing to their comrades, fr their psychic might tras them into wmatral ‘Weapons tht evoke both superstition and etor Toyalty with every victory Ingusitors have few ofthe qualms ofthe common herd, and a prodigious store of lore and wisdom besides. So itis that many lnuisitors will crit ‘one of wore Papers to thsi ease, for their powers a bh vrais std potent. Many will West hese wyde with fr more vespect nd uderstasing than would any oer Inperia master for there ae those antag the Inguisition are Pspkers in their owa right Yet oer, especially hose Inuisitors ofthe Ordo Heretics, Psykers are sti rants to be teviled no mater tei loyalties, Far these nen, if'a Psyker must he ade use oF is with he areatest distaste, and torments aod wil be aired wpoa the Juckless ata for the sizsple sin of existing at al. } DAEMONHOSTS t [A Daomoatosis a Warp spirit bound by rite and ceremony to the body ofa mortal. Some ae created maelyso an Ingusior can interropate daemonic entities about the Warp and is powers. Others are indcatred minions, summoned and shackled to the serve inte Ingusitor's retinue, Daemonbosts given license in his manner are tering combatants ble manifest all manner of otherworldly abilities in their master's savice ‘Yet, forall a Dacmoahost's power, only the most sel assured Inquisitor will even consider creating one, let alone allow it acarta he anarchy ofthe batleficld. Daemons do ‘ot serve willingly, and the wards hat control them are fickle. Worse, no mater how servile soch a being may appear, by thei vey ature a Daemon's every action willbe beat towards the destin of those his that even the mos radial Inquisitor bolds dar. Should the Daan break oe ofits binding itakesareat delish ia avenging itself upon ‘my souls wnfortannte enough fo be nearby - which inevitably ncludes the Inquisitor sho thought to eter } YSTICS t Mystics are minor psykers, chosen for tcir unyielding willpower and ute eiabiity inthe face of dacmonic temptation. Though a Mystic lacks the mental forte to summon the deste finy wielded by other psskers, he ean aoneheles cote a steady payee signal. Thong nnitsinally weaker, ths signal i ot dissinlr in naue to that projected by the Asvonomicen, and can be used asa beacon fr toops answerias aa Ingusiors simmons. Indaed, aay Inusitors maiatain whole choirs of Mpstics oa the imperiv’sfar-fig words, the eter to coordinate the completion of is plans and reinforcement of his amis, So have Mystics proven crial to many an inquisior"s designs. Afr all the fate of an entire sector ea hinge oa delay of even a Tew moments ARC ‘LAGELLAN’ Arcoflagellation is a judgement hat canbe cari out on those found ailty ofa multitude of crimes apuinst the Emperor, afte considered significantly creer than mere death. Avamented with extensive pysical surgery and mental reconditioning, am Arco-flagelan's body is implanted with chemical simmvinjectors, and etal aay of ‘sdantntinm fails, blades and whips, A pacifier hala projects soothing Iya aod te inges of slate ito the Arco-lagellaats bra to Kesp him sedated aad weer control uni a trigger word is spoken. Once the word is given, the Arco-flagellan’s body is pumped fll of combat drugs tat heighten his senses, stoke his ferocity and numb the pain fom his wounds. The Areo-figellnt becomes a berserk ling machine, Deholden only othe Inquisitor who controls hin. In is ste an Arco-fagelant is the equal of many tine he mer of fos, carving a ted path of ruin trough the Ingusitors enemies with no thought of selfpreservation whaaoever. Should an Arco-Aagellat survive combat a second word canbe spoica, returning him instante a state of placid calzn until the next tne he most be st loose

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