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Elected Officials take oath Dec.

Greener pastures for
McLaughlin Western
ne of the best kept secrets
of all time is McLaughlin West-
ern located just outside of Paris
nestled in the heart of Monroe
County. The sparkling boutique
has now closed after more than
35 years in business. Adding on
to their store four times over the
Left to right: Jim Reinhard, Marguerite Jones, J. David years, Julann and Mike made
Hoffman, Ron Staggs, Mike Whelan western wear a way life.
The official Swearing In Cer- and newly elected Ron Staggs For now, though, they’re
emony for the 2017 Monroe for Western District Commis- shutting the doors of their west-
County Elected Officials took sioner. ern storefront, but they are not
place Friday, Dec. 30. Those Each official received the out to pasture just yet. Their
that were sworn in were Incum- highest total votes for the of- bread and butter, so to speak,
bent Marguerite Jones for Public fices in the November General
comes from shows they fre-
Administrator, Incumbent Jim Election. These sworn elected
Reinhard for Coroner, Incum- officials took on the office as of quent, up to 20 shows through-
bent J. David Hoffman for Sher- January 1. out the Midwest in a year. Julann and Mike McLaughlin of Paris have closed the
iff. Incumbent Mike Whelan for doors of their western store, however are not slowing
Eastern District Commissioner, Continued on page 5 Continued on page 10 down anytime soon.

Hometown Volunteer Pig Govenor Greitens Chinn

produces like market hog
to make stop appointed
in Hannibal on
Thank You Tour
Director of
Just a few days away from
the Gubernatorial inaugura-
tion, Missouri will soon have
a Navy SEAL and an outsid-
F armers and ranchers are
the backbone of Missouri. Ev-
er as governor. Eric Greitens ery day, men and women across
is hard at work preparing to the state wake up before dawn
change politics as usual and and do hard work to make qual-
shake up the status quo. In ity, affordable food for our fam-
the days leading up to the ilies. 
inauguration, he’ll be travel- Eric Greitens is proud to
ing the state on a Thank You welcome an outsider and a
Tour, meeting with support- champion for agriculture to his Chris Chinn
ers and discussing his plan to team. He has selected Chris advocate.
Left to right: Susan Guyer fight for Missourians.  Join Chinn has become a voice
Chinn as the next Director of
of Hometown Volunteers; the governor-elect as he be- for Missouri farmers, and she
the Missouri Department of
Jodie Clarkson, Tammy gins to take Missouri in a has repeatedly stood up to
Agriculture.  Chris is a fighter
and Ziggy Latiffoski of new direction.
who cares deeply about our critics and activists. She writes
On January 3, his tour
Monroe City Family Res- farmers because she is one. and speaks around the state and
brings him to Kirksville,
taurant; “Weinger” the She’s fought hard for her family country about what a farm can
where he will make his first
pig; Keith Mersman; Rog- farm and for the tradition it do when it is run with care.
stop at Truman State Univer-
er Guyer of Hometown sity Union at 10 a.m. and on represents. Now, she’s ready to Her words and actions have
Volunteers to St. Joseph at 1:30 p.m. he fight for you.  been widely recognized. In
visits Missouri Western Uni- Chris and her husband are 2013, she was selected by the
Keith Mersman, of Hun-
versity and later he will make fifth-generation farmers. They U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Al-
newell, owns a ceramic pig.
his way to Kansas City’s Ga- raise hogs, cattle, corn, soy- liance as one of their Faces of
Actually he owns several. The
pig its home at Monroe City rozzo’s Ristorante on Haris beans, and hay on their farm in Farming & Ranching, an honor
Family Restaurant early in the Street. Northeast Missouri. It’s tough given to just four outstanding
holiday season. enough to run a successful farm, farmers in the country.
which the Chinns do, but Chris
Continued on page 4 Continued on page 7 is also a leading agriculture Continued on page 6

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