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Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo being welcomed by the Speaker, House of Representatives, Rt. Hon.

Yakubu Dogara while Senate President, Sen.

Bukola Saraki looks on during the Parade of Honour for the Late Former Vice President, Dr. Alex Ekwueme at the Presidential Wing of the Nnamdi
Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.

 Rising Violence, Killings, Indications Nigeria’s Security Architecture Faulty
 It Is Political Malpractice For Parties To Govern Without Manifesto - Dogara
 Lawmakers Ask FG To Give13% Derivation To Oil Producing States From $1 Billion
Approved For Fight Against Insurgency In North East.
Lawmakers Ask FG To Give13%
Derivation To Oil Producing
States From $1 Billion Approved
For Fight Against Insurgency In
North East.
The House of Representatives has urged the Feder-
al Ministry of Finance to ensure that13% of the 1
billion dollars approved by the National Economic
Council on 14 December, 2017, to fight Boko Ha-
ram insurgency is deducted and paid to the oil pro-
Rising Violence, Killings, Indica- ducing states in Nigeria in compliance with section
tions Nigeria’s Security Archi- 162(2) of the 1999 Constitution.

tecture Faulty - Speaker Dogara The lawmakers also mandated the Committees on
Finance and Legislative Compliance to
Speaker Yakubu Dogara has said the violence, un- ensure compliance with the resolution, which was
lawful killings and general feeling of insecurity go- contained in a motion sponsored by Hon Ken
ing on across the country are indicative that there Chikere.
are problems with the nation's security architecture
that require solutions. The House noted the proviso to Section 162(2) of
the 1999 Constitution which sets13% of the pro-
He, therefore, urged the Nigeria Police to focus on ceeds of the oil producing states in Nigeria as deri-
its primary responsibility of curbing crime, terrorism vation fund payable to the benefitting states of
and violence in the country, starting from the re- Akwa-Ibom, Rivers, Delta, Bayelsa, Cross River, Edo,
cruitment process of its officers and men, in order Abia, Imo, Ondo, Anambra and Lagos.
to give Nigerians respite from incessant security
challenges. It said it was aware that the 13% derivation fund
payable to oil producing states had not been de-
Hon Dogara made these statements when he re- ducted and paid to them from the $1 billion before
ceived a delegation from the Police Service Com- or after the approval of the said sum to fight Boko
mission (PSC) who paid him a courtesy call in his Haram insurgency.
The legislators argued that if the 13% derivation
He said, over the years, various Acts of parliament fund is not deducted from the $1 billion and paid
have set up other security agencies that have taken to the oil producing states, it would amount to
up roles hitherto carried out by the Police, leaving it double contribution from them and also a breach
now with the responsibility of curbing crime and of section 162(2) of the 1999 Constitution and Sec-
violence. tion 1 of the Allocation of Revenue (Federation Ac-
count, etc.) Act, Cap. A15, Laws of the Federation of
Hon Dogara noted that law and order are central to Nigeria, 2004.
successful democracy and since no democracy is
stronger than the total architecture that secures the The lawmakers, however, agreed that more funds
order on which that democracy is built, citizens can- should be expended in tackling the insurgency so
not even begin to enjoy the benefits of democracy that the already spent funds and efforts in the war
if there is no peace. against Boko Haram will not be a waste.
It Is Political Malpractice Abuja, the speaker said in an attempt to either cap-
ture or hold on to power, some political parties
For Parties To Govern make unrealistic promises to the people and end up
not implementing them during governance.
Without Manifesto - Dogara
According to him, “it is a political malpractice for an
Hon. Yakubu Dogara, Speaker of the House of elected government to govern without reference to
Representatives, has said it is an act of malprac- the manifesto that was placed before the voters
tice when political parties fail to implement the which essentially formed the basis of their election.”
promises contained in their manifestos when
they get into power. He noted that for political parties to effectively
play central role in democratic representation, they
This is just as he stated that any political party must be managed and operated in such a manner as
that fails to embrace and implement reforms to to establish trust among the electorate but regretta-
institute internal democracy risks extinction. bly, in Africa, and Nigeria in particular, political par-
ties are weak, lacking not only a stable and function-
Delivering remarks at a retreat on 'Dynamics Of ing party apparatus, but also a clear programmatic
Managing Political Parties', organised by the Na- appeal.
tional Institute for Policy & Strategic Studies in
Regularise Appointments Of
Teachers Employed By F.G.C
PTA, House Tells Federal Minis-
try of Education.
Lawmakers in the House of Representatives
have expressed concern over the Federal Min-
istry of Education's refusal to regularise em-
ployment of teachers engaged and paid by
Parents Teachers Association of Federal Gov-
ernment Colleges across the country.

The House, in a motion sponsored by Hon.

Nkole Uko Ndukwe, explained that the PTA
had to engage and pay teachers for the gov-
ernment schools due to lack of teachers for
such core subjects like Mathematics, English
Language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, etc, for
up to sixteen years on meagre emoluments of
between N20, 000 and N30, 000 per month
without any indication that the federal govern-
ment would regularise their appointments.

It added that it is becoming increasingly diffi-

cult for the association to continue to shoulder
the burden of paying the salaries of those
teachers who are far more in number than the
regular teachers, and added that it was wor-
ried that given the magnitude of the teaching
responsibilities they bear, the college will be
forced to shut down if those teachers are
eventually frustrated out by the refusal of the
government to regularise their employment.

The House, therefore, mandated its Committee

on Tertiary Education and Services to interface
with the Federal Ministry of Education with a
view to ensuring the appointments of the
teachers are regularised.
Reps Urge FG To Start Issuing Lawmakers Seek Special Budget-
Five Years Multiple Visa To ary Intervention For NAPRI-Zaria
United States Applicants, To Address Recurring Herdsmen/
Others. Farmers Clashes.
In a bid to facilitate a quick resolution of the current se-
The House of Representatives has mandated its
curity impasse in the country caused by activities of killer
Committee on Interior to interface with relevant herdsmen, the Committees on Agricultural Colleges and
government agencies with a view to review the Institutions, Agricultural Production and Services and Ap-
length of the visa issued to American applicants propriations have been directed to package a special in-
from one year to five years in order to encourage tervention for NAPRI in the 2018 budget to enable it pro-
the flow of foreign investments, open up the econ- duce more of its developed high energy, high vitamin
omy and build local base for businesses in the and high protein grass species that can be multiplied to
country. feed much more than Nigeria's current national cattle
population all year round.
This was sequel to a motion raised by Hon. Ehiozu-
The decision was contained in a motion moved by Hon.
wa Johnson Agbonayinma on the floor of the
Dennis Nnamdi Agbo, whose resolution the House

Leading debate on the motion, Hon Agbonatinma The House that the devastations caused by herdsmen
explained that Nigeria’s visa issuance procedures have presented serious security challenges in our recent
and rules approves only a maximum of one year national experience, and resulted in loss of numerous
single entry visa for American and other applicants, lives, maiming of people and wanton destruction of
whereas the American government issues a maxi- properties across several states in the countrt, with avail-
mum of up to five years multiple entry visas to Ni- able security reports indicating that the company of cat-
tle herders might have been infiltrated by criminal ban-
gerian applicants.
dits and terrorist elements with a clearly sinister agenda
of destabilising the nation.
He added that a review of the nation’s visa policy
will likely lead to an increase in the number of It said it was convinced that granting attention to provi-
American, Asian and European investors visiting the sion of essential pasture and feeds for cattle (by modern
country for businesses and also increase the pres- breeding practices), is the key to effectively terminate the
ence of tourist, thereby boosting the economy. avoidable and tortuous mobility of the herdsmen and
their cattle stock, adding that this task can effectively be
Furthermore, the lawmaker disclosed that an esti- handled by the National Animal Production Research In-
mated one million Nigerians and Nigerian- stitute (NAPRI) at Shika-Zaria, was established in 1976 as
the foremost Animal Production Research Institute to
aAmericans live, study and work in the United
provide technical support and extension services in ani-
States, with Nigeria having the highest population
mal husbandry in Nigeria, if properly funded.
of African immigrants in the country.
The House stressed that the agency will be useful in the
He stressed that it is imperative for Nigeria to sus- quest by many state goverments, and can provide sup-
tain the cordial relationship by reciprocating the port services to cattle breeders and support farmers who
good gesture of the United States by reviewing her want to embrace modern farming methods, adding that a
visa issuance policy from a single one-year entry to determined resolve of government to go in the right di-
up to five-years for American visa applicants and rection will encourage investments and emergence of
those of other countries. support farmers that will greatly transform the cattle
breeding value chain nationwide, in line with global best
Return Unutilised Land To Host
Communities, Reps Tell Military
The House of Representatives has urged the
Federal Ministries of Power, Works and Housing
and Defence, in collaboration with the states
ministries of land, to work out modalities for the
return of expanses of unutilised lands to host
communities for productive utilisation.
Complete Otukpo-Ajaokuta
Railway Project To Boost Food The resolution was part of a motion sponsored
by Hon. Afe Olowookere on the need to return
Availability, Reps Tell Execu- unused expanse of land acquired in the 70s by
tive the then federal military government, measuring
about (¼) one-quarter of the land area of the
The House of Representatives has said the com- cities, for purposes of establishing military bar-
pletion of Otukpo-Ajaokuta Railway Project will racks.
boost availability of food in the country, as well
as contribute to the growth of the economy by It stated that at the time those lands were ac-
accruing funds through facilitation of trade in the quired, the communities affected could not raise
country. any voice of opposition in spite of the economic
deprivation the action constituted considering
To this end, the lawmakers have asked the exec-
the draconian
utive to ensure that the project is captured in the
nature of military rule but since the acquisition,
2018 budget.
none of those lands has been put to maximum
A Hon. Hassan Omale sponsored motion threw use by the military, but rather, more than 80% of
up the matter in the chambers of the House, the land has not been occupied, as seen in the
where it was stated that the railway project run- Owena Army barrack in Akure, Ondo State; Ala-
ning from Otukpo in Benue State to Ajaokuta in mala Army barrack in Abeokuta, Ogun State;
Kogi State was started by the administration of Ojoo Military Cantonment in Ibadan, Oyo State
President Shehu Shagari and abandoned, even and the Abuja acquisition that covers Giri-Zuba-
after the construction of the railway bridge from Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport.
The House said it was informed that some com-
The lawmakers said that rail transportation is mandants of those barracks have, using agents,
about the earliest, cheapest and fastest means of
turned to emergency landlords/land owners and
moving people and goods from one point to the
are now giving out the periphery of the lands to
other, and given that the people of the area are
people that desire land for economic ventures
predominantly farmers, their produce would
have been easily moved to the cities to make
on an annual rentage and are raking in for them-
food more available, earn revenue, boost eco- selves, colossal amounts of money, while proper-
nomic activities and advance the diversification ties of those tenants are usually destroyed in the
of the economy to agriculture. event of default in payment of rents.
State Of Nigerian Prisons To Be
Investigated By Lawmakers also cover upliftment of prisoners' fundamental

The House Committees on Interior, Human Rights,

Federal Judiciary, FCT Judiciary and Police Affairs
will conduct an investigative hearing on prison re-
forms in order to identify the specific challenges in
terms of infrastructure, administration of criminal
justice system and other factors that could facilitate
the decongestion and reform of the prison system.

Sequel to the adoption of the resolution of a mo-

tion sponsored by Hon. Olufemi Fakeye, the House
noted that the level of congestion in Nigerian Pris-
ons has become so alarming that they no longer
serve as correctional facilities for reformation of
Tax Default: Licensed Lottery inmates.
Operators To Face House Probe
The legislators expressed concern that information
by the Prisoners’ Rehabilitation and Welfare Action
The House Committee on Governmental Affairs
(PRAWA), in partnership with the Nigerian Prison
has been directed by the House to investigate Service (NPS), show that only 21,354 inmates
the activities of licensed lottery operators from (comprising 21,009 males and 345 females) were
2000 to date with a view to ensuring that tax de- convicted offenders, while the remaining 46,756
faulters among them are made to pay promptly. inmates (comprising 45,765 males and 991 fe-
males) were still awaiting trial in prisons with high
The House said that out of the twenty-one (21) congestion, exposure to risks of epidemics, jail
licensed lottery operators in the country, only breaks, lack of inmates reform, transmission of bad
about two or three have successfully paid their habits and crime techniques by hardened criminals,
fees and other taxes to the federal government anti-social tendencies and moral decadence rang-
over the last few years, thus leading to the coun- ing from homosexuality to other forms of human
try losing millions of naira in revenue. abuse through illicit relationships.

The lawmakers added that those lottery opera- They also concern that the courts have continued
tors have been defaulting in payments of all their to send accused persons to the already overcrowd-
ed prisons, even when their offences could have
fees to the commission for more than 10 years
been otherwise handled in line with the provisions
now, with the nature and type of games being
of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015
played, the list of winners and total amount gen-
and lamented that the objectives of the Criminal
erated questionable.
Justice System, the primary purpose of governance
under the Fundamental Objectives and Directive
The House recalled that the acting director gen- Principles of State Policy in the 1999 Constitution
eral of the commission had himself disclosed that as well as the Fundamental Rights of Nigerians and
since his assumption of office about four months several treaties to which Nigeria is signatory would
ago, the operators have not met their obliga- be negated if the poor state of the prisons is not
tions. urgently addressed.
turn, has never reached out or sought the opinion
Rep Dorothy Mato Issues of the lawmaker.

Disclaimer On N150million She further described the lawsuit as a joke based on

mischief, stating that the petitioner ought to have
contacted the member for clarification, rather than
Lawsuit Against Dogara embarking on a fruitless journey.
According to her, “it is pertinent to set evidential
Hon. Dorothy Mato representing Vandeikya/ Kon- background to clear the air on this matter. The rea-
shisha Federal Constituency of Benue State, has son for the delay in swearing-in Honourable Mato
issued a disclaimer dissociating her from a lawsuit was premised on legal action filed by the same le-
filed against the Speaker of the House of Repre- gal practitioner on the same subject matter against
sentatives, Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara. the Speaker and the Honourable Dorothy Mato in
The lawsuit, filed in the Federal High Court Makur- August 2017.
di, Benue State, demands a compensation of N150,
“Also, the spontaneous intervention by Hon. Mato
000 Million as reparations for the delay in swearing
and the Executive Governor of Benue State, Samuel
the lawmaker into the House.
Ortom who reached out to the lawyer to withdraw
The suit was reportedly filed by Mr. Mike Utsaha
the matter which they did.”
Esq, on behalf of a Fidelis Ahamgba, who claims to
Ms. Lynda also added that Mrs. Mato has been
be a constituent of Mrs. Mato.
sworn as a House of Representatives member and
Reacting to the lawsuit, Lynda Adzuanaga, a legis- has since settled into her new role, enjoying a good
lative aide to Mrs. Mato, said they have no personal relationship with her colleagues and the tremen-
contact or relationship with the petitioner who, in dous goodwill of the Speaker.
Committee on Nigeria-Saudi Arabia Parliamentary Committee on Industry (2018 Budget Defence with
Friendship and Hajj Affairs in Session SMEDAN

Committee on Tertiary Education in Session

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