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Domestication, Utilization and

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Domestication, Utilization and

Edited by

Festus K. Aklnnlfesl
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Lilongwe, Malawi

Roger R.B. Leakey

James Cook University. Australia

Oluyede C. Alayl and Gudeta Slieshl

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Lilongwe, Malawi

Zac TchoundJeu
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Cameroon

Patrick Matakala

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Maputo, Mozambique

Freddie R. Kweslga
Forum for Agricultural Research in A/n'es (FARA), Ghana

in aosocOolioo with !he

World A\jrolO<eslry Centre I!CAM)
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1 Se ttln9 among Indige ....... Frui. T""e Spuiu in

A •• ic. : Example. from Sou.he.n, Ea • •e.n a nd We.t e.n
A •• ic. R"'!Iion.
S. F =1. F.K AkIn"I,,,,,1 onde. Ham

2 Towa .... a Dom .... ica.ion Str •• qy for Indige nous Frui. in the Tropics
RR.B. u.:.kev and F.K Aidnnl,esI

3 C halle nge. to S.imul • • ing the Adop.ion a nd Impac . o'

Indigenou. Frui. T""e. in Tropical A!II"icuhu~
N. Hoq , e. &owe and 1. Dw",i9o?t



4 Dom ... tic. .io n ofT.... e. or Fore.t.: Dewlo pm.nt

Pa.hwav- for Frui. T""e Produc.ion in Sou.h·u • • Asi.
KF. W"""m
5 Hom"'9llrden-based Indigenous Fruit T""e Production in
~nins .. lar India
B.M K.. mar

6 Nath,.. Fr ..1t Tr,u Impr""e n,ent in Amazonia, An Overvie w 100

CR. Cl<m€tl~ J.P Comeu"" M.H PI"",*>-Alnduro and K 'I1lJ-<lma

7 The Domestica tion 01 Frui. and Nut Tree Spede . in Van ..... u ,
o.:..nia 120
" ubol, A W""",,r and C Sam



8 Oppo rtuni.ies for Do me •• a nd

Com"""",ia llzing Miomoo Indigeno u. Fruit Tree. in
Southern Africa 137
F.K AkInnl"'oI. OC Nal-i , G. Slicshl, P MalakaJa. F.R. KweMgo.
C Hom. I. Kodze"" J. M~ SA MIl9'omoo, T Chliango <1tld
A MIwt>da

') Dom ... ica tio n , U.ili.a tion a nd Marke ting of Indigen0U5
Frul. Tr,u. in We •• a nd Central Alrica 171
2 . khouoo.;.,,,- A Atongaoo, £. Asooh, A T.oo.",g, C Focheux,
D. C M""->. A lkgrand", T Sado, J. Kc.1meg»e.
P MMe. H. Toburl<l, P A~ ondM VS€>l1

10 Improving Rural U ",,1ihoods through Dome.tication of

Indi!l"nous Fruit Tree . in the Pa rkland. of the Sahe l 186
A KoIlll9<l"l",. J.C W~b.?r, A U"""""nyo ond B. ~

II The Role of Indigenou. Fr .. i. T",e . in S .... ainable Dryland

Agriculture in Eas.ern Africa
2 . Tekl<haI"",,,,,,



12 of Indi!l"nous Frui.s in Southe rn Afriu

I Romadhonl ond E Schmidt

13 uonomico of On-f.... m Production of Indigenou. Fruits 237

D. Mlti->o(er and H Waf",,1
14 Opportun iti ... f01" Commenoia1intio n a nd Ente rp.i...
l>t\Ie lopmen. o f lndi!l"nou. FTuit. in Sou.hern Africa 254
C. Ham. FK. Aldnn(fesj, S. Franzel. D. du F'S JOfdoon.
C. Hansmann, ac. Ajayj and C. de Kock

15 The F..... ibili. ~ of Small'Kafe Indi!l"nou. FTuit Proce •• lng

En' • • pri.eo in Southe.n Africa
D. du F'S. Jotdoon, FK. Aklnnlfe>l. C. Ham and ac. A,ia1O

16 Product Inwlopmenl: Nutri.ional Vaf... , Pr"" ... i,,!! a nd

U.mza.ion o f Indigeno ... FfUi •• from the Mion,bo Ec .... ~.t.m Z88
J.DK SaIm.1. KadM",. RK. Ndablirunze, FK. Aklnnlfesj and
BPI>!. TIIseIru>a

17 The Role of In. ti.utional Arrangemen .. a nd Polic~ on the

Conse"'.tion, U.m... tion and Commercialization of
Indigenou. Fruit. in So uthe.n Africa
F'A Oduo!. ac. A,iayl. F' Mala kala ond FK. Aldnnlfesj

18 Eco l09V a nd 8iolo!ll' of Ua"""" kirk", .... , St'l"'hno.

cocculoidu a nd Sd• ...,.,a"", bi..-- in Southe.n Af.ica 322
F'W Chi""" and FK. Aklnnlfe<l

19 Germplasm SupplV, Propagatio n a nd N .... erv Managemont

o f Mlombo FfUi. T..,... 341
FK. Aklnnlfe>l. G. SIIcsIiI. A MkonOO, ac. Ajayl, J. Mhan90and
1: Chli""9<1

20 ...... Management in Miombo FfUit T..,eo 369

G. Slieshl, P Barklund, G. Mek R.R. Bandelro, C. Chliln>a,
AJ. M",uka. RK. Da~ and FK. AId",,(fesj



21 .... Dome.tication and Comm • • d . fin.i o n o f

Indigenou. F... it a nd Nut Tr ... o '0 Enha nce Bolter
U w lihoods in lhe Tropic.: .... _ . and Wa~ Forwa.d 392
FK. Aklnnl"'>I. G. Slieshi. Oc. A,iayl and 1. '!Chou",*"

Indvc 429
This page intentio"ally leftl>l""k

OIuyodo C. AjayI. PhD. Is an Agrlcullura! Eoo.-.omlsl ",Uh ,Ile World

As""",""'''' C.."", (ICRAF), PO 8m: 30798, Llk"-,g.".,, MaJawt
"""'" K Aklnn~.. '. PIlD, Is 0 Senior r"", Scien'1sI with the World A.9ro/or""'",
C.",,,, (lCRAF). PO 8m: 30798, LI~. Molawt
Paul ~ h . PhD. Is "'1m the World A.9r%resl>v Cen"" (/cRAF) We.< and
Centra! A/rIc<l Re9lon, Humid Tropic Nodi!, /{/'A 8:"'00. Onne-Who,!
Rood, PMB 008, Nchla, EIen-w, fun Hol'COWt. RI"" .. 8:_, NIgma.
Et..r-..r Asaah " ",til the World AsI<fvt""'l! C.."", (/CRAF) We.< 0IId c.,ntro/
A/rIc<l Resioo, Hunlld Tropic Nodi!. BP 16317. l'OOuoo". Can-><roon
A. fIIangana Is ,,"h "'" World A,gro!o.-">t,,, c.mrru (ICRAF) W_ and Centra!
A/rIc<l Resioo. Humid Tropic Node. BP 16317, l'OOuoo". Camerootl
R.R Bandel", Is ",til the Ed..,,,*, Mandclane Unlver.<ltl' ~ Mommbiq",.
PIa Backlund, PhD. Is on _ Prof"""" '" "'" SwedIsh Unl""rsj,~ of
Agrlcullura! ScIences ISW). Depart"""" of _ MvroJog~ and

Ibtll%m.\ Box 7026, SE 75007 Uppsa/a, Sweden.

Colm Ilow.>. PhD. Is ,,' ~h ,he C.." ... for Uoo"rutlllMd Crops, Entoiro",,,,,n<ai
ScIences Dll-'Woo, Sd>ooI of Clull EngI""",",ng ond ,Ile En""",,,,,,nl.
Unl""rsitv of Southampton, Southampton SOl7 IB), UK.
11>omSOl'l Chll.o_ Is a Hortlcuhumllsr wkh &umbwe Agncuhura! Resrorch
S"..".. Box 5748, Lim"", MaJatW.
Clem<-nt CM lma, PliD. Is a Jbr ScIent'" ,,'1m the _ " , Re""""h In>tn ~e of
Malawi. Zomba, Malawi.
_ W. Chlrwa. PhD, Is a &nlor l«iu",," '" St<llenbosh Unl'-""""l'
Depart"""" of Fore.: and Wood ScIetx-<>, 8:elkflbooh 7602, South AfrIca-
Chad« R CIomont. PhD, Is a &nlor Sclentisl with ,he InstnUlo NocIonaJ de
Aosqui«>< do AmaWtllo, Ali. Andrt Arau;o. 2936 Ai<tm, 69060-001
ManaL1S, A~ Brazil
Jonathan I' Cornell .... PIlI), Is 0 &nlor Sclenllsl with ,he World A.9ro/ore<r",
Cent'" (ICRAF). CIP. AparfOOo 1558. Lima 12. ~

Rogo, It Day, PID, "' 0 AO>l Sdenl'" wj,h ,he CAB in"'maiotlal Africa
RegjonaI Cen"", PO Box 633, United N~ A""""". N(ljrobl. Kenya.
CamU"" do Kock b rJ,., CEO of Sp.rll/lly Foodo of Africa PUI Ltd, Hora,.,.
Ann [)ogr.....o.,_ PhD. is a Sooo/ Sc/"nrlst ~ !he World ~ C..,.",
(ICRAF) West and CenrroI A/rioo RegIon. Humid r"""", Node, BP 16317.

l.o4 D\.Ln5l!l<'r. PIlI), Is wkh lhe Cent'" for V~1lsed Crops. Envl""""",n<aJ
Sclencn DIl'IsIotl, School of eMI Engj..,.,,-lng and ,,., Enu)"",,,,,,,,,.
Vnl.-sttvofSoutI>amp<on, Sourhampron SOl7 IBJ, UK
CharIy Is wt h lhe World Asrofor"""V C.".", (ICMF) West and C"",roJ
Africa Reg/otl, H umid TropjcNO<k, BP 16317, lOOuoo., Cameroon
OMne ful".,djem I< ,,·1Ih !he World A.9oof"'''''v c..,.,.., (ICRAf) West and Cefllfal
Africa~. Humid TropjcNode, BP 16317. \OOunde, Cameroon.
SI"",," Fr~ L PhD. Is " Principal Agricu~ural Economist ~ ,n., World
Agroforestry Cent'" (ICRAF). PO Box 30677, NairobI. Ketlya.
COO Ham Is 0 Lec/w", and Co-ordloo«< of ,he Com""",*,1 Froduc< of ,he
Wild (ep Wild!. lkp,,,'m€tU of Fat... and Wood sa.,...,." lhll""rsj,~ of
St.ol.,nbosch, PI1""'" Bag Xl. Ma",land 7602, South Africa-

Ch .... Hammann. PhD, Is a Senior R<=an:het wffh lhe Asrirniural Resrurch
C.".,.." Infru~ec-N!efooorb!i. _ Bag X5013 , S<ellenbosch 7599. Sourh

Nazmul H"'l. PhD. Is ,he Director of ,he C""'''' for Un<kru,lIlted Crops.
£001",,,,... ,,,01 ~ Dlvblotl, School of Civil Engf~ng and lhe
En"I"",,,,,,"'. Unl""rsII~ of Sourhamprotl, Sourhampl<»l 5017 JB.l, UK
Dan", du 1'8. .Ioordatl Is 0 Le<ru"" a !he Depart""'''' of AgrIcultural
Eooo-.omics. E<U>nslon ond RuroJ Lktie~nI. Un,,,,,,,,,,, of PMorlo.
Pr<torio (l()()2, South Nri=
I,~ .... ~ . PhD. I< 0 _ Har'-"'Sl SclenIIsl ,,'1M ,he World A,grofore>l'V
C.", ... (ICRAf), clo D , _ of A,<jricuhuml R~ and Ext""""", 5,h
Strffl Extension. PO Box CY594, CoUS€tOOl< Hom"" Zimbabwe.
Antol"" Kallngonl"" PhD, Is 0 &tllor ScIen'1st ",Uh ,he World A,grofore>l'V
C.", ... (ICRAF) W... and c.nlrar A/rIoo R<gIon, BP 320, Bamoko. MoN.
~ ~ Is will ,he World ~ Q>n<", (ICRAF) West md
Centro! Africa Regioo, Humid TrcpIc Ncde, BP 16317. 'IhouOOe, Comerooo.
IWhlma K<>ne Is wlM rile World Agrof~'V C""'''' (lCRAF) W... and c.",rar
A/rIoo Regloo, BP 320, Bamoko. Mall

Asroj"""'11-\ CoI~ of
680656, K.=Ja, India
RM . Kuma!, PhD, Is 0 Pro{e>;SOf '" rile Deponmen' of SUulcu~ure and
Kernla Agnoohum/ Un''''''''''l< Thrlosur

Frrod~ R. II"" ..... , PhD, Is ,he CoordIIl<I« of rhe Sub-Sohoran A/rlrutl

Chalkn,}e Frogrumme. PMB CT 173 Canl""'""""" 2 Gowa C"'"".
Roman Ridgo!. Accra, Goooo.
Roger R.B. l.mkey, PhD, 10 a Pr-of<=o< of ~ and S""",oobJe
DroclcpmerJI,As"*""",,, md ~I Crop< Unll, School of Tnopiro/
!l.I%g)< .10m•• Cool< Unll!el'$ll!l PO Box 681/. Caim<, QId 4870. AuslroIIa
\Il"""nl ubo!, PhD. I< 0 Setllor Re.eanoh€t- with ClRAD, PO Box 946, Alrt_
Vila, Von"",u.
Anxklu. J Masuka I> with :he KulS<J9'l Rese.=h Company (P1J<) Ltd. AlipOrt
Ring Rood. PO Boo: 1909. Harn,." Zlm~
Patrick Matakala. PID, I> ,he A1ndpal Sdom'isI with ,no, World A:3ro!Ofettrv
Centre (ICRAf) M=mblqlJt'. Za!<a R»IaI 3658. Au. 0". FPtM, 2698
M"""..,..,. Mapu'o 8. Mozamblq"".
Pew MblIe I> ",/th the Work! A:3ro!ore>Irv c"""" (ICRAf) Wes< and C"",ral
AjrSm Regloo. Humid Tropic Node. BP 16317, I'OOunde. Camerootl
Charlie Mbosso I> "'ith til.. Work! Asro{ore3lf)! c"ooe (ICRAf) West and Ce",ral
A/I1oo RegIoo, Humk! Tropic Node, BP 16317, I'ilotmd<, Cam€roon
Gorald ~ I> a """ &lentl>< ",Uh ,no, Fore"ry Resrorch In ..l,ute of Mawl,
Zomba. MaJawl.
Jan,,' M ",,1lIIO I> 0 Lecturer with "'" Mruru Unll!€Dltj; fu=tty Depanmenl.
PHI!<U Bag 201, Lu,,'i,= Mz"",. MakJwl
Dagmar MItMf.... PhD, Is an Agrlcukural Ero.-.omlst with :he l~ Centre
of In>O<t PIlvslolo9Y and ~ PO Box 30772-00100, Najrobj, Ken...
AlfrM Mkooda I> a HorUookurnllsl, with til.. Work! A.gro(ore"ry C""'''' (ICRAF)
Zambia. MS€kra Re""""h 51<IIoo, PO Box 510046. Chkapo, Zambia
Simon A. Mr.i omba Is a PID ~ fi!11ow wl,h ,he lkpart"""" of Plan,
ProdU<1lon and SoU ScIerJa, fucull y of N<Iw-oI and Agrlcukw-ol &Ie""""
Unl'-"'rsttv of Ifftorio, 0002 """",*" South Ajrlru.
&-r~ K Ndablku"",. PIlD, Is a &tllOf L"""w",, at 'no D<part"","' of
Food ScIe""" and Techno/om< S%;.."" Unl""rslry of Agrlcuku",. PO Box
3006, Morogoro. Tonza"1a
Pew A. OduaL PhD. I> a Sdom'1>< ,,-nh:he Work! ~ C"""" (ICRAF)
Moromblq"", Av. 0". FPLM 2698, Ca!<a _ I 1884. Maputo.
Marlo H. PlIWdo-Panduro Is" &s.,a>rl\€f with 'no lnsrUu,o de In''''s<~
de 10 Amozotllo Aeruana. Avda. A""lordo Qulo'lone>. km 2.5. /qui'"", /'Ie",.
Tunu RarrOOhanl, PID. I> Markellrlg Resro,,,,,,,, <II ,he Unlversl'y of H~.
H",,,,,,ha,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2, 3()419 H~. Oem"my.
~ Sado I> with "'" Work! A;oqor<stry", (ICRAF) We>: and Central
AjrSm Regloo. Humid Tropic Node. BP 16317, I'OOunde. Camerootl
John DK Sa.. , PhD, Is 0 Proft=or <I "'" Chemblry o"parfmenl. Chanccllo<
CoIkge, Unluerslry of Malawi. PO Boo: 28/}, Zomba. Molowl.
C Sam I> ",/th ,no, MQAFF. National Her_urn. PMB Am_VlIo, VanlJ<llU
ErIch SchmOlL PID, I> a Prof....,. at ,no, Unl",rsI'y of H~.
Her""""''''''''''''''''2, 3()419 H~. Ckrmany.
GOO- Sile>hl. PIlD, I> " """ Manage"",,,, Sdom'1>< ,,-nh :he Work!
Ag""jOrestrv Ce"'", (ICRAF), PO Box 30798, Lliot>gwe Malo",
H<>nOf<! Tabun.> Is 0 Markel"'g ~ with :he World A;oqore>lrv Centre
(/cRAF) We>: and c.",<ra/ Ajrtro Regloo. Humid Tnoplc Node, BP 16317.
-. ~
Z>c Tchoundiru. PhD, I> a PHndpo1 T"", &lenllSl ",Uh ,he Work! A:3ro!orettrv
Centre (ICRAF) W€sI ond Cen,ral Ajrlro Reg;on. Humid T,opIc Node, BP
16317, I'OOunde, C~
~ T~kloha l manol. PhD. Is a SrnlOf Lectu,..,- <I :he ScI>ool of ,he
E"vlronment and NlIIu,a/ Re.ou,,,,,- Unl,-",n!Iy of Wok. ilatl9or, O,,')-'r>edd
BoOOarilUrVJka I'M. T1~kwa, PhD. I< a Prof"""", at ,n" Depart"""" of Food
ScIe""" ar.d Technology. So/(ajne Unl"""l,>, of Agricu~u~ PO Box 3006,
Morogoro. Ta""",la.
AlaIn Tsobo"ll" with ,n" W<>rk! Asrofores:rv Cent'" (/cRN) W... and Cetl,ra!
J1jrSm Regloo, Humid Tropic Node. BP 16317, Yoouoo". Came""",
Ma=l lMnl .. with the Work! Asrofores:rv Centro (/CRAF) WesI and Cetl,ra!
J1jrSm Re:9lon. Humid Tropic Node, /cRN Office, KI~. Democratic
Republic of Cony<>.
Anno<-oclata Uwarnar!ya .. a Consul""" In As"""''''''", and Envlnotl""",<aJ
M"""9<"""'~ BP E570. Bamaka, MaU
l-lemiann Wal""L PhD. Is a Pro(< at ,n" Faculty of Economics and
M"""9<"""'~ uloolz VnlU0'Slty of Hanover. K/IrIlg>wotthe, platz. I.
30167 Ha""""" . Ge,man~
Ann~ Wah"" I< wUh ,n" IRD (Instltu, de Rccl>ercn" pour "' D.!vcloppen","'),
AgropoJr., M()(IIp/!/IIet. F..,..,.,...
John C Weber, PhD. Is a Senior Comuha", with the Work! Agro/oresrrv Centre
(ICRAFI WesI and Centra! A/rlro Re:9lon, BP 320. BamakO; Mall.
K. _ WIenum. PhD, .. a &..lor LocIurer wtll the _ and N_re
C~ R>Ik:y Group. ~ of E~ ScIe.-.ces.
1'.I19rnI"9<'l Un~ POBox47, 6700I\I\ ~i>'9"'I, The~
Kaoru \\Jyamo I< a &-=n", with the /nstWllIO NacIoooJ de ibqulsao do

AmazOOIa, Au AndYi A,atjio. 2936 Ak/m 69060-001 Manaus. AIl'llIZ<Jt}<)S,

AQr\rul"'n! 10 at the <'<)N 01. nmII liveIlt.:.xk. n.. viability 0/ rufal 1""'00000. In
many dewIoping "",100. b thn< by ..,.,....,.. Int~~ facrcn w hich
n>d""" option> lor smaII~ farmers and nmII oommunlty """'lb>. 11-..
I~ : I~ food and n utrttloro<>llmbalar.c<! In dlets; """""" """,""unities
to. off_Iarm and oft ..."""" Inromo. e>peei.>Iy to. """""" and chlkWn: and
~ productloo - - . .. 11-.. ~ Impacts 0/ modom IQ'Irulture "'"
lurtho, ~ by t"" laos 01. b!od/von.Ity 01. wild _
<kI~. ~and the ' t ~ o/the OOrnm<>l'd'
""""""'" dUo< to

H ISlOIIc<>lIy. frui t ,,~. """" the ~arll<SI ""'tee of f<>Od!mown to m ankind

ar.:! wlkl _"""""Ung 0/ Incilgonous fru it ,,~ prroatM h unting ar.:! ~
<qIcultu"'. 11><1-e "'" also SI'OI'oIl link> w ith cui",,,, ar.:! ",1"1on.• tartlng with
' '''' biblical 'fruIt ~ 0/ I ~e ' In the Garden 0/ Eden. kwkh hlstocy documonl>
how the spies ",n' to the fand 0/ ~ In 1490 "" hOod """" and <:<&ded
hUllS from ",,]Uvated Of domestlcatM grapes, porroegrana'". and fills from the
Valley 0/ EshcoI (Nwnb.<ts 13:231. An fr.:!lan king was ,~'ed to ... '"
encour"!led the ruhlvatlon of mangoe •. jacklrul1s and grape< In 273-2328<:.
while In '"' 300-400. Va...,.ana rommentM 01'1 the Importance 0/ frul ' ""'" In
his b<:.>k 01'1 Hlr.:!u aeSI"" ~CS (Chapte, 4, ,hi. ooI\m.. ). Coconu, cultivation was
documontM by a Pe.-'SIan trawlle, vIsI1Ifl\! the Malab ... Coast 0/ KeraIa In
300_ 100 "" Io,apter 4. th lo ooIumel. More recently. marv>"e01. from AsIa
\WN the p<clerted offidal frul ' at banquet> In Erdand dU~fl\! the reio;ln 0/
o.-n VIctorIa (H!37_ 1901) ISUva and T_fa. 20(5) . Today. ' ''''''' fru its a",
cultlva,ed , <:<JtIlmetClafi,eci ar.:! lou nd In supermarket> worId_wkkl
llIe iI'o:ilgooous fru~ and nu' ,,_ (1FT.) 01. the tropics. ... '" ~n descrtbed
a. 'CI~ ~ ' i»<:auw they ....w boNn ~ by science and
ciewlopmen' (leakoy and Nev.,,,,,. 19941. n...., I><M' repre;en' a unique MOet
' '''t rouk! be dewloped. domesIlcaled ar.:! "'-"f>ed by farm<.r •. In this """"'.
1FT. diffe, from ''''' conwn1lonal tropical and ",b<ropicaI ha1IcuIturai """ crops
such '" mMl\IO IMareif"'" IndI.::<J L ). Of~ (CItru< sInomsIs L ). coconut

(Cocos nud/ern L ). bn?adfrult (Altocmpu. _.). mangosI""n (Glrdnla
1l"llIrJ9OSIa"" L). ramootan (Nep ... llum ~um LI, ho.-.ana (Musa _ .J.
papaya (Carica P'\?<1I<l LJ. ca!how (AnaJoo,,;lum ocdden<ak L). caca.o
(Tllrobrotna COCQO L ). avocado ( _ americana Mill.). \IUd"'" (F1IdIum
~ LI. oil palm IEJaeI< guInee".., Jacq.J ,..-.j rolf"" (Co/foo a.-abim U.
which "'" not cown>d by this book. ~ """,Ie> \WI"e typically <kwlopod as
crops by """arch Imlltu ... '" par' 0( , ... galn. 0/ t'" coi0niai era. a PfOC"ss
which "'" contlnuro >knee ind>p"oo.,,,,,,. aIthouoiih olt«n wlth subslantlaly
Jco,o,er lewis 0/ public 1nve>Im<-nI. Tt-.o"" fruit> haw 00:0m.< 'cash crop'
commod~le< In t'" ~ rna"",,, and haw ~n ImPl'O'l"'l moc~ with the
"""'" 01 ow,""as ron>Um<f'S In mind th." _ 01 t'" k>caI propIo wr.:.
,..oouc., them . I, is ofi"" ~ thai t"'''' is 1>0 I>Nd leo" now tr~ C'OpS. 00'
In ,.,em' """" tho domesIIcatlon 01 1FT...... !>eon seon as an opportunity to
~, tho I>Nd< 01 !>X'O" srnaIihoI<I<1- farm<.r. aoo _by '0 .nho""", the

lM21ihoock 0/ more than 5O'J. 0/

per day. To ""aI.,.,
t'" wOOd l»Plliatlon 1M"" "" ..... ,han US$Z
this pot~n1lal role of 1FT. In rural ~n' ,..-.j '0 rat",
t"'k 1n'.'T"'lIonaI pro/iIo as new crops. Strr.:.ns ,..-.j l<?akoy 120(4) propo«>d
thai the prodoo:s 01 tho.., now ""e crops shoukl bo c;illed Agro(",..,,,,,, T"",
Prodocts (AFfPsI to d lSlI'V'1sh them from Non-TImbo>r _ PrOOuct. (N'l'FAiI.
which "'" ."",,,et"'" n2S0Urce> from natUfai f........
Up un'Utho la'e 1980s t"'''' w,",..m-.:... no IIClcn~1ic worl< "" loo~nou.
fru~ tr..,. and little was knooin abou' ''''k blolcv.r. eroI.oqy Of ooclal Impact on
rufal 1»Pll1at1on •. and It was \IO""alIy lIIough' ,ha, th.y are 001 aIYI«""bIo to
culUva1lon . Hoo.wvor. su_t.""", f~ haw bNn tho custOOla", 0/ .......
IFT.. ,..-.j In many 11OC1c,1e> t... .., ~ haw deep cultural '91Iticanc<l, o~
<6>OCiatro with taboos ond communlty r'\II,Jlation. around theII conserva'ion
,..-.j uso . 51"", th« oarly 1990s. tho cIom.>stlca1lon 01 1FT..... W<:om. a """
,..-.j fio2ld 01 =o<ar< h and <i<>wlopmm' led by , ... World ~OI'<'>Iry
C"",,., (ICRAF) aoo ~ ar""oo the world . N"",~. and approac ....
haw beon <kwlopod. CMe studle> haw ~n produe~l. ,..-.j evIoj.,,,,,,-bawd
"""arch I. bol"" u,..;."tak.n on the poten~<>l and I.a<lbillty 0/ cIom.>stlco~""
1FT. ,..-.j comm.2TClallll"" their p.-odoo:s, fo< the bo""fi, 01 rural communltle>.
In this book "'" locu. on the 'und.mJtlli=!' I ~nou< fruit ...... In cro.r
to further promole """'IIflltion 01 the ,010 th.y can play In m_"II t'" rural
dewlopmmt ~ 0/ the new millennium . This role Is cummtly bol"ll
hiW1liW1tro by "'" In....-national """'SSfI\eIlt 01 AgrIcultural ~ aoo
T""hrrolotl,l lor ~n' IlAi\STDI. whrch r=ovn_ that "'Slal""bIo
~ lt u,e Is ~"';"nt on tho muldfunctlonallty 01 farml"ll _ems.
supportl"" errvlrorrm<>ntal aoo social sustal .... bill1y. providl"ll fOC<!, enhanct""
...aIth and nu1r!'Ion. whllo at the """" 1lme p.-omotl"" -=nomic \lKM1h
Alt OOu~ the ~ptll and princtple< ....,..n'ro In ,hi. t.c.oI< "'" oot unique to
t'" tropics. we have chosen '0 concentra'" on tho 1FT 5po<C\e5 01 the tropic>
,..-.j subtropic>. as th<?y have tho great.. t underutUllro poten,lal. This volume
.... ~ ~ oontrlbu1lon. p.-ovidl"" Slate-<>f·tho_att InfOfmaUon on
1FT """,.-eh aoo dewklp"",nt '0 rompkmen1 nlstl"" ~ _ prirrdpally
from procerolng'l 01 conf.""rrc .. ,..-.j tochnlcal m~tlng'l(ila~,..-.j N",,1orl.
1994: M.>!lhemb.<. 19%: ila!<.y and lzac. 1996: Shumba '" al__ ZOOOI. '!>"dal
Issues 0/ sc~nfllic journal. (ua"",-, and ~. :>(06). and a ra'9l 0/ ~arch
artO:les. spoclo» """""II'aph. and <Q'OI"""'..,. _ _. ,.... "ud~ repo<tro

In 'h~ book span a wid.;, ra'9l of approaches aoo pr;>Ct"",. ,.... a u'hors ........
~""" In all fac.<l> of tho fru l' _ tt~ ouppIy chain _ from wild cx&.::1Ion to
''''' nu .....,.I..--rk>n. cuhivatlon), utUlzation and markotl",,: from ~Ic
"""arch '0''''' practical 01 farm ..... market~ Indusny. policy rnak.=
aM In"",on
,.... 2 1 chapt~" <XN<!r a w01e "-,rum of topics. ,.... book ~n. with
""...,.aI prlnctples, "",thod. and priOCtlces!ha, anl croos-cunl"" (Chapt." 1--3).
aM a serlo< 01 ""'" .tud... l>CI'05S . ubcortfl"""" (Asia _ Chap"'" 4 aM !>:
latin Am<rlca _ Chapt<'r 6: Qc.,anla _ Chapt<1- 7: and Alrtca by '"l/IOn:
Soo'''''rn Nnca _ Chapt~r 8: Wes, and ~ , ral M.., _ Chapt~r 9: tho Sat.el
,ono _ Chapt~r 11): and E.>st~rn AfrIco _ Chapt<1- II). ~ anl followod by a
"" 01 _"" (Chap! .... 12_21) In lIOU"""n Nnca alm l"" to u.-.k1-SIand tho
AFfP ouppt.,. c ..... n from prOOuctk>n '0 tho< market (maoilots. =>nOmb.
nu,rI1IonaI va!u~. ~n'ozrp<Iw rkw~n' and f~ao.It.Illty ,....,,,,,,,,nts 01 1FT. _
Chap"''' 12_ 16), Inst l' u~onal policy and Ind~ ~ In utilization 0/
1FT. (Chapt'" 17), ~ aoo bIoIotl,i, \I<'ffi1pla<m production and pest
ma""'ll"fYl'?n' IChapt~" 19--20) . ,.... final chapt<'r (Chap'''' 21 ) ~ a
.yn'~ 01 tho """""pt,. prloc!pies and ~hod •. practice< and reouits, and
how 1FT """arch can "" of dlo=! "", to fat"""'. odo<ntl,... rkw~nt
commu nities aM Inv-est<n ,',""n rkwlopi"", =""111"" and comm=lailz!""
''''' ...... tufal ,....,ts. 1Wa<kTs ' 0 appn>e",'" !ha, 1FT ~ca'k>n must
"" vIe\wd wl1hln ' '''' coni"'" 0/ wld.;,r natura! resour"" managonwn' at tho farm
and land"""!>,, lewi
This book links tho ozxpioratlon. hU>band..,. and cIorne>tlcatk>n of 1FT. with
''''' market •. and t.t:oader ttansd loclpilroary concem on ' '''' promotk>n 0/ growth
and pOWfl.,. rrouctlon feo" rural farm<'n. w., hop.< n win Improvo u~aool""
01 smaUhok\or •. constra! n" and p<\OO1I ... as """U as tho< p r _. fo< tho
<kw1op"",nt 0/ '''''''rooIoo;jcai and marlo>1-or'.<f1,ed solution> almM at
Improvl"" tho llwllt.oodo 0/ >malIhokiors. Four Qlh?SIIon> may as>!« ''''' "',.,.,~
II) HOOI con Jar""", aM ~ t "'pr~""u" "",-,cli, from 1FT <Jorn<.<tlco~on and
com"",rd.al1za1lon> Ill) !--low can t"" expet\o""" and ~ gained KI far
"" In'<oJI"'ted Into srnalihoI<kr farml"" "",'~nu> (III) What """arch topics an,
""""1Il"" as prIorI'~ feo" ''''' lutu"'> 11v) Wha1 are tho< dttvers of clla_ In tho
dome<tlcotk>n and comnwrd.al1za1lon of 1FT. In tho tropics>
As tho rkw~nt wctCO" nrl""""" Its an~n1lon on """"fly. food .. rurlty
and moinutI1t1on. It I. Impc.-t.>'" to think _In abou' tho !>X~n1Ial con1rIbutlon
01 tho 'Cinderella fru its' 0/ t"" tropics. In what \IN hop.< Is a turnl"" point In
tropical 1FT ",.. orch and rkwIop""'n~ this book brlfl\IS '011"""" authofs from
NrIca, Asia. o...,anla. L>IIn ",,-.., aM Europe. with tIch oxpet\oroce on
<Iom""lcot"'" and commo<fCiallzatk>n 0/ 1FT.. In ordor to bfOl>d<.n and ~
our un<kT<tandl"" 0/ tho challe"ll'" and oppoftunj'i<. fad"" tt.... ' h ~
comn...:Htles', and ''''' con_In" tho, pr""""t poo.- f""""" from \1<111"" out of
pow<ly. ,.... book Is a n appropriate oxamplo 01 how cooperatk>n """'-n
"""arch. In"""or> and communK'" can siw>aI a """""" 0/ ~ to fatm<1'> In
''''' rkwIopn-..nt 01 ""'" cropI
w. hop.< that thl< book will 001 <>nIy provId.> InformaUon 0I'I.r.., OXI~ nt to
which loolgmous fru l' IN<'> haw 1>0"" """archro and u~ stood. 001 abo
show , ... ",,"'nt 0/ cIomeotlc"tlon ......J lechr.olosllcai oo/u,""",
.r.., "''''''"nee 0/
="11",, ......J 0<1"'001"" mar_. and how Instlru,1of\aI proporty <%!hI> and
!»I1c;i In1O"",n'lons con Iac Ullal ~ , ... process. and ~rooou,_ fu" ..... ..,..,arCI1
and I"""""",,,, 11'1 'hI> Important a,~"
~u. It Akinnlt...i aoo Rev>< RB. L>akey


Leakey, RRB. and I""", "'-.-M.N. (1996) linI<a\Ie. between dome.ticatioo and
oomm<rciali.z.tion of oon-_ Io<est products: ifr4>IIc.tions lor agroIorestry. tn
Leakey, RRB., Tem", "'-.B" Melnyk, M. and Van""",,,,,, P. {eds) CJomt!mcaffoo
IlIId Cotr>mt!~_ 0/ Non--_ F"",., ~ OJ Agrolorestry System..
Noo-lor<st PrOOI.d. No 9 , f _ _ "'-gricult"fO OrQaniza_ 01 the United
Nob""., Rome, PI>- 1- 6
Leakey, RRB. and Newton. "'-.C. {19S4) TropaJ r,.",..: PoI~nNJ lor CJomt!.,icaffoo
IlIId 1M ~ 0/ For~sr R'' 'I<JCJrce• . HMSO, lorxloo, 264 PIl.
Leakey, RRB. _ Page, T. {20(6) Tflo 'Kleotype concept. _ ilsappllcation tol""
.. tecti... 01 culti. .,. 01 trees proWlinQ ourofore. lry I"", products. F<XeSt!I. r""",
IlIId li>'elihoods 16, 5- 16
Maghembe, J."'-. 11_1 ~""'nf OJ !he eslabli>llmenl 0/ irxJio.Ie"""" lruit I"",.
011"" miombo wocdarxls 01 oouthem "'-l rica. tn: MlVlembe, J.A., NlLlPdnyama,
Y. arid Chirw'. PW. {eds) /mpro«ement 0/ J1X1igenous Fruit r """, 0/ Ihtt Miombo
_ 0/ &>url>em IllOCo. !eRAf, NoirobO. PIl. 39-~9.
Sln..rlbo., E.M .• LLIOeI>'Ifli. E. arid HoT>,lUla, A. {20(0) 11>1> Dome.Iic~_ iIDd
~_ 0/ ~ Fruit Tree. OJ 1M SADC RerJion. S"'-DC Tree
Seed Networ!<. f>5 PIl
Silva, S . and T..... ro. H. (2005) FMII. 6r1l5il Frutas. Empre.. <las M e., 5100
Simons. "'-.J. and leakey, RRB. {20(4) Tree domesIicalion in tropical ogro!ore.lry
Agr%festry Sysrem. 61, 167- 161

ThO. boo!< "" I nd~1>OU< fru~ trNS In u,., tropics docu"",nts ><>me 0/ the wa.,..
In wMch the u"" 0/ Ind~ nou. fruit INeo In trodJtI<>nllI and mookrn 'VOIOI'<'>Iry
• .,.."",... can sub>lantlally rontrtoote '0 ..rniev!r>;I u,., Millonnlum D<lwlopmon'
Goals In low_Income countr\e5, by =atlr>;l new rultlvars 0/ hl17l_value 1rNS.
""'" e' lt<'lpl'l.,,, and m~ opp"",unlt"'. for ""e product.. and crop
dive1'>lficatlon and maintenance 01 biodiversity on_farm
I:.Iome<tlcatlr>;l Ind~nou. fru~ IN<'> Is an alternatlve avenue to unIocI<lfl\l
the pot""tIais 01 ""r.>tlc materials and Ind~nou. kr>owIedgo In rural
commu nltles_ A ...... arch and dewlopmef1t ."',,_ o. t>dvocated tha, red""",
t""lr d~~ncy on u,., lew primary ~u lt ural rommodl1les. based ""
c"'atlr>;l nNI and sup"rIor l ru~ tr~ cropl. with polentlal I", ""oollshlr>;l value_
I>ddM product. and L>ppIr>;Ilnto omef\llr>;l mar~ opl.)rnm~1es
Indlgmous """ crops are a major opp"",unlty lor ..... t bulkllr>;l lor
smaIlhoIdo, I~ , Most mat"'" studles ",ported In u,., boo!< have po(nted to
""""",n and chlkl",n M the major ""nclic_ 01 I nd~nou. fruits and fru~
product on!<1prl.,,,_ I:.Iome<tlcation and commercialization Intorwntlon. win
help Incm> .. ",tums and markot shares to this SO\Iffl.n, 0/ ' '''' rural populatoo
and help ad<ft<.ts"", lnequall1y In Income and larm opportunl1les
n.e dorrIoSlicatoo 01 klw! lrul' (Actlnidla chi"" ..... ) was a dassic caw 01 a
""'" r.o.:Uruhural fruit 0/ Into,natlonal ill/rtlfica"",,_ I, was finl ",own
comm=:lally In New Zealond In u,., 1930s, despi'" It< more than 1000 ""an'
histo<y In China, lbat IIlJ<'CeOIl was acI101wd by farmer_1ro oomeSlicatlon and
comme,dailza1lon efforts, n... "'''''''00 01 ' '''' macadamia nut (Mocodamla
Ink'grifolla) from Au.tralla also bo-gan In 1934. moIIvarro by promlslr>;l rna"",'
Int.,."" , n.e dornestlcatoo of many ot"'" IN<'> 01 ' '''' tropics was ~ by
lIlobaliMtoo. • spOOaIly duo1r>;1 ' '''' coIooial conq"""'_ followed by ~r>;I
""""-"t demand that prorr<>ted """arch and rultlva1lon_
For tropicallnd~nou> fru~ we.. larmer-illtwn and """"-"t_1ed partlctpatory
domestication can rut shoo 1he lontl cyc\e> 0/ Improwmem and slow """"'"

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We I>CknowIedsIo< fund ing lrom two pr<ljects {19'l7_20051 by ''''' F<deral

MIni."" 01 Economic Cooporallon {BMZIGIZI. whlcl1 SUppo<'M tho two
successIw phases 01 Ind ~nou. f ru~ """ {IFTI research Imp\emonte<i by
lCAAF Sou,her n Mica. Tho p<lbllcatlon 01 tho book was also rnackl possible by
fu nding from BMZiGTZ J>roi<ct Pha.., 2 {J>roi<ct No. 2001.7860.8-001.00 and
CoritIact No, 81051902). Tho Ca..oolan In""' .... tlonal Dewlopmen'
(ClDA) Is thanked foo- fundl"ll tho 2.>mbozl Basin AurofON<tIy Projects In tho
I.... 10 ""an {Projects 2001.7860.8-001 and 05(\'2 15761 whlcl1 provided tho
eMbling ~nvlronmon' ("'P"CloI/y In staffi"lll lor Impjemonlatlon 0/ other
M;jonallFT Pf~ and ' '''' productlon of ' '''' book
We wish to '''''''k and ~ tho SUpporl frorn ''''' ""n\of ~"'Ip
01 ICRI\/' and ~ tho Di~'or G.m.2ra[, Dr INn ..... Garrtty. and ' '''' DOG
deslw>ate Dr Tony Strr.on. 101' ' ''''k """""""Imern and aIowi"ll u. to """,arch
and cIoctJm<.n, our <l<~' and pu' ' his book !O\I<Iher. We si~ thank
aU coile"ll"'" wr.:. gave th.2lr time to """"'" varIou. cilap"'rs 0/ this book In th.2lr
n>Spect"" exper'~ , Tho _, v.<>Ukl not have t-n ",<>dabIe aoo substarnlal
wlth<:<J, t.elp and arromdments.
In ,hi. book. ,"".., results have oo.n ..,. In a _ COIl1"'" th~

a uthors lrom AsIa. LaUn _ca.

contr!bu' ...... from au'",," wOOd"ll In other OO<1U"""" , We ' MnI< all tho
0...,,,,,", and Africa and ,,,,,I, co-authors
Spedal ,hanks an< due ' 0 agr1oo.l ...... exl"'''' lrom Sou,h Africa. InclOOI"ll
Mr Coo1 Ham, Pro/<SSCO" Van \Iyk. Dr MoIl.>med Karaan 0/ ' '''' s..,llenbosch
Unlwnlty, and Dr Ch", Hansmann 0/ ''''' ARC. Dan~ Joordon 01 tho
Unlwnlty 01 Prrtc<Ia. South Africa, and to!»Slh""-'<'>l ~ from tho USA.
"'P"CialIy Prof""""" Oi", Walkins and Ian MerwIn 0/ CorneD UnlwTsity, In
I>ddltlon. we si~ oppNc",'" tho ron,tibutlons and In' er.>ct1ons lrom
col~ and coii.>bo.-a'"", In oouth<1-n and ea... rn Africa. Including'
Prof"""" JUmll'" ~bo. Dr DIa"" Russell. Prolessoo- Joh n DK Saka.
Dr Pax~ Chilwa. Dr Bo.~ Ndablkunze, Prol"""", TII..,kwa. Prof""""
Me..... Kwapata, Prol...". Eka du Toll, .r.., late Cha<ie< Mwamba. .r.., Ia'e Dr
M. Nslulubo. Dr o.nnis Kayamba:z!nthu. Pro/<'>SOI" E. Sombo. Dr SWN F.... nz ...
Dr Ramnl Jamn<>da •. Dr kan-More Baffa. Pro"'""" A\J~"t Temu. Dr I"",,,
KadNre. MrAlfn>d Mkonda. M. Jar~ Mhango. Mrlllomson a.1Ia"!/d.
M. Caroline Cadu. Mr Re""", Swal. Ms Ewlln.> Sambane and M. Patlont
Dhllwd\KI- W. espodilily "'rognkze tt.e c<>rItr!bution< 01 several PhD studen"
I",lud lng: Dr Tunu Ram<>dhanl. Dr ~ar MlthOf.... Dr Su..,n\a. Dr
KhooI Rama.ct.ela. Simon Mng'omba, W<.Ion MWMe: and ~";ua'" 5Iudentll·
l1>orl>on Kru..,. lats ~. Goorge German. JiOOOb Mwlt> and lovo..-.-

"""archers on Ind~ lru~ t_.

Tembo. WIthout tho contribution< and efficIont Intefactlon. ~ many
thl. bc.>k wouk! not haw b<!como a
",<>lily. All conll1buton to this bc.>k are ac~
l.on:alne llaye and Fannie Goodwe an< <1"""reIy thanked fo< th<2lr
";mlnlstra~w support du~ ng the preparation 01 tt.e draft book. 0", sI"""",

thanks also \10 to CloI", Parfin. CAB! development ed it"', lor Inltlal ~ Oia"""
and Sarah Hulbort. who ,001< eNer to .." us th~ tt.e Vdfk>u. ___ 0/
completing thl< bc.>k """'n C\al", was on maternity leavo. and Men>dlth
CarrolL CABI editorial assI .... nt. We also thank our technical edJtor Nancy
Boston. p.-oducUoo ed~Of Tfacy Eluikh, !yJ>e>eIt'" Alan CoNon and In<iel<er
Kry. William. lor th<2lf valuable con'tlbutlon •.
Anally. we ,hank our wtw. and chlkl,,,,, for.r..,w w=I paUence. "'wort.
Inspiration and undorstandlng as we spent long evenings and weekend< CNef
tho draft chaptef'S I",,.,.; 0/ with them

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