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Cables n’ Caps

by Bri Lyn


• 1 skein super bulky yarn (I used Lion Brand Wool Ease Thick & Quick)
o Note: You might need a little over 1 skein if you’re using the same type of
yarn, as I only had enough for a child-sized hat.
• Size 13 circular needles (16” or longer, we’ll be using the magic loop for the end)
• Stitch marker
• Cable needle
• Darning needle
• Optional: Pompom for decorating the top

Abbreviation Guide:

CO – cast on
K – knit
P – purl
M1 – make one, video tutorial here
S2 – slip 2 stitches
SSK – slip two stitches to the right needle, and knit them together
K2TOG – knit two stitches together
C6F – slip 3 stitches to your cable needle and hold in front of work, knit the next 3
stitches, knit stitches from cable needle
C6B – slip 3 stitches to your cable needle and hold in back of work, knit next 3
stitches, knit stitches from cable needle

Note: Sizing is denoted as follows  Child [Adult]
CO 57 stitches and join in the round (56 stitches)
Place stitch marker
1: (K1P1)* to end
Repeat row 1 until the piece measures 2” [2.5”] from cast on edge
2: (K13, M1)* to end (60 stitches)
3-4: (K9, P1)* to end
5: (C6F, K3, P1)* to end
6-7: (K9,P1)* to end
8: (K3, C6B, P1)* to end
Repeat rows 3-8 until the piece measures 6” [7.5”] from cast on edge

1: (SSK, K5, K2TOG, P1)* to end
2: (K7, P1)* to end
3: (S2 on cable needle and hold in front, K3, K2 from cable needle, K2, P1)* to
4: (SSK, K3, K2TOG, P1)* to end
5: (SSK, K1, K2TOG, P1)* to end
6: (K2, K2TOG)* to end
7: (K1, K2TOG)* to end
8: (K2TOG)* to end
Cut yarn, thread through remaining live stitches & secure tightly. Blocking is

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