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Project 01: Demand Forecast Accuracy

Note: This project needs to be submitted by the due date. It will be graded as part of your
final grade.

Part 1: Forecast vs Actual Comparison

Demand forecast is one of the most critical planning activities that drive all the other down-
stream planning activities. The first part of the project is to get an overall understanding of
how well do we forecast by comparing last 12 months of actual volume against the next 12
months of forecast. Use Tableau to develop a visualization report to support the following
business requirements:
 To normalize the comparison, a list of DC (tblMasterData_DCByNetwork) has been
provided to you. You can use the list as a filter to exclude any DC that is not in the list
 Has the product level detail and covers all products for all 4 networks. The comparison
should be performed at DC level. It compares volume in Sales Unit, as well as % split by
 Has the capability to roll up the comparison by Networks, and Product Hierarchy
(Business and Category)
 If you want to know the top 5 highest volume products to be phased out and top 5
highest volume new products to be introduced, how would you construct a new report
to answer the question?
Part 2: Forecast Accuracy
In this part of the project, you have been assigned to develop a Forecast Accuracy
Visualization. The main purpose of the visualization is to monitor, track, and report
forecast accuracy as a KPI. The KPI report will serve as an important input to Inventory
Reduction Process. To achieve the objectives, you need to develop a Tableau Visualization
report that is capable of:
 Product level details with a full coverage of all products in all networks of USA
 Reporting Forecast Accuracy for Lag 1, Lag 2 and Lag3
 Being able to view trend by year and period
 Being able to roll up to any level of the product hierarchy for aggregation

Note: tblHistory_ForecastKPI table has been provided to you as a main data source.

Submit your project with a fully-packaged *.twbx file using data extract. Make sure that I
can open your file without your data source using the Reader. Please include a page of
Project Approach (Text Box is great for this purpose) that outlines your thinking process
and steps that you take to construct the report. Keep in mind that the Approach counts for
60% of the credit for the project. You must take it seriously. Try to submit your project in
one file. If you must include multiple files, please zip them up in one zip file.

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