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January 2018
2018 Cool Tea Bar Fundraiser-1/16/18
In Danville, Monte Vista Key Club held a Fundraiser on January 16th with Cool Tea
Bar. MV Key Clubbers mentioned "Monte Vista Key Club Fundraiser" or showed
our specially made Key Club Cool Tea Bar fundraiser flyer at the register and got a
10% discount towards their purchase. 20% of their proceeds went towards the
Eliminate Project!
January DWS at Living Arroyos-1/20/18
In Livermore, MV Key Clubbers participated in the January DWS at Living Arroyos.
Key Clubbers from across D26S joined together to enjoy a movie night with fellow
club members and friends from across the SRVUSD district. Together, while watching
a movie on the overhead, members crafted homemade dog toys.
At the Danville Grange, D26S members gathered together to see out the
canidates for the D26S 2018-2019 position. Members dressed n business
professional attire and enjoyed pizza after the caucus session. Our very own key
club member and current District Executive Editor, Justin Tang, ran and was
nominated for the 2018-2019 D26S LTG!

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